Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Dally ( Morning Kdlllon ) Including SUHDAT
IIKK , Una Year . .1 . tlO 00
For Six Months . . . G 00
For Three Months. . . 3W
TIIK OMAHA SUNDAT HKK , mulled to any
luidreni , One Year . . . . / . . . . . . . 22
Wr KiY DEB , Ono Your. . 300
OWAII A Ornat. Nos.011 nnd flIO FAHHAM STHKET.
NBW YoriK OrncB , IlonusH AMI IS Tijinosj
. , ,
All communications relating to naws and cm-
Jorlal matter should Do addressed to the liDlTOH
should be
All linslnosi letters nnd remittances
OMAHA. Drnf tn , checks and poatolllce orders to
bo made payable to tlia order of the company.
an Bee PQWISWDE Company , Proprietors ,
E. RO3EVVATER , Editor.
'I'll 13 DAILY
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Etate of Nebraska , I „ .
County of Douglas , f '
George II. Tzsohuck , secretary of the nee Pub
lishing company , docs Bolomnly swear that the
actual circulation of Tun DAILY HKK for the
week ending April 0.1889. was as follows :
Sunday. Mnrrh.11 JJ.MO
Monday. .April 1 18,7 7
Tuesday. April" 1H.HOJ
Wednesday , Aprils IMfiO
O'tiursdav , AprlU 10,140
Friday. April 6 1M"B
Saturday , April 0 18.01
Average 18.O41
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed to In my
nrcsenco tlilnUUi ilaybf April. A. D. J88' .
Senl. N. P. FKIL , Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. i
County of Doughs , f M
afcor e U. Tzschuck , bolng duly sworn , do-
roses and says that ho li secretary ol the lion
Publishing company , that the actual average
dally clrculatlo ot TUB DULY IIKK for the
month ot March , 1889 , 19OM copies ; for April.
I8M , 1B.7U copleij for May. 18SS , 1MSJ
copies ; for Juno , 188H , 111,841 copies ; for
July. 18C8 , I8aii ; copies ; for August , 1888 ,
] 8,1Kl copies ; for September , 1P33 , 18,1.)1 conies ;
for October , NOW , 1WI ( coploi : for NovonK
licr , 1R88,18uf < fl copies : for December , 188S , 18,223
copies ; for January , 1KJ > 9. 18,574 copies ; for Fob-
funry , 1889 , 18,0lifl copios.
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my
presence this 2d day of Mnrrh. A. D. ISHII.
N. P. milj Notary Public.
PitKi'AitK to plnnt'ttoos. Governor
Tlmyor 1ms designated Monday , April
I ! 22 , as Arbor Day.
economy la a rheumatic.
It confines its operations to the lower
levels and never climbs to the top.
THE wholesale firing : of democrats in
Dakota accounts for the sweltering1 con
dition of the atmosphere in that sec
A NEW barrel factory is to bo started
in South Omaha. The number of bar'ls '
on tap at the last election was not sufll-
ciont to go around.
t , of Vir
I ? ginia , although disfigured is still in the
ring. Ho lias just applied to the presi
dent for the Dublin consulship.
InKOmiha road resists reduction
of rates on the ground that the line
represents forty-two thousand dollars
per mile. The atnountof watered stock
in the system is not stated.
THE eastern seaboard has been vis
ited with a heavy snow storm , which
brings to mind the great blizzard of a
year ago. But Nebraska basks , as over ,
In the smiles and sunshine of an early
THE farmers of Kansas have called a
mooting to prepare for resisting the
twine trust. - With Iowa , Nebraska nnd
Kansas tugging away , the twine com
bine will in all liklihood be pulled into
OKLAHOMA pilgrims should leave
their measures with the undertaker before
fore departing. The prospects are that
colnns will bo in greater demand there
than any other article of domestic con
sumption. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
T- THK offensive interference of revenue
I ? ' officers with the great whisky industry
of Kentucky was sternly rebuked by
the moonshiners last week. The ofll-
cors retreated. Even the still worm
will turn when trod upon.
SOME of the inspectors recommended
by the board of public works are totally
unfit for the position. The city council
should carefully enquire into the char-
nctor and associations , as well as the
ability , of the appointees.
THE alarming increase of prairie fires
throughout the west calls for caution
nnd vigilance on the part of farmers
nnd towns-pooplo. Owing to the ex
tremely dry state of the country the
starting of fires should bo prevented.
Incendiaries should bo severely dealt
eradicate the race question as an issue
In dealing with the southern problem ,
nnd will recognize protectionist 'demo
crats as well ns republicans in the dis
tribution of olllco. It is a question ,
however , whether the southern leopard
can change his "spots.
THE Omaha plumber who has fallen
heir to n fortune by the demise of a rich
unolo will continue business at the old
stand. Dame fortune is so common an
ncqualntancoof the profession that such
trillcs do not alToet the activity of the
fnombors nor thu enterprise of their
TituPonnsylvnnlu railroad announces
thnt , hereafter , it will bo compelled to
Bond freight by way of St. Louis instead
p { Chicago to all points beyond the Mis
souri river by which the St. Louis route
is the shorter. This is supposed to bo
in conformity with the intor-state com ;
jnorco act covering the long nnd the
short haul clause.
Tin ; legislatures of Indiana nnd Now
TaiMoy are fair samples of the rule and
ruin methods of democracy in power.
In both states the energy of thu pnriy
YWS concentrated in n wholesale grab
on the treasuries. Every law which in
terfered with the reign of plunder in
Now Jordoy was repealed , and the dis
tribution of spoils placed in the bunds
of the governor to prevent thu possi
bility of n future republican legislature
disturbing their grip on the public crib ,
in Indiana a republican governor mil-
lifted the schemed of tho-demourats , but
their scandalous manngemont of stuta
institutions proved thorn to bo totally
wflt to control or dlrocl public affairs.
Postmaslor-gcner l Wnnnmaltor IB
being mndo the target for a great deal
of abuse nnd ridicule by certain nows-
pnpcrs. Ills serious faults , In the opin
ion of these journals , nro thnt ho ia a
wide-nwako business man nnd that bo
loads n moral life. They charge him
with being utterly selfish , turning
everything , even religion , to the nc-
count of his commercial interests. Ho
is accused of employing the cheapest
foreign labor. The fact that ho con
tinues to superintend the Sunday school
with which ho has boon long connected
Is ridiculed , nnd in various ways the
effort is made to bring the postmnstor
gonornl into publio disrepute nud con
The gross Injustice of all this will de
feat Us purpose. These most familiar
with the business career of Mr. Wann-
mnkcr attest thnt it has boon in the
highest degree honorable nnd prnlso-
worthy. Ills great success ns n mor-
chnnt , not moro romnrknblo than that
of many others , is the result of good
judgment nnd live business methods ,
lie is n man of broad practical ideas ,
energetic nnd enterprising. There is
nothing In this character inconsistent
with n life of moral rectitude. Other
successful business men practice moral
ity nnd respect religion , and it
would bo well if the number was much
greater of men in commercial life who ,
llko Mr. Wnnnmnkor , nro not ashamed
to bo known of all men as being moral
and religious. Mr. Wnnamnkor carries
into his Sunday school work the energy
and vigor that are employed in all his
other affairs , nnd ho Is very justly
proud of what ho has accomplished in
this Mold.
But the publio has , properly , no concern -
corn respecting these matters , nor can
it bo made to concern itself nbout them ,
All that it is interested in is the ques
tion whether Mr. Wanamakcr is likely
to make an oftlciont and useful post
master-general , managing the depart
ment of which ho is the head on sound
business principles , and restoring the
postal service to such n standard of
thoroughness and offlcioncy ns the
people demand. In this respect Mr.
\Vanamakor gives promise of being as
successful as ho has been in other
affairs. Ho has a difficult work to per
form , for the postal service had become
a good deal demoralized under the
previous administration , but nil that ho
lias thus far accomplished has boon well
done. The country has begun to re
alize that there is improvement taking
place , and this gives the public a con
fidence in the postmaster-general that
will not bo shaken by personal abuse or
ridicule. So long as Mr. "VVannmakor
continues to merit , as an official , the
popular respect , ho can have nothing
to'fear from criticisms of his conduct in
any other relation.
President Harrison is said to favor
another international conference for the
establishment of a bimetallic standard
of monoy. There is probably a bettor
chance now of bringing about such a
conference than there has boon at any
previous time in the past eight years ,
or since the last conference was held.
The attempts made within that time to
induce the European governments con
cerned to confer on this subject received
no encouragement. Both England and
Germany declined to reopen the ques
tion , and the last person sent to Europe
to ascertain the sentiment there , Mr.
Man ton Marble , reported that ho found
the consensus of opinion opposed to any
change , and ho expressed the convic
tion that the United States might as
well drop the matter , so far as the inter
ested countries of Europe were con-
There has been a notable change of
sentiment abroad , however , since Mr.
Marble made bis report ; among the people
ple at least , if not on the
part of the governments. Bimetal
lism has boon gaining friends in
Germany and England and among
its staunchcst advocates in both
countries are men who , n few years ago ,
were arrayed against it. It was shown ,
a short time nco , that bi-motallism had
a very strong support in the Gorman
parliament , and quite recently Mr.
Goschon , chancellor of the British exchequer -
chequer , gave a public expression favor
able to it. The English royal commis
sion on gold and silver , appointed last
year , was equally divided as to the ad
visability of Inviting the United States ,
Germany , and the countries forming
the Latin union to join in consultation
with Great Britain and her colonies to
discuss the expediency of fixing a ratio
at which the coins of oithormotnlshould
bo available for the payment of all debts
nt the option of the debtor.
These recent circumstances show that
the chance of Securing an international
conference to consider the question of a
uniform standard for gold and silver
money has improved , and sCiggest that
if n movement for this purpose on the
iwirt of our government were not at once
successful it is roasoimblo to believe it
would bo during the life of the present
administration. But in the ovunt
of such n conference being
brought about , is there nny sub
stantial reason for supposing it
would accomplish anything ? The Eu
ropean governments would not bo likely
to appoint representatives who favor
bimetallism , and the popular sentiment
favorable to u ohancro is yet far too
weak to cope with the mighty iniluonco
of the money power. Europe is con
trolled by an aristocracy of accumu
lated capital ; and , so long as that vast
power demands that the present condi
tion of affairs shall remain , the people
will bo unable to induce the govern
ments to makenny change , though
they may not decline to discuss the
While , therefore , the chance is bol
ter now pmn for n number ot years of
bringing nbout an international mon
etary conference , the probability of its
accomplishing anything has not very
greatly improved. It ID , oartainly , ad
visable that thlb government should en
deavor to secure u confurenco , and hav
ing done so wo may properly , iu the
event ot failure , conetdorvhothor \ Jus
tice nnd solf-rospect do not require the
United States to ignore the action of
Europe with regard to silver and join
wi'.h the rcit of mankind iu thu estab
lishment of n common ration between
the two metals. Possibly independent
notion ot this kind would bo the best
argument wo could bring to boar on
Europe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tin : town site speculnlora nnd boomers -
ors nbout to make a rn\d on Oklahoma
have struck a snng which Is llkoly to
upset their plans. The bill for the
opening of Oklahoma contains no pro
vision for entering nnd proving up town
sites. Hence the golden dreams of
speculntlng in Oklahoma corner lots
aro. for the Ihno being , rudely shat
tered. The net for the opening of
Oklahoma , it is true , provides that the
secretary of the Interior may , after the
president's proclamation , and not before
fore , permit entry of lands for town
sites under sections 2 , 387 nnd 2,333 of
the revised statutes. But these sections of
the roviscdstatutescnnnotapplyatpros-
ont to town sites in Oklahoma. The
statutes provide that the judge ot the
county court in which tivo proposed
town is located shall mairo entry at the
proper land ofllco of the land so settled
and occupied , in trust for the several
usonnd oonofitof thu occupants thereof.
As there nro no counties or juagns of
the circuit court or necessary laws in
the territory , legal entry of town sites
is out of the question. The department
of the interior recognizes the dilemma
nnd can offer no mode of procedure to
provo up town sites. Undoubtedly ac
tion will bo taken , as soon as expedient ,
to cover the case , but in the meantime
the Oklahoma town slto speculators will
bo forced to live on hopes.
Tins results of the election in Rnodo
Island present some curious features.
The total vote for the four candidates
for governor will not exceed forty thou
sand. Under the law abolishing the
property qualification , an increase of
nine thousand votes was axpoctod , but
the newly enfranchised failed to avail
themselves of the privilege , except in
n few districts , whore , the democrats
made largo gains. With the exception
of the democratic candidate for attorney
gonornl , there was no state officer
elected by the people. Davis ( dom. ) , for
governor , came within eleven votes of
having a majority. The republicans
have a majority of one in the legisla
ture , but now elections must bo hold in
sovan districts , where the candidates
failed to secure n majority. This out
come leaves the contest in a-muddle.
Both parties are now concentrating on
the doubtful seven. The republicans
must capture four , nrtho democrats live ,
to control the legislature and the state
officers , as well as the vacant United
States sonatorship.
IT is is something to bo proud of that
Omaha's municipal credit is rated second
end to none. Bonds have just been sold
to the amount of two hundred nnd
seventy-live thousand dollars , bringing
in the market n premium of nenrly nine
per cent. A sale on such terms has not
been equalled by any city in the coun
try , and would indicate that Omaha
securities are as good as n government
bond. It is the truest test of the confi
dence of eastern bankers in the integ
rity , the stability and the future great
ness of Omaha. In comparison with
Minneapolis , St. Paul or Kansas City ,
Omaha has a far better rating in the
money markets. St. Paul and Minne
apolis have nearly exhausted their legal
limit of indebtedness , and tlieir bonds
can bo disposed of only at a discount.
Kansas City likewise hns a credit infe
rior to ours.
CANDIDATES for the vacancy on the
supreme bench are increasing rapidly.
By common consent Judge Gresham
heads the list , but President Harrison
hns given no intimation of his choice ,
and the public is likely to bo surprised
by the selection of an unknown. Ohio
claims the position because the late
' Stanley Matthews was n resident of the
state , and J. Warren Koifor , ox-speaker
of the house of representatives , is being
pressed for the appointment. Hon. J.
A ? J. Croswoll , of Maryland , is also in
the field. But the present vacancy will
not bo the only one during the adminis
tration of President Harrison. It is
generally believed that Justices Miller ,
Field and Bradley will soon retire.
They have each reached the ago of
seventy years , and , under the law , can
voluntarily retire on full pay ton
thousand dollars a year. These facts
must encourage candidates to urge
their claims. By becoming prominent
in the present contest they are not
likely to bo overlooked in the future.
THE Now York banks anticipated the
opening of earlier spring trade this
year than usual by laying in n largo
cash reserve , which it was expected
would bo in nctivo demand by the first
of April , an important turning point in
the business year. The result was , that ,
nlthough there was the greatest ac
tivity of money demands on that date
for the first half of the current year , the
bank reserves fell to a smaller limit
than for years and the ralo of interest
did not advance. No stringency in the
money market is looked for during the
rest of the season , for the first of the
current month shows that the amount
of outstanding currency is larger by
thirty-seven millions than u your ago.
THE resignation of Senator Chuoo , of
Rhode Island , was a Foolish act pending
the result of the state election. The
unexpected change in the composition
of the legislature renders the election
of a republican successor doubtful , und
makes the standing of both parties in
the senate decidedly eloso und Inter
esting. This does not justify alarm
among republicans , or enthusiasm
among democrats. The admission of
the two Dakotas , Montana and Wash
ington into the union will certainly add
six , if not eight , senators to the repub
lican column , giving the party u work
ing majority of ton after the 4th of
next March.
THE annual report of the business of
the South Omaha postotllco furnishes
convincing proof of the growth and
prosperity of the packing metropolis of
the stato. Compared with the previous
year the receipts show an increase of
over three hnndrod per cent , This is a
remarkable exhibit of a year's progress.
It is not ephemeral , but solid advance
ment in business and population , ns is
evidenced by tti.o substnntinl chnrnctor
ot public n.udj > prlvnto improvements
completed and.projcctod in the mngic
city. > i
THE city mnnshnl of Council Bluffs
should bo dbposod instnntor. Ho hns
had the audacity to nrrcst two of the
lung-testers imported nil the wny from
Chicago to In'flAto the circulation of two
rondorloss Qihahn dallies. If these
thront-sp'littlng nnd cnr-plorclng solicitors
itors hnd boon , 'crying out "ripe ban-
aims" in our neighboring oily , It
Would have boon proper enough for the
police to interfere , but ns ihoy were
trying to market two-cent dallies for
five cents n copy their arrest wns n
copyright infringement. For once , wo
sincerely sympathize with our ludlg-
tinnt contemporaries. D'noutrngo.
THE call for nld for the pratrlo fire
sufferers of Dakota should moot n prompt
nnd liberal response from the generous
pcoolo of this city. A majority of the
residents in the fire-scorched region
lost everything. Thousands of families
are homeless nnd ponnllossi nnd their
pitiful condition strongly nppoals for
assistance. Relief committees are already -
ready at work in surrounding towns ,
and Omaha should not take second place
In relieving the Immediate wants of her
afflicted neighbors in Dakota.
THE county commissioners have exonerated -
onoratod the superintendent nnd ma
tron of the county poor farm. But the
citl'/ons of Douglas county will not ex
onerate the commissioners when they
deliberately close their eyes nnd oars
ngninst nbusos that cannot bo glossed
over , no matter how mnriy whitewashing
ing resolutions are reported by the
"committee on construction. "
Tins spleen exhibited by our wido-
awake contemporary in its caricature of
the Omaha board "of trade is a fair
sample of the peculiar way which the
rejuvenated concern , that has just
passed out of the hands ot a receiver ,
has in manifesting displeasure at men
and things thnt do not suit its fantastic
To Succeed Matthews.
H/dfr / Tcfffl-Tp7i. )
One of the names most prominently men
tioned in connection with the place on the
supreme bench mndo vacant by the death of
Justice Matthews is that of Hon. J. L. Web
ster , of Omaha. President Harrison could
not satisfy the people of Nebraska and of
the entire west bot'or than by appointing
Mr. Webster to the place. In times past
certain motives Imvo influenced the appoint
ment of men in ho. way qualified for judRos
of the supreme court. Mr. Webster is a
comparatively .young man in the full viptor
of his intellectual life ; ho Is a western man ,
with n western man's knowledge of the in
terests of his septidn ; ho Is ono of the ablest
lawyers this side of the Mississippi , with a
wide reputation 'as a conscientious man and
earnest rcpublicah. Such a man would become -
como a worthy nss'ociato of the gentlemen
now on the bcnrh. The Telegraph heartily
endorses Mr. Webster nnd believes that the
efforts of his friends in the state inav secure
tbo appointmontiof.jhim.
niairItcintl > llcan.
The movomento ( select John L. Webster
to fill tbo vacancy on the supreme bench of
the United States , commands general in
dorsement among all classes for its manifest
fitness. His record as a member of the bar
and private citizen has been honorable , nblo
and useful. If there is any hope for any reo-
rosontativo Nobrnskan , Mr. Webster deserves -
serves and will secure recognition at the
hands of President Harrison.
Xnrlh Plaltc Tclcaiaph.
A movement to urge the appointment of
Mr. John L. Webster to the vacancy on the
supreme bench made by the death of Justice
Matthews. Mr. Webster is well known in
this part of the state as a man ot exceptional
ability as u Jurist , being accocded the palm
as the leading lawyer of Nebraska. Presi
dent Hqrrison should nominate Mr. Webster
for the vacancy ; .it would be a source of general -
oral satisfaction to the rank and file of Nc-
Still Mix 'Km in
AtcMson Globe.
An Atchison linn advertises a machine to
mix drinks iu three seconds. Mix drinks ;
what's that !
Now , BIr. Tuscotr.
CVi Icn/in / A'cii'x. '
Now that Stanley has written a letter de
scribing his adventures , that other traveler ,
Tascott , may conclude to drop the publio a
JMiirat nnd tlic Honutora.
I'lttubiiiii Times.
Oivo Halstead a dayto recoup ,
And como out of that elegant droop ;
Then see him unllmber ,
While they hunt for tall timber-
On , ho'll send the whole gang to the sou pi
Culture Rloro Than Morals ,
Atlanta Constitution.
A man has been sentenced to flvo months
in Jail for mutilating a book in the Hoston
publio library. If ho had kicked his wife
down stairs ho would have boon lot off with
flvo weeks. But a book Is n big ' thing in
Ghoulish Glee ,
Chorus of distinguished rejected domo-
crallo nominees :
Ha , Brother Halstoad ,
Hah , Urotti'or'Hulstoad ;
All I J3rothQrHalstead ,
You know how 'tis yourself.
ISooth muMUs Clgiira.
Clilcdqa Trlimnt.
Excessive smoking is undoubtedly Injuri
ous , but aspiring tiQtors who nro addicted to
the cigar habit need not rashly swear off bo-
causa of the illnostft'lmt has befallen Edwin
Booth. Few of thomyosomblo Edwin Uooth
to such on extent ns to occasion any alarm
among their frlonds ,
Neal Dow has boon appointed commis
sioner from Maine to the Paris exposition.
Hiram Wllllamsotf , < the new chief porter of
the Boston postofllco , was ono of the six
hundred who mad tlio famous charge at
IJalakluva. Ho wlltliow have charge of the
lighting brigade.
Grover Cleveland's new position as com
missioner of estimates and 'assessments of
the High Bridge Park will pay him | 10 a day
for the tlmo ho is actually employed. There
were 3,000 candidates for the place , but Mr ,
Cleveland did not flIo papers of application.
It is to bo stated that the late Sir Watkln
Wynu could walk fifty miles in n straight
line without setting foot un any land that did
not belong to him , but his breadth of land
pales before that of many others. The czar
ol Russia is thought to bo the largest land
owner In the world. Ho has cue- estate
which covers more than 100,000,000 acres , or
three times the extent of England.
Sir Edwin Chadwlck , who has Just been
knighted by Queen Victoria , Is the oldest
man over admitted to the ranks ot chivalry ,
being In his ninoty-flrst year.
Georeo W. Chllds , the wealthy Philadel
phia editor , owns n number ot the hand
somest carriages in the city , but does not
rldo In thorn once n year. Ho Is very fond
of walking nnd goes wherever ho can on
Joan Patient Mnzurlo wrote his own wilt
nnd died In Philadelphia In 1S23. DUpUto
and litigation have followed over slnco , the
last point at Issue botng settled only last
week , after lawyers nnd court fees had swal
lowed up nearly the whole estate.
IJ. n. Park , ot Upper Mystic , Conn. , Is the
champion wopdohoppor of the stnto. For n
wager ot $5 ho recently foiled , out , nnd split
Into marketable wood four cords ot chestnut
wood within six hours and flvo minutes an
average of n cord In nn hour ana n half.
It Is said thnt when the shah last vlsltod
England ho was taken to Nowgato nnd
shown , among other objects of vortu , the
gallows. In this object ho evinced the
gro.ttrst Interest , nnd , expressing n dostro to
see how It worked , nskod the governor to
hang a man. The governor explained thnt
ho had not n man ready for the experiment ,
whereupon the shah expressed his contempt.
"Hang ono of these , " ho said , pointing to his
sulto. Needless to say the governor did not
comply ,
Sir Thomas Gladstone did not hesitate to
criticize his brother's politics hi public. In
1SSO , nftor referring to what ho called the
"disgraceful conduct of Mr. Forstor" In at
tacking the liouso of lords , Sir Thomas re-
ferrpd to his brother In the following uncom
plimentary term * : "I would not have
troubled you with these words , but that It Is
n symptom of what wo have to expect If our
country places in power the man who can
recognize and justify such couduct as this. "
John Field , who is llkoly to bo Philadel
phia's next postmaster , was two years ago
offered n salary of $25OuO a year to take
charge of Mr. Wannmakor's wholesale busi
ness , Ho declined the honor because ho did
not care to sink his personality in another
man's business. As postmaster his salary
will bo JO.OOO.
King Oscar of Sweden personally delivers
' the "speech from the throne" nt the opening
of his parliament. The stalwart ruler Is clad
in white ermine trimmed with rod and gold ,
wearing a crown of gold upon his head and
bearing a jawclcd sceptre In his hand. Ho
1ms ajino voice and Is a graceful nud eloquent
Nebraska Jottings.
Wabash now has a brick yard , opened last
There is not a single innmto of the Howard
county poor farm.
Another roller skating erase has struck
Scotia and the rink is being liberally patron
Uov. Mr. Abbott has retired from his
pastorale nt Atkinson nnd will locate in
A creamery has been started at Wabash
and is expected to bo n wholesale addition to
the town ,
The Ledger says that Stuart has taken its
first steps toward prohibition. Atkinson
beer has been introduced into town.
While working in the stone quarries at
Louisville John Oylo had his face and hands
burned to a crisp by nn explosion of gun
powder and is now being treated . nt the
county hospital.
The ladies cornet band at Fullerton is
making good progress , and although it has
only been organized six months and has
never had an instructor , the members fur
nish excellent music.
A Grand Island man named Bowcn , who
was bitten by a mad dog , wont clear to
Lafayette , Ind. , to have a mad stone applied
to the wound. The stone adhered to the
wound and Bowen believes that ho is effect
ually cured.
The farmers of Bloody Ilun , says tbo
Ravenna News , have organized a lodgounder
a charter granted by the grand lodge of the
Anti-Horscthiof association , nnd will bo
ready to handle horse thieves ns soon as the
association gallows can bo erected. The
oulcors elected are : The grand chief hemp
stretcher , the grand perforator , the funeral
director , grave excavator , chaplain and
solicitor of the shekels. The constitution of
the organization provides for the suspension
of any member caught stealing a horse , and
it is said the suspending ceremonies are very
elevating in character.
Swedish citizens of Dos Moines county
have organized the Swedish Mutual Fire
The Burlington police court tried * 1,050
cases last .year.
Don Motnos has ordered $1,500,000 of pav
ing nnd sewering.
Rev. H. L. Stetson hns accepted the presi
dency of the DCS Moines university , but will
continue to act as pastor of the First Baptist
church of that city
Twelve Dubuque men were hold at bay in
n saloon by a wooduhoppor armed with an
axe , and it tool : the whole police force to
captuiotho belligerent.
A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Dcspnln , of Fairfield , last week. It
is the eighteenth child lor the mother and
the twenty-third for the father , und their
ages are forty-eight and Ufty-fivo respect
The drawing for the Aborn house at Dos , which had been advertised all over
the country to take place at Heloua , Mont. ,
did not como of , owiiifr to the sudden depar
ture from Helena of Ur. D. S. Aborn , muna-
ager of the scheme. The doctor neglected to
leave any address , nnd the tiuketholuors
"attached the lurnituro. The failure of the
scheme is attributed to the fact thnt , while
Ab.orn did quite a largo business , the expen
ses wore very great and receipts were not
enough to Justify n drawing.
The state pharmacy commissioners report
that in fnrty-ono counties of Iowa , including
iSremor. Cedar , Clayton , Dubucpao , Henry ,
Iowa , Jackson , Johnson , Linn , Madison ,
Montgomery , Muscatino , Poweshlek , Wash
ington , Wlnncsblek , there is not a single
permit to sell liquors for legal purposes.
Polk county , the pride of prohibition , has
eighteen ; Woodbury , IB ; Carroll , cloven ;
Pottawattamio , nlno. In fifteen counties
there is only ono permit to each , and twelve
counties have two each.
Ten yo'nrs ago ono of the most eloquent
and powerful Muthodlst Episcopal clergy
men In the state was Rev , J , M. Hudson , of
Mason City. On account or severe domestic
difficulty , ho loft the pulpit , since which
time ho has led a secluded und worldly life.
Ho was recently reclaimed und Sunday for
the first time occupied his old pulpit in that
city. Ho was llslnoed to by a largo congre
gation and declared his intention of again
entering into ministerial work.
An extensive Catnolio school building will
bo erected at Sturuis this season ,
The Huronltc says there has never boon a
tlmo when Huron contained any vacant
The channel of the Missouri at Yankton
Uas cUnusod find workfid back to its old bed
alongside of the town.
The Woonsockot money lenders are refus
ing to make chattel loans on account of the
penal feature of the now usury law.
The Horrold editors are at war and ono of
thorn has boon bound over to the district
court to the churgo of criminal llbol , pro-
ferrcd b/bls brother editor ,
Real fest'lto ' is active-at Plorro and a build
ing boom has boon started by the board of
education , which will orcct two ward schools
and a grand central structure , work to bo
commenced Inside of thirty duys.
Thcro Is n revival of early boating days on
the upper Missouri. Ihopooplo of Oharlcs
Mcx county , having no railroad , Imvo organ
ized a block company for the purpouo of op
erating a steamboat Hue botwuon Chamber
lain and down-river points , and the Henton
transportation company Is going to run two
boats , the Helena nnd Rosebud , between
Chamberlain and up-river points.
The Charles Mix county burning bluff con
tinues to throw off smoke and a gaseous
vapor. The htiat Is less intense than some
months ouo , or it is lower beneath the sur
face. A fund has boon ralsnd by popular
subscription to Investigate the phenomena
and learn the causa of the combustion. The
result of the Investigation is awnltod with a
grout deal of interest.
Some Humorous Inoldonts of Llfo
nt the Whlto HOUQO.
An Unseemly Scrninlilo For Dond
Men's Shoes Why tlio President
Needs n I'rlvftto llcsldcuco
Gossip from AVnshliiKton.
Diplomatic Condolonoo.
WASHINGTON , April 0. [ Special - Correspondence
spondence ) of THF. HKK. ] Some amusing In
cidents occur < it the white liouso frequently.
The other day during the excitement over
the disaster In Samoa by which tliroo of our
inou-of-\var were dashed to pieces , nnd mnnj
lives were lost , the president nnd Mr. Ulalno
xvoro In the former's room holding a con
sultation over the outlook. Naturally there
was n very serious ntr around the whlto
house , ns the snd Incident Imd cast n Rlooin
over nil who know of It. Queen Victoria
sent a cablegram extending lior condolence
to the people of the United Stntos through
the president , nnd It wns transmitted to the
chief executive through the chnrgo
d'nfTnlrs. ' The dlplomatlo'oftlccr was ushered
into the prosouco of the president while the
latter was consulting with his secretary ol
state , Both the president nnd Mr. Illume
arose to their feet as the British
ambassador entered , and taking off his hul
in the most formal way ho handed n mes
sage to the llrst man of the land. After the
message was read by the president there
was a formal Interchange of regrets tun
sympathy , which lasted several minutes.
Then the charge d'uffairs bade the gentle
man good nftornoon nnd departed. When
the doors wns closed Secretary Blame
turned to the president and observed :
"funny , isn't ' it , how differently wo ro-
colvo people in this room and receive them
out west , or in our houses ! Now , if that
, mun Imd come into your house nt Indian-
upolis with such a message , you would have
Invited him to sit down aim muko himself
comfortable. Then you would have ad
dressed him by his name , and thanked him
for his tnesiago. Hut it
to do that tiling here. It wns necessary to
treat the whole matter in the most formal
business way. What great changes como
over us through an election I"
On last Sunday an extraordinarily largo
bundle of letters was received nt the execu
tive mansion , and while the president wns
assorting them over for the purpose of securing -
curing those marked "personal,1 nnd thoio
which appeared to bo for himself indi
vidually , ho run across one addressed ns fol
lows ;
"Ben. ,
President of the United States ,
Washington , D. C. "
Another letter written by an ardent
Hoosier who wanted n position in the diplo
matic or consular service was enclosed in a
largo sized envelope , and addressed to
"General Ucn Harrison ,
Executive Mansion , Washington. "
A sheet of fool's-cap writing paper was
used on which to indite the message. Dur
ing the campaign there were photograph
copies of n picture of General Harrison cir
culated. They wore about six by ten inches
in size , and were printed on heavy book
paper. This Indiana ofllco seeker hud taken
ono of these photographs , and cutting it in
two nt the breast , hud pasted the head and
bust on the upper portion of the sheet of
paper. Under this ho wrote the following
letter :
"His excellency is kindly requested to rec
ommend und support the undersigned as
or consul general to any of the following
states : Venezuela , Bolivia , Paraguay , Uru
guay , Columbia and South and Central
. * * * This
America generally. will
take the place of a singlo-fllo handshake , and
its attendant symptoms , a ono-inmuto buz
zing in your oar , as now practiced by ofllce
applicants. "
A short time after the disaster In Samoa
had been verified ut the department of state ,
and copies of the cablegrams were sent to
President Harrison , and while the chief
executive was working through tears upon
piles of applications for office , a delegation
of friends of a naval ofllcor called upon him
nnd asked for the promotion which will nat
urally tnko place by the death of the unfor
tunate men on board the Nipsie nmi Vnu-
dalia. The president did not say anything ,
but received the ofllccrs kindly. Ho thought ,
however , it was n very remarkable proceed
ing. A few minutes afterward another dele
gation came in and insisted upon the recog
nition of some other naval officer for promo
tion by reason of the death of these men.
Then followed some moro men who wanted
their friends in the navy promoted. This
was the straw that broke the camel's back ,
and the president informed his callers that
ho thought it was a burning shame that
there should be so much unseemly
Ho said the friends of men in the navy
should wait until the bodies of the unfor
tunate ones had boon recovered and laid nt
rest before there was any feeling over who
should secure promotion.
The plumbing in the executive mansion is
being thoroughly overhauled. When Presi
dent Harrison wont into the whlto liouso it
was discovered that in some of the rooms the
dampness and the sewerage hud conspired to
cuuso n green mould to form on the walls.
On a foggy or heavy day the sewer gas was
so strong that it would make ono sncezo in
portions of the building , while in other
places It could bo actually tasted. The effect
of this poisonous atmosphere was to make
Mrs. Harrison quite ill , and she -has been
conlincd to her bed or room almost constantly
for ten or fifteen days , and will
have to go away from Washing
ton in order to rully recuperate.
Meanwhile plumbers have boon at work
tearing out the arrangements in some of the
closets and putting In new pipes around a
number of the water faucets.
ISvoryono who enters the whlto liouso ad
mires the grandeur of the old-fashioned
building and the natural abandon of the
place. The ceilings are high , the rooms
wide nnd square , the hallways broad , the
conservatory capacious , mid thcro Is a
warmth and cheerfulness which suggests the
case of a splendid old southern home. It
looks "sorter George Washington llko , " as a
woman from the west put it the other day ,
and without any thought to health und com
fort for a permanent homo , the visitor is
ready to exclaim : "How 1 should llko to
live here I"
This Is all Just , on general principles , but
these who are not robust , or these who have
not been acclimated to Washington nro
almost Invariably made sick upon entering
the whlto house , The Illness of Mrs. Harri
son , and the enormous amount of business
which has been forced upon the new presi
dent , requiring greater olllco-room , have em
phasized ttio necessity for the construction of
for the president of the United States. This
question has been agitated n numborof times
by the republican senate , but has always
fulled when It reached the democratic house
of representatives. It is understood tmt ) an
appropriation will bo made ( luring the an-
preaching session of congress for a now
bulldnig , whore the president oan 11 vo with
com fort and without risk to the health of
himself nnd family , arm whore there will bo
morn than flvo bed rooms , u slnglo dining
room nnd thrco parlors In which to entertain
thousands of people ovury we ok.
Slnco Mrs. Harrison came to the white
houjo she has had with her nil the members
of her immediate family , but sbo expects to
bo iiuito nlono during the summer. Her
daughter , Mrs. MclCoo , will be some weeks
In the south during the spring , while her son
nnd hU wife expect to go to their homo In
Helena , Mont. , very shortly. The president
and Mrs. Harrison will undoubtedly micnd
their summer vacation in the vicinity of Deer
Park. Mil. , where tnoy used to no when Gen
eral Harrison was In the senate. Ex-Senator
Davis , of West Virginia , has tome cottagoa
at Deer Park , and every summer for years
past ho hub placed ono of them at thudisposal
of General and Mrs. Harrison. Doer Park
can bo reached in n few hours' run from
Washington , and If nectmury the president
can leave hero at. ) o'clock oa Saturday uftor-
noon , und arrive at hU cottage , high up In
the mountains , whcro there Is it fresh , brac
ing brcow , In time for supper. The president
can thoio liuvo beautiful drives , and any
amount of constitutional walks. Ho also
found foiiKenlal company tticro fur hiiimolf
auu Mrs. ilarriaon. i'r.KKi' K. HUATU ,
The Police System to bo Investigated
For Hevornl Mongolia. '
No llttlo nnxlcti' la felt by the members of
the iiollca force over the proposed Investiga
tion by the council Into the workings of that
body , The Investigation wnn brouffht about
directly by the action of the poflco authori
ties in employing spies nnd Informers to se
cure convictions against saloonkeepers for
selling liquor on Sunday , Flvo members of
the force , disguised ns soldiers nnd laboring
men , visited sovernl unloons of the city and
secured whisky under plons of sick
ness nnd representations of a llko
nnturc , nnd then appeared ns witnesses
ngnlnst the men who had favored them
Sovernl members of the council , led by
Mr. Knspur , protested against such methods ,
nnd finally cnllod for n committee to Investi
gate the charges against the men who wera
engaged ns Informers nnd to examine Into
the general condition nnd workings of the
police department. President Leo , of the
council , on Saturday night appointed Cotin-
cllmcn Knspar , Lowry , Davis , Schrlvor nnd
Chnffco as the investigation commlttoo.
To n UKK reporter yesterday Mr. Kaspar
staled that the committee had n big job on
Its hands. "There have boon n very lurgu
number of complaints received , " said Mr.
Kasitar , "touching IKII the mnnnor nnd
conduct of the force In many respects , nnd I
propose , as chairman of the committee , to go
to the bottom of them , nnd if the people
.who have mndo personal complaints will
make them public before the committee I
imagine wo will show n very pretty stnto of
things. "
"What can you do nbout It , even u you do
show n case ngumst the furco or its huud , "
wns nsltcd.
"Wo don't hnvo nny authority In the innt-
tor" said the oounullmnn , "but It will ba
well to lot the publio know what kind of po
lice service wo are getting In return for the
largo amount of money that goes to Keep up
that department. "
"What do you expect to show ngnlnst the
men who have been acting ns informers
ngninst the saloon mont" \ i
"Simply that everyone of them has him V
self been guilty of a orlmo In coaxing n saloonkeeper -
loonkeeper to commit mi offense. Tnico the
case of Young Hyjoclc for Instance. Thntbov
worked like u slave to got n homo for hfs
mother , nud she then mortgaged It for flUOO
to start his saloon for him. Ho has run n
nice , quiet place nnd there hns never boon n
complaint agnlnst him. That man Hudson ,
who In form oil ngninst him , got n bottle ot
whisky on Sunday only after making two
visits to Ilyjcck and bogging him to let him
have the liquor , as his wife was dying nnd ho
could not do without It. The commissioners
revoked his llceusp , nnd it Is now n case of
paying that Sl,200 ny day's work. "
"What of the charges against the force In
"I don't want to try this cnso before wa
get to It ; but thcro will bo charges enough.
It can bo shown that the police
have been carrying things with n
high hand. It has como to such n pass that
If a laboring man Is out of a Job for a few
days ho Is arrested ns a vagabond or a sus
picious character. Ono case thnt I have
knowledge of wns that of n man who worked
on n sewer contract all last summer. Ho
was out of n Job when winter came on and
could not find work. Ho lived next door tea
a member of the police force who kept
hounding him and finally told him that If ho
did not tro to work ho would bo arrested.
The follow could not llnd work and "moved
to Denver to avoid the oftlcious copper's
persecution. That is ono case out of many ,
The committee will meet shortly and will
hold dally sessions until wo got to the bottom
of the complaints made if it takes us all sum
mer. "
"Thoro nro several things I would llko to
know , " said a member of the council , "about
the workings of the police force , nnd I thluk
I will take advantage of the proposed in
vestigation to llnd out. "
The reporter expressed surprise that there
should bo anything that a councilman didn't
know nnd asked out of curiosity what the
points were upon which enlightenment was
"Ouo thing I would llko to know , " was
the reply , "is why the police allow the King
woman to run her bagnio on Capitol
Avenue , near Fifteenth , while the other
keepers of houses of ill fame are required to
move out of the prescribed district. Of
course I am not putting in u plea for tho. * > -
other women , but I simply want to know
why the police authorities make such n dis
crimination. Then , I would like to know ,
too , if the police commission is aware that n
member of the board has a house of his in
the prescribed district that Is occupied by
women of illroputo. I hope the investigat
ing committee will furnish mo the informa
tion I am thirsting after. "
Mnll Mftii Kesolvc.
A largo number of railway mail sorvioa
clerks who run Into Omaha , mot at the Millard -
lard hotel Friday night , and passed the fol
lowing resolutions on Frank Murphy , who
has recently retired from the position ot
chief of the clerkship of the Nebraska di
vision :
Whereas , Our cstcomed friend and fellow
laborer , Frank Murphy has soon fit to ask to
bo relieved from the responsible position of
chief clerk of the Nebraska division , nnd
Whereas , Wo have known him us an
efllcient and faithful employe and competent
chief clerk In every respect , therefore bo it
Hcsolvcd , That wo express our regrets that
ho has found it necessary to retire from this
important position , und that wo wish him
abundant success in whatever position ho
may hereafter occupy.
Stoic Every thin ir Hut the Girl.
NnWAliK , N. J. , April 0. [ Special Telegram
gram to THE BEH.J J. S. Grlor , n special
agent of the governor of Colorado , to tak
the cowboy , Herbert E. Coddiugton , back to
Trinidad m that state , on tliroo indictments
burning the liatol ot James Pylo , robbing
n boarder of $200 nnd running nwav with
Pylo's daughter was looking for Governor
Green to-day to got his requisition signed.
The only charge Coddington denies is thnt
of kidnapping the girl , She claims to have
been sixteen years old when she loft homo.
A Private Public School.
Mr. O. F. Jayncs has built n school build
ing at the comer of Jnynos street and Slier
man avenue , north of the fair grounds ,
which ho has'furnished to the school board
for n year , the board supplying the toachw
The now school accommodates nbout slxy1
pupils who were without proper school fu *
A boy living near Abllono , Tox. , wat
rocantly bittoti by a Biiuko nnd was soon
taken with convulsions. An old Moxi-
cnn sornpod out the bowl of a briar pipe
iipnliod the scrapings to the child7 !
wounds and the next duy the boy wai
Sneezing Catarrh.
The dhtrosoliiR Hneo7.oHneozo,8neo/c , the ncrU
watery discharges from the oyoa and WHO , tin
painful Inllammntlon extending to the throat ;
thouH'ulllngof thumucouslining , causing chok
ing HCiiHntlons , cough , ringing noises In the head
and bplltUiiB hoadachcs--how fninllnr the
oyniploinH RIO to thousands who Miller purioill
cully from head coldH or Inllutm/a , and who llv
In lunornncu of Ilio fact that u Hln lo application
of SANtoitii'H HAIIICMI , ( jimu von ( JATAIIIIU
will iitford ( nttitntnnunu ttlur.
llutthlNtruntinvnt In cases of simple Catarrh
Riven but a faint hlon of what thin rumudyvllj
o In tlu < chionlc forms , wliuie'tha hreathluu li
obstructed by choking , putrid mucous accumu
lations. Ihe hunting uirectfd , nmi'll und tn t
gone , tinout ulconitwl nnd hacking rotiuh inad <
unlly faijtenlni ; ItHclf upon tnu diiljllltiitiid BVH-
totn. Then It iu that the mnm-lous curative paw ,
erof 8\tii-ouii'K UADIUAI , Cum : mnnllimi : | tn-
self In Instantaneous and uratuful lullrif , ( Jure
bfulnx from the tlrxt application , It in ranlil
radical , peimancnt , economical , sufo.
SAtmmirs luuicnr , Cmci : consintH of ono hot
tie of thu ItAMUAr , CUIIK. on box OATAIUUIAL
JOI.VKNT end an IJIIMIOVKII l.NHAr.Kii ; piiuo , ( ] .
TON , f
Aclilnc MuBclw , Racks
' , Wpa ana
BH < V i.'kiqney nnd Uturlniil'afnu.iSa
.nil p.iin. llluiiiiiiiitloii.amlVo.iUnujji
CUTICDIIA ANri-PAlN Pf.ASTBii. The ( irJt und
> nly valii-kubilnliiu planter. New , original , In-
stBiitnvuui. iiorerfalllni ! . vi , tly aupeilor to all
olhur pUhtvtM und romeilliif for th n'llcf of
mlii. At nil ilru.'Bl K 21 ceim ; live for