. .J..I in ih. ; , ii. . . . . . . | . 'I-- ' ' ' , . * . * | i rV43 - 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , APKIL 10. 1889. THEJCITY. The collections ol tntorntxl revenue yesterday wcro $2,329.02. Morrln IColloy was sent to the county jnil yostordny for Ilftcen days for potty Inrcony. Rov. Ensign , of the Newman M. E. church , will prench on the "Opon Door" next Sunday. The oxntmnntlon of candidates for position on the police force occurs next Saturday nt the city hall. Samuel S. Curtis. Cora E. Curtis nnd J.V. . TowtiBond brought suit in the soiirt against John T. Dillon to recover 276. 276.Tho The follow named Thomas who struck Mr. Eck at Twenty-fourth nnd Clark with a hammer , wns lined $23. Eck was lined 87 for using bail language. Mrs. G.V. . Clark loft yesterday for Blair to attend the district conven tion of the W. C. T. U. From thence she goes to Lincoln to attend the ses sion of the state board of charities. It was rumored that the salaried tail ors in certain shops in the city con templated striking for higher wages , but inquiry at four or flvo different es tablishments failed to substantiate the rumor. Mrs. Tonsch died Monday at her residence , on Twenty-fifth and Califor nia , after a long period of sickness. The deceased wasabout thlrty-llvo years old , and was hold in high esteem in the cir cles in which she moved. George S. Smith , of Council Bluffs , was arrested in this cky yesterday after noon on the charge of Belling liquor without having a United States license in the BlulTs. The warrant was issued by a commissioner of Iowa. The connection of the now water main on Farnam'streot with the old one on Fifteenth was successfully accomplished Monday night. The task was"a dilllcult one because of the numerous street cat- tracks at that point , which necessitated the tunneling of the street. I'orsonnl Piirn graphs. A. N. Dodson , of Wllber , Is lu the city. II. II. Stuley , well known in Omaha , will leave for Denver this evening In search of health. Mr. 11. 13. Warner , manager of E. H. Southern's ' Lord Ctiumloy company , is in the city , on route to Sun Francisco , where the company ntmonrs two weeks. The company appear in Omahn tliollrsttwo weeks of Juno. At the Arcndo : J. A. Theme , Claries ; J. E. Dorsoy , North Uciul ; E. Hcrshiser , O'Neill ; B. S. Harrington , OnUlnml : W. P. Warnsloy , SprhiKileld ; Uhnfo ICuntzmunn , Superior ; David Lisle and John P. Sutton , Lincoln. U. S. Mclntosh , assistant cashier of the New York Lifo Insurance company for Ne braska , has resigned , to accept the position pf inspector of agencies for Iowa for the Mu tual Uenetit Life Insurance company , of Newark , N. J. While gratified nt his im proved fortunes , the many friends of Mr. Mclntosh in Omahn and Council Bluffs will sincerely regret his departure. i - * Carpenters , There will bo a meeting of journeymen carpenters at Oddfellows' hall , Saunders street , at 7 o'clock to-night. It is proposed to organize a new union and n full attendance is desired. Denr Beer. Daniel Cole , John McGinnis nnd Rudolph Elixir , the throe soldiers charged with breaking into n saloon near Fort Omaha Sat urday nil-lit nnd stealing llvo kegs of beer , have been placed under $700 bonds each to appear for trial on thu lit ) ) . Petty Offenders. Morris ICoUy.ptolo two whips from a har ness shop on Sixteenth street and was given * fifteen days in the county jail. John F. Fritz was tried by jury nnd found guilty of embezzling $23 belonging to Martin Svacinaln , whoso employ ho was acting as collector. Ho was sentenced to twunty-flvo days. - John F. Fuhs was sent to jail for twenty- five days yesterday , on the charge of cmbez- llng his employers' funds. On to South Oinnhn. Dr. Mercer has asked the board of public works to grant nt once a permit to double the motor tracks on Seventeenth between Nicholas las and Clarke. Also to lay double tracks across Jackson street on Fifteenth where it is paved. Before the tltuo expires for the issuance of the last permit asked for the doc tor promises to call on the city engineer and make arrangements for the paving as per ordinance. He also asked to ho allowed to deposit surplus dirt on Twenty-fourth street south of Loavcnworth , so us to raise the gruuo. Permission is also asked to reduce Fifteenth street to grade between Jackson nntl Leaven worth. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways boused forchlldron toothing. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , cures wind colic , and is the best remedy for rtlurrhuua. 25con ts a bottlo. More Pollen Fly coppers Slioup and Ellis were snubbed again yesterday afternoon In their attempt to convict a whisky seller of violating the Sunday law. The accused was George W Mayo , colored , who was arrested for selling liquor in a house of ill-fume at 103 South Ninth street. On tno stand Mayo swore that Ellis nud Shoup visited the place , were fa miliar with the iumatcs and got some second grade native wine. AH the charge was for colling spirituous liquors- the case wan dls missed. The same ofllccrs have another case on their hands. They have caused the arrest of thrco soldiers charged with thu burglary of Purtoll's saloon , near Fort Omaha. Purtoll was inveigled into swearing out a warrant for the arrest of the soldiers and now snvs ho docs not know anything against the pris oners. , ' 1'ho case will bo called to-morrow. [ Atlanta Constitution , March 17,1SS9.J Animal Poison. The fearful increase In mortality , result- In ; ; from the bites ot rubld animals is alarm ing , mul the fact that thure have been fatal results from the bites of animals which had exhlbl od no signs of rabies , adds to the alarm. Tito cuso In Walton county , On. , is an instance. The poison was communicated by the bite of mi ordinary house vat. which bad never seemed to ha mad. The reporter himrd yesterday ot n remarkable case of a lady who wits poisoned b.v fondling and hissIng - Ing u noodle dog. The dog had dlstcmpei and died of It and the lady's blood was poisoned to u degree that her body was broken out in great ulcers and sores fron head to foot. From a beautiful and healthy woman she soon wasted to u moro skeleton , tulterlng great agony. No treatment bcnu fitted her until on the 113tH of February she .commenced to tune Swift's Specific ( S. S B. ) which ut once begun to force out the poison , ana she is now gutting well rapidly PV I'f An omouniH Olllulal. 1 ' Superintendent of Plumbing Duncan claims that while Inspector itcdousky was engaged at his work seeing that the wato trenches were bolnjr properly filled on Far. nam street , ofticor No. 41 approached him and ordered him to leave , Ueduus.v ! : re piled Unit he was n city inspector for that ipcclol work , nud wua appointed by the uiuyor , "J don't glvo a for the mayor , " replied the ofllcur , "ami if you don't leave Here I'll look you up. " llcuoiibky was forced to lenval. Ho In furiUed Mlko Lee , president of the cltj council , of the matter , and L'ju most Indig nantly told him to get n club and go baoli to bis work , and if the oftlcer again upprnncbcc to crack his thick nUull. Sunerintcndcn Duncan has filed an otllclul couplatnl against the onlccr. _ Catarrh cured , health nnd s.vee breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. I'dco fit ) i-onts. Nu < $ al lu lector free. For sulo by Urujf Co. KAiliWAY Pnlntlnl Conclios nnd A Party or Dla- llnRiilHliod Knilwny Men. . A gorgeous train composed of throe conches nnd a combination car arrived in Omaha yesterday. It Is the special train ot the Wagner Palace Car company and had in board Dr. Sownll Webb , president of the Wagner Car company ; J. B. nnd A. J , Webb , irothors of the president nnd heavy stock- loldcrs In the company ; John A. Purdy nnd vlfc , nnd Dr. McLuIn , Webb's family pliy iclnn , together with eighteen servants. ? ho conches are the most costly tint have been turned out being valued nt W,000 ) each. Between Buffalo nnd Chicago on the Michigan Central the party was vhcolcd along , making the trip in ten hours nnd thirty minutes , n distance of B30 miles , nnd nt a rate of fifty-two miles per hour. At Chicago the party was taken In turn by the Chicago & Northwestern nnd Drought to Council Bluffs , a dlstnnco of D13 miles , In wolvo hours , The boys on the Union Pa cific bad prepared to distance all this , but unfortunately the train was not routed that way. Upon arriving in Omaha the tourists were met at ho depot by Bishop Worthlngton , nnd were twon n drive about the city in carriages. Choir cars in the meantime were transferred o the Missouri Pacific , and at 1 o'clock In the afternoon shot out at a sixty-milo gait for fnnsas City , The party will go to the Pa cific coast over the Southern Pacific nad re- urn over the Northern Pacific. President Webb , who is a son-in-law of ho late William H. Vnndcrbllt , had nothing o say concerning the railroad situation , His rip on this occasion is merely one of picas- ure , nnd about six weeks will bo consumed n touring the continent. Ilcduclitz the Unto. The Union Pacific issued a circular , aklng effect to-day , reducing the rate of equipped berths in Pullman tourist sleeping cars between the Missouri river nnd San Francisco from $4 to $1 50 per berth. Thu circular states that this reduction Is made to meet the competition of other lines , nnd also that the Union Puciflc Is required to make good to ttio Pullman comminy the loss bo- ween the present mid new rato. Rntlroin : Notes. George W. Hall , financial secretary of ho Union Pacific auxiliary lines , resigned Vlarch 1. Mr. Hall was for a number of rears usslatnnt auditor of the company. Ho s held 111 hluh esteem by his colleagues nnd n railroad circles generally. B. L. McLain , traveling passenger agent of the Alton , with headquarters in Kansas City , is in Omnhn. Robert Blickensderfcr , cx-supcrintendcnt of the Nebraska division and nt present con sulting engineer of the Union Paclllc has re turned from the west. A telegram received in Omahn to-day an nounces that Cloin Hackney , ox-superinten dent of motive power of the Union Pacific will arrive hero Thursday and will spend several days with friends In this city. The Union Paclllc has received two moro now engines W8 and 049 from the Hhodo Island works. Thomas F. Godfrey city passenger agent of the Missouri Pacillc is in Kansas City. General Superintendent EJson , of the Missouri Pacific , is in the city. Another party of IZaymond-'Wliiteomb tourists will arrive from tno west on the Union Pacific this afternoon. Four Pullman cars are occupied by the tourists. The statistical department of the Burling ton at this place will bo consolidated with the auditing department May 1. It was in the former that twenty-seven clerks wcro disposed of yesterday. General Manager Baldwin , of the Leavon- worth , Topeka & Southwestern , is in the city. j Assistant General Manager Dickinson , of the Union Pacillc , has received the head of a Hocky mountain goat , which will soon boone of the peculiar of bric-a-brac one pieces - - in his apartments. In Town nnd Hnnilct The seeds of intermittent and bilious remit tent fever germinate nnd bear evil fruit. No community has altogether escaped it. In populous wards of large cities bad sewngo onuses it , and in their suburbs stagnant pools in sunken lots breed it. There is at once a remedy nnd a means of prevention. Its nnmo is Hostottcr's Stomach Bitterswhich is , with out per.idventurc , the most potent uutidot in existence to the malarial virus. Fortifio with this incomparable , saving specific , mias matic influences may be encountered with" absolute impunity. Disorders of the stomach liver and bowcls.bogotten by miasma-tainted water , or any ether cause , succumb to the beneficent corrective named , and rhoumntic , kidney nnd bladder troubles are surely re movable by its use when it is given a per sistent trial. Domestic Misery. Mrs. Morris Steirer called upon the county commissioners yesterday and asked to bo al lowed transportation to Boston. She assorts that Morris Stciror , who runs n grocery store nt the corner of Twenty- seventh and Burdelto streets , was once her lawful husband , but that.ho deserted her four years ago in Boston , leaving her. three small children to support. She never learned of his whereabouts until seven weeks ngo , when nho heard thatho wns living in Omaha. She came after him but found him married to another. She had him ar rested nnd taken before n South Omaha po- lic judge on the charge of bigamy , but Stcircr produced u. decree of divorce granted him by a court nt Louisville , Ky. His former wife heard of the divorce then for the first time. Steirer laughed at her , but offered to receive nnd care for-two of the children. She spurnca his offer and says that she shall keep them herself. The children nro now in Now York nnd she is endeavoring to got back to them. After a sleepless night , use Angostura Bitters to tone up your system. Buy only the genuine , manufactured by Dr. Siogert & Sons. At all druggists. She Wasn't Ilobbo'd. A lady passenger yesterday nt the Bur lington depot accidentally dropped her purse containing $185 out ol her satchel , nnd fulled to notice the loss. Another ludy observing it , picked up the purse nnd handed It to the owner. Officer Kirk , who was also a wit ness to the affair , stated that , had not the woman been fortunate in having the pursb restored , she would have undoubtedly claimed that she was robbed , For n disordered liver try Boajlnm's PitU. A New MiiHlonl Wonder. Mr. A. W. Fisher , of Murldiua court , rep resenting the Wilcox & White Organ com pany , is in the city exhibiting a muslcul in strument which promises to create n stir in the musical world. It Is a sclf-plnying in strument combined with a parlor organ , both being In a cnso of the size and appearance of an ordinary organ. Each combination can bo played separately nnd also together , mak ing a remarkable musical effect. The in strument Is cnllcd a "Pneumatic Symphony" nnd will bo displayed at the close of the Ladles' muslcnl society's meeting in Max Meyer & Bro.'s music rooms Wednesday afternoon , _ CONTUAOTOUSM31IEOK9. Chairman IJnlcomho Hxrilnliis Why ws" They Were Withdrawn. With reference to the charge that con tractors who had boon the lowest bidders or paving had been allowed to withdraw their $1,000 checks from the board of public works , Chairman Balcombo yesterday said ! " 1 nm attending to this business strictly according to the provisions of an ordinance passed by the city council , and there Is no way loft open for contractors to impose upon the city by enabling higher bidders to do the work. "For Instance the contracts ol James Fox & Co. , William Forrestnl , J. K. Hlloy & Co. , nnd the Nebraska Pnvlng company , who ever nnd whatever it is , for I haven't mot nnybody who knows , were accompanied by tno necessary $1,000 certified checks. These , however , ns the ordinance provides , were re turned to them on their filing the necessary bond of $2,000 , which provides for their filing nn additional bond thnt they will properly execute all the' paving contracts nwnrded to them during the year. "This Inttor bond has boon furnished by each , ns follows : James Fox & Co. , $10,000 ; sureties Andrew Murphy and A. II. Cooloy. Cooksy iis n contractor , and under the now rule tills bond will bo referred hack by the council. "Wllllnm Forrostnl , KO.OOO : sureties J. E. Rlloy , Sopor , Wells & Co. , nnd A. N. Pinto. There arc also contractors on this bond. "J. E. Ulloy & Co. , 830,000 ; B. S. Now- comb ; sureties n non-resident it is intimated , F. W. Gray , William Mcllugh and J. H. Hul- bcrt. "Nebraska Paving Co. , $10,000 ; bondsmen , S. U. nnd F. 13. Johnson. The Nebraska Paving Co. , reporters learned , Is composed of William Fitch , John A. Waiietteld , A. H. Coolcy nnd John J. Mc Donald. "These bonds will all bo sent back under the now rule passed Saturday night , nnd which provides that bondsmen must swear that they are not contractors for city work. and that they are wortli ttio amount specified In the bond , over nnd above their Indebted ness , nnd not exempt from execution. "Wo will have them make out new nnd satis factory bonds , This is in accord with the ordinance passed by the city council. The SI , 000 checks nro always covered by the 52,000 bond , which If filed within thirty days , saves the check from forfeiture. This is the way wo have nlways let those contracts. "William Forrestal gave bond for $2.000 with Sopor , Wells & Co. , A. M. Pinto and P. Sopor , securities , to withdraw His check. "Sopcr , Wells & Co. gave bond with W. McHugh nnd Charles E. Fanning ; J. F. llcgan & Co. with Hoper , Wells & Co. . and W. MoIIugh ; James Fox & Co. with An drew Murphy and A. H. Cooloy. " Mr. Balcombe disclaimed all responsibility for the variety of specifications under which paving may bo done this year. Ho says that they had been * adopted by the board nnd that the latter had no alternative under the ordi nance , n section of which was incorporated in the advertisement of the board cull'ng for paving bids. This section authorized the board to receive bids on paving according to the specifications of this nnd last year as also according to specifications which con tractors might themselves suggest. As a consequence it was not surprising that there wcro thirty-six Kinds of specifications for street pavings while there are also six for al leys. The wonder is that there are not many moro. "Better Into than never , " but bettor never late when troubled with u cougher or cold. Take Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure at once , which cures all throat and lung troubles spaeuily and thoroughly. Pleasant for children. CO cents and SI. Goodman Drug Co. PI HE AND The Ho > t Wliicli Is Anxious to St rvo the Community in Tlsis Cunncity. The following applicants for positiono on the fire department have boon examined by the police and fire commission. There are about fifty others who have not been exam ined : William Marling , Joseph White , David -Tobm , George T. Anderson , John Murnane , Frank W. Holnnr , John Franoy , William Malvir. , William Flood , A. H. Head , J. H. Baxter , John J. Marsh , John Gibson , George U. McBride , Edward CanJ. . M. Knapp , H. J. Ncilsen , James Pertcrick , W. B. Armour , George liuanc , Dennis W. Lane , Joseph Laux , Thomas F. Walsh , Charles Moreland , ijolk McCarthy , Thomas Tooin , John Taggort , Franit Provaznik. The applicants for positions on tno police department number over two hundred , and fifty , but have not yet been examined. In the application made by those men they are obliged to swear to their name , age , wn'rd , height , weight , birthplace , ability to read English , length of residence in Omaha , whether married or single , with or without family , occupation , whether they have ever had rheumntism , fits , piles , whether parents nro living or dead , nnd of what disease they died , whether they have served in the army nnd how they were discharged , whether they have over been firemen or policemen mid why they were let out , whether they have of fered money to secure n position on the po- lioo or fire department , whether they have been arrested and for what , whether they use intoxicating liquors , nro in good health nnd how long they intend to remain on the force. They are also comuolled to give the names of flvo respectable citizens as refer ences to their character. When you need a friend , select a true ono. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic is the best friend mankind has for diseases of the stomach , liver and kidneys. The bobt blood purifier and tonic known. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. II. Is Now n Ijniv. While awaiting for the west bound train on the Union Pacific yesterday Governor Thnyer was questioned by a reporter con cerning the anti-garnishea bill. lie said : "Yes , 1 have signed the bill , and it is now a feature of the codo. It is' an important measure and I earnestly hopa thut It will re sult in bonctltting the working classes. " That hacking coug hcanbo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For bale by Goodman Drug Co. { JAILiALFnUITFLAYOnS Vte < \ 1-y the Cnltc < l frMes.Rovtrnmcnt. Hud Intilic > ' < v.d AualykU , a * ( he fitrotijrcvt Dttkltij : 1'omlrr di.caiintcuulalu AiutubilU ' tratti VhilialKiuuiiOiauc : ; Aliucnd Hi PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , New Yorke Chlcotio. et. Uoul . \ "Absolutely. Pure , Tills powilor never varies. A marvel of purity Ktrongth anil wholcsomcncss. Moro economical than the ordinary Kinds , nnd cannot bo sold in competition with the multitudes of low cost , uliortwelRht alum or phospnato powders. Sold onjy In cans. Itoyal linking 1'owdor Co. , ISO Wnll street Now York DRS. BETTS & BETTS H08 FAIINAM STIIKET , OMAHA. NEII. ( Opposite I'ftxton Hotel. ) Onice hours , U a. in. to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to Ip. m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Skin anil Blood Diseases. ttf"Cousultivtion at olllco or by mall freo. Medicines sent by mivll or express , soiuvnly pacKed , free from observation , ( junrunteos to cure quickly , safely and permanently. UVDunnO nrOlf TIVSpiTmatoiThicn , semi- rlbnVUUb UhDllll 11 nil I.osses.NihtKmls. { sioin , 1'hyblcal L'ucuy. ariHliy- from Indiscre tion , Excos ? or Induluence , producing Hleop- les-mes- * . Despondency , i'lmples on the fare , aversion to so-lety , eaMly discoursed , lack of confidence , dull , millt I'or htudy or busluesj.nnd finds Hfo 11 burden , safaly , permanently nnd privately cured. Consult lrs. Belts i : Hetts , H08 1'aruam St. , Omaha , .Neu. results , completolv eradicated without the aid of Mflrcurv. Scrofula , Krysipelas , 1'over Sores , lllotchui , Ulcers , Pains lit the Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sere Throat. Mouth and Tongue , Ca tarrh. Ac. . permanently cured where others have failed. . , Tftiinnn n-11'1 H'adder ' Complaints IliiliaPff - ' , lU118y ( ! , Ulllldry iMintm , Dim'nit. too fre- quentllnrning or nioady Urine. Trine hlgn col ored or with milky sodlinout on standing , Weak Hack. QnnnorrlucA , ( Hoot , Cystitis. Ice. , Promptly nnclSafcly Cured , Charges Ueasona- bl9. bl9.STRICTUS&S ! SSWS moral complete , withouttutting , rmihtlc or dilatation. Unrcs Directed at homo liy patient without a moments pain of amioyan-c. To Yomi Man ani IKe-Apu Mcii , w OITUP TITIDD The awful ellects of early A UUnrj UUUu Vice , which i > rlnji < ? organic AouknpHs , du troyln both mind and body , with all Its ( trended Ills permanently cured. T1I3 < 3 DHni'1'fl ' Adrebs thoae who liavo Impaired 1)110 ) , DfilllJ themselves by Improper Indul gences and solitary hibifi , which mm both body and mlnil , "unfitting them for business , study or marriage. MAIIHIKU MEN. or those entering on that hap. py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as S1Sa' " ' OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. 1'irst Practical Expe rience. Second ICvery case Is especially studied , thus stai ting ar'ght. Third Medicines are pre pared in our luuomtoiy exactly to bultoach case , thus allectlngcuros without injury. Ii > Seml ( I cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Del'oato Diseases. Thousands cured , ra7 A friendly letter or call may save you lutuio sultorlm : and shame , and add golden years to life. W"No letters an- s ered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. Address , o , , . , ET.ts & XTS , 1103 Fariinm Srteot , Omaha , Neb. SHE WOULD OUQH ! SO E1TOW IS. The worli onsht to know wlmt S. 8. S. has done for ir.o In I he cure ofn malignant Cancer , \\hlclM\n3eolr.ilr.ito . , bo considered luciira- bio by llio plijpiciana f fu Clilc.ipo , where I \\cnttobatrcatcil.Ouo of my nclKliliora sent me a cuj > y of nn ml * cr- tti incut In regard to Bnirt'at < pccIfl fiUl I B begun laUln.fit. I pot relief from Ilic ilrft few ft dctcsj the polfonvas gradually Tuned cut ( if my fyttcin. ami I was teen cured round vell. It is now ten aonth8olncoIiulttuk-iSiSain"K..S.S. nnd I lime had no sign of return of the dreadful disease. > Iis. ; AI.H BOTUWELI. . Au Sabb , Hich. , Dec. 20 , ' 33. Send for books on Blood Diseases mid Cancers , mcllcdfrcc. THE SWIFT Srncina Co. Drawer. ! , Atlanta , Ga. tEB , GOMPM V'S EXTRACT of MEAT. Finest and Cheapest M cat Mavourlnut- for Soup ? Made Dishes an I Nuicus.i ; lluef TO.I , "unjuviilua We tonic. " Annual eulo 8WJOUJ jars. Rcmilnoonlr with fuc-nliulla ot Justus von l signature In bluii across InBol. Hold by stornkpoiiorsirooemiuid inuKuii'io. UKIIK/H KXTKAOTUK MK.V1SCO. , l/t ; | . l ndon bold by lllrlHir.lkon Drue Co. undUluko.llruco &Co DRUNKENNESS C. ' ( lie I.Unor Ilablt..l'nniilTrl > Cored br AdinlnlKterlnOsDr. Ilitluc * ' Uoldea Sp oia . H can be given na cup of uolTuo or In arti cles ot food , without tbe.fcuowledgo of the pa. lent ; it Is iibsoliuely Imiinlflhs , and "HI ef fect n permani-nt and Hpeedycure , whether the patient is a moderate dWnlur or an alcohol wreck. IT NKVKIt KAJI > ti > Over ( OO.OOO drunVardH have bu-ju madotauipentto men who have taken ( iolden Sp cltl .Jln.tuelr coileo with out tliolr know ledgt ) . aul. tudiy Tellevu they quit drlukliiK of tlicla uwattccord. 4S page book otpartlctilara free. ilCUhn At Co , njjouta inth and Douglas slH , iRth Jiil Ciunlni ; htreets , Omaha. Nob. ; Council HUUTUjlowai Ai'euU , A. 1 > . l-'osterA ; Uro. FOR MEN ONLY ! Wtakneit of Bodyajid Hindi EffecU oError orEietiMiln01dor Younj. Ul > bi.l. K le.re < . Illtir U Knltrc 4 Jt.clultlr .r IH r IIOBK TKrJilUHM'-Uni.BII le t ttj , e l lir ; from 41 Millet , Territories , > 4 tVrflf r imlrke- ? a writ * ( bee * . Ji k * full eittltlo . a 4 br Af MUle4 . . . . . . . . . . .ki. i eu. < * 4u. VMII Bjrp.fpjki rn BUIfAlO.H V. "Wo wont into the shoo business , not only for the money there is in it but because the sue cess which attended the opening of this department has again demonstrated what confidence fidonco the people have in us. Many of the customers told us that they waited for our opening though they needed shoos budly. They knew they could save money and they Were not dissapointed. Never was there a nicer nor a cleaner stock of Men's Shooa placed upon the market , and never were such honest and trusty shoes offered nt such figures. And the way wo warrant our better grades of shoos has somewhat startled the shoo dealers That is a guarantee which means something and which protects the customer. Our stock comprises all grades. We have good strong shoos , made of good leather , at $1.25 , up to the very finest grade of French calf , genuine hand-sowed. The later wo offer at § 5.50. Many shoes are called "hand.sowed' * now-adays , but our $5.50 shoo is really sowed and stitched by hand and is as good a shoe as any for which fine shoo stores ask you $8. * Our spring stock of Underwear , Hosiery and othor.Men's Furnighingd , is now on sale at our well known low prices. Our duplay of Neckwear is the largest and finest in town and we show novelties not to be found elsewhere at our figures. Among ether bargains we offer this week : * 100 dozen fine Silk Scarfs , in very pretty and novel shades at I5c each , and 75 dozen elegant Four-in-Hands in the very latest patterns , at 25c each. Fine furnishing houses charge for the same goods 50c and 75c. In our Collar and Cuff Department we will offer something this Reason that was never heard of before. A genuine Linen Collar , standing and turn-down , at 5c each , and genuine Linen Cuffs at lOc a pair. This is no job lot , but regular goods , new styles and warranted pure linen. Wo shall sell them all through the season for tha price. The very finest of collars made by the best manufacturers which other houses dare not sell for less than 25c , we offer at 15c ; cuffs , 25c. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. BLOUSES For Ladies ! Made from the very bast Scotch flannel andJoisey Cloth , are In ( ? reat demand. We hae a complete line , riuurlng In price from . ' .MitoM.r > U. These are strictly llrst class goods and worthy of your Inspection. Meyer-Establishod 1856-Adolph Meyer flsiir WPVPF 'JLd/A JLfJLC/ H/l 9 SIXTEENTH - AND - FARNAM - STREETS General Agents I'or STEINWAT , KNAQE , VOSF , & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR PIANOS ! Story & Clark anil Slioiiinger-Ecll Organs , SPECIAL I'KICKS AND TEHMS. Write for Cftuloguo. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital . &JOO.OO ) Surplus Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) . SU.OOO OFTIGKU9 AND DIHKOTOIH ! HENKY W. YATKS , I'renldent. iKWIS H. U1JKD. Vice President A. K. TfMJZAI.lrf , W. V. MOIMH3. JOHN B. odLMNS. . , "i , It. aOUHHI.N'O , ' * J.N.U. I'ATItlCK , j- ' w. if. B , iii/HIns , TJHE IRON BANK , Corner 1-th and 1'iirnuia Sts. A General llanklnu lluulnaiH , Traincte.d jTruM.oomtlned. Uuiu-anUcdtha 'oulr 0110 tntbo world RtnTatlflff . . . . - rT nr. ncontlnuous bclwllOe.J'owcr/ul. Kltctrio * JTamrlM Ujribl * . _ Foomfort blo * d KSccltre. Artld fraud * . i r Orrr0.OOOcurt-d. heu < lhUinpfjri > * oiDUt > C AWO ELCOTJ110 UKtTH roll jll-EANtTs , ( fc. MCflKE. itiYUTOB. 161 ttUAji : AVI.CHIULCQ. . 20to60 DAYS. This is it disease which has heretofore Bttfllcd all Medical Science. When Jlereurv , Todldo ot 1'otasslum , Snrsnpa rlllu or Hot Springs frill , w e guarantee a cure. We hnvoa Homedy , unknown to anyons In ttio World outside of our Company , and ouo that haste to curo.tuo most obstinate cases. Ten days In recent caaos does the work. IMstho old chronic deep scat-'U cases that wo solicit. Wo have cured hundreds who have been abandoned by Hhyslclans , and pronounced Incurable , and we challenge the world to bring us a caae that W9 will not cure in less than sixty days. Since the history of raealclno a true specific for Syphilis has been souaht for but never found until our REMEDY was discovered , and wo are instilled In saying It Is tlio only Ilomcuy m the \Vdrld tnat will pos itively cure , bHcause the latest Medical Works. published by the bust known authorities , say inure was never a true specific before. Our rem edy will euro when everything else has failed. Why waste your time nud money with patent medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with physicians that cannot cure you , you that hare tried everything > 'lso should como to us now and g.t permanent relief , you never can get It ulso- where. Slark what wo say. In the cud you must t.iko our remedy or KVHH recover and you that Have been mulcted but a short time should by all moans come to us now , not one in ten of now cases ever got ponnnnently cured. Many iretholp and think they ave free from the disease , but m one , two or three years after it appears again In a more horrible form. This is a blood Purifier and will jCuro any Skin or Blood Disease when Every tiling1 Else Fails. THE COOK REMEDY GO , Room 10 and 11 , U. S. National Bank Building , Omaha. Nub. OWEN'S ELT AND SUSPENSORY. PATENTED Auo. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889. DK. OWEN'S ELECTRO. GALVANIC BODY BEH I AND BUBPEXOOBY ri , gutrtntee4 to euro the Col. "r'/S'WAtw.T-rfKt'Ef5 . - ' ' - | < " " mm.lji All Rl tf.V.lafteSgSS2jtKheumatlo Complainta , 9 .Lumb > go , General and jtNervoui Debility. Coc ? * Nervoui'nril , Trcmblinr. KVV & * * BexualEi' tlinWait : v. Lj.ti Ine of Body , Dlirnti canted by W-2/ rnriifcretljin in Yjiutb , ABC , Marie io the omti 0 or renlttl ericiMii of me.le or reroute , OT8E.ST 10 UfSI'dilMliLK I'illTlBS Ok 10 1)1 TK THIil , TRY A i-AlK tif LI rnrnip mcni CC mirB , PR. OWEN'S tLLu H U InoULto u vm rim. limd tc , pota ; tot nt * Illflilralvd itmi > lil < t ( , wbleb lll ) KDt you la pttln lealod envelope. UcutUa Ibli | > ftpfr , a drf OWEN ELECTRIC BT & APPLIANCE CO. 309 Worth B-oovJw y , aT. J.OU1U. Ma SLEGTDIC BELT AiiD TRUSS GQrrlBIHED , DR. ISRAEL'S ELECTRO. GALVANIC ! . Owen'i Klectrio Belt Attachm nt. orn vltb taie n4 comfort. 71 > t rur > nu ) uilM or tlronc. Tril < If tin onlr elerlrlc trun tad Icll ei.r tuide. It ll [ l.r. In from | i. on rt. , . . jiwei i Kclro-l ! > lr > ulo ntlli. "i , Ir otf euj fe. for PII JlluiU kltli illl It * .ut jou f n pUlo ( Cftl * > l e&l elbtr Hold tclr 1 1 1ra - - & APPLIANCE ro. 3OU H Uroadwur , BT I.OUJS. MO State Line. To ( llnsi uv , Ucifast , Diiltltn ninllJu'riHiitl From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin p.isunfio * A to * 50. urcorillrijf to location of tate ioum , ) : xfni > lmttij.to ( VM BtccrnKi' to nnil from IJiiropo at l.ovvo-jt HatvS. AUffl'JX 1A ! M\VIN ) it LO. , ( lon'J AKelitx. tfinv nr'.rfiPM rion'i vv.'i J . . , ' i' , * , , , ' ° ric. Kediici.'d Oabin"flTlitl ) S to Olusgow hibftloi ) , ore nud luonthly byovir 10,000 I idlfn. Aiofiife. Kfftctiialanit J'lmiant 911" rl/nx liyiTj ll.nrBtiruK-lMa. ! ( : ftrnleil J'nrltfw.i > V posing * eUmp * . Adiln-ia TUB KVJUCI. Ciicuicu. . Co. , Dtrnorr , ; ; : t-n , / or srrfc ttn-l ? / / win// / / / / f'nnilina JUi'tty CoOmaha , Xebt'iuliu , OMAHA MEDICAL a * * SURGICAL INSTITUTE " N. W. Cor. ISth & DodflTO Sts. COn THE TREATMENT Of ALL Appliances for Deformities and Trusses. Hoit facilities , dpp.iratui nnil roinoillos ( or micccs * lul trunlinant o { orurf ( arm of dUuuec requiring ilocllcol orBurillcul Trontment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; beat Hospital accommoda tions In the won. WHITE roll CIRCULARS on Deformltlci nnd llrncss , Trutiea , Club Veet , Curvature of tlia Spine. 1'lles , Tumors. Cuncor. Catarrh , llronolillls , Inlmlntloa , Kk'drlclty. IMrnlynli , Kpllepv. ICIdnnr , II lad dor , Kyo , liar , Bkln and lllood.and aliSurRloul oparntlons. Diseases of Women a Specialty. COOK ON DISEASES or WOMEN HIKE. 01TLY RELIABLE H3DIOAL IHSTITUTH HA I.va A PI'ECIAI.TV Or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood DI e CB uocc ifully troutod. 9yplillHlo Polpon roinovotl from the nyNtatn without mercury. Nuw restorative treatment for lo of Vltnl IMwor. i'orsonaunnblo to r'.nlt ui may bo troataj nt dome b * correspondence. All communication ! connclcnllal , Murtlclnos or Instrument * sent by wall or exprosff. M-urelr jmckeil. DO mniki to Imllcuto eontontn ol eander. One puriODUl Intcrvloir proturred. Cull and eoniulto * or tend hlltorj of your cine , nml wo will lend In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREEI Upon I'rlvaio. Rnoclal or Nervous Il u io . Impoi , U cy , B/jibllls , Gleet and Vnrlcoeale , with qnottlon , ' list. Adclruti Omalia Medical and Suryical Institute , 01 DR. McMEAIAHIY , Oor.lBthandDodEeBU. . - - OMAHA , NED , Healtli is Wealth Dit. 13 , C. WKST'B NKHVK AMI HIIAIN . HKNT , a Btiaranteed spwllle for llyMerla , llz/l < iH-sH , ConvillnlonM. 1'Jtn , NervrniH Niiuralulo , llcudache , Nervopa I'ru-itnttion rniiNcil by ilia use ot alcohol > , r tnlmnsu , WakcfiilnusH , Mental i , Bofitnlnif of the llruln rcniiltliic In Insanity nnd loadluu lo misery , decay mid rtmt li. 1'reinuturo niil ABU. lliirremu-m , I * > HOI i-in oithiir sex , Invouuitary ( .osnes and pparmatorrlKpn caused liy over-i-xorlion oi the Drain. HaitaOuw or over indulgence , Hucll boxcuntaltis one month's tri-alniunt , l a bor , or six lioxni torts , sent by mall prepaid on re rdptfifjirlco , WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro nny caae. With o.tch onier rccuivod bv tin for HX ! boxes , accomnanlert with IS , wn ivlfl Komi the iiiirclinHcr our written Bimruntco to re fund tlia money If the trontuiuiit does not clfcct acui-e. CiiiiiraiiUcs Ixsucd oiilv liv ( londman lor poworlul Byinpathetlo lone , pliublo action and absolute tlura-i unity ; { ( ) ' ; years' record the host yunran- tco of the excellence of these instru BRIDGE BROS , ing Oil Lands. LOCATED , And all urn-saury paper. * JllloJ. W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Englniir , CASI'Ult , WVO.of OMA1IA , NKUUA8KA