Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 Tit MI
No mlvorttscmonts will bo taken Tor
Ilirnn coliinuiH nflor IStltO p. nt.
Tcriiio Cnsli in lulvnncc.
Adverteemcnfctmio | > r thli hcnd 10 cents p r
tloo for tne ant Insertion , 7 cent * for each sub
sequent Insertion , nml tiJO per line per month.
JJo advertisement taken for Ion thim 25 centii
the Brat inaortlon. Seven word * -trill be counted
to the line ) they must run consecutively nncl
smut be paid In ADVANOK. All advertise
ments muat boh Andc > l in before 12:10 : o'clock p.
si. , rxnd under Jio circumstances will they uo
taken or discontinued br tetMihono.
1'RUlon advertising In lht > < > columns and liav-
tog tholr nn.sners nddrcstcd In euro of Tin OBH
'Will please n k for a check to enable them to got
their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on
presentation of chock. All answers to adver
tisements should be cncloscQJln envelopes ,
All advertisements In these columns ara pnb-
Jlstitd In both morning and evening editions of
Tin : HEE , the circulation of which aggregate !
more tlmn IP.000 papers dally , ana glvss the ad
vertisers the oononl , not only of the city clrr-n-
Htlon of TIIK ttr.r , but also of Council muffs ,
jjtncoln und other cities and towns throughout
tills eecllon of the country.
Advertising for those columns will bo taken
n the above conditions , At the following bual-
Ttcaa house * , who nro ni thorlrod agents for Tin
JlKE special notices , nnd will quota the earn *
rates nacanbe had at the mnln otnce.
" OHN W. BRT KarnTiclst , 820 Bouth Tenth
\ \ _
/ IIASE It BODY. Btntloners and Printers , 113
\J South 10th atrcet.
H Sn. FARN8WOIlTHPharmi < lst.2U5 Cum-
ing Street.
Hfc fc J. Street. HUGHES , Pharmacist. 021 North ICth
ll EO. W. t'Alin , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. Mary' '
* Avenue.
SITUATION wanted by girl to do general
housework. Address loll 8 jydat. SU9 a *
SITUATION wanted ns stationary engineer :
have had 4 years expcricncogood ; refeienco ;
Address U 6i Hco. "Ma 2 ,
TTfANTED Situation by young man na clo rk
TT in grocery orhnrdwnro store , good refer1
oncos. Address U 52 lice. 205 1
WA 'IKO bltuatlou by young man as clerk
or munagar of giocery or hardware store ;
good references. U 63 Deo. 20t 1
good broad and cnko baker wants a sltua-
. tlou. AUdruss Charles Still. Jollet. III.
I WANT a position ; nm willing to work ; go
on rnllroml anything ; have good letters of
credit. U. O. Meyer , gen 1 del. , Omaha P. O.
WANTllD Situation by young man as col-
lector , assistant bookkeeper or general of
fice work ; can furnish A1 references. Address
UfiOlleoolllce. 10J-3 *
BAKm wants situation ; young man ; largo
experience ; best references. Address ISaker ,
P. O. Took box Giil , Claliuda , la. . 104-3 *
WANTED-Sltuntlon ns dry goods clerk in
homo country town. Has had unlimited
experience and can furnish good references.
Address II , P. O. Superior. Nub.box3.J. lsa-2J
SITUATION as book-keeper by stranger In
the city ; comes well recommended and will
work on his merits ; would take position an
cleric or salesman. Address U 35 , Deo. Mil ) it
SITUATION by a lady stenographer and
bookkooper. Operates n Itomlngton typo-
writer. Good city reference. Address U11 , Boo.
W Uardouer for private family 820 ,
baker tlO. cook for small hotel in city nnd
put 40. Brd COOK W3 , Urd baker 8U Mr * , luega ,
15tb , SOI 3'
WANTED 500 men for railroad woik In
Washington territory ; good wages and
steady wort. Apply at Albright's Labor Apency ,
1130 i'arimm stroot. )7 )
WANTED A good barber at No. 010 S13th st.
300 It
\\7ANTED Experienced coachman , with
v * reference , only English , German or col
ored nocd apply between 13 uua 1 o'clock , SJ18
Douglas st. 20,1 1
W ANTED A llrst-class shoo Bnlesmnn , well
acquainted with Omaha trade ; no oilier
acednpplv. N orris & Wlicox , 1517 Douglas st.
100 1
WANTED First-class white barber nt once.
1'alaoo barber shop , Giand Island , Neb.
" \TANTED IU.perienced milker , ills Satin-
TT dcrs Bt. 180
TV ANTED Tliree ladles and three gentlemen
T ut new nrt roms 808V4 B 10th st. 183 2j
TX7ANTED Agents for oux- now patent flro-
Tl proof safes , size 33x18x13 , weight 500 Ibs. ,
fetal ! price Wi others In pioportlon. Highest
Award ( silver medal ) Centennial exposition ;
rnro clinnco , permanent business. Our prices
lowest. Wo are not in the safe pool , nxcluslvo
territory glvou. Alpine Safe Company , Cincin
nati , O. Ml us *
JOYS Am. DIst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
WANTED A good business man to take the
management ot an nlllca In Now York city ,
0110 for Detroltnnd another forClnclunati-.imist
Invest ifA600 , salary 81,500 per your. Address
George B.Cllno , Wagner block , Dos Molnos. la.
1 < 2J
AGENTS wanted on snlaiy , 16 per month ,
and expenses paid , any active man or
\TomautoseHoiir Koodi by sample and live nt
fiomo. Salary paid promptly nnd expenses In
ndvauca. Full partlciilara ana sainplo case
Iroo. Wo moan just what wo say. Addrojs
Standard Sllvorwuro Co , , Boston , Mass. U0
1STANTED aVe honest yi onug mnn tor light
TT work : 818 a week paid , Call at or address
Art Itoom No. 17 , 230 N 16th 6t. 178-2 $
'TXT'ANTED S tailors for country , men or
TT ladle * . Stenay work. Call at Canlleld
/ManumcturlngCo. / . or write to Jones llros , ,
Nftnllla. Ift. 18Uf >
BAIU1EKS Tliree nrst-clitss workmen ( col-
ored ) wanted ; 113 guaranteed. II. K.
Hlllon , HI 8 15th At. 177-31
. ) A. young mnn ns stenographer
nnd to assist at boolt-kroplng. State nee ,
reference , evpoilenoo and sainiy expected.
Address U 33 l < eo otllre. 10-li
TXTANTED I want goml. nctlve men to tr el
T > nnd cnnvni for a good selling remo'ly that
is M'rll advertised. Address , with Oc In stamp * ,
Dr. .1. II. Moore , Emerson , la. t > 7 4
HOTEL man wmled. with n few thousand
dollnrn to Invest ; lionso all furnished and
Imsluusn that will pay out in IS months ; tltlo
liorfoctj lui Incnmlnnnro. Addiess M..V. Me-
Ulunls , or O. U Chnrchni/BMrllng , Colo.
, 7V3
AUKKra To sell oMr patent Si i < unn-to
inonsuro lit better , wear longer , can bo
worn with or without suipendors. Not llablo
to bax ht knee , liittdo In all grade * nnd pattcrui <
JllK money to li\o men with imnll capital. Semi
tamp for circulars and ronildoutlal loniis.
t3 Patent pantN fit Bults. Hunter Mfc. Co. ,
Oth nnd Pyrnmore , Cincinnati , O. 7 < w St
. \\i ANTBD Two coat-mnkera and two pants-
Tt makor.i immediately. U llernliolmcr ,
JlcCook , Neb. 812 ait
fjir'ANTED-At once , "ten men to solicit in
T T Kansas and Missouri ) salary ti.t to * H)0 per
tnottth , Call to-day at loom fill , First National
bank. KM
\TCT ANTED Enerjrctlo raen nnd women every-
TT wliere for n genteel , money-mnklng busi
ness. VW weekly \mint euiirnntefld easier thnu
100moulhUT otherwise. Experience absohitoly
itnnecercury. Permanent position nd exclush-u
territory auurca , $3.00 samples fivu. Write for
articular * . .Address , wltlmtump , Meirlll Mfg
B o. . IIM Chicago. 1T6 aid ;
) Fli7it class Blioe nalesmnni 110110
Imtthos * having year/tot experlnnca nud
coed leferenconrrd apply , nt The F&lr , l.tih
Hid Howatd. J. L llriuiJi'U & Pons. 145
WANTED-Hellabfp & energetic salemittn In
Omaha'and north trn halt of Nebraska to
Mil ournachlncnUo S collectors , no capital or
upprlence uecossnry. Tne Singer Mfg. Co ,
Dioahn. Nob. 717-nl
WANTED lu troveliuir salesmen , salary nnd
expenses. Addiojf with stamp , Palmer t
Co. , DeaUotnes. IB. V.4nl
WANTXD Voting girl to take care of baby.
1513Ho\vaid5tl et. U
\V7"ANTED Pantry pirl and waitress out of
T Y rlty. I3)t 3 liulty , il5 < laundry And Kitchen
prla , rooks for country hotels. $ JO ; fx ) glils for
tenei-alUouto\\oik. Mrs. Uraea. 3Hl ! s. "I"-
t'ANTED A slrl for ccucral house woi t ;
\1 miiBt b 'irood rook nnn InunOrex , L- ' *
Wcbeteriti r ( or nn reipulreJ. lw U
ANTKlNnrs Blrl at 410 N. S3d at , nt
one * . < ) < XHl * .
> A Klrl fet ireuerAl tionsawxirk.
tliut b cooil cook nud lauiuUo . xu'lt
' K ftronc mquln d. li'J-.1
rQUOD experienced girl for t'encnvl hoiuo.
work. 81U7 DouKlna. 140
. . cliamnerwork , Doran houic , l.'S. 1-th n.
1 block konth ot court Uoutc. M ;
- apprentices ; Mlar
WANTED-Mllllntry - 811-3
ANTED-Olrl , M 1819 Chicago street
189 3 *
Aftenta-KMInblB women to sell
WANTED Iiygela" Combination
flhoiilrtor tlrnce Corset , ( lost money making
article In the country. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Apply for terms nnd territory to western
Corset Co. , St I inls. Mo. IIQ-nlU
NrenfiY"urnTsFiotr rooms. modern conveni
ences ; nrst-class board. 1720 Capitol nve
210 2 *
nWHNIBHKD rooms nnd board. S2JI Dodgo.
IJiUUNlsiIEDor unfurnished room , wun ga
JJ nnd bath , board it desired. 510 8 2Cth nt , op
poslto All Bnlnts church. _ TOT
"ijU'HNISHEO rooms by dny , week or month.
J Bt. Clalr hotel , cor 13th nnd Dodge. K
SITITof2 furnished rooms , modern convon-
loncos.8 blocks from P. O.prlvnto family.
A. Hospo. jr. 1513 Donglaa st. _ ton
2 NICELY fnrntslieil rooms , steam hent , gas ,
bath. etc. . on same tioor , tlO per montn. 207 S
gjtli ; no lint. 811
T , AKOE frontroom. nicely furnished , sultnblo
JUf or 2 gentlemen , isil Farnam. _ IH3
TJIOU KENT I rg6 oleirantly furnished room ,
JL ? couth front , in small privnto family , ouo
block from red cnrlino. 2530 Charles. 14l-a
JlUHNlSHEO rooms. 1013 Chicago st.
ESIItAHLE front parlor , furnished , 2319
Douglas Htreet , north front bay window ,
atenm hent , etc. _ 133 31
U1TE ot rooms , cast front , brick , modern
improvements , references nib 8 , inth.
1CJ-3 ]
PLEASANT front room with nil modern
A conveniences , for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Cor. St.
Mary's nvo. nnd 20 or KM H.20tlr urlck residence.
_ 1)78 )
TmuilNISHEO rooms , ! ! 310 Davenport st.
IJllIitNISHEl ) rooms with board , good loca-
JL1 tlon. gas and bath in houso. 2230 Lcavun-
worth Bt. _ M1M
ONE large nnd one smnll room , nicely fur-
nlshed. 2IU1 rarnam st.
ROO.MB * tlrst-cliss homo board. 1718 Dodge.
ot rooms , sultnblo for 4 ROiitlomon ,
cheap to desirable parties , 11)11 ) Douglas.
THOH HENT Furnished rooms single or en
JJ BUltc. 11)09 ) Doilgla. ' . > 713
plUltNlSHED rooms , 113 S 30th stnoar Doilgo.
T71URNISHED rooms for rent at IBln Dodge
JD W7-037'
T71UIINISH ED rooms , single or on suite , bath
JL ? and steam ; for gents only. 1519 Howard.U .
"DOOMS and board-1813 Chicago st.
FOll HENT Nlco south front room , chonp ,
forgontlomcn , 1W3 Capitol ave , bOl
NICn rooms by the week or month ntthe
Peabody liouso , 1107 Jones. ! i J n'JP
FOH HENT Furnished loom , nil modern
conveniences. 2314 I'lirnamst. 131
"K1O11 HENT Front rooms nt 1831 Farnam.
TT1OK RENT 8 room house ; centrally located ;
JD modern Improvements. J. P. llnrton. 2010
Cnpltol nvenue. 2 * l 7-7t
" \XrANTED-Uyn gentleman nnd wlfo without
T r cnildien , a furntaeod a or 7-room cottage.
Address U Z'J , Hoe oilico. 1 5 lit
TR1UHNISHED bouse for rent In ParkTerrnce ,
JD opposite Hnnscom Park ; all modern con-
vcnleucco. Inquire Leo & Nlchol , 28th nnd
Leavenworth. UJ5
filOH HENT 9-room modern improved house ,
JL ? A 1 locality ; rent moderntc. Apply to M.
Elgutter. 1001 Enmam bt. 0. < 2
FOll HENT Cottngcu , 5 looms. 27-fi Charles
st. und 1521 8 5th st. Inqulro nt room 21J ,
Sheoly block. 033
1 I OR RENT Good basement. 1515 Douglas st.
i 934
EOll RENT When you wish to rent n house ,
store , or onico cnll on us. H. E. Cole , room
U. Continental blk. UI3
5-ROOM house on red car line , ? 10 per month.
7-ioom house , red car line , $12.50 per mouth.
II. E. Cole , Itoom C , Continental block. 155-2
9-HOOM honse for lent. Furniture for sale.
1013 Chicago st. U1-2J
"OOll HENT A house ofO rooms , closets and
JJ pantries , cellar , east front , KU E. 16th t.
KH-1 *
TJIOR RENT ft-room flat with city water nn
JJ other couvcnlence.Cor.Lcnvcuworth nndiXlth
otoa *
FOR RENT Rooms sult&bia for housekeep
ing in suites of from one to four ; in convcn-
'lentlocation ; lowest prices. Uutt'o Routing
Agoucy , 1501 Farnam street ; telephone 179.
T710R REN r Charming home with nil modem
Jconveiilencos , corner house on street car
line , K rooms , newly papered , tXi per month ,
D. V. Sholos , room 210 1st Nnt'l bank building.
"IJiOK KENT The 11-room residence. 2107
JJ Uonclaa st. , nil modern improvements. In
quire 8. Knt7 , 1310 I'nrnnm. 065
POR RENT 10-room brick house , 8020 Hurt
st. . half block of cable nna horse cars , nil
modern impiovenieuts. Dr. Paul , ICth and
Dodge st. OK 1 *
900O1) houses tor rent , coutrnlly located ,
furnlturo tor Bale on time. Co-operative Land
& Lot Co. 974
FOR UENT House , S rooms , 1712 Jackson st.
694 2
LIST your property for rent with Hcinlngton
& 1'rye , Northwest Coiner 15th and rarnam.
UENT-3-room cottage , 210 N.13tb.tl2.50
UENT 7-room cottage , eor. S8th and
Capitol ave. Enquire 2 ! i Dotlgo at. 840
T7 > OH KENT 13-room homo and l ree barn ;
J ? tenter ot city ; on cable line ; can tent rooms
enough to pay rent , J. H. Parrotto , Hental
Aponcy , icoa Chicago. 835 3
Foil UENT-A llftt In tha Her building , 7
rooms , Rtvam heat , gas and bath. Apply In
hanlwaio stoic 18th nud Jackson. A. C. liny-
FOH HENTroom cottairc , cistern , well mid
city water. Apply on premises , a.114 Tran-
els sr. , west aide of park. 773 it
FOH HENT-3 brick residences , nil coim-n-
li'iicoH. on Park nve , fronting the park. iflO
per month , Also. 4 houses on car line , ou I'urk
nnd Herd fits , 120 tn Ul per month , 1) . V.
Wholes. Koom sin. 1'lrst Nut , llaiik. 741
HUN11 2 new 6-roomcottapei.ono blork
weit car barns on Laku at. O. ll. t.Uortli ! ,
A'i rarnnin. C14
7HOO.M housu with bain , out a llttla dlstixnoe
130 per month. O. 1' . Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank bldg. < ' . ' ; )
8-room housa on new motor
BEAUTIFUL and Cumlnp sts. , with modern
Improvements US per mouth , C. F. Harrison ,
Merchants Nat , bank blag. 4M
ll ifENT A 6-rooni brick oottnge convenl
entto U.P. dopouMoad & Jamison , 31 ( U 11th
TpOIi lUlNT Nlce 6-room IIOUBO , cast front ,
JU halt block ot cable can. . 113 Si th el. KPaSJ
HKNT 7-room Hat. { 33 month , Inqulru
FOT The Fair , llltn and Hownrd. 074
FOlt 11BNT Otie&n , a nice B und 5 room house ,
153J 82lst aubfttwcou C ntt > r and Dorcas at ,
088 n S'
lOll HEN'l' Flat ot anv u rooms cor. 8 13th
and 1'arlllo kta. DunK n's blortr. b77
LIST ot liontsa for i-ent. i ) . T. P tnr-
AD1G . B. e. cor. 16th and Donglai.
fXrA.NTBD-aniousoa at once for \vhlch wo
V > can furnlah coud trnanta. List your houxcu
with the L * B Kontal Ag ucy,310Shoely bll : ,
U want to buy , sell , rout or exchange ,
-cnU on or addron , u. J. SteiTisdnrtr , rooms
317 and 3U I lr t N&tlounl bank bulliUng ,
GEO. J. PAUL , 1609 Fun urn St. . bonnes ,
stores , etc. , for i ent , 040
WE glva apoclnl attention to riming nna
collettlii rents , list with us. II. U Cole ,
room 0 CouttiHinlnl block. OU
f I" VUD'wnnt your houses rented place then !
JLwItU llenaxvai Co , , Uth , opposlto postunico.
- pirts ot tli * c'JtyT
\ J. J. Utlnon Mo. a. Crtlghtou block. Cat
JJ. ( linsciTN'rt'new iysiem of rentingIiou es ,
.No 8 CreIglJltm Vlot'k. 4.M
I .1ST your l"oiui > nnd ktoros wltA rue ; I ( Tuva
VloU of c.ijtomcr * . J. H.I > arrot : , l > M Cnlcaga
JSI4 ll
1POUND-- belt aixonnioot. tlio closest
I1 pilrvb nc > l f , ut LarUu's
, 1JN. JMh. U131
5 unfurnished chambers for nousekeepmR to
man nnd wife. 819 No. 17th at. 691-4 * j
Fort KENT Thr o rooms unfurnt h ii. mo
Plerco at. . M. 670
T710II HENT Three nnfurnlnhed rooms , also
-V two basement rooms to families rrlthnut
children at 1123 N 17th st , 809
OH KENT-Storo 2.3x00 1 1113 Jnokson st. En-
qulro 1114 Jackson. 833
OllIlENT 2 tloors 23x80 each , In brick bulld-
ingwith elevator , 'close to express onico ,
cheap rent , Just the thing for 'wholesaling , % oed
location. Apply to Ueolleyn , 1109 1'arnnmat.
" 1J1OH HENT Two very desirable stores timber
-L1 Washington hall in the Danish association
building on Itth st botwei > n Ilnrney nndSt ,
Mary's n o. Inquire ot Janitor' . KO 3t
fl O HltNl' torn term ot years , 13 lots , each
JL 50x130 , suitable for coal Or lumberyards ,
with use ot 400 feet of side-track on Joint roads
of C. AN. W. , C. II. &Q. nnd 0. n.j . & P. . on
the corner 'of 33d st. nnd 1st nvo. . Council
HluiTa , In. , IU miles from loth nnd Douglas Bts.
in Omnhn. Apply to Piano Mfg. Co. , cor U2d et.
nnd 1st nvo. Council Uliilis , la. 80811
TTUHSr-CLASS'lot of saloon furniture nnd bar
J-1 fixtures for sale nt n bargain. Inquire ot
the I'lrst National bank , Aurora , Nab.
015 nS2
FOll IlENT Cold ntorago. capacity throe car
loailn , trackage. Uullt oxpresjly for liner.
Call 1JH7 Leayaim ortli. 485 1
_ _
WANTKU For mimraor by gentleman nnd
wife , no children , fnrnishrd cottage , 0
rooms , for housekeeping. Address , stating
price. US'Jllee oiilce. ? JIO 31
tXTANTED To rent a llrst-class furnished
Tl houHo by a gentlcrain nnd wlfo for 2 or 8
months ; bust of care ; will pay a good rent. Address -
dress U 36 lloo ofllco. _ fjd
" \\TANTED Cot tatro containing not loss thnn
T V sl < c rooms with In ronsouublo distance of
postolllco , state price undlocatlon. Address T ,
43 Ueo. 4M
\ \ ] ANTED To rent at once , ono largo , or two
TT medium sized furnished rooms in n pri
vate family , prefer it to bo on cnblu line nnd
hnvo good sized yard , no Hats. Address , H. II
Henderson 619 Pnxton blk. HB )
HITTLESEY'S Shorthand sehool.8 * Ilnrkcr
block.'J mths' lnstmctlonsllSclass llinlted
Snorthand School , 412 Bheeley
s block ; teaches standard systems nud USOB
ItomlnRtontyuawrlleis. Circulars free. U43
II. NANNIh V. Warren , clairvoyant , medl-
cal and buMm-su medium. Fcmiilo diseases
n specialty. 110 N IGth st. . rooms3 and8. ml
. LF.NOHMAN can be consulted ou al
nltalrs of life through tho.maglb mirror
Satisfaction gu rautovd. 41S N ICth st. Upstairs
1DLAN1) Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1503 Far-
nam. Completonbstractsfurnished & . titles
to real estate eN.anilned.poi'fcctcd A. ijunranteud.
USriiACTS Lluahan & Mahoney , room 60U
Pnxton block. OKI
Abstract Company , 1510 tnrnamst.
Most complete and carefully prepared sot
of abstract books and plats ot till leal moperty
in the city of Omaha and Douglas coun !
"OKAUTIFUL Denver property , clear , to ex-
JL > change for eastern property.clty or country.
Dexter , 38 F.ssex block , Denver , Colo. 1WJ ft
T71OU EXCHANGE For desirable residence
JU property in Omaha , any or all of follow lug :
40 choice Inside residence lots iu Hastings.
10J lots in Lincoln ,
010 acres line farming land , Lancaster county.
Tine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angelns.
A neat residence property In Hunscom Placo.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , glIng location and price of prop-
orty. J. E. It. , care Ilaum Iron Co. , 1317 Lcavou-
worth. j tfil.
OU EXCHANG E Dakota , hand county"1
What have you to oiler forafeood farm
hero , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands 'ftro
rising iu value , und Us destiny cannot be dis
puted. Will take vacant lot or improved prop-
eity nnd assume sonio encumbrance. G. J.
Steinsdoiff. rooms .117 and"318 , Elwt Notional
bank building. . ' 53
FOU EXCHANOE Eighty acres of the finest
timber land in Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to offer ? O. J. htenu-
doiff , looms 817 and 318 , First National bank
-A good fnrm , clemof in-
. cumbrnucc , good tsam , wagon and harness ,
cattle , hogs and farm Implements for"Onmha
residence property. Will assume f-omo Incum-
brance. This Is a snap. Farmers' Land Co. ,
rooms 30 and 31 , lUrker block. 15MJ
EVEUAIi stocks of goods on hand ; part
_ cash ; balance , land or lots ; 4 ntres ot land.
C. C. lllce. 30 nnd 21 Darker block. 15J It
T7\OH EXCHANGE-For good real estate. In
JL ? large or small lou , 15WXIXXI extra 3no
clgarn ; to close business. Dr. A. C-Matchetto ,
Ilourbon , Ind. 087 It
WANTED To trade n good driving horeo
nnd buggy for team heavy horses. Ol'J
I'qxton llullilfiig. M7-1 *
/ 1HOP HOUSE-Prlco $3.000 , to trade for
WDakota farm.
Itestauraut , price tl.300 , to trndo for one-third
cash , balance farm land or city property.
Good clear lots for horses.
Also farm land for horses or cattle.
A No. 1 pleco ot property about lu blocks from
U. P. depot , pi Ice fD.VOO. Incumb. $3.200 , 0 pel-
cent. , to tratle fork hotel or mdso.
Co-operative Land aud Lot Co. , 305 N. IGth st.
w 2-seatod flno carrlago or top buggy for
note , moitcfteo , land contract or any good
commercial paper ; will pay some cash differ
ence' W. L , Selby' 1531 Farnam. 883
TjjTOll TUAOE Mason & li.imlln organ for
.E buggy or phaeton , I. N. Hammond. 1514
Douglas st. *
/ "tLEAH lot 30th and Vinton st , for cquitf in
V housoandlot. H. K. Cole , Continental blk.
/1LKAH land In Morgan county , Tcnn. Tills
V71 and is covered with nna timber and nnder-
lald with coal ; only two snllcs front'good town ;
want Oinnhu property. H. E. Cole , Contlnen-
tul block. ljtB-3
Have } ou stocks of goods , city property or
money to exchange tor tine lands In Northwest-
cm Knn.V If BO address Harwood .V Don Carlos ,
Ooodland , Kaiibiis. 84 ! ) ill *
CHOICE Improved farmslightly incumbored ,
to tiada for vuumt lots or equities in houses
and lots. H. K. tv > lo. Continental block. fl-'i
TjToil 8A1.15 Barber slion.5 chairs ; going out
JL' of bii&lnc&g. Addroos U'JUeo. . 1 7 Uf
T710II BALK chop hoafc , one of the best In
Jcity ; good location ana cheap icnt ; forgood
leturnsou smnll capital tlieio Is none better ;
Imvootlier business out otclty. Address Ufil ,
lleo. 11)1 ) E
TTSTANTEO-Partner with 1300 in a theatrical
T enterprise ; big money sure. Investigate
thlf. Address U 48 , llee olllce. 184 : ij
FOU SALE A grocery stock In a good loca
tion and good room for leaxe. Good reu-
bans for Kelllug. Inqnlro at 113 N ISthst. Ull-1
Tl/TV / DIIUG store and medical practice for
aTJUale or exchange for Improved property.
Address J. U. Lumo , M. D. , Wahoo.Nebraska. .
SALOON Doing a bunliiessof JM.oooper year.
ISO ? will buy thullxtures.lncludlnga Monarch
tnbles , and Invoice at coat. Liveliest town In the
state. Owner wants to retire from
Address U Ul , lleo ofllce.
ANE\V roller mill for sale In a good wheat
bull , and good market for flour. For tenns
address P , J Andreas , Gordon , Nob. 8Ja27r
SALE-Laundry. Address U W Ilee.
TpOK c uth only Clean atock general tiercliau-
JL1 dise , with coal , ( rain and implement butl-
RBS8partlBSw1 ; binc to aocure acood paying
butlnua nddieaa U S3 llea ofllce. Kb
TTlQlt SALE Choice stock ot grocerloa , llrsT
JL' clius locution. Inquire of Ilaltard , Pixloy
& Shlckley. commission morcbauta , 317 nnd 319
812Hi at. . Omaha. Neb. 7S98I
"I/WIl BALE within 00 duji-Tivo drug stocks
J. In new growing county went In s. w. Nebras
ka ; will Invoice about t\uO ) ; will sell on * and
raotha other provided the liurcnaiier will
buy { J.UOO atoek for caah : purchaser can rent
bulldlnxi for t$5 per month acb ; will sell for
cfttt aiidcarrtairttt good trade ; reason tor sell-
lutf. other business r ciures ! full attention. Ad-
drosa lock box 8.1 , Oulberteou. Neb , or llurat
HAltDWAllB for atU-Sinall neat atock. Tin
lion in connectionmuat ; be told atoned for
cash. Addroaii 0. M , VauBuan , Flouilne , Colo.
AMEMHKIISIIIP in the Omalia board of
trade cue be had cheap at llooniSJ If , 8. Nfc-
tional liauV bulldl&g. O
T .ADIK3 Infonnntiifi' and employment par-
J-J lor * ; strictly OraUtlass ; perfectly reliable.
Itoom 10 , Bushman block , N. K. cor. Douglas
nnd ictn at. 1S3-A-W
/ \MAHAemp. bur nVnif. 15th , pstabllsh-
ved 8 years. Mo Unbloln cUy 1L H.
PKCIAIj fund of II , W)0 ) to loan nt reduced
rntes on furniture , lioYae.i nna wngons. City
Loan Co. , llSsisth at < u' 000
TDHHjADELPHIAMfartingd * Trust Co. . fur-
JL nlsh cheap eastern -money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect tltlos , accept loans
nt their western oilico. Cleergo W. P.Contcsroom
7. Hoard ot Trade , U91
_ _ _
EE Hholea , room Sti ) First Nnfl bank bofors
making your loans. 903
_ _
ONlTv to loan. Harris II. E. & Lonn CoT
room ill. First National bank. M3
WAJITED-Flrat clnss inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and BOO us. Mutual 1 liven-
"lent Co. . 11. 1. llarkerblk , , intli & Farnnm. ti4
MONEV tolonn on Improved property nt firs-
hands. No application sent nwnvfor apt
provnl. Socurlty nud titles examined free ot
charge to borrowars , Lombard investment
company , 30i ) 8. nth at. WX >
UIIOS. & CO. , No. 313 8. ICth St. .
\J Ohamborof Commerce money
nt n. 0' { , 7 , 7K nnd 8 per. cent , nccordlnir to loca
tion of proporty. Unsurpassed facilities for
placing largo loans ou Insldo business property.
A special fund ot sovornl thousand uollnrB to
loan on unimproved lots. _ UBO
T CAN mixko n few loans on first-class chattel
jLsocurltlcs at ronsonablo rates. W. 1C. Pottur ,
room 10 llarkor blk. 087
"IjMHST mortgage loans nt low ratoi and no
JJ delay. D. V. Sholos.210 First National bank.
_ _ _
DO YOU want to borrow money ?
Head this ;
It will gave you time.
It will save you money.
You can borrow fioui
II. r. Masters.
successor to W. It , Croft ,
Koom 4 , Wlthnoll bld'g. 15th and Harnoy stn.
lfl , KM , JoO. IOO. WX,1)CO ) , H.liOO , J5.000 , JIO.OJO.
In fact , auy sum you want ou furniture.
pianos. Mouses , mules , wnpons , etc. , on easier
tonns nnd nt lower rates than any other olllca
In the city , without publicity or removal of
property from your possession.
If nu Instalment Is duo ou your property
and you cannot meet it , cull nnd see me. Iwill
pay it for you. If you have n loan in nny other
oilico cnll nnd got my rntcs. I will take It up nnd
carry it for you.
I make loans for ono to six months , nnd you
can pay a part nt any tlmo , reducing both prin
cipal nud interest.
All loans lenowcd at original rates , and no
clmrgo for papers.
All business strictly confidential. Call nnd
EOO me.
Don't forgcttho number ,
Itnom Wlthnoll block. _ 090
EUKABICA Mortff.Loan Co. will make you n
loan on household poods ,
horses. w ngofls ,
land contracts , r
flno Jowelry. or securities ot nny kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Room" , llowloy block , South OmahH ,
Kooms 518-519. Pnxton block , Omaha , Neb.
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rntos w 1th-
out delay , and purchase good commercial
paper nud mortgage uotos , a. A. Sloinuu , cor.
13th and Farnam. 100
MONEY to loan. 0. P. Davis Co. , real cstato
nnd loan agents , l.V&Farniun st. 101
BUILDING loans. DlTVt. Sholos , 210 First Na-
tlonal bank. " /j / 0 3
LOANS made on ronl'Dstnte nnd mortgages
bought. Lswls S. Hew XCo. . , 15311'nrnnm.
( ID" *
ft i
T3U1LD1NO loans. Lm > han ic Mnhoney.
PEOPLE'S Financial lixchange-Tho fairest ,
Jnuletpst nnd most liberal money cxchougo
in tno citv ; money loaned without delay or
publicity. In nny nuiount , largo or small , nt the
lowest rates of lntere . { on nny avnllablo se
curity ; loan > may bu paid at nuy time or renen ed
nt 01 itrltmlrntes. O. llouscirou , Jlgr. , room
bay , Itarker block , 15th nnd Farnnm. 101
IJ {
11TONEY to Loan Weare ready for appllca-
JJ-Ltlons for loans In mwiunts from t BIO to * 10-
000 on improved Omsho-or Douglas county real
estate. Fulllnformatlouis to rates. Loans
promotly close J. Ooodinataswlll be purchased
by ns. Call upon us on 4 rite. The McCagno
Investment Co. 105
ITT 'E. COLE , ton afcclrt , \ =
JLJL * f 100
"PEOPLE'S I'lnanclal Excnnngo Largo nnd
X sniallloans for long and short tlmo , nt low
est rates ot Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels ot nil kinds , diamonds , watches
nnd Jewelry , Don.t fall to call If you want fair
nnd cheap accommodations. O. Houscaren ,
r. , roum50j4 Darker blk , 15th and rnrmun.
E. COLE , loan agent.
G PER CENT money to loan. Cash on hand.
W.M. Harris , H 20 , rrenzor block , opp. P. O.
ONEY to loan In large sums at the lowest
M :
i ! u tea ; no delay. It , 0. Patteraon , 313 S 15th ,
MUNEY to loan ; caati on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Snnlro , 1.210 Farnam at. , First National
bank building. 103
M ONE V loaned for 30 , ft ) or ! )3 ) days on nny
kind of chattel security i reasonable inter-
phi ; businessconlldontlal. J J. Wilkinson , 1417
Farnam sf 101) )
ONEV ' to loan Lowest ratos. Loans closed
M' :
promutly. H. E , Cole , up Continental block.
. to loan at n per cent. Lluaban & Mahoney -
$ honey , Room 50(1 ( Pnxton block. 110
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Robblns , R. 200 , Shcely blk. , 15th and Howard.
Tit ONE Y to loan nt lowest rates of Interest on
-IHreiU estate.ln Omaha , nnd South Omaha.
Titles and property examined by us aud loans
madeatonco. Cash on hand. Mates , Smith &
Co. , room 30J Rningo building. 113
"DUILDING loans n Hpoclalty. W. M. Harris ,
JJroom 30 Frenzer block , opposlto P. O.
DON'T borrow money on furniture , norses ,
wagons , etc. . or collattorala until you see
C. H. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
AI.OOO to $50,000 nt G. CM nnd 7 per cent , no Mid-
cpdlemon ; mnnoy direct from the eastern In
vestor , W. 1) . Molkle , I'lrst Nnl't bank building.
| 115
T OANSon business property , J5.000 to 850,000
jLJwniuod. Provident Tiust Company.loom
80S First National bank building. IIP
SPECIAL fund to loan on good unimproved
city pioperty. F. M. Richardson , 0 Hill Ilik.
$1000 and upwards to lonn on good inside city
property. No delays , W. Farnam Snntb ,
133. ) Farnam st. 83t.q37t
M ON IY to can on real estate ; no commis
sion. W. A.8poiicerRoom3UiiHhnianblk.
TV/TON / KY loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha
IU. rvnl estate. U. W. rack , It , 4 , Frenzer blk.
gfl 017-nlD'
f 1 HARRISON loarfl money , lowest rates.
b- 403
GW. PRCK loans money on Omaha real estate
llulldlns loans n soodaUy , It 4 , Fronrenblk
< f > t $ 1 1 To loan on tanas and city property ,
tpaeo.J. Paul. 1B03 Faupm at. _ U54
f lfY Financial ngencyhhrlH loan you money
VJon horaea. furnlturo.rwelry or seourltlHs of
any kind. 1JOO Howard et. , corner H. 13th st.
_ - _ 23'J ' a 13 ;
OF , HAltHIBON loans Inonoy , lowest rates ,
_ [ | _ IBS
ONEV to Loan on chattel security ) fair
rate Interest. J. H , Parrotto. 2oOtt Chicago ,
211 alp
/ 1H01CE loana ivantea on improved city prop-
\J erty. Klmball. Chump It Ityau room OV.S
Nat lik bldg. 12U5 Farnain at. 607 ail
_ _
rpHE banjo taught as an art by Ueo. F. a el-
JLlenbeck. Apply nt lleo Olllce. _ t'5Q '
rfMlK Central Loan & Trust Co. have removed
JL its Omaha olHco to No. 130) Farnain st. City
and farm loana nt lowest rates. U79U
TIN roofllng , spouting , gutter * , valleys and
sheet Iron work done well ana clieup by H.
Bavnga. 11 N 15th. 604-3t
/10NTHACTINO plasterers are Invited tocnll
v at room 401 , Paxtou building , and examine
"Adamant. " BS3 A 15
MAHA. Net ) . . Feb. II. 188)Notlc Is bore-
by given to the holders ot all bond * Issued
by the Cable Tramway Company ot Omaha ,
nnd bearing date ot May 2.1 , 137 , January lei.
iBtss , nnd October I at , 18M , to present the same ,
xor payment , wun accrued intentst. at tha rirut
National bank of Omaha , Nob. , tha fifth day
ot April , 18'J. Interest on sakl bonds will
rcaso ou that date , the company having availed
itiflf of the right to rfideem the aauie , by glv.
leg thli ty doja notice of Us deilr * to do so.
H. 11. Johjuon , President.
QOUTH OMAHA-I hnro a number of good
V lots In various additions that must bo sold
at once an.l can bo bought at prices that will
suit you , O. J. StornsdorlT , rooms 317 and 818
llret National bank building. P&8
" 171011 SALE Or exchange for Omaha prop-
JL1 eny , W ) acre * , suitable for plntung ; will
make 400 lots , nil clear ; big money In Itior someone
ono who ran push this ; located just outsldo the
city limits of Council IllulTs. Inquire Gco. J.
Ptcniidorir. rooms 317 and 319 , Flrnt National
bank building. 158
" | 7WIl RAf.K or Exchange Improved stock
JL1 farm of fn ncros. In eastern Nebrn ka. near
market ; nlso new 12-room homo , with nil con
veniences , in desirable residence portion ot
' Andrew llovlns , attorney , 4l3 nnd 423 ,
raxton'blockVbnin'ha. "r\T ) t\\t
FOlt SAIiR-On terms to sult.thonoat cottage.
2SM Charles St. Telephone 2.7 , orV. . T. Pea.
man , Omaha'a largest variety biieplej , vrnRons.
etc. , cast sldo loth st. . north of Nicholas ati U53
U Thollnestroslilmico site InVest
- otuntia ; just Koinh of Karuam on .17th
streets a corner ic : > xi87 with 1S7 feet frontnpo
on paved street and joining the haunsomorost.
donuo of Klrkendall on the east and llrady.Kas *
fen nncl Martin on the south ! n perfect gem
and garden spot for an elegant home.
Harney and 21 strcots,141xl'i7 ' , on pavement
within tnreo blocks of the court house : room
for seven line houses that would rent as rap
idly at completed. A Bplendld permanent in
vestment. .
rarnam nnd M streets , 50.X1S2.ltli now
three-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent tenants , Rental receipts * la > i pur
year. .
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontngo 01
feet to alloy. Good business property.
Rarnam street betnoon 38th and 39lh , frontage -
ago 43 or tiJxKfto alloy , south front , 1 block
from pavnmont and street cars.
1'nrn. nvonlic , opposite llauscom park , AOsluQ ,
price * J,010 , oaiy terms.
1'ixddock i'lace , trackage , 00x113 , $2,000 , easy
lath street south of Vinton st. , lot for sixlo or
trade for mdso. or ennd farm land ,
8. A. Slomnn. liill Fnruam at. 2'iQ
"filOHsalo or exchange A residence
JL1 st. , and St. Marys ave. has 7 rooms , bath
room. Inundry , BOW orago , gas nnd city A > ater.
Wllltako { rood outshlo building site as part
payment. Da ; Id Januoson , nil 3 lutli. 783
- biirgalnsl ( lazeon this : l.'OxlN7n.w.
J-cornorOith and llninllton , fronts 3 streets ,
nt grade , for 5lTiO. This Is bed-rock ; not a
nickel loss \\111 over buy it , and It must bo
grabbed HOOU at that price , JI. A. Upton Company -
pany , Mtli nnd rarnam. _ S33
TiOH SALi ; or exchange llargalns in Uoal
JJ Kitato.
Wo doslio to call the attention of parties lu >
tending to Imost in real estate , to a few
"auaps ' which o have on our list.
Investigate nnd yon will bo convinced that
tliesn nro excollontpropertlns ate orTorcd
at bottom prices , viz :
A very desirable lot , 100x137 ft. , corner ot
Popplotoa nvo. and"Gth st. A preat bargain.
A vorj' tloslr.iblo lot flcar Jlllltnry road in
Saunders is hlinobaugh's add. Wo olToi1 this
very cheap.
Two lots in Kllby place , high nnd sightly ,
within half n block ot Dodge fit. A great simp.
One-half pilco of lots In adjolulng addition.
An eight-room house In Orchard III11 , ulth
all modern improvements. Tor sale on easy
Wo nlso have farms to ofTor for good bul'.d'ns
lota , onvhlch wo cin : olfor BOIHO good trades
Should parties Intending to pmchaso neglect
to Investigate tne o otters bcforo buying , they
\\111 bo forever. lo ) not neglect tilts. Western
orn Laud and Loan Exchange , 3U S. IGth nt.
1S" 1
T710H SAI.i : North 71 ft lota 1 1 and 15 , Bunny-
f ! sldo : price , $1,000 ; terms easy.
r.ot - " . ' , Sunnysldo ; price W,3jO ; terms easy ;
cheapest lot in addition.
Lot 17 , block 1 , Hunscom i'lacc , with small
cottage ; price , tsraa.
I.oUl. block J , I'lalnview ; price 11,150 ; terms
Lots in Iledford 1'laco , nonr the new furni
ture factory , fromif'ioO up ; terms easy.
Lots In Hillside Ileserve from S .iViO to S.1.GOO :
special Inducements to patties wishing to build
in this addition.
South one thhd lot U , block 70 , South Omaha ,
with Impnnements ; renting S"i70 per year ;
price , $1,1100 ; n good Investment for f-orno ono.
Lots , block 77 , South Omaha , with ainall
house ; prico. $7.tOD.
Lot 'JO. Kllzaboth 1'laco , with small house ;
lot C0xl40 ft. nnttn corner ; price. $5.500.
JO ft on Vinton st by 187 ft on 10th st , . with
seven frame store buildings ; rents about &J.OOO
per vear ; pi Ice , J1S.OOO.
Lot fi , block 7 , .letter's add to South Omaha ,
with IniproNpinents ; renting about NO per
mouth ; price J 1.51)0. )
Lot 81 , block : . ' Potter's ndd ; price f 1.300.
Lot P. block 2 , 1'otttr's add ; price. l.m
Lot 17 , block „ ' , I'otter's add , mice , fl.'iV ) .
Lot J , block 4 , l.oavenworth Uerrace ; 55 feet
east front ; prico. f 1.1 %
Two now houses with modern conveniences ,
west part city , J.l-)0 ) , JJ.COO ; small cash pay
ment , balance monthly.
Potter nnd Cobb ,
107-3 1001 1'arnum St.
EXTKA llnrgnin-1 storj' frame houso. city
water , pas , closets , etc. , convenient to horse
cars , cable and motor lines ; price f-.COl ; terms
flOO to ( AOO cash , balance to suit purchaser , II.
E. Cole , Continental block. B04-1
FOH SALE 1510 Howard. St. , 10-room house ,
loOO. W. M. Ilushmau. 8CO
WORTHY of your attention. Wow being
completed on 23th si , north of Leaven-
worth st , two housss convenient to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , " water closets , stationary wash tubs ,
hot and cold water , nvo bedrooms. 10 closets ;
onlyf\5CO , on terms to suit. Telephone 237 or
W. T , Seaman , Omaha'a largest variety of wag
ons , carriages , etc. , east side ICth st , north of
Nicholas st. m
I HAVE 10 line lots in Hrlggs' Plnco add , ,
Qtntinu , for ca li , on good terms. Tor further
information Inquire of i ; . Jeffrey , Qalona , 111.
T OT 91x155 east and south corner west Far-
JLJ nam Bt. nep.r Milton Itogera ] > roperty , J7.-
000. Kasy terms will shade this for all cash.
C. t" , Harrison .Merchants Natl bank bldg. 498
AT A sacrifice 13flxl50 ft , east and north
front , corner 3ith and Honnrd Bts. , one
block west of Coo's and IClrkondall's line resi
dences , two blocks from paved street , two
blocks south of Fnrnam at. ; just think of it.
l'-'flxl50 ft. nnd a corner at that , and only .WO.
C. E. Helter , room 6 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas
TJlOIl SALKor Lease Frame building about
J ? 40x50 with three years' lease ot IotWl Doug
las st. Ota
ACRES in Tnttlo's sub. , lays extra well ,
price 47,000 ; makes JJ1 lots nt SWW < i lot , total
ftw.OOJ , clonrprotlt J1J.OOO ; party will platlt. Co-
operatlvo Laud & Lot Co. , SOJ N. 10 th st.Em
on H. E. Cole , northeast corner of 15th
v and Douglas sts. , Omuua , for IMwin 1C Al-
sip & Co.'s catalogues of lands of California.
ZiO April lti >
_ _ _ _
BnAlTTlFUL residence sites , Hnnscom place ,
T710II SALE On monthly or quarterly pay-
JL' inents , Bomo new6-roora houses In .MIHard , t
Caldw ell's add. , just \Yt miles trom nostolltco.
If yon want n home of your own come and sea
me. C. C. Spotswood , ; xiii ) S. IQth at. U34
T7IOK 8ALKChoap-Not for trade ; B41.70 acres
J1md ( sec. 5-13-0) ) two miles from Marquette ,
Hamilton county , Nobra-ska. 1'iaiiio House , sta
ble. sxti acres under good barb-wire lenco ,
round cedar posts , two stays , living water. 3.1-
foot channel , 2 wells , iiw barrel tank , corral ,
self-feeder , a natural stock ranch , In a line corn
Price . 88,000
Cash In hand . , . 2,750
S years' time (1 ( per cent . , . il.'iV )
fin and look over land. Addreis owner , I1' . K.
Atkins , 1503 Larimer st Denver Col. Oil
mantle and ail conrenlenoes.full lot , east front ,
near corner Bdth Bt. nnd Wool worth avenue.
| t,5X ) buys n line new 10 room house , \\ltlia
good bam and all conveniences , being an east
fronton Poppleton avenue and 2tth ) street !
f.i/,00buys a full lot , east fronton Georgia
avenue , half block bouth of I.cavonworth Bt. .
with a good B room cottage , line largo ulnae
trees. Very choice.
UoodH room house , furnace and Ml conven
iences. No. 3311 Ponploton avenue ; party going
to leave the city. Investigate- and submit
] have a good list of residences nnd residence
loin which It will pay you to luvostlgato If you
wish to purchase : I nUo have I10U.OUJ worth ot
good clear properly to exchange for either good
residence property , or innldo business property
and UBouino aa mucii encumberance , or pay dif
ference in cash. If you have anything tlrsf
class for Bale or trade , call and sea me. D , V.
bliolos. room 310 First National bank bldg.
7SO _
T710K BALK Nine-room house , barn and lot
-L in Ilanscom Place ; also 2 houses utul lou in
Sunny Sldo. Harris , room 41) , 1st Nat. bank.
CJJ.orX ) to li.OW wanted to put into peed biul-
P ness ; llrstclnn secuuty vjdgouainte of
Interest paid for short or long tune. Or will
take partner , tor pjrtlcuiats addrosi U43 ,
lieu olfice. 143 i
ANTKIl-Hoard by Rentle'iiiau nnil wife ,
breakfast nnd S o'clock dinner , near "itli
St. , good references. Ailrtreib U M , lion olllca.
To do washing and irouIniTal
T T tcu Ciiicgo atreat. nai f
\\7ANTEU-iO.OW women to use " \VIcox't |
.Tt Vuuiy Compouuil VUH. ' Perfectly * aff
aod alTraya effeetUHL t' ud > f '
bate Guard. " VYUeox HiHu
TI10R SALE Car load of young aonnd horses
J.1 IMP California t. li. P/Wooo. .V )
'inolt SALR-A furnished Hat of 19 rooms , nil
JL ? occupied , North 18th s second lloor.
Must be gold within 80 days ! good reason * for
galling. Inquire room 1. SON. IBth st. 154-fl *
ITIOR BAIH-8haftlnT. ( bolting , pulleys , etc ,
JL ? Kood as now. Rip saw. cross-cut and band
gnws very cheap. OJt Douglas. 128
HORSV.9 , Ilorsns Car load of horsoJ. con-
sitting of drivers , fnmliy nnd tlrnft horsps ,
for ante nt ilia Davenport st by J , L. Wnltor.
TilOR SALE Good work loam , wagon nnd hnr-
J.1 ne s ; set carpenter tools and chest t full set
. jrglcnl instruments , nearly new ; household
oods , etc. On ensy pnymenw , J. J , Wilkinson ,
417 Farnam at. 143(3
A GOLDEN opportunity for anyone wishing
to start In business In ono of the best
growing towns between Lincoln nnd Denver.
Good room nnd best location In the city. Smnll
capital required. Stock ail new and complete.
Address U 44. lleo. UV1
TOOK SALE 2 car-londs ot nlco potatoes ; nlso
JL ! nbouJ 10 barrels of snuer krnut ; must bo
sold cheap for cnsh ; can be bought in any
Quantity. Inquire of Chas , Smith nt Henry
Dohla's shoe atoro , 1419 Fnruain at. K81
BALE Cheap 1 buggy 1 bus-
FOR ; top . " " ' ! open
gy. 817 B. Itthst. 8l83t
FOR SALE Full sat windows and frames
doors nnd frames , blinds , screens nnd storm
wlndona for a ten-room houso. Ames , 1507 Far-
nam st. 841 l
FOR SALE Furniture nnd Icnso of 7 room
lint. Room rented exceeds rent of lint. L
ft 3 Rental Agency , 310 Sheoly blooir. 7KJ
" KOH HALE A good Courtland , N. Y. , bus ,
Almost now , cheap for cash. Address J. E.
Noodlinm , Albion. Nob. 7GO-3 *
TjlORBALE-Choap.nnonrly now top buggy ; Co-
JL1 lumbus inako. A. H. Comstock , 312 S. IGtli.
FOR SALE Top phcnton. In good order 1507
N. K'at. f > 77-n 3
READ THIS $1.300 worth of nice rurnlturo ,
' entire outfit of the liouso , for.V > 0 ; must
sell on account of sickness , Apply to .1. 11.
I'mrotto. lOOflChicago. 314 all
"IjlOIl SAM : A line combination Dllliard and
-t- pool table forroslilcnoo ; almost new ; abar-
galn. Itoom 33 , U. S. National bank building.
TCTOIl SAijE-1,000 tons II to in inch ice on
J-1 trnck. Council llluirs , Glllert llros. BIBnlon
I7IOUSAL15 Tlie most rellablo family horne in
JOmaha. . Perfectly sound , Inqulto Poycke
11103. Co. 15U3f
ARUSPKCTABLE business man of means
dostros the ncquaiutauce of a tetlncdlady
not over 30 , with soim moans ; object matrl-
mqny. Address U 37 , llcooinco. 1)18 ) ! ! * _
* I EllSONAL Finn carpet fitting and laing.
JL carpets cleaned by eluctrlclty. Maunder. US
N. Kith. 071 It
IJEHSONAL Auylady of good nppenrnuco
J- and address desiring out-door omploymuut
can obtain .same by calling at room Oil , First
National bank. 525
"PUIVATB course In fencing , boxing or fancy
JL club swinging , 810. Address T14. Uoo ollicc.
B39-al4 *
ATUANCE MUIlUM-Mmo. Hanuall. the
young Swede , tells full name. ] of callers nnd
the full name of vour future husband or wife ,
w 1th < late of marrlago , nnd tolls whether the
ono you love la true or false. Notr a fortnno
teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame
goes Into a perfectly dead trance. Will bring
back the parted husband or lever , no matter It
they bo lO.OOJ miles away. Will guarantee to
settle family quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 403
N. lilth st. , third lloor 313 a 13f
WANTED To buy n second hand sideboard
and fcecrotnry. Address "U 48" Bee.1S11
1S11 *
WANTED Vnrnlturo , carpets , stoves nrd
household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction Si Storngo Co. , 1131 Farnam. DM )
W ANTED To buy good commoiclal papjr.
r , K. C. Patterson , 013 S 15th st. Udi
LOST Iron gray colt , 3 years old : return to
Anton Johnson , 17th and llllllku , North
Omaha depot. ll > 3-"t
T OST Hay mare between Dellevno and Gil-
JLJuioro ; has white strlpo in face ; blistered ou
hind foot. Suitable reward will bo paid for re
covery of this horse. Addiesi John Stuben ,
No. OQj 9. 13th nt. . Omaha. Neb. 892 tt
T OST Small silver opou-f.iced watch with
JLJgold chain and Masonic charm ; liberal reward -
ward if returned to HOI Farnmn st. 931-18
STOHAGE Allow rates at 1121 Faruain st
Omaha Auction fcStoiago Co. 117
rTUlACKAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL llushman , 1 til Leavenworth. us
B RANCH & CO. . storage , 1311 Howard.
INSTKUMIJNTS placed on record during
I E Utirdlck to J 8 Canfleld , lot 15. blk 17.
Oi chard Hill , wd . . . * m
E Jl Taylor to J S Canllold , lot 14 , blk 17.
Orchard Hill , w d . . rm
BAD llalcomba and wlfo to D n An
drews , uud M govtiinment lots 4 nnd r ,
10-10-U , ndot5 ! , blk S , Khinn's nod
wd .
AV S Glbbs and Mifo to M C Mcl.augh-
lln , w 4 lot C. blk 10 , Myers. lUclmrds &
Tllden's add , w d . jm
AV H Glbbs and wlto to K A Gibbs , o > l lot
8 , blk 10. Myora. lllchards & Tildeu'a
add.wrt . goo
M A Shields , trustee , to J W Ilarnsdall
lots 17 and 18 , blks 2 nnd 3. Lake View.
qed .
South Omaha Land Co to J II Krltun-
brink , lot ! ) , blk ga , South Omaha , w d. . . 765
E OCary to KE French , lots fi and 0 , blk
17 , and lot 1.1. blk H , and lot 1 , blk 18.
Central Park , q c d . . i
Louis Schrooder. truMeo , to J A \ \ Iclitor-
man , lots , blkP. Ilrown PiuV , wd . 600
D Leaiy nnd wife to L M Morrison , pttax
lot 111. in 21-Jii-ia. w d . . . . . . 13000
G G Wallace , trustee , to G W Iluttorfleld ,
lot 21 , blkl , Monmontli I'nrk , wd . noj
E Vlllnuur and w If e to r Sale , lot 10. blk
2 , Dcnman Place , w d . ooo
The Patrick Land Co to J D Montgomery.
lots 7 , ! ) . 17 nnd It , blk US , nnd lots 3 nud
4 , blk ll.'l. ' Dundee Place , w d . . , . . sooo
J llarber tit al to E L Jaynes , Iot2fl , blk 3. '
lots 14. 15. 1B.-JU , 31 and ) . blk i. Slier-
man ave Park add , w d . 750
.1 and G E Marker to O 1' Jnynes. lots 23.
2J , 29 and 2tf , blk , Sherman ave Park
aiid.wd . ooo
W Elguttor and wife to . ) Nomoc , w M lot
M.blkJ , KonnUo'aSd add. ncd . l
J Nomec und wlfo to M Elguttor , o y lot
Il.blk4. Koimt/a'B ild add , qed . . . . . . 1
WluOblan and wife to M L Hylou , o > 4 lot
7. i > lk".V'Phlmraudd , wrt . . . . . . l.nso
O K Davis and w Ifo to V G Lontry , w IS n
w SC20-1G-13. wd . . . . . . . . . . . 2.CM
D L Thomas and wife toOmnlm and Flor
ence Lund nnd TriiHt company , ten lots
In Norwood Park , wd . , . i
3 Marker and wlfa to Omaha aud Flor
ence Land imd Trust company , lota 87 to
108 mid lots lil to l < a InchiHlve , In Nor
wood Park , w d . 3875
VO Lantry to Omaha and Floruncn Laud
and Trust company , wji nw se 20 10-ia ,
wd . I i
Twenty-two transfers amounting to . 8x1,755
nulUtliiR I'ornnts.
The following building pormlts were
granted yesterday by Inspector Wlutlock :
H Dnfour , trnrao stable , 4 < 0i Nelson . * ] QO
J K Denny.llJ-Btory frame dwelllng.Pliiclc-
ney andTwcnty-olghth . . . j ooj
Nnbraika Edwards llurner comimny.
frame building , Nicholas and Four
teenth . . . . . . nee
H A Orchard , rr pair dwelllniHOO Wlioiiton o 0
C II a > d n. two IM-stoi y from * 4 relllngs ,
Hlmebaiigh nnd Hiirlng . . . . i ooo
K llayrienyt \ story . fraino dWfclUn ' , Fort
Omana . ' . . i i/jn
O (1 Merrill , ' . ' -story frame dwelling. Elk
trout . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . lorn
Twotnlnor pormltu . , . . ) ?
Nine ponnits , agaregatlng
< J. linen Victoria's Contlolcnce.
I.ONDH : . ' . April 1. The queen has sent a
cable mesajo ( to Emperor Wllllftni expressIng -
Ing ber regret for the lots of the German
men-of-war nt Samoa ana ber eympathy with
the relatives of the o who lost tholr lives In
the disaster.
Cleveland on the Mst.
NKW VonK , April l.-rln the matter of the
lt'h briUcc park
Juilgo Patterson has op-
pointed ns commissioners Mossr * . Grover
Olovelond , Charlo Ooudort and Leicester P.
Bon Will Cnniost Ills Hoat.
April 1. TbeclJe ( t son of Joho
Urlcht , wko to a liberal Tmloulit , will contest
la tbc comwnus the teat made r vacant by the
UNION PACmO. l.oare Arrlvo
Depot 10th nnd M arcy sis. Omaha. Oman * .
Aelflo Rxpresi , 7M : p m 7iTO a n
hejon no Express , Ii55 p m 11:40 : n 11
Denver Express , . 10:00 : n in 3:45 : p U
Knn ns city , Lincoln
llentnco Kxprass. . . . . M03 ft m p m
_ All abova trnlMdnil\ _
o. & N.-W. R. n. Lonvo Arrive
D potlOthnnaMnrov ts Omaha * Omaha ,
No. 0 OMB n m
No.4. VostlDulo Ui45 p m
No.3 - Otl3 p m
No.l DMlyoxcoptMond'y 10:00 :
No. 3. Vestibule 10.6J n
o t * . . , . . 7:00 : p
All Trains Dnllr.
Depot 10th nnd Mason its. Omnhn. Omaha.
Chicago Font Express fli&O p in 6:30 : a m
ChicagoMntl VtSO n in 0:40 p
Chicngo Local. . . . > . . . . . 0:30 : p ra
ronver Fait Express . . . 6:30 : n in 3:30 : p m
Cnllfornln Mall VM a m 8:00 : p m
Colorado Mail 7tlO p m 8:43 : a inm
HnnsasTdlty Kxpreaa. 0:00 : n in Ci44 m
Knnsna City Kxpreaa 8:60 p m _ Tj ; > j _ ;
p. . n. * M. v , n. n. L nvo Arrlvo
Depot 16tn & Webster ats. Omahn. Omaha.
Hnst Ings * IltkHUU Pas 9:00 : n raj 44H | p
{ Norfolk l'nscnpor. 8:13 : p ml 10 ; 15 h
MI880U1U PACIFIC. Leave Arrv
Depot 16th A Webster sts Omahn. Omaha.
p Iny Express. . . 10:30 : n m Ol90 a m
Ight Express. 8.M : p m 8:05 : p m
0. . M. & ST. PAUL. J.onvo Arrlva
Depot loth nnd Mnrcy sts Omaha. Omaha.
No. a. 8:15 : a m
tfo.4. , 4:33 p m
tfo. 1. , 7:15 : n m
tfo.a. , 7:05 : p m
C..BT.P..M. & 0. Arrive Lonvo
Depot Ifith & Wobator sts Omaha. Omahn ,
Sioux City Express. . . . . 1 :00 : p m 100 ; p in
Emerson Accommodnt n nio : ; u m 0:15 : p m
Oakland Accommod'u. 5iM : p in B:25 n ill
Bt. Paul Limited t ) : < 5 a in 7:1X1 p in
tFlorenco Pas ngor. . . . 7to n in nuo a m
Florence Passenger 0:30 : p in 5:20 : p in
? Florence I'AjaoiiKor , . . . 10:30 : a ju Uw : a m
t Florence Passenger 4:20 : p m 1:30 p ni
tDaily Except Sunday.
fSundny only.
Running between Council Dlulfs and Al
bright. Til addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth
gtraots. nnd nt the Buuim it lu Omaha.
k Vlr1
Leave. Arrive.
A No.2 0:03p.m. . No.1 7:00 : n.m.
o No. 6 0:00 : a. m. No.S 5:50 p. m.
A No.4 U:40n. : m. _ No. . . . . . _ . . .o : . p.aa. r't
A No.4 9:10n.m.A : ] No.6
A No.S 5)5p. : : ) m. A No. 7. rWpjn. ;
A ITo. 0 0:50p : , m.lA :50p. : m.
No.6 0:10 : n. in.iNo.7 :4.ya. : m.
No. 8 4:16Pm. : . No. 3 900u. in.
No.4 0:40p.m. : No.6 0Up.nj. :
All Trains Dally.
A No. s . 9:40 : a. m.A | No , l . 6:50 : a.m. .
A No .4 . 7OOp.ra.A No.3 . 7:10r > . Tn.
A No. 2 . 9:25a.m.A : | No.S . U50 . m.
A No.4 . : No.l . fl:89p.m.
siouxcirv & PACIFIC.
A No. 10 . 7:05 : n. m.lA No. 0 . flS5n.m. 1
A No. 13 . 7Wp. : m. A No. 11 . 9:00 : p. m.
A No.S . 4:3 : p.ra.A | No. 7 . 12:00 tn.
A dally : I ) dally ozcopt Saturday ! O except
Sunday : Duxcopt Monday ; * fast mall.
The tlmo given aooro is for Transfer , thor *
being from live to ton nilnutcs between Trana *
er and local depots. <
Heailii is Wealth !
Dii.E. 0. WEST'S Nunvi : AND HIUIM TIIEA >
MENT , neunrnnteed Bpeciflo for HymerLa , Dlzsl-
ness. Convulsions , fits. Nervous Neuraliriav - , s
Headache , Nervous Proitrntlon caused by tJw , iJ
nco otulcohol or tobacco , Wnkefulness , Mental * J
Deprcvsjon , fiofionlnc ; of the llraln , rosultlnel
insanity and lenillnn to misery , decuy and deatk.
1'icinnturo Old Ago. llarronnass , Lous of Power
In either sex. Involuntary LoaaM and Hperma-
orhmacniiRod by over-exertion ot the brain , 8lf-
abuse or overlndulgoncn. Each box contalM
one month's treatment. 11.00 n box , or ilxboxM
for 5.00seBt by mall pvopntd on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With encu order roc ly * tar
us for nix boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , w *
Bnnd the purchaser our written guarantee to n-
fund the money it the treatment does not effeet
a euro. Guiirauloos issued only by Goodmem
Drujj Co. . DrugwUts , Sole Anonts , lllo Fanum
street , Omaha Neb. . _
KitlaUi * Oiatrt A lluiifut'n * l
Adiptei toEveiyMnchlm now .
IUu tr t dO Ulogui Fret.
For Sale or Trade ,
lUsldonw bropartyorange grove * , tqwm Mat
and dealiubfe unimproved lands guU Ht < Jir
winter liumos , for nulo or to trada for western
rnptoTod farm lands. Corrtspondunca solicit * *
Orlando , Florida.
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all necessary papers Illled.
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineir ,