Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA , DAILY BEflfr ffKIDAY. APRIL 5. 1889.
No nctvcrtlflcmonu will bo tnkon for
Dicnn coltinins after 12BO : i > . in.
Tcrnm Cash In ntlvancc.
Advertieomcntii tinder this head 10 cents pet
f Ino for l no flrst insertion , 7 c nu for each nib.
vtquent Insertion , and I J.W per lln per month.
Ko advertisement taken for less than 25 cents
the first Inset tlon , Seven words will bo counted
totho Hnoj they mint run consecutively nml
* nti t be paid In ADVANCE. All ndvertlfe-
tnents must 1 > handed m before 12:50 o'clock p ,
xn.t and under no circumstances will they lie
taken or discontinued by tolt/plione.
Parties advertising In these columns and havIng -
Ing their answer * addressed In care of Tin HBB
will please ask for a check to enable them to get
heir letters , f\n none will be delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to advor-
moments should lie eneloseajin envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns are pub
lished in both morning and evening editions of
T/II : HKC , the circulation of which aggregates
tnore than 18OOU papers dally , nna Elves the ad.
Tertlsers the nencfll , not only of the city circa-
latlou of TUB HKK , but also of Council Muffs ,
lilncoln and other cities and towns throughout
iuia section ot the country. _
Advertising for those columns will bo taken
en the above conditions , at the following busl-
Bess houses , who are ai thorlzed Agents forTiiB
Jlcr. special notices , and mil quote the name
rates us can ba had at the main oUlco. _
Boutn Tenth
CII ABE & EODY. Stationers and Printers , 113
Bouth icthjurcot.
011. FAHN8WOUTH , Pharmi list. 2115 Cum-
ing Street.
' JTlIUGUES , Pharmacist. 624 North 10th
" Eo7\v7l'Altn Avenue , , Pharmacist , 1800 Bt. Mary's
SITUATION ot any kind or place to work for
board. Address U 71. Hee. iK04
"VV'ANTEU Situation by registeredptmrmn-
TT cist ; best of roforencojglvou. Addioss IT
) . lice. ayn J
WANTED Position ; a young married man
with H years experience in wholesaling
nnd retailing aroccrles desires n position with
Eonio IIOURO cither an book-keeper or other'clDr-
leal position ; no objection to'golug on the road.
.Address U Ci ! , Hoc ofllcc. ax ) 4t
SITUATION wanted by a man from New
York experience tn wholesale and rotnll gro
cery and provision tiuslness , or to manage a
general Htoro or kepp books ; best of references
given ; addffss U ( i7 , Hoe. stfti-fl ]
A good broad and cake baker wants a situa
tion. Address Charles Still , .lollct. 111.
CJ1TUATION by a lady atonograpnorand
KJbookkoeper. Operates n Uomlncton type-
writer. Good city reference. Address U 11 , ftoe.
M ! )
"VVANTED-A good baker ; work la light and
i good wages paid ; address Todd K Smith.
Carroll. In. _ SI41-78
W'ANTiU-OMIco clerk ; must bo n good pen
man and nccurnto at llgurcs. btato ngo
nnd last employment. Address V 1 lice.
313-5 *
_ _ _
WANTED An honest young man for light
steady work nt a treed salarv. Call Immo *
dlaloly atArt Room. No. 17.330N. 30.
WANTED Four young men to work in city ,
good salary to right men ; at 111 North Kith
Bt. 355-OJ
I. _ _
. WANTED Porter at South Omaha liquor
house. German preferred. J. Robinson ,
Bouth Omaha. 80U-4 *
" _
UNTER& UUBSETiU Grand Rapids , Mich. ,
want canvassers for electric door Dlates ,
bolls , mall boxes , house numbers and alarms.
_ _ 307 1U *
W ANTED lion who are willing to work nnd
do Bollcltlng In the towns ot this and ad
joining states. Small deposit required. Salary
(3.50 to KI.5U per day. Htislnoss permanent. Call
nt room 611 , First National bans. 2M
ANTED-Agents to soil the Pig Puzzle ;
everybody crazy to got ono ; sample by
mall lie ; stamps taken. A. A. Austin & Co. ,
manufacturers. Providence. R. I. 3 > ! 8 m 2J
WANTED 25 men for surface gang. Al
bright's Labor agency , 1130 Faruam street. '
WANTED A good derrick man. Apply
Arthur Johnson's brickyard , ittth nnd
Forger sts. _ . 2I8-4T
WANTED A young man who writes u good
hAiul , who desires to icarn thu wholesale
grocery business , can hear ot a position by ad
dressing U 60 , this olllee. Give reference and
A ' > * l ll *
\\rANTED-6UO mon for railroad work In
TT Washington territory ; good wages and
Steady work. Apply at Albright's Labor Afency ,
120'Faniam street. 307
AHTED Experienced milker. 4U5Saun-
dors at. 100
' \ArANTl5D-Agenta for our new patent Ilre-
TT proof safes , size 28x18x18. welgnt 500 Ibs. ,
retail price 835 others in proportion. Highest
nwaru ( Mlver mi'dal ) Centennial exposition ;
ruro chance , permanent business. Our prices
} on eit. Wo are not In the safe pool. Exclusive
territory given. Alpine Safe Company , Cincin
nati. O. _ M4tvi ; *
JOYS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.Ii33
A good business man to take the
WANTED of an olllee In New York city ,
ono for Detroit nud another forClnclnnntinuist ;
Invest f3.500. salary 81.5UO per year. Address
Oeorco S.C11UO , Wognor block , Des ilolnea , la.
'AGENTS wanted on salary , $75 per month ,
-ex and Expenses paid , any active man or
woman to sell our goods by sample and live nt
borne. Bhlnry paid promptly and expenses In
advance. Full particulars ana sample case
free. We mean just whut we say. Address
Standard Silverware Co , , IKmton , Mass. 9.JO
MtXrANTKD 1 want good , active men to travel
Y t and canvas for n good selling remedy that
is well advertised. Address , v1th Cc in stamps ,
Dr. J. U. Moore. Emerson. la. 877 4
man wanted , with n few thousand
HOTEL to Invent ; house nil furnished and
Business that will pay out In 18 months ; title
perfect ; no Incumbrancc. Address M. A. Mo-
Olimls. orO. C. Churchill , Sterling , Colo.
TST ANTUO-Enorgetlo men nnd women ovary-
T > whore for u genteel , money-making busi
ness. * W weekly prollt guaranteed easier than
Win monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and exclusive
territory Msnron. $3.00 ( .amples free. Write for
particulars. Address , with atatnp , Merrill Mf'g
Co. . 11 M Chicpgo. 176 alO ?
ANTED Cilrl for general housoworlc , G ±
W N 1'Jtli. 311 0
" \\rANTRD German girl for general house
TT work ; wmall family ; good homo , liu Chicago
cage st. KM M
tXTANTED-Exporlencedsalos-ladlos forJer-
T > soy Jackets , cloaks nml bulta. Heyman &
Pelches. _ _ _ _ j 7 4 _
WANTED -Young liTdy In art room ? Kxpe <
rienco unnecessary. Good wages. Uoom
17. 220 N. IB. 3H-0 *
TXrANTBO-Olrls for dlnlngroom. laundry.
T > dishwashers , general housc.wonc , sucoml
wort : ; 111 Bouth 14th , room 4. 3lo-4t
Mr ANTWD Pastry COOK , 130 ; .Irtl cook , JJi ;
dishwasher , I1H ; boy to take rare of home * ;
cooil Doy to run mos Bilges ; yuril man In hotel ,
115. Mrs. Ilrega. 314 8 iklr. 8004 *
, rANTKD-I'orelndy lu largo dressmaking
. . establishment , also walut and skirt Hit
isliers , peed draper , II woiium cooks. J'iJ : dlnlnp
room girls in nnd nut ot city , 120 ; laundry anil
kitchen girls , * 5 , room themselves ; second glri
lu the country , 1 for small family In Kearney ,
t'WiM for cvu housework , Mre.lU-cga.ouii 8 Utli
i r IJS
ANTED Good girl for K neraThoube
[ 1 wore. Mrs. A. 1 * . Tukey , 2541 Chlcago t.
: l eentlomen at Nev
h Alt room , BOSH S IQtli st. 871 4 *
i Good gliTfnr general homework
" -JOa 8 J5th.
273-4 *
JrANTKD A girl furgeuoral hoiiinwork , ;
in family. 17m Cuss. ifiu
WANTKD-Uirl 14 to 18 yeartt of age to taki
car of baby ; good references irqnircJ
B. l > . AiidreWH , 8. W. corner23rdand Hurt ,
\SrANTKD Glrltodo ponernl hoimawork n
T t iwtn and Howard ; Uerman or Dane pro
t eri cd. KM _
'ANTED "Acompetent ; girl to dogfiifra
housaworV. Address ! S10 ! Learenitoi'tlu
sn o *
) A woman for nousuclnaiilim oni
day a week ; Inquire 2415 Jones yt , if-HH
WANTED-3 dlnlnff room glrUat the Coz
tens hotel.
; .
W " Ijiirae eli'l for a baby at ! WU Cnp
ttol ave ,
- : coo'lTugest tmsll fanuly
Apply Ilia a iiitfi. _ i' ' ± J
family ; imp
do plain cooking. Apply 8J1
ANTKUCa glrU for hotel. BBiierul lions
work , 1101 furnam , shoo shop In basement
SM 4 *
tfrl lot JtriltfuToora 'aiu
diamourwork , IKirun house , fi-'H. Mli it.
autb of court house. W7
Agents Reliable women to sell
WANTED Hygela" Combination
Bhouldor Ilrace Corset , ilest 'money making
article In the country. Satisfaction miaran-
eca. Apply , for terms and territory to Weitern
: or etL' Louis. Mo. IKt-alU
Hfl. HHKOA. Canadian Emp. offlc * . 3 W B.
16th , lleterenco Omaha National bank.
iLnJ.n' > J
"k MAHA Era p. bureau. 110N IBth : cslablTshod
VJs years. Most rollab e In city. H. E. White.
LADIES Information and employment par
lors ; strictly first-class ; perfectly reliable ,
loom 10 , llushtnan block , N. E. cor. Dongms
mdictnst. _ 153-A-Ju ;
"ITALENTINE'S Shorthand nnd Typewriting
V Institute , now I'axton building. Omaha ,
lie only exclusive shorthand school in the
tatc. Over ono hundred graduates in good
Ituatlons. The school tn under thnmanaio-
ncntof C. C. Valentine Mllclal stenographer
of the 3rd Judicial district ot Nebraska , and
'rot. H. II , Iloyloj , an experienced lonelier and
verbatim reporter. Day and evening soMlons.
Students can enter at any time. Bend for clr >
ulara 214
writers : student * complete manual In two
weeks , nnd write from CO to 100 words per rain-
utn In throe months ; practical olllco 'drill made
n specialty. Instruction In grammar , opening
nnd writing free. Address Jtolirboueh llros. ,
Hnnlm , for circulars. ill * mil
plUVATK boarding house , IU1.1 and 101S Capl-
L tel nvo. , 2 blocks from I' . O. , newly fur
nished , pleasant rooms , nil conveniences. 201 Ut
'VJJANTEIl A brooding horse with attendant
to stand In a splendid location In Omaha
for this season ; address V , 1400 Farnam street ,
OJS.OOO to JS.00'1 wanted to put Into a peed bust-
P ness : llrst class security nnd good rate ot
nterest paid for short or long time. Or will
nke partner. For particulars address U 43 ,
lee olllee. 142
WANTED 10,000 women to 'useVllcox'
Fancy Compound 1'llls. ' Perfectly safe
nnd always effectual. Bend for 40 "Woman's
Safe Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. , Philadel
phia. 114 Al'J ' )
\XTANTBD-Hy throe gentlemen , pleasant
TT rooms and board In private family ; refer
ences exchanged ; address teem 410 , First Na-
lonal bank. ! 115-7t
WANTED A good 10 or 12 room residence
with barn and nlcu lot ; will p'ay good rent
for samo. Address asm Loavenworth. " 98 6t
WANTED to rent by family of twn , an tin-
furnished cottage In good condition con
taining nor 7 rooms ; must have terms and lo
cation to receive any attention. Address U tin ,
Uee. . ! ifo )
A7 . ANTED To rout at once , ono largo , or two
> V medium sized furnished rooms lu n pri
vate ) family , prefer It to be on cable line and
liavo good sized yard , no Uats. Address , H. II
Henderson1 510 Paxton blk. bUS
FOH KENT A small cottage on Chicago Bt.
bet 14tii nnd )5th ) st. Inquire of Thos Swift ,
403 N IRth St. 311 ! 0
"iriOll HUNT A suite of rooms for tnmlly.uso
JL' in one of the most desirable residing locali
ties lu the city ; 1G2I Howard st ; price 30 per
month. W. F. Stoetzel , 1621 Howard. 338
TTIOR RENT 0-room cottaw , with barn , Falr-
JD view St. , opposite- Paints church ; will be
napoicd and painted to suit tenant. Apply to
U. H. Goodrich , Cable Tramwav olllee , 3oth and
Harney sts. 'JM 11
F I OR KENT Cottage of 4 rooms , (13. P. L.
Zilch , 3J17 luth St. , south of Bancroft.
FOR RENT-7-room hnusu , all conveniences.
Inquire 1133 N 17th st. 33S 0 ?
K ROOM house , 811 S. 2 h.
O 202 W
TTiOH RENT My Farnam st. residence , com ?
JJ pletoly furniafiod ; with first-class servants ,
if desired. Possession Juno I for six months.
Itenson for renting family going away. R. C.
Patterson , 318 S. 16th st. 278.
Tj'OR ' RENT To small family , reference re-
JL' quired , 3-room house , hard and toft water ,
cor 16th and PaclQc , $10. R. K. Copaon. 3 > 3U 5j
F OR RENT y-room house on alley ; 1317 Chicago
cage st. 3SS-6J
B ENAWA & Co. 0. S. llenawn and John L.
SlcCiigue , opp. P. O. , rent houses. 943
[ 710R RENT From May.L handsome 10 room
--U house , all conveniences : best neighborhood ;
flvo mlnntes' walk from P. 0. , cable and horse
ears ; will not bo rented for boarding house ;
references required. Nathan Shelton , 3505 Far-
mini st. 317-4
RENT A Hat in thu Her building-7
-C rooms , steam he t , gas aud bath. Apply In
hnrdwnro fatoro , loth and Jackson. A.C.Ray-
mor. 787 B
RENT May 1-mortern built house , ten
FOR . Inquire 713 X Wt.i St. , near Webster.
0777 *
T71OR RENT S room hoube ; centrally located ;
JL ! niQdern improvements. J. F. Uarton. 3B10
Cnpltol avenue. 197-7 *
FURNISHED house fo $ rent in Park Terrace ,
opposite Hanseom Park ; nil modern con
veniences. Inciulro Lee & Mlchol , 23th and
Lcaveuworth. ' " 035
I710R HKNT 9-room modern Improved house ,
J A 1 locality ; lent moderate. Apply to M.
Elgutter. 1C01 Earnain st. tt > 3
FOR REN'L'-Cottages. 5 rooms. 37'M Charles
Bt. imdlMl S 6th st. Inquire at room 21B.
Sheely bioct. . un
ITIOI ! RENT-Uood basement. 1615Douglas st.
" OR"HUNT When you wish to rent a house ,
Ktore , or oince call on us. II. E. Cole , room
0. Continental blk. u < 3
IlENT Rooms suitable for housekeeping
ing In suites of from ono to four ; In conven
ient location ; lowest prices. Unit's Renting
Agency. 1501 Farnam street , telephone 170.
fjiOU RENT Charming home with nil modem
JP conveniences , coinar housn on street car
line. B rooms , newly puporcd , Mo per mouth ,
D. V. Sholes , room S10 1st Nat'l ' bank building ,
* | jiOU Ill-INT The . 11-room residence. 31U7
J. Douglas st.-all modern impiovemeuts. Inquire -
quire 8. Kat7 , UllO Farnam. W >
9UOOD houses fur rent , centrally located ,
furniture ror eale on time. Co-operutlve Land
& Lot Co. ' 974
T 1ST your property for rent with Ilomlneton
JLJ& Frye. Noithwest Corner 15th and Farnam.
TTIOR RENT-3-room cottage , 310 N. 13thll2.60
JL ! bill
T71UR"JIENT 7-room cottage , ror. 28th and
Cipltol ave. Enquire 2 34 Dodge Bt. Ktd
ir\OR"RlsNT-A \ Hat In iha Her building. 7
JL rooms. Hteam heat , pus and bath. Apply In
hardware store 10th and Jackson. A. C. Ray-
mer. _ 7jb7 B
fTIOR RENT Ubrlclc reuldnnces. all conven-
J. leiicef. on Park uvo , fronting the park , tlO
per month , Also. 4 houses on cur line , on Park
and Reed uts. | J ) to r tier maiitli , D. V.
Sholes. Room 210. First Nar. lliinc. 749
* ITMR RKNT -roonicottsires.onoblock
JJ wt > 8t car barns on Lake st. 0. H. t-llsworlli ,
1505 Farnam. 014
ROOM house wltn barn , out a little ilUtanco
7 W per mouth. O. F.Harrison , Merchant *
Nat , bank bldg : 4'J3
UTfFl ) L 8-room lionse on naw niinor
line , Md and Cumlngr sts. , with modern
Improvements835per month. C.F.Harrison ,
Merchants Nat , bank blitg. 4M
171OU IlENT A 4-room brick cottage convent-
J entto U.I1. depot.Mead Sc Jamison , 314 8 Utli
TTlOH WENT Nice D-room liooso. cast front.
J ? half block of cable can , 11S'tth st. KWoSJ
TTJOT UENT 7-1 oem ilat.KW month. Inquire
X' at The Fair , 13tn and How aril. 074
fi".Olt IlENT Cheap , a nice 3 nnd 6 room house ,
JL"U3U 8 21vl 8t.betv < eu Center and Dorcas st.
Mi9 a h *
171OH 11KNT Flat ot seven rooms cor. 8 13th
-U and Pacinc sts , Dugsau's block. b77
DIG LIST ot houses for rent. 8. T. P t r
ton. s. e. ror. Utli and Douprlas.
FU R N is H EO'
TjAOH lENT Ijiruo front room furnlslie.l to
J ? cue ortwogeuUemtn. U01 Bt. Mary's ave
K40 Ct
T ltONT room , Urst lloor , with boaid : SO S
JS41D. . BJ3-10
"THOU 11KNT n elrgantly furnUlieil parlor
-I ? roonii ) , with nnt-class board. I'JVJ ' noilue
7J1OU HEM' Nicely furnlhed room In nice
JL1 cottagat tfl p r month. 4J-1 William st. ar
Oil HENT-Nlcely furnUhed frouTvooui B Kth 8t , or yalrrleiv. lad Wj
A flKNTLKMKN to oor.upy 2 room ? , nice home
ttlxurU and louuiit tA ) per month , lull Douulai
TOOM8 furnished or not ) 1811 Capitol avo.
T710U IlENT Nicely furnished room * , rtodern
JL' improvements , also rooms for light house-
teeplng , C09 N 17th St. _ ! B1 tT
FOR IlENT Furnl'hcd south room' with
board , 1921 Dodge St. ' 830 8 *
l ) rooms. 1419 Dodge St. , I..N.
Tji UHNISIIED rooms to rent , SOS S&lOth.lst Oat
UHNISIIED rooms and board. S2J1 Dodge.
* > 1B87 * "
liltMtNlBllEl ) rooms by day , week or month.
J Bt. Clftlr hotel , cor Utu and DoAgt. PM
A NICELY fumliliedrroom wltii firlvato fam >
" .tiyinonoottho be < t locations in ted > tty ,
'or ono or tvvo gfiiti , 115 par month. AXlntcss
L' . 0. llox 813. . * . . " . . . 30B 6 .
of 3 furnished rooms , modern conven
iences , 3 blocks from P. O. ( prlv/itOi.fAinlly.
A. llospe. Jr. 1513 Douglas t. ' TOO
2 NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , pas ,
bath , etc. , on same lioor , 110 pur moutn. 207 S
2jthj no Hat. _ 041
T .AHGE front room , nicely furnished , suitable
J-JforJi Bcntlemen. 1K3 Farnam. _ 013
PLEASANT front room with all modern
conveniences , forl or.3 Kcntlemon. Cor.Bti
Mary's ave. and SO or63D SJWthj.Drlok resldsnco :
I ) rooms with board , good loca-
tlon , gas and bath tn house. 33O ) Leaven-
worth t. _ _ VOM *
Nl5 large and ono small room , nicely fur
O nished. 3IU1 Farnam st. _ HC3-r > ta
TJ005IS & Urst-class homo board. 171B Dodgo.
Foil IlENT Furnished rooms single or en
suite. 1C09 Douglo. ' . _ 713
FUltNISHED rooms , 113 S 30th st.ncar Dodgo.
424 aS
_ _ _ _ _
F UHNISHED rooms for rent at 1818 Dodge
FUUNISHEI ) roonn. single or en suite , bath
and oleum : for gouts only. 1519 Howard.
l > 03
OOMB and board 1813 Chicago st.
EOR IlENT Nice south front room , cheap ,
for gentlemen. 10M ! Capitol avo. _ HOI
NICE rooms by the week or month at the
Peabody house. 1407 Jones. _ K9J a31
TJjIOR RENT Furnished room , all modern
-t ! conveniences. 3314 Farnam at. 134
FOR KENT Front rooms at 1831 Farnnm.
5 unfurnished chambers for Housekeeping to
man and wife. 319 No. 1'th st. gpl-lt
TjiOH KENT Three iinturnlsr.ed rooms , also
JJ two basement rooms to families without
children at 1133 N 17th st. Kfi
OR KENT Store 3JxOU ; 1113 Jackson st. En
quire 1114 Jackson. _ 833
TT10U RENT 3 Hoers 22x8d each , In brick build-
J Ing , with elevator , close to express olllee ,
cheap rent , Just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to GooHeyn , 1108 Farnam st.
rpO RENT for a term ot years , 13 lots , each
-Lrxxl30 ) , suitable for coal or lumberyards.
with use of 400 feet of side-track on joint roads
of 0. & N. W. , C. II. ft Q. and O. It. I. & P. . on
the corner of 33d st. and 1st avo. . Council
lilutls. la. , li ! miles from 10th nnd Douglas sts.
In Omaha. Apply to Piano Mfg. Co. , cor 82d st.
and 1st ave. Council jlliills. la. _ 80811
TTUHST-CLAS5 lot of saloon furniture and bar
JU fixtures for sale at n bargain. Inquire of
the First National bank , Aurora , Neb.
C16 a33
_ _ _
\\1 ANTED 100 houses nnd cottages of every
TT size to rent ; you me losing money every
day your property Is vacant ; cull or send de
scription and rent per mon tti ; I run get good
tenants. Alex Moore , room 301 , Shoely block ,
Ifitli nnd Howard. 315 0
20 houses at once for which wo
can furnish good tenants. List your houses
with the L & S Rental Agency , 310 Sheely blk.
7 3
r YOU want to buy , sell , rent or exchange , '
call on or address , 0. J. Stornsdorff , rooms
317 and 31S tlrst National bank building.
G EO. J. PAUL , 1C03 Farnam St. , houses ,
stores , etc. , for rent , 94tf
WE give special attention to renting ana
collecting rents , list with us. H. K. Cole ,
room 0 Continental block. . _ . 017-
j > OR RENT Houses In nil parts of the city.
JB J. J. Gibson. No. 3. Crelahton block. 604
J.J. . GIBSON'S now system of renting honses.
. No. i ) Crelgbton block. ' , 601
T .1ST your houses , and stores wltn mos I have
JLJiota of customers. J. H.l'arrotte.lWXl Cnlcngo
1314 all
AVE you a furnished house , flat or board-
inguouse , or any business , however large or
small , or chattels of any description to sell ?
Come and see mo. I cau llnd you a purchaser.
AIOK Moore , room 301 Sheely block , 15th and
Howard. 313-Ut
banjo taught ns an art by Geo. F. Oel-
lenbeek. Apply at Bee Olllco. 1)50 )
EPARTMENT'o'f the Platte , Chief Quarter-
inaster's Ollice , Omahn , Neb. , Anrlll , 1881) ) .
Time U5th Instant ) for opening proposals for
construction of olllcer.s' quarters , storoliongea.
etc. , at Fort Mobrara. Nebraska , ns Ilxed by
my ixdvertlaemont ot 13th ultimo , la deferred
until 3 o'clock p. m. . central time , tha 27th In
stant. Wil. li. IIUUHK3 , Lieut. Col. and
Deputy Quartermaster General , U. 8. A.
- - - - -
rpHE Central LoansTiustCo. hava removed
JL its Omaha olllco to No. 130.1 Farnum Bt. City
and farm loans at lowest rates. u9 8
/CONTRACTING plasterers are Invited to call
V at room 401 , Paxton building , and examine
"Adamant. " 353 A 15
MAHA. Neb. . Feb. 14.1889. Notice Is hereby -
O by given to the holders ot all bonds , Issued
by the Cable Tramway Company of Omaha ,
and bearing date of May 3d , 1887 , January 1st ,
188t < , and October 1st , 188S , to present the same ,
for payment , with accrued luternst. at tha First
National bank of Omaha , Nob. , the fifth day
of April , Ibs : ) . Interest on said bonds will
cease on that data , the company having availed
Itself of the right to rndeera the same , by giv
ing thirty days notice of Its desire to do so.
S. R. Johnson , President.
A LADY of good address wishes to meet goti-
tleman ot means ; object assistance nnd
mmiacment ; U tit. Dee. 3J1-4J
IJHRSONAL Anylady of good nppearance
-L and address deilriiiK out-door employment
rau obtain bamo by calling at room 511 , First
National bank. 625
course In fencing , boxing or fancy
JL clubswInglng.tlO. Addrejs T Jf , llee onice.
_ _ 338-aUt
A TRANCE MEDIUM Mine. Banaall , tha
young Swede , tolls full mimes of callers and
the full naaio of your future husband or .wife ,
with < late of marriage , and tolls whether the
one you love is true or falsa , Not a fortune
teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame
goes Into a perfectly dead trance. Will bring
back the parted husband or lover , no matter if
they be 10.00J miles away. Will guarantee to
ettle tamlly quarrels. I'arloM up stairs. 40S
N. 10th st. , third lloor 343 u 13t
IOST In Paxton hotel water closet , card case
J nnd papers : address on cards and papers ,
Harry J. Doonch ; return to 3303 Farnum. or
Paxton hotel and get reward. 308-5t
LOST Hay mure between llellevua and. Gil-
mure ; ha * white stripe In face ; blistered on
hind foot. Suitable leward will be paid for re
covery of'thls oorse. Address John fltuben ,
No. W5 8. 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. fP2 it
. _
STOlfAGE-Atlow rates ntim Farnam at
Umalm Auction & Storage Co. 117
rpItACKAGE , storage , lowon rates. W. M
JL lluahman. Hl ) Leavenworth. 1W
RANCH & CO. , storage , 1311 Howard.
MHB. LBN'ORMAN can be consulted on all
nllalr * of lite , and satisfaction guaranteed ,
turoueh the maelc mirror.y 18 Nlvthsiup stairs
. aatm
DR. NANNlfc V. Warren.clairvoyant , medl-
cal and business medium. Female dlteaset
a specialty. 111) ) N 16th at. , rooms 8 and a. Ml
\\7ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves apd
household goods of all klnda. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. , 1131 Farnam. UOQ
YlT'Afn'ED- buy a gentle BadduTpoily
' I M'y.EtQf1. ' I'M S 30th nve. 334 6'
V\f ANTED--TO buy good commercial pa jr.
1 > K. C. P8ttt > r on , 3W U lltli it. SWj
FOR SALE 3platoRla counter ohow cases ;
will bo sold at nKacBifloe : Inquire at .110 S.
16th. D. J. O'Dpnahoe.f 843-1
til _
TTIOR BALE Draft hots ? * , bucgy horses , nnd
FOR 8ALR Talking ' parrots , handsome
double yellow head , -afld African Gray. H)3 )
3 10th su room 8. . . ( _ 1)37 ) 0
THOR SALE or Traflo-JStyltsh young driving
X' horse nnd naw gldo-lu.t uttggy. Elegant out-
flt. Address U 04. Uea opfoe , 2r.-4
TTIOR SALE A colnplelB furalturo outnt nt i\
J- bargain ; house foe rent , U Ut , llee. S70 6j
BAKERY And confectionery , price I2XW ( , for
all orll.ono for half. Co operative Land and
Lot Co. , M > N lot h s u _ 333 4
TJ10R SALE-A furnlsbo'l ' natot IBrooms , all
JL1 occupied , 230 North isth st , second lloor.
Must bo sold within .Todays : good reasons for
gelling. Inquire rooin'l , 3 J N. 10th at. 154-0 *
TTIOR SALB Shafting , bolting , pulleys , etc ,
JL. ' < oed ns now. Rip iaw , cross-cut and band
saws very cheap , eat Don gins , 133
"IjXJR SALE Oood work team , wagon and har-
JL ness ; set carpenter tools and chest ; full set
/arglcal instruments , nearly now ; household
oods. etc. On easy payments. J. J. Wilkinson.
417 Farnam St. 143 0
FOR SALE Furnltnro and lease of 7 room
Hat. Room rented exceeds rent of Hat. L
Jt 8 Rental Agency. 310 Snooty block. _ 7ttl
I71OR DALE-Choap.a nearly now top bugcy ; Co-
J-1 lumbus make. A. H. Comstock , 813 y. lO'.n.
_ _ 747
TJK AD THIS 81,300 worth of mco furniture ,
XV entire outfit ot the house , fortY > 0 ; must
nell on account of sickness. Apply to J. H ,
Parrotte. 1000 Chicago. _ 814 all
FOR SALE 1.000 tons 14 to 18 Inch ice on
track. Council muffs. Oilier t Pros. 815a4
1DLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1503 Far-
nam , Completoahstracts furnished & titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed ,
AHSTRACTS Llnahan & Mnhonoy , room GOfl
Paxton block. * 003
OMAHA Abstract Company , 1510 Farnam st.
Most complete nnd carefully prepared sot
of nb&tract books nnd plats ot all real property
lu the city of Omaha nnd Douglas county.
HILL loans ut 410 Bnooly build-
v/lng at eight per cent straight. Samuel Tato.
/-11TY LOANS at lowest rates. W. I ) . Molklo ,
v/Flrst National Hank building. IB3-
MONEY to loan nt lowest rates ot interest on
real estate in Omaha nnd South Omaha.
Titles ana property examined by us and loans
made at once. Cash on hand , llates , Smith Ic
Co. room 303 Ramga bldntr. Ulo-mD
TWILL loan $ . " > 00 to $5,000 on good real estate
JL aecurlty , or will buy first mortgage paper.
T. S. Clarkson , 210 S. 14th st. _ JKO 0
EASTERN trust funds to loan on improved
real estate lu Omaha , 'largo loans preferred.
E. S. lllaboc , First National bane building.
T .OANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three
J-Jand flvo years' tlmo. optional payments ,
favorable terms and rates , applications and
titles passed upon by AIA. and loans closed
K-omptly. Klmuall . . . . , . Chomp . * Ryan , room o ,
U. S. National Rank llulldlug , 1310 Farnam st .
me 314ml
SPECIAL fund of * 10OQ to loan at reduced *
rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City
Loan CO. , 118 8 18th St. , ' . 890
PHILADELPHIA Mortcage & Trust Co. . fur
nish cheap eastern nonoy to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt their webternofllce.GeotgoW.
7 , Hoard , ot Trade , ' TO1
EB Sholes , room 310 Blist Nat'l bank-bofora
S making your loans. 00. ;
MONEV to loan , Han-Is It. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First Natlttfoll bank. WJ
WANTED First claifi'lflsldo loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . R. I. Darker bfst15th & Faniam. 804
T\/rONEVT / to loan on lmpro.vea property at flrs-
1V1.hands. No application sent away for apt
proVal. Bpcurltj'nnd titles examined free of
charge tu.jborcowers , " fcorabird 'Investment
companySOUS. 13thst. , , . , 1W3 .
CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
I securities at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 Marker blk. Ofl7
"I/UHSTmortgage loans at low rates and no
J" delay. D. V. Sholes , 310 First National bank.
YOU want to borrow money ?
Head this ;
It will save you time.
It will save you money.
You can borrow from
. F. Masters ,
successor to W. R. Croft ,
Room 4WIthnell bld'g. luth nud Harnoy sts.
810 , : . K > 0. 8100. $200 , $ > 00 , * 1.0W , 85,000 , * 10,030.
Ill fact , any sum you want on furniture ,
pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier
terms and at lower rates than any other olllco
In the city , without publicity or removal of
property from your possession.
If an instalment is duo on your property
and you cannot meet it , call and see me. 1 will
pay ft for you. If you have a loan in any other
olllco call and get my rates. 1 will take It up and
carry It for you.
I make loans for one to six months , and you
can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin
cipal nnd Interest.
All loans renewed at original rates , and no
charge for papers. . . . ,
All business strictly conlldentlal. Call and
see me.
Don t forget the number ,
Room 4 , Wlthnell block. f93
Mortg. Loan Co. will make yon a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Ttoora 7 , Rowley block.'South Omaha.
Ttooms 018-510 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neu.
Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercial
papsr and mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor.
13th ana Farnam. 100
ONE ! to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan aaents , 1505 1'ar.nam st. 101
loans. D.V. Sholes , 210 First Na-
BUILDING , 1)93 )
T OANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
JUbougnt. Lewis 8. Reeu it Co. , 1531 Farnani.
UILD1NG loans. Llnahan It Mahoney.
QF.OPLE'S Financial Exchange The falreat ,
J- quietest and ino.n liberal money exchange
in tlie city ; money loaned wltnout delay or
publicity , lu auy amount , largo or small , at tha
lowest rates of Interest , on any available se
curity ; loam may be paid at any time or renewed
at original rates. O. llob caren , SIgr. , room
Mji , Uorker block , 16th and Fcrnam. 104
ONE Yto Loan We are ready for applica
M tions for loam In amounts from glKJ to $10-
000 on improved Omaha or Douglas countv real
estate. Full InformationBUL to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good int-s will be purchased
by us. Cull upon us or wytto. The McCaono
Investment Co. 'I * 105
H , E , COLE , loan agent , -
' Financial $ t nnnee Lirgo nnd
Email loans for lone atiiXrhort tlmo , at low
est ratex ot Interest , on wal estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all klmlmidiamonds. watches
and Jewelry. Don.t fall ta-call If you want fair
nnd cheap accorainodaUena. ( ) . llouscaren ,
M r. , roomMJj Darker blkJ6th ] and Farnam.
HE. COLE , loan agentan
t jlai 100
6PKR CENT money to ia ( n. Cash on hand.
IV.M. Harris , R 30 , Frouzer block , opp , P. O ,
to loan In larrfft'riVinis at the lowest
MONEY ; delay , It , 0-1/nttorson / , 313 8 Ifith ,
.rj.j 107
" \roNEYtoloan ; casnonfthand : no delay. J.
liLw. Squire , 121U Farnam t , , First National
bank building. 103
MONEY loaned for 30 , 8J or U ) day * on any
kind ot chattel security : reasonable Inter
est ; business confidential. J J. Wilkinson , 1417
Farnum at' 109
M ONE Y to loan f.ovvest rates. Loans closed
promptly. H , E , Cole , It 0 Continental block.
. to loan at n per cent. Lluahan & ilu-
$500.000 , lioom 5J9 i'axtnn block , 110
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J , W.
llobblns. U. 200 , Bheefy blk. , 1MH ami Howard.
"OUIliUINQ loans a specialty. W. M. Harris ,
JJ room SO Frenzer block , oppoilte 1' . O.
MOXBVto oanon real e.ittite ; no commls-
sloa. W > A. 8peucorltoom3.0u8hmanblk.
_ 5K3aSI
M' ONEV ' loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha
real citato. U , W. Peck , li. 4 , Frenzer blk.
61T-al >
T\ON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
JL/wagons. etc. . or collattorals until yon see
C. H. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
T OANft on bnslnoM proiierty000 to I'fl.OOO
J-Jwanted. Provident Trust Compftny.rootu
P9. First National bank building. 110
$1WO and upwards to loan on peed inside city
property. No delays. W , Farnam Smith.
laj Fnrnam st. 8J5-n'J7t
_ _
Q P. IIAUIUSOX loans money , lowest rates.
G W.PECK loansmonoyon Omaha real estate
Building loans a specialty. Hi , Frenzcnblk
CD ? $ $ tTolo.-xn on farms And city property.
< p oo. Jj Paul , 1603 Farnam st. 3M
r\\TY Financial ngoncy will loan you money
V/on horsrt , furnlturi ! . Jewelry or soourltlos of
any kind. ISOS Howard st. , coru r 8.13th st.
F. HAIIU1SON loans money , lowest rates ,
i 493
' to Loan on chattel security ; { Mr
rat * interest. J , H. Parrotte. sMOd Chicago.
I7"OU BALE Cheap Lease and furniture nice
Ju 10-rount boarding house , Dodge near 3Uth ,
full of Orst-class boarders ; financially a MIC-
cess ; satisfactory reasons for selling. U , i , llee.
81 2
GIXTEEN-KOOM liotol In a small town In
ONobraskn , price 11,030. part cash. Do-openi-
tlvo Land and t.ot Co. . 805 N 16th st. 803 4
T710U SALK Nice cigar stand. Apply M4 8.
J IQtli at. 259 f. '
T7I011 SALE 33 cows , team , mils wagon , CBUS
J } etc. , to n dnlry with rent ot burn and hottso.
George K. ( llbson , room n , 308 south 16th street ,
or 317 8. mil st. 3,17-7
OTlUj for snle.-W U furnished , paying JJO
a month rent. Address . 1' . Auderaou ,
Norcntur , Kas. RU-inl *
TTlOIt BALK Private boarding house ; all new
JD nnd llrst-olasst centrally locutod ; good rea
sons for selling. Addro&s UM > . lloo onice.
DHUO store and medical practice for
MY or exchange for improved property.
Address J. E. Lamu , > 1. 1) . , Wolioo , Nebraska.
ANE V roller mill for Bale In n good wheat
belt , and good market for Hour. For terms
address F. J. Andreas , Gordon , Neb. E45a37f
Foil cash only Clean stock general merchan
dise , with coal , grain and Implement busi
ness ; parties wlsulun to secure ugood paying
business address U 33 lleo olllco. 8MI
for sale Email neat stock. Tin
shop In connection tmust bo sold atoncn for
cash. Address O. SI. Vftughan , I'lomlng , Colo.
A MEMBimSIIlV in the Omaha board of
-ii-trado can bo had cheap at Koorn Si U. H. JSa-
tlonal bank building. KM
RIOU EXCHANGE 41 acres flno land In
J Frontier Co. for stock of merchandise. Ad-
dregs II. M. Clarey , Walluco. Neb. 3J. ) It
- . ,
Nob. , will exchange for horses or cattle. Address -
dress II. M. Clarey. Wallace , Nub. 330B *
TTlOll EXCHANOE-Flno western lands for
JJ stock of merchnmllsn or horses and cattle.
Address H. M. Clarey. Wallace. Neb. 831CJ
EXCHANGE for merchandise. Two
TO In South Omaha , 1 store building In
Watoiloo this county , a farm of ICO In Drown
county. Nob. Will trade all or part for mer
chandise either In the city or outside. Would
pay somocaah. Address U 70 Bee olllco. K8W
O EXCHANGE A clenn ten thousand dollar
lar stock of general merchandise ; halt' cash
and balance unlncumbcrod ronl estate. D. H.
Dean , Dyersvllle. Iowa. 3&1-OJ
"DEAUT1FUL Denver property , clear , to ox-
-tJchange for eastern property.clty or country.
Dexter , a Essex block. Deliver , Colo. 19tl it
T710H EXCHANGK-1'or desirable residence
JJ property lu Omaha , auy or all of following :
4U choice inside residence lots In Haxtlngs.
10J lots In Lincoln.
WO acres tlno farming lancl.Lancaster county.
Flno residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angeles.
A nnat residence property In Hanscom I'lnce.
Also , borne good mortgage notes.
Address , Riving location and price of prop-
ei'ty J. E. It. , care Baurn Iron Co. , 1217 Lcavou-
worth. B61.
RXCHANGE-Daiota , Hand county
What have you to oiler for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising lu value , nnd Its destiny cannot be dis
puted.V 11 take vacant lot or Improved ProP'
erty and assume tome encumbrance. G. J.
Sternsdoi IT. rooms 317 and 318 , Elrst National
bank building. H53
T7Ktt ) EXCIIANOE-Eighty ocresof the finest
J2 timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to offer ? G. J.Htorns-
dortr , rooms 317 and 318 , Blrst National bank
NEWS-seatod fine carriage or top buggy for
note , mortgage , land contract or any good
commercial paper ; will pay some cash dilfor-
euceW. . L. Selby' 1531 Farnam. 883
\\TANTED J5.000 to .SIO.OOO to place on good
TT real estate security ; If you have money to
loan , call and ce what 1 cau oiler. Goo. N.
Hicks , real estate and Investment agent , room
40 , Darker block. 307
hundred thousand acres. In a body , of
ONE choicest agricultural and grass lauds
over offered In Nebraska. Thoroughly watered
with living springs , creeKs and mses. Bplnndld
wheat hind. 35 bushels to the acre a common
crop ; $3 to $10 nn acre , ton years time. These
lands are In Kolth County , Neb. , and for sale In
small or largo tracts. T. S. Clarkson , Omaha.
Neb. 304 8
TTiOK SALE Choice warehouse , and trackage
J2 property In West Council Hluffs , halfmllo
from Omaha , two blocks from motor ; iiUo
choice residence lots on and nuar motor. 8 , T.
French , room 4 , opera house blk.Counctl Rluu3.
30 4
TTlOR SALE or exchange for need Omaha
J- ' property and part cash , my residence at 11)20
Wlrt street. Kountze place. Lot 40xltiU. noutli of
fair ground * In Klrkwood. prlcu 81,301) ) , one-
fourth cash. J. H , Loomls , 1930 Wlrt st.
OJMJ buys a line U room house nnd barn ; will
Ptako part In- trade ; payments easy ; only 3
blocks lrom Kountze addition. Call at 0i
Cumlug st. 3J'J-Sf
TOU SALE HeaJ catate. Inside the mile
Jj limit , a U'-room house nnd lot 50x41 for } ) ,
400 , $100 cash , balance easy. 343 7
Olt SALE 88x132 foot , traclcnjo convenient
o Northwestern. Ml-siourl Pacific ana
Union Paclllc railroads and Hell Line , paved
streets nnd close to business ; price , I.'J.O'JO. '
Ames , 1507 Farnani si. 335 U
FOR SALE-On South loth St. , no ft. front
with small cottngu. $1.500 ; small casli pay
ment. P. L./.llch , 3317 10th , south of liancroft.
333 lot
TTIORsalo or exchange A residence at COth
JSt. . , and St. Marys ave , has 7 rooms , bath
room , laundry , fowaragc , gas and city watar.
Will take peed outside building site as pait
payment , David Jamioson , i 111 I H iStli. 7M
TPALIt of bargains I oazeon this : 13Uxt5T n.w.
JL corner 35th and Hamilton , fronts 3 streets ,
at crade , for > ? lajO. ThU Is bed-rock ; not n
n iekel less will ever buy it , and It must bo
grabbed soon at that , price. M. A. Upton Company -
pany , Ibth and Farnam. _ 03i >
TJ1OH HALK Nine-room house , barn and lot
JL in Hanscom Place ; also 3 homes aud lots in
Bunny Side. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. bank ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
WORTHY ot your attention. Now bell ) ! ;
completed on 3Jth Ht , north of Lcawn-
worttl fit , two houses ronvenlant to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gai. bath ,
toilet , 3 water closet * , stationary wusn tubs ,
hot and "cold Water , live bedrooms. 10 closets ;
only tHO < , on turms to suit , Telephoned ; 01
W. T , Beinjinn , Omaha's largest variety of wag.
oni , curriii ei ! . etc. , ea t side 10th st , north o (
Nicholas st. 433
_ _ _
IHAVE TO line lots In Jlrwg.i' Place add. ,
Omaha , for cash , on good terms. For fuitliei
Information Inquire of E. Jeffioy , Unions , ill ,
T.OT [ 0x155 east and south corner west Far
i-t natnst. near Milton Rogers property. 7. .
Otx * . Easy terms will shade this for all cash ,
C'.I- . Harrison Merchants Nat ! bonk bldg , 408
AT A lacrincs-l'i'lxlSO ft , east and liortli
front , corner auli : and Howard fits. , oni
blork wont of Coe'tf and KlrkendaU'u tin * roil
denees , tvro blocks from paved street , twc
bloclu touth of Furnam St. ; just think ot it ,
126xl6U ft. and a corner at that , and only JI.MXl ,
C. W. Roltar , room 3 , s. w. cor. inn aud Uou lai
/ 1ALLon n. E , Cola , nortiea ! t corner of 15th
v and Douglas sts. . Omaha , for Kdwln 1C. Al
alp He Oo.'s catalogues ot land * of California.
800 April IB *
H SALE On monthly or quarterly pny <
men t ,8oinft new 0-room houne * tn Mlliard Ic
Caldtvell's add. , just H4 nitlo * troin DoaioHk-o.
If you wants horns of your own come nnd * *
me , C , C. tfpouwood , : fo / s. Iflth st , K4
nVR SALE or Kxchanga Improved stocl
JL1 farm of < * M acre * , lit eastern Xebrmtu. no *
market ; ulio new U'-rooin homo , wlili all con
vcnlences , in desirable resldtmcu pnrllou o
Omaha. Andrew llevlns , attorney , 4U aud 43J
Paxtou block , Omaha , Nab 107
C3.0D PKH LOT Oklahoma Clty-t3,00 | p r lot.
Plnordcr to interest nooomahapeopiolmmedl *
elr in Oklahoma City , the coming metropolis
ottlitt Vanhandlo ot Texas , wa win sell 300 lots
or n Ipor lot , Kvory lot level nnd dry , nnd MX
21 fe t In slza. Title absolutely perfect. Tills
prlco Is ( mod ouly until 800 lots hnvo b en sold.
ifter which prices will bo advanced to * 25 and
HO per lot , Oklahoma cityU situated on tlio
extreme eastern border of llotnp bill county ,
Texan , aud immediately adjoining Oklahoma ,
or the Indian territory , nnd just at the point
Where the Atlantic A J'aclilo railroad loaves the
errltory entering the Panhandle Ix > ofc nt
your map nnd see If there are not growing
Itles at the points whore the railroads either
nteror leave the territory. . Hwas for this
nnd many other reasons that Oklahoma city
vast located upon Its present site. Those who
npply immediately will hare cnoioe of lots. AH
order * by mall will rorclvo prompt attention.
Oniceopeii every ' nluht until 9 o'clock. Apply
to or addre s I'nnhaudl * Townslte Company ,
orncr l.Hli and Harney sts , Omahn , Neb.
Itotcrcncos : I'lrAt National bank.ot Kansas
Mty , Mo.t Hammitt , Dnvmson * Co. , bankers ,
{ aiuaaclty. Mo. ; P. 1 > . Ortmth & Co. , bankers ,
iantas city. Mo. : Frathor bnnic , Canadian ,
T x. ; W. S. Dcclcor , county nttorney , Cnundlan ,
'ex. 831
_ _
$ 1.0(1 ( TRH LOT-Oklahoraii Clty-W.OC per lot.
The first 390 lots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will ba sold nt f-.OJ per lot.
l'anhandl Towiulte Company ,
'or. Utli and Hnrnoy t . , 'Omaha. Nob. 231
$ IPO PBH LOT-Oilnhoina City. Boo ndver-
ranhnudlit Townslto Company ,
Cor lRth and Harney sts. , Onialia , Neb. gfll
r\ON'T be deceived ; tlic olllcoof Oklahoma
LxCHy I.s at the corner ot l&th and Hnrnoy sts.
Panhandle Ton-nslte Company ,
: or. 16th nud llnrney gla. , Omaha , Neb. S81
3.00 1'E R LOT-Oktahoma City , See ndvor-
1'nuhandle Towuslto Company ,
'or l.Mli nnd Haruey sta. Omahn. Nob. 281
< a.W ) 1'EH LOT-Oklahoma City : W per lot.
D TheflrstuO ) lots In Oklahoma City takou oy
Omnlia people , will bo sold nt U per lot ,
Fnnlmndlo Townslto" Company ,
/or. 15th nud Haruey ats. , Omaha , Neb. 2S1
D ION'T bo deceived : the olllco ot Oklonoma
City Is at the coiner of 14th and Harnoy sts.
Panhandle Towiislte Company.
'orner lath and Harnoy xts , , Omaha , Nob. 381
$3.03 PER LOT-Oklahoma City ; see advor-
rantmndle Towiislto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Hiirneyst- * . , Omaha , Neu.81
* 3.00 PER LOT-dklniioma City ; t\ \ per lot ;
Dthe nrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will be sold at $1 per lot.
Panhandle Tov/nslto Company ,
7or. 15th and Hainoy sts. , Omaha , Neb. 31
T \ON'Tbo deceived. The odlcoof Oklahoma
-L/Clty H at the cor 15th and Harney ats.
Panhandle Townslto Comnony ,
} or. 15th and Harney ts , Omaha , Neb. 381
ffi.1.00 PER LOT-Oklahoma City ; 800 adv r-
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
7or. 15th and Hnrnoy sts. , Omaha , NOD. 331
0 3.30 PER LOT-Olclanouia City. J3.00 per lot.
P11io first IWOloti in Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will be sold at 13/0 ixsr lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 81
TpvON'Tbo deceived , The onice of Oklahoma
J- ' City Is at the cor. of lith and Harnoy sts.
Panhandle Townslto company ,
Cor 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha Neb. S81T
.3,00 PER LOT Oklahoma City , See adver
. tisement.
Panhandle Townslt * Company ,
Cor. 15th nud Haruey sts , Omaha , Nob. 281
. PER LOT-Oklahoma City. 83 per lor.
$ The flrst SOOlots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will bo sold at $1 per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. loth nn < * . Harnoy sts , Omaha , Nob. 381
DON'T bo deceived. The onico of Oklahoma
City is at the Cor. of 15th and Harnoy sis ,
Panhandle Towuslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harney sts. , Omaha , Neb. 281
. PER 1/OT Oklahoma City. See adver
Panhandle Townslte Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Harney sts. , Omaha , Neb , 281
. PER LOT Oklahoma City : 93 per lot.
$ The flrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will be sold at IJ per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor , 15th and Haruey sts. Omaha , Noo. 381
OJ3.00 PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver-
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harney sts. , Omatia , Nobr 381
$3.00 PER LOT-Oklahoma City. M.OO per lot.
The llrstSOO lots In Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will be sold at &I.OO per lot ,
Panhandle Towuslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb. 381
T7IOR SALli The lluoat resldnnco site In West
Jt ? Omatia ; just south of Farnam on 37th
street ; a corner 185x187 with 137 f > et frontage
on paved street and joining the handsome resi
dence of IClrkendall on the east and Ilrady.Eas-
son and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem
and garden spot for an elegant homo.
Hurney and 31st streets , HIxliiT , on pavement
within three blocks of the court house ; room
for seven tine Houses that would rent ns rapIdly -
Idly us completed. A splendid permanent in
vestment. "
Farnam and 32J streets , 50x133 , with now
three-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent tenants. Rental receipts f l,30i ) pur
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage Cl
font to alley. Good business property.
Farnam street between nsth and 3Jth. frontage -
ago 48 or I xii3 : to alley , aonth front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars.
Part Hvonue , opposite Hanscom park , 50xi.y ) ,
prlco i'JOUO , easy terms.
Piuldock Place , trackage , 00x113 , $3,000 , easy
10th street south of Vlnton st. , lot for sale or
trade for mdse. or coed farm land.
S. A. Sloman. 1301 Farnam st. 2.Vt
A. Douglas County Abstracts ,
1507 Farnam street.
In Iloyd's add. 10 of tue lieat lots tcore at (600
each , Xdown , balance 1,3.3and 4 years at 8
per cent Interest. This is worth Investigating ,
as It Is cheaper tlmu surrounding property by
60 per cent.
A Cheap House-
With 4 rooms , barn and full lot , 50x124 ; con
venient to cars , for $1,000 ; terms (50U cai'n , bal
ance 1,2,3 years at S per cent.
-1 > tli nnd llurdette streets.
Sightly locations , well settled neighborhood.
Wo hat o low at II.UOO each , 1 lot ut ll.'AW and 1
at $1,500 ; can bo sold at > 4 cash ; balance any
terms within reiion. This Is n chance to get
Inside properly at low prices nnd on very easy
On Park Avo.
very delrablo S-room home , all modern Ira-
provcmonu ; east tioiu ; half lot ; prlco $7,503 ;
terms easy.
On Virginia Ave.
Flno cast front , full lot , with 0-room rottaco In
A 1 repair , } ; can b s'jlrt for 91,000 ; only Jl.lixj
cash ; bill , very t > ay ; la a very choice location
for u homo.
Thote Who
have seen our ad. In thU column In regard to
cheap lots will note thnt sales of this-
have been entirely satisfactory ; 13 of these low
ore sold hut week. We shall continue our
Cheap Lot Sales
becau o they suit the pi-ople who flee them , and
tuny buy becauiM the
Location JH Unsurpassed 1
because the lots are all chat Is claimed for thorn
and ttio > are surrounded by good houses al
ready built , and more , being built. You can
buy a S300 lot hy pnylng
f. 15 Down
and balance $10 a mouth , Tnlnk of It I Is there
any oanler way to s.iva your money and have It
safely earn you mor > i money v
t5 ! Down
Is a very small payinont to make on a good lot ,
but wo make the payment small no that you can
buy Inxttch a way as not to cramp yourself for
money. Wo ask you to
( Jonio and See
what wo advertise , ana If the lots don't please
you you don't Imvo to buy , but we have
Contldenco In Our Ooodsl
Wo Itnow what ther are ; wo know also that
unless these- lots were as represented we would
logo money in advertising tnoin.
Convoy ancs Always
ready tn show you the lots. You can nee where
they are. whnt they are , and what
They Are Worth ,
any day you wl h to , nml remember you don't
niiH to buy if tliey don't suit , but
Start Right.
and If you nave any courage nd a little money ,
no safer Investment can bu found. We Hre
ready to show you those lots whenever you can
get the time , to no. Ame . 15 > . > 7 L'urnam street ,
6ALK-Or xclmiiKe for Omaha prop
X1 * rty , w ncrcM , suitable for pluUluc ; will
make 4txi luti , all clear ; big money tn Itfnrsomt
ono who con push this ; louatod Ju tout ldo tli
city limit * or Council lilmrii. Inmilre Ui'o. J ,
Hterimdqrir , rooms 317 and 3I8 , I'/rst / National
bank building. yeS
S HOLES' special b rgalns t. ' > ,00 ( ) buys a need
; room roftXKu aud liarn wltn Out pluraultiK ,
hot water h atln ( { apparHtus. nlculy paperad ,
innntlftaitd all convohlene , rul ) lot , t front
near corner Mill fct. and Wool worth avenue.
IV' 0 buys tlno new 10 room house , with a
coon barn nrt all conveniences , being au etui
fronton Popplcton ayenuo and seth tioti
i : . , W buys ft full lot. east front on ( JeorgU
avenue , half block fcoutb of Loavenwortu t.
with a peed a roam cottat-ff , Una jargw tliadi
treea. Very choice.
( ioodB room home , furnac * snd itllconven
lcncfi , No.331.1 IVinplutoti tvenne ; party golac
to leave tha city. Invettlg&U thU na lUumll
ouer , ,
I navaa good list of rsiMeitcos and mld ne
lot.n which K will pay you to Iiiveitlifat * It you
wish to purcbmio ; I also Juivft IIUU IAI Yvorlh o :
good clear properly to exchange tor elthor uooc
rfildence property , or insldd lnulnes pruberti
nnrt asjiiirfa as mucn encumbernnce. or pay dt/ /
Terence In CMh. it you tmra anytliina nri
class for sale or tr do , call nd * e tue. n ,
Shots ) , room 210 Fi t NiUloual bank bids.
H BAIKChop-Not toV trade ! 843.78 aero *
Hnd ( seo. 5-12-0) ) two rallos from Maro.netIn ,
lamllton county , NAbratka , Frame house , * ta
bio , 900 acres under good barb-wlro tenca ,
round cedar posts two f < tar , living water. 30-
foot channel , 3 well , mo barrel tank , corral ,
ielf-fv der , a natural stock ranch , In A flno corn
TOlt *
rlw , , . . * . . . , ( ft.099
; ash In hand. , , . . , ,8,750
2years'time 0 per cent. . , . , 3avi
Go and look over land. Address owner. V. K <
Atklnii. 1503 Larimer gt Denver Col. < B7
20DTH O.MAHA I have a number ot Rood
Cilots In various nddlttons that must b void
atoncoau.l can be bought at prices that will
milt you. U , J. Stornsdorlf , rooms 317 and 311
First National bank building. 950
Foil SAI.E-On terinVto stilttho neat cottage.
SSSil Charles st. Telephone 2S7. or W. T. Sea
man , Omaha's largest variety buaglcs , wagon * ,
etc. , east Mdo 10th st. . north of Nicholas st , VK
BAI.Kor I/ease. Frame bnlldtng abow
40x50 with thrco years' lease ot lotWi Dour
as st. Oio
AH Trains Dally.
A No.3 : | No , l.t:60a. : M.
A No. 4..7:00p. : m. A No.3 TilOp. m.
A. No,2 9:25 a. m.lA No.3 6iaOB.1H.
A. No , 4 V:20p.m.A : No. 1..Jj3Jp. si
A No. 10 7iOSa.rn.IA No.O 8:66a , m.
A No. U.7:0i : ) p.m. ' A No. 11 9:00p.m. :
OMAI/A & 8T. LOUI8 ,
A No.S 4:3tp.m.A | No.7 13:00 a.
A dully : U dally except Saturday ) Cexc M
Sunday ; D except Monday : * fast mall.
Tlio time given aoove Is for Transfer , thSM
btinit from Ore to ten minutes b tw < m Trans *
sr and local depots , .
Tno Nlpslo Floated.
, April 4. The BrltUh man-of-war'
Calllopo , whloh escaped possible destruction
In Apia bay during the ravages of the cyclone
thuro on March 15 nndlG , has arrived here.
She reports leaving Snmoa on the 21st of
Marcli and thnt the United
, States man-of-
war Nipsle has been floated off tbo beach ,
tlio nallvos lending material assistance ,
WASIMNOTOK , April 4. No news has been
received by the onicora of the navy department -
mont up to 7 o'clock this evening In regard
to thu Hoatlni , ' of tha Nlpslo ut Samoa. The
announcement through the Associated Press
tliat the ressol bad been floated was received
with a ttood deal of satisfaction by Secretary
Tracy and the bureau officers of the navy
Germnny Imtn entB Her I/os .
N , April 4. An Imperial order la-
. ; ( ho loss of the officers and rnen be-
longlni ; to the German navy by tha recent
hurricane at Apia ba bcoa Issued.
The naval authoritiesliavo ordered the
crulnur Hablcht and the gun boat Wolf to b
put in readiness at once to proceed toJ3amoa.
lOnrthqnakon In 'he Went lit ( live ,
HiVA A , April 4. News lias Just been r -
celved that two earthquake1 shocks were ex
perienced la Bantlago do Cuba last Friday ,
A. Lftko Schooner Liont.
lUctNB VV1 4. The
, > ( April schooner
Nellie Hrttnmond sunk fifteen miles from
hero this morniag. The crow tscapeA ill ft