THE OMAHA DAILY BBR-MONDAY. APKIL 8 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA No mlrcHlsetnontfl bo tnkon Tor Hicsn column * after 11MJO p. tn. TrrniH Cnnh In ndynnco. thli heaa IQeentaper Una for the flnt Insertion , 7 cants for oncb sub- Mlticnt Insertion , and tl/O per linn per month. Ho advertisement tak n for 1 em thnn 25 cents Iho lint Ituertlon. Seven word * will bo counted to the line ; they mint run consecutively nnd tnuit bo paid tn ADVANCE. All advertise- faents must be b&nda'l m before 12:30 : o'clock p. rn. . and under no circumstances will they b taken or discontinued by toli liono. Partle * advertising In these columns and hav ing their answers addressed In care of Tim Jl n trill please ask for n check to enable them to Ret their letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answer * to adror- ilaemonta Bhould be cnelosoalln envelopes. All advertisements lu those columns nro pub lished In both morntnjr nnd evening editions of TiiRjlEr , the circulation of which nggrcgntfa more thnn 1C , ( XXI pnporn dally , nna gives the ad * rertlsem the benofll. not only of the city circu lation of TUP. liKt" , but Also of Conncll Illiiffs , Lincoln nnd othnr cities nnd towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH"OFFICEST Advertising for those columns will bo taken an tlui abc-To conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who nro m thorlzcd ngonts for THE T ) K pjortal notlcos. and Trill quota the eam Iratos n can bo had at iho main oOlco. _ " o7m Street. wVlVijLUriiarhiftclst,820 South Tenth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f \ II A BE it Elinv , Stationers and Printers , 113 V South 10th Street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SH. KAHNSWOHTH , Phornif tint , 2115 Cum- ing Street. _ _ JThuailKS. Pharmacist. 021 North 10th . Struct. _ _ GKO. W. PA11R , Pharmacist , 1809 St. MSOJ'B Avouue. WANTED. \\7 , ANTED Sltuntlon In hnrdwaro store , TV wholesale or retail , to learn the buMnois , Address V 5 Uoo. 401-bt PARTIES desiring experienced male or female stonograpTiors cau obtain just the party wanted without delay or inconvenience From the Western Stenographic agency , Ltn- f coin. Nob. 473 SITtr VT10N wanted by a man from Now York ; experience In wholesale and retail trroccry anil provision business , or to manage n generalatoro or Keep books ; but of refer- tnccsgUon. Address DU7 , lieu. 2S9-OJ QTIINOORAPHUR. typewriter nnd bookkeeper -keeper wants situation ; experienced ; good city references ; no objections to leaving city ; Address "VI I , " Iloo olllco. 4h2-U * A bread and cake baker wants n situa tion. Address Charles Still , .lollot. III. 40VH-H1J JITUATION by u lady stenouraimcr and _ Jbookkeopcr. Operates a Homlnnton typo- vrltcr. Good city rolorouco. Address U Uleo. . WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED A good canvasser to neil a staple article to private fuinllies on the road ; ho book canvasslnc ; iiarauteo you salary , also coininlsslon and railway expenses paid. Call this nvonlntf between 7 and 8 o'clock. A. Lewis , Hotel Derby , l.'Ith near Dodge , 4UJ-Bt W ANTED 2 steady young men at once. Art room , tio. 17 , 220 N. 10th st. 481-lt * AGENTS nnd traveling salesman nddiess Ad justable llook Btaud Co. , Chicago , foi nn ac- crptnblopioposltlon. 413 lit ' ANTED A nrst-class blank book forwarder - warder : steady , bober and industrious ; permanent situation ; good wages. Address State Jouiual Co. , Lincoln. Nob. 475 8 " \\TANTED-At once , f > or fi men to organize TT Nebraska state business men's associa tions In NeUraska. Call at once , room 37 , Cham- Tier of Commerco. 41r-'J * ) Carilago painters , Inquire 1100 and 1411 Dodgo. 1W-0 WANTED Young man to cnro for horse and do gencinl work around hottie. Room S. Continental block. 42J-6J WANTED Good solicitor ; permanent posi tion ; oxclusho territory ; good money snndo qutcK , for we udvnnco on contracts. Call atunlar. room SIJ , o toll a. m. , Hotel Itnrkor. _ 1XTANTRD General audl ocal agents to dan- T V die the entlroly new chemical Ink urasms blotter , never Uaforoknown to tno public ; sella V - at sight , as ovury writer needs thn eraser , The blotter erases ink without abraslut ; paper , ana rapidly asn Hash of electricity ; 1X10 to r > 00 per tout proOt. Uorrltory iroo. Salary to coed nien. Bamplo : i6 cents. For terms nnd panic- Ulnr.-i address the Cnainnlon Eraser Co. , manu facturers , La Crosse , Wls. 27lj ( WANTED At once. flMt-class white bar ber ; must b a good steady man. Address lock box 0 , Lexington , Nob. 300-Ut WANTED A soaA carriage blaclcsmlth at once. Address Hastings carrlago works , llastlnp.Nnb. 40i'J : AN'TED Men to bolicltt must deposit $23 nnd glyo security for money collected. Rolary 87fl to $100 per month. Cull on or ad- tlroHH Oco. H. ( 'lino , 611 First Natloml bank. 470 "lATANTED Young man to take charge of TV branch store ; oholcoof four towns. Kef- roncn and J idO cash required. Salary and ner- centugo. Address box U70 , South Omaha. 470-tfJ "W TANTKD-lloardlng boss with outfit. Al- " brlght's Labor Agency. 118J Fatnam. 40 X\7 ANTED Salnsmon to curry tailor's trlm- TV mlngs as a nlda line In territory tributary to Omahu. Liberal commission. Call at JI17 fconth 1Mb st. 403-B \7t7ANTED-A man who Is a tinner and TT plumber. Good wages to therlirht nmn ; plvo refcrencd Address Plann , care Hector , \Vllholmy & Co. jOQ- ' . . * _ t \SrANT15D Four young men towork in city , Y T goudHulary to right men ; at 111 North 16th Et. S55-UJ horUNTkil A : UUSSEI.L. Grand Itaplds , Mich. , 4-JLwnut canvassers for electric door nlatos , bells , mnll boxes , house numbers aril alarms. | 2U7 1B _ W. ANTED Men who are willing to work nnd do soliciting in the towns ot this and nd- Joining slates. Small deposit required. Salary to J.'UiO nor day. llusinons permanent. Call nt room fill , First National bame. SB8 WANTED-Agnnts to sell the Pig Puzzle ; o\eryliody crazy to get ono ; sample by snnll lie ; stamps taken. A. A. Austin & Co. , inamifactureru. Providence. It. I. 30H m 2J \xrANTKD-WX ) men for railroad woik In T > Washington territory ; good wages and iteady work. Apply at Albright's Labor Aponcy , 1120 J uniam lit ! cut. 207 \xrANTBI-Kxporl need milker. 4H5Snuu- T > dcrs st. I'M BOVS-Ain. Dlst. Tel. Co. , HOI Dougltis. 123 * WANTl'D A good Imslness man to take the management of mi olllco in New York city , ono for Detroit and another for Cincinnati ; must Invent I2.fi0u. salary tl.ftjo per year. Address George 8. llluo , Wagner block , Des Molnus , la. V2J _ AGENTS wanted on salary , tin per month , mid expense ! } paid , any active man or woman to sell our goods by wimple undllvoat homo. Salary paid promptly and expenses In advance. 1'ull purtlonlara aim nftinplo case fiee Wo mean just what w , ay. Address Ktai.danl Sllvurwaro Co. , lloston. Mass. UM * OTKlTnian wnnwd , \ lth n few thousand H dollars to Invest ; house nil furnished and business that will pay out in IS months ; title perfect ) nrt Incumbrance. Address M. A. Me- Ulnuls. or 0. CX Churchill , Sterling , Colo. WANTED Knr rgotlc men and women every- wlKre for a gunteel , money-making busl- B . fiX ) vrekly protlt Biiaranteod easier than NO monthly othcrwlxo. Exporlence absolutely unneciuskry. Permanent position and excluulvo territory insured. r..OO sumplos frro. Write for paitiuifura. Address , with itauip , Merrill Mfg Co. . 11 tl Chicago. 175 alO ? WANTED FEMALE HELP. _ _ " \\7 A NTH -Jpod I girl for uonaral hoosewoTki > T ccntloman. wito and one child ; ono accus tomed to children preferred ) references : apply li. liuroiauuvu. _ . 4 J-8 % " \\T ANT H n'Qood prnct Icablo woman to do T > pfiitrnl hoiirBwork. S In family , wages it | i r w k. Apply rJCOO Cnllforulu. 447 tt girl No. 2l u. Mary's nve * 423 TArANTKD Good. girl f oivanoiMl liousewoik T > at B.W. cor , of sTuil nud . M on tn.wago-t ; mupcrwcok. _ 41tk q A GOOD xprl < arod girl for Central house- jtXfurit at 2107 Douglas it. _ _ are _ Kn A second ulrUor mma'.l family ; t < ooAvai esta n competent L-irl ; upply20lt 4 KMi \\/NTUr-Hitton-liolo mkcrst HIS Far M narcu Xil-lOt " \\rANl I\I--A jtoodiliduitiloiisxrlilta .rorann Tt to cook mid aniUt vrltu waihlnunnd Iron- ing. will p y 118 ptr mouth. Apply imnicdt- ate WANTKDAAents ItMlable nonen to > cl the "Oilum " * ! Hyicela" Oomblnntlon Bhoulder llraci ( 'otiot. ( lost tuoaoy mnilng jvrtlrlu lu the rouutry. Batlsfucllou Ki ; rnn- teed. Apply for tnrtuaKnd Inrrttory i > \ W Mn Cor tC < \ , fit. Iisuli , Mu. l&J-alU WANTED-FEMALE HELP. V\ rANTEb-An xpericnced t n6graph r VT > for ofllco work. Address P. O. box a7J.ln. coin , Nob. iT2 " _ ANTKD A nlr f or general liousework , 3 In family. 1715 Cnss. _ S7tf WANTED-QIrltodORcncral housework m BCth and Howard ; Gorman or Dane pre -.11 ferred. _ _ _ WANTED-A gtrl for dlnlpn-room and chamoenvork , Dornn house , 4 ! S. 18th St. , 1 block south of courtJioHse. _ * 5 _ _ GIHLwantcd'for Roncral housework ; oxccl- lent wnges. Call Monday morning at 1133 8. 20th etrnol. _ _ WANTEU- Experienced salesladies for Jer sey jackets , cloaks nud suits. Hoymnn k Delchts. 421-0 ANTKD-2 flrst-clssa dining room also ono dishwasher , at Miller's hate. , 003 N. ICth. 4lfcl _ _ \\fANTnil-Glrl for goncrnl housework. ApT - T > ply nt 702 N. 191 h St. _ 43.-0 W ANTED A girl for second work and to do plain towing. MM. l'.W.Oray,2K4 ( Douglas. WANTED Industrious white woman ns eookotc.good wages and permanent place. Apply nt 'Mft S. 2ltll St. _ a-J3-Ut WANTED Korelady , dressmnVera , waist finishers , rooks , kitchen girl * , laundresses , dlnlngroom girls out of city and W plrln for general housework ; best places and the best girls nro always to be found nt Mrs. llrogas. tl4j ! H. lUli. JK7-W _ WANTKD-Glrl for general ho use work. B23 N. lotn. \\fANTEO Lidy to solicit ; must deposit T ? IO nnd give security for money collected. Balnry Suiter month. Call on or address Gco. 8. Cllno.Ml Klrat National bank. 471 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. M H3. nREG A , Canadian Kmp , odlco , .THH S IDth. Reference Onmlir. National bank. Ma . ll.'iin'JJ a | MAHA Bmp. bureau , HUN Illth ! established 8 years. Most reliable In city. H. E. White. 274-in2J I , A DIES Information and employment par- J lors ; strictly nrst-class ; perfectly reliable. Room 10 , liushman block , Nj K. cor. Douglas nnd lOtn st. 15.1-A-iH * rjlHR Stp.ndard Shorthand School , having pur- JLrtmsod Valentino's Hhorthnna In tltule. Paxton - ton block , opp. publl c library , In now the inrg- est. best equipped , oxcluslvo shorthnnd school In the west. 12.i giaduatosln good situations. The school Is lu charge of Mr. It. A. Smith , n stenographer uiul teacher of many years prac tical experience. Tuolvo No. 2 Remington type writers In use. Send for circulars. 411 EI < iCTRlC : Tclegrnph School. 10D S. liltli st. Thorough instruction guaranteed. Sund for circulars. 3ra hi QII OUT nud Typo-wrltlug taught the most prac- VJtlcal way at the Omaha fommorclnl College , llonu 1'ltman system and Remington type writers ; students complete manual In two weeks , and write from 10 to 100 words per min ute In three months ; practical cilice drill mndo a specialty. Instruction In grammar , spelling and writing free. Address llohrbough llros. , Omahn , for circulars. 347 in3 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED To purchase nn old established bank In central Nebraska ; address P O box 235 , Asihhllld , Neb. 371-fJ OM.OOO to Ji.WJ wanted to put Into a good busl- P ness ; first class security and good rate of Interest paid for short or long time. Or will take partner. For particulars address U 43 , Hoe olllce. 142 WANTUD-10,000 women to use " \Vllcox' Tnncy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly safe nnd always effectual. Bond for 4o "Woman's Safe Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. ; Phllidel- phla. 114 Al'J ' 6V l ) Hy April 15 , 7-room house , b - twoou Dodge and lenvon orth and 2Jtlt nnd 25th stj , or J untiiruldhud rooms nnd bouid for 3. 00 S30thst. JOT 0 * WAN7ED-TO RENT- WANTHD To rent furnished house by family of two , near cnr line , iteferencos .furnished. Aildroia v' 7 , Iloo olllce. WANTED to rent by family of two , an un furnished cottage lu good condition con taining n or 7 rooms ; must n ave terms and lo cation to receive any attention , Address U 55 , llee. 221) ) FOR RENT HOUSES. TJlOIl RENT To nn elegant lady line now JL' Hats , Illtoeii or thirtv rooms , for llrst-class family boarding In choice locality. Address Box us , city. O FURNlSHED-House to rent. A well fur nished house of eight rooms In Kount7o'n place. Itcasonable rent to family with no chil dren : use ot piano , billiard table , nnd carriage nnd horse If desired. Apply room 22 , U. P. Na tional bank. 431-U * "ITIOH KENT A smAll cottage on Chicago St. . JL' bet. 14th and lOtust , Innuire of Thoa. uultt , 41V.N. 15111 St. B4G-Cf TT10II 11RNT 7-room house , all conveniences. JD Inquire 1132 N. 17th st. ' SM-fl FOR HKNTSevenroom house , C13 S 15th st. Knqulro next door south. 424-Bj C ROOM house , 811 8. 24tli. 202 A N 8-room cottage. 214 South 30th St. . modern -cXlmprovomonts , KG per month , by Clias. Tur ner , I5a Howard st. - "ClfJll RKNT Ploasnnt 8-room house , 22d and Jt ! Wobator. C.r.llarrlson , Merchant Nat. bank. 407 tj > 40 Two u-room brick residences , all con- tpvenlences. J-J5 I'-room ' residence on vy. Farnatn st. , with barn. t'W S-room housp , newly papered , city water. J2t ) Throe 7-room houses , city water , good cellar. tij l'lat onJjtU and Loaveuworth Rts. 1) . V. Sholes , room 210,1st Nat. Ilaukbuilding , aoo FOIl HUNT My Tftrnnm st. residence , com- pletoly furnished ; with llrst-claHs Korvants , If Ueslroil. Possession .liiuo I for six months. Reason for renting family going away. R. C. Pattorson. 318 S. IGth lit. 27K. 1/10K REXT-A Hat In the ll r building , 7 -U rooms , steam heat , gas and bath. Apply In hardware store , Iflth aud Jackson. A.C.Ray- mor. 7S7 b TTIultNISHKDhousij for rent in 1-ark'lorrare , JL' opposite Hanscom Pnrk ; all modern con veniences. Inquire Lee & Nlcliol , 28ih and Louvon worth. U.J3 n OIl RUNT 9-room modern Improved house , JL' A 1 locality ; rout moderate. Apply to M , Elguttor. 1101 Karnam st. V i TQ.OR , 6 rooms , 3720 Charles JtTst. mullMl 8 6th Bt. Inquire at room 212. Blu-ely blqcr. O.U " "JLpOH IthNT Good basement , 15 DouglAs st. JU * . - - . UJi "iTlOH RHN'l' When you wish to rent n house , JD store , or olllco call on us , II. E. Cole , room (1. ( Continental blk. mi TjiOR RKNT The 11-room residence. 21U7 JL' Douglas at. , all modern Improvements. In quire 8. Kntr. 1310 Karnnm , M6 9 GOOD hounes for rent , centrally located , furniture for bale on time. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. U74 _ T1BT your property for rent with Homington JLJ& . 1'ryo , Northwest Corner 15th aud rarnuui. ilOH RENT-0-room cottage , 210 N. lUth , l2.50 T71OH HBNT 7-room cottage , cor. 28th nnd JL1 Capitol ave. Enquire 2tl Dodge st. 840 TT10U UUNT-A Hat In the Her building , 7 JL' rooms , steam heat , pas and bath. Apply in hardware store 10th and Jackson. A. C. Itny- mer. _ 767 8 FOK UI3NT- . Snow ft-roomoottapes.ono block west car bams on Lake st , C. II. Sllkworth , 1WB Farnnm. 014 A ft-room brick cottage conveni- entto U.I' , depot. Muud & Jamison , 314 B l&th iCM F Oll KENT NIca fi-room liniise. east front , half block of cbla cart , 112 t)2 th st. U90u8f OT HENl'-T-rootti llat , W ) month. Innulro at The Fair , liitn nnd 1 loard. . U74 ClOHltr.NT Che p , n nice 3 and 5 room houso. JL1 IWJbiJUt i.uetwoon Ueutor nuj J > 0rcai st. _ _ Mf ft 7 HOOM hoitiB with bain , out n llttlo dUtanco JJU per month , t ; . r. HwrUon , Merclmnti Nat , bank bldg. 4M ROOMS nnd tint-class home board,17is"bod . 410 IS D : front room tnv two ; nil modi'rn turuis reasonable ; 2-llu _ . . HUNT Furnished front room with or without bo rJ , COIN. ith it. 4'jJ-o "IJ10H RJiNT Lnrc front roora , fnrnUlicd , to JL1 uiio or nvo Ktfiuleinen. SWlSit. ilary'r nve. N1UE.Y fuinttard room with private ia ono of the buit loratlonnin thn city , forom : ort\vo EtutB , 111 per iiioutb. Jr s P. O , l > ox 3U. 3 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED- TjlRONT room , first noor , with boatd ; SOS 8. JU 24th. 313-10' 'ijioll ' RENT 3 elegantly furnished 'mrior JL1 rooms , with first-class board. 1910 Dodge street. 318 lot TjMiKflANT furnished front room , with every JuJmodern convenience , for 1 or2gcntloraeii | 1823 QXSS St. 425-8' TpOR HBNT Nlcely furnished room In nlco JL' cottage ; tfl per month. 1OT William st. 317 Trxm RENT-NICely furnished front room , J 6B ! 8 2ttli st , or Falrrlew. 320 10 * TJOOMS furbished or not ; 1811 Capitol nvc. TTIUHNI3HKO room tor rent ; must give refer- JUence , nt 1H21 Dodge 419 FOR KENT Elegantly furnished rooms with nil modern Improvements , at 001 8.13th st. IH1VATI ! boarding house , 1611 nnd iniR Capi tel nvo. , blocks from P. O. . newly fur nished , plonsant rooms , nil conveniences. 20112t "I7K > R RENT Ono ilncly fiirnished back par- JJ lor with board , suitable for two gentlemen ; terms reatunablo. Call on or address Mrs. H , L. Randall. I7.'l Dodge street. 402-11 * T/1URNISHED rooms by day , week or month. JD at. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and Dodge. IPS SUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern conven iences , 3 blocks from P. O. , private family. A. llospe. jr. 1M3 Douglas st. KM 2 NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , gas , bath , etc. , on same lloor , 110 per inontn. 207 3 Situ ; no Hat. mi PLEASANT front room with all modern conveniences , for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Cor. St. Mary's nvc. and 20 or 620 3.20th : brick residence. P7B TTlOIl HKNT Furnished rooms single or on JU suite. 1003 Dougla . 713 "pTIURNlSllED rooms , 113 S 20th stnoar Dodge. J- 424 n8 * HAUHNISHED rooms for rent nt 181 . edge T URNISHUD rooms , single or ensuitij , bath JD and steam ; for gonu only. 1519 Howard. TOOMS nnd boord-1812 Chicago st. JLv cscaire TT1OR RENT Nlco south front room , cheap , JL' for gentlemen , 11)03 ) Capitol avo. KOI NICE rooms by the week or month at the Peabody house , 1107 Jones. 303 n21 * F ( \ RENT Furnished room , all modern - convenlenos. 2214 Farnamst. 134 TjlOR RENT Front rooms at 1821 Farnam. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED TJIOR RENT A suite ot rooms for family use JLA in ono of the most desirable residing locali ties In the city ; 1B21 Howard st ; prlco $30 per month. W. r. Sloctzel. 1021 Howard. 338 TTIOH RENT Rooms suitable for housokeop- -C lug ln.sultos oE.from ono to four ; in conven ient location ; lowest prlcos. Unit's Renting Agency , 1C01 Farnam street ; telephone 179. 2H-al5 ; * K UNFURNISHED chambers lor housokoop- Jlng to man and wife ; 310 N. 17th st. UT.1-11 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. F OR RENT Store 2JxOO ; 1113 Jackson st. Eu- qulrojllH ; Jackson. 8.13 T710UHENT 2 Iloors22x83 eacli. In brick build- -iJlng , with elevator , close to express olllce. cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to GeoHeyn , HUS 1'ainiuu st. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. mo KENT for a term ot years , U lots , each JL MxlTO , suitable for coal or lumber yards , v > lth 11:0 of 400 feet of side-track on joint roads of C. & N. W. , C. H. & Q. and O. It. 1. & P. . on the corner of 33d st. and 1st ruo. , Council limits , la. , HJ miles frci 10th and Douglas sts. InOinaha. Apply to 1'luno Mfg. Co. , cor ICJd St. and 1st ave. Council UlutTs , la. 808 11 TrimST-CLASS lot of saloon furniture and bar -C llxtmos for tale at a baigaln. Inquire of the First National bank , Aurora , Neb. 615 aXi _ RENTAL AGENCIES. at once for wlncinfe can furnish good tenants. List you ? houses nlth the lid ; SUontalcAgoncy.OlOShcely blk. IV YOU want to buy , soil , rent or exchange , call ou or address , O. J. StornsdorfT , rooms 317 aud 3181'lrst National bank building. \X7"ANTED 100 houses and cottages of every T > size to rent ; you are losing money every day your property Is va-ant ; call or send de scription ana rent per month ; I can get good tenants. Alex Moore , room 301 Shcely block , ] 5th and Howard. 31IHI ? GKO. J. PAUL , 1009 Farnam St. , houses , stores , etc. , for rent , Oiu glvo special attention to renting nna collecting rents , list with us. II. E. Cole , room f ) Continental block. ( H7 [ j OH RENT Houses In all parts of the city. L1 J. J. Gibson. No. 3 , Crolchton block. 004 J. 0111SON 'S no w system of renting houses , No. 3 Crelghton block. 004 T 1ST your houses and stores wltn me , 'I have JJlots of customers. J. H.Parrotte.lOOfi Cnlcngo M14 all MISCELLANEOUS. - rpIIE Daujo taught as an art by Goo. 1' . Gel- JLlenbock. Apply at lleo Olllco. 050 HAVE you a furnished house , Hat or board- Ing house , or any business , however largo or smnll or chattels of any description to hull/ Coma nil see mo. I can mid you n purchaser. Alex Moore , room UOl Bhoely block , 15th and Howard. 312 lit rriHK Central J.onn.vTrust Co. have removed J- Its Omaha olllco to No. fM" > Farnam st. City and farm loans nt lowest rates. U7U 8 /1ONTRACTING plasterers are Invited tocnll v/at room 401. Pexton building , and examlno "Adamant. " UJ2 A 15 LOST. STRAYKD from my home. No. 4'20 Cess St. , small brown nosed pug dog ; liberal reward will bop.ild for his return. J. 11. Wood.381Ct 381-Ct T OST liny mare between Ilellovno and fill- J-'more ; lun whlto stripe In face ; blistered on hind foot. Suitable reward will bo paid for re covery of this horse. Address John Rtuben , No. oou B. 13th st , . Omaha , Neb , ML' $10 " ' PERSONAL. T > EHSONAL t wl h to correspond -with a JL lady ; object matrimony ; am i.7 years old ; llv lu Iowa ; address V U , Iloo olllco. 370-8 ; IJI5HSONAL Any lady of good appearance JL and address desiring out-door employment can obtain same by culling at room 611 , First NanonaHmiik. ttH _ T)1U\'ATK course In fencing , boxing or fancy JL club swinging , 110. Address T H , ituo ollico. 32U14 * A TRANCE MUimiM-Mme. Handall. the youugSwede , tells full namesot callers and the full name of your future husband or.wife , with'luteof marriage , and tells whether the ono you love is true or falsa. Not a fortune teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame pees into a perfectly dead trance. Will brine back the parted husband or lover , uo matter If they bo 10,003 miles away. Will guarantee to sttlo family quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 408 N. Wli st , . third lloor 21a lit . STORAGE. QTOHAOK At low rate * at 1121 Farnam st kJOmaha Auction & Storage Co. 117 rpUACKAOB , storage , lowest rftt s. W. M JL Husliman , 111 Leavonworth. 118 ( BANUII & CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. ' 1JB CLAIRVOYANT MRH. LKNOHJIAN can be consulted on nil altalrs of life , and satisfaction guaranteed , 'through the magic mirror.Ultt NlUthbt.up stairs arm BU. NANNIKV. Wurren , clairvoyant , modi- cal and busluvHs medium. Female diseases n gpeclalty. Ill ) N Iflth at. , rooms t and a. U11 \YrANTED-nirnlture. carpets , stoves and Y T housttliold goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction ic Storngo Co. . 1131 Farnom. UCO WANTED To buy good commercial paver. U.C.l'atter on,3laBI5thiit. W FOR8ALE--MI8CELLAN OU8. T Olt SAIiK TiiUliiir p rrotn , handtoma ilou- JL : ble yellow he d and African gray , Hofl B. Kth t. , room S. 827-cr TT Oli BALE-A furnished Hat of 18 rooms , all JL1 occupied , 23) N. 18th fit , second lloor. Mutt bo sold wUliln3Jd y ; coed re iom for tell- lU5. Inquire room J , 220 N. jdth st. \\7 ANTKD-A young man with small capital T > to take Interest lu nne tabUliodmauifnc- ! ! turlug business ; rail or address Sim Funmni st , tlxturos tor store at 115 N. 15th 405-7 Fpn _ SALK-FurnltiirBc mplote for Iroonn , lucludlnfr first class Wfano. Parties buying thomuns can also rent the home , which can bo made rent free tiy letting furnished rooms. Location flrst cla s. Atldrgss V a , , Hec. 45Mt TT1OH SALE A stylish , j > pny. Innulro U. 1\ JL1 barn , Karnam and StliS" . S8J-8 "T7WII SALE rhcnn-ShelvIng with class door , 4- suitable tor drug atom or library , also counters and show case . ! > Call nt Exposition cigar store , lfith nnd Ca\Uto \ ) avo. 407-7J TJIOH SALB Draft hofbcR buggy horsed , and JO small delivery inulosT Wootl's Sale stabl 1510 California. _ y- _ ; m TjlOll BALK 1 cook Bt&vV , 1 gasoline stove , i JJ base burner heating stove ; cheat ) for cash ! Inquire 1823 Cass 8t , _ T710U SALE Top phcaton. In good order 1BI7J JO N. 10th St. Prlco t7t. 314 i T710H SALK-Shaftlnj , bolting , pulleys , etc. JU' oed ns new. Hip saw , cross-cut end band sawn very cheap. Ml Douglas. 123 "I/IOR BALM Good work team , wagon and bar- J. ' ness ; set carpenter tools nnd chest ; full got iiirglcal Instruments , nearly now ; household goods , etc. On easy payments , j , J. Wilkinson , 417 Farnam st. 143 "TT1OH BALE Furnltnro nnd lease of 7 room JL' lint. Room rented exceeds rent ot Hat. Ii A 3 Rental Agency. 311) tjnoelr blocc 703 T7UR BALK-Clioap-a nearly now top bucgyjCo- JL1 lumbus mako. A. II : Comstock , 812 s. lath. 7 < 7 1HAD THIS iltk > j worth of nice furniture. Jv entire otttllt ot the house , for&50 ; must soil on account of sickness. Apply to , i , H. Parrotte. IftMChicago. 2Unll ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1505 Far- nam. Complctoabstracts furnished & titles to real estate c\nuilncdporf octod & guaranteed , AI18THACTS Lluahan & Mnhoney , room 000 1'axton block. DG3 OMAHA Abstract Company. 1519 Farnamst. Most complete nnd carefully prepared sot ot nbstract books nnd plats of all real property in the city of Omaha and Douglas county.PCI PCI MONEY TO LOAN. DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which are the low est ou any sum from $10 up to J 10,000. I make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , house ? , leases , ota , in any amount at the lowest possible rates without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can bo made for one to six months nnd yon can pay a part at nny time , reducing both principle nnd Interest. If you owe n balance on your furniture or horses or have a loan on them 1 will take it up and carry It for you as long as you desire. Iryouneedmonoyyou will nnd it to your ad vantage to see mo before borrowing. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wltuuoll building , 15th nnd Harney. 3TO A N Y amounts loaned on furniture , pianos , teams , etc. Notes bought at loss than usual rates , monthly payments reduce Interest. Key stone Mortgage Co. , room 208 Shcoly blk , S. 15th 302 mi * /AHCHAHI ) HILIj loans at 410 bheoly build- Wing at eight per cent stralgnt. Samuel Tato. IWIIJj lonn ? < "iOO to f..000 on good rjal estate aecurltv , or will buy llrst mortgage pacer. T. 8. Clarkson. 211) ) 3. 14th st. < M3-0 _ MONEY to loan at lowept rates oC Interest on real estate lu Omaha and South Omaha. Titles ana property oxanmlod by us and loans made at once. Cash on hand. Dates , Smith & Co. room 303 llamgo bldng , _ 310-mB $1000 and upwards to loan on good inside city property. No delaysW. . 1'nrnam Smith , ISO Farnam st. | SJS-a'Jit $ J $ $ To loan on larms and city property. $ Qeo.J. Paul , 100 ] Faratim st. UU / \ n1'Inanclal agoncyltvvlll loan you money \Jtrn horses , furntturo. Jewelry or securities ot any kind. IdOfl Howard at ; , corner S. 13th st. f SMatS BUILDINO loans n speHatty.V. . M. Harris , roomaJ Kreazor blocS. opposite P. 0. 1" MONEY/W oanon ; no commis sion.V. . A. Spencer Jtooma.IJushmanblk. M ONEV ( loaned on unimproved Insldo Omaha real estate. O. W. I'pok , It. 4 , Kronzor blk. C ' 517-alO * TT'ASTKUN trust funds to loan on Improved -LUreal estate In Ouiahalargo loans preferred. E. S. Illsboe , First National banic building. a > 5-m31J OANS wanted on Omaha real ostato. three and live years' tlmo. optional payments , favorable terms and rates , applications nnd titles passed upon by us , and loans closed promptly. Klniball , Champ Ic Ily.xn. room 0 , U. S. NationalJjauk Uulldlng , 1 Farnam st. 344 ml SPECIAL fund ot $10,000 to loan at reduced rates on furniture , horses nnd wagons. City Loan Co. . 118 S 13th st. 090 PEOPLE'S Financial Kxcnango Largo nnd small loans for long and short tlmo , at low est rates ot Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don.t fall to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llouscnreu , M r. , room WH llarker blk , 15tli and 1'ariiain. , 104 _ PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. . fur- X nlsh cheap eastern mousy to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans nt tholr western ollico.Oeorgo W. P.Coates.rnom 7 , Hoard of Trade , Dili S HE Sholes , room 210 First Nat'l bank before I making your loans. 1CJJ M' ION13Y ' to loan. Harris U.K. & Loan Co. , room 411 , First National bank. W3 " \ArANTED-Flrst class Insldo loans. Lowest TT rates. CA ! ! and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co , . It. 1. llarker blk , I5th & Fnrnam. 09i MONEVT to loan on Improved property at llrs- hands. No appllcailon sent away for apt proval. Security uud titles examined free of charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment company , SOU B. 11th st. 9H5 CAN make a tow loans ou first-class chattel I Bocuiltlus at raasonabla ratOH.V. . K. Potter , room 10 Harker blk. TO7 Tj IIIST mortgage loans at low rates and no JJ delay. I ) . V. Sholos , 210 First National bank. um NEUHASICA Mortg. Loan Co. will make youn loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , fine jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , nt reasonable rates. Hoom 7 , Howley block. South Omnlm , Kooras 618-Glli , Poxton block , Omaha , Nob. 1000 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wngons , etc. . or collattornls until you see C. II. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. 0. F. HAHHISON loans money , lowest rates , . 0.MONKY MONKY Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloman , car. 13th nna Farnam. 100. _ ONEYtoloan. O. V. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents. 15U5 raxiuun at. 101 _ UILDING loans. D. V/Sholos , 210 First Na tional bank. _ \r. \ PM T OANB made on real oVtnt nnd mortgngos 4-Jbought. Lewis B. Iteca & Co. , 1M1 Farnam. 10C2 DU1LD1NG loans. Llniymn & Malioney. lllEOl'LE'S Financial Exchange The fullest , JL milett'it nnd most liberal/ money oxchonge In tno city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , In any amount , large or small , at the lowest ratosof Interest , on any available se curity ; loans may bo paid ntuny time orroncned at original rates. O. HoitKcaren , Mgr. , room MK , lUrker block , llith aml 'arnam. IQi MONEY to I/an-Wo &r Veady for applica tions for loans in amounts from tinoto 110- 000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas count/ real estate , full Information . to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo Investnien Co. _ P _ 105 _ OF , HAKIUSON louus 'money , lowest rates. 4M GW. PECK loans money < 5n Onmliarenl estate llulldlnu loans a specialty , Iti , i'renzeii bit _ _ _ C2ali Tlf ONEYtoloan In large sums at the lowest JjJLratesno ; delay , It. U. Patterson , 318 8 15th , 107 UNIIV to loan ; catm ou band ] no delay. J. W. Squire , ttU Farnam St. , First National bank building. 10. _ MONKY loaned for 30 , 6) or 00 days on any kind of chattel security : reasonable inter. est ; business confidential. J J. Wilkinson , 1117 Furaaiu gf 109 _ M 1ONKY to loan lowest rates. Loans closed promptly. H. E , Cole , It 0 Continental block. qjwaooo to loan at 6 per cent. Llnahan & Ma- 'Phonuy , Hoom 8'JU ' 1'axton block. 110 IOANS ou Dullness property , . wanted. Provident Trust Company , room ao * * . First National bank building. 118 HE , COLL. loau agent. 100 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to on furniture * , horsewagons , etc. . or on any approved security , ,1. W. Itobmn.s.H.aoo.Sheclyblk. , 15thand Howard. Ill Tl 11 COLR , loan agent. 100 6PEH CENT money to loan. Cash on hand. W.M. Harris , H 20 , Fronzor block , opp. P. O. . _ 103 ptlTY LOANS at lowest rnto . W. n. Melkle , \JFlrst Natipual Hank uulldlug. _ KK M ONEY to Loan on cfiattcl security ; fair rate Interest. J. H , Parrolto. 200 > > Chirago. 811 all BUSINESS'CHANCES. . DoSFECTlONElfif amiTcb croahi "storoTTo ? tatirants and feed stores , and other business chances. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 203 N. ICthn. 4158 _ TJ10II SALK The only drvg store In the town ; JU il physicians located In town ; have a good trade ; invoice , tl.200. Lock llox 4 , Cairo , Neb. 470 0 * _ FOH SALE A furniture and undertaking business , for cnsli. If yon want a good busi ness In alive town look tills us ; reason for Roll ing , health ; address W , Wright , Holdrocre.Nob , 434-b * T .1VEHY stable for sale ; Is located In n thrlv- JLJing town In the central part of the state nud doing a good builnoss ; u splendid opportunity is offered to the right party. Address V 10 , lice onice. 412 1st _ TilOlt SALE Fruit nnd confectionery stand ; JL1 tlrst-class location ; other business cause for selling. Inquire BOJ N. 10th. _ 3i7 at TTIOH8ALC Or trado. n small stock of gr. - JU ccrlcs , llrst-class location , cheap rent ; would trade for city property. 2521 Ciiiiilngst. 3fll 11 * T310H SALlTCmmi ) Ixtnso and furniture nloo JL' lo-room boarding house. Dodge nnar 20th , full ot flrst-class boarders ; nnanclally n suc cess ; satisfactory reasons for selling. U 72 , lice. _ _ _ jMlti ? _ HOTEL for sale. Well furnished , paying ISO a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson , Norcatur , Kas. _ -Cl-iul * ANEW roller mill for sale In a good wheat Volt , and good market for Hour. For terms address r. J Andreas , Gordon , Nob. 84JtCTT "IJ10H cash only Clean stock general mrrchan- JL' dlso , with coal , grain aud Implement busi ness ; parties vUshlne to secure a good paying business address U 23 lleo olllce. 8r < U _ KA11DWAHE for sale Small n at stock. Tin shop In conncctlontmust bo sold atoncn for cash. Address 0. M. Yaughan. Flaming , Colo. t&am _ _ _ A MEMIIEK81UP in the Omaha board of .cxtradecan bo had cheap at HoomKJ U. H. Na tional bank building. ( C3 FOR EXOHANOE. OH EXCHANGE Store building. 20x00 feet , two-story frame , worth $1,510 , In the town of Hatidcock , Pottawatamlo county , la. Will take in exchange cattle , horses or land. What have you to offer ? W. & J. Clilr , Noola , la. 411-3 $ , niOHEXCHANOE-nno ICO ncros lu Hayes JL' Co. , Neb. ; will exchange for horses or cat tie. Address II. M. Claroy , Wnllaco , Neb. BJO-flt _ _ FOK EXCHANGE Fine western lands for RtocK of merchandise or horses and cattle. Address II. M. Olaroy , Wallace , Nob. 3Jl-Ot EXCHANGE for merchandise : Tno TIO houses in South Omnha , 1 store building In Waterloo , this county , a farm of 100 in Ilrown county. Nob. Will trade nil or part for mer chandise , either In the city or outside. Would pay some cash. Address U 70 , lleo olllce. 828-Ot OLEAH farm and n good Omaha lot , clear , to exchange for good Improved Omahn prop erty ; will assume encumbrance or pay casn difference. W.A.Spencor , rooin3nushman bit. 4178 TJ1011 THADE Heal estate and porsonalprop- JP erty ; see exchange book. Co-oporatlve Laud & Lot Co. , 205 N. 18th st. 415 S rpo EXCHANGE A clean ten thousand dol- JL jar stock of general merchandise ; half cash and balance unlncuiuborod real estate. I ) . II. Dean , Dj ersvillc , Io a. 2&M1J T7IOK EXCIIANGB-For desirable residence JL' property In Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice Inside rosldenccUots in Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. ( HO acres linn familus laudLancaster county. Fine residence property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. , Choice famllv residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence property In Hanscom Place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location aud prlco of prop erty. J. E. II. , care liauru Iron Co. , 1217 Leavon- worth. U&l. FOR EXCHANGE-Dakotn , Hand countj' What Imvo you to offer for n good farm help , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lauds nro rising in value , and Its destiny cannot bo dls- puti-d. Will tilfce vacant lot or Improved prop erty and assume seine encumbrance. 0 , J. Bternsdorff , rooms 317 and 318 , lilrst National bank building. 05J 171OU EXCHANUE-Elghty acres of the finest JU timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. SVhat have you lo offer ? G.J.Storns- dorir , looms 317 and 318 , First National bank ir,2 NEW 2-seatod Hue carriage or top buggy for note , mortgage , land contract or anv good commeiclal paper ; will pay some cash difference enceW. . L. Selby' 1521 Farnam. 833 FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. 150.00 buys gentle family horse. H. E. Cole , room U , Continental , 4J3 11 IT10H SALE Omaha dwelling pronorty. cheap JL and on easy terms. It you have n little cash for u largo snap , call at loom 3 , Hnslimuu block , W. A. Spencer. 417 8 Tl I n very'llnost"residence hlto on Tarnam , enst front , corner , paved atrcots , IrtlUxl W/i. not In market heretofore ; w 111 bo v. Ithdrn vn if not sold within a week ; J10.000. M. A. Upton Company , 10th nud Fnrnam. iHCi-lu I HAVE TolTno lots in Ilrlggs' Place add. , Omaha , for cash , on good terms. For further information liicjulre of E. Jeffrey , Galena , HI. 4Vnl8 SOUTH OMAHA If anyone wants the finest double corner there , call onus ; nlll sell It for n few days way below value ; make three 60- foot south fiont lots. M. A. Upton Company , luth anibranittin 0. IIV ) T OTli3xl55 east and south corner west Far- JLJ nam at. near Milton Rogers property , $7.- 000. Kasy terms will shade this for all cash. C. F. Harrison Merchant ! . Nat ! bank bldg. 493 A sacrifice 12'lxl50 ft , east and north front , corner -l.Hh and Ifoward Bts. , ono block west of COO'B and Klrkendall's line resi dences , t\\o blocks from paved street , two blocks south of Farnam st. ; just think ot It , 120x150 ft. and a corner at that , and only W/iOO. C. E. Holier , room 6 , s. w. cor. 15th aiU Douglas T710R8ALE 8fxl33 feet , trackage convenient JL to Northweateru.Missourl Paclllo nnd Union Paclllo railroads and Kelt Line ; paved ( streets and close to bufbuass ; prlco JAOOO. Ames , 1R07 Farnam fit. ! CB-n AY ; catch cm now , not In 30 or 00 days , but now. Active times in Omaha and Bouth Omnha this year sure. Don't wait until then. Iluy now , sell then , M. A. Upton Company , 10th Mid Farnnni. ; IM o TTlOR SALE or exclmngo for good Omaha JU property and part cash , my residence at 11)20 ) Wlrt street. Kountze place. Lot 40xli i , south of fair grounds In Klrkwood , price li,20u one- fourth cash. J. H , Loomls , llttJ Wlrt st. _ _ _ J 823-8 * / 1AIt line to South Omaha this spring sure ; \Jbuyot us now ; wo will sell lor you Insldo of six months nt a protlt , M , A , Upton Company , IBth und Farnnm. asa TTlORsale or exchange. A residence nt 20th JD st. , aud St. Marys nve. has 7 rooms , bath room , laundry , sewerage , gus and city water. Will take peed oilUtdo building site as part payment. David Jamieson , 3U 3 15th. 1M r'PALK of bargains 1 Uuzeou thU ; 1 1x157 n.w. JL corner 35th and Hamilton , fronts U streets , at grade , for ? l , 0. This is bed-rock ; not n n ickel less will ever buy it , and It must be grabbed soon at thai price. M. A. Upton Company - pany , ICth and Farnam. &yj " 171011 SALE Nine-room house , barn and lot X1 in Hanscom Place ; also3 homes aud lots in Bunny Side. Harris , room ill , 1st Nat. bank. O'JJ „ 'KTEAT. cojy home , convenient lo cars ; 1J { J- > story , six-room ; ft.,003 , Tcrnm , JlOO to J.VW cash ; balance , easy monthly puymcnU , H. K. Cole , room0 Continental. 4.15 12 SOUTH OMAHA I have a number ot good lots In various additions that mui.t ha sold at once an J can be bought at price * thutwlli suit you. U. J. Bternsdorlf , rooms 31T and ii8 ! Jlrat Notional bank building. Ojn _ FOR BALE-On terms to sult.the n t rcttaga ! ii-Ol Charles st. Telephone 27 , a : W. 'J' , Koa- man , Omaua's largest variety buuglAvvafonu , eta , east side lOtliut. , north ot NlcUolu at. &iS * T7IORBALKor Leasa Frama buffolng nbou JD 40x10 with three years' Icusa ot lot.Wl Doug las st. t > | t , rilHObB fine , large lota at Bummll prlr , Bouth JL Omaha , are WiVtieach , with 'M foot iluy > and bOandlui foot strceu. Wo hare a few of them at two-thirds tlielr value. Street cars there thU spring \\lllcause lots to sell rapidly at good proltt. M. A. Upton Conuiany , ICth and ! a main , TTIOH 6AL15-On Bouth 10tlft. . . Hi ft. frost J.'vlth small cuttugu , ll.&OU-MaMl ( cuftMy. meat. P. L./.lleh , KJll Mb. sut ! of Uaucrolf. ' 4 " r H Ujtt FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. q 3. < WPKRLOT-Ofclnhoran CIty-M.00 porlot. plnordfrtoInterestnooomahnpeople Immrdl- toly In Oklahoma City , the com In if metropolis of the Panhandle of Texas , wo will sell 300 lota or M Iper lot. Every lot level and dry , and fflx 121 ttel In size. Title absolutely perfect. This prlco 1 * ( rood only untilRU ) Ion have boon sold , attsr which prices will bo advanced tof25 ami MO per lot. Oklahoma City Is situated on the extreme eastern bonier l > f Itemphlll county , Texas , aud Immediately adjoining Oklahoma , or the Indian territory , and lust at the point where the Atlantic * Paclllo railroad leaves the territory entering the Pnnhandlo. Look nt your map nnd see It thorn nro not growing cities at the points \ here the railroad * cither enter or leave the territory. It was for this and many other reasons that Oklahoma City was located upon Its present site. Those who apply Immediately will have choice of lots. All orders by mall wfll receive prompt attention. Oinco open every night until V o'clock. Apply to or address Panhandle Townslto Company , corner 15th and Itnrnoy sts , Omaha , Nob. Itofcrences : First .National bank , of Kansas Tex. $3.00 PKU LOT-Oklahoma Clty-M.OJ per lot. The llrst 3oO lots lu Oklahoma City , tnkon by Omnhn people , will bo sold nt 100 per lot. Pnnhandlo Townslto Company , Cor. 15th nnd llarnoystB. . Omaha. Neb. Ml $3,0,1 , Piil : LOT-Oklahonin City. Bee adver tisement. Panhandle Townslto Company , Oor.JBth and llarnoy sts. . Omaha. Nob. S91 "TXON'T bo deceived ; thoodlco of Oklahoma JL/city Is at the corner of lAth and Harnoy Bts. Panhnndlo Townslto Company , Cor. 16th nnd Harney sts. , Omaha , Nob. 81 LOT-Oklrthoma City. See ndvor- $300PEK . Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor 15th and Hamey Hts. ( Imahii , iNob. 281 < t 3lO FMJU LOT Oklahoma City : M per lot. 3 > The nrst UO ) lots lu Oklahoma City taken by Omnhn people , will l > o sold nt $ J per lot. Pnnhnndlo Townslto Compnny , Cor. 15th and Unrneyats. , Omaha , Noli. B31 \ON'T bo deceived ; the olllco of Oklonoma "City Is nt the corner of llth and Harnoy sts. Panhaudlo Townslto Company. Corner 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 281 $3. < M PKR LOT-Oklahoma City ; see ndvor- tlseinent. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 1Mb and llarnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 2S1 3.00 PER LOT Oklatioma City ; M iier lot ; _ Jtho llrst 1)00 ) lotrfln Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people will bo sold at M per l.m. l . Pnnhandlo Townslto Company , Cor. liithnnd Hainoysts. , Omaha , Nob. 2S1 DON'T bo deceived. The olllco of Oklahoma City IH at the cor 15th and Harnoy t > ls. Pnuhandlo Townslto Comnany , Cor. nth and I lunacy sts , Omaha , Nob. 231 ( 3.03 PKH LOT Oklahoma City. See ndvor- Ptlscmont. Pauhnndio Townslto Company , Cor. 1,1th and Harnoy sts , , Omaha , Net ) . Sal $3.00 PBH UVT-Oklnhoma City. KJ.OO per lot. I'ho llrst UOO lots In Oklahoma City , takou by Omaha people , will be sold nt J-I/O per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th nnd llnruoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 2 l TAON'Tba deceived. Thoortlceof Oklahoma \s City Is at the cor. of 15th and llarnoy sts. Panhaudlo Towuslto Company , Cor15th and llarnoy sts. , Omaha Neb. 2313 " 3TooPER LOT Oklahoma City. See advor- $ tuemcnt. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th anil Hurney sts , Omahn , Nob. 261 . PER LOT Oklahoma City. $3 per lot. $ The llrst 3UO lots In Oklahoma City , taken by Omaha people , will bo sold ntfrl per lot. Panhandle Tonnslto Company , Cor. 15th am' Harnoy sts. Omaha , Neb. 231 DON'T bo deceived. The onice of Oklahoma City Is at the Cor. of 15th nnd Harnoy sts. Pnnhnndlo Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Hartley sts. , Omaha , Nob. 231 $3.00 PER LOT-Oklahoma City. See adver tisement. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. l" > th and Ilarney sts. , Omaha , Nob. 281 . PER LOT-Oklahoma City ; J3 per lot. $ The nrut 300 lots In Oklahoma City , takou by Omaha people , will be sold at W per lot. P.anhniuUo Townilto Company , Cor , 15th and Haruey sts , Omiihu , Nob. 231 $ . < X ) PER LOT-Oklahomn City. See advor- tlsoment. 1'anhnndlo Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and llarnoy sts. , Omaha , Nobr 231 $300 PER LOT-Oklnhomn City. 93.00 per lot. The llrst 300 lotT In Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people will be sold at f-t.UJ per lot , Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Ilarney sts. , Omaha , Neb. 231 TT1OR SALE The finest resldeiico slto In West JL' Omahn ; just south ot F.irnam on 37th street : n corner 10Bxl87 with 1S7 feet frontage on paved street and joining the handsome rost- denuoof Klrkendall on the east and Drndy.Eas- son and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem and garden spot for an elegant home. Harney and 2Ist streets , Hlxl07. on pavement within throe blocks of the court house ; room for seven line tiousos that would rent as rap idly as completed. A splendid permanent In- voHtmeut. 1'arnam and 22d streets. 50x132. with now three-story brick store building , rented to good peimanent tenants. Rental receipts J4.20J pur year. Slxttjenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alley. Oood business property. Knrnam street between 33th and tttth , frontage - ago 48 or U'ixlJ2 to alley , south front , 1 block from pavement and street cars. Pnrit. avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 50x159 , price &J.OJO , easy terms. 1'nddock Place , trackage , 00x112. 12,000 , easy terms. luth street south of Vluton fit. , lot for sale or trade for mdse. or good farm land. 8. A. Sloman , 1301 rarnam st. 25 < J SHOLES' special bargains 15,000 buj-s a good 7 room cottagu and barn with flue plumbing , hot water heating apparatus , nicely papered , matitlo aud nil conveniences , full lot , east front , near corner -ilth st , and Wool worth avenue. 10,5 < 0 buys a line now 10 room house , with n good barn and all conveniences , bolng nn east front on Popploton avenue and 2tith street ; choice. $ n.XK ! ) buys a full lot. east front on Georgia avomia , half block houth of Leuvonuorth at. , with a good 0 room cottage , line largo shade trees. Very choice. CiooilH room houae. furnace nnd nil conven iences , No. 2tfl3 Ponpletou avohue ; party going to leave the city. Investigate tills and submit I have n good list of residences and residence lots which it will pay you to Investigate- you wish to purchase ; 1 also have } 1W,00) ( worm of good clear property to exchange for either good residence property , or Inslda business property nnd aBniuno as mucn encumberance , or pay dif ference in cash. If you have anything ( list class for sale or trade , call and see mo. D. V. Bholos. room 210 First bank bldgr DON'T be deceived. The ofllco of Oklahoma City Is at the corner of 15th nnd Hnrnoy stn. Panhandle Townslto Company , corner 15th and Ilarney tits , , Omahu , Ntib. 281 " $ UOO buys a line n room notice nnd Darn ; wll taknpartin trade ; payments easy ; only Is ! blocks from Kountze addition. Call at - . ' 0 400. $109 cahh balanceeusy | JiutclUnson & MoaO. ONE hundred thousand acres , tn a body , of the choicest agricultural and grass lands over otfered In Nebraska. Thoroughly watered with living HprlngH , creetca and lacos. Bpiondld wheat land. - ' > bushels to the acre a common crop ; W to tld an aero , ton years time. These lands arc. In Keith Comity , Nob. , and for pale in small or largo tracts. T. 8. Glnrkson , Omnha. Neb. 301 U ONE and ouo-hnlf story , 7-room House , city water , gas , largo barn ; convenient to horse cars and cabin ; good enough homo for any one. Price. M.COJ. Termn , * WJ to J700 cash : balance reasonable. II. K , Cole , room A , Con tinental. _ ( _ 43(1 ( 10 BIO llargalns for Little Money 330 acres of llrnt class farming and tmy luiul , wortn ll,0"0. for 6311 cash , 'llils land Is lu ono body , jolnlug "Lake Ueorgo , " 15 miles east of Long Pint * . It you hare not used your homestead and tlmtmr cnltuio rights , come and see mo. C. R. n lover , president urown County bank , Long Pine. Nub. _ 4.C-7 FOit HALE Clioap Not for trade ; G4I.7A ncres liml IROO , C-U'-O ) two miles from Marquettit , Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , stu- ble , Ml lures under good barli-wlre lenco , rou ml t-edsir posta , tv.o KU > - . living wat < tr. ; foot channel , a well * . ! UJ bairel tank , corral , self-feeder , a natural stock ranch , in a line corn belt. Prlco. . . . . . . . . , , Cash In hand . , , , . , 2,701) ) S ytnr ' tlmo 0 per cunt . , . a,3M ( Jnaml louk orer lamt. Addiots o\rcer , K 1C , Atltlns , IMtJ Larimer at Denyar ; . tjol. C8T ' " QALE-Or ovchajiKo for Omnha pro'p" tity , M acres , nultabla for platting ; will uiako 1'Vilota. ' all clear ; bla money in It for some ( mo who cuu puiih tills ) located just outside the city limits of < ; oimcll UlafT * . luiiulra ( lee , J. StmiiAloiir. r.-ipran 317. nd 318 , first National bank building _ m OJ'W iV ) itun Hlinpion ciaka canopy ton phaeton ! P II. E > Oyl * , rooms. Continental bWk. . / . . * * _ ! _ 4.17 11 TJALLon N. K. Oolo , nurthtast corner of 15th _ * nnd Doujlaa tt Omaha , tor IVlwln 1C , Alto - ' to It Go cMalouues of l nd of California. ' ' ' sx > Apr" 1B > _ _ - . : _ , , „ < + „ „ ,1 monthly or ( niaitorly pay- -.jnUBom n wroom honMsx In Mlllar-l & , C idweU o4 < l.'juit m miles trom mmafflca. Jf you want a home of your own wma and see. in . CUXBpotsyood. atvSH a. ISth st. M4 "niOJ | rUl.U or llxclmiiL-e luipioved stock * - f rm of bOO acrca , In smtorn Nebraska , near m rk ti also new U-room liouie. witii all con- \ealeiicts. m do-ilrabli ) rcsld-'Uia portion nf ,2m aAUdrew , Hovlui. attorney , M and 111 , ffwtwa blow , Omaha , N l . V > 7 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Plac h t long bf the finnst rostdence portion of our city. It has all modern conveniences in the way ot pMed streets , sewerngo , city \\ntor and g&.s , and In addition owing to Its high and olevatoii location , Is considered nno of tno hoalthlMt portion of our city. It has three street rnr lines already and thn building of nn eioctrlo line nnd the cable road to the park this season cnnnot but ndd very materially to the value nC property tn this beautiful addition. Wo have Iind placed lu our hands for sale by otltsldt ) parties n few of the finest residence sites In the addition at prices nnd terms that cannot fall to pell thorn. If yon wish to secure n splendid residence- site for n future homo. l { will pay you lo call nnd lotus show you wo Imvo to olfcr. ( leo , N. Hicks , Real Estate Agent , room 40 , Harkor block. 4 < 0 7 NO cash payment required. Will sell you n full lot In Snunders .v IllmebnUgn's add for ? ftx > and take mortgage for full amount duo Infiyoars on condition thatyou build n housa to cost not loss than * VX > . tt U. Relt r , roomA S W corner l.Mh and Dinging. 419 | TIOR SALE-Nice now ft-room houso. barn for JU 4 horses well ami cistern : everything tlm. class ; full lot , In Hodford Place. 2 xi feet from Ptnto street ptoth sti , r..UOO. MHO rash , balance 1 , 2 aud II years : or JJ.iMi , I1,4M cash , bslanco a years , > l. A , Upton Company , 10th nnd Far num. . per lot Oklahoma City J.1.00 per lot. $1.00 first 300 lots In Oklahoma City tnkon by omnha people will bo sold at JI per lot. I'nnhandlo Townslto Company , Cor. lfith nnd lUrnoy ts. . Omnha , Nou. 231 17UNE btislnoss lot , l3vt3J on llownril street JJ botwoeu 14th nnd K.tli , JlliW ) : worth more money. M. A. Upton Compiay.lMli nnd nruam qj'.i.uo per lot Oklahoma City. See advertise- tpmcnt. Panhnndlo Townslto Compnny , Cor. I'th anil llarnoy sUs. , Omnhn , Nub. 231 DON'T bo deceived ; the ofllco of Oklahoma City Is at the corner of 15th nnd Harnoy sts , Pnnhnndlo Townslto Compnny , Cor. 15th nud Hnrnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 231 3.00 1'ER LOT-Oklahnmn City. Ses ndror. § tlsomont. Pnnhandlo Townslto Company , rncr 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omalin , Nob. 291 Cfc300 PER LOT-Oklnhomn City : fl per loC tpThoJIrsttWO lots In Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people will bo sold at 4) ) per lot. Panhandle - handle Tuwnslto Company , corner 15th and llarnoy BUS. , Omnha , Nob. 231 | J 10U SALE A baautlf nl residence In Hans. JU com Place , onst front on 30th st , just loutli of Poppletou nvo , lot 60x14J to graded alloyi yard nicely soddod ; 8-room house , bath , hot nud cold water , gas , sewer , electric bolls , hard ] wood finish. Iftak n at once will soil this fine homo for amount much below Its value. No ulcer neighborhood In the city. To these that moan business wo would llko to showthla property. Wo will mnko the prlco right. M. A. Upton Company , loth and Farnam. ! W4 I71OR SALE Or oxchnugo , tO acres ot land In J Uodgo county , Nob. , near Fremont , to ex change for Omnlin property. Mark M. Parmor , room 21 , l-'rcnzer block , opposlto postollloe , Omahn. kob. ; 3M ) 7f OII.LOOKherel An east front , 60 ft lot , on 29th t. , Bouth ot llurdetto ; very line view forJI.MO. How's that. M , A. Upton Company , 10th nnd Farnam. 3U4 ADVICE QRATIS-IItiy now ; bny nhomo ; buy a business lot : buy n vncnnt rosldcnca lot : buy nn Improved plectt of business property , but buy now. Delnvs nro dimgorous , dnngeroua to your pockotboolc. M. A. Upton Company , lllth midVnrnam. 350 U "IST'ORTHV of your attention. Now being > > completed on 2Jth st , north ot Luuven- wortn st , two houses cvmventont to business , very roomy , grnto , mautol. furnace , gas. bath , toilet , S water closets , stationary wasn tubs , hotand'cold water , flvo bedrooms , 10 closets ; only sfSjGGO. on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or W. T , Seaman , Omaha's largest variety ot wag ons , carriages , etc. , cast side 10th at , north of Nicholas s 4J3 THE GERMANS IN SAMOA. The Novelist Stovnnsnn Coiumonts On the Gnso or Air. Ivleln. Mr. Klein , nn Aincricnn journiilist , was on the bench with Malioton'siuon on the nipht bt the recent Gornmu do- fo t , snys Hobort llouis Stevenson In n loiter to the London Times. Seeing the boats approach in the darkness , Mr. Klein hulled thorn and warned thorn ol the Samoan ambush , and , by this inno cent and humane atop , made public tha fact of his presence. Whcro much else is contested so much appears to bo nd > mittod ( and , indeed , claimed ) upon both sides. Mr. Klein is now licensed of fir ing1 on the Germans nnd of advising the Siunoans to fire , both of which ho do- nioa. lie is accused , alter the light , ol succoring only the wounded of Malio- tea's party ho himself declares that ho helped both ; nnd , at any rate , the of fense appears a novel ouo , nnd the accu sation threatens to introduce frosli dangers into Rod Cross work. IIo woa on the beach that night in the exorcise of his profession. If ho was with Mallo- toa's men , which is the real gist of his offense , -nro who are not Germans may Buroly aslt , why notV On what grouna is Mahctoa a robclV The Germans have not conquered Samoa that I over hoard of ; they are there on treaty like thole neighbors , and Dr. Knappo himself ( In the eyes of justice ) is no moro than orfo- sixth part of the town council of Apia. Lastly. Mr. Klein's innocence stands very clearly urovon by the openness witu which ho Uociarou nis presonco. For all , that , this gentleman lay for o considerable time , watched day mid night by Gorman sailors , a prisoner in the American consulate ; oven after ho had succeeded in running the gnntlot of the Gorman guards and making1 his escape in a canoe to the American war ship Nipaic , ho was imperiously rcdo- mandod from under his own Hag , aud U is probable his extradition IK being already called for at Washington. An English artist hud gone into the bush sketching. I bcliovo ho had boon to Malietoa's camp , BO that his ' uilt stands on somewhat the aamo groun'd as Mr. Klein's. Jlo was forcibly seized on board Iho British packet Richmond , carried half dressed on board the Adler , and detained there , in spite of aU pro test , until an English war ship had boon cleared for action. This is of notoriety , nnd only one case ( although a strong ono ) of many. Is it what the English people understand by the sovereignty oi the seas ? A Iloby Born With Tooth. Gcorgo Baker , a restaurant keeper , Hying at 1GS Park iivcnuo and doinff buainobs at 88 Madison street , says D Chicago special , is * the proud possessor of a baby girl who was uoriAvith a set of teeth. When little Julia Orinc Bnltor arrived in town iv day or two ngo , very rod , very bald nnd woifhlntr six and a quarter pounds , she liorriflod the nurse and astounded Dr. Phillips , the family physician , by exhibiting un upper row of six white front tooth and four perfect onea on her lower gums. They wore al most fully developed and were hard enough to use on the toughest beefsteak In existence. It might bo thought thai the little stranger would develop ac complishments in Keeping with the early growth of teeth , nnd start out , walk , talk , sit up at the tublo , and perform - form ever BO many clover acts , and her fond father doubtless gleefully imagined that she would do something.of the kind to sort ot kaop up .the record , but she did none of those. She can blto , though , and that , too , good and hard. , u her father can testify , she having' got hifi litto linger in her mouth and mada him dance. However , the little ono shows remarkable elgns of physical vigor , and nt present eho oats broad sopped in milk nnd little pr.i-tk'los of tenderly cooked ohlckon , a feat which is f > aid to bo unprecedented In the au- nals of medical science. The so-calluii untlquo oak is ordinary American oak suwnd in a peculiar way and stained to look llko the old English otik. S t-T - _ aij . - . 'An Absolute Cure. The 01UGINAL , AJU15TINB OINT AIENT l only put up in lurpe two ounce tin boxes , and is an nb&o'.uto ' euro for old sores , burns , wounds and chapped hands , nnd all skin eruption * . Will positively cure all klmlsof piles. A k for the UUIO1NAL All- im'INK OINTMENT , Bold by Goodman Uniff Co. , at va cent * per oox-by mill 'Jf cents.