THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THURSDAY , APRIL 4. ' 1880. HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Bloom Is Stagaoring Under a Biff Load of May. THAT FUTURE STILL A MYSTERY. II Closes At a Shrinkage oTUvcr Pour CcntH Since Monilny A Slightly Increasing ID ( crest In Corn Cattle Kalr. CHICAGO rilOnUCB MARKET. CHICAOO , April a [ Special Tolotrram to Tnft 13RX.J May wheat brofco to OTitfo to day , a sheer descent of 4 fa as compared ( Vitli Monday , There wat a partial recovery afterwards , the price gains to D7X but Ihoro was May wheat "on top" nil day , and It worked back to WJ&o , where It hung for a long time , but closed at 05J < c , a shrlnUngo of 4 ? < csinco Monday. Tlio May wheat deal Is now a mystery to whoso solution the general attention Is directed , Falrbnnk was asked : "What Is the matter with May ! " Ho grinned and said ho had heard that ' 'Uloom wits un loading his wheat. " The latter had the temerity to load up with May and then brai ? that ho was going to ride up on the clique' ! shoulders , A spokcman for the clique gave It out that it Utoom could not bo "shaken out , " the deal would bo abandoned , und from the way May wheat v , is offered It looked as [ ( the threat might bo In process of execution. Uloom announced Monday that ho had his wheat margined down to OOc , and In the next breath ho said lie was "out of wheat. " Ho did not act to day as though ho was out of wheat , however much ho might lllco to bo out. Ho had a "Hag of distress raised , " one of his acquaintances said. All Hi Is relates to the personal jirmso of the market , and not to the legitimate situa tion or the natural cuiiscs or effects. The crowd is greatly amused at the efforts of the clique to shake off the "tailors , " and will npplaud whoever wins. All told , possibly 1,000,000 bushels of May wheat was worked off durlncr the session. How much of this was for "tailors' " account and how much for "clique" account nemo of course can tell. 'Thcro was good trading In July wheat and little doing In June. July opened at SUc , Bold oft during the ilrst half hour to S5J c. It steadied around and slowly crawled up to 80c. From that point it slid back to brt&o about noon , but d'.irlng the last hour a stronger feeling developed and a substantial recovery In prices followed. The market pot back to 8iy < c , and was steadily hold. The closa was SQ&c , or only J c below Mon day. The feature of the trading was the healthy general inquiry for deferred futures on a seemingly legitimate basis There is a slight Increase of business being displayed by the speculators in corn , but It has not resulted so far in much activity , to day's traieactions being confined largely to the first two hours , otter which there was the usual dullness in the pit. Prices were , however , more decidedly upward to-day than for some time , although the resulting ad vance was more pronounced in July than in nny of the other futures , with May no higher in the end than it cloned on Mon day , Navigation may bo said to have opened. One propeller cleared with a load of corn yesterday. The schooners G. J , Boyce and the Naiad worn chartered to-day at 'Jo for Sarnia. The firm ness of the Liverpool market backed up by excellent shipping demand at tno seaboard and the active buying of daily car lead re serves hero were stimulating causes of the good inquiry which prevailed for speculative futures. There was especially a good de mand for July , which led to tnoro than the usual proportion of transactions in this month. .Oats wore in moderate demand and fairly attlvo early at nearly Monday's prices. The buying orders wore evidently soon satistlcd , however , and in sympathy with the weak ness elsewhere the market , ruled dull and * { © Jxfc lower. May was the favorite , selling from SGJsC down to Soj c , with a final recov ery of nearly } { c , with Juno in some request and other months dull. The speculative business was mostly local in character and the cash.movement was unimportant. No. 2 oats to go to store wore weaker at 24J3 < 34Xc. Later in the session there was in- i creased selling , with prices finally resting at the bottom. Interest in the provision trade was con fined largely to pork. Short ribs wore held steady at hibt Monday's prices to a shade easier , und in lard the changes experienced were restricted to small limits. In pork , however , the boars were aggressive and in a largo measure In control , the monthly stock showing being from 10 to 15 carrels larger than was expected. They were encouraged to pound the market , und as a consequence a eovero depression was suffered. In pork for May and JiLly the day's actual decline was i2tfc ! , and for Juno 20c. " Lard close lower than Monday's host quotation. GI11OAGO 1UVE SlOOli. CHICAOO , April 3. | Special TelORrara to TUB Bnn.J CATTLE The demand was fair with little or no ulmngo In prices as com pared with the past two days. There wcro n largo number of outsldo buyers , and shipping orders wore liberal but exports were going rather alow , yet everything handy and useful was sold , the market gen erally closing steady on steers , Choice to extra beeves , $4.25@4.U5 ; medium to good ulcers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , $3.0504.15 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , S3.-10@8.75 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , $3.00@ 8.60 ; stocltcrs nnd feeders , fJ.40@3.4S : cows , bulls and mixed , .00@3.10 ; bulk , 3.20@'J.OO ; Tuxas steers , J3.00@3.7G ; cows , * 2.00@y.40. HOGS The demand was fair , with an up turn of about DC , tba bulk soiling at ? UH ) , ttiid a few at 54.85 , also a few at $4.U5@4.97 > tf , nnd one Jot nt f . Light sorts sold largely at W.OO. _ FINANCIAL. NBW VOIIK , April 'a. fSpocial Telegram to Tin : Uuc.l STOOKS The fairly good fooling in stocks at the close yesterday caused many to bo hopeful this morning. The opening also gave some encouragement. There was a spirit of activity , and uricos with few exceptions , were } 4 to } tf bettor than at the closo. London had a few orders , while Boston was on the buying side ol AtchUon , Now England and Union Pacillo. There was good business the Ilrst hour , with the greater part of the trading In Atchlson , Northwestern , Heading , Union Puciflo , Lqclcawanun , Now England and Chicago Goa. There was no positive bull Influence noticeable after the opening , nor was there any cause for depression at once. The list hold 'steady with some stocks a fractlou bolter and a few n trlflo lower than the first figures until the end of the hour , whoa there was a downward tendency. When the weak * ucss came Lackawanim went oft a point , fnl < lowed by fractional declines In Heading uni Missouri Paclllo. It was remarked thai Atohlson and Chicago Gas were pretty wol ! lustalnod. Toward noon the Eontimoni changed , and Atchlson became the ccntcr'oi animation with weakness and a loss of per ceiit , The rest of the list suffered frorr dullness , and the drooping tendency con tlnucd. With the exception of a slight spun about 11:30 : the market was heavy unll noon , when the sales were UO.BWS shares nni pllcus wcro below the opening figures , Thi closing hours of the stock market won marked by some nervousness. Reading Rock Island , Union Pacific and Chicago Ga ; Ihowed further declines , followed by semi gains bafaro the close. The bearish focliui of the day was largely duo to the unfavor able statements regarding the net earning ! Ol the granger roads. TJio principal lossci for the day were I point In Union Pacific le' la' , MUi ourl Pacific , J ( In Louisville Nashville ami Hurllngton and % ' " Chlcugi ORB , New Knglaud , Rock Island and SI Paul. Tlio total clearing * were 253,00 aharcs , Including Durllngton , 24,100 ; Mis ourl Paclllc , 13,400 ; Reading , 47.UK ) ; Lacks * wanna , IB.WOj Union Pacific , SO.WJNortl western , 10ltOj Rock Island , 5.000 : St. Paul , 0,200. Thofollowlng wore the closing quotations : tl.H. 4t rojMlar..lisi < < Northern 1'Aclflc. . 25 U.8. < 9cotinini. , , . ] 8S dopreferred , , . . . . 10)4 ) * n V. . k v . w . . . ini'j dopreferred 137'4 PncillcfisofH . . .W ) N.Y. Central 107' . Central Pacific. . . . 31 P..I ) . All . 24 Chicago * Alton..12 Hock Island . CulcaKO.llarllngton C. , M.St , I1 . . . . . i n AQulncy ni4 | do preferred 100' < D..L. * W. . . . . . .l.Tfiii St. Paul & Omaha . ! Hi ! Illinois Central.K/.i'i ' dopreferred V 1..II.&W nlj Union 1'aciflo < XU ) Kan-inn AcToxas. . . 12' < W..St.Ij. fc.V. . . . . . . I2' ( IaVe.Shor . . . . . . . . .lUl'l' ' do preferred. . . . iH MIclilKRnCentral. , ( n ( Western Union. . . . . t < ! 4 MONBT ON CALL Easy at IJ @ 4 per cent. Last loon 1 , per cent , PniMB McnoxjjriLB 1'Arcn J ) 30 } per cent. STEIIMNO EXCIUNOE Dull but strong ; sixty-day bills , .SO' { : demand , IMtODUUlS MAUKKtS. CHICAGO , April a Wheat Weak and lower- cash , 5M ? c ; May , P5e ; July , SC.Jfe. Corn Steady ; cosh , 85cj May , 35 o ; Juy ! , 8 < y < c. Oats Easier ; cash , We ; May , 25J c ; July , SCo. SCo.Kyo May , 44c. . Uarloy Nothing doing , Prime Timothj S1.JJ3. Whisky 1.03. Pork Stondy ; May , $12.25 ; Juno , $12.80 ; July , $12.37 . Lard About steady ; cash , J3.00 ; May , iO.OTJ . Flour Nominally unchanged ; winter wheat. ? 2.25.1i.2.V ( spring wheat , Jl.-I0@il.25 ; rye , $ ! .C5@3.UO In barrels. Dry Salt Moats Shoulders. $5.uO@5.7fi ; short clear , $ O.G2K@i5.75. ; short ribs , JO. 15 $0.20. HuUcr Firm ; creamery , 18Sl23c ; dairy , Clicoso Weak ; full cream choddais and Hats , I0 ; @ 10 c ; Voting Americas , 11'f Keps Steady ; fresh , 10@10Kc. Hides Weak ; heavy green salted , l > Kc ; light green salted , fi > e ; green , -lu ; salted bull , 4&c ; green salted calf , Oif ( < ? tKc ) ; dry Hint , TJ GiSo ; green salted kip , 4 ( > 4Kc ; dry calf , Ttjrjso ; dry salted 7c. Tallow Weak ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4o ; No. a , ajfc ; cake , 4 e. New Yorlc. April 3. Wheat Receipts , 1,000 ; exports , 8,000 ; apot , strong , higher ; No. 2 , 87 > { (7&3TKo ( in store , Sflo atloat , 8S@ 88c f , o. b. ; No. 3 rod , S2u : options mod erately active , higher ; April , ST' c. Corn Receipts , 111,000 ; exports , 08,000 ; spot , moro active , higher , strong ; No. 2 , 43 @ 43Jfc in elevator. 44) ) < @H N'o afloat ; ungraded mixed , 41@I4c ; options dull , higher and strong. Oats Receipts , 45,000 ; exports , 2,000 ; market dull and b.iruly steady ; options , dull , weak and lower ; April , 30 c ; May 30 , ? < fc ; spot No. 2 white , April , 33 (3340 ( ; mixed western , 30@38c. Coffee Options opened barely steady and closed barely steady at iri ( < i20 points be low yesterday's close ; sales , 78,000 bags ; April , $1075(315.80 ( : May , ? 15.85@1C.OO ; July , flO.15@10.iiO ; spot Rio , quiet ; fair car- cocs , $18.25. Petroleum Firmer and quiet ; United closed nt 01c. Eggs Steady ; western , 10@i } o. Pork Lower ; now , 518.50@1H,75. Lard Dull and easier ; western steam , $7.30 : April , $7.25. iJuttor Firm ; western Ila20 ( } c. Cheese Dull and weak ; western , OJ Q Liverpool , April 3. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEB.J 3:30 : p. m. close. Pork- Holders offer moderately ; prime mess , east ern , 65s , steady ; do , western , 55s , steady. Lard Holders offer moderately ; spot and April , 80s 3d , dull ; May and June , 80s OJ , dull. dull.Wheat Wheat Holders offer sparingly ; new No. 2 , wiuter , 7s 2 d , easy ; do , spring , 7s Id , steady. Flour Holders offer moderately at 11s 3d , steady. Corn Holders offer sparingly ; spot , 3s 9d , firm ; April , 3s 10 J , firm ; May , 3s lO d , firm ; Juno , 10s l d. finn. St. IioulH , April 3. Wheat Lower ; cash , 03 ( < l04Kc ; May , J3@04 } e. Corn Higher ; cash , tfOXe ; May , 30fc. Oats Irregular ; cash , 23 } e ; May , 20 > fc. Pork Quiet at 813.00. Lard Easier at $0.70(20.75. ( Whisky $1.03. Milwaukee , April 3. Wheat Steady ; cash , SO c ; May , 87 > o ; July , Slitfc. , Com Firmer ; No. 3. 32i$33c. ( Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 2S@23'4c. Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 43c. Barlny Easier ; No. 2 , 55c. Provisions Steady ; pork , $12.15. Minneapolis. April 3. Sample wheat lower with no Improvement in demand ; receipts , 105 cars ; shipments , 45 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , April , S1.07K : May , $ l.OS ) < J ; on track , 31.07K : No. 1 north ern , Auril , 00 > c ; May , W % c ; on track , 07 08cNo. ; 2 , northern , April , tO ; May , yo o ; on track , 85 } @ 37c. Kaunas City , April 3. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 rod , cash , 89c ankcd ; May , SOc bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , 85o. 85o.Corn Weaker ; No. 2 cash , 20 > c asked ; May , 25o bid ; No. 2 white , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May 2Sc asked. Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ; fclVK STOCK. . Kansas City , April 8. Cattle Ho- celpts , 8,000 ; aliipmouts , 2,000 ; market stronger for medium weight steers ; cows , strong , Do liiRher ; good to choice corn-fed. S4,00@4.25 ; stockers und feeding steers. gl.CO Q3.C5 ; OOWH , ? 1.05@2.75. Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 500 ; market lower ; common to choice , fl.25@4.55. Nntionnl Stock Yard * , Cast Ht , Lotils. April 8. Cattio Heceipts. 1,700 ; shipments , none ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , fy.70@4.30 ; fair to good , ? 3.00@ 8.00Rtockors and feeders , $3.00@3.7U ; rangers corn-fed , ? U.7r3GO ; grass-fed , $1.00@a.BO. Hogs Heceipts , 8,000 ; shipments , 1,100 ; market steady ; choice heavy nnd butch- ors' selections , ? t.70$4S5 ( ; packing , $4.00@ 4.76 ; light grades , * 4.70 ® .85. Sioux City , April 3. Cattle Receipts , 620 ; Bhioments , 202 ; niAruot steady ; fat steers , * 2.8 : > @ 3.83 ; cows , ? 2.2T3.75 ; stockers , $3.85@2. < i5 ; feeders , ? @ 2.00 ; canners and bulls , $1.00@1.50 ; veal calves , ? 2.00@4.00. Hogs Receipts , 1,201 ; market sto.idv. So lower ; light and mixed , ? .52H@l.GO ; heavy , W.55@I.C2)if. ) OMhllA L,1VK STOOii , Cattlo. Wodnesdny , April 8 , 185'J. These who were looking for n lower mar ket on account of the heavy receipts yester day and to-dny wore ngreoabl.v disappointed. The buyers did tulle a little lower prices ut the opening , but about nil It amounted to was talk. The handy light and medium cattle wcro In good demand and sold BO nciirly at yesterday's prices as to lenvo no room for distinction. Heavy cattle were weak , as they have been hliico the receipts bccnmo heavier. The dressed bcof nnd shipping steers sold at n range of & 3.1C ( < 2n.75 with n largo proportion at W. IBiWa.CO. The butch ers' stock , which was In light supply , bold fully steady , but there were no choice heavy corn-fod cows , such as have been selling at $ : i.OO. Feeders wcro also in light supply and the trading necessarily limited. While thnru Wiu not quite fto much life to the trjulo as yesterday thu market was fairly active and the pens wore practically cleared before the close. The hog market was do higher , but the heaviest paouers were on the bear side and they contested every Inch of ground lu an endeavor to keen pncei dawn , malting the market slow and dragging , The pent ) , now- over , were cleared before midday. Only ono lost' was offered on the market and it sold readily at Jlrm prlctM. llucelptd. 1.6JC Hog U.ICK Bheoji , , , , , 01 ProvcllliiK I'rlccs , The loiluwlnx Is a table of prices p-.ld la this market for the frr-vlcs of stock men tioned : 1'rlino stcora , l 0d to 1500 Ibj..t3.50 CTI.OO Prime stccra , 1100 to 1'JOO Ibs. . 3.1W C 3.0S Nutlvofocdera. . . , , 'J.7ia,10 Ooinmoii to ( 'ood cows , , l.M ) W'J.CJ CUcIco to fancy cow , ii.05 Ci3.10 Fair to choice billls 1,75 ® 2 75 Fair to choice light hOR 4.53 M4.00 Fair to choice heavy hogs 4.55 OJJI.fX ) Fair to choice mixed ho s . . . . 4.55 MI.O ) Fair to choice western sheep , . 8.80 ( gl.JW Fair to choice Ncbraskas 3.0J ( 4.10 Itcprcscntntlvo Snlnj. 8TCKIIS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 700 $2.85 18 1120 $3.40 5 WO 3.00 1 1250 8.40 2 975 3.00 8. 1175 8.40 22 1118 8.12K 15 1141 3.40 33 070 8.15 20 1030 3.40 21 103,1 3.15 01 1225 3.40 20 Oil 8.20 11 1271 3.40 10 1013 3.23 31 1803 3.40 0 808 8.23 10 1303 3.40 13 1078 8.23 84. ( 1203 8.42J * 4 1802 8.3J 20 1S20 3.48Jjf 13 1070 8.80 17 1211 3.45 10. . 113(1 ( y.30 10 1237 3.45 20 1182 3.80 80 1210 8.45 20 IOCS 3.30 14 1203 8.45 85 1310 8.30 Or 1287 8.47 , ' { 21 1003 3. ! K 58 1202 3.50 21 1034 JI.32J < 37 1824 8.50 20 1070 3.32 ! < 37 1225 8.50 1 1800 8.82'i ' 18 1803 8.50 1 1000 8.83 10 18t2 8.60 13 1182 8.'S 20 < 1445 3.55 10 1134 3.35 20 1283 8.65 21 1130 .B.83 . 8 1200 8.55 18 1100 3.35 14 1295 3.00 10 1210 8.85 10 1347 8.05 13 11033.85 15 18SU 3.70 21 1213 8.40 22 1475 3.75 cows. 1 1200 1.75 2 13SO 2.80 1 1070 1.75 4 1210 2.40 1 BOO 200 20 1170 2.40 1 1040 2.00 25 1042 2.40 10 10V.I 2.17'4 1 1210 2.40 3 1830 2.25 4 1150 2.45 1 1250 223 8 1117 2.60 11 1010 2.3' % 10 Ufa 2.50 8 1118 2.85 17 1034 2.60 1 1810 2.85 ! 1 087 2.50 0 1135 2.83 2 1223 2.50 Jl 1171 2.35 1 1130 2.00 ,1047 2.35 8 UC3 2.65 1 1230 2.85 8 1033 2.03 2..i..1270 2.40 1 1510 2.70 3 1003 2.75 1 1100 2.75 3 840 2.75 2.75HULLS. HULLS. 1 1450 2.00 1 1750 2.55 2 1B30 2.80 0 1705 253 5 12.0 ! 2.40 1 2060 2.53 1 1720 2.45 1 1030 2.75 . . . . . . . . 2.60 2.60CALvns. CALvns. 11 444 2.23 4 115 4.00 1 00 2.50 2 : 120 4.50 1 210 3.00 3.00MIXED. MIXED. 14 1200 2.40 18 1104 3.30 5 1032 2.40 STAGS. 1 1200 350 18 1352 3.00 1 1230 2.75 1 1010 3.00 FEEnnns. 23 013 3.00 23 807 3.00 OX EX. .1077 3.00 2 18SO 3.00 noas. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. 04.,803 200 4.55 80..221 80 50..218 280 72..233 i7..300 120 59 . . .200 120 OS..222 50..272 SI..247 02..310 02..280 CO . . .274 02..255 05..235 73..2uO 03..234 CO..ISO 44..210 07..240 ' 0..230 M . . .223 20..300 134..243 75..220 03..252 20..805 03..207 SO 77..243 120 SIIEEl' NATIVES. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 50 115 4.80 41 118 Iilvo Stock Notes. Hogs advance 5c. No decided change in cattlo. Sheep in demand at firm prices. About everything in the yards sold. The prices paid for hogs on Wednesday of last week ranged from $ I.47J < @ 4.GO , with nearly everything at $4.50@4.55. The live stock commission Ilrm of Boll , Collins & McCoy will hereafter bo Known as Bell & Co. The members of the firm are the same with the addition of T. C. Shelly , the well known ex-mayor of Falls City , Nob. OM'VHA WHOLiESAhE MARKETS. Produce , Fruits , Etc. BUTTEU Creamery Fancy print , 24@2Co ; choice print , 21@23c ; fancy solid packed , 20 ( Ji22o ; choco solid packed , 10@20c ; Dairy F'ancy roll , 1719c ( ; ; choice , 15@10c ; good , 13 @ 14o ; low grades , 10@llc. CHEESE Full cream Cheddars , choice , 11 } @ 12) c ; full cream Hats , two in hoop , 11 } ? @ 18c ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12X@18c ; oft grades and skims , 5@9c ; limburger , 10@12c ; brick , llj @ 12c ; Swiss , 14@15c. Euos Strictly fresh , 8 ( < jOc. LIVE POUI.TIIV Chickens , per doz , St.OO ® 4.50 ; ducks , $3.75@4.00 ; geese , SS.50@9.00 ; turkeys , per Ib , 10 ( < gl2c. DIIESSED Poui/niv Chickens , per Ib , 12@ 13c ; turkeys , 14@15o ; geese , ll@12o ; ducks , VEAL Heavy grassers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 5@ Co ; Inferior calves , 50 to CO lbs,3@5o : me dium to good , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4@0c ; choice to fancy , 100 to 180 Ibs , 0@7c. „ VEOETAIILES Potatoes , Colorado nnd Utah , OOfiOoo ; Wyoming , 50@55c ; Nebraska and lown , choice large , 2025o ; common. 18 ( aiflc ; sweet potatoes , Jersey , per bbl , $2.75 Ca)3.00j ) beets , per doz , 50@70c ; carrots , 85 ( < $ 40c ; cabbage , California , per Ib , 2c ; parsnips , per bu , 60@ < iOc ; onions , red choice , 50@55c ; silver skin , G0@75c ; turnips , 20@23o ; ruta bagas , 8540o ; radishes , 20@25o ; lettuce , 25 @ : iOc : cucumbers , ? 1.50@2.00 ; string beans , per box , ? 1.75@2.25 : celery , 50@00c ; spinach , $1.00 per bbl ; pie plant , per do < 5,50o ; parsley , per doz , 25c ; soup bunches , 85c ; cauliflower , $1.51.75 ( ) ; asparagus , $1.00 ; boots , now , OOc. OOc.GAME Mallard , per doz , ? 3.00@3.50 ; red head , pur doz , 2.50 ( 8.00 ; teal , nor doz , $1.75 @ 2.00 ; common small , per doz , $1.00 ( 1.50 ; rabbits , per doz , 00e@$1.00 ; jack rablllts , per doz , $3.0U@3.BO ; squirrels , per doz , 00c@1.00 ; Jack snipe , $1.0U@1.25. Ari'LGS Per bol , fancy Now York and Michigan. 2.75 ; choice , $3.25 ; choice Missouri - , souri , $2.25 ; good , $1.75@2.00. FOHEION FituiTS Malaga grapes , krgs , 40 to 55 Ibs , lOo per Ib ; bananas , per bunch , $ l.f > 0@3.00 ; lemons , fancy now , 300 to 360 s , J3.00M3.75 ; oranges , Los Angeles , $ J.50j Riversides , $3.50 ; Navels , $5.00 ; Rauchito , $2.50 2.75. CiiANiiEimiES Bell & Bugle , choice , $0.00 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , $5.50 ; choice Jersey , $7.25. HIKES Green salted , No. 1 , 53 > o ; No. 2 , 28fc } ; calf , 5@5 o ; dry flint , 7 ( < ? 8i ; . UEVNS Nuvios , hand picked , per bu $2.10@2.20 ; good clean country , 1.0'i@3.00 ; off or poor stock i $1.00@1.50 ; California , $2.00 O3.10. CIDEII Michigan , perbbl , $4.50@5.00 ; New York , per bbi , $5.00(25.50 ( ; half bbl , $2.75@ 8.0Q , FKITIIKIIS Per Ib , prlmo live goose , whlto , 3501 Do ; mixed with gray , 25 30o ; damp and musty. 10@20c ; prime live domcstlo duck , 20 @ 25c ; wild duck , 15@20c. SAtiErtKJUtiT Per bbl , 30 gal , choice , $3.00 ; per half bbl , $3.00. PorcoiiN Per Ib , rico , IfrfllKoi common , c. HONBV Hb frames , clioico\vhlto , 15@10c ; dark , 13 < 31lo ; strained , 10@l2o. JBI.MES 3f@4o } per Ib ; preserves , 10@12o per Ib. LAUD 7Jtfo in 50-lb pkgs. Mi.NCKMKAT 0 > iS7o per Ib. Groceries. Revised prices are as follows ; BAGOINO Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos- koag , seamless , 17 > io ; Lewiston A. seamless , I'.H : ; American , seamless , 17o ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu , H@l4c ; guuulcs , slnglo , Ho ; gunnies , double , 2Uo ; wool sacks , 40o. TwiMM Flax , 20o ; cotton , 16(3220. ( DHIEU FJIUITS Figs , In boxes , per Ib. 0@ lOc ; dates , in boxes , 7@10o ; London Dohesa raisins , per box , $5.00 ; Malaga loose raisins , $ J.30@3.50 : now Valencia raisins , per Ib , 7o ; California loose muscatels , per box , $1.8U@ 2.HO ; California Londons , 1S33 , $2.30 ; pitted cherries , 17c ; California pitted plums , \wr \ Ib , PCJllc ; dried blackberries , per Ib , 0@ro ; dried raapbcrrica , per Ib , 20c ; evaporatcil apples , V@r > tC { California unparod evapor pcacho * , 12@14e ; evaporated California apricots , 14Hil7c ( ; ctirrunfv Bo ; Turkish prilnos , 4 (34 ( 0 ; citron , 22(32le ( ; orange pool , 15c ; lemon peel , Hc < California French prunci , 7 ( < Ulc. ' > PICKLES Medium. In bbls , $5.00 ; do , 111 half bbls , $3.00 ; small , in > bbl ! > , $0.00 ; do , In half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins * In bbls , $7,00 ; do , in half bills , $1.00. ROASTED Corrr.EB German , 24'tfc ' ; Me- Laughlln's XXXX , 2lko ! Arioso , 2 Kc. CorrEns Green Mocha ; 23rjj30o ; Rio , good , 20c ; MandahllntfJ0@28c ; roasting Rio , lOo ; O. Q , Java , 2l ( < i.20oi .lavn , Inferior , 22@23c ; Rio. fancy , ! ! l$3ic ( ; Santos and Maracaibo , ITQIOc. SUOAU Granulated , S c : conf. A , 805 white extra C , 7J < c ; extra C , 7Jfc ; yellow C , 0)c ; cut loaf , 8i'C tf > c } powtiorcd , b c ; cubes. 8J c. BEESWAX Choice yellow , ; dark colored 18@l4e. Toiucco Plug , 20@35c ; smoking , 10 ® lOc. lOc.SILT $1.35 ® 1.40 per bul. Rorr. 7-10 , 14c. MAPLE SUOAII Brloks , ll@12o , per Ib ; penny cakes , 12@13o per Ib ; pure inaplo syruu , $1.00 ocr gal. Sun ui SYIIUM 34(533o ( nor gal. WIIAITINO PAPAII Manilla , OJ e nor Ib ; straw , lJ ' < 31Kc per Ib ; rag , 2Xo per Ib. TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18(1 ( ? ! 25o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy. 80yl35c ; junpowdcr , common to good , 22@25c ; Gun powder , choice to fancy , 40@05c ; uon to medium , 12 'JOo ; Japan , choice to fancy , 80@45o : Oolong , common to good , 25i ( ? 40c ; Oolonc , choice to fancy , 50@70c ; Imperial - rial , common to medium , 25 ( < J83o ; Itnporlal , good to fancy , 40@50c. Cit\CKEIIS 0@7o per Ib ; assorted cakes , 8 @l5c p r Ib. as per list. CANDY Mixed , OK@12 > n'o ; stick , OX@llc ; rock candy , 10Ji@18o ; fancy candy , 7 ( < 5'J3c. HOLLAND Hr.nuixos 50)0c ! ) M \CKEIIBL Family , half bbls , $12.60 ; No. 1 , $18.50. CODFISH I BTAIICII l@7k NUTS Almonds , 10@18o ; Pecans , 13c : Bra zils , Oo ; peanuts , 0@lOc. Si'icm Whole Allspice , 12o ; Cassia , lOc ; loves , 25c ; Nutmegs , 70o ; Pepper , 20c. BAGS Union sauaro , 35 per cent dlsct. Dry Gootl.q. COTTON Fr.ANNr.i.s 10 per cent trade dis count. Unbleached LL. , SJtfu ; CO , OVo ; SS , 7o ; BE , 8 c ; GG , O 'o ; XX , 10J& ; OO , like ; NN , 12 0 ; AA , He ; DD , 15 > < c : TT , lOJ c : YY , ISc ; BB , lOo ; bleached , 20 , 8 > c ; 70 , 12' c ; SO , 13J c. Brown and shite , 50 , Uc ; CO. 12)ic ) ; 00. lOc. CAHI-ET WAIIIBibb , wblte , lOc ; colored , BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gom. lOc ; Beauty , KC ; Boone , 14e : B , cased , $0,60. PniNTB Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slate , Co ; Berlin oil , OJ < o ; Garner oil. 0@7c. PitiXTS Pink and Robes Allen. Oo ; River iwint , 5 > < o ; Stool River , 6c ; Richmond , IJ c ; Pacillc , 7c. PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5o ; Rain- ano , 4c ; Lodi , 5 > c ; Allen , Oo ; Richmond , Oc ; Windsor , 0) 0 ; Eddystone , O c ; Pacific PUINTS IKDIOO BLUB St. Leger , 5J c ; Arnold , OJ o ; American. CXo ; Arnold C , long cloth , 9o ; Arnold B , long cloth , 10 } o ; Arnold , Gold Seal , 10c ; Stoifol A , Wo ; Windsor , Gold Ticket , 10 > c. GINGHAM Plunket checks , 7 > Jo ; Whit- tontou , 7c ; York , 7j c ; Normandl dress , 8c ; Renfrew dress , 8J (3)l2 ( ) > e ; Whlttenton , 8c ; Calcutta , 7o. CAMHIIICS Slater , 5ci Woods , 5o ; Stand ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. , BLEECIIED SIIEETIXO Ellcrton , Housekeeper , 8 0 ; Now Candidate , Berkeley cambric , No. CO , OJ c ; Best Yet , 8-4 , 0c ; Buttcrcloth , OO,4Mo ; Cabot , lc ; Furwoll , half bloached,8J o ; Fruit of Loom , SJfcl Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 > c ; King Philip , cambric , lOo ; Lonsdalo cambric , lO c ; Lons- dalc , S c ; Now York Mills , lOo ; Pepper ell , 42 in , lOKc ; Pcpporoll , 40 in , HJ c ; Pep- perell , 0-4.15 > c ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pcppor- ercll , 0-4 , 23o ; Pcpperoll. 10-4 , 25o ; Canton , 4-4 , Sc ; Canton , 4-4.OJ c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wnmsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. Buows SHEETING Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 e ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4,4 , OKc ; At lantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oos Au rora , C. 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , " ' Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , Lawrence LL , 4-4 , flc ; QJd Dominion , 4-4 , 5c ; Popporell. B. 40 inch , 7' c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 18c ; Poiiperell , 9-4 , 21o ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 23o ; Utica C , 4-4 , lc ; Wachusott. 4 4 , 7tfc ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B. 4-4 , 0 > o. FLANNELS , PJ.AID Raftsmen , 20c ; Goshen , 82Kc ; Clear Lake , 30Xc ; Iron Mountain , FH.NNELS , Wiiixn O H No. 2 , % , 22Kc ; G H No. 1 , % , 203 < c ; B H No. 2 , 22c ; 11 H No. 1 , % 30c : Quechee , No. 1 , J , 42c ; Quo- cheo , fto. 2 , % , 37 } < Jo ; Quechee , No. 8 , } f , 82 > a'c ; Anawon , 82wc % . Windsor , 22 > c. FUNNELS , RED C , 24-inch , 15Kc : E , 24- Inch , 21 } < c ; G G , 24-inch , 20c ; H A F , J , 25o ; J R K % , 37c ; G , % , 25c. COIISKTS JEANS Androscoggin , yic' Kearsargo , 7c ; Rockport , 0c ; Couestoga , riCKS-York , 30-in , 12 c : York , 32-in , 13 > c ; Swift River , 8cThorndike , OO , 8Mc : Thorndike , EE , 8 > < o ; Thorndiko , 120 , ' Thorndike , XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , Cordis , No. 4 , Di 7oz , 8Ko ; JdlTrby.XX , ilKc ; iTafl . . Heaver Creek , AA , 12o ; Heaver Crock , t u , lie. Beaver Creek , CO. lOc. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Dakota , ISo ; Durham , 27Hc ; Hercules. ISc : Leam ington , 22 } c ; Cottswold , 27 c ; Melville , 25c. 25c.CitAsn Stevens' B. 5 } c ; Stovena' B , bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , li o ; Stevens' A , bleached , 8J4c ; Slovens' P , 7e ; Stevens' P , bleached , 8 'c ; Stevens' N , Oc ; Stevens' N , bleached , 0 > e ; Stevens' SRT , Lumber. Dimensions nnd Timber 12 ft 14 ft Itt ft 18 ft 20 ft 22@24 ft 2x4 . ? 15.00 15,00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x0 . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x8 . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 , 20.00 2x10 . . . . 15.00 15.00 15.CO 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x12 . 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 4x8 8x8 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 20.00 Fencing- No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough . * 10.00@10.50 No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch 10 feet . 17.00 ( < $17.50 No. 2 , 4 und 0 inch , 12 and 14 feet . . . . . . . * . . 18.50M14.00 No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 1(3 ( feet . 15.00@1S.OO Finishing- Island 2d clear.lKlnch s,2s. . 49.00@51.00 1st und 2d clear , Hand 2 inch , s.2s . . . 47.00@50.00 3d , clear , U41 inch s , 2 s . 43.00@40.00 3d , clear. IK and 2 inch s , 2s. . 43.00@40.00 B select , I'/ ! } < : and 2 inch , B,2a. . . . . ' . . 37.00@38.00 1st and 2d , clear , 1 inch s , 2a. . 45 00 A select , 1 inch , s , 2s . 38.00 B select , 1 inch , B , 2s . 81.00 Flooring IstcomOinch whitoplne . 34.00 2d " ' ' . 81.CO 3d " " " . 20.00 D " " " - . 20,00 Com 4 and 0 In yollo\v nine , . . . 15.CO Star" " " ' " " . . . . 18.00 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 andOInch . . . . . 2.000 Poplar Lumber w ' Clear popular , box boards , % in B2s . t..i . 85.00 Clear poplar , ; ( injpanel . 80.00 Clear poplar , % In p.ijupl . 25.00 Clear poplar , U In slwk wide , s2 s . . . . . , .M . 28.00 Clear poplar commuted ceiling , K in. . . . ji. . . . 30,00 Posts Jl White cedar , 0 Inch lialvcs . 12 " " W " jii ( ' nnd 8 Inch < jrs . J ( , , . U White cudur , 4 inch.hulvcs . ( id Tennessee red codur.jjpllt . 10 Splitoak ( whlto ) . . ; . , , . 8 Sawed oak ( white ) . . , . 10 r Shingles , per M XXclear . 3.20 Extra * A . , . 2.M ) Standard A . 2.60 5 Inch , door . 1.00@1,70 OInch , clear . I.75Ml.bO No. 1 . 1.10&U5 California red wood , dimension widths . 4.50 Cypress , clear heart , dimension widths . 3.40 Lath , perM . 2.60 Ship Lap- No. 1 , plain , 8 and 18 Inch . 17.50 No. 2 , plain , 8 and 10 inch . 15.60 No. 1,0. , Q . 18.00 Siding 1st com , 13 anO 10 feet . 22.00 2d " " . 10.00 8d " ' . 15.00 Fence " . " , . 13,00 Stock Boards A 12-Inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 at 40.00 U 11 ii 'u .1 4100 C ii ii 8e.oo D ' 23.W No. 1 com , 12 In. s. ! . 12 feet , IS 00 No. 1 " ' 14 and 10 feet . 1T.50@18.50 No. 1 com. 12 lu. s. 1 s. 10 , 18 uml20fect . . . . . lO.f.O . No. 2 com. 12 In. * . \ s. 14 nnd 10 feet . . . 17.00 Colling ana Partitions 1st com. f In. white pine par tition . 32.00 2d com. "X in , white pine parti tion . , . 37.00 Clear < J In. yellow pine celling 20.00 Clear % In. Norway. . . 14.50 D 2d com. % in. Norway . 13,00 Boards- No. 1 com. . 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 1C. ft 10.50 No. 2 " ' ' " 14.50 No. 3 " " " " 12.00 No. 4 " " " " ( shlp'gcull . 13.00 Battens , well tubing , pickets O. G. Baits , 2 > 4 Inch . CO O. G. Baits , > $ x8 , sis . 35 3 In. well tubing , D. & M. and bov . 2000 Pickets , D. .til. Hut . 10.00 Pickets , D. it A. square . 2200 Lime , etc Qulncy white lime , best . .PO Kngllsh nnd Gorman Portland cement . 3.40 Milwaukee and Louisville . 1,30 Michigan and Fort Dodge , ph\s- tor . 2.25 Bine Rapids piaster. . 1,115 Hair . 20 Sash , GO nnd 10 per cent dis count ; door * , bllndi , moldIngs - * Ings , 50 nnd 10 per cent dis count. Tarred felt , per ewt . 2.00 Straw boards . 1.05 Metal nnd Tinners' Stock. flloak tin , small pig. , , . .28 illock tin , bar. . . . . v .29 Jopper , pliiulihcd boiler sizes . .33 Joppcr , cold rolled . . ,80 -oppor , sheathing . .2 ! ) Copper , pitta . ,2t ! Copper , Hats . .30 Gal sheet iron , Juniala , 50 , 10 , and 5 per cent discount . Pat , planished iron , 24 to 27 A . 10 } Put. planished Iron , 21 to 27 B . ti } Rooting , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets . O.OU Roollng , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50 Roofing , 1C , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 11.00 Roofing , IX , 20x2S , 112 sheets . 14.50 Sheet iron No. 2(1 ( . 3.40 SheotlronNo. 27 . 8.50 Solder . ll@10 Tin plate , best charcoal 1C. 10x14 , 225 sheets . 0.50 IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets . 8.25 Tin pluto , coke 1C. 10x14 , 225 sheets . 0.25 Steel nails , per keg . 2.25 Steel wire nails , per keg . 2.75 Drugs and Chcmlcnlo. Acins Sulphuric , lc ; citric , 58c ; oxalic , 15o ; tartarlc , 4Cc ; Am. carb , 14e ; alum , 2J < ® 3c ; arrowroot , 80c : balsam copaiba , ti , " > ( a > 75c ; borax , 10@13c ; calomel , 80o ; castor oil , fl.l ) . i@1.10 ; cream tartar , 32u ; corrosive sub , SOc ; chloroform , 45@50c ; cxt logwood , 12c ; glycerine , 24c ; gum arable , OOc ; gum cam phor , 85c ; gum opium , $3.15 ; morphia sulph , OILS Bergamot , $2. 80@3.00 ; lemon , $2.00 ; peppermint , $3.00@3.50 ; wintcrgreon , $2.40 ; olive , $1.00 ; quinine , SofiNSc ; strychnia , $1,05 O1.10. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , 3O5 South l.ltli Street , - Ouuiliu Health is Wealth DII. K , C. WEST'S Ncnvu AND IlnAiN TIIHAT- MKNT , a guaranteed specific for Hysteria , Dizzi ness. Convulsions , Fita , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the useot alcohol or tobacco. Wakcfuluoss , Mental Depression , Softening ot the Drain resulting in Insanity and loading to misery , necay und death. Premature Old Age , Ilarrenuess , Loss of I'ower m either sex , Imoiuntary losses and Spermalorrha'n caused by over-oxertioii of tno Dram. salfaDuso or over indulgence. Iliich box contains one month's trentmcnt , tu \ box , or six boxes for " > , sent by mull prepaid on re ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each orner received by us for six boxes , accompanied with $ * > , wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money It the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by ( ioodman Drug Co. , DiugglBts , Sole Agents , 1110 1'arnam Street Omaha eb. 'HESS ' CURED , * _ _ _ „ L And NOISES IN KAI ) & entirely overcome br Impn'd TUBULAR EAR CUSHIQHSl/ / Whliper * . Conrcriitlonnndwuilchcfcrd. Com H fortftbllHplf'AdJii tInr n < irDiefB. hufrpfctrulif wherebll other rcmfillri i BOLP tv * * tfa ( o ! mi m t H I F.mSCOX , Hntllrnn < 3w j. rar.Ulh.K wYMrk. C At Loc \VIUTC for ILJ5ST U BOOK of PUUOf d , k Jt .KO AOtWT * OVK POOR , NAVY. Another United States War Ship Meets AVith JInrU Liiick. PcNiiACoi.A , Fltt. , April 8. [ Special Tele- grain to TUB BBC. ] The Untish steamship Falshaw.Captuln Bennett , from Capo Verde , nrrlved'hero last evening bringing Intelli gence that the United States man-of war , Brooklyn , had been found In mldoccan in dis tress nnd without provisions. Captain Ben nett said that at noon of Tuesday , March 20 , ho sighted a vessel about seven miles oft his port bow flying Dags of distress and cignal- ing the English vessel to come closer. Ar riving with in speaking distance Captain Ben nett found the distressed stranger to bo the Brooklyn. A boat put off from the latter containing Lieutenant Heald , SurgeOn Boardsloy und the ship steward. Lieutenant Ilcald explained that the Brooklyn had broken her main shaft und had damaged her other machinery. In addition to this they were out of provisions and asked the Englishman's assistance , which Captain Dennett frcnly gave , replenishing the Brooklyn's' larder most liberally. The Brooklyn was proceed ing under sail from Honolulu to New York and had been at that tlmo 137 days 'out. Lieutenant Ilcald declined all offers of fur ther assistance and the vessels parted , The Brooklyn has arrived at tit. Thomas. A grand llouriali of trumpets often horulds the advent of nn artldo which fnila , wlion triad , to justify the nolso iniulo in its bo half. The unassuming1' merits of Vnn Duster's Iliivorlnc1 ox- trncts dorlvod from choice fruit , of standard purity , und clouted over a quarter of a century afjo to the chief place among Ihivors , tire too wall known to need more than a general reminder. Cheap coniDOtHcm of valutas articles heighten the popularity of these. AH grocers. _ _ Tlio Ilctl Crows Wrcokotl , WASHINGTON , April 3. The United States consul at Auckland has informed the state department of the wreck of the American ship Red Cross , of Richmond , Mo. , on Tonga Islands. Nineteen ot her men are destitute at Auckland , 'An Ohio Bunt : Burglary. PLYMOUTH , O. , April 8. Burglars blow open the safe of the First nationol bank this morning , but only got $1,000. Mary Anilei-ion Kiiiln For Liverpool. NKW YOIIK , April S. Miss Mary Ando son , Joseph Anderson and his wifa an.4fh lattcr'a sisters sailed for Liverpool to-day. ARrlcuUurnl Implomonts. L I'AUKKll , Dealer i i Agricnllnial Implements , Wagons Carrlagei nnd | .noclp < . Jonco UrcM. between Oth and lUlli.Omntia. Nfbtmttt. LIXINORR , t mjl-OALf CO. , Agricnlt1 Impleraenls , Wagons , Carriages lliicgkiiclc. Wlioloalc. Omaha , Nchra'lin. I'AHLIX , OHESIJOHFA MART1X CO. \Vhole le Denier * In A ricnltnralInmleinenlsWagoiis& , Buggies (01. OTn and 1117 Jonmtreet , Omaha , _ 310L1KK , MILUURXA 1STODDARD CO. , Hnniifactnrcr and Jobbcro In Wagons , Bnggies , Ra'es ( , Flow Etc , Cor.Wli and I'nclllc ttrcets , Uniaha. _ Artists' Njotorlf ls. _ 1. IIOSI'E , Jr. , Artists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs , U1.1 Douglas street Omaua , Nebraska. Boots nnd Shoos. ir. v. MOUSE A co. , Jote of Boots anil Shoos , 1101 , HOT , llitt ] > < uiRln < Uteri , nmnlia. Mnmifuctory , hummer Uroct , lloilon. _ Conl , Coke n n d Llmo. _ OMA HA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soil Coal , 2U ) South 13th Mrcot , Omnha , Not.r.-nka. ffiUHASKA WET. CO. , SiripicsoFCoala ilCok III South 13tU St.Omnhn , Neb. PERKIXS , OAlVlA LAUMAtf , Importers and Jabbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Etc. 1511 Fnrnnni street , new 1'niton btilldlnir. RWDKLL A IUDDELL , Storage snfl Coinniission Merchants , Specialties Duller , OCKK , choc o , poultry , game. luwtml utroct. Dinaha. Neb. _ Dry CoodB and Notions. _ M. E. SMITH A CO. , Dry Goods , -Fnrnisning Goods and Notions 1103 and 1101 Douglai. cor. Hth street , Omahn , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOUir DRY GOODS CO. , Importers anUoliliers In Dry GoodsNotions , Renti' lurnlahlnit goodn. Corner Hth and llarn r Btrvcts , Omalm , Nclirasko. JIBL/iV , THOMPSON A CO. , Imiiortor nnrt Jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 217 South 15th street. Furniture. l" A STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Karnnm street , Omahn , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Fnrnitnre , Cmnha Nebraska. Crocorlos. PAXTOIf , GALLAGHER A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705,707,709 and 711 South 10th St. , Omabn , Nob. McCORD , BRADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th ana iicaycunorth streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware W. J. UROATCH. Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , wagon stock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1203 and 1211 Ilnrnojr street , Omnha. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wnolesaie Hardware , Cutlery , Tin PJate , Metals , sheet Iron. etc. Agents for IIowo scales. Miami ponder and Ionian barbed wire , UIMEUAVQII A TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tooU nnd IluITalo scnlea. 1(05 Dougiai Eticet , Omaha , Neb. JLurr Bgr. JOI1NA. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Liimher , Etc , Imported nnd American I'nrtland c ment. Statl agtnt Icr Jlllwnuki.'u liTdraulluoeuicntand ( julncr whuollmc. R. LEK , Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier , Wood carpets nnd parquet flooring. Dth and Uouclas ttreots , Orunlni , Nob. ' OMAHA LUMUKR CO. , AllKinds of Building Material at Wholesale , 18th Street and Union I'aclllcTrack.Om.ilia , LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sasn , Doors , Kto , Yards Corner 7th nnd Douglas. Corner 10th and Douglas ; FRED W. OR A Y. Lnmcer , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Ctb and Douglas Sts. , Omaha. C. N. D1ETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmher. I3lh and California Streets , Oiuabn , Nebraska. rVlllllnory and NoTTonsT I. OHERFELDER A CO. , Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions aw , 210 and 213 couth lltli street Notions. J. T. ROlilKSON KOT JON CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 4UI and < 05 Boclli 10th street , ( liunlia. . . . - . " . . . . - , CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE"CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo ereast ) , etc. . Omaha. A. H. Illshop , Manager. CA RrENTER PA PER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Cnrrr n nice stock of printing , wrapping and writing paper , bimolul attenllaii Klvtn to car luaj orders , 8torago , oryvn rd ' I n B& > CommjBB _ jp n. ARMSTROtfa' PKTTJfi A CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission Uranc houie of the HcnaDjr lluggr Co. llugglei at wholesale and retail. Um. U1J , I.U2 UarJttrujt , Onittba. Telephone No. I'M. Toys. " ' " IL HARDY "A'CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Alhnms , Fancy Goods , HOU.C PALMER , RWllMAN A CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , OfOmana , Limited , Uohu V. Uojd , SupsrlntenJenU Ooota nnd Shooa. K1RKSNDALL , JONES A CO. , Burfcxom to llcoJ , Jones A Co. Wholesale Hannfoctnrer * of Boots & Sneer Agents for lloiton Iliibbcr Bhoe Co , 1101101 and 110 | Ilarnor Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Droworo. STORZ A 1LER , Leger Beer Brewers , 1BI North Klghleealh itfftt. Omaha. N K Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galyanizcd Iron Corntco Window-caps and rnotnllotkyl'slits. John Kpenelert proprietor , 1W and liu touth 10th street. Offloo Fixtures. S1MMONDS CO. Mnniifncturcrfl of M , dee and Saloon Fixtures , Unties , nelioants. | Hook Ca e , Dnm Mituren. Wall Ca os , Partltluns. Italllngs.Uountern , lleerand Wln4 Coolers. Mirror * . r.sKart \ < irj nnd omrc , 1730 and ltd Houth IJth Ht. , Uniaha. Tnlcphona 1124. POXOB. ' _ _ L. wi Litre , ' ' > Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Fictorr , Not. 1117 i1J 1319 DoiiulM etrccl , Omahm , Nrta. Rubber Goods. OMAHA IWnilER CO. , KaniifacliTO anfl Dealers in Rubber Goofli OH clothliiR nnit leather lu'ltlnit. 1U < 3 Knrr m itr * t Spsh , Doora , Etq. " it If. l. /SHKoTK "ArCO. , Wholttalc manufacturer * of Doors , Blinils and Moulding ! , Ilrnnch oclco , 12tU nnil Itnnt slrcnt Omaha , N b , D011N MAXUVACTUIUXQ CO. , Maiinf.cliirers of Sash , Doors , Blinte , loiirtlne ! , ? tnlr-wnr't nnil Interior linnl wood flnlak * N.U. corner Elli ami IonviMirtli trt t , _ Oiiiiilia , Ncli. , _ Stpom i FlttlnB8 Pumpa , . _ _ . IITSAXG& C ! Sl ! < } 1S1 M HEATO Pnmps , Pipes and Engines , Bttam , water , rnllirar nnJ inlnlnq suppllea , eUk _ S > ; 0 , H3 ana il'4 I'nrnnm street , Omaha. ' U. S. WIND EXaiNE A 1'UMP CO. , Steam and fate : Supplies , 3I : iiJ T nlntl inlll . 913 nnd U. F. HOBS , actlnit UROWXELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Bliccl-lron work , Monm pumps , snir mllli. 111S-121S l.cavcnBurtlnlrci't , Omaha. Iron .Works. STEAM Carter & Son , Prop's. Mnnufncturom of all klndi Steam Boilers , Tanks anfl Sliest Iron tori Works South 20th and II. A M. crossing. ' PAXTON A VIERLING IRON WORKS , Wrought anil Cast Iron Bni ding fort Enylnc'.i , hmei work , general fomulry , machine and blacksmith work. Olllco and works , U. 1 * . lljr. nnd 17tli street , Uinalia. OMAITA WIRE A IROft WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings . * j& * Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , win llsnf. etc. 1-1 North lull street. Onmba. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Ma'if'rsofFireauOurglirProifM- ' ' V ® Vault ? . Jull woik. Iron ghuttcrs and lira oicmpci. O. Aiiilrocn , iirun'r. Cur. Htli uiitl Jnckton BU. -THE- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee &t , PaulR'y , The Route from Oninlia and Council ItliifTs to - THE EAST = TWO TUA1N3 DAILY 11ETWK1JN OMAUA A qOUNCII , I1I.UKKS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapldfj Rock Isluui ] , rrccporl , Rockford , Clinton , Dubiique , Dnvonport , Mnillson , JanesAllle , ' Rclolt Ulnonn LaCrosse ' , , , * fl And all other Important points ICmt , NortUeatt an < < * bontlieait. b'or fir.insli llckols. call on the ticket ncent at IBM Karna'ii struct , In Darker Uloci , or at Union I'actfll 1'tillnian Sleepers and the flno t Dlnlntf Carl In iht world are run on the m iln line of the Chicago , Ulft wutikee & Kt. 1'Hiil Hull way. and ovcrjr atlontlon II pnlu to imsaciiKcrs bj courteous ouiployei ol till coiupnnr. It. .Mlt.l.Kll.Uonrral Mnnnxor. J. F. TUCKKll , Aiil tant Uunornl Manitcor. A. V. It. CAUl'KNTlill , ( Jeneral 1'usjcncor and Ticket Aiient. UKO. K. 111AKI'OIll ) , Assistant Genorairasienfet and Ticket Apont , T.J.CIjAUK , General Superintendent. 1-KE AND RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs * M vl iiicago , < ' 1 ' > > Tim only rrm.l . to lake for DCS Slolnos. Marshaltown. : Cednr It'iiilds , Clinton , liixon , Clilcngn , Mllwauiiee ' ' hT'id'XKW iV ? ffi , ? in wlor .nta 9 , Aniongn few of thu numerous [ mints of superiorly enjoiri'iiuytliapntinnsiif this roud bctwaen Omahi ? -.ll..fil.ll.J2BOVllro . . " " tllro" 'f ln a dar of DA.1 .OACI KB. which aratnullnest wblrh human art and nKOiiiiltrcnncrome. 11 I'AI.AIIRHI.ISICI'INU OAKlt / * ' I ho equal of which citn not ho round elsewhuro"M' ' Council Illuirs , tha trnlnn of tlm Union I'ncll eJlitlU 'C * wny connect In unlwi depot with Ihnso of tlid CtoC rnup A NorlliMastcrn Uallwajr. In Chica l l-or Doirolt , Culumhiin , Indlaniiiolli , Cincinnati , ' ' ' , ' Nltmani lftl8 ! , llufliilo. I'ltlnbiirir'lorontoMontri5ah J ll'jilon.Now Vurk , I'lillu-iclnlilu - , Ilaltlmoro , W U < 4 lu810"'Sna * " r'ol"u' ' " IUo Kl 1' A' " fcf Mosoti f ii } j NORTH WESTRRN" if. UUUIUTI' E. P. WIIBO.V , Oen'l . ' 'Aaent ( W.N. lIAUrOCK.drn'l We.leYn ABcnU D , K. 1CIMIIAI.1. .Tickot Aueiit. 0. K. WKsiT ' * * vt it < n * City HvnuuKur All9 Ol FiiinRin Strset. Omnlm , Feb. _ CajiUnl Stork $160,000 Iilabllltlcs of Stockholders 00OOU Vive L'ei1 Cent Interval 1'nld on Do * * 1 posits Coinitouiulcd tie.inl- I CIIAHMW K , MANOHItRON , l'rft Weitt , } tf\iW hl3tf ! ! JOHN I ! . WlUMJlt , , j. w.pA.NWBrr. Ouy 0. IIAUTON , J. J. llHOU'W , U M. HliNNKIT. ' ' Till ) ! ! . ( , . KlMU.U.L , llr.Mir rusiiT , K. I , . BTONII , OMAHA I&TCo. , Ij. II. WlM.tAMS , MAX MKYKII. TtltlMAN IllICK. JAuesW. .SAVAQB , K. W.NAKII , V. W.WKMKI.S , 1.1 : . OiiNnooN , ANSONO. X K. W. WKI.IA 11. HIEMAN ,