Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Gront Day For Spinning Yarns
In the Wheat Pit.
Nothing of Importation In Onti Pro
visions , Very KtcaUjr Cnttlo Do-
innntl I'nlr and Prices
Steady Hogs ,
Cnictoo , April 4. [ Special Tcloernm to
Tnn UKB.J This was a great day for the
circulation of personal gossip , and the Inter
cut in this phiiso of the wheat market over-
elailowod ] everything else. The flrst morsel
of news of thiH Idntt was that the house in
which Leopold Uloom had centered his
triulo had called on him for margins , and
that ho had ItiRgod around $ T > 00,000 in ctlt-
edged securities to protect n line of 500,000
bushels of May wheat/ This report was
tolcKrnphcd all over the country and seems
to have a basis of truth. The next story
was that Ilutchinson and Palrbank had had
u fulling out over the management of a deal
mid that they were running u foot nice to
sco.who could got out llrst. Another yarn
was to the effect that In Its efforts to shakeout
out Uloom tlio clique had been obliged to part
with moro wheat than It wanted to , and that
It had practically abandoned May , there
being no longer enough profit In sight to pay
for the risk attendant uiran running the
squeeze. Still another report , which is
really a sequence of the last theory , is that
the clique trades in May will all bo "rung
up" to-morrow , and the deal bo closed so ferns
ns the clique interests in May contracts go.
The Falrbank party Is now supposed to have
n very heavy interest in July , nnd It would
not bo straining nt probabilities to suppose
that the bull" leaders will not suffer their
warehouse receipts to drift into other and
possibly hostile hands , so long us they "have
n largo open interest in July. This , however ,
is mere speculation. May wlinnt opened this
morning atOT c , and climbed rapidly to 90c.
whca Hutchinson appeared in person nnd
directed his brokers , who , by offering big
blocks , broke the market to 93 ! c. Con-
Bldorablo wheat was sold on this break , but
Hutchinson was clearly moro anxious to
smash tbo price than ho was to got rid of the
wheat. Afterwards the clique brokers tried
to pick up wheat , but they aid not
succeed in getting much , and their efforts
served to advance prices sharply. May re
acted to the vicinity of 05e , when Poole and
Falnum were turned loose on July , running
that down Ic , from 80J e to 85J c , This car
ried May down again toaboutOac. There was
sharp trading In May at some points , but it
is Impossible to form any idea of the actual
extent of the transactions. The estimates
range from lf > 00XX ( ) to 11,000,000 bushels sold.
July opened at 80Jf c , sold up to 87'fCc , broke
to bl ( > 4c. sold up several times to bGJ c , and
then off 8f Kc , with sales by Falnum at 8. > ? ( fc.
The price clung close to Sfl o for a half hour.
It got down once to 85jgc ) , and closed at
85jj85 [ c , a loss of l.fc as compared with
yesterday. Mav left oil at 03 > c. The elfiso
yesterday was UTJjfc.
Cablegrams to the board of trude gave as
surance of the continuance of the foreign do
tnand for corn. "Tending1 up for American
corn , " was the language of the Liverpool
dispatch. The export clearances continue on
a liberal scale , which proves the genuineness
of the foreign demand. In addition
to the clearances from the Atlan
tic ports , Now Orleans was a
shipper of 83,000 bushels yesterday , which
was cleared for Dunkirk. There was some
inquiry from the shorts , which was oc
casioned by the considerations hero referred
to , and helped the firmness ot the day's
market. The dcmnnq for cash corn for ship
ment was likewise good , and navigation now
being virtually open was an additional hard
ening influence. The receipts nt primary
markets were light , and the outsldo markets
were all steady to firm in price. There.1 . * was
no great volume of business , but a firm un
dertone to this market is seen In the steadi
ness of prices In the face of the pronounced
weakness in the neighboring wheat pit. The
changes in value were slight , but what little
there was favored the bulls.
Tn oats nothing of importance transpired ,
the speculative market ruling only moder
ately active within a narrow range. The
opening was weak , with a subsequent im
provement of about' > c , owing to the fair
buy ing ou the part of the few local traders and
the absence of any pressure to sell. May
was In some request around 2Sfc , and Juno
and July wcro practically the same in price ,
at 2S c. No. 2 , to go to store , sold at 24J c.
The provision traders leaned to the con
servative side in their trading. They ex
tended to the market close attention , but
there was DO freedom in their operations ,
mid the day opened and closed without a sin
gle sensational feature. In a general way
the disposition to buy was perhaps a little
more marked than the dcslro to sell , and , as
a consequence , prices were hold very steady.
In pork the fluctuations experienced were
only 17J < fc , in lard K@7 o and in short
ribs 5c. The closings wcro a little higher
than yesterday as u rule. In pork the ad
vance established was tic , and In lard -J c.
Short ribs closed unchanged to Z o higher.
CHICAGO , April 4. ( Special Telegram to
TUB UEB.J CATTLE The demand continues
fair and prices remain steady to strong , some
salesmen having exactly what the buyers
wanted got a slight advance , especially on
nlco handy stock , but in a general way there
was tlttlo or no change as compared with
yesterday. Texas cattle are coming along
in a small way as yet and selling on their
merits. Dealers lu cow stock quote a good
demand and u shade stronger prices. Veal
calves remain at low water mark. Choice to
extra beeves , f4.30@4.6o ; medium to good
Btoors , 1850 to 1500 pounds , ? 3.75@4 10 ; 1200 to
1850 pounds , t3.40@3.l)0 ) : 050 to 1'JOO pounds.
f3.20$3.ti5 ; stockers and feeders , * i.-lU@i.f : > 0 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , l.on@a.30 ; bulk , J2.25
02.70 ; Tcxab steers , ? 3.UO@3.CO ; steers , 2.25
@ 3.80.
Iloas Triulo was active at the opening
with a few sales to shippers and speculators
at ( iDout yesterday's values , but later on
prices gave way , the bulk Belling at1.80(9 (
4.83 , against ft.UO yesterday , and ut the close
packers who had been holding off , were only
bidding H. 7004. 75. A few fancy heavy sold
early at M.'JO4.05 , and light sorts sold
steady nt fl.UO.
Nnw YonK , April -J.-r-fSpecIal Telegram
to TUB Ucn.l STOCKS The stock market
continues monotonous with what animation ,
there Is confined to a few securities. Dur
ing the flrst hour to-day the drooping ten
dency of yesterday prevailed and loft the listen
on Jhovlioio lower than at the opening.
First prices were generally from } to *
better than at the close yesterday. The ox
coptlons to this wcro Northern Pacific pre
ferred , } { higher , and Northwestern am
Chicago Uas , ft lower. Prices were simply
irregular , with most of the business In
Atchison , Missouri Pacific , Burlington ant
Reading. Of those , Missouri Pacific movci
upjf , Uurllugtou declined Jf , antt Atcliisoi
went off % per cent. These wore the prlncl
pal movements of the morning. At 11 a. m
the market was dull , and the list ruled a
fraction under the flrst figures. Later in the
forenoon there was a return of activity and
strength in a few stocks. Everything on the
list turned upward moro or loss from tlfu hot
torn prices of the morning , and at noon prices
were slightly better thau ut the opening
The features ot the hour were the advance
In IJurlington to the morning price , in Mis
sourl Paclflo to TO , a net gala of IK , wlth
/airly good turn * In St. Paul , Unloa Pacific ,
Northwestern and Lackawaiina , leaving
each } to ? / over last night. Stocks con
tluuud Irregular to the clo o , with an up
ward tendency moro marked the last hour
thau was the decline early. Following the
strength shown about midday , the fooling
spread more generally throughout the lUt
ted resulted at the cloio lu better gams tuna
JUu.- ,
or some llmo. The strength was traceable
to the action in Missouri Paslfle , with much
alk of Gouldbuylng Atchison. Much of the
juylng was by the short Intcrsst , At the
lese Atchison wa * IJf per cent higher , Bur-
Ington , Missouri Pacific , Northern Pacific
preferred , Now England nhd Kock Ishnd 1
point ndvanccd , with Lake Shore , North-
vcstcrn , Loulsvlllo ft Nashville , Heading ,
St. Paul nnd Union Pacific \f\a \ X higher.
Chicago Gas lost 1 per cent. The total sales
vcro 831,039 shares , Including Heading ,
23,000 ; Missouri Pacific , 21,000 ; SU Paul ,
1,200 ; Northwestern , 9,500 ; Lackawanna ,
8,400 , and Hock Island 7TOO.
Thefollowing were the closing quotations :
, nst loan n per cent.
PniMc MUHOANULB PAPER i ) < j@0 } per
STGUU.VO ESCIUNOB Dull but firm ;
sixly-day bills , SI.SOJ : demand , I.8S { .
Cuictno , April 4. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
92)fc ) ; May , MUfe ; July , 850-lUu.
Corn Steady ; cash , 33c ; May , 35o ;
Tuy ! , 30 ; < fc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 24J cj May , 2VVc ;
Tulv , 25 , ' c.
Uye May , 44c.
Uarloy Nothing doing.
Prime Tlmothj $1.33 ?
Flnx $1.63.
Whisky fl.rei.
Pork Firmer ; May , J12.30 ; June , $12.42 5
July , $12.4' .
Lard Steady : rash , fT..02 } ; May , $7.00.
Flour No/nlnally unchanged ; winter
vhcat. (2.STi@ri.8ri ; spring wheat , $1.40@0.25 ;
rye , S'J.05@3.00 in barrels. "
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.50(35.75 ( :
short clear , ? 0.50@0.02K ; short ribs. J0.15
(311.20. (
Uuttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 1825ij ;
dairy , 14 > @ 21c.
Chceso Unchanged ; full cream choddais
and flats , 10)-i@10 ) c ; iToung Americas ,
Eggs Unchanged ; fresh ,
Hides Unchanged ; noavy green salted ,
> } c ; llghtgreon salted , 5c ; green. 4c ; salted
ml\,4c \ ; green salted calf , 0 > @HKo ; dry
lint , 7548o ; green salted kip , 4 ( < $4 o ; dry
calf , 7 ( bo : dry salted 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , S oj cake , 4 u.
iCL'cointa. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 11.000 4,000
Wheat DU . 22.000 154,000
Corn.ou . 113.000 101,000
Oats , bu . 117.0JJ 21,000
Now rorlc. April 4. W'.ieat Hcceipts ,
1,000 ; exports , 48,000 ; spot , unsettled and
ewer ; No. 2 red , bi ( > fc in store , 8S ? @S8 o
afloat , 87 ? @SUc f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 82c : op
tions moderately active and unsettled ; April ,
Corn Receipts , 5,000 ; exports. 74,000 ;
spot , firm , higher , and moderately active ;
No. 2 , 43 @ 43J o in elevator , 44Kcalloat ;
No. 2 white , 40c ; ungraded mixed , 41f@GOc ;
options dull and higher.
Oats Receipts , 24,000 ; exports , 50 ;
spot market dull , weak" and lower ; options ,
lull , steady , and higher ; April , 30 u ; May ,
SOJsc ; spot No. 2 white , 83o ; mixed west
ern , ! U33c.
CofToo Options closed firm at 40@20 points
above yesterday ; sales , 04.250 bags ; April ,
ei5U5ItH5 : May , S10.10@tO.80 ; cpot Hio ,
Inn ; fair cargoes , ? 15.50.
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United
closed at OOJtfc.
Eggs Quiet and weaker ; western ,
Pork Steady : now , S13.50@13,75.
Lard Quiet but firmer ; western steam ,
$7.30 : April , $7.27.
lluttor Firm ; western ll@2ilKo.
Chceso Easy ; western , ! lf@10J ) c.
Lilvornool. April 4. [ Special Cablegram
; o TUB llEE.J 3:30 : p. ra. close. Pork
In poor demand ; prime mess , east
ern , 65s , steady ; do , western , 55s , steady.
CjLard fn poor demand ; spot and April , 80s
Jd , dull ; May and June , 80s Cd , dull.
Wheat In fair demand ; now No. 2 , winter -
tor , 7s 2) ) d , easy ; do , spring , 7s lid ,
Flour In fair demand at 11s 8d , steady.
Corn In good demand ; spot , Ss lOd , firm ;
April , 3s 10 > fd , firm ; May and ] June , 8s
St. Ijonls. April 4. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 92o ; May , 'J
Corn Easier ; cash , SOc ; May , 305/c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 25c ; May , 20 > ic.
Pork Steady at $18.00.
Lard Nominal at $0.75.
Whisky $1.03.
Uuttcr In fair demand ; creamery , 23@
25u ; dairy , 20@22c.
Milwaukee , April 4. Wheat Weak ;
cosh , 85fc.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 3 @Xic.
Oats Firm : No. 2 , white. 28i ( 23Xc-
Kye-Steady ; No. 1 , 45c.
Uurliy In good demand ; No. 2 , 55c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $12.20.
Cincinnati. April 4. Wheat Dull and
lower ; No. 2 red , S > Uc.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , mixed , 85c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 20 c.
Whisky Steady nt1.03.
MlnnoaiiollH. April 4. Sample wheat
dull and lower : receipts , 134 cars : shipments ,
52 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , April , 81.00 ;
May , $1.00X ; on track , $1.00 : No. 1 north
ern , April , Ul } < c ; May , 05o : on track , 95o ;
No. 2 , northern , April , 84 > f ; May , 84 o ; on
track , 85o.
Kansas City , April 4. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 red , cash , 83s asited ; May , 80o bid ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 8'Jc asked ; May 85c bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 20o asked ;
May , 25c ; No. 2 white , cash , no bids nor
Oats Cash , nothing doing ; May 20o bid ,
21c asked.
MVK srooic
Chicago , April 4. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market strong
and active ; bboves , $4. 3004.05 ; steers , $3.20 ®
4.10 ; stackers and feeders , $2.40g3.60 ( ; COXVH ,
bulls and mixed , Jl.C06i3.30 ; Texas cattle ,
Hogs Receipts , 15,000 ; market slow and
5c lower ; mixed $4.05@4.9T ; light , f4.TO@
4.115 ; skips , ? : i.50Q..f | > 0.
Sheep Receipts , 3,500 ; market strong ; na
tives , $3.UO ( 5.50 ; western corn-fed , $4.50 ®
5.20 ; TcxnnsT f3.00.J.45 ; lambs , ? 5.00@5.fiO.
KIUIHIIH City , April 4. Uattlo Ro-
ccipu , 2,000 ; shipments , l.lKMjj market
strong and active on all classes ; good to
choice corn-fed , ; common to me
dium , J2.70t.OU : ; stockcrs and feeding
steers , $1.00if3.40 ( ; cows , $1,00(3:2.75. ( :
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
market stiongand higher ; good to choice ,
common to medium ,
National Stock Yard * ) , Rait Ht.
Louis. April 4. Cattle Receipts. 800 ;
shipments , 300 ; mnrkot strong ; choice heavy
native steers , { J.S0 4.40 ; fair to good , $3.00ft $
3.'JOjHtockei-a ' uiul fucdurs'J.OO@2.t)5 ) ; rangers
corn-fcd , $ : J.70f3.50 ; grass-fed , 8l.lKKJ13.bO.
Hogs Receipts , 4,400 ; shipments , 1,300 ;
market steady ; choice heavy and butch-
oni' selections , f Ii"o'i4.85 ; packing , f l.COffl
4,10 ; light grades , $4.0.X < 4.60.
Kloux Cltj- , April 4 , Cattle Receipts ,
3.T1 ; Hhiumoit , 350 ; maruet steady ; the advance -
vance pf . 1 on a ay in butchers' atoolc
holds ; stock cu'.tlo in demand ; fat
steers , fJ.8.'V33.ari ; butchers' cows , $3.00
< a3.U5 ; stockers , Jf3.85.J2.65 ( . ; feeders , f.5.40
2.U5 ; cannrrH and bulls , f 1.00 ( 1.75 ; veal
calves , $3.tH4.W.
Hogs Receipts , 1,330 : market easier ;
light and mixed , ? 1.40@4.47 } ; heavy , f4.55@
Thursday. April 4. 183S.
There wcro plenty of rattle hero but tbo
demand was good and thv market advanced
at least &o and iu some cases salesmen
thought little steers sold lOo higher , Even
the heavy cattle which have been slow sale
of la to were iu pretty good demand. Doth
packers and shippers bought freely and by
midday there were very few cattle remaining
uuwldiu tliopeus. Dressed beef imu ship
ping steers sold at a" ran go of M.OoQO.S , " , but
mostly at $3.40@3.80. Hutchers' itock was
even In lighter supply than usual nnd the
innrKet was corresiwndliiRly strong. Some
choice heifers sold nt $3.00 , but $3.40 3.75
nclu d the majority of the cows. There
were sovcral buyers in the yards looking for
feeders but there wcro no cattle of that de
scription to spcnk of , to fill the demand. The
fact Is that cattle which would have had to
soli for feeders a month ago are now bought
jy the dressed beef men or shippers since
the improvement in the beef market.
Honoris from other markets were not es
pecially favorable , but the market hero was
Fairly ncdvo at only a shade lower prices.
An early clearance was effected , tno pens
being cleared by the middle of the forenoon ,
and the later receipts sold on arrival. There
was very little choice in the hogs , nearly
everything selling nt tbo ono price , $4.55.
There was not n load of sheen in the yards
nnd nothing to make n market.
* , JOv
Prevailing Prices.
The following is a table of prices paid in
this market for the gnUoj of stock men
tioned :
Prltno steers , 1300 to 1500 lb3..S1.50 © 1.10
Prime steers , ' 1100 to 1300 Ib3. . 3.20 C < ? : i. 5
Native feeders . . . iJ.SO W3.10
Common to good cows . 1,50 CJ2.0J
Choice to fancy cows . . . . 2.05
Fair to cholco bulls . . . . 1.75 © 3.75
Fair to cholco light hogs . 4.55 ( ( (4.00
Fair to cholco heavy hog * . 4.55 ftBI.OO
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.50 004.55
Fain to cholco western 'sheep. . 3.SO @l.JO !
Fair to choice Nobraskas . 3.GJ Qft.10
llcprcsciitatlvo Sains.
STCUIl1" .
1 COO 2.25 1 OSO 2.50
0 800 2.30
7 KK1 2.0- 2 ST5 3.00
3 T57 2.00 1 820 3.03
IJvo Ktook Notes.
Cattle higher.
Hogs n shade easier.
No sheep on sale.
A good demand for feeders.
Everything In the yards sold.
Handy little cattle in the best demand.
About half the hogs on sale last week
Thursday , brought $4.60 , with the top at
Charlie Lane , the Union Pacific llvo stock
agent , was in looking over the yards.
Produce , Fruits , Etc.
BuTTBii Creamery Fancy print , 24@20o ;
choice print , 21@23oj fancy solid packed , 20
Ci22e ; choco solid packed , 10i20o ( ; Dairy
Fancy roll , 17 ( < ? 19o ; choice , 15@10c ; good , 13
@ 14c ; low grades , 10@lle.
CIIEESB Full cream Cheddars , choice , llj
© 12 0 : full cream Hats , two in hoop , 11 03
13o ; full cream Y. A. , cholco , l2J4@13c ; olt
grades and sklme , r > @ 9o ; limburger , 10@12o ;
brickrllK@12c ; S\wss , 14@l5c.
EHIH Strictly fresh , 8@9c.
LIVI : POUJ.TKV Chickens , per doz , $4.00 ®
4.50 ; ducks , * 3.75C'1.00 ; geese , $8.60@9.00 ;
turkeys , per Ib , 10 ( < 12c.
Iinssii > POULTIIV- Chickens , per Ib , 12@
13o ; turkeys , 14@15c ; geese , Il@l2o ; ducks ,
fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , 0@7c.
VEOETAW.EB Potatoes , Colorado nnd
Utah , 00 ( fi5o ; Wyoming , COfasBo ; Nebraska
and Iowa , cholco largo , 20 ( < i25c ; common. 18
< $10o ; sweet potatoes , Jersey , per bbl , f'J.75
( < 43.0J ; beets , per doz , 50@70o ; carrots , a
40c : cabbage , California , per Ib , 2o ; parsnlpi ,
per bu , M ) ( < ( Uc ) ; onions , red cholco , 50@55c ;
silver skin , 00@75o ; turnips , 20@25o ; ruta
bagas , 35@40o ; radishes , 225o ) ; lettuce , 25
@ 30o : cucumbers , $1.50@2.00 ; string beans ,
per box , $1.7fl@2 25 : celery , 50@00o ; Bplnach ,
? 1,00 per hbl ; pie plant , per doz , HOe ; parsley ,
per doz , 25o ; soup bunches , 35o , caullllowor ,
$ l.50@1.75 ; asparagus , (1.00 ; beets , new ,
GAME Mallard , per doz , W.OOQ3.BO ; red
head , pur doz , $ 'J.50M3.00 ; teal , nor doz , $1.75
@ 2.00 ; common small , per doz , $ l,00uil.50 ( ;
rabbits , per doz , ( Hlc@ei.UO ; Jack rabbits , per
doz , $3.0U@3.5l ) ; squirrels , per doz , 90c $1.00 ;
Jack snipe , $1.00@1.25. ,
Per bol , fancy Now York and
Michigan , 2.75 ; cholco , $2.25 ; cholco Mis
souri , 12.25 ; good , $1.75@2.00.
FOIIEIOH FIIUITH Malaga grapes , kpgs , 40
to 55 Ibs , 10c per Ib ; bananas , per bunch ,
$1.50 ( 3.00 ; lemons , fancy now , 800 to 800s ,
$3.00 3.75 ; oranges , Los Angeles , fJ.50 ;
Hlvorsldes , J3.5Q ; Navels15.00 ; Hanchito ,
CIIANIICXIIIEB Hell & Bugle , cholco , $0.00 ;
HoH& Cherry , choice , $5.50 ; cholco Jersey ,
iTinES Green salted , No. 1 , 6W5Ko ; No. 2 ,
( Xff3J < o ; calf , 5@5ie ; dry Hint , 7 80.
HKANS Navies , hand picked , par bu
* 2.10 ( < i2.20 ; Rood clean country , $1.05@2.00 ;
oft or poor stock , $1.00@1.50 ! California , J2.00
( $2.10.
CIDEK Mlcnigan. perbbl , $ l.50@5.00 ; New
York , per bbl , $5.00@5.50 ; half bbl , $3.75 ®
, prime live geese , white ,
83@40c { mixed with gray , 25 < < i30c ; damp nnd
musty. 10 20o ; prlmo llvdomcstio duck , 80
@ 25c ; wild duck , 15 ( 20c. e ol
Stur.nKiuijT Pcrbbl,8q , gal , choice , $3.00 ;
l > cr half bbl , $2.00. „
Porcoitx Per Ib , rice , , , lf < jlXc ; common ,
Jj@lc. ' l
HOKET Mb frnmes , cholcd white , 15@lCo :
dark , 18@14o ; strnlncd , IQ lCc.
jELuns-aHS oper Ib ; preserves , 10@12o
per Ib.
IAKD 7 > o In 60-lb pkgs.
Revised prices arc ns foflfwi :
UAGOISG Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
VCIIR , acamlcis , IT' o ; Lcwlston A. seamless ,
lOc ; American , seamless , 17a ; burlaps , 4 to G
bu , ll@14c ; gunnies , single , He ; gunnies ,
double , 23c ; wool sacks , 40c.
TWIHKS Flax , 20o ; cotton , 18(522c. (
DIIIKD FnuiTs Figs , In boxes , pqr Ib , 0 ®
lOc ; dates , in boxes. 7@10o ; London Dohcsit
raisins , per box , $5.00 ; Malaga loose raisins ,
$2.30(32.50 ( : now Valencia raising , per Ib , 7c ;
California loose muscatels , uer box , $ I.80@
2.W ! ; California Londons , 18S8 , $2.80 ; pitted
cherries , 17c ; California pitted plums , per
Ib , Ofijllc ; dried blackberries , per Ib , 0@7c :
dried raspberries , per Ib , 20c ; ovapontted
tipples , C ( < J7. ! c ; California un ) > arod nvapor-
ntcd peaches , 12@Hu ; evaporated California
apricots , 14jfl7c ( ; currants , Gc ; Turkish
prunes , 4,1N@4,8 c ; citron , 22W24o ; * ornngo
peel , 15c ; lemon peel , 14o ; Ciilifornla French
prunes , 7iCllc. (
PICKLES Medium , in bbls , $5.00 ; do , In
half bbls , $3.00 ; small , In bbls , $0.00 ; do , in
half bhis , $3.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls. $1.00.
HOISTED COFFEE * ) German , 24' < fc ; Mo-
Lnughlln'H XXXX , 2l > sfc ; Arlosa , "fae.
Uorrnns Green Mocha , 25@3Uc ; Hlo ,
good , 20c : Mnnduhllng , 20@J3c ; roasting
Hlo , lOc ; O. G. .Tava , 24QI,20u : Java , Inferior ,
22@23c ; Hio , fanc.V , 21@2'Jc ; Santos and
Mnrncnlbo , 17Qi9c.
StuiAH Granulntud , Sl o : conf. A , Se ;
white extra C , 7J e ; uxtrn C , 7Jfc ; yellow C ,
O u ; cut loaf , 8 ? ( KUu ; powdered , &K
cubes. S.c. . .
HnnswAX Cholco yellow , 20@22ifo ; dark
colored i@llc. : !
IOIIACCO Plug , 2035c ; smoking , 10 ®
"s'u.T ? 1.35(11.40 ( per bbl.
Horn 7-10 , 14c.
MAi'i.n SuoAit Hriuks , ll@12o , per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12@l3o per Ib ; trnro maple
syrup , SI. 00 per gal.
ScnAH Svuui'3 34CJ350 per gal.
WuAi'iMNO PAi'Ait Manilla. 0 > ic per Ib ;
straw , l @UJe ( per Ib ; rag , 2Kc per Ib.
TEAS Voung Hyson , common to fair , 1SC5
25o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30@35c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22@23c ; Gun
powder , cholco to fancy. 40@05c ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 12@0c : ; Japan , choice to
fnncy , 30@15c ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ( !
40c ; Oolonir , cholco to fancy , 50@70c ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25tS35c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@50c.
CmcKEiis 0@7c jcr ) Ib ; assorted cakes , 8
@lGc pir Ib. ns psr list.
CANDY Mixed , 9K@12K ° ; stick , 9 > < ( fflllc ;
rock candy , 10) ) < f@le ! ) ; fancy candy , 7ft2Sc. (
MAOKDUBI. Family , half bbls , $12.50 ; No.
1 , $13.50.
Con FISH 5K@8Kc.
STAIICH I < vj7'4e.
NUTS Almonds. 10@18c ; Pecans , 13c ; Bra
zils , 9c ; peanuts , 9@10c.
Si-ices Whole Allspice , 12c ; Cassia , lOc ;
Cloves , 23c ; Nutmegs , 70c-Pcpper ; , 20c.
BAGS Union square , 35 per cent dlsct.
Dry Goods.
COTTOX.FI.ANXEI.S 10'i'or cent trndo dis
count. Unbleached LL. , 5J'c ; CC , OJfc ; SS ,
7c ; EK , 8 > fc ; GG , i1r.XX , 10 > Je ; OO ,
llMe ; NN , 12 > < Jc ; A A. 14u ; DD , VytoTT ,
lOJ c : YY , 18c : UB. 19c ; bleached , 2U , 8 c ;
70 , 12 c : bO , 13Kc. Brown and slate , 50 , Uc ;
CO. 12 'c ; 90. lOc.
CAiti'ur WAiir Bibb , white , 19c ; colored ,
22e.HATTS Standard. 8c ; Gem. lOc ; Beauty ,
12140 : Boone , 14c : B , cased , $0,50.
PHIS-TS Solid colors Atlantic. Co ; Slate ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , ( ij c ; Garner oil , 0@7o.
PitiNTS Pink and Hobcs Allen. Oc ; River
point , 5J c ; Steel River ; G > o ; Hichuiond ,
OJ c ; 1'aciilc , 7c.
PitiNTS Dress Charter Oak , 5o : Kam-
ape , Ic ; Lodl , 5J c ; Allen , Co ; Richmond , Oc :
Windsor , OUc ; Edd.vstono , 0 > n ; Pacitlo
I'uiNTS Isnino BLUR St. Lcger ,
Arnold , 0) o ; American. G c ; Arnold C ,
long cloth , Ue ; Arnold H , lontf cloth , lOJ c ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , lOJfc ; Steifol A , We ;
Windsor , Gold Ticlcct , U c.
GINOIIAM Plunket , checks , 7J e ; Wlnt-
tenton , 7'fc ; York , 7 fc ; Nornmndi dress ,
8c ; Henfrew dross , 8 @l2 c ; Whittenton ,
80 : Cnlcuttn , Tc.
OAMIIHICS Slater , 5e ; Woods , Co ; Stand
ard , 5e ; Peacock , 5e.
Bi.r.uciiEt ) SHKETIXO Ellcrton , 7J < c ;
Housekeeper. SJ c ; Now Candidate , Sj u ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , OJ c ; Best Yet ,
3-4 , ( ! > ic ; Buttcrcloth , OO , 4'4'C5 Cabot , 7) e ;
Fnrwell , half bleached , 8 } e ; Fruit of Loom ,
8e Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 > c ; Klnff Philip ,
cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lo jcLons- ;
dole , SKc ; Now York Mills , lOc ; Pepper
cll , 42 hi , 10'c ; Pcpporell , 40 in , ll c ; Pep-
poroll , 0-4. 15 > ic ; Peppercll , 8-4 , 21c ; Pcppor-
erell , 9-4 , 23c ; Pcnporeli. 10-4 , 2.c ; Canton ,
4-4,8.Cc ! ; Canton , 4-1 , a ; Triumph , Oc ;
Wamsutta , rlc ; Valley , Cc.
Bitowx SIIKBTISO Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7 c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OK" ? At
lantic P , 4-t , ( io ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , Oc ; Au
rora , C , 4-4 , 4J c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , C'i'c ;
Hoosler LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 } c ; Peppercll. E. 40 inch , "Ko ; Pcpporell ,
8-4 , 18c ; Peppercll , 0-4 , 21c ; Pepperoll , 10-4 ,
2to ; Utif.a C , 4-4 , 4c ; Wnchusett. 4-4 , 7 > fc ;
Aurora H , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B. 4-4 , 0 > ic.
FijANNKLS , Pi.vii ) Hatsmen,20e , Goshcn ,
" ' ; Clear Lake , 80 > c ; Iron Mountain ,
I-'J.ANNEI.S , WIIITK G H No. 2 , % , 22) 0 ;
G H No. 1 , J , 20 > c ; B H No. 2 , 22 c ; li II
No. 1 , % 30c : Quecheo , No. 1 , & , 42c ; Quo-
cheo , No. 2 , 9f , ! 17Kc ; Quecheo , No. 3 , % ,
82 Wo ; Anawon , 82Jic : Windsor , 22J < Jc.
FIANNEI.S , RED C , 21-Inch. IGMc : E , 21-
Inch , 21 } < c ; G G , 24-inch , 20o ; H AF , } { , 23c ;
J H F , f , 27c ; G , } ( , 25s.
COUSETS JEANS Andro.scoggin , 7J c ;
Koarsarge , 75/c ; Rockport , 0e ; Couestogo ,
TiCKs-York , 30-ln. 12K < 5 : York , 32-in ,
> fc ; Swift River , 8cThorndike , OO , 8Kc ;
Thorndiko , EB , 8Mc ; Thorndiko , 120 , OJ c ;
Thorndikc , XX , 1605 Cordls , No. 5 , 9 > ic ;
Cordls , No. 4 , lOHc.
DUXI.MS Anioskoaif , 0 oz. 10 > c ; Evcrott ,
7oz , ISVfo ; York , 7 oz , 18 } c : Havinnker ,
8 0 ; Jaltroy.XX , lljtfe ; Jitffroy , XXX,12 } c ;
Beuver Creole , AA , 12e ; Beaver Creek , BU ,
lie. Beaver Creek , CC. lOc.
KE.NTUOKV Jr.AXs Alcmorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
18o ; Durham , 27Ko ; Hercules. ] 8o : Leam
ington , 22J c ; Cottswold , 27XUJ Molvlllo ,
25c.CIUBII Slovens' B. SJ o ; Stovnns1 B ,
bleached , To ; Stevens' A , 7 c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , 8) ) 0 ; .Slovens' P , 7 ; > fe ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , 8Jfc ; Stevens' N , DC ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 9 > Jo ; StovefjV'SHT , Ili5.
Dimensions and Timber-
12 ft It ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22@24 ft
2x4 . $15.00 15.00 Ui.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x0 . 15.00 15,00 ITi.OO 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x8 . 15.00 15.00 13.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x10 . . . . 15.00 15.00 1500 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x12 . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
4x8 8x8 10.00 10.00 laoO 17.00 17.00 20.00
No. 1 , 4 undo Inchiil2 nnd 14
feet rough . , , 'T . $10.00@10.50
No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 inch IU feel . 17.UO@17.59
No. 2 , 4 andO inch , ' . ' 12 nnd 14
foot . . ' ! , . 1 . 18.50 ( 14.00
No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 feet . 16,00 ( < ! ! lS.OO
Finishing ij
lstand2dclearlKJich | s,2s. . 49.00@51.00
1st and 2d clear ,'d 2 Inch ,
B,2s . . . . 47.00@50.00
8d , clear , ijf Inch s , 2s . 43.00@40.00
3d , clear , IK and 2 inch a , 2s. . 43.00 ( 10 03
B select , 1 } ( . 1 } und 2 Inch ,
n,2s. . . . ; ; . . 87.00@3S.OO
1st and 2d , clear , 1 Inch s , 2s , . 45 00
A select , 1 inch , E , 2 * . 8S.OO
B select , 1 inch , s,2s . 81.00
1st com 0 Inch whltoplno . 34.00
2d " " " . 81.00
3d " " " . 26.00
" D " " " ' ' ' 20.00
Com 4 and fl In yellow nlno'.V. . 15.50
Star" " " . . . . 18.00
1st and 2d clear yellow plno , 4
andOInch . . . 2.000
Poplar Lumber
Clear popular ; box boards , J In
38. . . . . . 35.00
Clear poplar , % in panel , . 80.00
Clear poplar , % in panel . 25.00
Clear poplar , yt iu stock wide ,
2 8 . , . , . 28.00
Clear poplar corrugated ceiling ,
K in . , . . 00.00
White ccdnr. C Inch halves . 13
" " f > K " " nnd
8 Inch ors . , . 11
White ccdnr , 4 Inch halves . CO
Tennessee red ccdnr , split . 10
Split oak ( while ) . . . . . 8
Sn wed oak ( white ) . 10
Shlnelcs , per M
XX clear . 3.20
KxtrnA . 2.SO
Standard A . 2.00
G Inch. Hoar . 1.CO@I.70
Cinch , clear . 1.75l.bO (
No. 1 . 1.1031.15
California red wood , dimension '
widths . 4.50
Cypress , clear heart , dimension
widths . 8.40
Lath. pcrM . 2.50
Ship Lap-
No. 1 , plain , 8 and IS inch . 17.50
No. 2 , plain , Sand 1C inch . 15.50
No. 1 , O. G . 18.00
1st com , 12 and 10 feet . 22.00
2d " " . 10.00
8d " " . 15.00
Fence " " . 13.00
Stock Boards
A 12-inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 st 40.00
B " " " " 41.00
C " " " " 30.00
D , ' " " " 23.00
No. 1 com , 12 lu. s. 2 s. 12 feet. 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 nnd
10 feet . 17.0@lS.f > 0
No. 1 com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet . ' . . 10.50
No. 2 com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 14 and
111 feet . 17.00
Celling and Partitions
1st com. ? / in.vliltu plno par
tition . 82.00
2d com. % In. white pmu parti
tion . 27.00 % In. yellow pine celling 20.00
Clear j's ' In. Norway . 14.50
K 2d com. % In. Norway . 13.00
No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft 10.50
No. 2 " ' ' " 14,50
No. 3 " " " " 12.00
No. 4 " " " "
( snip's cull . 13-00
Battens , well tubing , pickets
O. G. Baits , 21 $ Inch . CO
O. G. Baits , 2tfx3 , s 1 s . 35
8 In. well tubing , D. & M. and
bov . 2000
Pickets , D. & H. flat . 19.00
Pickets , D. & A. snuaro . 2i 00
Lime , etc
Qulncy white lime , best . .00
English nnd German Portland
cement . 3.40
Milwaukee and Louisville . 1.30
Michigan and Fort Dodge , plas
ter n "T
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Blue Rapid's pVa'sVc'r. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.95
Hair . 20
Sash , 00 and 10 per cent dis
count : doors , blinds , mold
ings , 50 nnd 10 per cent dis
Tarred felt , per cwt . 2.00
Straw boards . 1.05
Mctnl nml Tinners' Stock.
Blo.ik tin , small pig . .28
Block tin , bar. . . . . 29
Copper , planished boiler sizes . .33
Copper , cold rolled. . . . . .30
Copper , sheathing . .29
Copper , pltts . f . .29
Copper , lints . .80
Gal sheet Iron , Juniata , 50 , 10 , nnd 5
percent discount .
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A . 10K
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 B . 9 }
Rooting , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 0.00
Hoollng , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Roofing , 1C , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 11.00
Roollng , IX. 20x2 * . 112 sheets . 14.50
Sheet iron No. 21 ! . 3.40
Sheet iron No. 27 . 11.50
Solder . 14@10
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C. 10x14 , 221 sheets . 0.50
IX , 10x11 , 2.25 sheets . 8.25
Tin plate , coke
1C. 10xl , 225 sheets . 0.25
Steel nails , per keg . 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg . 2.75
Drugs nnd Chemicals.
Acins Sulphuric , lc ; citric , 5Sc ; oxalic ,
l.Vtartnric ; , 40c ; Am. carb , 14c ; alum , 2 }
C < $3o ; arrowroot , 8Uc : balsam capaiba , 05M
75c ; borax , 10@13c ; calomel , SOc ; castor oil ;
$1.05@1.10 ; cream tartar , 32c ; corrosive sub ,
8Uc ; chloroform , 45@20c ; ext logwood , 12c ;
glycerine , 24c : gum arable , 90c ; gum cam
phor , 35c ; gum opium , $3.15 ; morphia sulph ,
OILS Bcrgamot , $2. S0@3.00 ; lemon , $2.00 ;
peppermint , $3.00iii50 ; wlntergreon , SU.40 ;
olive. $1.00 ; quinine , 35Crai8c ; strychnia , $1.05
* H ,
Provisions i Slocks
Basement First National Bank ,
! { O5 South ittih Street , - Omaliii
Base Ball Hornca vs liylccrs Ofl'
Knupp Chiillcnitcs ItondliiK.
Instead of the St. Joes playing hero Fri
day nnd Saturdav , Omaha plays In St. Joe.
Sunday the hoys will bo homo , and if the St.
Louis Urowns fall to como to time , they will
try conclusions with a strong picked nine.
The horse-bicycle race booked for the Col
iseum next week is off ttio cqulno contin
gent backing out.
Owing to the withdrawal of ono Booth ,
who was to back ISuffalo UiH's bronchos In a
six days race against Prince. Morgan and
Knnpp , the bykers , next week , Knapp is de
sirous of Reins up against any one , Ned
Heading preferred , for n 100-milo race any
night next week. In furtherance of this ,
Knapp last night sent the following chal-
lunpo to Heading :
OMAHA. Neb. , April 4,18SO. Ned Reading
Dear Sir : I hereby challenge you to ride
mo u nice , 100 miles on the Coliseum track ,
any night next week , hereinafter to bo mu
tually ugreed upon , rof'flOO a alilo ana 05 and
! I5 per cent of the gate receipts , An early
acceptance will greatly please Yourn res
pectfully , Wiuiuu F. KXAIT.
There will bo a grand sweepstakes shoot ,
llvo blrda nnd blue rocks , on the Oimilm Gun
club's now grounds across the river to-mor
Itntllln < ; I'erimtH.
The following building permits were
granted yesterday by Inspector WJutlock :
John T. Hopkins , frame dwelling.
Orchard Hill . , J "COD
LouB Todola , frame dwelling. Thirty-
Beventh anil Allison streets 000
John Wuoljor , frnma dwulllnu' , Orchatd
JUU ] 00)
J , W. 1'aul , dwelling , Hamilton and
Twenty-sixth streets 1,000
T. Iloiuher. dwelling , Twenty-eighth nnd
Indiana fetrcptu 7&0
Ilenny U'lloarn , frame dwelling , I'lcker-
Ing nnd Twenty-eighth streets l.COO
Joaejili Connerelenk. frame dnoillng ,
Tueutlotli and Ulnrk streo-.s 001
Five minor permits 710
Tnelvo permits , nggregatliig t 7,110
County llnpnrtH ,
County Clerk Hocho has just completed his
quarterly report for the nrst three months of
the present yoar. The rccolptsof the ofllco wore
SOS'J.OO , and the expenditures were ? IOJI,09 ,
showing a dolloit of f.'i5.00. The number of
instruments tiled was as follows : Incorpor
ations , 50 ; bills of sale , 9i ; notary publics ,
Ul ; physicians registers , 10 ; dentist's regis
ters , 1 ; miscellaneous , 112 ; chattels. 2,040 ;
leases , 624 ; certificates. 151 ; partnerships , 25.
County Judge Shields und ItcgUtcr of
Deeds Megeath have ulso completed their
reports for the llrst quarter of the year ,
ending March 81. The county Judge's report
shows the receipts of his ofllco to bo 11 , ! ) ' , 10 ,
anil expenditures $1,180.05 , leaving a balance
on hand of $107.45. Mr. Mcgeatn's report
shows the receipts of the rcglator'b ofllco to
bo $3,403.00. expenditures t3,69T.85. leaving a
surplus of $1,711.75.
That Imoklnij coug hcanbo soqulcldy
curort by BbUou'e Cure , Wo ffiwruntce
U. For sate by Goodman Drutf Co.
CS = S - ; . . . . , - i 3rt
Agricultural Iniplomont s. ,
Dealer to Agricnltnial Implements , Wagons
Carriages and bu glo . Joncn tlrrct , between Mb anil
loth , Omaha. Nebraska.
AgriCult1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
BuggiesHo. Wholesale. Omaha. Nebra ka.
Wholesale Dealer * la
Agricnltnral IniDlements , Wagons& Bnggies
Ml , nxtK an AW ! Jones Urcet , Omaha.
Manufacturers and jobbers In
Wagons , Baggies , Ra'ies , Plows Etc ,
Cor.Pth and 1'aclflo itrecta , Omaha.
Artists' Materials.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U13 Douglas tired Omaha , Nebraska ,
_ BooUs nnclJShooa. _ _ _ _ _ _
irf K MORSE A r"o. ,
Jokers of Boots ? nil Shoes ,
1101 , 1101. UUo street. Omntm. Manufactory ,
Summer street , lloslon. _
_ Cgnl , ioko q nd LI mo. _
Jotos of Hard anil Soft Coal ,
_ ami-cm Hi 13th street , Omnha. Nebraska. _
SbiDccs or Coal a'd Coke ,
211 bouth 13th bU , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Ktc. 1511 Karnnm street , now 1'axton building.
Commission and Storage.
Storage anfl Commission Merchants ,
Specialties llnilor , cecf. cliro c , poultry , same.
11121IowHnl rtroct. Omntia. Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions.
Dry Goods , Furiiisiiiug Goods and Notions
1101 and 1101 Douijlns , cor. lltli streetOmaha , Neb.
GOODS co. ,
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
fienta' furnishing Rnoda. Corner llth auU llaru y
streets , Omahn , Nebraska.
I tii port cm nml jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
317 South 10th street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Farnam street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Cmaha Nobraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
705,707,709 nnd 711 South 10th St. , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13til nna j.cavciiwortb streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardv are , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnus , nngon stock , hardware , lumber , cto. 1203
und lill llarnejr street , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Wetals , sheet Iron. alo. Acrcnti for Howe scales.
Mliiml powder and Lyman barbed wire ,
Bnild rs1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tools and Iluir.tlo scales. 1135 Douclai
strout , Oiuahu , Nob.
Wholesale Lumlier , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland cement. Btatt
avont Jcr Milwaukee hydrnullc cement and
Qutncy win Hi llmo. _
Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier ,
Wood carpets and parquet Hoorlnp. 1'tll und Douglas
ttreuts , Onmha , Neb. _
OMAHA LUMliEll'CO. ' ,
All Kinds ofBuildiiiEMaterial at Wholesale ,
18th Street und Unlou 1'aclHc Truck , Omaha ,
Dealer in LuniDer , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Etc. Yards-Corner 7th nnd Douglas. Corner
_ 10th nnd Douglas ; _
Lninter , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and Douiilas Bis , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher ,
13tb and California Htrcots , Omaha , Nebraska.
_ Mllllnoryjmd NotUinai. _
irdliEIlFELDER A CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
203,2111 nnd 812 South llth stieot _
JMotlot s.
_ _
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
W ! and ttt'j booth 10th street. Omaha.
OIlB. .
vm m
Wholesale Refined and LnMcallne Oils ,
Ailo urnaie , etc. , Omaha. A. II. Illshop , Manaicr
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry nulce stock of printing , wrapping nnd writing
) > aper , tjpecial tutuntlon given loiar loiij orders.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission.
' '
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
lirauo house of the Honnor Iluccr Co. IIuunlos at
irholciali ) and retail , iwtllblu , , fill UariUtreU ,
Omiihu. Tolopbono No. 7W.
Jobbers of
. Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Ilouie lurnliblna uooJ , clilMran'i rnrrlagci , ti'.o ,
& ' } ! Ir'aruani lUuet. OuuhaJiili.
Live Slock Coraniissioii Mcrcliauls
Of Oraana , Liniltcl
[ Joho IT. JJojC , buperlutendeDt.
Jloota and Shoos. *
Successor * to Ileo.l , Jones A Co.
Wholesale Mannfactorers of Bots& : Slices
Agtnti for llo ton llut.txr Shoe Co , ll . 1101 and 1104
llarney fttaot , OmahaNebraska.
ST01M A 1LER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
i North KleMfcnlh Hreet , Omaha. He * .
con if WE
Mannfacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-caps and raclallo skylights. John Kpcnoter ,
proprlclor , IIB and 110 fcoutu lOtli street.
Office Fixtures. _ _
Mnnufncturcrs of i
Ban * , Office and Saloon Fixtes ,
Mantle * . Fliirboarilii , Hook Ca c , Dnm Klxtur ? < , WaJl
fanes. Partitions , UnlllnRS.Uouiitein , lleornnd Wlno
Coolers. Mirror * . KlaParlury nmt unto' , ITS ) and 1TM
tjouthlJtli St..Omaha. Tultphune 1U4.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. MIT add 1.119 Douglas street , Omnhu , Neb.
Rubber Goods.
a1 ] ! ! Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil clothing mul leather belting. 1HS Karnam slraoi
Snsh ,
Whol ale manufacturers ot
Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Moulflinp ,
Ilrimch Mticc , ltu and Until street Omaha , Neb.
liOHN MA CO. ,
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding' , MMr-vrorlc nnd Interior linnt nooil tlnUb.
N.1B. corner 8lh mul -nvdiiurrili stri'ols ,
Omaha , Nob.
_ Sto o mFltU _ _ _ njgs , IPu m p g. Etc.
Pninns , Pines and Engines ,
etetm , water , rnllwnv mul mining Mipplles , t&
_ KO , 1C3 nnd VU i'arnnm tlrcul , Oinnht.
Steam and Wate ? Snpnlies ,
JUMIUnj wlnit tnllli. 913 and * I2J Jonei SU Omaha.
U. K. Hoes , acting manager.
A CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Ihcct-lrou work , steam pump * , saw inllli. U13-U1I
l.oarcnnortli trvui , Omaha. ' '
_ _ _ , _
Carter A Son , I'rop'i. Mnnufnclurern of allklndi
Steaia Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron loft
Works South SOtb and II. & M. croailuf .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlf ,
, rass work , eencral foundry , machine and
Lhumumli work , onicc ami works , U. r. i\j ,
mid IHli ctioet , Umaba.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rails , window guards , flower tnml . wlroilgos.
clc. 1 1 Kortli loili street , Omaha.
_ _
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault ? , jail work. Iron shutters and fire etcapei
U. AnOrccn , prop'r. Cor. lltli and Jackson Hta.
- THE -
Chicago , Milwaukee &t , Paul
The Host Route from Onmlm and Council
muffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. PnuT , Minncniiolis , Cedar ItaplcU ,
Rock Island. Frccport , Rockford , ,
Clinton , Dnlinquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsillle ,
licloit , Wlnonn , Ln Cr'ossc ,
And ull other Important points Bast , Northeast an4
For through tickets , call on the ticket intent at 1MI
Karnam street , In Uarliur lllock , or nt Unlou I'aclQo
I'lillrnun Sleepers and tbo finest ninlng Car * in tha
world are run on tlio main Una of the Chicago , Mll
wHtikco & ht. 1'aul Uullwar , and orcrr attention 1 *
piilu to iiueivnxora by couttouua oniployoi or ta
It. .M1M.1SH , ( Joncral Manacer.
J. r. TUCKltll. AssUluiit ( icnoral Mnmser.
A. V. 11. CAUl'ENTKIt , licnernl 1'uisoncor anl
Ticket. Agent.
( IKO. IS. 11KAKFORD , Assistant Gencrall'aiseDCBf
and Ticket A Kent.
T. J.CLAltK.Ccnaral Superintendent. _
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
AniniiKit ( aw or tlio nuiiioroiiii points nCdiDcrlorlt *
iijpreil br the | i trpn of thl * lonrt lct D Omalm
y.nA.l.ll.Kl0\Bf0 . [ u" ll'rnu ' 'rnlnl d r of DAT
COACI IC8. which flrctiiollnnn nhlrh hilmin irtimS
intcnullt cniicre ( u. lu I'AI.ACIC HI.KIU'INU CAltH ,
thoeiunliir nlilch CHII not bo foiinl olxiwhero. A <
( ouncll Illulli , tliu truln of tlio Unluii I'm-tilo JUIl"
warcunueil III union ilopot with tlii o'of tba Clil.
c 2. * NurlhweUorn U illw y. In Chicago the train *
of thli linn nmka cloio connection with tlu o ot alt
onmr ) .afiii !
If . you wl h ttiii test nconnimoiltttluu. All llckl
. -
BKt.iiiiiflltlrkeHvlttthlillne. . iiu.Jim-r. K. iv WILSON ,
Gvn'l JlKuHBer. Uvri'l l'ji 'r A
W. N. UAnrocir.fpimvtorlu' ! ? ; ' > ! .
U. li. KIM DA M , . Tli-kHt Auunt.
U , \VICUT , city I'm si ciier jtgtal
14U1 Fainam Ktreut. Oinnha. Ktb ,
Cnjiltal Stock . $150KM ]
Liabilities ) of Hlofkholilcrs . 00,00
Vive Per Cent Jntwat raid on Da-
or Kit i .u-it
CUAliI.i:3 : K. MANDintSON' , I'roililont.
F. w.
JoiusriOvii.uuu ,
> w. OAstNBTT. oii'v'a luVtrow ,
J..1. IlltOW.V , I , . > 1 , " - -
C. F. MANlJlMIKON , 'I'llOH.
IlKNIIV J'UNIir , K. I , . Sj , , , , , .
OMAHA It. k T. Co. , l * n. WIU.IAJIS ,
ft W.V tflflKM. I , I . CoNOlJOIf.