OMAHA DAILY BE3 _ ' WEDNESDAY. APKIL .10/1889. 7 , . . , SPECIAL NOTICES. OMArfA - . . ' ' -g No lulvcrtlftomcntfi will bo tiikcu Tor tlicon coliinitift nliof 12flO : p. in. IVrms Cnnh In ftdvnnoc. Ai1vcrtifpmtut onJtr this head I0c ntit > et ilaofortDo flrtlniertlon,7 cento for each nub- tquent Insertion , nnd ) per line per month. Ho ndvertMoment taken for less than 25 cents the llrst ImiTtlon. 8ven words will bo counted to the line ; they mi it run consecutively and tnutt be paid In ADVANCH. AH advi-rtlee- tntniamuitlioh&ndC'ltn before 12:30 : o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Partle * ndvertlslne In thosn columns And har > Presentation of choik. All answer * to adrer * Usonl nt should bo nnlo oaln | enrolopcs. All advertisements In thosn columns cro pub- Il4he < l In both mornlnir and ovanlng editions of Tun HUB , the circulation of which aggregates morn than 18,001 papers dally , ana gives the ml- rertlsors the benollt , not only of the city clrrii- Utlon of Tim IIRK , but also of Council DIuiT * , Iitncnln und other cities and towns throughout MiU section ot the country. "BRANCFTOFFrCEST Advertising for those columns will bo taken en the above conditions , at the following busi ness houscB , who arc ni thorlrod afrents forTitR JIBK epoclal notices , and will quota the sum * r tos as.cau l > e had at the main olllce. _ South Tenth Btreot. II A SB tc HOOY. Stationers and Printers , 113 BH. FAllNSWORTH , Pharmf < lst , 2115 Cum- ingHtrcot. WJ.HUOIIE8 , Pharmacist. C21 North Ifith . Street. * /1KO. W. PAlltl , Pharmacist , 1800 Bt , Mary's \J Avenue. _ SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Situation by experienced watch maker , Gorman , ngo 23 ; reference given. Address V K ) , lleo. 650 10' YOUNO Scotchman1 good address and thorough commercial training wishes a situation ; highest rofc'rencos. Address , A' 10 , lien. 627-0 WANTED-Sltuatlou In grocery , speak 3 languages. Addross'V ! , lloo. 4 D lilj 17 ANTED A place to do washing or house- > cleaning. B14 Williams st. 4'J7 at "IDAHTIEH dcslilng experienced male or JL frmnlo Ktonrjgraphers ion obtain just the pnrty wanted wliliout delay or Inconvoiilcnco from the Western Stenographic agency , Lin coln , Neb. . ' 473 STHNOdRAl'HEH. typewriter nnd book- kocpnruanta situation ; expurleucsrt ; good city references ; no objections to leaving city : address "V II , " lleo olllco. 4B2-U * A good brrnd and cake baker wants a situa tion. Address Charles Still , .lollet , III. 405-a-luj Si1 ITUATION by a lady stonograpnor and liooxkeepcr. Operfttei n Itemlngtan tvpo- wrltcr. Oood city reference. Address U 11 , llee. WANTED MALE HELP. \\rANTED-Paintors to kooi ) away from TT Denver , Colo. , until Ltrouulo Is settled. llrothorhoodof Painters. tWH a " \A7"ANTEU Agents to handle the now patent TT chemical ink erasing pencil. ( Ireatest nov elty over produced. Erases Ink In tw o seconds , no abrasion of paper. 200 to 500 per cent pro lit. Ona agent' * sales amounted to VSlU In six < mys ; another K3 in two hours. Territory absolutely freo. Salary to good men. No ladles need an- ewer. Samples A'i cents. For terms nnd full imrtlcuhirs addres J. W. Skinner & Co. , Onn- laska. Wls. D4011J ANTED Flvo traveling salesmen. Salary and expenses ; no experience necessary , Address wltnutnmp , L.ll.I.lmi&Co , , IM Cro so , Wls. 53'J 17j WANTED-Oood pastry cook $50. Mrs. Itregn.ilU'/i 815th. r.17 o * WANTED Hey about 17 or 18 yours old at Hoe mall room botwetm 11 and 12 o'clock. WANTED Immediately , coat nnd pants makers. Apply to Win. Meldrum , 1113 Farnam st. Kl. ' WANTED good experienced man to so licit Orders for grocery store. Apply at 1313 S llth st. frt'J I0 SALESMEN Wo wish n few men to soil our goods by sample to wholesale and retail trado. Largest manut'rs in our line. Dncloso 2-cent stamp. Wages 81 per day. Permanent position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for watvoH , advertising , eto. Centennial Man'fg Co. . Cincinnati , O. 014 WANTKD Painters and paper hangers In Denver , Colo. 2t i mon can llnd steady em ployment. Apply to Master Painters' associa tion. J.K. Martin , secr'y , 1114 16th. 6I7-J4 * \\T E wish to employ a few good men on salary TI to tukn uhargu of the sale of our goods In Omaha and the leading cities and towns In Ne braska mid adjoining states. We are the only manufacturers of our goods in the country. Permanent position. Salary fllirl to $2 0 per month , according to locution. Money will bo ixin nncea for salary and traveling expenses. National PUD. Agncy , Cincinnati , O. ' lilM * \X7ANTEO At once , 0 light harnessmnkcrs , TT nt Marks Ilros.'Baddli-ry Co. W8 II ! i "tJl/ANTED A man to canvass and manage ' TT canvassers , TO take exclusive control of 't 'tJ nil sales In Omaha of an article used by every J body. .Indian llulm Co. , I'ltlBhurgh. Pa. 4ilMOt ' \71TANTED 2 stead v young men at once , Art I. _ Y > room , No. " K , jM N lCih st. ,4 4- ! ) * AOKNTSftnd"tr veling salesmen address Aa- justablu Hook Stand Co. , Chicago , for an ac ceptable pioposltlon. 413 lit V > wardaf ; steady , sober and Industrious ; vormanent situation ; good wnues. Address fatUtU Journal Co. , Lnuolu. Nobr 475 8 "fXTANTED At onro-C or'ft inen to organize TT Nebraska state business men's asuoclu- tlous In Nebraska. Cull at 01190 , room 37 , Cham- borof ( Jommerce. 445- ! ) * WANThD Carrlr.go pointers. Inquire 1409 , and lyjJDoilgiiJ _ tfiH-0 WANTED A goodcarriage blacksmith at onco. Address Ilitdtlngs carriage works , mating * . Neb , 4U12J _ W"ANTK McnTiThOlicU : must deposit $2i nnd give sfcurity for money collected. Salary lift to $100 per month. Cull on or ad- rtross Ooo. 3. Cllne.Ml First National bank. 470 TXT ANTED A man who is a tinner and TT pliimlKuv Oooa wuceH to therlght man ; nlvo roferoueo Address 1'laiin , care Hector , Wllhelmy * Co. 400-li * _ WANTED Four young men to work in city , gCpdalary to right men ; ut 111 North lolli Bt. 255-DJ HUNTEH , V RUSSELL. Orand Hanlds. Mich" want cunviiBsers for electric door nlatcs , bolls , mall boxes. House numbers and alarms. - - JQ. _ men for work In Washington territory : good wages ami steady worK , Apply ut Albright's LiiborAf'imcy. 112U FariiHiu Btioot. - > " 7 TsrANTED ExporlBncod milker. lllSBnun- TT dors bt. IW f ' ' ' i * 12-.1 W NTl-ll ) A wood business man to take the manu.ucment of an olllod In Now York city , ono for Detroit and another forcinclniintijinust Invest W.MH f alary II.5UO pdryoiir Address QUOTED a. Clluo , Wagner block , I > e Molnes. la. AnKKTS wanted on aalaiy , 175 per month , und expenses paid , any actlvn man or tromau to soli our goods by sample and live at home , italnry paid promptly and rxpeiiho.s In lidvam'e. Full purflcular.s ana fiiiuplo riiso free. We mean ] uU what \\o fay. Address HOTEL mnu wanted , with a few thonsaud dollaisto Invest ; house all furnlHhea end business that will pay out tu 13 months ; lltlo perfect ; no Incuinbrance. Address M. A , Me- Uluula , or O. U. Cliurrhlll , Steillng , Colo. fit O2'lt W"ANTID ! I'.iu'rgiiUO wen mul"woiiii-nevery. wnero for u genteel , monay-mnktug liuul- c ss. ( UJ weekly prolll guaraiitaad otisler limn too monthly otUorwlno. Experl nee > absolntAly Unnccetsary. Pcrmaiivnt position ami oxcliulvi territory Maliren. fJ.OO samples free , Wrtvo for particulars. Address , wlthHtainp , Merrill Ml Co. . H Kl Chleugo. 176 MO ? ' WANTED FEiyTftLE HELP. WANTED aiambernmtd. OIIB who cnn v alt on table , lufinlra-liiW liouulas. MO lit ANTKI ) X tiooaglil for un BtaTriT work nnd take cuie o ( two children ; ( U-rinaii preferred ; call f rlday morning , 2101 Douglaa. Kit II \ \ ) A.NTl'.D-A yoiiug plrl 17 or 18years old to TT do 11411 0 work. li.fJSUtliHt , (1. F. Hbiuatjr C31 WANTED Cook Mill laundress and young Blrl. Apply 20iifns3 t. ivti I2t _ WANTKD-A good , . for general l.oiisj- work. SJH.l'lthsi. KX--J" houi i\ork. ou-ior WANTED-PEMALg HELP. LA 1 NloVfna"m7 am los."by diijror Tcek ; by week prefcffed. Terms reasonable. Address - dress floamntrcss. 2017 lllnney t. , B42HJ t ANTED First-class wU l flnlshcm at" onco. 1121 Don R I M , room 6 , up stairs. 5579 * \ArANTKn-mrlto Icnrn aressmnkmir. Mr * . V > H. 0. Moses , 403 N. Ifith st. 623-10T ANTED-Threo women cooks 820 to JM ; 4dlnlngroom girls S20 : 3 at Jls ; kitchen girls , laundresses , nurse girls , 2 housekeeper ? ! ; ; oed nlftcesi M lor p > n rM hotlRework. ni4) ) { 1. 16th. _ _ _ hOQ-Ut ANTHD-Uxperlchccd flrtloMftdlM fot'Jor. cy jatKoti , cloaks and Stilts. H ermmt k Dolciics. _ . fan _ WANTnii-W t nurse ; fefprcrtcarcnuired Call nt Jamo-i 0. Megcath's , 1512 S. 32d nvo. WANTKD-Comsctont girl for housework. , ratN.CCth. Mn. James Haynti. _ _ finja WANTED An experienced waist flnUher at 1B18 Doilglfl * 81 , . UpUftlM. 613 10t \\7ANTUO 3 nice , neat girls , accustomed to TT work In store , $ JO and board , room at home. Mrs. Hrega.8m < 3. 15th. CIO m Gl i for general housawork. S412 Cais cm lit WANTED A Blrl for general housework ; Uorman or llohemlan plcforred. CIS B 17th ANTRD-'A girl for conora'l housework. Knnulro Mrs. John P. Hoe , 122 : ! N. 27tlt st. 652-1 It * ( llrl for general housoworlc lu \ \ small family , Irus Tarnam , 4b3-10 * W IANTii-A : llrst-class girl for a family of two ; IWJ Capitol avouue. 4 l. W ANTED-Cllrl-For housework ; 2214 Doug las St. 489-0 * ITANTED A glr for general housework , .1 T In family. 1715 Cass. 271" " "V\7.ANTED ( lood girl for general housework , V > gentleman , wife and one child ; one accus tomed to children preferred ; references ; apply lift Sherman avu. 483-8' WANTED Good practicable woman to do general housework. 2 lu family , wages $1 per week. Apply 1009 California. 447 AQOOD imierloncpd girl for general house- wor at 2107 Douglas st. 309 WANTED A second girl for a small family ; good wages to a competent girl ; apply 2010 Illnnuy St. , Kountzo's place. 4tXM ) f7ANTEU-Hutton-holo makcra ; 1112 Far- 1 nam. 3.M-10 _ G 1HL WANTED F6r general -iiouso work. Apply at Chicago and 3.M sts. S51 T\7ANTED Lady agents. Two new luven- T T tlons for Indies' spring , and summer u ear. Outsell everything. Pay SlOii monthly. These with our bustle -skirts , rubber goods , hose sup- portors. etc. . niako bert business known. Ad dress with stamp , E. H. Campbell Si Co. . 481 Ilamlolph street , Chicago. 61MOt ! WANTED Lady Rgnnts for onr now sKlrt stibstltnto for bustle , baby's dlai > er sup porter , etc. Our Iowa Falls. la. , agent made S12.IO in ono day. Ladles' supply Co. , 287 W. Washington St. , Chicago. WANTKD An experienced stenographer for ofllce work. Address 1' . 0. box 37 , Lin coln , Nob. 472 \7"ANTED Oirl to do general housework ai V Both and Howard ; German or Dane pre ferred. ll WANTED A girl for dlnlgn-room anil ehnmuern orlr , Doran house , 4'i. S. 13th st. , 1 block BOUth of court honse. Hi7 WANTED Lady to solicit ; must deposit $10 and give security for money collected. Salary $ 'i"i per month. Call on or addioss ( loo. . 511 Fliat National . 471 8. VjHUV . IJlI L'llilb A JltiUlllM UlLLilVt 11 L \\7ANTED-A good Industrious white woman tito cook and assist with washing and iron ing , will pay J18 per mouth. Apply lmmo.ll- ately at 2UJ South 21th st. 4bO-7 WANTED Asent-s Hollablo women to sell the "Original Ilvgola" Combination Shoulder IIrace Corset , llest money making article In the country. Satisfaction guaran teed. Apply for terms and territory to Western Corset , Un. , St. Louis. Mo , 183-all * EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. M PRS. DREG A , Canadian Emp. oOlco. 314M S 15th. Reference Omaha National bank. 31m3J f\ll AH A fimp. bureau. 110 N 10th ; established W8 years. Most rollnblo In city. H. E. White. 274-m3J T AD1ES Information and employment par- JLJ lors ; strictly llrst-class ; perfectly reliable. Hoom 10. lluslunan block , N. E. cor. Douglas and ICtn st. 153-A-ifJl : SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRIT ! NO flIHE Standard Shorthand School , having pur- JLriiixsed Valentino's Shorthand In.nltnte.l'ftx. ton block , opp. public llbniry , is now the larg est , best equipped , exclusive shorthand school In the west. v i graduates In good situations. The school is in charge of Mr. H. A , Smith , a stenographer and tertdlier of many years prac tical experience. Twelve No. 2 Remington typewriters - writers in uso. Send for circulars , 411 SI I OUT duel Type-n Htlng taught the most prac- llcnl ny at tliu Omaha Commoiclul College , Uenu Pitman system nnd Remington type writers ; Htudenti complete manual lu two weeks , and > vrlto from ( .0 to 100 words per min ute In three months. ; practical olllc drill made a specialty. Instruction In gr.vmmnr , spoiling and writing free. Address Hohrbough llros. , Omaha for circulars. U17m3 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TX/ANTED A Nice pacing horse , well V V broken to harness and saddle , not over IMi high , young and sound. Address V 2. > , Uea ortlco. 631-lOf -10,000 women to iiso "Wlloox's WANTED10,000 Fancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly safe and always effectual. Send for 4o "Woman's Safe Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co , . Philadel phia 114 A19' ) WANTED I y April 15 , 7-rootn house , be tween Dodge and Lea veil worth and 2Jth and 26th sU , or : i unfurntdhcd rooms nnd board for 3. Wflsaojlist. W 0 * WANTED-TO RENT. To rent furnished house of 8 or 8 WANTED rooms , mo iern conveniences , near cable line ; references Juraished , Address vz : llee. 530 11 * WANTRD To rent furnished house by family of two , near cir line , itofercncos furnished. Address \ ' 7 , Ueo olllce. 451-'J" WANTED to rent by family of two , an mi furnished cottage In good condition con taining n or 7 rooms : must have terms nnd lo cation to recelvi any attention. Address U lice. 221 FOR RENT-HOUSES. . . . . . HENT Neat 1-rooni house , l' < miles N. W. of P.O. . city water , Tent $12.00. nil 8. mil st. cu I71OR RENT I-room cottage , 1117 NlBth st ; j.Vfnvnlturo for tale. ? U * TTiOiritENT-Soven-room house , 113 S 15th st. .D Enquire next door south. KLVH TTlOR HKNT Tno 3 room Hat * on N. 17th st. JJU and J13 ; ones-room cotlava N. 17th St. , til. Apply to Orocn & Williams , let Nat. Hunk "ITlOll RENT S loom house ; centrally located ; modern Improvoiiicnts. J. F. ll.irton. Capitol ftvenuo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1H7-1U HBNT To KU elosaut lady HUH now llnw , ilfieon or Unity moms , for tlrst-clasu family boarding In rhoioo locality. Address llox < . city. 420 toront. A well f'm > uluiied house of olght rooms In Kountitt's place. RnaHon.'tblo runt to family with no chil dren : use of piano , billiard table , and rarrlaga nnd horse If desired. Apply room "J , U. 8. Na tional " b.\nk. _ i _ _ ' " ' 'J" _ "A N f-room cotTtT > re , Sl4Ebutin ) > ) th St. . modern -iVlmprovuineiits , MJ jor ) montri , by Clia * . Tur. nur. lia Howard at. TT10H RENT Plnnrnat S-room housu. 22iJ nnil JU Webster , O.F.llRrrlson , Merchant Nut. banii , 4UV A40-Two V-ttiom Mc's. residences , all con < p violences. Hi ti-rooni r stdoiico on W. Farnaui tt. , with C-room home , ncnly papered , cltv water. & ) TJirco 7-rnom housei , city water , pjoil cellar , M-t I'latonUth and Le.tvon-rorth itUi , D. Y , Khulci , room 210 , Itt Nat. llaukbuilding , L'W TnURNIKJIEOhous. ) forrcotln l-nrk'forueo , X'iippoalto llunnroni 1'nru : nil modern Con- vcnlonroi ? . In'julru Leo Ai Ni > ho ) , 2"tli nnd Lcavunworth. Ml 'ITIOH lUiNT 'J-rcoiii modt-rii Improved fioiiscT -L1 A 1 locality ; rout moilcrutf. Apply tuM , Elgutter. IWlEiirnanij.t. if _ Tpoir HEN'i' fUittcecii , a rooms , siMT'iflrlcs Jnt.jtnd IWl S 6th Kt. Jnuuliov.t loom 212 , Shielyblocx. _ _ _ _ KH " l oil HKNTtloorl iHsement. 11)5 ) Douglaabt" TJVHriU.'NT--When you wish to rent iv lionse , -L Htoru , or ntilcr cult on vt , H. E. Cole , room U. Con'liiontHl blk , -ju IjiOH ItENT Tlie 11-room reilduncc. S107 JL1 Douglas at. nil modern Inipruvvmtuti. lu- < iulio : ; . Kutr , 1JIO 1'uruirj. Wj FOR RENT-HOUSES. 9 GOOD houses , for rent , centrally locktod , furniture ror Kale on time. Cooperative Land A Lot CO. 7 TjflOR RCNT-3-room cottage , 210 N. 13th , 12.CO T710R HUNT 3 new 6-room cottagcs.ono block U west c r barns on Lake st. C. HSllfcworth. ICed Farnam. 014 tJlOH RENT A s-room brick cottage conVonl- JL1 entto U.P. dopot.Moad At Jamison , 311813th 834 lilOT RENTVT-roahi ( Int. 133 month. Indulro Jnt The Fair. 13ln nnd Howard. 974 7 HOOM liblmOrlth burn , out A little distance KO per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank bldg. 4U3 " JFURNiSHfi ilUltNISHEDrodm with board , gas nniUmth I In house , prices reasonable. WW Learnn'th. tai iar T310H HUNT Furnished Bleeping rooms , f J1 to $ J wooTr. 107 , W Howard , bet. 6th and Wh. FOll RENT Largo newly furnished front room , also A southeast room with Alcove ; all conveniences and llrst class board , 2230 Farnam , 8UM4 * _ T7IU UN fBliKD room * , with flrst class board at -L1 son Dougla.s 8t. 490-H * EOQMS and Oral-class liomobonrd,1718Tod ) go. 41013 Foil liKNT-nirnlshort front room with or without board , C03 N. I'th st. M-'J ' * SUIT of 2 furnlshod rooms , modern convon- leuces. 3 blocks from 1 * . O , , private family. A.ll08po.jr. 1513 UoUKlaS st. ft 2NICKIA' furnUhed rooms , steam heat , efts , bath , etc. , on same tloor , $10 per montn. 807 8 gUh ; noilat. 811 _ A1'U5.\SANT front room with all modern conveniences , for 1 or 2 ccntlimon. Cor. St. Mary's ave.nnd 20 orC3) S.SJtlii brick residence. 078 EOH lir.NT Furnished rooms elnglo or on suite , ICO ? Iougla . 713 MtOXT room. llrst floor , with boaul : S0" 8. _ Tnoil 1UJNT-.1 elegantly furnlsliod p-uior -U rooms , with Ural-class board. Win nodRO stiuut. 31B1QT _ Fen HKNT Nicely furnlshetl front room , liSi 8 a'th st , or Kalrvluw. Ml lot _ 1DOOMS furnished or not ; 1611 Capitol nvo. room for rent ; must gho rofer- cnoo , at IDX'l Dodge. _ 410 Foil 11KNT KloKnntly fiirnlshotl rooms with all modern Improvements , at GUI S. loth tit. 418-m-n "THIIVATB boardliiR house , 1013 and 1015 Capl- JL tel avo. , 8 blocks from 1' . O. . newly fur nished , ploosanl rooms , all conveniences. Ml 12t TT\H \ HKNT line Ilnoly furnished back par- J-.1 lor with board , suitable for tm > Rontlomen ; tonna reasonable. Call on or address Mrs. II. L. Randall , 17J1 Dodge street. 40-M1 * fTUlllNlSHKI ) rooms by day , week or month. Jj Ht. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and Dodge. 033 EmtNlSHUU rooms , 113 S 20th st.noar Dodge. 424 08 * rooms for reut at 181 Dodge T71UHNISHED rooms , single or on suite , bath -U and steam : for gents only. 1518 Howard. TROOMS and board 1812 Chicago st. J-V C80aS3t T71OH HENT Nice south front room , cheap , -13 for gentlemen , 190:1 : Capitol avo. 601 NICE rooms by tno week or month at the - 1'cabody house. H07 Jones. U9J aSl * FOR HENT Furnlsliod room , all modern conveniences. 2214 Farnam st. 134 TC10R RENT Front rooms at 1821 Farnam. 230 FORRENT--ROON13 UNFURNISHED FOK UENT--Unfiirnished and furnished rooms for housekeeping , 607 , BOO -Howard , bet. 8th and Dili. 880-lOt "I71OR HENT A suite of rooms for family use JU mono oCthd most desirable residing locali ties Irl the City ; 1831 Howard bt ; "price $ per month. W. v. Stootzel , 1021 Howard. 338 TGIOIl HENT llooms suitable for housokoep- -C ing in suites of from ono to four ; In conven ient location ; lowest prices. Hull's Renting Agency , 1501 Farnam street ; telephone 179. 2rj-nl5 : K UNFURNISHED chambers lor housekoop- Jlng to man and wife ! 31 ! ) N. 17th ht , 87JM1 * FOR RENT-STORES AMD OFFICES. POR RENT Stora 2'xOJ ; 1118 Jackson st. Ku- entire 1114 Jackson. KW FOR RENT 2 floors 22x80 each. In brick build ing , with elevator , close to express olllce. cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to UeoHoyn , 11W ) Farnam st. JI4 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. M1O HENT for a term of years , j.l lots , each -i-MxliW , suitable for coal or lumberyards , with use of 400 feet of side-track on joint roads of tt & N. W. , C. 11. & 0. and O. it. 1. & P. . on the corner of 33d st. and 1st ave. . Council I Hulls , la. , Hi miles from 10th and Douglas sts. In Omaha. Apply to Piano Mfg. Co. , cor KM st. and 1st ave. Council Illuirs , la. 868 11 T7IIR8T-CLAS3 lot of saloon furniture and bar .1. fixtures for sale at a bargain. Inquire of the First National banK , Aurora , Neb. 616 o22 RENTAL AGENCIES. T 1ST your property for rent with Remington -LJ& Frye , Northwest Corner 15th and Farnam , \7JTANTED 2u nouses nt once for which we T T can furnish good tenants. List your houses w 1th the L & S Rental Agency , 310 Shcely blk. 702 IF YOU want fo buy , sell , rent or oxcnange , call on or address , (1. J. Stomsdorff. rooms 317 and 1113 i'lrst National bauk building. GEO. .1. PAUL , 1003 Farnam St. . houses , stores , etc. , for rent. ( MB WK glvo special attention to renting and collecting rents , list with us. ILK Cole , room 0 Continental block. U17 WOK HENT Houses In all parts of the city. I1 J. J. Gibson. No. 3 , Crelchtou block. OJl J.l. OIHSON'S new systenvof renting houses , . No. 3 Crelghton block. OH LIST your houses and stores wltn me : f have lots of customers , j. H.Parrotte,1000 Cnlcago I2I4 all MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE -Furniture of 4-room cottage. 1337 N Ihth ; hoiiao for rent. 62110 * ri'HE banjo taught as an art by Ooo. F. ( Jel- JL lenbock. Apply at Hue Olllco , ISO / 10NTHACTINO plasterers are Invited to call V/at room 401 , 1'r.xton building , and examluo "Adamant. " xa A 13 LOST. T.OST From Dundee Place on Thursday unlght at about 12 o'clock , one mouse colored horoe. clipped , with harness on. Finder will ba liberally rewarded bo returning to Dr. J. Y. Cornish , corner 20th and Lace Bin. 23 LOST-2-yimr old bay colt. Return or flond information to JohnO'lleatii , Cth and Q sts. , .South Omaha. Howard , 43 > Ut LOST Hay mare between Hellovuo nnd Oil- more ; has wblto btrlpo In face ; blistered ou hind foot. Suitable reward will bo paid for ro- cowry of this horse. Addrobt Jo nil httiben. No. a > 5 H. Uth Ht. , Omaha. Neb. * 92 ; 10 iOSr fletwoeii 18th and Dodge and llth and J Faniam , lady's leaf breast pin , small diamond mend netting. I'lmUr will Lw rmvaiMoil by l aIng name ut 14)1 ) Faruam Kt. , W.W.lluuston. filB-lUt FOUND TfjlOUND At postolllce , tltK umbrella , wnlcn J. owner can Imyo by proving mime and pay ing for tills ad. J. L. Hice , over Commeiclal Nat1 ! bank , W.J lot PERSONAL. IJKRSONAL-J. W. O. . lettor.for you ut P. O. JL Don't full ; ruin or aUlna. Noiw , Kl 01- "T3HIVATK course in fencing.boxing or fancy X iluliowlnutn. , ' , fia. Addrtta * T 14. ( lea olllce. 32J-U14 * ATHANCF. MUDIIIM-Mme. Banflall. tbo young Sweilo. tolls full namoao * callers auj the full name ot your future hiuband or wlfo. \\Iln-lute of marriage , an'l telU whether tha orn you love 1s trns or falid. Not a fortune telk-r. but a youni ; spirit medium. Madame ii > i'S Into a perfectly ilei 1 tranou. Will brlntr back the purled huib.vml or lover , no matter It thvy be inoJ ) inilu-t away. Will guarantee to tettle family qnurroli. I'urloM up main , 103 N. Itilhst. , UiUdUoor 212 a Ut OOTfl STORAGE. STOIlAORn-nilow rales at lilt Furnam st _ Omnha A.urtion A Rtorog * 0 * _ 117 . lowest ratal. W. M _ nu hm , , yl ; ) l ftvcnworth. _ 1 1 s nANCHifk ( , ' 0. , * torage. 1211 Ilqwnnl. MHH , LITNOftMAN can bo consulted on all affair * Q ( lite , and satisfaction guaranteed , through tlip-iyngle mirror , ills NlGthsMrp stairs DR.NANNIIPV. Warren , clairvoyant inmll. cat and business modlum. Female discuses n upeclaltVn-jlN ' 18th St. . rooms Z and .1. K1I VVXfJTED TO BUY. WANTKD llirnlture , carpets , stoves and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co.ll21 _ Farnam. 030 WANTKD To buy good commercial paper II. C. 1'altoraon. am 8 Ilith st. FDI7 8ALE-V1l3CELt.AHEOU5. ( YfHnrSALE American power horse irppTmif -L1 machine , only month In use. ( lood busi ness connection. Apply 420 N > Ktli street. , 650-13 T7IOH 8ALT3 Clioap , a canopy lop phaeton ; JL1 almost new. Enquire of A. Moil. Itobb , H. VM. local freight olllce. 611 Iftj FOR 8ALT3-A few slnglo driving family horses , also a line matched team of sorrel ponies at U. P. barn , cor. 8th nnd Fnrnaiu. f.4 10 * [ 7VH 8ALH Kmerson pland , almost now , nt -l a bargain. Address V 21 , cnro lleo. 651 11 * TTlbir KENT At once , n I'urnlshod ' house of -L1 at * rooms , cheap , to a gentleman and wife. CI2 . iBlh Ttf. 6M10t W 'ANTED A Reooud-hnnd transit chain and ; pickets ; state price. Address V 20 , Hec. 630 l6 T7\H \ SALE A soda fountain cheap. Inquire J 1101 Farnam at. 633 15t "IjlOH SALE 2 small horses , spring wagon and L harness , suitable for expressing or deliver- erlng. 813 south 25tll st , 600-10 * AN A No. 1 good mare with phaeton anil har ness for Halo. Inquire at Cuban cigar store , 1B13M Farmun st. 61i ! U ? BICYCLE Excellent order ; cheap for cash. Will trade for Safety. V13 lieu onico. 485-m RAHE CHANCE Furniture of eight-room house for sale , rent very low , rooms nil prolltably rented ; best paying placu. lu city. Investigate this. Address V 17 , lloo olllco. 4oa IQt TJ1OH SALE Shafting , bolting , pulleys , ate , -L' iood as now. Hit ) law. cross-cat and band saws very cheap. OJl Douglas. 123 "IjlOll SALE Good work loam , wagon and har- Jnesi ; set carpenter tools und chest ; full sot . Mrulcal Instruments , nearly now ; household goods , etc. On easy payments. .1. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Furnam fit. Ita Foil SALE furniture and lonso of 7 room Hat. Hoom rented exceeds rent of lint. I , k B Hontal Agency. 310 Sueoly blocK. 7113 TCIOH SALE Draft horses , buggy horses , and -1 ? small delivery mules. Wood a Sato * > tabl 1510 California. 32H I710H SALE A Jijoy's pony. Inquire nt ! W ) ' J park avo. 50314 * . . . . . 171OH OALE-Cheap.a nearly now top buggy ; Co- lumbus make , A. H. Comstock , 312 S. lotn. 747 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND ( iuaranteo & Trust Co. , I5O > Far- nam. Complotoabstracts furnished & titles to real estate oxaiulned.porfected & guaranteed. a V- 0" LUSTRACTS--IjInahau & Mahoney , room 600 PaxtoiPbldcK. 1KB /"VMAIIA Abstract CoTiipany. 1519 Farnam st. WMost complete and carofnlly prepared set of abstraccbooVy and plats ot ull real property In the city uf Oirtalia and Douglas county. , , r * . 061 'W10NEY-TO LOAN. DO YOUiwant money ? If so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which are the low est on any sum from { 10 up to 510.000. I make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , hors.ea .mjilos , yracons , .warenouse re- celptH , house ? , leases , etc. , In any amount nttha lowest possibfo-rates without publicity or re moval of proncity. Loans ctin be made for one to sbf months and you can pay n part at any time , reducing both principle and Interest , If you ewe a balance on your furnlturo or horses or have a loan on them I will take It up and crfrry It for you as long ns you desire. If you needmonoy you will flnd It to your advantage - vantage to see mo before borrowing. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building , and Ilnrney. ! K'J A NY amounts loaned on furnlturo , pianos , teams , etc. Notes bought nt less than usual rates , monthly payments lodnca Intercut. ICoy- stone Mortgage Co. , room 203 bhooly blk , S. 15th 3TJm4 /"VtCHAUD HILL loans at 110 Shoely build- vyiug at eight per cent stralgnt. Samuel Tato. 311-m3 MONEV to loan at lowest rntes of Interest on real estate In Omaha nd South Omaha. Titles aim property.oxamlned by us and loans made at once. Cash on hand. Hates , Smith & Co. room 203 Itamgo bldng. 310-mi : $1000 and upwards to loan on good inside city property. No delays. W. Farnam Smith , 12ft ) Farnam St. 835-a37 * } 818 * To loan on t arms and city property. JCioo.J. Paul , 100 } Farnam st. 3W CITY Financial agency will loan you money on horset , furniture , jewelry or securities of any kind. 1.100 Howard st. , corner S. 13th st. 23' ' ) a 12 ; BUILDINO loans H specialty. W. M.Harris , room 20 Frenzer block , opposlto P. O. M ONEV to oan on real estate ; no commis sion. W. A , SponcorHoom3lushmanblk. 6S3021 M ONEY ( loaned on unimproved inside Omaha real estate , a. W. Peck , H , 4 , Freuzor blk. "EASTERN trust funds to loan on improved JUJrual estate in Omatmlargu ; loans preferred , E. 8. Illsbeo , Flrht National bans building- . a 2-.Vni2lj ) I OANS wanted on Omalm real estate , throe Jand live years' time , optional payments , favorable terms and rates , applications and titles passed upon by us , nnd loans closed promptly. KIniball , Champ i , room 0 , U.B. National Hank Hulldlng , 12iij Furnam st. 211 ml SPECIAL fund of ilO.OO. ) to loan nt reduced rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City Loan Co. . HUB 13th si. 030 PKOPLTV8 Financial Kxcnango Largo and small loans for long and short time , at low est rates of Interest , on real estiito mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watjhos and jewelry. Don.t fall to call If yon want fair and cheap accommodations. O. Ilouscareii , M jr. , roum MJJ Marker blk , Ifith and Faruam. lot _ "OH ILADELPHIA Mortgage * Trust Co. , fur- X nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers : purchase sacurltio/i , perfect titles , accept loans nt their western olllco. George W. 7 , Hoard of Trade , U31 S EF Sholtfs ; Teem 210 First Nut'i bank before making your loans. iKU SMONEV MONEV ftf-lfibM. Harris if.K. ft Loan Co. , room 4lJ.i'rst | National bank. U.O \\r ANTEf4Ktit clas's Inside loans. Lowest TV rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest- raent Co. . It. 1. Harker blk. Uth & Farnam. | . ' .I4 MONKV tjilpa ! ) on Improved property at lira- Imndp. I V\P \ Application rent awav for upt proral. Belijcay and titles examined free of charge tu Itorriiwero. Lombard Investment company. 0)1 B. 1.1th Ht. im CAN maka iSfcw loans on llrst-clasx chattel I securities ! .uiibhsonablo rate * . W , K. Potter , room 10 Ilarkor blk. W7 IjtlllST intrtKHue loans at low rates and no J ! delay. 1 > V.iBholes , 210 First National bank. * . ( K)2 ) , fifffff NEURABKAJlrtg. ; } lx > an Co. v.lll make you a toftiniu household goods , " "unr : > oH , wagons , iS . land contracts , line jewttlrj/or securities of tiny kind , without piibllclty. at reasonable rates. Hoom 7 , Rowley block , Houth Omaha , Kooms ) l51Ii l , Puxton block , Omaha , Neb , BON'T borrow money on furniture , nowes , wagons , eto. , or collatterals until you sue C. II. Jucobs , 410 First National bank building. 0 F. HAlKRllJONloatui money , lowest ratea , 4U4 1\f ONEV Loans nagotluted at low ratey with- i'loutdolay , and purchase uoad commercial papsr nnd mortgage notos. 8. A , bloman , cor. lain aim Faruam. 10) MONEV tp ipan. 0. F. Davis Co. . real estate and loan utrents , J5T Farnam Bt , 101 BufLDlNO IoansT D. V. Bholes. 210 1'irTt Na. tlonal bank , KB LOANS made on rail estate and mortgages bougnt. Lewis B. Iteeu & Co. , 1J21 Farnam , B U1LDINO loans. Lm U&u A ; MaUoney , 1C3 MONEY TO LOAN. MONP.Y loaned for M , ft ) or 03 dny * on any kind of chattel security : reitfconAblo Inter est ; business conlldentlal. J J. Wilkinson , HIT Farnitm st * 109 M ONKY to lonn Lowest rates. Iiotins closed promwly. II. E , Coles H 0 Continental block. 100 O00.000 to loan lit n per cent. l.tnMmn A Ma * Pbouoy , Hoom 60(1 ( Paxton block. 110 LOANS on business property , M.OOO to * ' 0ooo wanted. Provident Trust Company.rootn , First National bank building. 116 TJT K , COLE , loan ngont , 100 0 V. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates' . 41 > 3 IJKOPI.E'S Financial Exchange The full ml , JL miletest and most liberal money oxchongo In the city ; money loannd wHUout delay or publicityin anv amount. Urge or small , nt the lowest rates of Interest , on anv available * se curity : loans may bo paid nt any time ur renewed nt original rates. O. Houscuron , Mgr. < room M ) } , Darker block , Ifith and Farnaui. 104 MONEY to Loan Woaroraady for applica tions for loans In amounts from IKH ) to 310 , * 000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. Full Information ns to rates , nouns promptly cloied. Oood notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us or write , The McCamio Investment Co. 1(0 ( GW. PECK loans money on Omaha real oMato llullding loans n specialty. H t , Frntuou blk 402ttlBt _ M ON'EV to loan In largo sums nt tlio lowest ! ratca-.iio delay. It , 0. Patterson , 313 8 Uth , 107 MONEY to loan ; casn on hand ; no delay. J. \V. Boulro , U19 Farnam at. , i'lrst Nutlotml bankbuldhiK. _ 1U3 " H" 15. COLE , loan agent. . 100 f1'KH CENT money to loan. CAih on hand. t\v.M. \ Harris , K 30 , tTonzor block , opp. 1' . irilTV I'OANS at lowest rates.V. . II. Melkle , V KIrat National Hank building. ! U3 M' 'ONEV ' to Loan on chattel security ; fair rate Interest. J. H. I'arrotto , 2GOJ Chic-ago , M'MONEY 214 all MONEY to loan on furniture , horsos.wagons , etc. . or on any approved security. J.V. . Robbing. H. 200 , Sneely blk. , 15th and Howard. BUSINESS CHANCES. "OESTAUHANT connected with 13 rooms ; JLV price If taten this week , J200 ; fully worth I'm ; rent NO. Co-Oporatlvo Lund and Lot Co. 205 N. Wthst. 6J3 11 Q"3,0'X ) to f Y.C03 wantml to put Into n good bttsl ; P neas ; llrst class security and good rate ot Interest paid for short or long time. Or will take partner. For particulars address U 4J , lloo ollifc. 142 PARTNER Wanted with -00 cash. Oood pay- JL ing uiislnoss. easy work. Call or address 813 south Sfitli btv 607-1U * WANTED Partner with from flvo to ten thousand dollars. Guarantee to double capital every vear. llnslnoss well established. Address V 11 llee. 4i10t QALOON for sale In one of tile best business VJccnters In Omahn.chosvii. Reason for selling , 1 must leave the city. Address V Irt lloo. 4i't-m7t ) TT10H SALE ThoonlydrvRstoroln the town ; -L 3 physicians located In town ; have a trooa trade ; mvolce tl.200. Lock Hex 4 , Cairo , Nob. 4700' T 1 VERY stable for sale ; Is located In a thrlv J-Jlng town In the central part of the state and doing a good : u Hplondld opportunity Is olTcred to the right party. Address V 10 , Uoo olllce. 412 12t FOR SALE Or trndo , n small stock of gro ceries , Ifrst-class location , cheap rent ; would trade for city property. 2T > 21 Cumliig st. 301 11 * T710R HALE Cheap Lease and fnrnttnronlco -D 10-room boarding house , Dodge near 2Jth , full of first-class boarders ; llnnnclnlly n suc cess ; satisfactory reasons tor Boiling. U 72 , lloo. . 319 lilt HOTEL for sale. Well furnished , payln.i W ) a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson , Norcatur , Kan. 233-ml * ANEW roller mill for sale In a good wheat bolt , and good market for llonr. For terms address F. J Andreas. Gordon , Nob. 8t5n27t T7WR cash only Clean stock general m rchan- -U disc , withcoal , grain and Implement busi ness ; parties wlshinc to secure a good paying business address U : ! 3 lleo olllce. 8.VJ HAHDWARE for sale Small neat stock , Tin shop In connortlonraust ; bo sold atoncn for cash. Address O.M. . Vaughau. Flemlne , Colo. 6i7-alOJ : = AMEMHERSII1P in the Omaha board ot trade can be had cheap at Hoom22 U. S. Mo tional bank building. 031 FOR EXCHANGE. " | "jOH TRADE Some good Improved property JL1 und cash for a clean stone of goods. Omaha Auction and Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam at. K3-U rpo ixcil7\NOK : A clean ton thousand dol- JL lar stock of general merchandise ; halt' cash and balance unlncumberod real estate. I ) . 11. Doan , Dj orsvlllc , Iowa. : ! S3-yj OR EXOHANOE-For desirable resldonro property in Omaha , any or .ill of following : 4u choice Inside residence lots In Hastings , 101 lots In Lincoln. (140 ( acres linn farming laud , Lancaster county , Fine residence property , Lincoln. ( lood rental property , Lincoln. Cholco famllv residence , corner , Los Anceles. A nt'iit residence property in Huuscom Place. Also , fcome good mortgage notes. Address , giving location nnd price of prop erty. J. K. U. , care Ilaum Iron Co. , 1217 Lcavon- worth. Dili. T7IOR EXCHANGE Dakota , Hand county J- What have you to olTor for a good farm hero , slightly encumbered ? Dakota Limit ) are rising in value , and Its destiny cannot bo clls- putod. Will take vacant lot or improved prop erty and .if-sume some encumbrance. U. J. Bternxdorlf , roims 317 and 'Jit , Klrat National bank building. l&J 17 ) R KXCflANUE-Elghty acres of ilia llnest -L1 timber land In Wisconsin , clour of encum brance. What have you to olFor'U. . J.Kterns- clorir. rooms 317 and 318 , Birsy National bank U-,2 NEW 2-seuted line carrlngo or top buggy for -LN mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes.W.L.solbyR 13 ll'd 1 Tr.ido 4S7 FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. O NE und one-half story , 7-room nouso , city water , gas. largo bain ; convenient to horse cars and cable ; good enough homo for any ono. Prlco. J ) , UU. Terms , KM to $700 cash ; balance reasonable. H. K , Cole , room 0 , Con tinental. 430 in Oil , LOOKhora ! An cast front , M ft lot , on 20th Ht. , fcoath ot Hurdutto ; very line view for tiUK ) . How's that. M , A. Upton Company , ICth mid Farnam. it'J4 ' ADVIOn ORATIS Huy now ; buy a homo ; buy a bnflnesi ; lot : buy n vacant roHldtnco lot ; buy an Improved piece of bnsliiwts property , but buy now. Delav.s ma ( langnrous , ilangerons to your pocketbook. M. A , Upton Company , lutn and Knnmm. _ 3.10 U NO cash payment required. Will sell you a tnlllotln FaundoiM .t lltmebiiign's add forS/VAl / und take mortgage for full amount duo In C years on condition tut ! you build a house to c ( . , jiot losis than ? VJO. C. K. Rfltar , room A , 8 W corner 15th and Dongbn. 4I'J 8AL11 Kast front lot on Georgia avo. lu Hunscom Place , most sightly lot on thn whole strout , overlooiui Omahu and Council llluir.s , Ji.WO , one-third cash , balance ono and tno years. C. F , HarrisonMerchants Nat. Hank Oil TjlORHALE FInu residence site on Lowe live. , J181x12) , not far from tliu Academy of the Barred Heart , overlooks almost the entire city , prlco tlO.tUJ , one-third rash , balance ono and two years. C. F. HurrUon.MerchHius Nnt. banic _ _ _ DM _ tlne t loildence site on Faniam , TIIKvery east front , corner , paved streets , liiwxlis : . not lu nmrKet hoietoforo ; will bo withdrawn it not bold within n week ; iio.uji ) . M. A. Upton Compuny , Ifathand Kaniam. ! l'J.'i-U IIAVK llnoTots in IlrlKgs' Placo"nTldTi Omaha , for cash , on good terms , For further information inijulre oC 15. Jeffrey , Galena , 111. ( IDTII OMAHA it oionB tt-ait Kto double corner there , rail onus ; will null it for a few day sway below value ; make three 611- foot south front lota. M. A. Upton Compuny. Ihth and 1'arnam 'J. _ jL _ SAV ; catch on now , not In 30 or W days , but now. Active limes in Omaha and South Omnhathls year luni. Don't wait until their. Huy now. uell then , M. A. Upton Company , liilb and Farnani. aai U _ _ I710H BALE -Nice new -room house , barn for 1 4 horneri , wtttl and cUturn ; uverytblng ltr c. - ; fiiillot. In Jiedford Place , 2 > i feet , from Ntntu Btieet ( & > th bti. t'M ! > . 2100 ca li , D ul a nee I. 2 uml 3 yeai-a : or W.OUO , JI,4.V ) ea h , balaneo ii years , M. \ , I'plonCompuuy , llithand Farnam. rilAfiKof bart' lnsl ( Jiueon thlst IJOxlW n.w. JL corner 35th und Hnmlltoii , front ! ; istreetn , at grade , for ? I , VJ. This Is bed-rock ; not a n ickel less will ever buy it , and It must bo grabbed soon at that price , M. A. Upton Com pany , i ith and F.iroaui , osii TpOH SALE Nliid-room iiouae , barn and lot JU lu Ilansco.ii I'Uco ; aUo'i houses and loin lu Sunny Side. Harrli , room 411,1st Nat. bank , fjji .FOR SALE-REAU ESTATE. "fTlOHnulo or oTchanRc A residence at 20th JU1 lit , , nnd Bt. Marys are , hits 7 rooms , buth room , laundry , sewerage , RUS and city water. Will take good outside building site a * part payment. David Jfttmoson , ,3U , 3 Uth. . 8 NHAT , cosy hemp , convenient to curs ) U ( story , six-room i Rooo. Tormn , fXO to isoo ca hj balance , easy monthly imjnncuts. 1 I K. C ploj-oom 0 Continental. _ 4.H 13 SOUTH OMAHA 1 hava a iiumber of good lots ( n various additions that must bo sola atoncoRtl.l can be bought At prices that will mm yon , ( I , .1 , Stcrnsdom , rooms 317 nnd 3IR llrst National bank building. BM _ FOIt SALH-On terms to sult.tlieneat cottage. BSSl Ulmrlos St. Telephone ! H7 , or W. T. Hoa- man , Omaha's largest variety bungle * , wagons. cto. , vast slilo inthst. , north uf Nloholoa st. Vis 171011 S A LF. or Lease rraino bulldlna abolt JL1 40x50 with three years' lease of lot , Ji Doug las st. VIe - > e , larpo loUat summit park , South Omaha , are 00x150 oacli , w HU KU footalluyil and m ) and 100 foot streets. We have a few of them at two-thirds their value. Btreot cars there this spring will raiiso lots to sell rapidly nt good protlt. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and tnrnam , awed _ _ d 3.MPKIl LOT Oklahoma City M.OO per lo P'nordor ' to interest 300Omnha people Immedi- tely iu Oklahoma City , the commit metropolis oftlio Pnnhandln of 'l oxas , we will sell 3JO lots or M Ipor lot. Every lot lovorafld dry , and 2.1x 127 f cut In site. Title absolutely perfect. This prlco Is good only until . ' 100 lots have l > ocn told , after w Inch prlcos will bo advanced lot , ' " ) and $ r > 0porlot. Oklahoma city Is situated on the extreme eastern border of llemphlll county , Texas , and Immediately adjoining Oklahoma. or the Indian terrltorv , and just at the point where tha Atlantic , V Paclllo railroad loaves the territory entering the Panhandle. Look nt your man and see It them are not growing cities at the points where the railroads cither outer or lea vn the territory. It was for thla and many other reasons that Oklahoma City was local cd upon Its nresent site. Those who apply Immediately will have eholco of lots. All orders by mall will roeelve prompt attention. Olllcp open every night until w o'clork. Apply to or address Panhandla Townslto Company , corner Kith nnd Harnoy Hts , Omaha , Nob. References : First National bank , or Kansas City , Mo. j Hnmmitt , Davidson k Co. , bankers , Kansas City. Mo. ; S. P. nrllTUh & Co. , bankers , Kansas Cur , Mo. : Prattler bank , Canadian , Tax , ; W , 9. Decker , county attorney , Canadian , Tex. 831 " _ $ 3.01 PRIl IX T-Oklalioma City W.OJ per lot. The llrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City , taken by Omaha people , will bo sold at $ UX ) per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Ilnrney sts. , Omaha , Neb , 231 $3M ( PRlt LOT-Oklnhoma City. Bee advor- tlsomcnt , , ranhandto Townslto Company , Cor. 15th nnd llnrnoy sts. , Omalm , Neb. 231 DON'T bo deceived ; thoolllco of Oklahoma City Is at the corner ot ir > th and Marnoy wts. 1'aiihandlo Townslto Company , Cor. 16th and llnriiey sts. , Omnha , Nob. 231 " PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver $ tisement. Punhnndlo Townslto Company , Cor 13th and llurncy sis , Omahu , Neb. 231 AU.U ) PKU'LOT Oklfthonift City ! * 3 per lot. tJ ) The llrst iJOllots In Oklahoma City taken by Omnha peopli * . will bo sold at f I per lot , I'auhiiudln Townslto Company , Cor.lMh and llarneysts. . Omalm , Nob. 2S1 T OTrixir ( 5 east and south corner west Far- JLJ nanl st. near Milton Rogers property , ; . - 000 , ICasy terms will shade this for all cash. C. F. Harrison MoTohant.s Nail bank bldg. 4M DON'T bo deceive J ; the omco of Oklahoma City is at the corner of 15th and Harnoy ait. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and llnrnuy sts. . Omaho. Neb. 231 $ : t.OO PER LOT Otrlahom.1 City. See adver tisement. Panliandla Townslte Company , Corner inth and Harney sts.Omahn , Neb. 281 OJ3.00 PER LOT-Oklahonm City ; * 3 nor lot. PTho nrst .TOO lots In OkHhoma City taken by Omaha people will bo sold at $1 per lot. 1'nnhandlo Townslto Company , cornai'IStli nnd Hartley sts. , Omaha , Neb. a31 AT A sacrifice 12-1x150 ft , oust and north front , comer : nth and Howard Rts. , ono block west of COO'H and Klrkoudall's line resi liences , two blocks from paved street , two blocks xouth of Farnam st. ; just think ot It , 120x150 ft. and a corner at that , and only 31.TOO. C. K. Roller , room o. s , wr. cor. 15th and Douglas TTVON'T bo deceived ; the olHco ot Oklonoma J-'Clty Is at the corner of llth nnd Harney sta. Panhandle Townslto Company. Corner 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb , 231 $3.0J PER LOT-Oklahonift City ; sea attver- tisetnent. Panlmndlo Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Harney ats. , Omalm. Nou. 231 DON'T be deceived. Thooflloa of Oklahoma City is at the corner of loth and Harnoy sts. Pantmudla Townslte Company , corner 15th and Harnoy sts , , Omaha , Neb. 281 rfjS.OO PER LOT Oklahoma City ; 81 per lot ; tutho drat ; 0 lots In Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people will be sold nt $1 per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , , Cor. 161h and Haineysta. , Omaha , Neb. 231 DON'T ho deceived. The oniceof Oklahoma City Is at the cor l.ith and Harnoy bts. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts , Omaha , Neb. 281 Q X01 PER LOT Oklahoma City. See advor-- Ptlsement. Panhnndio Townolte Company , Cor. llithand Hurnoy .sts. , Omaha , Neb. 231 { R3.00 PER LOT Oklahoma City. S3.00 per lot , PTho llrst 30J lots in Oklahoma City , taken by Oman.i people , will bo sold at < M.M ) per lot. Paniiandlo Townslto Compuuv , Cor. luth and llnrnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb. 281 DON'Tbe deceived. The olllce of Oklahoma City Is athe cor. of lith and Harney aw , Panhandle Townslto Company , Corinth and Harnoy stsOmaha Neb. 281 ) . PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver $3.00 . Panhandle Townslte Company , Cor , 13th nnd Harnoy rits , Omaha , Neb. 831 dJ3.noPER LOT Oklahoma City. 'J per lot. cpTho Ili-st iKJMots In Oklahoma City , taken by Omaha people , will bo hold ut 1 per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th nnf llarnoy sts , Omaha , Neb. 231 DON'T bo deceived. The olHco of Oklahoma City Is nt the Cor , of llth and Harnoy sis. Panhandle Townslte Company , Cor. 15tli and Harnoy sts. . Omaha , Neb. 281 $ ) .txf PER LOT-Oklahomi : City. See adver tisement. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Harney six. . Omaha , Nob. 231 < l 3.oa PER LOT-Oklahoma City ; tS per lot. ( P The llrst XIlots In Oklahoma City , takun by Omaha people , will be sold nt * . ! per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and llnrnoy sts. Omalm , NOB. 231 $3.00 PER LOT Oklahoma CIty7 See advor- tUemont. Panhandle Townslto Company. Cor. liitu and Humcy sts. , Omann , Nebr Bill $3.00 PER LOT-Oklahoinu Clty.-J3.00 per lot. Tlio llrst .7K ) lots ill Oklahoma City taken by Omahu paoplo will ba soul at * > OK ! per lot , Panhandle Townslta Company , Cor. 15th aud _ Harney sta. . Omaha. Nob. 281 TT10R BALE ThoTfiiost resldsnco Tilte in wTst JL1 Omaha ; juat Mouth of Ifarnim on : i7th street ; a corner 16i5xlH7 with 1-17 feet froilluga on paved street and joining th'j liamlsomo resi dence of Kirkondall on the east and llrady.Eas- con nnd Martin on the south ; n porfett gem and garden spot for an elegant homu. Hitrnei amiaintstronts , lllxlii7 , on pavement within tlinio blocks uf the roiirt house ; room for seven line homn that would rent us rup- Idly as comiiletod. A splendid permanent In- . Faniam and 22d nlrectE , 69x132 , with netv threu-Htory brlca store building , routed to good permanent tenants. Rental looolpts 81,201 par year. Hlxteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet tonley. ! Uood business propurtv. FiirnumHtreet Iwitwoen 88th uml TOli , frontage - ago U or 5)1xii2 ) ; to alley , oiuh front , 1 block from paremaut nnd Mreot cars , 1'urx avenue , opposite llnncom park , fiOxl.V ) , prlre W.aJO , easy terms. Pnddork Place , truckage , ( Wxll2 , 12,030 , easy terms. 10th Mreut south ot Vtnton st , , lot for sale or trade for mdftu. or unod farm land , 8. filomun , liOl Farnam st , 2. ' > 0 S HOLES' special barualnv-XVWil buys it good 7 room rittaii3 and burn wltii Una plumbing , hot water hunting upnar.ilus , nicely pnpernd. mantle and ull conviiniunri-s.full lot , east front iieur coruur2ith ! Bt. and Woolwoiih nvftnne. $ tt,5p : buys a line now I'J room homo , with a good bum and all convanlcni-as , bclua nu eaHt fronton Popplotoii avenue un'l Xiitll street ; . W.KJO buys a full lot. ebst front on ( leor/U / avoniiw , hulf block hcuth of Loivonuorth Ht. . wltliaKood'lJ om ojttne , lluo ( arga aliaua trend. Very choir * . ( lOoiIKroom liouxe , furnace am ] nllconven- icncu/i , No. 2-13 " Ponpluton avenuu ; party going to leave the city , IriVMtlgata tills and submit o7er. ! 1 iiavu a iooil list of re'Moncc * iind rotldauca lota which It will pay you to iiH'imliiuU If you wiHh to ; 1 also hava tlH.VO I worth of good clear propoily to uxchungu foi' ' ce propnrty , or limlda builnuHi property uml uKiunia a > > inui'n oniiunbiriiic | , orpaydif. ft-renra lu daub , If you havu anything tliat I'lRHK for Kile or trnd > , call an.l > ie mo , I ) . V , Sholeo. roomi'lO Flwt Nitlon : l \i\a\s \ \ bldg , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . „ _ _ _ . _ _ „ . . _ ' ' * ' _ FOR HAMA : liomitlful rId u.'fl III Huns- com I'lncy , iH t iruiit on ! > Jili l , iii.t loiith of I'opijktoii evt , lotbOxlli to graded alloy ; yurd nlovly eoiMod ; it-room huusi ) , bath , hot nnd rold water , n . ; n\vur , ol.ctrlc belli , Inini ; wood tliilsb , IftHKen a * once will tell this rinu lioinn lor nniount nincli ftfiow lu value. No r nylvhborhoo.l In'.iip ilty. To those Ihut mean bualcvs. WHouM like to show pronetty. Wo will tnako tli prlco r A. uplou Cs'--iimuy , Hill and furium FORJ8 Al.B-H.Kftl. _ gSTAT 5 TTIOH BALKCheap-Not for tfadoj BW,7B acroj JJ Und ( sec , n-12-4) ) two ntlloi from Mftrquotto , Hamilton Bounty , Nebraska , t-Yamo house , ta bio. nee acre * unaer trootl batb-Triro tonco , round cedar posts two * tay , HvlnR water. ! > - foot channel , 8 wells. ? M barrel lank , corral , nelf-fcedcr , a caturM stock ranch , In A line corn Price . , . , . . , , .IJOM Cashlnhand . . . . . . . . . > . , ii. , , . , , . ,2,710 ayears' time 0 percent , , . , , , . . . , .11 . 8aM no and look over land. Audreys owdbr , 1' . 1C , Atkins , l.VH Larimer st Denver Colt _ . , < OT _ liU > U SAIill-Or oxclmitfta tor omnha prop. Jerty , W ncrov Suitable for plntttng ; wfll make 400 lots nil cleftr ! big mnnpy in It for om ono who can pttsh this ; loi-ixlcd iust OUtstdo tin city llmlls of Conncll llluT ( < , inqulro ( leo. J. Ktornsiiorir , rooms 317 nnd .111) ) , Flnt National bank building. _ K > 0 $ , TO.i buys Simpson make caudpr top phaeton , H. K.Colo , roomO , Continental block. 437 11 _ plAl'liOn H. R. Cole , nortlwst cornet of 15th VJand OOURUS sts. , Omnhn. for IMwlu 1C. Al- sip , V Co.'s catalouuos ot laud * of Onllfornin , MO April 1U * TOIl SALE On monthly or tiimrterly pay- 111011(3,1101110 ( liown-room houses in Milliard fc Caldw ell's ailil. , just 1H miles troni nftsrodlco. It you want n home of your own rotno And see me. C. C. Bpolawpoili UWH S.JOth st. _ mi TJIOH SALE or Exchange Improved , stock JJ fnrm of fOJ acres , in eastern. Nebraska , neat market : also nnw 12-room luMisn , with AH con. venlpiicos , ia desirable rysldono * portion ot Omaha , Andrew liovlns , attorney , I'M nllrt 423 , Paxtonblock , OmahyNob . . .1H7 OAR lino'to South Omalm this spring auro ; buy of us now ; wo will sell for ymt inside oi six months nt a profit. M , A , Upton Company , Kith nnd FartiAin. 330 0 l.oo per lot-Oklahomn Clty-l.OO per lot , $ rno first 300 lots In Oklahoma City taken by uinntia neopio will bo sold at $1 per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , > Cor. ISth-uud ILtnioy 8la. , Omaha , Neb. S3 ! * | 7UNE business lotaixiaton Howard street JJ between 14tn and 15th. Ufl.500 ; worth moro money. M. A. Upton Couipanyljui ( and Farnam 35U1) ) l.tiO per lot Oklahoma City. 8 a adtorllao- $ ineut. ineut.raulmnillo Townslto Company , Cor. 1.1th ami llnrnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 231 DON'Tbodecolvo"ill the iifllco oi Oklahoma City Is at tha corner of l&th nnd Haruey sts. Pnnhnndlo Townslto Company , Cor. iSlll and llnrnoy ats. . Omaha , Neb. 281 thiToo PER LOT-Oklahoma City. Boo advor. tptlsoment. Pauhandlo Townslto Company , Corner 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 231 " "jiTlftfLOT Oklahoma City ; jl per lot" J > Tlio first < 500 lots In Oklahoma City taken by _ iiinhn people will bo sold nt f I per lot. Pan handle Townslto Company , corner 1.1th and. 11arunysts. . Omaha , Neb. 231 "VATORTHV of your attention. Now being T > completed on Snh st , north ot Leaven- worth st , two houses convenient to business , very roomy , urato , mantel , furnace , gas. bath , toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wasn tubs , hot and cold water , nvo bedrooms , 10 closets ; only M.5CO , on terms to suit , Telephona 227 or W. T , Baamaii , Omaha's largest variety of wag ons , carriages , etc. , cast side 10th bt , north o Nicholas st. 433 . buys Kontlo Wtnlly horsu. Hi E. Cole , $60.00 room u , Continental , - 433 11 FOR tALE-On ? South lOln st. , flfl ff. front with small cottauo , 9I.60J ; nmall Casli pay- inont. P. llcli,2317 10th , sotith ot Uancrott. 2 ! lot THE REALTY MARKET. TNSTRUMENT3 placed on rooord during JL yostcrdav. I Larson and husband to N Anderson , o H of mid ! J loUs 2 nnd 3. blk 12 , KoUlltza & lluth'H ndd , Wd . .8 403 W (1 Templetoii to L A Long , o 3.1 ft lot 8 , blK.'l , Foster's add , w d . . , , , . < . < , , , , , . . COOC H JJ Chnmborluiu nud w Ifo to F A Wollor- stedt , Iot3 , Flack's sub , Wd . ; , . 3,400 L \Vynit nnd hnsbund to William War ren , s H lot 1.1 , blk K , Prospect place , wd . . . , 1.20Q J D Crolghtou ml wife to 0 0 Dougherty , s 173 ft of o 00 ft , bltf 7. , Shlun's M add , , wd . . iO.OOO B AC I SohlosliiRcr to J M Dougherty , U M swl7-15-12.wd . 0,000 H O Jloody to .1 T Comstock. lots V , 10. 11 , 12 nmliJti. blk 1 , Paddock place , q o tli. t 1 J FTwarnloy and wlfo to HU Klnj ; , lot 10 , blfcR , Douglas add , Wd . . ] ,3M M F Hoys nnd wlfo to S Cotnor , w U lot IS.ijra Hnwcs'iidd. wdr. . . . . . . . . . . , , U. F M riiilloo mid husband to M J Ileitty. lot 0 , blk : ) , Cotnor It Archer's ndd , w d , 6)0 J I Rodlck and wlfo to ( j E Darker , two tracts In tax lotD , undivided S BOO 15 , 15 , 13 , Wl. ( . . ; . Ji. . . . . . < . . , . ( . 1 1 . i 4,501 J L Miles and wife to U 1C Ilarkor , tindl- vldod yt of 7Mots ( In Orchard Hill , and lots 23 to 27 , inclusive , Mny no's add to Orchard 1(111 ( , 'l c d.i..i . . , . < 1 A H Cooleyaud wlfo to Win Fltoh. part JUS , 8w4 ; , nnd part nW < J , Sec. 10 , 15 , 13 , q ort . 1,100 E Young and wlfotoJW Clrllllth- part nK , sw ! ( , and part nwU , 9co 10 , 15 , 1J , q Od . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . /.i.- . , . . . . . 1.G25 0 F N'owlou and \tlfoto J W Orllllth , part i ' / { , swh. and part nwU , sec 10 , 16 , 13 , ti crt . . . . . . . . 2,501 Wm Fitch iintl wlfn to.l W Orllllth , part ay , S\Y ) ( , and part n\v'i. sea 111 , 10 , 13 , q cd . . ' . . . . " , ayj V O Lautry mid wlfo to J H Uelaud , lot 3 , blK.I'l ' , Florence , ! ] cd. . < . . . . . . . . . 1 First M E church of South Omaha to J M Martin , cast 44 foot lots 10 and II , blk 113 , Houth Omaha , W d . J.203 F 1) Johnson and wife to J H Fltchott , lot U , blk 1 , Newport < ! . . , . . . . . . . . 0 A Kinkol to U A Grlmmui lot SO , blk 12 , llolford plaao , w d . . . . . 701 G E HarKor and wlfo to J L Miles , und Vt fit ftl lots In Orchard Hill , wd . ( L II Unodgrass and husband to H Major , lots U ana H ) . bis 1. Pruyn' sub , wil , . . , 1,00) ) Win 11 Cowles and wlfo to H Major , lot 74V North Side add , wd . , . , . . 409 a K Dai ker and wife to FVios , pt tax lot 5. BOO 1.V15-1J. w d . 0,100 E F Ringer und wlfo to W T PotcrH. lots : i , 22 uun 2:1 : , blk I , Portland place , w d . . 2,400 The Patilck Land Co to J T Shannon , lota 12 , 1't , 14 and 15 , blk 111) ) , Dundee place , wd . . . .i 4 , JO A P Tukoy el ttl to W H Harriuon , lot Z3 , bik 10 , Clifton Hill , w a . , . . . . 800 II A Trumun to W Ac I Fleming , lots 0 and 10 , blk 4 , Kllby place , < l c d ' " " 10 II A Truman to LI McDowell , iot"H , bTk 4 , Kllby Placencd J Williams nml-wlfo to I and W Fleming , lots U und JO , blk 4. Kllby . . . . . . 0,500 H M Mautz uml wito to W Fleming , cast /t lot 3. blk 2.KW , Omaha , tied 0 O llonsel and wlfo to W and 1 Fltmiintf , partial P. bile KU , Omahu , wd 1,500 M .1 Doollttle and husband to M Flomln ? . sr. lot ft , blk 4. Luko's add , wd 8,200 J W Orllllth , trustee , to Mrs C Kerr , lot l'J,1ilk ' ) , linker Place , wd ISOO J L Miles anil wife to J Weber , lot 9 , blk It. Orchard Hill , wd , „ , , CM LA LougtoJ H Mahler , oa t33 feet lot f , blk 3 , Foster's add Tlmty-Mxtransfoin W5o : ; Knssoii on Human. Nnw yoiiif , April 9. ( Special Toloirnm ; to TUB UKKJohn \ A , Kusjon , of Iowa , nr- rlvoil last nlglit , from Washington , The commlsslonorft to tho. Bamoan conference sail Saturday. Mr. ICasson rofuscd to say anything on Bamonn afTuirs when soon. "Wo want , ha said , "to go to the conference absolutely uncommitted to any course of no tion to ba adopted. In thla spirit the inombcri of the comnilftslnn ontur it. Our alum anil our determinations uru to reach results that ahull honor the inluroaU of the powers coil- cornoil without Intoi-fonnK with the rights ofnutlvo lnilopoiidonce. Wo want to souui-o good order on the islands und to do Justice to nil. The aftcct of tlio rooont disaster mny no the luo.xns of induclnit the various nation , alitins Intorostud to udopt sucti an ugroo- moot ns ahull render it unnecessary to itcop any consldcrablo foico at tlio island. " A Flailing Hclioonor f/o t. Or.ot/jESTBu ( , Mas . , April P. A letter from President Hndln , o' tliu Yarjuina , Ore. , Deep Sea Fishing company , dated March ! tO , ( 'ivcs partiuulni s of tliu aliniidonmont of tha niw 8Uum Hulioonur. ( JeorKU 11 , Olmnuo , and the loss of her captain , two seamen nnd the Chinese cook. Inillotnl With Hniiluncor. PAIIIS , Aril ; 0. The Indlctniont iicnlnst General IJoulanncr , licside.s char int ; liiui witli coiispiring to destroy the republic , Is specially directed ngalnst Count Dillon , Kaguerrc , moniliur of tlio chambnr of dcpu- tlen ; Itochofort and Dubnruil , twoloui-r.ulfst * of Paris. i > Ii t Konp Quint , PAUIB , April 9--Tlio Hciylan goyorntnont has informally wuriinrt ( luncral lloulanforto abstain froni iiolitiral agitaUun , It U statnd thai if ho cnuiplloH with the \vi lioi of the ueiit In this ro3iuol | bo will not borcx- from Minors llnok at Work. o , Pa , , April O. After ar.lmt- down of only \vcel.8 duration Iho' ' miners in the four | > ooU along tlio Moiiopu'iliclu ' vh'or , with lliti cxcciitlou of tliouo umployuil by Ilomcv & UobcrU , resumed \v6nc y6ter- day. About six thouKhnd men are by the resumption.