Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1889, Image 1

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Mlea Blochlor Again Glvoa Way to
Violent Emotion.
Boon Recovers and Once More
Facoa tbo Throng.
The Wltnoos LOGOS Convenient
Pieces of Hia Memory.
Scene * nt the Trial Which Hold a
Morbid Crowd Afinpo Krnin
Until Ad
journment * .
\Vns Slio Insane ?
Ono very strange feature of tlio Klhg mur
der trial Is to bo seen in the Interest man
ifested by n certain class or typo of old pee
ple. Every day since the opening of the
case in Judge Groff's court room , about two
dozen or more , withered , wrinkled , toothless
old women nnd broken down bald-headed
men have sat patiently early and late , bend
ing forward with hands behind their cars
eager to catch ovcry word in the interesting
Yesterday's ' crowd was lmmcnsetho attend
ance of ladles being very largely Increased.
When Deputy Sheriff Grebe returned from
his breakfast , about I o'clock , ho found ten
women waiting nt the door , nnd the stream
had already commenced to climb the steps
which lead from iMirnnm street. Several
lawyers wcro accompanied by their wives.
They were given seats in the space
set apart for the clerk's desks
nnd file cases. The display of now spring
millinery In the shape of hats a nd bonnets
gave the scene a rather gay and animated
Miss Blcchlcr begins to show that the
creat strain upon her nerves has begun to
have an effect upon hor. After Sheriff
Coburn had brought her in , Judge Baldwin
emerged from the consultation room nnd was
greeted by the lady with n smile.
The judge says that when ho first came
Into the case nud .was Introduced to Miss
Bl oilier slio thought him n gruff , cross
man , and Indulged In a hearty cry.
The first proceedings after the openlnjrof
court wore disturbed by n eryinc baby. Wlt-
ness Scott was again called to the Btund. The
question , of General Cowin , regarding
Tim riiiEoxmi's BAKITV ,
to which County Attorney Muhonoy objected
lust evening , was argued briefly nnd bur
dened with citations from supreme court reports -
ports and other authorities.
Mr ! Mnhoney's chief objection was based
on the ground that no reference had been
made to the subject In the direct examina
tion ; that the question was leading' and
further that Scott was not the proper person
to answer such n question. Only medical ex
ports could bo called to testify on the ques
tion of Insanity.
General Cowin was nearly halt an hour
late , and hoard only a part of Mahonoy's
Judge Groft ruled that the question , ' 'Is
there any doubt in the world that , when you
saw this woman coming down the stairs she
was insane ] " could bo asked and answered
by the witness.
General Cowin read from ono or two au
thorities to show the kind of testimony that
may bo accepted to prove insanity. This
argument perceptibly
TWD or threotinios she buried her face in
the over-cpnvenlent whlto handkerchief and
Mr. Cowin said ho was willing to change
the question nnd state it.
"From your personal knowledge of In
terviews and associations with the prisonci
"that morning , you may state what your , im
pressions \yero as to the defendant's sanity
or insanity. "
Mahoney again objected , but the court
overruled it. *
"I thought she was totally out of her
mind , " replied the witness.
Mr. Scott's reply to General Cowin's In
tcrrogntlon had such an effect on the specta
tors that they rustled in their seats and actcc
uneasy when the prosecution tried to upset
him.This ended the cross-oxamlnatlon , but tin
stata started on a redirect catechism.
"When , Mr. Scott , did you como to the
conclusion that the defendant was
"When I mot her In the rotunda , the hole
ofllco nnd going to the police station. Slu
was crying , talking Irrationally , acting1 hys
torlcnlly and constantly imploring me U
let her go to the body. "
The redirect examination failed to divulgi
nnthlng now.
THE iicvoi.vcn.
Attorney Mahoney at this juncture offered
the revolver used by Miss Blcchlor In evi
dence. It Is a Smith & Wesson , second-hand
improved pattern , self-acting ( Ivo-ahootcr
thlrty-two-callbre , No. 33,077.
' OjftPms Onnsby , city detective , testified
"I rrel the defendant In thu Paxton betel , 01
the morning of the shooting. A revolve ]
waa delivered to mo by Mr. Scott about I
o'clock that morning. Thcro were llvoempt :
shells in it. It contained no loaded shells
While the revolver was being examined
Miss Blochlor sat with downcast eyes , novo
raising them until the weapon had bcoi
taken out of sight. The mention of thegui
lias already had a visible effect upon her
and not once during the progress of th
trial bus she looked upon the weapon.
W. S. Jonnson , the Chicago lawyer wh
has been spoken of na having Interested him
self In behalf of Henry W. King , Jr. , to scpn
rate the deceased and Miss Blcchlcr , is i
short man , slight in build and almost Dal
Ills upper lip Is adorned with a stubby re
moustache. Herod has largo blue- eyes und
rod faco.
"I reside In Chicago , " said * ho , "and wn
acquainted with King two years and u hall
1 inot'tho defendant In March. 1SSS. I me
bor at Quincy , 111. She was living under th
name of Mrs. LcGurdo. Mr. Henry \ \
IClng , jr. , was living with tier. She raid sli
had been living with him under thin name
King's father requested mo to go thoro.
pnvo her WOO on her signing n paper. I tel
her Mr. King had said to mo that Mr. Adam
bad said to him that he had had n converse
tlon with her and that she would take thl
money and release Mr. King , jr. , from a
promises of marriage , which the paper ri
cited. The paper also sot forth that Mie
Biechlor claimed to bo In the family via :
nud this paper also released the King ostat
from any liability if she \vus In that cond
lion. "
The paper was hero offered to Mr. Johr
too , winch ho Identified and said that Mie
Ulechlorhad signed it In bis presence Febri
The defense made no objection to the aO
mission of this document.
"Wo Ulkud the matter over , " continue
Iho witness , "and Mra. Lc Gardu blfued tl
MIU I think there were bills paid also , rui
jhiK the sum up to $500 or thcroabout.
"Sho stated thnt they had been llvinjthci
u man and wife ; that ha bud
nioMiBKD TO mnirv UEH
luthadnot dauo so ; that thuy bad take
ibo naiao of Lo Garde to Uccu the nffui
away from his father. There were some
letters King had written to her. I asked her
for them , telling her Harry's father Vtanted
thorn : also n document. The documontand ,
I thlnK , the letters woro'burned up In my
presence ; she wouldn't tell mo what the
document contained. It was burned , She
burned itup herself , I think , before the
money was paid to hor. She said she was
going homo to Cleveland. She asked
1110 If she could BOO King at my ofllco
If sh came to Chicago from Cleveland.
She said she wanted to got a ring
of hers. 1 told her nho could.
She Btilil nho didn't ' know positively
whether she was pregnant or not. I wrote
the rclcaso in.vsclf. Henry-W. King and n
friend of the lady's were present at the sign
ing of this. King was thcro all the time.
It was Henry Woolworth King who was with
me. Ho was no relation to the deceased. Ho
lives on the North sldo. I saw htm at mv
ofllco at Chicago , four or live days after that.
Harry King was there. Ho came by ap
pointment to meet her. I went out and loft
them together : When I got bach they wcro
gone. I saw her In November of last year
at my otllco. Wo were alone. I wrote her a
note and liskcd her to call.
She brought a package of let
ters from King. I told her Mr. King
hud discovered that she nnd Harry were
again living together on the north sldo ; that
Hurry had loft the city , gene to Omaha , and
desired to breulc off tha relations that existed
between them , and , If she had any bills duo
1 would pny them. She said she wouldn't
break off with him. She claimed him as her
husbund. She showed mo someof the let-
tern , and 1 saw shu would not glvo him up. I
told her shaould have to , and , If there
were any promise of marriage , wo wcro will
ing to ( lay her what wan right
"Sho said I think these1 passages
In these letters show conclusively
that this man considers mo his wife. ' I Bald
I thought they dlti myself and that she had
a good claim ugainst him for uromtsoof mur-
riiige. I asked her what she thought she
night to hnvo. I told her that I didn't want
o net as attorney for both parties , and It
night bo bettor for her to consult another.
3tic said sho'd think it over. These letters
, vcro dated prior to 3rd of February.
" 1 saw her again at my ofllco
.ho day or day before she came
.o Oiimlin , She came then with a
; ady friend. She asked mo if I had heard
; hat Harry was married. I told her yes. She
iisked mo if 1 thought It was true , and I told
icr I did. She and her friend then walked
nit. I never saw her aftorwaid until
to-dav. "
Attorney Mahoney handed the witness
several letters , which ho identified by saying
that ho thought they were Miss UiecUlor's.
The much-talked of document sigrfed by
Miss Biechlor at Quincy , in which , for the
consideration of $50o , she agreed to release
all claims on young King , and referred to
above , was then offered in evidence. The
following is u copy of the agreement :
I , Libblo Lo Gardu alias Lottie La Gnrdo
of the city of Quincy , formerly of Chicago ,
state or Illinois , for nnd in consideration of
tno sum of $ . " > 00 , the receipt of which is
liorcby acknowledged , release and forever
Jlschnrgo Henry W. King , Jr. , of Chicago ,
111. , his executors nnd administrators from
nil actions or causes of action , suits , claims
or demands whatever , for nnd by reason of
any matter , causes or thing whatsoever ; and
more in particular , I hereby accept said
above mentioned sum of money in full pay
ment and satisfaction of any claim I may
tavci against the said Henry W. King , jr. , by
reason of n breach of promise to marry me.
And. further ,
Whereas , 1 am now claiming nnd repre
senting that I am in the family way and with
child bythe said Hurry W. King , jr. Now ,
in the event of this fact being true , nnd m
the event ot my giving birth to said child , I
accept said above mentioned sum of money
as full payment and satisfaction of any
claims I may have at any time , by reason of
ray being in said family way , or by the rea
son of the birth of said child.
Witness uiy hand and seal this 3d day of
February , 18SS.
MRS. C. J. LEGAiinn , also Lottie.
While Johnson was on the stand Miss
Blcchlcr soon revived and apparently took
more interest in hearing what ho had to say
than she did in listening to any of the
previous witnesses. She constantly pulled
at her gloves or whispered to Mr. Cowin. or
shifted her position and occasionally scowled.
A number of letters purporting to have
been written by Miss Blcchlor to Harry
King , were handed by Mr. Mahoney to John
son for the purpose of giving him un oppor
tunity to identify her handwriting.
After looking at and reading the letters
over , the witness said : " 1 think the hand
writing Is hers. "
"Did you over sco the defendant' write 1"
inquired Cowin.
"Yes , onco. "
"That was wheu she signed her nnmo tc
the release document , was it not ! "
"It was , and she showed mo a letter once ,
which she was about to send to young King ,
and I had ono or two notes from her myself.11
"Then you mean to say that from having
seen her sign that document you are cxperi
enough to identify her handwriting in these
letters 1"
"Not at all. I said I had ono or two notei
from her myself. "
"Oh , " replied Cowin. Ho then asked per
mission to look over the alleged letters o
Miss Biechlor's offered in cvidcnco by tin
prosecution nnd iho court granted a rcccsi
until 2 o'clock.
Afternoon SesHlon.
Nearly all the recess was consumed by Mist
Dicchlcr'a lawyers examining the letters in
troducqd by County Attorney Mahoney
They finally dccfded to let them bo iidnilltec
as testimony , but at the same tlmo Inter
posed objections on the grounds that an un
warranted advantage had been taken In so
looting three or four from a hundred , am
only these most prejudicial to the prisoner
"They contain assertions , " said Genera
Cowiu , "that cannot bo explained excop
through the mass of correspondence showing
what led up to certain actions and brough
forth such throats as 'If you attempt to desert
sort me again , Lord help you ,
but that I care nothing about. "
Many of the ladles In attendance to-day
who had come from distant parts of the clt.i
brought their lunch with them and ate it ii
the corridors. The crowd In the afternoon wa
so great that several hundred people won
turned away , unable to gain admission. Tin
Increased influx of femlnino curiosity was si
great that the men wcro driven out of thcii
seats mid compelled to stand , packed liki
sardines into n box. at the rear end of tin
room. The hundred or more ladies who ar
rived Into and found it impossible to get in
hung about the doors for a long time , bu
finally , though reluctantly wout away vow
ing that they would be on hand curly cuoupl
this morning.
Wcducsd&y evening Bailiff Hunt took Mis
Blochlor for a walk sa far at tlio High schoo
grounds and bank and she enjoyed the oxer
clso it gave her greatly.
The only serious question about letting
the letters go in. was based on the posslbil
ity of her not being abto to undergo tu <
strain of testifying in her own behalf.
Immediately upon the convening of court
Johnson , the Chicago lawyer , was called foi
but failed to respond promptly. Sovera
times witnesses have delayed the progresi
ot business , and his honor is becoming some
what Irritated at it. While waiting fo
Johnson , Cowin spolio briefly regarding th
letters. Ho said there were but four o
them , and , in answer to others. Ho though
lha state ought to introduro th
letters from King to her , and na
scried that they were in pea
session of tha prosecution. Ho objectci
to the letters offered for the reason that the ;
wcro only u partial statement of matters re
ferred to and what is understood by tliel
contents. "If the letters of the deceased t
which these are replies are introduced ther
will bo no objections. Itut the culling out o
'eo tow would leave the jury all at sea wttl
regard to their true meaning. "
Attorney Mahoney said iu reply to Cowin' '
objection , "There Is nothing to base tb'o as
sertloa on , that those letters ouly furnish i
part of the statements contained therein
Kuch letter itself is a conversation withl
itself , and if vvo introduce the con
versaiiou of ono party , wo are not con
polled to Introduce the conversation of ovcry
party who may have talked relevantly upon
this caso. I , therefore , think that the
grounds advanced by General Cowin Insuf
ficient. The state has other letters of the
defendant which I did not consider relevant
in this caso. I will submit all of those letters
If the defense so desires. "
General Cowin If Mr. Adams U on the
stand ho will show that thcao loiters were
turned over to him , nnd , If ho will produce
the letters of the deceased to which these
letters nro answers , I will offer no objection
to these letters going In. It Is utterly Im
possible to
unless the letters of both p.irtlos nro forth-
comlnr.I am willing to tnko those letters nnd
examine them and If thcrols nothing in them
connecting them with MIssBlochlcr's letters
I will not Introduce them.
Mr. Montgomery thought that the defense
ought not bo allowed to garble the letters.
"I'll not garble them , sir , " retorted Gen-
cnoral Cowin. "You only want that to go
In that Is calculated to go ngnlust the de
fendant. "
The letter of February 15 was submitted
to Judge Groft for perusal. After reading It
ho decided to let only such portions of It go
In as no objections were raised against ,
asking the state in the meantime -
time to place other letters written by de
fendant , as well as these written by de
ceased , Into the hands of her attorneys.
'Hint portion of this particular letter Is the
throat that "If ho attempted to go back on
her again she would kill him. "
Having disposed of this problem , Mr.
Cowin put Johnson under cross-examination.
The witness has resided in Chicago twenty-
nine years. Cowin nsxcd whether ho was not
n professional witness , but Mahoney objected
the court sustained him , but Johnson said
this was the first time In his life ho ever tes
tified in any court. Ho saw Harry King a
day or so before going to Quincy. "lie know
I was going there , and what ray object In
going there was. but know nothing about
the paper I took there with mo , which she
signed. Previous to that lime ho had never
seen the woman , but knew that King nnd
she were living thcro us husband and wife
under the name of Lo Garde , and that ho In
troduced her everywhere they wont as
his wife. " Johnson said ho did not go to
Quincy ns un employe of King to break up
these family relations , but went at
the Instance of G. McGregor Adams ,
to have her sign the document and
pay her the money she had agreed to accept.
- 'The signing of that paper , " said witness ,
"was a legal separation , " but in answer to
Cowin's question ns to whether the ob
ject of this paper was to break
up their relations as man - and
wife , ho said ho didn't think about that
at the time. In the eyes of the law , that they
wcro legally married. As a lawyer , how
ever , ho had given It as his opinion that the
document was not suQlcicntly legal
to separate them. "Boforo showing her
the paper , however , " said Johnson
"bho told mo of her life in Quincy with him ,
how she had done everything for
him ; haa deprived herself of many things to
help him along ; had given him her diamond
ring , on which ho was to borrow
money with which to pay his debts ,
but did not cio it , nnd she
was about to bo thrown out of her homo. "
"Yes , the Hurry King who went with mo
told her that Hurry had gene back on her ,
had given her up and would not live with her
again. "
General Cowin , iu very emphatic language ,
asked Johnson whether ho didn't go to
Quincy to break up the relations existing be
tween Harry Kimr and the defendant.
"No sir , 1 did not , " replicu Johnson.
"What did you go for , then ] " asked Cowin.
"To got her to accept this money and leave
King. "
"For what to leave him as what ? "
'Well , I can't answer , hut I know it waste
to induce her to leave him. "
"NowMr. Johnson , " continued the general ,
as ho arose and sdvuncod upon the witness ,
shaking his index linger in Ills face , "you
knew you were there to break up the rela
tions of this couple as man Bud wife "
Hero the spectators In the rear broke out
in u buzz of approbation , and Judge GrolT.
angrily hitching his chair up nearer the
bencti , wrapped upon it vigorously , ex
claiming :
"Stop ! This will not bo permitted , nnd if
occurs again I will have the room emptied ,
Sheriff , put some bailiffs in tha back
part of the room with orders
to bring the first man or woman who makes
any demonstration of approval or disapproval
of anything that takes place in this
court , high or low , young or oldHell or poor ,
bcforo me , and I will attend to tiicm in a way
that will effectually prevent u recurrence of
the offense. "
Mr. Johnson found himself badlv tangled
ns to Incidents. He reached Quincy In the
morning and went at once to her house ,
where , said lie. she signed the paper. Later ,
however , ho admitted that she then refused
to sign it then , and lie went back in the af
ternoon. "
"Didn't she say , " asked Mr. Cowin , " 1
don't believe this and will go first to Cnicagc
nnd see him about itl"
"I think she did. "
"Didn'tyou say to her 'No , you'll not , foi
if you do the moment you land in Cbicagc
I'll have you nabbed ! " "
The witness denied making such n state
ment , hut proceeded to show that she first
wanted $1,000 , nnd on being told that such n
sum could not bo given her she threatened tc
go to Chicago and givn the matter to the
newspapers. I told her that if she did Mr ,
King would have her arrested. "I told hoi
that If she attempted to expose his son's in
firmities the old man would have her
AiUisTin von IIJ.ACKMUI , . "
The contest between Cowiu and Johnsor
grew quite warm. The general drew from
tho-witness acknowledgements that wen
strongly tinged with features favorable tc
the prisoner. Ho was very unwilling to tel
seine things , but could not find a way U
ovadotho cross examination except througl
his recollection , which was faulty and led tc
such replies as , "I can't say. " Ho udmittcc
having arranged after his trip to Quincy , foi
a mooting between Harry and Libblo at hi :
ofllco In Chicago , for the purpose of getting
back her diamond ring which ho had pawned
While there they had a talk together. " :
wont out mid loft them. On uiy return the :
were gono. "
Wiillo Cowin was pressing the u'itncsi
with questions that referred to the part Iu
had taken In breaking up her homo ir
Quincy , Miss Biechlor had another
ATTACK 01' HVBTiilIA : ,
aa severe , though not so long , as the one
that siezcd her Tuesday morning. She
buried her face In her handkerchief a mo
ment and suddenly burst Into a load wall ,
then jumped to her feet and commenced cry
ing "Oh , Oh , " followed bv pioro
ing shrieks and exclamations o :
"Oil don't. Lot mo alone. " Sherlfl
Coburn , carried her into the judge's room
where she soon recovered .ana returned tc
her seat. While In the throes of these hys
tcrical spoils the little woman seems endowed
dewed with superhuman strength. Sbo stif
fens her arms , throws her head back , hoi
eyes roll , and only by lifting her from the
floor is impossible for one or oven two men
to control hor.
On resuming after the excitement passed ,
Witness Johnson said that the meeting In hit
ofllco was about the 10th or 12th of Fcbru-
arv , 1SSS. Didn't know at that tlmo tha |
King contemplated living with another wo
man. The old gentleman came to my ofllce
last October and Informed mo he Understood
that Harry and Miss Bitchier were living to
getticr again. I was employed by him to
wrlto her a note. It was to get n settlement
in regard to a promise to marry to sco how
much money she wanted to nettle. King ,
sr. , said there was another Promise to marry ,
I wrote to her that Harry had written bur
tliut she was writing letters out hero tc
Omaha asking for money and threatening U
reveal everything to his parents. Hurry'i
father then asked mo to ascertain how mud
money sbo wanted. When she came to my
ofllee she had twcnty-llvo or thirty letters
She showed me several of them.
Immediately after hearing thu statement
Cowin hold a long consultation with bli
client , Returning to the witness.ho said :
"You say you saw several of the letters ! "
" 1 did. ' "
"Do you remember any of their contents ] '
"Can't Bay that I do , "
"Didn't they all commence in the address
'My dear wife , ' or 'My darling wife , ' am
cud 'Your beloved busbundl1"
This question raised aa objection from tin
irosncutlon and long pro and con arguments ,
iut tha objection was overruled.
"Most of them I thinlr , " replied the wit
ness , "did open and clo 6 In the manner in-
dlcatcd In the question , She expressed great
urpnso that Harry had frfltton from Omaha
as 1 told her ho had. All'sho asked or wanted
vns to bo supported. "
"In that Interview , " asked Cowin , "didn't
she say to you , Mr. Johnson , 'can't you BOO I
am his wife ! "
"I told her that with those letters and
other cvidcnco she might tnnko that claim , "
Ho also testified that immediately
after the settlement in Quincy
was made , ho wrote her a letter , enclosing a
olcgram which slio was requested to send to
ilin , n telegram sighed "Llsli , " In substance
to the effect that they wore still man nnd
wife , always would bo , nnd that no was su-
> rotnoly happy.
At Quincy she had saltl , "I don't ' want
money ,
This was In reply to a statement by John
son that Harry had been disinherited , and
.but she would get nothing by sticking to
On the duy before Miss Biechlor came to
Omaha she visited Johnson's ofllco In Chicago
cage and wanted to know whether It was
rue that Harry was married to a woman In
Omaha. She was very tnuch excited and In
n highly emotional state of agitation. At
that tlmo she had n document relating to her
nnrrlugovlth him. I nskcd her to let mo
iavo It , but she rotuscd and burned the paper
icrsolf. She refused to lot mo know its con-
.ents , saying that when they worp married
Harry had sworn her never to let any ono
sco It , and she never did.
When Cowin concluded with Johnson , Mix-
lonoy put a few more direct questions. The
otter containing the "Llsh" telegram was
read to him by the prisoner. Four more
loiters wcro introduced , turned over to the
defense for examination , nnd court ad-
ourncd. Miss Biechlor passed out into the
udgcs urlvato chamber , followed by John
son , whom she had spoken to , and they
chatted together fully flvo minutes.
BASIS n\tilj.
Kansas City Defeats PlttsburR by n
Score of fl to 4.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun * BEE. ] To-day's ' game was a
"corkcr"on the Plttsburg Giants , the turf
being wiped up with thbir largo frames by
the Kansas City club. The score was six to
four. The homo club outbnttcd nnd out
played the pilgrims from the Smoky city nt
every stage of tbo game , The batteries wcro
Swartzel nnd Hoynolds for Kansas City and
Conway and Fields for Pittsburg. Four hits
only were secured off Swartzel , and eleven
c f the Plttsburg wizard. Two of the four
on Swartzel's delivery were for three bags
by Smith and Beclcloy. The umpire was
John McCarty , who was Inclined on close
plays to favor the home team. The score
was ns follows :
m n. in. sn. ro. T. T
Long , ss
Hamilton , If 5 0 a 1 5 0 1
Burns , of
Stearns , 1 .b 3 Z 3 3 14 0 0
McGarr , 3 b
Donohuc , r f
Duvis , 3b
Reynolds , o
Swartzel , p
Total 33 ( S 11 11 37 13 3
TII. u in. sn. ro. A. i : .
Sunday , cf 4 0 1 0 3 0 1
Fields , c 4 0' 0 0 5 1 0
Beckley , Ib 4 10 T 0 11 0 0
Dunlap,3b 40 0 0 3 0 0
Maul , rf 3 ' 1 3 1 3 0 0
Smith , ss
Kuohne , 3b 4' 0 0 0 1 0 1
Nichols , If
Conway , p 4 0 , 1 0 0 13 0
Total 33 4 6 1 37 21 3
Kansas City. . . 0011103U 0-0
Pittsbunr 0 1
Earned runs Kansas City 4 , Pittsburg 4.
Buses on balls Oil Conway 5 , off Swart
zel 3.
Struck out By Conway 5 , by Swartzel 4.
Two base hits Stearns.
Three base hits Beckley , Smith.
Hit by pitched ball By Conway 1 , by
Swartzel 1.
Loft on bases Kansas City 11 , Pitts
burg 5.
Umpire John McCarty.
Time 3:00. :
_ _
. Stanley Heard From Ajrnln.
Bui'BSEi.s , April 4. Advices received hero
from Stanley Falls state that Arabs who
have arrived there report that | Henry M.
Stanley and Emln Pashjv wcro hoard from In
February. They were then marching towards
Zanzibar with several thousand men , women
nnd children. They also had 0,000 tusks ol
The Arabs who brought the news of Stan
ley nnd Emln arrived at Stanley Falls in
February. They claimed to have seen Stan
ley several months before that time.
LONDON , April 4. Sir Francis Do Winton ,
president of the Kinin Boy roliefcoinmlttco ,
doubts the story cqnceriilng Stanley nnd
Emln which was brought to Stanley Fulls
by Arabs. Supposing that Stanley had
readied Emln nt Christmas , Sir. Francis
thinks the story brought by the Arabs has
traveled too quickly to bo a fact. Ho con <
aiders it more likely that it originated in u
discussion of Euiln's projects.
The I-Yinulo
KANSAS CITSMo. . , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The female bicyclists
rode only 1 hour and 3i minutes to-night ,
The score at the end of that tlmo was as fol
lows :
Miles. Laps ,
Woods . 01 -I
Brown . 109-
Oakes . 107 -1
Baldwin . . . Ill 4
During the race Miss Oaltc.s withdrew foi
u short lime , alleging that Miss Woods and
Miss Brown fouled tier. It was some time
before she could bo pprsuadcd to go back on
the track. The delay caused her to lese second
end place and MissJBrown took it. Aftoi
the ladles stopped riding Miss Louisa Ar-
malmlo and Manager TV. . Eck rode a race
of live miles. Ml9s > Annalndo won by half n
lap In 17 minutes and .10 seconds.
An Iowa Aoronniit's Feat.
QuiNfir , 111. , Aprlj 4. Harry Lcroy , ol
Dccorah , Iu. , ascended In a balloon hero to
day to un altitude ot { about four thousand
feet and then descended In n parachute. The
first few hundred footof the drop was , as
usual , very rapid , butjtho parnclmto soon be
came fully expanded and circled gracefully
toward tbo earth , finally landing the bold
aeronaut half a irillo from the point of as
cent , none the worse for his trip ,
Boycotting thp
ATLATA , Ga , , April rC At a meeting of the
Georgia State alliance , representing nearly
every county in thOfitato , called to tnki
some action on the ] Uo bugging trust , u reso
lution was unanimously adopted that overj
bale of cotton made by the alliance men It :
Georgia shall be covered by cotton olotli , In
stead of jute bagging. This action affecU
nearly 100,000 farmers , and will result in the
establishment of now cotton manufactories
in tbo state. > *
Garrett Iteiurns Home.
BALTIMOIIC , Md. , April 4. Robert Garrett
returned to his homo , "Uplands , " near Can
tonvillo , Baltimore county , this afternoon.
A reporter who droyo out there said thai
Mr , Garrett looks quite pale and his face IE
thinner and the gray in his beard is quite
noticeable. His expression in that of a mat
who has recovered from a long and paintu
IllncRg. Mr. Garrett said he was glad to be
at burnt , and that his southern trip had been
very _ _
Steamship Arrivals.
At Queenstown : The Celtic , from New
At New York Tbo Spain , from Liverpool
The Doncl Body of Farmer Maker
Tolls This Story.
After tlio Assassin and Beady to
Hang Him Quick.
An Angry Groom Slayo Ono of Hla
Uninvited Guests.
1'rnlrlo l-'ircs Continue To Do vaBtnto
Portions of tlio Stnto Election
lloturns Strngclo 1
General News.
Cnld niuotlcd Mnrilor.
GIIAXT , Neb , , April 4. [ Special Telegram
to THIS BBK.J Edward ( J. Maher , living
eighteen miles northeast of Imperial , in
Chase county , was murdered In the sand
hills , about eight miles from Imperial , last
Full particulars of the crime have just
boon received in this city. , ,
It seems that on last Tuesday Maher went
to Imperial to prove up on his homestead.
Ho mndo his proof nnd got n loan on his
place of foOO , ? )50 of which ho used that day
to liquidate a dobt. Maher had gene to Im
perial afoot and intended going homo that
Ono of his nolnbors [ , , who had gene to Im
perial with him as n witness , nnd who was on
horseback , wanted Maher to go with him.
The latter decided to remain in town nil
night. Ho loft for his homo next morning
nnd was not seen afterwards until his body
was discovered.
His pockets were rifled , ho was murdered
in a blowout n half mile from the road. Thcro
are horse tracks leading from the road to the
blowout , nnd since the man who went with
him to prove up has also disappeared , sus
picion rests upon tlio latter. The suspected
man has been traced to Ogalalla where ho
purchased a draft to pay a debt owed in
Imperial. Ho had no money n week ago and
this fact is against him. The sherlft is in
pursuit and his capture is probable.
An inquest was held over the remains of
the muidcrcd man to-day. The verdict was
that death resulted from a gunshot in the
head behind thu right
Excitement is intense ir. Chase county and
should the murderer bo caught ho will be
Muiini ) , Neb. , April . The body of E. C.
Mnhor , the man who was supposed to have
boon foully dealt with , was found yesterday
by thu searching party four miles from his
home , drugged out behind n knoll , with a
bullet hole In bis head. Inquiry reveals the
fact that the deed was done in broad day
light on nimain traveled road and that ho
had only SSbO with him. The authorities
think they have n clew to the murderer.
A Victim of Cm.
LIXCOIANeb. . , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.n. ] This afternoon n young
man was found dead in bed at the St. Charles
hotel. Ho had registered the night before as
"John Ulewig , " or some similar name , the
writing not being legible. He had blown
out the gas. An inquest was held and a for
mal verdict rendered.
The victim had registered from Nebraska
City. A letter was found on his person ad
dressed to John Julllo , 18M Dace street ,
Sioux City , la. It bore n registered stamp
and the name of the sender , Joe Staukicwic ,
who , from the postmark , lives at Platte
Ccnlcr. A number of photographs were found
in his grip. Some bore the mark of artists
at Columbus , Clay Center and Shcnandoah ,
Penn. Other loiters bore the name that was
bcrawlcd on the hotel register. Ono hundred
dollars In cold was found in his pockets , and
a few odd cents change. Also a note for $45
written in favor of John Jullio. The man
was not more than twenty-live years of age.
Ho was of fair complexion , about flvo fcot
eighth Inches In hoighth , nnd probably
weighed ouo hundred and sixty pounds. Ho
bore no marks of dissipated habits , and was
seemingly in the best of health when he
arrived at the St. Charles hotel.
The "Work of Years Burned.
VAU-UIAISO , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. I Word was received yes
terday that a pralrio flro in n neighborhood
about six miles west had destroyed about
$15,000 worth of property , C. S. Hadlutid los
ing everything on his ulaco , except his house
and line stock , which was saved by hard
work ; two stables , three granerics , cribs ,
hay , about fifteen hundred bushels of corn
and oati and all his farming implements.
Fritz Johnson , living with Hadlund , also
lost u stable , grancry , hay and n
lot of corn and farming tools. K. White lost
u feed shed nnd a lot of fence , together with
about ten tons of hay. His loss is about
? l,000. William Gnives also lost a stable and
a lot of hay. Thomas Grifsby lost several
tons of hay. . It is also reported that K. H.
Johnson had everything swept away except
his house , but the report is not yet con
firmed. Owing to the high wind nothing
scarcely could bo done toward fighting the
tlainoB. No Insurance. The loss falls heav
ily upon Mr. Hadlund especially , us ho Is a
young man nnd by hard work had obtained a
good start in life , and now all is to bu done
over , _
Hurled At JIlH Old Home.
PuTToMOUTii , Nob. , April 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BUB. ] The remains ol
Godfrey Gynger , who died in Omaha last
Thursday , were brought down to this city on
the llyer this afternoon for interment. The
deceased lived in this city for twenty-three
yeurr , removing to Omaha in 18S3. The fu
neral was in charge of Plattsmoulh lodge
No. 7 , I. O. O. F. , assisted by Cass ledge No.
40. The cortege wont direct from tlm depot
to the cemetery , whore the obsequies wore
performed by Uov. T. J. Buird. The fu
neral services of the order were conducted
by Noble Grand Dubols , with Simon Mayor
as chaplain. Tlio pall bearers wcro Judge
S. M. Chnnmun , 1'crry Goss , Henry Sleight ,
William Horold , J. W. Jobnson nnd J. M.
Schcnellbacher , A large number of car
riages followed thu remains to tbo cemetery ,
PfATTSMOUTir , Nob. , April 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BBE. ] This evening at
qultlng time thirty-seven men marched up to
the tlmo keeper's ofllco In the B. & M. rail
road shops to receive their tlmo checks. This
is the tlrst quota of an aggregate number ol
100 men who will bo discharged by the com
pany , The thirty-seven men were taken
from the different Bhopa , fourteen from the
coach siop | and fifteen from the paint shop ,
the balance being helpers in the other shops ,
Tbo discharge of iho carpenters and patntere
is owing to the dtscontlnuanco of construe
tion of rolling stock , the men Btlll rctalfirO
being sufficient to do the rvpairlnt ; and re
Shot and Killed.
IlitOKEX Bow , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Tol.
egrain to TIIK UBB. ] Iteports are just In
from Arnold , this county , of another shootitij.
affray which occurred night before last , Le <
Nowburn nnd wife , n newly married couple ,
worobclng"chivarlod" by n party of acquaint
ances , and during the proceeding * the newly
made groom became enraged nud tired a shot
from the window , taking effect In Sherman
Slbdnor. After Slodnor was shot Nowburn
refused to allow the wounded man to bo
brought Into bis hotiso , nnd ho had to bo car
ried some six miles before assistance could
no rendered. Blodner Is dead. Nowburn
lias been arrested.
The flryu Score Ono.
WALLACE , Nob. , April 4. [ Special to THE
BitE.J This newly Incorporated village hold
Its first election Tuesday , which resulted In
a victory for the no-llcohso people. The fol
lowing prohibition board was elected ontlro :
A. J. Mothersoad , William Bardou , J. H.
Jordan , J. C. Huston. The contest was very
warm , and the "drys" nro jubilant over the
result. W. U. Prey was elected ns treasurer
otthoschooUlioaid the day before over P.
13. Gavin on the same issue. A man named
Sullivan has boon running n saloon Inol -
ace the past year , being refused a license by
the county commissioners. The town was
incorporated a month ago In order to cither
Icenso him or close up the saloon.
riscniiL-a the llullct ,
PLITT3MOUTH , Neb. , April 4. [ Special
Telegram to THE BiiK.J Mrs. Peters , wl 0
resides near the Fourth ward school house ,
narrowly escaped being shot this ovonlng
about S o'clock. Slio was sitting by n win
dow nnd arose to pick up a garment which
was on n chair near by , when just as slio
stepped aside the report of n pistol shot rang
out and a bullet came crashing through the
wlndov whcro she had boon sitting and
buried Itself in the wall in the opposite sldo
of the room. If she had boon a moment
later In her movement , she would huvo re
ceived the ball In her body.
Fnlrtleld'tT Election.
FAinriKM ) , Neb. , April 4. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Although there was considerable In
terest manifested nt the municipal eluction ,
thcro was no especial issue nt stnuo , both
tickets being against license. Honors wcro
about evenly divided. The people's nntl-ll-
cense ticket elected J. K. Hopper mayor , J.
E. Brooks , clerk , und S. J. Lewis , alderman.
The citiron's ticket elected T. J. Loomis ,
treasurer. D. Mordock , police judge , Dr. A.
H. Hay , Frank Pbllllus and Charles Potter ,
aldermen. Charles Prlckott was elected city
engineer on both tickets.
A Butcher JHsnnpcnrs.
CIIAIO , Nob. , Audi 4. [ Special to TIIK
BEE. ] Henry Chinn , nu Englishman who
has been running a butcher shop hero for n
year and a half , loft town last Friday , and
the supposition is that ho has skipped. Ho
owes small amounts to nearly everybody In
town and larger amounts to farmers , of
whom ho would buy c.xttle , promise to pay
for them In n short time , then dress and
ship them to Ouinhu nnd pocket the pro
ceeds. Creditors have attached everything
he left. *
Stocic nnd Grain ( turned.
OAKIAND , Nob. , April 4. [ Special to TnB
BEE. ] On the evening of Aprils n prairie
flro destroyed the burn and outbuildings be
longing to Fred Hoehler , living nine miles
south of hero , and also burned about $100
worth of lumber ho had hauled for n now
houso. The barn was tilled with grain und
hay. Ono thousand bushels of oats were de
stroyed. Two or three fat cattle and a
thoroughbred bull wcro lost. Estimated loss
/Vfrnld / of tlio Jury.
FAinmmv , Neb , , -April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THE _ Bnif. ] As soon ns Judge
Morris called the grand jury hero a largo
number of the boys and young men wcro
subpoenaed to appear before it and answer
questions in regard to the way the saloons
are conducted. It is rumored that several
indictments will bo found. The gamblers
have all loft , and evil doers generally nro
lying low. _
Gored to Dentil.
PAIIIMONT , Nob. , April -Special [ to THE
BER.J Sammy Cockeraw , aged eighteen ,
employed as a laborer on the farm of Hal
Stines , nb out four miles from Fairmont , was
attacked by n vicious steer yesterday , re
ceiving injuries from which ho died this
morning. The unfortunate young man was
the son of Samuel Cockoraw , an engineer on
the Chester branch of the B. & M. , running
out of this place.
A Child JHirnnil.
Aciicnx , Neb. , April 4. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] A ten-year-old daughter of William
White was badly burned near the First ward
school house hero to-day at 10:80. : Some un
known person sot the grass nflro around the
the school houso. At recess the children
were playing around It , when the child's
clothing took flro. She is badly burned
from the waist down , but it is not considered
necessarily fatal.
DIorn I'rnlrlo Plrc.
Onn , Nob. , April 4. ( Special to Tun BEE. ]
Yesterday evening a prnirio flro , assisted
by a very strong wind , swept u large scope
of country north and northeast of this place ,
burning for George Cuninungs , four miles
northeast , n htublo , two mules , harness nnd u
number of farming utonslls. Mr * . Cummings -
mings ran into tlio barn when It was most all
ablaze and succeeded in saving u horse.
Buffered From I'rnlrlo Flro.
COI.UMHUS , Nob. , April 4 [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | Guy C. Uarnum , n
farmer living two miles southwest of hero ,
lost four miles of fence , u lurpo quantity of
liny and 100 acres of timber by pralrio fire
this afternoon. Carelessness on the purl of
neighbors setting out fire xvas the start.
'Two of his hired bands were seriously
burned while lighting the llamos.
Kenrnoy AVIJ1 IMay Ball.
KE\UMV , Nob. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKC.J A stock company is
being formed hero to organi/u a base ball
club. The capital will bo from ? 'iOO to $500.
Centrally located grounds will bo scoured
nnd fenced. Thcro Is good material In the
city to select from , and a scries of games
will bo played with neighboring cities.
Slio Got
FAIIUIUHY , Nob. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Maria Atkinson , tbo
wife of the man who was murdorcd at Day-
kin last fall by Shlol , the saloon keeper , sued
his bondsmen , John Curtcn nnd Mike Hlg-
gin , this term of court for jfi.OOO. To-day the
jury awarded her damages In the amount of
$3,000. _
The Prohllia Defeated.
ST. PAUL , Nob. , April 3. [ Special to THE
BKB.J The city election yesterday was u
hotly contested ouo and resulted In the defeat <
feat of the prohibitionists. A. C. Kowoll ,
cashier of the St. Paul National banks , was
elected mayor , A. J , Jucobson , councilman
from the First ward , F. W. Crow , council
man from the second ward.
Tli roe 31 en Injured.
NKUOII , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE , ] Thrco men named Bandt ,
lloth and Edwards , were severely burned in
a prairie flre in Wheeler county Tuesday.
A largo number of building * were burned ,
including several houses burned south of
Nellgh and also south of Clourwatcr.
Houxu Jliirnod ,
AuituiiN , Neb. , April 4. [ Special to Tin
BUB. ] Flro waa discovered at noon to-day
in the carriage house of Prof , Foulyco. It
was thought the house , which adjoins it ,
would succumb to the flames. A bard light
saved It , but the carriage house is u total
Tlio Humor Was Unfouiulcil.
WHITMAN , Nob. , April 4. [ Special to Tin
Ben. ] The statement Is false that thor/
was any ono killed , any row or any troubli
whatever or oven an election being hold 1 j
Grant county at the tlrnu certain cases worl
bolng tried , as alleged and published In
Kearney , _
Fntnlly Injured.
ATKINSON , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Tolov
gram to Tun BKI : . ] Conrad Boohmo , sec
tion foreman on the Elk-horn line , was probv
ably fatally Injured to day at the gravel plj
near town. Ho fell In front of a moving ft& |
car , and a wheel struck him across the hlpv
Mom-Minn lli'ntalni | .
Br.NKni.MAN , Nob. , April 4. [ Special Tcla- '
gram to Tun BEE. ] Mourning and King ' !
who received an equal number of votes 'at i !
the Tuesday election , cast lots to-dny ,
Mourning winning , .and the council now
stands three- for llconso and two ugainst.
Suburban Service.
PAPII.UON , Nob. , April 4. [ Special to Tn
BKE. ] Tbo Union Pacific has at last decided
to glvo Pnpllllon the advantage of its populai
' Dummy Service. " The tlmo table will tnk
effect April . nnd two dummy trains will be
run to Piiplllloii and return dally.
lienvcr Cltj- Will Thli-st.
UKivcuCrrr , Nob. , April 4 , [ Special to
THE UK ! : . ] At the village election Hold hero
yesterday the temperance people elected
three of the flvo trustees. There will be da Vfj
saloon license or druggists' permits issued by
the now board.
- *
Lilndiwy'H Itcooptlhit ,
BEAVEII CITV , Nob. , April 4. [ Special
Telegram to THR BEE. ] The citizens hero
gave Senator J. P. Lindsay n grand recep
tion hist night on his return from , Lincoln.
His nnicinl acts wcro highly Indorsed. (
A County Bent On HO. 1' :
BROKEN Hcnv , Neb. , April 4 , [ Speciol
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Judge Hamor , ho
companled by the newly made Judge Church , '
returned to Douol county tills morning to
try un important county scat caso.
Ho Immediately Cables Ills Condo
IIMICCH to'Booth.
ICopyrfyM 1SS9 bu Jamr Gordon Bennett ; !
LONIION , April 4. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE BEE. ] A represen
tative ol the Herald called on Irving ut tha
Lyceum theater last evening with the facts
about Mr. Booth's illness. Air. Irving road
first the announcement of Mr. Booth's stroke
of paralysis and expressed great concern.
Ho immediately sout a telegram of sympathy.
Later news of u more favorable character
cauio to Irving and was received with great
pleasure. Irving spoke of his loug friend'
ship for Booth nnd his genius as an actor ,
with high appreciation.
The Chamber BnnctlotiH Ills Proseou *
tion by the Government.
P.MUS , April 4. Opportunist nnd radical
journals declare that Boulnngorism ended
with the flight of Boulangor , but tnat tha
prosecution of the general must continue.
The ministry asked the chamber o |
deputies to sanction the prosecution of Goa *
oral Boulanger.
In making the request the government
submitted a statement in which it reviewed
the career of Boulangor since the commune ,
nnd charges him with attempting the d&
struction of tbo republic. It declares hi *
offense comes under sections of the penal *
code dealing with conspiracy and attempts
to overthrow the established government.
The Boulnnclsts and members of the right
denounce the president of the chamber foi ! "H t ;
reading tlio government's statement rclotlva
to Boulanger , and called upon tno minister
of justice to read bis own work.
A committee- was appointed and subset
qucntly presented Its report to tlio chamber.
The commute advised tno house to authoriza
n prosecution of Boulnngor. Laguerro , "Lais ,
ant and Herriso have gene to Brussels til
consult with General Uoulungcr. Laguorro , .
bcforo his departure , said that ho and bis
two associates would return on Saturday to
face the judgment.
The chamber voted urgency for the dis
cussions of the accusations ugainst General
Boulangor , nnd the debate proceeded. Paul
dc Cassagnac pronounced the charges against-
Boulanger a tissue of absurdities and false
hoods. Premier Tirard called upon tha
chamber to authorize the prosecution of
Uoulnngor. Ho said :
"Wo desire to prosecute n man who is
seeking to overthrow the republic ; . It is ouc
duty lo defend the institutions of our coun
try ugainst the Intrigues of factions , and to
take every moans to save France from tha
horrors of civil war. I am convinced that
the people will ju stlfy the action of the KOY-
eminent. "
After speeches by other members a votd
was taken on the question of sanctioning tha
prosecution uf Boulanger. The result was
adverse to Boulanger , the chamber deciding. .
by u vote of U55 to U03 , In favor of prosecu *
tion. BRUSSELS , April 4. Laguorro Lalssant ,
Lo Hcrisso , Nuquet. Millevoyo und Fuucon.
ncrio have arrived here. An attempt by >
students to hold an nnti-Boulungist domon.
Btration on their arrival was frustrated by
iho police.
General Boulangor informed a reporter
to-dnv tnat ho would go to London if ho wa *
expelled from Belgium. Ho also said , ha
was about to send u communication to tha
procurour general nt Paris , in which ha
would off'er to appear fat tbo assize court and
meet any charges that might be brought
against him In a proper and legal manner. '
Ho declared that he would never submit to
the senate. '
Buloliln of a Boston 'Minister ,
LONIION , April 4. Uov. Charles Sydney
HurdJ lately of Pnlmerston winds."H ;
Boston , committed suicldo by taking opium
in tha Fustol hotel , London , Sunday last.
Last week Hurd wrote to Hov. Stopford
Brooke , asking pecuniary assistance. Brooks
promised to pay" Hurd's passage to Boston
Monday , although Hurd was u stranger to
him. At the inquest the jury rendered s.
verdict of Insanity.
BOSTON , April 4. Regarding the Tier. \
CharlcH S. Hurd , whoso death by suicide U
reported from London , it Is learned that bt
left Now York on March 1C for London oa
business for tbo Northern Pacific , by whota
bo had been employed for ftcverariaonths in
writing a book descriptive of WashlnU > a .
Territory , His brother , S. C. Hurd , resides
In Maiden , Mass. , and bo believes thnt the
theory of sulcldo is groundless. The de
ceased was a young man , In excellent health
when ho left homo , and with excellent pros
pects. IIu bud been troubled with nervous
pains and had been In the habit of taking
morphine to relieve them , und it Is bollovoct
by his brother that death was duo to taking
an overdose- . Word was received of his
death on Monday , and Instructions wora
cabled , but nothing In the dispatch Indicated
GIIH Well" lilnzlng.
Nr.wVATEiii'oin , O. , April 4. Whlla
men wcro drilling for gas to-day , gd waa
suddenly struck und caught firo. Three )
men were badly burned before they could
get away. The dorrlcK nnd other buildings
burned to the ground. The gus Is burning
f i oin thirty to fifty feet high now.
Voluntary AKHlKnnienf.
LAIIAUIKVyo , , April 4 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BuE.r-Barnard J. Price , dealer
In grain and produce , mudo a voluntary as
signment to-day to W. J. Hills ; liabilities
between $3,000 und $1,000 , With assets about
the same.
The AVonihcr Indluntlonu.
Nebraska and Dakota Fair , warmer ,
southerly winds. *
Iowa Fair , warmer , westerly winds.