Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1889, Image 1

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    - ? > m f t t , ,
Settlers to Bo Driven Forth From
Their Homcatonds.
Bayonets Will Back the Edict If
Noble Says Ho Never Ohookod the
IIIw Statehood Speeches Will Be
Pointed lo "With Prlilo" A
Case Without Precedent
Miscellaneous MntterH.
WASHINOTOX , I ) . C. , April 8.
"There is not the slightest foundation for
iho story going the rounds ot the press that
( have found It necessary to issue nn order
checking Commissioner Tanner in his on-
ilaughton democratic employes of the pen
sion ofllce , " said Secretary Noble to your
: orrcspondont this afternoon , "and I wnnt to
my further , nnd to emphasize It , that when
( Issued the order requesting heads of bu
reaus to first submit their demands for resig
nations of oillccrs to mo , that I did not have
Commissioner Tanner , or his office , or nny of
his nets In my mind , The fact is , that , up to
Unit time , Commissioner Tanner had only ro-
luestcdthreo resignations. If I know the
politics of the commissioner of the pension
jfllco , and I think I do , " continued Secretary
Nnblo , "thoy uro not ono whit more radical
than my own , and nro exactly my Ideas , as
well as thos.s of the commissioner. Ho is an
iblo man , an excellent ofllccr , and I am in
thorough accord with him , oven in the matter -
tor of making removals of incompetent demo
crats and the selection of republicans.
Neither of us make a secret of
the fact thnt In reorganizing the pension
ofllco nnd the cutiro interior department re
publicans nro to bo preferred Just ns far
ns practicable. Wo want the best possible
service , ana in getting it wo intend to favor
republicans. Since that order was Issued ,
which was intended to apply to nil branches
of the service which 1 control , Commis
sioner Tanner has made quito a number of
recommendations for changes in his bureau ,
nnd so far r.s I can remember 1 have ap
proved every ono of them. Ho believes in
turning out the ox-confederates wherever
moro competent union soldiers can bo em
ployed , nnd he wants to institute n liberal
pollcj towards the pension applicants. Those
nio the views I also entertain. "
"Is it true , " I asked , "that at the end ol
the present fiscal year there will bo dropped
from the veils the IfiO special examiners in
IS- the field , all of whom uro understood to bo
democrats ! "
"Yes , und n Mreat many moro democrat' '
will go. The woik of turning out democrats
will not stop there. "
"Do you advocate the retention of n demo
crat on each of the medical ucnsion boards
throughout the country ! "
"That will bo a matter of nolicy left en
tlrely to the commissioner , and 1 nmy ndi
that I do not intend to intcrposo any objcc
tions , so fnr ns I see new , to the institution
of nny policy that ho may desire. Surely I
shall not if it is n question of being mom liberal
oral with pensioners , recognizing republicans
. to the exclusion of democtats.nnd perfecting
u bettor eeneral service. " This shows thaf
t lie 10 is the closest nnd most Imrmoniou !
feeling existing between the scciotury of the
Interior and the commissioner of pensions.
Ex-Postmaster General Frank Hatton , whi
is > in cx-Iowan and well posted on the a Hair
of thnt state , in this morning's Post has till
to say of the DCS Molnos river land war
"Tho legislation of the last congress , whicl
wns intended to quiet the title of the settler
on the DCS Moincs river lauds in Iowa , falloi
to secure the president's approval. As a con
Ecqucnco the difficulty remains as fur from
adjustment as ever , except through th
urmcd and violent processes of the Unite
States courts. This condition of affairs 1
much to bo regretted , for the policy of eviction
tion is a very dangerous one , und only to bi
exercised in this country undo
some extraordinary necessity. Th
validity of the original Dps Molno
river rant has been Judicially affirmed
At the same time the settlers hold , by virtu
of patents issued by the same govornmen
thnt made thu grant , or under patents glvci
by the state. While some of the settlers are
no doubt , squnttors , without other tltlo tha
hitherto undisturbed occupancy , many o
them huvo taken up thoir. homes and mad
improvements in good faith , and it seem
haul after long possession thnt they shoul
bo ruthlessly ejected and lese the labors o
n lifetime. They cannot readily underaUn
why thu government , by the consent nn
authority of which they went on to thos
lands , should now withdraw its protcctio
nnd turn over their cultured acres to the
representatives of a corporation that has
never tinned a furrow to Improve them , but
they will make nothing by resisting United
States marshals. That is tlio Immediate
iitsua presented , and they should accept it
under protest , but without overt defiance.
It will but imperil all future chances of re
muneration for their losses , or of possible
recognition In the couits of equity , for citi
zens of Wabstor and Hamilton counties , to
Ho in ambush for the assassination of the
ofllcors of the law. Tlio latter are bpund to
be sustained by the wliolo iwwor of the ov-
orninent , if necessary , and the settlers may
us well surrender to tlio inevitable and look
to panlflo methods to bo made good. " This
Is the view of the situation taken by every
broad-gauged man in congress , und it is pre
dicted that early next winter a law will bo
enacted by congress which will quiet the
title to thu settlers on thu Des Moincs river
lands. Meanwhile the attorney general has
dlicctcd suits to bn entered In the United
States couruif Iowa to settle the question of
Some tlmo before the senate adjourned the
nomination of A. M. Andrews to bo post
master at Plunkliiton , D. T. , was coiulrmcd ,
mid luunudiaU < ly the confirmation wns cor-
tilled by the postmaster general , The com
mission for this postmaster has not been Is
sued , however , and Inquiry nt the poEtofllco
department to-ilay revealed the fact that the
commission has been withhold because there
was objections made to Androus by pations ! j
of the iifllro after his nomination waa con-
llrmod. This is probably the first Instance
on record where , after thu senate hud con
firmed a nomination , the postmaster general
intcrtalnod objections to tlio uppolntoe.
There Is talk of umudumus proceedings in
the federal couits to compel the IHSUUIICO of
the commission in the event of a final re
fusal of Its Issuance by the postmaster gen
i Representative Sunset Cox , of New York ,
u going to Montana to niter the campaign
forTonle , llouser and other well known
democrats there. Cox intends to hold up his
work In tlio house during tlio past winter In
favor of statehood us a reason why the vo
ters aught to support the democratic ticket.
James P , Davis , Bonunarto , Van Buren
county , vice W. A. Packer , removed ;
Thomas A. May , Prutt , Hancock county ,
vlcu Otto C. Peteriton , resigned ; Fred .
Roach , Chelscn , Tama county , vice E. A ,
Bouthaid , resigned ; Jaiues M , Campbell I ,
, Carroll couuty , vice Thomivs Hleli i )
removed ; Henry Llttoll , Grand Junction ,
Orecno county , vice Mnynnrd , removed ; A.
Wortmnn , Kelley , Storry county , vice J. W.
Tanner , removed : Henry P. Hatch , Whit-
more , Kossuth county , vice E. Chrischilles ,
removed , nnd Grace P. Goodalo , Wlrt ,
Hingpold county , vice Mrs. W. House , re
Mr. Russell B , Harrison has returned from
Now York nnd will remain nt the white
house for n few dny . Ho said this after
noon thnt Mrs. Russell Harrison was quito
sick nnd that bar Indisposition wns duo to
the sewer gns nnd the overflowing drainage
with which the white house abounds.
United States District Judge Brown , of
Michigan , is being urged by General Algcr
for appointment to the vacancy on the bench
of the supreme court of the United States
created by the death of Justice Stanley
The secretary of tin treasury to-dny
awarded the contract for the heating appa
ratus for the Keokuk , la. , building , to Crook ,
Horner & Co. , of Baltimore , nt f.5,607.
Senator and Mrs. Mnndurson loft Wash
ington for Cincinnati this nttcrnoon. The
senator will attend the congress of the
Loyal Legion und wll1 rctuin on Sunday.
The postofllcc at Otis , Hamilton county ,
Nob. , has been abolished. Mail for that of
llco will go to Marquotto.
The new military post near Denver , Colo. ,
which has heretofore been known merely as
the "post near Denver , " has been named
Fort Logan , in honor of the memory of the
late General John A , Logan , ,
PniiitY S.
Ho Will Prolmhly Not Return to Paris
lloforo October.
18SD by Jiimcs Cordon licnnett. ]
April 8. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BEE. ! I have just
had an Interview with General Boulangcr ,
who received mo in n most dimming man
ner. To my question , "Do you expect to re
turn to Paris soon ! " lie answered :
"I would bo very foolish to go back there
of my own will for the purpose of appearing
before the senate. I would return willingly
in order to appear before my natural judges ,
but I will not submit to bo tried by my po
litical adversaries. I will return after the
October elections , in which I shall carry sev
enty departments. "
The general had fewer callers to-day than
yesterday , and the number was far loss than
when ho was in Paris , where ho had so
many visitors that ho was forced to give
thorn appointments several days in advance.
Hero ho has no visitors nnd no invitations to
dinners to interfere with his valuable timo.
This will give him an opportunity for rest
nnd to recover his health. The Independ
ence Beige persists in its statement concern
ing an Interview between General Boulanger
and Prince Victor , notwithstanding the con
tradictions which have been made on the
subject. As for the alleged expulsion of the
general from Belgium , 1 am in a position to
bo able to state that no demand on the sub
ject has been -made by the French govern
Rendered By the Supreme Court of
the United States.
WASHINGTON , April 8. The supreme court
of the United States to-day rendered an
opinion in cases Nos. IPO and 197 , Henry
Amy and Gustavus LI. Hoppenstedt ; Nos.
19S and 199 , Edwin F. Knowlton ; Nos. SOO
and 201 , executors of William S. Piorson , de
ceased , all plaintiffs in error vs the City of
Watortown , in error to the circuit court of
the United States for the western district of
Wisconsin. These are all suits brought to
recover the value of bonds issued by the city
of'Watortown. . The city's charter provides
that all suits against the city must bo by
service of pioccss on the mayor , and the law
ot Wisconsin declares that suit shall not
bo considered to have boon commenced
until process has been served. The
plaintiffs in these cases served process
on the various city onlcers , but were unable
to servo process on the mayor for the reason
that that ofllcor , to elude service , resigned
his ofllco as soon as soon ns sworn hi.
In 18SU the city voluntarily entered np
pearanco In the suits brought against it , al
leging that the actions were barred by the
statute of limitations. The plaintiffs de
murred to this plea on the ground that service
had been rnailo or attempted , and that suit
had therefore been begun within the time
prescribed by the statute of limitations , and
that conspiracy to defraud existed on the-
pait of the city ofllcors.
The circuit court gave judgments for the
city , however , stating that under the Wis
consin laws suit could not bo hold to have
been begun until actual service of process ,
and this not having been done within the
prescribed time , the suits were barred. This
court , in an opinion by Justice Bradley , af
firms these JudgmcntH. The court held that
It must follow the opinions of state courts In
this matter , and that it can grant no relief
unless the constitution of the United States
Is violated , which is not alleged. Courts ,
it says , have no power In such cases. States
have rights to enact laws of the character
involved In these cases.
Portions of West Virginia Overrun
With Gangs of Desprradoos.
PITTSUUIMJ , April 8. A special from
Uniontown says : In addition to the terror
inspired throughout Fayotto county by the
McClollandtown band of outlaws , they nro
creating greater terror in the adjoining
county of Broston , in West Virginia. When
they were driven from their refuge near
Markloysburg thov wont nc/oss the line into
West Virginia , and are now said to bo located
In a house near Glade Mills , a small hamlot.
HoporIs say that there are six of them in the
gang now , and that nightly they commit
some depredations on citizens in the vicinity.
So great is the oxcltomont ever their .pres
ence , and the robbing and victim
izing of the gang , that the
neighborhood is in dlspalr. Local
desperadoes have Joined forces with the gang
nnd they threaten nil kinds of vengeance on
any'ono who Interferes with them. The
place where they hold forth Is near a distil
lery , and this adds to their recklessness. Ap
peals from people In the ncighboihood have
been sent to the nearest town of nny size ,
Kingswood , asking for help. An effort is
to bo made to capture them under command
of West Virginia officers. The district is so
far away from telegraphic communication ,
and Is only accessible by long Journey , that
particulars only reach this place in a frag
mentary way ,
A FemaleSmuirclor's Scheme.
NEW YOHK , April 8. Mis. Parks , nn in-
spcctrcss on Surveyor Beatt.v's force , to-day
seized from Mrs. Davis , a passenger on the
steamer Ad italic from Liverpool , about three
pounds woolun yarn which she had quilted
Into one of her petticoats , thirteen yards of
dresa goods sowed into another , and about
twenty yards of drcsstgoods which hud been
wrapped about her little daughter. Mrs.
Davis Is u icsldont of Minnesota * and con
fessed to have smuggled poods In this man
ner before. The goods were sent to the soU-
uro rcom.
Arms Ordered For Trial.
WASHINGTON , April 8.--Owlng to Major
Arms' absence from the city the court mar
tial before whioli ho Is to be tried will not
meet until Thursday. Meanwhile a mes
senger will bo sent to him in Virginia bear
ing an urder to appear before the court for
Kcuadur Falls Into Tjlnn.
WASuixbTO.v , April 8. The secretary of
state is Informed that Ecuador will bo rcpro-
scuted at the conference of American states ,
1 to meet at WnhlneUm on October 4 , next.
Evictions to Bo Resumed By the
Boluforcod Marshal's Posso.
CoiiHprvrttlves nnd P.ndlcnl Pulling In
Opposite Directions ! The New
Classification of Iloatls
Other Iowa Noxvs.
The Iowa Invidious.
FOUT Douun , In. , April 8.--Spe'olal [ Tele
gram to Tun Bun. ] President Boynton , of
the settlers' union , In an interview to-day ,
renounced the responsibility of that organ
ization for the present or threatened acts of
violence , but says they nro the work of indi
viduals mnuo desperate by genuine griev
ances. Ho declares that the object of the
union Is to sscuro the settlers' rights in a
legal manner. This conservative policy does
not find favor with the radical element of the
organization. A secret mectlug of radicals
was hold on Sam IIofTncr's farm yesterday
to determine the future line of action. It is
understood that the present aggressive policy
will bo continued , and the settlers will main-
rain possession of their homes at all hazzards.
The icceipt of telegraphic news from
iVnshington of Secretary Noblo's action Jin
irging the attorney general to prompt
nstitution of suits to quiet thu title In the
llsputcd hinds cicatcs great joy In the river
and district. The settlers are certain of
: hclr rights , nnd .claim that their sldo has
icvor boon hcand in court. They say that if
n investigation sustains the present clalm-
nts' title , Immediate and undisputed posses-
Ion will bo given by the settlers.
Thuro Is n tlngo of dismay at the action of
and owners in pushing their claims , regard-
ess of the proposed investigation. This
lows from Washington has spurred the
ivictors to fresh efforts , and made the sel
lers moro determined than over to retain
lossession of their farms until final settle
ment. A posse of twcntv-llvo men will ur-
rive from DCS Moincs to-night to assist the
United States marshal , nnd evictions will bo
csumod as soon as the present ram ceases.
Torco will meet force if the settlers coutiuuo
o resist.
Sensation la a Church.
Dunuquc , la. , April S. [ Special Telegram
o THE Bun.J The worshipers at the First
. E. church , of this city , had a lively sensa-
.ion yesterday forenoon. Dr. McCord , the
castor , was nicely under way with his ser
mon , when a tall man. with a patriarchal
bearing and shabby clothing , stood up In the
congrcation nnd began to proohesy , declar
ing that the world was coming to an end in
nfno days. Dr. McCord did not want to di
vide time with him , and so asked him to wait
until ho had finished , but when the sermon
was ended the minister dismissed the aud-
once nnd shut off the prophet. In the after
noon , however , the old man hold forth from
Lho high , broad btldgo over the Missis
The Proposed Soldiers1 Monument.
Dns MoiNns , la. , April 8. [ Special Tclo
gram to THE BBE.J Letters , specifications
nnd models for the proposed soldiers' mona
incut to adorn the capital grounds were duo
o-Uay , nnd a meeting of tho'commission that
has the matter In charge has been called for
the 17th nist nt this place. Twenty-two de
signs have been submitted , ranging in size
from an equestrian or massive block , to a
"ofty monument 120 feet high. The general
feature of the memorial must bo to honor
the Iowa soldiers nnd sailors who died in the
war. The models will not bo made public
until the commission meets. The monument
s to cost not loss than { 50,000 nor moro than
Now TInllroad Classification.
Dns MoiNnar In. , April 8. [ Special Telegram
gram to THE BCB ] The executive counci
to-day completed the official classification of
Iowa railroads. But six changes were made ,
as follows : Omaha & St. Louis , from class
B to class C ; Burlington , Cedar Rapids &
Northern , from B to C ; Central Iowa , from
C to B ; Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ,
from B to A ; Chicago , Santa Fo and Call
fornia , put in Class A ; Dubuque & Sioux
City , from A to B. On the basis of this
classification , which is made on the earnings
per mile os the roads , the council makes its
assessment for purposes of taxation , and th
railroad commissioners apply the rates.
A IVoman Frightfully Mancled.
DBS MoiNns , In. , April 8. [ Sneclal Tele
ram to Tin : Bnn.l The wife of J. II
Smith , an old and prominent dry goods mer
chant of Eldora , was run over by the can
nnd horribly mutilated in the Central yard
nt Marshalltown , yesterday morning. Th
couple were returning from Chicago. Th
face and head of the woman were torn off
and nearly every bono In her body broken ,
She was sixty-five yours old. The accident
happened as the couple were attempting tc
cross thu ttacks between sections of a freight
train that was being made up.
Crop Prospects.
MASON CITV , In. , April 8. [ Special Tola
gram to Tun BEE.J A heavy rain has booi
falling throughout northern Iowa to day
The ground has been dry , and oats that hai
been planted three weeks ago bad not started
to sprout. Some Holds will have to bo re
planted. Should the weather bo favorable
corn wKl bo put in by the middle of the
month , making thociop about four weeks
earlier thau usual.
A Creamery Humed.
la. , April 8. [ Spacial Tele
gram to Tin ; BEE. ] The Hill creamery and
ofllco , of this place , owned by Hurmanco ,
Dickinson & Co. , of Now York , burned Sat
urday afternoon. Tlio loss is about $1,030 ;
insurance not Known.
Fatal Alolec at n Prlzo
POHTLANII , Ore. , April 8. A prize fight oc
curred yesterday at Seattle between William
Scott and Frank Britten , which ended In a
i ow that will probably result fatally to ono
or more men. During the fourth round a
foul waa claimed. This the rofcreo refused
to allow , and ordered the fight to proceed ,
Brltton refused to go on and the roforco
gave the light to Scott. A crowd of Brit-
ton's friends sprung into the ring nnd bit
terly protested. Hot words followed , pistols
were drawn and a number of shots were
ilrcd. The row was finally quelled nnd it
was found that Tom and Charluy Clunoey ,
saloon keepers , and James McCann , Brit-
ton's second , had been wounded , the latter
fatally. A number of persons have been ar-
rcsicd , Including Guthrie , the roforco , and
warrants are out for others. Officers nro on
the sharp loolcout , nnd the purpose is to
round up all persons who participated In the
melee. Thus far it is Impossible to deter
mine who actually fired the shots.
The Cont'ercnoo of SulntH.
ST. Jo&Bi'ir , Mo , , April 8. To-day's ses
sion of the World's conference of Latter Day
Saints was Riven to hearing of reports of
missionary work , showing the prosperity
ami growth of the church throughout the
country. The reports of the church recorder
show that there are over twenty-six thou
sand members of the church , a gam of 1,435
in the past year. There wore 1,1U5 removals
and expulsions.
llouliincor Ordered From Belgium.
PAUIS , April 8. The Mot d'Ordro says the
Belgian authorities have notified General
Boulangcr to leave Belgium , and that ho
will co to Brighton to-morrow.
The Financial Transactions or the
Past Wpcjc ,
BOSTON , Mass. , April 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnn. ] Thd following ' tnblo
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the loading 1 caring-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the wcolc ended April 0 ,
1SS9 , with rates per cant of inct case or de
crease as compared with the amounts for
the corresponding week in 1S33 :
Now York 711,11 1 , WO
lloston U4fn , > ,0C ( . . 7.S
I'hllaiioipiim. . . . .11.1
fl < ,2H2,000 . .10.0
Bt. . . .2
Ban I'Tanasco. , . . . Jn,7li'J.H71 ' . .1J.2
llaltlmoro UOS1OV >
PHtsbtirg . ia.877,178
Cincinnati Jl.800.7iiO . 33.7
NowUrlcims . . l'b')7OSl ' ) . . 4,5
Kansas City . 8S17,400 . . . 1,2
I.oulsvlllo 7.9S3.749 . . . ' . ' 1.2
Montreal 7 , ,375
I'rov Idonco . , . . .
Detroit ,
.Milwaukee 4.HTWJ ! ) . . .
Omnlm J. 035 , SSI 25.7
Uovolaud . ; a.7.M,72 . . .11.5
illnnuauolls. . I1.U07.HS1 . . .ll.t
t. ruin : ! , G07U14 o.i
onver . 3.0(5,570 (
Ictnnma . nooa. ! > 87 .34.0
; < > minuns . a.nii > .7jo ( .Ul.O
I urt ford 2aiU,7al 2.1
mllanapolls 1.73J.1U8 10.7
hihlth 1,752,070 , .31.0
'corln ' . .11.2
t. Joseph . J.SI0.7W 13.0
tlcnmoml .
'ort Worth . 1.3VMI43 , US
Haven . J,2.-0,17n
nrlnulleUl i.2n.3i : .21.8
Vorcestur l,07i > ,7DI ! O.I
alveston avirii . 4.0
'ortlana ' .15.7
Norfolk iBr.,121 0.0
richltn 714 , : > 8) ) 7.5
,03 , Angclos ( 41.1
Ktfm ; 8.6
Sioux City 011,511
vrncuso 17.1
rand KaplUs . a.s
. 31.6
Total . 5.8
Dutslilo New York 3U2,07 , fl'\i
Not included in totals ; no clearing house
last year.
nst Weclc'n Election to 13 o Declared
CHICAGO , April 8. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The Evening News to-night pub-
ishcs a report that Mayor Rocho and some
of his friends nro contemplating a coup
d'etat , based on the alleged illegality
of last week's election. A decision of the
iupremo court , last Friday , declaring that
Brighton Park had been a part of Chicago
inco 1S87 , is said to bo the basis for this
move , according to nn attorney. "Now all
of the south and west sldo Itow ns do not lie
nsido of the city limits. The statute plainly
Days that when all of a town does not lie
within the corporate limits of the city , then
the city election shall bo "held on the third
Tuesday in April. The town elections are
all right. They should como when
they did , but the city election
for mayor , treasurer , attorney and clerk I
consider illegal. The situation Is just the
same us though they had not been held at
all. The vote shows plain enough Just who
would bo elected if the election could bo held
agiin , because these .now additions to the
south and west are not strong enougn to
change the result in any ofllce. Since that
decision of the supreme court , and until
these new additions to the city become a
part of the city by annexation and by the
extending of the city limits so as to embrace
them , the city elections \vill have to bo held
the third Tuesday in April. "
"Is there no other way around it ? "
"Nono whatever. If Roche bo of a mind
to ho can take it before the election commls
sloncrs and they can do nothing else but de
cide in his favor. Any candidate or any clt-
i7en can do the same thing by filing a com
plaint. " In this connection it might not bo
out of place to say that Mayor Hocho was at
his ofllco yesterday , and said that ho had n
consultation with Alderman Wothcroll , Cor
poration Counsel Green , and ex-Corporation
Counsel Adams , on that very subject. There
was no definite conclusion icachud. Could
Mayor Hocho get the election which was
hold last Tuesday declared null and void ,
then without another election next
Tuesday ho would bo permitted to hold ovor.
This would bo his only chance to make any
thing out of the situation , which is the most
peculiar of any which the law department
has ever been called upon to deal with. The
trouble in having a new election is apparent
when it is known that tlio statute requires a
call to be made twenty days before any city
election. That , of course , could not now bo
done. " 1
Later This ovenlnir a resident of the an
nexed territory applied to Judge Jamieson
for an injunction restraining the election
commissioners from counting or declaring the
votes cast. Tlio ground taken was that the
residents of the annexed strip having no
notice ot the election were deprived of their
electoral rights , vitiating the whole election.
The applicant was armed with the recom
mendation from a master in chancery that
the injunction bo issued. Judge Jamiesoi
set the mutter for a hearing nt 10 a. m. to
. !
_ _
ThoBuHO Ball ToiiriMH Banqnotod.
New YOIIK , April 8.Tho base ball men of
this city tendered a testimonial banquet to
night at Dolmonico's tft thu baseball tourists
who have just returned from a trip arounc1
the world. They hadta warm welcome fron :
the 250 guests assembled. The dining lull
was profusely decorated. A. G. Mills , ex-
president of tlio league , presided , when
the iruests were seated , J. II. Twitcholl of
forcd prayer. The announcement that nin
inni'.igs of dishes were ready for the fcas' '
wus made by Mr. Mills with the famllla :
baseball , word. "Play. " Among the notahlei
at the table were Mayor Clmplii , o
Brooklyn ; Mayor Cleveland , of Jersey City :
Hon. Chnuucoy M. lopeiv , Daniel Dough-
city , Judge Heniy J3. Howland , Erastus
Wyinnn and Consul G. W. Grimn. of Mel
bourne , Australia. When the cigars had
lighted Chairman MI1U said that the gath-
01 ing had been called for the purpose of
doing honor to one brunch of manly sports' ,
and that was base | . Ho spoke of the
successful world-circling trip of the boys.
Letters of regret were read from the gov
ernors of New York , ffow Jersey and Con
necticut , na well as torn Mayor Grace. The
speakers of the even ) UK were then called on.
- -
Steamship Arrivals.
At Philadelphia I'uo Lord Cough , from
At Mobile The Oregon , from Portland ,
for Liverpool.
At London The Bohemia , from Now
York , for Hamburg , and the Veordam , from
Now York , for Rotterdam.
At Bromerha'veu The Ems , from Now
At Glasgow " Tlio State of Nevada , from
Now York" .
A Burnlnc Bluff.
ClUMiir.iu.iiN , Dak. , April 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tint BBU. | Considerable ex
citement wus caused n short time ago by the
discovery of burning of bluffs In Charles
Mix county. An investigation is now taking
placo. and considerable interest in mani
fested as to the outcome. The bluff still
tin ows off smoke and gaseous vapor. The
heat Is not as intense us it was a month ago ,
and It is thought the lire bos burned deeper
into the earth.
. . . *
Trnoy Vlt.itn the Navy Yunl ,
NEW YOHK , April 8 , Secretary of the
Navy Tracy paid jus hrst visit to the navy
yard to-day.
Booth's Ilonlth Improvrd ,
New Yomc , April 8 , Edwin Booth's
health is reported much improved to-day ,
They Doom their Plats Better Than
Their Wits.
A Dime Novel ItcnilitiK Wife Follow -
low * the IMinntomi of Her
Fancy Fearful Fall From
n Bridge.
Li In coin Politicians Fight.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun UHE. ] At 8 o'clock this evening -
ing Phelps Payne nnd W. W. Carder passed
the Ho nnil blows over alleged election frauds
In the Sixth wiml. Bystanders separated
the belligerents. but this was hardly ilouo
when ox-Councilman Hllllngsley appeared
and undertook to take up tlio Carder side ,
nd moro blows \vero exchanged. Itfeocmod
'or a few moments that n general fight would
msuo , but friends Interfered uiul stopped
no fracas.
A nimo Nuvi-1 Graduate.
BnNKni/uvx , Nob. , April 8. [ Special Tcla-
; ram to TUB Ben. ] Fred AVood , on return-
iig homo last Sunday , round that his wlfo
i nil abandoned his homo. She sent ttio chll-
; ren to town Saturd.xy with the hired man
'or provisions and clothing , and loft a nota
tilting that she had gona * f or good , und nil
enrch would bo of no avail. Mr. Wood ns-
igns the rash act to tlio reading of trashy
Iterature. They have been married llfteon
rears , and have two boys aged twelve and u
Ittlu girl of ten years.
Arrested for Embezzlement.
Pcxunu , Nob. , Anrll 8 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bin. ] Edgar N. Seaman , who
wns n farm about four miles .south of this
ilaeo , was arrested to-day on a requisition
rom Illinois. Seaman is charged with em-
be7zliiijj $5,100 in that state some three years
ago , and Sheriff Brasflcld , of Dakota county ,
nd Sheriff Mornsy , of Northvlllo 111. , loft
.vltli Seaman on the 4 o'clock train. Ills ar
rest was a great surprise to the people in
this vicinity , as ho has been universally ro-
gardcd as a straight man.
"With Suicidal Intent.
Neb. , April S. [ Special Tolo-
ram to THE Bci : . | Last evening about 11
o'clock Mrs. J. M. McGinloy took a dose of
norphino with suicidal intent. Dr. A. N.
Jackson was immediately culled , and by the
quick use of n stomach pump , succeeded in
reviving her. She is now some better , but
ittlo hope is entertained of her recovery.
Foil From u Bridge.
PIATTSVOUTH , Neb. , April 8. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BKE. ] Whllo driving a
team of mules over the Taylor bridge across
the Weeping Water , by the glvinir away of
the needle beam , a Mr. Cox and his team
were thrown into the stream below , n dis-
tuuco of nearly thirty feet. Mr. Cox was not
seriously hurt. One of the mules was killed.
Soil Houses Soalccd.
GHAXT , Nob- , April S. [ Special Tele
gram to THE I3cB. I The heavy rains of
yesterday and last night have caused consid
erable damugo to the sod houses throughout
the country. Reports reach here to-day
of the collapse of ono , and of the probable
fatal injury of ono of the occupants.
A Hydrophobia Scare.
NcmiASKA CJTV , Nob. , April 8. ( Special
to Tun BEE. ] Reports reaohca the city
, hat Ed Kcyser , a young farmer near Per-
cival , la. , is afflicted with hydrophobia , and
that a panic prevails there.
LINCOLN' , Neb. , April S. [ Special Tele-
ram to Tnc BKB.J Gov. Thayer to-day
appointed General J. C. McBride to the va
cant placoon the state flsh commission. The
vacancy was caused by the death of Commis
sioner Livingston , of Plattsmouth.
Brutally Kent en.
Neb , April 8. [ Special Telo-
crram to Tnn BEE. I At Emerson , Dakota
: ounty , last Saturday niglft , an old Grand
Army man was brutally beaten by a gang of
toughs and nearly killed. Ho is in a
A Hitherto Respectable Postal Glork
AcoiiHcil or Kobulni ; the Mails.
iiAMHi'.iu.uN , Dak. , April 8. [ Special
Telegram to THE BBC. ] Great surprise and
sorrow is manifested In this city ever the
arrest of A. G. Stout , a railway postal clerk
between St. Paul aud Council Bluffs , for
robbing the mails. Mr. Stout resided in
this city n number of years , and was well and
favorably known. His family , consisting of
his wife and daughter , nro hold in the
highest esteem , and it la honed that the
offense is not as bud as Urst rcpoitcd.
Jay Not Wily
NEW Yomc , April 8. [ Special Telegram
to THE l.E ! . ] Jay Gould's plans to again
obtain control of the Missouri , Kansas &
Texas railway at the next annual meeting
which will bo held about the middle of next
month , have , It is assorted , been adroitly
nipped in the bud , and the stockholders who
have been fearful that their property wa1
again going to fall into the clutches of Gould
now fool secure in the belief that neither
Gould nor any of his satellites will have :
place in the directory. President Martinsoi :
returned yesterday from a ton days' visit
union ; ; the stockholders in London , Amsterdam
dam and Frankfort with proxies in his pockoi
representing 24,000,030 out of the ontlro
? 10.000,030 of the stock of the read.
This does not include proxies
on the stock of tlio friends of the present
management on this side of tlio Atlantic ,
which will swell the majority against the
Gould clique to n very considerable gum
Mr. Maitlnson suld that nearly all the for
oigu stockholders are extremely anxious thai
the road should continue under the present
management , and many of them are mortally
afraid of Gould. Associations have beer
formed in London , Amsterdam and Frank
fort to protect the road against the wily Jay ,
As to the future , Mr. Murtlnsen said ho pro
posed to at once begin building a road to
connect the Missouri , Kansas & Texas with
tlio St. Loins & Kansas City. This plan ho
had laid before Ills Uuropean frlonds , and declared
clared it was necessary to set them fieo ol
all dependence upon connecting lines and
Gould Intcrforenco. His friends had endorsed
dorsod the plan and furnished him with al
the necessary money to carry it out.
The Immigrants Protested.
LONDON , April 8. The nml rants on board
the steamer Nordland , which was m collision
off Bcachy Head yesterday with a schooner ,
and which out Into Southampton for repairs ,
were forbidden to land. Sixteen English *
men , however , fought their .way to snore
and complained of the bad quarters which
were provided for passengers on the steamer.
Dcnvcr'H Pout Named Fort Logan.
WASHINGTON , April 8 , By direction of the
president the secretary of war has ordered
that the military post near Denver Khali be
known as Fort Logan , in honor of the late
General John A. Logan.
The \Vunthor Indications.
Nebraska and Iowa Fuir , preceded in
Iowa by light ruin ; stationary temperature ,
variable winds ,
Dakota Fair aud warmer ; winds becom
ing southerly ,
Tlio Slayer or Mntt Ijunguo Goes Scott
DAKOTA Cttr , Neb , , April 8. [ Special to
Tun Ban. | The Jury In the Sovcrson mur
der trial has returned a verdict of not guilty
nnd the prisoner has been released. The
Jury was out nil night. Citizens generally
nro surprised at the result of the trial.
The crime for which Sovorson wnq
tried , was committed in front of William
Hlloy's saloon in Jackson , about twenty min
utes past noon on the 2Jd day of last Decem
ber. Lcnguo , the murdered man , was nt
that tlmo n countable of St. John's product.
Ho had a fourtccn-jear-old boy whom Sever
son had hired n dav or BO prior to the day of
the murder to po Into the country mid drlvo
some cattle In , agreeing to pay him $1.50 for
his services. On the morning of the shoot-
lug Lcnguo told his son to asl : Sovorson for
the money. The boy did as directed , and
Sovorson tendered him 75 cents , which ho
Raid ho considered sulllelent compensation
for the labor performed. The boy reported
to his father what Sevorson had said , and-
League became onraircd and started imme
diately in pursuit of Soverson , whom hemet
mot nt Hlloy's saloon. Hero Georga Indulged
In several drinks , after which ho culled Sov
orson outdoors In frontof thoplace and asked
him whether or not ho intended to pay the
boy 75 cents moro.
Soverson replied in the negative , where
upon League threatened to take it out of
him , Soverson ran back into the room and
asked Will Ryan , the bartender , for re
volver. He was told ho could not have It.
Passing on out the back door ho hurriedly
ran to the Franklin house , where ho se
cured u Smith & Wesson 83-cnlluro revolver ,
nnd returning to the saloon from the back
way , ho stepped to the bar and called for n
drink. After drinking ho stepped out to the
front door on to the walk , where League
was still standing. League , extending his
hand , advanced toward Soveraon a few foot
nnd said :
"How do you do , Mr. Sevorson. Let us
shako nnd call it square. "
Severson stepped back a pace or two , and
pulling his revolver , Ihed ono shot , which
took effect in the lower part of the heart.
League seized a post near by with his loft
arm , nnd pulling a U-calibro "bulldog , " llred
Mireo shots in rapid succession , the ilrst shot
jtriking the handle of Sovorsou's icvolvor ,
jomplotcly shattering it , mid passed through
icvorson's right hand between the knuckles
it the two front lingers , nnd the last txvo
, hots going into the air , as Loasuo fell back-
viud off the walk dead ,
Sovorson was arrested by Marshal Pat
_ Iaycs nncl taken to the Daitota county jail.
On Monday , two days after the shooting
Soverson had a preliminary hcai ing before
County Judge Wilbur , who , after hearing n
part of the evidence , placed his
bonds for nppearanco at the present
term of couit at ? 10,000. Being
unable to secure bonds nt the time , ho was
jominittcd to Jail , where ho remained several
, veeks , but was finally released , having se
cured the requisite amount of bail.
.Jotcctlves Scut by the Santa Fo
Through Oklahoma.
AUK \KSIB CITV , Kan. , April S. The ofil-
oials of the Santa Fo railroad were busy yes-
, crday investigating the story that the
boomers concealed in the woods of Oklahoma
had banded together for the purpose of de
stroying railroad bridges on the night of
April 21 In order to obstruct the influx of
liomcsteadcis until the men concealed
n the country could mnko perfect
: helr claims. There wus a meeting of boom
ers held in the timber near Oklahoma City
Thursday night. After the meeting ad
journed the Santa Fo agents received notice.
that bridges would bo burned aud transporta
tion stopped Apiil 23 , as the old boomers did
not propose to jeopaidbo their chances by al-
"owing a flood of tenderfoot to drop on the
.and they had picked out. Detectives have
been sent along the line through the country
and every precaution will bo taken to prevent -
vent railroad obstruction. There are twice
as many people on the borders as can bo ac
commodated. There are many men hero
representing colonies from Washington , Cali
fornia , Utah , Colorado , Nebraska , Iowa ,
Illinois. Indiana , Wisconsin and Alabama.
The colonies number from twenty to 500
Stanley's Letter Head.
LONDON , April 8. Henry M. Stanley's letter -
tor to the Hojal Geographical society was
read nt a meeting of that body this evening.
The letter consists mainly of a repetition of
what has already been published. Ho de
scribes at length various devices by which
the natives endeavored to prevent the nd-
vance of the expedition. Ono of these was to
dig u shallow pit across the path of the col
umn and till them with skewers , which were
gently covered with leaves. The skowcrs
pierced the feet of Stanley's men , mulcting
wounds that in many cases developed into
gangrenous sores. Men who were lamed in
this manner were seldom of further scrvlco.
Stanley calls the natives "cunning rogues , "
and says that for the purpose of extortion
tliov always pretended that the country was
suffering from a famine. Stanley believes
that the lake ho discovered in 1870 belongs to
Mormon Church Statistics.
SU..T LAKE CITV , April 8. At the closing
conference of the Mormon church to-day
several addresses were made. George Q.
Cannon read statistics of the church , which
has 75 patiiarchs , 31 ! ) high pilests , 11,605 el
ders , 2OG'J ' priests , 2,293 teachcis , 11,010 dea
cons , 81,689 families. 115,915 olll-
cers and members , and 49,202 children
under eight years of ago , and n total
Mormon population of 151,911. Tlicjnumbor
of muirincos for the six months ended April
0 , was 530 ; number of births , 274 ; now mem
bers baptUed , 488 ; excommunications , 11 ! ) .
In the clohlng address Cannon said he was
sorrv to hear of young men going nway from
Utah to take up lands. The saints had been
called together hero to build up Zlon , and
this scattering must bo stopped.
HuHton's liontl Approved.
WASHING rev , April 8. The secretary of
the tieasury has approved the bond of Mr.
Huston as treasurer of the United States ,
but no will not qualify and assume the duties
of liisofllco until after Treasurer II v.Ut Is re
lieved of his duties at the Now York sub-
treasury , and piobably not until after the
count of monov and securities at that ofllco
has been completed Associate Secretary
Huberts expects to take charge of the New
York sub-treasury next Wednesday , and the
count will probably bo completed in about
tin co weeks.
Donth ol1 Dr. Kldder.
WASHINGTON , April 8 , Dr. J , A. Kidder ,
of the Smithsonian institute , died this morn
ing at his icsidcnco In this city from an at
tack of pneumonia. Dr. Kldder served ni > a
surgeon In the navy until ho icslgncd about
twelve years ago. since- which time ho has
been connected with the scientific branch of
the government service.
Another liorrlhlo Murder ,
HAMIIL'IIO , April 8. Tlio body of a boy
named Stotnfall was found at an early hour
this morning on a road near this city. The
boy's throat had been cut , his ubdoinon
ripped open nnd the entrails removed. The
body was otherwise shockingly mutilated.
Ho had evidently lain on the roaa through
out the night , _ _
Train Ilobbefs Uapturotl.
AUIUQUEIIQUE. N. M. , April B. A tele.
gram from Knaubo , Utah , signed by the
sheriff , says that four of the robbers who
held up a train at Canon Diablo , a month
ago have been captured , and tliut the sheriff's '
posse with the prisoners are now on their
way to Millord , Utah.
) > y Flrn and Cholera.
LONDON , Api 11 8. Dispatches fiom India
say that 15,000 persons have boon rendered
homeless by a great 11 ro at Surat , To add
to the prevailing distress cholera lius broken
out in the town. .
Gouornl Cowln's Eloquent Plea Foi
Miss Blochlor.
She Wns AotutvtoclBy Ono Motlva
or the Othor.
Bospootablo Llbortinoo nnd Self.
Righteous Wornon Soorod.
Crowds of People In the Court Room
anil Creator Crowds Turned
Away The Speech to Ro
Cow In for the Defendant.
At 7 o'clock yesterday a great throng ol
people whd ' 'wanted to hoar General Cowln , "
surrounded the court house doors anxious to
gain admission and secure advantageous
scats In the main court room.
At half past eight the chamber was filled
almost to suffocation and none but ladles had
up to that time , been admitted. Cleric
Moores' ofllco was then crowded with wo
men. Both sexes wcio packed like sardines
in the corridors on both Doors. The broad
stairway was glutted. People hung to the
railings nnd clamored like mad to roach the
entrance. Hundreds were forced to turn
back and sadly retrace their steps unabla to
get within hailing dlstancoof the door. Sher
iff Coburn nnd his deputies did everything
in their power to nccommoimto nil , but
found it nn impossibility and finally had to
"Wo lot . " The benches
say can no more m. ,
the bar and every Inch of standing room was
then occupied.
Miss Blcchlor foil very much prostrated.
She was paler than usual , walked us though
the effort fatigued her , and nearly fain ted
after having boon almost pulled through the
dense crowd to her seat by the long tnblo.
Evidently the little woman realized that the
day would determine her fate. Before court
opened she was escorted into the judges'
room for n few moments nnd then brought
back to her scat. This afforded the nudi-
once of ladies an excellent oppoi tunity to get
n good view of her. All over the chamber
could bo heard expressions of deep sympathy
nnd not n few of the more tender hearted
wiped tears from their oyrs.
When the court convened , n wait of sev
eral minutes was found necossar.y whllo
Clerk Moores worked his way In by hard
pushing and tight squeezing , to road the
It was the most wonderful day that has
been probably oxpoiiuncud in n Douglas
county court. When Judge Groff , address
ing himself to defendant's attorneys said ,
"Gentlemen , proceed , " an impressive silence ,
pervaded the thronged court room.
Every whisper was hushed nnd 2,000
pairs of eyes were turned to the eloquent
champion of Miss Biechlcr's enuso , whllo
yl)00 ) rars were nil attention to hear what ho
had to s > a.v. The scene was solemnly itnpres- .
sivc. The imprcsslvencss was height
ened by the atmospheric peculiar
ities without. Lowering clouds obscured
the sun. Waves of fog and
suioko rolled against the windows llito
specters , as if endeavoring also to gain ad
mission to hoar "General Cowiu speak.1
Four jets of gas burned above his honor's
head and shod n yellow light ever tlio
carved cherry bench.
Before giving his attention to the Jury , .
General Cowln handed a list of instruction * ,
up to Judge GroH' , who devoted most o ( his
time during the argument to n close perusal
of them.
The general then took his position bofora
the jury.General
General Cowln's AddrcHR.
He spoke ns follows : If the court plouso.gon-
tlcmeti of the jury : If you , or any ono hero , ,
expects mo to Indulge in any IlightH of oratory
or bursts of eloquence In making the closing
argument for this defendant here , sucli per *
son will bo absolutely and unqualifiedly dis
appointed. I have here , at heart , just tha
Intcicstsof my client , The matter is of no
concern to myself except as it concerns hoiv
I seek to gather no laurels to wind around
my brow nn account of this cnso or what I
may say in it , except that It may bo said "that
ho was faithful. " Other attorneys may secli
their laurels , and I hope they may grow
upon thorn , und grow , and grow , and grow.
My feeling to them In Hint regard Is
God speed. But 1 could not waste words
and I should not wusto words here at least ;
if I could. I could not Indulge In oratory ii
I would , and I would not If I could. I have ,
unfortunately , u very sore throat. I havo-
a bad cold which I contracted last Wednes
day upon Icavingthecourtroom after a hard
day's work , and from It I have not fully ro <
covered. 1 thinic , piobably , however , bofora
entirely severing my connection with this
case that I should , '
On I Jch a If of my Client ,
And in behalf of myself , extends otlr thanks
to the court nud to you , gentlemen of tha
Jury , whatever your verdict may bo. I
wish also to extend my thanks to my learned
associate , who has been so faithful and so
able in assisting in this defense. Gentlemen ,
of the jury , there uro others that
I would thank , I do not but I ought
to. Some , at leant , here , I
will thank. I will thank this able corps oC
reporters from the bottom of my heart , each
nnd every ono of them , for the personal
kindness to myself in regard to this matter ;
but what is more impoitant than all , for tha
fall ness with which they have tiouted thla
great cause that tou are about to pass upon.
But there are others , I do not know whether
I ought to allude to thorn or not. They are
not within the reach of my voico. They are
scattered over the length mid breadth of this
broad land. Aut if nny word of inlno Bhoulaj
reach them , I wish to say here that I extend
the thanks of an earnest advocate to hun
Or Ood-KIko AIothorH
Throughout this land who have sent mo let- '
tots of encouragement and of prayer In the
cause of Ijuinanlty nnd In tlio causa
of purity , I wish IIHO ! to thanU
my learned nnd com Icons friend ,
the ( listi let attorney , for the unbiased
manner In which ho has conducted this pros
ecution : that lie has not made it a private )
persecution , not made It n personal matter
witli himself , but hus stood on the dignity of
state sovcielgntyon the dlgnltyof the power
of the Htnto whlcii manages this prosecution *
And I want to thank him for another thing1 ,
nnd that is that ha kept baak thu hydru-
hcadcd monster of private persecution that
was sent out here to crush this holplcxs
woman , Why , gentlemen of the jury , fiom
what wa have neon heio , fiom what wo have
heard , Horn what we have observed , we can
see that
The Uoynl Klnj ; Family
lias found its social armor stained with tha
profligacy of the son ; nnd in this tilal it was
fiought to use twelve men of Douglas county
to bilghtcn Its minor and wipe out that
stain by tha life's blond or the liberty of this
little woman. Who of you uru prepared
to do III Fiom what we huvo HCCII und what
ueliavo heard , we can well imagine what
the message from the father of this deceased
ton was In regard to this proseo jtlon. But
I do not want to say anything against tha
dead. But if it is necessary to speak truth
fully of the dead in order to protect the inno
cent , in order to protect the safety , and la
order to protect the rights of the living , my
toiiguo fcli.ill not no ullcni. And , gentlemen ,
what \vwj the mcasago that was cent out
herd Mr. King know the trials nnd trou
bies o/ this wo'piin , Ho Uuev ; tno proQJ/