Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1889, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    l'l .T , , , , jSJttmi'ui
l"1'V- ' - s ; * l vj nn .
ftlNG TOE TESMOtfl ,
Oommloolonora Dooldo That Abuse
or Paupers la not Wronrf.
ArcfiKcct JMoyorf ) Docs Not Como Infer
for Any Blmr6 of Tliolr Good
W'lll-Otlicr ItitBlncss
County Co'mtnl 8lonrtrfl.
It wo * qujto nn important meeting , that ol
Iho session of the board of county commis
sioners yesterday afternoon. The Mabond.v
Investigation matter on tlid charges made by
Tin : Bire came up , and at ono time during
the meeting it scorned apparent that Archi
tect Meyers , for his conduct on the county
hospital , would bo discharged ,
When Chairman Mount called Iho mem
bers to ardor" , Mr. O'Kcoffq stated that Mr.
Uoscwator was present for the purpose 61
addressing the commission , nnd Mr. Mount
requested the editor of Tin : Ur.r. to make his
statement. Mr. Hosowator said i
"Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the
board. During my absence from the city nn
Investigation of the published charges in re
gard to mismanagement nnd cruelty to thu
inmates of the poor farm has taken place.
I understand that the Investigation has
closed , and I want to say that , inasmuch as
the investigation was not of n criminal character -
actor , but merely an Inquiry into the conduct
of one of your officers , any additional In
formation throwing ligtit upon the subject
matter of Inquiry ought , In my opinion , to bo
received and added to whatever tostlmdny
ypu Imvo collected.
"On my return I find that ono affidavit has
bcon mndo since the trial , based on n letter
from n party making certain specific charges
In regard to Mrs. Mahoncy's treatment of the
Inmates. I want to file this affidavit and let
ter and the documents that were in our pos-
ncsslon-fn the first place , nnd Were the basis
of tha charges that have bcon mado.
"I want it understood by your honorable
toard , as well ns by the community , that
there bos bcon no malice in tlio conduct of
TUB Ben ns far rts tills matter is concerned.
It has been stated In ono of the Omuhti
dailies , and I read the article while away ,
\Iiat } the county printing entered into this In-
Tcstlgatton. 1 want to say that while the
newspapers' have the privilege of giving any
.Interpretation to what has been done In this
connection , I will prove definitely that the
county printing had not the remotest influ
ence on the charges that w ro preferred.
More than six months ago complaints
reached us In regard to the conduct of the
poor-far in , ana sotno Of your honorable body
nro doubtless aware of the fact that
wo detailed ono of our men , for
two years prcsidcut of the print
ers' union , and had him sent to
ha poor farm as n pauper to ascertain for
ourselves what there was In the complaints.
When this man had been there two or tliroo
days , for some reason unknown to us , an
other person was sent to the poor farm ,
whose uusin6us was to doc our man and In
terfere With his Inquiry and prevent , if pos
sible , any investigation that would put us in
' ( Possession of any facts that the inmates and
employes of the poor farm would testify to ,
so that the matter had to bo dropped.
"lu view Of the fact that this attempt to
learn the tru'o inwardness of affairs at the
poor farm was made months before there
was any competition over the county print
ing , no connection between that and the uc-
lion ot.Tltc BEK can bo established.
" \VhOnyougontleraonlooic over the affi
davits nnd other papers that were on the
desk of tlio editor of TUB BBB your judgment
will bo that wo would have been dlrellct in
our duty as Journalists had we not given the
publicity to the matter that wo did , and
Called public attention to the abuses that
were detailed in these papers. >
"I will read that portion of this affidavit
that I consider competent , omitting the
opinion of .the affiant. Ills :
I , EliSU Swanson , first being duly sworn
upon my oath , do say that I was nn inmate
of the Douglas county hospital and poor
bouse during October , November , Doc em
ber. 1887 , and January. February and March ,
1888 ; that I know Mrs. John J. Mahoney
nud that she was at that time known as
nlalrdn of the hospital ; that I gave birth tou
female child there and that such child was
adopted by a lewd woman with tliA' consent
of .Mrs. John J. Mahoney and without my
Knowiug the character of such woman ; and
it was only after much difficulty I regained
possession of my child. Mrs. Mahoney is
possessed of a violent temper , and habitually
uses indecent language in addressing inmates.
j. have heard her use the most obscene
epithets inaddressing , Inmates and employes
of the Institution. During my stay at the
poor farm I was in n position to judge of the
illness or unfitncss of Mrs. Mahoney for the
position of matron , nnd. In my opinion , owing
' to. her Vitflfcht temper , naturally harsh dis
position and total disregard for the sickness
and Bufferings of the poor , she is totally unfit
for the position she now holds.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
Cth day Of April , 1639.W.
Notary Public.
"And here Is a letter which I wish you
would consider in connection with the bal
ance of thopapers :
"I iriust say that no on6 with tho. slightest
regard Tor humanity could have lightly
passed over the testimony that was laid bc-
foroTiiE , J3EE. Abuses in public institutions
ore .common. We had before us an instance
that cnmo under our observation some years
fegO. At that time ctmrgcs wcro made against
the matron of the deaf and dumb instltuto
bore , 1 went out to tbo instiluto with a re
porter and. wo ascertained that the matron
liad been very cruel to the boys and girls
under her bare. Wo published the fact and
the state botard In control of the Institution
discharged the matron and superintendent.
There was no charge against the superin
tendent , only ho was the husband of the
Matron and had to go with her.
"I Imvo nothing against Mr. and Mrs. Ma-
honcy personally , have uovor scun the lady ,
nnd 1 could liot identify her if she stood be
fore mo. I Imvo no personal grudga agaiiUt
Mr. Mahoney and no disposition to wrong
him , but as u newspaper man , and particu
larly ns the editor ot a paper that has never
suppressed any facts connected with the
mismanagement of publlo institutions that
haVe been disclosed to it. I thought it my
dull' t6 make thcso facts known , and It Is for
Vou to decide ; On all evidence whether the
institution has been properly conducted , I
Will leave the paper with you. "
Here are J.\\o loiters to which reference
. Nob. , March 12 , 1830. To the
Editor of Tim Bin : : I noticed an nrttolo last
week about tlio county house business , nnd
feeling it my duty to let the public know for
the benefit of poor Buffering humanity , I
\vrito , I Went to the county house the Iti
flay of Sbptcmbor , two years ago. Mr.
Tim mo employed mo us nurse at $20 a month
and bodrdor myself und llttlo girl. Having
j" llylpjr to make was very glad of the posf-
3n , and us I have u great .sympathy for suf-
ring people I thought I might do some good
in that capacity. I have had a great oxporl-
vnce in nursing. The first day at the county
IIOUSQ I saw Mru. Mahoney was not fit for
thu position of matron , but I thought I would
lielp hur n great deal nud if she had been n
coed woman wo could have got along all
Yiffnl , Hut that terrible disposition of Tiers I
I ( hau&atut firm. I would try and get along
Xvhb.hoh but the inoro J' saw of her nbusa
the worst ? I felt llko crying lo God for same
'dcllVcrance for these poor people. My llttlo
girl was five years old and was treated
shamefully ; was abused wbou she would
uftppojt to bo with ono of her children. Wo
V.-CTO not allowed to oat at the sumo table nor
the same food. I was ordered to wait ou her
nil , tliu tlino , I was there , carrying nlou and
lirudgfoK ha ; und her children. There
was a very sick girl by the name of Johanna ,
and I was not allowed time onouuh to
wall on her. I Imvo scan her tnko
a little girl by the lialr and throw
licr ocrtJns the yard. The Toolings that
V'onmn.t-'Vo mo 1 Imvo not got over yet nnd
dover will. Mr , Molioney brought a PI or
'flute Jr.nn to thu ho * pltul ono day and dragged
lilth out 6f the wagon on the ground mid ho
Wft dyint ; as they dragged him Into ttui dead
] iouse--aud wcro dissecting him nt once.
U'wo rlrU were compelled to rook when ttiiy-
.ivcru not nblo to stand up , Her little boy
liked 'to taunt the poor people shamefully.
'a'lio're-'was ' clothlufe' for the nursery when
blri. , Mnlioney went there for I saw It.
\Vhcn I told tier about some things I s.ivv har
do slio would put her hand nn her breast and
toll rJb'fo mind my own buMnoss. Hhc was
'tnutrba. 1 could tell n great deal more If It
xvert necessary. I only hojw the taxpayers
will take heed ana put some ono that has n
heart nnd conscience to tnko cnro of them
poor people. I never think ot them poor
creatures but I think of the way they have'
to live. 1 Knew" her to refuse- decent food
for the sick. She would not let them have
butter and 1 stole butter nnd milk for the
ones that could not cat coarse food. Please
excuse my blunders.
[ Signed ] 1C. QALLAOIllin.
14B3 P street , Lincoln ,
OMAHA , March 23 , 18301 To the Editor of
TUB OMAHA BKB : I have bcon nn Interested
reader of your paper during the poor house
expose , with conflicting emotions. Want of
moral courage to speak and what I know to
bo my duty to toll what I Know to bo true
kept mo back. And If it will bo Iho
moans of saving ono poor unfortunate frotn
that bad , creel , dreadful woman , Mrs.
Mahoney , I shall bo amply repaid. I speak
without fear , or fnyor. 1 want nothing.
Over ono year ago I hired there to coolc , not
bxpcctlng an inquisition or pliicn of torture ,
but n hnvon of rest for the weary nnd heavy
laden. Slnco that time the mention of county
commissioners or poor house has been con
nected in ray mind with anything low and
degraded. I think It waa bolter at that time
than now , as Dr. Dcvrics was all that could
bo wished ns a kind , liumnno physician , nnd
had a strong will nnd kept Mrs. Mahoney
very much in check , I kept saying all the
time , "Truth is mighty and will prevail , "
ydt I feared it would not. But the mills of
the Gods , etc. Now , It is this way : If I can
bo of any use ; if there Is not enough without
mo. If lean do the cause of humanity any
good , I am willing. If you can cot along
without tno I shall bo moro than glad ,
Thrown from afilucnco Into poverty , with all
its attendant afllictlons , I do not court notoriety
riety or publicity in any form ; In fact , dread
it more than you can imagine. My address
is No. DUG South Twenty-fifth avenue ,
rSigncd ) NtntsB OP Mr.3. Por.tACK.
State of Nebraska , County of Hall , ss. L.
E. A , Hughes being first sworn on his oath
dcposeth nnd sayotli as follows : I was nn In
mate of the Douglas county poor farm for
nearly three years prior to August , 18SS , and
was there during Mr. Mnhoncy's time. I
was thcro when an old woman named Mar
garet died , and cut bur hair n few days before
fore she died. She was littcrally matted
with lico. I not only cut her hair but that ot
several others who Wore helpless In the sick
room , being unable to cnft for themselves ,
nnd who wore in the sumo condition , both
bed and body being" covered with llco. Some
parties were crazy and other sick. The wash
ing was not properly done , And I have boon
compelled , when making my semi-weekly
change of clothing , to put on clothing that
was nearly us dirty as these I took off. I
have known of several cases where tlio sheets
on some of the beds were not Changed for
three weeks. I have soon moat placed on
the tnblo which was not fit to eat , which ,1 ,
have been unable to oat on account of the
stench from it. The 'first ' time I had butter
when Mr. Mahoney had charge was the day
of the sale of the poor farm lots. Mrs. MaJ
honey came and took the butter away before.
wo were through eating , and said she would
Imvo to save It for their table , mean
ing the family table. I have seen
crazy inmates who did not Imvo enough
clothing on to keep' them warm. I have seen
crazy inmates beaten by the employes for
very slight offenses , with clubs or any other
weapon that was handy , until they bled
from half a dozen cuts. I remember several
cases where women with child were com
pelled to work in the laundry or scrubbing
until within a few hours of their delivery.
I saw Mr. Mahonoy's boy push an old woman
off the sldowalK , wno fell On her face , cut
ting it , badly and bruising her. I saw her
tantalize and abuse' other hololess inmates.
I saw ono who had charge knock on old man
down with a club because ho did not obey
some order ho gave him.
Stoned this 20th day of March , 1839.
L. E. A. Huonns.
Witness : W. S. Dickason , Charles A. Good
Subscribed in my presence nnd sworn to
before nio this 20th day of March. [ Signed !
W. H. BACON , Notary Public.
There were a lot of other letters , which
havoal ready been published in THE BBC ,
that Mr. RosoWatcr introduced.
On motion of Mr. Anderson this additional
evidence was referred to the construction
committee- which the Mahoney investiga
tion matter had been referred , The com-
nilttco made the following report , which was
adopted :
"Mr , Chairman : Your commlttoo to which
was referred the charges of THE OMUIA
BEE , per James' B. Haynes , managing editor ,
against Mr * and Mrs. Mahoney , superin
tendent and matron of the poor farm , would
respectfully report that having read the
charges and having heard the verbal tostl-
timony , and also having road the same in
full , wo do find that the charges made by
said James B. Haynes , for THE. OMUIA Bcu ,
against Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mahoaoy , are
not sustained , and that therefore , wo recom
mend that Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney bo exon
erated from all blame as charged. "
Bcforo an.V action was taken on the report
there was considerable discussion.
"I want to object to the word 'all' in the
last line , " remarked Mr. Turner. "I think
wo are going a llttlo too far , and would
move that word bo stricken out. Wo don't
know what may bo brought out in future. "
"If thcro was any part of the charges sus
tained , " said Mr. Corrlgan , "I would like to
know it. "
Mr. Anderson moved that the report bo
adopted and was seconded by Mr. O'lCecffe ,
Who said that on Jho reading of the ovldenco
in open session , a ballot was taken on the
question put by him as clmirmtui , as to
whether or notAlr.ana Mrs. Mahony had been
exonerated and that the report was made on
the five affirmative votes cast. Mr. Ander
son said that the only thing that the board
was called upon to dccldo was what the evi
dence had shown.
The report was then adopted.
Mr. O'Kooffo introduced the following
resolution in regard to Architect Myers'
neglige ncoi
. Ucsolvod , That Inasmuch as E. E.Mvcrs
has failed to conform to tno wishes of the
board as shown in resolutions of March 10
and 30 , und In various telegrams sent him ,
nnd has und docs show a disposition to evade
the requests made as above. Therefore ,
Resolved , that the board proceed to appoint
another architect in his stead to furnish the
ndcossary plans and specifications to carry
tbo county hospital to completion , the same
to bo done at his cxpcnso.
The resolution was the subject of much de
bate. Mr. Corrigan wanted It referred to the
county attorney for an opinion as to its le
Mr. O'lCeeffo was very emphatic in de
nouncing Myers for the support of the reso
lution. Ho stated that Myers evidently bo-
lloved that the board was composed of a sot
of fools. "This is a fact , or wo would have
bounced him long ago , "said Mr.O'Ko&ffe , "for
ho has bcon humbugging us too long. " An
other telegram from the architect was road
by the clerk , asking if his presence was
really needed at the hospital. This occas
ioned another outburst of harsh talk against
Myers. Mr. O'KcofTo said that the hospital
was never visited , unless some of his mis
takes were found. The motion of Mr. Cor
rlgan was carried , and It was further or
dered that a complete copy of the records In
so fur as they refer to Myers' work , ho fur
nished the county tittornay , and for him to
report at tha next meeting ,
Attorneys for Humphrey , Kotcham ft , Co. ,
contractors on the Iron work for the county
hospital building , presented u bill for * 103.M (
for extra work. The matter was referred to
the Judiciary commlttpe.
The report of E. E. Myers , architect of the
county hospital , in reference to the construc
tion and work of that Institution , which was
published In THU Beu n few days ago , was
not read by tno clerk when the report was
brought up. It was placed on file.
Tim petitions of Egbert Off and August
Kathmuiin for a license to sell liquors at
Bennlngton , was referred to the judiciary
Samuel I. Pope & Co. , stoa&i heaters , sub
mitted u list of materials furnished for the
county infirmary bu'ldin ? , the amount of
which is ) ,593.UO. The list was referred to
the construction committee.
The county surveyor was instructed to
mark or indicate nil additions to the city on
the maps used by the board.
Hy the adoption ofa resolution introduced
by Mr. Turner the county clerk wus hi-
structod to advertise for bids for running
gr.idc.'n No. 1 and No. 3 for this season. The
advertisement will bo inserted in THE HIJS :
dully tor three weeks , nsMe from the official
county paper ,
The quarterly report of the register of
docds , thu county judge , the county clerk ,
tli superintendent of publlo Instruction ana
Uio treasurer , which were 'published ' m THI ;
Br.K a few duyn UROwore referred to tlio
financial committee. .
Appropriation * amounting to $18 T5 were
allowed und thu board bdjoursod to moot
Wednesday ufteraoou. wUca the Myers'
IrouUUi will bo disposed of.
Harrison Favors the Establishment
of a Uniform Standard.
They Wiulo Throucli Mud and Knln
to the Presidential Itosldcnoo
Senator Bliormnn to
Tnko n Vacation.
CIS FouiiTBESiH Sinner , >
WASHINGTON , D. O. , April 0. }
General Ilnrrlson favors another Intonia-
tlonnt conference for the establishment 6f n
uniform blmottnllc standard of money. The
last ono was held in 1331 ami did not result
iu the occomillshmont | of what was doslrod.
It Is the purpose of this administration to
urge the necessity of an International stan
dard for gold and silver oy which a gold or
silver dollar will ho worth the same the
world over. This-would In a largo degree
obvlato the necessity of our present monetary -
notary exchange and bills of credit system.
A demand has bean mndo upon the dis
trict commissioners for an Investigation Into
the management of the Washington asylum.
It Is alleged that thuro has bean cross inls-
manaKomcni of this Institution extending
down through the poor house and the farm
on which vaprants nro worked , ItJs-allcged
that wltolcsalo ordorf havabccicls uotl from
time to time for whisky and" brandy , and
that It Ima been used freely by tho.liiuiutcs.
Northwestern men in Washington are
malting calcuhitions for an coormous emi
gration Into their section of country during
the next year. On account of the opening to
settlement of a number of Indian reserva
tions , over thirty-throe million acres of lands
liavo by acts of the last congress been
thrown open to settlement already , or will
bo opened within the noxf-few mouths.
'Seventeen million acres are open already In
Montana through , the rclluqulshmcnt of In
dian claim ) ] upau the great northern rosor-
vatlon , and 5,000,000 ncresjn. the Red Lake ,
Clnppowa and other reservations' m Minnesota
seta , while the Dakota people are confident
that the great Sioux Indian reservation , lo-
catoa In the southern part of their territory ,
between the Missouri river and the Black
Hills , and on the northern boundary of Ne
braska , containing in all 11,000,000 acres of
land , will bo opened within n few months by
the president's proclamation. Undoubtedly
this vast oxpiinso of country will cause n
great tide of Immigration. There \vcro quite
a number of Dakota real estate dealers herewith
with their plats of cddittons to Pierre , and
other places In their country , and they uro
disposing of interests In town sites rapidly.
As soon as the Sioux reservation is
opened four or five railroads will commence
building Into Piorre. and then on ta Defla-
wood , and with the Improvements which nro
to follow statehood for the DnUotas , consid
erable real estate excitement , la predicted.
Snow and ram commingled and made n
down-pour during all of to-day. The streets
and sidewalks wore several inchos'deep with
slush , and these who wended theif way to
the white house made a personal as well ns a
private sacrifice. The heavy weather has
disabled the telegraph wires in
many instances , and In view of
the predictions of the observatory
that It Is to freeze late to-night , and become
quite cold , the telegraphic service in this
section will undoubtedly grow worso. There
were not many callers upon Presideat Harrison
risen , and very l llo was accomplished in
the way of-oflleo getting. The president's
public exception was attended by about ono
hundred people , and many of these wore
dripping wet from the rain a'nd snow. Presi
dent and Mrs. Harrison have at last' con
cluded to spend Sunday in the white House.
They secretly hoped , up to the last , that
tnoy might get away on a cruise down the
river. There nro not over sixty or sovonty-
flvo republicans in congress lingering about
Washington , and it is expected that office-
seckors for a while will pra < ) ticihjy suspbnd
in comparison * with wlfafhasTbebu talcing
place during the last month.
Sheldon M. Webster , Bonair , Howord
county , vice Fred Shumakcr. resigned1 ; A.
Kaufman , Four Corners. .Toffarson county ,
vice John Loafgroen , resigned : J. A. Patter
son , Sulphur Springs , Bueua Vista county ,
vicoJ. O. Douglas , removed ; Mrs. Nettie
Hath , Waylaud , Henry county/ivico S. W.
Wyso. removed ; Calvin Bray , West Ches
ter , Washington county , vice Joseph Lutes ,
removed ; W , J. Lancelot , Gray , Au-
dabon county , vice B. L. Obucic , re
moved ; F. G. Martin , Lexington ,
Washington county , vice William ICirkpat-
rick , removed ; Charles H. Sands , Mallards.
Palo Alto county , vice William Hackonbcrg ,
removed ; Charles J. Samples , Mt Sterling ,
Van Buren county , vice Miss L. N. Galbert ,
removed ; James E. Stoftlcr , Prnlo , Warren
county , vice John H. Cash , removea ; George
Hovvland , Rockwell , Curro county , vice H.
M. Laughlin , removed ; William S. Sloan ,
Redman , Palo Alto county , vice M. S. Fetz ,
Nlcodomus Char.oy was appointed post
master at Davoy , Lancaster county , Nob. ,
uico Patrick Doro , resigned. The postofllco
at Otis , Hamilton covnty , will bo discon
tinued April 20 because of uo candidate.
Senator John Shornmn intends to take a
long rest this summer. Ho has been ex
hausting his physical pswcrs with xvork-for
several years , and it has begun lo toll upon
him severely. With Mrs. Sherman mid Miss
Mary Sherman ho will sail from Now York
on the steamer City of Now York on May 1.
A number of family relatives nud friends
will sail with the Snormnns. The latter will
bo absent until somo.timo in September.
Colonel H. L. Swords , of Iowa , who was
sorgeant-at-nrms to the national republican
committee during the late campaign , and
who has boon prominently mentioned for the
same position in United States senate when
that body is reorganized next fall , has been
appointed Inspector of furnlturo in the treas
ury department. The position is an Inlluon-
tial ono , and will give him an opportunity to
do mucn traveling.
AHMV oitnuits ,
By direction of the secretary of war Pri
vate JnvV. . Wells , Seventh infantry , noWon
the temporary duty at Fort HobltiBon , is
transferred to company C , Eighth infantry ,
stationed at that post. „
Captain Thomas G. Trnxol , .Seventeenth
infantrv. will aeport In person to Brigadier
General John K. Broke , president of the
army retiring board at Omaha , for examina
tion by the board.
Mine. Emma Albanl , before her recent .so
journ of tlvo years In Europe , was regarded
In America as ono of the greatest sopranos
living , and slnco her numerous lyrlo tri
umphs in that country , she is now held
by Americans ns the greatest of the world's
sopranos. At every public appearance In the
cast she' was accorded an ovation. In
Boston , where she appeared first after
her return , a famous critlo said : "No musi
cal event of late years In Boston has created
such enthusiasm as the singing of Mmo. Al
banl at her tlrst concert. At the conclusion
of her numbers the whole bousa rose at
once , and the deafening shouts and applause
shook the reat building to Us foun
dations. It was a scene not to
bo forgotten in a lifetime. " In her concert
at the Boyd next Tuesday evening Mmo. Al
banl will bo supported by the following
arliits : Miss Grace Domain , contralto ,
Signor Masslml , tenor , Mr. Barrlngton ,
Foote , base ; Mr , Conrad Ansorgo , pianist ,
and Air. Barrett , solo flutist. Tno company
carries its own orchestra , which is under the
conduutorshlp of Signer Bovlgnmil. A
special programme of fourteen numbers 1ms
boon arranged for tbo concert at the Boyd.
The bright coinmodienno , Lotta , will bo at
the Boyd on next Thursday , Friday and Sat
urday evening , and will produce Greene anil
Bllnitco's flno comedy , "Pawn Tloket No ,
210. " No actress oa the American stage can <
approach this saucy llttlo madcap In her pe
culiar .field.
For years Hoyt's comedy "A Bunch of
ICoyi , " bus jingled to an accompaniment of I
laughter In uoarly every city of the union ,
and It Is still an incentive to merriment.
The keys will unlock the doors of humor at
Boyd's ' opera house next Wednesday evenIng -
Ing ,
1C. of U. nnncincfc ,
A hftpplor lott ] iocloty frntoruals and f
better pleased 1 f brother members wore
never scon thaj ire the members of Good
Will No " . , and
lodpo "iO. of Honor
.1 Itsupiu , A lfrUjttlV , Knights Ui JlUUUl. UIIU
their visiting guests Saturday night. Flftj
members from Omaha and Fremont accepted
band , Good Will ledge marched to the depot
and mot the visitors r.nd escorted them ta
the loJco rooms. After musio by the band
addresses wore made by Dictator Henry L.
Smith , Thomas O. McGr'am ; Thomas Fal
coner , Grand Dictator W. II. White , ol
Fremont ! J. B. Brunor , D , 8. M. Frctwoll ,
P. J. Quonloy and O. J. Mentor , of Omaha ,
nnd , lr. ) ' Abbott , of Fremont. Adjourning
to lha Dolmonlco , where a sumptuous ban
quet Had boon spread , Toastmaster George
J. SoUzor called on Dictator Henry L. Smith
to answer "WhyWo Moot. " Grand Dictator
W. A. White , "Tho Widows nnd Orphans "
"Charity , ' ! by Dr. tAbbott , "Tho Board ol
Trade,1' by DavldAndorson. "Visit to Fremont -
mont , " by Charles H. Burgoss. "Good
Will , " by Jacob Blolstcln. "Our Insurance. "
by Thomas Falconer , and "South Omaha , * '
by SamuoFP. Drighnm. Good Will lodge
did worthy of herself , did an honor to the
city , nnd tools Justly proud over the success' .
Proceeding oft lie School Hoard.
President F. J. Persons , Secretary John
C. Carroll nnd Messrs. Thomas Ryan nud 0.
T. Van Akon were present nnd David
Hobon nnd John A. MacMurphv absent ,
when the school board mot Saturday after
noon. The minutes were approved. Princi
pal Munroo reported the primary depart
ments crowded and recommended securing
moro room. The committee reported Sccro-
tar y Carroll's books were correct. The fol
lowing bills were ordered paid : C. B.
Karons & Co. , ? 30.GO ; J. II. Chlttondon ,
$11.11) ) ; P. S. MoAulay , $15 ; J. E. Hart , 53 ;
Wlilmoro Davis. & 3.80 ; EHon & Rich , S3.-JO ;
John Casey , $3.51) ) ; Drovers Journal , ? I.SO ;
A. E. Brlffhnui , $7OU ; total nlno bills , $109.71.
Messrs. F. J. Persons and John C. Carroll
wore appointed tq look up Treasurer Gony's
eroding tax bill. JMr. Van Akon was depu-
tl/ed to secure moro room in the First ward
for primary pupils. The vacancy
in the committee on buildings and
grounds was fllod by - appointing C.
T. Van Alien. The cgmuiittoo on bulldlncs
and grounds was authorized to have the high
school lot graded and build a story nnd base
ment under the high school building. . Prin
cipal Muroo" reported that two additional
school rooms will bo required in Brown
park , in both the Third and Fourth wards.
E. C. Condit & Co. , of Kansas City , who put
in the Rutan heating and ventilating ap
paratus , will bo required to rom'ovo the three
furnaces and apparatuses nt 6nce and return
all money received , accordmc to contract.
Adjourned to moot at the call of the presi
Bestial outr.icjo.
Thursday evening Mark E. Kopek , a do
mestic in the employ of Justice Lbvy , went
to visit friends who reside on M street bo -
twocn Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh
streets , nnd now charges that while thcro F.
Barmbek , L. Helodk anil E. Kosko came into
n room whore she was making a bca and
forcibly assaulted her. She made complaint
before Justice Lov.v , chnrginjr them with the
crime , nnd Saturday evening the three mpn
were arrested and will have hearings Mon
day morning at 0 o'clock.
Notes rtWut the City.
Jnmcs H. Lowry will set a fine lunch nil
day Sunday in thq D.olmonico bar.
O. E.'Mayfield hula removed to Mrs. A. C.
Wior's building , Twenty-fifth street.
J. B. Smiley , of. tbo commission firm of
Hill & Smiley , has returned Jrom a week's
western trip. ' " ' *
W. B. Berry has removed his ofllco in with
Millspaugh & Peraotia , under the Nebraska
Savings bank. tr 1
A. T. Morton wilrarlvo here from
wick , Dak. , Mend > $ y ( fo make South Omaha
his homo again. Pi
Rev. J. J. ICOllor , of Central City , Baptist
state missionary will preach Sunday evening
in the Baptist church , t ,
Bruni Strathnian Enmli'Heury Icorlandor-
hatl trouble resulting in blows , and Mr.
Strathman will answer to the charge of as
sault and battery -Monday before Judge
The members of the South Omaha school
board claim that there is about S' ,000 in the
Omaha school fund belonging to the South
Omaha district collected in the disputed dis
trict and steps will bo taken at once to col
lect the same.
At the union services to bo held at the
Third ward school house , Thirty-second and
T. streets. Sunday aftornojn. at 2:30 : o'clock
the Rev Robert L. Wheeler will preach.
Superintendent E. M. Richardson will hold
Sunday school at il:30 : o'clock.
Messrs. William Watson , Charles Mc-
Adatn nnd Andrew McAndrew the amuse
ment committee Imvo made out n vor.v inter
esting programme for the monthly meeting
of the Caledonian society Tuesit.iv evening.
National music vocil und instrumental and
amusements will fill up the evening's enter
Saturday afternoon. a horse fastened to n
sidewalk plank becaino frightened and start
ing , carried the plank along. Tliis f tight
ened two teams nnd they went tearing up
the street. The horse throw the plank
against a buggy nnd broke ono of the wheels.
The teams were caught before receiving any
injury or doing much damage.
Patrolmnii Itcportiut For Debt A.
Colored HOMO Company.
The police and fire commission met ycstc-r- toruoon as n license board and revoked
the license of C. Hayook , convicted of soiling
whisky on Sunday in violation of the ordi
nance. An oQicor was sent to close his
The board then met nnd examined twonty-
live applicants for positions in the fire de
partment. Thu board will recommend
names from the parties examined from which
vacancies m the flro department will bo filled
unless ordered otherwise.
ChiofSoavoy ztatod to the board that the
nrosdnt rules governing the police depart
ment do not seem td meet the public demand
In some respects und aslted the commission
to make certain changes.
Ono hundred copies of the annual report
of the ehiof of police were ordered.
Ofllcer T. Lee was granted short leave of
absence. William Kinzle. grocer nt 4003
Cuuimings street , notified the board that
Officer McBride owed him $113 , and that it
could not bn collected. Chief Scavey ex
plained that the officer had been off thruo
weeks on account of sickness in his family of
nine children. The loiter was placed on file.
Officer Forbes bou liUW worth of goods of
a firm and was delinquent in account. This
also was filed but brpugbt out an expression
to the effect that % thq .commissioners must
taku notlco of rurom'nii/udutlons / handed in
and must sue that the rule making refusal
by an officer to pay hcmist debts ground for
dismissal , was enforced ;
The purchase of a'pnlr of horses for hose
truck No. 3 was roeoinmcndoU oy the com
mittee and adopted. „ , , .
The committee reported recommending
that the old two-wheeled hose curt should
not bo given to South Qmahu. Adopted aua
returned to the clty(5o.-k with instructions
to report decision to the. City council , .
The petition shrnofljiy oojorod citizens for
a colored lire company : ' 3yl\\ \ } house , engine
and equipments , inqfuuJng a white captain ,
was placed on fileB' was favorably re
ceived by the board ami likely to bo adopted
if funds sufficient are' to bo had. These
names wcra suggestcdfas members of the
company ; Granville Jackson , Joseph Banki ,
Frank Graves , George Grant , C. C. Dish-
man , Harrv Taylor.
The board then went iuto "executive ses
sion. "
A Now LlKhiiiiK Syftoun.
A now electric light and motor company
has boon organized in the city. Tbo appar
atus it uses is something novel. No dynamo
is required , The light Is for private resi
dences , and the company proposes toput
plants In dwelling bouses. Each placa will
bo supplied with a BimUl electric battery ,
which will make the Illumination , which is
said to bo a soft , whlte'llght The officers of
the new company are : T. S. Clarkson , presi
dent ; Jeir. W. Bedford , vice president ;
Oliver Hrigtrs , treasurer ; W. 8. Marr , secre
tary ; C , D , Covello , vcucral manager ; Edwin
Walker and J. J. Wells are auiougrtbo Incor-
porutors. ,
A Dospornto Move on the Part o
the Iowa Settlors.
Tlio Situation Growing Very Scrlonn
nnd Kvlctlons Abandoned Fur
the Present "White Caps In-
tilctcd Ilnw.koyo Notes.
The Hirer Imnd Troubles.
Font Donon , la. , April 0. [ Special Tolo-
BrnmtdTiiilBiB.J : Every day adds to the
seriousness of the strained situation of the
Dos Molnos Illvflr land sotUcrs. Numorbun
parties connected with the prosecution of
the settlers rccolv6il threatening letters and
notices to-day warning them to desist. This
greatly intensifies the present oxcitomont.
Chancy PIg'man , tha prosecuting witness in
the conspiracy cases against the settlers , and
whoso farm has bcon seized by thorn , has re
ceived the following letter :
Chancy Plgman. Dear Sir : The course
you are pursuing Is objectionable , and you
had bettor make your peace with your God ,
ns you shall never ralso a crop where you
aro. This Is sufficient notlco to you , Beware -
ware , or h 1 will be your fate ,
1'lgmnn was formerly a member of the set
tler's , union , nnd they evidently fear ho will
mnuo public some of their secrets. Such
throats made some time ago would not have
bcon heeded , but they are now pregnant
with the force of desperate and determined
men. The settlors' organization is now thor
oughly perfected. They are prepared for
action. It is greatly feared that they moan
Just what they say. Recent actions of land
oivneis In forcing evictions and threatening
the calling out of the state militia to onfoco
writs of ejectment have transformed stolid
determination to desperate daring. The settlers
tlors announce their readiness to die In ao-
fcnso of their homes , but say they will sell
their lives ns uoarly as possible.
Inview of the impending trouble evictions
have been' abandoned for the present.
Strangers going into the disturbed districts
are stopped by mounted men well arnica nnd
made to explain their business before being
allowed to proceed * Major J. C. Forsey , of
tlio Interior department , while out on swamp
land business , experienced some difficulty ,
nndthurriedly returned to this city to await
n time of ucaco.
DBS MOINI-.S , la. , April 0. The United
States marshal's posse that wont from berate
to evict settlers In Hamilton county" have re
turned. The men say that no more attempts
will bo rnado at evicting for a few days , as
the settlers nro prepared to use force and the
ovictorsr uro not prepared to moot It.
A ( Jllminrr ol Hope.
WASIIIJJOTOX , April 0. Following the rec
ommendation of Commissioner Stockslagor ,
the secretary of the interior has requested
the attorney general to cause suit to bo Insti
tuted to recover title to the lands known as
the r > es Molncs river lands in Iowa ; provided
the attorney general , after examination , is of
the opinion that such suit could bo main
tained , nnd that such action would bo to the
Interests of the government.
Charged With n Villainous Act ,
SIOPX Cmla. . , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BKK.I O.T. . Blodgott , a prom
inent attorney living nt Correetionv'ille , in
this county , was bound over to day to the
grand jury on n charge of rape. He gave
bonds in $3,5CO. Blodirott was a candidate
last fall for the republican nomination for
state's attorney , as ho was also two years
njjo. His arrest grows out of a seduction
case inwhich ho was attorney for Miss
Mary Laid , of Correctionvillo. It is charged
that on tno 25ih of March , at midnight ,
Blodgclt went to Miss Laid's room at the
hotel nnd secured admission on pretense of
important business connected with her c.iso ,
and tluitjlio immediately made an indecent
assault u on hot- . Three witnesses were also
produced on the stand , who allcgo that the
next day Blodgetl made admission * of the
act. Miss Laid was ill for several days as
the result of the assault. She is sixteen
years old , of prepossessing appearance , and
the daughter ot n prosperous farmer.
Blodgctt is n married man forty-two years
of age.
A \'ojiiiti Sooitii-fl ( Convicted.
MvsosCiTV , la. , April 0. Special Tele
gram to- Tin : BIIK.J The arrest and con
viction of Frank Harrison for enticing fc-
imilo minor cnildron away from nome for
purposes of prostitution has produced a genuine -
uino sensation in this city. The girls con
nected with the disgraceful affair ore Mabol
nnd Ada Nilea , daughters of the late Gen
eral G. B. Niles , for munv.years editor and
manager of the Boston Courier. The Nilcs
family moved to this city from Boston three
years ago. Harrison , who 13 only seventeen
years of ago , enticed them to his homo ,
where he carried on the disgraceful traffic- .
The conviction of Harrison seems to bo only
the beginning of a series of prosecutions , in
TVhlch n number of heretofore respectable
people will bo interested. It is icportcd that
fouitcen warrants have been issued and will
bo served Monday morning , Mayor J. H.
Stoveniis behind the urosccutfon , u sufficient
guarantee that the deserving will meet a
just punishment.
Tlio Davcnnort Elections.
DAVBJJPOUT , la. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnc. ] At the city election held
hero to-day , Ernst Clausscu , democratic can
didate for mayor , was elected for the seventh
time , having 1,200 majority ovorG.W. Cable ,
his republican opponent. The democratic
candidates for treasurer , assessor and police
magistrate wcro elected , bui , a split in the
vote for the democratic canc'idato for city
clerk , tmd an independent candidate elected
a republican , Prohibition was no issue ) ex
cept between the candidates for mayor , The
republicans elected three aiiloriaon on ac
count of the Bala.-y grab Issue raised by the
democrats , and Instead of a full democratic
board of aldermen , as heretofore , the dem
ocrats will have a majority of onojin the city
A Cnso of Dcllhocato Hnicldo.
DUIIUQUE , la. , April -Special [ Telegram
to TUB -Bii.J This afternoon , while the
passenger train of the Chicago , St. Paul &
Kansas City road was coming the yard , a
man wax scon Walking up tbo trade towards
the train. The whlatlo was blown several
times nud the man stepped off the track , but
Immediately returned und was run over. Ho
was cut to pieces , lie was a stranger , well
dressed , carried a silk umbrella , walked lame
and hud a puss book bearing the nntno o'
Charley Brown , Ho was about thirty years
of age. It is apparently a cuso of deliberate
suicide. _
Altogether Too Funny.
Dns MoiKF.8 , la. , April 0. [ Special Tel-
egrum to TIIK Ben. | Ed Wright and N. C.
Field , two students at Simpson college , at
Indlanola , have been expelled for getting up
n mock schema on ono ol the literary soci
ety's exhibition ! * . The society und faculty
were so much offended at the publication
that two of the boys supposed to bo con
cerned In it Imvo bcon arrested und bound
over to await the action of the grand Jury on
u charge of criminal libel.
Cattle Quarantine ) liaised.
DCS MOINCS , la , April 0. Governor Lar-
rabco issued a proclamation to-dtiy , reciting
tbo fact that the state veterinary surgeon
has Informed the executive department that
the cause which led to the catUo quarantine
against certain states had been removed in
some of the states , and rovokiotr all ouch
orders and proclamations except so far as
they pertain to Connecticut , New York , Now
Jersey , Delaware and Maryland.
Aid for the Fire HufTcrora.
Sioux Cmla. . , April 0. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BEE. ! A committee of loading
Sioux City business men to-day secured sub
scriptions amounting to fl.'JlX ) in aid of
prairlo fire sufferers 4n Dakota.
A Railroad Mortgaged ,
WATEIII.OO , la. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UEK.I The secretary ofthe
Chicago , St. Pul & Kansas City rallwnj
company was here to-day to place on rocorc
mortgage * made for the purpose of floating
now bonds of the company. ' The bonds arc
to draw 4 nor cent , and run 100 years. It la
expected that they will take the place largely
of their 5 per cent bonds , which run lift }
years. _ _
Flro nt Mnrcnao.
MAncxno , la. , April 0. [ Special to Tin
DBB.J All the sheds the lowf
County Agricultural society were burned to
the ground last night. Loss about $000. A
stallion belonging to GcorgO Kdynor , nnd
valued at f 1,800 , , perished in the flames.
\Vhlto Cips Indicted.
WATBIUOO , In. , April 0. [ Special Tol6-
pram to Tnn BIK. : } The grand Jury ol
Wright county has indicted two well knoxvn
citizens of Daws for postlnir'a Whlto Cap
notlco on the door ot a certain business man
of that placo. _
Itcgnlnr Slcotliiff Devoted to Consid
eration of Itontlno IltmlnoRS.
Councilman Balloy , Couusman nnd Ford
were absent from last night's meeting of the
city council.
A petition asking for the grading of Fif
teenth street from Jackson to Loavcnworth
street was granted.
M. F. Patrick asked for compensation fern
n strip of land thirty foot wide north of
Lake street that has been taken by the city
for street purposes.
The request of the Union Paolflo to bo al
lowed n staircase to the south sldo of the
Sixteenth street viaduct was referred to the
committee on viaducts and railways.
The petition of Superintendent .T. A.
Gllllsplo , asking for the grading of thu road
to the deaf and dumb Institute from
Saumlcrs street , was referred to the com
mittee on grades and grading.
The petition of Spruce street property
owners , asking for the grading of that thor
oughfare , was referred to the committee on
grades and grading.
A protest , presented by the property
owners living south of Mason street against
allowing the Union Pacific railway company
to construct tracks across the Eleventh
street viaduct except under stringent regu
lations , was referred to the committee on
viaducts ana ruilwrys.
A petition for the paving of Fariiam street
to the bolt line was referred to the commit
tee on paving , curbing and guttering.
The official bond of D. J. Uhodcu as city
welghmastor was referred to the committee
o'n police.
Tno bond of Ed Pholan for sloping banks
was referred to the committee on paving ,
curbing nnd guttci im ? .
The list of inspectors appointed by the
board of public works was presented to
the council. Councilman Wheeler moved
that the appointments bo referred to tbo
committee on judiciary. "The list , " ho said ,
"contains some good names nnd some that
neither capable or honest. I moan what I
say nnd I can prove it. " The matter was so
referred. ,
Mr. Chaffoo's resolution authorizing nnd
roinicsting Alvin Saunders to rodood to the
city the property donated by the city to the
Union Pacific railway company for depot
grounds , nud forfeited by that company , was
referred to the committee on Judiciary and
the pity attorney.
The city clerk was authorized to secure
2,000 dog tags.
The committee on uaving , curbing nnd
guttering recommended that the council ap
prove the contracts for paving awarded by
the board public words , excop : the award to
J. E. Riley & Co. for cedar block oaving on
concrete for $1.78) per yard under the
specifications of ISbtt , und the award to E. E.
NauRlo & Co. for cedar block paving on sand
for $1.43 per yard under the specifications' of
1S33 , nnd that the bonds all be referred back
to the board of public works to BOO tnat all
bondsmen nro resident free-holders worth
the amount of the bond , and tnat thov shall
not have any contract for any city work.
The report was referred to the city attorney
to report Tuesday evening.
Tho.council went into n committee of the
whole , with Mr. Uurnluun In the chair , to
consider the boiler inspector's ordinance ,
which was road by sections and n number of
amendments offered. The ordinance pro
vides for the appointment by the mayor of a
boiler inspector , who shall hold ofllco for two
years , and of two members who , with the
Inspector , shall constitute a board of engin
eers. All applicants for positions as engin
eers must bo examined by the board of en
gineers. The manner of testing boilers , by
the hydraulic nnd hammer methods , is pro
vided for , nnd the fees for the same. A sec
tion provides that all boiler owners shall
have their boilers inspected nt least onoo a
year , and prohibits any steam user from em
Cloying other than a licensed engineer to
operate any boiler. Any engineer , under the
ordinance , forfeits his certificate- for using
intoxicating liquors while on duty. Owners
nro made liable to a line of not
loss than ? 10 for uslntr any
boiler that has been condemned
by the boiler inspection or for using a
greater amount of steam on a boiler than is
allowed by the boiler inspector's certificate.
All boilers using a pressure of ten pounds
: omo under the inspection regulations. Any
insurancecompanv doing business in thu
city of Omaha shall have the power to ap
point an assistant inspector , with the con
currence of the board of engineers , to bo
| iaiduy the company. The ordinance woo re
ported back to Mr. Davis and Mr. Wheeler
to bo rewritten , , embodying the amendments
offered , and to report the same at the next
mooting of the council.
A batch of grade ordinances were read and
referred to the proper committees.
President Leo appointed Councilman ICas-
l > ar , Davis , Lowiy , Chaffeo and Sflhrivor n
commlttqo to investigate ] the charges mndo
against certain members of the police force.
An Open Mnottiif ; In Which Matters of
Iniet-CHt Were DlHcu.ssod.
A mass meeting of the different local labor
organizations was held last night at Gate
City hall , Thirteenth and Douglas streets. It
was an open meeting for the purpose of per
mitting the various members of the Knights
of Labor to gather and exchange ideas on the
various phases of the labor problem. The
meeting was very largely attended. James
II. Young , who is identified with local as
sembly No. : &J5 , acted us chairman.
Among the first called upon to address the
audlonco was William McGregor , an uyod
jentlcwun ot the Carpenters' union. Ho
made u Htron ? appeal to the wugo worker , ir
respective of his trade , politics or religion , to
dcntify himself with some labor orgnni/.a-
tion. In the course of his talk ho said : "You
get no help from anyone because you are not
willing to liolp yourdelf. The time bus como
ivhcn you must not throw anything over
board. If you imagine you nro going to got
anything done for the workingman you must
> ut tnat kind of n man into office. Capital
ists work for capitalists ; corporations work
for corporations ; lawyers work for lawyer * .
3o you oo every man works for himself and
for what he represents. Accordingly , the
worklnxman must work for the workliiKuinn
if ho ever expects to accomplish anything
that will bo beneficent to him. We must
show uioro anxiety to do something for our
selves , If wo want something und try to
got it there will be some ono who IA ready to
{ Ixo us a lift. First , orfjanue us Individuals ;
then as bodies ; then find out what you want ,
and thcu ascertain what power you Imvo to
gut it. Study .vour own interests and make
use of the luiowlodgo you possess , and do
youi own thinking and not let a capitalist do
it foryou. "
Charles Unit , a machinist , was accorded n
hearty applause ou a speech ho mode. IIu
stated that they had aasujublnd for the pur
pose of exchanging views und to better tha
xmditlonof laborin ; ; men , Hobollovcd that
every inun should bo connected with some
union or organisation by which to protect him
self. For thusalvutlou of the wage-worker
10 believed first in organization , education
and co-tfporatloa.
William Muluull , who ut one time was a
jlncksuiith in tlio U.ilon Padfiu shops ,
.bought the time was uomlui ; when tlio
jookkocper , the penman , the engineer , the
irciaan , the bnil.vinsn , the yardman and
other railroad cui ; < ! uyoB would bo * o rom-
lined that they uoutd clog the wheels of
traffic or commerce of any railroad. Tl.o
greatest , trouble with workmen noivudiiys
wasdlnorgunUallou. Mr , Mulhiill nlsoa -
vorcd the Inuiijfuratlon of ( L boycott on the
Chinese laundry ,
The chairman stated that Kichard Trov-
ehc , a member of almost every Juuor organi
zation in the country , and ono ot the most
mcccssful organl/.or , would dnlivor two or
liruo luuturca in Oniitlm the latter part uf
May ,
The open meetings for orsaukatlan win bo
held frequently iu futute.
Throatouod By a Pralrlo Flro and
By Inoondlarios.
The JitdRO Mnkcfe the Occasion Ono
For Scathing llobiilco or nit
Attorney Btnto Na\vs
In GoncrnI ,
Ohndron Fighting Flco.
Nob. , April 0. [ Special Telegram -
gram to.Titn Bnc.l Last night was nn ex
citing night for Chadron. About 11 o'clock
flro was soon coming south of the city. Tin
wind was blowing n gale , In facto onb of tht
hardest wind storms over witnessed horo.
The flro alarm was sotindod nnd the entire
( own turned out to fight the flro. Hose 'was
strung loading from nil the hydrants in the
south part of the city. While the flromoti
wcro doing thh.flrcbugs started four fires hi
different parts of the business portion of the
city. Three of these fires were discovered no
soon that they wcro put out before any head
way was mado. The fourth ono burned a
small building.
A stranger from Deadwood accused n
colored-man named Polo of setting the flros ,
claiming ho saw Pole flro the last building.
This drew n largo crowd and numerous
threats to hang the follow were Indulged In ,
but owing to the fact that -thoro was not
much evidence ho was jailed and this morn
ing it was proved ho was entirely Innocent
of the crime.
The prnrlo flro cnmo from forty miles
south nnd reports came in slowly of a great
loss of property. Seven farmers nro now
known to nave lost everything nnd there nro
rumors of fifty moro being lu n slmllai
plight. _
\ \ \ Attorney's Mistake ,
A'tnuiiN , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Tola-
gram to TIIK Bui : . ] The indictment of mur.
dorm the first degree found against S.
Klllmau was quashed to-day on the ground
that County Attorney Cornell had exerted
undue iullu once lu assisting the grand jury
to find a bill. Counsel for defense filed u
plea in abatement which was sustained ,
whereupon Judge Appolgct severely repri
manded Cornell for his promiscous activity ,
and said that but for his youthfulness and
inexperience , ho would disbar Him from fur
ther practice In the court. The grand jury
was instructed to take the case under ad
visement und make another report. If a bill
is found trial will begin next week.
In Session.
FIICMONT , Nob. , April 0. [ Special to TUG
Bnn.J The first annual session of the general -
oral secretaries of the various Young Men's
Christian association of Nebraska , is in progress -
gross in this city. There are present the
following secretaries : State Secretary Nash ,
of Omaha ; W. O. Henry , Pawnee City ; Johu
Hazelton , Omaha ; E. C. Crrroll , Beatrice ;
Roy Codding , Rod Cloud ; W. T. Perkins ,
Nebraska City ; Gcorgo C. Jonnor. Omaha ;
H. W. Schuschko , Omaha ; J. A. Dumuictt ,
Lincoln ; J. T. Ogden , Hastings ; J. M Both-
well , Plattsmoutn ; F. W. Hopper , Kearney ;
W. H. Robinson , Fairbury.
Curine the Touch * .
FLOIIENCE , Nob. , April 0. [ Special to Tits
BEII.I Walter Love , John Hnfcrty and Jim
Moynihan , three song and dance men , who
have been loafing about the saloons and mo
lesting the citizens of Florence for u few
days bj bogging from citizens nnd insulting
the lady of tlio house when refused what they
demanded , were arrested and brought bofora
Judge Olmstod yesterday afternoon , charged
with being vagrants. They were each sen
tenced to fifteen days nt hard labor. Thej
will work on the streets of Florence undei
the direction of the street commissioner.
Hunting Ills Wife.
NcniiASKA Car , Neb. , April G. [ Special
to Tun Bun. ] The wife of u farmer named
Davis , living near Avooa , loft homo several
days ago with a team and has not returned.
The farmer was informed that on the day
she loft another man was soon to got In the
buggy some distance uwtiy from home , and
the husband has made up his mind that shu
skipped with a handsomer man. Ho was in
town last night looking for a trace of her ,
but was unsuccessful. Ho is how making u
tour of the country towns in search of the
A Business Chnngo.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn Bnc.J The establishment ol
the Clay Manufacturing company nnd iU
woolen mills was sold to-day to J. A. Huddle
ston , of this city , ono of the heaviest stock.
holders In the German Banking company.
It is understood that tLu sale was for a consideration
sidoration sufficient simply to cover tin
first and second mortgages against the com
pany , which it was unabloto pay beoauso ol
poor business management. The businesi
will bo continued by the now management.
Ills Wife U'nnfs Moonso.
TAI.MIOE , Neb , , April 0. [ Special to TUB
Bnn.I Without a legalized saloon for twolva
months , Taltnago will probably have a half-
dozen during tha coming ycsr. Mrs. Cacile
Wachondorff Is among those who glvo notice
that they will make application for saloon
license. She Is tlio wife of Harman Wucben-
dorff , who is now under heavy bonds for his
appcaranco to answer to a number of charges
of selling liquor without license.
SEWAUP , Nob. , April 5. [ Speoial to Tim
KK.I The mission convention , composed ol
delegates throughout the stuto belonging to
the Congregational denomination , wiw In ses
sion at that church in this city yesterday ,
ana continues to-day. About fifty delegates
are la attendance. An excellent address was
given by Dr. Duryca , of Omuhu , at the Con
gregational church last evening on the "Mis
sion of Christianity. "
A niiirdci- Trial
FAIUIIUUV , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tins BUB. ] Shell , the murderer ol
Samuel Atkinson , was brought to trial thu .
morning. Most of the day wan spent in Jiiid-
ing a jury , Shell nppoars very polo and
nervous , und opnrossnd liU dislike of the
urors. Ho Is afraid of thorn. Court ud-
journed until Monday morning. Thoiury
will spend Sunday In custody ,
A Hnlun oC ) Uahfca ,
NKwivsjaCiTV , Nub , , April O. ISpoolal
J'olegram "to Tiru BISH.J ItyBldenta ol
Pw-clval , la. , Just across the river from No-
brasku City , are much frightoneu about umt
OpfjB. The hcigbbprhood Is Ml of them
I1 arincr Koyser lost several haad of yalliabla
stock by rabies , and others have lout hogn
and horsort the same way. Men uro out
hunting for dogs and killing every one on
Uooojitlon to tlieHumorJslg.
NcmtrsiCA CJTV , Npb. , April O-HSKJcJal
to 'fun Bee. ] The Nebraska City Press
club last iihfht gave a banquet at the Grand
I'aclUo In honor of BJH Nya und umos
WhlUjomb Riley. Tim affair was pronounced
uy nil prasont to Imvo boon the greatest aiic-
ixjssof Its kind cvor . hold lu Nobiuska City ,
" " " ' "F ' f'"f
floi-ntln Seymour lu Ornuzo.
The nnnouuoomcnt that Dr. Miller lind
procured a magnificent bust of Uon. Horutlc
Seymour , to bo placed near Jlio residence ol
Iho doctor , ivns favorably commented upon
lust ulKht by mcmbcis of the council. They
ulso expressed thoinsql ves In favor of cwiiUnu
protection to thr. bust In the . or Us
buliiB oxh bltod In some publlu place in town
befoio bBlnff pluuoa in iu pormancut
The members of tiio city council are lnd | .
ndiwlly in favor of a pjbiloivlebr-loii of tlio
pno hundredth nnnlver fry of Wnstilns aii'a
Irmuifural , which falls on April no. Tu2
fouiicll has no powur to uppropriats
? 11131",11'01 ? thu 11" " but wni10,1 , ? .
ako uutlun cxiuv.uiijf it , InUrcst i ?
-"lobratiou ol the event. _