Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Bangkok and Its Flftoon Mlles of
Floating Houses.
Blftmcnc Mnldnns and Tliclr Sonnty
Drcus AH tlio "Women Wcnr
Kliort Unlr and tlio lin-
blcs Smoke Glgar/ottoa.
Slam and tlio Bintncae.
' BANGKOK , Slam , Fob. , 2. [ Special Corro-
upondcnco of TUG Unc.J Slam la ono of tbo
outroMhO'Wny countrics of the world.
None of the great stonmshlp lines of the Pa
cific or of the Indian oceans stop nt It. Few
glebe trotters visit It and It Is about fifteen
hundred miles out of the regular line of
travel around the world. The great Slamcso
peninsula juts down from the cast const of
China. It contains half n dozen different
countries , the chief of which are Uurinnh ,
Slam and the French stales of China. Slam
itself Is nt the lower cud of the peninsula
ntid It bounds the greater part of that mighty
body of water known ns the Gulf of Slam.
It Is 1COO miles lonj ? , and at Us widest part
it Is 450 miles wldo. It Is almost as Hat as
your hand though It has hero and there a
n few mountain chains. It has many big
rivers and ttio country Is ns much cut up
with canals as is Holland : During the
rainy season it becomes a mighty lake , and
the pcopla move .horo and there from ono
city to another In boats. The greatest river
la the Menem , which the Slamcso know
by the snmo numo as the Indians know the
Mississippi. It Is "tho father of waters"
and it forms the great highway of the kingdom
dom/ This river flows Into the Gulf of
Slam at its head and It is ubout forty miles
from Its mouth that I sit hero on Its batiks
, nnd wrlto this letter In this floating city of
IJangkolc. Imagine
A CITY ! \9 L.vitnns CIIICAOO ,
of whtclrnlncty-nino hundrcdths of the people
ple live on the water. There are fifteen
miles of floating houses on the two sides of
this river , and these , with the king's ' palaces
and n few foreign buildings on the land ,
mnko up the capital of the Siamese people.
ThcroaroHix millions and more of these
Siamese and their country covers n territory
of about twice the size of Colorado , four
times the size of Now York , and it is about
five times as big ns Ohio. It is a tropical
country and the click of my typo-writer falls
upon my oars mlxod with the songs of the
thousands of birds which sing in the
branches of the trees outstdo the Oriental
liotel. The doors and the windows are all
open and thu lightest of white duck linen Is
oppressive as clothing. It is February , but
I Ion ? to go as naked ns the Siamese them
selves and It makes mo porsplro to think of
American overcoats and of the clothing
which you people wear as I write. It Is too
hot to go out In the middle of ttio day and
% vq have all the surroundings of the tropics.
The coconnut nnd the palm trco line the
banks of this Mcnam river and the boats flit
in and out of Jungles which remind ono oj
the swamps of Florida , save that you may"
BOO the monkeys upon the trees , nnd the
plumage of the birds is more splendid.
I wish I could give you a picture of our
rldo up the Meimui to Bangkok. The sides
of the river are lined with these small float
ing houses. They are anchored to niles nnd
they Ho half hidden by the great palm trees
on the banks. Hero and there a canal juts
off into the junulo and the houses on it
' makes this a floating street. Tlioso houses
tire made of bamboo with their sides and
their roofs thatched with palm loaves ,
.t'lioy nro sometimes on piles high above the
water , but more often they rest on its sur
face. They arc tied to poles driven into the
bed of the river and -thoy rise and fall with
the tide. Their average height is not moro
than ten feet and each looks like two largo
dog kcnnols fastened together aud covered
with palm leaves.
Hero and there there Is an opening in the
palm trees and you got a glimpse at the
the country His flat as the waters of the
river nnd whcro It is plowed it looks as
black as your hat. The only boasts upon it
nro uttly water buffalos. There are no
fences , no barns , and only these thatched
bouses on plies.
The river Is winding. It is perhaps a quar-
of a milo wide and ovcry turn brings now
Btirnrlscs. As we nenr Uangkoic the waters
nro ullvo with oraft of all kinds. Little ,
naked , brown , shock-licaded youngsters pad
dle long canoes not over two feet wide and
BO sharp that the least balance would unseat
the rowor. There nro hilf jiakcd women ,
with great hats of straw , which look lllco In
verted work-baskets , sitting oaro-logged nnd
burn-breasted In boats which they paddle
olong , nnd bor.ts of all sizes are worked by
nil npcc and sexes from babes of six to
wrinkled old men and short , gray-haired
women of sixty. As you enter Bangkok the
crowd increases. Instead of ono line of
lloating houses along the banks there are
three anil sometimes four. Tlio whole river
is nllvo nnd you turn your eyes this way u'ud
that , meeting u maze of new objects nt ovary
. turn.What
What a curious crowd it is and
I feel myself blushing us Hook at the women.
Young nnd old , the.most of thorn have notli-
' Ing but u strip of cotton cloth n yard whlo
and perhaps three yards long wound around
tbcir hips nnd the end pulled through be
tween their loxs and tucked Into the belt ut
the bunk. The drossy people among them
ndu to this nnothor strip of equally thin cot
ton , which they pull tightly around the bare
body under the arm pits and fasten with a
kiiotjtlat ever tne bust. There is throe
Indies of bare sicln between that and the
waist cloth , nnd the nock and the shoulders
nro decidedly bnro. The bast is always do-
collotto and this cotton tildes none of the
outlines o { beauty. There Is beauty , too , In
the outlines of those plump , straight , lithe
, limbed Klamcaa maidens A part of their
education Is the bending the joints
back and forth to maUn them mipplc.nnd they
are as straight as so many plno trees , and
they move with the graoo of the India
rubber man In the circus. Their step la a
light ono , for they walk without shoes , and
oil native Slnm goes baro-footud. They
nro all short-haired , nnd these Slamcso
girls have heads which seem to benlllicted
with u perpetual cow-lick and their short
wlrcy hair , black and oily , stands up like a
Bl po-brush nil over their heads. * Hare ono
turns her faco. She has a dark brown com
plcxton , liar forehead Is square , her cheek
bones are high , her nose Is half flat and It
turns slightly upward ever a pair of rlpo ,
luscious black lips. She opens her mouth
and the hluok of her lips Is equalled only by
the jot of her teeth. The sight Is dingustmg.
Hho has n quid of brown snuff between the
lips nnd the tooth and a thlutt stream thu
color of blood Is t > cou on her tongue. Shu
squirts it forth and wipes thu saliva on the
back of her hand. This maiden , llko all the
jnen , women and children In Bangkok , U a
which turns thu teeth black , pulls out the
lips awl makes them crack. The betel nut m
b native of Slain , and Immense quantities ol
tuoni are exported to India and other coun
tries where thu chewing of it prevails. It
lias a green skin and is of the B ! J of a blacl ;
walnut. It U sold in pieces the size of a
hickory nut and It U of a soft , spongy rm
turo , having n bitter astringent taste. The
Slamcso mix it with llmo colored red , nnd a
bit of tobacco , The rod colored llmo IH
wrapped up In green leaves , mule very one In
the country has u betel ' ; ox near him. Ho
cbewv and tplta und spits und chrwo all day
Joag and U U said that tuU habit costs thu
people fully as much nn their food. It has
much the same olTcct ns tobacco la that It
take * away hunger nnd producing n stimu
lating and soothing sensation , It Is Used
everywhere nnd the bridegroom gives a
present of hotel nuts to his bride. Uablos
nro given It sometimes before they nro
\vcanod nnd I saw n young Slamcso boy yes-
tcrday. of ten , ns naked ns was Adam before
the fall , squirting betel juice between his
teeth and aiming nt a mark , it Is a vile ,
filthy habit and It turns the Slam *
cso from a moderately handsome
nation Into n most uqly ono. The old women
have to have It pounded up for them In or
der that they may masticate It between their
toothless films , and I have scon no moro ills
custlng sight nnywhcro than ono of these
loan , wrinkled , withered old hags chewing
nwny under her short ) stlfT , gray hair nnd
spitting out blood in puddles.
The Siamese girls hnvo beautiful eyes nnd
the plump , ollvo cheeks of maidens of fifteen
would bo very nttractlvo were it not for the
betel. Their eyes nro black , lustrous nnd
full of soul , They are n friendly sot , too.
nnd they do not shrug their rosy uncovered
shoulders nor attempt to pull down their
ballot girl costume In the presence ot the
flicn. Many of them are peddlers In thh
city of Canas , nnd they sit In these long- ,
narrow cnnoo-llko boats mitt paddle along
their wares from house to house. Thov
seem to bo the managers of the stores nnd
these river shops of Bangkok nro out on the
water nnd the malden storo-koopor squats
down on the lloor with her goods all
nround her nnd with her bctol box
and tobacco beside her. liar husband Is
usually lying In n back room or loafing. Her
stock Is very small , and there Is nothing for
the foreigner to buy. The wants of tno people
ple nro few , Siamese washing takes neither
Bonp nor starch , und vegetables nnd rlco con
stitute most of the food of the pooplo. When
they want a dulnty they take n little raw ,
rotten flsh nnd mix It with their curry and
majority of them do not know what meat Is.
The Siamcso wash their clothes and their
bodies ut the same tlmo nnd this river
Mcnum is always full of bathers. The girls
step down into tho.wntor with this yard-wide
strip around their waists and roll about llko
mermaids. The men bathe in the same way ,
und they delight In talcing a vessel and till
ing It with wutc.r and standing or sitting on
the wharves of their houses and raising it
high above their heads nnd letting the cool
stream pour ever their warm persons. After
they have had a hnth they stand n mluuto to
lot themselves dry , then slipping nnothcr
cloth loosely nbout the waist , over their wet
garment , they let the other fall to the floor ,
ring It out and dry It for n second wearing.
In the evening you sco this bathing going on
everywhere , and the playground of the chil
dren of Bangkok is in the river. So far I
have scon none with floats upon their backs
such ns 1 saw upon the river on children of
Canton. They uro
and even the smallest of them teem to bo
itblo to take cnro of themselves. Children of
the poorer classes under ten wear no cloth
ing , but nearly every baby and every boy and
girl has gold or silverlewelry upon Its naked
body. The most of the children have
anklets nnd bracelets , as well as neck
laces of gold oi silver , und the boys wear
nround their naked wrist n string of charms
of silver and stones , while the girls have sim
ply n string , to the center of which n silver
or gold heart , perhaps two Inches In diame
ter , hangs down , forming a miniature lig-
leof apron , ns it were. Of lute the children
of the bbtter classes , these of the princes and
nobles , have taken to wearing bands of
woven gold and silver about tlio waist , aud
ns J putted the son of the governor of thu
city on tho- head yesterday , I noted that
nround his waist cloth of bright green silk
was bucitled a heavy silver bolt of woven
links , at least an inch wldo and of the most
beautiful workmanship.
The children scorn to bo quito as hnppy ,
however , as though they had pantaloons ,
vest , underwear and overcoats , and the music
of their voices is as sweet hero on the waters
of the Menain , as It is anywhere. On their
flouting homes they hnve not more than ten
or ilftcrn square feet as a play ground , and
many of them have never been upon the land.
These flouting homes are more llko cot
tages or huts than houses. Tno average slzo
of them Is thrco rooms , and you could set
ono roof all down within n good-sized Amer
ican parlor. First there Is an outer ledco
covered with n roof aud open to the rivor.
Insidu there is a kitchen und bedroom. They
have no windows , and in IJangkok I don't
suppose there are n hundred panes of win
dow glass. The cltmnto is so warm that the
pcoplo want every breath of air they can got ,
nnd when you pack the survivors of two or
thrco generations of one family into ono of
thcso huts you nave no need of cither windows
dews or doors. There uro no chairs in these
floating homes. The pcoplo sleep upon mats ,
or straw , or skins , and their pillows are
stuffed with cotton , or are moro pieces of
wood. The beds of the ordinary family arc-
filled with bugs und of all the numerous
species of the rcptilo creation , Siam seems
to have its share. There are ants , mos
quitoes and lizards everywhere , aild the
bodies of the naked children nro rubbed
with a yellow powder , which keeps tlio
mosquitoes nway , A Siamese kitchen has
no chimney and the pcoplo never need
a base burner. The cooking is all clone ever
coals in a box filled with earth or ashes , and
the chief culinary articles are a rice pot , a
kettle undu frying pan. Manvoftho eat
ables are bought cooked , and tlio rice is first
boiled nnd then sot to stoum in an earthen
pot. Uico forms the broad of the country
nnd the Siamese knows nothing of the after
joys ot the undone American pie or the oily
lioston baked beans. Thcso Siamese girls
never learn how to nmko cake or pudding ;
they have no roasts and no soups. They
squat on the lloor , around a little table not
more than a foot high , when they cat and
each puts her own hand into the common
dish and picks out the morsel which pleases
her. In eating rico they put the whole hand
into the steaming kettle , and rolling thu
steaming- mass into a hard ball between
their fingers , they crowd it into their botol-
atuined mouths. The men , as lords of the
family , get the first bite and the
There is , however , no fixed dinner hour , and
gnstronomy.luis a long way to go before it
will become u flcioncoin Siam. I visited ono
of the big markets here yesterday , It was
on the main land nud consisted ot u great ,
low shed 11 Hod with platforms about twenty
feet square and n foot high. Upon these
platforms on green palm leaves were spread
the wares of the market women. There
were no men among the sellers nnd few
among the buyers. Through tlio center of
each platform there was a pillar which
helped support the roof of the shod , and
there were four won-on to each platform ,
These , half nuked , squatted with their backs
aeulnsl the pill'irs and their buro logs
crossed. ISnch had n betel box und some
cigarettes bosidu herana they cither chawed
or smoked while the market wont ou. Their
wares were llttlo piles of onions , pieces of
cabbages and other vegetables. Thu quanti
ties wore not measured except by the eya
and the paper Used was tills creen palm lunf ,
In which the purchaser wrapped up his food
mid fastened It with a llttlu wooden tooth ,
pick-like pin.
Speaking of smoking , ovor.vono In Slam
Binokus men , women nud children. The
people have no pockets , und the * favorite
places for carrying cigar * and cigarettes Is
behind the ear , just as our American clerics
carry their pens and pencils. I saw a naked
boy ot four yestordr.y standing in a crowd
smoking a cigarette. Ho was pufling away
lustily at the weed in his mouth , und ho had
two others yet unlit ono behind each oar.
He apparently enjoyed hU tobacco , and
smoked nnd spit und spit and smoked ns
though u was an evory-day mutter , uud 1
doubt not it was. His browu-skiiined father
In a waist cloth stood 'beside him , and 'when
ho Rturtod away lie picked up the still suiok-
Ing youngster and sot him astride of his hip
ana then w.ilkod off. liable * are always cur
ried on the lilu lii-ro and not upon the back
as In China , Corca and Japan , This carrying
is done by ilia well as tlio women ,
und only the poorest of the men do any work.
The king of hUm is
nnd each man In thu realm has to serve for
throe , six or nine months c.s a servant of the
'government. At a uorluln time of thu year
the entire population la marked off to par.
tlcular noblemen or government masters.
These masters , whenever the government
demands uyythins of them , can compel the
men marked ou * to t'ciu : to * orw. All kinds
pf worlc uro demanded , and the various
inarus put upon the men Indicate their trudo
or profusion , fc'omn man are required to
give all their tuna to tlio jrovornincnl , and in
this c.iao they got nominal salaries , Thojo
who iflvo Imlf their tlmo work for the king
fifteen days and then huvo iltteun days off.
The thrco months subjects got no pay aud
during the tlmo they nro In Bangkok they
have to ttutl themsolvoi in food and lodging.
This work practically onsluves the whom
population of males , uud slavery Is common
In Slum. ( jrimlnuU couvictoJ often become
f lnvw , and they are sometimes marked or
branded on the forehead. I lnao uiauy
men In chains daring my stay hero , and
just outside the walls of the nnlaco there
nro nt least two sroro of msn , bright-eyed ,
Rood-looking , lusty follows , who have
profit iron collars nbout their necks aiid
chains about their legs nnd arms , who were
making basket work , nnd who offered to sell
mo their wares as I passed. The debtor who
does not pay in Slam must become the Mnvo
of his creditor , who charges him from fifteen
to thirty par cent a year , puts him in chains
nnd takes his worlc ns interest on tno debt.
There nro hundreds of such slaves in Bang ,
kolc and many of the men become slaves by
rambling away their living. There are gam
bling .houses every whcro , nnd the men and
women , old and young , are addicted to gam
bling. One of the great games seems to bo
fautan nnd there are big sheds scattered
along the main streets of the city , m which
these half-naked , brown-skinned , blood-spit
ting Siamese collect in groups about mats ,
whore Chinamen act as the bank
ers and conduct this game. Llttlo
shells are used Instead of cash nnd the
game is substantially the same as the fantan
of China. Gambling also goon on upon thb
river and it takes place among the Indies of
the hnrom , I nm told , m tno very palace it
self. The nation nil told seems addicted to
vlco rather than to virtue , ana it is nearer
nkln to pure heathenism than any other I
have yet soon. Still it claims to be progress ,
ivo , and Us king has made some steps to the
front. The whole , however , compares moro
to the colored republic of Haytl or to the
blacks of San Domingo than to any other
civilization. The pcoplo nro devoted to
Buddhism and the priests nro numbered by
thousands. I will visit the palace and the
gorgeous temples to-morrow nnd in my next
letter can give you n tnsto of high Ufa and
culture ns gathered under the very loot of
the sacred whlto elephants and in tno shad
ows of the harem itself.
After a sleepless night , use Angostura
Bitters to tone up your system. Buy
only the genuine , manufactured by Dr.
Siogcrt & Sons. At nil druggists.
Tlio American Career ot n Brigand
Who Was the Terror of Sioily.
The Louisville Courier Journal says :
The young son of a famous Italian band
it has mot with a very unromdntic fate
in Now Orleans. Giuseppe Esposito ,
many years ago , was the bold and suc
cessful loader of a band of brigands in
Italy , whore ) his many exploits had
gained for him a European reputation
and invested his numo with a terror to
all travelers in the moutuins of Sicily.
To the qualities which have been as
cribed to the outlaw in sang and story ,
ho added these of cruelty and
bloodthiratincss , aud the unlucky
captive who fell into his
clutches , if not redeemed by a ransom ,
paid the penalty of his misfortune with
his life. The heartless Esposito pur
sued his career ns a robber and murder
against his follow countrymen un
checked , but finally aroused the wrath
of John Bull , an act which has always
boon hazardous in either nn individual
or a nation. Ho seined an English trav
eler ono day , and after duo notice and
proper waiting the stock of the bandit
camu had not been increased by as
much as a single piaster on account of
the last adventure. Ono of the prison
er's oars was then sliced off and for
warded to his friends , and this in turn
was followed by its follow useful and
ornamental appendage. But by this
time the British government had been
notified , and such a demand made on
the Italian authorities that Esposito'a
gang w.ts quickly dispersed , anil ho was
apprehended and imprisoned. Escap
ing ho lied to America , and from Now
York wont to New Orleans. In the
latter city ho shortly manifested his
lofty contempt for honest pursuits by
becoming chief of a society of black
mailers , an occupation hardly as cronj
tool as the Ono ho had followed in his
native land , but less dangerous. It was
not adventurous enough , though , nnd
before long he got to bo captain of a
small coasting vessel , marrying in tlio
moantimtimo a pretty young girl of his
own race. A reward was out for him ,
though , by the Italian government ,
and in 1880 Detective Hennessey , now
the chief of police of Now Orleans , ar
rested him. He was sent back to Italy ,
whore ho was tried , twice sentenced to
bo hung , and finally sent to prison for
life. The wife was'loft in Now Orleans ,
with an infant son of Ksposito's. Last
week she applied to the mayor to have
the boy , Joseph , and a younger child
placed in an orphan asylum , as she
could not support them , and it wtvs
done. Should the news penetrate to
the Sicilian dungeon of Esposito , the
i-olloctlon that his child will nt. least bo
comfortably eared for will lighten a
little his dark nnd revengeful heart.
Acid 1'iiosnhntc ,
The Best Tonic
known , furnishing sustenance to both brain
and body.
Disease Often la Transmitted From
Lip to Lip.
"Ono of the most pernicious of Ameri
can habits , " said a Philadelphia phy
sician to a reporter for the Record , "is
the common custom 'of passing around
a 'plug of tobacco from ono chewer to
another. Tlio moisture that is then
transmitted from ono man's lips to an
other's may , and often does , breed foul
disease. I have soon men's faces fear
fully contorted from the effects of this
habit , though it is dilllcult to convince
them that so great a matter has resulted
from so simple a cause.
Disease may lurk , too , in a postage
stamp. It is a disagreeable practice at
best to ' 'lick" stamps , but to touch with
the tongue a stamp already touched by
another tongue is positively dangerous.
Stamps transmitted by mail inside a
letter may often thus carry disease.
The corner of the stamp is at 'first caused
to' adhere to tlio letter by the applica
tion of saliva by tlio sender , and then
the receiver puts it to his tongoo when
ho wishes to mall a letter. The origi
nal sender may have had a mucuos
patcli upon his tongue , in which case
the danger of contagion of blood disease
is considerable. Throat and skin dis
eases may bo similarly transmitted by
the saliva.
"A kiss , however , is a much moro
potent source of diseaso. Not only is
promibouous Icissing of men and women
to be condemned , but mothers should bo
careful nbout their babies' kisses. The
contact of lip with lip contains far moro
risk that is generally recognized , nnd it
ill a great wonder that BO many babies
como out of their infancy unscathed.
Young men should bo very sparing of
their kisses , and their sweethearts
chary of receiving them , on physical
as well as sentimental and moral
grounds. 1 have soon young ladies iior-
ribly blotched nnd pimpled , whoso cases
hnvo balllod the learning of country
practlt lonors. Their friends have be-
Moved rash to bo u sign of cancer , but
it was really some hideous incurable
malady that had developed from a kiss ,
"I hnvo known also Instances whore
infants have boon carressod by some un
safe port-on nnd have boon the innocent
agents of transmission * of disease to
their mothers or nurses. Such cases
are rnrfi , ns small children do not read
ily develop discuses of this character ,
but tlio had olTocts of promiscuous kiss
ing nro continually being proved to
medical men' ' "
An Absolute Cure *
IH only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
aud Is an absolute curu for old soros. burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skitvnrup-
tions. Wilt positively curu all kinds onMus.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23
cuts p-'r boxby miulS 0 cents.
_ _ _ _ _
" - . Si
Another Ccfllootlon of Goras From
Our.iluiaL . Contemporaries.
5 't. ' _ _ _
it f
Hlfltrlonlbs nt the Capital A. High
Hoclcty ' on mini nt MoCool Jus
tice cur.SUa in Understood The
Country Breezes.
Tnn Unn is ngnln delighted to lay before
lt renders n collection of gems from the
rural-press of this great nnd growing state.
The Oylone published at Kcnosnw is doing
what it can to encourage cult In Adams
"Wo had the pleasure on Wednesday even
ing last , soys the dramatic critic of that
paper , of attending the lltornry meeting nt
Liberty. Wo arrived In tlmo to hoar most
of the programme , which on account of sorno
misunderstanding was not prepared until
after the society had gathered at the school
house. It was good , however , as far ns it
went. The usual number , of course , were
'not prepared , ' 'alnt horo,1 nnd ouo who was
cnllod'upon for n song had 'lost ' his singer n
coniln1 up.1 A recess of ton or fifteen
minutes was taken for the purpose of arrang
ing a programme for the balance of the oven-
ing1. Time was then called nnd , in response
to n call for music , Bob Fitidlny appeared
upon tha scene with n violin nnd favored the
audlonco with 'Nolllo Gray , ' in his own
peculiar stylo. George Whltcsoll was called
upon for a song and favored the company
with a selection , entitled 'Poor Old Dad , ' In
which George did himself proud nnd con
vinced the audience that there was no flies
on him as a vocalist. Yo scribe was then
given an opportunity to display his ability ns
a song and Onuco artist , but gracefully de
Our vigorous young contemporary , the
Lincoln Call , Is equally generous in its of.
forts to establish Melpomene and kindred
deities on a 11 rm footing in the capital city.
A recent Sunday issue contains the follow
ing accounts of the attractions at the various
theaters the previous evening : This Is the
season of the year when opera houses , aud
circuses and theaters and trass bands hnvo
n great run. Lincoln is nnvcr behind in any
thing in the nmuscmont line. Tlio Globe
last tiight was the principal place of attrac
tion. The play was "Ingomar , the Whlto
Slave , " and the vociferous npplauso accorded
thehoavy villlau , who played LI ttio Topsy ,
was a fair Index of ttio culture of the audi
ence. Chnrloy Moshor played this part.
When ho came on the stage dressed in wolf
skins , with a largo Unlfo in his mouth , and
said tearfully and almost pathetically , ' 'Up
yonder , l7ijclojifom , up yonder. " Judge
Mason , who.lcoVtho orchestra , said ho could
stand it no. longer ; "It was too much , too
much. " At thte juncture , Mr. Mahoney , of
the Western1 Union , announced u telegram
which statc\l \ thht Brad Slaughter had not
only been confirmed , but had drawn a
month's sajary , The curtain was run down
by Colonel , Hyde , and the lights extin
guished. ' f
During the rush that followed Sommons ,
the clothtor'announced n cut in ready made
clothing , and Eft Uoggen passed through the
house stngiije out : "Lemo , lemo , lemo , not
ton , but five1 good , people ice cold lemo
nade. " i > ' '
"Order wfls finally rosorod , and the Salva
tbn'array''Wlltcii.lia'd ! taken advantage of the
situation , 'starred up a lively air , and Cap
tain Leo again foil in tho'soupbowl which
ho was wearing that , evening as a scarf pin.
"Little can bo said of the play. Everybody
knows the plot ; all people know how llttlo
Eva's neart thumped when Uncle Tom an
nounced his fntontion of going up yonder.
The Call does not think that Ingomar should
chow plue tobacco in the parlor scone but
habit fastens itself upon genius , the same as
it does on anything else.
"Tlio musio was excellent. It may have
sounded strange to hoar General McBride
playing the bass arum when Simon Logreo
was dying , but the general knows moro
about music than the Call.
"Tho attraction ut the Olympic this week
was Julius Cojsar. Mr. Iko Lansing played
in the title roll , but did not have his roll with
him. He impersonated' Brutus. A. J. Wright
of Tccumsoh playea Cnesar. Iko did the
best. That was not any good. Ho insisted
on departing from the general rules , and in
stead of stabbing Ctesar with a dagger ho
shot-him with an army musket. When ho
came to the beautiful lines to the effect that
ho had Daggod his game , not that ho iovcd
Caesar less but Homo more. Iko said lie did it
not because ho had anything in particula r
against Jttle , but because no loved to hear
Iloino howl.
"John Knight played Lady MoBoth and
Tom Coon the Merchant of Venice. Mr.
Cook insisted that ho did not want the pound
of flesh , as ho was against beef trusts.
Charley Whedon was the end man and asked
Cook what ho was beollng about.
This caused n panic and thu pollco took
possession of the house.
"Tho able editor of the Echo , published at
Elmwood , was busily knitting up the ruv-
ollod sleeve of care according to Shake
speare's recipe tlio other night when ho was
awakened by a strange concatenation of
sounds , which ho says "made us roar up In
nur bed and reach for our leather gun. Our
first Impulse was that Fletcher and Duff had
como back ana were singing ono of their
sweet refrains at our window. Wo hustled
into our standing pants und rushed out to
greet them , only to bo faced by two ficrco
looking Thomas cats that were perched on
thu well curb quarrelling about who 'stood
in' the best with Rosencrans' speckled
catty. "
McCool Junction has Just recovered from a
sensation which for a fortnight was on every
tongue and threatened an irreparable ills-
runtiou in social circles. From the weekly
Hccord of that villa are gleanca the follow
ing facts In regard to the attain Several
young ladies arranged an entertainment for
the bopotlt of the church , which , from the
fact that each young ludy was to place on
sale n basket , .was called a "basket social. "
According to the plan agreed upon , the gen
tleman whoipaychased u lady's basket waste
to act as her escort for the evening. The
basket furnished by Miss Ella Brooks was
Bold to rural knight , who , instead of assum
ing the leasing duty thereby 1m-
uoscd , very" ' , 'nngallantly exchanged his
token with' an'otuer young man who
bore the suggestive name of Hugall. Wheth
er or not Miss Brooks objected to tno sweep
ing proposition1 ; implied in Mr. Hugall's cognomen -
nomen , wlidii she learned of the transaction
8ho flatly refused to accompany him to the
festive board. ' 1'ho nnnouncouiontof her de
termination fell llko a thunderbolt into the
hitherto placid ( depths of the basket social
There was a hurrying to and fro , Ambau.
sadors llowJrom Mr. Hugall to Miss Brooks-
nnd from Mus iirooks back to Mr , Hugall'
But nil toj no purpose. It Brooked not.
Whether Mr.jili succeeded in securing some
other fair partner THE Hun Is unublo to
stuto but it is certain that ho was not accom
panied by Miss Brooks. The affair threat
ened to split all McCool into Hugall ami antl-
Hugall factions and for several days busi
ness was practically at a standstill. . Finally
the Hccord cnmo to tlio rescue in tlio follow
ing editorial paragraph :
"Considerable blame was attached to Miss
Ella Brooks for her actions In refusing to eat
cupper with Mr. Edward Hugall , at the Das-
icet social. Miss. Brooks desires us to state
that Mr. Hugall did not purchase her basket ,
and nays that Mr. Lord purchased and trail
ed , It was her intention to cut with who
ever purchased her basket , but she did not
propose to liuvo it traded , "
Mr , Hugall accepted this explanation and
McCoolJunction is acalu flowing smoothly
in its former channels.
The journalist who directs tbo course of tbo
Leucjor , published ut Genoa , baa certain
ideas of justice peculiarly his own , Kandall
Fuller , thu proprietor of Fullortou , Muncu
county , is now qulto advanced In icars. Ac *
cording to a dtlzoii who had him arrested
the other day the snows of ovonty winters
have not tamed the heyday in the old man's
blood. The jury , however , acquitted him
whereupon the nstutn editor of the Lender
observes ! "If the old sinner had not boon
up to some dirt , it is certain that no action
would have been brought neninst him , and
though the jury , in the light of the evidence
given , could not condemn him , yet in the
oycs of all well moaning people ho must
ntnnd as an aged sample of human depravity.
It Is high time for the old man to die off and
take his stall In hades. "
The Newport Advocate , which odlflos the
settlers of Hock county once a week , has
been exchanging clviltlc- . with the editor of
the Herald , published at Bassott , in the snmo
county , The Advocate's Knight of the quill
thus flung down the gauntlet to the Herald
man In a recent issue : "Tho Bnssott Scurvy
last week , after having boon crowded to the
wall with facts , made a desperate effort to
calm this paper in its-exposure of the Bas-
sott election frauds , by assaulting the char
acter of the editor hereof. The Advocate
editor dares the cowardly , lying scab of tbo
Scurvy to tnako charges against him in n di
rect and intelligible manner. Lot the rebuttal -
buttal evidence against the Creator of men
insinuate. Lot the chlmpanozo gibber. Lot
tbo red-headed wood-pecker pock. But
don't ' let It walk on dangerous ground , Unless
It wants its head hammered Into shape. "
"As wo were making our usual rounds the
other evening in quest of news , " says the
controlling spirit of another rural weekly :
" \Vo caught n glimpse of something that
made us wish for our boyhood days. It was
nothing but a moro kiss ; but , O , my 1 the way
it was imprinted falily made us prance. Wo
got real nervous and wanted to go right
through that window and yank that young
fellow clear out of his high-water pants-
Moral : Pull down your blinds. "
Some tlmo slnco an Item appeared in tbo
Minuon Douiocrat to the effect that n gentle
man of that city wanted a wife , but had re
cently been refused by two ladles of that
placo. The editor of the Democrat within
n few days received a communication from
other ladies , which ho printed with the re
mark" that "while wo are notamatrimonnl
agency , wo are willing nay , anxious to do
nil in our power to secure Helpmates for all
among our subscribers who nro unmarried. "
Following are two of the communications :
IIiumr.Tii , Neb. , March 27 , 1SSO. To the
Mindcu Democrat ; 1 saw u pcaco In the
paper consuming an gentleman hunting n
wifo. I think he could got ono In tills plasc.
She is n war widow , she is jobol , lively ,
holtliy , pretty , good lookcn , she got friends
In Mlndln , she often visits there. Yours ro-
sppoktfully ,
HOLSTRIX , Nob. , March 27,1SS9. Democrat
Ofllco : Please give mo what Information you
can regarding the man that wants a wife , or
have him address mo at once , ns 1 have u
notion of marrying If I can cot n man that
suits mo. Please answer nt once.
Ml3. !
The Sioux City Sun don't propose to have
the characters of its constitunncy maligned.
A Sioux City paper intimated that the mem
ber of n prominent liquor firm in Covington
( and it may bo remarked that all liquor firms
in Covlngton are moro or loss prominent ) ,
had boon acting as a "fence" for n gang of
Chicago thieves. Whereupon the Sun comes
to the rescue In a double-leaded paragraph
concluding with : "Theso are the most gen-
tlcmcnly young men in business nt that
place , not only conducting the neatest and
most orderly place in Covlngton , but devote
n few minutes every evening to prayer meet
ing. "
Seine of the papers of Nebraska may not
bo so polished ns their contemporaries of the
effete east , but when it comes to bonhommio
nnd that sort of thing , they generally
arrive nt their destination , as note the
following from n West Point paper : "Kim
Thompson says wo were mistaken in our
statement last week that ho had been having
trouble with his mother. Ho says It was
with his wife and says that they had n terrible -
blo time. " Our enterprise may cause us to bo
a little previous sometimes , Klin , but we al
ways aim to give n man n square deal.
But for enterprise and tireless vigilance
in covering its field , commend us to the
Blaine County Democrat. A recent issue
contains n notable example. Picture the
scene : At the end of n week of ceaseless
activity on the part of the staff , the paper ,
overflowing with the result of their
joint effort , is nbout to go to
press , when a breathless reporter rushes
in seizes a fragment of paper and writes fur
iously. In a few moments the item is fast
in the forms , the Blnino County Democrat
has been saved from a "scoop" and its many
readers ore edified by the Intelligence that
"as wo go to press wo learn that John Davis
lias-sold four hogs and ten busb.ols of pota
toes to George M. Baker.- "
The following. is taken from the society
columns of the Harrison Herald , published
In Sioux county :
"Mr. Trimbur Is suffering from n severe
cold contracted while entertaining some
friends at the club rooms on Monday night.
His costume worn upon that occasion was
remarkable for its elegant simplicity , but
was n little too open for this season of tno
year , hence his cold. "
"Bungling types on Saturday. " says the
.Norfolk News , "made our society columns
say that 'Mr. J. W. Kreitcr nnd Mrs. H.
Warner had gone to Omaha. It should have
read Mrs. Kroiter and Mrs. Warner. "
" "Tho Schuyler Herald has for some tlmo
boon very successfully edited by a bright
and energetic young lady named Miss Helen
Phelps. Miss Phelps recently married ono
of her heaviest advertisers , a Mr. Keinecko ,
nnd the name nt the hood of the editorial col
umns was changed from Miss Helen Phelps
to Mra. Helen Uoinccke , whereupon a con
temporary remarked : "Tho Schuyler Her
ald has changed proprietors. Miss Hclon
Phelps , retiring nnd Mrs. Helen Hoiuooko
taking charge. This Is Helen repeat. "
The editor of the Fremont Flail Is a
phllosophos : "Examine our North Bond
patro for babies nnd marriages , " ho says in a
recent issue. "Tlio two departments seem
to go hand in hand. "
Two evangelists recently undertook to Infuse -
fuse some religious sentiment into the lives
of the pcoplo of Blaine county , but mot with
such small success that they soon loft for
moro inviting fields. The News published at
the county scat thereupon condoles with the
reverend gentlemen as follows : "Tho minis
ters who had charge of the revival deserve
great praise for keeping it above ground as
long as they did. A man who could preach
moro than ono evening to n congregation
made up of three foreigners who don't ' un
derstand English , ono deaf woman , five
small boys and a yellow dog would indeed
Tiuvo iron nerves. ' '
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Pallets nro a remedy nnd specific for
chills and fever , mild in their notion
they uro upreeablo to take and a certain
City or Country Air ?
The Lewiston ( Mo. ) Journal raises
the question as to whether town or
country life is most healthful , by relat
ing the , following circumstances :
"Something ever three years ago a man
in Augusta bought a farm and settled
down , with his wife , nine children ,
mother and broUior-in-law , to enjoy
life. ' For seventeen years the family
had lived in a tenement house , and ,
during that time , had never experi
enced a day's sickness. Naturally they
looked for even bettor health on the
farm , but the brothor-in-luw soon sick
ened and died of consumption. A short
time afterward another child was born ,
which soon died of consumption , fol
lowed by its mother in a low months.
Then the grandmother of the children
'died of the same disease , and , last Sat
urday , the father. "
A Hussion joint stock coinptuly is
building an immense boat theater to
iloat up and down the Volga river. Per
formances are to bo given atovery largo
"Bed Label" Cigars ,
| /inijCVintlallurlnury troubles easily , quick
MUllC I ly and bafely cured byDOOTUltA Cap
tulles. Biivural cases curoj In bovemluva. Hold
il.&Uper box , all tlruRuUto , or by mall from Doc-
urn Mfg Co , 112 WbTtQ Bt. N.Y. I'uUdlroctipm.
M.iHr. > i/anldl.lUrl ! ; . ComlortaUa.
Hueowfiltrfccrc ll lilBldlM mllllualimil boon * Vf w
' dOnii r call n > J1. IU3COX , 6t > Ureil j , M , V.
The ONLY Lmvn or Garden Hose MADE which will stand
11 Flff" fiTP Tl 'II U ffl tf TP I 1 I mt\I rt < P4T"
Iho BEST , It will LAST the LONGEST
A hoio whlclnvlll do peed work In most cities , will not Rlvo satisfaction In
Omahn , on account of the extreme hlfth procure. While donlcn complain ot
other hosobolnp returned In large quantities bociuno It Is not strong onouRh to
standthopressnra. JVot Ono tel o/t ic "FISH DRAND" has aver tailed.
Tor snlo by nil dealers , or
1008 Farnam-st. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale or Retail.
Sanitary Plumbing- !
Steam and Hot Water Heating !
Gas and Electric Chandeliers !
Art Metal Work , Stable Fittings , Fountains , Vases , Etc.
iSSTWo make a specialty of repair work on Plumbing , Gns or Ilontlnjr Appar
atus. Prompt attention. Skillful mechanics. Personal supervision , nnd charges
always reasonable ns first-class worlc will nllow.jja Twouty-flvo years' practi
cal oxporlonco. Visitors to our showrooms always welcome.
409-411 South 15th Street.
_ 1Jnll _ . _ . . . -----.i j--ii--i _ . - - - - _ _ _ _
We carry an immense line of Tools suitable for all kinds of work.
Amongst our specialties are :
Bailey's ' Iron and fool Planes , Disston's ' Saws ,
Standard Iron and food Planes , Wool and Iron Plows ,
Strain's ' Levels , Fancy Planes of all kinds.
Telephone 437. Jas. Morton & Son.
Furniture Company
A tnogniflccnt display of cveri/thlnfl useful and ornamental in the furni
ttire maker's art at reasonable prices. i
8O8-81O N. I6th St.
NOUGHT UHUG , Prop. , 0. M. EATON , Managor. Telephone 030.
Ilepairs for nil Stoves and Jlanges mado. UrllHnnt Gasoline Stoves. Ptovos taken In oxcjiange I
part payjnout. aasollns Humors made to order nnd thoroughly roialrcd.
Tolcphono to us or send card and We will call and estimate worlc of any kiud.
ardwar utlery ,
Mechanic * ' lools , FineBronzo JJulltlors' QooCln and Buffalo Soulea *
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
WHEN purchasing a fine
Shoe it is natural to se
lect that which is pleasing to
the eye in style and finish ; the
material must be of the finest
texture , and when on the foot
the shoe must combine beauty
and comfort.
The Ludlow Shoe Possesses this Feature ,
You Will Wear Mo other Klako. "B
Sold by over 100 dpulori In Chlcnso , nnrt the best
triido tlirouKl'out the United States.
Bee Thut They Arc Btumped "IXTI E.OW. "
A $6 $ Book H For $1,00. $ flow
bwk , FMllieft iraeriwm Arctutetura , or trtrjr DIM
roropUU bulMir , fr | i r < l 1 } filllilr , J'IIUtr & wtll
Tbirtli not a Builder or njr out ItUndfnf to Dalli ir clb nvi
UtimtidlbftUinftjr&riltot * wllliualtt. lllit practical work an.l
rilytody buvilt. ll't ' l * ailand | inftit ji'paUr work mr
liiUKtoo UaiM'Kr , Nmly Uuc liuiijtidilowlnfi. AlllwUla
in * aa > tlll , but w * I ara drttrinln < J toutakff It unit Iht pcpnlar
tiut&Ddto ! ltt ) > tloiti. MUatltcao t railljr im ) < tl tynll.
fill Lock cetUlm 10fj > ag illx J4tucb < tlo ilrartJrc.LtUlloi
llrmti ItplHtpaWflili'f plain , flivatioiti , | nr < cll > < tl l ,
detrrlpllooi. owntri' litwti. atlual cott ft rwiitruttit.n , no cuckfl
tilatln , f cbool llouii , T n Hall ! l-1.gitl.ti . , and ollxr puUll
calU'vxMot'dbrr ' wttb iptrlCratlool , form ofctultart. and lari ; *
inouRtoflr/oruiAltftHDQ tuttrrctloli ot bitlldla ] ; , irl rtl"llollllrt
inplnymauUMrthllKll. 11 llwuilHStaipany MI , but I lll
MDJIIIo fap rrK rbymalll tp.ldi o nrr > lM TII < ; IXMiiullo
Ma , | > Co. AddilllallBrdlflln 1 , B. OOII.V IEVv il.Mi ,
I'.bTVulIil , JJItoi SI.N w Ywl ,
from the
cflccU of ycutkrut
crron , early decay ,
. ,1 Io t tnimhood , * ta ,
I will sflufl valiulJ * truKii.o ( ca\td \ ) containing fuU
a our * , free of oliarge.
PATENTED Auo. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889.
K , iu r Dltfl to tur th. fel.
i.-lom dl aii . .
.Hheuraatlo . OompltlnU ,
XuniDftfco , Oenerml mnq
ifNcrroua Dibllllr ; Oos-
trvoutntii , Treolli
eiu.ed tyKfc rndlMrdipn in YoutC AeeJM"-
riedor Sinfftf& Kl * life , fofutt IHIiMini.trUlulQi
to tb womb (41 ur Btalul oruui of melt or f mit .
BeDa8e , boiUce for PKII IlluilrftUd piraphlet , vhleb will bl
MDtyoa in ptitatuled tavtlopo. l ! nUoDltIi CBptr.addrMI
_ 3OO North Brondwar. ST. 1.OUIB. Dig
Ow n' Eltotrlo Belt AtUohment'
vorn with ni mil comfort. Tli tur
nult mU4 or tron . TMl Ii Ilia onlf
tlielrlc truti anil toll e r null , fi - . . . . . -
Bupluraln fn DO lo 80 4ii. for full dutrlplloa of Dr.
Owia'i Electro Oalrtnlt llelli , Bpln.l ApplUoMl. TmMK M
Iniolci itod 60. for riui Illarlrcud pitupbl't vMcb wilt U
rut you la pUlcviealeil coTlop . Hol4 tto\y \ tij III *
3OO NVirtli Jra ilw r , OT ,
Health is Wa !
HUM , UKimruntooil spuclilc for IlyaterU , JUzt >
nusa. Convulsion * ) , fltn , Nnrvous NouriUgl * ,
Headache , Nerynun 1'ruitrntlon canoed by ibe
UHuof ulcohol or tobacco , U'aVdfulno.o , > I DU1
Dupruiilnn , SofienliiK ol tlio Drain , ru > uUlnln ;
intimity and loudlim to misery , doouy aij.-l iloutli.
l'ianitttiireOl < \ AK , larronn . J.oss ot i'owor
In elthor sex , Involuntary Ijosna * and Bi > eritiat >
y over-exerUmi of tUnbrain.ielf.
ur overlmliilKoncn. Knell box contain *
one tnontlt'B treatment. 11.00 n bor.oi sir bones
forl'i.W.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any cast ) . With each orclur rcralvoJ br
tutor nix boxes , aocornpnnloa wit Ii t& . < 0 , W9 > vlll
feud Urn imrctmiur ourwhttjn uaraiuoo to rn-
fund the moQoy If tne . treatment tines
ncuro. Guarantee Usual only by Goodman
Drug Co. . Druggists , Bole ABcnU , Hit ) furanru
etreet. OiQihft N l > ,
Institute !
Tcctb extracted trlllicmt ptnor cUuuor
Uur illllr.iu nt loweil ratci ,
cii t > f croviuliig.
llt.v.'t IGiti tail kfcrutw