Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Ono Who Has Boon Ilioro Wrltoa
Up Iho Oklahoma Roeorvatton.
Ho Sny the Kiithufilttsts Mistaken L2x-
l > rcHsl < tiis of the Hxtent of ttio
Territory All Cnrry the
Mr. John C. Honnoll , who recently made a
trip to Oklahoma , writes as follows :
Anticipating that a proclamation would bo
Issued opening the Oklahoma country for set
tlement , I decided to BOO the district so far
famed , and Wednesday , March 23,1 started.
Thursday morning I arrived at Wichita ,
and there was the llrst Intimation that boom
ers wcro In the Innd , nnd on that morning
\f ( thcro was great excitement because the
Hngla had published at length the proclama
A'.l sorts of devices are planned hero to
catch the almighty dollar , nnd of the many
the ono that gains most favor , and Las al
ready becomes quite remunerative , Is the or
ganization of an association , and paying $1
each , this payment to Insure thnt your Inter
ests will bo looked after Mid you assisted to
locata a quarter section. I risked carefully
for tholr mode of assistance , but they could
promise nothing absolute but a 2-ccnt map.
"I didn't ' jlno. "
Hut as Oklahoma was my destination point
I took the Santa Fo tram about 11 o'clock ,
anil In n couple of hours wo entered the In-
dlan tnrrltory. On leaving the Kansas line
.between It and the Cherokee stripe , Is as
plainly defined between settlement and va
cant land ns a clearing In a forest , and tills
line wo st J cast and west for imuiy miles , as
J hero wo nro on a high dtvldo between the
' F Stmrkaska river and tlio Big Arkansas rlvor.
Soon wo pass near tbo Cberokco Indian
school or college , nnd after n half hour's
| run pass tha Standard Oil company's ranch ,
t This Clicrokco stripe or outlet , as It Is called ,
Is about sixty miles wldo , and In surface very
I nlco , the soil , however , Is a light sandy
1 loam , but rich.
After crossing the Sharkaska , salt fork of
the Arkansas , Hcd Hock and Blaok Hear
streams , wo como to the Oklahoma country
at a Billion called Alfred. The lay of land
from here to Oklahoma town Is ifbtgoed ,
and the neil Is very rod and of npparantly
poor quality , but wo are told that upon the
divides it's bctto , and all you have to do
hero in the way of farming is to tickle
the soil nni1 it will laugh a harvest.
Wall , from the make-up of the avertiiro
boomer , as I have diagnosed him lu the past
three days , the harvest must bo secured that
way , for thoro's very llttlo work in him.
TUG railroad passes through very rough
land , crossing as wo do the lied fork of thn
Arkansas ( or Cimraaroii ) river , Ephriam
crook and a dozen others , with Indian names
longer than the streams , nnd then over a
high dlvido of beautiful land ( hut 240 feet
deep to water ) to ttio north fork of the Can
adian river , where is located the "good"
Hero wo find troop " 13" of the Fifth
United States cavalry in camp , and they on
duty , inviting all comers by rail to move on
by next train cither north or south , and not
allowing any settler with team or family to
stop In the limits of the county opened until
the 22d of April. This town consists of u
railroad depot and live or six houses , the
tivo largest ones occupied by the Indian
freighting agent nnd the quartermaster , for
Port Hcno , a port thirty-five miles west of
this lino.
From the accounts as reported to many
papers , people are led to hollova that dying
with your boots on , and a claim given you
of six foot by three , and all such non
sense as that is the lot ot the avcrago
* 'tenderfoot , niid consequently Immigrants ,
now comers and all old timers carry tno tra
ditional six-shooter. It makes them look
manly you know , and 1 believe the only un
armed man in the town that night was your
correspondent and ho was nnd felt perfectly
To these of your readers who have not nt
hand maps of this country and the Indian
Territory I will describe it. The territory
proper ( leaving out the nubile land strip on
the west ) is 200 miles wide from tlio Kansas
line to the Texas line , and 'WO miles long
from the Texas line on the west to Arkansas
on the cast. Directly in the center of this is
tbo Oklahoma country , a tract of land forty-
two miles caat und west by sixty miles nvor-
ngo length , ami the town of Oklahoma Is sit
uated on the North Canadian river , at a
point that makes it the exact , center of the
Many en route to this country nnd many
who do not think of going , have formed an
idea that the land to bo thrown open for set
tlement April 22 is a good share of the whole
Indian territory whereas it is only ono
twenty-fifth part of it. The reader must remember -
member that fully one-half of the Indian
territory is occupied by the live civilized
tribes , viz. : Chorokecs 22,000 , owning 5.000-
000 acres ; Creeks 15.000 , owning 2,215,000
ncres ; Choctaws 18,000 , owning 0,080,000
ncrcs ; Chlckasnws 0,000. owning 0,000,000
ncrcs : and last , the faominolcs ! ) ,000. , owning
" 00,000 acres. Over oiio-quartcr is taken by
the Cherokee outlet lauds ( a strip along
Kansas ) 5,000,000 acres , and the following
wild tribes I give their population and
ncreago-Choyonnos and Arapahoes 3,717 ,
owning 1,250,000 acres ; Wichltas 213 , owning
403,000 acres , and the Klowas , Comanchcs
nnd Apaches , In total. 2.SOS , owning 1,500,000
ncrcs. Tlio balance ( about one-fifth ) , includes
the Oklahoma country and reservations
for the bnlanco of tlio tribes viz. , Sax and
Fox , Pottawntomlos , Klckapoos , lowaa. Ncz
Pcrccs , Poncas , Pawnees , Kansas , Otoes ,
Missourls , Quapaws , Peorias , Shawnees ,
fcjonccas , Ottawtts and Wyandottcs.
The influx of peopleto this Is certainly
wonderful , und a great boon to the four cato-
wuys to this region viz. . Wichita , Welling
ton , Arkansas City and Winflold , and these
. points are enjoying a irood trade on account
of it. Tlio average home-seeker , however ,
in very manv cases ( nnd I believe fully fifty
par coat. ) will not ilnd in the Oklahoma
country as good u claim as ho hud antici
pated , and hero in the southern tier of Kan
sas counties , I hear the remark often made ,
"well lot these who want to , go ana contest
and contend for a quarter of that land , as for
my part I will not attempt to secure my
homcstond in the territory until the Chero
kee strip or outlet is opunod up that joins
on Kausax. and is as good land as Kansas. "
Thcro will bo a largo number disappointed
In this Oklahoma matter , nnd will Da looking
In tno next two or three months for a good
luarter section in Kansas , and they can now
find many government quartern , mid Homo
rolinqulshmcnts , that are for sale cheap , and
ihoso will bu picicod up by thu overflow from
the Oklahoma country. Many will also buy
Iho cheap railroad lands m Sherman , Logan ,
Thomas mid Wallace counties , that can bo
locurcd at J5.00 per aero at ton years credit
mil only 50 cents per aero down payment ,
ind $1.500 uor aero robatcd for acreage im
proved iu two years.
I comvorsed with Lleutcmint Carson in
: ommand of Troop n , at Oklahoma , and ho
laid his men were out over his district notify
ing Immigrants that they should not stop on
my plcco of laud nml begin residence until
Iho time contemplated in tlio. proclamation ,
ivlileli is noon ot the 22d April.
Outline , the land ofllco for the eastern dis
trict , In on a nice dlvido between the Hcd
tork of Arkansas and Cottonwood Creole and
Iho acru reserved In proclamation for govern
ment use is about otic thousand feet from the
Santa Fo dopot. This point will witness u
great rush April W and for many duyn and
weeks following , and I fear moro or less
violence will bo used In settling this
land , thnt on an avcrago Is not as
good as millions of others of government
land uo\v available In Buttled districts , but
does Hot-vein to have Iho charm of forbidden
fruit as it has been but now opened for
actual settlers ,
The people of Nebraska have only to recall
tUQ result of sales of the Otoo and Missouri
reservation on thoKttu&usnnu Nobiu.ska line ,
near Beatrice how , that in the excitement
unit bollof that if an Indian had livcu on the
land it was so much better , that as high us
(15 per acre wus paid for bare pratrlu land.
\vhllo at the same time , improved farms of
better land could be bought nearer to mar
ket for loss money and by such recalling ,
form nn idea of the utter disregard of buaU
nesi 101110 tbo people exhibit In .the Okla-
| toniM matter. JOUM U , COXHUIX.
Prosperous nntl JnbUnnt.
mitmsox , Nob. , March 80. [ Correspon-
dcncoof THE lJr.p. . | Since the passage by
.ho legislature of the herd law bill thord has
been In Sioux county , to use an expression of
some local notoriety , "ono continual round of
ilcasuro. " A few useless politicians and
'bonier ' runians" only take the matter badly.
N'ono of the cattlemen appear to bo in any
lurry to leave. These who own their lands
arc Arranging to fence pastures nnd others
Will herd their stock. Ono of' the largest
itock owners In the county Is building rlargo
aarn. The | > ooror settlers are Jubilant over
prospect of raising a crop without hav
ing U destroyed by "free range" stock.
There Is a nearly universal feeling thatSIoux
county is on the eve of great prosperity ,
( juito n largo Immigration to our county has
set in curly this spring , and the feeling that
the present season Is to be one of largo de
velopment Is augmented by that fact.
Of the live counties "boyotnl the sand
lillls , " that for the past four years have been
marching on to greatness , Sioux county Is
the farthest west , being the northwest
county of the state , and contains a largo
amount of government land of tine quality.
The country is thirty miles across from cast
to west nnd extends about seventy miles
from north to south.
The surface of Sioux county U properly
termed undulating. In particular places
Lhero are extensive Hat valleys and tublo
lauds , and In others lotty hills , abrupt preci
pices or rocky canons. Yet there is a very
small portion of the country that docs not lie
well for comfortable cultivation. Even the
greatest of the hills generally nrlto by easy
gradations and are susceptible of cultivation
to their very-tops.
The county is drained by a number of flno
streams , the principal ones being the NIo-
braro , or Hunnlng Water river , the White
river and Hot creek. These and their tribu
taries and tributaries of the Cheyenne and
Platte rivers are beautiful streams of
clear , cold , soft water. In the ex
treme northwest portion of the county
Is a small tract probably composed of marl
and there are n lew springs the water from
which Is strongly impregnated with disa
greeable salts. Aside from these nil the
streams in Sioux county contain water excel
lent nnd hcaK-hful for drinking purposes-
springs and streams as naturally nrlso In a
sandstone formation uud llow through a fer-
The soil of Sioux county Is a black sandy
loam. It is alluvial nnd what is teemed the
Loess deposit In sclcntlilo classification. The
sand nnd clay and vegetable mould are not
altogether equally distributed throughout the
entire extent of the county. In the south
ern portion thcro are places where there is
a largo admixture of satds. ) It is
not n barren country , but ono covered
with the llncst and most luxuriant grasses
and having a quick soil , and where it has
been cultivated producing satisfactory re
sults. Again , in tbo northern part of the
county are places whara the soil has seem
ingly too much clay and too little sand nnd is
sunbaked and hard. Generally speaking ,
however , the soil of Sioux county is a blaclc
sandy Just right for the production of or
ganic life. The statement will answer for
the great bulk of all the lands in the county.
The cllmato of Sioux county Is Influenced
L > y various conditions , some of which may
briefly bo named. It is in latitude 42 toIII
north , the same as that of Massachusetts
and southern Oregon. It Is something more
than half way across the continent from caste
: o west. Its altitude is between 3,500 and
5,500 feet above the sea. The
Drevaillng wind is from the southwest.
It is warmer hero than lu the same latitude
"tinner cast , but not so warm us in the same
latitude farther west for all obvious reasons.
Its altitude operates to give it a dry bracing
Umosphero and ulbo permits us to catch a
jreath of the Pacific breezes that fan tlio
other side of the Uockics mingled with out-
own dry , bracing mountain winds. The
rainy months in this section are April , May ,
Juno and July. In the winter season there-
is generally an abundance of snow , which
unounts to the same thhiK as rains. August ,
September , October nnd November bring us
Uut few showers. Tno writer has boon
Familiar with the country since and including
Lho season of 1SS4 , and records his exper
ience. During the early summer months
there has been every season so fur in our
lilstory an abundance of ram needful for the
production of crops suitable to the lutltudo
namely , corn , grain and vegetables. This
has been followed by a dry full lu which to
gather what had been planted and sown and
vlclded its many fold. Ho who puts his
hand to the plow and cultivates the soil of
Sioux county with proper oaro may bo as
reasonably sure of a good harvest as the
farmer in any other favored spot in the
country. Ho may also bo confident of good
weather in which to gather the results of his
toll , and of healthful und generally pleasant
weather all the year.
Experience has demonstrated that the
soil und climate of this section are particu
larly well adapted to the production of spring
wheat. The record in regard to wlioat-
ruising is remarkable both as to the amount
and quality produced. It is expected that
this will bo the great monoy-mukingindustry
of the near future.
Harrison is the only village in Stoux
county , and is finely located on u broad table
land on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Vulloy railroad. It la the county scat , and a
handsome ? 10,000 crick court house is in
process of construction and nearly com
pleted. It has a good school house , a $2,000
Methodist Episcopal elm re n building and the
customary business enterprises. Within
twciity-livo to thirty miles of Harrison
risen are thousands of ncres of
excellent government land subject to
entry under the pro-emotion , timber cul
ture and homestead , acts. , The passage of the
law rcsraining slock from running at largo
to destroy the props of the settlers ana the
early arrival of largo numbers of eager
homoscokors , bringing trows of many others
to follow , warrant the assertion that the
present season will bo ono of great develop
ment in Harrison and Sioux county. The
near prospect of seeing these broad and for-
tilu but wild prairies changed into prosper
ous nnd cultivated farms is naturally pleas
urable to all who have a permanent interest
In the country.
Xlia Outlook at Crolt-hlou.
CUBIUHTON , Nob. , March 29 , 1SS9.
[ Correspondence of THE UBE : | Farmers
are beginning to complain of dry weather
The ground Is barely moist enough to plough
nnd should wo have no rain or snow soon , It
Is feared that crops will bo slow starting ,
oven if they grow at all. Notwithstanding
this fact , a largo acreage of wheat Is already
planted , and a good crop Is expected.
Without doubt this will prove the liveliest
and most successful year Crcighton has hud
for u long time. The citizens are thorougly
aroused as to the necessity of prompt and
vigorous action to Induce- immigration , Their
efforts Imvo'nlrcady brought In a good many
sottlcrs and moro are comohig every day.
Heal cstuto both In and around Crojghton is
belling rapidly und at good figures. The
largo district lying in the eastern part of tlio
county , nnd known as the speculators land
U being sold and settled faster than ever be
fore. This Is n very rich farming district
nnd as it lies tributary to Croiu'hum will aid
greatly In booming thin ulroudy lively burg.
Knox county has been exceptionally lucky
for sovorul years in her crops. Whllo Holt
and the neighboring counties on the west
have been suffering from drougth und failure
of crops this section has annually raised a
good crop , and for 18S7 and 1SS8 has been un
usually prosperous. Just at present excite
ment runs high regarding the proposed route
of Iho Sioux City & Ogden railroad lino.
The road will undoubtedly bo Oullt tills sum
mer , and strenuous efforts are being made by
the board of trade to secure the road for
Cruighton u d Knox county. The prospect
uow Is very favorable for success.
Alter n sleepless night , use Angostura
Bitters to tone up your system. Buy
nly the ftouuino , mumifiicturod. by Dr.
icgort & Suns. At nil druggists.
How Fro in out Flourishes ,
FHEMONT , Neb. , March 29. [ Correspondence -
once of TUB HUB. ] The "prettiest
lu thn state" Is showing marked progress.
The last year witnessed grcutor growth than
any prior year. PubJIe and private Itnprovo
menu nre visible in ull purls of the city.
Main street WAS paved with granite , the Ma-
someTcmnla costing over $30,000 , Love's
opera house costing 110,000 , tlio. Ward &
Bllick block and several largo buslm ss and
pnvatd buildings \vcie erectcij. Allshowmjr
the htrong fuith moiiicd uicu have In the
townTliU SCUMMI will wituesr. the follow-
log Improvements : Court house , f 00,000 ,
k'i tCO.COO ; high school , $35,000 ; water-
works extension , 6.15,000 j city hall , tlS.OOO.
total ? 250,000. The street car company will
extend Its line over ono and a quarter mllas.
Now Industries of all Imcs arc centering
hero. A canning factory Is fully equipped
nnd working to its full capacity during the
season. A hemp rope factory Is Just com
pleted and In running order with plenty to
do. A largo door and sash factory will
o | > cn up In a few dnys. A now organ factory
from the cast is also to bo located hero.
With thcso new enterprises , and the ones
already in operation , this city has n line fu
ture. Business Is good nnd all lines of busi
ness are doing won. Now stores nro open
ing up and merchants from other towns nnd
cities arc locating hero. Still thcro nro good
open ings for now lines of trade with first
class men to handle them.
In Town nnit Ilntnlet
The seeds of intermittent and bilious remit
tent fever germinate nnd bear ovll fruit. No
community has altogether escaped It. In
populous wards of largo cities bad sewage
causes It , and in their suburbs stagnant pools
In sunken lots breed it. There Is nt once a
remedy and n means of prevention. Its nnmo
is Hosteller's Stomach Hlttors.whlch is , with.
out pcradvonturc , the most potent iintidotj
in existence to the malarial virus. Fort I Ho
with this Incomparable , saving specific , mlns"
matle influences maybe encountered with *
absolute impunity. Disorders of the stomach *
liver and bowelsbegotton by tnlnsma-talnted
water , or any other cause , succumb to the
beneficent corrective named , nnd rheumatic ,
klduoy nnd bladder troubles are surely removable -
movable by its use when It Is given a per
sistent trial.
After tlio Tax Shirkers.
Ffi.i.tiiTox , Neb. , April ] . [ Correspond
ence of Tin : UKU. ] At n meeting of the
county board of supervisors , hold a few dnys
ago , n committee ot three was appointed to
inaugurate some movement by which the
lands In Nance county , that nro not pa
tented , can bo assessed In n manner that
will make the ( axes collectable ,
Thn land of this county the Pnwneo res
ervation was sold by the government direct
to the purchaser. The purchase money was
made payable In three Instalments. Tlio act
of congress , providing for the sale of thcso
lands , contained no provision of forfeiture
in case payment was not mudo at the expira
tion ol some stipulated time. As n consequence
quence largo tracts wore purchased by nonresident - '
resident speculators , nnd in many Instances
only a single payment made to the gov
ernment. In some cases It is claimed
that oven where the land is
paid out In full , there is no title of record.
The legal title still remains in the United
States government , and , it is claimed , is not
subject to taxation for county nnd state pur
poses. The government seems to bo In no
hurry , as the unpaid purchase money draws
0 per cent. The purchaser Is in no rush , be
cause money Is worth moro thun 0 per cent
to him. So the matter stands , and is likely
to stand for qulto a whllo unless something
is done.
The county attorney was instructed to go
to Grand Island , where the land ofllco is
located , get an inventory of the lands not
paid out and report to the county clerk , so
that the assessor's books might bo remodeled.
It is a hardship on the resident property
owners to bo compelled to pay almost the
entire tax. Largo tracts of wild land , to
which there is no title of record , still exist
in the county , and if the owners could bo
compelled to pay their quota it would lighten
the average of the tax to a considerable.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that- terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. For sulo by Good
man Drug Co. _
Crcston'H , Kducntlonal Advantages.
CUESTO.V , la. , April 0.--CorresDondenco [ of
THE I3EE.J The educational interests of
Crcstonhavo been well looked after. Her
school system to-day is unsurpassed by any
in the state. The rolls of the public schools
of Crcston to-day show an attendance of
over fourteen hundred , with a quota of some
thirty teachers.
Executing three frame buildings the othnrs
are all of brick , furnished in tbo most mod
ern stylo. During the past year u now and
elegant high school building has been erected
in the most central part of the city. This
building is the pride of the city , and Is a
model of beauty and convenience. The for
mal opening of the building will occur on the
afternoon and evening of the Sth of Aurll.
State Superintendent Sabin and Governor
Larrabcc will bo in attendance.
Four months ago , under the supervision of
Prof. W. H. Barrett , a business eollciro was
established and its success has exceeded the
most sanguine expectations.
In addition to these schools a flno brick
building has been erected and a parochial
school established where < 3Uildren of the
catholic religion receive careful instruction.
Hcccham's Pills act like tnagic on a weak
Gcorco Bancroft's Literary Worlc.
The Indinimpolis News publishes an
interview with Bancroft , the veteran
historian , in which ho says : My prac
tice is to work slowly , but to accomplish
something every day. I very seldom
average over 800 words a day , and a
few letters , und this is generally
done before 9 o'clock In the morning.
Tun o'clock every evening finds mo in
bed , anil 0 o'clock each morning I am
nt my desk. No man whose profession
or duties do in and considerable mental
work should allow himself less than
seven hours' sleep , and if ho occasion
ally takes eight or nine the overdose
will have no serious effect. There are
persons , I know , who will toll you that
they can and have performed what
seoincd to them their best work by gas
or lamp light. Why do they say so'f
Simply because they have never tasted
of the sweets of the early morning
hours. No ono can understand the in
spiration which the llrst hours of the
morning -bring to his literary work
until ho has been under its influence.
What outdoor exorcise do I recom
mend ? Healthy exercise of all kinds.
With mo the saddle is u source of the
most thorough delight , and to my dally
indulgence of a long-uistanco gallon I
attribute much ot the good health
which now allows mo to perform my
work with n clear brain and a steady
_ _
Will you suffer with dyspepsia nnd
Liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize1 is
guaranteed to cure you.
Tlio Pniithcon , Iloni" .
Violotte-do-Duc says : "What , in the
Pantheon at Rome. Is it that produces
the most lively impression ? It is that
immense vault which derives all its
decoration from its pretty structure ;
it is that single opening for light , -i (
feet in diameter , perforated in its sum
mit , through which the zenith is soon.
mid which throws upon the pnvomontof
porphyry and granite a largo circle of
light. It is there that the genius of the
Roman appears in full strength. So
great is the elevation of the orillco
above the floor thnt its onormsus open
ing scarcely utTects thointonml tompor-
nturo. The most violent storms scarcely
send down a breath of air on the head
of a person utanding beneath its orbit ;
and when it rains , the drops are seen
falling perpendicularly down upon the
pavement of the rotunda , on which they
describe a circle of wot. The cylinder
of raindrops , falling from that height
through the epaco of the building , run-
dors sensible the immensity of that
space. "
Nipped In the Uud.
Is it not bettor to nip Consumption ,
the greatest scourge of humanity , in
the bud , than to try to stay its progress
on the brink ot the grave , A few doses
ot California's most useful production.
SANTA AlilK , the king of Consump
tion , will relieve , and a thorough treat
ment will euro. Nasal Catarrh , too of
ten the forerunner of consumption , can
bo mired by CALIFORNIA CAT-R-
CUUU. These remedies are hold and
fully warranted by Goodman Drug Co. .
ntSl.or three for 32.WL.
Fair white hands.
Bright clear complexion
healthful skin.
Tto Great English Complexion SOAP.-Sold . Eveiynfliore"
Tlio Sly Cronturo Carried llor Fllrm-
tlnn Tno Fnr.
Lottio lllloy , n younp woman who
works in the Uiivraoml Shirt company's
tnctory here , says a Bridgeport special
to the Globo-UomocnU , a few weeks ngo
pinned n note to a shirt which shu wus
packing , asking whoever bought the
shift to write to hor. She was a hnml-
seine girl , she wrote , and had no lover.
Three \vcok& ago she received a letter
from n wealthy ranchman in Texas ,
who wrote in a gentlemanly way and
said that ho was able to support avifo
in comfort , and oven luxury ; that life
was lonely down there , and he wanted
a companion. She could live in ono of
the largo cities if she wished , and have
servants nnd horsns and carriages. Ho
asked for her picture and wanted a
reply to his letter. They would correspond
spend for a time , nndif everything was
mutually satisfactory , tony would come
to some understanding. Miss Hilov
replied in a half-loving strain , and ,
instead of sending her own picture
turo , she selected the photo
graph of a well-known actress and
ivroto her own name across the buck of
it. On Wednesday morning she re
ceived a tologntin from Fort worth
stating that her unknown lover would
start at once for Bridgeport , and would
visit the factory where she is employed
and solicit an interview. This throw
the young woman into hysterics , and
she is now awaiting the advent of tlio
stranger with great trepidation. Miss
Riley is engaged to bo married to u
young business man in this city , who , it
is said , Iui3 not yet heard of her esca
They Never Fall.
J. N. Hnrris , 8 Fulton Mnrkct , N. Y. City ,
Bays : I have boon usingDKANI > IIITII'S PILLS
for the Inst ton years. They nro a wonder
ful medicine. There is nothing equal to
thoin as Blood Purifiers nnd Liver Hetjulat-
ors. But I wish to stntq , how remarkably
they euro rheumatism , nnd how easily ; I
was affected by rheumatism of the legs. My
business ( a wholesale fish dealer ) naturally
leads uio to damp places. ) I was so bad I
could not walk , and at night I sufferou" " fear
fully ; I tried balsams , sarsaparills nnd all
Kinds of tinctures , but they did mo no good ,
and I wus afraid of being a cripple. I finally
commenced using BitAnnitRTii's PILLS. I
took two every night for ten. nlcfhts , then I
began to Improve. I continued taking thorn
for forty days and I got entirely well. Now ,
whenever sick , 1 take BUANUIICTH'S PJLLS
They never fail.
The Father or Dasolmll.
Henry Chadwick has been very justly
named "tho Father of Baseball J" says
the Now York World. , No other writer
has so thorough a knowledge of the popu
lar American game and no ono has done
rnoro to promote and guard its welfare.
For thirty years Mr. Chadwick has been
regarded as an undisputed authority on
all' points of the game , general or
technical , and his article in the
World on the revised playing rules for
1889 will command the close attention
of every player whether professional or
Mr. Hliadwiok comes from a famous
family of English birth , his brother ,
Edwin Chndwick , being the noted sani
tary philosopher of England. Ho is
sixty-three years of ago , although hia
appearance indicates him to bo less
than fifty. I'orhnps his physique has
boon preserved by his devotion to the
national game , for few of its admirers
are moro assiduous than ho in attend
ance. In his early days Mr. Chadwick
was a player. As early us 1847 , when
the game was in its infancy , he covered
the position of short stop in an amateur
nine in the wilds of Now Jersey now
Since Iho ngo of thirteen Mr.
Chudwick has resided in Brook
lyn .and is an honored mem
ber of the distinguished society of
Old Brooklynitos. In journalism ho
has attained eminent distinction by
thirty-two years of industrious and mer
itorious work on a score of daily , weekly
and monthly publications , and for many
years ho has compiled books of refer
ence and guides for ball players. From
1857 to 18S8 Mr. Chadwick made the
Clipper the base ball authority , and his
work was the loading feature of that
paper. Ho is now ono of the editors of
the Outing Mngazinc.and still furnishes
articles to several leading base ball
Nothing has done moro to advance
the game of base ball in popular favor
thun the fact that it is conducted hon
estly on honest principles. That Mr.
Chtidwickthroughout his long career ,
has over boon n champion of profes
sional probity in every detail of the
game every person will admit who has
rend his writings will admit , and it is
largely duo to to the dignity and forcefulness -
fulness of his pen that the American
public to-Vlay are permitted to enjoy tlio
most healthful of recreations and the
most fascinating of all outdoor sports.
I cheerfully recommend Red Clover
Tonic to these suffering from troubles
of the stomach and liver. I am now on
my second bottle , and it makes mo feel
like a now man. C. M. ConnorNashua ,
la. , Goodman Drug Co.
The New York city board of education
has decided that no married woman
shall be eligible to election as teacher ,
except by unanimous vote.
Continental swindlers are palmincr off
upon British agriculturists great bar
gains in clover seed that has boon
treated with sulphur fumes to give it a
bright and how look , but that is really
old and worthless.
'ffiofcHarn ! ngaond cvet nS MEflT .
ggg gs23ft
" ffV. * *
hus the ' * l&ustang" conquers pai
IViakes tiftAN or BEAST well again I
g8HBKB iWia < 3ffiCTMll' > i8aBii35JS ! g
Instantly otona the moit excruciating pMns ; never falls to glvo ease to the sufferer.
For Hl'llAII , miUISIES , IIAOKAulli ; , 1'AJN IN THK ClIr.ST OH fillJUrt. IU5AIIACI1E ,
TOUTACIIK.orBnyotlierewenmll'AIN.iil'BWunpHcatlons.ruWjort nljyijanil. net llko magic. caui -
iDKthepHln to limtantWWou. Tor ( JONOESrlONS , INFLAMMATIONS. UHKUMAT1H5I , NKU-
and repeated applications are nocassury. All INTBHNAi , TAINS. niAltlUHKA. nySKNTBUY ,
lieved instant ! v , nml nuu'kly c'ired by taking Inwardly 'M to 60 drop * In lulf n tumbler of wnter.
M ) cents n HoHto : Fold by imiKgtKts.
With UAUWAV'B 1'Ii.I.B there la no better CUKE or 1MIKVHNTIVE OP FEVBH AND AO UK
Hardware and Cutlery ,
Mechanic'Zoola , Fitu > Bronvo Builders' Oooili anil Buffalo
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
ARrlculturnl JmplqrmmtB. <
VAItKElt ,
Dealer ! ] A&ricnllnral Implements , Wagons
Cftrrlajict and tnaelr . .lonm Mroct , between itU nml
Itllli , Omnhn , Netumkii ,
LIN 1X0 Kit If
Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages
llugalc , otc.Vholo8ilo. . Uamhn. Xclirmta.
\Vliole no ! Drnlpr * la
Agricultural Implements , WapsS Buggies
Wl , Hr01i mltOTJone * trcot , Oinnhn.
Manufacturers nml jobber * In
Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plow Etc ,
Cor.Vtli and TacKle ttreots , Omaha.
Artists' Mntorlnlo.
A. JJ06V'Jr. . ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs ,
lt.13 UoiiRlna ttrecl Oinaba , Nebraska.
Doota nnd Shoos.
ir. v. MORSE & ro. ,
Jota of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,110.1 , lluii Doimlm Klrcpt , Omntm. Mnnufactory ,
Summer street , Huston.
J2onl , Coke nmj Llmo.
Jobbers or Hard and Soft Coal ,
gl ) South l.'lh Mrool , Quintan , Notra'tia.
Sliipnes of Coal ail Coke ,
214 Houtli mil Bt. , OmMin , Neb.
PERKINS , QA'll .t L
Import ITS and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
llto. 1511 rurnam itrcot , now 1'nzton building.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties nutter , occi , ehcofto. poultry , gum
tml utroot. Omatia. Nob.
Dry Goods nnd Notions.
Bry Goods , Fnrnisning Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Donglni. cor , llth utrctt. Oronlm , Nob.
Importers and Jobbers in Bry GooflsNotions ,
fients' furnlnhlnit good * . Corner llth nml llarner
atn-cti , Omaha , NobraUn.
Importers and jobber * of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
SIT South IJtli dtroot.
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitnre
Farnnni street , Oraalm , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Cmnhfi Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
f05,707 , TIM nnd Til South 10th BL , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th ana i.cavcnworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , wagon stock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1309
and 1211 llaruoy street , Oinahn.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Rhcet Iron , etc. Auflnts for Howe scales.
Miami powder ami Lyman tmrfood wtrot
Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tools nnd IJuiTalo scales. U05 Douglai
slreot , Omaha , Nob. _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Krcasc , etc. , Omaha. A. II. IIlBhop , Manager.
Papor. _ _
Wliolesale Paner Dealers ,
Carry anlco stock of printing : , wrapping nnd writing
paper. Hpoclitl attention given to car load order * .
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
Brauc liouso of the Ilomioy HURKT Co. IlUKglosat
wholesale and retail. I3J8 , l.tlu , l.lU liurd street ,
Omuna. Telephone No. 7WJ.
H. HARDY A co. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Goods ,
Houie furnishing itood , children's carriages , e'.o.
IUOU bMrnaiu slrcev.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported anil American Portland cement. Stall
Ujont fcr Milwaukee brdrnullcoomont ana
yulncy wliltullmo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpets and parquet llonrlna. I'th ' und Douglas
stimuli , Oinnha , Neb ,
AllKinfls of Building Material at Wliolesale ,
18th Street nnd Union 1'uclllc TruckOmaha ,
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , lime , Sasb ,
Doors , Etc , Yardi Corner 7th and Douglas , Corner
10th and Dounhuj
Lumber , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and Douglas Bt . , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13tu and California htreeli , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Mllllnory and Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
atill ) ) and 813 fcouth llth street.
Not Ions.
Wliolesale Notions aad Fnrnisliing Goods ,
ttt ) and (05 South 10th Itreci , Omaha.
Live SM Commission Merchants ,
Ottoe-HooraSl.Oppoilto Iicb ii Unllaiog , Union
Block Vardi , Bouta Oinaba , Nab.
OfOmaua , Limited ,
cjobn t , llojd , Superintendent.
Poota nnd Shoos.
SuoccMors to Ue .l , Joni-s A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoos
Agents for lloilon Ituhhcr Shoo Co , 1109. 1101 and 1104
llarney Htrcrt , Omnhn , NcbraMtn.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IWlNorlh Klshtwnlh itfeet , Omaha ,
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wltulaw-rat < s and nirtallo skyl'Rhls. John Kpenolcr.
proprietor. 1U8 ana llutouth loth street.
Offloo FKturos.
Mnnufncturcrs of
Bank , ODlce and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle * . Sideboard * . Hook Cn os , Drug KlxturcR , Wall
ra vs , Partitions. llnUlm-n , Counter * , Herrnnd Win *
roolom. Mlrr r , KtsK i tory and onW , 173U and ITU
South iSth Bt. . Omaha. Telephone 1131.
Pnpor Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
NOB 1S17 add 1.119 Doimlns street. Omaha. Neb.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturer- ; ! Dealers in Rilcr Goods
1)11 clothing ntul Icatlicr lioltlnn. 1W3 Kimmm itroct
. Sash , Doors , Eto.
M. A. DISltROW A CO. ,
Whal < < nle innnufncturorK uf
Sasli , Doors , BliGfls and Moiilfliiigs ,
llrnnch ' < Elcc , Hth anil Irnnl Mrcct , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinfls ,
MouUllMR , slnlr-irork nml Interior hanl nooil Ilnlih.
N. K. corner Bill nml l'iurcn\\f rlh ilrcclt ,
Oimihn , Net * .
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteam , water , rulltrnj imil mining uppll , eMt
8SU\U3 \ and f.4 rnrnum tm-t. Onmlit.
Steaui and Watei1 Supplies ,
: t : iHlaj nlnit mill ? . 019 and 121 Jonoa St.OmahB.
0.1' . IIC6S , noting Aianngar.
] JRO\\'XELL \ \ & CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BbocHron work , etenin pumpa , nw rullli. 12I3-1JU
l.c-HTcnwortli Urcot , Onialia.
Iron Works.
Carter A Hon , Prop's. Manufacturers of allklnili
Steau Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Weft
Works South 20th and II. & M , crosMng.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bni fling Work ,
Engine' , brne * work , prncrul fouwlry , ninrtilno and
blacksmith work. Onleo and works , U. 1 * . llr.
nnd IHli street , Oniahn.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk mils , window Rtinrils. llowcr stands , wlro ttn ( .
etc. 12J North lull street. Omnlia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proaf Safes ,
Vault * , lull work , Iron shutters and IIro escapes.
(1. Amlroen , prop'r. Cor. 14th nnd Jnckson Bin.
The only road to tnko CnrlVs.Molncv Marshnltown.
Ccdur HipMs : , Clinton , Dlxdn , Chlc.iftn , MllwanKee.
mid all points ICrtsl. To thu people of Nubraskn , Colo'
rado , Wyoming , L'lnh. Idaho. Ncviuln , ( TO.MII , WftKli.
InKtonnnd u'ers superior advantages
not possible ! by uny other lino.
Amonif n few of the numerous points of superiority
onjoynil liy the pations of thli rood between Otnahn
nnd ChloiiKu , nru Iti throu trains u cli : > of DAS
COACIII'S. nlilUi arc tliu llncst nhlrh hninun artimtl
Ingenuity can create. 113 I'ALAGIS HIiKKlMNU OAKS'-
the equal of which ciin not bo foond clsowbcro. At
Council Illurrs , the trains of the Union I'liclilo Hull-
wny connect In union depot , with Ihoso nl tlio Chi-
ciiup A Northwestern Itullwar. In Chlcnitu the train *
of this line uiiilie close connection with these ot all
other Kivstorn Hues.
Kor Doirolt , ColumbiiH. Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
NliiKiirn ( Mills , lluirnlo. IMUnbunj , TorontoMontreal ,
Ilohton.Now York , Philadelphia , llnlltmoio. Wash
ington , and nil points In Iho liast , Auk lot llu.iels via
If you wish the best accommodation. All tlckoi
nKontH ni'll tickets via this Hue.
Uen'l AiannKor. Uen'l 1'ass'r Azeut ,
W. N. IlABronK. rjen'l Wo tcrnAKent.
I ) . It. klJtlUM , . Ticket Aifcsnt.
o. V. WIWT , city I'nm-nKcr Agent
HOI Fiirnam Street. Omnhn , eb.
Chicago , Milwauko &t , Paul R'y ' , ,
The Host Route from Omaliu nnd Council
IHiifr * to
Chlentfo , AND Milwaukee ,
St , 1'iiul , Minneapolis , Cedar Jlnulds ,
Hocli Itiliiiiil , I'ra-port , ItocUford ,
( 'Hilton , Diiliiuiiio , InvciiHirt ( ] ,
Klljin , Madison , .fanos > lllo ,
Hulolt , Wliionn , Lu Crossc ,
Aud nil other Iniporlnnt points Itnot , Norllicait nnd
Tor through tickets , call ou the ticket ugnnt t IMX
I nrnam atruet , In Ilurkur lllouU.or at Union 1'KCinq
rullmnn Hlcepers and the finest Dining Cnri In tbn
world ururun on the nuln line o ( tlio Chlciiifn , 1111-
wuuliou .t m. I'nul Hallway , un < l every nttuntlon II
piilit to iiuBicngor by cuurtcuui crapioyos of the
It. Mll.l.l'iU.dencrAl ' Mnnexer.
J. K. TUUKltlt. AsslntantUenorol MunnKor.
A. V. U. CAUl'KM'ltlt , Ueuenil I'atK-nfor and
Ticket Auont.
( ! ! ! ( ) . K. IIICAI'FOIU ) , AJBlitant ( lencrall'astcnjor
and Ticket AuenU
'i'.J.tilMUK.Ilonoral Hupfrlnlendcnt.
Basement First National Bank ,
O5 South mil Struct , - Omaliu
With Hnecpiiful i : inrlnne-or
e l ntofi-ip rl ucB , <
S C0..1U8fiB 8t.,5T. OUIS.MI ,