Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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How Elections Wont In the Towns
of Nebraska.
Bomo Plnoc.i Grow Tired of Loonl
Prohibition and Others Ilcfuso
To Olvo It ti Trlnl
Improvements at
OOALAM.A , Tcb. , April 2. fSpccml to THE
DEB.I About 100,000 ncrcs of land , nt prices
ranging from ? 2 to * 10 per ncro , term * one-
tenth cash nnd remainder In ton annual pay-
incnts , have been placed on sale. The land
ts well watered by spring creeks nnd con
tains some very One agricultural lands , and
is excellently located for stock growing pur
poses , lylntr north of the North Piatto river
enC directly north of Ogalalla.
A corporation was organized hero on the
Cnh ult. In conformity with the Into law
passed relative to ditch and canal companies ,
taking water iroin its natural channel for the
purposes of Irrigation or water power. The
Design of the corporation Is to run n canal
from n point on the North Plutto river nt or
pcur Camp Clurko , across the table
land south of the river. with
jts terminus at this city , to
supply the town of Julcsburg , Big Springs
nnd Ogalnlla with water power for flro pro
tection ana manufacturing purposes. Ogal-
nlla boosts that she will have the finest sys
tem of waterworks and water power , within
the next year , west of Orauha. The corpor
ation consists of the following parties : H.
I * MoWlllmms , H. L. Gould , B. M. Searlo ,
ol Ogalalla , nnd E. M. Day and Q. E. Thomp
son , of Big Springs.
Parties were sent out on the proposed line
Ot the canal for the purpose of making an
pstlmnto of the elevations nnd nmount of ex-
cavatln ? to bo done. Work will bo begun us
Boon as the necessary arrangements ore
The board ol trade is using every reasona
ble effort to got the Sioux City. & Denver
railroad to cross'tho Union Pacilfo nt Ognl-
tilla , It being On u direct line fiom. Broken
Jiow to Donvor. At n meeting Thursday
i evening a committee was appointed to have
n personal Inlorvlcxv with the ofllclals of that
O'Neill an a Second Cln.HH City.
O'NBiu , , Neb. , April 2 , [ Special Tele-
cram to Tun BEK.I More than ordinary In
terest was mnnlfcctod In the city election
owing to the fact that O'Neill was to elect
its first mayor and other ofliccrs as n city of
the second class. Two of the most popular
citizens were candidates for mayor , A. U.
Morris and John McBrido. The vote was
close , resulting in McUrldu's election I5y 12
majority. M. M. Sullivan and'W. J. Can
ton were elected aldermen for the First
ward , F. E. Hunrickson and Frank Camp
bell ( or the Second , und I. H. Smith nnd
James P. Meeks for the Third. David
Adams was elected treasurer , William Slo-
cum clerk , Judge Uoberts , pollco judge , and
Buuinor Adams city engineer. The advo
cates of both tickets declared for high li
cense , knowing that no other card could win.
April Fooled.
Onn , Nob. , April 2. [ Special to TIIE
in PEE.J Whllo other people were enjoying
their practical jokes after the fashion of AH
I { Fool's day , Ord came in for her share. The
i'lctim was the popular editor , W. W. Has-
Jioll. It scorns that Mr. Hoskcll has had a
yearning for the postofllco for some time ,
nnd when a bogus telegram was handed him
purporting to ho from Hon. Ocnrgo W. E.
toorsoy , ho promptly paid charges and lor
thirty minutes Imagined himself postmaster.
It was n "thing of beauty , " If not "a joy
Borover1' .to sco.tbc suprlsc first , then the sat
isfaction take hold of Ills beaming counte
nance. But when reminded that this was
tbo 1st day of April , his prospective ofllco
laded from view ; and when the laughing
, crowd bejmn to guy him it wns terrible to
' see the chaugo on that once beaming face.
The Victors .Jubilant.
SDFJEKIOII , Nob. , April 3. [ Special Tcle-
to gram Tun BEE. ] The city election hero
to-day proved a very spirited contest. There
wore two tickets in the field , one known ns
the poop'cs" ticket , favoring the urpsent ad
ministration , and ono known ns the Economy
nnd Reform ticket , favoring a now hoard aud
mayor. The latter won , carrying every
thing. The following ofliccrs were elected :
Mayor , J. S. Johnson ; treasurer , A. J.
'Briggs : city clerk , C. W. Bishop ; polieo
Judge , John Hcllly ; couucilmon , First ward ,
D. Guthrie ; Second ward , George Colton ;
Third ward. J. H. Gillesplo , Great excite
ment prevails with the successful party and
cheers and handshaking are heard and seen
on all sides.
Retrenchment nt Plnttsmouth.
PHTTSVODTH , Nob. , April 1 , [ Special to
tTitjJ Bnu. | The men in the B. & M.
machine shops commenced to-day to
Work under the eight hour system , from 7 in
the morning to 4 in the afternoon , with an
hour at noon. This Is the beginning of re
trenchment and it Is rumored that the ope
rating expenses will bo still further reduced.
JCho men fool very sere ever it nnd the re-
pult has been tbo Quitting of a number of the
plnglo men. A largo number of the younger
( men had commenced the erection of homos
nnd to thuso the cut will bo especially hard.
Although there Is a good deal of grumbling
vet the men acknowledge that the reduction
is preferable to a wholesale discharge.
IMoCoolc Kedceined.
McCooK , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tins B'EB ] The election hero to-day
tvas a land slide und lion , S. G. Green wns
elected mayor ; J. E. Kelly , clerk j E. C.
JBarlow , city treasurer ; C. H. Meeker , en
gineer ; C. E. Boyd , member of the firm of
iVulsh & Boyd , wholesale llquordoulors , audi
iL. . Brown , councilman from the Second
vard ; J. C. Allen , from the First ward ; U ,
1. Oyster and F. H. Fowler , members of the
ward of education. Not a dozen votes were
: ast in opposition to those tickets nnd thq
> ooplo of McCook have repudiated the stigma
last upon them by the member of the legls-
aturo from this county and places herself on
Record for constitutional high license.
Poisoned tlio Food.
PMTTSMOUTH , Nob. , April 2. [ Special
Q-'alogrnm to TUB BKB. ] The mental equili
brium of ft daughter of Mr. Samuel McCon-
key who liven south of town Is slightly un-
.palanccd and some of her erratic actions are
Attended with very unpleasant and danger-
bun results. That jvhicli appears to afford
her the greatest pleasure la the delicate at-
t -teritlou In the way of gastronomic appetisers.
Vho last exploit of this culinary genius near
ly resulted In the death of n brother and two
Judlos visiting the family. The lugredlnnts
Of * otno pastry partaken ol by thcso people
contained poison which made the parties
deathly slok aud only by tl.u timely assist-
unco of u physician were they enabled to re
cover from tbo oticcta.
TAI.MAOK , Neb. , April - . ( .Special Tele
gram to TUB HUB. ] A year ago Tulmago
\vent dry by nu average majority of six.
( The license ticket to-night lias an overWhelming -
Whelming majority , The vote stand "Li
cense" Cummins , 73 ; Damuiu , 73 ; Ives , 74 ;
1 Uutz , 03 ; Sellhora , 74.
"No license" Miller , 35 ; Gregory , 35 ;
, Cooper , 81 ; Childs. 31 ; Patrick , sa.
, Ono hundred and llvo votes were oast. On
IBOBIO no lloenso tickets every numo was
scratched and license names tmbstltutod and
I on some license tickoU every numo was
' - h. scratched uud no license names substituted.
' 'JTUo license" boys uro supremely happy.
! ' Indorsed the Waterworks.
VAUOO , Neb , Auril 3. [ Special Telegram
V , ' , to TUB BEB.J Tno city election just closed
M ' has boon ouo of the hottest for years. The
main Issue was the question of the retention
tit the water works system now in operation ,
war upon which has been made by certain
f itiwui aud the city council of last year.
T , H. Dickinson wa candidate for mayor of
champions of the water works , aud J. It.
lllkcson for tho/oiWjiUon. The result has
> eona mngnlflcontuunorsoment of the water
works system by the election of Mr. Dickin
son for mayor by the handsomest majority
over given any ofilcer In this city.
BKXRKLMAK , Noli/ , April 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tins BEK. ] The election Just closed
was a fight between the saloonlsta nnd mitt-
saloonlsU. Each sldo elected two men for the
own council , which will have to bo deter
mined by drawing straws. The following
nro the names of these elected : A. Guy and
< \ W. Dawson , antl-snloonlsts ; Joseph
Ubldoux nnd' Oscar Calllham. salooulsts.
T , K. King , antl nnd James Morrlng for
saloons , were tied. The issue has bcon
strictly wet or dry , nnd moro Interest has
> ocn manifested than in any other election
overbold In Bcnkolman ,
Democrat * ) Oot n Blloo.
PIATTSMOUTII , Nob. , April S. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BEK. | The city election
icld hero to-dny resulted in n victory for
ho democrats , the following couucilmon bo
ng elected : First ward Clans Urcckcn-
'cldt , D. M. Jones ; Second ward , Charles
ilempcl ; Third ward , Patrick McCallon ;
fourth ward , J. D. Sampson , and LnCo
O'NIcl , Fifth ward. The members of the
school board olccted wore J , M , Patterson
nnd J , J. Unrnh. The defection of the re-
mbllcans is accounted for by the splits nnd
deals , nnd the submission nucstion wns also
nn Important factor In to-dny's election.
NHIIHASKX CITV , Neb. , April 2. [ Special
to TUB BP.E.J A warrant was Issued last
night for the arrest of Mrs. John Ohnnmcht
and two of her sisters , Anna nnd Lena
Knollcs , charging thorn with kleptomania.
A largo amount of dry goods , shoes , dross
mUcrns , etc. , were found nt their homes ,
.vliich they acknowledge having stolen from
: ialf a dozen different flrnis In the city. The
Family hat nlwiys been highly respected and
,3 considered wealthy. They gave bonds for
trial to-morrow , but it is likely that n settle-
nont will bo effected. Mrs. Ohnnmcht Is
the mother of seven children.
The Voting Men Win. CEXTKII , Nob. , April 2. | Special
Telegram to Tun Ucu-J To-day's election
was the most animated over held In this
ilnce. There were four tickets In the field ,
the worklngmau's the citizens , the peoples
nnd the compromise. The last was composed
jf young men. The young fellows wore on
Imnd oa'rly and worked hard all day. Their
Llckct , to the surprise of nil , was elected with
the exception of one man. As the ticket
failed to state whether the young men were
aspiring for village trustees or county Judge
there is n strong suspicion that the old fel
lows will servo an injunction ,
-Burglars at Beatrice.
Neb. , April 2. [ Special to Tun
BEE. J Burglars got in their work last night.
The house of Mlio Baker , on Sixth street ,
was entered , the icoy of the back door being
Lurnod with nippers. Hero they secured n
ladies gold watch and other Jewelry worth
W < - L. Hemsborg , the Lutheran pastor , on
Grant street , was awakened by a masked
burglar who pointed a revolver at his head
and finally got away with n lot of clothing
and several hundred dollars In notes. No
clue to the robbers has yet been discovered.
Men the Only ISBUO.
RED Ci.ouw , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ! To-day's election re
sulted In the election of the following ticket
with majorities rangincr from 25 to 100 :
Mayor , G. B. Holland ; city treasurer , T. C.
Hacker ; city clerk. L. H. Fort ; councllmcn ,
L. H. Wallace , D. F. Uudd , Fred Hammcll ;
school directors , C. F. Cother , J. A. Tulloy ,
Holland , Hacker. Fort and Uudd are the
present Incumbents of their respective
ofHces. Party _ lines were not drawn , the
issue being ono'of men only.
Playlns With l-'lre.
EJ.KIIOIIS , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB.J Jcroino Powell , a
farmer who owns a place just south of town
and adjolninc the school house grounds , seta
a fire out to-day to burn some rubbish on his
farm. Owing to the high wind the flro
spread rapidly , and the school house was
threatened. Prof. Muthews dismissed school ,
and with the aid of his scholars succeeded
iu quenching the blaze. Mr. Powell lost a
stable and ten tons of bay. No insurance.
Quiet lit Chndron.
CII.UIUON , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.E. ] The city election passed
off very quietly at this place. The following
city ofliccrs were elected : Mayor , Herbert
A. Cox ; treasurer A. A. Record ; city clerk ,
John W. Smith ; city engineer , J. W. Boyd.
There was only one ticket in the fluid. Ben
jamin Lowonthal ran independent for city
clerk against J. W. Smith and Smith got
cloven majority.
An Exciting Contest.
SupBiuon , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE.J The most exciting elec
tion contest In the history of this city oc
curred hero to-day , resulting in a clean
sweep of the "Big Four" and their ticket.
J. S. Johnston , the candidate of the Econ
omy and Reform ticket , defeated C. E.
Adams , candidate for mayor. The issue was
clearly made on the general policy of the
present administration.
The Peoples * Ticket.
ELKHOIIN , Nob. , April 2. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The town election passed off very
quietly to-day. There were two tickets in
the Hold. The peoples' ticket nominated
Saturday night was elected to a man , as fol
lows : Trustees , II , A. Nolle , John Griggor-
son , W. S. Canon , Frank Rubor nnd William
Karncr ; treasurer. John M. Brunuor ; clerk.
Dan W. Canon ; marshal , J. A. Fry ; street
commissioner , John .Anderson.
The Defeated Demur.
FLOIIENCB , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The citizens ticket is
elected by largo majorities. Henry Hall ,
mayor ; Jacob Weber , Jr. , clerk ; L. E. Huy-
bargor , police Judge ; Jacob Wobor. sr. ;
treasurer ; E , P. Walker , councilman Second
ward ; Stephen Brown , councilman First
ward. The successful parties are celebrat
ing. About throe hundred votes were uollcd.
The election will probably bo contested.
Dnntngo Ity Fire.
HAIOLEII , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TiiiiBKE. ] Apralrlo lira has been
raging north of town for the last twenty-four
hours. Several settler ; have been com
pletely burned out , losing their houses , out
buildings , hay , farming implements und
some slock. The wind has boon so high
that nothing could bo done with tbo fire , but
It is now thought to bo under control ,
For Public IniprovKiitontq.
Asm.AMt , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Toio-
gram to THE BEE. ] The city election re
sulted in au average majority of ninety for
the entire public Improvement ticket. D. D ,
Coolov was ro-olectod mayor ; T. J. PIckott ,
Jr. , city treasurer : A. H. Gould , city clerk ;
O. D. Harford und George Hoffinau , council-
tnou ; I , Peotcrson and E. C. Puucost , for
members of the school board.
Button's Kteotlon.
BUTTON , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BP.E.J The city election bore passed
oft with unusual quiet. The issue was li
cense nnd antlllconsoTho license ticket
was carried , electing F. O. Mattcson. mayor ;
Harry M. Clartt. clerk ; John G. Oscbnor ,
treasurer ; C. W. Woodruff and M. Witten
berg , councllmou : Dr. Clark and Theodore
Miller , board of education ,
Quiet nt linsllngii.
HXSTI.VOB , Neb , , April 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BEE. ] The election passed oft
quietly in Hastings to-day , resulting in the
success of the high license ticket. N. B.
Vineyard was elected polite Judge , J. A.
Ross , William Vastlno. L. J. Crceth , G , A.
Kent , couucllmcit ; J. 1C. Lawson and J. M.
Ferguson , members of tbo school board.
BInrUcr Trial In ProHpoat.
FAIKUUKV , Neb. , April 3. [ Special Telo-
( . ruin to Tin ; BEB.J District court convened
icro to-day , Judge Morris presiding. Netti
ng ot importance crime up except the calling
) t n grand Jury In order to bavo n regular
Indictment ngnlnst Patrick Shlol , the Day-
kin murderer , who was to have been tried
under an Information. The case will not bo
called until next Monday.
Foul Piny Fcnrod.
Mxnntn , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bsn. ] E. C. Manor , formerly of
Omaha , loft his homo In northeastern Chase
county last Tuesday n week ngo , for Imperial
to receive n loan of < 500 which ho secured
ind loft for homo early the following mornIng -
Ing , Ho has not been hoard of since nnd
foul play is suspected. Search has bcon in
For High Ijlonnsc.
FniKNn , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Br.n. ] In the city election to-day
the entire high license ticket was elected by
ifood majorities. The now board will bo
William Burd , mayor ; II. F. Alexander ;
cleric ; C. E. Fnond , pollco judge. Councilmen -
men First ward , Joseph Sonderman , Henry
Wissenborg ; Second ward , John Holland , A.
S. McKay.
\Viis 8trongor.
GUANT , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Telegram
to TnK Br.i : . ] The city election to-dny wns
enlivened to-day by the presence In the field
of an nnti-llconso ticket. The license people
were n llttlo stronger nnd elected their
ticket by a margin of 15. The members of
the board nro G. A. Grnvos , J. L. Board , C.
G. Woods , H. E. Goodall nnd C. S. Brown.
Thcv Will Jubilate.
VALPAHAISO , Nob. , April 3. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BKE.J Election passed oil
quietly though the result was very close ,
D. M. Dcano , William Glffon , W. T. Craven
and J. M. Hicksou on the license ticket , nnd
R. Johnson on the nnti-llccnso ticket were
elected. The license party has made prepara
tions for n grand Jubilee ever the result. ,
No Llcnnso nt Nolson.
NELSON , Neb. , April S. [ Special Tolo-
grain to Tun BEK. ] The village election
was exceedingly dull , there being only one
ticket In the field. A no licence board was
unanimously elected. U consists of C. II.
Dowland , H. E. Goodrich , F. W. Lawson ,
C. P. Leigh and W. I. Tompltou. Only 73
votes were cast.
Women For the School Board.
BKATUIIT , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bin : . ] There was n light vote
at the city election. G. L. Cole , C. G. Dor-
soy , R. J. Smith , J. S. Grabt and William
Ebright were elected councilmen ; J. A. Col-
lison , pollco Judge , nud Mrs. Elczaboth Ellis
nnd Dora Wheelock members of the school
The Anils Iluvo a Chnncc.
FAIIIMON-T , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tolo-
grani to THE BIE. : j At the municipal elec
tion hold hero to-day Wallace Wheeler was
elected mayor , Elmer E. Losli clerk , E. G.
Stiles treasurer and George Smiley nnd J.
W. Talmago couucllmcn. The board for the
ensuing year is supposed to bo anti-license.
Firemen to Compete.
NcmusicA. CITV , Nob. , April 2. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The Nebraska City
lire department has decided to have an inter
state firemen's tournament May 25. Liberal
prizes will be offered and it is expected lire-
men from Omaha , Lincoln , Council Bluffs ,
Pluttsmouth , Red Oak , Shonaudoah , Bea
trice and Auburn will tuko place.
Tired 01 Prohibition.
MiLroun , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | At the town election to
day the high license ticket won by nineteen
majority , There was an earnest fight and
the high license people had an exceptionally
strong ticket. Milford has changed oil each
year for five years , having bcon no-license
the present year.
Mr. Urowii Woni
CULBEHTSOX , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tol-
cgram to THE But : . ] The village election
was very exciting. The fight was Brown
and anti-Brown , The Brown ticuct was
elected by a largo majority. Hitchcock
county voted to bond the county to day nnd
all reports show the bonds were carried.
The Itcgular Keiiilt.
EXETEII , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The village election
was hold to-day for the purpose of electing a
town board. There were two tickets in the
field , license nnd no license. One hundred
and twenty-six votes were cost , the avortiRO
majority for license being thlrty-ono.
District. Court.
AUIHJJWI , Neb. , April 2. [ Special to THE
BEB. ] District court convened hero to-day ,
with Judge Applcgct on the bench. There
arq forty-six civil and eighteen criminal
cas'es on the * docket. Atnonc the cases Is
thut of Sklllmnn , charged with the murder
of Williams in February last.
Mrs. Dr. King nt Button.
SUTTOS , Nob. , April 2. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Mrs. Dr. King , of Lincoln , Neb. , is
hero doing dilligent work in the cause of
temperance. Last Sunday night she deliv
ered u lecture In the opera house- which was
packed to its full capacity. Monday night
she spoke on prohibition.
CitAio , Neb , , April 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] Tbo following anti-license
board was elected hero to-day : J. R. Mona-
hnn , G. Gates , J. Davis , JooBnvor.and E. F.
Irwiu. There was some hard work done by
both sides aud three of the above got In on
very small margins.
For High Ijlcousc.
MISDEN , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | The cntlro high license
ticket was elected to-day , excepting one al
derman and the city treasurer , Jensen receiv
ing twenty majority ever Kent for mayor.
The balance of the ticket was elected by u
small majority ,
Stock Damaged.
GitANi ) ISLAND , Neb. , April 2. [ Special to
Tim BEE.J A llro occurred In the Now
York Racket store this morning at 0 o'clock
but was extinguished bofora any damage
was done to the building , but stock was
damaged about $1,000 by water. Fully In
sured. _
For License.
Louumu.E , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEK.J A license board was
elected hero to-dny practically without oppo
sition , having 08 majority. The members
are John Oasonkop , W. Li. Shryock , L. H.
Livingston , Frand Fotzgar and Walter Cut-
B'ld Day Tor Boritin.
GIIAND IsLiNi ) , Nob. , April 2. [ Special
Telegram ta THIS BEE. ] W. II. Plutt was
ro-olectcd mayor ; C. W. Bnmingor , clcrK ;
John West , treasurer und Joseph Mlllor , pa.
lice judge. Both the bonds for Boworugo
and city hall were probably defeated.
For High
ATKINSON , Nob. , ' April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Atkinson's village elec
tion to-day resulted In the election of the fol
lowing trustees : Jacob Smith , Dun Taylor ,
J. H. Coburu , A. L. Morse aud W. A. West-
fall. The board Is for high licence.
A High Iilounsa Board.
TEKAMAH , Nob. , April 2. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] W. Harrington was elected mayor
on the high license ticket by a majority of S.
Ono councilman in the Second ward was
elected by a small majority. This gives
Tckamah a high license board.
Favored the Honda.
EXETEII , Neb. , April 2 , [ Special Telegram
to 'PiiK BKE. ] The special election held to
day for the purpose of voting 150,000 to erect
a new court house , wont in tills precinct iu
favor of the bonds by u majority of 10 i.
A Ilousn Burned.
VALPAIIAIBO , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIE BEE. ] A tow mluutcs before
7 o'clock this morning n house occupied by
B. F. Hftrrott wn discovered to bo on flro.
It burned to tlio-f ro nd , No insurance.
A. NolHmrrifn City Tire.
NnmusKA. CPTT , "Nob. , April 2. [ Special
Telegram to Tt/i / SfeB.J The roslilonco of
Frank Lnuntclic'lji ' , j | Kearney addition , wns
destroyed by flrcj catly this morning. Tlio
family had n narrow " ' escape. Loss , $1,800 :
Insurance , 81,20Q. ( ,
liomuM'o flnvo tlio Calf.
Gn\NTvNob. , Atprll 2. [ Special TolORrnm
to THP. DBF. . ] The , brtrn , llvo stock and grain
of C. II , ParlntUrt vqT-o consumed by n prat-
rlo flro to-dny , itarlntun's wlfo was severely
burned whllo tryjaig to rescue a calf.
It Struck Fix I r bury.
Fxiuntmr , Nob. , April 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun UGC.J-An Infantile hufrlcnno
and sand storm struck this city to-nlcht.
Dosldcs a few signs and outhouses being
blown down no damage was done.
A Quiet Klootlon.
NnmusKA CITV , Nob. , April 2. ( Special
Telegram to Tun UKK. | Tlio city election
pnascd oft quietly , and n very small vote was
polled. All tlio republican candidates were
elected with the exception of two.
Knoujjli of Prohibition.
Atxswoimi , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Tel-
gram to Tun 13nn. | After a year ot prohibi
tion Alnsworth elected a license ticket to
day by eighteen majority. The fight was
hotter than a national election ,
Follows tlio llulp.
FAinnuny , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Tele-
Rrnm toTnn BKE. | Thocity election took
place to-day. It was temperance vs. high
license , and at this time chanced are greatly
la favor of high license.
Poitofflae AVatitPil.
IlAitittsox , Nob. , April 3. [ Special to Tun
BnK.J Citizens living some miles northwest
of hero are petitioning for a now postofllcoto
bo named "Gllchrlst1" in honor of that mem
ber of the legislature.
The Ijlconso Ticket Carried.
Hoi.Dimac , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.r.Tho election to-day says
that W. 1 > . Hall Is elected mayor. The 11-
ccnsu ticket curried.
The Hoard For Illiili Licence.
JUXIATA , Nob. , April 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun 13ii.J : Tli3 license ticket car
ried in this village by 44 majority. The
election was very quiet , but nearly a full
vote was polled.
Kloctoil to Go Dry.
UxAim.ijA , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Tel-
gram to THE BEE. ] The municipal election
to-day developed little interest. A citizen's
ticket was elected and the town will go dry
another year.
Iliuh Ijloensc Prevailed.
ToniAS , Neb. , April 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tun DUE. ] The entire high license ticket
was elected hero to-day , but by greatly re
duced majorities compared with lust year.
A Liliilit Vote.
GKAFTON , Nob. , ' April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnji ) ] TJlio court house bonds
were defeated Iri.thls 'township by 42 votes.
The village oluctSjd license board.
AunqiiA , NobjAprU 2. The city went
"dry" to-day. The council for the year will
be a tie. For mayor' A'.1 N. Thomas hod 203
votes and William OloVor 193.
I > ry.
UI.YSSKS , Ncb.'Apr'll ' $ . | Special Telegram
to TUB I3BE.J Ulspses. ; haa gene dry by a
vote of 98 to 54. Rrocything was quiet and a
very light vote pollfcdidj
A New Uniird Kloatocl.
BitADSimv , Neb.1/ April 2. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BKE.J The- old board ticket
was'defoated , and the citizens' ticket elected
by 8 majority.
Hny Springs in Lino.
HAY Si'itiNcis , Nob. , April 2. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BKE.The ] village election
passed very quietly. A license board was
elected. _
Enough Prohibition.
OAKDA.I.E , Nob. , April 2 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUB. ] License cnrrlod by 23
majority. This after two years of prohibi
NIKUK , Til 13 1MISEU.
How a Tlioh Old German Imposed
Upon His Neighbors.
About six years ago Henry Nizor , a mid
dle-aged German , lived near Columbus on n
largo and well-cultivated farm , which was
wpll Blocked and upon which ho had built a
largo residence nnd also n comfortable stone
barn , had a wife and two grown
daughters , who were very popular in tlio
neighborhood , were well dressed and ap
peared often In the best society of the "com-
muulty. Everything seemed to bo
moving along smoothly with the
Nizors , and tliqy had the reputation
iu that section of tuo country of
being well-to-do and prosperous. Some tlmo
during the year 188U Henry Ni/cr , for some
unknown reason and to the surprise of his
old neighbors and acquaintances , sold his
farm and stock for $70,000 and departed for
Kansas. His two daughters came to Omaha ,
where they now reside , one of them having
married well and the other living with her
married sister.
The other day a gentleman who is well ac
quainted in Columbus happened in at the
principal bank in that city and In friendly
conversation with the cashier happened to
ask what had become of the Nizers. The
cashier answered that they were some
place iu Nebraska but Unit he could not state
where. Ho added that Nlzor had $50,000 in
cash deposited in his bank upon winch he
had not drawn for a considerable time.
Tlio gentleman to whom the cashier Im
parted this Information had occasion a little
inter on to go to Clarks , in Mcrrick county ,
not many miles west , of Columbus. Ho was
destined to an auction of stock which was
fixed to tuko place u few miles north of
Clurks , and at that sale ho recognized his old
acquaintance Henry NIzer. Grootlne him.
ho was surprised at the refusal of the old
German to rccoeuUo him. Talking
over ' this oineuumanro with u
farmer who rcslocdt ju the neighborhood
the ge'utloman was told , that Nlzcr had'u short
tlmo before movcUt'iuto u miserable little
adobe habitation umlluifrom the pmco. where
the auction was bobifohold. His wife lived
with him , and they jyera then , and had boon
for some months , living upon the charity of
the good people of tm neighborhood.
Nfzer had given out that he wns penniless
owing to u long traju of misfortunes which
had overtaken him { u Ivunsas , and as nobody
in the vicinity of Glurk * know the Nirors ,
the story was bo tyveu and provisions mid
clothing were supplied the old Gorman and
his wife as above sU pd. , When the story of
Nlzor's duplicity gof , ouV the men \vlio had
given him asaigtuuqp became very indignant ,
und there is some t lk q ? the old man being
culled to account fpij ; ' tUu ' Imposture lie has
practiced. -ri 'j
A Bol tohbcry.
A bold and successful house robbery was
perpetrated early lost evening at the homo
of Mrs. Elliott , 1508 Jackson street. Mrs.
Elliott was nlono In her homo about 8 o'clock
ana was engaged In some work In her dining
room for about an hour. Shortly before 9
o'clock she heard u nolae In the front part of
the house und wont In her parlor Justin tlmo
to see a man hurrying away from the front
door. An investigation , showed tbat the
room had been violted by a robber. A
drawer in her private dusk had been broken
into nnd her gold watch and * SO in cash wns
secured by the thief , The mutter was re
ported to the police.
Jutftlca MattliCMVH * Will.
WASHINGTON , April 2. The will of the
late Justice Stanley Matthews was Hied for
probate to-day. All the property is left to
his wife and children.
All the Olubs Roprooontod nt the
Dos Molnos Mooting.
A AVnriit Contest Anticipated Before
the Mat tor Is Finally Adjusted
The Klvor Ijnntl Set-
tiers Defiant. '
the Schedule.
DBS MOINES , In. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins BEK. ] All ot the ofpht cities
In the Western association were represented
in the mooting of base ball magnates hero
to-day , The faults of the schedule adopted
nt Slonx City n few weeks auo were so glar
ing and BO serious for most clubs , especially
Milwaukee , Denver , Dos Molnos and St.
Joseph , that it had to bo changed , or the sea
son would bo H failure from the beginning.
About every city comes prepared to offer n
now schedule , but as soon ns the mooting
was organized n committee consisting of
Qulnn , of Milwaukee ; Howe , of Denver , and
Brandt , of Omaha , was appointed , with In
structions to submit a now schedule as soon
ns possible. The committee has boon work
ing nil day nnd with llttlo prospect of reach
ing n conclusion that will boaccentablo to all
to-night. The Jlrst result reached by the
committee was to open the season on April
20 , instead ot April 25. The
change has brought up a fight ,
as sonio of the clubs nro strougly
opposed to so early an opening. An effort is
being made to balance the games moro
evenly , so that no club will have its scries
with any other club finished before the sea
son is half over , us was the case In the Sioux
City schedule. The matter of holidays Is
also making a fight , as every club wants the
best holiday at homo. The attendance nt
the meeting is largo , Including some of the
lending ball men of the association , and n
warm contest is prob.ibla before the sched
ule Is finally adopted Each club is allowed
two votes. It looks doubtful if n schedule
can bo iigroed upon to-night , though the
committee is at work upon it at a Into hour.
The Itlvcrlmnd Settlers.
FOIT ; DODOK , la. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin. I The concerted action of
the river land settlers to forcibly regain
possession of the lands , from which evic
tions were made last fall continued unin
terrupted. Throe additional farms from
which the occupants were ojeetcd last fall
were sobed by sturdy farmers and crops
sown in the name of the evicted tenants. A
simill army of men and teams , with ma
chinery nhd seeds , will make a tour of the
cntlro river land district und sow crops
wherever evictions bavo been made. Tlio
excitement uttcndnnt on this bold notion of
the settlers has been greatly heightened by
the proposed institution of legal proceedings ,
charging nil who participate In this latest
move with conspiracy. Such action , it is
feared , would precipitate long averted
trouble , as it would result in the nrrost of
a largo number of farmers , aud all unable to
furnish bonds would bo placed Iu jail. A
move like this would result dUustorously to
farmers at this season and it is announced
that rather than submit they will resist ar
rest. County Attorney Moore is consider
ing the best mode of procedure , und will
tuko final action in the matter to-morrow.
The Chicken Finally Classified.
DES MOISKS , la. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BnE.J The board of supervis
ors wrestled with a novel question in do
mestic economy to-day. A man came from
Bloomflcld township , complaining that dogs
had been killing his chickens. Ho killed ono
of the dogs aud found five of his chickens
dead. The law allows the board of super
visors to pay for nil domestic animals killed
by dogs. But the board couldn't determine
for some time that n chicken was.a domestic
animal. Noted authorities were consulted ,
and after hearing arguments the board
finally decided that a chicken was a domestic
animal as well as u fowl , and so established
the precedent , and allowed the claim.
The Fines IMum. Bo Collected.
Dns MOINES , la. , April 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE.J The case of Sheriff
Loomis , for contempt of court in refusing to
imprison convicted liquor men who had
fulled to pay their flues , was decided In the
district court to-day. The sheriff gave as
his explanation that ho thought that the
payment of the fine was the chief thing
souuht , and ho had been giving the offenders
time to get the money necessary. The court
held that It wns his duty to have them im
prisoned if they did not pay up , but that his
failure to do so was not an intentional con
tempt , so ho was permitted to go with an ad
monition no tto sin again.
V'lrn Buga nt Dos Aloinrs.
DBS MOINEB , fa. , April 2. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] This city seems to
bo infested by a gang of fire bugs. Three
fires a day are about the avorago. At 11
o'clock to-night an incendiary fire broke out
in the rear of the parsonage of the First M.
E. church , burning two burns nnd two
houses , and destroying about $7,000 worth of
property. The city Is greatly excited ever
the peril that dally threatens it. Summary
punishment will meet the first iiro bug tbat
is caught.
Hill Nye Was Out of Humor.
MASON CITV , In. , April 2. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE.J Bill Nye , the noted
humorist , is in much trouble ou account of
impaired health. Most of his engagements
in Iowa hud to bo canceled , nnd now the
several opera house managers have com
menced suit against him. aggregating $1,500 ,
for breach of contract. The parties bring
ing the suits secured the services of detect
ives and claim to have evidence that ho was
potuluut and feigned illness ,
Aiding I ho ChiuitniKiiia.
Gi.ENH'ooD , In. , April 2. ( Special to Tun
lHi : : . ] An enthusiastic meeting in the inter
est of the Council Blufts und Omaha Chau-
tuuqua assembly was hold nt this place last
night , nnd addressed by Rov. F. W. Parsons ,
Rov. C. II. Crawford , H. G , Lumson , Dr.
Cooley and Manager J. E. Hurknoss. Glen-
wood will do her part to aid this great
movement ,
A Brnkomun Killed ,
MASON CITV , la. , April 2. [ Special Tol-
ecram to TIIK BEir-Sam : ] Strock , a brakeman -
man , was killed at Saitb'bon last night. Ho
was a prominent member of the brother
hood. _
A Collision ortSnglnrH.
ST. PAUL , April 2. Late to-night two yard
engines In the Chestnut street yards' ot the
Omaha road collided und two men were In
stantly killed. Two others are probably
fatally injured nnd three more badly Injured.
The accident is thought to have been caused
by carelessness.
Aii Opium Seizure.
SAN FIIANCISCO , April 2. The customs
house ofllcors this morning seized opium
valued ut $15,503 , which had been smuggled.
The drug was found concealed in u soap und
candle factory conducted by Richard Ahlf
and H. Guuldoz , u saloonkeeper. Other ur-
rchts are expected to follow.
Fighting In liiiytl.
NEW YOIIK , April 2. The steamship CInri-
bo ) , which arrived to-day from Hnytl bringa
nothing definite from there. Fighting was
going on In the Interior , but nothing was
known us to the results.
Joseph Matthews of Tulbotlon , Gil. ,
snya thut a uhlckon wut > hutched ut MB
lioino n ( ow duyti sincu thut liud four
lutfH , four wfuga and ( i head like a
mouse. IIo Ima prosoryod this wondur-
ful chicken in alcohol.
Tlio total Indian population of the
Unitml Htatos in 188'J ' wns ii(7,701 ( , , nnd
the Indians hud U12.400 tuiuaro milosof
territory reserved ( or their uso.
Spring Medicine
I ncccolfr with Wonrlf OTorjliortjr. The nm
down , tlroJ condition 'irt this JC . on I * dun to Impurl-
tlei in the t > lee < l which Imro ncouninlntail rnirtnx the
winter , ivnrt which ntuit bo oxpollnit If TOuwlnlito
feel well , llnoil'n Kftronpiulllft thoriniRlilr purlfle *
nml Tltalltoa the Mood , crime * n nooil appetite ,
euros tlllouinoM nnd ticmtnclio , Rivet lionlthr notion
to the kldnoyn nnd llvor , ml ImpitrU to tlio whole
ft fooling of health and ilrcnstli. . Trrlt this
"I isko Hood' * Bimnparllln orery year
tonic , with ino5l ntl rnctorjtCMiH . " 0. I'AUMKUCR.
SIS' Ilrldgo street , Itrookljn , N. V ,
I'urlflcH tlio Illond
'Ilood't Snnnparllln purldod mj blood , itavo mo
ftronetli , iiml o.Tercnmo tlio hcaiUcho ntuldltilnons ,
o that I nmnblnlowork ntfnlti. I recommend Ilood'a
Bn npnrilln to other * who o blood M thin or Impure ,
mid wjio reel worn out or run down , " I.UTHUI
NABoX , Lowell. Mn i.
"Wo hnto mod Hood'H BarMiparllla for jronrn , am !
recommend It ns tlio l > ot fprlnn modlclnaor blood
purlllor. Our boy Is nine ycnnolil nnd Ims rnjojroil
Rood honltli over uluco wo bnann itlvlnit It to him.
Wo are tcUlom without U. " II. ! . ( ! no vit : ! , Itochva-
tcr , N. H.
Tlio chlof reason for tlio runrreltoui sticcou of
Hood'a Hftrsnpnrlllnlafoundln the nrtlcto lt elf , IT
ISMKIUTTIIAT WIN9. nnd the fact that HoodM
Barmpnrllln actually accompllsho * what la claimed
for It , ! what ha < rnnda It the niodlctno flnt In the
confidence of our countrymen , and siren to IIoo < V
HanapArlllft n ponnlarlty and nlo ( creator than that
of any other blood purlIIrr.
"Knrly last iprlnil I wai rrry muoti nm down , had
ncrroiK headache , felt mlcral > le anil nil that. 1 wai
very much bonciHlod by Hood'a Samparllla and
recommend It to my frlomln. " Mns.J. M. TAVLOK ,
lll Kucikl Avenue , Ctorclnnd , O ,
Creates an Appetite
"I wli > h to enroll mr name ns ono ot thnso who
haru derived lionltli f rum tlio use of llood'a Snnnpa *
illta. I'orninny yenrs I tmvo taken It , especially In
the curly prlnr , whonl urn troubled wlltidliilncsi ,
dullnc'V unploatnnt tn | e In my month In the mornIng -
Ing , U removes this bml taste , rolloTos my homlnch *
and makes mo feel nrontly rofroshoil , The two bet
tics I have usoil UiH nprlnz Imvo been worth many
dollnM to mo , 1 mlrlio nil my friends to take It. '
JOHNUINNS , Oil * . ' ! Slruot , town ut Imko , Chicago ,
N , U. llo Mirn to KOI lloud't giaraapnrllla.
Hold br nil < lr\mnl. t , 31 | six tor to. 1'roiiarcJ only , Sold l > r nil i\riiuxl \ t * . fli six forli. I'ri'i'areilonly '
br C. 1.1100D A CO. , Lowell , Mnw. \ l > f C. 1.11001) A CX ) . , Ixiwcll , Miitv
10O I > i > hCN Ono Dollar J 100 Josc < t One Dollar
ii I have used Palno'a Celery Compound ana It
has had u salutary
effect. Itlnvlgorat.
feel llko n new-
man. It Improves
the appotlto ana
facilitates Clgoa-
stlon. " J. T. Coro-
LAND , rrlinuu , B.O.
is a unlquo tonic and appetizer , ipimnt to
the tnste. quick in its notion , and vTihout any
Injurious ciTcct , It gives that rugged health
which makes everything tnsto good. U cures
dyspepsia nnd kindred disorders , Physicians
proscribe It $1.00. Six lor sa.CO. Druggists.
WELLS , RICHARDSON &Co. , Burlington , Vt ,
tWor anything any color. \
Mwavturcl\ \
Spring medicine moons more now-a-doys thau 1C
UldtcnjcaiBngo. Thovlntcrot isss-sa liaslctB
the nerves < M jiygtd , out. The nerves must btl
strengthened , the Wood purluetl , liver ana
bowels regulated. I'olnu'B celery Cornix > urd
l/io Spring tncilMttor/fo-rfaf/ < ! OC3.11 this ,
OB nothing else can. J'rencrited ly P/lysMd.w ,
Ttiwmrnoirtftt t > ! tDrtip/jlat7iuorte ! ! < l by Hinlettrt ,
Otirminfml ty th ilannfacturtn ta bt
"In the 'jprln ' # ot 1S3TI was nil nm down. I
would get up In the morning with so tired a
feeling , ami wns BO weak t luxt I coiihl hanlly KI-O
nrountl. I bet tieof ' '
txiiight a - of I'alno'B Celery Com
pound , nnd before I hurt taken It a week J felt
very much bettor. I can chcef ully rrcoinmcua
H to nil who need a bulldlngupnmlstrength -
Ing medicine. " Mm. u. A. ] > ow , iiiirltngion , vu
Instantly Btops the most excruciating pains ; never falls to clvo oaio to thn sufferer.
TOOTACHK , or any other external I'AIN. afvw applications rubhed on livhnml , not llkuinncic , cans-
anil repeated applications nro nccossnry. All INI'BUNAI , PAINS. IMAHIUIUIA , DYSKNTKUV ,
Moved Instantly , auil nuirUly curoil by taking Inwardly M to CO drops iu half u tmnblor of water.
r 0 cents a Hottlo : Sola by Druggists.
With UAUWAY'S PILLS here is no better CUKK or PHKVfiNTlVE Ol' IT.VGK AND AOUI !
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the loKltlnttiro In IMP , for
I'ducHtional and Ciiarltublo purposes , nnd 1U
franchise ma'lo a pait of the preiunt State Con
stitution , In 1079 , by au overwhelming popular
" '
"its'MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take place Saml-
AnnuallyUuno und Decnmbcr ) und Its ( JltANI )
each of the other ton mouths of the , and
nro all drawn In public , ut tlia Academy of
Music , Now Orleans , La.
For Integrity of Us Driwlnpa , and Prompt
Payment of Prizes.
"Wo do hereby certify tlmt wo suporvHat-
arnuinemeiitsforall the .Monthly ana SemiAnnual
nual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery
Coiiipun } . ami In person nmiiago an 1 control
tlio Drawings themselves , and that tna amo
are conducUid with honesty , fulroi'ii' , nnrt In
( rood faith toward nil pirtlui , aud wo authorize
tliocompiiuy to use thl ortlllfato. with fac-
11 miles of ouii signatured attaclud , In Us advor
We , the un < le lKnod Hanks anil Hankers , will
pay all Prices drawn in The Ixwlolnua rituto
Lotteries which may bo pru.-tanluil at our couu-
JI.'M. WAtHSIiKY. 1'ros. Louisiana Nat. llauk.
1'iKHHH IjANAlIX , I'ros. State Nat'l Hank.
A. HAIjDWIN. I'ro.s. Now Orlnain Nat'l Hank.
CA1II , KUIIN , I'ro.s. Union National Hank.
At tlio Academy of Music , New Or-
lonns , TiicHday , April 10 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twont7 Dollars each.
Halves , $10 ; Quarter : , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen
tieths , ' $1.
1 J'KI/.H OK.T01.0Wls JO1.0r )
1 I'llI/.K Ol' ' a ,003lM
2 I'lir/.ics OK luououro ,
f , IMII/HS OK fiUlnro ( Wi.OOJ
So I'HIXKH OK l.OOOuro -
100 I'HI/K.S OK MWare
2UO I'ltl/.KS OK iKWitre OliOOO
500 l'HI/E3 OK axiuro 100,000
100 1'rlzpHOf.VKnro J.W.OOO
UK ) IVlzcHOf ; ) UOure HO.OOO
lOUl'rlzoiof WWaro SSl.UW
9i9 Prizes of lflluro JOT.fiOT
lito I'rlzohor lUOuro 09.UX )
ii lill I'rlzos. amountlntf to Hfi ( ,8JO
* NoTK.-TK'keti Drnnrli mcil'r Capita are noteif
tilled to turniliml prizes.
t 'l'oii Ci.uii IUTKS , or unr further Information
dcslriiil. write loitlblr to the unilernlunuil , clvarly
ktullnifTour roilluii ( . with rUat , County , MrcotunJ
Numlior. Moru r pld ruturn mall Uollrury will bo us-
mrcJ lir your oncloslnz on enclosing bearlnw rour
Hori I I'O.yi'AI * NOTKH , KzprdJi Mnnur OrJcrs. nr
New York Kxclmme In onllnurjr hitter , Currcjiioy by
Uiprcn ( at ouroxp n o ) ( llrca ; eil.
M. A. l > AIJrItIn.
OrM.A. IMUI'HIN. Now Orleuni , la.
nf j > ( 0 ,
Address Registered Letters to
New Orleans , La.
11V HODltNA'I'JONAI , IUNICH of New Orlumii , uutl
tlto tlckola iirnnlunoJ bjr tlio I'rcnliluiit of an InntUu *
tlon wliuio dmrloiuO rljibti are rocoEnlioil In tbe
lilKiiualcouru : lhurufor , LeHHruof nil lialtatluni ur
mionyniuus Hchuiuun. "
o.Ni : iwjLI.AIt it tlm nrlrenf llio tmallett part or
fraction of a tickut IS.-1UKII 11V UH In nny dmwlng.
AnythinK Mi ouruuuiu offeruil fvr lets thmi a dollar ,
Peerless Dyes # liT15 ! , "
20to60 DAYS.
Tins is : t diHoaso which bun heretofore
BnDlod all Mudical Solunco.
When Mi-rcut-y , Iodide of Potassium , Saraapa
illla nr Hot Spring fall , \\a Ktiaruntcou cure.
Wo have n Remedy , unknown to anyone In the
World out3ldaot our Company , undone that lion
to cure the most ob.itluato ciisos. Ton days la
recent cased does the work. Itl.f tlio olilclironlo
deep Heated ciisca that we Hollcit. We hiivo
cured hundreds who have boon abandoned by
1'hyftiuian.s. and pronounced Incurable , and wo
chnllcnue the world to bring us a case that wa
will not euro In lass than sixty dayx.
Slnco the history o { moulolno u true spoclQo
for Hyphlll.s has been sought for but uover
found until our
was discovered , and we are Jiistillod In
It In the only Htmieily in the World tiiat will poi.
itlvely cure , because the latest Medical Works ,
published by the bout known authorities , nay
there was uevera true flpcclllo beforo. Our rem
edy will euro wlii'ii everything else lias failed.
Why ste your time anil money with patent
medicine * that never had virtue , or doctor with
phyHlciunt that cannot cum you , you that hnra
tried everything dsn should come tons iiovvand
K t permanent relief , you never can get It elao-
where. Mark what we say. In the end you
must take our remedy or NI8VUR recover uud
you that have been nllllctod but a short tlma
dhoiila l/y all means come to tin now , not one In
tenor now cases ever get permanently cured.
Mnnyirelhulp and think they are free from tha
disease , but in one , two or three yearn after It
appears igiln In a more horrible form.
This is a blood Purillor und will Cure
liny Skin or Blood Disease whou
Everything Else. Fulls.
r.ioni ( 10 mill 11 , U. S. Nulloiial Hunk
Itulldliif , ' , Omnlm , Nub.
is Wealth !
Dn. r. , (3. WKST'H NKHVK Ann HIUIN Tnr.AT-
MK.vr , uhiniruiituoil Himclllu for llystorla , Jlzz | .
iioan , Conviilblonn , Kits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration cuused ) > y th
use of alcohol or tobacco , WakofiiluoiiH , Mental
IH'prusalon , HoficiiliiL'of the Hraln , ruaultlUKlu
limunlty and leading to misery , deruy and death.
I'loiuatureOld Ace , lliirromieHs , Loss of J'ower
In either MAX , Involuntary Lo se and Hpermat-
orlKuucuuHotlby ovor-exertlonof thu bruineolf-
abiiHe or overindulgence. Kach box contains
ono moiith'ri treatment , $1.00 u box. ot nix boxes
for * 5.twsent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlca.
To euro any cn ie. With each order received bjr
us for six boxes , accompanied with fti.OO , wo will
Kend the puvchaser our writ tun Kiuiiuntco to ref -
f und the money If the treatment does not direct
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