Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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The Flying Dutchman's Exporionoo
As a Musical Director.
Complaint of One Wlio Could Not
BJnko Train * Origin nntl Growth
of the System Sample *
From the Orlpn.
Send In Your StoJlcn.
The commorcinl travelers of this atnto
Imvo shown tholr appreciations of Tnic
DICK'S efforts to afford thorn every Mon-
ilny IntolHgonco peculiarly Interesting
end ItiBtructlvo to the craft. Tlioy have
contributed to our columns freely In the
pnst , and during March moro communl-
cntlonn liavo boon received for our com
mercial travelers' department than
over before in a given tlmo. There
are , however , a variety of subjects
which Imvo not boon discussed by them
In TillDKIJ , and there nro hundreds
whoso personal reminiscences on the
rend would make intensely Interesting
To induce members of the craft to
contribute regularly to our columns , it
Is proposed to olTcr a thousand mile
ticket , good on Nebraska lines , under
certain conditions. The ticket
will bo purchased by THE
BKK over the line 'chosen
by the successful competitor , who must
either represent a Nebraska house or
travel exclusively in this state for an
outside llrm. Ho must present a letter
from his house certifying that he is a
regular traveling representative of such
A thousand-mile ticket will bo pre
sented , under above conditions , to the
commercial traveler who shall bo first
to contribute 0,000 words worthy of
being printed in Tins , BKE. Ho can
count only that which appears in print.
Don't bo afraid that your communica
tions will not bo acceptable. Wo want
the groundwork of your Ideas or anec
dotes or biographies , personal gossiper
( or anything that will interest the craft )
and wo will tone it up if necessary and
put it in proper shape for the printer.
The second best ; man will bo given a
year's subscription to the daily. Each
competitor must clip all of his commu
nications as fast as they appear in tRb
Jim MONDAY BKC , forward them to
this olllco , and sign his full name and
the house which ho represents.
Tlio Traveler.
The following is taken from a very
interesting article in the Western Mer
chant :
The merchants of this country , vig
orous and wide awake in everything
else that pertained to the advance of
commerce wore slow to appreciate the
advantages of the English system.
Tlioy feared the misuse of the power
with which each representative must
bo endowed , and thought it preferable
to cling to the old system which made
it necessary for the country merchant
to visit the business centers in person.
But With the growth of competition it
became necessary to devise some moans ,
other than good slock and low prices to
bring customers to the store , after
they had reached the city , and
the result of this necessity
was the "drummer. " Not the
"drummer" as wo now know him for
the name is very improperly applied to
the traveler oftoday or the English
commercial gentleman of 'that time , so
well described by the correspondent of
the Courier and Enquirer ; but what we
would call a "pullor-in. " lie infested
the hotels , and by moans cither legiti
mate or illegitimate , as his own in
stincts or the policy of his employers
might dictate , steered the customer to
the headquarters of his principals. No
doubt the calling was originally honor
able , but , as competition grow liorcor ,
underhand methods and tricks wore ro-
eortcd to , which"while a largo number
continued to work honestly gradually
throw a cloud over the business
mid ended in its downfall. ' The
dishonorable practices of the major
ity of drummers did moro to injure lo-
pftimuto basiness than the commercial
travelers of to-day could possibly do
oven though they combined to misuse
that power which the merchants so
greatly feared a half century ago. But
the hotel drummers did moro than in-
juroibusincss. The mantle of disrepute
which had boon thrown over them on
account of their practices descended ,
although undeserved , to their successor ,
the traveling salesman , and it is only
within the past decade that ho has suc
ceeded in throwing oil that mantle , and
in placing himself whore ho belonged ,
in the list of honorable and legitimate
callings. Justice has boon tardy in his
case , but now the world roeogr.i/cs his
value and gives duo credit to the part
ho has taken in extending and building
up commerce.
But this is digressing. In 1810 , a
then prominent Now York wholesale
dry goods house for many years ox-
tlnot us an experiment , sent out a man
John II. Ilarcourt by name with a
email line of samples'to travel through
western Now York and Pennsylvania
and take orders for goods. It is possi
ble , and in fact very probable , that ex
periments of this kind had boon tried
previous to this ono , but this was the
Jlrst to attract enough attention to bethought
thought worthy of placing on record In
print. The trip was very successful
and the firm continued Mr. Harcourt
on the road , adding another man for
Now Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania
the following year. But the prejudice
ngninst the English system was too
great to admit of its rapidly extending
in favor , Ono or two other
llrms in Now York and several
} n Boston , Philadelphia and Baltimore ,
tried it in a superficial way , but no
headway was made. The time was not
yet ripe. Nearly all the jobbers had
their drummers to look after tholr CUB
tomors when they came to town , and
traveling agents the original calling
of u great many of our votorau commer
cial travelers to visit customers at
tholr homos , look after collections and
credits , oto. ; in case of pressing need ,
to take small orders. In those , it was
claimed , wore combined all the merits
of the English system without Its de
merits. Tlmo hus shown the fallacy of
this inothod of reasoning. Some deal
ers in light goods from tlmo to tlmo
have sent out men with stock which
they hnd peddled out to the country
merchants , but the followers of John
Ilarcourt , who took ordnra by sumplo ,
the real commercial travelers , although
gradually inoronalng in number , wore
comparatively few until after the war.
Then businosi-whloh had boon almost
at a standstill during the conIIlot
bounded forward. Now blood and now
Idous wore Infused into the commercial
ipirit of the nation , and the traveling
alosuian , who hud languished before
the war , soon became the plonoor and
the lender in the extension and ad
vancement of business. Practically the
commercial traveler in this country Is
the offspring of the war. Tholr won
derful growth In numbers , power and
Influence durlirg the last twenty years
Is known to every ono. The census return -
turn of 1800 makes no mention of them ;
the return of 1870 gives their number
between 5,000 mid 10,000. To-day they
nro a vast army numbering ono hun
dred thousand. What will they bo la
another decade ?
Twenty-four Venr * A o.
The "Flying Dutchman" writes : "Tho
war had closed in the spring of 18G5 ,
and ns the boys came marching homo
nil of them wore forming plans in their
mind ns to what next would bo their
mode of earning a living. When the
writer landed in St. Louis , Mo. , ho was
not long In finding employment , and
his experience will bo the stjbjoct of
this letter.
"On the hurricane dock of a mule
from St. Louts , Mo. , to Shrlovesport ,
La. , southwest Missouri and Arkansas
had all been torn up by the war ; there
wore no railroads , and stage lines wore
a slow , hard way to travel , but a good ,
sure-footed mule , a pair of saddle bags ,
ono change of underwear , two flannel
shirts , a Mackintosh water-proof over
coat , a suit of tallor-mado curdoroy and
two fine navy six pistols with a package
of business cards as my outfit my start
was from Rolln , Mo. , then the terminus
of the Missouri Pacific railroad. The
people did not know what a traveling
man was , ns they used to visit the largo
cities once or twice a year and buy
their goods and make settlements wltn
the firms they had business with , and
many an account was of a year's stand
ing. The firm I was out to represent
on the road was that of Julius II. Smith
& Co. , 20(5 ( Walnut street , St. Louis ,
Mo. , wholesale liquor merchants. I
mot with fair success at Rolla , Spring-
Hold and Bontonvillo. On my ar
rival at Fayottovlllo , Ark. , ono of
the dealers in my line informed mo
the boys of the town wore getting
up a concert for the purpose of buying
instruments to form a brass band and
said bo : "If you would only volunteer
to help them you do not know what a
feather it would bo in your cup. " I
said , "Mr. Taylor I am no musician , but
if I could do them any favor by singing
some comic Dutch songs you can count
mo in. " As soon as ho had my consent
ho posted oil and informed the town
) oys ho had captured a traveling sales
man to help thorn out and they all came
in a drove with him to see what kind of
: v man ho had. I was introduced all
round , the drinks and cigars were sot
p by my friend Isaac Taylor and I told
.hoin . I was ready to give them
i sample of my singing. Wo all wont
o the band room , and I puckered my
mouth and taught the fiddle players
my tunes , whistling for them , as I could
lot write music by note. For two days
e Kept up that racket , and I had them
ell instructed In the intricacies 'jot
Billy Emerson'a Big Sunflower and Yol-
'ow Gall. At that time they wore all
; ho rage and I had sot Dutch versos to
.hem as u burlesque. The concert
came off in an old log school house ,
and I made my appearance on the stage
as a Dutchman. My make-up was good ;
't was a success ; the crowd cheered and
ihot all the plastering oil the roof and
ho upper parts of the walls for an on-
joro. They never would lot up. They
{ opt mo nt'it hard , singing and danc-
ng till 2 o'clock in the morning. When
! dragged my weary foot off to the little
iiotol I was a used up traveling man.
'ho reward came the next day , how-
iver , when I called on the trade and
old 87,000 worth of goods for my work
nt the concert.
A Complaint.
J. L. Houston , jr. , writes as follows :
'I nm compelled to hire n livery , and
drive twelve miles and only make ono
town when I could just as well make
hroo , simply because the assistant
iuporintondout at Holyoke will not
allow mo to ride on a freight.
"I wired him for permission and his
xnswor was : 'No , can't do it. ' I could
o to Bortrand , coma back to Elwood
nd got to Holdroge to-night. The
train is not injured by my riding in it.
I have mileage and could sou moro
joods , and all would bo bonollttod by
t. I am with Poycito Bros , and our
inc. could give them , lots of business.
A.t any rate wo should receive some
consideration , especially as it costs the
railroad nothing and does not interfere
with the running of their train s. Per
mits nro only asked to points whore the
'rains make regular stops. "
A railway ollicial , when spoken
to in regard to the matter said :
"There is only ono freight train in
each direction on the Holdroge branch
that docs not carry passengers. They
are only scheduled to stop at mooting
points with other trains , hence ths rule
in force that no passengers will bo car
ried. As I understand it. the com
plaint Is a little oil. On Friday , the
& 2d , a man could have loft Eustis at 7 a.
m , , arrived at Bortrand at 0:45 : a. m. .
loft Bortrand at 1:30 : p. m. and arrived
at Elwood at 2:30 : p. m. , left Elm wood at
0:35 : p , m. and arrived at Holdrogo at
10:30 : p. m. This is pretty fair service ,
itstriices mo , where the local business
is so slim. "
A. Cfyolono.
George Rudlo started out yesterday
on the road'for James S , Kirk & Co.
the largest soap house in the world.
Rudio is well known throughout hie
territory , lown and Nobraskn , hnvlng
spent six yours with Lnnti Bros. & Co. ,
soaps , of BulTalo , N. Y. , in this same
territory. His smiling countenance
will moot a warm reception not alone
with the trade , but with "the boys" in
general who know him. George is
liberal. Ho spout about -0 cents a year
for cigars when on the road before and
ulmrgod it up as 'bus fare , consequently
his popularity had no limit. If any of
the merchants around Lincoln to-day
think they hoar a cyclone coming , they
don't need to bo ularmod , as it will only
bo George coming into their store in his
quiet way.
Mr. Ed. J. Roe with W. L. Purrotto
& Co. , is deserving of * special mention
In thcso columns. Ed as ho is famil
iarly known , has represented the hat
Industry in Nebraska ton years. Mr.
Roe was born in Montreal , Canada ,
January 10,1801. Four years later his
parents moved to Princeton , 111. , where
lie attended school until the ago of
seventeen ; ho then left homo to seel : his
own fortunes. This was duo to the very
strong influence brought upon him by
his mother and father who wanted him
to attend the university of Notre Dame ,
Indiana , nnd study for the priesthood.
But ho said no , and loft homo for the
west , going to jbavenport and Dubuque ,
Iowa , where ho plavod base ball. Ho
afterward served a snort apprenticeship
In the grocery business with A. T.
Weathorwax & Bon , Waterloo , Iowa.
In the full of 1878 ho moved to Cedar
Rapids , Iowa , and entered the hat
house of It. B. Tomliiisim us shipping
clerk , this position ho did not
hold long , ns the eagle eye ot Mr. Tom-
llnson soon discovered that Ed's ( orto
was selling goods , nnd the following
spring ho was prompted to knighthood
"of the Grip" nnd assigned to tno state
of Nebraska for his homo. This posl-
Ion ho filled with wonderful success
the fall of 1881 , when ho came to
) maha , nnd signed a contract with the
veil known house of W. L. Pnrrotto fc
Jo. , where ho ox poets to remain. In
loptombor , 1885 , Mr. Roe was married
o Miss Graham , daughter of Colonel
jraham , of Iowa City , la. He Is now the
n-oud father of two very handsome and
ovablo children , a boy nnd a girl. Mr.
lee knows every foot of the state of No-
> raska , and Is well and popularly known
> y every merchant , man , woman and
iilld in the towns visited by him.
Mr. 0. Bryant was born In Brls tel ,
England , January 18 , 1800. When ho
van six yonrs old his parents moved to
, his country , taking up tholr abode In
Chicago. At that age , when most chil
dren should bo in tholr dresses , Billy
vas puUn a pair of pants and turned
out on the streets ot Chicago , to rnstlo
lolling papers , blacking hoots or oarn-
np a nlcklo in the various ways known
, o the street gamins. Billy followed
.his occupation before and after school
until the ago of eleven , when ho en
ured the dry goods house of Carson ,
? tvll , Scott & Co. as cash boy. During
.wo years at that Billy turned his at-
.ontion to finding something bettor. Ho
hitilly engaged with Edison , Keith &
3o. as errand boy , and hero is Billy's
advent into the hat and cap trade , to
vhich ho still clings. It did not talco
eng for this over alert and wonderfully
) right boy to show his now employer
of what kind of material ho was made ,
nnd they soon advanced him to order
clerk , a very responsible position , es
pecially for one so young. At the ago
> f seventeen ho was given on-
tlro charge of the stock , which po
sition ho filled to the on tire
satisfaction to all concerned until Sep
tember , 1883 , when ho was taken down
with a very v'olont ' and severe attack
of Omaha fever. His not over strong
constitution succumbed to the charms
and inducements Omaha hold out to
/oung men. Billy says that at that
, ltno every man , woman nnd child in
Chicago wanted to come to Omaha with
ilm. His description is heart rending
of how they all wont down to the depot
vith him to see him oil. flow some
cried and some laughed , while others
waved their handkerchiefs , and a very
ow who were too full for utterance , "I
nean their hearts , " looked sad and
onely , and wished him God snood , and
, old him how much they wished they
could go. Landing in Omaha , Billy
engaged with W. L. Parrotto &Co. , the
wholesale hatters , as stock keeper , and
ator had charge of the city trade for
three years. Last year Billy made his
maiden trip on the road and wo are
rlad to inform the boys that
jilly Is now ono of them ,
uvvfng proved beyond all doubt
, hat ho is the right man in the right
ilaco. Billy has four very handsome
; hildron , of which ho is very proud. ,
and his fatherly heart often yearns
toward Chicago , where they are stay-
jig with their grandma. Ho lost his
wife in January , 1887. Mr. Bryant's
Mends feel very proud of the way ho
lias pushed himself to the front. In
case any of the boys do not know Billy
Bryant , ho is the ono all the boys on
; ho Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Val-
.oy railway know as Mary , ho having
joon dubbed that nickname on account
of his being such an old-fashioned
ialkor for ono of his ago. But Billy has
.ivod a wonderfully long time in a very
"ow years.
The body is more suscoptblo to bo no
fit from Hood's Sarsaparilla now than at
any other season. Therefore take it
now ,
Civil Service as She Is Understood by
tne F. A. 1' . M. O.
Congressman Dorsoy of Nebraska ,
walked into the ollico of First Assistant
Postmaster General Clarkson bright
and early this Monday morning says a
Washington dispatch to the Globe-
Democrat , and laid down a bundle of
"What is that ? " asked the First As
sistant Postmaster General in a suspi
cious tone.
"A list of fourth-class postmasters I
wish you would have appointed right
away , " replied the congressman , with a
flno sample of Nebraska confidence.
Colonel Clarkson looked at the panors
and then at the congressman's bland
"Dorsoy , " said ho , "did the demo
crats you want turned out succeed re
publicans who were removed for their
' " '
politics' !
"O , Lordyl" replied the congress
man , "I cairt tell you anything about
that. All I know is the ones to bo re
moved now nro democrats and there
are good republicans to take their
places. I've got 713 of them altogether.
Hero are twenty-night and I'll ' huvo a
hundred ready "for you in a week.
Colonel Clarkson studied the bundle
of papers for a few moments , picked it
up and "hefted" it as ho deliberated.
Then ho laid the bundle down and said ,
seriously :
'I suppose I may as well begin. "
"Is that the lirst batch ? " asked the
"Tho first , " replied the F. A. P. M.
G. , laconically.
" ? " asked the
"Thoy go congressman ,
"They go , " said Colonel Clarkson ,
solemnly , with the air befitting a man
who enters upon the job of cutting off
60,000 oincials' heads.
Banking and lumber business for sale.
Inquire of C. E. Loomis , under Capitol
National bank , Lincoln , Nob.
Mrs. Cleveland's Puasy Willow Imnoh-
A pussy willow luncheon given lately
by Mrs Cleveland is described in a Now
York pupor as a pootio repast : "Tho
hostess were a p\Jro \ gray gown , girded
with white ribbons. The chinu was
striped with pale grayish bands. Down
the middle of the table ran a strip ol
gray satin embroidered with silver , u1
each corner of which was a statuette in
silver , after the Russian fashion , about
six inches in height , of a dryad , a wood
nymphi or Diana hunting. Great bowls
of silver nnd crystal stood on the satin ,
filled with pussy willow branches ,
brightened by masses of snowdropsand
jonqu . Throe pussy willow twigs lay
by th o plate of each guest , tied with
broad silver ribbon.
Special short tour to the capitals o
five European countries England
Scotland , Holland Belgium and Franco
Costing 9200 ,
which Includes all necessary expenses ,
embracing moro travel and hotter ac
commodation than over offered by any
management. .
Longer tours , including Germany anc
Switzerland , costing $350ind $150.
Send for circulars ,
M. J. WOOD & Co. ,
' 1223 Farnara St. , Omaha Nob.
81 Broadway , Now York.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Fnrnamal. .
telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc ,
The Funcrnl of FrA'nk K. Drnko Call *
ninny Alonrnnra TOKO t her.
The romnlns of Frank E. Drnko , the rail-
vny oniclnl who cilodWKansas City Thurs-
lay evening , arrived In Omaha on a special
rnln on the Missouri , Pacific nt 4 o'clock
'cstcrday tiftcrnootu The deceased had
icon ratoclork'in tjio freight auditing department -
partmont of the Un'jon PaclHo. Ho was
married ( n this city to n Miss Kuhn about
cloven years ago nmVroMdod hero forsovoral
roars. Ho was well and favorably known.
lo was n brother of Mrs. John Kvnns of
Ills city and also of Mrs. S. H. H. Clark.
Ho died at the nee of thirty-eight , leaving a
Widow and ono clilldi
The special train Included the prlvato car
of Vico-1'rostdcnt Clark , In which the remains -
mains were convoyed. Upon arrival
of the train nt 4 o'clock fully
! 00 pcopla had con fire piled about the dopot.
J'ho funeral train steamed Into the dooot
with the following on board and under tho' '
supervision of E. S. Jowott , general ngont
of the Missouri Pacific at Kansas City : Mrs.
S. H. H , Clark and son , Hoxlo , sister and
nppttow of the deceased ; Mrs. F. B. Drake ,
widow of the deceased ; O. N. Curtis , agent
of the Union Pacific nt Kansas City ; H. O.
Kalll , contracting agent of the union Pa
cific ; George Marsh , general agent of the
Alton ; J. \Vatkms , late general agent of
iho Nlcklo Plato ; M. H. Chamborlatn , con-
trading agent ot the St. Louis & San Fran
cisco ; Paul P. Hanna , ot the lice line ; II. U.
Miller , contracting ngont of the St. Louis ;
A. L. Hamilton , merchant ; F. O. Cunning-
mm , tralUo manager eastern consignments
of Fowler & Son ; C. H. Smiley and O , it.
31ark , of the railroad department of Klngan
Paciting company ; Alfred Hart , grain mer
chant ; C. M. Hicklin , contracting freight
agent of the Santa Fo ; F. G. Savage , chlof
clerk of the general freight ngont of the
3anta Fo ; W. C. Price , contracting agent of
the Georgia associated trade Hues and Illi
nois Central ; H. M. Vlall , ugont of the West
Shore & Hoosao Tunnel road ; B. W. Drink-
ird. agent of the Lackawanna ; J. O. Phil-
Ippl , assistant general freight and passenger
igcnt of the Missouri Pacillo at U.tnuha ; J.
D. Cruise , contracting agent of tho' Kansas
City , Fort Scott & Gulf ; J. G. Mitchell ,
igcnt of tho-LJluo Line & Kansas Southern ;
William Now , master mechanic of the Mis
souri Pacific : George M. Drake , brother of
Lho deceased , Dumont , Colo. , and W. AY.
Dorman , railroad editor of tno Kansas City
Star. At the depot the coach containing th o
remains was opened and a throng of friends
-jnr.ccl upon the familiar countenance for the
last tlmo. The body was In a walnut casket
loavlly mounted with silver. On the lid
rested a largo festoon of natural
( lowers ; a wreath bearing the
motto "A broken wheel , " which
ivas presented by the board of trade of
Kansas City ; and a design of natural ilowors
representing a broken column , which was
presented by the railroad rnon of Kansas
City. Fourteen carriages had been pro
vided. The following were the pall bearers :
J. G. Mitchell , George Marsh , J. N. WatUIns ,
G. W. Curtis , H. G. Hall and J. D. Cruise.
The funeral cortotro then moved towards
Prospect Hill cemetery , led by Rev. J. W.
Harsha , pastor of the First Presbytoriau
church of Omaha. The remains was fol
lowed by about thirty carriages crowded
with friends. At the cemetery Kov. Har
sha preached a short sormon.
Kov. Harsha , who conducted the services
at the grave , had officiated at Mr. Draico's
wedding , nnd also preached the funeral
sermon over his child , who died at this nlaco
several years ago. Just nine days ago the
deceased was In Omaha , and apparently in
the best of health. <
Mw Henry Valerius , of Harper , Keo-
kuk county , Iowa , has found what ho
regards as a sure for rheumatism.
Ho says : "In regard to Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. I am pleased to say that I
can recommend it with confidence , and
that it has done more for mo than any
other medicine for rheumatism , of
which I have boon a great sufferer. "
Sold by all druggist's. '
Presaging the Election and Rejoicing
Over Railroad Extension.
YANKTOX , April 0. [ Special to TUB BEE.J
In conversation with General Hugh J.
Campbell , yesterday , that gentleman ex
pressed the opinion that the Sionx Falls con
stitution will bo adopted by at least three to
ono nt the election next mouth.
Judge Edgorton , who was hero this woolr ,
expressed the same opinion , and he has boon
making some addresses to the people on the
subject. Governor Melletto , Kunouso , Gam
ble , of Yanktou , Pettlgrow , of Sioux Falls ,
and other lenders are all working hard to
that end , and the farmers' alliance organiza
tion formally declared In favor of its adop
tion at their meeting at Huron , so It may bo
regarded as certain that the Sioux Falls con
stitution of 1835 will be endorsed , and that
the convention , which is to moot on the 4th
of July , will simply have to perform those
duties prescribed by congress. This done ,
the constitution , In the now form , will bo
submitted for final adoption , with the pro
hibition amendment at the election in Octo
Chief Justice Trlpp , now holding court
here , -will go to Bismarck next weolc to aid
in the apportionment and the preparations
for the election , and the proclamation will
bo issued bv or before the 14th inst.
Over S200.000 worth of city and
suburban vacant property has changed
hands here in the last ten days , and
active preparations are being made for the
extension of the Manitoba and Omaha roads
from Sioux Falls and Hartlngton to Yank-
ton , and both are expected to bo completed
tliis season. It is stated that the superin
tendent of the Nebraska division of the
Omaha road has received instructions to 1111
the gap between Hnrtington , Nob. , and
Vanlaon at once , and this done , wo shall
have n transfer boat at Yanktoa and direct
communication with Omaha.
Grass , garden and field * oods. Wm.
Slovors & Co. , ICth and California.
Mrs. Martha Yoakloy of Sullivan
county , Tennessee , celebrated her ono
hundred and thirteenth birthday Jan
uary 1,1889. Her husband committed
suicide at the advanced acre of ninotv-
eight some years since , but th old lady
never married again.
Monday , Aprils , 1889.
On the Lookout. Did you
ever look earnestly for that you
did not wish to find ? Did you
ever get through the spring
months without sickness ?
Perhaps a mere' ache a head
ache , a backaehe , a rheumatic
ache ; possiblyia general sense
of'-rf ' weak- , languid ,
nerveless , lifelpss feeling.
It's not to be wondered at.
AH winter yoil have breathed
the poisonous- gases thrown
off by furnaces.A'and . stoves , in
tightly close4'w houses , You
have eaten hearty food , with
perhaps , little out-door exercise.
Spring's variable weather adds
the finishing totich and you
need medicine.
, You need Paine's Celery
Compound. It will purify your
blood , stimulate your liver ,
strengthen your nerves , and
regulate kidneys and bowels.
Giving health to every organ ,
it is the medicine you need
this spring , when every part of
the body is weak and debili
At Dructtlsts. f 1.00 per bottle. Six for (3.00.
Wowent into the shoo business , not only for the money there is in it bnt booauao the sue
ooss which attended the opening of this department lias again demonstrated what con
fldonco the people have in us. Many of the customers told us that they waited for our
opening though they needed shoos badly. They know they could save money and they
Were notdissapointed. Never was there a nicer nor a cleaner stock of Men's Shoos
placed upon the market , and never were such houost and trusty shoos offered at such figures.
And the way wo warrant our bettor grades of shoos has somewhat startled the shoo dealers
That is a guarantee Which means something and which protects the
Our- stock comprises all grades. "Wo have good strong shoos , inado of good leather ,
tat si.25 , up to the very finest grade of French calf , genuine hand-sowod. The later wo
offer at $5.50. Many shoes are called "hand-sowed' ' now-adays , but our $5.50 shoo is really
sewed and stitched by hand and is as good a shoo as any for which fine shoo stores ask
you $8.
Our spring stock of Underwear , Hosiery and ether Mon's Furnishings , is now on sale
at our well known low prices. Our display of Neckwear is the largest and finest in town
and we show novelties not to be found elsewhere at our figures. Among ether bargains
wo offer this week :
100 dozen fine Silk Scarfs , in very pretty and novel shadoa at I5c each , and 75 dozen
elegant Four-in-Hands in the very latest patterns , at 25c each. Fine furnishing houses
charge for the * same goods 50o and 75c.
In our Collar and Cuff Department wo will offer something this season that was never
heard of before. A genuine Linen Collar , standing and turn-down , at 5c each ,
and genuine Linen Cuffs at lOc a. pair. This is no job lot , but regular goods , now
styles and warranted pure linen. Wo shall sell thorn all through the season for Ilia
price. The very finest of collars made by the best manufacturers which other houses dare
not sell for less than 25c , we offer at 15o ; cuffs , 25c.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
A Noa 040a.roA ; | No , 1 0:60a.m. :
A No.4 7OOp.m.A No.3 7lUn.m.
JJLU * f P.
A No,3 9:20 : a. m.A | No.3 e:30a.m. :
A No.4 8:2U : p.m. A No.l 6'Jp.m : ,
A No. 10 7:05 : a. m.lA No.l ) 8:55 : a. m.
A No. 13 7:00 : p.m. A No. 11 0:00 : p. m.
OMAUA & eT. 1.0III8.
A No.8 4Jip.ra.A | No,7 , 12:00 : m.
A dally ; 1) dully except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday ; D except Monday : fast mall.
The time given aooro u for Transfer , there
b mg from five o tea minutes between Tram-
r and local u poti.
< .
only ono In tb world Kcucr tlo
Bconllauoui ilctrio i fluantltt
- rrfn. ttcllmtinc , oweru. lmr b ! > ,
OomforUbl * auil Kllwllro. Avoid fraud *
Teroxloo cared. fioiulKta
Ik. laYUTD * . 161 WABASM AVI. . ClIItAttt.
" * - - ' * * * VAFKRS are
i ( uocesafully used monthly by over 10,000
Ladlon. Are Safe. Efftctualaml J'leaiant
$1 per box bymall.or at druggists. Sealed
Partcvlan 3 postage stamps. Aililrtna
For sale nnd < > ; / tmttl bit Goodman
Di'MCo , , < Jm ha , " '
Running between Council DluCTs ana Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
Btreets. ami at the Humm It In Omaha.
Health is Wealth
MENT , a guaranteed speclllo for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , ConvulHloni , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused bythu
nsoot alcohol ( .r tobacco , Wakefuliieuf ) , Mental
lepiesslon , Koftenlng of the llraln resulting In
Insanity and leading to misery , decay and
death , I'remature Old Age , Itarrennoss , Ixmof
J'ower m olthur sex , Invoiuutnry Losses and
Hpermatorrhn-n caused by over-exertion of
tlio brain , sulfaDune or over indulgence. IIucli
box contains one month's treatment , tl n box ,
or six boxes fortfi , sent by mall prepaid ou re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
u for six boxes , accompanied with { 5 , wo will
send the purchaser our written guarantnu to re
fund the money If the treatment dooi not nlftict
a cure. Guarantees Issued only by Ooodmau
Drug Co. , Druggists , Bolu Agents , 1110 Furnutu
ttrect Umaha eb.
Steck Piano
Uomarkablo for powerful sympathetic
tone , pliable action and absolute dura
bility ; ao years' record the host guaran
tee of the excellence of these instru
MM MB R D luffertnz i from tha
effect * of youthful
MfcK ( iron , early deoiy ,
" - . - lo t mftnliood , 6ta.
. . Mnd a vAtaabl/t U iU o defied ) oonUluliur full
earttouUn for home euro , rroo of olmrco.
T AddrcM Kol. y. O. yoWUiU. MOOPOB. OOMM1.
VI fin R ! ° 'i ihrottrt trroti or
VluUrli U < l ptkctiui , nny In
pitlwtly trgiliicil If tin utv
pOBlpnDupreRernodlo > .
bend lor our n vr tiruiinfriFlri& .
v * * * * m m tUi. Attoluti tccrtcr * Varlco *
cured mUi utp > lno > o | > ntlon.
ealon-Dupro Cllnlque , lUTrtmont Bt. ,
kud'lui > i > ri cured.
CANCER > l ricBc . I\v Kulfc. llnok
1111 WubMk A.CkU . . .U | .
TUANSPOUTATION. Department of tin
UucrlortOlllco of Indian Affairs. Washington ,
Wnrch ! H. IHSn.-Soalod proposals. Indorse !
"I'lupo-mls for IK-ef , ( bids for bcuf must bo sub.
rnlttod In separata envelopes ) , llncon , 1'lour ,
Clothing , or Transportation . , " ( as the casa
may bo ) , mid < lli octal to the Commissioner ol
Indian Affairs , Nos , 05 nnd 07 Wooster street ,
Now York , will bo received until 1 n. m. of Tues
day. April 83 , ISM ) , for furnishing for the Indian
seivlro about 000,000 pounds Eacon , 3l.tXW.UOd
pounds boot on the hoof. I.ODJ.OO ) pnundMnol
beet , ii7 ,0 0 pounds beans. 71.U03 pounds buklnu
powder. 500,000 pounds corn , 4T7.0JO pounds cofi
tVo , M.rooo.ouo pounds Hour. 74 , ( H ) pounds food ,
155,000 pounds hard bread , 6r.OOJ pounds hem
iny. 23,1)00 ) poundti lard , 871 bimols meis pork ,
17.WX ) pounds oatmeal , : J75JOJ ( pounds onts.
Kfi.tO ) pounds rlco , KODO pounds tea , 310,000
pounds salt , JMO.OOO pounds so.ip , 020.0JU
pounds stiKar , and 100' ' ) pounds wheat.
Also , blankets , woolun and cotton goods , ( con
sisting In purt of tlcklmr. i ,000 yards ; utandnrd
calico. 100,000 yardsdillllng ; , H.OMyards ; duck ,
free from all bluing. < H , 00 yards ; denims , n.WKJ
yards ; Qlnghnm , : yooixyards ) ; Kentucky jeans ,
17,000 yards ; Cheviot , 12.000 yards ; Tjrown shpot-
Ing , 215.000 yards ; bleached shooting , 20.0M
yards ; hickory shirting , 15,000 yards ; callro
shirting , 5,500 yards ; wlnsey. a/JOJ yards ) ; cloth-
Ing. groceries , notions , hardware , medical sup-
piles , school books , ic. . and a long list of mis-
cellancous articles , such as harness , plows ,
rakes , folks. &c. , and for about ( HO wagons re
quited for tha service , to bo delivered at Chica
go , Kansas City , and dlonx City. Also for such
wagons as may be required , adapted to th
cltmato of the Paclflc Coast , with California
brakes , delivered nt Ban Francisco. Also ,
transportation for such of tbo articles , goods ,
and supplies that may not ho contracted for to
bo dollveied at the agencies , lllds must be
made out on government blanks. Schedules
show ing the kinds nnd quantities of subsistence
supplies required for each ngoncy nnd school ,
and the kinds nnd quantities In gross , of all
other goods and nrtlclos , togotoor with blank
proposals , comlttlons to bo observed by bidders ,
tlmonud place ot delivery , terms of contract
und payment , transportation routes , nnd all
other necessary Instructions will bo furnished
upon application to the Indian Ofllco In Wash.
Ington , or Nos. in and 117 Woostcr street , Now
York ; tlio Commissaries of Subsistence U.S.
A , , at Chuyennorhlongo , I cnvciiworthOmaha ,
Saint Louis , Saint Paul , and Sim Francisco ; the
Postmasters at faloux City , and Yankton : and to
the Postmasters at thu tallowing named placoj
In Kansas : Arkansas City , Caldwoll. Topuka ,
and Wichita. The right Is reserved by the gov
ernment to reject any anil nil bids , or any pare
of any bid , and these proposals nro Inrltod
under piovlbo that appropriation shall bo made
for the Btiitplli's by Congress. lllds will bo
opened nt tno hour nnd day above stated , and
blddeis nro Invited to bo present at the opening ,
Certified Chocks. All bids must bo accom
panied by ci'itilled chockii or drafts upon som
united States Depository or the Klrst National
Hank of Los Angules , Cal. , for at least live poi
cent of the amount of the proposal. JOHN H.
OlilSUIiY Commissioner. mchSldlDt
AGroat llodlcal Work for Young and Middle
Aged MOD.
i.T.II'SP ' nm ! mll'"o-ai0 ' < l men who sro nutTorlng iron
, lLldLiCitlo.n'.or. ? ! ! y ° HM' ' ' BxImtuUjS Vitality , tor *
Sifi'1.1"10".1 ' ? " "billy , IVcraaturo Incline , 4o ,
thousand uniold miicrl connequont tbero'
kIi"rti ! : " . " ! rulJ.Bro ilck " " 'I lufforlnii , and do no !
. with
' PniicnpUoni for ml aculo and ebranlo dlmaiei.
fully Indortpd br tlio National Medlral Anociniloii ,
who awarded tlio KOld and jotrelod meclnl to tbt
author. lllUBtrntlvu nuinnlo , wltb Induriementi ol
the limits , free If jou apply now. Artdrc us Hie I'ca.
iTiZ Mf l.mtllulo. or 'lr. W. if. I'/ KKU. No.
llul ncli it . llojum Musi. , wbu may b eomulteJ
ntldentlally an nil dlitmtoi
The'liflnlijrii ' Pressure Hose
Following Plflfflteri
JIusscv & Jlfly Co. ,
Mi A , 1VCC |
( Irnliani Park ,
J. J , Hnulglmn ,
J. L. Wclabans ,
J. It , Karnncle ,
3.1 , Morrison ,
ItORO & lllllfl ) ,
And nil leading
lilumbern throughout
the west.
Tliaiirysatiro iiigiant e Imprinted In the body
of the cover U a protection to the contumi/
agulust coiumnn Itott