Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    ittt * nftHV $ . *
_ _
No nUTcrtlscinctith will tie taken for
IlitRn collintiin nttcr JUi.'JO p. in.
terms Cnsli In mix-mice.
Aavertte mmt tinaer this heiUl 10 cents pet
line for tne first iMortlon , 7 c nU for each sub-
Kxjucnt Insertion , and tuw per line per month.
o advertisement taken for loii than 25 cents
the llrst Insertion. Seven word * will bo counted
totho lines they must run consecutively nncl
tttiit 1)0 paid In ADVANCK. All adVertlM > -
incnts must lie handed in before 12)0 : ) o'clock p.
. , and tmtlor no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by loluitiotio.
Parties advertising in these columns and liar-
but their sniffers addressed la cute Of TUB lien
will plensa ask for a check to rnnblo them to get
their letter * , tin noli o will be delivered except on
presentation of chock. All nnswrs to adver
tisements should bo onclo'onlln envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pub-
Itched In both moraine and evening editions of
Til H HUE. tlio circulation of which aggregates
more than 1H.OOO papers dally. nun gives th nd-
srertlserft the DcncQti not only of tlio city clrcu.
liitlon of TMK Ilr.r , but also of Council I ! Inn * ,
Lincoln itnd uihet cities nnd towns thraughont
jliU section ot tlio country. _
Advertising for thc'so columns will bo tattfln
n the abovu conditions , at the following busl-
pcrs houses , who nro m thorlzed agents forTun
JlEn special notice * , nnd will quote tUe sum *
rates ns can bo hod at tlio main onice.
_ _ _
It ASK k r.iinv , Btniloners and Printers , 113
South leth fitrcot.
Sn. FAUN8WORTH. FharmiMst.2115 Cum- '
i ineBttcet.
WJ.IH/01IH3 / , Pharmacist. 021 North ICth
. Street.
GEO. W. PAIIR. Pharmacist , 1839 fit. Jlary'fl
Avenue. _
A YOONtl man thoroughly acquainted with
jCi. the coal mid lumber business nud u good
ponkkconor dofelrcsn situation ; best of refer
ences. Address U ( in. Hue olllce. 2)7-3J
WANTED 1'osltlon ; n younrt married ninn
with 11 yours experience ; in wholesaling
And retailing .groceries desires n position with
some hoiiRo cither as book-keeper or other cler
ical position : no objnctlou to going on the rond.
Addresi U 02 , Hue olllco. _ adl 4t
SITUATION wnnted by n man from New
York oxpcrlinco lu wholcsnlo and rotall gro
cery mid provision luislncsa , or to mitnngu a
Rcncrul Moro or keep books ; best of references
given ; address U 07 , Hoe. _ 2M-OJ
WANT situation lu a private family : wash
ing , lioulng nud cooking ; bant of refer
ences. 07 K. Ihth. _ 22I-3J
YOUNG girl wishes n situation ns Bocoud
_ _ _ girl. lOli ) ( 'ass st. 212 a *
Sf'J'tfATibN wnnted by girl io do general
housework. .Address lu 11 3 ttld a t. 20l ! ! !
good bread nnd cnko baker wants n .situa
tion. Address Charles Still , .toiler , 111.
\/\rANTiD Situation by young man ns colT -
T T lector , assistant bookkeeper or general of
fice work ; cnn furnish A 1 references. Address
V tO , lice oHlco. liiM *
BAKERVlints situation ; young man ; largo
experience : best references. Address Maker ,
1 * . O. lock box C54 , Clarlndn , 1 n. I1U-3 *
" * '
"OITUATION by a lady'atcnogrnpncr nnd
' bookkeeper. Operates a Remington typo-
writer. Good city reference. Address I , Iloe.
ANTED Vour yonni ? men to work in City ,
good salary to right men ; at 111 North loth
XTfANTED I'ortor at South Ozcnhn _ liquor
liQtiso , German preferred. J. Itobluson ,
y South Omaha. BOU-1 *
HUNTU1UV UUSSKLL , Grand Hapldtf , Mich. ,
want canvassers for uloctrlc door nlates ,
g , mall boxes- house numbers ami alarms.
207 IB *
AG KN'JVS can make 810 n day selling the Now *
York Horuld published the next motiilng
utter the assassination of 1'rosideut Lincoln.
HelU nt sight. Sample went for 10 cents. II. M.
Iluraot , Minneapolis , Minn. CO , ' K
WANTED Men who nio willing towork nnd
do soliciting in the towns ot tbls und. ml-
joining stntos. Small deposit it-quired. Snlarj-
g-.iy ) to $3.fiU per day , Iliislnoks permnnent. Call
nt room 511 , Llrst .National bauic. 258
WANTED-Agents to sell the Pig Puzzle ;
everybody crazy to get ono : sample by
jn " t" o ; stamps taken. A. A. Austins Co. ,
m n t .etnrors. Providence. R. I. 2C8 m 2j
Man to take cnro cnro of team
nud do chores nnd general woik nbout
Iiouso ; good references required ; nddroMi 2J03
Bownrd street or call between 7 and 0 a. m. _
WANTED 25 men for surface gang. Al
bright's Labor agency , 1120 Farnam street.
'trsTANTKl ) 'Oood solicitor. Permanent
TT position. Money advanced on contracts.
Ulginonoy made quick for a "hard rustler , '
Call Wednesday 9 to 12 n. ra. Room 308 , hotel
Darker. 251 3i
WANTED A good derrick man. Apply
Arthur Johuson's bricuynrd , 3Cth and
ANTED A young man who writes a good
. . hand , who desires to learn the wholesale
grocery business , can hear of a position by nd-
clre.sslng U 60 , Oils oince. Ulvo icfemico , and
co. ' " Ktail *
men for railroad work In
Washington territory : good wages nnd
steady work. Apply nt Albright's Lnbor , Agency.
al20Furnnnifiticot. § 07
\\rANTED-Experleuced milker. 4115. Saun-
T T flora st. , . IM )
T\7ANTUU Agenta for our new patent flie
rs proof safes , slzo 2sxl8xl8. welgnt ttWlbs. ,
retail price iWi othots in proportion. Highest
wnra ( clher medal ) Centennial exposition ;
ruro chance , permanent business. Our prices
low eat.Vo are not in the snfo pool. Exclusive
errltory clvon. Alpine Sato Comnany , Clncln-
nntl. O. M4 " *
JB OY8-Am. Dlst. a'ol. Co. ,
IA J ANTED A good business man to take the
Vt mnnngemont of nn iifflco lu Now York city ,
ono for Detroit nud another far Cincinnati ; muiit
i,5W ) . salary ( I.Utfl per year. Address
3. Cllne , Wagner block , D s Molnes , la.
wanted nn K.ilaiy. $75 nermontiT
nnd expenses paid , nay active man or
woman to sell our pooda by wnpie and llvo at
homo. Salary paid promptly and expense * lu
advance. Full pArtlculuis unu sample ca e
free.Vomcun jn t what wo ay , Addroqs
BUiularjl8 yci ware Co. . llostou. ilass. two _ _
* IX7ANTIJD tailors for country , men or
T T ludlw. Hteauy work. Call at Cantlold
Manutncturlnff Co. . orviito to Joaes llros. ,
Slmilllu. Ift. _ _ . Jt-L-'l
Ttuoo llrst-chws workmen ( cnl-
BAHURBS wanted : ' 813 { junruiHecd. II. 1 .
IIillon.jliai5thHt. 177-ilt
IJlTANTHl ) I want good , artlvu men to travel
V > and canvas for a good polling remedy that
is well advertised. Addro . wHh Coin stamp ? ,
jir. j ) , n. Mopre. Hmeraoil. Inj b'7 4
HOTKr/pianTwantedi with n fov thousand
Uollaru to Invest ; house nil furnished and
lU8l cs8 that will pay out In M month * ; title
tieifeiti no Incuuiliinnro. Addios.i II. A. Me-
'a , or 0. a Churchill. WcrlJntf. ( ' - ' -
'IJlT'ANTKDCTw'o coat-makers nnd'tw o"punts-
M\ makers Ji med.liitcly. L. lleiiiiiBlmer.
llcCpok. Nub. CUJlt
* i1trANTKD F.nergc'tlo men nnd wouumovory-
T V wliero for n gnutoel , money-mnlilija ) IUK > .
ness. ) wiiukly prallt. giuiranjoad eualor than
| 00monthly otiwnrUw. Kxpuilenoe absolutely
unnoccrsary. 1'orniuncut position mill axitlUHlvo
IcriHpry ni mm'KM ' samples free. Write for
imilluifttra. Address , wlthatiunp. Moirlll
Co. , | l F ) Clilongo.
Forelady In Inrje droBsuinklug
WANTED , also wnlai nnd Bklrt tin-
hors , cootl draper. 3 woman cooks. | JJ : ululng
rooinRtilfiuAOdnutof city , Ml ; laundry end
cltchen slrl9. " 3 , room themaelve-s ; sui > nd girl
n the country. 1 for /small / family in Kearnei- ,
MW ; for B n Housework , .Mw.lirccB,3l4W s isth.
" \ XT AN TED-G oed ijlrl for cunornl housp-
VI worK. Mrs. A. X' . TuVoy , 25J1 CJdcngo Rt.
T/I7ANTKD / Girls to sew In dinpery depart-
V ? mnt , Charles Bhlvcrlct , 12CO-1W 1'uriii
ANTIl ! > - 'ladlogand ' : t gentlttinan at NeW
yvrt loom. hUiji S 10th st. 271 4
clrl furgcner
Cull at 2i 3 S
- -Wo n V * M.nlc * I'laufa In
iirlvnto fttiulilci ; 1 nurse nlil. ( > ' 1 house.
keeper , f itmlly 2t3.WJ ; 8 cook * tioardlutf IIOUSPH.
tatmdW : cqnU and laundress. HMi second
Erl. nmso ulrl. t waltriw c. . clinmljeriuatds
IdUhwasuor.ti laundryclrls ; man nud Wife , ; UmahalUup. liurcnu.HU Niyh.
ANTF.r * A clrl f .r General housework , 3
.n . family. 171S Uiw. ' r''J
\ol8ytnrs of ngetotalcrj
W wro of baby ; good references lequlied
L. Auurpw * . SJ. V. come.- surd and mut
ANTED-Hcrvant plrl. Enquire ftt 1W4
Farnnm , from 0 to 8 p , m. 277-3t
WANTED Olrl to do general housework ni
3ilth nnd Howard ; Gorman or Dane pre
ferred. an
\\7ANTBn-Pastry coolc , d < 0 ; 3rd cook. 125 ;
T > dishwasher , IIS ; bay to tflko care othoros ;
rood Hey to rfln messages ) yhrdmnn In hotel ,
m. Mr5.iitegB.ii4it8i6tii. aoos *
WANTED A competent girl to do general
housework. Address l0 Lcavfnwonh ,
297 6 *
WANTED A Hwomnn for hotiscclcanlng ono
day n week ; Inquire 2415 Jones ti SvO-4
WANTED-2 dltilhg room girls at the Coz-
yciisholel. 281-4'
" \\rANTKD-Nurso girl for a baby nt 201 1 Cajv
"V\r ANTE I ) O Irl , nt 1013 Chicago street
W ANTED-Olrl : noodwnges ; smalt family.
Apply 1112 Blllth. 210-4
ViTANTItD-doodniH for sinnll fninllyimiist
doplnin cooking. Apply Hits DndSe. 2:11 : 4
WAN fillRu 'girTs" for hotel. Iji'liernTnotiso
work , 1101 Farnniu , shoe sliup In basement.
81J 4'
_ _ _
" 1\7ANTE1J A girl for genet nl hollow orte.
TT Must be good cook and luundresH. 2210 Refcrccco rculted. | _ UiKUt
"TAX ANTKD A Rlrf for' " iffnlpn-room nnd t
T > chnmberwork. lloran house , 4 S. istli st. ,
Hil6ck Kouth ot conr't IIOUBB. M7
Aponts Reliable .women to neil
the "Original Hygeln1' Corablnatldii
Shoulder Draco Corset , llpst money making
lirtlcloln thn country. Satisfaction ctmran-
tcoa. Apply for terms nnd territory to Western
Corset Co. , 6t. Ixuiis. Mo. 1R3-A1U
OMAHA Gmp. bureau , 11 ! ) N 10th ! established
8 years. Most reliable in city. 11. E. White.
LADIES Inffcrmntlfm nnd-omployiuent jinr-
lors ; strictly tlrst-class ; perfectly reliable.
Room 10. llushmati block , N , K. cor. Douglas
and lot n st. 153-A-W
\7ALENT1NE'8 Shorthand and Typewriting
V Institute , now Pnxton building , Omahn.
The only exclusive Mmithand Bchool in tha
state. Over ono hundred graduates in good
situations. The school Is under the manage
ment of C. 0. Valentino , olllclnl stenogrnphor
of the 3rd judicial district p ! NobrasKn , nud
Prof , 11. D. Iloyles , on experienced lonelier nnd
verbatim reporter. Day and evening sessions.
Students can enter nt nny tlmo. Bend for cir
culars 214
A breeding horse with attendant
TT t stand Inn splendid location in Omaha
for this season ; address V , 1400 rarnnm Htroot.
Omaha. 2BC-5J
G > 3,000 to t\WJ wanted to put into a good bull-
< P ness ; first class security nndfcood rate" of
Interest paid for short or Ions time. Or will
tnko partner. For particulars address U 43 ,
Hoc olllco , 142
T\7 ANTED 10,000 women to use "Wllcox's
T > Tancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly safe
and always effectual. Bend for 4c "Woman's
Bate Qunrd. " Wilcox Medical Co. , Philadel
phia. _ H4 A10 'b'J
_ _
T.V ANTED A good , 10 or 12 room residence
Y > with bam nnd nlca lot ; will pay good rent
for same , Address 2210 Loavenworth. 2D8 5t
WANTED Hya Kontleman nnd wlfowltliout
children , a furnlsced U or 7-i'Ooui cottage
Address U 3U , Roe olllco. _ IffiUt
WANTED to rent by family of two , nn un-
furnlshod cottage In good condition con
taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must hnvo terms nud lo
cation to rccelv * any attention. Address U 55 ,
lice. 229
W AN'tliD To rent at once , one large , or two
medium sized furnished rooms In n pri
vate family , prefer It to be on calilo line and
liavo good sized yard , no Hats. Address , H. H
Henderson' 51'J Pnxtou blk. bOS
ROOM house , 811 S. 24th.
2C2 ot
FOR RENT My Farnnm fit. residence , com
pletely furnished ; with tlrst-class servants ,
It desired. Possession Juno I for six month" .
Itonson for renting family g6lng away It. C.
iPnttorsoa. 318 3. ISth fct. * .278.
RENT 'Jo small family , reference required -
quired , : j-rooin house , hard nnd soft w atcr.
cor 15th nnd Pacific.810. . R. E. Copsou. 201) ) 6j
FOR HENT 3-voom house on nlloy ; 1317 Chi-
cage st. 2fa8-5j
I'.NAWA & Co. O' . S. Ilennwa nnd John L.
B McCaguo , opp. P. O. , rent houses. 948
FOH HKNTrrom Miiy 1. liandsumo 30-room
house , nil conveniences : best neighborhood :
llvo minutes' walk from P..0.cablo and horse
cars ; will not bo icntod for boaining honso ;
references required. Nathan Sheltou , 1105 Far
nam Bt. 217-1
IjlOU IlKrfT A llat in the Her building , 7
-U rooms , steam heat , gas and bath. Apply in
hardware store , Uth and Jackson. A. O. fiuy-
nier. 7b7 a
OOO ,1-room cottage. 10 3 S. lith. near
Pierce. 247-31
I7UH ) HENT May I , modern built house , ten
V rooms. Inquire 712 N. lut.i st. , near Webuter.
77 7 *
T7UJR RENT 8 room house : centrally located :
JU modern Improvements. J. i' . Burton. 'W1B
Capitol avenue. 1U7-7 *
TJ1URNISHED house for rent in I-arkTerrace ,
JU opposite Hnuscoiu Park : all modern con
venience" . Inquire Leo & Nichol , 23th and
Leavenworth. 035
niOH HENT 9-roommpdein Improved house ,
X ? A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply toM.
Elgutter. l Ol IJarnam st. IKM
FOH HENT Cottages , B looms. 2V-0 Cliarles
st. und 1521 B Cth st. Inquliont room 212.
Sheely block. 0i3
1 011 lljcN'J' Qood basement , 1515 Douglas ut.
FOR HUNT When you Wish , to rent n house ,
Htoio , or olllce call on us , 11. E. Cole , room
C. Continental blk. ll
POH HENT Ilponw sultablo .fov honsekocp-
Ing In suites of from one to four ; In conven
ient Iwat Ion ; lowest prlrns. llutt's Hunting
Agency , 1D01 Farnam street ; telephone 156.
an-al3 *
" 1710It UKN r Charming home with all moicru
4 ? conv'iilunco3 , earner housa on street cnr
Hue. 8 rooms , newly pnpoied , * K per month ,
D. V , Hholefl. room 21'J ' } st Nafl bank building.
"IjlOH ItCNTi-Ttie 11-room resldeiuo. 2107
-JJ Douglns st. . nil modern improvements. In-
qnlrq p. K tz , 1310 Farnain. Qfl1)
fftiOOU hoiuei fur lent , centrally Iqcutod ,
c/fiiuiltureroria9ontlino ' - - ( ? , Co-onoratlvu * Land
i-L'otCo. 74
LlfiT your property Torrent with Hemlngton
k Frye , Noithwont Corner 15th and I'nriiam ,
( IHilnOU
1I10U lU'iNT-a-ioom cottage , 210 N. 13th.tt2.00
I ; tot
F I till UKNT 7-rooai cottage , cor. 2 th and
Capitol : ave. Kiuiutru 2HOI Dodge st , tlu
T71OH HUNT IS-room houan nud lame barn :
, JP center of rty ) ; on cable line ; cnn runt rooms
euough to pay rent. J. H. Farrolto , Iteutul
Agency. ICOS Cicaao. ) | _ P-'i u
"fildi ? HfcNT-A , llat lu the Her bulMln * , 7
JD rooms , steam hcnt , gas and bntfi. Apply In
hardware store Iflth and Jackson. A. C. li
"nfOH HENT-3 brick residences , ail conycn-
J : iBiices on Park ave , /routing the park , jio
tier inontfi , Also. 4 houses on car lineoi ) Paik
and Ueed Bit , Ul to * ! 3 per montli , D. Y.
Bholos. Itoom 210. First Nat. llank , _ 749
T7MW HENT-2now 6-roomcottRgosono Jilock
4 ? vest car burn * on JUke at. C. fl. 1-ilkwortli ,
15ft > 1'nriiniii. fall
( \ houiu wltn barn , out a llttlo dUtancu
7HIO.\I . 0 , F. HarrUon. Merchants
Nnt. bank bids. ' 4M
* 8-roora house on new motor
line , icitl and Cumluit els , , with modern
Snprov : mentsjf per moiith , 0. F. Harrison ,
M ojrclin > : j N at. tmnk blag. _
HOH HIJXT A Vj'iwin brick cottsyo con venl >
JL' 'cnUo 17.1' . Uepot.Mead & 'JRi ; > laan , 3H H IJtli
OH KENT Nlco C-room hiwi * . cxstfionr ,
P halt block ot f ubld cart. 118 ti > tli it. tm.tS ;
TTOT llENFj' 7-ioom llat. Ml mouth. Inqulro
J ; Bt ano Fair , l.ith und Howard. 074
ITlOlt HCNT Cheap , n nlco U nnd 5 room house ,
-I ? i5 B2l t st.botwetm Center nud Iiorcns st.
SKI a b *
_ _
HKNlV-riatof sercu rooriuTcur. 8 13th
and Puclllo ols. Duguan's block. 77
l Lln'ot hou efor t. 8. T. Fetor-
_ ipit.j. e..ror lUhoiul Doiiglns. KIQ-al'
FO ft'RE N T g ° ° Mg " R " ' a H ED.
A X1CKI.Y ftirnlslicd room with private fnm-
Vjtj in neottUo b Ioc8tl"nain thenty.
furoneart OKvut ; , 1)5 ) per month. Address
P. 0. llo * 111 ? . 305 a
4li.N"n.U ; > I KN" to occupy 2 rooms , nice Lome
board and ioua : l.X ) per month. ! VI1
FOIt HUNT Two unfurnished roomg sulta-
bio for light housekceptnK , 7permo , lief
erencca oxchangodi Inquire 271ft Charles nt.
R > 93t
_ _
"ROOMS furnished or not | If H Capitol nrt > .
TTIOH HENT Nicely furnished room * , modern
Improvements , nlso rooms for light house
keeping , f03 N 17th st , _ gl 6t
1T10II KENT Futnlihcd south room- with
J.1 hoard , lid Dodge st. K10 0 *
lllti Dodge St. , 1. N.
a. Quill. JMS-'t
T7IU11N1SHED rooms to rent , $03 .Uth,1st flat
J 21041
UllNlSIIED rooms nnd board. J221 Dodgo.
18 ? 7 *
fjU'ltNISIIi ; ! ) rooms by day , week or month ,
JD st. Clalr hotel , tor 13th and podge. KM
SUIT of 2 furnlshod rooms , modern conven'
loncesa blocks from P. O.-prlvaM family.
A. llospp. jrjrinlouglfts st. , Mi. . _ .
2 NICELY furnished rooms , steam hent , nasi
bath , etc. , on same tioor , HOper iiiontn. 207 9
24th ; noilat. Oil
LARGE front room , nicely furnished , suitable ,
for3 gentlemen. 1K3 Parnnm. 13 ,
fjloii RENT Largo eleirnntly furnished roomj
J : south front , in small private family , one.
block from rod cnrllne. 2530 Charles. 141-3 *
front parlor , furnished. 2319
JLDmiglas street , north front bay. window
gleam heat , etc. 133 3 *
of rooms , east fronti br6k ! , modern
SUITE , references 013 S. lutlu
PLEASANT front room with nil modoni
conventonccx , for I or 2 gentlemen. Cor. St.
Mnry's avo. and 2J orC20 S.20th ; brick residence.
171UHNIS1IUU rooms with board , good loca-
JL1 tlon , gas and bath lu lioubo. 2220 Leaven-
worth at. HGi-5t )
NE largo and ono small room , nicely fur-
nlshod. 2101 ttirnnm St. S3-5a
ROOMS 4 nrst-class homo board , 1718 Dodge.
TfUR RENT nirnlshed rooms single or on
-i ? suite. 1U)9 ) Doilgla , ' . 713
113 3 20th st.nenr Dodgo.
i rooms tor rent nt 18in Dodge
"ITlUltNISH ED rooms , single or on suite , bath
JL ? and steam : for gouts only. 151V Howard.
B OOMS and board 1812 Chicago st.
' C80a.13t
T710R RENT -Nlco south front room , cheapi
J2 for gantlemon. 1UOS Capitol avo. C01
NICE rooms by tha week or month at the
Peabody house , 1107 Jones. 3 < J3 a21
F KENT Furnished room , all modern
conveiilenges. H Farnam st. 131
"I71 0H KENT Front rooms nt 1821 Fiirnam.
5 unfurnished chambers for Housekeeping to
man and wlfo. 319 No. I'th st. . gpl-l *
RENT Pour or six rooms for house
keeping nt IB.1 South 17th avenue. 242-3J
T710R RENT Throe unfurnlsnod rooms , also
JU two basement rooms to families without
children nt 112J N 17th st , KK )
OR RENT Store JUxOO ; 1118 Jnckson st. Enquire -
quire 1114 Jackson. 833
FOR RENT 2 tloors22x80 each. In brick build
ing , with elevator , close to express olllce ,
cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good
locution. Apply to Ooolioyn , 1103 rnrnamst.
TJVDR HENT Two very desirable stores under
JL1 Washington hall In the Danish association
building on IBth at between Harnoy and St.
Mory's ave. Inquire of janitor. 55 3t
rpo RENT for a term of years , U lots , each
JL 50x130 , sultablo for coal or lumber yards ,
with uo of 400 feet of side-track on joint roads
of 0. 5 : N. W. , C. 1J. & Q. and C. 11.1. & P. . on
the corner'of 33d et. and 1st ave. . Council
UlulTs , In.lH miles from 10th and Douglas sts.
in Omaha. Apply to Plnno Mfg. Co. , cor 32d st.
and 1st ave. Council Ilulft ) < , In. 80S 11
"TJ11R8T-CI/A85 lot of saloon furniture and bar
JJ fixtures for snlo nt a bargain. Jnqulro of
the i'lrst National bank , Aurora-Nob. ,
015 a33
WANTED 100 houses nnd cbttnges ot every
alzotoront ; you nre losing money every
day your property Is vacant ; call or send de
scription and lent per month : I can get good
tenants. Alex Moore , room 301 , Bhoely block ,
15tu and Howard. 315 V
ANTED 20 houses nt once for which wo
can furnish good tenants. List your housed
w Ith the L 4 S Itoutal Agency , 310 Sheoly blk.
"I F YOU want to buy , soli , rent or exchange ,
JLcall on or address , U. J. Steinsdorlr , rooms
317 and 313 ilrst National bank building.
G HO. J. PAUL , 1003 Farnain st , , houses ,
'stores , etc. , for lent , 91U
WE give special attention to routing ana
collecting reuts , list with us. H. IX Cole ,
loom 0 Continental block. 047
[ JHHl 1U2NT Houses lu nil paits of the city ,
t ? J. J. Gibson. No. 3 , Crolu'hton block. 004
T J. GIllSON'S new system of routing houses ,
w tNo. U Crelghton block. COl
T 1ST your houses and stores wltn mo ; I have
J-Jlots . J. H.Parrotte.lWO
- of.customers. . Culcago
1311 all"
fTHHE baujo taught tut an art by Geo. F. Uel-
J. lenbeck. Apply at lice Oilico. V50
Dr.PAUTMKNT of the Platte. Chlof Quarter
master's Ofllco , Omaha , Nob. , Anrll 1. IW ) ,
Time ( loth Instant ) for opening proposals fqr
construction of officers' quarteix , storehouses ,
etc. , at Fort Mobraru. Nebraska , as fixed by
my advertisement ot 13th ultimo , is deferred
until 2 o'clock p. m. , central time , the 27th in
stant. WAI. II. HUGHES , Llout. Col. and
Deputy Quartermaster General , u. B. A.
rpIlE Central Loan.vTilist Co. have removed
J. Us Omaha otllce to No. 1205 Farnam st. City
and farm loans at lowest rates. ! )7tH ) )
/1ONT11ACTING plasterers are Invited to call
v nt room 401 , Paxton building , and examine
"Adamant. " 353 A 15
. Neu. . 1'eb. 14 , 1889. N/otlco / Is here
by given to the holders ot alt bonds issued
by the Cnhlo Tramway Company of Omaha ,
and bunrlns date of May 3d. li 7 , January 1st ,
1H3.-I. and October 1st , 1888 , to present the same ,
for payment , with accrued Intornst. at the Flrqt
Niillonnl bank of Omnhu , Neb. , the fifth eluy
of April , " * ' Interest on said bonds will
cease on thnt dato. the company having availed
Itself of the right to rmloem the same , by giv
ing thirty days nuticn of its desire to do so.
8 , H. Johnsou , Preildent.
A LADY of good address wishes 16 moot pen-
llcnittii ot means ; object assistance and
amusement ; U ( M , lice. 2J1-1J
TE11SONAL tpladles and gentlemen--Deslr-
Ingcnrrospondenco with now to matrimony
oiiclosa luc , Addrttss ullluttcra to Mrs. Johnson
Hi ) N. ICtli , room 3 , Omuliii. 27U-J *
to buy share In Coll-
bourn building : vn < > has ono to ec-llatdls-
couiitr Addtfss II01 , dee.
AlUIfil'KC'TAIILF. business man of means
dejiteii the ovquaintaneo of u rnllned Udy
not ove.r 30 , with homo means ; object matrl-
mnuy. Addreaa U ! 17. Ilee ulllce. 9IB 3'
TJlllSOSAIj ? Anylady of uood uppcarauca
I. andnddrotssdeslrlnij out-door c'lnjiloyuiont
can obtain same by culling at room Oil , f list
Nntjunal bank. ' 02,5
l HIVATF. course in fencing , boxing or fancy
JL club sensing , W. Address T14. Il e olllce.
ATUANUU MlUlUM-Mme. Hanaall , the
young tiwede , tails full names ot callom and
the full naiua ot your futuiij luijliand or wife ,
with ilateot marriage , and toll * whsthor the
ou you lovo'is true or fiiU . Not a fortuiia
teller , but a youitR spirit medium. Madame
pees Into a perfectly deail trance. Will bring
buck the parted husband ot lover , no matter u
they be JCUK ) } miles away. Will uiiaranteo to
settle family quarrels. Parlors up talr4. 40d
K. ICtlist. . third iloor Sia a M
T , Q3T In Paxton hotel water closet , card ca e
JJ and papers ; luldresa on cards nud papers ,
Harry J. Doencli ; return to 2JJS Farnam , or
Paxton hotel and get rawurd. 30p-6t
T QST Hay mare between Hellevuo and GlT
Jjinore ; has uhlto stripe in face ; blistered on
hind foot , Suitable r wiird wilt bo pal4 for rp-
covery of this Jiorae. ' Address John Htuben ,
No. OI3 S. 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. Kr.Mt '
_ _
QTOHAOH At low rates atlUl Farnam st
VJomann Auction A Btor go Co. 117
nTHACKAaH , storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL Ilustimitn , 1 11 lxisvcavorth. us
JJIIANCH & CO , , storafe , Vll Howard.
MIIS. T.nNOllMAN can" 1 > e consulted on all
affairs ot life , nnd BitlUfactlon guaranteed ,
through the mngle mtrreriais Niothst up stairs
DR. NANNllsV , WarhoSiI clMrvoj-nnt , niedl-
cat and business modratn. Female diseases
n specialty. 119 N 16th et..Tooins a and 3. Ml
pHIVATB boarding house , 1(111 ( and IBIS Capl-
JL tel nvo. , 3 blocks from P. O. , newly fur
nished. pleasnnt rooms , nil convenlouces. Ml Bt
WANTED To buy Rood tocond-hnnd
safety bicycle for boyls. Apply 1318 1'nr-
nnm. SJJQ a
WANTED To buy n largo Ice box sultnbld
for n grocery storo. Address 2205 Cumin
Bt. 2.0-3t
"V MNTED Furniture , cnrpets , stores and
VI household goods of all kinds , Omnha
Auction & Storage Co. , 1131 Farnom. tniO
WANTKD To buy coed eoiumcrclal payer ,
H. C. Patterson. aiB s 16th st. IIQL
TT10H BALE or Trndo-StyUsh young driving
JJ horse nnd now side-bar ouggy. Klonant out-
lit. Address U U4 , lleo ollicc , _ 272-4'
T71011 SALE A complete furniture outfit nt n
J-1 bnrgaln ; house for rent. U (15 ( , Uee. 270 CJ
TClQll BALK A eocoiid-hnnd 33-lncn rubber
JL1 tire bicycle , in tlrst class order. Apply at
101 South fJth st. S { ,1 ]
BAKEItYand confectionery , price $2OtW. for
all or JI.OOO for half. Co-operative Lnnd nnd
Lot Co. , 20i N 10th St. 222 4
FOR SALE A furnlshod llat of 19 rooms , all
occupied , 220 North 16th st , second Iloor.
Must bo sold within 30 days : good reasons for
Belling. Inquire room 1. 220 N. Iflth st. 154-U *
OR SAI.D Shafting , bolting , pulleys , otr ,
coed ns now. Rip-taw , cross-cut nud band
saws very cheap , oof Douglas. laa
HORSES , Horses Cor' load of horses , con
sisting of drivers , family nnd draft horses ,
for snlo at 1110 Davenport St. , by J , L. Walter.
"IjlOR SALE Good woric team , wagon nnd bar-
J.1 ness ; set carpenter tools nnd che&t ; full sot
( Mrglcal instruments , nearly now ; household
oods , etc. On easy payments. J. J. Wilkinson ,
417 Farnnm st. 1433
} H SALE 2 car-loads ol nice potatoes ; nlso
about 10 barrels of s.iuer kraut : must bo
Bold cheap for cash ; can bo bought in any
quantity. Inqulio of Chas. Smith at Henry
Dohlo's shoo store , 1410 Fnrnam at. 881
FOR BALE Cheap ; 1 top baggy ; 1 open bus-
gy. 317 S. 16th Bt. 8iO St
Foil SALE Furniture nnd lease of 7 room
Hat. Itoom rented exceeds rent of llat. L
A 8 Rental Agency , 310 Sneely block. 71
OR SALE A good Conrtland , N. Y. , bns ,
almost now , cheap Torjcash. Address J. E.
Noedham , Albion , Nob. Tgl 7(58-3 ( *
FOR OA LE-Cheap , a nefcfRr now top buggy ; Co-
Iambus mako. A. llbwbmstock , 312 8. lath.
ffeT 747
TT10R SALE-Top pheatinl In good order 1507
JL N. 19st. t _ , 577-113 *
READ THIS $1,3011 worth of nice furniture ,
entire outfit of thojipuso , for $550 ; must
sell on account ot slckao'w. Apply to J. H.
Parrotto. 1000 Chicago.rt 214 nil
T71OR SALE A flno coltffllnation Billiard and
JL' pool table forresldenco ; almost new ; a bar
gain. Room , U. s. national bant building.
TTIOR SALE LOflO tons 14 to IB Inch ice ont
-t ? track. Council lllulfs , qillert llros. Slual
1DLAND GuarantcerSr Trust Co. , 1505 For-
nom. Complete abstracts furnished & titles
to real estate examlned.pdrfectcd iguaranteed.
< PC2
ABSTRACTS Llnnhnn & Mahoncy , room 500
Paxton block. ' 003
OMAHA Abstract Company , 1519 Farnnm st.
Most complete nnd carefully prepared hot
of abstract books and plats ot nil real property
In the city of Omaha and Douglas county.
I WILL loan $500 to 85,000 on good real estate
security , or will buy first mortgage napor.
T. S. Clarkson. 21i > S. 14th st. 303 o
T7'ASTERN ' trust funds to loan on improved
-liJreal estate in Omaha ; largo loans preferred.
E. S. Illsbee , First National bans building.
L OANfa wanted on Omaha real estate , throe
and live years' time , optional payments ,
favorable terms aud rates , applications and
titles passed upon by us , and loans closed
promptly. Klmuall , Champ & Ryan , room 0 ,
U.S. National Hank Building , 1216 Faruam st.
244 nil
QPECIAL fund of 810,000 to loan nt reduced
yJ rates on furnltuie. horses and wngons. City
Loan Co. , 118 8 13th st. 010
HI LADELPHIA Mortgaged Trust Co. . fur-
nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt their western ofllco. George W.
7 , lioard ot Trade , wai
BE Wholes , room 210 First Nnt'i , bank before
making your loans. OOJ
ONEY to loan. Harris It. E. A ; Loan Co. .
room 411 , First National bank. uo3
W ANTED Flrat class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call nnd : > eo us. Mutual Invest-
Co. . It. 1. Marker blk. 15th fr Fainam. Ufl4
MONEY toloan < > n improved property at Hrs-
hauds. No application Eont away for apt
provul. Security uud titles examined free of
charge tu borrowers , Lombard Investment
company , 3W 8.13th at. 095
T CAN make a few loans on llrst-clnss chattel
Jlsccurltlva at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 Darker blk. Q'J7
"lOIHSTinoitgaKo loans nt lo\V rates and no
J : dplay. D. V. Bholos , 210 First National bank.
DO YOU want to borrow money ?
Road this ;
It will save you time.
It will save you money.
You can borrow from
II. F. Jlastens.
successor to W. H. Croft ,
Room 4 , Wlthnoll bld'g , J5th and Ilarney sts.
no , IM. KU , ioo , . ' ! oo , t ; o , ji.owooo. . * io.OjO ,
In fact , any sum you want ou furniture ,
plauos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on ousloc.
terms nnd at lower rates than any other olllco
in the city , without publicity or removal qf
property from your poueesIon.
If an instalment is duo ou your property
and you cannot meet it. c.Uh and aeo me. 1 w 111
pay It for you. If you Imro'a ' lonn in any other
olllce call and got my rales. I will take it up and
carry it for you , "
I make loans for one tasjx months , and you
can pay a part at auytluta reduclng both prfu- ,
cipal nnd Interest. } '
All loans reRRvfod at tnglnal rates , and no
charge for piipertf. Ill
Alf business strictly confidential. Cull nnd
see nie. -.M
Don't forgetthttriuinber ,
IlnouH , Withiibll'block. 090
NEBRASKA Mortg. Loan Co. v.lll make you a
lonn on housebpld goods ,
horses , "Svagons ,
land contracts ,
fine jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , ut reasonable ratea.
Ilooni 7 , llow'loy block , Stflitli Oiunhu ,
Hoonis 618-510 , Paxton brock , Omaha , Nob.
ONIJY-Loans neKotlatSd nt low rates with ;
JH out delay , and purchaiuk > uood commercial
operand mortgage uottvfi&B. A. Bloiuau , cor.
FlJtlVniiu Farnam. 100
M ONEY to loan. O. F. DavU Co. , real estate
: and loan aironts , 1505 Funiam 81. 101
B UILDINoToans. ' D , V. Sholes , 210 First Na-
tlonal bank , 1CJ2
I QANB made on roil estate and mortgages
JlKnigtu. Lew Is S , Reea 4s Co , , l&'l Farmuu.
"DUILD1NU loans. Llnshan in Muhon.oy.
KOPLE'S Financial Exchange The tallest ,
quietest and mojt liberal money oxohongo
in the city ; aouey loaned wltnout doUy or
publicity. In any amount , largo or small , nt the
lowest riito.i of Interest , on any available MU-
curltv ; loans may be paid at any time r neted
at original rates. O. llousoaren , Mirr.-joom
Mf ! , Uarker block , liith and Fnrnnnir I0j
MONEY to Loan We are ready for nnpllca-
tlons forlodin In amounts troinli > > 0io { 10-
OUO ou Improved Omalia or Douglas county real
estate , fulljuformatlon an to rated. Loans
promptly closed. Uood notes At ill be purchased
by us. Call upon us or wrjte. The McCacue
Investment Co. 103
HETcOLk , loan agent ,
"PEOPLE'S FlnMiclal KxcpanRO Largo nnd
JL small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Intercut , on real estate mortgngo
notes , chattels ot all kinds , diamonds , wntchos
and jewelry , Dent fall to call It you want fair
end cheap accommodation * . O. Ilouscnron ,
Mjr. , room Mi ! Ilarkerblkl5tnand Fnrnnm.
H.U , COL15 , loan agent.
' OKNT money to loan. Cash on hand.
IV. M. Harris , 11 20 , rrenzor block , opp. P. U.
TV fONUY to loan In largo minis at the lowest
1'JLratesn6 ; delay. U. 0. Patterson , 313 S l..tli ,
MoNUV to lonn ; CO.MIOU hand ; no delay. .1 ,
W. Bnulro , ! . ' ! rarnnm St. , rlrst National
bank building. 103
MONUV loaned for ! M , GO or HO days on any
kind ot chattel security ) reasonable Inter *
nt ; business conlldontUU. J J. Wilkinson , 1417
Farnam sf 109
DNRY to loan fewest ratfti. Loans closed
M : liromvily. II. B , Cole , U 0 Continental block ,
, ( ) to loan nt 0 per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney -
honey , Hootn soil Paxton blockj IIP
to lonn on furniture , horsei.'wagoni ,
MONKY oil nny approved security. J. W.
itobblus , It. SOO , Sliccly blk. , 15th nnd Howard.
BUIIiUINU loans n specialty. W. M. Harris ,
room 'M 1'ronzcr block , opposlto P , O.
'r\ON'T borrow money on furniture , norsos ,
JL/\vagons. etc. , or collatterals until you see
C. U. Jacobs , 4101'lrst National bank building.
. toSW.OOO nt 0. ! i nnd 7 per cent , no JHd-
$1.000 ; money direct from the eastern In-
% stor , W. 11. Jlolkle , First Nal't bank building.
LOANS on business property , & .1.000 to taOjOOO
wanted. Provident Trust Company , room
WS , First National bank building. 110
$1000 and upwards to loan on good insldocity
property. No duluya. W. Farnam Smith ,
lJ2iJ Farimm st. '
I ON 15V to oan on real estate ; no commis
M sion. W. A. tipoucer.lloom ll.Iluslimiinblk.
Tl/TONKY / loaned on unimproved Inside Omatm
JLu. real estate. U. W. Pock. It , 4 , Frcnzer blk.
/"I F. IIAltRISON loans money , lowest rates.
G W. PHCK loansmoney on Omaha real estate
Uulldlng loans a specialty. 114 , Frenzonblk
CD * * $ Sloloan on tarms and city property.
( pUeo.J. Paul , 1803 Faruam st. UM
/1ITY J'lnanclal agency will loan y&u money
Vv'on horse * , furnltnro , Jewelry or securities of
any kind. 1U03 Howard St. , corner S. 13th st.
0 F. HAHIIISON loans money , lowest rates ,
, 4W
M' ' ONRto Loan on chattel socurltyi fair
rata Interest. J. H. Parrotte. 00) ) Chicago ,
/ 1HOIcn loins ivantua on improved city prop-
\J erty. Klmball , Chump & Ityau room 0 U. S
Nat bk bide. 1205 Farnam st , b07 n3
- hotel in. n in
Nebraska , price J1.030. part cash. Cooperative
tive Land nnd Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. 302 4
flOR SALE-Nlce cigar stand. Apply 514 S.
1 10th st. 259 6
TT10U SALE 32 cow's , team , mile wagon , cans
-U etc. , to a dairy with rent ot barn and house.
George E. Gibson , room o , 203 south loth street ,
or ! S17 B. J4th St. 237-7
HOTKL for sale. Well f mulshed , tinylng J50
a month rent. Address W. P. Anderwon ,
Norcatur , Kas. 2i-ml : )
FOll SA LI' Private boaidlmj house ; nil now
nnd llrst-rlnss : centrally located ; good rea
sons for selling. Address UW , Boo ollicc.
FOH BALK Harbor shop , chairs ; going out
of business. Address U3) , lice. Is" 3 ;
Partner with $200 In a theatrical
enterprise : big money sure. Investigate
thin. Address U 48 , lice ollicc. 1B1 3j
TVTY DHUG store nnd medical practlea for
J-TJ-sal * or exchange for Improved property.
Address J. B. Lamu , M. D. , Wahoo , Nebraska.
SALOON Doing n business of $14,000 per year.
iTDO the Uxtureslncludlng3Monarch
tables andlnvokaatcoat. Liveliest town lu tno
stnto. Owner wants to retiio from business.
Address U 34. Bee ollice. l KJ )
ANRW roller mill for sale lu a good wheat
belt , nnd good market for Hour. For terms
address F. J Andreas , Gordon , Neb. t)45a27T )
flOR 1 SALE-Laundry. Address U 20 Bee.
"C10H cash only Clean stock general mrrchan-
Jc disc , with coal , grain and Implement busi
ness ; parties wishing to secure a good paying
business , address U23 Dee olllce. 850
TpOH SALE within 00 days Two drug stocks
JL1 in new growing county seat In s. w. Nebras
ka ; will luvolco about $ \00i : will solione.nnd
move the other provided the purchaser will
buy W.UOO stock for cash ; nurclinsor can rent
buildings for $25 per month each ; will hull for
cost and can laote : good trade ; reason for sellIng -
Ing , other business requires full attention. Ad
dress lock box 61 , Culbortsou , Neb. , or Hurst
& Co. Hastings. Neb , C30-3
HAltDWAIltS for sale Small neat stock. Tin
shop In coniit'ctlonjmust bo sold at oncn far
cash. Address 0. M. vaughan. Fleming , Colo.
A MF.MI1GHB1I1P in the Omahn beard of
-fxtradocan bo had cheap at Itoom23 U , 8. Na
tional bank building. 023
TIO KXCHANQI2 Arlean ten thousand del
lar block ot general merchandise ; half insh
and balance unlucumbered real estate. D. 11.
Dean , Dj crsvllle , low a. 2SMJ
"O12AUT1FUL Denver property , clear , to ox-
J- > change for onstorn or country.
Doxtur , 28 K&sex block , Denver , Colo. 10U 4 +
POIl F.XOHASGE-For desirable residence
property in Omaha , nny or nil of following :
40 choice inside residence lots in Hastings.
103 lots in Lincoln , B
GlO acres line farming land , Lancaster county ,
Fine residence pioporty. Lincoln.
Good lental property. Lincoln.
Cholco family leildonco , corner , Los Angelas.
A nrnt residence property In Iliuiscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Addicss , giving location and price of prop
erty , J. I 11. , care Daum Iron Co. , 1217 Leavou-
wortli. OJ1.
T710U EXCHANGn-nakota , Hand 'county
JL ! Wlmt have you to oiler for n good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising In value , and Its destiny cannot be dis
puted. Will take vacant lot or improved prop
erty and tibsiuno fcomooncumbianco. G , J.
HteniBdoi ir , rooms 317 and 3lt ) , UJrpt National
bank building. O5'i
FOH KXCJIANUE-F.lghty acres ( if the llnest
timber laud In Wisconsin , clear of encum
\Vuatlmvoyoutoolfur ? G. Jhturns-
dorir , looms 317 nrtd Ulti , llrst National bank
NE\V2-seatod \ flno carriage or top buggy for
note , mortgage , land contract or any good
commercial p.iper ; will pay some cash dllfer-
cure * W , L , faelby' 1521 1-urnam. tiS-i
T7iH ( ) THADi ; Mason & Il < tmlln organ for
J- buggy or phueton , L N. Hammond , 1514
DoilKtas st. 00 ij'
riLEAIt lot 2.1th nud Vlnton stfl , for ciiulty In
v liouso and lot. 11. E , Cole , Continental blk ,
a KK > 2
" ' ' ' '
WANTEI-r > .dOOto 110.000 to place on good
real estate Hucurlty ; If you Iiuvo money to
loan , call and HCO what I cun oiler , Oeo. N.
Hicks , real estate und luvestmunt agent , room
40. Darker block. 307
ONE hundred thousand acres , In u body , of
the choicest agricultural and prasn lands
over olfered tu Nebraska , Thoroughly watered
with living spiinijs , creeps and lakes. Bpnmdld
wheat lund , 2.1 bushels to the acre n common
crop ; 43 to tld nn acie , ton years tlmo. These
lands nro In "Kelt h County , Nob. , nnd for milo in
wnall or largo tracts. T. 8. Clurkson. Omaha ,
Neb. Ml H
FOll BALE or Rent-Two story brick hotel ,
located In a prosperous and grow Ing town
and county scat ; will Irusu fora term of yearn ,
or will fell on mibonabln terms , or exchange
for good real eHtate. Pur Information call on or
ndilruHs Baunders1 & Blicnnaii , ugents , lloutrlce ,
Neb , ttfl-U
T7OK * BALE-Cholce wnrolious and trackage
X1 property tu Went Council Illuila , half inllu
from Omalia , two blr > clui from motor ; also
clioicp resHleiict ) lots on nnd near motor. B , T.
Frencli , loom 4 , ojieru house blk.Counrll lllutlii.
TI OU HALn' or exchange for good Omuhu
- * - property und part cash , my residence at IKji )
Wlrt street. KOUIUXQ iilace. Lot IflxKXJ. oouth qf
fair grouna ? in ICIrkwood. price II.20U , cue-
fourth cash , a , Jl. Loomis , P.nwYlrt st.JJ'iJ'fi
JJ'iJ'fi *
W ) buys a line U room house and barn ; will
lake part Inrude ; payments easy ; only 2
blocVu from Kountzo uddltlou. Call at Mi
CUUiltlg bt , 23'J 6T
qjaOJ PBIl I/O r Oklahoma City W.UO porlot.
tplnorder to Interest 300 Omaha people Immedl *
tdy in Oklahoma City , the coming metropolis
ottho Panhandle of Toxa * . wo will soil 3X ) lots
or M 1 per lot. Every lot level and dry , nnd25x
21 feet in size.Title absolutely perfect. This
price U coed only untllilOU lots have been sold ,
nftorwhlch prices will be mlvnnced IOR5 and
MOporlot , Oklahoma city Is situated on the
extreme eastern border of llcmphlll county ,
Texas , nnd linmodlntoly adjoining Oklahoma ,
or the Indian territory , and just nt the point
whpro the Atlantic A Pacific railroad loaves the
territory entering the Panhandle , Look at
your map nnd BOO It there are not crowing
cities nt the points where the railroads either
onterorleavo the territory. Hwas for this
nnd many other reasons that Oklahoma City
was located upon Us present slto. Those who
apply Immediately will hnvo chotoo of lots All
orders by mall will receive prompt , attention.
Olllco open every night until l o'clock. Apply
to or nddi s rnnlmndl * Townslto Company ,
comer Inth nnd Hnrney sts , Omaha , Nob.
References : 1'lrst National bank , of Kansas
City. Mo. : Hnmmitt , Daviitnnn le Co. , bankers ,
Kansas City. Mo. ; S. P. Olllllth ft CO. . banker * ,
Kansas City , Mo. : Prathor bank , Canadian ,
Tex.j W. S. Decker , county attorney , Canadian ,
Tex. U
$3.00 PKH LOT-Oklnhomn City W.OO per lot.
The llrst IMO lots In Oklahoma City , tnken by
Omahn people , will bo cold nt fcUWpor lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. IBth nnd Hartley Ms. , Omalia , Neb. 5M1
$ 3t\l ri : It LOT"-Okla"nonmcty. Bee
1'nnlmndle Toniislto Company ,
Cor. Kith nnd Harnoy sts.A Omalia , Nob. _ _ 2 § ! _
DON'T be deceived ; thoolllco of Oklnhomn
City Is nt the corner of IBth .nnd Hnrnoyfets.
I'anlmndlo Townsllo Compnnr ,
Cor. IBth nud Hnrney ats. , Ouinhn , Neb. 231
. PER LOT Uklahoma City. See adver
$3.00 .
Palihaiidlo Townslto Company ,
Cor nthjuid Hnrney MJ.Oninhn. Nob. 281
' '
ti3.ifl IT.ll LOT 'oklahonia'cityi Jl per lot ,
9) The tlrst 30) ) lots InOklnhomaCtty taken by
Omaha people * , will bo sold at H per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nud Hnrnoy sts , , Omahn , Neb , 2M
DON'T bo deceived : the olllco of Oklotiomn
City Is nt the corner of Hth nnd Hnriiey sts.
1'nnhatidlo Townstto Company.
Corner 15th nnd Ilarney st . , Omnhn , Neb. SSI
$3.0J PER LOT-Oklahouia City ; see ndver-
Panhandle Townsito Company ,
Cor. r > th and Hnrnoy sts. , Omnhn , Neb. 291
43.00 PER LOT-Oklntiomn City ; * I per lot ;
JthollrstiKW lots in Oklahoma Olty taken by
Omahn people will bo sold nt $1 per lot.
I'niilmndlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. Ifithnnd Hninoysts. , Omnhn , Nob. 281
T\ON'T bo deceived. Tho.olllco . of Oklahoma
JL/Olty is nt the cor 15th and Ilnrnoy &ts.
I'linlmndlo Towuslto Comnany ,
Cor. 15th nnd llnrney sts , Omaha , Nob. 281
0 3.00 PER LOT-Oklanoma City. See ndver-
Punhandio Townsito Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Harnoy sts. , Omaha , NfcD. 2S1
OfJUO PER LOT-Oklahomn Olty. W.OO per lot.
Priio llrst 30J lots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Ouiahn people , will be sold nt 83. < iO per lot.
Paunandlo Townslto Company ,
Cor , 15th and Ilarney sts. , Omaha , Nob. 281
"pvON'T bo deceived. The olllco of Oklahoma
J/ City is nt the cor. ot 15th and Hnrney sts.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor 15th nud llnrney sts. , Omaha Nob.
. PER LOT-Oklahoma City. See adver
$3.00 .
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and llatncy sts , Omnhn , Neb , 231
. PER LOT Oklnhoma City. 1 per lot.
$3.00 llrst 300 lots In Oklnhoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will bo .sold nt $ . \ per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th niif" Hnrney sts , Omnhn , Nob. 281
DON'T bo deceived. Tha olllco of Oklahoma
City is nt the Cor. of 15th nnd Ilnrnoy sts.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 281
$1.00 PER LOT-Oklahomn City. See adver
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harncy Hts. , Omahn , Nob. 281
A3.00 PER LOT-Oklahoma City : $3 per lot.
P The first 300 lots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Omnha people , will lift sold nt ? J per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor , 15th and Hnrney sta. Omuhu , NOD. 281
qjtf.OO PER LOT-Oklahonm City. See adver-
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Hartley sts. , Omatin , Naur 281
$3.00 PER LOT Oklnhoma City. $3.00 per lot ,
The tlrst 300 lots in Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will be sold nt f-J.O'J per lot ,
I'auhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Hnrney ats. , Omaha , Neb. 281
EOR SALE The finest resldnnco alto In West
Omaha ; Just south of I'arntun on 37th
street ; n corner 105x187 with H7 feet frontage
on paved street nnd joining the hnntlsomo resi
dence ot Klrkendall on tlio cast nnd llrndy.Ens-
son nnd Mnrtlu on the nouth ; a perfect gem
and garden spot for an elegant home.
Hnrney and 21st streets , 141x167 , on pavement
within three blocks of the court house ; room
for seven line houses that would lent us rapIdly -
Idly as completed. A splendid permanent in
Farunm nnd 22d streets , SOxlW , with now
threo-story brick store building , rooted to good
permanent tenants. Rental receipts $1,2011 per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01
feet to alley , Good business property.
Farnam street between 3Sth und tutu , frontage -
ago 48 or 05x132 to alley , south front , I block
trom pavement nnd'stioot cars.
I'nrK avenue , opposite Hauscom pnvk , 50xl5n ,
price $2,000 , easy tenus.
Paddock Place , trackage , GOxm , J2.000 , easy
IBth street south of Vlnton st , lot for sale or
trndo for mdse. or good farm laud ,
S. A. Sloman , 1301 r.irnam ft. 250
FOR snlo or oxchnnga A residence nt20tli
St. , nnd St. Marys nve , has 7 rooms , bath
room , laundry , Howorago , gas mid city water.
Will take peed outside building Htc ( as p.ivt
payment. David Jamioson , 311 S IGtfi. TSri
rflALK-Of bargains ! Unzeon this : 120.\157 n.W.
JL corner 35th nnd Hamilton , fronts : l streets ,
nt grade , for * 1.250. This is bed-rock ; not n
n ickcl loss will over buy it. and It must bo
grabbed soon at thai price. M. A. Upton Com
pany , Idth and Farnaui. SOT
F"bll SALE North 71 ft lots ll anp 15 , b unny-
sldo : price , H.OOO ; terms easy.
Lot'.II , Sunnytlclo ; price $ J,350 ; terms easy ;
cheapest lot in addition.
Lot 17 , block I. Hauscom Place , with small
cottage ; price , W.6TO. '
Lot II , block I , Pluluvlow ; pilco 41,150 ; terms
Lota In llcdford Place , near the now furni
ture futtory , from J.150 up ; terms easy.
Lots in Hillside Reset vc from ? . ' , U'.0 to 13,500 ;
special Inducements to parties wishing to build
lu this addition.
Soutli cue-third lot U , block 70 , South Omaha ,
with immovements ; icntlng * 170 per year ;
price , SLUM ) ; n good Investment for some one.
' Lot2 , block " 7. 8outli Omaha , with small
house ; price. $7.n .
Lot 20 , Elizabeth Placn , with small house ;
lot COxHU ft. ana a corner ; price , J5.50U.
33 ft on Vlnton t by JUT ft on Ifitli st , . with
seven frame stern bnlldlucii ; rents nbJut 83,000
per jeai : pi Ice , 8IH.OU
Lot n , block 7 , Jotter's ndd to South Omaha ,
with improvements ; renting about (50 per
month ; price tl.wm. '
Lot 2l,1jlockX , Potter's add ; price I1.2.TO.
Lot P. block 2. Potter's add : prlc o. If l.m
Lot 17. block 2 ; Potter's ndd , mcu , f 1,250.
Lot 1 , block 4. Loavenworth Terrace ; t5 feet
east front ; price , f MM ) .
Two now houses with modern conveniences ,
west part city , U , ! I . ttjXU ; sumll cash pay-
moiit. balance monthly. , „ , ,
Polldrand Cobb.
107-3 1601 rurnum tit.
FOR BALK Nino-room house , burn and lot
in Hanscom Place ; also 2 UotLv.i and lots In
Bunny Bldo. liuirls , loom 411 , l V at. bank.
OHTI1V ot your attention ! Now
completed on SJtli at , noith of Leaven-
worth st , two lioiuei rQnveulent to bitslnosa ,
very roomy. rate , maiitol. furnace , jf , ) iatl | ,
toilet , 2 water rloaots. utatlonirr WK n tnbf ,
hot and cold water , live bedrooms , 10 clonets ;
only taRU ) , on ttirms to suit , Telephone " 7 or
W. T , Hemnun , Oinuha'a larceit vuilqty qf wng-
onn. cwrrlugea. etc. , east sldo liJth at , north of
Nicholas at. 43J
_ _
I HAVE 10 line lots In UrUga' Y'laco add , ,
Omaha , for cash , on good torma. For further
information liujulio of K , Jeffrey , Ualena , ll | .
LOTKlxlCS oust nnd south corner west Fnr
nam tt. near Milton Rogers prpparcy , t7-
OW. Easy terms wll | slmdo this for all canli.
C. F. Harrison ilcrrhants Nat ! liankbldg. 433
ATA Hi ( > rlllco--lJ'x50 ' ) | ft. east and north
front , coru ( < r iHtli nnd Howard sts. , ono
block west of Coe'H and KUkondaU'n Una resi
dences . two bloelw from paved strnot , two
blocks Aout hot r.irnam st. ; just think ot It ,
12Axl5'J ' ft. aid a corner at that , and only f LWJO ,
(7. U. Roller , loom 5 , 8. w. cor. 1.1th and Douttla.4
FOR BALF. 6"r LiJaie Frame l7uiifin ! ; : ulioul
40x50 wlththreo , y ar ' loaie of iot.VJl Doug
las st. t > b
ACRES In Tuttle's sub. , lays extra well.
price tl.OOO ; makes yft lots at Ibtt ) lot , total
WJM ) , claur prollt f 13,000 ; party will plat it. Co
operative Land 4 Lot Co. , 201 H. Kith at.
_ " " _ _ _
T710R 8A"L"E-On monthly ' or "nuarterfy pay
JL1 mentn. some uewo-room IIOUKJH In Ml II aril 4
CaidwvU'A add. , just lli mlltM trom Dostoiiicn.
If you want a home of your own eomo and see
me. c. c. bpoUwood , myt 8 , luth at. 054
1710 H BALI * or Exclianga Improved Block
.L fium pf UU ncrus. In eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also new 12-room homo , wltu all con-
- . in ileslraUlu reidvuce ( portion of
fr Andrew lievjns. attorney , 4.'J and 423 ,
iw County Abstracts ,
1WJ Cnrnain street. _
In Iloyd's ndd. 10 ot ttie best lontr.cro at > MOO
cacti , rAU down , balance 1,2. a nnd 4 yean Atd
per cent Interest. Xhli la worth InvestlgRtlnpr ,
ns Ills cheaper than surrounding property by
M per tout.
A Cheap Hotuo
With 4 rooms , burn mid full lot , MX 121 ; con
vcnlont to cars , for I IXW ( ; terms KOO cash , bal
ance 1,8 , 3 yenrs nt 8 nt r cent.
Mill nnd llurdetlo streets ,
Sightly locations , well settled neighborhood.
Wo hiivo lots at tl.iWU oath , 1 lot nt nnd I
nt f l.f.tU ; can bo sold nt "i cush ; balance any
terms within reason. This Is n rhnnco to get
Insino property at low prices and on very easy
On 1'arkAro.
very do lrablo 8-rooni Uouso , all modern lm
pro\ementsi eait ; halt lot ) price t'.fXWs
tcimsea y.
On A'lrRlnla Avo. .
line oit front , full lot , with -rooni cottnco lit
A 1 fopnirst ran i > e sold for f , ( M ) : only i eQ
rash | bnl. very easy ; Is u very cholco lee Uett
for a homo.
Those Who
have Econourad. In this column In regant lo
cheap lotM will note that Mica of thin property
have been entliely wntlKraclorrt 18 nt thoiulots
Tit Bold IftH week , wo shnfl contlnuo uUr
Chen ] ) } M8iilos , .
bccixii o they suit the proplo \ \ ho see th'em , nnd
tney buy because the
Location Is Unsurpassed I ,
because the lotsnro till that Is claimed for thorn
nhd they tire futrroUudcd by good lioutus Al
ready built , nud moro being buliu Youcau
andbalnncotlOnmontli , Think ot lit Is ther *
anr easier way to sivvo your money And hare U
safely earn you moro monoyr
M5 Down
Is a very suiiul payment to nmko on n good lot ,
but wo innlo the payment small so tlmt you cnu
buy lu such n way ns not to cramp yourself for
money. Wo ask you to
Como and 8eo , .
What wo ndvoittsb , mm It tlio lots don't please
youyoudon'l Iwvo to buy , but wo liavo ,
Conlldenco lu Our Uotfdsl *
x < wt iiii MV U tu V' * viV i , . .
\Vo know what they nro : wo know also that
unless these lots were ns represented woWJBld
1040 money In advertising them. > >
Conveyances Always
ready to show you the lots. You cnti | see where
they mo , what they are , nnd what
They Are Worth , *
any dny you wish to. und remember you don't
need to buy if they don't suit , but I
Start Right ,
nnd If you hnvo nny courngo and n little money ,
no snfor Investment cnu bo tound. no are
ready to show yrtu these lots whenever yon can ,
got the tlmo to go. Amesi 1607 I'mnnni utrtttt.
2056. .
" | 7 UAL estnto bnrgrilus ,
--1 lor snlo by
George N. Hicks , Barker block.
. Itenmiful lot lu Hauscom I'lnco.closo to street
cars , splendid nolghborliood , high and healthy
location ; price KtMonly SJ09 cash , balance ono
to llvo yoms.
For Sale Business corhi > r , 70 feit frontage ,
on Vluton nnd 20th st , ? ( iaXl.
Residence property , GO foot south frontage on
Pnclllost. jiibtwost of Parknv6tiuo , with two
good cottages , M.60J.
Burgnln-Cornor , lOOxlOU feet , SHrfl nnd I'op-
plqton nveuue , Hiinscom Place , perfect grade , -
water und gas In street. - -K
llnrg.\lu llo.iutiful south f lout lot on Popple-
ton nve. , Huuscoin Place , only $70) casli bal
ance 1.2. 3 and 4 yenis. . , ,
Tor Sale Splendid 10-acre tract near junctldn
ot F. . E. & M. V. R. It. ami the licit Ry. , In W st
Omahn , In n line stnto ot cultivation ; will make
a splendid homo ur line fruit aridvegetable
garden. The property cnn bo pl.ittod Insldo of
thrco years into fifty lots that will sell for 400
or ? 50J each , and ronllre fiom S.UOOO to 825,000
for the ontlro tract ; can ollor for a Tow days at
For ialo Section Sf > , township 1C , ranee Jl.
west , comprlsluu 0V ) acres of choice farm land
in Howard county , Neb , , located libout i ) miles
from Klla 6n IT. ] * . railway nnd 7 rntle from
Cushlng on U. & JI , railway. A big bargain It
sold soon.
llargaln Cholro business lot on M st. neAr
27th , honth Omaha , for n tow days at (3,000. ,
Choice piece of trackage property , 250x800
feet , wjth over nail foot frontage outdo Dolt Line
railway , for ftnlo nt n bargain.
Geo. N. lllcks , llnrkor block. 30M
Foil SAIiECncap Not for trndo ; 611.78 ncros
lind ( sec. 5-1--OI two miles from Mfiryuott * ,
HAinllton county , Nebraska. Frame house , sta
ble. KOU , acres unacr good barb-Miro tedce ;
round cedar post" ! , two stays , llvint ) water. 80-
foot channel , a wells , U.JO barrel tank , corral ,
self-feeder , n natural stock ranch , In a Una corn
belt. i
I'rloe. . . , . .V..J8.000
Cabh In hand . ! . . < . . 2.7M
! ! years' time 0 per cent . .l . . . . . 0'M )
00 and lopk over lanil. Address owner , F. K.
Atkins , 1502 I.nrlinor at Denver Col.f 037
SUOLIIS" baigalni Jj.OO ! ) buys good
7 room coftngu and barn wltn flno plumbing ,
hot water heating apnarutus , niculy'paperid ' ,
mantle nnd all convcmences.fiil ) lot , east-front ,
near corner aith st. nnd Woolwoith avenue. ,
$8.5 K ) buys n line new 10 room home , with a
good barn and all conveniences , beintf nn 'cast
front on 1'opnlotou nvenuo and ath strcot ;
choice. ,
? -GOO buys n full lot , front on GeorgU
avenue , half block houtli of [ , onvenworth 8t
with n good 0 room cottngo , flno largo Shade
trees. Very choice.
Good 8 room house , furnace and Mlc'onvda-
lonces , No. a l. ) I'onpleton avenua ; pa-rty gointf
to lenvo the city. Investigate this nnd auuiiilB
offer. { .
1 iinvo a good list of residences and residence
lots hlch it w 111 pay you to Invcstlt-ate If you
wish to purclmso ; 1 also hnVo f IDii.OOJ worm of
good dear propeity to exchange for cither good
residence property , or Inside business property
ttiulnssmno ns raucn encumborance , or pay dif
ference in cash. If you have anything tlfst
class for sale or trade , call and see me. I ) . V ,
Sholos. room 210 1'Irst National bank bldgv
QOT7TH OMAHA I have n number of good
Olots lu various additions -that .must bo sold
atoucouuJ ran bo bought at iirlcei. that will
suit you. ( } . J. Sternsdoilt , rooms HIT nnd 818
Vlrit Nntloual bank building. 020
T7IOR BALK Or oxclmiiKo for Omnha prop-
JL ? orty , , w ) acres , suitable for platting ; will
make Mlntm nlluloar ; blgmouuy lu Itforeomo
olio who c.uiimsli this ; located just ontaldfi the
city limits of. Council llluirH. Inquire Gee , J.
Stcrnsdiuir , rooms 317 nud 318 , First National
bunk liiilM1nn > . ' f ntn
man , Omaha's laigest varietybiuglps , wagons ,
etc. , cast side Ibth at. , north of Nicholas st. ; j)5S )
/"I A I , I , on II. K. Cola , northeast coruor ot 15th
VJand Douglas sts. , Oinuhn. for UiUvlu K.-Ai.
sip ACo.'acatalOo'tii)3 ot laiuU at California.
' SM April } < „
' "
TKSTItUJlKNTS placed ou rocora durlug
Jyestordnv. .
S 11 I'arusnoi'tli to C 0 Field , o W of lot 8 , '
blkifl , O'Nelll'Msnb. wd . .rJ.V t2.WO '
I.MCUeiuiOtt amlwifu to W C Mcl > 6r- ' *
inott , lots 1 , - ' , ! l nud I , blU UU > { . Omuha ,
w d . . . i . LOOO
M .Morrison nnd wife to ? > ' K Itodlno , lot
i ) , blk 1 , Jorrl | ! > ou'a add to tip Omuna ,
w < l . ' . ' . . . 450
J I , Miles et alto .1 A Pnttorson. lot ai ,
' ' " " '
J II McCiiTlbch hud wife'to'P It Cook , 'lot
4.blk 11,1'lalnvlow , w d . . . 1,100
J K Long nnd husband to (1 ( A Joaslyn ,
lot 7 , blk2 , Kouuf/o&Ruth'pndd. wd. . 12,000
Louis bchroeder. trustee , to T Blnhold , "
lot22 , bllr I , Hrown park , wd , . , flo
H H PIcknrd und wllo to M Casey , part of
a \'t \ of a li of H ' , , ' ot no ao-16-12 , vnl 2,000
G II llongcn and wjfo lo A Mice , lot I *
blkll , lli-dlik paik , w d 1,600
Omuha t'nblp Truntw to "
. . I.HO
L Aimslipnganci wife to | I It JSugjanil ,
lot 7. Wfcll , 1st d to South Oni hancd. 2,169
J I. Miles el ill to IP Slnkoy. lots pi SBJJ.v
at , bik 11 , Orchard 11111 , wd . . . . . . . ' . . . ' 8.000
James Mitchell nud wlfo to John Mitch-
oil. HW 24-10 - ! , w a . , . . . 1.300
II a Clnrk and wlfu to If Illkstrono. . lot
U , blk 7 , pupont Place , wd . , . TOO
DfUontrsfnafersamgnntlng to , , . . , „ . , , . .t8i > , CQT
nulliilng I'nriinta.
The following i building porraiti wort
Brantcd yesterday by Inspector Wlutlock' ' :
William IJmorson , lU-story frame dweil > '
urn , \\Vstnrn ; near Asli. . . . . . . . ? . . . . . . . HOOO
William Kmerson , l',5-story frame dwell-
lni { . Center. uonrJYoatorjl. . . . , . i 000
MI-H. fi. II. Montgomery , a-story frame
. .rtw-ollliiK. 'rnlrty-slxtU nnd jimma . 2.0CO
T..I. MBLottn.l'/J.gtory fritni dwolllnf ,
Fortieth and Uoage . ; . . , ! . , . . . J.600
aoorgoM , TroutzmHn , varehouse. Ieay
enwoilli nearNliitU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
John Ilaker , l-etory frame dwelling ,
Kightcenth , noarfiprlng . ; . BOO
John J. Hchmltz , l < A-nlovr brick dwelling.
Mseouili tfovemeumu. . . , . . . , . . ' , . . , , , 1.600
Blxmtnor penults . I , . . . . . ' . . . . , , . , J 0
Thirteen permits , aggregating . ltKtSO
Tnknn Up. ,
Dark Day Mule. Inrjulro H. Jlnnson , two
miles went of South Omaha. ni-gO-Zl-a-a
Wanted pn or Wefore Aprtrsth , plans nnd estl-
motca for A four story bulldlui ; 6ifxl ) | , Material
for flout and 25f ot of one Blue Colorado dund
Btoie , balance of brick , lire proof vault * on
Int nud Jind tloorii , Store and Jlunk on IJrBt tiooh
ofllceii luthebalancc. KlyvntorumlHtearalleut-
lug and 1'lumblnir. Address ,
A-l-3-5 GrAndJsAud ) Nob.
"Ei"U" " fr our
tli * . Atxoluu teener ? VarlCO *
> IO lUI llWitt.eUtMlllOrOI > l tl91l. .
B eilon-pupre Cllnlquei iwT ioisint St. , B * < tM4