. nWi& * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' SATURDAY. AF1IIL 6. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. QMATTA No Advertisement * will bo taken Tor tlirftn coltitnnn After 12:8O ! p. in , TcrniR Cnnh In nOvnnce. Ai1rmitomrntiinno > r thta head 10 cents per line for the first Insertion , ? cents for each sub sequent Insertion , and SJ.M per line per month. Ko advertisement taken for loss than 2S cents the first insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecutively and mutt bo puld tn ADVANCE. All ndvertlMj- tocnts must be banded m before 12:30 : o'clock p. To. , nnd under no circumstances will they b taken or discontinued by telephone. Fkrtle * advertising In these columns and hav ing their answers addressed in care of THE Hen will plflnsd ask for n check to rnnble them to get their letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to adver tisements should be enclosoaln | envelopes. All advertisements In those columns are pnb- ttihed in both mornlnc and evening editions ot TifRilEE , the clrctilatlo- of which aggregates inoroiuan if.wj papers dally , ana gives the nd- rerttsers tha oenent , not only ot the city circu lation of TllR IIEE , but also of Council IllufTs. Lincoln und other cities and towns throughout Mils section ot the country. BRANCH"OFFICES. . Advertising for those columns will bo taken n the above conditions , at the following bust- nrss houses , who are at thorlzod agents for TUB JlEK special notices , and will quote the sam * rates as can bo had at the main odlce. J ' Street. /1HA8K A nony. Btailonors uml Printers , 113 \J South 10th Street. H. FARN SwbUTIIFhnrmiil8t,2Ua Cum- ing Street. WJ. HUH HK8 , Pharmacist. 024 North ICth Street. GEoTw . , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. Mary * * SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD-Plnco In ofllce or as assistant bookkeeper , by a steady young man. Ad- flro s V a. lloo olllcc. _ lif > 'l 7t VfANTIJD-SHuatlon by registered pnnimn * TT cist ; best ot references given. Address U M. Hcc. _ 2-VHiJ SlTtJATIO f wanted by a man from Now York experience in wholesale nnd retail gro cery and provision business , or to manngo a general store or keep books ; best of references given ; address U U7. Heo. A good bread and cake baker wants a situa tion. Address Charles Still , .lollct. III. S 40-i-a-UlJ _ _ _ 'SITUATION by n Indy Bteuograpiier and K-Jbookkeeper. Operates a Uomlngton type writer. Good city reference. Address U 11. lice. WANTED MALE HELP. WA 'i'Iil > ( load solicitor. Permanent po sition. Exclusive territory. Good money made quick , for wo advance on contracts. Call Saturday , room 30,0 to 12 u , in. , Hotel Darker. | S-JO-6 * WANTED General and local agontu to han dle the entirely now chemical Ink erasing blotter , never botoro known to the public ; Bolls nt sight , ns overv writer needs the eraser. The blotter erases Ink without nbrnslng paper , nna rapidly nsn Hash of electricity ; 200 to aio per centpiollt. Toriitory flee. Hulnry tOROodmen. Pnmplo 3,1 conts. For terms nnd particulars ad- drees The Champion Eraser Co. , Manufacturers , lii CrOBSf. Win. OT. lJ "f\7 ANTKD A milker that is experienced. IT Model dalry lUindeo place. 8.'l-7t At once , n flrst-class wnlta oar ber , mttst bo a good steady man. Address lock bos 0 , Lexington , Nob. 800 Bt TraTANTED A single young man to take TT charge of a branch store ; must have $300 and good references : will glvo $10 per week and nn Interest in the business. Address llox 37U , Bouth Omaha. 355 r , * " \S7ANTED-A good baker-work ; Is light and T good wages paid ; address Todd te Smith. Carroll , In. 311-7S WANTED-ODtco clerk ; must be a good pen man nnd accurate at figures. State age and last employment. Address V 1 Uea. 348-5 * WANTED An honest young man for light steady work at u good salary. Calllmme- fllalely at .Art Hoom. No. 17. 2fl ) N. 111. 83il-r > ' WANTED Four young men to work In city , good sulavy to right men ; at 111 North 10th Bt. 25B.'jJ HUNTEIt & UUSSBLL , Grand Haplds , Mich. , want canvassers for electric door ulates , ' " bcls ) , mall boxen , liouso numbers and alarms. 2U7 IB * WANTED Men who aio llllng to work and do soliciting in the towns of this and nd- Joining states. Small deposit required. Salary fa.RO to ? 3.fiU per day. Iluslnoss permanent. Call at room Oil. First National bang. 258 WANTED-Agcnts to sell the Pig Puzzle : everybody crazy to get one ; sample by mall lie ; stamps taken. A. A. Austin & Co. , manufacturers. Providence , It. I. 208 m 2J W ANTKD 25 men for surface gang. Al bright's Labor agency , 1120 Fnrnam street. \\rANTKD 600 men lor railroad work In V V > Washington territory ; good wages and ' Btendy wort. Apply at Albright's Labor Afuncjv 1120 Fnrnam street. 2U7 V nxrANTKO Experienced milker. 41USaun- VV dcra st. liK ) OOYS Am. Dlst. Tol. Co. , 1304 Douglas. " ANTDD A good business man to take the management of an ofllcn in New York city , one for Detroit and another for Cincinnati ; must Invest J2.MO , galary $1,500 per year. Address Georto B. Cllno , Wagner block , Des ilolnes , la. AGF.NTS wanted on salary ; J7B per month , and expenses paid , any active man or woman to Boll our goods by sample and live at borne. Salary paid promptly and expenses in advance. Full particulars ana sample case free. Wo nu an 3u t what we eay. Address ( Standard Silverware Co , , Boston , Mass. Via HOTKL man wanted , with a few thousand dollars to invest ; house nil furnished and business that will pay out in 18 months ; title perfect ; no incitmbrance. Address M. A. Mo- Ulnnla , or 0. a Churchill , Sterling , Colo. 788 aSflt W ANTKD Energetlo men and women every- wnero for a genteel , money-making busi ness. fxJU weekly prollt guaranteed easier than tee monthly otherwise1. Kxperience absolutely unnecessary. Permanent position aud exclusive territory assured. fc'.OO Rumples frre. Wrlto for particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill Mf'g Co. . 11 S3 Chicago. 175 tilOt WANT"ED--FENIALE HELP. ( JOT ) ] ) pxperloncnd girl for general houso- woric at 2107 Douglas at. SCO WANTED Korelady. dressmakers , walit Iln , Ishers , cooks , kltrhon girls , laundros es- flluuiKroom itlrlioutot city and IX ) girls ror general housework ; best places and tha best clrls'nro nluayn to bo found at Mrs. Ilrega's , . 1510. > 307-tlt ANTED Olrl to heln In gcneial house- > V work , 14 or in yearn old , at & 4 N iflth st. _ | _ _ _ 378 fit ' Wl ANTKD (51rl ( for general hou eworVmust ; eyood cook and laundrsss. 22ai Webster , 379 7' WANTifD-Wi'lstanrt skirt nnlsnors ; also errand glrlx ; 151U Howard. JJ. A. Wallace , W T ANTKD-Untton-liolo makers ; 1113 Far- " nam. ANTKD-lilrl to do general housownrk at 14308. _ Uth St. O. F. KlaaMor. SM .JJTF.D Good girl ; general housework ; ' . .ontlotnan , wife and child ; one nccus. It' tomfcl tochllitiun prefnrrod : reference. Apply 142J Shennun uvo. 313 G' WANTKD-For coneral liouso work , Apply at Chicago und 32d Ets. SM "IXTANTKU-Glrl for general housework. IUM T > Ninth. Utl 0 ' \\TANTKD ( lonnan girl for general lioitsa T > work ; viu&ll family ; good home , 2310 ciil- - , , t room. IJxpe- tleuro unnecessary. Goo wt > ucs. Room - 3I1-S * "UST ANTl'D A clr f or general houbework , U TT tn family. 1715 Casa. SJ TXTANTKl - < lrl to do general housework a > Mth aucl Howard ; German or Dane pre ferred. JSrt _ "IXrANTKD A compMcnt plrl to do general T\r ANTKD A clrl ? or itiiTlpn-mom nml chainuornark. Dorau home , ii. b. Itth tt. , IJblnck BCiulhof foutt houte. tft7 \\rANTlUi Aftoats-HeTlable women to sell VI the "Original llycola" Combination Ehoulder Draco Corset. IIMI money making Article In the country. Kntbifactlon guarnu- teta. Apply for terms and trrltory to . . . Wentern . . . . Corset ix > . . Bt IxiulK. Mo. IM-alU EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. MRS , 11 IlKtl A. Canadian P.mp. otnce , 311 8. 1/Stli. / irofercncc Omnlia National bank. J45 AHA Emp. bureau , lltf N Iflth ; cstivbljsiliod DM years. Most rolUuie In city. U.K. White. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITl NO. tJALF.NTlNB'8 Shorthand nd Typewriting V Institute , new Paxton building , Omaha. The only exclusive shorthand school in the Btate. over one hundred graduates In good situations. The school Is under tlio manage ment of C.C. Valentine , official atcnogrnphor ot the 3rd judicial district ot Nebraska , nnd Prof. H , II. Iloylos , an experienced teacher nnd verbatim reporter. Day and evening sessions. Students can enter at any time. Send tor cir culars 214 f 7MiuTRIO : Telegraph School , loa 8. lilth Bt. JLHThoroiign instruction guaranteed. Send for circulars. 359 88 QHOHT and Type-writing tanght the most prno VJtlcal way at the Omaha Commercial College. Ilenn Pitman system and Remington type writers ; students complete manual in two weeks , nnd write from CO to 100 words per mln- nto in three months : practical ofllco drill made a specialty. Instruction in grammar , spelling nml writing free. Address Rohrbough Hros. , Omaha , for circulars. 317 m.1 BOARDING pHIVATE boarding house , IBM nnd 1615 Capl- JU tel nvoM 2 blocks from 1 * . O. , newly fur- nUhed , pleasant rooms nil convenience * , 201 Or ' MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. XAT NTI'D TopurclfaseTrn 61 < l"e5tnblfSKeu T V bank In central Nebraska ; address I' O box ST. , Ashland. Neb. 371-Oj WANTED Information concerning J , M. Ponder , recently of Atlanta. On. Ho will flmlltof ndrantagoto call at N. K. Fair bank A : Co.'s omce. ' 804 7 WANTED A brcodlni : horse with attendant to stand Inn splendid location In Omaha for this season ; address V , 1400 Faruani street , Omaha. . aoi-5J ffin.OtO to turn wanted to put Into a good bust- P new llrst class security and good rate of Interest paid for short-or long time. Or will take partner. For particulars address U 43 , lloaolllco. 142 i WANTKD-10.000 women to use "Wllcox's Fancy Compound Pills. " Perfectly safe nnd always effectual. Send for 4c "Woman's Pate Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co , . Philadel phia. 114 A10 'SO WAN7ED--TO RENT. \\7ANTRD lly three gentlemen , pleasant TT rooms nnd board In piIvnto family ; refer ences exchanged ; address loom 410 , First Na tional bank. ! )15-7t ) WANTED A good 10 or 12 room residence with barn and nice lot ; will pay good rent for same. Address SilO Lcavenworth. 5.1)8 ) fit WANTED to rent by family of two , an un furnished cottage In good condition con taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must nave terms and lo cation to receive any attention. Address U Co , Heo. 829 WANTED To rent at once , ono large , or two medium sized furnished rooms In a pri vate family , prefer It to bo on cable line nnd have good sized yard , no Huts. Address , II. H Henderson * 510 Paxtou blk. MS FOR.RENT-HOUSES. Foil KENT 10-room house , 1200 Jackson st. ! f33. B-roomhouse on S 10th st ; very desirable ! large yard ; $15. H-room liouao , 17th nnd Dorcas , n-rooin house , Dupout place. 6-rooin lioiibo Omaha View. Several other houses and stows for rent. Goo. J. Fox , room 1 , Continental blk. 3S2-7 d 40 Two 0-room brick residences , nil con- tpvcnlencos. $ ! T > U-room residence onV. . Fnruam st. , with barn. & ) s-room house , newly papered , city water. ft Tnreo 7-room houses , city water , good collar. Ji4 Flat on2Hh nnd Leavenworth sts. D. V. Sholcs , loom 210,1st Nat. llaukbuilding , SCO TTIOll HENT A small cottage on Chicago st. X ? bet 14tn nnd J5th st. Inquire Of Thos Swift , 405 N 15th St. 3111 6 * TJlOU RUNT A suite of rooms for family use JJ in one of the most desirable residing locali ties in the city ; 1B21 Howard st ; price $ JO per month. W. 1. Stoetzol , 1021 Howard. 333 ilOR RENT Cottngo of 4 rooms. $12. P. L. 1 Zilch , 2317 loth at. , south of Bancroft. 321 5 * TJIOR RENT 7-room house , all conveniences. JU Inquire 1132 N 17th st. 325 01 5 ROOM house , 811 B. 24th. 202 5t TTIOR RENT My Fnrnam st. residence , com- JUpletely furnished ; with Ural-class servants , If desired. Possession June I for sijcmonths. . Reason for renting family going away. R. C. Patterson , 318 S. 15th st. 273. FOR RENT To small family , reference re quired , 3-room house , hard and soft viater. cor 15th and Pacific , J10. H. E. Copson. SMI 6J F I OR RENT 3-room house on alley ; 1317 Chicago cage ; st. 2SS-5J " 1/IOR REiVT A lint in the Her building , 7 JU rooniH , steam licat , gas nnd bath. Apply In hardware store , 10th and Jackson. A.C.Ray- nier. 787 8 FOR RENT May J , modern built house , ten rooms. Inquire 712 N. lilta st. , near Webster. U777 * "TJ10R RENT Broom house ; centrally located ; JD modern improvements. J. F. Uurton. 2010 Capitol avenue. 1U7-7 ? fnURNISH ! ! ! ) house for rent In 1-arkTerraco. JU opposite Hanscom Park ; nil modern con veniences. Inquire Lee & Nlchol , 2Sih nud Leavenworth. 035 I7IOR REST 5-room modern improved house , -K A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply toM. Elguttor. ILOlEarnam st. 932 T7HR RENT Cottages , 5 rooms , 2720 Charles -L' st. uud 1524 S Cth st. Inquire at room 212 , SlicolyblocK. _ _ QJ3 rfOll llfcNT Good basement. 1515 Douglas at. "IT10U RKNT When you wish to rent a houso. JU store , or ofllco call on us , H. E. Cole , room 0. Continental blk. _ 04 J Tj10U RENT Rooms suitable for housekeep- J. ing in suites of from one to four : lu conven ient location ; loweijt prices , liutt's Renting Agency , 1504 Farnam street ; telephone 179. _ IfiOR KENT Tlio H-room residence. 2107 Douglas st. . nil modern Improvements. In- qulre B. Katr , 1310 Farnam. _ 065 GOOD nouses for rent , centrally located. furniture lor cale on time. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. 074 _ LIST your property for rent with Remington It Fryo , Northwest Corner I5th and Farnam. TjiOH RENT-3-room cottage , 210 N. 13th.Jt2.50 JJ bQ3 Oil RKNT 7-room cottage , cor. 28th nnd Capitol ava. Enquire a 4 Dodge st. 84U TTIOR RENT-A flat in the Her building , 7 JJ rooms , steam heat , gas and bath. Apply In hardware etoro ICth and Jackson. A. C. Ray- mer. 7b7 H _ TTIOR RENT 3 now 5-room cottapc"ono block JJ west car barns on Lake st. C. n. lillkM-ortli , 16 % Farnnm. 014 7 ROOM house with barn , out a little distance tai per month. U. F. Harrison , Merchants Not , bank bldg. 493 " " " RAUTIFIIL 8-room house un new motor Hue , 33d and Cuming et- . . with modern Improvements 835 par moutl > , C. F. Harruon , MerclmnU Nat , bank blag. 493 FOR RKNT A S-rooni brick cottage conveni ent to U.P. depot.Mcad & Jamison , 314 S 15th 33H FOR RENT Nice i-roooi house , east front , halt block of cable corf , 112 S 2Kh st. WOas ; TI OT RENT 7-room Hat , t3i ) month. Inquire JU at The Fair. 13tn and Howard. 074 I710R RENT Cheap , a nice a and 5 room houie , JU 15TJ B21st at.uotwoon Center and Dorcas st. 9N > a a * FOR RENT-Flat of geven rooms cor. 8 13th and Paclllo U. Duggan'a block. 677 DB.SIRAI1LK front room for two ; all modern comculencco ; terms reasonable ; 2JIU Doug- la 6t. 374-DJ _ _ _ tr > Oll RENT I'urnlHhed eloepln rooms , 11,50 JU to . ' . 607. t09 llo\yrtid , bet , btli und Uth. aai 7 ITIOH RliNT-A handsomely tnrnlshnd front JU room with board with prlvr.to family , in first-class location in suburb * , tmltablo for gen tleman und vt ltd without children. Address .V 1 , lleo olilre. net jj TTIOU RENT i irge front room furnUhcd to JU ono or two eontlemeu. : i5Ul St. Mary'n ave. . 3JO et _ _ TilllONT room , Brat floor , with boaid ; rtt1 S , JU 24tn J ais-io- " _ _ _ "JTIOR JinNT 3 elegantly furnished lunar JL1 rooms , with Brat-class board , ll'lO Doilce Btreet. 318 10 { _ T7WR HKNT-Nlcelf furnished room In nice JU cottnco ; M per month , too William st. 317 "RHJSf J'IJaX7NI ' ( ( IJ' . f" " > l J ed front room J 52.1 S2tth lit , or Falrrlew. 321) ) ll'j ' 4C1KNTLEMKN to occupy 8 rooms , nice home board aud founts ISO per month. Wl Douglas gciiif _ _ _ _ JJ OOMS furnished or not ; it'll Capitol ave. outi. room wltli bos.ru , VSl Dodtfo it. 2JO 6 * FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED- TPOR RENT Nicely mrnlshed rooms , modern ImproTemont * . nlso rooms for light house * keeping , cos N 17th BU _ S21 6t PURNI3HUD rooms. U19 Dodge St. , 1. N. Quill. 248-7 * _ T URNISHED rooms nnd board. 2221 Dodge. JL\ 183 7 * I jIURMSHUD rooms by clay , week or month. J-1 Bt. Clalr hotel , cor 13th anil Dodge. 033 ANICKLY furnished room with private foni- lly In ono of the best locations In the city , for ono or two gents , | 15 per month. Address P. 0.110x312. 005 6 _ QUITofS furnished rooms , modern conven iences , 0 blocks from P. O. , prlrato family. A. llospe. Jr. 1513 Douglas ati _ P39. 2 NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , cas , bath , eta , on same lloor , 110 per inontn. 207 B 24th ; no Hat. 041 _ PL1IASANT front room with all modern conveniences , for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Cor. St. Mary's ave. and 20 or 620 H.lWtti ; crick residence. 078 UitNISHP.D rooms with board , Roodlocn- tlon. gas nnd bath in bouse. 2220 Loavon- worth st. _ _ O largo aud ono small room , nicely fur nished. 2IU1 Farnam st. - Oll RENT Furnished , rooms Bbjglo , or on suite. 1COO Doiislas. _ 713 TjlURNISHED rooms , 1U.S . 0th s near notl I71URNISlir.D rooms for rent nt 181H Dodga JJ P37-n27" _ TJ1URNISHKD rooms , single or en suite , bath JJ and Bteaui : for gouu only. 1519 Howard. 1 JOOMS and board-1312 Chicago st. JlV _ 771OR RENT Nice south front room , cheap , J- for gentlemen , 1903 Capitol nvo. _ COt NICH rooms by the week or month at the 1'onbody house. HU7 Jones. _ 3t > J a21 * FOR RENT Furnished room , nil modern conveniences. 2214 Farnain at. 1J1 _ TflOR RENT- Front rooms nt 1821 Farnain. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED OR RKNT Unfurnished mid furnished rooms for honseKceplng. 807 , 809 Howard , bet , btll und Ptll. 3807 ? _ K UNFURNISHED chambers lor honsokoop- Jlng to man nnd wife ; 311) ) N. lltli at. 373-11' TjlOR RENT Three unfurnlsnod rooms , nlso JJ two basement rooms to famlllea without children nt 1122 N 17th st. TO ) FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. TJ1OR RKNT Tlio second nnd third floors of JJ No. HOJ Douglas St. , SJxCO feet each. Splen did location. and to the right party very low rent. Amos , 1507 Farnam st. 388 37tf 7 TJIOR llfiNT Store 2ixOO ; 1118 Jackson St. Kn- J-1 qulro 1114 Jackson. Kt3 TJ1OR RKNT 2 floors22x8D each. In brick build- JJ Ing , with elevator , close to express 'ollico , cheap rout. Just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to Gco-Heyn , 1103 Farnamst. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. rpo HRNT for a term of years , U lota , each JLMxlHO , suitable for coal or lumberyards , with use of 400 feet of side-track on joint roads of C. & N. W. , C. II. Q. nnd C. It. 1. & P. . on the corner of ! Ud st. nnd 1st ave. . Council Dlutrs , la. , IK miles from 10th and Douglas sts. in Omaha. Apply to Piano Mfg. Co. , cor Sid st. nnd 1st avo. Council Blulld , lu. 86811 TJI1RST-CLASS lot of saloon furniture and bar JJ Ilxturos for sale at a bargain. Inquire of the First National banK , Aurora , Neb. 015 o22 RENTAL AGENCIES. WANTED 100 houses and cottages of every size to rent ; you are losing money every day your property Is vacant ; call or send de scription nnd rent per mon tli : I can get good tenants. Alex Moore , room 301 , Bheely block , 15th and Howard. 215 B * 20 houses at once for which we WANTED can furnish good tenants. List your housed with the L 4 S Rental Agency , 310 Sheoly blk. 1 IF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or exchange , call on or address , U. J. SternsdorfT , rooms ' 317 and 318 tirst National bank building.fUS fUS GEO. J. PAUL , 1C03 Tarn am St. . houses , stores , etc. , for rent. 94U WE give special attention to renting nnd collecting rents , list with us. H.E.Colo , room 0 Continental block. 1)47 ) _ RENl-Housos in nil parts of the city. JLJ. . J. Gibson. No. 3. Crolchton block. C81 JJ. GIBSON'S new system of renting houses , No. 3 Crelghton block. CM T 1ST your houses nnd stores with me ; t have JLJlots of customers. J , H.Parrotte,1608 Cnlcago 1214 all MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE you n furnished house , flat or board- inghonse. or nny business , however large or small , or chattels of any description to sell ? Come and see mo. I can Ilnd you a purchaser. Alex Moore , room 301 Bheely MOCK , 15th and Howard. 312-tit riMUS banjo taught as an art by Gco. F. Gel- JL lenbeck. Apply at lleo Ollico. 1)50 ) KPARTMENT of the Platte , Chief Quarter- master's Ollico , Omaha , Neb. , AnrlM , ibS'J , Time (15th ( instant ) for opening proposals for construction of ofllcers' quartern , storehouses , etc. , at Fort Mobrnrn. Nebraska , ns fixed by my advertisement ot 13th ultimo , la deferred until 2 o'clock p. m. , central time , the 27th In stant. WM. 1J. HUGHES , Llout. CoL and Deputy Quartermaster General , U. S. A. a'1402223 rfMlE Central Loan a ; Trust Co. nave removed J. Its Omaha ollico to No. 1205 Farnam st. City and farm loans at lowest rates , 071) ) 8 r 1ONTRACTING plasterers are invited to call \Jnl room 404. Paxtou building , and oxamlno "Adamant. " 352 A 15 MA11A. Nob. . Feb. 14. IbS'J. Notice Is hereby - by given to the holders of all bonds issued by the Cable Tramway Company of Omaha , and bearing date of May 2J , 1B37 , January lot , 1S88 , and October 1st , 1833 , to present the same , for payment , nltli accrued Interest , at the First National bank of Omaha , Nob. , the fifth day of April , 138' ' . Interest on said bonds will cease on that date , the company having availed itself ot the right to redeem the same , by giv ing thirty days notice of Its desire to do BO. S. It. Johnson. President. Wi8-a3 PEUSONAL-I wlnh to correspond with a lady ; object matrimony ; am 7 years old ; live In Iowa ; address V 3 , lloe office. JJTO-8T "jjERHONAL Any lady of good uppeantuce J- and address desiring out-door employment can obtain hamo by calling at room 611 , First National bank. 623 "ORIVATE course In fencing , boxing or fancy J. club swinging , 110. Address T Ji. llee ollico. 329-nl4 TRANCE MttDlUM Mme. Hanaall , the young Swede , tells full names ot callers nnd the full name of your future husband or wife , with < iate of marriage , aud telU whether the ono you love is true or falsa. Not a fortune ) teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame goes into a perfectly dead tranca. Will bring bark the parted husband or lover , no matter it thy be 10.000 miles away. Will guarantee to settle family quarrels. Parlors up staira. 403 K. 16th st. . third lloor 243 a J3 LOST. STHAYED from my home , No. 4SM Cassst. , A small Drown-nosed pug dog ; liberal re ward will be paid for hli return. J. II. Wood. S84 Of TUA YED-From 218 N 10th St. . a black and tan brlndln bull terrier , medium size , largo broad head , had on a leather collar , answers to the name of Toby. Return to last basement room , litli st , aide U. B. Nnt. Hunk building and receive liberal reward. I 0 fit IOST Ray mare between Hellevue and Gil * Jmnre : ) mn white stripe in face ; blistered oil hind font. Suitable reward will be paid for recovery - covery of this home. Atblre&s John Ktuben , No. cdu 8. ' latU st. , Omaha. Neb. Ktf jio T .OST In Paxton hotel water closet , card case J-J and papers ; uddress on cards and papers. Harry J. Dociich ; return to 2208 Farnnm. or Pftxum hot el aud get reward. 3UH-6 + STORAGE. S .TORAOE Allow rates at 1W Farnara st Omaha Auction It Storage Co. 117 ST [ 1RACKAOB. storage , lowest rat i. W. M L ilualiman , l Ul Leuyenworth. lia 1 ) HANCH & CO , , storage , 1211 Howard , OLAlnVOYANT TITUS. LBNORMAN can be consulted on all atuitfalrs of lite , and bathfactlun guaranteed , through the luuylc mirror , 318 NlGthBtup stairs -J27 nt r\R.NANNlfc > V. Warren , clairvoyant , inedl- J-cal aiul bunliiessmedium , Femule diseases a specialty. ll'JW l thst. , rooms Z and 3 OJ1 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Kurnltnro , earpotB , ( tores ntul household goods ot all kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage CO. . 1121 Farnnm. two W ' buy * 'gontlo saddle pony " Ully Steel. 1218 a notftavo. 8S4 6 'ANTKD To buy ia > c l commercial pnpor. 11. ( ' .Patterson. MSB If.thst. nni FOR SALE-MISqlEt.i.Af EOUSr ' ( KTW nernot iraoimTcny RCTirper lotJ tpTno first 300 lots In Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people Trill bo sola'nt ' H per lot. Panhandle Townslte Company , Cor. 15th and JUrney sti.vUmnlin. Nob. 231 . per lot OklahontB'lCltr. See advertise- $3.UO . mont.Panhandle Panhandle TownsJto Company. Cor. 15th and Harncy staAPmaha , Neb. S31 DON'Tbo deceived ; the ofllco of Oklahoma City Is nt the corner of Ifith and Itarnoy fits , Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and llarney sta. , Omaha , Nob. 231 djn.00 PER LOT-Oklnhonm City. See advor- tptlsoment. Panhandle Townslto Company , Corner IMhftnd llarney sts. , Omalia , Neb. 831 d SOJ l'im LOT-Oklahoma City ; U per lot ! tpTho first 00 lots in Oklahoma City tnken by Omaha people will bo sold atI per lot. Panhandle - handle Tuwnslto Company , corner 15th nnd Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb , 281 "TiON'T be deceived.Thoomce of Oklahoma JL/city Is at the corner ot 15th and llarnoy sts , Panlinndlo3V > wnslto Company , corner 15th nnd llarnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. _ 281 EOH BALK Pony , cart nnd harness. cheap. 2314 Charles at. 3377 * _ IJIOR SALE Two buggies ; ono phaeton : JJ Simpson's make ; very llttlo used ; onn.ulro at 627 Pnxton block. 363 _ FOR SALE A stylish pony , Inquire U. P. barn , Faruani and Mb. sin. 333-0 * " 171011 SA tin Draft horses. buggy horses , nnd JJ small delivery mulesi Wood's Bale stabl 1510 California. 823 _ T71OR BA LB fen phcaton. In good order 1W17 ; JJ N. 10th st. Price 875. 311-8 * _ _ _ TTIOH SALE Talking parrot * . . handsome JJ double yellow head , and African Gray. 800 B 10th BU room 8. 327 6 * _ T710R SAIjK A complete fiirntttiro out lit nt n JU bargain ; house for rant. U OS , Hoe. 270 HJ FOR SALK A furnished lint of 10 rooms , all occupied , 220 North 16th st , second lloor. Must bo sold within 30 days ; good reasons for Belling. Inquire room 1. 23) N. 18th st. 154-0 * TJIOR SALE Shafting , bolting , pulleys , etc. JJ stood as now. Kin saw , cross-cut nud band saws very cheap. ml Douglas. 128 _ "IjlOK SAMS Good work team , wagon and bar- J-1 ness ; set carpenter tools nnd chest ; full sot itjrglcal Instruments , nearly now ; household ooits , etc. On easy payments. J. J. Wilkinson , 417 Farnam st. 14. ) a FOR BALE Furniture nnd lease of 7 room flat , Hoom rented exceeds rent ot Hat. L & 8 Rental Agency , 31U Bhoelv block. TIM I710RCALi-Cheapn ; nearly now top buggy ; Co- JJ lumbus make. A , H. Comstock , 812 & lath. . _ _ 747 HAD f HIS J1.30U worth of nice rurnlturo. entire outfit ot the house , for J. > 50 ; must sell on account of sickness. Apply to J. 11. Parrotto. 101)0 ) Chicago. _ 214 nil TTIOH 8ALE-1.000 tons 14 to 10 laili ice on J track. Council lllulls , Glllert llros. 81Da4 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. mfjAND auaranteo' & Trust Co. , 1805 Far- nniu. Complctoabstracts furnished & titles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed. AHBTHACTS Llnahani ; Mahoncy , room 500 I'lucton block. ' W3 _ / JfAHA Abstract Company , 1519 Farnamst. v itost complete and carefully prepared set of abstract books and plats oc nil real property lu the city of Omaha and Douglas county. , 001 MONEY TO LOAN. O IKUHARD HlLLloauant 410 Sliecly build ing at eight per cent btrnlgnt. Samuel Tate. r - * - r\\TY \ \ LOANS at loworffratos/ . B. Melkle , V First National Hank friljldlng. 1132 ! rONEV to loan at lowest rates ot Interest on1 J-'JL real estate in Qmnha nnd South Omaha. Titles ana property examined by us and loans made at onco. Cash on hand , liates , Smith & Co. room 203 Itanigo bldng. 310-iu3 T WlLLloanA")00 to $5.000 on good real estate JL security , or will buy first mortgage paper. T. S. Clarkson. 210.S. 14th st. 303 6 "I71ASTERN trust fundsto loan on Improved JLUrenl estate in Omahalargo ; loans preferred , E. B. lllsbeo , First National bans building. 2as-m21J T OAN8 wanted on Omaha real estate , three JLJand nvo years' time , optional payments , favorable terms and rates , applications and titles passed upon by us , and loans closed promptly. Klmbali , Champ 4 RyAn , room B , U.S. National Hank Ilulldlug , VA6 Farnain st. 244 ml QPECLA.L fund of iMO.OOO to loan nt reduced tJ rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City Loan Co. . 118 S 13th st. goo TDHILADKLPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. . fur- X nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western onice.G&orgoW. P.Coates.room 7 , Hoard of Trade , uai S EE Sholes , room 210 First Nat'l bank before making your loans. t j SM M QNKY ( to loan. Harris R.IJ. & Loan Co. , room 411. Flrat National ban k. 033 WANTKD-First class inside loans. Lowest rotes. Call and hoe us. Mutual Invest- mout Co , , R. I. Darker blk , 15th & Farnam , 094 MONElf to loan on Improved property at lira- hands. No application sent awav for apt proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment company , 3'W ' B. nth st- 095 T CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel Asecurlttes ut reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 Darker blk. o 7 T/URST mortgage loans at low rates and no J delay. I ) . V. Bholos , 210 First National bank. 093 DO YOU want to borrow money ? Read this ; It will save you time. It will save you money. You can borrow from 11. P. Masters , . successor to W. R. Croft , Room 4WithnoIl bld'g , 15th and Harnoy sts. 810 , * O ) . $50. 100 , KXO. J-VX ) . * ! , / ) , r > ,000 , f 10,000. In fact , any sum you want on furniture , pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier terms and at lower rates than any other ollico In the city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. If un instalment is duo on your property and you cannot meet It , call and HOB mo. 1 will pay It for you. If you have a loan in any other ollico call and got my rates. 1 will take it up and carry it for you. 1 make loans for ono to six months , and you can pay a patt at any time , reducing both prin cipal and interest. AH loans renewed at original rates , and no charge for papers. All business strictly ooudilentlal. Call and see me , V . , Don't forget the number , Room 4 , Wlthnf 11 block. 099 EUHASICA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , fine Jewelry , or securities ot any kind , 'without publicity , ut reasonable rates. Room 7 , Rowley block , South Omaha , Itooms MS-CIV , Paxtou block , Omaha , Neb. 1000 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates With out delay , and purclia-Jo. good commercial paper and mortgage notes , B. A. Bloman , cor , 13th ana Farnam. 100 MONEY to loan. Ob/S. Da'vU Co. , real estate and loan agents. 15115 Farnam Bt. 101 BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholoa , 210 Flrat Na. tlonnl bank , fir P33 LOANS made on real estate and mortgages bought. Lewis t ) . Reed St Co. , 1521 Farnam. | lag TMIILDING loans. Llnahan tc Mahoney. PKOFLK'H Financial Kxchange-Thu fairest , J. imletvst and most liberal money exchongu in the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity. 111 nny amount , largo or Hiuall , at the lowest rate * of Interest , on any available fco- curlty ; loans may bo paid a tuny time or renewed at original rates. O. llougcaren , Mgr. , room 6a ) { , Darker block. Ifith and Farnam. 101 MONKY to Loan Wo are ready for applica tions for lonni In amounts from t Ho to ld.- UOO on improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. Full information as to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us or write. The McCague Investment Co. . ICO JTI F. IIARRIBON loans money , lowest rates. Vx 49d GW. PKOK loansmonoyonOmahareal estate Ilulldlog loans ft soocUUy. U 4 , Frenzeu bit MONEY TO LOAN. tj E , CO LTi , loan agent. 108 fDKOPLK'S Financial Kxcnange Largo and X smallloans for long and short time , at low est rates ot Interest , on real estnto mortgage note * , chattels ot all kinds , diamond * , wntchos and Jewelry , Don.t fall to call if you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llouscnron , Mrr. , roomCOH llarkcr blk , 15th nnd Farnam. HK. COLR , loan agent. 10) GPKIl CRNTmonoy to loan. Cash on hand. W.M. Harris , it 20 , Frenier block , opp. P..O. to loan In large sums at the lowest tesno ; delay. R. U. Patterson , 313 8 Uth , 107 ONKV to loan ; rasn on hand ; no delay. J. W. yiinlro , 1219 Farcain St. , First Nntlonal bank building. 103 MONRY loaned for 30 , M or J days on any kind ot chattel security : reasonable inter- on : business conUdentlal. J J. Wilkinson , U17 Farnam st' 109 ONnVtoloan I/owestrate . Loans closed M promptly. H. E , Coin , U 6 Continental block. WO.OOO to loan at R per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney - $ honey , Hoom 500 Paxton block. 110 TVrONEV to loan , oil furniture , horseswagons , -iT-lotc. . or on nnr approved security. J. W. Uobblns , It. 200 , Sheely blk. , 15th nnd Howard. DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or collattorals until you see C. 11. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. 1U T OANS on business property , fc'i.000 to &Y,000 ) JJwantod. Provident Tntst Company , room 809 , First National bank building. 110 $1000 and upwards to loan on good inside city property. No delays. W , ruruam Smith. 122 < j Farnam St. 833-a27t $ IJ J To loan on tarma and city property. $ 1 Goo. , J. Paul , 1003 Farnara st. U61 / IITV Financial agency will loan you money l/on horsci , furniture. Jewelry or securities of any kind. 1,300 Howard st , , corner S. 13th st. 233 a 12 ; > UILDING loans n specialty. W. M. Harris , 'room20 Fronzer block , opposite P. O. oanon real estate ; no commis M 'ONEVto ' sion. W. A. SpencorUoomUuushinanblk. 683021 M ( ONEY loaned on unimproved Insldo Omaha real estate. U. W. Peek , It , 4 , Fronzer blk. nn-niu * 0 F. HAIUUEON loans money , lowest rates , , 493 M1 'ONEY to Loan on chattel security ; fair rate Interest. J. II. Parrotto. 2G01) ) Chicago. 214 ail BUSINESS CHANCES. Foil SALE--On account of other business , n number one restaurant and chop house , cheap. Murnnh & Fltchett , southwest corner of 15thand Howaidst. OijJ 7 $ TJIOIt SALK Frnlt and confectionery stand : -I ? first-class location ; other business cause for selling. Imiulio OOJ N. 10th. 3)7 8t TjlOHSALK Or trade , n small stock of pro- JL' corlcs , tlrst-clasii locationcheap'rent ; would trade for city property. 2524 Cumlng st. 301 11 * TTIOH RALE Cheap Louse and furniture nice JJ 10-room boarding house. Dodge nnar 20th , full of first-class boarders ; llnanclally a suc cess ; satisfactory reasons tor selling. D " - ' , Dee. 310 lot FOR SALE Nice cigar Bland. Apply 514 S. 10th st. 259 5 * 1710H. SALE 33 cows , team , mllK wagon , cans JJ etc. , to n dairy with rent ot barn and house. George E. Gibson , room ! > , 203 south 15th street , or 217 S. 14th st. 237-7 HOTEL for sale. Well furnished , paying $30 a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson , Norcatur , Kas. t SB-mi * Ml DllUG store nnd medical practice for sale or exchange for Improved property. Address J. E. Lamb , U. D. , Wahoo , Nebraska. 981-Ot ANEW roller mill for sale In a good wheat belt , and good market for Hour. For terms address F. J Andreas , Gordon , Nob. 845a27t FOIl cash only Clean stock general nirrchan- dlso , with coal , grain and implement busi ness ; parties wlstunc to secure a good paying business address U23 Dee olllcc. 850 HARDWARE for sale Small neat stock. Tin shop in connection ; must be sold ntonca for cash. Address O. M. Vauguan , Fleming. Colo. A MEMBERSHIP In the Omaha board of -cYtrado car. be had cheap at Room22 U. S. Na tional bank building. 028 FOR EXCHANGE. fjlOR EXCHANGE Equity In $5,000 residence -U property for horse ana buggy or safety bicycle ; H & H , 2211 N 20th st. 3r-7j T7IO EXCHANGE Land in eastern Nebraska -I and western Iowa , for general stock of goods. Audreys V 4 , Dee odlco. 3S1-7J I7UE EXCHANGE ISO acres flue land in Jt Frontier Co. for stock of merchandise. Ad dress II. M. Clnroy , Wallace , Neb. 32'J 7 * FOUEXCHANGE-Flno ICO acres In Hayes Co. , Nob. , will exchange for horses or cattle. Address - dross II. M. Clarey , Wallace , Nob. 3-106 * TI10U EXCHANGE Fine western lands for JJ stock ot merchandise or horses nnd cifttle. Address H. M. Clarey , Wallace , Neb. 331 OJ mo EXCHANGE for merchandise. Two J- houses In South Omuha , 1 stoie building in Waterloo this county , a farm of ICO In Brown county. Neb. Will trade all or part for mer chandise cither In the city or outside. Would pay some cash. Address U 70 Bee ollico , 328-U ? TO EXCHANGE-A clean ten thousand del lar Htock of general merchlindlso ; half cash and balance unlncumbcred real estate. D. II. Dean , Djersville , Iowa. 283-UJ T7IOH EXCHANGE For desirable residence Ju property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 4U choice Inside residence lots In Hastings. 103 lots In Lincoln , flIO acres tlnoTarmlng landLancaster county. Fine residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , Los Angolas. A neat residence property In Hnuscom Placo. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and price of prop erty , J. E. It , , care Damn Iron Co. , 1217 Lcavuu- woith. 051. T710U EXCHANGE-Oakota , Hand county- JL1 What have you to olfer for n good farm here , slightly encumbered/ Dakota lands are rising In value , and Its destiny cannot bo dis puted. Will take vacant lot or improved prop erty and assume some encumbrance. G. J. Sternsclortf. rooms 317 and 318 , Elm National bank building. 053 T710K EXCHANGE-Elghty acres of the nneut JL' timber land in Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. What have you to olTerV .O. J. Htorns- dorff , rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank TO3 NK\V 2-seatod fine carriage or top buggy for note , mortgage , land contract or any good commercial paper ; will pay some cash dllfor- enraW. . U Selby'1521 Farnain. 88 } FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. I710U BALE Or exchange , BO acres ot land In JO Dodge county. A1UU. , near Fremont | to ex change for Omalia property. Mark M. Farmer , room 21 , Frenzer block , opposite postollicu , Omaha , Nob. UbO 7T HALF n million In 2 or 3 years can ba made by a llrst-class real estate man of character and with moderate capital. Address the Port Aransas Company. Corpus Chrlstl , Tea , a J2-B A DV10K GRATIS Iluy now ; buy n home ; -tx buy a biiHlness lot ; buy a vacant lesldonce lot : buy an Improved piece of business property , but buy now. lelayB are dangnrous. dangerous to your pockotbook. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnnm , 350 9 Corner ami and Vlnton . f 0,000 Ileautlful residence lot. Hanscom place. , : i,6oO Choice ten-acre t ract. West Omaha . 0,600 Klogantoast front lot , Hanscom place. , , . 3,000 Finest west front lot. ilunscomplacu . . , i..txj Five acres close toileitl.lne , . 2,700 Three houaea corner Dodge and 26th . . . . . M feet on lUth near Douclfls . 4r > .003 Corner , ISOxlBU. 7 blocks from court Uouiie 7,5m ) Trackage. 2VxOOO , on He-It Line Ry . 5.700 Thirty acres Jubt outside city limits . Sl,000 Nice reddenue lot , Houth Omaha . tti Residence lot near 27th and Harnoy . 300 Coal and lumber yard location on llelt Ry G.OiK ) Klogant residence. Hanacom place . UUO > | 010 acres choice land . . . > . . . . , . . . . . o.UuO 1'legant Uvo-ucro tract . ' . ' , GUO Hiileudld location for home&ooullry jnrd 4wo Htulness lot near depot , Koutu Ouiuha . . . 2Mt > Lot t ) . block C. South Omalia . , 2.0i Corner , KOxlM , 2lth and lists. S Omalia . 4uiO , Corner , ! 0d nnd I'oiipleton.llaiittcoin ulace " ,500 ReNldeuce lot near iioth and Vlnton . , , KO Comer , south fronton llunscotnpark. . , , 7.50U Corner. 10U feet , OUt and Poppletouavo. . . V.ruo Ten acres with house and barn , bargain. . 7,5U ) Resldenea block , payn 8 per cent on 418,000 1S.500 Corner , 100 feet. Virginia and Popnleton. 7.000 Call and see the bargains w oifar. Houses , cottages and stores for rent. Geo. N. Hicks , room 40. llarkcr block. 377 5 _ OJ900 buys a fine 0 room houne nd barn ; wil Ptak part In trade ; payments nanyj < mlyl8 blocks from Kountza aadltlon. Call at 22 S 400. 1100 cuUli balance'/ ! HulcUlnsou & MeaO ' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. ottha Panhandle ot Toxa , wo will sell 330 lots or Ml per lot. Kvery lot level ami dry. nndznx 13 } feet In size. .Title absolutely perfect. This price is good only until 300 lots have boon sold , ntur which prices will bo advanced to t2S and foO per lot. Oklahoma City is situated on the extreme eastern bonier of Homphtll county , Texas , mid Immediately nd joining Oklahoma , or the Indian territory , and Jun at the point where the Atlantic & Paclllo railroad loaves the territory entering tha Panhandlo. Look nt your map and ro if there are not growing cities nt the points where the railroads either enter or leave the territory , it was for this and many other reasons that Oklahoma city wa H located upon its vrosont slto. Those who apply Immediately will have choice of lots. All orders by mall will receive prompt attention. Odlco open every night until U o'clock. Apply to or address Panhandle Townslto Company , comer 15th nnd llnrnoy ats , Omaha , Nob. References : First , Nntlonal bank , of Kansas nty , Mo. : Hammitt , Davidson St Co. , bankers , Kansas City. Mo. ; S. P. Orltnth ft Co. , bankers , Kansas City. Mo.t Prather bank , Canadian , Tex. ; W. S. Decker , county attorney , Canadian , Tex. S31 _ ( JI3.no rnil LOT Oklahoma City M.OO per lot. P The llrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City , taken by Omaha people , will bo sold at t > i.00por lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb. $3.0o PER LOT-Oklfthomn City. Boo adver tisement. . Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. ICth nnd Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. S31 TAON'T bo deceived : tlio ollico of Oklahoma JL/city Is nt the corner of 16th and Hartley sts. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 16th and Harnoy sts. . Omaha , Nob. Ml CC3.00PRR LOT Oklahoma City. See ndvor- vptlsomcnt. Panhandle Townslto Compniiy , Cor 15th mid llnrnoy fits. Omaha. Nob. 231 . I'KIl LOT-Oklnhomn City : W per lot. S3.IO llrst 30) lots In Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people , will bo sold at M per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and llarney sts. , Omaha , Neb. 831 D ION'T ! bo deceived ; the ollico of Oklonoma City is nt the corner of 14th and Harnoy sts. Panhandle Townslto Company. Corner 15th and Harnoy sta. , Omaha , Nob. 281 $3.0) PKR , LOT Oklahoma City : BOO ndvor. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Harnoy ats. , Omaha , Nob. 281 A3.00 PKR LOT-OKlahoma City : U per lot ; 9)Uio llrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people will bo sold nt H per lot , Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Hal noyats. , Omaha , Neb. 231 DON'T bo deceived. Tlio ollico of Oklahoma City Is at the cor 15th and Hartley sta , Panhandle Townslto Connmuy , Cor. ICth nnd Harney sts. Omuha. Neb. 881 ( B3.00 PER LOT-Oklahonia City. t5oo ndvor- Ptlsement. Panhandle Townslto Compnny _ , Cor. Uth und Harnoy sts. , Omaha , NeD. 2S1 ffi.1.30 PF.ll LOT-Oklnhoma City. $3.00 per lot. Pl'ho ilrstyoj lots in Oklahoma City , taken by Omaha people , u 111 bo sold at } J.OO pur lot. Paunaudlo Townslto Comp.inv , Cor. 16th and llarnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb , 231 ' bo deceived. The ollico of Oklahoma DON'T City Is at the cor. of 1'itli nnd Harney sts. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor 15th and Harney sts. , Omaha Nob. CS1T . PKR LOT-Oklnhoma City. Bee ndvor- $3.00 . Panhandle Townstto Company , Cor. luth nnd Hnriioy sts , Omaha , Neb , 281 3.00 PKR LOT-Oklahonia City. ? 3 per lot. The llrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City , taken by Omaha people , will bo sold nt f.1 per lot. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th am' Harnoy sts , Omaha , Mob. 231 DON'T bo deceived. The ofllce of Oklahoma City is at the Cor. of 15th and Harnoy sts. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and Haraoy sta. , Omaha , Nob. 281 $ ; .1.00 PRR IX > T-Oklahoma City. See ndvor- _ Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. loth and llarnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 281 < J 3.00 PKK LOT-OUlahoma City : N per lot. tp The tlrstsoolots In Oklahoma City , token by Omaha people , will be sold at SJ per lor. Panhandle To nslto Company , Cor , 15th and llarney Bts , Omaha , MOD. 231 $ 3.00 PEU LOT-Oklohoma City. See advcr- tisemnnt. Panhandle Townslto Company , Cor. 15th and llarney sts. , Omaha , Nebr 231 $3 00 PEU LOT-Oklahornn. City. ) .00 per lot. The llrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City taken by Omaha people will bo sold at 8J.OO per lot , Panhandle Towiislto Company , Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha. Nob. 281 TTIOlt SALE The llnost rosliliueo site in West JJ Omaha ; just south of Farnam on 37U > street : a corner 105x187 with 1H7 feet frontage on paved street and joining the handsome resi dence of IClrkondall'on the east and llrady.Kas- son and Martlu on the south ; n perfect gem and garden spot for an elegant homo. Hainey ana 21 t streets , 111x107 , on pavement within throe blocks of the court house ; room for Huveu line houses that would rent as rapIdly - Idly as completed. A splendid permanent In vestment. Farnam and 22J streets. 50x132 , with now three-story brick store building , rented to good permanent tenants , Kental receipts < tl,20ii per year. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 61 feet to alley. Good business property. Farnam street between 33th and ! Wth , frontage - ago 48 or VixVSS to alloy , south front , 1 block from pavement and street cars. Par * avenue , opposite Hnnscom park , 50x150 , price WOW , easy terms. Paddock Place , truckage , 60x113 , $2,000 , easy terms. 16th street south of Vlnton at. , lot for sale or trade for nulsc. or Rood farm laud. B. A. Blonian , 1301 raniam st. 230 _ SIE9. I Douglas County Abstracts , 1507 larnam street. In Hoyd's add. 10 of tno best lots tr.ero at fflOQ each , IM down , balance 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 years at 8 per cent Interest. This is worth investigating , as it is cheaper thtm surrounding property by COper cent. A Cheap House With 4 rooms , bsru and full lot , 50x121 1 con venient to cars , for $1,600 ; terms 8500 cash , bal ance 1,2 , 3 years at 8 per cent. 23th and llurdetto streets , Sightly locations , well nettled neighborhood. Wo have lots at $1,000 each , 1 lot nt il.ao and 1 at # ltOO ; can be Bold at ! { cash ; balance any terms wUhln reason. This In a chance to get inside property at low prices and on very easy terms. On Park Ave. desirable 8-room house all modern very - , Im provements ; uaut front ; half lot ; price { 7,500 ; terms easy. On Virginia Avo. Fine cast front , full lot , with 0-ioom cottage in A 1 repairs ; can bo sold for } J,000 ; only 81 , 100 cash ; bal. very easy ; is a very choice location for a home. Those Who have Keen our ad. In this column in regard to cheap lots will note that .sales of this property have been entirely satisfactory ; 12 ot these low wore Bold last week. Wo ulmll continue our Cheap Lot Sales because they suit the people who see them , and tney buy because the Location Is Unsurpassed I because the lots are all chat Is claimed for them and they are surrounded by good houses al ready built , and more being built. You can buy n ? 2UO lot by paying ยง 15 Down and balance $10 a month , Tnlnkofltl Is there any onnler way to save your money and have It safely earn you more money y tin Down Is a very small payment to make on it good lot , but we make the payment small so that you can buy in such n way im not to cramp yourself for money. We ask you to Come and Boo what we advertise , aim It the lots don't please you you don't have to buy , but w have Confidence in Our Goods I Wo know whut tliev are ; wo know also that unless these lots were as represented wo would lose money in advcrtlMni ; them. Conveyances Always ready to show you the lots. You can see where they are , what they are , and what They Are Worth , anyduy you wish lo. and remember you don't natd to buy it they don't suit , but Wart Hlglit. ana if sou have any courage and n lit tlo money , no safer investment cun bo round. We are ready to ihow you these lots whenever you can got the time to go. Amen , 1507 Farnam street. ONE hundred thousand ncrox , in a body , of the choicest agricultural end gratis lands urnrotfciedln Isobmsku. Thoroughly watered with living sprint ! ! ) , < -r eKH and mkon. Splendid wheat I u ml. : tt bushels to the acre a common ( rep ; 3 to I1U an acre , ten yoaiw time. These luiulx ar in Keith County , Neb. , and for Bale In Binnll or large tracts. T. H. Clarkaon. Omaha. Nub , uot tl FINK business lot , i)3xl3 ) ? on Howard street betuonu 14th and 15th , $ IU.nuO ; worth more woutty , M. A. Upton Coiupauy.lBUi and Farnam WOUTJIV of your attention ! Now being completed on SJth nt , north of Lnuven- worth bt , two house * convenient to business , very roomy , grate , mauteU furnace , gas. bath , toilet , S water closets , utatlotmry wasa tuba , hot and cold water , flvo bedroom * . 1' ' ) closets ; only tv > ,5rx ) , on tartu * to suit. Telephone 3T or W.T , Uonman , Onmha'H largest v.irloty of was- ons. carriages , otc. , ca.tt slHe lUth st , north of McholnsHt. 4'M _ 10 tine lota In Uriahs' Place add. , " J. Omaha , for cash , ongoodtvvma. For further luformfttlou Inquire ot K , Jelfrry , Ualona , ill. m _ l.Vaia SOUTH OMAHA if anyone wants the'nnest donblB corner there , call onus ; will Bill U for n few dava below value ' way ; mnV'o three 60- fpnt kouth front lots , H. A , Upton Company , Kith and Famun . aia FOR 8ALS-RSAL S8TATB t = 3 T7Un 8AIKChnp-Not for trad ! 613.76 acrot -L Und ( IPO , iwi2-6itwo miles from Marquttt * , Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , ta < ble. ; w acres under good barb-wire lenco , ronnd codir posts , two stays , living water , no- foot channel , 3 wells , .TJU barrel tank , corral , self-feeder , a natural itock ranoh , in a tine com belt. Price , , , . , tA.OOO Cosh In hand , . . . . , , . , . . 8.TM "years'time n per cent. , , . , . , , . , . , . . , s,2M flo nnd look over land. Address owner , K K , Atkins. 150J Larimer si Denver Col. < 07 I THOU BALK-Or oxchanga for Omaha prop < J ortr , W ) nrros , suitable for plattlnftvlll ; make 400 lots , nil clear ; big money in It for someone ono who can push this ; located lust outMdn tha city limits of Council llluiTit. Inquire ( Jco. J , SternidorlT , rooms 317 and 318 , First NntloitM bank building. PM S HOLES' special bargains M.OOO buys a nooJ 7 room cottage and barn with fine plumbing , hot wntor heating apparatus , nicely papered , mantle and ail conveniences.full lot , east front , near corner 2flth st. nnd Wool worth avonuo. t &JO buys n line new 10 room house , with n peed barn and all conveniences , ixslng an east fronton Popploton avenue nnd aith street ; choice. * : > .r > oo buys n full lot , east front on ( leorgU avenue , half block bouth of Leavenworth st. , with a good n room cottage , line large shad * trees , very choice. 0 oodR room homo , furnace and Ml conven iences. No. 2SI3 Ponplcton avenue ; party going to leave the city. Investigate this and submit otTor. 1 have a good list of residences and roaldonco \\hlchlt\MUp.iyyoutoluYosttnata if you wish to purchase ; I also have tlO , OOj worth ot forenco In cash. If you have anything tlrnt tffi i class for si\lo or trade , call and sea mo. D. V , Sholes. room 210 Fiwt Nntlonal bank bldg. SOUTH OMAHA I have a number of good lota in various additions that must be sold atonconnJ cnn besought at prices that wilt ( lultjou. 0. .1. Stornsdoro : , rooms U17 anil 313 First National bank building. _ PM FOR SALE-Ou terms to sultthonoat cottago. 2-WJ Charles st. Telephone 227. or W. T. Seaman - man , Omnha's largest variety bungle ? , wagons. etc. , east side loth st. , north ot Nicholas st. Oo3 TfJlbll BAIiUor Lease Frame building abou -I ? 40x50 with throe years' lease ot lotWl Uoujt- las st. Uo LOTKlxIftSoastnmt south corner west Far * nam st. near Milton Uogora property. PT.- 000 , Easy terms will shade this for all cash. C/F.JIarrlson JilerchantsNatl bank bldg. 41)3i ) A sacrlllcn 121x150 ft , east and north AT front , corner ! Mth and Hownrd sts. , on < block west of Coo's and Klrkondall's line resi dences , two blocks from paved street , two blocks south of Fnrnnm st. ; just think ot It , 120x150 ft. ami a corner at that , and only 1WO. C. E. Uoltor , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Uoualns /"I ALL on H. K. Cole , northeast corner of 15th V/and Douglas sts. , Omaha , for Edwin 1C. Al- sip ft Co.'s catalogues of lands of California. S30 April ! IjlOll SALK On monthly or quarterly pay- JLA nionts.somo nowo-room houses In Mlllard St Caldwoll's add. . Just IM miles trom uostodlco. If you want a home of your own come uud sea me. C. C. apotstt-ood. 3Qjj < S. 10th st. ifit TpOH SALE or Exchange Improved stock J-'fnrmol fcOJ acres. In cast am Nebraska , near market ; also nuw 12-room house , with all con- ventoncoK , in desirable resldonco portion of. Omnna. Andrew Ilovlus , attorney , 4 ! und 423 , Pnxton blucb. Omaha , Neb _ W7 riHIOhi : line , htrgn lots at Summit park. South .i. Omaha , are OOxloO each , with 2ti foot nlluyi nud 80 and 100 foot streets. Wo haven few ol them nt two-thirds their value. Street cnr there tills spring will cause lots to sell rixpldly nt good prollt. M. A. Upton Company , 16th and Farnam , JI500 TOR SALE Real estate , Insldo the mile JJ limit , a Ill-room house und lot 50x41 for ? ! , - 400. $100 cash , balance easy. 313 7 TJIOR SALK-8SxUJ foot , trackage convenient JJ to Northwestern , Missouri Paclllo ana Union Paclllo railroads nnd Halt Line , paved streets and close to business ; price , 151,000. Ames , 1507 Farnam Bt. 333 (1 ( FORtiAfiK-On South 10th st. , no ft. front with smnll cottage , SI.SOJ ; small cash pay ment. P. L./.llch , 2317 10th , south of llancroft. 322 lot SAY ; catch on now , not In 30 or CO days , but now. Active times in Omnlia nnd Bouth Omaha this year sure. Don't wait until then. Duy now , sell thou. M. A. Upton Company , lUth and Fnrnam. 3.VI 0 _ 8AIK or exchange ror good Omaha property and pait cash , my resilience at 1020 Wlrt street. Kountze jilnco. Lot 40x100. nouth ol fair grounds in Kirk wood , price 11,200 , one * fourth cash. J. II , Loomis , 1020 Wlrt at. | SO-a * /1AR line to South Omaha this spring sure ; vVbuy of us now ; wo will sell lor you Insldo ol six months at n prollt. M , A , Upton Company , Kith end Farnam. 350 8 F OH sale or exchange A residence at 20th st. , nnd St. Marys nvo. has 7rooms , bath room , laundry , sewerage , gas and city water. AV111 take good outside building slto as part payment. David Jnmieson , 314 3 16th. .TIB mALK. of bargains l uar.eon this : iaxlS7n.w. a- corner 31th and Hamilton , fronts 3 streets , at grade , for ? 4,250. This Is bed-rock ; not a n ickol leas will over buy it , and it mast be grabbed soon at that price. M. A. Upton Com jr4& pany , lUth and Farnam. 699 FOR SALE Nine-room house , barn nud lot in Hanscom Place ; also 2 houses and lots lu Sunny Side. Him-U , room 411,1st Nat. bank. OOJ Architects. Wanted on or before April 8th. plans and esti mates for a four .story building 5xIil / , MatorlaK for front and 25 feet of ono side Colorado Band Storu , balance of brick. Fire proof vaults on 1st nnd 2nd lloor.s , Store and llanlc on llrst floor , olllces In the balance. ElovntorundSteam Heat ing and Plumbing. Address , BECUIUTV STATE HANK. a-l-3-S Grand Island Nob. THE REALTY IMARKET. TNSTRUMENTS placed on record durlngr J. yesterday. < W F Callahun and wife to C Whlte.fl 40 tot , 17 , blk J , Kill ) of 3 I Redlck's nil. w ( Ui , .7,40 < D .1 King to I H M upon , uud ; 'j lot 4 , blUsv , Itans1 KUb , wd 72J J F Winch to the public. Wluch'u stib.plaf Merchants' National Dank to Thomas Murray , n o. n w lots 4 , 0 nud 7 , in sec- . tlonsi ) . 14 nmlio , w d ' 1XJ { Omaha 11 ore o railway company to Omaha Street railway company. Iota 1 , 2 and V , blk 201 % OniHlia , lot 12. blk 12. s 2-3 lots li , 10 nnd 11 , blk 11 , Hanscom place , 1U8 a in hw. BO27 ana nw.no34 15,13 , small track ton c , a ol ) , 15,13 , wd i' . , GOO P M Street nnd husband to M Lindblom , " lot U.2d add to West Side , w d . 850 A Ruth and husband to W R Unman , lot ; i , and w yt lot- , bin H , Kountpluco.w d 2,611 O H and K G Jlallou ot al to M O Halm , lotH Hand 7 , blk U , Ambler place , w d , . . . 800 J Klein nn < l wife to A SuKarman , lot IS , 800CO blk4. Hush to Selby's udd , q c U . CO J ; W Grlliith ot nl to Public , lots si und 22 , blk 1 , lots 11 und 12 , blk 2 , lots in uud 12 , blk n , lots U nnd 12 , blk 7 , nndiW ft elf s end of lots III to 2. , blk 7 , and 86 ft 14 to 2 1 , blK H , Hnkar plnco , q c a. . . i. , 1 Max Meyer ot al to W A Woodward , lotfl , blU2. Slunlmtunadd. wd . . . . . .r. 1,100 J Giiull ana wife to J I.ung , n ( i 89 Loo's place , wd . 1 J Lang and wife to J Grudl , a ' / 69 , Leo's place , w d . n . 1 Uiuuha R K and T Co to Mrs ICJankouski , lots 3 and 4 , blk 2 , Haunders It llimo- buuKh'sudd to Walnut Hill , wd . 8,000 F Itoseborrv to B Strykor , B8 ft by 132 ft nw ne 19-15-13 , w d. . . . . . . . . . . 0.038 Fifteen transfers i'ormits. The following building permits wora granted yesterday by Inspector Whitlock : L. Kelt.strom , one-story addition to dwell ing. Mageatb near Thirtieth ; I 300 C , It , Bnaw , three one story frame dwell- nigH-'OttK near Walnut 8,000 C , H. shaw , two one-story frame dwell' ings , Maple nearThtrty-fout til 8,000 C. R. Hhaw , one-atory frame dwelling , OaknearChostnut. . . l.OM Andrew Mayewskl , oae-story frame dwelling. Fort Omaha 938 0. F. Juynos , one-story frame school building. Sherman avenue and Javnes , . 73fl Le\/ls Andorfion , one-story frame dwell ing , Btuntey nuar Milton , 000 Ten permits , aggregating'I 8,475 fit , . No Dcoision Vet Itonohcd. WASIIIKXITOK , April B. f Special Toloarm % to TUB J3ii : : . ] It was reported yesterday afternoon that Secretary Witiuom liftd MS- dcred a decision In tlio Omalia public build- intf slto ouostlon. The sosrotary Informed Tuts HUB correspondent lust evening tuat ba uoa not roacUoa tlio case uor attomptcd conclusion , A.Oonvcrted IJmbozzler OonfeMe * . , , Ky , , April 6. f- to TUB DEB.J-J. W. Whlt jjherlfr ol'thta ( McLean ) county , attended a' religious r- vivayesterflay \ and there confessed ttat' thirteen year * ago bo embezzled f 1,000'of tbf county funds , lip paid over the mon y MJV promised" to pay the Interest , which wtu amount to t-TOQ. _ Noted Trottcru Sold. WIIEKMNO , Vf. V - , April 5-W. 1C , Charles nrokunler , of this city , have ial4 tbelr two thoroughbred uoraei , VVU Willies , by Ucorge Wllkos , for f 10.009. El Matdl , by Ouward , for 118,000 ,