Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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PART I. BEE. 1-8
The Now Gorman Prosa Bill Sent
to the Commission.
i < But Many of Its Glauses Still Exclto
Hostile Criticism.
The Unhappy Fate of Editors Who
Fall Under the Ban.
One or the Emperor's Objects In
Making a Trip to England
Labor Strikes Extending
Samonii Affair * .
The Penal Bill.
[ Coptirtolit < 89 I'll Xcw York Astoclated Pr s. " |
BEIU.IN , April 0. The bundcsrath , at the
plenary sitting to-day , reconsidered , the
press laws and recommitted them to tbo
commission with important modifications.
The commission had previously reported
that they were divided in the proposals , and
there was no possibility of their reaching an
agreement. The representatives , of Saxony
and Bavaria protested that If the proposed
measure should bo passed by the relchstag ,
it would create discontent nnd imperil public
order. Tholr opposition , combined with tbo
representations of Yon Bcnningscn and
other national liberal leaders , appear to have
induced the emperor to assent to Bis
marck's urgent request for a remodeling of
the law.
The articles designating as penal offenses ,
hostile criticisms of the government , mon
archy , institution of marriage , rights of
property and the churc'1 , will bo amended.
The exact form of the new law will not bo
revealed until the commission has finally ro
Prince Bismarck , in an interview with
Mlmicl and Yon Bennlngseu , indicated that
the bill in the form which it would probably
bo presented to the rclehstag would leave
frco for discussion social topics , such as
family , religion and property , and -permit
theoretical analysis of political questions ,
retaining the articles making It a penal
offense to incite the hate of , or contempt for
the government and calumny of ofllcials.
The clauses providing for the suppression of
offending papers nnd expulsion from the
country of condemned editors will also bo re
tained. The expulsion clause meets with
fierce opposition.
Tuesday the emperor will go to Wilhclms
navcn to inspect the corvette Alexandrine
before the vessel sails for Samoa. His
majesty's letter the chief of the admiralty ,
expressing confidence that tbo recent disas
ter at Samoa will not retard the prosperous
development of the navy , does not represent
the real state of his mind. Ho keeps the ad
miralty busily engaged in supplying him with
reports , minutely detailing the construction
nnd condition of every war ship. Since the
English parliament voted an addition of sev
enty ships to the navy , his majesty's atten
tion centers exclusively upon admiralty af
fairs. Officials expect that the recently ad
vanced scheme.for , , n reorganization of the
navy will bo recast and enlarged. The em
peror freely expresses his determination to
matte Germany a naval power of the first
rank. In conversation with Sir Edward
Malot , British ambassador , ho snid that
nothing ho would see during bis coming visit
to England would interest him as much as
the promised naval review at Spithead.
Officials bora are in doubt as to whether
the Sainoun question can bo amicably set
tled unless the American commissioners bo
empowered to consent to some form of com
pensation for native outrace upon Germans ,
It Is believed that nominal concessions in
this direction -will result in an easy adjust
ment of tbo relative position of the three
powers , and save tbo natives from German
The Nerd , Deutsche Wochcnblatt says that
tbo government has advices from Zanzibar
to the effect that the native revolt there is
rapidly extending , and that a largo military
forc will be required for Its suppression.
Tno labor strikes are spreading. Three
thousand bricklayers are out In the northern
districts , 1,800 tailors in Hamburg , and 00
house painters in Cologne.
The dulto of Nassau will take tbo oath of
office as regent of Luxemburg in the cham
ber next Thursday.
Dr. Von Mayback , the Prussian minister
of public works , has resigned. Ho will
probably bo succeeded by Herr Von Tbeolen ,
director of railways. Dr. Von Maybach's
resignation Is duo to quarrels with bis col
league over the lack of tbo regulation in ex
penditures for public works. During the do-
T buto In the upper house , Dr. Von Stephen ,
Imperial secretory of state for pc' ' and tele
graphs , severely criticised public expendi
P tures. Dr. Von Maybach sought an Inter
view with the emperor. Ho subsequently
complained that be found his majesty un
sympathetic. The uobato In the upper house
was notable for the unusual strict
ures paused upon the conduct of tbo lower
bouse for disorderly business methods and I
dawdling over the budget. The lower bouso
authorized the senior member , Herr Scheeio-
nior , to protest against the indignity offered
to the house by these criticisms. The emperor -
poror yesterday received Herr Von
Bocttlcher and questioned bun as to tbo
origin of the quarrel between the two houses.
Tbo reading of clause 7 , of tbo workmen's
Insurance bill , which fixes seventy as tbo
ngo at which an annuity shall bo paid , was
followed by a lively debate. Some members
tupportdd sixty-live years as the limit , while
tbo socialists demanded that it oo placed at
ilxty , arguing that statistics proved that few
* workmen attained tbo ago of seventy. The
F socialists further desired that an assurance
bo granted to Invalid workmen who wcro
unable to earn over half the normal wages
of healthy workmen. Herr Von Boottlcher
adhered to the original proposals , promising
that , if experience showed a necessity of
t lowering the age and of enlarging the range
of the bill as regards Incapacity for work ,
such changes would conceded. In the mean
r time , bo said , the financial combina
tion uxm | which the proirasals were based
required adherence to the clause as originally
engrafted. Thereupon tbo relchsUg1 rejected
tbo amendments. The clause fixing tbo
ratio of contributions to the state by employ
ers and employes led to a protest by the fret-
A slnnlgo party , who held that the measure
was oprotcd to the orthodox principles of
political economy. The centrists joined with
the progressists in opposing the state contri-
button provision , but the clause was finally
ndopted with an addition proposed by Herr
Von Frankenstein , that employers and work
men should pay an equal weekly quota ,
The nomination ot Monslgnor AgllaAH as
papal nuncio nn Munich has been approved
by Prince Bismarck. Monslgnor Agllardl Is
nn Intimate friend of Monstgnor Oallmbcrtl ,
papal nuncio at Vienna , and Is desirous of
promoting concord between the clerical party
nnd their government.
The Inndgoncht has remitted the flno Im
posed upon the Volkwcitung nnd the prose
cution of that paper bos been abandoned.
Emperor Francis Joseph's visit to Berlin
has been fixed for August 10. Ho will re
main here until the ICtb.
Tbo Belgian government Is preparing n
circular convoking an International confer
ence on the slave trade , to bo held In Brus
The entire Imperial family will attend the
baptism of the infant son of Prluco Henry of
Prussia , which has been fixed for May 9 , nt
Kcll. The czar and king of Denmark will
net as god-fathers for the child.
Emperor William has paid dally visits to
his mother since her arrival hero , and she ,
has visited the dowager Eaipross Augusta ,
the empress , and duke nnd duchess of Saxo-
Mclncngcn. The restoration of friendly re
lations between the members of the Imperial
family appears to be perfect.
Revenue Olllccrs Forced to Iletrcat
By the Kentucky Outlaws.
LOUISVILLE , April C. The raid of federal
deputy marshals nnd revenue agents against
the illicit distillers near Hlndinan , Ky. , who
recently ambushed land killed Deputy Mar
shal Wirman , has for the present been aban
doned. Revenue Agent Brown and Commis
sioner Friend , who had charge of the ex
pedition , found when they assembled their
men that only about twenty men would
volunteer for the attack. Part of these men
were deputy marshals who had just come in
from a hard rldo and wcro In poor condition
for a fight. The moonshiners were reported
strongly entrenched in their distilleries , and
to the number of thirty-five men , well
armed , they are said to have sworn to stand
together lill.dcath to resist arrest , for they
regard arrest as only the sure road to execu
tion in revenge for the death of Wirman.
With such odds against them , Brown nnd
Friend determined that it would bo unwise
to attempt to capture the outlaws.
Secretary Tracy Honored With the
Firit Ono Ever Given.
PiiiLAUEM'iiiA , Pa , , April 0. Secretary
Tracy , of the navy department , to-day in
spected the harbor of Philadelphia , and
afterwards visited the League island navy
yard , making the trip oa the city tug , Wil
liam S. Stokeley. As the Stokeley passed
the new cruiser Vesuvius the onicers upon
that vessel saluted the secretary with ayna-
mlto guns the first salute of the kind ever
given , and the first regular firing of guns of
the cruiser. Tbo usual salute of nineteen
guns for the secretary of the navy was fired ,
and the Stokeley responded with whistles.
At the navy yard Captain Steeley , command
ant of the station , received the secretary
and his party. After inspecting and ndiflir-
ing the new cruiser Yorktown , the secretary
was shown over tbo island. The party first
visited the iron plating shop , where the
small boats of the Yorktown are being made
ready , and then the saw mill nnd steam en
gine building. After inspecting these build
ings tbo secretary inspected the plans of ths
Island and yard.
What Ho Intends to Do When He
Conies Into Power.
PAUIS , April 0. The revisionist committee
gave a grand banquet this evening at which
1,030 guests were present. General Boulan-
gcr was to have presided. In his absence
Senator Naquet read the speech which had
been prepared by Boulaugcr for the occasion.
In it the general promised that on attaining
power he would proclaim general amnesty
and would abrogate the exile laws , which , ho
said , a strong government did not nce.d. Ho
denounced what he termed tbo miserable
motives that had actuated the government
with rescect to rescinding the decree of esilo
against the Duo d'Aumale. This action of
the governmen would have met with his ap
proval If it had been dictated by generous
Regarding Alsace-Lorraine , ho said It ap
peared to bo a criminal offense to discuss
questions relating to that province.
Another Collision at Sea.
[ Copi/rf0it 1833 bu Jfimn ( JarJin 71 < mitt.l
LONUON , April 0. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to THE BEE. ] The mall
steamer Princess Josephine , a sister ship to
the Comtesso do Flandro , which was re
cently sunk by a collision with tbo Belgian
mail boat Princess Hcnriettc , of Dunkirk ,
has been in collision with an unknown bark ,
but no serious damage was dono. The acci
dent occurred during n dense fog. Prince
Jcromo Bonaparte , who was ono of the
passengers rescued from the wreck of the
Coinptcsso do Flandro , was on board tbo
Princess Josephine.
Ilovenuo Bureau Changes.
WASHINGTON , April 0. There will bo
several changes in the internal revenue
bureau on the 15tb. The resignation of Dep
uty Commissioner Henerson will take effect
on that data , and ho will bo succeeded by
George Wilson , of Ohio , who was formerly
in the service as revenue agent. At the
time. Colonel Rogers , wbo was removed by
Cleveland from the office of deputy cominis-
sioner' will assume the duties of chief clerk
of the bureau , made vacant by tbo rcsigna ,
tion of Mr. Biddls.
The Turbulent Chinese.
WASHINGTON , April 0. Secretary Blame
has received a dispatch from Charles Denby
United Status minister to China , relative to
tbo anti-foreign riot at Cbing-KInng. Denby
speaks of this affair as furnishing anothe
lesson of tbo danger in which foreigners con
tiuually live in China. There Is uo telling
the moment when like events may transpire
In any part of tno empire. Minor outrages
lira continually happening , and his legation ,
ho states , has never been without reclama
tions of some kind for in juries so committed.
liond Purchases.
WASHINGTON , Aoril (5. Secretary Wmdom
to-day verified the prediction made several
days ago that ho would buy 4 per cent bonds
if offered at reasonable rates , by accepting
1,370,000 bonds of that loan at 129. Ho also
established the highest price ho will pay for
4f I > or cents by accepting 133,500 of that
class bonds at 1U3 , and respecting offers ag
gregating (1,0X1,030 at lOStf. The total
amount of bonds purchased to data under
| the circular of April 17 is $12SOU,000 ,
Colonel Swor-iH Awarded.
WASIIINOTON , a Colonel Swords ,
formerly sergcant-at-arms to tbo republican
national committon , bos been appointed inspector
specter of furniture la the treasury depart
nichnrd Drwo Captured After Thir
teen Year ? .
BISMAHCK , Dak. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Sheriff T. G. Dawson
md Deputy M. J. Casey , of Lewis county ,
iVest Virginia , arrived in Bismarck yester
day to procure n requisition for the return to
heir state of Rlcnard Dawe , who committed
a most cowardly murder thirteen years ngo.
The persons killed were Farmer West and
its son , ot Lewis county , who were waylaid
and shot while returning from a public meet-
ng , In company with n number of neighbors.
Dawoand hh accomplice , whoso name is
launs , were in watting , nnd Da wo dis
charged the contents of n musket Into the
group , killing West and his son and wound-
ng several others. The murderers made
their escapa , nnd nb trace of them was found
until a year ngo , twclvo years after the com
mission of the crime. They were then tried
n Hews county , West Virginia , and con
victed. Dawo was sentenced to bo hanged
nnd Hauns sent to the penitentiary for life.
it was proven during the trml that the mur
derers were hired to do the killing by farmers
named Hacthus , Montgomery nnd Luns-
ford , who wcro neighbors of West ,
against whom they held an old grudgo.
Dawo was Incarcerated in the , county
nil nt Wuston and raado his escape ; by
means of n rope which was towered into the
ail chimney by friends. Ho slnco success
fully evaded the onicors until eight days
ngo , whou ho was arrested lu Grand Fork's ,
: his territory. Governor Mclctto is absent
from the capital nnd the West Virginia
sheriff will be delayed several days in sceur-
ng the requisition papers , but whoa ho does
secure them he will proceed to Grand Forks
nnd tauo Dawe , who will bo hanged in Weston -
ton , if not lynched by the people. Ho is a
man about thirty-Uvo years of ago njid has
Iwrno n bad reputation In West Virginia for
many years. Hauns. the accomplice , who
was sentenced to the penitentiary for life ,
was recently killed while attempting to es
cape. The jail in Grand Forks Is being care
fully guarded to prevent Dawo escaping.
A Combination Which Creates Tcrrl-
1)1 n Havoc In Datiotn.
EI.KTON , Dak. , April C. The most terrible
wind storm known to this country began last
Monday , continuing to yesterday. Tuesday
afternoon a perfect hurricane began , causing
sand to blow from plowed fields , nnd drifting
in places ono and one-half foot deep. About
twenty miles northeast of hero , on Tuesday ,
a barn on the farm of Henry Kcurth , sr. ,
with its contents , three horses , harness ,
wagon , etc. , was consumed by fire
caused by burning straw blowing across
plowed ground at least a quarter of a mile ,
setting flro to n mown timothy meadow , across
whicn the fire flew nt the speed of a horse.
On attempting to save the horses , Mr.
Kuerth was fatally burned , dying after
thirty-three hours' horrible suffering.
Govcnor Mcllctte IH Making a Clean
BISMARCK , Dak. , April 6. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Governor Mellette is
now engaged in bouncing the appointees of
Governor Church , his democr atic prede
cessor. Ho has'yet to issue his proclama
tion districting the territory nnd calling nn
election of delegates to the constitutional
convention of North and South Dakota.
The proclamation will bo issued on the 14th.
The governor is making n clean sweep of
all democratic ofllco holders , and as his
"O K" is good at Washington , ho is assist
ing in filling the federal oftlces with Dakota
The Weather anil Crops.
WASHINGTON , April 0. The weather crop
bulletin issue by the signal service for the
week ending April 0 , says that the weather
during the week was generally favorable to
growing crops tn southern states. In the
winter wheat region , extending from Ohio
to Kansas and Nebraska , rains during the
week affected growing crops favorably. The
season is well advanced and crops are in
good condltlpn , but there Is a general de
ficiency in moisture throughout the south ,
the winter wheat and spring wheat regions
of the central valleys , and the northwest In
Minnesota nud Dakota the weather was gen
erally unfavorable , and hif-h winds with de
structive prairie fires interrupted farm work ,
which , however , is well advanozd. Jn New
England the ground is generally covered
with snow , and but little farm work has
been completed.
The Mormons Gather.
SALT LAKE CITT , Utah , April 0. [ Special
Telearam to THE BEE. ] The thirty-ninth
annual general conference of the Church of
Jesus Christ.of Latter Day Saints convened
in the tabernacle this morning. Eight of the
twovo apostles and many of the prominent
members of the church from the various
parts of Utah and the surrounding states
and territories are In attendance. Addresses
were delivered by President Wilford Wood
ruff , Elder Charles W. Penrose and Apostles
Moses Thatcher , Heber J. Grant nnd John
Henry Smith. Thousands visited the tabernacle -
ernaclo to-day , but it Is anticipated that the
crowd will bo much larper to-morrow.
An Unknown Skeleton.
LAKAMIE , Wyo. , April 0. [ Special Tclo
gram to THE BEE. ] The skeleton of nn un
known man , who had to all appearances
been murdered , was found to-day on the
banks of Beaver creek , southwest of the
city. The remains bad been doubled up and
burled In a clump of cottonwoods , but tbo
skull had bccamo exposed. Death bad been
caused by a bullet , which entered at the
base of the bruin , going clear through the
bead. Near whore the skeleton was' found
is a great camping ground for emigrants
und it is believed that the skeleton is that of
some traveler killed by a companion. Tbcro
is no clue to his Identity.
A Bad Man.
CUETENNE , Wyo. , April 0. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Bitter Creek ,
Sweet Water county , was the scene of much
excitement Sunday last when Harry Stover ,
fireman of No. 4 inino , rau amuck througt
the settlement , shooting at citizens with his
revolver. Marshal Pickering , of Rock
Springs , with his deputy , Charles Davis , at
tempted to arrest him. Stover hid in a dug
out and stood off the officers with his revel
ver. The place was finally set on fire and
Stover driven out. Although covered by the
ritlea of both officers bo defied arrest and
continued shooting at them. When his am
munition was exhausted they captured him
to the county Jail at Green River.
A Colorado Wreck.
TIIIXIUAD , Colo. , April 0. This morning
two passenger trains , each drawn by two
engines , collided ten miles soutn of here.
The four engines were piled In a heap , and
one of the express cars was telescoped. One
unknown man , a tramp , was killed and an
other is inlying , supposed to bo burned In
the wreck. Engineer Hare was badly
crushed , and bis recovery doubtful.
A Question Which Even Mn Chamberlain -
borlain Falls to Answer.
Tholr Allies Feast aaS Fatten On the
Turibjr. "
. ;
.1 < "
Gladstone Thinks the Government
Will Last Till 1802.
Confidence In Ultlnin'tc Victory Keeps
the Lender's Courage Up Gos-
chcn Almost aPhyslcnl Wreck
Salisbury's Error.
Allow In thc-Allled Cninp.
1BS3 by Jamfcr Gordon ll
LONDON- , April 5.i-TKcw York Herald
table Special to Tira'Bnn.l What Is most
necessary for the preservation ot tlia British
cinDirc Is the maintenance ! of the present al-
.ianco between the liberal unionists and the
: orics. So both thosa 'parties say , at pny
rate , and thus far they have lived up to their
professions fairly well , but now the sky Is
clouded over and the nlUej arcs nil nt sixes
nml sevens. Things may smooth themselves
down again , but they \yill ' never bo qulto as
they wcro before. Ye I duro say the em
pire will go on , at loast-.for a time , and in
deed there are somu people who profess to
think that it would ovo'u survive the return
of Mr. Gladstone to power , but p-jrnaps they
arc not in earnest. The conservatives , es
pecially those of Birmingham , feel that en
tirely different sounding propositions nro
made to them , but tbpyx always find them
selves left with the crow upon their hands.
The Gladstonian sccodora walk off with the
turKcy. When this is first played it
may bo interesting , but after its novelty
wears off one wanta { change. So it is
with the poor torics of Birmingham.
There are seven _ party seats attached
to their city. Out "of tueso the lib
eral unionists takov six , but without
the aid of the Wry organization they could
not win one. The trua Gladstonians would
smite them hip and'thigh. Chamberlain
himself could not possiply got elected for his
division without tory afd. Well then , these
things being so why should the tories have
only one scat and the hberal secessionists
six ? That is the UUle conundrutn , and Mr.
Chamberlain , sma rt as bo is , cannot find a
plausible answer to It. The rupture was
probably inevitable , bat Itmight have been
delayed a long time if Mr. Bright's life had
been preserved. Ho died and his plaoa had
to bo tilled. There TT , oalyone man , , who
undoubtedly would.havo been acccptecr'by"
all sections of tno tory" party while he would
not have been objec'tlonal to the liberal-
unionists. This was' Lord Randolph Chur
chill , whose finest speeches have been made
m Birmingham in years gone by. You have
heard how it was that he was not allowed to
take the seat. Mr. Chamberlain's jealousy
was aroused. Ho know that Lord Randolph
would outshine him altogether If he went to
Birmingham , and for a day or two Joe ran
about the house of commons like a hen over
whose chickens a hawk Is hovering. The
ministry is very much afraid of Chamber
lain. It might bo puzzled to tell
why , for it is not he , but
Lord Hnrtington who controls the liberal
unionist party. If it were so , in all proba
bility there would hare been a dicker long
ngo , and Joseph would have marched over to
the opposite camp , leaving Lord Salisbury to
meditate on the oarfHy of man. There nas
been no sale , because there was nothing
worth buying. Notjfeight unionists would
follow Chamberlain In his desertion , and
Lord Hartlngton la quite Incapable of any
treachery. While ho stands true uo unionist
will bo led away from the government. All
the more is It to bo regretted that Chamber
lain has managed to throw the apple of dis
cord among thorn to gratify his own selfUn-
ness and over-ruling ambition. The story of
the Indian and tbo crow is not very new. but ,
it explains better than a column of descrip
tion could do the iiUlo coolness which bos
sprung up between the unionists and the
tories. A white mn'n and an Indian went out
shootiug together-and they bagged a turkey
and a crow as a result of the , day's sport.
Then came the critical moment when the
booty held to bo" , divided. "You tnke the
crow , " said the , white man , "and I will take
the turkey , or elsei if you like it hotter , I'll
take the turkey und you shall have the
crow. " The Indian thought it over a 'few
minutes and then came to the conclusion that
tbo next time bo went out hunting it might
as well bo alone.
Gladstone IOOKS on , and says nothing. I
fancy ho disappointed his followers on
Thursday night by " .talking of the present
government lasting three years more , for
they want dissolution. The party out of
power always think it a good thing to dis
solve. They might win big stakes , but at
any rate they cannot IMS worse off than they
are. They uttered a plaintive murmur when
their great leader spoke of their wandering
In the wilderness yet another three years ,
but ho knows what uo is talking about. In
the ordinary course , of affairs the ministry
will hold oat until 1S02. Wo can , never tell
what may happen' , but that is tbo only
rational supponHlonjto make at this moment.
Gladstone tried all no could when the first
session openedto bring back the liberal
Eoccdors into the fold. Ho failed then. Ho
tried again and so ho kept on for some time ,
always with the sama result. Then ho saw
that tbo gumo warhopelcss , and ho has with
drawn In a great measure from politics to
the more congeal Held of literature. His fol
lowers may dream of beating tbo govern
ment , but bo knows that it cannot bo done
yet. Ho is a' great deal inoru courageous
than many of thow. Ho always presents a
sturdy appearance ! for ho baa full belief in
the ultimate aucccis of his cause , oven though
ho may not live to too it. Who will
load when ho Is gone is the question which
must sometimes trouble him , and certain it
Is that be can do nothing to decide it. Some
will not have end man , eomo will not hear
of another. Meanwhile the attachment of
the true Gladstojilan for his chief Increases
whenever some jhlck-skulled tory goes to ad
election meeting1 and talks with glee and ex
ultation over thcj prospect of Mr. Gladstone's
death. It Is astonishing what a number of
arrant fools there are in every party. I am
always at a Ipjs to decide which side pf the
house has tbo advantage In this respect.
The Rhouls wbo shout with joy ut tbo mere
anticipation of Mr. Gladstone's death or en
force drctlromont , are assuredly the most
contemptible of the batch. The fact Is that
some of the younger men look n good deal
moro like breaking down than the veteran
coder , of the liberals. There is Mr. Balfour.
Could anybody look much worse ! Well ,
yes , perhaps tbcro is ono man , Mr. Goschon ,
who presents nn aspect which must bo en
tirely satisfactory to his ola political friends
who are so ungenerous as to call him the
rat. If ho had to keep his budget another
week upon his mind It surely would bo the
death of him. Happily the hour of deliver-
nnco is nt hand. As for Mr. Smith , bo
bears up gallantly. No doubt late <
hours nnd the worry tell upon him a
good deal moro than they used to do , but bo
will hold till the end of the session unless
something wonderful happens. After all ho
never made such n mistake as Lord Salis
bury did in the house of lords on Thursday ,
when ho resisted the appointment of Lord
Morley to the office of chairman of n com
mittee , nnd got soundly beaten. A prlmo
minister should not invite , and cannot afford
such n humiliating reverse as that. Matters
must look pretty black when oven the Times
turns upon Lord Salisbury and tolls him to
bo moro careful In future. Still the minis
terial coach jogs on. Not so smoothly as It
did at first , but if Its springs nro n little out
of order and it croaks and gronns a little as
It goes , it Is the only ofilclnl coach upon the
road , and nil competitors thus far have been
reduced to n miserable plight.
The torics are now told every night that
if they do not come up to the scratch prop
erly the government will resign. Of course
It has not the smallest thought of doing any
thing of the kind , but the threat scares the
timid. The leaders laugh in their sleeves
nnd everybody Is contented except the outs ,
who want to get tn. They must wait a little
The Heaviest of thn Season Haglng In
tinCast. .
PiTTsnrno , April 0. The heaviest snow
storm of the season is prevailing in this sec
tion. It Dcgtm about 10 o'clock last nijt\t
und it has been snowing ever since. Trains
arc all behind time , but no accidents have
been reported. The storm seems to be con
fined to the western part of this state. Up
to 10 o'clock this morning about eight inches
of snow baa fallen , while in the mountains
from eighteen inches to two feet is reported.
CIUULOTTKVIU.E , Vo. , April 0. A heavy
snow storm is prevailing here , accompanied
by thunder and lightning.
CnAULESTOX , W. Va. , April G. A snow
storm prevailed hero lost night and to-day.
Heavy snow is reported from the mountains.
Gnnvsuniio , Pa. , April 0. Snow has been
falling here all day , and is now fully a foot
deep on South Mountain , ten miles west of
this place.
WASHINGTON , April 0. A heavy snow ,
wind and rain storm prevailed hero to-day.
About 9 o'clock the rain , which had been
falling some time , changed to snow , and from
that hour until after dark to-night the air was
dcnso with great flakes driven before a strong
north : wind , but weather being mild , it melted
as it fell. Several times during Ihc day
heavy peals of thunder were heard. Telephone -
phone and telegraph jvires throughout the
cUy are raoro or leis demoralized , and tolc-
prath c mmirnl tloaJwithStbBjauthi ad
west li rtjtircly cut off. ' " " *
An Outrnjreous Scheme Said to be on
Foot in Oklahoma.
WiNFiEU ) . Kan. , April 0. A reliable man
just from Oklahoma claims to have learned
that the boomers , hundreds of whom are hid
in the thickets and brush on the many
streams In that country , have combined to
plan to burn all the bridces on the Santa Fe
road on the night of April 21 , or sooner , so trains cnn gct'into Oklahoma on the
22nd. Ho says that the boomers swear they
nro going to have the claims they have
staked out at whatever cost. People bouud
for Oklahoma are arriving hero daily from
all over the union , and excitement runs high.
Thirty-five wagons arrived from Mead and
Commancho counties to-day , and camped
just west of town to await the proper time
to move to Oklahoma.
Another North Polo Schema.
CHIC too , April 0. Alphonso Lcducc , a
half-breed , who accompanied Lord Lonsdnlo
part of the way to the Arctic regions , ar
rived in Chicaso to-day from Manitoba.
Leauco says that with funds and material
he can reach tbo north polo. His Idea is to
go overland by sled. Ho thinks that with
800 men a line of communication or
supplies could ba maintained without
great difficulty. Headquarters would bo on
the Peninsula of Boothia , twclvo days by
courier from the nearest telopraph town ,
Winnipeg. Leduco will attempt to interest
a number of newspapers and got them to
back him. It is possible that government
aid will bo asked. Leduco goes from hereto
to New York within a day or two.
Generous DnUotn.
PIEIWE , Dnk , April 0. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEC.I A meeting of the business
men of Pierre was called to devise means of
relief of those who were rendered destitute
by the prairie fires of the 2J instant in the
counties 9l Sully , Potter ana Hyde. Com
mittees were appointed to solicit , and in two
hours' work raised ? 500 In money and largo
quantities of provisions and clothing , and tbo
work is not half done. The committee are
still at work with the most satisfactory re
suits , and to-morrow the sufferers will Do
reached by wagons and rail from Pierre.
McAullfTe Ctmllciiccs Kcnrncy.
NEW YOIIK , April 0. [ Special Telegram to
TIIB Hue. ] Jack McAuliffe , the light
weight champion of America , left a deposit
of $250 with It. K. Fox to-day , andcballenged
Jem Kearney , of England , to a ten-round
boxing match , Qucensberry rules , before the
Pelican or before any other club that would
glvo a purse of 2,500 or $5,000 a side for such
a contest. This pbailcngo was at once cabled
to England.
A Grand Army Celonration.
DECATUH. 111. , April 0. Tno twenty-third
anniversary of the birth of the Grand Army
of the Republic was celebrated hero this
evening , wboro post No. 1 was organized
April 0 , 18CO. Besides the six surviving
charter members , General James S. Martin
ana other prominent comrades present took
part lu the exercises.
Blpr Labor Demonstration * ) .
1'imiiCRO , Pa. , April 6. The various
labor organizations included in the national
federation of labor are making preparations
for a big demonstration In this city on July
4. Similar celebrations will bo held In all
the leading cities of the country , The object
1s to take preliminary steps toward cnforo ,
ing the eight-hour system ,
RuslnesH Troubles , i
DATTOX , O. , April 0. The Miami Volley
Paper Mill company , of Mlamlsburg , as
signed this afternoon. Liabilities , $05,000 ;
assets , nominally f 76,000 ,
Nearly Two Million Dollars Worth of
Property Destroyed.
SAVIXNAH , Ga. , April 0. At 0:55 : o'clock
to-night lire broke out in Hogan's dry goods
store , nt the comer of Bronghton and Bar
nard streets , Soon the flro had run to al
most every part of the building , and those In
t had barely lltno to cscapa with their lives.
The flro was communicated to the crockery
store of James II. Douglas & Co. , immedi
ately cast of Hognn's , and It was nil nblazo
n n short ttmo. This building is ono of the
finest blocks In the city , and its destruction
represents n loss with contents of $150,000. The
tire then jumped to the magnificent four-
story brick building known iw the Odd Pol-
ows' hall. It was totally destroyed. It
represents n loss of $1' > ,000. The second
and third stories of the basement brick
dwelling immediately went of this hnll were
destroyed , Loss , $3,000 to 510,000.
Tbo flro next spread from the corner of
3arnard and State streets througn flttcon
jrlck dwelling houses , completely destroying
them. They represent a loss of § 75,000 , In
cluding contents. The nlr was filled with
sparks , ono of which lodged on the steeple
of the Presbyterian church , corner of Ball
and South Broad streets , four or five blocks
from the starting point of the lira. The
church was totally destroyed , as was also its
handsome brick Sunday school building and
four or five contiguous buildings.
The city has only four or five fire engines ,
and all wcro needed in the business part of
the city. No attempt was made to fight the
fire at the church. The lost on the church ,
chapel and contents is200,003. . The loss on
the dwellings in the vicinity is at least
In the meantime the lira had communicated
lo the cupola on the largo four-story brick
Oullding , used ns a store for paints , oils nnd
builders' materials , by Andrew Hnnley. The
.oss on the building and contents Is probably
50,000. Across the street from this was the
aandsomo new brick arsenal of the Sa
vannah Guards , which wai totally destroyed.
It represents n loss of fully $55,000. Ten or
Hftcen wooden dwellings have also been
jurncd , on which the loss is probably $ I5U09.
it is impossible to toll when the flro will stop ,
as the sparks are starting now outbursts in
spots quite remote from these now burning.
Charleston , Augusta aud Macon have been
asked to send engines. The total loss will
doubtless reach $1,503,000 ; the Insurance will
bo much less. Some loss of Ufa may bo de
veloped to-morrow.
At midnight the fire is under control. In
addition to tbo buildings already mentioned ,
the flro swept away the structures on each
side of Whittaker street , between Vork nnd
South Broad , and will probably ndd 23,000
to the losses mentioned. The fire nlco swept
along the north side of South Broad from
Whittaker east to within ono block of Bull
street. No loss of life has bcon reported
yet , nnd no serious casualties.
Neighboring cities promptly started their
flro companies , but nil were turned back
before reacJlug here. The best estimates of
the total toss justify the previous statement
of $1,500,000. '
Other Fires.
SoiiensnT. Ivy. , April 0. The depot , dis
patcher's oQlcd , water tank , etc. , of | ho Cin
cinnati Southern road , burned shortly after
sudnigtii , Jast nlg C riio Oj cxpssea the
street and * destroyed a'rwtauranV8t6ro,7bU- .
Hard ball , three , hotels , and a number of
other buildings. The loss Is from 573,000 to
CLAIIKSVILLB , Miss. , April C. A lire de
stroyed the principal business portion of this
town this morning.
People Demand That They Be Given
thu Severest IMiiiIstuncnt.
NEW YOIIK , April 0. ISpccUl Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The arrest of Bernard Blum ,
leader of the. gang of anarchists and incen
diaries operating in Brooklyn , New York and
Jersey City , is followed by further develop
ments. A house in Harrison , N. J. , it has
been discovered , was prepared for burning
in the same manner as wcro tno stores and
dwellings in Brooklyn occupied by members
of the gang. William Miller , the chief man
of the conspiracy , is supposed to be secreted
in Jersey City , probably under some other
name. The Jersey City police , however ,
have full records of every person of un
doubted anarchistic sentiments , nnd it is
probable his arrest will bo made before long.
Six young men were arrested by Inspector
Byrnes' men and were arraigned in Essex
market yesterday afternoon on charges of
arson. They are members of u gang ruled
over by Henry Cassidy , eighteen years old ,
who , on his own confession , is as wicked as
any man could be. He , aided by others , set
tire to several houses because the owners of
the houses had not treated him as bo thought
he should have been treated. Popular indig
nation agifinst all these fira bugs is great nnd
people are demanding that the severest pun
ishment be visited on them.
A Street Car Driver Shoots When
AsHaultcd by a Crowd.
ROCIIESTEH , N. Y. April 0. A large crowd
ot men , most of them factory hands who
were taking their nooning , gathered nt St.
1'nul und Main streets and threw mud and
stones , breaking a number of car windows
and hitting a driver on the head. The driver
drew a revolver and flrcd into the road and
then ran away , with a crowd of two hundred
men and boys after him. The police finally
dispersed the mob , arresting about twenty
five men.
Passenger Cumin u ton Discharged.
BRADFORD , Ph. , April 5. All the passen
ger conductors employed by the Buffalo ,
Rochester & Pittsburg road have been dis
charged and the freight conductors have
been given their places. The conductors
who were discharged are very popular In
this section and have the reputation of being
honest and cauablo men. Their discharge is
the result of the train agent system adopted
by that road some months ago.
Patriotic Leaguers Finc'd.
PAUIS , April 0. The correctional tribune
to-day acquitted Senator Naquct and Dcpu
ties Paul Deroulede , Lnguerre , Lais
ant and Turquett , leaders of the
league of patriots , and three other
members of that organization of the charge
of belonging to a secret society , but iniposcc
a fine of .00 francs upon each for belonging
to a society not authorized by law. The
crowd outside the court room received the
announcement with cries of "Vivo Bou-
langer. "
Prinoo of WulcH Stakes ,
Loxuox , April 0. At the Leicestershire
spring meeting to-day , the race for the Prince
of Wales stakes of 12,000 sovereigns , was
won by Donovan , Pioneer second and Mintho
The Weekly IJnnk Statement.
NEW YOHK , April 0.The weekly bank
statement shows the reserve has decreased
W41,000. The banks now hold $110,003 In ex
cess of legal requirements.
Gone to a Hecopllon ,
WABIUNOTOX , April 0. Secretary Noble
left Washington for Brooklyn this morning
to attend a reception to be given this evening
to the secretary of thonavy.
Queen Vlclorla'u Aunt Dead.
LONDON , April 0. The Duchess of Cam
bridge , aunt of tbo queen , Is dead. She was
born in the year 17V7 ,
AUard Confesses to Evading Dutloa
to a Small Amount
Some Stuff to the Amount of $1OOOQ
Qot Through.
Snya It Was a Blackmailing1 Schema
By a Discharged Employe.
Ho the "Wicked Man OlvcB A\vny th
AVholo Simp and Most Villain
ously KnlarR5s and
Distorts U.
A Persecuted Firm.
1SS9 tin Jamts ( Ionian
PAUIS , April 0. [ Now York Hcral
Cnblo Special to Tun HEE. | In connec
tion with the nllegcd customs swindles In
vhlch the well known house ot AUard A
Sons , who nro accused of having defrauded
ho United States revenue systematically on
goods to the extent of 59,000 , a rcprcscnta
ivo of the Herald was received by Mr
Fernnn AUard , who displayed considerable
emotion over the cablegram in to-day's Her
ild. "I am prepared , " said Mr. AUard , sr.
to give the fullest explanation of all that
occurred. Our house has been too long cs <
ablished , and is too well known all over th4
world to Uo under the imputation of a systoV
natio International fraud. The present casa
s the maximum snioko with the minimum
fire. 1 hear that M. Koulcme , our agent In ;
Sow York , has been nrreoted. The custom
aws of America uro very draconlan. "
"What about your former agent , Alphonsa
S. Blosslor , who is inontiuacd In the dis-
'That is really the beginning and end of
the whole story. Blossicr was a starving In
terpreter , whom wo picked up nt a railway
station in London. Finding that ho was
willtnir and apparently worthy , wo Drought
him to Paris. The house paid him for a year , , \ * .
to rnako himself familiar with the businesjf < , *
and then ho was sent to Now York as a con. . ,
fidcntlul agent. He wont on pretty well fos
n time , but boon wo began to hear that ha
bad become n confirmed drunkard and thai
the business was suffering. I sent over'mj
son Fernand , giving him instructions to tr
and put Blossler right , unO if this were lin
possible to discharge him , but to let bin )
down gently nnd pay his expenses back to
Paris. There woio daily scones. Elosslei
used to insult Roulez , and at length he had ,
to go , and my son came beck. Then thq
troubles began. Tbo following letters ex
plains tiopart played by Blosaicr :
'Npw jthafyou hav6 _ thoughVfit to dlspcns
with 'my-serviocsfiil'feoUnps of
- deUjMey ar
ore scattered to the winds. To avenge Hiy
self for evil done to mo , and to obtain sub
sistence until I fiiul something else , I have ;
resolved to lay the following Items before ] , -
j'ou , which you are free to accept or refuse .
I demand the dismissal of Roulez , youo
agent , nnd Jean , your wareliousonun. Let
it be clearly understood that I givV , ra
time enough to return to Now York'axtcr the
opening of the exhibition , but bcfor& JbnoSO ,
1SS9,1 exact fi.OSO , this beln.-r nt the rate o <
$20 per week for two years , from March 19 ,
of this year. This money must bo sent by
cable to-thc order of A. Blosslor , payable at
Messrs. Morton , Bliss & Co.'s , on March 19.
If nt that date. Now York time , there Is
nothing at the bankers ( I shell t'ivn you to 3
p. m. , the hour the bank closes ) I shall de
nounce you to the authorities asja smuggler.
I shall give the numbers of goods fraudu
lently passed nnd their designation. I shall
reveal how goods were hidden away , ant }
dcocnd upon it , will let your customer
know. All you have to do on receipt of this
letter Is to cable to mo at 1504 Fifth avenue ,
tbo word accept , but whether you accept oe
not , I shall consider myself free to't ' act as \
please on the afternoon ot March 10. '
"Now let mo make a clean breast1 , coru
tlnucd M. AUard. "This houaonovor cheated
customs. Wo always declared ovcrj * thins W
in the ordinary way. You sco Blosslor putg K
a postscript to bis letter saying , 'it Is cloarlj ffv ,
understood that If you acccilo to thosa condi
tions you will never hero of mo again,1 but !
was resolved , not to pay the scamp bush ,
money , for what I felt in his conscience wo *
utter misrepresentation and treated huf'
blackmailing with dl.staln. Iconfess , to hav *
ing sent four or five articles , objects of quiU
uncertain value , without paying duty. I coo *
fcss it , and there is an end of it. Wo travel
to Italy and elsewhere , and buy ahtiqultlat
and objects of art. To get great profits on
these after all I.s a sort of oriental bazaai
trade. When a connoisseur would glvejjb
a fair prlco a millionaire 'njfght *
pay double. All that . is IpgiUinaU Xftl
business for people who look at thi'riri us *
they arc. To avoid a question ofyrico l |
struck mo wo might pass this kind of thing
through. The whole lot passed , amounting
in value to under ? 10OOJ. , I can understand
that customs ofllcials will not treat ( bis cas
Wo have cabled to a friend In New York
to put the matter into our solicitor's hands. 4'
The last cable was a little discouraging , but
1 nm hopeful that it will conic out right , U
only at tribunal of public opinion through th * ;
columns of the Herald.
ArmuH to Bo Conrt-Martlalcd.
WASHINGTON , April 0. Acting upon the
recommendation of the secretary of war , the
president will order a court-miirtlsl for tha
trial of Major G , A. Amies ( retired ) , upon
charges of conduct unbecoming uofucee
and a gentleman. *
The Stallion Itusala SoM.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , April O. At Rush *
vlllc , to-day , Posoy & Son sold tlioir . .five *
year-old stallion , Russia , bv Nutwood , first
dam Itcgina Victoria , to Colonel Goodlet and.
Dr. McCully , managers of the Buena * Ven
tura stock farm , of Clarksville , Tenn. . fo
Another Inauguration Victim.
WASHINGTON , April 0. James I. Christie ,
assistant doorkeeper of tbo senate , dlcdtbu *
morning at tiU residence In this city. Ills
death adds another nunio to the long list of
victims of inauguration weather. f -
i. . . . t
Hilled by u LoKulntr Train
MANihTEE , Mich. , April (1. (
men employed at a lumber camp ( ur *
Oimkamu wcro run over nnd instantly idHW *
l > y n logging train last night. "WiT"
Thirteen Indliuib Drowned ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April O. Tblrtoeo InJ
dluns were drowned ut Victoria , B. O. , kwV
Monday by the capsizing o ! a