Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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rellverert by carrier In Anr Part ot ho City a
'iwontr Cents Per Week. . . , .
M.W. TIL10N. . , . . MANAOU1L
fiwiNEffl OFFICE No. 13.
NHIIIT KniToii , No. " ) .
U. Y. Plumblnc company.
llcfular communication of Excelsior lodge ,
No. SMI , A. F. & A. M. . this evening. Visit
ing brethren cordially Invited.
The funeral of Alvlna Peterson will take
pliw-o at 10 o'clock this morning from the
residence of her parents in Lewis town-
The funeral of Elln , infant daughter of
T Mr. nnd Mrs. Nick Donaldson , took place at
2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the family
rcsldenco on South Seventh street.
Herman Oorlcko died yesterday morning
nt Bernard's hospital nt the ago of sixty-
two years. The funeral will toke place from
thu undertaking rooms of Field & Estop at
10 o'clock this morning.
Coroner Waterman received n telegram
from Thomas George , of St. Joiuph , last
evening , staling that the dead murderer hero
was his stepson , and that u brother of the
deceased would nrrivo on thli morning's
train to claim the remains nnd take them to
St. Joseph.
There will b a meeting of the Firemen's
association this owning nt the city building
nt 3 o'clock sharp. Tournament business will
bo transacted , and It is probable that some
notion will bo taken regarding the death of
James Soars , nnd preparations made for nU
tending the funeral. "
'IhQ question of live-cent motor trains ,
morning and evening , Is still being agitated.
Thcro is a great desire for such accommoda
tion by these who wish to live In ono city
nnd do business in the other. Such a change
would doubtless cause a largo Increase In the
business of the motor company. At the
same tluio It would have an enlivening effect
on real estate in the Bluffs.
James Soars , n member of the flro depart
ment , died about 1 o'clock yesterday morn
ing at his homo on Vine street , between First
nnd Second streoU. Tha cause of his death'
was softening of the brain. Ho was 111 about
three weeks. Ho was Irrational the greater
part of the time , nnd failed to recognize his
friends. The arrangements for the funeral
are not yet completed. luo notice will bo
given later.
_ _
An dopant assortment of hats for
Indies , misses and children at Fried
_ _
April 0 , 1889. The partnership of W.
A. Wells and L. I. Fornmn is dissolved
to-day. Pay no accounts only toV. . A.
Wells , who continues the business.
W. A.
A now line of milinory at Friedman's
Personal Paragraphs.
J. P. Fall , of Silver City , was in the city
Saturday. llo is planning for a trip into Kan
sas this week.
E. A. Wickham returned yesterday mornIng -
Ing from Liurllngton , where ho went several
days ago to submit bids on paving. Ho se
cured a contract for 30,000 worth of brick
and granite paving , and will begin work
thcro about the 15th of this month. It will
require about two months to complete the
'obl '
I have sold the entire stock of millinery
nnd fancy notions to ( J. Friedman , who will
continue business at the old stand , -109 Broad-
xvay. All goods remaining unpaid for will
bo collected by C. Friedman , and all indebt
edness will bo assumed by C. Friedman.
For $25.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co.
will put a load service plpo and hydrant
in your yard ; also 60 foot extra hosb.
Call at once at 11-1 Main street.
Western Lumber mill Supply Co.
Between 18th nnd 14th streets , and 2d
and 3d avenues. Telephone U41.
E. W. RAYMOND , Manager.
Saloon Licenses.
Messrs. Mynstor , Llndt & Seabrook have
filed a motion in the superior court to have
the money paid as u line by certain saloon
keepers tor the month of February entered
on the docket as paid for April. The motion
is based on the ground that as the cases had
never been entered on the docket thcro had
been no default. The parties foe whom the
attorneys appear are John Smith , John Doe ,
John O'Connor , Max Mohn , Anton Rink ,
John Meyers , J. Moore , J. Brown , Mrs.
Pralor and Tony Gorspaohor. The Indica
tions are that the matter will result in con-
Bidcrablo annoyance for thomayor"who in-
eists on the collection of thu saloon lines.
Until n month ngo , the oases against the
. , siV.'Q9.n mcn'wcro not entered on the docket. .
The saloon men paid their $ -5 license
monthly , or rather "put up $ 'J5 for tholr ap
pearance for keeping u disorderly house , " as
the mayor prefers to have it called , but it is
a noticeable fact that they always received a
receipt , which is something unusual in regu
lar cases of appearance. The court records
ohow no entry of any transaction of the
kind. If the attorneys succeed in having the
February "lino" transferred to April , they
will have an opportunity to have the lines of
preceding mouths transferred to show for
months to come , in this case the city reve
nue for the next three months will bo cut
down considerably.
1 Grand milinery display at Friedman's
Friday and Saturday April 12 and la.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. offer bargains in
city property , either improved or un
improved. Easy payments. Good lots
on 810 payments.
Mias O'Neill ' , of Chicacro , now in
charge of Friedman's trimming room ,
is by far the moat artistic trimmer over
f in Counuil Bluffs.
Headquarters for builders' hardware ,
Odoll & Bryant , 613 Main street.
FOH THIS I'tmijio.
Ono Knro for the Hound Trip.
The G. A. R. state encampment will
hold at Burlington , In. , April 8 , 0 , 10
nnd 11 , and round trip tickets will io
eold from all C. , B. & Q. stations to Bur
lington and return at ono faro for round
trip. Good going on April 8. 9 , 10 and
11 , and good to return up to and includ
ing April IS. Hero is a chance for all
old soldiers to meet their comrades nnd
for all others to BOO the grand parade on
April 10. Go everybody. TiuUots can
bo obtained of C. , B. & Q. agents.
WnrklnKiuon AuiUnnt It.
Pottawattamlo lodge , No , 110 , A. O. U.
W. , has secured quarters In the Woodmen's
hall , nnd will resume rccular meetings. The
first meeting will bo held this evening at
7 130 o'clock , and nil members are requested
to bo present. This lodge has been under
the ban of the grand lodgu for several yours
lor refusing to contribnto to the assistance
of the yellow favor sufferers , hut the manor
lias been settled In thu courts , and work ha :
again been commenced to build ui > the lodge ,
Two deputies of the grand lodge nro nowhere
hero and another will bo hero this weak tc
work up an increased membership.
Buildings loans. Odoll Bros. & Co.
Dr. C. C. Ilnsan , dontiat , Opera house
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'i
loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds
ami nil other articles of value without
removal. All * bushings strictly couiV
dontiul ,
< .
Rooms to rant in the Morrlam block
B. \VadtfHrorth .fcCo.tao ! Main street
Notice thn beautiful finish given col-
lar.i , cuffs and shirts by Cusouclo Laun
dry company ,
Some of the Sontlraonts Expressed
By It to These in the Pows.
The Murderer Identified Ills Victim
Stilt Alive That Siunll-pox Dill
Stir on tlio Streets Sun *
day In the Bluffi ) .
The I > rcst > yti rlnnfl.
The services nt the Prcshytorlan church
yesterday morning gave several surprises to
the attendants. A chorus choir appeared in
thu organ loft under tno leadership of Prof.
Uuifrok , and with Will Tlilctutun at the
organ. The music was well rendered and
gave promise of good work when n llttlo
moro practice Is had. The chorus combines
about twenty voices well distributed through
the different voices.
Dr. 1'nolps announced that It was the pur
pose of the church to occupy the field nt the
south and west , not now occupied by other
denominations. For this purpose , and also
the permanent occupancy of Harmony Mis
sion with well systematized work , ho had
arranged with Uov. U. E. Williams , of Chicago
cage , and that divlno would arrlvo during
the present week.
A very able discourse was preached by Dr.
Phclps upon the divinity of .Tcsus Christ.
Ho used as a text the declaration of the
Homan ccnturian : "Truly , this man was the
Son of God. " The best evidences in exist
ence , as coming from the avowed enemies of
Christ , wore adduced by the speaker , as
well as the collateral facts of prophetic and
modern history. The positions of llio learned
dlvino were well established and his argu
ments wcro most convincing.
Notice 10 Water Consumers.
Water rents for quarter beginning
April 1 are now duo , and payable at of
fice of the company , 111 Main and 115
Pearl streets. Five per cent discount
on all bills paid previous to April 10.
Olllco open" until 9 p. ni. on Saturdays.
Council BluiTs City Water Works Co.
Water For Ghatitauqua.
The contract has been lot for a $2,000 sys
tem of waterworks at the
grounds , and work has already been com
menced under the supervision of Harry
lilrklnblne , hydraulic engineer. The reser
voir at the top of the hill will have a capac
ity of 10,000 gallons , and the largo tank at
the bottom will hold 70,000 gallons , A nlno
horse power onglno will furnish the power
to drive the Woithlngton duplex pump.
Lawn hydrants will bo distributed over the
grounds and a largo fire hydrant near the
amphitheater , A direct pumping flro pres
sure of 125 pounds to the square inch can bo
obtained. The water will bo obtained from
springs , and thcro will always bo a largo
supply in the larger reservoir. Every part
of the grounds will bo supplied and the ser
vice will bo first-class.
At tno FlrsrUnptist church yesterday the
pastor preached from I , Peter ! i:24 : : "Who his
own self bare our sins in his body upon the
tree , that wo , being dead sins , should llvo
unto righteousness : by whoso stripes ye
were healed , "
The Mohammedans believe that Jesus did
not Uie , but that ho mysteriously ascended
into heaven , and that Judas Iscariot was sud
denly changed into his likeness and was cru
cified lu his place.
This story originated from the feeling that
Christ could not b < x God and suffer death.
"Tho offense of the cross" has not ceased to
this day. The "blood theology , " as it is
called , is rejected by largo classes of men.
Hut there is no way of escaping from the
; ross except by glorying in It. The crucl-
Kion is everything or nothing. ' 'Christ cru-
jllled" is to the believer "the power of God
and the wisdom of God. "
What was the crucifixion of Christ , and
ivherein is Its eftlcaey ?
I. The physical features.
1. It was the most shameful of all deaths ,
t was foreign to the Jews , and was inflicted
only upon slaves and the lowest classes for
.ho meanest and most heinous crimes. Latin
writers call It the worst punishment in the
2. It was cruel. The word "excruciate , "
, aken from It , te applied to the severest
anguish that human sensibilities can meet.
U. It was slow and lingering in its opera
tion. The wounds made , though severe ,
, voro not dangerous. The suffering was
: aused by the constrained position on the
TOSS , the soreness from the nails and the
acoratlng of the back with the scourglngs
, hat always preceded ,
4. Such a punishment powerfully arrested
, ho popular attention. Sometimes the guard
beat the legs of the victim with bludgeons
Mil the bones wore crushed. It is recorded
hat a soldier once said that "of all the awful
sounds that could be forced upjn human
iars , the most terrible wcro thosd cries , at
.olonin . midnight , from the lonply hill whore
crucllled men were hanging in agonies , out
of which they could not oven die while a
breath to suffer with , remained. "
II , The spiritual sufferings.
These Infinitely transcendent the former ,
and are narrated with moro emphasis by the
evangelists. They consisted in Christ be
coming sin for us and bearing the iniquity of
all , and the penalty duo the sinner.
These forced from his lips the agonized cry ,
"My God , my God , why hast Thou forsaken
mo ! "
II I. Their efficacy consists :
1. In the sinlessncss .of Christ. Ho was
the "Lamb without spot or blemish , " a per
fect sacrifice.
S. His sufferings wore voluntary. Other
wise they would not have availed.
! ) . They were vicarious. Ho died for our
sins. "With His stripes wo are healed. "
4. The inlinitc dignity of His nature. His
nature united the dtvino with the human ,
mid with Him , as His beloved Son , God was
well pleased.
The object of these sufferings was , first ,
to expiate our guilt ; second , that wo mlcht
live holy lives and , having "died unto sin ,
wo might live unto righteousness. . "
A number wcro welcomed into the church
at the supper which followed the sermon.
Heal estate loans , F. J. Day , 39 Pearl.
Mules ! Mules !
Just received a car load of good mules and
horses at Schlutcr & LJoloy's stables , which
will bo sold ut reasonable prices ,
Till ) Murderer and Suicide.
Friday evening a woman called at the un
dertaking rooms of Field & Estop and asked
to sco the remains of Nolaiul , the inurdcroi
and suicide. Her request was granted , and
she identified the corpse as that of Charles
George , son of Thomas George , who resides
on Mulberry street , St. Joseph , Mo. She
stated that ho was n thief and had stolen a
lot of Jewelry nt Columbus , NOD. She re
fused to glvo her name , but was positive In
her Identification of the body. Coronoi
Wnlcrinan telegraphed to the address given ,
but received no answer.
In speaking of the matter afterward , shu
stated that who worked In a tiotol about three
years ago whcrcxho dead man was cngagot
us a dishwasher. She was positive tlut his
father was a one-armed man living lit St. Joe
Shu know nothing definite regarding the Co
liunbus Jewelry robbery but thought that very
likely the deceased was concerned in it. Her
story was partially coiroborated by Charles
Curtis , n colored man of this city , Whei
Curtis saw the body , Friday morning , ho
stated that the father of the deceased was i
one-urmed man living Jr. St. Joe , but was o
the opinion that his name was Nolan , o
something similar.
It is quite urob.iblo that a part of the stori
is correct. Coroner Waterman states that i
lie receives no woid today , or any addl
tional clue on which to work , ho will proba
bly order the lemalns Interred to-wonou
morning- ,
Kittle Kihwii'ds , thu victim of Nolund's
murderous bullet , clings to Ufa with a mos
tenacious grip , and her physicians are begin
nlng to entertain an idea of the possibility o
her recovery , When Or , Uellinger drossei
the wound yesterday ha removed sovera
more piece * of the skull and consldcrabl
brain matter. The aperture was then unou
structod , and freely admitted the entire llttl
finger of the physician. She hua partial ! ,
recovered consciousness , but is kept undc
the Influence of morphine. In epeukiiiK of ho
corulltion yesterday , the doctor said , ' 1 hay
Known cases where thcro was a greater loss
of brain matter than in this case , and the
mttcnt has recovered ! so 11 is possible that
she may pull through , but she hns only the
ghost of a chance. Sno isn't suffering any ,
is thojnorphlno relieves all that sense , It it
wasn't for the drug she would suffer ter
ribly. The bullet Is still there , nnd wo shall
nakc no attempt to remove it at present , as
t would bo n very dttHcult as well ns danger
ous thing to do Just noxv. She has lived
ongcr than I expected she would. Some
'oiks carry around ft bullet in their brain ,
nit it Is much safer to have the missile In
four pocket. All wo can do with this case
s just to watch it , "
The largest stock mid latest styles of
millinery nt Friedman's.
Money loaned on haniUiro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of vah' < at low rates of interest. No
iHib'Jf # v ; lair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark it Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
To-Ntuht'H Council.
The city council meets this evening. The
tubborn ordinance makers will again tackle
ho appointment of city officers , nnd oxcrciso
heir persuasive powers in making converts
of each other. They xvill also receive the
opart of the committee appointed to Inquire
nto the Compton smallpox bill presented by
Mdcrman Bellinger. Alderman Everett Is
n member of that committee , and In speaking
of the matter yesterday to Tun BEE , ho ex-
irosscd himself as follows : "I don't know
bout Dr. Bellinger's bill , but I am positive
hat Dr. Cook's bill should not have boon ao-
opted by the board of health. Dr. Bellinger
vas given the contract for treating the small-
iox cases at a specified sum for each case ,
and I can't sco why ho was not entitled to
iay. Ur. Cook was not authorized by the
loard of health to treat such cases , The
Oth Iowa states that a physician shall
ot collect from the board of county superVisors -
Visors for treating n case , unless ho Is ordered
o treat the case by the board of health as an
flleial body. If the family saw lit to employ
no or a dozen.other physicians they should
iay them , and the physicians should look to
hem for pay. The city or county can not bo
xpccted to pay every bill that its citizens
may contract. "
The lowest prices on the finest sclec-
.ions of milinory , Indies' and children's
mts and all novelties at Friedman's.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway
II lire Iars nt Work Again.
The only burglary that has been perpo-
ratcd In this city In several weeks , occurred
at an early hour yesterday morning nt the
rult and confectionery store of H. J. Pal
mer , 12 South Main street. The burglars
cracked the safe , nnd secured about $3 , all in
) cnnics. They drilled two holes through
ho door , and threw the "dog" holding the
combination. The lirst hole bored was about
-10 of an inch to one sldo of the right place ,
> ut the second attempt was successful. They
also pried off a money drawer , but there was
nothing in it. They were very smooth
crooks , as was shown by their work. They
exorcised considerable ingenuity In fixing up
a screen for the "lookout. " The telegraph
> ole stands within about six inches of the
'rout corner of the building , and show bills
md been pasted on the wall , extending be-
ilnd the post. They tore up the ends of the
rasters and filled up the vacant space , thus
jiving a splendid hiding place for the senti-
icl , who could retreat to it whenever anyone
> asscd. Entrance to the building was of-
'ectcd by prying open the rear door. The
Jght was not turned down any , and the po-
ice were cleverly hookwlnked. The burglars
eft a bit , brace and sledge behind them.
-They were probably stolen from some black
smith shop. 'I'hero is no clue to the identity
of the bold cracksmen. It Is thought that
there were three of them , and if such is the
case they will probably get safely away with
i dollar apiece for their night's work.
Visit the now gallery at 301 B'way. '
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
An Example of the Peculiar Methods
Pursued , by the Times.
The whole civilized world now knows
low easily the London Times was duped
by Richard Pifjott with his forged let
ters , says the Now York Morning Jour
nal , but the paper still preserves its
reputation as a great news-gatherer.
The following example will show what
queer ideas prevail in the oflico of the
rliundoror regarding methods of get
ting news :
Three tory members of the Dublin
city council recently attended a ban
quet given to Coiof Secretary Balfour.
Lord Mayor Sexton attacked them and
at the next mooting of the council they
complained of his onslaught. The DubLin -
Lin correspondent of the Times , himself
the editor of the Tory Daily Express ,
sent to the former paper a dispatch describing -
scribing the scene at the meeting , at
the close of which the following gem is
"It is to right to say. as regards the
loru1 mayor's statement , that the names
wore not published by the gentlemen
referred to , but were obtained in an
underhand and unusual way by two
representatives of the Freeman , who
wrote down a list at the door of as many
as they recognized while tlio guests
wcro going in. "
Evidently , according to the notions of
the Thunderer , these "underhand and
unusual" Dublin reporters had no right
to publish the names of gentlemen at
tending a public political banquoMvith-
out having authority from the gentlo-
mcn themselves. This is Times jour-
Ssivo money on frames. Geo. Hoyn ,
1414 Dodge st.
Uavo our wagon call for your soiled
clotnea. Cascade Laundrv Co.
PomcHtio Animals ot'tho Ancients.
Herr Nehring , speaking of the do
mestic animals of the ancient Peru
vians , says a writer in tlio Populr Sci
ence Monthly , observed that the subject
was scientifically important , because all
the other 'peoples of ancient America
were very poor in this kind of property
compared with the Peruvians and Bolivians -
livians nnd faomo of Central American
peoples ; and , secondly , because the in-
tluonco o ( domestication on the forma
tion of races could bo bolter followed on
these aninmls than on thoho of the old
world. Wo are concerned in Porn es
pecially with the dogr , llama , alpaca and
guinea pig. The speaker had
examined oighloon dog-mummies
from ancient Peruvian graves , and
had determined that they belonged to
three dinoront races aohophord's dog ,
a dachshund and n bulldog or pu'g. llo
believed lhat the "Incn-dog" was de
rived , not from other South American
Cunidic , but from the Mexican wolf
( lupus occidental ! ! ) ) , perhaps through
the feebler Texan variety ; and that
Bovoral races had boon formed from it
in Peru throuirh domestication. In
this Hurr Mohring dissents from and
contradicts Von Tsohudi'a opinion that
the varieties had arisen from crossing
with European dogs. As the dog , and
likewise the llama and allpaco are un
doubtedly of America , BO also , in the
spoakor'b opinion , is the guinoa-pig ,
notwithstanding B. Ilensol nnd other
authors believe that it was introduced
from Europe.
The saw is largely used now instead
of the ax in bringing down the giant
redwoods in California ! ! . The Irca is
sawed purtly throughnnd then is forced
over by wodgos.
Blank booku made to order. Can fur
nish patent binding for parties wishing
the saipo. Call and boo samples at room
lEvsrott block , Pearl street.
Thcro wore moro people on the street * yes
terday than on any Sunday for some time.
The motor trains were crowded tj their
fullest capacity , and Jiundrod * of carriage *
wcro whirling nil tlio afternoon along the
many drives through "different pirts of the
city. Very many of the pleasure seekers
drove out to the ( Jhmitmiqua grounds nnd in
spected the work In progress there , whllo a
largo number visited Manawn. It was quite
n lively Sunday , nlthtragh In police circles a
vorv quiet one. The crowds wcro orderly
nnd few arrests were tpado.
An efficient organist from the cast de
sires n. position as organist in Omaha or
Council BluiTs. References : Max Mover
and dm * les Bactcns , 323 Paxton build
ing , Omaha , or ISM Seventh street ,
Council Bluffs. Good testimonials
riicge'holler and
ntcr tunic , of kitchen ontilt. Call at Ucorgo
H. Jltschonporf's , ,127 liroailwny.
W.ANTUU Ono bnkor , nsslstnn.t cook nnd
Ony foreman at the dcnr and dumb Insti
tution. Apply at the onicc.
filOIl SAfjK iV ) cords of dry wood at my real-
Jdenco. . lioraca r.vcrctt.
" \TOTICI' Sealed bids for the nlnnt of the
-L > Council Ilium Knitting company , either
In part or entire , will bo received by tnu com
pany up to April ] > , IS3J. JUIght to reject nuy
uml all bids reserved.
W A girl for Keiioml honseworK at
Atlantic house.
li roil SAl.lJ-Onn 0x12. twonty-horso
} Jivorl mo $1y $ "P- : , Unlon ) ron works ,
No , 3d .
13U7. St. , Council lllutrs , Ift.
T IO U nr.NT-Aprll 1 , two-jtory brick business
J. lioiiso. No. KM Jlromlwity , opposite Oizdon
louse , Council Illulls. Iiujnlre of llobort Mulls -
, ls , 100 Hroartwny.
TTKJll SALH Three work horses at Neninuy-
f . crsbnrn , on Wednesday , March 13. Samuel
WILLING HOUSR for rent. 10 rooms on
Cherry hill , next to Itov. O. G. alec's.
with stnbio nnd ono ncro of ground. Horace
IIIK OI-TICK over the St. Jo 11. R. ticket of-
lice , corner 1'earl nnrt Hrondwayj posses-
slon given 1st ot April. Hornco Everett.
Foil SALE Two-story frame residence , cor
ner and adjoining lots , each ( X ) feet front by
1W ! foot deep. Knqnlro nt Fnlrinoimt pliar-
macy , 100 Upper nroaawny. _
T710H HUNT Onico No. 3 , over llalrd's con-
- 1fectionery store , lately occupied by Wm.
Ward , architect. Horace Everett. _ _ _
TTIOK UKNT Cheap , two handsome , new slx-
J.1 room cottages , north of transfer. Council
Hltiffs. Inquire fllantl Itlshtor , Bin nvo. nnd
21st st.
Is good on presentation for
$1.00 on each pair of pants
bought of the
London Tailor.
Good for Thirty Days.
5 M
§ Ul 2
S V %
Corner Main and Broadway ,
Donlers In foreign c.nd domestic exchange.
Collections made and interest pnlil on time de
Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool Furs ,
Highest market prices. Prompt retu-
and KB Main St. . Council lllulTd. lo\f
rue I Merchants , yfelchTheSlGNS.
, _ No,3l South.Main St.
Courteous Attention- *
Weinv'tte'VoUr patronage' . ' P. w 2. MILLER rf NO. E-B.C 104- B \RD"INER : ,
Nos.llGcl3 Pearl St. . \ . WA
Is preparing for a Grand Opening
and Piano Display , which will
take place about Mai1st. . Their
flne build 11 to Is being overhauled
throughout , and being beautifully
decorated and ualntcd. When fin
ished It will be the handsoincs
block In the twin cities.
For this occasion eighteen mag
nificent pianos , of new and elegant
designs , have been especially order
ed. These will be exhibited. In ad
dition there will 6e an informal
concert In which numbers will be
presented by tfie best vocal and In-
strnmentdl talent In Comic I' ' Jihi s
and Omaha. It will be a notable
Mrs. C. L. GILLETT'S '
And see her fine line of Hnlr
Hoods. 1'lNEbT HAIlt
OHNAMKNTS In the city.
Wigs , lleards , etc. , for Kent
or Sale.
Gluth and Coyle anil Myers
Grcnso Paints. Hair
_ Dressing. Ktc.
No. 29 Main St. , Council
Orders by innll receive prompt attention.
la Rice's ' Hernial Support ,
The only perfect abdominal support for chil
dren < ind atlultti. Successfully cures the WOHST
1)R. L. E. HOE , 2V Main Street.
iTaxidermist and Naturalist.
Permanently located nt No. 14 North Sixth Street , opposite post-
olllce , on motor line. Council lllnirn , Iowa.
Jllrila utid nnlmulH mounted naturally and In the boil method of
the ait. Warranted to pretei ve for years. Foreign birds supplied
on Bhort notlco Highest price paid for owls and hawks of all kinds. Persons sending orders
assured of perfect batlsfactlon. 1 ur dressing a specialty. Wrlto for particulars ,
i1 BY
J0JIN GILBERT , 518 Pearl St.
TELEPHONE 22A.J I Estimates Furnished
Correspondence Solicited. | On Application.
25 TO 300
BnecllUnt'.ons and estimates furnished for complrta steam plant ? . IlepulaUon. Durability fluar
uhteed. Can tuow letter * from nsera where Fuel Kconomy H crjinl nlth Corllsa Non-Conuouuln'i
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. 81O Pearl Street , Council Bluffe
The nicest eighty acre farm on the slope in Iowa , 9
miles south of Creston , 100 miles east of Omaha.
Good 6 room house.
Barn with room for eight horses , and cow barn , shads
graineries , orchard , etc.
v Good wells , living water , tame grass.
Near school , church , etc.
Easy terms.
Write C. J. COLBY ,
522 Paxton Block , Omaha , or Broidwoy and 30bh St
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
S. A Pierce lways the , Proprietor. Lowes Mi. 23 ? Broadway. Noll4MainSr.
Furniture 8 : Stoves
on weert/x' at-monthly
fia/rncnta. Best .
Selections. Lonesi
prices. ' Literal dif aunt
told ° n iinSj " To if CASH.
. . . iiuaiTso .
I St'J > S ' A. J. M AN D E L. wo ?
j < SjJx < PX MC9 ! V
JftX si 2./r/NN EHA.XX
J A'X aoV X - - DEALER Tn1- S ? 0
> fj < OOrS8SHO S h rJ } >
x ' /v ° * 326 QROADWAN. . 'S ' v , vQ
titfvP/fo'neLaunctt-y Work A SDeo\a\\viNjo } ft. *
N.Maln St ,
\vi : Aiu : oi'jM.\G ; THI : MVASOVN : W2TJI A
On our entire sKu-li. Cull mill bvu orvrllu IIH ,
L-iB jrLurrs CMUPJUV co.