Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The wife of Fire _ Chief GnlHgnn la
very 111.
Ucnlth Olllcor Petit entered upon the
clischnrffo of his ofllclnl duties yester
Oil Inspector John McDonald hns
been laid up for several days with a
fractured ankle.
llnrry Allen , the alleged confidence
man , put up $100 in police court yester
day for his appearance for trial on
Senator- Paxton hns decided to add
two more storya to the Merchant hotel ,
nnd malto other Improvements , to cost
in all about $36,000.
The teachers' examination for certifi
cates to lunch in the city of Omaha will
commence lo-day at 1) ) a. m. in the
high school building.
The total number of homeless wander
ers who wore given a night's lodging in
the police station during the month of
March amounted to 121.
Dunn and Carroll , two prlponors who
wore working on the street force on
Tenth street yesterday afternoon inndo
Way for liberty and got it.
Fire partially consumed Dan Slovens'
barn at Fourteenth and Mason yesterday
Children and matches were the
cnuso. Dainngo , about $25.
The roof of William Kachmnn's
grocery store on Eleventh street , near
Capitol avenue was slightly damaged
by lire at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
The hackmon are wroth over the
action of the council in charging them
30 cents for a copy of the ordinance
regulating the operation of cab and
hack lines.
During the month of March City
Garbage Inspector Goldsmith removed
118 dogs , 01 cats. 2 colts , 40 horses and
1 calf , a total of 2i2ii dead animals as
agninst 100 for the month of February.
A largo force of men commenced yes
; \ terday to tiiko up the old Farnum
street water pipe for the purpose of put
ting" in its place a now and much larger
ono. They made the first break at the
Tenth street crossing.
The report of Captain Green of the
night force for the month of March
shows that thirty-one of the thirty-nine
officers on the night force have either
boon sick part of the time or absent on
leave. The report of Captain Cormack
for the day force shows that eighteen of
the thirty-five olflcora had missed an
aggregate of 114 days from the sumo
J.V. . Huyucs , Conn. , Is at the Mlllard.
F. E. Day , of. Boston , ts at the Millnrd.
C. S. Boynton , of Boston , is at the City.
E. Wlngllold , of DCS Molnes , is at the Pax-
ton.C. . . H. Cornell , of Valentino , is at the Pax-
ton.C. . S. Strincor , of Chicago , is at the Pax-
ton.J. . . B. Patterson , New York , is at the Mur
ray.V. . Stecnboclt , of Philadelphia , is in the
city.S. . S. Jameson , of Boston , is ut the Mil-
lard.P. . B. Edwards , of Duluth , is at the Mil-
lard.M. . . II. Honowell , Toltamah , is a Millard
K. L. Ruddiclt , of Keokuk , is a Paxton
A. L. Younfr , of Burlington , la. , is at the
J. B. T. Hall , of Kansas City , Is at the
John -I. Nesbltt and faintly , of North
Platte , nro at the Paxton.
Al. Fnlrbrothor. editor of the Lincoln Daily
Call , was In the city Sund.vy.
B ? Rapids ( la. ) Republican , is at the Murray.
General Frederick has returned from Hot
Springs , Ark. , rejuvenated in feeling and
appearance and entirely relieved from his
Irksome companion , rheumatism.
Mr. W. H. Wood , mechanical engineer , Is
hero to represent tlio old well known flrm of
Beraent , Miles & Co. , machine builders for
railroad shops , on the order to bo given by
the Union Pacific railroad on April 1.
A Hunting Pnrty.
John M. Thurston , C. K Catlln and Henry
Homan went west yesterday on a hunting
expedition. They will camp along the
Platto. _
Ono license.
Christ P. W. Hanson was granted a liccnss
to wed Christonso H. Juno yesterday in the
county court. Both are residents of Omaha ,
and their respective ages are thirty and
Gone to Holt Count ) ' .
John W. Boyer , a colored boy who escaped
from the prison nt O'Neil a few days ago ,
nnd who lias been In the county Jail here ,
was removed yesterday by Sheriff M , Eavoy
of Holt county.
Admit Their Guilt.
Captain Cormack went to Nebraska City
yesterday nnd returned with Gcorgo Wilson
and John McGlll who were arrested there
charged with the burglary of Doolittlo's
Jewelry store on Lalco street. They admit
their guilt. "
Ho Wnu Smoking.
C. M. Hummel , of this city , while loading
shells at Ashlnnd was seriously
burned by the explosion of o powder can.
Ho was smoking at the time , which accounts
Tor the trouble. Another num. Louis Truux ,
was oven more * horribly burned.
Victims of Auction SiinrkH.
Nick Otollo , of Petersburg , snys ho was
Intimidated Into taking a brass watch which
ho did not bid von In McConuoll'a auction
shop , nt 713 South Tenth street. Ernest
Paetow nlso complains to the police that ho
Was swindled out of $10 In the same Joint.
More Olisuona Mall.
George Francis Norton , who resides at
Thirteenth nnd Chicago streets , was ar
raigned before United States Commissioner
Anderson yesterday on the charge of sending - '
ing obscene matter through the malls. Ho
was held in $300 bonds to the United States
district court. _
s. A CarolcxH Storekeeper.
The proprietors of the grocery store nt 1005
Howard , carelessly loft their store open
Sunday night and It was found In that condi
tion by Ofllccr Clark , who bolted the front
door and passing through locked the buck
door and loft the lioy at the police station
where the proprietor found it.
Niimod for Belgium ,
The name of Edwin H. Terrell , of Texas ,
was sent to the senate last Saturday by
President Harrison to be conllnned for the
appointment as minister to Belgium. Tor.
roll Is a brother to Colonbl Terrell of the De
partment of the Platte , who hns been sta
tioned at Omaha for a number of yoarj.
HOY. HI. P. Rowling's Departure.
Ilov. M. P. Dowllng , S. J. , loft Omaha
roptorday to tika up his residence In De
troit , whci'O bo ' "is been sent to take charge
Df the Jesuit college. Ho prcnchud his farewell -
well discourse nt St. John's Gclle < 'iato .
churchjSundny night to a very largo audlunco.
The keenest regret Is expressed in church
Mid college circle * over Fattier Dowllng's
Icpurluro. _ _
Charged With Fraud.
The CABO ugiilnst G , W. Morrow , charxfoK
him with embezzlement , has been continued
Jntll April W , In Justice Road's epurt. Mor
row U a young man nnd wa an agent for t'jo
Union Manufacturing company , Thu com
plaint , which was Jl led by James Fellch , ac
cuses Morrow of having fraudulently secreted -
cretod about six sowlnj ; machlncx , valued at
HSO , with tlio intention of dcfraudng the
Hon. John A. MoSImno So Character-
izoft n Itccont Scheme.
"It was ( \ shrewd move , " eald the Hon.
John A. McShnno to a BBB reporter last
night , "for the corrupt ring that has control
of the municipal matters In South Omalm to
accuse the stock yards and packing house
people of concocting a scheme to squander
the money of tbo citizens of South Omaha In
case of the BUCCCSS at to-morrow's election
of the ticket they are supporting. The fact
of the matter is the business people of South
Omaha hnvo united for protection from the
council already in power. The talk of the
members of the present council of oxtrnvn-
anco don't look well in the face of the fact
lint they run the town of South Omalm
aoo.000 In debt last year , and Judgments for
.hat amount nro In force now ogalnat the
: orporutlon. The business people of the town
vant to put In a- council that will
jtop such extravagance for the coni
ng year , after which h now
barter will bo in effect and In the
nuniclpiil expense account will ba charged
o the members of the counclltind no court
vlll have power to rdndor Judgments against
bo town for Indebtedness Incurred by un
arrantnblo nnd outrnglous extravagance.
o , Instead of planning .further enormous
xpcndlturca the people's candidates at to-
narrow's ' election nro on the platform of re-
ronchincnt. If the magnates of the present
ouncll were honest In their cry of wolf they
: ould have taken step ? to protect the citizens
iy passing on the now charter before this
.lection and thus made it impossible for the
ncomlng council to squander tha people's
nonoy. They simply wanted to get in nnd
invo another pull nt the crib before the In-
ucuratiou of a new and honest order of
.hiugs. "
Don't hawk , hawk , blow , spit , and dls-
st everybody with your offensive
breath , but use Dr. Sago's Catarrli
Remedy and end It.
Tlie Bllslmp of n Street Car Driver
Iiilcoly to Cause Death.
Harry Mardrum , driver of street car No.
W of the Fnrnnm and Thirty-sixth streets
hie , mot with an accident at i o'clock yes
terday afternoon that will probably result
'tttnlly. In turning his car nt the turntable
on Thirty-sixth street , the team , a spirited
one , started up and pulled tha car off the
track. Mnrdrum hud changed his team to
thu rear end of the cur to pull it back into
position when ono of the horses kicked him
nnd knocked him under the wheels. The
team then started to run , drugging the un
lucky driver a distance of sixty feet under
the wheels , which ilually passed over his
body. The team ran down the grade to
Thirty-fourth street , where both horses fell
and the car piled up on top of them , effect
ually ending the runaway. Mardrutn was
[ ilcked up by some graders who were
working near and carried In an un
conscious condition to n store near by
nnd medical nid summoned. Ho was fear
fully cut and bruised about the head nnd
shoulders. Both collar bones were broken
and ono sldo of his head crushed almost to a
Jelly. The physicians have but little hopo.of
his recovery. The injured man is about
twenty-flvo years of age , unmarried mid
boarded near the Park avenue staOlcs of the
Ilorso Car-company. His parents , who live
near Philadelphia , have been informed of
bis accident and condition.
Huralbrd's Acid Phosphate ,
The HpHt Tonic
known , furnishing sustenance to both brain
and body. _
JJroko the Ground.
The breaking of the ground for the new
First Methodist Episcopal church , at the cor
ner of Twentieth and Davenport streets , took
place at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
There was quite n hundred people on the
scene , and the ceremonies were at once in
teresting and beautiful. These opened with
a hymn with organ accompaniment , whichwaa
followed by u , prayer by the rector , Rev.
House. Appropriate remarks were then
made by Rev. Lemon , Mayor Broatch , Revs.
Clendcniiifr , Duryca , Hnrshn , Dean Gardner ,
Lnmur nnd Dotwellor. After those addresses
the ground was broken for the now church ,
the Rev. House throwing tbo ilrst shovelful
of dirt. Then came the doxology and boao-
diction and the congregation dispersed. ,
Tim plans and spccillcatlous for the struc
ture call for a very imposing edifice , and it
will bo a decided ornament to the part of the
city in which it Is located.
I cheerfully recommend Red Clover
Tonic to thodo suffering from troubles
of the stomach and liver. I am now on
my second bottle , and it makes mo feel
like a new man. C. M. ConnorNashua ,
la. , Goodman Drug Co.
Heading the Testimony.
The county commissioners yesterday
met. Mr. O'Kcofo introduced a resolution
that the testimony m the poor farm investi
gation bo rend over in committee of the
whole , and that the latter instruct the chair
man of the investigating committee to report
upon the sumo to the board.
Mr. Mount favored the resolution.
Mr. Anderson objected on the ground that
it wag not customary for Juries to road testi
mony and it was as u Jury the board had
been sitting.
The resolution was adopted and at 4 o'clock
yesterday tlio board was listening to the
testimony , which covers 117 pages.
The delicious fragrance , refreshing
coolness and soft beauty imparted to the
skin by Pozzoni's Powder commends it
to all ladies. _
In Trouble.
Charles Duke had n rumpus with Lido , bid
"woman , " in a Davenport street ! bagnio.
After knocking her over ho spent the rest oi
his strength breaking the windows and
smashing the furniture. Ho wan arrested
uml lined $12 f.O.
Adolph SIdmark was found taking boxes
from S. P. Morso'a store at an early hour
and was arrested. Ho claims that a short
man with n black tnoustacho old him the
boxes for DO cents. The Judge doubted the
story and lined SIdmark $5.
In 105O ' 'Brown's Bronchial Troches"
were introduced , and their success as a euro
for culds , coughs , noihina and Uronchitlii has
been unpariillollcd.
Slnvon 011 Street
Owen Slavcn , of fanning & Slaven , has
Just returned from tlio east , nnd says that It
ho is compelled to scrape the street : * which
ara covered with earth after the winter nt
sweeping prices , it will bankrupt his firm.
Thn contract was taken with thu undura land
ing that the scraping was to bo paid for nt
extra rates , ns It had been two
years previously. This scraping
will cost 60 cents pot yard
nnd there nro thousands of yards which will
require this attention and the cost of thcso
would more than counter-balance the
profltsof their sweeping contract , under
which they are paid at tbo rate of 63 cents
per 1,000 yard.
Mr. Slavm says his firm lit willing to do
what Is fair , but holds this cleaning can't bo
exacted of it under the contract or in reason.
A grand flourish of trumpets often
heralds the advent of an article which
fails , when tried , to justify the noise
made in its bohalf. The unassuming
merits of Van Duzor'a flavoring extracts -
tracts derived from choice fruit , of
standard purity , and elected over a
quarter of a century ngo to the chief
plneo among flavors , are too well known
to need more than a general reminder.
Cheap comuollton oi valulosa articles
heighten the popularity of thcso. All
Water Works Imborors Throw Down
Their Shovels.
The suburban village of Florence Is all
torn tip with excitement over methods
that nro being worked by certain parties for
carrying the municipal election there to-day
Yesterday morning about eighty trench
diggers nnd pipe layers , employed
by the waterworks company struck beiuuso
of an order reducing their wages from $1.75
to $1.50 per day. Everybody , it seems , was
surprised. The contractors claim that no
such "order emanated from them.
It is said that V. G. Lang-
try gave It und agreed to furnish
Italian laborers , who would take the places
of those men at § 1.25 n day. The strikers
came to town and reported at the company's
ofllce hero but were not given their tlmo.
Thomas Duprce , the waterworks candidate
for mayor was seun , and said that
so far as ho had been able to
learn the order reducing wngcs came from
his opponent's friends , Henry H.ill bolim
the land company's candidate , and was given
solely for the purpose of creating a feeling
among the men ugalnst him at
tlio election to-day. Ho wont ? to
Sheriff Coburn and naked for the
appointment of llvoTnen ns deputy sheriffs to
preserve order nt the polls. Ha is satisfied
that as soon as the election is over the
strikers will all go back to work , and at
their old wages.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnslow's ' Soothing Syrup should al-
\rnys boused for chlldrcu toothing. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays nil pain ,
cures wind co'lc. ' and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. 25ccn ts n bottle.
Twenty llioiiMiml School Children.
The school census of the city , just com-
jilcted , shows the following number of chil
dren of school age in the various wards :
Tirst ward 3,373
Second ward 3,53 :
Third ward 1,03(5 (
Fourth ward 2,448
Fifth ward 2,213
Sixth ward 2,810
Seventh ward 1,710
Elphth ward 1.I1S7
Ninth ward 1,425
Total 20,243
An Absolute Cure.
MENT is only put up in large two ounce tin
boxes , nnd Is nn absolute euro for old sores ,
burns , wounds and chapped hands , and all
skin eruptions. Will positively euro all
Kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AB-
IETINE OINTMENT. Sold by Goodman
Drug Co. , at 23 cents per box by inuil 3i )
Chnrgpd With iVrJury.
James Bullnnco was arrested yesterday at
the instance of Druggist Kuhlman on the
charge of perjury. Kuhlman's store on
Thirteenth street was burned recently , and
In his suit ugiitiht the Hanover Fire Insur
ance company. Ballancu swore that ho hud
delivered gusollno roRularly to Kuhlman ,
tbo keeping of which Kuhlman's insurance
policy prohibited. Kuhlman now asserts
that ho never purchased any gasoline of
Ballauco at any time , hence the arrest on
the charge of perjury. <
Wo feel perfectly safe in recommend
ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rhou-
inntism , lame back and all cases requir
ing a liniment. A bonolicial ollect is
apparent from its lirst application.
Many aged persons who sull'or with
pains in the joints and muscles so fre
quently caused by exposure or sudden
changes of weather , find immediate re
lief in Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Give
it a trial. Sold by all druggists.
Get n GntlltiK Gun.
II. Martin , Thirty-eighth and Davenport ,
complained nt police heaquartcrs yesterday
that a gang of tramps in his neighborhood
is terrorizing the women and stealing
everything they .can lay hands on. Ono
of the rowdies attempted a lecherous as
sault yesterday upon n respectable cr-
mqn woman , but her outcries attracted the
neighbors and when they appeared the
scoundrel fled. _
They are trying in Germany to find
substitute for India rubber. No ono
who has used Dr. Bigolow's Positive
Cure desires a substitute ) , as it is emi
nently successful in coughscoldsand all
throat and lung diseases. Goodman
Drug Co.
Wanted u His Vest.
Captain W. S. Jogca , who rooms over
Rothery's ' .saloon was awakened Sun
day night by a burglar striking
o mutch. The fellow was ordered
out by the captain nnd "got" taking
Jones' vest with him. Ho was arrested , tha
vest being found in his possession. Ho
waived examination and was held to the dis
trict court in tha sum of $ 01. Ho gives the
name of Frank Williams. The vest could
not have been of much use to Williams , as ho
is a very small man , whiln Jones' is of ponderous
derous proportions and weighs about 250.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnamst. .
telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc ,
Nonr the Wheels.
Edward Hnywood , of the Union Pacific
shops fell off tlio cable cars on Twentieth
street , near Nicholas and was knocked
senseless. The horrified passengers thought
ho was killed. Ho remained unconscious
about 10 minutes. Ills Injuries were not
serious , but ho narrowly escaped having his
skull fractured.
tlic United States Oovernmf nt. Endorsed tiy the be di of the Great tlnfversltles
ml TuUlc 1'rxx ! Analyiti.a * the cHrontrtst , Iuret and most Healthful. Dr. Vrlce'i Cream
lUUIngl'OTdcidoeaiiotcontaluAniuiorila.I.lmeorAlura. Dr.J'rlce'fDellcloiuFlavorinBnx.
tiact./Vouillti.l.etDoo.Orauge / , Aliuoud , Ho cttC.douot contain rotsonouiOilaer Chemicals.
PRICE BAKINQ POWDER CO , , NawYcrk. ciiloogo. st.touln.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordinary Kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In
competition with the multitudes of low coat ,
Hhortwelght alum or phospoato powders. Sold
only in cans. Koynl linking Powder Co. , 120
Wall stieot New York.
Cum fnrAcTl ESTABLISHED IS5I ( 180 So.
tUrOlUT6SI ) } Chicago , Ills. 1 ClorkSt.
The Regular Old-Established
li illll Treating with the Greatest
„ M AT.1 * t > _
Chronic , teens and Private Diseases ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and nil ( he eflectl
leading to early decuy and perhaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-railing MICC-II.
O/3- / SYPHILIS and all faad Blood and Skin Dls.
caeca permanently cured.
* 8-KIDNKYi > nd URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all disease !
of the Qenlto-Urlnary Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
* iiNo experiments. Age and experience Im *
portnnt. Ccntrltatlon free and sacred.
3-S-nd 4 cents postace for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
* 2"Tliose contemplating Mairiaceend for Dr.
Clarkc'a celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both 35 cents ( stamp * ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or cull may save future suffer
ing and shame , nnd add golden years to life. OS-Hook
"Llfe'o ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( stamps ) . Mediant
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 13. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
160 So. Clark St. ' . CHICAGO , ILL.
Aslc Your Retailer for tlio
T A "RiZr"ECS "RrT'K' A TIT03
tSJa.JmJ.JtS. > JsB. iJ.a.J. ®
According > to Your Needs.
ma light and etylisb. It fits Hkoa
| 8tocklnsr. end RKQTJIKK3
Inc perfectly easy the flrst time It
It worn. It will eatlsfy tha most
63 SIIOK li absolutely tha
inly shoo of Its price i > hlch ,
bos over been placed cx-
tenJlvclyon Uio market
in which durability
Is considered before
mcro out-
Ask tor the James ouco.
11 cans $2 Shoe for Eoys
J. MEANS < fc CO. , JJostou.
Full linen of the above BIOCH for aalo br
Norris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. Mtller
Only ncnulno System omicmory Training.
Four llonln Ijonrncd lit ono rcudinir.
Blind wnndorinff cured.
Every clilld and ndult itrontly tioncfHted.
Great iuducmi.ntfl to Correepoudenco CIis-ci.
Prosoeclus. with oplnloni of Ilr. Win. A. Ilnm.
In Hind Duea-- .
world-taincil Specialist
mcmd. the -
3SSnlcl < "rrriilpnrTliOinpi.oiithoKreatI HChot
Fifth Are. , N. Y.
eg * ANEW Si
s's Gocoa.
"Ilr n tboroiiKh knowloUo of tbo rmtural laws
whlcu govern Uio opur.itlous nt ilUixttu.i ami nutrl
lion , iimHiy u c.irorul iiiMi'l"itlnn ' of Hi' ' ) II no prnpar
tits of wulf-sulecttnl Cocoa. Mr. t'.vv li.ii provlilud our
breakfast tablet with n nolle it'jly tlnvoru.1 boveru 10
wlilclimuy siivo iiait.eny Heavy rtoctorV bills. His
by thu Judicious usu ol eucli artlclus of illct thill n
constitution mny bo era luiilly built u until Btronu
cnotiKli Id roilst every lonilviicy to dlsoino. Hun
dred * of tubtlo mutinies are tloitlnu around ua roitily
to attack wherever then ) i > u wank uolnt. Wa mar
escape inanr n fatal vlmfl by I.eepInK uurjmves well
fortlllod with pure blood ana a properly nourished
Jraiiio. " Civil Borvlco ( lazotto. , . . . . . . .
Miulo simply wltli bolllnir water or milk. Sold only
In half pound Una by Urocera labeled th'.m
TAMDU HDD < 3 9 , ffl " omreopatlilo Chemist
JflfflljO hri 0 Ot WJn LONDON.
( Successors to John G. Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Emb aimer
At theoia stand 1407 .1'arnam St. Orders by
telegraph solicited and promptly attended.
clephono to No. . ' .
iiii.i.i ttro-
M N ONLY _ or litn UJIU.-II. u.d.for
Vili ipcclfia puri > * io. CI/KK or
'ttn ' , tiooTHi.a , loiloiioa Crr.oUof
Kltctile- \It/ rflr.oltbrouiball ! wt.k rarl i rcitor *
l.tlfclia1 1 ; In Iltillh > d Vlioro.iSir-.ilk. Clectrlg
C ti. l 2 lia i iTi > Tti or t forftll IJ.UOO la cut.
VILTad aip MO'vCoaiil.uaft. o dii. Wont e oj p r *
nD.otlcjr.d la t&r * . mootbi. Boal.d ( i U9f > bll ie. uua.
eucceufully uted moathlbjr over 10,000
'sidles. Are Safe , Kffcctualaiul t'leatant
tl perl > oi by iiittil.or at dru Kl ta. Sealed
"articulan S postage Btampa. AddresH
Fur sale and li l \ mall Goodman
Dfii t/lCoOiiiliu , Nebraska *
Nebraska Clothing Go's
Our new Shoe Department is now ready. It is located on tlio soo.
end floor of the now addition , and you will find there the largest and boat assorted stock
of Men's Shoes in the city. Wo 'will take occasion hero to remark that it is our intention
to lead the retail Men's shoe trade of Omaha just as we do the Clothing , Furnishing and
Hat trade. The introduction of our popular prices produced a revolution in the clothing
trade , and we propose to accomplish the same in the shoo trade , by giving at all time
The Best Shoes for the Least Money.
In buying shoes you have to rely more upon the house that sells them to you than upon
your own judgement. You can not tell the quality of the leather after it is made up
into the shoe , nor can you tell how a shoe is made , as a cheap shoo can bo finished
to look as well as the best. You can only tell after the shoe has been worn how
good or how poor it is. In the.preparation of our new dopartinent wo have employed the
most expert knowledge and experience. Our stock is selected from the beat and most re
liable makers , and so sure do we feel of the quality of all shoos which we are selling above $2.50
that we offer to every purchaser. In case of sfcny unreasonable defective wear oi
these shoes ,
Has any other house ever made such an offer ?
You will find our prices from 25 to 50 percent lower than those of any regular shoo
house. Our $1.25 , $1.65 and $1.85 shoes are honest and trusty shoes for workingmen. They
are sold in every shoe store for considerable more money.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
Wednesday , April 3.
Wo extend to tlio In lies a apodal Invitation to
visit our store on tlw ttfteriioou ami ovenliu 'if
tlio iluto iibovo mentioned , mul afford 113 luu
pleasure of showing them tliroimli our Children's
Itepartmoni.Vo carry tlio tinoU line of fur-
nlshliiKs for tlio lUtlu people to ba fount ! In the
city , ami nro confident t'iicl > lii-ljr will feel her
tlino well spent In looking ! them urer.
A shopping tablet will bu pre-cntei to each
Thellion"High ( Pressure Hose
Tlio Kcst Is tlio Cheapest !
" °
Following Flute
Hussey & ] ) ny Co. ,
31. A. Tree ,
Gralinm Park ,
J. J. Hnnl liiin ,
J. L. Wclslimis ,
J. It. Uanmcle ,
S. I. Morrison ,
Iloso & llulfc ,
And all leading
plumbers throughout
the west.
Kmmiiiiit * * ' '
The pressure guarantee Imprinted In the body
of the cover is n protection to the consumer
against common liose.
FATEHTfD AUO. IB , 1887. IMPROVED FED. I , 1889.
ii.-r-.Bt .il to cure tbt fol
-o-lof dli.uci , nimtl/t All |
iRheumatU CompUloU ,
'Lumbago , Oeneial and
Jfervom Debilitr. Sac
HirrouineK , Trembllnr ,
Bezual ExbauiUon.Wait-
ice of Body , Dlirito
ndlicrttlpni In Youth , Agt. Bar.
le Life. I" ' "I til duifi uri.lDlci
r r.olul orf&oi of mmto or r.iBilt.
fitb dle.po.UM -BIB inuilrBt.J p.niptlel , wtleb will to
itct rou fa pi-la n-liJ cDt.Ioix. M-otloa llli i iptr , ttttni
BOO North Broadway , BT. J.OUI8. MQ
Owe > ElKtiic Btlt Attachment.
worn with &io ao t tonforl. Tbo
. cilll r i-f-T ' li U. otl ;
, . , ,
-la Iruif iod t lt T.r '
Ko lir. IB ( ron 10 lo 90 di r'or roll dfK-fptioaVriir.' . EUetro Oiltiplt B.IU. _ . . . . .
IUK-IU itid to. Cor r.n lll t l.l ( . . l > lil.l > LU |
tent leu la pUI > mUl .Btilopo. Hold eel ; b ; ib.
TIIANSPOKTATION. Department of the
Interior , Olllco o liidlnn Alfalrs , Wnshlngton ,
Jlnruli ' > . I-t9. Sealed pmposals , Indorsed
" 1'roposnls for Ileef , ( llds for beef mnstba Mib-
mltt d In sepnnito onvelopest , Kacon , Klour ,
ClotliltiK , or Transportation . , " ( ns the cuso
maybe > , nnd dliected to the Commissioner of
Indian Air.ilrs , Nos. ( Vi nnd 07 Wooster street ,
Nuw Vork. will be received until In. m. of Tues
day , April : . ' ; i , IbS'i , for furnlsliinfr for the Indian
service about OJ""iH ) pounds bacon , Ul.nOU.WJ
pounds beef on this hoof. 1OiJlXiJ ) ) pounds net
beef , iiiU.O.O jiounds baus. 71.00J pounds baklna
ponder. 6'JO.UCO ' pounds corn , 477.0JO pounds eof-
K'c , r.C.KlOlKl ! ( pounds Hour , 7J.UWI pounds food ,
liM.OOrt pounds hard bread , Gi.OOl potitids hominy
iny , 2H.O.JO pounds lard , 871 b.irrels niots pork ,
17uOO pounds ontnicnl , It'i'.lOJ pounds oats ,
KK.CO ) pounds rice , 8.0M pounds tea , ai'i.OO'J
pounds salt , JKJO.IKX ) pounds soap , ! W.OJO
pounds siiKiir , nnd SLOW pounds wheat.
Also , blanket- * , woolen nnd cotton goods , ( con-
slstltiK In parr of tlcKlnp. u > , uoo yards ; standard
calico , lUOiK)0 yards ; drlllliiu , 11WO ( yards ; auok ,
free from all blzlncr , BS.UOQ yards ; deninis , 17,000
yards ; Gingham , i-Ni X ) yards ; Kentucky Jeans ,
17iW ( ) yards ; cheviot , 12,003 yards ; brown sheet *
inir ,'J yards ; blencliud sheetltifr , 2J.010
jards ; hickory whirling , 15,003 yards ; calico
shirting , D.WJO y.uds ; wlnsey. 303 yards ) ; cloth
ing. grocerle-i , notio'us , liauhvaro. medical sup
plies , school books , &c. , nnd u lone llht of mfs-
collaneouH articles , such ns harness , plows ,
rakes , fo-ks , &c. , and for about 010 wagons ro-
nulroil for the service , to bo delivered nt Chica
go. Kansas City , nnd riloux City. Also for such
wagons as may be required , adapted to the
cllumto of the I'aclflo Coast , with Cnllfoinla
brakes , delivered at Sau Francisco. Also ,
transportation for such of the articles , goods ,
nnd supplies tliut may not be contracted for to
bo delivered nt the agencies , lllds must ba
madu out on goveuimcnt blanks. Schedules
showing tlio kinds and quantities of subsistence
supplies required for cnoh ngency and school.
nnd the kinds and quantities In gross , of all
other goods nnd articles , togetner with blank
proposals , conditions to bo observed by bidders ,
time and place of delivery , terms of contract
nnd pajment , transportation routes , and all
other necessary Instructions will be furnished
i.pon application to the Indian Offlco In Wash-
lugton , or Nos. ( Ifl nnd 07 Wooster street. Now
York ; the Commissaries of HnbsUtenco , U. S.
j'OSiinasierH iu DIUILJI uiy , um * i uufttviii imu w
the Postmasters at the following named places
in Kansas : Arkansas City , Caldwell. Topi-ka ,
nnd Wloiiltn. The right Is resorvcd by the gov
ernment to reject nny nnd nil bids , or any pnit
of nny bid. and these proposals nro Invited
under proviso that appr&priiitlou shall bo made
for the Mippllea by Conf-ross. lllds will bo
opened attlio hour and dayabovo Btatcd , and
bidders are Invited to bo present ut the opening.
Certified Chucks. All bids must bo accom
panied by certified chocks or drafts upon BOIUO
IJnlted States Depository or the First National
Hank of fos Angolcs , Cal . for at least tlvo nor
rent of the amount of the proposal. JOHN II.
OIlrSKI.Y , Commissioner. nichaidiat
I .tfumlreJiqMsu
Creotlv ImnrovoU "iili > * i alnv nhncklos oh nns
M"EnBlelrlrtinf.Mf/.rn.A. | i..rln | length ,
en > nd iborten icconllnr to tba welcnt put on tbom.
Adapted equ ll well to rouch country or fine
Wty drlvoo Wiltclvoroj boot KutlHfnctlon.
MKN an1 WOMDN Bucctjifiilly treated.
Delilllly. IXIM til Mcii.orr , lopondonc ) , Aver l"ii to
Boclcty , Kidney Troubles or any dlstasu of tlia ( lent'
to-Urinary Orxartu , can nors ilwl u ufu and jioii'ly
cure. Oiarvc * rea ii blo , i > | irelAllj to thu poor.
There nro many troubled with too frenucnt evnMm
tloiuof tbo blndiler , of wn uceompanlfd by a llitit !
niarllnc or burning eni. tloi ) , uuU weakunlnu of ilia
ritcni 111 u niuuncr lliu patlgiit ciinnot iiccounlfor.
On examining the uiUmry doposlun lopy nKdliiimit
will oltcn bo found , and ium ilinei imrttcle * of Hlliii.
men will iippcar or thu color bu ot n lblnuillkl ! i
liue , ueuln cimnilint ton ilarlc or torpid appearance.
'J lieru ara mnnr men wbo illu or tlilt dintculty , IfiK.r- .
ntottaoi' u n. which u thnivcunl Hu eot ni-ml-
nl wcnkncM. Tha doctor wl | | uimmnlce a period
iiirolnull < ucl > caiei.ttnd n hejltliy roiiuratlon of
the L'tultu-urla.iry ork'niu. ( 'oniultatlon fri'i- . Send
V-reiit utaiiiptur "VouiuMan' I'rlt nil , nr Outdo to
Wedlock , ' ' lioo to all. Addrnsi
Main nnd 12th St. , KniibaG ( ; ity , Mo.
from tUe
of yuuthfuj
N , W. Cor. I3th & Dodso 3ts7
Appllancas far Doformlties and Trusse : .
nen'ficimici , npparatui uml romc'lln * for tatet't
ful treatment nf otcry form of dleaatu requlrluc
Nodical or Surgical 'Jrnatiueut
Hoard and nttcndancot belt rjospltal accommodft-
tloni In the wu U .
WKITL rou OIKCUI/1R3 on Deforniltloi nml llrncoi ,
Truises , Club Vent. Curvoturo of tbo Siilnc , Hies ,
Tumors , C'ancur , Catarrh , llroncliltU. InbnlttlODi
Uleculclty , l' rali l , Kpllepst , Kldiiojr , llladdtr ,
Kjo. Knr , Skin and lllood.anJ alfbuntlcul opiralloult
Diseases of Woman n Specialty. '
AllDlood niieaiexucotssfully treated. Bypbllltl ?
Poison ramorod from tha yitom without.mvTvatTt
N w restorative treatment for Ion ot Mtal rowor.
Fer-ona unable to T'.slt at mnr bo treat'jcl nt home b
rorreuondenc . All commuulcatloni conndoutlali
Medlclnei or Instruiuants font tor mall or czpr > > ,
ta-urely packed , no marks to Indicate contonti oj
under. One panonnl Intervlair preferred. Call mid
coniultus or aend lilitory of your caie , anil wo will
end in plain wrapper , our
Bpon Private , Special or Nervoui Jlseate , Impo.
Uncy , Bjpbllls , Uleot Birl Varlcocele , trlth qn-itloj
Hit. AddruM
Omuhu Medical nnd Surgical Institute , old
Oor. 13tti and Dodeo at . , OMAHA , NUBi j
Capital S-100,000'
Surplus Jim. Jut , 1889 6:2,000 : ,
IinN'HY . 1'A'riW , 1'reslrlont.
LliWIH B. Uii5D. : Vice 1'rsstJeiit ,
' '
W. V. MOIlHi : .
It. U.JU8IINI. ( ! (
J.N. 11. I'ATItlCK.
\V. H.B. IllJOIIira , Cnsllli
Coiner 13th ( uul Fnrunm Stu ,
A General llanklnu lluslnoss
A lort'o amount of money to lonn on
proved real estate In the city of Omalm. ' 11
.unils will lie ( llktrlbnted In auiua to unit , bu
largo loans aru iirefovruil , Application1) ) may b
made tn
Jlrist National llanlc JliilWInu.
Itotnurkablo for powerful sympathetic
lone , plinUo notion and absolute iltinv
blllty ; jjfl yparfa' ronoril tlio best { 'un.i'ftn-
teoof the'oxvolionco of thcso Ir.strit-
monlH ,
und nil nr'nary ' tr juli ! < > fMlly. qtilcl
_ . ly ami safrfy ciirml byDOiri'l'llA { ji
. Heveral cases cuicil In ievcniJavK.
Jl.Wperbox , oil &ruesl t , or by moll from
lira ilfir Co. IK WttUoBt , N.V. I'ul dlieol