Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1889, Image 1

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The Other Side of the Koya Paha
Troubles Related.
7tidRO Onelln Pnssca Sentence of
Uenth A Murderer Arrrstoil
Killing a Little Girl
election llcturns.
ThoKcyft Pnhn Tronhlei.
I.OHO , Neb. , April 8. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] George T. Gannon has returned.
Ho says : "W. Hammond and I have re
turned fro mtCoya Paha county and found
my brother all right ; also learned that thoio
was n mob of 'vlgcs1 In that country , end
they had como to my brother's1 house in the
night ana told him the Unltfl States com
missioner from Kosobud Agency was there
and wanted him ns n witness to go to Rose
bud. So ho told them all right , ho would go ,
and ns soon ns ho went out the mob , headed
by Taylor and Burns , surrounded him and
hold their guns on him. They told him ho
must go now but that they would not harm
'his frame.1 The United States commissioner ,
W. C. Curtis , being there , ho thought ho was
safe. They made him the promise that his
life wns safe in their hands before ho would
go a step. They ( the mob ) went from bis
place to George Babcock's , a young married
man , and ho held them off until 9 o'clock in
the morning , hoping some help might arrive.
They took his wife out of the house and
wcro going to set it on flro when ho sur
rendered. Some parties did como but were
driven oft by Taylor , Burns Co. The mob
then drove fifteen miles in Dakota ami
camped northeast of 'Turtle Butcs. ' In a
dccu canon where there wcrosomo tall trees.
Then being dark the mob proceeded with the
trial and cast a vote to hang thcso men.
Twelve votes to hang and fifteen to not hang.
There was no trial ; they merely voted , I
talked with some 'viges1 in Springviow
nnd asked them about my brother. Their
reply was tnat ho was n straight man
and'that the reason ho was rounded up was
because ho know them ( the vlgcs ) and knew
their actions , nnd bed told tnem if they over
cntno to his house in a mob ho would defend
himself. So they took to the strutccem they
did 10 get him. Ho know them all , and will
do nil in his power to try the law on them
nnd make them take his 'medicine' this
tlmo. When I left Koya Pnha county there
were 100 men armed to the teeth with all
kinds of guns , nnd they naid If any more
men were molested nnd taken away from
their homes , they ( the citizens ) would shoot
thorn down like dogs. The 'antl vises' were
In the Pine last night , nnd received a double
wagon box full of gun * end ammunition ,
nnd have ordered more. Friends of the
bovs that , the mob took nro arriving hero
every day from Iowa and Nebraska. I went
to Koya Paha county to investigate this
matter , and If my brother was guilty of any
crime I wanted him turned over to the law ,
as I uphold no man who Is n thief , but , if not
so nnd the vigilantes had harmed him , I would
never have returned until Taylor and Burns
had paid the penalty" As it is , I am glad
I have n brother who had the nerve to stand
up before this mob of outlaws , and when
they told him if ho would tell them things to
suit them.about certain men in that county ,
that ho said ho was not there to lie about his
neighbors to save his neck and satisfy them ;
nUo.that bis wife showed her courage by
getting ono of her ponies and making an at
tempt to follow them , nnd when her pony
was taken away by the mob , she slashed ono
of their horses with n corn knife nnd tvcnt
nud got a team and buggy and wci t to see
the sheriff , John Coblo , to have him disperse -
porso the mob. But ho would not act. for
fear of his life. I think the day has arrived
in this country when cflw boys nnd 'vigcs'
can not take the ucoplo by storm , and that
law and order will prevail. Mr. Coblo's wife
died the morning I arrived there , nnd I had
no personal conversation with him. "
Flro nt Nelson.
NHLSON , Nob. , April 8. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Fire broke out hero this morning at
about 3 o'clock in a shod back of Air.
Wacchtcr's meat market. Its origin Is un
accountable. The drug store of D. U. Ball
& Son adjoined on one sldo and the Phclps
houao on the other , and it was only n few
minutes before the three were n burnmc
mass. The dry goods store of William D.
Voight & Sou was next , but having n briclt
wall aad the wind being In the opposite di
rection , It. was saved by the efforts of citi
zens. T'ao Nuckolls county bank to the west
nnd the First National to the east were both
in danger , but received only o fcorohing.
The high north wind drove the flro across the
street to the south nud it caught in the roof
of D. Ovolmau's hardware storo. a two-story
frame bulldlug. There 'was only ouo brick
structure in the block und the destruction
of the whole was a foregone conclusion. A
good suaro ot the goods from the stores
south of Ovelman's wns saved In n more or
less damaged condition. The losses , an far
us can bo ascertained this morn in it , are as
follows :
Pholua house , C. P. Leigh owner ; loss ,
(2,003 ; Insurance , $1,200.
Wacchter. moat market ; loss , $500.
D. U. Bull & Son , drug store ; loss , § 4,000
insurance , $1,000.
W. O. Ovolman , hardware ; loss , $5,000 ; In
surance. &J.500. Thomas Fiches , owner of
building loses $3,000.
Hublo Bros , , groceries ; loss heavy nnd in
surance unknown.
Spring t Gaily , groceries ; loss covered by
insurance ; and \v. K. Knapp. Hour nnd feed ;
loss , nominal.
MoHeyuold & Spunck , drugs ; loss , 53,000. ,
Grinith & Schourcr , jewelers ; loss , be
tween (000 and $ TOO ; Insurance In full ,
Herbert Bros. , groceries ; loss , nominal.
G. W. Scchor , owner , loss * 3,000.
M , A. Uuble , dwelling ; losn , several hun
PUtorbuch & Dowlano , general merchan
dises low , ? 3,000 ; insurance , $1,000.
Miss Liuiia Carr , millinery store ; loss , tin-
known. Building owned by First National
The Arllncton hotel , n livery stable , nn
nrmory , tbo Gnzotto printing onlco und an
Implement house worn in great dungor at
times. This Is the most disastrous flro that
lias over visited the town.
KnternrUn nt Boomer.
'UKEJir.n , Neb. , April 8. [ Special Corre
spondence of TUB BEK. ] Hoemer , sltua.od
as It Is , cannot full"to become a point of Im
portance. It Is surrounded by some of the
fituist farming lands In the Elkhorn Vnllsy ,
nnd settled with u thrifty people.
Boomer has a largo canning factory , which
will glvo employment to a large number ol
people tills aoason. The town H well repre
sented with nn enterprising class of business
men , who are not ufruld oC investing capita !
for the advancement of the town. A larg <
„ number of buildings linve already been be
cun. nud everything tends wwant u prosper
iiusond lioalthy g'Wt" . 'i'l'o ' l > luca *
ticod of n taw llrst-chiss curpontera. '
l also plenty of employment for day labor
ore. PrvpnraUona'-uro now being nmdo foi
the manufacture of l n ; quantities of bricl
this soaivn. A good mill ut this iwlnt , man
Kiwi by n practlsal miller , would ue n uay
I OB Investment. A thoucanit dollars nwalti
my good , rcspor.ilcla man who will put on1
la , The place nccfl * a good pamtcr or two
iuii\ \ good plasterer * nro ulso in demnud ,
A Queer Kxplo.tou Accident. '
PiA7 > MouTH , Nob. , Ayrl ! 8-rlTiecla |
Vlegrau > to TUB Htc.J John Oylo , ft vie
dm of a blatUng accident , wan brought mt <
town to-aay from LouUvlllo. The poor fcl
low prcienU a terrible appearance. TU' '
kin OK l > ia face and bands is burned In i
horrll > j9 macaw , Accordbg Wain tory b
Is n working man and went to Louisville to
obtain work In the quarry. Being unsuo-
cscsful during the day nnd wishing to econo
mize his fast diminishing funds ho concluded
to woo Morpheus In the cold embrace of
mother earth. As the night grow colder ho
sought shelter In the uowdor cave at the old
stone quarry belonging to II. B. Stout nnd
stretched himself upon the straw. A quan
tity of blasting powder , which had been
spilled , remained on the floor , nnd by some
means this bcc.imo igntcd , tha insult being
nn explosion. Ho was awakened with sucii
astonishing suditcnncs by n scries of smnll
explosions that ho at llrst thought it was the
glorious fourth until a train connecting
with the straw fired him out of bed.
Stunned , burned and blinded ho staggered
to the mouth of the cave , nnd Inhaling the
fresh air , which somewhat revived him , ho
managed to reach Nordval's saloon , whcro
medical attendance was obtained. Ho was
brought here to-day to bo taken charge of by
the county.
A Itonit on Pnpor.
GHAND ISLAND , Nob. , April 3. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BEE. ] Articles of incor
poration of the Missouri Hlver , North
Platte & Denver railroad were adopted hero
to-day , the principal place of business to be
Albion , Neb. , the road to run from Dccatur ,
Neb. , to North Platte , via. Albion , Ord ,
Grceloy Center , Scotia and Broken Bow.
Tno line may bo changed to take In other
towns. The capital stock Is $300,000. Lin-
coin county subscribed $25,000 In stock. The
balance of f 139,000 wns subscribed by Indl-
vl-.uals. A meeting will be held hero on
April 10. when It is expected the balance of
the stock will bo tmbscribsd. A survey will
bo commenced within thirty days. Towns
nlong the route will vote bonds. An effort
will bo mudo to connect with the Fremont ,
Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railway at
Albion , otherwise the road will run to the
Missouri river. The incorporntors are
Loruu Clarke , W. F. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) ,
S. B. Thompson , P. Mortcnson , F. Fox , E.
II. Hill , S. S. Hadloy and T. C. Patterson.
Railroad Speculation.
PI.ATTSMOUTU , Neb. , April 3. [ Special
Telegram to THE BUB. ] Speculation Is
again rife In regard the building of a now
depot and freight house nt this point by the
B. & M. in consequence of the visit of Vice
President Peasloy , Second Vice President
Stone and General Purchasing Agent Will
iam Irving , of the Chicago. Burlington &
Quincy , to-day. These gentlemen were ac
companied by General Manager Holdrcgo
and Superintendent of Buildings James
Rivott. The yards and shops were U3r-
oughly Inspected. No further retrenchment
Is anticipated , except in the amount of ma
terial carried on hand. It is stated posi
tively that some now construction work is
being discussed and cost estimated , The
party went east this evening.
A Tournament for Jnly.
RED CIAOI > , Neb. , April 3. ] Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] The committee from the
state Firemen's association with whom
rested the location of this year's state tour-
nnmcnS met in this city this morning and
accepted a proposition from the ReJ Cloud
department and located their tournament
hero. This dat e for holding , the tournament
was decided on and will bo July 10th to 19th
inclusive. The chairman of the committee ,
H. B. Debbie , of York , nnd State Secretary
Ueorgo F. Corcoran , of York , were at the
meeting. The local < iena mont guarantees
at least. $1,000 In cash to bo used for prizes ,
etc. They are backed up by the citizens and
everything necessary to insure a successful
tournament is guaranteed >
Predicting a. Veto.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 8. ( Special Tele-
ram to Tnc BEE.J It is understood that
ho governor will veto the bill , senate flloNo.
01 , repealing the live stocit commission ,
, nd that his reasons for so doing will bo
given to the public Friday morning. The
ircdiction is freely expressed hero that the
ivhy and wherefore will bo a source of gen-
iral surprise. It will have to do with
ichemcs and alliances to secure the passage
if the bill which are particularly startlinir.
While the governor Is non committal regni d-
'ng his reasons for withholding his signature
.o the bill the emphasis ho gives to con
demnation of the means employed to pass it ,
; s marked.
Flro Ncnr Ponca.
PO.NTI , Neb. , April 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] Ono of the severest wind
storms ever experienced raged in this section
yesterday afternoon , coming from the north
west. The heavens wcro obscured by dust
and smoke , the latter coming from the exten
sive pralrio fires northwest of Ponca. Much
damage was done , though to what exact ex
tent is not yet known. John Rhoden , Frank
Englo and John Hawlcy , living a few miles
from this place , are heavy losers through
the flro. Their barns , outhousesnud shed
ding with farm machinery being burnt up.
The lire raged with much violence all the
forenoon and almost through the night , end
fears are entertained that thousands of dollars
lars worth of property is destroyed.
nicw Ills Hond Off.
HASTINGS , Nob. , April 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] James Busby , a well-
known nnd much respected farmer living
three miles from Hastings , committed sui
cide this morning by shooting himself with a
gun. Ho placed the muzzle in his mouth.
The top ofhis head was blown off , mutilat
ing the face beyond recognition. Busby was
forty-six years old , with a family of a wife
and two children. The death of a child
some tlmo ago had a depressing effect upon
him. Recently ho had trouble about his
homestead , and bis claim being contested , it
preyed upon his mind. Ho no doubt became
temporarily insane.
On Ijooiil IHSIIOS.
NOR roue , Nob. , Aprils. [ Special to TJIE
BEE. | Two tlcKots were in the field yester
day , the citizens , ticket and the people's
ticket , headed by old rivals. Herman
Gerceko was elected mayor over John
Korncgsteln , who has hold the oftlco for the
last two years. Majority 147. The occupa
tion tax and the city scale ordinance have
not proved popular , and the reaction was
strong against the old council. Other otllcsrs
elected are William Gercoko , city clerk ; C.
A. Mast , treasurer ; George A. Latiincr , city
engineer ; Frank H.Gillctt , councilman First
Ward ; L. J. Reno , Second ward ; Roma Mil
ler , full term , und C. S. Bridge , short term ,
Third ward. INembers ) or the school board ,
John R. Hays , C. J. Chapman , long term , II.
C. Matron , short term.
Women ut the Polls.
Auuuux , Neb , April 3. [ Special to Tun
HEK. ] The woman suffragists turned out to
vote on the school election yesterday , niu
nftor they were through , some of them
learned that they were not as "capable o :
voting Intelligently as tbo men. " Some of
them voted lor the school board indorsed by
the license caucus , und afterwards , learning
their mistake , cutno back to the polls , hand
ing another ticket to the judges , remarked
that they had made a mistake , and tha judges
could chengo their votes or not , just at the )
saw flt.
Prohibition Hnowetl Under.
NoiiTii BEND , Neb. , Aprd 3. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEK.J Prohibition woa
completely snowed unde- , the entire license
ticket being elected by tne following major !
ties ; A. L. Norrln , for mayor , MJ ; J. B.
Foote , alderman , first ward , C5 ; Clerk
Dodge , nldcrtuan , Second wurd1 The
total vote catt was 100. One llcemta aider
tcan mul ouo antl hold over from last year
The result gives tatisfuutlon generally , am
business men predict better times and nn In
create In tlio value of real estate ,
A Mttli.-UIrl Killed.
QiicENUoon , Neb. , April3. [ Spick ! Tele
gram to Tin : r.e.J At 4 p. in. to-day , when
pumnger U ln No , S , ever five hours late
was pulling Into Greenwood , Anna Dennison ,
ho fourteen-year-old daughter of the
cctlon foreman nt this place , Thomas Dennison
nison , attempted to cross the track ahead of
ho engine , but with fatal results. The
Hot struck her , throwing her quite n
listanco from the track. Death was instan
taneous. No blame can bo attached to the
engineer , ns ho whistled for crossing accord-
ng to rules.
Knighta or Pythian.
CHADIION , Nob. , April 8. [ Special Tclo-
jrnm to THE BEE.J At a regular meeting of
3hadron division No. 27 , uniform rank
Cnlghts of Pythias , the following ofllcers
wore elected fen the year : Sir knight cap
tain , L. A. Dorrinutcyi ; sir knight lieutenant ,
A. L. Miller ; sir knlpht herald , D. W. Spcr-
mg ; sir knight recorder , J.V. . Owens ; sir
tnlght treasurer , L. A. Browor. The Instill
ation ceremonies wcro conducted by A , G.
fisher , quartermaster of the Third rcgl-
ncnt , Nebraska brigade. Chndron division
s in n flourishing condition. Twonowmom-
jors were Initiated. The members are form-
'ng a band.
By n II IK Major ! ty.
BnAiNAitn , Nob. , April 3. [ Special to Titc
BEE.J The entire license- ticket was elected
jy the largest majority over in the history of
; no village. C. J. Holt , a tcuiperapco lec
turer working under the auspices of the W.
. T. U. , had been holding a scries of mcct-
ngs hero at an expense of $7 per night , nnd
the result now shows a hoavlor majority
: hanovcr for license. A novel feature at
.ho polls was the presence of a largo num
ber of ladies , who worked earnestly for the
untl-llcenso ticket.
Bnoctlo Kiiookod Out.
Neb. , April 8. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The boodle ticket for trustees of
this town , as wired your paper a few days
ago , was defeated. The election was quiet
nnd.ordorly nnd'a largo vote was polled. The
irohibitionists had no ticket 'in the field ,
iciico the license question played no part in
: ho results. The men elected nro C. D.
Lobell , Ea Mason , W. T. Hartley. George
W. Flowers and E. A. Crum , all reliable
business men.
Sentenced to Hniig.
BROKEN Bow , Nob. , Aprils. [ Special Tel
egram to THE B n. ] Judge Gaslln arrived
ast night and will preside during Judge
ilnmer's absence. The jury brought in n
, -crdict of murder in the first degree in the
ilaunstino case , and the prisoner was sen
tenced this morning at 5 o'cloclc to bo hanged
at Broken Bow , September C , 1SS9. This is
.ho ilrst man over sentenced to death by the
courts in this county.
Sentiment Changing.
ACIIURN , Nob. , April 8. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] Owing to the failure to obtain figures
from the Third ward last night , no definite
nformation as to the result of the city olee-
.lon yesterday could bo obtained. Tilings
lave been remarkably quiet and the result
shows n big change of sentinicnt , tbo licnnso
'oiks gaining about thirty-tnrco precincts in
: ho Second ward. The entire ticket is
iccuso with the exception of ono councilman.
Howard Votes Fox ; License.
SEWAnn , Neb. , April 3. | Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Oh account of a mis-
: ako ID counting the votes and the closeness
of the result , the general outcome of the city
election was unknown until to-day. Mul-
linger , the Hccnso candidate for mayor , is
elected by three majority. Ono license and
one anti-license councilman is elected ,
making a license majority with the mayor.
Union Pnciilc Moil Di.scharecd.
Noinn PI.ATTE , Neb. , April 3. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE.J Eighty-five men
wcro discharged from tlio Union Pacific
shops hero to-day. Lack of work is given by
the company as the cause , while the men in
cline to the opinion that it is a move on the
l > art of the company to reduce wages by
gradually hiring men to take their places at
reduced pay.
Pronibltion Defeated.
SIIUCUSE , Neb. , Aprils. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The town election passed off yester
day very quietly. There were two ticicets
in the field , license nnd no licence. The
license ticket was elected by about forty-six
majority. The trustees elected for the coin
ing year are N. A. Duff. William Beckman ,
G. Z. Page , J. H. Arends and H. Larson.
AYnyno'H Kirat.
WAYNE , Neb. , April 3. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] Wayne hold its first election as a city
of the second class yesterday , the question
being high license or no license. The gen
eral license ticket was elected , but the pro
hibitionists captured a majority of the coun
cil , nnd consequently the town will probably
go dry the coming year.
More Blazing Prairie.
NOIIFOLK , Neb. , April 3. [ Special to THE
BEE.J Sparks from the Crolghton branch
engine set fire to the grass yesterday after
noon , and owing to the gale a number of
houses in the southwest part of town were in
peril. The prompt action of hundreds of
men who rushed to fight It prevented disas
trous results.
For Ilich License.
N , Neb. , April 3. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The city election passed off quietly
yesterday. The following were elected as
trustees : M. B. Thompson , J. E , Galbralth ,
H. M. Brunson , S. F. Hotzlor nnd T. F.
Martin. License or no license was made the
Issue of the day. High license carried by
six majority.
About n Tic.
EUGAH , Nob. . April 3. [ Special to THE
Bii.J : : The election yesterday resulted in
the choice of the high license candidate , T.
B. McClollan , for mayor , nnd two high
license aldermen. The council now stands
three for , nnd three nuiunst license , and if
tbo mayor has the casting vote , license will
bo granted. _
No Change.
OUD , Nob. , April 3. [ Special to TUB BEE. ]
The election of village trustees took place
yesterday. Two nundrcd and sixty-ono votes
wcro cast Ono high license and four anti-
license trustees were elected by an average
of SO votes. The high license men have held
control for the last three years.
ItumorH or Murder.
VENANCIO , Neb. , April 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] News was received by
wire bore this afternoon that Ed C. Maucr
was murdered near Madrid , Perkins county.
J. W. Maher , a bunker at this place and a
brother of the murdered man , took the even
ing train to ascertain the facts.
'f The Same IHMICS.
BIIOKEN Bow , Neb , April 8. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] The city election
passed off very quietly yesterday , the mam
light being between antl-lioonso and license.
License carried by a largo majority. E.
Wilkinson was elected mayor and the bal
ance of tbo ticket carried.
Arrest of a Murderer.
SIDNET , Nob. , April 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Br.E. ] Sheriff Eubank to-day ar
rested G. A. Crandell , alias G. A. Mitchell ,
who murdered his steo-futher at Council
Grove , Kan. , about three weeks ago. Au
thorities in Kansas have been notified of
Crandell's apprehension.
No Prohibition.
St. PAUL , Neb , , April 3. [ Special Telo-
grm to Tun UBU. ] The city election yester
day excited more interest than any for years.
The license question was the issue irrespec
tive of party. The cltlzgns , or license ticket
was carried b. thoi following majorities
? or mayor , Rowcll lQ3jclty clerk , McCnll
.17 ; city treasurer , Bartlo W5 ; city engineer ,
Hnrvoy 110 ; councilman , First ward , Jacobson -
son 60 ; councilman , Second ward , Crow , 23.
Mixed Hcfliilts.
Br.NNnT , Neb. , April 8. [ Special to Tttc
3cn.J The citizens' ticket , known to bo
nntl-llccnso. was elected hero to-dav by an
nvcrago majority of twenty-five. The now
village board will bo composed of two re
publicans. two prohibitionists and ono demo
crat , _
J. K. North Kloctcd Again.
CoMJMnus , Neb. , April 3 [ Special Tele-
; ram to Tun BEE. | At the city election yes
terday the democrats succeeded In electing
Ihclr entire ticket cxccut ono alderman. J.
E. North was elected mayor for the fourth
: erm by an Increased majority.
The Uftiinl Kcsult.
OtKnvLE , Neb. , April 3. [ Special to Tnn
Br.E.l At the village election ycstorday a
'till board of trustees was chosen by a ma-
orlty of 22 , favorable to high license. Every
thing passed off quietly with the oxceptlonof
ono arrest for illegal voting.
A New Court
BROKEN Bow , Nob. , April 3. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Ouster county Is nt
last assured a court houso. The contract
wns let yesterday to B. B. Coloman. The
building will cost $17,000. Ground was
broken to-day for it.
Central City's Klcctlon.
CENTIIAI , CITT , "Neb. , April 8. [ Soccinl
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The business men's
ticket , headed by Hostottcr for mayor , wns
elected by majorities fronvwcnty-sovon to
fifty-four. There wns noIssuo except as
between the men.
AVcst Point's Election.
WEST POINT , Nob. , April 3. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The result of the city olcction
wns the olcction of William Stuofer , mayor ;
P. F. O'Sulllvan , city treasurer ; F. E.
Ivrauso , city clerK , and E. Briggs , police
ludge. The only fight was on mayor and
treasurer. The former was elected by 17
majority over J , L. Baker , and the latter by
11U majority.
Will Got Their Pay.
STKOMSBUHO , Neb. , April 8. [ Special to
THE BEI ! . ] The city election passed off very
quietly , the only issue being pay or no pay
for the city ofilcials. The no nay party was
snowed under by forty-ono majority. The
subject of license or no license was of sec
ondary consideration.
Tlio Usual "Result.
BANCROFT , Nob. , April 8. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] The village election here passed off
very quietly , very little interest being taken.
The entire republican ticket for village trus
tees was elected. The now board is sup
posed to bo iu favor of licensing saloons.
For High License.
HAMPTON , Neb. , April 3. [ Special to Tun
Bcn.J The high license ticket was victor
ious at the village election to-day by 70 ma
jority. The following were elected : Dr. D.
S. Woodard. J. M. Cox , T. J. Fitzenbaum , D.
M. Zook nnd Chris Newman.
Citizens Triumph.
PLDM CHEEK , NOD. , April 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Tbo city election passed
oft quietly hero. .Two tickets were In the
field , the citizens andvlie law nnd order. All
the candidates of the former were elected.
A find Death.
AI.HION , Nob. , April 3. [ Special to Tnn
BEE. ] To-day occurred the funeral of little
Harvey Scoggins , the threo-year-old son of
Dr. H. L. Scoggins. Ho foil into a bucket
of boiling water and died in n few hours.
Sidney's Ticket.
SIDNEY , Neb. , April 3. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The following were to-day
elected to the city council for the ensuing
year : Cnarles Erogqltz , Hugh McFnddcn ,
A. Pease , J. J. Mclutosh , N. H. Tobin.
Honda Defeated.
FAIUMONT , Nob. , April 8. | Special to THE
BEE.J The proposition to vote bonds to the
amount of $50,000 for the purpose of building
a now court house otGenoa , was defeated
yesterday by about 100 majority.
Fat Cattle Burned.
OAKDALE , Nob. , April 3. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Yesterday n flro broke out about a
mile south of horowhich destroyed tbo sheds
at the slaughter house and thirteen head of
fat cattle belonging to Mr. Reno.
For High. License.
DEWITT , Neb. , April 3. [ Special to THE
BEE.J Dewitt wont for high license by a
majority of 33 , n gain of 52 votes over last
year in favor of anti-prohibition. Every
body is hilarious over the result.
VALENTINE , Neo. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Wlsser brothers ,
charged with incendiarism in burning the
school house at Nenseel , wore acquitted to
day In the district court.
AVII1 Build a School House.
GREBHAM , Nob. , April 8. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] At a meeting of- voters held hero last
evening , plans were accepted for a two-
story , $ J,500 school house and tbo construc
tion is to begin at onco.
License Wins.
PONCA , Nob. , April 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] The election hero yesterday
resulted in a victory for the license candi
dates , who were elected , though but by a
small majority.
A Lesson For Hepnhlicnns.
VALENTINB , Nob. , , A.prll 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The democrats reelected -
elected their entire village board on u high
license ticket , as against a republican pro
hibition ono. ,
Thiee' to Two.
REPUBLICAN CiTf'Neb. } , April 2. [ Speojal
to TUB BEE. ] Election passed off In good
order. The board pf trustees stands three
prohlbs and two license men for the incom
ing year. i _
Only Ono Ticket.
LONO PINE , Neb. , * April 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The olcction passed off
quietly hero yesterday. But ouo ticket was
in the field and tbatjwuo a license ono.
Oinnha Ontv the Grounds.
LINCOLN , Neb , April 3. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.l-jTho governor to-day ap
proved the bill providing for deeding the old
capital square In Omaha to the city.
Lloensn For Osooola.
OSCEOLA , Neb.fc April 8. [ Special to THE
BEE. | The town election held hero yester
day resulted in electing a license board by a
very small majority.
Nn Opposition to Licence.
SOUTH BEND , Neb. , April a [ Special to
THE UEE.J The village election passed off
very quietly , a lloonso board being elected
Without opposition.
Jamaica Ilnllronds Sold.
WASHINGTON , April 8. Secretary of State
Blaine has received telegraphic information
from Consul Alien , ut Kingston , Jamaica ,
of the salu by the colonial government of
tnut island to an American syndicate of the
cntlro Jamaica railway
Result of the Mooting of the Woat-
orn LOORUO Managers.
The Opening niul Closing Dixtcs of the
Benson Changed null Other Cor *
rcctloiiH Mmlc The Now
List or Games.
The riiiHO Hull Convention.
DKS MOINES , la. , April 3. [ Special Tel
egram to THE Hue. | The Western associa
tion base ball managers harmonized their
differences this morning and agreed upon
the following schedule , which opens and
closes the season n httlo earlier than for
merly. All the clubs signed It nud Immedi
ately adjourned.
St. Joseph May , 18 , 10 , ' . ' 0 ; July 3-1 , 4 ;
August 21 , 23 , 20.
Omaha Mny ' . ) , 11 , 13 ; July 11 , 13 , H ; Au
gust 81 ; September 1 , 2.
Sioux City May H , 15 , 10 ; July 0 , 7 , 0 ;
August 27 , 25 , 29.
Mllwaukeo-Aprll 25 , 27 , 23 ; Juno 22 , 23 ,
24 ; August 13 , 14. 15.
St. Paul A prll 30 ; May 1 , 2 ; June 23 , 20 ,
27 ; August 20 , 21. 22.
Minneapolis May 4 , C , 7 ; Juno 23 , 29. 30 ;
August 10 , 17,18.
Dos Monies April 20 , 21 , 23 ; Juno 19 , IP ,
20 ; Augusts , 10 , 11.
AT ST. josci'it.
Denver May 28 , 29 , 30 ; July 10 , 23 , 21 ;
September 10,11 , 12.
Omaha May 14 , 15 , 10 ; July 10 , 17 , IS ;
September 0 , 7 , 8.
Sioux City-May 0 , 11.12 ; July 11 , 13 , 14 ;
August31 ; September 1 , 2.
Milwaukee April 20 , 21 , 23 ; Juno IS , 10 ,
20 ; August 17 , 18 , 10.
St. Paul May 4 , 5 , 7 ; Juno 25 , 30 : July 1 ;
August 0 , 10 , 11.
Minneapolis April 30 ; May 1 , 2 ; Juno 24 ,
23 , 20 ; August 20 , 21 , 2J.
DCS Moincs April 25 , 27 , 33 ; Juno 31 , 23 ,
23 ; August 13 , 14 , 15.
Denver May 34 , 25 , 20 ; July 23 , 23 , 21 ;
September 13. 14.1C.
St. Joseph May 21 , 22 , 23 ; July 0 , 7 , 9 ;
August 23 , 29 , 30.
Sioux City May IS , 19 , 20 ; July 3 , 4 , 4 ;
August 23 , 24 , 25.
Milwaukee April 80 ; Mny 1 , 2 ; Juno 20 ,
27 , 23 ; Augusts , 10 , 11.
St. Paul April 25,27 , 28 ; Juno 20 , 22 , 23 ;
AuRUst 1 . 17 , 18.
Minneapolis April 20 , 21 , 23 ; Juno 10. 17 ,
IS ; August 12 , 13. 14.
Dos Moines May 4 , 5 , 7 ; June 29 , 30 ; July
1 ; August 20 , 21 , 23.
Denver-May 21 , 22 , 23 ; July 10,17 , IS ;
September 5 , 7 , S.
St. Joseph-May 21 , 23 , 20 ; July 23 , 24 , 25 ;
September 13.14 , 15.
Omaha-May 23 , 29 , 30 ; July 19 , 20 , 21 ;
Seutember 10 , 11 , 12.
Milwaukee Mav 4 , C , 7 ; Juno 29 , 30 ; July
1 ; Aujrustao , 31 , 2.3.
St. Paul-April 20 , 21 , 23 ; Juno 17 , 18 , 10 ;
August 12 , 13 , 14.
Minneapolis April 23 , 27 , 23 ; Juno 20 , 22 ,
23 ; Augusts , 10. 11.
DCS Monies Juno 13,15 , 10 ; Juno 24 , 23 ,
20 ; August 17 , 18,19.
Denver June 4 , 5 , 0 ; July 29 , 80 , 31 ; Sep
tember 2" , 21 , 23.
SU Joseph June 13,15,10 ; July 20 , 37 , 23 ;
Scntember 17,18. .19. , „ , , _ „ „ „
'Omaha Juno 1 , 3 , 4 ; August 4. 5 , 0 ; Sep
tember 27 , 23 , 29. '
Sioux City Juno 8 , 0 , 10 ; August 1 , 2 , 3 ;
September 24 , 25 , 20.
St. Paul May 19 , 21,22 ; July 14 , 13 , 10 ;
August 27 , 23 , 29.
Minneapolis May 19 , 21 , 22 ; July 0 , .7 , 9 ;
August 31 ; September 1. 2.
Dos Moines May 12 , 13 , 14 ; July 3 , 4 , 4 ;
August 24 , 23 , 20.AT
Denver Juno 13 , 15 , 10 ; August 4 , 5 0 ;
September 27 , 23 , 29.
St. Joseph June 4 , 5 , 6 ; July 29 , 30 , 31 ;
September 20 , 21 , 22.
Omaha Juno 8 , 9 , 10 ; August 1 , 2 , 3 ; Sep
tember 23. 24 , 25.
Sioux City May 81 ; Juno 1 , 2 ; July 23 , 27 ,
23 ; September 17 , 18 , 19.
Milwaukee May 9 , 10 , 11 ; July 11 , 42 , 13 ;
September 10 , 11 , 12.
Minneapolis May 12 , 13,14 ; July 21 , 23,24 ;
September 4. 7 , 8.
Des Moines Mav 23 , 25 , 20 ; July 0 , 7 , 9 ;
September 13 , 14 , 15.
Denver June 8,10 , 11 ; August 1 , 2 , 3 ;
September 24 , 23 , 20.
St. Joseph Juno 1 , 3 , 4 ; Augusts , 0,7 ;
September 27 , 23 , 80.
Omaha Juno 18 14 , 15 ; July 23 , 20 , 27 ;
September 17 , 18,19.
Sioux City June 5 , 0 , 7 ; July 29 , 30,81 ;
September 20 , 21 , 23.
Milwaukee-May S3 , 34 , 23 ; July 18 , 19 , 20 ;
September 13 , 14 , 10.
St. Paul May 23 , 29 , 30 ; July 3 , 4 , 4 ; Aug
ust 24 ' 27.
DCS'Moines May 15,10,18 ; July 11,12,13 ;
August 23 , 29 , 80.
Denver May 31 ; Juno 1 , 3 ; July 25 , 20 , 27 ;
September 17,18,19.
St. Joscnh Juno 8,10,11 ; August 1 , 2 , 3 ;
Soptembei 24 , 25 , ' . ' 0.
Omaha Juno 5 , 0 , 7 ; July 29 , 30 , 81 ; Sep
tember20 , 21 , 23.
Sioux City April80 ; May 2 ; August 5 , 0 ,
7 ; September27 , 2J , 30.
Milwaukee May 33 , 30,30 ; July 33 , 21 , 25 ;
September 4 , 5 , 7.
St. Paul-Mtiy 10.17,18 ; July 18 , 19 , 20 ;
August 81 ; September 2 , 8.
Minneapolis May 0 , 10,11 ; July 15,10 , 17 :
September 9 , 10 , 13.
Trouble Brewing on the Itivcr Tjnnds.
WATKIILOO , la. , April 3. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] Indications point to
lively times among the Des Moincs river
land settlers In Webster county to-morrow.
At the Instance of the county attorney , war
rants wore Issued to-day ugainst the follow
ing Bottlers , who participated in the reconl
crop sowing on farms from which settlers
had been evicted : James Courtwrlght ,
Aionzo Brewer , George Townsend , James
Briciitel , W. H. Jameson , William Spain
hewer , Ben Bird , Henry Hoover , Charles
Boynton , L. Hoover , George Hoover , Join
Taylor , Sam Hoffnor , W. T. Fisher. Johr
French , N. Schollcld and George Bird. Thoj
ore charged with unlawful conspiracy to in.
jure the business of C. T. Higmun. Sherlfl
Adams will servo the warrants to-morrow ,
and It is believed that trouble will ensue , foi
the settlers are stubborn and determined
The slieritr will bo prepared for any omer
geucy , and says Unit ho will do his duty
whatever may be the result. The settler.1
visited tlio farm of Watson Ferguson to-duj
and put In crops on tbo entire pUice.
A posse of men under chargu of a deteo
tlvo have gone from DCS MoIncH to Wcbstei
City to assist United States Marshal DCS
mend in making evictions of su'.tlcrs. Tin
settlers live about seven mile- , from Webstei
City , along the Webster border of tlio county
They have armed themselves with Winches
ter rifles , and seem to huvo mndo a secret or
ganUalioii to resist the ofllcors. Abou
twcnty-llvo writs were to bo served , hut tin
posse has waited two days for the marshal
not curing to tackle the settlers alone.
Sottlern Climbed With Conspiracy
FoiiTDonoE , In. , April 8. ( Special Tee !
gram to TUB BKK.J Both parties in the Doi
Moines river land controversy are now nc
lively at work In the Ulstutbod districts , noi
each expresses determination to continue
Six United States marshals and posses froir
Des Moines loft this city this morning will
warrants against settlers on the Lltchtleli
lands , in Webster und Hamilton counties
Although no aggressive opposition was made
the efforts of the cvictors were so parrlci
that not a settler was arrested during tin
day. The United States marsnals und force :
returned to Webster City to-night. War
rants were Issued to-day and plated iu SUer
Iff Adams' hands for execution , charging
several settlers with conspiracy. The Isiu-
nnco of warrants for conspiracy creates great
excitement , as many of the accused nro well
known and prominent farmer * and citizens.
Some nro ox-coUnty odlcluls. The settlers
nro all known to bo armed with Winchester
rilles , but whether or not they will use them
will bo known to-morrow.
Important to Inriurnnoo Men.
Dr.3 MOINES , la. , April 3. [ Special Tcie-
cram to Tin : line. ] The attorney general
to-day rendered n decision sustaining the
auditor In his ruling about Insurance agents.
H was In effect that every person soliciting
Insurance , and thus acting as an agent , must
secure a coitiflcata from the stnto auditor to
show that ho was duly authorized to ongagd
In the business. The law as interpreted
heretofore has made It apply only to the
regularly appointed agents of the companies ,
but Auditor Young says that when an ngont
hires n man to solicit. Insurance for him , as
Is frequently done , the man must huvo n
certiflcnto , ] ust the same as the agent. The
companies protested that they did not want
to behold responsible for the acts of persons
wh ( ) might bo hired by local agents without
the knowledge of the general ofllcers of the
companies. The attorney general holds that
the public needs protection against unau
thorized agents the same as against regular
ngents , and so everybody who solicits insur
ance must obtain n certificate from the stnto
The Itook iRlnnd'H Goncrnl Attorney.
DKS MOINES , la. , April 3. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun BnE.l Information 1ms boon
received hero of the appointment ot Thomas
S. Wright , of this city , as general attorney
for the Chicago , Hock Island & PaclUo rail
road , eastern department , with headquarters
at Chicago. Mr. Wright is the oldest son of
ox-Senator George G. Wright , and has boon
the Iowa solicitor of the Rock Island for
about ten years. Under the now arrange
ment ho will have clnrgo of the general
litigation of the company in the states of
Iowa und Illinois. The western department
of the system will bn under the legal
direction of M. A , Lowe , with headquarters
at Topcku. Mr. Wright stands at the head
of the Iowa bar , and ns a native of this state
is well known to all public Interests. Ho
goes at once to Chicago to tauo charge of his
work there. _
Double AVcrtdlnti nt Orcston.
CIIBSTON , la. , April 3. [ Special Telegram
toTiiKBEC. ] The social event of the sea
son In Cresion was a double wedding , which
occurred at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the
residence of O. Q. Holman , on South Hill.
Xho contracting parties wore Frank J. Am-
tlcr ) , jr. , of Chicago , and Miss Lulu Holmnn ;
Harrison B. Kiley , of Chicago , und Miss
Alice Donaldson , of Creston. Uev. Allan
Vo.i Wagner , pastor of the First Congrega
tional church , united the couples in the
iresenoo of auout two hundred guests. The
jrides nro leading members of society and
daughters of prominot cllizons. The wed-
ling party departed for Chicago this evening
After tin * Fire Uncn.
DCS MOINES , la. " , April 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | The unusually largo
number of incendiary fires in this city
within the past ten days has aroused public
sentiment to the excitable point. The
mayor has offered a reward of ? 500 for the
arrest of the flro bugs , and an extra police
force with shotguns will patrol the city at
night. The lirst man c.iught setting lire to
property will bo shot down like n dog. Last
night llres , witb a heavy wind blowing ,
greatly planned the city , as only vigorous
work by the Uro department prevented a
general conflagration.
Caused by nn tingino.
DCS MOINES , la. , April 3. [ SpeeialTole-
gram to Tun BEB ] As an engine was pass
ing a barn belonging to Daniel Hogan , a
farmer , living nlno miles northwest of Man
illa , Crawford county , a spark set lire to the
hay.aestroying the barn with all its contents.
Mr. Hogan attempted to get out his stock
and while so engaged the barn fell upon him
inflicting fatal burns. Many of his neigh
bors wcro badly burned In trying to rescue
him from the ilamcs.
The Wlnonn & Southwestern.
MASON CITY , la. , April 3. Special Tele
gram to Tnc BEK.J From n letter received
from Thomas Simpson , secretary of the Wl-
nona & Southwestern construction company ,
ho strongly intimates that his compan'y will
build to the Iowa line this year. If the road
is not * built through to this .city by Juno ,
1890 , the company will lose a 40,000 subsidy
from Osagc.
An Insane. IMnii Killed.
CEDAII HAHHS. la. , April 3. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BEE. ] A cra/y man named
James H. Gibson , in charge of a sheriff en
route to the insane asylum at Lincoln , Neb. ,
escaped from custody this morning and lay
down on the Illinois track in front of a
switching freight train and was run over and
A Boy's Glmstly Find.
MAitsiiAM.TOWN , la. , April 3. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Br.i : . | A boy , while fishing
at the river bridge just north of town last
evening , discovered n pine box which ho
opened , when the body of an Infant rolled
out. It was wrapped in clothes and well
preserved. It evidently has not been there
long. _
KS Unroofed , Fences Dlown
Down und General Ilnvno Created.
BniDOETON , N. .T. , April 8. A cyclone
struck this city this evening , doing consider
able damage. A new house just finished at
Hiversldo was levelled to the ground. Thereof
roof of the East Ltiko woollen mills was
blown olT , the packing house at Falrton was
completely destroyed , and several largo wind
mills on farms in the vicinity wcru blown
Molgro 'reports from Long Beach , on tlio
Morris river , state that considerable damage
was done to oyster boats lying in the harbor ,
and that chimneys and fences wcra blown
down and other damage done.
Oinnhit KIUIHIXS City.
KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , April 3 ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.E. ] The Omaha team with
Clark and Nnglo at the joints , gave the Kan
sas Cltys n lively tussul to-day and lost the
game by a iicoro of 3 to 1 , solely on account
of lack of luck In bunching hits , ami the
wretchedness of the umpiring. The visitors
utplaycd tlio homo team at the bat and In
the Held. Naglo's negligence let Long steal
In from third In the slxtli inning ,
making the score 2 to 0 in the
cowboys favor. In the eighth Inning ,
with a man on third and another on second ,
with Crooks at bat , two men out and only
one run to tla , Crookn hit Into the left fluid
for what would have been a three bugger
had not the high wind blown the ball outside
the foul lino. Then Captain Jack lined out
to McGarr and Hope fled. The ono run ac
credited to the visitors was not earned. The
day was sunny but chilly , the attendance
small. The Ouiahai > scored in the eighth
and the homo team in the first and sixth
innings. - _
A It.Ulrond Mnn ilsupj\onrj ,
MiNXiurons , Minn. , April 3. James
Beatty , traveling auditor and car account.
nnt of the St. Paul & Duluth road , living In
Daluth , has dlnappcarnd. At the time of the
disappearance , the Uth of last month , ho hud
In his possession about $1,300 , with which lie
was to lift a moitgago from a piece of Min
neapolis property. Tlio moitgugo remains
unpaid , Possession of the money leads bis
family to four that ho has been foully dealt
The AVoaihor IndlcntloiiH.
For Nebraska , Iowa and Dalioinj Wi
fair ; winds uhlUlng to southerly.
Grant Sboots of Flame DHvon Bo *
foio tbo Wind.
* '
The HUmllng Inn CovoM the A | *
pronch of the Kirn Only Elghc
UnltdluKR Snvod .Several
People Perish.
A Town In Ashes.
AiiEiinEn.v , Dak. , April ! ) . Lcoln , thl
county scat ot MoPhorson county , thirty
live miles northwest of Aberdeen , was de
stroyed by n pralrio flro during yesterday' *
whirlwind. The flro cnti'.o from the west
nnd was not noticed until tt struck the town ,
on account of the terrible dust. Sixty
dwelling * and business houses wcro burned ,
entailing n lov of $150,000. The only build'
Ings remaining nro the court houso. two
stores and six dwellings. C. W. Old nnd
Thomas Wardcll wcro terribly burned , and
couriers from the demolished village say
they cannot live until morning. Lcola Is an ' > <
Interior town , with no railroads or telegraph
and further paitlculnrs cannot bo obtained.
Persons who drove across the country to
Wcstport , say the surrounding country It 'H
nearly devastated. Hundreds of farm housci
are in ushcs und carcasses of burned animal *
nro lying along the road
Leaving the Onintry in Ilulna.
SCOTLAND , Dak. . April ! 1. Another terri
ble pralrio flro swept over the country south
of Scotland yesterday afternoon nnd the
path Is marked by the ruins of many homes.
A very high wind prevailed all day , nnd wlib.
the grass as dry ns tinder , tlio tcrrlblo.forco
of the flro is beyond drsciiption. Barns ,
houses , cattle sheds and dairies wore burned
and many bead of stock perished. The town
of Olivet , eight miles north , Is reported to bo
more than half burncu up. Bridges on the
railroad near town wcro burned. The losses
for the past two days will bo fully & 0,000.
A Gnla or Finnic.
Hunov , Dak. , April 3. [ Special Telegram
toTiiEBEK. ] A terrible pralrio flro swept
over this part of the state yesterday. Hughes ,
Hand , Sully and Hyde counties suffqrod
most. Two persons in Hyde county porftmcd
nnd many nouses wcro burned. In this
county half a dozen houses wcro burned , also
many barns , some stock and a largo amount
of hay and grain. The wind is sixty mllei
nn hour , Bonding great sheets of llamo hun
dreds of feet in advance. Nothing Ilka M
was over before experienced in this state.
Destrncllvo Pirn Naur Vornitlltoii.
VEUMII.MON , Dak. , Aprils. Word reached
icre to-dav of very destructive pralrio Orel ' ? * - *
lorth and west of hero. Gillette's saw mill
md SOO cords of wood wcro entirely do *
stroycd , and also several buildings. A num.-
icr narrow escapes are reported.
His Overtaxed 1'owors Succumb ta
the Strain.
RociiKSTCit , N. Y. , April 8. The Lyceum
theater to-night was thronged from orchestra
rail to dome. It was the night of Booth and
Barrett , and the txvo great tragedians wort
Lo present the story of "Othello , the Moor. "
intense interest accompanied tho. play from
the moment tho-curtaln swung up , and nona
of the hundreds who scanned the fae
of Mr. Booth noted any warning o |
what was so soon to befall him *
Ho was thought never before to have boeq
seen In this city more nearly at 1m best than
to-night as logo. The fortunes of'tho ' dusky
Moor and his crafty fellow had progressed
through the first act , foKowcd with deep in
terest und keen enjoyment by the throng In *
front. Ingo seemed litha and active. Tha
curtain went down bcforo a house whose
huah of perfect attention then brolio and re
laxed to hearty upplauso. <
While the second act was preparing Mr.
Booth , though uttering no complaint , Is nbw
known to have felt an approaching culmina
tion of the pressing business that for several
days has rendered him no little discomfort.
Ho went on , however , and progressed nearly
through the act with his usual facility. Ha
was urging his physical powers by
a strong will and at the call for
the last act the Jwill succumbed ta weakness. A slight dizziness that * *
for several days had tormented the grcat .
actor , Increased. Darkness caino upon him. "
His attendants and others saw that something -
thing amls and spraug to his assistance. A
physician was hurriedly called , and nftor q
hasty examination expressed fear that Mr.
Booth had sustained a shock of partial par
alysis. This HO alarmed Mr , Barratt that ho
determined to dismiss the oudionco. Ha
was greatly overcome by what ha ;
considered the daneerous illnew of bis
colleague , and when ho stepped before the
curtain it WKS evident , that ho was greatly
excited. Mr. Barrett's dismissal of the
audience was in thcso words : .
"Ladles and Gentlemen : I , nm called
upon to perform tbo most painful duty of my
lifo. My colleague bus shown symptoms of
breaking down for the last three
or four days , and his condi
tion iu so serious that tt li
impossible 'or him to net. Wo had hoped
that bo would rally from ills attack , und that
ho would be able to ulay his part to-night ,
but ono of the physicians says It would be
perilous for him to attempt it. > Mr. Booth
has sustained a partial btroko of paralysis
and we fear that this Is tha beginning of the
ond. I cannot express to you tlio drop sorrow
with which I muko this sad announcement.
The world has probably heard for the last
tlmo the greatest actor who speaks thi
English language. Wo shall , of course , can
cel till engagements , and I hope that wo shall
bo able to remove Mr. Booth to his home.
"It pains mo to speak these words. I RIB
sorry to disappoint this audience , hut the
play cannot go on. It- would po presump
tions for me to take the place of .this great
man whom you have como to sea and hear ,
and it woulu bo useless to proceed further.
I know you will bo Indulgent , nnd that you
will fully appreciate ttic sad plight in which
wo are placed. The management will make
Hugh arrangement us may seoui boat for re
funding your money. "
Tim condition of Mr. Booth. It seems , did
not fully justify the speech. There had
been no attack of paralysis , und the actor
was suffering no pain. Reporters were not
allowed to ECO Mr. Booth at the hotel , and
Mr. Barrett would not talk , but the business
manager of tbo company Raid that Mr.
Booth's illness was not serious enough ta
justify alarm , He said that the company's
engagements for the rest of the week , and
possibly the next , would bo cancelled , but
hoped to go on M usual ultor Mr , Booth had
been given a brlof test.
Mr , Booth will bo taken to Now York to
Lute tb-nlght Mr. Barrett Kent n card tote
to the Associated press , stating that the
physicians now give as&unmco that a week
or ten days' abwluto rest will roatoro Mr ,
Booth to health. ,
Kt. Jens Defeated.
BT. Josni'u , Mo. , April . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Uii.l The Cleveland * to-day
defeated the St. Joseph Western League
team by a suoro of n to 1. Batteries foe
Cleveland. Ueatln and Sntcllffoj for St.
Joseph , Klopf end ICrlog. The fuature of tha
game was the Holding of McAIcir , of the
Clovelands , ThoKt. Joseph club will play
tlio Omaha club In St. Joseph Frhlr.y mil
of this week , ,
A KniiHiiH Klnotlon.
ATWOOD , Kan. , April 3. [ Special
] iiiAt : : ] the city election j'Mtorduytbe
following officers wuio olcctsdi For mayor ,
James C. Humphrey ; counclimun , P. Jt.
Morgan , F , K. Hobinsoii , W , A. Hcilrlok , H.
H. Olicrt and \V , U. Shirley ) poUcojudje'C. ;
A , Hufon ,