Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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How the Town of Nelson Saluted
a Oouplo of Sharps.
Tliclr Successful Entertainment
Pythlnn Festivities ftt Aslilnnd
Cliokcil on ft Ilcan A Bus-
ncctcd HOMO Thief.
Out of Town.
NEMOS , Neb. , April 7. [ Special to THE
BEB. | A couple of sharpers , J. E. Trtylor
nnd Hiram Frlond hnvo boon visiting this
town. "Taylor would step Into n atoro txnd
tisk fdr n Biimll nrllclo worth from IB to 25
cents , nna present in pnymont o Inrgo bill.
On receiving the climigo ho concluded ho
would prefer the bill , nnd pushing the
clmngo back ho would cover n portion of It
nnd retain It , either borrowlns from his
pnrtnct Friend , or tindlntf the right chniiKC
in his vest pocitot. The pimo wns discovered
by tw6 citizens , William lUttlcKO nnd Albert
voight. A complaint wus mndo out nnd the
pnrtlcs loclced In Jail. Ttio prisoners wJro
nrrnlRuod before the county Judge , nnd the
house wns crowded with men anxious to
give them n ducking In cnso of failure to
convict , it was evident that the particular
complaint could not bo sustained , but
Ing sickness nnd an abionco of witnesses ,
the prisoners got an adjournment. They
made lively tltno to the Jail , showing anything -
thing but 111 health , for they had excellent
grounds to bo nlnrincd. The trial came off ,
lasting only a few minutes , when the pris
oners were discharged. They were not on
the sidewalk before the eggs began to lly ,
and , pursued by the crowd , they Hod to the
livery stable , whore , securing their team ,
they were egged out of town.
A. MiiHlcnl Trent.
PIATTSMOUTH , April 7. - [ Special to TUB
BiE.j-Tho Philharmonic club gave their first
concert at Kockwood hall , and tno largn aud
ience was both flattering nnd encouraging.
The following programme was most excel
lently rendered :
Overture . Philharmonic Club
Zither Duet .
. Mrs. Wngncrnnd Mrs. A. Clnrk
Violin Solo . Miss LUUo Kaublo
Zither Trio .
Misses Studolmunn , YVeckbach und Mrs.
fitorm Galop . Philharmonic Club
Cornet Solo . Mr. Alex Clark
Zither Quintette . . .
Itladamcs Clark , Uutler and Wagner , Misses
Wcckbauh und Stadclmann.
Vocal Duet .
. . .Misses Olive Gass and Anna Wcckbaeh
y.lther Solo . Miss Julia Lehnhoit
Vocal Solo . Mr. A. D. Eizcnbroadt
Agnes Polka . The Club
The critical audience thoroughly appreci
ated the musical treat , and a repetition of the
conceal in the near future is prob.iblc.
A. 1'Ionsnnt Weildlnir.
PIATTSMOUTH , Nob. , ' April 7. [ Special
to Tun Hr.u.J Shafervillo , a small village in
the northwest environs of Pluttsmouth , was
the scene of jollification and revelry last
Wednesday evening. The auspicious event
it wus the marriage of Miss Luna Graves , of
it Rock UlufTs , to Elder A. H. Hausc , Into of
Pennsylvania. The ceremony wns per
formed by Kov. Simons , the lianttst minis
ter of Hamburg , la. , at the lesidonco of W.
H. Shafer , the grandfather of the brido. A
largo number of guests wore present nnd
partook of an elegant collation , the beautiful
bride presiding. There , wore present from
abroad , besides the parents , Miss Maud
Bromwoll , of Thuruinn , In. , Nolllo Shufur ,
Mls3 Koll and Mr. J. P. Becker , of Union.
Another Stnllc Cutter Accident.
ASHLAND , Nob. , April 0. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Last week was a bad one for acci
dents In this neighborhood. A liired man on
bis farm of Robert Moore , seven miles
northwest , of this place , whllodr'ividgn stalk
putter , allowed the team to runuwny. throw
ing him beneath the knives. Fortunately
the body was caught in sucja a way as to stop
the revolution of the cutting cylinder , and ho
was taken out but slightly injured.
ADwolllrti ; Uurnoil.
Scntm.isn , Nob. , April 7. [ Special Tele
p- gram to Tun HKK.J The dwelling liouso of
h Frank Crastll in the nothorn part of the city
was totally destroyed by flro this afternoon ,
Crastll and his wife were away , leaving a
young son at homo alono. Ho obtained some
matches and set the house on fire. A small
portion of the household furniture was saved.
'J'ho ' house wns insured for ? CUO.
An Unknown Floater.
BELLEVUK , Nob. , April 7. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ucn. ] The body * of nn un
known man was found floating in the Mis
souri river this evening bv some fishermen.
The body hud been In the water for some
time. The coroner has been notitlcd nnd an
juciuest will bo held to-morrow. No Identifi
cation us to the man's uatno and residence
lias boon mado.
A Pythian Unnquot.
ASHLAND , Nob. , April 0. [ Special to THIS
BRB.I Star Lodge No. 9 , 1C. of P. , of this
city , gnvo a banquet last night , at Hotel
BeUrm , to a largo number of visiting knight ;
from Lincoln , Omaha and neighboring points.
Work was done in three degress , Grand
Chancellor Love , of Lincoln , having charge
fcf the ceremonies.
A Vnlunblo llorso Killed.
ASHLAXD , Nob. , April 0. [ Special to THE
pnu.J A team belonging to Clark Poupor , a
farmer residing live miles northwest of this
city , ran nwny with a stalk cutter one day
last week , ono of the animals , valued at $175 ,
having a hind leg cut entirely oft by the
blades of the machine.
A Suspected Horse Thief ,
CLXHKSOX , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim UKB.J A man answering the
description of William Shiner , n horse thief ,
from MoArthur Junction , O. , was arrested to-day. The sheriff is expected to-iuor-
Killed y a llcnn ,
CBKTIUI. CITT , Nob. , April 0. iSneclal
Volegrarn to Tim DKE.J William Bannister's
Infant child yesterday swallowed n bean. It
lodged in the windpipe , und the child died at
10 o'clock this morning.
Ho Talks of the Outlook for Ameri
can Securities in Europe.
NEW YOIIK , April 7. [ Special Telegram to
. ffiiK HEB.I Daron Kmllo Erlnngar , of the
London and Paris banking Jlrm of Krlangcr
It Co. , is stopping at the Uravoort houso.
Who baron is a Gorman by birth , but became
Identified with American affairs through his
age with the daughter of John Slldcll ,
inistcr to England from the Confederacy ,
rough his banking house bo effected , in
801 , a Confederate loan of 3,000,000. liaron
laugor has vast railroad Interests in the
youth. "I have n double object in comluu to
( the States , " said the baron to day , " to loon
lifter iny railroad interests and also to build
Up iny health , somewhat broken down from
extensive railway building in Italy. " Ho
uuld a high compliment to American railway
Industries. The baron was asked how tliono
In dustries wore regarded in Europe.
"I nra sorry to say with great distrust , "
o replied. "Tho Atohlson ! * Topcka affair
Iras the most unfortunate thing that could
uvo occurred to the American railway
ecurltics abroad. Englishmen had Invested
rjoly ( In Atchlson & To | > oka , but when
wy began to tee that there was a leak
omewhore , and began to low money , they
ot nervous , und lost all eoiilhleuoi in it and
llway BiMScultttiou generally. It is top bad
jat such is the c iso , as Europe would bo a
real market , for money is cheap over there.
Jew that English and Gorman consols are
duced , the people will bo obllircd to seek
ther aecurltles. nud the result Is that money
rbloh Bhould come to this country is going
o ho Artfohtluo Uonubliu ami other South
ju rlon aountriog , "
The Prorbsslonnli Win nn Easy Vlo-
torjlly Good IMnylntr.
The O mafias and the McKclveys played
tholr second game of the season at the ball
park yesterday afternoon In tho-prosonoo of
a thousand spectators. The game , whtlo a
decided improvement over last Sunday , wait
n snap for the professionals , although for n
time it looked ns if a close score might bo
the result. Salisbury pitched the first in-
ing for the MoKolvoys , but owing to n sere
arm gave way to young Eugcoo Novlllo , who
was quito effective for the balance ot the
game , notwithstanding ho was hit for six
sluglcsnndn homo run , Of the Omtxhns
Jack Crooks took the laurels , us the BCOTO
will indicate , although Cleveland , Straus ,
Naplo and Mcssolt put up satno stilt work.
As Is always the case with these ono-sldcd
contests , the gauio was listlessnnd uncnthu-
slastlo and unworthy ti detailed description.
This was Cnrmvnn's debut on the Omaha
grounds , nnd while ho was unfortunate nt
the bat , ho demonstrated that he knows how
to play loft field , and ns a base runner ho has
but few superiors. Seloo'a umjlrlng was
faultless. Next Tuesday nnd Wednesday
the Cowboys will bo here.
Following Is tbo official score of yester
day's gauio :
McKolvoys ,0 01100010 3
Earned runs Omaha 4 , McKelvoys 3.
Two base hits Omaha 1 , McKelvoys I.
Thrca base hits Omahn 1 , McKelvoys 1.
Homo runs Omaha 1 , McKclvoys 1.
Double or triple plays Omaha 3 , McKcl
veys 1.
Unses on balls By Salisbury 2 , Noviilo 8 ,
Kennedy 2.
Struck out By Neville 2 , by Kennedy 8.
Passed bulls lirandel 2.
Stolen bases Omahas 10 , McKolvoys 1.
Time of game 2:00. :
Umpire Solco.
Almost Under the Wheels.
As a freight was passing through this city
going cast , yesterday afternoon , Dennis
Osborn , a Northwestern freight conductor ,
attempted to get on ouo of. the cars at the
the foot of N street. Missing his footing and
hold Air. Osborn was thrown head-first on
the ground , striking fair on his face. His
nose was badly bruised und skinned. Mr.
Osborn's head lay Just ns close to the track
rail as it could and not bo struck by the
wheels of the passing train of cars.
North Star Scandinavian Society.
About seventy-five Scandinavians met in
Knight of Labor ball last night and organ
ized North Star Society of Scandinavians by
electing Nels A. Lundgren , president ; E.
Sadervorg , vice-president ; J. Hogsterot ,
secretary ; E. Kerguest. financial secretary ;
John A. Nelson , Alfred Anderson , commit
tee on sick ; M. A. Martin , inside watch ;
Olof Nosland , outside watch. The meetings
will bo held everv two weeks. The next
meeting will bo held In Knight of Labor hall
Saturday evening , the 20th.
Wenpq the Gun Club Badge.
The first-weekly shoot of the South Omaha
Gun club took place at the Third ward
grounds yesterday morning. The following
is the score , twenty blue rocks being shot at :
Fred Bowley , 13 ; William McCraith , 13 ; A.
V. Miller , 13 ; S. S. Homer , 10 ; Michael
Homer , U ; H. Robert , 0. and J. H. Egger * ,
3. Two birds were used to shoot off the tic ,
Mr. Bowley winning the club trophy.
Nntei About the City.
Mrs. Joseph L. Anderson , who has been ill
for a week , is worse.
F. W. Keuzlo has removed his South
Omaha chop house to the Lister block , N
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Watson , of Herman ,
are the guests of Justioo and Mrs. E. K.
Wells , Albright.
James Dnvunny , who has been visiting
Scrunton , la. , has returned , accompanied by
his brother , Robert Devanny.
The city council will moot Monday after
noon. Among other Important matters will
bo canvassing the vote of the late election.
The Joint committee of the 1C. of L. and C.
and J. union , fixed for an open mooting in
Knight of Labor hall , Monday evening the
The Louis Koch Gorman theatrical troupe
gave an excellent entertainment in Hunt's
opera house Saturday evening to a small
Magio City post , No. 233 , G. A. H. . Thurs
day evening will make arrangements for Me
morial day services and will appoint neces
sary committees ,
The ladies of the Presbyterian society will
meet ut the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hnlph
Pearl , Twenty-fourth , near O street. Wed
nesday afternoon , to arrange for the Sun
flower social.
J. H. Adams , the restaurateur , has sojd
his lease in the Lister blockto F. W. Konzio ,
and will remove his outfit to Omaha ana
open un eating house. He will continue to
run the Whlto Elephant on N street.
President Mahoney has called u Rpccml
mooting of division No. 3 , A. O. H , in their
hall , Howloy's b ick , Tuesday evening. Busi
ness of Importance is to bo transacted and
every member is urged to bo present.
Prof. V. P. Wormwood mot the young people -
plo in the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon -
noon , und organized the Easter chorus class ,
faster morning the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will bo administered , and In the evening -
ing an Easter concert will bo held in the
Mr. nnd Mrs. John F. Houshor are in
Schuyler attending the funeral of Mr.
Houshor's father , who died Saturday after
noon from injuries received in a run-away
accident Frluay afternoon. Mt. Houshor
lived about eight miles from Schuyler , and
was ono of tlio leading und Influential oltl-
sens of that section.
Burglary In Day Time.
A daylight burglar tried to cntor"tho
saloon on Eleventh and Harnoy streets
yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tbero U a
hull entrance to the place on Hurney street ,
and the burglar entered the ball , bolted the
door , and proceeded to cut through a wooden
partition which would have given him access
to the saloon. The proprietor's wife , who
was up stairs nt the time , hoard the nolso
that the man was making nt his burgling
work , and wont down to see what it was.
She saw him cutting at the partition and
asked him what ho was trying to do. The
appearance of the woman so frightened the
follow that hu got away as soon a * possible.
The safe , which stands behind the bar nt
tlio west end , wus unlocked , and in it were
(07 , some checks and diamonds.
Nolumt'ri Hooord.
Jimmy Noland , tbo man who shot Kilty
Edwards In Council Bluffs and then suIcldoJ
was , It is said , for several years a hunger-on
nt Anderson's notorious dive on Ninth street.
Ho was the principal of a number of rows in
that bagnio and was the cause of the fight
between Hatty Anderson and Sandy Knight ,
about two years ago' , In which Knight was
seriously stubbed , A brother of Noland.
whoso correct name was James Deorgo , will
arrive from St. Joseph to-morrow and take
chnrgo of the remalna. It was reported late
last night that the Edwards woman was im
proving and might po&slbly recover.
Bloody End of a Notorious West
Virginia Outlaw.
A Dcflpernto Fight In Which Ono of
Ills Pursuers la rntnlly nnd
Another Seriously
Wounded ,
Mornn'd icicht For Ijlfo.
PiTTsntiim , Pa , , April 7. Advices have
been received from Bra mwoll , W. Va. . of the
killing of Bill Moran , the outlaw who "had
been terrorising Bramwoll county , Virginia ,
for n year past. Two weeks ago ho raided
the railroad station at Falls Mills , find the
railroad people determined to put an end to
his outlawry. Dotcctivo Baldwin swore out
n warrant for Moran , nud , accompanied by
Detectives Wallace and Hoblnsoh. located him
In n houBO In Tazowoll county , Virginia.
They wont to the house nnd Baldwin at once
sprang into the room. Seeing n man ho
supposed to bo Moran In bed , ho called to
him to surrender. Just then Morua ap
peared nt the door of another room nnd fired
two shots at Baldwin , ono passing through
his coat and the other striking him in the
arm. By this time Wallace and Robinson
wore in the honso nnd the firing became gen
eral. Wallace wont down with ono shot in
the mouth and two in the right arm.
Baldwin caught another bullet in his
wounded arm and Hobinson fired two shots at
the outlaw , when the pistol was Knocked
from his hand by a bullet , which cut oft ono
of his fingers. A woman in the house also
flrod five shots nt Moran and then fainted.
Moran shot all the cartridges from his two
revolvers and then fell. Ho died in two
minutes , nnd when examined twclvo wounds
were found on him , six being in his body.
The throe detectives received oigjit balls.
Wallace is lying at the point of death , nnd
Baldwin is in a serious condition. Moran
never gpoko after the firing begun. There U
general satisfaction at his death.
Tlio Conference nf Saints.
ST. JOSEIMI , April 7. The World's conference -
once of Latter Day Saints was very largely
attended. Nearly a thousand delegates nro
hero already , England nnd Canada having
the largest foreign representation. The
statehood claim of Utah territory will bo put
in shape for presentation to congress.
Quarreled in n Ilont.
ST. Louis , Mo. , April 7. Larry McDonald
and JohnSchucidcr quarcllcd whllo In a small
skiff in the middle of the river to-day.
Schneider was thrown into the river and
An Imnrobnnlo Humor That tlicBody
May Disband.
Thcro is said to bo u possibility of the dlsj
banding of the Edward Creighton Guards.
Humors to this effect have been set afloat by
members of that organization , who
have become dissatisfied with the
laws enacted by the legislature. The par
ticular law that has caused the dissatisfac
tion is that appropriating only $21,900 to the
military bodies. This amount.thoy claim , is
a mere bagatelle , for n state appropriation.
The soldier boys of the Creighton Guards
think they are not appreciate ! by the repre
sentatives of the state , consequently there is
discontentment in the camp.
The guards organized in December , 1SS7.
On the second of that month the body was
mustoicd into tlio service of the state by Inspector
specter General Hurry Hotchkiss , given a
lot of condemned muskets and a
$9 allowance for soldier clothes. Atone
ono time there were fifty-five members
but now there are only about forty or forty-
five. The organization did its first work in
camp at Fort Sheridan at Wahoo last sum
mer. Although at the time the youngest
company in the stnto , the boys received special - ,
cial mention for general appearance , conduct
and excellence of drill. Of the $360 a year
which the armory costs the company the
state donates ? 100. The state also , furnishes
the company with its weapons "nnd blank
cartridges. '
C. J. Smythe , the captain of the company ,
has hold that position since the organization ,
the greater part of which work ho assumed.
Ho was a militiaman of honor nnd standing
in Now York and loaned his experience to
perfect nn excellent body.
As to the probability ot disband lug a num
ber of youiip members of the guards
were seen last night at thoh-
quarters. John Garry stated to a BEE rep
resentative that there had been dissatisfac
tion among the boys at tbo small appropria
tion and that there had been some indefinite
talk of "breaking ranks. "
An Alligator Knocks Out a Stonnlor
The steamer Comet came down from
Crescent City this morning with her
bow stem broken and sovonxl plunks
sprung , says the Palntlca ( Flu. ) Hornld.
It scorns that wliilo coming around a
sharp curve in Dunn's crcok , known as
Danger Point , she struck a huge alliga
tor , which is olaimod by the captain to
have boon about eighteen foot lung.
The crook connects Luke Crescent with
the St. John's river , and is famous lor
its Ilonting islands , which arc composed
of bonnets , water lilies and such other
vegetation as grow in Florida. Tlio
Comet is in the habit of running into
these floating islands without chocking
her spood. The captain noticed that
this particular island was rather
largo , but paid no attention to it , for an
opposition steamer was crowding him
nnd ha could not afford to chock up.
The boat struck the floating island with
terrible force , breaking her bo\vv storu ,
us ubovo stated , and slmttorol the boat
considerably. The passengers were
terribly frightened , and the ladies ran
uhout asking in pitiful tones for holn ,
and it took several minutes for the
crow to quiet those frantic passengers.
An investigation was mado. The crock
was rod with blood and the snortincr in
the water terrific. It turned out that
the supposed island was nothing more
than a huge alligator , whoso back was
covered over with bonnota and water
lilies , resembling an island , obstructing
the hide of the saurian from view. In
stances of this kind happen quito fre
quently on the river , but it IB the lirst
time to our knowledge that a steamer
was over so badly damaged as wa3 the
Comet The Comet will bo repaired
to-day and resume her route to-mor
Ghostly Soorot of the Mcrrlniau.
Private .Tamos K. Bolton. an in'mato
of the confederate soldiers' homo near
Richmond , Va. , tolls a startling story
of the finding la the hold of the old
confederate ram Morrimao the skele
tons of two man. Bolton was a member
of'Johnsoii battery during the war und
was wounded at Brandy station. Ho Is
now almost in a dying condition. He
declares that the discovery of the so
skeletons has preyed upon his mind for
years. According to Bolton's stoiiy ho
was engaged ns a wrecker in 1873. The
person with whom ho was engaged nt
that time was employed in getting the
old copper olT the Merrlmao. While
ongogcd in this work Bolton Bays that
nt one time ho dived into the forecastle
of the confederate gunboat. There ho
found the skeletons of two men ronn-
uclod to the floor. Ho suuposcd that
they were mnmbers of the crow who
m3BO incarcerated for the violation of
seine rule of the navy , and when the
craft was sunk were forgotten by their
comrades and went down to watery
graves. _
Punch Impecunious Lodger : Jem
ima , did you ask Mrs. Maggies whether
she would take my I O U for this quar
ter's rent , as I'm ra'thor - Maid of
all Word. Yes , sir , and she say she
won't , sir , not If yea wus to hotter 'or
the 'olo hulphubitl
Paris IllustroflJ The great hull Is for
a moment descried. 'Alircath of culm
dovotlon 8coiuqlb 1mvo entered there ,
nnd tflrcst oM tiTc coquettish surround
ings. Above the great door with its
gill bondings , th4 panel which Uouchor
evolved from a 'little rose pink nnd n
llttlo sjcy blue , .still porpottmtod the
mincing grnc&oun chubby baby Cupid ,
fluttering und < frMlio gaze of n Louis-
Quince shepherdess. The chairs , olab-
orntoly sorollsd , stand two nnd two
against the wn1lthoir pale groou velvet
cushions offering n coaxing invitation
to the young couplcswhoso ] pretty hoada
never know a thought beyond happy
. *
Suddenly a door opens ; there is a
sound of light feet on the carpet , a rip
ple of silk nnd pearls. It is the queen
passing through the royal npartmonts.
Two little pages Joad the way , looking
ns wide awake as the cherubs in Wnt-
tcnu's skios. Tholr hair tied In n club ,
with the velvety light of n touoh of
powder , flaps briskly on tholr shoulders.
The queen walks on , looking a trifle
wonry ; her small foot are Invisible un
der the enormous hoopod skirts she
wonrs , wreathed about with trails of
rosos. The whllo feather in her hair
and the fan she holds in her jeweled
linger quiver a llttlo like the wings of
birds eager to take flight to an un
known homo.
All about her , as usual , is the perpetual -
ual hum of devotion and llattory , which
follows her nt every stop.
"Madame , " says Brissac , nt her el
bow , "you nro moro enchanting than
over to-day. See the roses on your
dross are turning-pale nnd fading ; the
queen of llowcrs is jealous of the queen
of women. "
"Your majesty , by right of birth ,
rules every Frenchman as a subject , "
adds d'Ayon. "l3y right of grace nnd
beauty you rule them as slaves. "
"And the women no loss , " murmurs
the lady in waiting bondlng with in
sinuating readiness to kiss the royal
hand , which hangs on the full panior of
the slcirt.
The sovereign's youthful face lights
up with a bright smile , shaded by some
mysterious nnd inscrutable annoyance ,
while she shrugs her shoulders with n
slightly sullen air.
"Flatterers ! " she says. "It is the
fate of us luckless1 queens never to hoar
the truth. I make no doubt that my
dress is awry , or head dross too low. "
"I would say that your majesty was
never moro charming. " says Brissac ,
"but that I rcmombor how truth com
pels mo to say thp same every time I
have the happiness of seeing you. "
"I should like , to know what pretty
speeches raon cohifivo to make to other
women. " > ixi :
"They find ndno half so pleasing , "
says the lady in waiting"for they never
moot with any wdman so'admired no
your majesty. ' ' *
"Ahl my dean , ifcyou could only know
the whole of the thoughts that some
times como intp tiny mind. I would
gladly let my hpad rest from bearing
the weight of th6jcro\yn. Oh I to be a
shepherdess on | hr brink of a silent
river , by whosq' bank white lambs
should sport declcou with rosy ribbons.
Would not that charming ? Shep
herds playing with their pipes bewitchingly -
ingly would putpnjheir , tondcrcst airs
to sigh nt my feqt. [ Wo will play at it
one day at Trianon. I , will have it so.
But , alas ! it wilir bo no more than a.
brief comedy. Thun I must take up
the part of queen again ; the part I
have to play now , at once , in the draw
ing room , where they are waiting for
mo. "
She laughed , nnd glanced at the two
little pages , who opened a double door ,
into which she vanished with girlish
"Ahl" sighed Brissac , gazing at the
closed doors , "If only she were not the
queen ! "
The two gentlemen both looked some
what blank at the sudden flight of the
Bwool royal bird.
"On my word , gentlemen , " says the
lady laughing at thorn. "You are quito
aghast because the qucon has vanished !
It was not BO yesterday. Wo were alone ;
but d'Ayon told mo of an adventure of
which ho was the here ; I had road It
before in a book by M. Croblllon. However -
over , to do d'Ayon justice , to add to my
enjoyment ho borrowed sorao details
from M. do Mnrlvuux and his witticisms
from M. do Chamfort.
"Cruel creature , " replies d'Ayon ,
"you take an unfair advantage of your
strength. You know full well that at
the mcro sight of you , I lese my head. "
"But how many things you have lost ,
poor man , not to reckon ladles' reputa
tions. But como , do you know that I
have every reason to bo seriously an
gry ? What , you sigh for mo , my lord ,
und yet it scorns to mo that you are
greatly struck by the queen ? "
"And is It not every goutlomnu's first
duty to adore the queen ? "
"Oh ! " exclaims Brissao , "to bo in
love with n queen Is to plno lor the im
possible. It is worshipping a cloud , a
remote nnd inaccessible bolng. Is it
not a great joy to fool at the bottom of
one's heart some secret ho | > e hope
against hopo. In love , happiness con
sists in hoping , not in winning. How
ever , to men like us , to love without
hope is often n delight , nnd almost al
ways a novelty. "
"AlasI" says d'Ayon , " ! love on queen
only a cnioou of grace and boauty.
And I am fast loosing all hopo. "
"So much the better for you , poor
d'Ayon , " the lady puts in. "So long
ago us in the last century , Oronto de
clared that over to hope was shcor de
spair ? Listen to Brissac ; ho has no oml
of good ideas which will comfort you for
all your woes. " And she flies like the
flirt that she is , allowing d'Ayon just
time enough to kiss her hands.
' Your heart is flown away with her ,
iny good fellow , ' ' says Brissao , laying
his hand on his friend's shoulder.
"Now , for how long liavo you boon
dancing attendance on that bewitching
creature ? "
"For . "
nearly n year.
"And your sighs nro as vain IncoiiBo
to her indifference ? "
"And if they were not , my nnswor
would bo the bamo. "
"Woll , well ; do not bo fractious. I
have heard other men's confidences before -
fore yours. All I have to say , my
gallant gentleman , JH only to porsuudo
you to give up cherishing a flnmo
which must ore long consume you with
out any return. There is in this world
but oho woman perhaps who can bo
faithful to ti'uo love , and it is she and
no otner to whom yon are paying
court ? "
"Trim love , do you say ? What , at
court even , where slander is the fuvor-
ito theme , no ono has over breathed u
word of scandal about that whoodlcr of
hearts , who is always ready to encour
age adorers , but will never reward
thorn. What mysterious coquettishness
can it bo that induces her thus to trifle
with the tender passion that her beuuty
inspires ? She smiles on those who
bring Venus' bark to her feet , but she
will not fatep into it. "
"I tell you that she is faithful ; is not
that ample reason for being artful1'
"My good fellow , you talk in riddlos.
I know not what you nro driving at ;
but you must know that I will allow no
man to cast base insinuations 'at a
woman to whom ray services nro de
voted. "
"Bo not bo so susceptible. I only
wish to do you a service and to tell you
a little tale. It will bo time enough
then to owe mo a grudge for either or
oth. The lady of your dreams is a
frouk of nature ; aho is faithful to her
husband. "
"To her husband , who died ton years
ngol My dear Brlssnc , you have n. very
pretty wit ! "
"To her husband , who is allvo , nnd
ton years younger she is her second
husband , whom she worships , and
whom you know ns well us I do. Six
yours ago she was a very pretty llttlo
\vldow.wlth a crowd of suitors. She
was four and twenty , with beautiful
teeth , which eho has still , nnd the
finest eyes In the world , The memories
of her first mnrrlngo were not such as
to tempt her to' lot her little hands bo
bound again in Hymen's fetters. The
shade of the old duuo , to whom she hnd
boon married oa quitting the convent ,
nmply sutllcod to give her nlghtmuros
without any need of taking another
husband to give her more bad dreams.
She was said to bo coy to wlldnoss. All
the finest gentlemen of the court , the
most highly gifted , and the greatest
adepts in the difficult art of fasci
nation , hung about this ropollunt
beauty all in vain. And yet she
was sick at hoart. Her tender spirit re
belled against parental solicitude. * At
this juncture fate sent her the very
thing she wns pining for. whllo she herself -
self hardly know why she should sigh
during the lonely ovoulngs in her joyless -
loss homo. "
"Your tnlo begins like a romance by
Crobilliou Ills. "
"And ends so too. [ At that time it
wns the fashion to adopt children.
There was not n line lady in Franco who
did not regard it as a point of honor to
make some orphan happy ; ho must bo
poor , and if possible Illegitimate. It Is
out of fashion now. " Curly dogs have
como in instead. ] Ono day the young
duchess saw at the guto of her hotel a
girl begging , n young thing of about
16 , as pretty as CJupid , and gazing at
her with inquiring oyos. Of course she
took her in at once and cherished her
with all the fond care which women
who have no children commonly lavish
on tholr Porsiun cats. The young
favorite wns cro long the rule ,
of the household. Ono day the duchess
bolng nlling , sent for the doctor , who
said with a smile : 'Your disorder ,
madame , will in duo tune result in the
arrival of another subject to his
majesty. ' In short , it turns out that
the beggar maid was the younger son
of n noble house who employed this in-
genius device to win the favors of the
lady of his dreams. It is now ilvo years
since the daring page and the duchess
were privately murViod. And that is
why you are losing your pains , my poor
d'Aycn. "
"Well and good , " said d'Ayon with
much philosophy , "and thanks for the
good couiifaol. I do not euro to waste
my ftdvancoa. And nro there not RO
many charming women nl court that tha
only pity is that life Is not long ououeli
to love them all. "
Tlio Vnliio of v Zoological Garden.
At n glnnco , the striking differences
botwoou the Aslntlc and African ole
phnnts nro npproclatod through tha
eye Bays n writer in the Popular Solonco
Monthly. Ono soon becomes fnmlllru'
with the various forms of our American
door , nnd has n bolter sense
of the fact that the elk retort to the
mountain fastnesses ns tholr normal
haunts , whllo our nntolopo rnroly quit
the plnlns. From school dtiys up , the
American youth , by such means , jrnln ?
n knowledge of the forms of the mag
nificent representatives of the vnrlous
fnunnj of nis Innd. in comparison with
which the illustrations in ttio textbook ,
although not to bo altogether despised ,
are Inadequate.
Hero the sculptor , artist , nnd ongrnvor
cnn , nt tholr leisure , study the noblest
of nnlinnl forms under the most advan
tageous circumstances. Leopards nnd
pumns may bo caught in the very act of
n hlirh-nooil siesta , or perchance in some
short and flory quarrel , showing till the
llnnaments of anger characteristic of
tholr race when aroused. Ornitholo
gists may catch for tholr folios the
transitory tints of the glowing
trogons nnd toucans as they disport
themselves in their large , airy cages ,
in a manner to bo achieved under no
other conditions.
It is here , again , that n thousand
facts each year nro brought directly under
dor the observation of the nntufnlisb
and specialist in every department ot
biology nldlflratlon in nil its dotniU
nmong birds ; nil the details in connec
tion with the brooding nablts of mam
mals ; and n volume of unwritten lofo
having reference of the life-histories'ot
our native reptiles and tholr kin ,
Tents For Oklahoma.
ThoSoick Mnn'f Co. are headquar
ters for tents , paullns , horsoand wagon
covers , of all kinds. 603 South 18th ,
next door to Battle of Gettysburg.
Tel. 004. Ar , . Woi.v , Manager.
A FnUctto Voloo.
Dondon Funny Folks : Ho ( in the
background to his his wrtnor ) What
charming tooth Miss Smylor line ; don't
you think so ?
She Well , to toll the truth , I must
say I liked her last sot best.
Woodmen say that throo-fonrtlis of
the moss on trees grows on the northern ,
side , that the heaviest boughs on spruco'
trees nro always on the south aldo , aiid
that the topmost twig of every houitoMi
tips naturally to the east.
It Costs Less
Oatho question ot rcnl economy lloo'l's
rllla In so fur nlicuJ of other preparation' ns to plico
them entirely out ot the rneo IM competitors Hero
nre facts lntregard tn this popular medicine , easily
susceptible of conclusive proof :
TtrritMoua than nny oilier competing prcimriitlon ,
hccnuto It is mom highly concentrated nnd contains
more ronl medicinal vnluo.
2. IT CusTSTtiE MuitB , us n consequence
of the fuct } ut stnto I. 3.
Hood's Sarsnparllla.
COSTS THE iikTAii. D urn o IST MOIIK. for llio tnmo
reason ns can cilsly be learned by Inquiry , llcnco
tlio < losro | of ' ( oino retailers to sell tholr own prepara
tions , which cost thoni'lftJ , nnd for which they tcttlio
samn prlca. thus m iklni ; moru innncy. Hut
4. IT COSTS run Co\sr > hii l.KbS tlniii any other
medicine , because of Its concentrated strength , nnd
the quantity In each bottle , anil because U the only
qf wlilih con truly bo said , " 1WJ Dosi.s ONK Doi.t.Ait. "
On this platform Hood's Sarxnpartlln stands absolu
tely bcoond the approach of competitors. Thoycopy
onr methods of adterttsliKr , they use our language.
they steal our headlines , but they do not.Tnur CAN
NOT , copy reproduce our proinratlon , Uood'a Sur u
a rllla.
First , BECAUSE IT COJTSTOO MUCH to do It pront
I'uorrs ? In preparing Hoods Snrsapnrlllii ari poou.
IIM In Itselfnn < ] competitors cinnot Und the seer (
by which this medicine secures Its real merit , nnd
In consequence nf which It otrocts remarkable euros
whore ether preparations fall.
A Point For You
When yon buy your uprlnu medicine , you want the
host. Ask for Hood's S.irparllla , nuil Insist upon
having It. Do not let any nruument or persuasion
Intluonco you to bur nhat you donot Ho rote
to net the 1 teal Rprlne medicine , Hood's Sorsapnrlllik.
"List sprtnv I was completely faunert out. My
ptrotiKtu loft mo mid I felt tick and miserable all
the time , so that IcouM hardly attend to niy bus !
ness. I procured one bottle of Hood a Sarfnpaillla ,
and It cured mo. " 1U C. uKilor.K , Editor KnlorprlsoV
llcllevue , Mich.
"AooU'n Siir'Upflrllln Is tlio rhoipeit modlctno I
cnn buy. " I' . 11. ltti IEi. , llollevlllc. 111.
Hoods Sarsaparilla I
Sold by all drnuiflsts. II ; six for 13. Prepared only
by C. 1. liOOl ) i. CO. , Lowell , Jlnss.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Bold by nil drugelsts. $1. six for fS. 1'roparea onlp
by C. 1. HOOD & CO , ijOirell , Mass.
IOO DOBOS Ono Dollar
We have a large and elegant line of Spring
OVERCOATS and light weight garments of
latest and newest styles , which we bought at
our own offer , and these we have marked at
prices whice are bound to make you purchase ,
if in need of anything in this line.
Black or brown Corkscrew Worsted , serge Lined , only
f Light groy Casssimoro , silk faced , stylish , at
Olive Molt on s , 'with heavy Farmer's satin lining , at
Chocolate Color Molten , serge lined , silk faced , very handsome , at 11 76
Light brown or ollvo Molten , full silk lined , velvet collar , something elegant , at 16 OO
i Imported light brown Oassimors , full silk linod.Engllsh baok , at 1O ° ° {
Extra Quo brown Cheviots , full silk lined , at 2O OO
Men's Suits
Grey Plaid Cutaways , something now , at. . . . $ . 6 00
8 60
Nice Oaeslmoro , in brown and black stripe , only
. Q OO
' alt and Popper Grey Cutaways , at
. O OO
< S lt and Pepper Grey Scotch , at
, 0 OO
Dark CassimoroB , grey and black stripe , very nobby , at . . .
. 8 OO
Bitiok Stripe Worsteds , serge llnod.only
I'All wool , Scotch Cheviots , in grey and brown . OO 60
OO 76
4 Grey and black stripe , all wool Cutaways , at 4
D 60
Stool Grey Scotch Plaids , handsome goods , well made , at. . I
O 76
'f"tight Fancy Plaids , very fashionable , at
J t
I 1.1
V V I V Men's Suits.
> ;
f ° V
Dark Brown Plaids , perfect fitting garment , at <
All wool Ohovloto , fancy plaids and stripes , in light colors , at 10 OO
f Suits all wool , at 12 OO
Black and Blue Plaid Worsted Baok ,
Blue Plaid Worsted Straight Out Saok Suits , all wool , at A" " * ; ' , ° °
snuff colors , at 13 60 to 1O 60
Meltons , in olive , groy , brown and
Genuine Irish Ohovlots , light groyat 10
Light brown and groy , pin head , Casslmoro Cutaways , at 1 ® 60
Melton Cutaways , in grey , ollvo , brown and snuff colors , at $14 6O to 17 OO
Cheviot Cutaways , blue wldo wale , at W 6O
Irish Tweed Cutaways , brown and block atrlpd , at , , xO OO
Rli &TCO.7 Cor. 13th and Tarnairi Sts ,