Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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V Officer Vlzznrd reports the ndtlltlon of
a ninth boy to his family.
John Hey wns jutlctl yostortlny ,
clmrgcd with having threatened to
Bhoot S. D. Caroy.
The etril < inrr worlnnon on the water
works Imvo cone back' 10 work but nro
still dissnUslicd nnd liable -to walk out
nt nny lime.
City Comptroller Goodrich will Imvo
the city wnrrnnta for snlnries for Mnrch
rcndy to-day. The amount of the war
rants is $31,020.
An open meeting of the 1C. of L. as
sembly will bo hold to-nlpht nt
the hall on Dou lns street between
Thirteenth nnd Fourtoohtn.
( P. Ucchlor nnd S. Whnro were nr-
rcsfcd yesterday while trying to steal
the clothing from a dummy in front of
n North Sixteenth street store.
Five keepers of bannnn carts were nr-
rcstod yostordny for obstructing the
fcldowalks nnd Interfering with pedes
trians around the postolTlco corners.
A black overcoat of diagonal pattern
wns found in the possession of Gcorgo
Wilson , the burglar brought back from
Nohrnskn City. The garment was
stolen , but from whom is not known.
Mr. Rcdousky has boon appointed by
Superintendent of Plumbing Duncan to
inspect the trenches made by the water
works company on Fnrnam street nnd
BUO thnt they nro properly tamped
when being Ililod.
The Frank OrlT Publishing company
hns purchased from Thomas H. Cotter
nil his interest in the Council' BlufTs
Directory , and proposes ranking n now
canvass nnd deliver n , Directory that
shall bo worthy of the patrons.
John Lnucr hns ROIIO to Now Mexico.
Will Crnlff , of Chicago , Is nt the Mlllnrd.
C. H. Holmes , of Lincoln , la nt the Millnrd.
W. H. Potter , of Boston , Is nt the Paxton.
J. II. Mahler , of St. Paul , Is ut the Paxton.
W. S. Garner , Hcd Cloud , Is nt the Mur
A. J. Mlllor , of DCS Molncs , Is n Murray
W. F. Uarger , of Kansas City , Is nt the
Paxton ,
D. J. Drawer , L > eavoinvorth , is nt the
Pax ton.
E. L. Gillosplo , of Lincoln , is at the
Franlc 'Hammond , of Fremont , Is at the
William Valentino , of Nebraska City , Is at
the Mlllard.
A. 1) . Patton nnd wife , Pueblo , Colo. , are
atthe Paxton.
.T. M. Saundcrs , of Mnrysvillo , Mo. , is a
Millard guest.
IJ. A. Ellis nnd wife , of San Francisco , nro
at the Millard.
George W. Grlbbon nna wife , Falrbury ,
nro nt the Murray.
J. W. Robinson nnd E. M. Lewis , of Bos
ton , tire at the Murray.
Mr. E. Itosowntcr , editor of Tnu BEE , has
returned from the cast.
N. D. Alien , of Kansas City , vico-prcsidont
of the Patrick Laud company , is in the city.
Max Mayor is recovering from a painful
attack of erysipelas which has conilncd him
to his residence for the pust ten days.
Colonel M. S. Hall is ono of the early con-
structioniors of the Union Pacific railway ,
and nt this time a prominent contractor and
member of the Vnn Dyke coal company , has
returned from Eldorn Springs , Mo. Through
the cfllcacy of the iron waters of these
springs the colonel 1ms fully recovered from
ut attack of rheumatism.
There nro rumors to the cffecj that nt the
next con cress Senator Washbun will intro
duce n bill for another bridge over the Mis
souri river at"this point , . Iri-fnvor'of ttio WI-
nona & Southwestern line , which is now
beading toward this city.
liittlc Sins.
The mittimus hns bean issued for the ar
rest of II , II. Wandoll. who was fined for ob
taining money under false pretenses and has
failed to pay the line in the prescribed time.
.Tamos Mojaclc and Manna Wilson wore
tried by Jury yesterday on the charge of
selling liquor on Sunday.
Pugilistic Pcnltpnco.
Chnrlcs Donnelly , bettor known ns
"Silvers , " nnd who has been arraigned
scores of times for various offenses , toolc n
notion to Wednesday to beat ono F. E. Allen.
Ho accomplished his object , but by the tlmo
ho had spoiled Allen's good IUCKS , ho foil
into the hands of a policeman. The Judge
fined him $17.50.
Done ! ) > n Iluff.
The Pacific publishing company of Kansas
City sent Hormun Schultz hero as their
ngont for pictures and German books. He
had a largo quantity of the articles with him ,
but his services boinp unsatisfactory a writ
of replevin was issued to recover thcso goods
and the money collected , Ho refused to glvo
them up nt first , but Constable Clark bluffed
him into it by threats of incarceration m the
city Jail. _
Oinnlm nt Paris ,
The Omaha board of trade has taken up
the matter of making nn exhibit of Nebraska
corn at tlto Paris exposition , nnd will proba
bly succeed lit nccompllshing the desired ob
ject. C. F. Murphy , general manager of the
American Indian corn exhibit , nt the oxposl-
tiou , wtis in the city Wednesday and lalu the
matter before the board of tnuln.
It is the Intohtlon to maico the exhibit an
' extensive ono ono that will bo creditable to
the state.
Family Hews ,
Judge Borka's valuable tlmo is Doing taken
up thcso days principally in llstonlnrto potty
family quarrels. On Wednesday Clo Wright
was fined $5 nna costs for abusing John
Shower. Yesterday Shower wns arrested
nnd contributed (5 to the cltv coffers for
having nbuscd Wright nnd calling him
naughty names. It'Is trying on th'o consti
tution , but Judge Uorkit thinks ho can stand
it BO long as the boys maungo to pay their
fines. _
Army xniufnntlons.
An examination opened nt the army
headquarters yesterday for the purpose of ex
amining such meritorious non-commissioned
ofllcors as may bo recommended for promo-
.tlon. The following Is the detail for the
board of examiners : Major Edmond Butler ,
Second Infantry ; Major Daniel W. Benhnm ,
Seventh Infantry ; Captain William H. Clapp ,
Sixteenth Infantry ; Captain Cyrus S. Hob-
crts.Sovcnteonth infantry ; Captain Frcdor-
ICK II , E. Ebstoln , Twonty-llrst Infantry.
. First Lioutonnnt James B , Jnckson ,
Seventh infantry , Is detailed as recorder for
the board.
Pitlillo WorkH.
The board of public works yesterday ad
dressed a letter to the Omaha Horse Hall
way company and its legal successor , the
Omaha Street Uallwny company , Instructing
' t to replace the pavement torn up by the
'company without n permit , onvl'enth street
near Mason , on Mason nour Tenth , on Six
teenth netir Vinton and On Sixtccntn near
.Pierce , nndjalso to talio up a detached picco
of track placed by the company on the Intersection -
* section of Twentieth n'nd vlhtori. Chairman
Ualcotnbo states that any further violation
of the rules regulating the taking out of pur-
ItQlts will bo punished as a misdemeanor ,
Prof. Wm. R. Thompson , M. D. , of
the University of the City of Now York
bays thnt more udujls uro carried pIT , in
this country , by chronic kidhoy disease-
tinn ) by any ether ono malady , except
consumption , and yet many people look
upon a slight kidney dltlicu'lty ns of
Httld consequence. Others take War
ner's Safe Cure and remove any possible
danger. When kidnordlsoabo becomes
chronic , or Uright's disease , it becomes
a very serious matter.
The Oinnlm Street Hnllwny Company
anil the Union Pnulllo llrldgo.
There Ir n project on foot which Is cn'cu-
latcd to still further Incrciwo the competition
nnfl nvnlry which of Into dnys hns been en
gendered between the Omnlm nml Council
liluffK Motor nnd Urldgo company on the ono
hnml nnd the Omaha Struct Itnllwny com
pany nn the other. It I * nothing more or
IMS than the UUllrntlonof Iho wngon roads
on the now Union 1'nclllo bridge for
motor trnekn nnd running another
motor to Council Bluffs by the
Oinnlm Street railway company. Tno
project l n bold ono , yet It has nervy , brainy
men behind It , nnd it would not bo imrprU-
Ing If It should bo accomplished nt a very
early date.
WcsnoJdny Mr. Brnslln , representative of
the Mitnawn line in the Bluffs , with Frank
Murphy , W. V. Mnrso nnd several others
called on Mr. T.'Ij. Klmball , at the Union
Pacific headquarters , nnd submitted the
proposition to him , nnd formally
nindo application for the franchise
to build their tracks ncross the
bridge. They guaranteed to extend
there line to the western approach , across
the structure nnd continue to connect with
the Mnuawn motor along the now right of
way to that Luko. The proposition seemed
to strike Mr. Klmball satisfactorily , but of
course ho could not grant the franchise
nskod for nml accordingly the matter wns
taken under ndvlsoment. The fact thnt the
local pntronngo of the Union Pacific dummy
between this" city nnd Council Bluffs has
been destroyed by the Dougns ] street motor ,
it is considered , will have n favorable effect
upon the Union Pacific management In
granting the franchise. Coupled with this
fact is the other thnt the wnpon 'trnfllo on
the new Union Pnclllc briigo has been
practically destroyed and thnt the
motor line would In no manner interfere-
with what remains oven If the company
should see fit to hold the driveways open for
Its continuance.
The application referred to wns acknowl
edged by ono of the gentlemen present , who
said that , if It were granted , the Omnhn
Hallway company would build to
tho' Broadway depot nnd that ho
had no doubt that right of way could bo se
cured on Pearl street. As to the matter of
crossing the tracks the same Informant said
that they could bo satisfactorily overcome
for the present but there wns no denying It
thnt there would bo bcforo long n viaduct on
Tenth street , over which the motor could
There Is some danger , however , that this
scheme may bo opposed byintluontlal mem
bers of the Omnhn und Council Bluffs Bridge
company who nro nlso directors
of the Union Pacific. Whether
the latter would allow its interests to bo
Jeopardized by n feeling of friendliness for
several of Its stockholders , Is to bo deter
If the plan should bo determined upon , the
result would bo increased pntronagcd of the
Union Pacific bridge because the cars 'cross
ing it could bo inado , by means of the Omaha
company's lines in the city , to pass through
the business district of Omaha.
How to Overcome the Dangers of Ex
Francis O'Reilly , the well-known livery
man of No. 18 , Prince street , Now Yorks'ays
of AI.LCOCK'S Ponous PLASTcns :
For the last forty-two years I have been
engaged in the Hvcry nnd hack business , I
am greatly aided by my four boys. Wo are
much expo'sed to the weather , nnd wo have
found ALT.COCK'B PL\STcns of very great
service. Wo use them as chest protectors ,
placing ono on the -'nest and ono on the pit
of the stomach. They not only ward off the
cold , but. act as a tonic.
We nro frequently affected witn rhouma
tisui , Itlnlts in the back , and pains in the
side ; but ono or two of ALLCOCK'S PIASTERS
quickly euro us. My wife and daughter have
been using ALT-COCK'S PLASTEUS for weak
back and think the world of them. I have
now been using them for twenty years , nnd
always have n box in the house. "
Hns He a Double ?
C. WHnmilton , of the United States Na-
tonal bank , has cause to remember D. H.
Dorsett , ho of Chicago conduit fnme.
Speaking of him yesterday , M. Hnmil
ton said that n few years ago Dorsett was in
the butter nnd opg business on Harney
street , nnd during his residence hero ho nnd
Mr. Hamilton had some financial dealings
which the latter has cause to regret.
"I do not care , " said he , "to say much
about Dorsett ut present , ns I do not think
tiio proper time has arrived , but I will have
something to say when the time does come. "
Phil McShuno also knew Dorsntt. "I re
member him , " said ho , "as a remarkably
shrewd man. I hnva heard that ho once did
up Hnmilton of the United States National ,
but I know nothing of the affair personally.
I never had nny dealings with Dorsett. "
It will bo remembered that Dorsett testi
fied under oath in the councilmanio investi
gation , that ho had never been in Omaha bo-
fore. _
Tiio Stomnoh Distils Acids.
1 hcse , if existent In n natural quantity , and
unvitiated by bile , play their part In the
functions of digestion nnd assimilation. But
the artificial acid resulting from the inability
of the stomach to convert food received by it
Into sustenance , is the producer of fiatulcnco
and heartburn , which are the most hnrrassing
symptoms of dyspepsia. The best carmina
tive is Hosteller's Stomach Bltture. Far
more effective is it than carbonalo of soda ,
magnesia , or olher alkaline salts. These in
variably weaken the stomach without uro-
Oucing permanent benefit. $ o man or woman
chronically dyspeptic , nnd consequently ner
vous , can bo In possession of the full meas
ure of vigor allowed by nature. Therefore ,
Invigorate nnd regulate the system , and bv
so doing protect it from malaria , rheuma
tism and other serious maladies.
Tiio Ijtttlo Hoy's Story.
C. J. Phillips , who had given Into his care
n little boy nnmod John Font to bring up ,
got tired of the Job and decided to have him
sent to the reform school. Ho caused Bio
arrest of the lad on the charge of Incorrlgl-
bllity nnd when the I'.ttlo fellow was ar
raigned , , Rald that Jenny chewed tobacco
nnd throw stones at passers-by. Johnny
testified that ho was neglected by Phillips ;
that ho wanted to go to school and Sunday
school , but could not because ho did not have
clothes lit to wear , and alsfo described how
Phillips nnd his wife had misused him. After
hearing the testimony Judge Borka released
the little- prisoner nnd informed Phillips that
If ho did not take better euro of the boy ho
would bo prosecuted himself.
\Vo feel perfectly snfo in recommend
ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu
matism , lame buck and nil cases requir
ing n. liniment. A bonollclnl olToct is
apparent from its flnst application.
Many aged persons who suitor with
pains in the joints and muscles so fre
quently caused by expos uro or sudden
changes of weather , find immediate ro-
Hof in Chamberlain's Pain Bnlm. Give
it a trial. Sold by nil druggists.
Another Dluitppoliitincnr.
Architect E. E. Meyers again failed to fill
his engagement with the board of county
commissioners yesterday. Ho did not
send any message to announce that ho would
bo detained longer than ha expected. The
commissioners are evidently Inclined to lot
Mr. Meyers alone In the future. Chairman
Mount was the only member of the board
who took the trouble of dropping around to
the county building to BCD if ho had couio.
Banking and lumber business for sale.
Inquire of C. E. Loomis , under Capitol
National bank , Lincoln , Nob.
A Hiintlrod Tluiiisaiit ! In
Wednesday Messrs. Peter Bouquet , Phillip
Sehafer and II , Ranko , of Burlington , incorporated
poratod the Omaha Cooperage company , with
a capital stock of $100.000. The principal
place of business will bo Burlington but the
shops will bo located at South Omaha , where
cooperage of all kinds will bo manufactured.
The ofllccra of the company will comprise
the above named gentleman , who \vlll act re
spectively as president , iccrotary and treas
urer and vice president , Mr. Charles L ,
Sclmfor. formerly of Burlington , but for
cms time oagagcdjn the cooperage business
In Nebraska City will bo superintendent nnd
general manager of the concern , which will
proceed ns soon ns possible to open nn exten
sive plant nt South'Omaha.
An Imperative Necessity.
What pure nir is to nn unhealthy lo
cality , what spring cleaning is to the
neat housekeeper , o is Hood's Sarsaparilla -
rilla to everybody , at tnis season. The
body needs to bo thoroughly renovated ,
the blood purified and vitalized , the
germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula ,
salt rhoum.and all ether blood disorders
are cured by Hood's Sarsapnrllla , the
most popular and successful spring
medicine. '
The Sixth \Vnr < l Fizzle.
C. U. Kolsley , secretary of the Sixth Ward
Republican club , said that the meeting hold
last Monday night In which Blrklmusor , Guo
and Corrycll undertook to denounce Mr. E.
Rosowntcr nnd Tun OMAHA BEE , wns not n
meeting of that organIzntion nt nil and that
neither the president uor the secretary wns
present or know anything nbout It at the
John T. Dillon says ho wishes It under
stood thnt ho did not write the resolutions
passed or wns ho the father of it , but simply
road It as an accommodation to Guc , who
claimed ho couldn't see. Mr. Dillon says ho
stated this nt the tlmo. Ho nlso says thnt
the meeting was not called by the Sixth
Ward Republican club , but that "many of
those present were republicans , "
Grass , garden and field i cods. Wm.
Siovers & Co. , 10th and California.
The Colony Incorporated.
The Omaha colony of Oklahoma boomers
yesterday filed articles of Incorporation with
the county clerk , The capital stock is placed
nt $ i,000 , divided Into 2,500 shares of $10
each. The names of the Incorporntors nro :
J. W. Evart , Charles Burroll , A. W. Cowfn ,
H. C , Barnes nnd Jacob Kado.
J. B. West has been elected president ,
Thomas Burroll , vlco tirosldcnt ; J. W.
Evnrts , secretary , nnd Joseph Ferguson ,
treasurer. The colony , consisting of nbout
four hundred people , will leave Omaha for
the now El Dorado on the 18th , by n special
train of ton coaches. At the mooting last
night Captain Smith was exonerated of nil
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnnm st. .
telephone 1261 , blank book makers , etc ,
Going North.
The Omnhn street railway company has
notified the board of public works that It Is
extending its line of double track street rail
way upon Twenty-loth street northward to
the city limits , nnd applies to the bonrd to
issue to it the necessary permits therefor. A
permit Is also nskod to construct n track
upon Twenty-fourth street from Patrick
avonua northward.
Twenty-fourth street Is the ono upon
which the street car company nindo its mid
night raid a week or two ngo , effectually
shutting out the motor company with double
tracks. Sixteenth street is the one captured
by the motor company.
Dizziness , nausea , drowsiness and dis
tress after cnting can be cured and pre
vented by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's
Liver and Kidney Pellets.
Mustljeavo the Country.
Frank Edwards and Frank Casey , the
thieves who stole five pair of pants from the
Erie Clothing company , were sentenced re
spectively to twenty-five nnd thirty days in
the county Jail , six on bread and water. Ono
pair of pants wns given by them to Charles
Wilson to dispose of. Ho was also given
thirty days , but the Judco offered to suspend
his sentence if ho would get out of the city
by noon. Ho agreed to this. Ho is on old
jail-bird , as is also Casey. Edwards is anew
offender and his sentence wns inado lighter
Catarrh cured , health and iewoot
breath secured by Shlloh's. Catarrh1
Remedy. Price 60 cents. Nasal In
jector free. For sale by Goodman
Drug Co .
Flames on the Soil.
The prniric fires on a small scale in the
suburbs of the city have been keeping the
Hremen pretty busy of late , day Ycstcrtho de
partment was called at 9:53 : a. m. , to Twenty-
ninth and Hamilton streets , where the tall
grass was found blazing anil threatening the
cottages in that vicinity. After considerable
hard fighting the flames were- extinguished
before nny damage was done.
The delicious fragrance , refreshing
coolness and soft beauty imparted to the
skin by Pozzoni's Powder commends it
to all ladies.
Mrs. Doc. Smith nnd Grant Kaenstnan ,
neighbors , got into a quarrel and hnd n
fierce fight. A number of tolling blows were
given on each side , Mrs. Smith being some-
whnt larger and more muscular than her
male adversary. The fight proved n draw ,
and the indignant neighbors who witnessed
the nffnir swore out a warrant for the arrest
of the two.
I cheerfully recommend Red Clover
Tonic to those , suffering from troubles
of the stomach and llvor. I am now on
my second bottle , nnd it makes mo feel
like a now man. C. M. ConnorNashua ,
la. , Goodman Drug Co.
Coming Nuptials.
Simon Fisher , the well-known nnd popular
cashier of Max Mcyor & Co. , Is to bo mar
ried on next vVcdncsday , to Miss Addio
Blum , of Iowa City. Miss Blum Is tbo
daughter of a wealthy banker nt that place.
The marriage will ho attended by a largo
number of friends from this city , who will
travel in a special car to and from the scone
of Mr. Fisher's conquest.
lYIday , April 5,1SSO
Our Secret. There's no se
cret. An honest medicine doing1
all that is claimed for it , will
win its way to popular favor.
Paine's Celery Compound has
won such favor.
Made from the most carefully
selected celery , hops , buchu ,
sarsaparilla , dandelion , pipsis-
sewa , and other medicinal
herbs , it cannot harm a < child.
Trlie formula from which it
is prepared was originated by
the late Dr. Phelps , of Dart
mouth Medical College , a
physician of the widest exper
ience. Itisascientificmedicine.
We claim nothing for it that
ifwill not do. Every user be
comes a friend , and recom
mends it to his neighbors.
It is just the medicine you
and everybody else need for
spring. It will purify. your
blood , give a clear complexion ;
it will strengthen yqur * . nerves ,
impart life and vigor ; it will re
gulate the kidneys and bowels ,
cleanse the system of all im
purities ; it is the medicine of
today , meeting the want of
everybody during the spring
At Drucglsti. 1100 per bottle. Six for (500.
.UurllngUm.Yt ,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder novorvarlea. A mnrvolof purity
HtretiRtji \Yliolesoincnorts. . Moro economical
limn the ordinary K\mK \ and cannot bo sold In
competition \vltli the multitudes of low coit.
shorlwolfzlit nlum or phospnato powders. Bold
only In cans. Itoynl linking Powder Co. , I'M
Wall street New 1'ork
Chicago , Ills. I ClarkOt ,
The Regular Old-Established
lutlll Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , teens and Priyate Diseases ,
* S-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
Foiling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effects
leading to early decuy nnd pethaps Conaumptlon 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-tailing success.
HOT SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DIs.
easea permanently cured.
* 3-KIDNEY n.HjRlNARYcomplalntiaieet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varicoccle and all diseases
of the Qenlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
3No experiments. Age and experience 1m.
portant. Consultation free and ancred.
A3-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
Jf3 Thotf contemplating Mairlsze send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call m y save future suffer ,
imr and shame , and add golden years to life.KSBoolc
"Life's ( SecretErrors , " jocentsstamps ) . Medlcins
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 91012. Address
P. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. CHICAGO , ILL.
! , , * „ . Y'S
Finest nnd Cheapest Moat KlftvourlnnStock for Soups
Made Dishes unit Sum-en. As Hoof Tea. "nn Invulun
bio tonic. " Annual sale8WJOWJ ( Jars.
Genuine only with fnc-elmllo of Justus von
Blcniituroln blue acroas label.
Sold by Storekeepers. tJroct'M nnd Dmmrlst * . *
niI < : ilU 3 ICXTHAUTUK MliAT CO. , 1/ltl ; Jxinrton-
Sold by IlInharelsoo.IJratf Co.-and lllukc.UruceUCo
Ourllttlo girl when but three weeks olil.broko
out with eczema. Wo tried the prescription
from so veral good doctors , but without nny
special benctlt. Wo tried S. S. S. , nnd by the
time ono bottle was gone , her head began to
heal , and by the time she had taken six bottles
she wns entirely cured. Now she has a full ami
heavy head of hair a robust , healthy child. I
feel It but my duty to rnakv this statement.
If. T BWOiiH , Itlch Hill. Mo.
l3r7 Send for our nooks on THood nnd Skin
Isoases and Advice to Suirerers. mailed rreo.
in : SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta On.
Tlie Laod of Discoveries
E roi\
Santa-Abies and Cat-R Cure.
For Sale "ay
GooilmtmiDrug Company.
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all necessary pjperd llllo.l.
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engiiwr ,
d Tumor * eurtd.
ciperlentc. > Kulfiv Hook
CANCER Free. l.I > .MtMll'IUCL.H.D.
Ittl Withuh AY..CllcM .IU.
Extraordinary Bargain Sale This Week in the
'S i
New G-.oods , Largest Wholesale Stock to Select from and tlie Lowest
Prices Ever Warned for First Class Goods.
We Oifer the Following Bargain Lots This Week in
Boy's Long Pant Suits.
Lot No. 1. 150 Boy's Brown Striped Cheviot Suits , coat , pants nnd vest , made from n pure- all wool
cheviot , manufactured for our own use nnd made in our own work rooms. Guaranteed to bo perfect in every re
spect nt $7 per suit. Wo claim thnt this is less than these goods can be mnnufacturcd for in the regular way , but
wo have them made in large quantities and in this way have reduced the cost , so have decided to ofler them
his week at the extremely low price o § 7 per suit. All sixes from 10 ycarj to 17. Samples of the goods sent to
ny address.
Boy's Short Pant Suits , Special Price , $5. '
Lot No. 2 Ts a lot of 200 Boy's Scotch Cheviot ICnee Pant Suits , ages 4 to 13 , made from a genuine Scotch
Cheviot , of a nent brown check. In appearance and wear it is equal to nny suit sold as high ns SS. Wo unhesi
tatingly recommend this suit us perfect in fit nnd reliable in every respect. Samples of goods sent nuy address
Special Sale of Men's Cheviot Suits , Prices $8 , $10 and $12.
The Cheviot Suits advertised in the men's department last week will prove to bo very popular , judging from
the number sent out last week to parties nt n distance.
Men's Blue Cheviot Sack and Fiock Suits , § 10.00.
Men's Fancy Cheviot Sack Suits. $3.00.
Men's Genuine Sawyer Cheviot Suits , § 12.00. .
Send for samples nnd self measurement blanks. 3
OMAHA > mis Co. "
Proprietors. !
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
f Young Men are
( ?
! Where ? shall I go for .
I An easy matter if you'll go di-
They know what will
suit you. They've got an assortment -
sortment that you'll fairly i
J revel in. n y
w A
Besides llioy arc surely to V
I you for perfect lit and satisV
raution In tlie inaUo.
save $1
jto $20.00 and get }
? newer goods ami feet- ?
} tcr work. |
Suits to order , $20 to $45 -
t Overcoats " 20 to 40 !
{ Trousers " 5 to 101
1409 Dopglas Street. Oraalia , f
The"Lion"High Pressure Hose
The HcU IH llio Cheapest !
ny Tun
Following Plumte
Husscy & Day Co. ,
Jr. A , Frer ,
G'l'fllmm Park ,
J. J. Hnnlglini ) .
J. I. . M'tlslmiis ,
J. It. Ilimmc'e ,
H. I. Morrison ,
Itogc & Italfo ,
And all leading
plumbers throughout
the wt-st.
The pressure uuarantee Imprinted In the body
of tlie cover U a protection to thy consumer
ntrainttt common bote.
! " "Tun . ctioii or
I U11 III t ll k ( i priciTcti. iiuy to
trf.cllr ; ru lntd t > y lliu new
_ .
fi.r iiur ntwllluiltalcu "CiuiiUltf
llcfltb. " AluoluU . tccnrr. VnrlCO *
cureil without pln orcixtiilmi. Addreti
Mlon-Dupro Cllnlquc , iw TKUCLI ttE.
Can Imvo their cnrcs greatly lessened by
brliiRlng their children to our Youth's and
Hoy's department , and selecting for them
0ill outfits from our excellent r.s-.ortmcnt.
20to60 DAYS.
This is u cllscnso which Inn heretofore
Bnflled nil Modicnl Science.
When Mercury , Todlcto of Potassium , Sarsnpa
rllla or Hot Springs tiMe gimrantoon cure.
Wo have a Hemedy , unknown to anyone In tiio
World outsldo of our Company , and emu that has
to cure the most obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent caaes clous the work. It Is the old chronic
tlccp Boated cases that we solicit. Wo have
curva Hundreds who have been abandoned by
I'hyRlclnns , nnd pronounced Incurable , and wo
r'mUleiitio the world to brine us a cnse that w
will not euro In leas than Klvty day * .
Since tiio history of racalclnu B true speclllo
for Syphilis has boon Bought for but cover
found until our
was discovered , and we are Juitllleil In saying
It IH tha only Homed/ the World tnat will pos
itively euro. b cause the latest Medical Works.
published by the bust known authorities , tuy
tnere wasnevoratfiiBspecllloboforo. Ourrmn-
edy will cure wlum everything else hns fulled.
W/iy wnste your time and inojioy with patent
medicine that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that Imvo
tried evary thing clso should come to us now and
Rrt permanent rnllef , you never can got U ulaa-
where. Hark what we say. In the end you
must takn our remedy or NKVKK recover and
you that have been adllcted Imt a nliort time
nhould by all means come to us now. not one in
ten of now rases over cot permanently cured.
Many Kethelp and think they are free from the
dlicase , but in one , two or thro * years after it
appears igaln In a more horrible torm.
This la n blood Purifier nnd will Cure
nny Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fnils.
Room 10 nntl 11. U. S. National Iank
sri Omnhn. Neb. _
State Line.
Tofilnsginv , Ilclftist , Dublin mid Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin pnstuiKo (3.1 to < ' 0 , according to location
of btutti room. Mxctiralon J&i to tW.
Fteeruge lo nnd from Kiirope at Lowest
AUSTJN JJAI.mVJN A ; CO , . Cen'l Acents ,
M Itroachviiy , New 1'oric.
JOHN IlM'.On.V , Oen'l West rii Auent ,
let Hundolph St. , Chicago.
IIAIIKV H MOOUKS , Aftent. Oimiha.
Reduced Cabin Rntos to Glasgow Ex
hibition *
N. W. Cor. 13th & DodffO Sts.
s for Doformltioj and Trusses.
Iluat fncllHlcs , apparntut nnd romedloB for succou
/ul troatmunt of uvcrr form of disease requiring
Uedlcnl orSurelcnl Treatment.
Uonrd and attendance ; belt bospltM accommodt.
linns In tiio weiu
WHITE rou ciucniiAiis on neforrultlci and Dritcoi ,
Trusses , dub Kost , Curvature of the Splno , IMIes ,
Tumors , Canctr , Cntarrli , llronchuin , Inbnlatlon ,
Kluctrlcltr , I'nrnlynls , Kpllopij , KlUner. Illaildor.
Kyo , liar , BUIn nnd Hlooa.ntiJ allSumlcKl opontlons ,
Diaonsos of Women a Specialty.
All lllood Diseases uocosifully troitad. Srplillltlo
Poison romovoit from the nyBtom without mercury.
Ntw rostorntlvotriiafnont for loss of Vltnl I'.jwer.
Persons unable to Tinlt us may bo traHted at liomo b
corrcsnondi-nce. All communications confliimtlul.
Mertlc.-lnu < or Instruments sunt br mall or express ,
( iiurely packed , no marks to ImHrnto contend , of
tenner. One poisonallntorTlair i > roferrcd. Call and
eoniultua or nernl lilBtorrof your CB O , and wo will
lend la plain wrapper , our
Dpon Private , Special or Nervous nincnsoi , Imno *
Uncy. 8/pUllls , Ulset mid Vnrlcocolo , wltU quoilton
list. Adcfren
OriiaJia Medical and Surgical Institute , or
Our. ISIh and Dodge Sts. , - OMAHA , NED.
PATENTED Auo. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FED. 1,18817.
/iLumbago , Otneral anj
ij.H rvoi' _ D blllty. 3oi-
Nervouineii , Trembling ,
. * " 1'ifiiVij 'ng ' of Body , Dlieaica
tauied byWtW. Indlicralfni In Yeuth , Age , Mar-
rifdorSIn- 'JitvBle Llf . Infvt > litlt | > iti | < erUlDlo |
lolbt womh IJl fr itnlul ori D of m l or f mlt.
cD4te. poiliir for r n IllmtrXtd r'Mplil't , Htli ( III ti
tDou lo ptklD ittlcd vottlope. U otlon Ibli rPr , < l < ir M
30(1 North Broadway , UT. LOU 10. MO.
S * " " , Electric Belt Attaehment. .
V "V ' " "ll " > ' . Tin ur.'cXl '
le mild or ilrooi , Tbli I , ibi ooij6 \
; ' n/le JruM ted Celt . ir mkitt. II * L- . , . , „ „ . . _
upl.r. I. rron 10 I. 00 d , , . . x.r full dlltrlrlloo tl Dr.
I IL , Eletlro Ollnolc lirll. , Splo.l ipll > DC < l.Trlill > l uj
iDiein , ( DJ ft. for nn r > c > i > tiUi "tltli lll L
MOt/ou In pltln inlel .nulop. . 3jU tLlj tr IL ,
Sfeck Piano
Hoiimrkablo for powerful sympathetic
toiio , pliable action and absolute dura
bility ; so yours' record the best ( junrau-
tcoof the excellence of thoto Instru-
Takrf * ' Ortruxtoocnrcl.
i Wff fhw&T im *