Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    . - * A * . . .
I'cllvcredby Wttlcr In Anv fart of ho City a
TwentyCcnts I'crWcek. , . . ,
nrpiNKM Ort-icie No. 13.
NiniiT Kmron , No. SI
N..Y. Plumbtni ? company.
Coal nnd wood , E. E. Mayno , 010 H'way. '
The Indies of iHarmony Chapter , O" . E. & . ,
will Rive a social to-night at Masonic hall.
All members cordially Invited.
\j. P. Powell , Sam Jones and John Oraco
contributed to the city exchequer yesterday
morning for excessive Inebriation.
, On Tuesday evening next the Jonrnoyman
barborn will moot at Frank Levin's to confer
With relation to organizing n branch of the
barbers' union. A delegation of the Omaha
union will meet with thorn.
The funeral of * Dnlllo , " Infant daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrsi W. P. Bothers , took place at.
2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the fain
lly residence , on Avcnuo E , between
Klovcnth and Twelfth streets.
Mr. A. 1J. .Cllno , proplctor of the opera
house barber shop , nnd Miss Nclllo l ltz-
Rorald , were united In marrliiRO at 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon , by Squire Hendricka ,
in the parlors of thn Crcston house.
The Fruit Growers' nnd Gardeners' asso
ciation will meet at the county court house
to-morrow , Saturday , at 3 o'clock p. in. A
full attendance In especially desired as
matters of importance demand Immediate
attention ,
Fred Hnrtor and Clarence Blakelov , the
two youns men arrested Sunday for burglar-
Izlnga meat market at the corner of Six
teenth avenue nnd Ninth street , waived ex
amination yesterday morning , and were held
to the grand Jury In the i um of $1,000 each.
They could not lurnlsh the required bonds ,
and were taken to the county jail.
The trial of Merrltt Hondoy , for disturb
ing the peace by throwing hli wife out of his
blacksmith shop on Upper Broadway , was
held before .ludgo A vies worth yesterday
morning. Colonel W. F. Sapp appeared for
Hnndry and George A. Holmes for the wifo.
After listening to a lonirthy rehearsal of
family troubles the couit dismissed the uo
Yesterday morning at .10 o'clock the
funeral of J. II. Cress occurred at Broadway
Mcthonlst church , the Hov. D. C. Franklin
oniciatliiR. Notwithstanding the early hour
a largo number of friends of the bereaved
family gathered to express by their presence
tholr sympathy for the bereaved wife and
children. Within a few months a husband
nnd two children have gone out from her by
the hand of death. The case in a peculiarly
sad one and it apocals strongly for sym
pathy. The Interrmont was in Falrvlaw
cemetery. Mrs. Cress will immediately
close her relations in Council Bluffs and go
to her friends in Illinois.
T have sold the entire stock of millinery
nnd fancy notions to C. Friedman , who will
continue business at the old stand , 400 Broad
way. All goods remaining unpaid for will
bo collected by C. Friedman , and all indebt
edness will bo assumed by C. Friedman.
Real cstato loans , F. J. Day , 39 Pearl.
Mult-Hi JUiilcs !
Just received a car load of good mules and
horses at Schlutort ; Boloy's stables , which
will bo sold at reasonable prices.
Attention Firemen.
There will bo a meeting of the Council
Bluffs Firemen's association and all others
Interested in the success of the coming
tournament at the council rooms Friday
oveninir. April 5 , at 3 o'clock sharp. Busi
ness of Importance. By order ot the pros 1
dent. I. W. Cool-en , Secretary.
For $25.00 The N. Y. Plumbinpr Co.
will put a load service pipe and hydrant
in your yard ; also T > 0 foot extra hoso.
Call at once at 114 Main street.
Western Lumber and Supply Co.
Between 13th and 14th streets , and 2d
and 3d avenues. Telephone " 41.
E. W. HAYMOND , Manager.
S. B. . Wads worth & Co. loan money.
One Fnro for thn Hound Trip.
The G. A. R. state encampment will
hold at Burlington , In. , Auril 8 , 9 , 10
and 11 , and round trip tickets will bo
eold from all C. , B. & Q. stations to Bur
lington and return at one faro for round
trip. Good coing on April 8. 0 , 10 and
11 , and good to return up to and includ
ing April 13. tloro is a chance for all
old soldiers to meet their comrades and
for all others to see the grand p'arude on
April 10. Go everybody. Tickets can
bo obtained of C. , B. & Q. agents.
Mrs. J. S. Dospaino , of Plattsmouth , Is
visiting her son , C. C. Deipalno , of this oily.
E. L , . Shugort Is recovering from an illness
winch has conllncd him to the house for several -
eral days.
Miss Lucy Draxcl , Mrs , Harto and Miss
Francis Hhodcr , of Omaha , spent yesterday
In the city , the guest of Miss Huttio Smith.
Mrs. John McDcrinott and her daughter ,
* Mrs. P. McDcrinott , of Stnnberry. Mo. , are
I in the city visiting Mother Mary Vincent , of
St. Bonnrd's Hospital.
k Mr. J. W. Snow , of Sycamore , 111. , brother
of T. T. Snow , Is visiting In the Bluflti. It
Is his flrst trlti west anil no is wonderfully
pleased with Its development.
Mr. C. P. Braslan left last evening for his
homo In Minneapolis. Mr. Braslan has let
contracts during his stay hero for 1,200 acres
of seeds of all staple crops. He will return
In about four months to look after this busi
ness as well us his real ostuto interests at
J. F. Looinls , of Shelby , was In the rltv
H yesterday , having Just returned from Lin
coln , whore ho has bean for some tlmo In the
Interest of his putcntr coiled spring cusiilon
for wind mills. It Is reported that the In
vention is mooting with the approval of both
the B. & M. and Union Pticlllo railroad com
panies , on whoso lines It Is used.
Monov loaned on Uunituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; ( air and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark St Co. , olHco cor. Broadway
nnd Main , over American express.
OruunlHt ,
An onielont organist from the cast de
sires a position as organist in Omaha or
Council Bin Us. References : * Max Meyer
and Clm-losBaotcns , 325 Paxton build
ing , Omaha , or 120 Seventh street ,
Council Bluffy. Go.od testimonials
shown. _ _
E. II. Shoafo ft , Co. otter bargains in
city property , either improved or un
improved. Easy payments. Good lots
on 910 payments ,
Notice the beautiful flninh given col
lars , puffa and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Notice- Water Conmimors.
Water rents for quarter beginning
April 1 are now duo , nnd payable at of
fice of the company , 114 Main and 115
Pearl streets. Five per cent discount
nil all bills paid previous to April 10.
Olllbo open until 0 p. in. on Saturdays.
Council Hluffs OUy Water Works Co ,
Dr , 0. C , llaxeir , dentist , Opera house
Hondo unrtora for builders' hardware ,
Odcll Jc'Uryant , 613 Main street.
Money loaned at L. 13. Craft's it Co.'s
loan oflfco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of till kinds ,
mid all other articles of value without
removal. 4 AH business strictly confl-
A Goodly Sized Gathorlngr to See
Donovan Win It
An Application to Disbar a Promi
nent Attorney Mayor Ilohrir
KncoiirnKOi Tree
Donovan a Winner.
The race at the driving park yesterday
afternoon between J. C. Reynolds' chestnut
filly , Sangaraw , and J. Davis' chestnut
goldlnp , Donovan , was attended by a very
good-sized crowd , In fact , it was frequently
remarked that nearly M many people turned
out to see a single half mlle dash as wcro
present last spring at the four days' running
meeting given by the association. The affair
was a match race for $200 a side , mid at
tracted considerable attention among local
horsemen for some tlmo past , as both ani
mals are very speedy , and were lit to run
for a man's life. The day was very pleasant ,
the only disagreeable feature being a lively
breero that blow r.ithcr too forcibly from the
northwest. The track was in splendid con
dition considering the tlmo of year , and
everybody was confident of a good race.
They wore not disappointed.
It was previously announced that the
horses would bo sent oil at half" , but it
was a quarter after ! J before the jockeys and
starters mot at the half mile post for their
preliminary skirmish.
Enoch Turner came up from Maryvlllo ,
Mo. , yesterday noon for the express purpose
of riding Donovan , and Lon Johnson backed
the mare. J. T. Stewart , Colonel W. F.
Sapp and Charles Gregory occupied pltces
in the judges' stand , Theodore Bray and
Henry Meyers oillciatcd as starters , and
Charles Stownrt.nnd Thomas Bowman pre
sided over tha stop watches. Both horses
showed up well as they were given a llttlo
worming up , the mare being especially keeji
and showing a world of speed. They were
sent oft to a splendid start on the second
trial , wit h Sangaraw at the pole , butDonovan
slipped as ho got the word , ana Turner came
within an ace of going over his head. Ho re
covered quickly , however , and was soon
busily at work to make up nearly a lencth of
lost ground. The pace was sot very fast
from the start , and the first quarter was
traversed in 24 3-5 seconds. As they swung
Into the stretch Johnson foollshlv let go of
the mare's head , and she begun to "wab
ble. "
Donovan crept up , but the mnrc swerved
over In front of him , nnd ho then tried to
! > ass on the inside. Johnson began to drive ,
Imt Turner was riding for blood , nnd the
boy's efforts availed nothing. The horse
came along straight and swift as a bullet ,
and went under the wire- half length win
ner without n stroke of the whip. It was an
exhibition of the finest riding seen on this
track In many a day. and Turner
sustained his reputation us a suc
cessful jocitoy. The time was 50 1-5
seconds. The spectators were satisfied , es
pecially those who placed their cash In the
right place. The betting was not heavy , as
odds of 3 to ? C on Donovan found few takers.
It was remarked that with a different rider
on Sangaraw the result mlcht have been dif
ferent , but it was ono of the chances that are
inevitably found on the rnco tr.iek , nnd the
loser could only smile grimly and hope for
better results next tiice
Xlio District Court.
The attachment cases against E. L. Yoder ,
of Mlndun , occupied Judge Doemcr's atten
tion In the district court yesterday forenoon.
Fremont Benjamin , esq. , appeared for the
defense , and Sapp & Pusy for the creditors.
During the afternoon the matter was re
sumed , and Mr. Benjamin tried to push them
through in the absence of opposing counsel ,
but the court would not have it , and the
cases will como up again this morning.
The grand Jury was ompannollcd at 2
o'clock , and set to work. Several of the
regular panel were excused , and I. N. Boron ,
of Crescent , was sworn in to rnnko up the
required number. The other six members
are J. P. Allensworth , Silver Creek ; Wil
liam Bunch , HocKford ; F. W. Edwards ,
Lewis ; James Osbomo , Hazel Dell ; O. W.
Pierce , Washington , nnd Edward Walsh ,
Five prisoners confined in the county Jail
were then brought into court and attorneys
assigned to their defense.
Undo Sam's Justice.
The last batch of Indictments returned by
the federal grand Jury before their adjourn
ment was filed in the United States court
yesterday morning. There wore flvo of
them , and three of the indicted parties are
under arrest. They are Haner , Hawkins
nnd Swrct , the men arrested some time
since for counterfeiting. They were ar
raigned Immediately , pleaded not guilty , and
wcro remanded to Jail. They will bo brought
up again this morning , when they will prob
ably withdraw the former plea and plead
guilty. Otherwise arrangements will bo
made to continue their c.ises until next term.
J. H. D.ivls pleaded to sending obscene
literature through the malls , and was sen
tenced'to tlvo days In the Polk county jail.
Ho has already been in jail tliree months m
Marian county awaiting trial.
M. Lucas pleaded guilty to a similar
oifense , ana was lined flu and costs.
Mrs. Dorrls Meyer , of Dcnlson , pleaded
guilty to wilfully omitting to post her special
postage stump in a conspicuous place , and
was lined $10 and costs.
Attacking nn Attorney.
Mr. Cornish , of the Omaha firm of Bartlett -
lett & Cornish , attorneys , appeared before
Judge Love , in the fenoral court yesterday
morning , nnd petitioned for the disbarment
of Colonel D. B. Dallo.v , ox-county prosecut
ing attorney , and a highly respected resident
of this city. Mr. Cornish appeared for Mrs.
Eliza D. Slack , and represented that Colonel
Dalloy , as attorney for Mrs. Slack on a
former occasion , had withheld $400 that ho
had collected for his client and illegally con
verted to his own use. This was the ground
alleged for the desired disbarment. The
mutter was an Intense surprise to every
spectator In the court room , us well as for
the members of the bar.
"H the court please , " continued Mt. Cor
nish , " 1 should Ilku to Imvo tno matter dis
posed of by the 1st ot May , us I wish to
leave then on aEuropean trh ) . "
Notwithstanding an oxporlenro of thirty
years on the federal bench , Judqo Love was
staggered by tha request for such speedy ac
tion , and for some time stared blankly over
his spectacles at the motionless Jiguro before
"It nccms to mo , " said the court , "that a
charge of this maiinltudo must bo of consid
erable importance , at least to thu defendant ,
nnd ono that must not bo recklessly has
tened. Thu case must go over until next
term. In the meantime the defendant is or
dered to appear anil show cause , and lllo his
answer. "
The Omaha disciple of Coke and Blackstone -
stone looked In dumb surprise-at a Judge who
would not disbar an attorney without a hear
ing In order to accommodate a man witullltlo
leisjro time who wanted to tuko a tripueroas
the mighty deep , Ho nhouhleivcd his grief
us best ho could and closed up his business
as quickly us possible. Colonel Dally placed
the mutter In the handt of Messrs. Happ &
Pusoy , and his answer was tiled In a short
time. It was not vnry lengthy , and placed a
very different coloring on the matter. It
contained a full recltalof thu facts Imuliug to
thu present proceeding , unJ Is herewith
given ,
The defendant makes the following answer
and rnuly to plaintiff's petition andcomplalnl :
"Camus now D. B. Dalloy and for answer
to the petition and complaint , of Kllia D.
Slack , plaintiff , states thn following : That
ho admits receiving the money mentioned m
the petition nnd substantially us set forth
therein , and admits that he has iluver paid
the some OVIT to plaintiff. For further un-
nwcr defendant nllegct that on or about Jnno
8 , l SS , cuitulii proceedings were instituted
ami boguu ncatnat the pluintltf In this pro
ceeding , Eliza D , Black , Albert Slack and
Helena Black , the latter two bmug-thoson
nnd daughter of Eliza D. Slack , und alno
uirainst Martha Martin , H. P. Hall , George
Warner and Frank Uumsoy , as defendants ,
in winch Buld actiou aud proceeding MaUbew
Crcswell and Frank D. Lanno wore plaintiffs ,
> y which action plaintiffs sought to subject a
largo quantity of land In Pottawattamlo and
Montgomery counties , Iowa , In which all the
ibovo named defendants had an Interest , to
the payment of $13,480,31 , , which proceedings
wcro begun In the circuit court In and for
Pottawattamlo county , Iowa ; that ho was
employed as an attorney by the plaintiff In this
action , Ell/n. D , Slack. W manage , control
'ma ' look niter all ot defendant's Interest ,
that of her heirs , and also the title of her
other co-Qofcndonts , which Eliza D. Slack
and her heirs wore under a local obligation
to defend , that D. B. I alley's connection
as such attorney with defense and defend
ants In said case continued from 1SS2 until
the case was finally determined on appeal In
the supreme court ot the state of Iowa , nnd
In favor of'all the defendants , which said
case Is reported In the sixty-eighth Iowa ,
page 110 ; that said action was fully and
finally determined In the supreme court
aforesaid at the December term. 18SS : that
the services rendered Eliza D. Slack In said
action and to others at her request and di
rection by D. B. Dniloy were fairly and rea
sonably worth the sum of $750 , which had
not been paid prior to the receipt of the
money In controversy in this action , nnd that
the sauio has not been paid or settled for by
defendants with D. B. Dallcy to this day ;
that the money received on her account
through the Martha Martin note was applied
to the payment of said fees for said
services rendered In the case of
Crcswell ct al agaln&t Eliza D. Slack ot nl ,
as far us the same micht apply ; that In mak
ing sola application of said money defend
ant herein named believed hu had a right to
do so , and domes that ho actc.l wrongfully
or Illegally , or unintentionally converted the
same without just cause , Defendant now
demands that an accounting nnd settlement
bo had between himself and the plaintiff In
this causn. and that ho have judgment
against plaintiff for whatever amount may
be adjudged duo from plaintiff for his said
services us aforesaid , and for costs of this
proceeding. "
The plaintiff alleges that Colonel Dally
was employed by J. P. Cassady to take the
cute to the supreme court , anil that the lat
ter gentleman secured nn allowance from
the administrator of tiiu estuto to pay fees
for the same , and that Colonel D.illey has
received his fees from that source , so that ha
has no legal claim on the money now In his
possession. The case will not como up for
trial until the September term. Much Indig
nation Is expressed by the attorneys of the
city over the matter , and their sympathy Is
plainly with the defendant.
Rooms to rout in the Morrinm block.
S. B. Wadsworth &Co.J > ; ! 6 Main street.
Arbor Day I'roclainntlon.
Through the Intelligent forecast of the
Hon. J. Sterling Morton , April30 of each
year has been designated by the governors of
several states as a day for planting shade
and ornamental trees , nnd called Arbor day ,
and as Council Bluffs Is famous for the largo
number of trees that line its streets and
ornament Its parks , and inasmuch as 'there
have been , during the post year , twenty-one
additions to the city and quitea number of
streets opened anu paved , I therefore as
chief executive of the city of Council Bluffs
do. In view of the above facts , request and
urge our citizens nnd all others Interested in
real estate beauty und growth of our city , on
the coming Arbor day April UO , to plant
shade nnd ornamental trees in such localities
ns may to them , bo convenient ; the suggest
ion is further made , that particular care betaken
taken in the selection nnd planting of same ,
that happy results may bo realized in the
immediate future. M. F. Koimuit , Mayor.
Executive Department , April 2 , ISS'J.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co.
Hlch Sulioul Alumni.
The alumni of the Council Blufts high
school held a meeting at the Bloomer buildIng -
Ing last evening. There were about thirty
present. The attendance would have been
much larger but for the fact that tno secre
tary , Eminott Finloy. was 111 , and. the no-
tices'were not sent out in time. It was de
cided to postpone the election of oOlccrs
until It could bo ascertained whether certain
members of the association , whose services
in this capacity nrn desired , would bo in ttiu
city to attend to the duties of their oflicc.
It was decided to render a programme of
a literary , scientific or historical nature at
each quarterly meeting of the association.
It was voted to hold anniversary exercises ,
and give a banquet In the auditorium of the
Bloomer school on the evening of June " . ' } .
The meeting then adjourned until Thursday
evening , the yoth Inst.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway
Royal Arcanum.
Regular meeting of Fidelity Council No.
130 , Friday evening at :30 : p. m. sharp. Con
solidation of Fairmont Council and Fidelity
will take place us well as election T > f officers.
Members of both councils are requested to
bo present. JOHN T. FIIU > ,
It Taken Up the Case of llio Grand
Trunk Knllrond.
WASHINGTON , April 4. The inter-stnto
commerce commission to-day began its hearing -
ing in the case of the Grand Trunk railway
company , of Canada , upon the charge con
tained In the order of the commission issued
March 28 last , of violating the mtor-stato
commerce law by grunting rebates on traffic
taken from points in the United States to
points in Canada , and by charging loss than
their published rates on such shipments.
Otto Klrsclinor appeared as counsel for the
Grand Trunk company. The information ,
upon which the citation was Issued , was at
least in part furnished by the Michigan Cen
tral railroad , which was represented by
Ashley Pond as Counsel , and Mr. Ledgard
as Its president.
In opening the case , Pond said it was freely
admitted that the Grand Trunk company
has charged to largo shippers of coal and
coke from Buffalo und Black Hock a rate
considerably less than the published fVitu ,
which ho held to bo a direct violation of the
Intor-stato commcrcn law. Rischner , on behalf -
half of his company , denied that any rebates
had been allowed shippers on business origin
ating in the United States. Special rates ,
however , had been made with receivers of
coal in Canada , which wore In some cases
less than the regular tariff rates. Ho stated
that these- special rates wore plainly stated
In the contracts inudo with shippers. Kirsch-
nor contended that this trafllc , from points
in the United States to points In Canada , did
not como within the control or jurisdiction
of the intor-statn commerce commission.
The amended inter-stato comraoro > act says
that the provisions of the act shall apply "to
anycommon carrier engaged in transportation
from any place In the United States to an
adjacent foreign country , " and ho contended
tnut the propnr Interpretation of thu mean
ing of the words would bo to the border of
nn adjacent foreign country , and not "into"
that foreign country. Kir chner Insisted
that it was not within the jurisdiction of
congress to regulate commerce into another
country. It might bo very proper , ho thought ,
to regulate traillo from a point in thu United
Status through a foreign country to another
point m the United States , or from ono state
to another , but not into a forclcn country.
Ho asked ten days to lllo a prilled brief ,
which was granted.
Annrenlstla Fire
JKHSUV CITV , N. J. April 4. The leader of
the gang of fire bugs 'vho havo' been fleecing
insurance companys was arrested in this
city yesterday. The prisoner , U. Beumo ,
was taken to Brooklyn , where three others
of tbo gang are In custody , The method of
the gang ww to rent stores , put la a stock ,
and obtain heavy insurance ou the stock and
fixtures. When preparations wuro made for
an Incendiary blau a lamp would bo broken ,
Near it were placed bladders tilled with bun-
zinc. and uround the bladder gun powder , to
which a fuse was attached , The gang is
charged with having started two tires In
Brooklyn , ami it Is believed that they have
been operating In Jersey City. The men are
nnurchUis and belong to a Chicago band.
A I'nutiiiiiater Anaconda.
EI.MIIU , N. Y. , April 4. George W. Ward ,
assistant postmaster of this city , has disap
peared , and $1,500 of government funds are
reported misting. He was appointed under
the previous administration und retained by
Postmaster Buiicock ou civil service reform
principle * .
A i * ATHEIl'S TEnilintjtS DlCKl ) .
Ho Cut * Ills Diittghtor'a Tliront nnd
Tlion Takes Jlls Own Mlts
PiTTsnuuo , April 4.-'Ed\vard Dcitz , a
laborer who resided with his wife and
family In this city , killed one of his children
this morning , a girl three years old , by cut
ting her throat with a razor , and then ended
his own Ufa in a llko manner. The deed was
the outcome of a quarrel between Dcltz and
his wife , which started last night ,
The cause of the tMgedy wai the refusal
of Mrs. Doltz to semi for the eldest daughter ,
Lena , who was living out as a domestic , to
coma homo. Doltz wanted his wife to live
out and the daughter to take her placo. After
driving Mrs. Dcitz and all the children but
the baby from the house , Deitz sent a mes
sage to Lena that If she was not at homo In
an hour ho would kill every ona in the
family. She did not obey him , and the re
fusal of the others to return probably alone
prevented the monster from putting his
threat into execution.
Cleveland's ItcjcctlotiH Overruled.
WASIIISOTON , April 4. Assistant Secre
tary Busoy has rendered n aoclslon on the
nDpllcatton of John P. Davis for a dependant
father's pension ou account of ttio death of
his son , Samuel , formerly of the Tenth Ohio
volunteers. In 1803 the soldier was a regi
mental hospital nurse no Crab Orchard , Ky.
Ono night , feeling 111 , ho took n swallow of
tincture of aconite , mistaking It for brandy.
Ho nearly died at the time and never after
ward recovered. Ho died from , disease of
the lungs nnd all the vital organs , produced
by the poison. A former decision , which
hold that the soldier's death was not a result
of any disability incurred in the line of duty ,
but tno resulfof his own discretion. Is re
versed , nnd tlfo application allowed. The
former rejection of the applications of Will-
nun L. Wurnick , latenrivuto In the First
Pennsylvania light nrt'llory ' , and John Do-
rcn/y. late of the Twelfth Illinois volunteers ,
wore also rovm-sed und the claims allowed.
Mnvlnc the t'lant to Cnnndn.
SVW.T STK MAIUB , Mich. , April 4. Deputy
Sheriff Jones , of Detour , arrived in this city
last night , stating that the Mollcs Bros. , of ,
that place , who nro largely engaged In lum
bering In this vicinity , have packed up their
goods to leave for Canada. Hard & Horn-
stein , of Buffalo , hold a mortgage of fIS.OOO
on the mill of the firm , which was dun In a
few days. Last Monday , about 3 o'clock ,
the tug Dowllng , towing two vessels from
Saglnaw , landed nt Detour , and at midnight
a hundred men concealed In boats came
ashore und began moving nil the machinery
from the mill. By noon to-day everything
was on board but the boiler , and the work
men began tearing down the mill. The
sheriff received notice to stoo operations ,
but no authority was sent. The telephone and
telegraph wires are cut in tnreo places , und
there Is no communication with Detour. It
is the Intention to take the contents of the
mill up the Spanish river to Canada , where
the firm has purchased a site.
An Incendiary Blaze.
ATWOOD , Kan. , April 4. [ Special to Tin :
BRU. ] Last night the city was visited by a
destructive fire , undoubtedly of Incendiary
origin. It started In . a shed adjoining the
Ditzell hardware store , and completely con
sumed the entire building and stock. Wal
lace's livery barn oh' the north was also
burned , the owner succeeding in getting out
all stock and buggies. The new furniture
store ot J. C. Humphrey was also burned
with its contents. Thb following is aa esti
mate tif the loss : J. C. Humphrey , loss $ .3,500 ,
insurance $1,700 ; S. Ditzell , loss So.u'JO , In
surance $ ! , I > ( ' 0 ; Thomas Wallace , loss ? 1,500 ,
insurance § oOO.
A warrant has been sworn out for the ar
rest of a hard character supposed to belong
to n cang of thieves that have been operating
in this vicinity for fcomo time.
Northern Pacific AflViim.
NEW YOUK , Aprl ) 4. . No meeting has boon
called this week , either of the Northern Pa
cific directors or executive committee , but
some of the officials of the Northern Pacific
arc still struggling with knotty problems in
the Wisconsin Central proposition. Chair
man Harris , of the Northern Pacific direc
tory , loft for Boston to confer with the Union
Pacific people in regard to the Oregon Navi
gation matter.
The Omaha Rood's Report.
NEW YOUK , April 4. The report of the
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
road for the year ending December 31 , 1888 ,
was issued to-day. It sliows gross earnings
to bo $0,4 11 , 138 , a decrease of $529,734 as com
pared with the preceding year ; * expenses
54.018.157 , an increase of $14.5-14 ; net earn
ings , $1,702,930 ; a decrease of $550,588.
Windnm Rejects Uond Offerings.
WASHINGTON , April 4. The action of Sec
retary Windom to-day in rejecting ? 2,031 < 4GO
offerings of 4 % 1'cr ' cent bonds at $1.08 ,
n.OS'i and $ l.03J-f , is regarded nt the treas
ury department us indicating his purpose of
not paying over $1.03 for these bonds for the
present , at least. It is believed that Secre-
turyAVitidom will outline his 'policy in the
matter inoio definitely in a few clays.
Killed the DreHsrd Reef Illll.
MILWAUKEE , April 4. A Madison , WIs. ,
special says : The dressed beef bill was
killed In the assembly this afternoon by a
vote of 47 to 31.
Chill Joins llio
WASHINGTON , April 4. The government
of Chili lias formerly signified its Intention
to participate in the congress of American
nations , to bo held at Washington this year.
W ANTED A girl for general houseworJc at
Atlantic house.
F I OH BAMJ or Exchange An H horse power
englnu fora buggy. Hiiqulre 31 N , Main st.
NGINK TOR BAr.B-OnoflxlS , twonty-horso
power , mostly now. Union Iron works ,
No. law , 3tl st. , Council lIlulTH. la.
POH It KNT Aprill. two-story brick business
liouso. No. 1 | Hroailwny , opposlto OgJon
house Council llluirs. Inmilre at Uobort Mul-
lls , 101 Uroadway. _
'niOH SAI.U Three work horses at Noumuy-
Jcr's barn , ou We Jnesday , March U. Samuel
CITUATJONVANTKDIly young man of SI ,
O OB stenographer and typo writer ; can fur-
nlshbestof references : can Keep booka. Ad-
dresi llox ! ! ' , Slienmidoah , In.
DVHIJJNO IlOUSUjfor rout. 10 rooms on
Cherry hill , next to Hov. O. ( J. Ulco'g.
with Htabiu and ono acre of ground , Iloraco
Everett. c
_ _
ALSO on 1st of April next , the two Ktgry
house , H roams vritn stable , corner of Ninth
Htroet and Second nveriuoj two minutes walk
from the dummy depot nnd next to my resi
dence on the wost. Ifor.ico Uvorott ,
UK OKFICR oven the St. Jo It. It. ticket of-
lice , corner I'earl bnd Uroadway : posses
sion given 1st of April. Horace Kvorett.
TT\OIl \ BALK Two-story frame residence , cor-
X1 ner and adjoining lots , each ifl foot front by
1M foot doep. Kninlro at I'alrmoimt pliar-
macy , 100 Upper Uroadway. _
T710H RKNT Olllce No. 2 , ever Jlalrd's con-
J3 fectionery store , lately occupied byVm. .
Ward , architect. Horncu Bverott. _
FOlfHKNT ClieaK two handsome , now six-
room cottages , north of transfer. Council
llluirs. Inquire lllaiid Hlshtor , Oth ave. and
* Everything Desirable For Easter Gifts at
Just received a Complete Line of Noyelties for Easter , consisting of
Kid Gloves , Silk and Lisle Thread , Embroidered , Fancy , Plain and Hem
stitched Handkerchiefs-Collars , Cuffs , Ruchings , Ribbons , Laces , Hair
Ornaments , Pocketbooks , Umbrellas , Hosiery , Gents'Neckwear , Socks ,
Collars , Cuffs and.Fancy Embroidered Suspenders.
Everything Suitable and Appropriate tor Eastefat the BOSTON STORE
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
TlIOS. OKKICEIt. w. H. M. 1'uaiiv.
Corner Main and Broadway.
Dealers In foreign domestic exchange.
Collection ; , made and interest paid ou tlmo do-
D.H.MCDANELD& co ; ,
HidesTallow , , Pelts , Wool & Furs ,
Highest market price * . Prompt rotu
and 8 ± 2 Main St. . Council mulls , low
DR , Rice's ' Hernial Support ,
The only perfect abdominal support fov clill-
< li en nnd adults. Succi-ssf ully cures the \VOHST
1)11. L. r. KOE , 27 Main Street.
Mrs. C. L. GILLETT'S '
And see her fine line of Hnlr
OIINAMKNTH In the oity.
WiKHeuids , utc. , for Kent
or Sale.
Qluth nml ( "oyle nnd Myers
Qrcaxo 1'nlnts. Hair
Dressing. Ktc.
No. 20 JHulii St. , Council Ilium * .
Orders by mall receive prompt attention.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc.
Agcnta wanted.
c. st. juim ,
Council UlulTs la ,
M odorn Novolltl os
Artistic Decoration !
Sign , House and Ornamental I'nlntlng , Kalso
mining , Graining , etc.
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St ,
Taxidermist and-Naturalist.
I'vnnanently located at No. 11 North Sixth Street , opposite post-
olllce , on motor line , Council llluirs , Iowa.
Illrds and animals mounted naturally and In the bent method of
theiirt. Warranted to preteive for joaM. Foreign birds supplied
on Bliort notice. Highest price paid for owls and hawks of all kinds. 1'tisons oeudluu orders
assured of perfect satisfaction. Fur dressing a specialty , Wrltu for particular * ,
O B _ U T.T § fc. * S . Iff NOS.I5&I8 _ H. .iro. ,
, My ow/i Dressing : OLD
' & .M.SCANLAW , Fashioned
. --TeLZOL
MonarchaCurjiceBros.Brands : FinoOaudlos ,
'ofcahtxed&oods. ' Oaudlos
Sosi8t.Ave.ocf.Main & Pear/ / . Every Day.
< fe Butler ,
37,000 IN USE.
co , ,
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catnlofjue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council DJuffa