Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1889, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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Locally the Financial Market Con
tinues Very Quiot.
Jobbers Itcport n Very FAlr nml Sen-
sonnblo IJiiRlncRB Collections
Not Up to Ijitfit Ycnr'o
The Weekly K can in P.
The local financial market continues very
cnsy and bankers characterize the situation
ns comfortable. There Is a good demand for
money for building purposes , and loan nnd
Investment companies are placing liberal
sums on Inside real estate to p.iy for contem
plated Improvements. Hates to this class ot
borrowers are lower than heretofore , nnd
capital is offering Itself freely for use In this
direction. The heavy April quarterly dis
bursements for dividend account miulo at
custom financial centres Increased the loAnn-
bio surplus there nnd prevented the possible
stringency which had been anticipated by
some authorities. Money is easy through
out the ontlro west , and Kansas City capi
talists have been offering funds to bankers
hero nt low rates , nominal rates in fact , but
found no takers. This state of affairs
Is not entirely satisfactory , as It betokens
nn unusual bunincss depression , as Is really
the cose. An actlvo money market , even If
Bomowhat stringent. Is more to bo wished
for than n quiet , letharglu market , but until
. holders of surplus money can make un their
minds an to where profits nro to coma from
soonest. It must bo expected that the situa
tion will remain unchanged.
Jobbers report u very fair and seasonable
trade for the first week or April , with sales
footing 10 to 15 per cent in advance of last
April. Collections , however.uro not up to
the standard of last year at this season.
Farmers seem to ho holding their surplus
crops , nml while country merchants nro be-
lloveu to bo in good'comlltlon , they ilnd it
difficult to collect when their custom
ers nro holding back the pro
ducts which should bu converted into
money , and therefore cannot be as prompt
In remitting to the jobbers ns they should
bo. Nevertheless reports from traveling
( talesmen nnd interior bankers nro hopeful as
of tno ultimate outcome , nnd there is no
doubt whatever but that the year's business
will snow the Increase which has coma to bo
looked for ns a neccssury sequence. Prices
I show some changes. Sugars are higher
again nnd the trust maintains Its grip ten
aciously , feeling perhaps that as it may , it
In dry goods ginghams nro lower , stan
dards being quoted nt OKc , while prints nro
higher , with n very largo and exceptional
demand for satines , whlcn displace ging-
hnms , but do not Interfere with prints.
Teas , molasses , salt nnd rice are ilghcr
mid groceries nro , ns a. rule , steady' , with n
tendency to higher llgurcs.
The lumber and hardware trade Is brisk ,
nnd the general outlook is very satisfactory
Heal estate values nro fully maintained ,
especially on inside propcry , and there Is a
demand for eligible suburban property con
sequent upon the consolidation nnd probable
extension of the street railway system.
A table published in the London Economist
shows the increase In the copper output of
the world since 1832. It shows the output of
the Ealco Superior mines to have increased
in that time from 2,5410 to 8S,7J tons , nnd
the Montana output from 4,015 to 43.UT3 tons.
The total United States output Increased
40.740 to 103,123 tons.
The short crop of sugar cano and the rise
In sugar and other cano products is stimu
lating tbo production of glucose. It is
' claimed that a bushel of corn will make
thirty pounds of sugar nnd three pocks of
cow feed. To convert corn Into sugar Is a
very simple process. The corn is first con
verted into starch. A small percentage ot
sulphuric' acid converts the starch into
sugar. The transformation Is so sudden as
to seem marvelous. A vast quantity of corn
sugar and corn syrup Is used by brewers nnd
ll&.f confectioners. A largo portion of the fancy
syrups sold by crocers is also corn syrup
with a fancy name.
Coffee is held firmly. The present esti
mate of the growing Hio crop Is ns low as
1,500.000 bags , though the more conservative
put It at 2,000,000 bags. But this Is-a very
small crop , when there should bo 7,000,000.
The drought has boon unusynlly severe in
the coffee districts , and now the yellow fever
Is raging in both Klo nnd Santos , which will
tend seriously against the coffee crop.
Oils are fairly uctlvo and carbon oils nro
steady. Turpentine Is off Be , with sales at
B2V4C nor gallon.
Kenned sugars are active und advancing
and at New York there is an evident disincli
nation to book orders for moro than 100 barrels
rols to any ono buyer. The combination o
refiners does not weaken n partjclo , nnd the
sugar trust has just as much power as It hai
before the decision was rendered by a New
York Judge. The European sugar continues
buoyant , with evidences of considerable ox
cltcincnt , while Cuban advices state that nl
the warehouses ut Havana and along thi
const are almost empty and exports nro
much smaller than last year , despite the ad
vnnced period of the season , nnd a large
number of plantations have already termi
tinted grinding. - . . . . . . .
Dried fruits are selling much better than
canned fruits , ns they are n good dea
cheaper. California dried fruits nro doing
particularly well and peaches and apricots
nro having a very good salo. fcvaporatoi
apples a-.o selling slowly nt unchanged
prices , but cnouch orders ore coming in to
hold the market steady. Raspberries are m
good supply and prices nro shaded. Black
Eorrlos are low and sales are made rathe
Canned corn Is attracting a somowha
bettor demand , but it will require u long
season of activity to work off the abundance
of stock that Is held In all sections of the
country. Prices are low and declining.-
The salt trust is an assured thing and the
advanced prices are maintained. Many of
the loading soil men of Now York and Chl-
caco have been Interviewed nnd they admit
that English capitalists stand ready to Invest
enormous sums in the purchase of salt blocks
nnd mines. , ,
Hlco is hardening In value and rough rice
has rocontlv advanced 50o per bbl In No\v
Orleans , whllo clean riceIs J @Mo per Ib
higher thoro.
. gome of the operators In Now Yorlc have
' "i boon talking higher prices for tea , based on
the shortage of crop , which Is variously esti
mated from 7,000,000. to 8,000.000. , In addi
tion to this they have boon using the news
of'tho Chicago lire to dull the market. The
only change In the Chicago marKet Is an
advance 01 lo per Ib in Japtm teas that sell
below SOc. The loss by the llro was about
0,000'boxo3 , valued nt $1,000,000.
itlack strap molasses has commenced to
tnko the upward turn , with 1.000 bbls extra
heavy sold at New York at 12K for May ,
and. for the time being , at least , no further
offering nt that rate.
Saturday , April 6. 18SU.
The receipts were the heaviest of any day
this week excepting Tuesday , but In spite of
that fact the market was strong and active ,
ami In some cases decidedly higher. Cuttle
of nil kind * wore m demand at the prices and
practically everything was sola bolero mid
day. The dressed beef and shipping steers
old at prices ranging from $3.35 to W.lOj but
principally at 3.0@4.00. Cow stuff was not
it all plenty but was in good demand and
old strong. . .
The trcue was actlvo at an advance of fully
to und In some instances 10r\ and everything
was'nold In good season luo morning. Ono
choice load reached W.70 , w.Jb most every.
tnl K olno iit M.Xi3- ( ) ' -
There were seven loads of lumbs In the
yards , but they were held high and could not
be lii to have been offered on this market ,
Outtla. 40
Bheop . , . . . -.M. . o
I'rovcilUitjt Prices.
Tbo following Is B table of prices paid In
tills inar'.ctt for . * lt'e grade * of stock meu-
uouod i i
rime itcori , 1800 to 1WO U . , .S9.60 (3UO (
Prlmo steers , ItOO to 1300 Ibs. . 3.85
Native feeders 3.bO
Common to good cows 1.50
Choice to fancy cows. . t. . 2.05
Fair to choice bulls 1.75
Fair to choice light hogs 4.00
Fair to choice heavy hogs. . . . . 4.00
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.55
Fair to choice western sheep , . 3.80
Fair to choice Nebraska * . . . . . . S.d'i
Representative Salni.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. i r.
2 1005 $3.85 33 1283 $3.70
43 lOM 8.85 33. . . 1375 3.70
18 083 8.40 41 1244 8.70
14 1031 3.40 1 1100 8.70
21. . . , . . , . 077 3.40 15 1200 8.70
17 1003 3.40 10 1113 8.70
18 1040 3.45 13 1337 3.70
1 1140 8.45 101 1105 3.72 ;
2. . ' . 1105 3.45 57 10SO 8.72,1
13 1117 8.45 20 1203 3.76
! M 1150 8.50 3 183 3.75
09 1153 8.50 20 12U7 8.75
33 lOUt 3.60 10 1201 8.75
40 1151 3.55 20 1133 8.75
10. . . . , . .1113 8.65 42 1810 3.75
30 1123 8.GO 17 1200 3.75
18 1207 8.150 80 1104 8.75
25 1114 3.CO 20 13J3 3.77&
2 1145 3.00 40 1820 3.77K
33 1144 3.00 18 1104 3.80
24 1840 8.GO 18 1SKJO 380
2.3 1000 8.00 37 18HO 8.bO
13 1113 8.00 29 1418 8.85
Cl 1037 3.GO 17 1870 3.fc5
10 . . .lO'.l. ' ! 8.GO 61 law 8.85
8.1 1109 8.l < 0 29 1324 3.85
10 inii 8.a i 18 188 ! ! 8".85
18 lllil 8.IV > 18 18.V. ) 8.00
18 1237 8.05 42 .1877 8.00
21 1210 3.05 34 1810 3.00
81 1140 8.05 17 14W 8.00
18 11SI 8.115 20 1837 8.00
20 11115 JI.G5 37 1500 4.00
3.3 1137 8.07K 20 1173 4.10
23 1170 3.07K 20 . .1521 4.10
18 1272 3.70
1 1120 1.50 15 1130 2.70
1 1000 2.00 2 1150 2.70
8 1073 3.15 18 1273 2.70
1 OSO 2.25 1 1050 2.75
1 1870 3.25 3 1180 8.75
21 007 3.80 1 1030 8.75
.1140 3.85 1 1090 2.75
.1004 3.35 14 1015 2.75
050 2.35 2 1250 2.80
.1313 2.40 1 1810 2.35
iO ( ) 2.40 3 1110 8.b5
1103 2.CO 1 1030 8.00
000 250 1 1140 3.00
10. . . 097 2.00 8 10.-)0 8.00
4 1000 2.00 3 1015 8.00
7 1140 2.00 1 1210 8.00
5 034 60 8 , 700 3.00
1113 2.GO 25 b20 8.00
7 Oij'J ' 2.G5 1 880 3.00
13 1204 2.07 ! . 8 810 8.10
1 . 1810 3.00 1 14GO 2.50
1 . 1400 2.05 2. .1000 2.50
1 . 1200 2.10 1 1530 2.50
1 . 1050 8.25 1 1740 2.05
1 . 15UO 2.25 2. .1720 3.G5
1 . 1770 a.80 32. . .1582 2.M )
3 . IblO 2501. . . .20JO 8.00
1 . 1340 2.50
1 . 1C30 3.G5 2 . 1700 3.40
1 . ICbO 2.G5
1 . 470 2.70 3 . SOS 3.00
3 . 703 3.00 3 . U43 8.00
1 . 200 4.50
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shir. Pr.
C3..378 80 $4.55 CO. . . .375 120 f4.CO
07. . . .183 80 4.55 67. . .280 100 4.02W
11. . . . 315 160 4.CU 52. . . . 270 80 4.G2K
02..2CO 4.00 07. . . . 335 SO 4.02K
C0..2S3 240 4.GO 71. . . . 223 SO 4.i ; .
68. . . .252 40 4.00 72. . . .238 240 4.G5
70. . . .247 M ) 4.00 07. . . .200 80 4.05
101. . . .200 440 4.00 70. . .248 SO 4.03
GJ. . . . 00 4.GO G1..271 40 4.G5
64. . . .300 320 4.00 01..2J-J 40 4.05
G3..244 40 4.00 60. . . .278 40 4G5
79. . . .220 4.CO 04. . . .21)5 ) 4.153
07. . . .215 40 4.CO 71. . . .245 80 4.G3
CO. . . .350 200 4.GO 30. . . .2(58 ( 4.0-
58. . . . 279 40 4.60 C0..2s3 120 4.G5
05. . . . 253 SO 4.80 CO..SOU bO 4.05
08. . . . 258 40 4.GO 47..330 4.70
Hcvlow of Prices.
The following nro the highest nnd lowest
prices paid for beef and shipping steers on
tbo days indicated during the past three
years. Sales of cattle In less than car load
lots are Included.
Slar. IttbO. Mar. 1M7. 183a.
Ijlvo Stock NotCJ.
Cattle strong and active.
Hogs 5@lOo higher.
Cattle and hogs all sold before midday.
The hogs sold tbo highest of any day since
March 25 , when about one-third of the hogs
sold at $4.05 with the bulk at $4.GO@4.G2 %
and the top at ft.70.
Revised prices are as follows :
BAGGING Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless , 17 > o ; Lowlston A. seamless ,
U'a ' ; American , seamless , 17o ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll@Ho ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gunulos ,
double , 23o ; wool sacks , 40o.
Twines Flax.20o ; cotton , I8@32c.
Duiiii ) FuuiTfl Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 0@
lOc ; dates , < m boxes , 7@10o ; London Dohcsa
raisins , per box , 75.00 ; Malaga loose raisins ,
fj.0@2.50 ! ; now Valencia raisins , per Ib , 7o ;
California loose muscatels , per box , fl.80@
3.80 ; California Londons , 1833 , f2.30 ; pitted
cherries , 17c ; California pitted plums , per
Ib , 0@llc ; dried blackberries , per Ib , 0@7c :
dried raspberries , ner Ib , 20c ; evaporated
apples , ( ! ( ? 573 c ; California unparod evapor
ated poaches , IJQUo ; evaporated California
apricots , 'I417o ; currants , 5c ; Turkish
prunes. % @ 6 ; citron , i2@34o ! ; orange
peel , ISo : lemon peel , 14o ; California French
prunes , 7@llo.
PIOKLBS Medium , in bbls , (5.00 ; do , in
half bbls , (3.00 ; small , in bbls , $0.00 ; do , In
half bbls , (3.r > 0 ; gherkins , In bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , (4.00.
KOASTED COFFEES Gorman , 24 Kc ; Me-
Laughlln's XXXX , aUtfo ; Arioso , 24 0.
COFFKES Green Mocha , 25@30o ; Rio ,
good , 20o ; Mandahling , 20@23o ; roosting
Ulo , 19o ; O. G. Java , 2426o ; Java , Inferior.
22@23c : Rio , fancy , 21@ ' > o ; Santos and
Maracalbo , 17@10c. '
Granulated , 8 > o ; conf. A , 805
white extra 0 , 7Jfo ; extra C , 7Jfc ; yellow C ,
OKc ; cut loaf , WQOo1 , powdered ,
BEESWAX- Choice yellow , ' 20@23 > oj dark
colored 18@14o.
TOBACCO Plug , 26@35c ; smoklngr , 16 ®
IDo.SALT tl.85@1.40 per bbl.
KOPB-7-10 , 14o.
MAI-I.B SUOAH Bricks , ll@12o , per Ib ;
penny cukes , 12@lo ! ! per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , 11.00 per gal.
SuoAit Sntnps 34@35o per pU.
WJIAPJ-INO PAPAH Manilla , OXc per Ibi ;
straw , IMQIKo Per Ib ; rag , 2 > < o per Ib.
TIAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18 ®
25o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy. 30@55uj
Gunpowder , common to good , 22 < < i35o ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy. 40@05c ; Japan , coin-
uiou to medium , 12@20o ; Japan , choice to
fancy , UO@J5c ; Oolong , common to good , )
40o ; Ooloiif , choice to fanoy , 50@70o ; Impe
rial. common to medium , 25@S3o ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@50o.
CnACKXHS 67o per Ib ; assorted cake * , 8
< § l5o par Ib. as per list.
OANDT-Mlxed , Ok@13Ho ; tioV , 0 > i@llc ;
rock candy , 10 > { @l8cj fancy candy , 7@23c.
MAOKUiiiL-Famlly , half bbls , 113.50 ; No.
1 , $13.50. .
NUTS Almonds , lKlSc ( ; Pecans , 18o ; Bra-
tlli , Oc ; peanuts , 910o.
BriCES Whole AlUplce , 12o ; Casila , 10o i ;
Cloves , 25o ; NutuieK * , 70o ; Pepper , BOa
UAOS Uuloa square , 95 per coat dUcU
Needed RoatTnkon By tbo Whont
Market To-Day.
Oats In Hotter Demand For Near Fu
tures Provision * Quiet Cattle
tlo About All Sold
Cntcxoo , April 0. [ Special Tolotrrnm to
THE BUB. | The market was in need ot a
rest nnd took ono to-day. Trading was light ,
and though May was still nervous It was
steadier than It 1ms shown Itself for n long
tlmo back. There were still some tailors
liquidating and though the modlclno was bit
ter It was preferred to further worrying on
u bare bone. The promised display ofrca
flro nnd skyrockets did not materialize. The
May deal goes out with u ilzzlo llko n damp
squib. Some talk of cold , dry weather in
the northwest and the feeling which was
very general yesterday , nnd is still
prevailing , that the Falrbnnk interest
was inclined to push prices for
July a few notches higher caused
that future to open with n show of firmness
at about the closing figure of the day before.
Tbo discouraging nature of tbo foreign ad
vices , however , and the reported selling in
Now York of two boat loads previously
bought there for export , induced some selling
which brought about a lower range. The
crowd , whllo not evincing auy anxiety to
trade , showed n nervousness which kept the
pit well tilled with watchers waiting for a
decided lend to shape their course by.
Hutchlnson was supposed to bo loaded , but
h's ' tracks were so well covered that the
scalpers could not determine whether his
shot was likely to mnku the fur fly from the
bears or their antagonists , the bulls , The
fluctuations were confined within limits of
ol lO > 4 < glUKo fop M yn"d S-r > ? fc and & 6 % < &
80JXc lor July. The closing prices to-day are
lower than yesterday's by Ic on the former
nnd tfc on the latter ,
The corn market opened fairly firm , b.ut
Inactive , riicro was some uuying of May
and selling of July by n prominent llrm , but
the trading was generally of a scalping char
acter nnd of small proportion. Tbo receipts
exceeded yesterday's estimates by sixty
cars , and for Monday/ they were calculated
to bo 240 COM. The fluctuations wore very
narrow , nnd prices nt the close were almost
Identical with those prevailing at the cor
responding tlmo yesterday.
Oats were in better demand so far as near
futures were concerned , with May selling
UP 2@K < 2 to 20c. The Improvement was
largely attributed to yestoiday'a sales of
S.5,000,000 bushels of cash oats for Immediate
shipment , with reports of further negotia
tions a similar nature. The shorts took fair
quantities , and the market later ruled
weaker. The receipts were only moderate ,
with U3 out of $5 cars passing into the con
tract graiies. No. 2 , to go into store , was
dull nt 2ftKc.
Provision traders wore not overburdened
with business. Their outsklu orders direct
ing sales or purchases of pioporty were com
paratively insufficient , while in a profes
sional way the traders made an unusually
poor showing in all branches of the market.
Short ribs sold nnd closed nt practically yes- '
tordny's prices , but in porkadccllnonmount-
ing to lOo was suffered.
CHICAGO ijivB srooa.
CHICAGO , April 0. ( Snocial Telogram-to
THE BEE. ] CATTW : At the opening thcro
was considerable of a spurt and a large num
ber sold at a slight advance , but after the
urgent orders were filled and about nil the
desirable stock sold , values remained only
steady on the remainder. 'Yet ' about every
thing was sold and th'o general market
closed steady. Butchers' stock , feeders ,
stoekers and rough stock generally are sub
stantially bighcr than ono week ago. Choice
to extra bcfives , $ -l.0@4.'K ! ! ) ; medium to good
steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , f3.8UC44.S5 ; 1200 to
1350 Ibs , ? : ) .80 ( < t3.SO ; stackers and feeders ,
2.-l5Ca > 3.55 : cows , bulls and mixed , $1.5J@
U.40 ; bulk , $3.85S'S.SO.
Hens Business was brisk , the run extremely -
tromoly light and prices a pjiod lOc higher ,
the bulk selling at ? 4U3 © . ' > 00 for mixed ,
with a few common old sows at $1. J@4.SO
nnd a few fancy at S4.07M@5.0j. Llghtsorts
sold at $ l.'J3@3.00.
NEW YOUK , April 0. STOCKS The fol
lowing were the closing quotations :
D.8. 4s rosular..i:3U : ! Northern 1'aclllc. . i i
U.8.4scoupons. . . , dopretorred Ol'i
II.8.4Ksratjular. I US C.N. W IWiJi
U.B.4',5scoupoas ,108 do preferred , ] "S'I
Pacific tisot V . ,1-M , N.Y. Central lUfi.'i
Contra ! 1'aclnc. . , 84 P..U. &E SP ;
Chicago & Alton. .12. ' , Hock Island JK'i
ChlcaKO.UurUngton C..M. &St.P 03
&Quincy. , do preferred 1U4' {
. , . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul & Oniahn . : ? >
Illinois Central. . . . dopreferred M
I..I1.&W UnionI'aciflc Olfj
Kunsns i Texas. . . K'/ ' \V..Bt.L. & ! ' 13
LakeShore 102 do preferred. . . . Z84 !
Michigan Central. . b"I Western Uiilou fcfi
MlssourU'acillc . . . 71a !
MONEY ON CALI , Easy at 3@8J per
STEKUNO EXCHANGE Dull , flrm ; sixty-
day bills , W.SOtf ;
1'iiouuciu M A iiun rs.
CIIIOAGO , April 0. V/h cat Firmer : cash ,
OOtfc ; May , Oltfo ; July , 80'jfc.
Corn Steady cash , 85Kc ; May ,
July , 35o
Oats Steady ; cash , 25cj May , 25 ,
Tulv , 25X ° .
Hyo May.Me. .
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timotbj $1.85.
Porte Steady ; May , $13.30 ; July , J12.40.
Lard Steady ; cash , tO.9-.Htf ; May , $7.00 ;
July , S7.07 @ 7.10.
B'lour Unchanged ; winter wheat , t3.25@
5.25 ; spring wheat , $1.4000.25 ; rye , S2.G5 ®
3.00 in barrels.
Dry Salt Meats Steady ; Shoulders , $5.50
@ 5,75 ; short clear , $0,50@0.02 > j short ribs.
$0.15 < 56.20. ?
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 18@25 o ;
dairy , 14@21c.
Cheese Unchanged ; full cream cheddais ,
! flnts,10 } < @ 10oj Young Americas ,
ggs Unchanged ; fresh ,
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted.
5Ko ; Hghtgroon salted , BKo ; green. 4o ; salted
bull , 4 o ; green salted calf , OJ/CgO o ; dry
flint , 7)i@8o ; gro.ou salted kip , 4 ( < $4tfoj dry
calf , 7@ao ! dry 'salted 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. S , 3tfc ; cake , .
Uoceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10,000 4,000
Whoatbu 21,000 7,000
Corn.DU 07.000 141,000
Oats. bu. 75,000 09,000
Now York'April 0. Wheat Receipts ,
6,000 ; exports , 10,000 : spot , dull , weak and
lower ; No. 2 red , SdKa In store , 68 > o
nlloat , 87X@S9o f. o. b. ; No. 2 rod , 81J < o : op
tions fairly actlvo but lower ; April , BoWe.
Corn Receipts. 83,000 ; exports. 184.000 ;
spot , firmer and fairly actlvo ; No. 2 , 43b@
44o In elevator , 4445o afloat : No. 2 white ,
40Ko ; ungraded mixed. 41 } Q45c ; options
dull nnd a trifle easier , closing steady ,
Oau Receipts , 11.000 ; exports , 1.000 ;
spot market flrm but quiet ; options ,
flrm and fairly actlvo ; April , Sic ; May. SOJfc ;
spot , No. Z white , 8334o ; mixed western -
ern , 80@33o.
Coffee Options opened steady , aai-ctosod
steady and 5310 points up ; sales , 49.B50
bags ; April , I10.50 10.CO : May , $10.70310.75 ;
July , 10,03 ; epot Rio , urm ; fair cargoes ,
Petroleum Quiet and tteady ; United
closed at DOtfc ,
Eggs Steady ; western. HJ/QllXc.
Pork Quiet ; new. $18.60318.75.
Lard Quiet and barely steady ; western
ksteam. . $7.wk ; April , $7.U3.
Butter Strong ; western ll@07c.
Cheese Easy ; western , OQlO o.
Lilverpou ) , April G. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB 13 a.J 3:00 : p. m. close , Pork
Holders offer modcraTeljrr prime- mess , Cflst-
crn , 054 , steady ; doj western , 55s , steady.
Lam Holders offer moderately ; pot and
April , 8093d , steady ? May and Juno , 80s Od ,
Btcndy. *
Wheat Holders offer freely : now No. 9 ,
winter , 7s U > { d , casyi Co , spring , 7s 10) d ,
dull. t < >
Flour Holders offer moderately at 11s 8d ,
steady. ,
Corn Holders offer sparingly ; spot , Os
lOJi'd , flrm ; Aprllj Mayjand Juno , Os lO d ,
MIMvnnkco , AnVll T > . Wheat Busy ;
cosli , 80kc ? May , BO C , , .
Corn-Firm ; No. 8 ? ujk@34c ! ,
Oftts Steady ; No. 2 , white , 2S < 32S ) c.
Ilyo-Qulct ; No. i ; 45X@40c.
Barlny Dull ; No , 3 , 50c.
Provisions Easier ; pork. J12.20.
8t. IjouK April Uns ottlod
butttrm ; cash , Olc ; May , Wc.
Corn Higher ; cash , JW'fc ; May , OOfcfc.
Oats Firm ; cash , 8.woj May , 20 0.
Pork Quiet at * I2.75 ( < ol3.00.
Lard Nominal nttO.TO.
Whisky Jt.03.
Uuttcr Firm for better grades ; creamery ,
WGMSa ; dairy , 20@22o.
Glnolntmtt , April 0. Wheat Easier ;
No. 3 red. SS'iflSOo ,
Corn Stnuy ; No. 3 , mixed. ! U33o. .
O.its Quiet nnd llrm ; No. 3 mixed , 27V < J.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Mlnnnnpolltt. April 0. Wheat dull
nnd quiets receipts , SOU cars ; shipments ,
100 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , April , Sl.Ol ) ;
May , Sl.OOK ; on track , $1.00 : No. 1 'north
ern , Aurlf , Ol o ; May , Oljfoson track , 04 ®
05c ; No. 2 , northern , April , S3 ; May , 80o ;
on track , 83@65c.
Knnnna Oily. April 0. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 8 rod , cash , 8fio ; May , no bids nor offer-
Inps ; No. 3 soft , cash , 8Sc ; July , 72o asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 cash , 30c naked ;
May , SSVcbld : No. 3 white , 2lc ( uskcd ;
May , 27)1 ) asked. . . . _
Oats No S , cosh , no bids nor offerings ;
MX tSCJU 4. .
Chicago , April 0. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Uecclpts , 2,500 ; market strong
nnd lOu higher ; beeves , ? 4.80@4.f > 0 ; steers ,
$3.40@4.25 : Btocltora nnd fecrtcra , SJ.45J.C5 ;
cows , bulls and mlxod , Sl.50J53.40.
Hogs Hccolpts , S.fiOd ; market strong
and lOo higher : mixed $4.SO@5. ( > 0 ; heavy ,
$4.75 , 4.93 ; light , $4.SO@4.93 ; skips , f ! .W )
< 3UO.
Sheep Ilccclpts , 3,000 ; market strong :
natives , $ aiJVr ) ( .r 0 ; western corn-fed , $1.00
( < jn.UO ; lambs , f4.50045. {
UnneaH City. April tfl Uattlo He-
colptu , 2,100 ; shipments , 1,000 ; dressed
beef steers strong nnd 6@lto ) higher ;
good , to choice corn-fed , § 4.10 1.40 ; com
mon to medium , 2.SOQ3.00 ; stoekers imd
feeding fltoers , flrm , S1.00@y.iO ; oows ,
strong nnd lOo hishor , Sl.lWffJ'J.S'J.
Hops Hccolpto , 4,400 ; slnpmcnts , 1,000 ;
market nctiva and 5c higher ; common to
choice , $4.20r < H < ! 5-
National Stock Ynril . Mast St.
Louis. April 0. Cattle Receipt * . 200 ;
shipments , none ; market higher ; choice
Hogs Receipts , 1,800 ; shipments , 1,700 ;
market higher ; choice heavy nnd butch
ers' selections , JM.SIW.OO ; packing , fl.OO ®
4.75 ; light grades , S4.70C < 84.Sj.
Sioux City , April 0. Cattle Receipts ,
170 ; shipments , 503 ; market stronger nnd
slightly higher ; I fat steer * ,
feeders , $2.IO@2.00 ; Backers , _
banners' aiid uulisf $ lt'0@1.75 ; veal calves ,
. . .
Hogs Keccipts , SS'J ; nmrlcct higher ;
light and mixed , * 4.GJ@ 1.03 ; heavy , $1.02 ; $
® 4.C7J < r. ' J
Dry Goods.
COTTON Fi.A.vsits 10 pur cent trade dis
count. Unbleached LH. . 5Wc ; CC , ; fc ; SS ,
; EE , 8/c ; GG , U o ; XX , 10J < fc ; OO ,
l)4cNNltjKcAAa4c ; ; DD , K-J < c : TT ,
lOKo : YY , 18c : HB. 10u ; bleached , Ul ) , 8 'c ;
7i ( , l ! > ' < < u : SO , 13 > e : Brown and slate , 60 , 'Jo ;
60 , Ifljrfe ; 0. lOc. .
C.vui'Er WAUIBibb , white , lOc ; colored ,
C i 1-1
HATTS Standard , 8o ; Gom. lOc ; Beauty ,
12KoBoone , He : U. qsicd , $0.50.
J itiXT8-Solitl cilor AtlantlcGOJ Slate ,
Oc ; Berlin oil , li e ; Garner oil , 0@7c.
PiiiNTH Pink undltabes Allen , lie ; Hivor
point , fiKc ; Stcol Hlver , G u ; Hichmond ,
1'ncillc , Tc !
I'liiNTs Dress Charter Oak , Do : Ham-
npo , 4o ; Lodi , 5Ko ; Allen , Ou ; Klcljmond , Co :
Windsor , ( S > ic ; Eddystone , G c ; 'Pacillc
Gtfc.PniNTS iNnino BLUE St. Leger , 5 > 2'c :
Arnold , O o ; American. G > o ; Arnold C ,
long cloth , 9o ; Arnold B , long cloth ,
Arnold. Gold , I0o ; Steifel A , I''c ;
Windsor. Gold Ticket ,
GINGHAM Plunket , checks , 7J/c ; Wlnt-
tenton , 7" c ; York , 7o ; Normnndi dress ,
8c ; Hen f row dress , 8K@l-Ku ; Wl.ittenton
8c ; Calcutta , 7c. '
CAMintics Slater , 5o ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , uc ; Peacock , 5o.
TiN Ellcrton , i } < o
No * Candidate ,
Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7Hc ; King Philip ,
cambric , lOo ; Lonsdulo cambric , lOJJo ; Lons-
dale , 8Kc ; Now York Mills , lOu ; Poiier- |
ell. 43 in , 10 > a'e ; Pcppcroll. 4(1 ( in. ll c ; Pop-
perell , 0-4 , IfiUu ; Peppcroll , 8-4 , 2lc ; Pcpiior-
erell , 11-4 , 23oPc ; pereli. 10-4 , 2oo ; Cnnton ,
4-4,8 c ; Canton , 4-4 , OKu ? Triumph , Ou ;
Wamsuttn. llu ; Valley , Be.
Buow.v Siini'.TiN-o Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 > 4o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4. 7c ; AtlanticD , 4-4 , Kc ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , do ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora , C , 4-4 , 4o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O 'o ;
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-47c ;
. , .
* J ( AUOf V jl W * * - t | V J | M Uf * - & .f > | > WKW * > |
23c ; Utica C , 44 , 4 0 ; Wixchusett. 4 4 ,
Aurora U , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora 13. 4-4 , OKc.
FLANNRI.S , PLAIIHRaftsmen , 20o , Goshen ,
Clear Lake , WMui Iron Mountain ,
FLANNELS , WIIITB-G H No. 2. % , 22Kc ;
G H No. 1 , % , SO o ; U H No. 2 , 22Kc ; 1 $ H
No. 1 , f , UOo : Quochoe , No. 1 , % , -i2o ; Quo-
cheo , No. S , 5f , SITKc ; Quechcc , No. 3 , Jf ,
iiuu ( Mit < JtJt \Jfi * * fit uui
J 11 F. % , 27c ; G , % , S5o.
COUSETS JEANS Androscoggin , 7 c ;
Kcarsnrgo , 7o ; Rockport , 0fc ; Couestogu ,
icKS-York , SO-ln , 12 c ; York. : ! 2-ln ,
13Wc ; Swift River , SoThorndiko ; , OO , S
Thorndiko , KE , b o ; Thormiiko , 120 ,
Thorndike. XX , 15o ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
Cordis , No. 4 , lO c.
DENIMB Amosftenif , 0 oz , 10 } c ; Everett ,
7oz , wya ; York , 7 oz , 18K : Uiiymnkor ,
8Xc ; Jaitroy.XX , ll o ; .Taffroy , XXX.l'J o ;
Heaver Creek , AA , 1'JcJ Ueaver Creek , liU ,
lie. Beaver Creole , CO , lOo.
KKNTUCKV JKINS Memorial , 15o ; Dakota ,
18o ; Durham , 27Ko ! Hercules. ISo : Leam
ington , SJSJfoi Cottswold , 27 > < fc ; Melville ,
, o ? u ; OUJVVIID- , uui tjvui
bleached , 0io ; Stovcna' SRT , llc ,
Metal niul Tinners' Btoolc.
Blook tin , small Dig. , r
Block tin , bar , . , . ' . . , , .
Copper , planished boiler sizes .83
Copper , cold rolled. . ' ! -30
Copper , sheathing.1 .39
Copper , pitts. .29
Copper , fiats , , . . . . .J.i .80
Gal shoot iron , Juiiiata , 50 , 10 , and 5
per cent discount , iv.
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A 10J
Pat. planished Iron , 24 to 27 B U > *
Roofing , 1C , 14x20,113 , sheets 0.00
Roofing IX , 14x20 , 113 shoots 7.60
Roofing 1C , 20x29 , 112 sheets 11.00
Roofing , IX , 20x33 , 112 sheets 14.50
Sheet iron .No. 2d..i 3.40
Sheet Iron No. 37. . , ' . ; 3.SO
Solder , U@10
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C. 10x14,235 sheets , . . . 0.50
IX , 10x14 , 236 sheets. . . , , . . 8.35
Tin plate , coke -
1C , 10x14 , 235 sheets 0.25
Steel nails , per keg 3.23
Steel wire nails , per keg. 3.75
Drugs and Cberaloaln.
Acms Sulphuric. IJfo ; citric , 680 ; oxalic ,
15o ; tartarlc , 40c ; Am. carb , 14o ; alum , 2Jf i
@ 3c ; arrowroot. 30o : balsam capaibu , G5Q
75o ; borax , 10@13o ; calomel , 80o ; castor oil ,
$1,0501.10 ; cream tartar , 83o ; corrosive sub ,
60o ; chloroform , 45@50o ; cxt logwood , 12c ;
glycerine , SJc ; gum arable , OOo ; gum cam
phor , S5u ; gum opium , $3,15 ; morphia sulpb ,
OiLS--Borgamot , $3. 808.00 ; lemon , $2.00 ;
peppermint , t3.00@8.50 ; wintergreen , $3.40 ; I
olive. $1.00 ; quinine , 85@-IScj strychnia , $1.05 I
© 1.10 , [
Tbo Dnnks Report Good , Steady
Transactions ,
The Outlook For ft Oooil Ylclrt For
Fnll Sown Urntn Very EnoonrnR-
ln > c Western Packing Opcr-
tlons Fnvornblo.
Trnrto Over lie Country.
CHICAGO , April 0. [ Special Tolcgfara to
Tun BUB. I At the banks there Is n peed
steady business In nil the departments , nnd
ns the clearing house statements lndlcatotho
volume of the transactions is larger than
cv.or before nt this season. While not In ur
gent demand from nny particular source ,
money Is in suQlolcnt request to enable the
banks to employ a larger percentage of their
loanable balances , nnd with most banks they
show a liberal decrease during the past ten
days or two weeks , nnd rates nro steadier nt
6(37 ( per cent , 5@0 per cent being tbo ruling
figures for the choice convertible collaterals
and gilt-edged names , and 0 } < ® ' per cent
for good sixty days to four months paper.
The amount of paper on the street is
Increasing nnd commands 4J @ 7 per cent ,
the Inside being only In a few Instances.
Interior corn dealers nro still borrowers to a
considerable dcgreo , ns they prefer to fill
their cribs and hold their grain either
against sales hero for May and further de
liveries or in anticipation of higher prices
later on. There fs also u fair amount of
funds being used by cattle dealers who nro
buying stock to fatten for the Into spring
nnd early summer njarkot. Absorption by
thcso channels , coupled with miscellaneous
cells , is likely to continue In the near future ,
and there are substantial reasons for pro-
dieting nn easier monov market until busi
ness fully fools the effect of the summer
dullness. In fact , Chicngo linn assumed such
Importance as u financial center , and the
urea of the country which now looks
here for llnanclal assistance has become
sn broad that a return of the
old-time summer dnllnesi can scarcely bo ex
pected. Money in Now York has been ex
ceedingly Irregular throughout the week and
rates had a ranee of 8@10 per cent , closing
at 3 ppr cent for all bonds on stock and bond
collaterals. The prime cause for the linn-
ness was based on fears of further financial
tioubles in Paris. The fact that the monthly
settlements were nmilo without Interruption
would Indicate that the uneasiness recently
predominating here had subsided and that
monetary affairs were working smoothly.
Exchnniro on Now YorJc Is in moderate sup
ply and sold fairly nt par to a 60o discount
per $1.00 , closing at pnr.
Foreign exchange remainedflrm early , but
no advance occurred In rates. The supply of
bills was largo nnd brought f4.80 ( 4.)5 ! }
for shippers' documentary bills. The
class , however , was easy at the inside.
The feature of the stock marke.t
during the past week was continuo'd
actively In Burlington , Atchlson and Chicago
gas I trusts. The first named properties ab
sorbed ! the most attention , nnd wore exceed
ingly unsettled in their movements. News
regarding Atchison was more abundant than
about any other property , and of nn adverse
character. Early It was reported that the
roni was about to pass into a receiver's
hands. While there was no truth In the
story , the scare gave the Bostonians con
siderable uneasiness. Their holdings of
this properly have decreased heavily , about
1.000 stock holders having unloaded within
six months. While the Boston holdings
have decreased , those of Now York have
gained , and 2"i per cent of the entire stock Is
now held there. Heavy realization early
caused a short decline to 89 % , the lowest
ilgurcs reached. The break Induced heavy
buying to cover shorts. Gould also received
credit for buying largely , and it was reported
that ho xvaiitod to secure control of the prop
erty. The presence In Boston of a London
banker , who has acted ilnanclal agent of the
company , created n rumor that the road
would lie helped out of its llnanclal difllcul-
ties , and an advance of { } followed. Bur
lington sold off rather sharply on the publi
cation of its February report , showing a not
decrease of $03,000 , but subsequently rallied
over 2 per cent. Kock Island was slightly
depreciated by its report for 18S8 , showing a
not decrease of $1,425,535 , also that it liad
failed to earn dividends paid , its bonded
debt increasing $10,000,000. Chicago Gas
Trust advanced to CO , but receded about 3
per cent on heavy rcaluimr. Missouri Pa-
cilic developed surprising activity , and ad
vanced 4 points. Union Pacillc , New
England and Heading wore inoro animated
and generally higher. The rest of the list ,
ulthoufth irregular , averaged higher. The
ajrgi cgnto sales on the Now York stock ex
change for the week ending Friday were
1,818,000 sharps. Had the New York bank
statement been less unfavorable there
was good reason to expect that the stock
market would repeat the action of Thursday
and Friday nnd score fair pains in a few , at
least , of the active stocks. Such was not the
cnso. At the close prices were with scarcely
an except ion w hero" they closed yesterday.
The market opened with a fair amount of
business , with Reading , AtchUon nnd Gran
gers conspicuous. The prices were , ns on
the previous days since the recovery began
tf to % per cent bettor. The fluctuations
were narrow , with a dropping tendency from
the opening in tbo less active of the list.
While Atchlsou and Grangers made slight
advances Missouri Pacilio opened Jf lower ,
declined J4' and then advanced n point Irorn
the bottom and closed W better than last
night. There was a decline of J to % each
In Hock Island , Northwestern preferred and
TenncBso Coal , witti u rise of % In Ohio &
Misslppl. and % in Texas & Fort Worth. An
hour before tiiu close there was an increase
in the volume of the trading , nnd nn Improved
feeling ana an upward tendency in prices
with AtchUon. Missouri Pacilio and Burling
ton led in the list. Then came the bank state
ment , showing a'hoavy reduction In tbo rev
enue , leaving but little more than # 1.000,000
over the legal requirement. This fell llko a
blanket on Xho market , the upward move
ment was chocked , BO mo declines followed ,
and at noon the list was heavy , with all the
gains for the day lost.
The leading produce markets attracted
consldcrablo'attcntiou in n speculative way
during the past week , and trading was quite
active. An unsettled and weal : feeling pre
vailed during the greater portion of the time
and the prices of loading articles fluctuated
considerable. The weather in most sections
of the northwest and west has boon rather
favorable for farm work , though the temperature -
aturo was lower , .but not sufllciunt to clicqlc
seeding. Advices regarding the growing
crops continue favorable , nnd the outlook
for a good yield from the fall sown grain Is
very encouraging. Lake navigation has
opened earlier than usual , nnd grain Is mov-
lug toward the seaboard In round lots. In
fact all kinds of business appear to open up
earlier than usual , and the prospects are very
favorable for an actlvo trade in all depart
ments during the spring and summer months ,
Agricultural affairs In Europe are generally
encouraging to the farming interests , though
probably not as promising as in this country ,
Advices from the leading markets of Europe
were not particularly encouraging to hold
ers , and tub indications point to rather moro
conservatism In that quarter. The stocks of
grain In the foreign markets are gradually
decreasing , while the supplies of provisions
are sufllclontly largo to readily meet all
wants , The movement of grain at the In
terior points Is soinowbat limited , as Is usual
at this season of tbo year. The supplies of
grain In the central market are gradually
diminishing , whllo the stocks of provisions
show a gradual enlargement. In the specu
latlvo markets the bear Interest
appeared to bo u little moro suc
cessful , and prices In most Instances
have ruled lower. The operators apparently
are transferring their contracts ahead. July
delivery is now attracting as much if not
moro attention Ulan Muy. In tbo shipping
branch of trade there was only a fair busi
ness transacted. The shippers are buying
only small lots and merchants in the eastern
markets are looking forward to increased
supplies by the lake route. The export
movement is comparatively light in grain ,
excepting corn , while the shipments of pro
visions are moderately free. The movement
of live stock to markut Is rather liberal for
this season of the year. Packing operations
in the west are progressing favorably , and
the returns for tlm Bummer season so far
are considerably In excess of the returns of
last season to date , and the quality is dc-
cldedly boiler.
Vciitllntcd In the Aromntlo Hnll of
the Police .Ttuljjo.
A qunrtotto Of young thlovcs was arrested
yesterday morning by Ofilcor Ormsby
for carrying on a systematic system
of stealing for the past eight weeks or moro.
They nro all mcro lads and their names nro
Charles Scott , Itobort Morrison , Frank
Fisher and Frank Bonlsh. The first two nro
colored. They nil acknowledge that their
latest exploits have boon mainly the stealing
of brass boxes for car wheels from the
Union Pacific shops. They say further that
they have disposed of nil thU brass to H.
Marks , who runs a store nt Twenty-second
nnd Nicholas streets , nnd ho has encouraged
thorn In their thefts , promising to
pay thorn n good price for nil
they could steal. This caused the arrest of
Marks on the ohnrgo of receiving stolen
goods. The boys nro charged With being
implicated In n number of burglaries of late.
The tlmo thoychoso for doing-thulr work
was when the police loft their boats to go to
roll call.
John Luckslugor has sworn out n warrant
for the arrest of Otto Luekslngor , charging
him with stealing n flutomid buffalo overcoat
from him. Otto has disappeared.
Mr. M , Goodman reports that whllo on
Jackson street near Twelfth some thief inndo
nway with his line blue chinchilla ovcrcnat.
H. Mo onald , 1800 south Sixth street , com
plains that some thtsf 1ms stolen from his
plnco n section of lead pipe with several feet
of iron ulpo attached mid with cock Btops bo-
twenn tbo two.
Some thief broke Into .1. C. Tahiti's rial-
denco-at 2109 South Ninth street nnd stele
an elegant gold watch nnd'chaln. The watch
has a hunting case and \Vultlmm movement ,
Elgin works. The Initials J. C. T. wore en
graved 011,0110 sldo of the cnso and the other
contained n diamond ,
A case in which tliroo colored persons
named Dora Duhn , Harriet and Tom Wash
ington figured , created considerable fun in
the police court yertorday morning. The
dim-go against them was of using loud nnd
nbuslvo language. The three were found
guilty and lined each $5 and costs.
Mysterious Clrumiistiinoci Connuctcil
\Vtth Clio Allot > iI ! Act.
It was rumored yesterday that n man had
Attempted to commit suicldo , by taking mor
phine , in a house on Williams strent , near
Sixteenth. A reporter called at a house sup
posed to bo the place , and rapped loudly at
nil the doors , but received no answer. In
quiry was mailo nt neighbors , but nothing
could bo learned of the Inmates of the house.
Passing the house again the nowsgathoror
saw a boy steal from an out-building into the
dwelling , nnd running quickly to the door
again rapped loudly , but with no moro effect
than before. The reporter went nway a
short distance and awaited developments.
The boy soon came out und stood loaning
against the building. The watcher walked
quickly up behind him ,
"Do you live hero ? " ho asked.
The boy jumped about a foot nnd then ans
wered "yes. "
' Why didn't you let mo In when I
knocked } "
No answer.
The woman came to the door at this junc
ture and was asked about the reported at
tempt nt suicldo. She denied everything.
It is said that the woman came hero some
months ago from Creston , la. , nnd during
her residence hero has lived with three or
four different , men. She Is fair looking and
about thirty-live years old.
A Case Mysteriously J > ro p3l.
J. J. Hardin has not shown a disposition to
push the investigation of the alleged robbery
of his store of $1,000 , worth of goods and the
matter has been dropped. Dingman , the do-
tcctivo Implicated in the crime , keeps out of
sight , and the whereabouts of Tufltold is un
known. When Tufliold was questioned by
an ofllcor before his flight ho said that Hardin
dare not make an investigation. Chief
Seavoy has returned the $200 worth ; ; of
guns to Cowlu , the pawnbroker.
Operative Departments Consolidated.
The Chicago , Rock Island & PaciOo has
announced that it will soon commences opera
tion of tbo Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska.
This move has long been expected in railroad
circles principally for the reason that the
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska is practically
owned by tbo Hock Island company. In con
solidation a largo number of officials and
employes will bo let out from which the Rock
Island company expects to realize a saving of
about $1,000,000 annually.
To-Dny'a Ball Game.
This afternoon the Omalms and McKol-
voys will ngaln try conclusions on the
homo grounds. Solce's men will be out in
their full strength , minus Andrews , and
Willis will pitch. The McKelveys
contain some excellent material , nnd to
morrow they will have u now man in the
points. The game will bo called at 3 o'clock
sharp. _
John L. Webster , the city attorney , has
decided that Fanning & Slavln , street
sweepers , can not claim anything extra for
the cleaning of the streets preparatory to
swooping them , and the latter have decided
to accept the situation. They nave accord
ingly set their brooms in motion.
Wlio Wantf ) 11 inuly ?
F. L. Young , a dctcetivo at Davenport , W.
T. , writes to Chief Soavoy asking If E. W.
Bundy Is not wanted in Omaha for murderer
or attempt to murder. Young says that
Bundy is in that place and can easily bo ar.
INSTUUMKNTS placau on record during
H K Gaily and wife to K. II't.
lot 1 anil accretions If ) , 10 , 13wd . , . . * ] ,000
W \Yagouer ami wife to I' li Walker , a
UlotT , lll 2 , 1m. ass'nftd. wil . 8,500
B G Murroll nnd wife to U H Krnost , n ' /
lotij ; , blkt. ; Saunders x Iltmoo.iusU'H
iuUo Walnut hill , wd . 1,400
K M Hitchcock and wfo | to Otto Lobeck ,
lot 5 , blk 10 , Hitchcock's 1st ml. w d. . . . 281
K ( > Uallou ot al to A Traves. nnd l-'J of e
K lotB , blkiiV. , Omnlm , wd . J.DOO
C ( ) Hansel uml wife to A Travis , und 1-3
of o Ji lon. blelloJ , Omaha , wd . J.600
H Allen and wlfo to A Travis , und 1-3 of o
yt lot 8 , blk 3W. Omaha , w d . J.WO
A Travis and wife to (1 Htuiv.o > / lot B.bllt
liK , Omnlia , wd . 1,2000
12 K Chat-plot nnd wife to J ( ' Cent i lot 15 ,
lilku ; ) . and lot 11. Ms 31 , Albrlght'H
choice , wd . , . 1,200
W O Albright and wife to K K Clmrplot ,
lot * 1. ) aim in , | > 1K ! H , and lot 11 , btK : H ,
AinrlBht'8 choice , w d . < . . , OoQ
0 K liarxor et at to K Ji Hall , lot l'i , blk V ,
Orchard hill , w d . . . . . . 7CO
I ! H Hood and wife to U N Scliou.lot r.blt
It , Albright's annex , w il . 800
J IltPdlcktoO M Powell , lot C , bile 172 ,
Oniahn. ( | c tl . > .
T Ilrennan to V H foTman , lot 3 , Kosa-
llnd.wd . . 1,000
A Itlrotol'Ulrich.Motsyi and ! , bile 4 ,
Monmmuli park , wd , re-riled . 800
J H ivabody et M to J Murtllk. lot 7 , blK
s.VJ.J'inulm , wd . GCO
Oll/icobi to I H IJoehni , part lot 4R , S 1 !
Hwjers' Oknhoinn , qcil .
1 H Hoelim and husband to J Flannery et
al. satiio ax above , wd . 3,360
II K t'ary to 0 0 Bpotswood , loin 5 and i3 ,
lleinon'Hunbto Hontli Omahn. wil . D.OOC
II M McDowell toil McDowell lot 7. blk
2 and lot , ble 1 , Hnmmond place , wd. ,
Gate . .City.and company to IIUG'ary ,
lots IT to 21 , bit 7 , Howling Green , wd. . 1,01
II J I'ruyn and husband to B 'B ItoHlojr ,
6Sxl76lpnrt tax lot : il , Ve 10-15-11. wd. . . 13oOC
G K Churplot and wife to William G
AlbrlKlit , lot I' , blk 9. sub blk fJO , Al-
'o , wd . . a
Twenty-three transfers. . * . WJ.403
The following building permits were
granted yesterday by Inspector Whitloo'.t :
A B wanton , one and a tmlf-itory frame
dwelling , Albert , near Ontario . I 100
0 Bantu * , one-itory frame dwelling , Elm ,
near Twenty-first . , . , . . . . . 2(9
ma Knlin. two-atorr frame dwelling ,
Twentv-ilxtli , near Howard. . . 3,000
A Chrlatlnnvin. two-story store , Fourth .
ana wool worth. . . . . , . . , . . . 800
i'lye minor permits . , , . , . . 1,010
Nine permits. nKXreuattng. . , , , . 5,740
Room 49 Barker Block.
The Income Properly Cnn Ho Mnilo to
1'rotliiccj ( lot cms Us Ynlnc.
LIU-RD Hst of properly to soloot from.
No property HstuQ , oscopt til fnlr vnhm
Hon. Business tuul Inslito property n
Trackage Property a
For sale or lonso from Union Pnoiflo
bridge north to Grace street , among .
which nro two or three choice bargains U
Money Loaned
On improved or gilt edged unimproved
rcnl estate.
Are o.xiunlnod by us and must bo por- - ? J
feet before wo will recommend purchase J ]
of property.
John T. Dillon R. U L Co. 1
Room 49 Barker Block ,
Running batwoan Council Bluff * nnd Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourtn
streets , and at tne Humrn It In Omaha.
L ave. Arrive.
A No. 3 : OJp. m. A No.l ,
G No.A fl.00a.rn. O No. 6 6Up. : w ,
A No.4 U4Ua. ; ni. A No , U. . . , . . . :45T ) . m.
A No , 4..U:40 : a. m.A | No. 5 73Ja.m. ;
A "Nf ) . 8 6:35 : p.m. A No.7 630p.m. ;
A NO. 6..0:69 : p. m. A No. if. f.60i ; ) . m ,
No , 6. , :40a. : in.INc , 7. . :4ua. : m.
No , 8 4:15 p. m. No. a M..9OUa. ; m.
No.4 6:4Up. m.No.6 |
AH Trains Dally.
A No,2 0:10a.m.A : | No. 1 :
A No.4 7Oap.m.A : No.a..7llO p. m ,
jll d VKH
A No,2 9:26a.m.A : | No.8. * . . , , , . :30a. : ra.
A No.4 8:20p.n : > .lA No. l..C:3Jp. : la.
A No. 10.7:05 : a. ra.lA No. w 8:66 a. nu
A No , U 7:03 : p.m. A No. 11 0UO p , HJ.
OMAIfA * HT. 1.0IJI8.
A No.8 , . , . .4i : p. m.A | No , 7 UOU ; m.
A dally : 11 dally except Baturilay : U except
Bundar : U except Monday i faatmall.
Tlie time glren aooro u for Tranifor. tber
being from Or * to ten minute * between Traaa-
er aua local depot * .