Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1889, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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TitnM9 OP BuiisciiiPnoK ,
DMlr ( Morning Edition ) Including SUNDAY
llKp.Ono Yrnr . . . . . { 10
For Rlx Months . . . . . . . . . . 6
For Three Months , . . . . . . . . . . . %
Inn OMAHA SUNDAY IIBK , mulled to any
address. One Year . . . . . . . . 2
WRBKLY llRr.One Year. . . . . . .
OmoAno Omen , w : HOOKRHV inm.niNa.
NKW YOIIK Orricr. , lUxwslt Aim IftTMinni
Jtuir.niNfi. , WASHINGTON Ori-iOK , No. <
All commnnicntiona routing to now * nnfl ti
lorlnl matur uliould be addressed to the KiIT <
All business letters and remittances should .
ivddrcsiod to TUB HrH I'lniLrmiiNii UOXPAM
OMAHA. Drafts , chorus and postofllcs orders
bo nmilo payable to the order of tllo company ,
Vie Bee PttWisWngSpy , Proprietor
E. HO5EWATER , Editor.
TUB UAJIjY 111212.
Sworn Statement ofOirouInllon.
Btnto of Nobraikn , I- .
County of Douglas , f "
Ocorgoll. Tzsrhuck , secretary of the lleo Pn
Ilfllilnir coimmny , does solemnly swear thnt tl
nctuaiclrculntion ot Tin : JIAILV lir.r. for 11
week ending AprllO. 1881) ) . was as follows :
Sunday. Marchill l , f
Monday. April 1 18.1
Tuesday. Aprils IH.f
Wednesday , April J8.H
Thursday. April ! 10.1
Friday. April r 1H.1
Saturday , AprllO . HM1
Average. . . . ' ' . 18.01
Sworn to before mo and subscribed to lu it
presence this Uth day of April. A. 1) . 18H1.
8enl. N. P. FEIL , Notary Public.
Btato of Nebraska , | - _
County of DotiRlas. f03-
Georfco n. tl'zschuck , bnlnff duly sworn , d
, TIOBCS and says that ho Is secretary ot the Hi
Publishing company , that the nctunl nvoraj
dally clrculatto of TUB IHti.v HER for tl
month ot Starch. 1S88 , 1 ,0 ) copies : for Apr
188 ? , 18,744 copies ; for May. 188X , 10,1
copies ; for .lime , 1888 , 1I',21I ' copies ; f
July. l&S. 1H.O.B copies ; for Aupust , 18 !
18.1SIcopies ; for September , 1833 , is , 1st roole
for October. 18H8 , It.Qil copies ; for Novet
her , 1K . 1S.IIS8 copies ; for December , 188S. 18,2
copies ; forJnminry , IKtO , 18,674 copies ; for To
ruary , 1889 , 18otO copies.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed Inn
presence this 2d day ot March. A. D. IbS'j.
N. P. Finii Notary Public.
Tun energetic reorganization of th
mail service will soon bring it up i
that point of efficiency and regular ! '
which prevailed four years ago.
TIIK street railway lines arc so we
pleased taking turns riding the counc
and the board of public works , th ;
they now propose to drive the team ta
SINCK the suggestion was made
have the Nebraska delegation prose
the name of Hon. John Jj. Webster I
the vacancy on the federal supron
bench , Mr. Webster has received mai
flattering notices aud complimentai
endorsements from the state press ,
well as papers in Wyoming and leadin
members of the bar in cities of westei
; , *
MUCH of the credit for the provailir
activity in street railway circles mu
bo given to the motor. The indomitab
energy of its chief manager in ovorcon
ing financial and othei obstacles , h
success is receiving recognition ar
and support when rust and bankrupte
threatened the existence of the cot
pany , is a specimen of pluck nr
patience worthy of general commoudi
tion. The only objectionable foatui
of the motor street railway is the eve
head wire ,
THE Australian voting system has b
como thc law of Wisconsin , il vi
tunlly makes the two great parties a p
litical trust , and strangles ovo'ry .ind <
5 ? pendent political movement. Or
clause of the Jaw specifies that no part
t which receives less than two per con
i' of the total vote at the last provioi
election shall bo accorded represent !
tioiTon the ofllcial ticket. The offo (
of this will bo to prevent any organize
political action outside of the oxistin
i'i parties. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PJIOPKUTY owners who claim a voic
in the distribution of viaduct privilege
because a portion of the cost wi
i taxed to thorn , forgot that the rai
roads paid throo-flfths of the conBtrm
* tion price. If the council allows tri
claim of the property owners , the rai
roads nro entitled to a controlling into
est. The only safe course for the ai
thorities to pursue is to open the vii
flucts to all street car companies undc
proper restrictions , charge an annul
rental for their use , and place the pr <
coeds in a sinking fund for care , ropaii
and reconstruction.
TIIK issue between high llcansu an
prohibition was made and fought t
Tuesday's election In fifty-eight towi
and cities of the state. Forty-six n
turned license boards , and ton of the :
changed from prohibition to liconsi
Twelve decided for prohibition , foi
f the number being converts. Tl
inajorltloa for license were small in
few instances , but the total of nn
twelve exceeds thnt of the towns neiop
ing local option. Straws show the d
oction of the wind. The robust opii
Ion of the state is manifestly in favor i
high license and regulation.
Tint Chautauqua assembly at Counc
Bluffu is an assured fact. The work of in
proving the grounds has begun and th
Indications nro that the first of a Ion
series ot assemblies will bo inaugurate
this summer. The people of Omaha i
well as of Council Bluffs are deeply ii
torostod in the success of the projec
The ( Jhautnurjua has become n prom
neat feature all over the country as
healthful moans of recreation and i
BtrucUon nnd there is every reason
believe that the Couuoil Bluffs nsson
bly will attract visitors from the mo
remote sections of the country.
THE department of public instruotlc
of Iowa has issued its oustomury nnnu
Arbor day loallot in n novel and nttrn
tlvo form. As Arbor day in Iowa fal
on April 30 , tlio superintendent of pu
Ho instruction has addressed the echo
children , their toaohors and frlon
with n patriotic ) greeting in commom
ration of the centennial of Was 111 n
ton's presidency. The idea is a mo
liappy ono , Not only is it intended
teach the children patriotism , love I
Washington nnd respect for the conbl
tution nnd country , but the Bignlflcan
of Arbor day is pleasantly worked In 1
Urging all to plant "Washington trees
The superntondont ! of public instru
tion for Nebraska could well follow tl
THE PAtlfe
Slnco Nobl-nska wtil make no indl
vldunl exhibit of corn and corn product
nt the forthcoming Pnris exposition
tiio merchant ot our city and the strtl
nt largo should join with the sbvorn
commercial bodies of the country toaii
the New York produce oxohnngo 1 ;
maklrfg their display dno of Iho gron
features of the oxposltibn. The oxhlbl
is nn assured fact , but its success wll
ddpdnd largely upon the co-oporatlon c
business men all over" the country. Nc
hraska , ns ono of the chief corn
ing states , should ba particularly concerned
corned in the exhibit. For that reasoi
moro than a passive interest should h
taken in the matter. There never wn
n bettor opportunity to demonstrate t
the people of 'Europe the value c
corn as an article of human food. ]
is not only much moro cheaper tha
wheat , but is equally as nutritious
With this truth impressed upon th
psoplo of Europe , corn would largel
supplant wheat anel swell our exports t
enormous * proportions. It is well to re
member , moreover , that the Unite
States stands practically alone M a cor
producing country. Whatever comno
tition would , spring up , it would bo in
significant in comparison with the com
petition our wheat is obliged to mee
from the wheat of Russia , India am
Egypt. As shown by the department c
agriculture , American corn , except in i
few years of comparative failure of feed
ing material in western Europe , cuts
small figure in the amount , of our os
ports , averaging but two or throe po
cent , and never exceeding four po
cent. This would conclurfivoly provi
that Europe has no idea of the use o
corn for food , and does not begin t
consume the quantity which has become
como ono of the staple articles of con
sumption .among us. A proper oxpoai
tion of its uses , therefore , would bo
boon to the masses of Europe , so tha
the appeal to aid the corn exhibit i
based on humanitarian ns well as pecu
ninry principles.
Tlio facts recently presented by General
oral Grcoly , relating to the arid re
gions of the United States and the pos
sibility of rendering them productiv
by irrigation , have encouraged th
advocates of reclaiming these land
in this way. Among thcso is Senate
W. M. Stewart , who has an interestin
article on the subject in the Apr :
Jftmtm. It is a fact known doubtless t
very few that the region where th
rainfall is insulllcicnt for successfi
agriculture aggregates about twolv
hundred thousand square miles , abet
equal to the combined aren
of Great Britain and Irclanc
Belgium , Denmark , France , Germany
Italy , Sweden , Norway , Holland an
Austria-Hungary. It embraces nearl
all of the public domain and is a thir
larger than British India , which sur
ports over two hundred million inhnbi
tants largely by irrigation. Manifostl
the solution of the problem of how t
utilize this vast arid region so as t
make homes for the people is a matte
of very great importance.
Senator Stewart says wo hav
the experience of , thousands e
years to guide us in reachinj
n solution , and ho presents man
most interesting and instructive fact
showing what has boon accomplish
by irrigation in a number of countries
The most populous nations of nncian
times occupied the arid regions of Asii' '
Africa and Europe , and subsisted b ,
agriculture prosecuted by irrigation
Explorations in various parts of the ol
world have shown to what a wide extent
tent recourse was had ages ago to irri
gallon , while of the present time th
agriculture of India is almost wholl ,
dependent upon the provision mad
by the English government , at a
enormous outlay , for irrigating th
Regarding the results of irrigation
Senator Stewart states that experiments
monts in California , Nevada , Colorado
Utah , Arizona , and ether irrigatinj
countries , show that eighty acres of ir
gated land , properly cultivated , far exceed
coed in productive capacity doubl
that number of ncre < watered by rain
, fall. This statement will doubtlosi
bo received with some incredulity
ity , but if it bo contended tha
irrigated land has a produc
tive capacity no greater than tha
watered by rainfall there is still a sufll
ciont argument in favo r of irrigation
The last congress appropriated throi
hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars fo
the survey of reservoirs , ditches ane
canals , nnd n select committee of tin
senate was appointed for the purpose o
oxnmijiing the arid region nnd report
ing in December next what loglslatioi
is necessary for its reclamation. Th
matter is therefore likely to be on
of considerable interest in the deliberations
liberations of the next congress
gross , and when the vastnes
of the region to bo roolaimoe
is considered the subject ought to c6m
mand a great deal of pubho attention
If one-half the arid region can bo fo
claimed so that it shall bo capable o
supporting iv population equal to thi
present number of inhabitants of th
United States , such a result would jus
tlfy any possible expenditure , and wil
the evidence of what irrigation has uc
compllshed this wealthy and prosporou
nation can cortainiy afford to prosccut- -
experiments on a generous scale for re
claiming the western deserts.
The distinguished actor , Mr. Edwii
Booth , has just received assurances
of the high regard In which ho iu holt
by tlio American people. His recoil
prostration invoked from the press o
the country nnd from members of hi
profession the heartiest expressions c
regret and the warmest testimonials V
hit ) ability ns nn uotor. The foromos
newspapers of the country voiced th <
general sentiment in declaring thnt hi
JOBS to the Amor lean stage would be
Irreparable , His colleague , Mr
Barrett , justly said of Jiim the
ho is the greatest llvinf
English-speaking actor , nnd thor
can bo no doubt of the nbsolut
sincerity of the tribute. Mr , Irvinf
the English actor , expressed his wan
friendship for Mr. Booth nnd his ai
miration of him aa an artist. In over
ftflttKiin ' " " " " "
way the stricken nclor has boon rfssuroi
thnt ho possesses in the highest dogro
the affection nnd admiration ot th
public to whoso intellectual ontortnln
mont ho iihs contributed for moro tha
thirty years , nnd of the profession i
which ho has attained the loftiest star
Edwin Booth id worthy of sue
consideration , both ns irinh an
actor. His personal charnctoi
during all the period ho has booli be
fore the public eye , has boon nbovo re
proaoh. At a memorable time in hi
career , when n self-seeking man woul
have sought to profit by notoriety , MJ
Booth conducted himself In n way t
win the respect of everybody. Ho , is
sincere and generous man , true to hi
friendships , considerate of these wh
are associated with him , and liberal i
helping these who nro worthy of it. Ill
recent generous gift to the Player
club in Grnmorcy park , Now York , 1
an example of the interest ho lias alwny
taken In the members of his pr <
fossion. As nn actor it has boo
the aim of Mr. Booth to elevate th
stage. Ho has boon an indefatigabl
student of the drama and a palnstakin
nnd conscientious artist. Whatove
genius ho possessed was schooled nn
developed by hard work. lie boga
whore all tlio older school of actors lln
to begin , nt the bottom , nnd tolled slo
by stop to reach the eminence ho no
The result Is a career which in tli
extent and value of Us achievements :
hardly paralleled In the history of th
stago. It is not dilllcult to boli6vo tlu
neither Garrick nor Komblo nor Ken
in England , nor Talma in Franei
over gave moro intellectual , hrillian
and powerful expositions of charade
than have boon presented by Edwi
Booth , and by any standard of jud
mont the American notor must b
ranked equally with nny of these groa
masters. The loss of Mr. Booth woul
iiulrsod bo a serious matter for th
American stage , because there is non
to take his place , and the misfortune i
that his class of actors are' not being en
ucatod under existing methods. Haj
pily there is reason to hope that such
lobs may be long deforrnd.
President Harrison'has issued a proc
lamation recormnonding that the morn
ing of April . ' ! 0 , the hundredth , ami :
versary of the first inauguration p
George Washington , bo devoted t
prayer and thaiiKsgiving in th
churches of the country. This is don
in response to the memorials of religious
ious creeds , both Christian and Hebrew
brow , and its appropriateness will b
conceded by all who rocognixo the desirability
sirability of associating religious fool
ing and the spirit of thankfulnes
with the observance of this memorable
orablo event in the nation's history. ]
is essential , also , in order that the coi
tennial celebration shall not bo wanl
ing in a distinguishing feature of Apr :
30 , 1789. On the morning of that da ,
the church bolls throughout the coun
try called the people to prayer , and o
the close of the public corofrftmies of th
inauguration Washington and the ifioir
bors of tno houses of congress procoedo
on foot , to St. Paul's church , whor
prayers suited to the occasion wer
read by a bishop of the Protestant Epis
copal church who had boon nppointo
ono of the chaplains of congress. Thu
the day was not only ono of pron
public joy , but it was liicowiso marite
by a distinct and earnest religions feel
This was entirely in accord with th
sentiment and character of the flr
president of the republic. Washingto
was a dovptod churchman , and' his lif
was a lofty example of Christian rccti
tudo. His first inaugural address boni
conspicuous evidence to his sense of uc
pondoncoupon a higher power , and ti
liis belief in a providential agency i
bringing about our national indopond
oi'lco. ' 'No people , " ho said , "can b
bound to acknowledge nnd adore the in
visible hand which conducts the affair
of men , moro the people of th
United States. Every step by whic
they have advanced to the character c
an independent nation seems to hav
been distinguished by some token c
providential agency. " Throughout hi
whole public career the conduct of Wasli
ington was dominated by his religion
spirit. In this respect quito ns much n
in any other that distinguished him , h
stood above his great compatriots , an
while so mo of them did not share at nl
in this spirit , there was not ono of then
who honored Washington loss bocaus
he possessed it or ono who over questioned
tioned his absolute sincerity.
On every account , then , it is most nr ;
propriato that the churches are to pui
ticlpato in the observance of the centon
nry of the inauguration of the first prc
sldont of the United States , and entirely
tiroly proper that the prosielont whos
term begun the second century of con
stitulioiial government should by proc
lamation recommend & general partici
pation of religious creeds in pr.ayor an
thanks giving on this occasion. 1
has been wlboly suggested by th
bishop of Iowa , in-a pastoral to th
clergy and laity of the church of - thus
s la to , that there might bo an additio
to the religious services befitting th
occasion , the reading of such portion
of the inaugural address of our firs
president as indicate his roliunco o
God , nnd to add thereto such tostimon
to the religious character of Washing
ton as shall bo likely to impress upo
all "tho reverence wo fool for ou
fathers , nnd our grateful recognition c
their abiding trust in God , " In thl
way many thousands would bo in
struotod M to a leading plmso of , th
character of Washington which woul
greatly exalt it in their esteem. Th
approaching contonninl will appeal Lot
to the patriotism nnd the fnith of th
people , and both ought to bo btrongtl
oned by it.
THE citizens of Yankton have boo
atlrrod up to righteous indignation f
the underhand notion of Sioux City i
securing the removal of the signc
service stalion'from the former to th
latter city. A signal service station i
itself may not bo of vital importance t
n city , but it is the spirit of the a <
rnthor than the deed itself whic
rankles in . .thjjonrt ot Yankton. Po
loss cause than that nations hnvo goii
to war . It is not to bo wondered tliii
Ynnktoii resatit3 the insult niiel is dc
tormiilcd to punish the fniso friend fo
Punic faith. For many tv year Siou :
City has thrived nnd waxed fat u'pon it
position. Wo do , however , doom it i
the interest of Iho tax payers to call th
attention of Mayor Broatch to the quo'
tionahlo course pursued by the board <
public works in connection with tli
letting of this season's paving contracts
There has boon a very inarko
departure from the mode i > n
scribed by the law with rognr
to specifications and award by contract
There is a very suspicious mixinp-up c
materials and a very loose way of doa
ing with contractors , that savors vor
much of jobbery. The mayor has i
within , his power to frustrate undoi
handed work that would enable the cor
tractors to fleece tho.taxpivyard , and w
trust ho willoxorclso his prerogative b
locking the barn before the horse i
stolon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tun Iowa sharks are making n do1
pcrato olTort to Ilocco the employes <
Intor-stnlo railroads residing in Omalu
A number of garnishments have boo
Hied against the wages of Union Pacifl
workmen , and' doubtless similar actio
has boon taken.ugainst the employes c
other roads. The justice mills of Com
oil Bluffs are proceeding under the bi
lief that the anti-garnishoo bill passe
by the last legislature has not yet be
come a law , or that the governor lui
not approved it. This is a mistake
The law is in full force , and every ma
is entitled to the protection it olTori
Workingmcn should not bo frightono
by threats. 'Their wages cannot b
withheld by any process of law origl
nating in Iowa. All claims ngains
them , whether bogus or legitimate
must bo prosecuted and collected undo
the laws of Nebraska.
TIIK specimens of short hand pirac
developed by the inquiry of the stat
board of transportation at Tokamah ar
common throughout the state. Rail
roads seem to delight in fleecing th
people right at home. Rates for lift ,
and one hundred miles are frequent ! ;
as great as for five hundred milns. A
instance of this system of highway robbery
bory was recently brought to the notic
of Tuis'BciJ.armor / chartered a ca
at a station near Omaha , to carry stoclt
implements , etc. , to a point in Gusto
county , and wng-charged sixty dollars
A carload of similar goods was brough
to the bamo ijbint from Dayton , Ohic
for sixty-five
An Appeal to Charity.
HiniiMOitn , So. Dale. , April 5. To the Ed
tor of THIS Bir.rfaiio : : furious prairie fire
have devastated flyde county. Many fam
lies are homeless without -shelter or clotl :
iug. Everything in the path of the ijtt
> nitlo an hour fcae ) was swept to dcstructio
by fire. Six lives wore lost and a good doa
of stock. The county does not appeal fo
any outside help llnnncially , but citi/ons wil
strain their credit to the utmost to help th
farmers with seed wheat and provisions
Those fortunate enough to escape the llr
have given everything in the shape of cloth
ing to the destitute , but hundreds nro stil
suffering for clothing.
s For the sake of humanity an aupeal i
made to the charitably inclined of , vour cit.
for cast-off clothine for both sexes. Any
thing forw.irded'will bo thankfully rccoivci
and distributed to ttio needy with thanks b.
mo. Ucspei-tfully , II. M.
St. Louis and Chicago are again on spenli
ing terms. Both have elected douinoratti
Kossuth , the Hungarian patriot , Is ic
ported dying nt Turin. Hois nearly eighty
seven years of ago.
The ox-Empress Eugenic will spend Uv
mouths of tlio summer in Spain. She is u
homo among ruins.
A sister of Stephen A. Douglas , aged sev
enty-elght , successfully manages the post
oftico ut Clifton Springs , N. Y.
Tom Ncclos is a candidate for a fedora
ofllco in Chicago. Ho is so stuck on himscl
that the president can't see the point. *
Wo have bantam fights and feather wcl h
scraps , but when it comes to a genuine nil
round bust , Sullivan continues to hold tin
Kansas has added another frcaic to he
vast collection. Cottonwood Falls elects i
woman mayor. Oskalooaa is not as lonely n
she looks.
Congressman Uynn , the now minister ti
Mexico , wears a smooth face , a bald head , i
largo nose nnd n strong mouth. His caprtolt ;
for pulque has not boon gauged. *
Assistant Postmaster General Clarksoi
has sent a special courier to Boston for i
working model of Mayor Hart's polltica
hatchet. Tlio mayor decapitated sovcntcoi
offensive democrats nt ono sitting recently
A revivalist at Tama , la. , recently nskei
all of the congregation who paid their debt
to rise. 'All rose but nn editor , Who ex
plained that ho dldnU pay his debts bccauai
the rest of the conjugation owed him ot
subscription. 'ic
I. V. WilliamsontHteeccontrlo _ millionain
baoliolor who rccoritly.dlcd in Philadelphia
narrowly escaped jniyrlmoiiy thirty yean
HETO. Ho was engng4dito a belle of the to\4rn
but when'tho day of the wedding catna nm
the guests wore till1 hand , no bridogro6n :
could bo found , Willwiuson , palo nnd trom <
bllng , locked himself in his otllce. Ho explained
plained afterward that ho could not face th <
crowd. " - * >
Koine Opinions oii'lts AVork Kxprossct
by tlio/Jttyte / I'resH.
Bchuyler Quill : tlHio last legislature wa
ono far above the average in honesty ot rAir
IXso and In good rosultoof acts. Tlioro won
forty-seven farmer members in It. Furthe
comment unnecessary. *
Red Cloud dhlefi Thct standard of tin
legislature ) should bo raised , and doaienlni
politicians nnd tools should be relegated ti
the roar ranks , and a reward put upon lion
esty and fidelity ,
W6eplng Water Hepubllcan : The loglsla
turo has done a great deal of satisfactory
work. The appropriations wore cut dowi
and the steal wiped out In most cases lu i
manner that la becoming to the honorabli
body. If the laws are enforced we will havi
batter citizens.
Weeping Water Eaglet The Nebraslti
legislature tor 1639 wjll be known In hfotorj
ns the fishing rlarty fllshtng for boodle nn
n dlvy of tlio funds in the state treasury. J
they did not got what they wanted , it Is ne
because they did not try hard for It.
Oakland , Independent : The work the
have done has been go6d , and they hnvo 1C !
nn unusually clean record behind them.
. York Times : This session of the leglsli
turd 11ns been barren of nny results , nnd ns
monument of much ndo about nothing Itvl
stand unrivaled In Its colossal idiocy.
Hastings Ncbrasknn i It Is generally cot
coded lo have been composed of moro nbl
men limn previous legislative body in th
state tlio senate especially so. Taken n
together , the work performed lus been quit
satisfactory to the people.
Beatrice Democrat : No motion passe
the legislature durlnf Its long , tlrcsom
length that so nearly moots the public di
, mntid ns the motion lo ndjourii without dnj
Springfield Monitor : The boodle clcmeti
In the legislature was routed complete ! }
nnd the pcoulo of Nebraska hnvo cnuso fo
great rejoicing ,
FremOnt Tribune : The legislature havln
adjourned , the pcoplo nro now figuring u
how much dnmago it did ,
Kearney Hub : Upon n review of the wor
of the legislature ns n whole , nil rcasonnbl
men must admit that It is entitled to inor
tlmn.crdluury commendation.
Plnttsmouth Herald : As usual , snm
things have been done which might hnv
been omitted and some things loft uinlon
which ought to have been done , but th
amount of harm done is probably light , fo
which the people of Nebraska can cougrnl
ulato themselves.
St. Paul Press : Quo good thing the lep
Islaturo did was to kill all bills providing fo
nny additional normal schools in this state
nnd If there is nny good for the stale In th
laws passed , a patient ueoplo awaits Its dc
volopmeiit. _
llutlcr County lli-ontlics Knslcr.
The Hon. , r. C. Hoberts. of David CII.V
.moro familiar known throughout the stnto a
Beefsteak Kobcrts , has been appointed to a
ofllco at last away down In the Indian terr ;
tory. Senator Mnmlcrson is no doubt ic
llovcd now thnt he has loosened the gentle
man from his coat tails , for Jacob has neve
ceased to remind the senator that ho owei
him something for his vote. Butler count ;
will bre.itho a long sigh of relief to knov
that this oily political manipulator and rail
road capper is Soon to leave us , while Semi
tor Mandcrson and President Harrison nr
to be congratulated for having sent bin
among the Indians. Now if the good Lore
will onlv direct the president to send W. T
Richardson into the heart of Africa , Butle
county will hnvo just reason for appointini
a special day of thanksgiving.
Won't Accept tlio Proposition.
It has been suggested that Senator Tug
gart , whoso nuptials nro announced to taki
place this month , might please his constitu
ents and celebrate the happy affair in a mori
becoming manner , by postponing' the inter
csting ceremony until Hastings gets the ap
propriation fsr the much needed enlarge
mcut of the asylum.
Burlington Free Press : Artful Amy-
Algernon , in parliamentary usage , what doei
the presiding ofllcer sny when a matter is t <
bo put to a % 'otol Unsuspecting Algernon-
Are you ready for the question. Artful Amj
Y-ycs , Algernon , 1 think I am.
Now York Weekly : First Belle "Where
is that strange gentleman from ! " Seconc
BollofHo is from Chicago , I think. " "Oh ,
nfposslblel Ho has no foreign accent. "
Atclnson Globe : So much money is boinj
spcnton funonls that It will soon bo such a
luxury that only the rich can afford to die.
Harper's Bazar : Old lady I hope , mj
boy. yon don't sell papers on Sunday ? SmaL
newsboy ( sadly ) No , mum ; I ain't big
enough to carry a Sunday edition yot.
.Torre Hnuto Express : Mr. Jason-A nice
fool you made of yourself at tlio sociable last
night ! Mrs. Jason Mo ! How ! Mr. Jason
Yes , you. Tolling Mrs. Chally that hot
baby looked good enough to oat. Mrs' Jasor
Well , what's the matter with that ! Mr.
Jason O , nothing , only you know that thOy
start as missionaries to the cannibal islands
next weok.
Atchison Globe * It is always the toughest
hen tnat boasts that she is no spring chicken.
Terre Haute Express : Miss Sooolc Cliacor
Do you believe In second sight , Mr. Peck !
Mr. N. Peek You just bet I do. My man
nngo was the result of love at first sight.
Chicago Tribune : Orlando B. Happy is
the successful aspirant for the postmaster-
ship Of MnvflOld , Ky. Of course Orlando
but tills is really too obvious ,
Philadelphia Record : First theatergoer-
Is that now comedy farce nt the Fashion
theater worth seeing ? Second theatergoer
It's a grand success absolutely idiotic.
Martha's Vineyard Herald : "Domestic
economy consists in doing without thiriKS. "
It was ilrst practiced by Adam and Eve.
Munsoy's ' Weekly : Mrs. Temperton
floury , father wrote mo jostorday that ho
wants to get a typewriter. What is the beat
kind , do you think ? Tcmportoti 'immersed
in stock quotations ) I like 'om about twen
ty-four , with dark blue oycs.
Pittsburgh Telegraph : "I have an account
of a big landslide , " said thc now reporter.
"What head shall I put It under } " "Put it
under the 'Real Estate Trnnslers,1 , " replied
the snake editor ,
Boston Commercial "Good gracious ,
where have you been ? " asked Mrs. Dinks
of her spouse. "Excising athletic club , "
ejaculated Bliiks. "Pub 1" said Mrs. B. "I
suppose that is what makes , vour breath so
strong , Is it notj"
Harper's Ba/ar : Professor Microscopical
investigations lead us to bclievo that there
are colors too dclicato to bo discerned by the
human pyo Invisible colors wo may call
them. Student I know the name of 0110 of
them , sir. Professor ( surprised ) indeed I
What is It ! " btudont Blind man's buit. "
Epoch : Edward ( who has taken his girl to
Dul's ' nnd'glvcn her a J30 dlnnor ) "Woll ,
darling , what do you tlilnic of Dolmonlco's ? "
Girl "J think that French waiter has the
lovllcst eyes I ever saw. "
Boston Courier : Dry goods merqhant
YOU hnvo called In response to the adver
tisement for a floorwalker } Wol ) , sir , what
are your qualifications for the position } Ap
plicant I am the father of three pairs of
twins , ,
Detroit Free Press : As long as a man oan
assign the propel ty of his creditors over to
his wife marriaxe s not wholly a failure.
Fllegondo Blaotter : "But , doctor , yori snld
last week that the , patient would certainly
die , nnd now ho Is perfectly well. " "Madame ,
( ho confirmation of my prognosis Is only a
question of time , "
Epoch : "Present wear ; past were ;
Tommy , define that , " said the tencnor ,
"When mammii gets a new dress it's to wear ,
and when papa gets the bjll lt'4 war , " an
swered the bright boy.
San Francisco Wasp ; "I beg your pardon ,
mad'ime , I was going by without speaking ;
but you looked so charming to-day that 1
didn't know you. "
Hutclunson News ; The Marquis of Queens-
berry has written a dissertation upon mar
riage and divorce , lie handles the suujoct
without gloves.
A trip on the bolt rend around Omaha
Portal is well worth taking.
It li ono of the surprises In connection wl
the rapid growth of the city. The first li
presslon made Is the outlooit for a splond
suburban trafllc.
On ovary sldo between Webster street i
ought to bo DoURlas strcot ) denot nud We
Sldo , nro elegant rtisldoncos , extensive mn
factories , and Rreat railroad yards.
The first surprise awaits you nt Oi
Clmtlmp , now n populous resilience center
n few years ago nothing but n bare pralrl
Next comes Druid Hill , prettier still , nnd i
to Walnut Hill , now iv populous little oily
Itsolf. From thcnco to West Sldo the I
torcst is kcht up by numerous buildings ai
duo residences , showing the steady oxpn
slon of the city westward. About nlno mil
out comes Mascot. Near the crossing of tl
Klkhorn Valley road , It Is 0110 of the be
places on the line for n beautiful suburb
Omnlm. Its location Is high and rolling nn
ns will bo seen , It possesses unusual railrOi
conveniences for freight and passengi
Seymour park , without exception , Is tl
prettiest suburb of nny around Omaha. Tl
first thing to strike the eye is Dr. George 1
Miller's fine stone residence end Us we
kept grounds. Uy the erection of n pret' '
hotel with Its groves near the station ,
can bo mndo n most desirable resort in BUI
mor for picnics nnd excursions , nnd nt t
times n plnco for elog'nnt homes.
Portal is the end of the run. This Is
place with a strong commercial nspce
Moro so than nny other , next to Count
Bluffs nnd South Omaha. It Is bounded e
tlio north by tlio Uurllngton , on the west I
the Union Pnclllo and t'io Burlington , on tl
south by the Union Paclllc.and on the east I
the Missouri Pacific. Its pretty passotigi
deoot is ono of the handsomest ,
not the handsomest , on the lin
It speaks well for its projector
However , with these advantages , Port
needs grain sheds nnd nn elevator , and
conl and lumber yard on the different road
When these are all established , the surrouni
ing farmers will come in to trade , nud mat
ufncturers will locate there on nccount of v
inilroad facilities. Eventually Portal wl
out-ranic Papllllou , and next to Sent
Omaha , will bo the most Important of ou
subui ban towns.
As to the tram service on the Belt road
Tin : Bun ventures to sugcost a few impiovi
ments. Sidewalks should bo built to nil tli
stations and suitable platforms , where tliei
are none , should bo put In for the convon
cnco and comfort of passengers getting ou e
olT the trains.
A't West Farnnm street an extensive st :
tion house should bo built nt once and th
street made n regular stopping since , not
Hag station , for nil passenger trams. .
lucrative traillo will spring up Immediate ) ;
West Farnam will then become of tlio sani
importance to Omaha that T-wonty-secon
street is to Chicago. It will result lu the in
mediate expansion of that oait of the cit ,
cast as well as west of tlfo Bolt roa
lioavenworth street should bo a regular stc
tion for all suburban passenger trains. Th
important link in tlio JJelt read from Wes
Farnam street to South Omaha is closed
with the exception of the passage of th
live stock trains. This defect should b
remedied and passenger trains put on t
once. This part of the road wll
eventually be the most lucrativ
and the efforts necessary to build up
fine suburban passenger service cannot be
gin too soon. To make the service moro effective
fectivo the cable road should extend its Hnr
noy street line to a junction with the Bell
road at West Faruam street for the mutun
exchange of travel and trafllc.
iv. slight chaiigo in the schedule of tlu
morning trains , nnd another train roacnim
Om.Uia nt 3 or D o'clock p.m. , for the con
vomenco of ladies shopping , running nl
these trains down to the foot of Douglas o
Farnam reels so that its patrons can easllj
reach the whole and business centers , wll
result in n nhandsome increase in the rove
uuosof the line.
I will wager , " said S. Ic. Johnson in th
Paxton hotel rotunda , "that inside of fiv
years Twenty-fourth street will bo the busl
ness center of town. 1 nm not In the roa
estate business either. I haven't got mucl
real estate anyhow but I would have twi
iolfars for ono if I had no real estate nt nil
[ am satisfied with real estate ns security
but when I can loan at 7 per cent with gooil
security I am willing to lot" other people con
luct the real estate business. The easton
iiart of Omaha Is destined to becomi
like South Water nud Uivor streets in Chi
joffo and Second nnd Third streets In St
Louis. It will bo turned into a jobbing dis
Tlct. You can't build jobbing houses in nr
jxpoiisivo territory. They can't ' afford tc
my $1,000 per foot for ground. That can be
lone only by rotn'l houses. But you marl
uv words and you will see that within live
oars business will' have shifted as.I have
ilnted. "
* *
"A now superintendent has boon appointed
ivor the Union Pacific quarries in Colorado , "
mid an old contiat'tor. "Well this makes
no mad. What is the use of a Ruporlntond-
int. The Union P.iclfio can't run a stone
msinesB , In fact , they can barely run a
allroud enterprise. Tom Potter knocked
mt the stone business. Ho saw It couldn't '
)0 made to pay. Ho did the same tiling
ilmost with the coal mines. The now super
ntciidcnt can scarcely do bettor than his
irodecossors , 'Boss' Stout was the first of
heso and ho ran the quarries and did almost
iiiythmg ho pleased. Anything ho wanted
Clmball gave him , even if It was a car to
hip stone to Washington. He eot It mid the
ixpenao was never questioned. This quarry
t Fort Collins has boon competing
i'ltli us in the stone business in tills city.
Vo cannot compete with It , because It has
icon run at a loss for some unknown reason.
Vo can't furnish stone nt the rates at which
his company furnishes It , because every day1
t works the quarry It does rio at a loss of at
3ast fSOD. There nro now In town piled up
bout fifty thousand yards of Fort Collins
tono. "
The telegraph nnd other oloctrlodomfmnlcs
lay , not bo opposed to the Dorset system ,
> ut their representatives , J. J. Dlokoy , L. M ;
Torty , tH. / . Ilhpom , Mlnot Terrlll and n
o t of others were among the most Inter-
istcd spectators ,
A Western Mali.
Cheytnitc Sun ,
The great west could bo recognized by the
resent administration In no better way than
: i the selection of ono of our able lawyers to
11 the vacancy occasioned by the death of
itanloy Matthews. Wo might n6t bo ablo' ' to
csurrcct quito ab old a cbndldutd as It has
eon the custom to place upon the supreme
onch , but wo can bring forward attorneys
/ho will not lower the present high standard
i respect to legal attainments , The name
f Mr. John L. Webster , ono of the shining
ights of the Omaha bar , has boon suggested ,
nil from tha high reputation which thc gem-
loman enjoys throughout the west wo nro
oufident his appointment would bo well
MUsourl'H Hunger.
Kansai Cltu 'JYmci.
Missouri fs still thirsting for a llttla more
3 < leral patronage. Mr , Harrison has been
cry kind and obliging , but ho 1ms not yet
rcatod us according to our ijrjat doscrt * .
Vo can Uko a little moro.
Contracts Awnrdod For Furnishing
Supplies to State Institutions.
Annual Statement of tlio Audit01
llolntlvo to tlio L\Fo \ Insurnnoo
Husiucsa of Nfitu-nskn Supreme
premo Court Uitstticss.
LINCOI.N liuiiKAu orTnnOMAiu UBB. I
1029 l STItBBT , } .
LIXOOI.N. April 0. I
Tlio bids for furnishing supplies to tin
stnto Institutions for the quarter end Ing Junl
80 , 1SJS9voro opened to-day anil tlio follow
lug awards wore made ;
Fcoblo Minded Institute nt Uoatrlco-
Moats , I' , H. Mnhtcr ; groceries , LnSnlla
Flsko & Co. ; conl , Iloyt Brothers : broad ,
A , It Sperry & Co. ; ice , W. Liming.
Soldiers' ami Sailors' Homo , Grand Island
Groceries , II. It. Kerr ; clothing. J. N ,
Wolbach ; ments , Mnvnnid .t Hill.
Institute for tlio Hllnd , Nebraska CltyMa
Groceries , Stoat & Co. ; ice , Ludlgh & Ma
son ; meats , Henry Frash.
Instituo for Deal and Dumb , Omaha Gro
ceries , William Fleming & Co. i drugs. Los.
Ho & Leslie ; coal , Couttiut ft Squires ; bread ,
Sehwat ft Co. : meat , Samuel Drclfussi
points , oils and glass , Goodman Drug Com
puny ; dry goods , Ilnydcn Urothcrs.
Insane Hospital , Lincoln Grocorlds.
GeorgoHosuIman ; dry goods nnd notions.
J. & D. Newman and Ilerpolsholmcr & Co. ;
boots and shoos , Webster & Uogers and Per
kins Brothers ; butter. West Point creamery !
fiour , William Sewoll iSc Co. ; paints , oils
drugs nnd medicines , J. II. Hurley ; clothing.
Nowmnrk ft Hcrschler , A. Hurlbut & Co.
nnd Mayer lrotliurs.
Industrial School , Kearney Groceries ,
Edward Hnyden ; meats , William Hochti
Hour , The Kearney Milling mid Klovnwi
company ; coal , J. S. Sozer ; dry goods , J. II ,
Insane Hospital , Norfolk Dry goods nnd
notions. The Johnson Dry Goods company ;
groceries. Cobb & Ovorholsor ; meats , 11. i J.
Glcssman ; clothing , Uaum Urothers ; bread-
stulTs , nirchard , Urhlgo & Co. ; fuel nml
lights , Gori'cho & Uradasch ; boots and
shoes , Morris Mayer.
A Conductor Killed.
Last nlirht about midnight , as freight train
No. 23 on the Hurlmgton was pulling througb
Wavorly , headed for this city , Conductoi
Champion loft the way car nnd started to g
ahead to the engine. Shortly afterwards il
was discovered that the six hind cars had
become uncoupled from the train. They
were re-coupled , when the train pulled on tc
Lincoln. When the train arrived In this cltjf
the conductor was nowhere to ho scon. Word
soon came from Wavorly thnt his mangled
remains had been found on the track not fni
from the depot. It is aupposcd that In walk
ing towards the engine ho stopped off tin
front end of the forward car of the six thai
had become detached from the train , and in
they were moving quito rapidly they passed
over him , killing him Instantly. D. Shniii
non , Uio head brnkemnn , with whom Tin
BKK correspondent talked concerning the no
cident , said that. It was quito common for g
train man in walking along thn top ol
a moving freight tram , especially when
walking against the wind , to keen
his cup well down over his eyes
and not look forward at nil , trusting that all
is all right nnd that each step will place him
on a firm footing. It is likely , therefore ,
that Conductor Champion did not see thai
the cars wore uncoupled from tlio train until
ho had taken the last fatal stop and had
fallen in front of the cars , whoso wheels
were so soon to crush him to death. Tha
hind brakeman , N. II. King , supposed thai
the conductor was ahead , and the head
hrakemau supposed him still in the way car.
so that ho wad not missed until the arrival ol
the train In this city. After the fatal acci
dent , train No. 27 passed over him twice.
Mr. Champion was about twenty-oighl
years old and had boon in the company's
employ six years. His companions and tha
superior olllcors speak well of ills habits , and
all unite in saying that no man on the road
had moro friends than ho. Ho was married
in Wavorly , about 100 yards from where hemet
met his tragic death Friday night , to Mlsi
Nellie Thompson , one of the accomplished
young ladies of that village. The ooupla
lived at Thirteenth and T streets , in this
Mr. Champion was a member of 1C. P.
lodge. No. 08 , of this city , nndO. H. C. lodge.
No , 227. Ho had no insurance on his life ,
though ho had some property In Uentrlco.
His father resides in Catlin , 111. , where ho Is
u teacher of band music.
The remains wore brought to this city tliia
morning about 7 o'clock by the coroner , and
were prepared for burial by Undertaker
Roberts. The body was out in twain about
the loins and was otherwise severely bruised
and mangled.
His relatives have been advised by wire
of th6 accident , and the remains will bo sent
homo to-morrow on the Burlington ilyor.
liilo Insurance.
The annual statement of the auditor ol
public account1 ; relative to tlio Ufa insurance
business in this state for the year ending
December ; if , 1838 , is Just out , ana it makes
an interesting1 comparison with the state
ment of tlio business for the your ending
December 31 , 18S7. The amount of the in
surance in force nt the close of 18b7 was $33-
001,250 03 ; nt the ' close of ' 1888 , MO,8M,010.Ui. . ( . . .
The amount
18S7 was S
' '
during 1883 , $250)90.85. ! ) Losses paid 'during
1887 , SMiVAKUG ; during 1888 , ! I5TII1.I5. !
Policies issued during 1887 , $17,412,7H.7U ! ) ; '
[ luring 18S8 , $20luO , : 3.U. : ! Discontinued
during Ifab7 , SI 9,21' ) , 721.83 ; during 1888 , $13-
Snprcini ) Court Cnso * .
The following now cases were filed iu tUa
supreme court to-day :
The Overtoil Bridge Co. vs Timothy A.
I'ayior nnd John L. Means. Appeal from
Dawson county ,
Schuster , Kingston & Co. vs Washington
l. Cat son , sheriff. Error from ITlllmora
A. J , liulo vs George II , Hess & Co. Error
Iroip Gngo county.
O. J. Salisbury vs C. F. Iddlngs andll , A.
idalngs. Error from Lincoln county.
W. II. Keeling vs Tyler C. Iloyt ot hi , Ini-
Ulcatcd with the Lincoln Land company and
, ho Atchlaon & Nebraska railway company.
Appeal from Hlclmrdson county.
* A Cnrrt of Tlmnkfl.
To the members of Lincoln Typogrnphl-
: al union and Farragut Post Q. A. K. , to the
; orps of ladles' auxiliary to that port , oifd to
ho many friends jnd neighbors who ton-
lered every conceivable kindness and com-
'oit In our ufnirtlont nt the illness , death and
> urinl of our little son , the undersigned do-
tire to express the slncorcst gratitude ) anil
hanhfulness. Their kindness will ov6r bo
o us u grateful remembrance , itcspcfttfully ,
Mn.sXKii Mns. S. M. JACKSON.
City NOWH nnd NotOH.
The Call's new press was started to-day ,
The funeral of John Ulou-lo/ , who was av
) hlxiated by gns at tlio Bt. Charles hotel
Wednesday nljht , will tiilto plaoo Sunday nf-
ornoon from the Uunnun Cuthollo church of
his city.
Dave Bomgnrdnor , of the secretary of
itnto's ofllco , is on a visit to his old homu at
> leaiiB ,
Tlio coufmlssionor of public lands and
lulldinga is sending out notlcos to all parties
lollnnuont on tholr school land contracts ,
: alllng for Immediate settlement ot the
Hon. J. E. Hill , stuto treasurer , Is on n
islt to Beatrice ,
r ; babl09'
lobblo. of Plnttsmouth
, who hnvo boon vU-
tliig with Mr . Ed Manchester , Jr. , for the
iiist week , returned homo to-day.
There will probably have to bo H now olec-
Ion in the Fourth ward to till tbo vacancy
auod by the resignation of Mr. Orahum.
, lr. Cooper was elected to the vacancy , but
ils election is thought to bo illegal , because
Jrahttuis resignation had not been acted
Tlio warden's report for March jshov > s
baton Mm oh 1 there wore B48 convlctu lu
hpponltontlary ; that twonty-ono were r .
oivod and lllteen discharged during tha
upptb , loavhuf IHU in prison on April 1.
'I ho board of public lands unit bulldiucs
lold u nmotliiK tills mornlug and attended to
ho routine work of the ttwt of the month
Hi advcrtieomont vas ordered for plans and
pouillcatlona for the now bolnr | liou.o at tlio
Inittito hospital , nnd for tbo othoi
by thc