Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Eager Crowds Pressing For a Sight
of Miss Blochlor.
Bovornl Witnesses Arc Inlroaucca
AVlio Tell Their Tedious Stories
% ARnln-nml Again Notes
and Incidents.
Tlio Hccond Iny.
Thfl selection of a Jury In half a dny to try
Harry icing's slayer was quite surprising to
everybody. No ono antlcipntod such rapid
work lu the beginning. It Is equally surpris
ing to know that the Jurors , with ono excep
tion , reside within the cor porn to limits of
Omaha. Every ono of thorn had heard more
or loss about the case , had read extended
newspaper accounts of It , talked about It ,
formed opinions , but have no prejudices ,
conscientious scruples or sot notions , that
\f \ cannot bo changed or removed cntlroly by
cstlmony. The Jury sizes up very credit
ably. It Is an intelligent and peed looking
body of men. ti. Shlply Is the only country
man or farmer. Ho lives In the north part
of the county , and had boon In
the city about fifteen minutes wtion
ono of Coburn'syoung follows nailed
him. Ho has ? 30 worth of fruit
trees lying at the depot , and
cnmo down to ( ? ot them. "You bet I ex
pected to return homo , " said Mr. Shlply ,
"and was In any other than a summer slith
humor when thuy caucht mo on this thing. "
Tho'crowd began to assemble in the morning
very early. At 8 o'clock four dizzy looking
females wore knocking at the door and Jani
tor Mlko Lahoy , lot them In. By 0 o'clock
the auditorium scats wcro filled , the compo
nent of femininity of all shades and degrees
of styles , beauty and loveliness , being much
greater than Tuesday. During Clerk
Moore's reading of the Journal , Judges GroIT ,
Donno and Ilopewoll occupied the bench.
Shcrltl Coburn brought Miss Ulechlcr < n and
gave her the scat she occupied Tuesday.
Oho looked much better , chatted cheerily
\vlth her attorneys , smiled nnd looked about
the room , taking in the lawyers , the Judges ,
the crowd and the Jury. She acknowledged
having had a good night's sloop , and to
feeling frco from the nervousness natural to
the opening days proceedings. While con
versing with General Cowin , the prisoner had
her attention called to a movement
on the part of County Attorney Mahoney ,
who arose and commenced an address to the
Jury In which ho related the story of the
great tragedy , enacted on Saturday morntnjj ,
November 17 lust , at the Paxton hotel.
"While listening to the recital of this exciting
event , Miss Blechler'sat with her eyes closed
evidently revolving in her mind her inter
view with young King , the shooting and
wild scenes of that morning lu which she
played such a terrible part. Two or thrco
* jmes the lids of her eyes lifted and she was
noticed to glance rather wickedly at the
county attorney.
Mr. Mohonoy's presentation of the
case was In substance n verbal
review of facts that have already been told
in printnnd are familiar to the public. Ho told
how she caraoto Omaha from Chicago , sought
young King's quarters at the hotel , what is
known to have passed between them there
nnd described the shooting. According to
Mr. Mahonoy's ' information , nnd as ho will
attempt to prove , the first shot was llrcd
while King was in the act of push 1 DC a boll
button In the parlor of the hotel. It took
effect In his back. Two more shots were
flred while both the victim and his sluycr
wcro passiutr from the parlor towards the
stairway and the last ono Just as ho was
going down to the first landing. There and
in front of a largo plate glass mirror Jio fell
and died. Her arrest and incarceration fol
"What the motives for this murder were
will. " said the prosecutor , "bo shown In the
testimony to bo introduced. What the rela
tions between young King und this defend
ant wore , and tho. cause leading up to his
violent death , will bo brought out'through
letters and wltnosscss to bo introduced : " Mr.
Mahoney wont over the story rJ their meet
ing in Cleveland , subsequent domestic life
as husband nnd wife under the name of Le
Gardb at Quincy , III. , at which'time ' he was
traveling representative for the llrm of
Browning , Kinc & Co. After a year or so
thero. they became separated. Young King's
f rlcndV in Chicago learned of his career with
her nnd broke it off as far as they could.
After they had boon living apart a while ,
she wrote him a letter , pleading to be taken
back. In which she said , "If you try to shako
mo , God help you , I will kill you. "
The remainder of his address related prin
cipally to the character of the testimony
which would bo Introduced.
In answer , Mr. Cowin said : "If the court
please , gentlemen of the Jury : For a great
many years I discarded the practice of malt
ing opening statements in the criminal de
fense. That Is an old practice. I don't pro
pose to detail to you the testimony now
ono going over the harrowing story will nn-
swor. You will see that this-is not the case
of the State of Nebraska vs IClizabcth Blcch-
leror Elizabeth King ; but , the prosecu
tion , or c'aso of Henry W. King against
Elizabeth lllcchler. She has .
of her marriage with Henry W. King. "
At this declaration Miss Bicchler buried
her white face in her handkerchief. Her
frmno began to tremble , nnd It was.plaln
that she was. severely affected. Then as the
attorney was about to continue she leaped to
her feet with startling suddenness and ,
with a shriek that rang through the court
room , started almojt every ono to his feet ,
She followed this with shriek after shriek ,
staggering blindly'baclnvard until her head
came in contact with the bench , when
Sheriff Coburn rushed forward und grasped
her in his arms. Shrieking like a maniac ,
fihe fought him off , and , hud it not been for
the prompt assistance of the deputies ,
it would bavo been impossible for
the sheriff to control her. AVhon in
the crasp of two or three men
she struggled desperately , crying In piercing
tones , "Don't I lit mo alone ! oh ! ohldon-tl
niorcyl" There was nothing of the actress
in this thrilling scene. It was real and ter
rible , a case of gcuulno acute hysteria , and
many of the audlonco in the midst of their
nightly slumber fur many a year. The
watched woman was finally carried Into the
consultation room , and n temporary delay
toolc place in the proceedings of the trial ,
In about five minutes Miss Blcohlor was
escorted back into the court-room , and the
jiharu lines upon her face told of the terrible
ptrnln she had Just gene through. She
quietly resumed her seat.
"This defendant , " continued Mr. Cowin.
"is now about twenty-three years old and
Was born in England.Sho came to this
I country at the ago of fourteen. She mot
King about the time of the Iln.ymarkot riots
jn Cuicugo , und ho asked her hand la mar
W riage. The poor , helpless thing tola him her
life ; told him how , under promise of mar
riage , she baa been betrayed. She promised
to marry him. Together , they wont to some
liolnt la Missouri and wore in ado
They thou wont to Qinncy nnd lived under
the * nutno of Lo Ourilo. This was done to
. f , prevent young King's father knowing of
tv their marriage. When It did become known ,
their relations were forcibly broken up. "
The transaction , heretofore mailo known ,
by which Bite , for a consideration , signed an
agreement releasing Henry King from all
rolAtlons , was characterized by Mr , Cowin
as a niece of forcible effort on lee part of H.
W. Kui < r , ar. , aud a lawyer over a weak
The attorney caused another sensation In
the audience by assorting with much display
of feolinir that , from October 10 , 1SSO , to the
present time , bo dolled any man to say
ought aenlust the conduct or character of
this woman , "And I with to servo notice ,
W , .hero aud now. that If any witness U Intro-
v. ; duoed on this Aland to blacken her character ,
. be In a
KlKO'HOtlOUT 1-3 KJU IIIiK , "
Judge Graff Interrupted the attorney wth |
an observation to the effect that such an us-
ertloii was out of place and nuould not. bo
iispd against witnesses before they so on the
" 1 don't JiBOvv , " rcpllodMr. Cowin , "that
"AlUho moro reason , " Interjected Maho-
noy. "why your statement U out ot place. "
V | Jut if there nre. " continued the attorney ,
B0t lvlng heed to Maboniy's remark.
Mr. Cowin brlolly declared thut plenty of
evidence would i * Introduced to ibow thut
King nnd thl > woman wcro legally married ,
nnd tlmt who hrtd been greatly wronged. Ho
nlso declared that bo would Ahow nnd prove
that nt the tlmo. of the shooting , King nnd
Miss Blcchlcr hnd walked norosa n
the parlor to the elevator , mid , while stand
ing there. King turned , * grabbed nor by tlio
throat nnd exclaimed :
"Damn you , I could
SHUT TOim wiwn off
nna nobody would over know It. "
For an hour or more nftor the outbreak
mndo by the prisoner , the women In the
nudlonco displayed considerable agitation ,
nnd continually whispered expressions of
their feelings to ono another.
"O my. " snld the fat fnlry with gorgeous
bangs and n rod , bird on her hat.
"Poor thing , " responded her polo , sad-
eyed partner. ' 'What ' will they do with
her ! "
A sweet-looking llttlo nngol , not over six
teen , grow very , very frightened nnd whlto
nnd wni on the point of fainting , when Judge
OrofT shouted nt these who wcro standing up
to sit down nnd keep quiet.
At the conclusion of Mr. Cowln's address
the first witness , Dr. Robert , was called and
testified :
I performed post mortem on body of Henry
W King , nt the coroner's oflloo. Ur. Lee
assisted mo. Two Inches nnd n half to right
of the spine was n bullet hole. I opened the
chest cavity , found entrance into .this. The
bullet struck upper cdgo Of fifth rib und wai
deflected upward nnd Inward , through the
trachea lodging In tbo broust bono. The
result of such n wound is death necessarily.
Two bullets were handed the witness for
Identification nnd Mrs. Ulcchlor became very
red In the fnco , resorted to her hnndlccrchlnf ,
her counsel turning her chair around with
her back to the box.
Continuing , the doctor said : "I
can't state certainly whether thc o nro
Till ! SA.M1S nt'U.HTS
or not. After such n wound n person might
possibly survive llvo minutes. Possibly a
person might run n half nilnuto. I don't '
think ho could speak nftorwnrd , ns the
trachea was filled With blood , Blood would
flow profusely from mouth nnd uoso Im
Cross-oxnralnntlon The bullet wcnt'ln between -
tweon tlio shoulders , to the loft of the spinal
column , 'four or llvo Inches from tip of
shoulder blade , ( Witness ro-dcscrlbod
course of bullet. )
Uedlrcct The bullet continued downward
through tbo thickness of tbo chest wall ,
from the back , lodging on the snuio level
with Its ontranco.
Lewis H. Thomas I know King fit the
Paxton hotel , t saw Miss Biochlor
that morning nt the hotol. She wont
to the elevator. No ono was
In it. She said she wanted to L'o to Mr.
King's room on the third floor. I conducted
her part of the way to It. I didn't see what
she din. Silo asked mo if there was n woman
staying with him , and I saul "Yes. " She
sold It was not his wife becnuso she ( the de
fendant ) was his wife. It was a llttlo after
7 in the morning , I saw her next time I
cnmo , sitting inn/chair four or five feet from
King's door. Next , saw her going down to
the parlor with King. They took n seat on
the sofa In. the parlor. They sat there ten or
fifteen minutes. Heard no conversation be
tween them. I next saw King on west stuir-
wny landing. Ho stumbled nnd fell on the
landing. Wont up to htm. Ho was on his
back. Ho said nothing. Haa heard four
shots before I saw King on the stairs. Saw
Miss Bicchlor coming down stairs. She 'Said
"I have killed my husband , ho
hns deserted mo. " She handed the
revolver to n gentleman ; I saw her when I
saw him fall. She was coining down at the
head of the stairs ; saw blood drops all along
the hull.
Cross-examined I was the elevator * boy ;
didn't hear her say anything buforo she got
to the elevator ; the bell boy wus with her
in the elevator ; she said nothing goi ng up ;
they got out nt the third floor ; I wont to
show her to-Mr. King's room ; she hud aout
the boll boy with her sntchel to her room ;
Mr. King was living with a woman ho
claimed to bo his wife ; I don't know whether
she was there then or not ; Miss Bieehler
said , "Show ino Mr. King's room ; " I took
her to King's room , to the door ' to the lurgo
room ; she nsked mo : "Is thoro'a lady stop
ping hero with him ? " I said "Yes , his wife ; "
she said "It ain't his wife , I'm his wife , ho is
only staying with her ; " I then wont down ;
I came up again , saw her in a chair against
the wall ; the chair is usually there ; she was
looking toward the elevator ; then dropped
her head on her breast ; 'in three minutes ,
I wont up again , saw her in the same pln'cc ,
in the same position. Next timo. I was
called up to third floor. King arid Miss B.
were at the door. He said :
They got in the elevator and I took them
down. They said nothing. I saw them seat
themselves on the sofa. Then I went down.
I think It was twenty minutes after I first
tooK Miss BiechloT up. I saw them sitting
there two or three times after I hud loft
them thoro. The elevator was on the move
when I heard first shot. I noticed blood
near elevator on carpet , then along north
He-direct While sitting iti the parlor they
faced the north she on King's loft hand.
While thn elevator boy was telling his
story , Miss.Blechlor kept her eyos.rivitcd on
him , but her face never changed its white ,
sad expression , except when "that other
woman. " meaning the wife wno was living
with King when ho was killed , was men
tioned. Then , she flushed mid , for u moment ,
buried her face in her bankerchief.
Dr. Edward W. Leo took the stand when
the boll boy loft it , and testified that ho had
assisted In making thn post mortem examin
ation on King's body. The wound was , ho
said , a mortal one. Ho wus on the stand just
two minutes. No cross-examination was in
dulged in.
Joe Smith , the Paxton botl boy , followed.
Ho hnd known King about ttirco months as a
guest at the note ) . Ho saw Miss
Biechlor there on the morning
of November 17 , sitting In a rocking chair in
the loboy of the hotel , There were two or
three men nround her at the tlmo.
When uskcd whether ho had hoard any
thing that morning unusual , the witness an
swered :
"Yes , I hoard a crack which sounded like
electric light globes breaking. I heard
TIIllEr. OK rOUll III'.l'OUTS ,
but , after the first ono , I commenced to
think it was n revolver. I then suw King
coming down the stairs and saw him full. "
County Attorney Mufionoy asked whether
King's ' body was taken up stairs by way of
the stairs or in the elevator.
Interjected Mr. Cowin.
"No , Its not immaterial , " replied Mahonoy.
"All right , if Its material to you I with
draw my objections. "
The evident object of this question was to
show that the blood found in the nullway
dropped from the . The
corpse. cross < cxum-
ination was confined to two unimportant
John Nogglo , porter at tun Puxton , saw
Miss Blcchlcr when she first came Into the
ofllco , between 0 und 7 o'clock.
HUE IlLOIsllIltlil )
and wont up stairs. Kiva minutes after she
loft thu ofllco hu suw her and King sitting
together on a sofa.
"I passed them two or throe times , and
once thought 1 heard King say , 'What
woman ! ' "
This witness was the first por&nti to roach
King after ho fell on the stairway. "I trlod
to open his collar and hoar what ho bad to
say , but ho was Just about dead than. "
i'"or the first tlmo , after the examination of
witnesses begun , und when General Cent In
was about to cross-exumiuo Noggle , the pris
oner leaned forward In her chair and whis
pered something into his ear , .
"King's body , " sold the wittiest ; , "was
taken first to room 113. Wo supposed there
was a woman in CO. "
"I could have gone In , but supponed the
woman was thero. "
"As a mutter of fact , aho was in Council
Bluffs that morning , waa aim noli" asked
Mr. Cowin.
"J could no' know that. "
"Sheoamo from there d urine the fore
noon ) "
"I hoard somebody say BO. "
A small womun with very black eyes and
positive speech Is LizloV.vrick , wno said ,
as she dropped Into the witness chair : "I
live at tlio Paxton , " She WHS there when
the homouldo occurred , but never saw King
to know who ho wus.
"Did you over see this woman boforcl"
"Yes , I did : but can't tell from looklnft at
her now that I oversaw Ircr , "
"What was she doing when you saw her ! "
"Firing. "
"What did she nay I"
This occurred In the parlor , but I.lulo
could not , uniloit > tand from where she was
what it was all about.
Court adjourned for dinner ,
Afternoon Hessian.
The brief kensatlon created by Miss Ul ih- :
lor In the coutt room deicrlbed cUewUro ,
must have been widely talked nbout outnhlo ,
bccnuso the attendance in the afternoon wus
much greater than nt any tlmo Blnco the
trial commenced , A goodly number of so
ciety ladies dressed In silks nnd gay colors ,
pushed tliolr way through the throng of
rough , dlrty-looklnglmon nnd wcro admitted
to seats reserved for them next to the bar
"Wonder if she will net up again ) " ob
served n tall , stub-nosed matron who , by her
manifest expression nnd evident anxiety ,
was sorry she had not been present before ,
nnd desired to see the morning scene re
County Attorney Mahoney received n tolo-
grnnCvcstordny from Henry W. King , sr. , sny-
Ing that ho had finally decided not to come If
the prosecution could got along without hint.
"I would much rather have had him here , "
said Mr. Mahoney , "but I prcsumo wo can
get through. Ho Is n fine-looking old man ,
nnd his presence , I think , would have had
some Inllucnco. "
When Miss Bloohlor came In In the after
noon with Sheriff Coburn and sat down ,
Judge Baldwin Inquired whether she felt
Her reply was glx'on with n shako 'of the
head. Her hnndkorchlufhowovorwas strong
ly saturated with some stimulating tuodlelna ,
which by Inhaling served to drown any
fainting feelings.
Miss Wyrick , the pert nnd positive young
woman , who was on the stnnd when court
adjourned for dinner , took her own tlmo to
got back. After waiting nbout ton minutes
for her , proceedings was resumed by calling
P. \Vheodon , n carpenter and builder ,
Whoso testimony had reference to the size ,
construction and plan of the parlor lloor of
the Paxton hotol. A map was oTorod ( with
his testimony.
In the meantime Miss Wyrick arrived nnd
cnmo on.
"Think cnrofully nnd toll the Jury alt you
hoard the defendant say , " demanded the at
torney for the stato.
"I can't think of moro ( ban two ex
pressions. Ono of these was 'stand' nnd the
other , 'My God , I have killed my husband. "
Miss Wyrick was not where she could see
thn parties when she heard the command
given by MlssBiechlerto "stand. "
She hoard nil the shots that were fired.
When the shooting commenced she ran to
the banister and looked over Into the office
bolow. Then she looked Around , saw Miss
Blccnlor tire nt n man near the hood of the
stairway nnd ran.
Uosn Slachnloht , a stolid-looking German
girl , who spoke low and indistinctly , nnd
whoso most remarkable talent was tolling
what she didn't know , testified :
I worked at the Paxton house last Novem
ber. 1 never saw defendant or King ; heard
.shots that morning ; was In the hall ; saw
King lying dead on the stairs aud blood suots
on the parlor ana hall carpets in several
Cross-Exnmtned I heard four shots flred
In quick succession , with n trifle longer la-
verval between second ana third , shots.
Geonro W. Scott , the Rochester traveling
man , who figured more prominently on the
day of the tnurdor than any body else , got an
opportunity immediately after the servant
girls , to toll his story. Ho arrived nt the
hotel at the same time Miss Bicchlor did and
registered right after her. The next time ho
saw her she was In the hallway on the third
floor , sitting in a chair with head bowed
down nna hands resting in her lap. Ho
went to his room , washed , put on a clean
collar and went down stairs. When goinc
into the dining room to breakfast lie hoard
the first shot nnd ran back into the ofllco.
Less than n minute after the first shot ,
Scott had his attention called to it
man falling down the stairs at the
west end of the office. The man
foil on the landing. Defendant ( meaning
Miss Bioohlor ) followed close behind him.
She stooped down , picked up his head and
looked at hjni. "As I came up , " said Mr.
Scott , "sho raised herself , looked nt mo and
started back. I said , 'What have you donoi'
Her reply was , ' 1 have shot my husband ,
who is living in this house 'With another
woman. ' " *
Scott says ho led 'Mtes Bicchlor
down into the ofllco and took the revolver
from her. Later she wanted to go baol ; nnd
see King , but was tola that this would bo im
possible. Then she said , "I did'iiot come
nero to kill him , God knows I did not. "
The witness described rather graphically
tiio scenes that followed , both in the hotel
offlco and at the police court. All the time
she moaned and was prostratedbut ho sub- )
ceeded in getting her to talk , und in answer ,
to his question she told him of her1 marrTago'
with King , why they lived at ( Jufiioy under
nn assumed name , how she got , acquainted
with King , his persistent , urging that they
get married and many other- incidental
events. , . , > ,
When I asked her whether sh'o And the
papers to show1 that she was King's wife ,
she said : "Why , Ihau a meeting Ith. film
and his father and lawyers. In Chicago , and
wo had n settlement. 1 gave , up- all the
papers I had , und ulso signed 'a-paper they
presented to me , the contents of which I was
not acquainted with. "
She told mo nothing about the terms of
the settlement , only that she hjid recoiyp.d
Sl.GOO , and something about having received
some other money , 83001 think , at a previous
meeting. She told mo her maiden name was
Elizabeth Uiechlor. Tills Yna in answer tea
a question put to her by a. reporter in the
chief's ' olllco. She said the revolver had
been given to her by Mr. King , ho remark
ing that ho was so much away from homo
that she coula take it as a sort of protection.
She said when she came from Chicago she
hurried homo , throw some things in her
satchel hastily , "and the revolver was
wrapped up in the night clothes , nnd nt
night when she retired she put it in her
pocket. This conversation took place in the
Puxton , in the carriage on the way to the
station nnd at the station in the presence of
the reporters. Her condition all this time
was hysterical , crying and moaning nnd
struggling to got out -of tbo seat.
She talked rainbllngly nnd incoher
ently , but always expressed great
sorrow for what had taken placo.
She asked one or t\\o of the reporters
whether King was dead and they assured
her that they did not know. Some gentle
man from the Paxton afterwards told her
that ho was dead. I have never seen her
since until yesterday , hero in the court room.
On cross-examination Mr. Scott stated
that ho came into Oinnha pn the Milwaukee
road , and boaracd the train at Mnriotto , lu.
Ho first .saw Miss Bioohlor at the hotel reg
ister , and saw her put down her name. She
then went away with n bell hey , presumably
to go up stairs in the ulovutor. Ton minutes
after she loft the oflico ho went up In the
elevator and saw her in the hull on the third
floor. She was walking buck nnd forth ,
witli head bowed and bunds crossed in front
of hor. A llttlo bit later he a aln saw her
sitting In n chair. Ho didn't ' notice any
thing peculiar nbout the woman , other than
that she snapped the pen rather abruptly
out of his hand. Ho was bid to repeat the
story first told up to the tlmo that ho
reached the spot where King lay , ana saw
thu woman.
General Cowin asked the witness to state
what her manner was llko.
"Sho looked very pule. "
"Was she not in a dazed condition ) "
"Sho wus. "
To thU question Muhony raised nn objec
tion on the ground that it was getting un
opinion out of the witness.
"J huvo u right to his opinion , " retorted.
"I think so , too , " said the conrt nud over
ruled the objection.
After regaining consciousness and recover
ing from a lit of hysterical sobbine , the
woman wanted to talk about her affairs und
trlu to tell them tooverybodyahoBaw , While
lit the small ofllco of the hotel she first made
use of the assertion that King had clutched
her by the throat , nnd referring to the Duffy
womun , said , "My God , that poor girl , what
will she do ; what will become of her ) "
"He took mo by the throat and then I don't
know what happened , " were her words.
While going to und at the police station ,
she was hysterical , and violently emotional.
The long , tedious narration of Mr , Scott ,
repeating over und over what the woman
eald at tbo time and immediately following
the killing , worried her BO much thut tbo became -
came faint , gave way to her feelings and
caused an Interruption in the proceedings.
Judge GrofT ordered a twenty ininuto reuess.
during which tUo llttlo wouiun was supplied
with btimulanta and given a brief rest la thu
Judge's prjvuto room.
After tne recess Scott reopened the story
by Baying that Miss Biechlor commenced
talking about her married life while in tbo
currliigo going from the Hotel to the police
station. SUc suid thut King met her In Chi-
cawi lhrc < ? years UKO. Thuy wuro murried
in Missouri and Jived In Qulnoy under the
DDino of I.o Garde , in order to keep his
father from finding out that they wuru mar
ried , The father bent u man down from
Chkuifu to break up their married life ,
Jle succeeded in inducing Harry to
leturn to Chicago and leave' her
tboru. Sue ot $100 from the old tuan to
brcnk off , nnd wSnttlorsclf to Chicago , Tills
money tyns to kom from her later on by the
young man to na.tthl * debts with. She also
spoke of n fetter ( Written by him nt ono
tlmo , when the fight to separate them was
going on , In which ho said , "Hold the fort
till I come. Wofodman nnd wlfo'yot , "
She also stnteiUtlint ho abused her. An
other Henry W. Klnjr , It was claimed , know
of their marriage. At ono tlmo ho abused
her by striking . , an4 shaking her In such
manner ns to proAupo serious results. The
troubln between thorn In Chicago nrlgitinlcd
because of hcrerofiisnl to let the Duffy girl
co mo nnd llvct ! vwlth them , ns no
wanted her Mti'tlo. In llio effort
to got her tn release her hold on Kins , his
fntlior assorted thnfcjic hml disinherited the
young man , nnd nVq.would do well to tnko
1,000 , and lot hitn'co. On account of his bad
character they proposed 'sending him away.
Luther Lnflltn Mills had told her that she
was legally ihnrrldd ami only the iHVorco
court could separate them , At the time
they induced her to sign a npnpor ,
she know nothing of his inarflnge lo another
woman. A man by tho'name of Adams of
fered to get a flctlctotts docrco of dlvorco
which Would set ovary thing right , so far ns
her people were concerned. Her first knowl
edge of Harry's marriage to Miss Duffy , wnh
obtbiiiod from a Kansas City paper. Even
then Mio wouldn't oollovo it , nnd went to
nsk his father nbout It. The bid mnn do-
elnrod that ho knew nothing nbout It. but Ad
vised her to bo satisfied with the $ lf > 00 she
had received , Mills also advised her to take
Hid InOlloy , go homo to Cleveland nnd let the
mnn go.
"Is there any question In the world , Mrj
Scott , that aho was Insntiu when you saw
her coming ttnwn the Btnlrsl"
To make objections , nil the prosecutors
were on their feet In nn Instant nnd trying
to get in arguments.
"Cowin contended thn the witness nnd
been brought on to provo that this woman
shot King and Was responsible for It. "
"But only experts can testify
ns to insanity , " suggested Mont
. "Well will "
gomery. wo see ,
replied Oowln , "nnd show you that no Chicago
cage export can bo run m on us. "
This little sully brought the general n
round of applause from the spectators , nnd n
severe reprimand from Judge Groff , to the
effect that another demonstration of feeling
nt any thing said by the attorneys would bo
sufllolout for him to order the room cleared.
Mnhono.y nrgtied briefly his points of objec
tion , nnd all the nttornoys said they would
llko to present their authorities. In order to
give thorn n 4 > i > porlunUynnd him tlmo court
adjourned to J30 ) ! this morning. -
W. T. Johnson , J. McGregor Adams , Mrs.
N. P. Graham , Mrs , J. Do Vero , J. M. Cha-
pln nnd Martin Nolan , the Chicago wit
nesses , arrived yesterday and uro at the
MIHard hotel.
Othor.Courr BlnttCM.
Edward G. Humphrey , Hugh H. Griffith ,
Oscar F. James , Gcorgo Brush , James H ,
Phillips and Sidney Smith commenced suit
against the Nebraska Tile nnd Pottery
company. The plaintiffs are stockholders
In the concern nnd nsk that the bcoks of the
company bo put in charge of the sheriff
until an accounting can bo had between
th'em und the corpornli'on. They setforth in
their petition that the tllo and pottery com
pany began business in 1SS5 with a capital
stock of about five hundred shares , repre
senting ? 100 each ; -that in 1837 the company
was doing a succcs fu.1 business and its cap
ital stock was ut par ; that in the fall of the
same year one J. H. Collins , of Philadelphia ,
bought part of tho- stock and thereby secured -
cured the appointmant of his brother ,
D. J. Collins , ns secretary and general mana
ger of the concornSwhich position ho still
holds. The plamtfffs tavor that ho is not
capable of transacting1 the business , nnd that
ho has no flnancial fitcrest In the company.
His brother , who -secured the position for
him , is now dead , uAd'D. H. Collins bus been
distributing the stoclt'boloiigiug to his broth
er's estate to cerlhiii parties In order that
they might bccome'.ofticers of the company
to the exclusion of-ltbo actual stockholders.
As a consequence , Vhe'so people , by proxies ,
have control of the'bfisiness. It is also as
serted that at the annual meeting of the
stockholders , which ! Was.hold in April , 18S8 ,
there were 100 slfdroVof stock voted , but
had boon dcclitrcd null and void
by the disu-icf 'b'ourt. , The plain-
tilt's ' further- , claim % that''CollinB has novdr
made a roporfof'tho ' business " transacted , us
required by law , . an haS"neglected to comply
with the order of the stockholders inadn ut
the annual meeting , requiring him to inuko
a quartorl3' report. The books have boon kept
in such a shape that no one is ableto decipher
who'aro the stockholders , or what business
has been done. An .attempt was made to
hold u meeting of stockholders the first of
the present month , but when the stockholders
gathered Collins stated that the time hud ar
rived when ho was going to free/e them out ,
and would not present the books. There is
815,000 worth of property , consisting of steam
boilers , engines , brick machines nnd kilns ,
nil of which tire in the possession of Collins.
The plaintiffs usic for the appointment of a
receiver und a general accounting.
William E. Huwley ana others brought
suit against Kichard C. Patterson to recover
$2,000 on a land contract involving ubout
& 20.000.
Heubcn Ross filed fourteen petitions for
suit yesterday in the district court to fore
close mortgages on Jots in Muyne's Place
addition. Tlio amount due on the mort
gages is $15b75. Eleven of the debtors ouch
owe fl,3-3and the others range front J9.75 to
$32.i. The defendants to the different suits
are Morris Jones , Charles U. Wooloy , Gust
Ickeu , A. Hotiser , Henry II. Meyer , Juines
G. Minor and Jennie E. Bloomer.
In the ejectment suit of John Schmidt
against Peter Lyon , wherein the plaintiff
sought to got possession of a lot in Kelson's
addition , the jury returned a verdict for
Schmidt , aud gave him damages m the sum
off ) cents.
The Chicago , St. Puul , Minneapolis &
Omaha railway company begun suit against
the American Waterworks company for
5,000 damages , and for the possession of
some lots in t'lorenbo which the railway
company claims is its right of way nnd that
the Motor Works company has taken pos
session of the property.
County Court.
Louisa Nobling , mother of un illegitimate
child , applied to .ludgo Shields yesterday ,
usking that uhe bo permitted to let Charles
W. uud Elizabeth Olcott adopt her offspring.
The name of the child is Eva. It was born
December 11.
' Catherine Hnydon brought suit against
Egbert E. French for ? 100 , alleged to bo due
for falluroto comply with land contract on
the sulo of two lots In Arnold's ' park addi
Poverty in I'annnin.
NEW YOIIK , April 0. [ Spoolal Telegram to
TUB BEH. ] A Panama newspaper of March
15 , Just received , saya : "Jaequlor yesterday
moaning received n cubic dispatch from
Brunet , tbo oOlelal , lUmldulor- the canal
company in Purls , In which the latter stated
that the Slavnn coilti'aotlng company bus
terminated Its luborb nnd that thu canal com
pany will tuko clmrg pall the contracting
company's factories , work and matoria
The other great contracting firms have al
ready had their contracts rescinded a nil the
company is taking possesHlon of the shops ,
the materials nnd the work which has been
executed , " Steamers 'leaving the Isthmus
huvo carried away * .Tomaluans and other
West Italian islanders , Venezuelans und
others to the iiumbur/bf 0,003. U is bclloyed
un equal numoor of others will leave us soon
us meaiiH of transportation Is offered them.
Owing to the great iWvbrty and the scarcity
of fuel the omptyhdlinJa along the line of
the canal work are being torn down nnd the
lumber in them Is being utilized for cooking
Favor lie Sioux Bill.
CJUMMEIII..U.V , B. D. , April ' . ' . [ Special to
THE BBK , ] Jolfti Duck , Pomja. Chasing
Crane and Buck Antelope , Indians from
Whlto river camp , passed through this city
to-day to attend the United States court at
Yankton , Your corroiipondfint interviewed
them In regard to the acceptance of the
Sioux bill. They were ull In favor of it , u > id
say the rest of their poplo ulso favor the
ratal Fiuht With a ? Iocinsilnoj- ! ,
Ciuiiu : TOJf , W. VJL , April1 a. Three do-
tectlve * went to TugKtvor yesterday to ar
rest a desperado and uiouuahiuor named
William Mqniu. A fight ensued und Mown
was killed , not , however , until ho hud eu-
vercly wounded all throe of the detectives.
Trouble ta anticipated.
They Expect An Extra Session lu
On Monday the CnblnRt A VI 11 Doftln
Tliolr Itoorgahlznilon Southern
Onieos Mr.i. llnrrl-
WASHINGTON. D. 0. , April 0. 1
Moro than n dozen republican senators
were nt the white house to-day to say good
bye to the president , nud qttttb ns many re-
publlcan'mombors ot thd houso. They nro
irolng homo to got test niul freedom from the
dfllca Bcoltcrs. By thd end ot the week there
will hot bo fifty republican members of con
gress hero , find probably not mord than half
that inlbiucr. Sbmo of them nro getting
ready to go abroad , while others nro on coin-
in lltecs which uro to junket over the coun
try for Investigation purposes. All of the
old men in congress nrC hcnrtlly tlrod of
thotr public work. They hnvo been In Wash
ington almost continually filneo November , a
year ago , and their duties hnvo boon of the
most exacting character. The republicans
have , in the parlance of the street , had "a
roast bf It" from the first to the last. The
demands of the ofllco seekers have not been
much moro exhausting than these of their
congressional Allies nnd campaign work.
Most of the republicans nro leaving hero to
return front time to tlmfi during the sum
mer , nnd fully expect congress to bo called
In extra session In October. AH of the can
didates for the sponkcrshlp of the Fifty-first
congress sny" there will bo an extra session of
congress In October.
Commencing next Monday , the cabinet
officers will begin vigorous work for the re
organization of thelr.executivo departments.
They Intend to have changes inndo first In
the higher ofllccs , and then completely reor
ganize the minor forces. The collectors of
internal arid import tuxes are to bo roc-
amended for appointment by Secretary
Windoni , while the interior nud postofllco
departments nro to produce recommenda
tions for special agents to bo appointed at
onco. The attorney general intend * ( o hnvo
a now complement of special agents In the
Held before the next session of the federal
court begins.WANT
WANT TO TiLij Tin : rnxs.
There are probably two hundred southern
republicans in Washington making the most
ardent c ( Torts possible for changes In the
federal offices in their sections. They do
not especially demand that the democratic
postmasters shall bo turned out , except in
Instances where they have taken nn offens
ive part in elections , but they nro laying
siege upon the attorney general and nsk that
judges , aistrict attorneys , marshals and
special agents bo changed nt onco. They
say that if these ofllccs arc put into the hands
of republicans before the next session of the
federal courts beglns.the penitentiaries will
be filled with pcoundrels who hnvo inter
fered with the freedom of the ballot nnd
who have been counting republicans out of
office for years. Attorney General Miller
says that he will lay the proposition before
the cabinet for instructions.
MrS. Harrison was greatly disappointed to
day because she could not go south with her
daughter , Mrs. McKee , and ox-Senator
Henry G. Davis and family , of West Vir
ginia. She wus snia to bo sufllcionty re
covered from her recent Illness to get away ,
but when this morning dawned she was nd-
vised not to nttempttho trip. Mrs. Harrison
is suffering from sewer gas poisoning nnd
general exhaustion. It was not until Mr.
und Mrs. McKee were on the point of leav
ing the executive mansion that she abandoned
her , trip. Baby -McKee , who has also been
under the weather for some time , remained
at home. He wan permitted to see his papa
and mamma off at the railway station , but
lie returned to Ills nursery and toys ut tlio.
whlto house , whcro ho appears to enjoy him.-
self. It is likely that the President and Mrs.
Harrison will go out of the city for two or
three'days at the end of this week , probably
to some point on the coast to spend a quiet
Sunday ana get a change of air , water nnd
scenery. This they may do frequently every
week or two till they leave for their summer
Jaunt. The white house plumbinc is under
going repairs , and there will bo a better
atmosphere around the place soon.
Ezra I. Galloghy , Chapman , Morriok
county , vice Jonathan Keasler , removed ;
E. L > . Ingulls , Datnpton , Hamilton county ,
vice Martin F. Mnnslield , removed ; Gerald
Dallon , Jackson , Dakota county , vlco Frank
Priess , removed ; T. H. Keasonor , Litch-
fleld , Sherman county , vice Gcorgo H.
Pearson , resigned , nnd John S. Uay , Nnp-
aneo , Franklin county , vice Dennis P.
Chubb , reslcncd.
John Mutthoivson , Astoria , Fulton county ,
vice Jacob Darling , removed ; H. D. Harroll ,
Covington , Madison county , vice James T.
Gush , removed ; Jnuies T. Thrasher , Dexter ,
Dallas county , vice J. L. Meek , removed ;
B. B. G rover. Grimes , Polk county , vice
S. -McClalm , removed ; G. G.Scott ,
Wadenii. Fayetto county , vice C. Herliug ,
f Gcorgo M. Christian , of Iowa , is ntWorm-
ley's , and L. liichardson , of Omaha , is nt the
First Lieutenant Montgomery D. Parker ,
Ninth cavalry , has been ordered to examina
tion for retirement by the board at Omalin.
Senator Paddock and family leuvo for
Atlantic City to-morrow to remain ten days
or two weeks. The senator ia almost worn
out with his ofllcial duties. Ho will go to
Beatrice as soon as ho returns hero.
Senator and Mrs. Manderson Icavo for
Cincinnati on Monday to bo ubscnt nbout a ,
week or. ten days.
Kenrosontativo Council loft for Oiunhn
to-dny. PKUIIV S. HCA.TII.
Mr. Andrew Uosowator returned yesterday
from .Hastings , where ho took u casual sur
vey of the various outlets of the city avail
able for n complete system of sewerage ,
Ills surveyors have boon nt work there for a
week past , and will complete the work this
week. Mr. Kosowator will be prepared to
submit Ills report to the Hastings council
the latter part of next wouk. This will em-
bracq his Ideas of the most practicable so\v- \
crago system to bo adopted by that city ,
together wltti thoi estimated cost of the
AnxIotiH Alioill Snnn.
Mrs. Sallie Konn , of Wilmington , Del.
writes to Chief Seayoy for Information con
cerning her son , John Bonn , who has been
in Omaha tlio past winter. About a month
ago ho wrote home that ho was very aiok ,
and wrote to his parents usking for enough
money to come homo on , The money wus
sent to him in a letter on March 10 , but the
missive lay in tlo | postofllco for two weeks
and was \hoii returned to Wilmington The
young man's parents nro very much alarmed
and fear that he has died pepgilcss and neg
lected among strangers ,
The Kloto ! i In Florence.
At the election held In Florence Henry
Hull , was elected mayor ; L. E. Haybargo ,
police Judge ; Jacob Webber , jr. , clerk ; Jacob
Webber , sr. , trrpsuicrj Stephen Bcown ,
councilman from First Ward ; E. fl , Walker ,
councilman from the Suconi ) ward ,
The defeated parties | iivo | declared their
intention to contest the election , pn'slr.g such
action on the refusal of thu judges to allgvv
men employed on the water works to vote ,
n Drain.
The stumbling block | n the way of tie )
proposed paper mill ut Cut-off lake Is thu
matter of drainugo , ns it Is anticipated thut
property holders In the vicinity of that sheet
of > vator will object to thn refuse baliit ;
dumped into the lake. ThU will necessitate
the building of u drain to the river. The
proposed building Is to cost $00,000 and will
employ about sixty inon.
Ills OKI Hylc.
In the great bicycle rucc a year ago Tom
itoe loau a iil& Hue vvucel to .uu McCurdjr , u
candidate for chnmplonMiIp honors. After
the races the wheel disappeared nnd had not
been soon smco until yesterday when Itoo
Toltnd out it was In .T. J. Hnrdln's store.
where It had been nil this tlmo. Koo has got
out n writ of replevin to recover H , nnd the
case is to bo hoard before Justice ICroegcr.
A Collrtjtor'fl Trouble.
Martin S. Svaclnn , Thirteenth nnd Wil
liams , has caused the arrest of John F , Fu h
on the chargeof embezzlement , Fmh says
that ho has baon In the employ ot Svnclnn
flvo weeks anil the latter owoi him fr 0 tor
his services. Ho hns collected nbout $10 ,
but Svnclnn hns demanded nil the bills en
trusted to his care nnd the money ho has
collected , Ho returned the uncolloctcd bills
but kept In part payment of his wngos the
$10 collected.
Kdwln Vnt'rcht's Secret.
The great tragedian , Forrest hml n
Hocrot which everybody ought lo lonrn
nun pro t by. Snltl ho , " 1 ewe nil my
success to the frtot thut everything I hnvo
unflorttikon I hnvo done thoroughly. I
never neglect trifles. " Tlml's the point
don't neglect trifles. Don't neglect
tlmt hacking cough , these night-swoitts ,
that feeble uuil ciiprlclonfl nttjlotito. nnd
the other symptoms , trilling In thoin-
Rolvcs.but awful In their slgnlllcfuico.
They herald the approach of consump
tion. You ni'o in danger , but you can
bo saved. Dr. Plorco's Golden Medical
Discovery will restore you to honlthnnd
vigor , as It lias thousands of Others. For
nil scrofulous disonsosnnd consumption
is one of theniit , is a sovereign remedy.
.Hovlvnl meetings nro being nightly hold nt
the Newman Methodist church on St. Mary'
nventtc. The meetings are being conducted
by the pastor , Kev. J. E. Ensign. Ho Is
being assisted by different ministers of the
various denominations. Last night Rev. T.
C. Clcndcnnlng , presiding elder of the dis
trict , preached , Thus far this week there
have been ubout a dozen converts.
There have been many lessons taught by
the drama In Omaha , but none have been
moro pleasantly nnd effectively Inculcated
than these in "Fascination. "
This play , nt Boyd's , last night , attracted
n largo nnd discriminating audience.
And yet the gathering was not
greater than the piece deserved. It is
undeniable that , in the setting , the acting ,
the costuming of the play , nothing liner hns
been presented in this .pity.
There nre many scenes In the lives of
mortals which may not bo produced upon
tne stage without offense. There nro many
truths which may bo told of human beings
but may not bo told upon the boards , unless
a master hand commands the recital. Yet ,
nil these scenes are to bo found , nil thcso
truths are told In "Fascination.1
But their introduction brings no
blush to the cheek. When the
auditor retires , he feels within him
greater faith in human nature.
Miss Corn Tanner's dual role , Lady
Madso Slnshton and Charles Marlowe , was
admirably rendered. It was a consistent
and artistic impersonation , considering of
course , the singularity of the disguise she
assumes in which to ascertain the character
of her affianced.
Not less polished , though the character is
ungrateful , was the Mrs. Dolumcro of Miss
Eleanor Carey. In no respect was the char
acterization ineffectual.
The Duke of Hurlingham by Lionel
Bland was as clever an old roue ns could bo
dcslrc.-l. Mr. Charles Coote's Kev. M. Col-
ley ; Mr. Bell's Lord Islcy , were all very
well enacted , especially Mr. P. A. Ander
son's Count LnGrangc , which was really an
artistic piece of work. In truth , there was
not a weak actor in the piece ,
Acceptance of Planters' House Site
Alcana a year's Delay.
WASHINGTON , April 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bcu. ] J'udgo Neville , J. J. Brown ,
Thomas McCaguo and John A. Horbach , in
company with Senator Munderson , called
upon Secretary Windom in the interest of
the Planters' house site for the Onmba
public building.
Tlio secretary .hoard their argument , but
gave nn intimation ns to what ho will do.
The proposition on lllo at the treasury de
partment for the Planters' house site is to
the effect that the cost will not exceed
? 400COO. It is not made by all of the owners ,
but by Interested parties who execute a bond
for only 59,000 tlmt the cost will bo within
the limit.
A ruling has boon made by the department
of justice which sets up n precedent against
the acceptance of a proposition of this kind.
The attorney-general held that a proposition
to convey real estate submitted by any other
than these in whom the title is vested is no
proposition at all , and therefore is not bind
ing or valid. Besides this , it is the belief
hero that the acceptance of the Planters'
IIOUEO site wnula Involve n delay of perhaps
a year In the beginning of the work.
She la lUutchcd to Knee ; Lottie Stan
ley Fov ifU.OOO.
NBW \ OIIK , April 3. Senator Morgan , the
well-known Omaha sporting man , to day
covered the ? 250 deposit of Billy O'Brien ,
jacker of Miss Lottio Stanley , who recently
issued n challenge open to all lady bicyclists
for SI,000 a side. Senator Morgan repre
sents the backers of un "unknown , " supposed -
posed to bo Miss Emma Williams , winner
of the six-days ladies' bioyclo race at
Tim I/ydockor Court-Alnrtlnl.
WASHINOTOX , April U. The Lydockor
court-martial adjourned this afternoon. It Is
believed tlmt they have , llnuliy voted upon
the case , but cannot dissolve until ordered to
do so by the secretary of war. who may have
other business to lay before them.
Thursday , April I , ] P8 ! > .
A Word About Celery.
With its crisp , blanched stalks ,
daintily triinqied with delicate
green leaves , it is the most
toothsome boquet that ever
graces your table. And the
healthiest , too. Plcasjng.lie {
eye , tickling flip palate , an.d
improving the health , ought it
not to be called the king of
The great medicinal virtue
of celery lies in the seeds , nof
in tJifc stajks , and the cjiqicest
celery seed is used in the
manufacture of Paine's Celery
Compound , Combined with
liops , dandejipn , buchu , sarsaparilla -
parilla , and other medicinal
iierbs , it forms a medicine of
unequaled power for the cure
of blood disorders , nervous dis
eases and rheumatism.
The medicine of to-day ;
every bottle sold sells two bottles
tles jnc-re , for the users recom-
lipnd it tp their friends. Pr-
laps ypu haven't tried if yet.
if not , take your spring medi
cine now , and see that it is
Maine's Celery Compound.
At Drufflsti , ! 1 . ( $ ) ! ' bottle. Six for 15.00'
\n < : iLS , mcii.Mip.sQN t co. ,
Vt ,
CARTERS thcio Little rill * . I
They ftlio rel lore Dlaj
tress from Dytpepala
Indigestion ar
[ teartjr Eating. Ajber-l
feel bomody tot DIrtl-J
ness , Nausta , Drdwsl-j
ncsa , Bad Taste In thr
Srouth.CoftteJTorjffuo , ]
TID LIVEtt , & 6 , Tlioy regulate Ilio Doifoti
and prevent Constipation iwid Tiles ,
smallest nnd easiest to take. Only ono pill f
dose , to Inn tiki. iMttly Vegetable lYic
SS cents.
GARTER MEDICINE 00.Pwp'rfNewYork $ |
Running between Council muffs ana Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit In Omaha.
J.oave. Arrive.
A No.2 flOJp. Ul No.l 7:00 : a. m.
O No. 6 8:00 : ii. m. No , & 6:60 : p. m.
No. 4 .0:40 : n. in. No.3 0:45 : j > . in.
UIUUAUU , nunmmnun a , yun i/i
A No.4 0:40a.m.A : No. 5 7'l ; ) u. in.
A tNo. B . . . . .ri-.IHp.m. A 'No. 7 /i30p.m. / ;
A No.fl . . . .0:50p. : m. A No.JI :60x : > . m.
No. a , . . . ; 0:40a. : m.lNo. 7 :4a. : . in.
No. 8 ( . . .4ll5 | b in , No. U 0:00 : H. m.
No.4 ( IMOp. m. No. G , , , . , 0:151)'m. : )
All Trains Dully.
A No,2 : | No , i or ; > oa.m.
A No.l , . . .7:00p. : m. A No.3 7:10p. tn.
A No,2 0:25 : a. m.lA No.3 B:30a. : m.
A No.4 0:2Jp.mJA : No.l fl:3Jp. : . m..m. .
No. 10 7:06 : a. m.lA No. fl 8:53 : a.m.
No. 13 7OJ p , i i. A No. 11 0:00 : p. in.
A No.8 . . .4:31 p.m.lA No.7 13:00 : m.
A dully : II dully except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday ; 1) except Monday : fast mull.
Tliu time given aooro in tor Transfer , tberft
being from live to ten inluutca bptweun Tfttas-
r find local depot * .
I IliHtdrrttv/llauKtodilnvtiiJ k Try OPO4
nprovod with efflnplnir eharkltv tm onA |
imt rlUlnR f * W pvnJir.Tb * prnw ) IfngtU. *
u ouu uurten occurdlne to Hie wflgLt 1'Ut cm tnrm.
Adapted eqn ) lir well to rough country or flna
Vty | drlyjB WllUIrt rpu bti r rallefacflon.
Wyoming Oil Lands
Ani ) all nocc'snary paper's IJe3 ! | ,
HV , F , HAWLEY , Civil fngJOBBr ,
( T.IOUIS , HoUS/k. : /
I T BIEB , CHAIBB , * e.
IM " ? ZUuibtltd CtUlw.t fat. 4 ? iU ( *