* * > - > - - - * - * * ijit WitiiijiILtljfajjfcferjirtofii WitoM < MBiijitS'iS iiijjijiiiiH j ijtutrtj ! ? THE OMAHA DAILY BEEJiLrUESDAY. : ! APltIL 2. 1880. STOP PAYING RENT , The thrifty and farseeing man usually lives in his town house. Examine our method and terms for se curing a home , thus escaping a rent bill every month. The Patrick Land Company , owners of Dundee Place , makes the following liberal propositions to parties wishing to build homes in a first class location , with streets all graded and surroundings guaranteed by conditions in all deeds , as follows. First The said premises shall be occupied and used for residence purposes exclusively for a period of at least fifteen years from the date hereof , and for no H . other purpose whatever. Second No residence or dwelling house or other building shall at any time within said period of fifteen years be erected , or kept wholly or parti ) ' , on any lot hereby conveyed , within twenty-five feet of any street line bordering on such lot. . - Third No residence or dwelling house shall be erected or kept on said lot or lots hereby qpnvcyed , at any time within said period of fifteen years , costing less than twenty-five hundred ( $2,500.06) ) dbllars , exclusive of other buildings and improvements on said lot or lots. Fourth The premises'hereby conveyed shall never during said period of fifteen years be used for any immoral or illegal business or occupation ; nor shall anv soirituous or malt Honors be sold or bartered awav on said nremisaR riminncnM nrJnrl nf fifteen vears. PROPOSITION NO. 1 : 2OO feet frontage $5OOO Building loan for house costing $4,000. 4,000 $9OOO Terms of Payment. Cash $1,60O Twelve months TOO Eighteen months TOO Twenty-four months TOO Thirty months TOO Thirty-six months 600 Five years 4OOO $9OOO PROPOSITION NO 2 : r. IOO feet frontage . . . $2,5OO Building loan for house costing $2,5OO. 2,5OO $5OOO Terms of Payment. Cash . $800 Twelve months. . . ' . 35O Eighteen months . 350 . Twenty-four months . 35O Thirty months . 35O Thirty-six months . 3OO vears OHO Increased Loans Made to I hose building Larger Houses , Parties wishing the most desirable sites should select the ground now and make arrangements to build early. Lots will be sold to those wishing a safe and profitable investment , whether they build this season or not. OUR-SALESMEN ABE ALWAYS READY TO SHOW THE GROUNDS THE PATRICK LAND COMPANY , SOLE OWNERS OF DUNDEE PLACE , Room 25 , Chamber of Commerce , W. H. CRAIGPresident. . N. D. ALLEN , Vice-President. W. K. KURTZ , General Manager ( Local Solons Review the Work of the Thirty-first Session. TRUST BILL GREATLY DEPLORED. Submission the Only Question on Which the Doloaatiou "Got Left" Mr. O'Brien Explains His Oou- noctlou With 8. F. 201. Tlppresontntlvo Gushing Talks. "I am glad to bo able to rest , " said ttopre- sontutlvo Gushing yesterday afternoon as ho lolled back in an easy chair at the Union Club , "Tho legislature , " ho continued , ' 'became very , very monotonous towards the last , and I tell you I am glad it's over. Wo ran seven days over the allotted time , but If certain long-winded orators , who talked much about nothing , had boon choked oft early in the sosslcn , wo could hare gotten through twenty days sootier than wo did. The submission bill was tue only' thing upon which the Douglas county delegation got loft , and wo shouldn't have been loft on tbat had 1C not boon sprung on us'so unex pectedly upon the floor of the houso. Wo wore not taken into consideration In the cau cuses held upon the bill. As it had to cotno I thlnlc that It caino in the most acceptable manner to the opponents of the measure. The so called 'trust bill' Is another object ionable piece of legislation. If it was a United States law it would have been all right enough , but as a state measure it is all Wrong , and will only serve to drive from the Btuto certain industries that are beneficial to her prosperity. I opposed It on this ground. "I also opposed the banking bill , which I think was put through solely to benefit cer tain Jini Crow bunkers , ana opens a direct way to fraud. "In the matter of railway legislation there was none , so that neither tna railroads nor the people were injured. This Is tbo first legislature of the state of Nebraska , by the way , which over put a chock upon extravagance. Through the efforts of the farmers and the democrats. " modestly con tinued Mr. Gushing , the "bill appropriating (20,000 to send the militia and others to Now York was killed and 920.000 morn was lopped oft the militia appropriation. "Upon the whole I think the people maybe bo well satisfied with the work accomplished. During the last six woolci of the session it Wfts tuo endeavor of both houses to pass only uuch measures as would ha of general benefit. "Douglas county has every reason to fool aatlallod. as wo got everything wo wont after. Wo had a llttlo tight on the high school bill , but It went through all right. Our success can bo ascribed to our unanimity of action and tbo fact thnt wo wuut on u B'.lll hunt and didn't spend any of our wasting' breath and clawing air. " Senator Faxton. " 1 think the taxpayers of Nebraska will bo very well pleased with the work of the last legislature , " uld Senator 13111Paxton. "Wo trimmed tuo appropilatlon bills down , I un- demuud , $059.000. I think these ere the ' figures. Then there were but a very few of tboso nnuoyluif , llttlo , foolish measures passed such ns usually Incumbor the records Of n session of a state legislature. "In faoi , there were very few foolish ineas uros , great or small , passed. The ino t dan- Ronms piece of leglilAtlon.ln my opinion.wa the passage of the trust bill , which I think may do muc.li harm by winding UP the career of certain Institutions boveuclal to the state. "Of cour o , as you undoubtedly know , I km HguInM prohibition and opposed tuo pas- aago of the submission bill , but the nicasuro AS passed is not so bad as It tnifht have been. "The effect of a vast majority of the newly created laws will bo beneficial , and especially is this trim of the legislation uccomplUhod to- , latluff to Omaha * nd Douglas county. Our delegation got everything wt > asked for , and if wo weren't Riven all wo wanted U 1s our own fault , as wo were certainly tr ut d vor , " well. "But I dsn't cart to UU much about tU session. Hadn't you better go to a repub lican ? " Mr. O'JJrlcn. After a dlllgontsenrch a BEE reporter suc ceeded In finding the Hon. Oeorco M. O'Brien and from him secured the following ntatemeut of afTairs generally at the close of the Twenty-first session of the legislature. Mr. O'Brien said : "Douglas county Is par ticularly fortunate in the way of legislation , and the delegation from Douglas have Rood reason to feel satisfied over the result of their labors. At the opening of the session they were mot with considerable prejudice and In sonia Instances evidences of down right hostility towards anything that af fected Omaha. In other words , oar 'name was Dennis , ' and It was not till so mo time after the Douglas county contest cases wore decided that anything like n friendly consid eration of our wants could bo had. But the delegation were there to do the host they could and as the result of tholr endeavors they can point to the fact that to label a bill 'Douglas county1 meant its success or defeat just as the delegation desired. Such a condition of affairs was never before soon In the his tory of Nebraska. It Is true that early in the session a few bills wore passed that did not meet with their full support , but such measures became very few as the momoors made friends. A glance at the list will con vince tbo people of the counties that whllo little nolso was raised tholr interests were being carefully looked after. Not having his memorandum with him , Mr. O'Brien was unable to remember the various bills immediately concerning Doug las county , but mentioned the police relief fund bill , the banking bill , the the deep water harbor bill , register of deeds , street railway consolidation , Omaha charter and South Omaha charter , garnishment bill , labor days , jnstlcos of the peace , and bill to prevent any state ofllclal from being con cerned In or connncctcd with any city or state contract work. In reference to the justice of peace bill , senate file 210 , which Mr. O'Brien was orroneonsly re ported as endeavoring to kill , and the the publication of which reports caused him to feel very Indignant. Ho said that ; "As a matter of fact bo was the father of the bill and had introduced the same In the house ( house roll 369) ) , giving to Senator Ijains a copy to introduce in the senato. When the newspapers reported him as fighting the measure his friends helped nmlto the matter worse by trying to help him kill It. After much trouolo the bill w.is put up for third reading , only to bo Indefinitely positioned. Nothing daunted , the following day , anil only twenty-four hours before the time sot for adjournment , ho went to each member on the floor and enlisted tholr btrongth , suc ceeded In resurrecting the bill , * reconsider ing the Veto whereby the same was indefi nitely postponed , had the bill recommitted to the committee of the whole , nuioodod , re ported back , amendments engrossed and printed aud the bill put upon its paisa u. carried her through and had the same signed -by the governor. " Tbo dlnloulty of which is apparent when ono considers the vast amount of legislation which usually crowds-the closing hours of a session which had to bo displaced to allow even a momentary consideration of anything not ou the lilt. Mr , O'llrion saya he feels proud of his victory , Ono measure referred tp in the above uioiitionad bills will probably exercise no llttlo influence in letting of the city's paving /owcriog contracts this season , and tnat is senate file " 01 , which prohibits participation in such work by any city or state official. Tno attention of the , olty council mljjht b < T called to the Same. Banking and lumber business for sale. Inquire of 0 < E. Loorals , under Capitol National bunk , Lincoln , Neb. Paolflo llMllroftd Debt. WAHliKOTOjf , April 1. The debt of the Pa- clllo railroads for bonds Issued and interest paid by the United State * , ana the condition of the sinking fund act of May 7 , 1S7S , Is as follows ] 1'rinoIpaLoutstanding , tGl,033Rl2. Interest accrued nud not yet paid , fJO itS'.i.OS. Inter- oat paid by the United States , ttOl5J7V4.ia. ( Interest repaid by the companies : By trans portation eervlco , filOSllT'J.10 ; by cunh pay ments of a per cent not Gainings , tMOU- 037.03. UaUuco of Interest paid by tbo United States , t57.i&3,060.46. Sinking fund ; Uonrts , J10.87CG.Vj ) wall , $199,050.73 , total , WBLiLS' TILE. The 1'ollco Want to Deprive the Den ver Robber of It. Chief Soavoy has received a circular from the chief of police of Denver offering $2,500 reward for the arrest of C. J. Wells , the fol low who committed the unparalleled robbery of the First National banu of Denver last Friday , scouring altogether about $131,000. The following were the bills taken : Ono bill of $10,000. several 81,000 bills , some $ ,100 bills , several $100 bills , some $50 , * 20 and $10 bills and $1,000 In S O gold pieces. The robber is de scribed as follows : Ago , thirty-two to thirty- sovcn , height five feet oigr.t and a half inches , weighs from 145 to 155 pounds , com plexion dark , sunburnt or somowbat weather beaten , regular features , but an unpleasant expression ; dark eyes with wild lee k ; shoulders round , style of walk nervous ; were light-weight brownish overcoat , some what faded ; faded black aerby hat ; scarf with pin that looks like n gold dollar ; wears long link plated watch chain , now nickel pistol ; were a pair of shoes with thick solos and pointed tees ; ra'bor slouchy dress ; rather heavy brown moustaoho ; had the ap- pcaranoo of a man used to outdoor work , knob ns driving or riding. Catarrh Curort. A clergyman , uftor years of suffering from that loathsome disease , Catarrh , and vainly trying every known remedy , at last found a recipe which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease send ing n solf-addrossod stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Lowronco , 88 Warren St. , Now York City , will recelvo the recipe free of charge. All Fools' Dny. Yesterday was the first of April , All Fools' day the world over. The custom of playing tricks upon people and sending them upon bootless and ridiculous errands is ono not easily traced to any tangible or definite source. Some authorities claim that It had Ita origin In some ancient pagan custom , such ns the Hull festival among the Hindoos , or the Itomans' feast of fools. Others say It had Its birth among the Germans in the outlying low country at the base of the Iiartz moun tains In the general festival accorded spring in the times almost prehistoric. In no country , however , ore the pranks of the first day of April , so exaggerated mid numerous , as they are bi this country , .particularly among the llttlo folk. There is nothing so enjoyable to u youngster as to catch -his eldpis napping , and it is curious ilio ingenuity exercised to bring about the desired result , No one gets angry at an April fool's ' trick , honeo tnu liberal indulgence In them by the children at the oxpcuso of the grown people , Mnlca no Atlstake. By dispelling the symptoms so often mis taken for Consumption. SANTA ABIE has brought gladness to many a household. By Its prompt use for breaking up tho. cold that too often Develops lute that fatal dlseasa ttiou- sands cun bo saved from an , untl o'iy grave. You make no mistake by hueplng a bottle of thU Pleasant remedy 'A your house. CALL rOUNIA OAT-/v-uuilK is equally effective in eradicating all traces of nosul catarrh.Both of these wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted by Goodman Drug Co. | 1 a package , 3 for f J.50. IJonds Mature , Tbo 1200,000 worth of Omaha railroad bonds , which were Issued twenty year * ago by the city for the construction of the "Union Pacific bridge and depot , foil duo yesterday. About $10,000 of the securities wore re deemed yesterday by City Treasurer Rush , The bonds bore 10 per cent Interest , aud the city was glad to redeem them. When tha paper was Issued. April 1 , ISO'.i , It was a hard matter for-tho railroad company to dispose of It. Some of the bonds gold as low as 60 tier cent , but later tha eastern brokers were kicking themselves for not gobbling up the whole lot , as the bonds soon proved to bo the best security ever isnued by Omaha , gardun and field , ondg. Wm. Sloven & Co. , 10th und California. IN THE TWO-MILE BELT , A Hoportorial Visit to the Saloons There in Operation. SALES WITHOUT v LICENSE. The DogRcrlcs on No-Man's Imnd , Otherwise Known ns Cut-Off Island The Ardent at Valley. A Frco Drink. The attention of the people , now tbat th saloons in tbo city are closed on Sunday , is directed to the resorts In the country con tiguous to town. Many of those are situated in the two-railo limit , and pay no license to the county. The saloons outside this oolt are compelled to pay $500 annually. A week ago a UEB reporter made a tour of the liquor establishments within the two-mllo limit and describes those there found. In connection with these is the saloon of Henry Vollstodt , which is beyond tbo limit in question and which docs not pav any license at all. There Is also appended a reference to two more saloons at Valley which are run In defiance of law. The county license is paid to the county treasurer , In quarterly installments of $125 , the commissioners not having changed in favor of cusn payment for licenses when the city decided to conform to the state law. When towns are incorporated , the license fee is paid to the corporation. The military road runs in an Irregular manner northwestward through the city. It is the main avenue along which flows the streams of farmers to and from the city and country boyond. It U lined with saloons , no loss than five of them being found within about a milo and a half of the city limits. The first of these Is found Just beyond the city limits. It is the old Howies place and is now run by L. J. Jespereon. It In n plain atructuro with high front stops and the proprietor Is only too glad to waltz out to his patron on tbo road and serve them with foaming lager. His patronage from the immediate neighborhood does not amount to , much , the greater part being derived from ( he farmers and travelers along tbo load. Last year , ho hardly paid expenses , but now' that the Sunday law is enforced inside the city limits , he expects to make up for past losses. Further western a llttlo oimuoslto structure consisting of a cottage transformed into a beer hall , flanked on ono side by a nubile buggy tbcd and on the other by a "sitting- room for ladles , " ( i In this modest little place Adam Frabm dispenses liquors of all kinds and as an Inducement to further the saloot tUpJ , has provided a small > ! S&'i table for His patrons. Still further to tho-went , tbo largo dark- brown two story bouno of Charles Tiotz looms , llko a good sized country Inn. There are trees to tbo wo mad north of It which shade a pretty garden containing rustle bonohes , chairs and , tables , a ten-pin alloy , and shooting gallery. Connected with the liouso Is A spacious dttilco hall which is used on Sunday * In both summer and winter. Sun day afternoons In the former teason , there is a miscellaneous gathering of young and old , and the hours are spent In enjoyment of all tbo pleasures which the place affords. Next along the road In the saloon line Is the brlok structure of J. Jensen. It has lust been completed. Tbo proprietor has Just moved Into It and everything is Just as fresh as it oould well be after the bands of the ar tisan , Jensen is a contractor and some of the money ho earned from the county in grading has gone'in to this structure , Thp last saloon ou tbo road is located on the Junction of Mayno street. It is located in n little house which was evidently Intend ed for a residence. Over this presides u. Oismarcklan gentleman named J. Tuomten. H is a modest little place and U but a short aUtanco m ldo the western boundary of the two mlle limit. On Mercer avenue or Cumtng street , Just ouUldo the bait line , is a pea-green house , and In this H. P. Hanson soils some oxcol- leiit brewing , He formerly woruod In town for a Jewelry firm and is now Just beyond the border. On Sundays , since the closing order went Into eftedt , his business has trebled , and ho expects it to increase with every Sunday. Ou West Dodge near the Patrick resi dence Henry Kuchl has transformed a prott/ little cottage Into a homo of Gambrlnus , ana a few hundred feet further west A. Hartman - man has emulated his example. The patronage - ago of those saloons U derived from tho- laborers In the surrounding grading jobs and brickyards. Still further west on Dodge street on the road to MoArdlevillo and west of the North- \ycstern track , Henry Vollstodt , a deputy sheritT of Douglas county , has transformed the front room of his residence Into a bar. Henry is n big , good natured gentleman , re sembling Joe liodfield. Ho is about a mlle west of the two-mile limit. Ho sells no beer , because his patronage Is not such as to warrant such an undertaking. Ho there fore soils whisky , light drinks , and cigars. Henry pays no license to the county , and is thus violating the law , which requires him to plank down $500 for the privilege. Ho was asked how ho managed to evade the law , and said that ho was out of the way and did not hurt the ether saloon hoopers and they did not trouble him. On the Millard road at West Lawn , near the Omaha basket and mantel factories , is the pretty West Lawn hotel , Just fresh from ttio painter. It 1ms a pretty saloon , a large carriage shed , u finely-shaded yard , and may yet bccomo a favorite resort. It is run by C. T. Stafford. Nearer Omaha , and adjoining the hotel , Is Henry Kuscr's place , beautifully shaded , sup plied with walks , summer houses , ton-pin alleys and shooting galleries. Here also is tbo range of the Omaha SchuoUen vorcin , composed of the leading Gorman marksmen of iho city. Hero they meet in friendly com petition every Friday and Sunday. The range la also well patronized. This Is-llio leading garden and Sunday resort around Omaha. Everything Is kept in excellent condition , and the patronage on Sundays is very largo , families frequently being found among the visitors. Further east on the road homeward , near Saddle creek , is the saloon of J. Ludns , and u llttlo nearer to totvn is that of Ed. Lccders , ox-councilman. It is situated o'n the banks of the raging Saddle creek , and on Sunday attracts a largo number of people from town. The encrgotio proprietor has a number of seventh-day attractions , which .his patrons alwyas Una Interesting , On Cut-Off Island there are now six saloons , and by next Sunday there will bo , doubtless , six more added to the number. Those now In existence have sprung up within a very short time and the Sunday closing order will liavo the effect of giving life to many more , Recently the city engineer made , at the request of the local authorities , a survey of a part of this Neman's land and decided that the city limits extended 231 feet east of the Locust street bridge. Within this territory there were three saloons. Thosa have cow boon moved to a safe distance beyond tbo city line und are now re puted to bo in Iowa. As u con sequence neither their proprietors nor these of the other saloons are ccmijollea to pay any license , at leust to foe authorities of Omaha or Douglas county. If they aio subject to any authority U Is that of Council Ulu/Ts or Pottawatamlo county In Iowa. Some of these are now but flimsy structures , but the greater number are llttlo cottages aud huts utilized for saloon purposes. They are patronized , as a rule , by a hard-looking class of people who sit and smoke and drink and gamble in small stuffy apartments. Yesterday they did a thriving business and hundreds of people visited the .island , who , however , never crossed tbelr threshold , These saloons arc kept by Captain Kent who has established a road house on the north end of the Island. This Is the most pretentious structure on the placo. U fronts the best part of the lake. It is being flanked by a line beach , which will perhaps make It favorable as a resort. Kent's place although farthest by land from the city , is said to be really In the olty limits , being within the meander of the river , which has never been changed , If this bo true the e&llant cap tain will very likely bo called upon to p < iy his license of 11,000. The other saloon keep ers are Blsler. who runs the senate , Captain Van Ormnn. White , and "Shorty , " North of Cut-off lake and lust immediately beyond the northern and eastern boundary of the city is another saloon of modest pre tensions. It is owned by a mm named O'Donnell. It U the first met in tlili dlroo- - * tion within the two-mllo limit. Further to the north are four road houses known qs tbo "Mint , " kept by W. H. Gonsoluss-Lako View House , Gustavo Scssoman ; a third by Hill & Marsh , and tha island House just opened by Peter Begcl. Waterloo mm Valley. Vnlley 1ms three saloons , ovorono of which a female presides named Mary Oyster. Mary is about fifty-five summers , and Is known by nearly every railroad man on the Union Pa cific , Jmving manipulated schooners at Valley for the past fifteen years. She Is of Gor man birth and when questioned yesterday as she stood with ono hand on a beer faucet and a 20pound sledge in the ether , she said : "Yes I do von goot business hero und now ven do saloons doy olose mlt Omaha do rail- root boyn doy cum out hero for doir boera. " Mary does a "goot" business , ns the empty ttoga in front of her rookery plainly demon strate. The other two places am conducted by William Harrier and Peter Fouts , re spectively , and although the habitation of the place is scarcely three hundred the rum shops report business "excellent. " The sa loonkeepers Keep open tholr places day and night together with Sunday If business de mands. Ard the report is that any tlmo a man has a half-dollar burning his reccptaelo ho can have an oportunlty to spend It at any hour of the night. _ That Tired Fooling Afflicts nearly every one in the spring. The system having become accustomed to the bracing air of winter , is weak ened by the warm days of the changing season , and readily yields to attacks of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the mcdicino needed. It tones and builds up every part of the body , and also expels - pels all impurities from the blood. "Try it tliis season. PKKKINS OUT WEST. JIo Disoovcrs the AVondora of North ern Nobraiika. CnADiioN , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to Tun BEn. ] Wonderful Nebraska I I have koown for two years that eastern and cen tral .Nebraska is the most fertile and the surest agricultural section in the great west This the loaded corn bins from Omaha nl-1 most to Sidney prove to every ono. But an Impression has always prevailed that In your extreme northwest towns , the Black Hilli ) , the soil becomes thin. How mistaken we all are I I have just ridden through seven of your northern and extreme western counties and hero I find the richest and surest farm country in the stnto. South of DeaJwood , la Sioux , Dawcs and Shorldan counties uro their chest and blackest pralrlo lands of the state. Box Uutte la a veritable garden of Eden and awaiting the coming of Adam. Last year thn corn crop was prolific all along the Ulkhorn Vnlley railroad. Atone ono tlmo to-day I saw In Sheridan county thirty plows turning uu the side soil , Tbe soil is full of alkali , jiiul spring wheat yields phcnoinlnally. I can bay now thnt north western Nebraska is the best and surest farm country open to ecttloinonl. t say open to settlement , for , in Ctio.venno. Sioux , Box Butte and { Sheridan counties , tboro Is still government land. At Uushville , twenty-five mllei east of Cbadron I found a town throe year * old with a tbousaud people. When I asked the rail road agent now the farmers were doing , he said : "Sheridan county is wonderfully prosper ous. This now town shipped out over $300- 000 worth of wheat , corn aud cattle hist year and will shin twice as much next year. Wo are Just gottlag started. " DKAIIWOOD AND ClIALmON. Deadwood is the llvo town in the Hills above Cbadron , but Cbadron is tha munici pality of UQituwoitorn Nebraska. The U. & M. has Just bought extensive coal and oil lands over in Crook county , Wyoming. west of the Black Hills , and hundreds of men are working on this track near Cliadron wlioro It crosses thn Klkhoru Valley road. The Union I'nolflo li building into tbo Wyoming coal fields , aud Is nlreiiuy within a few miles of Douglas and Fort Fottermau. The St. Paul will build on from Chamber lain , Dak. , as soon as the big Sioux reserva tion is opened. Wonderful coal nod marble Holds are opening up in Wyoming , west of the Nlobrara line , and an oil field that will cause the blushes to coma to thu most san- gulno oil men In Bradford and Findloy. Tlio J $ . Elkhorn Vnlloy road It loaded with now gait tiers looking for the millions of ncfes of laacl along Its lines , suitable for both woat and corn. TUB i-noFEssioNAif noMKSTJUi > nn. Many of the professional homostoadanl whohuqtgood hind , "prove up" and sell RJ are selling tracts now near the Elkhorn Val ley railroad in western Nebraska at from $3 to ? 5 per aero and then going further away to look for mof o. They find the same rich" block soil extending clear up to the Blactt Hills. There are farms' id western Dakota , sloping down from the Black Hills , that will -pro duce sixty bushels of corn and thirty bunhelf of wheat to the acre. These are the lands that the world has bolicml to bo"a desolate wnsto. But the Elkhorn Vnlloy road ha * brOuirht these splendid lands Into the tha market , and now there is a scrub ractf bo- twcen the Union Pacific and B. & M. to coma in and enjoy the harvest. y , I mot the professional homesteader to-day . In Sioux county , the extreme northwest < county ofNebraska. . Ho stood by a prarla schooner out of wliioh came n 8tovo-f > ip . Behind was a cow and calf and two dogs , "Wlioro Is your homo ! " I naked. "Il'nt got no house , " ho said , ni ho Inoi(6d ono of the dogs and took a chow 6f tobacco. "Wlioro do you llvof" "Whored11 live } " ho exclaimed Indlffc nantly. "I ilon't have to live anywhere. I'm marchin' r.hcd of clv'lizatlon , sir. I'm home * stoadin' . " "Well , whore do you sleep } " j "Sleep } I sleep over on the government land , drink out of the North Finite , cat JaolC rabbits and raw wolf. But it's gottin1 too thickly settled round Hero for mo.I Raw a land agent from Buffalo Gap to-day , and they say a whole family Is coinln' up tha North Platte llfty miles oolow hero , , 'It'j getting too crowded for mo hore.strangor , 1 leave for the Powder river country to-rnqr- ' row. I can't stand the rush I" _ EM PEUKiiia. A New Train. The connecting link between Nei , braskiv and Kansas has just boon placed < in service by the Union Pacific railway. ' This train leaves Council UluiTa daily'M 4:40 : a. m. ; leaves Omaha at 6:05 : & . M. , < $ and runs through without cbang ? t4 Manhattan , Kan. , m airing- direct eem * noctlons there with the Kansas divide1- of the Union Pacific railway for all * points in Kansas and Colorado west bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kw sas Cltyjand points east and south'rl * . . , p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct connection with Kunsus division trains from Kansas City , Lawronoo , Topoku and the oust , und from Don vor , Balina , AbeUno and all points wont , enabling passengers to visit the principal points in Knnsus and Nebraska in the shortest possible titno. These trains have first- class equipment , constating ol smoking curs and flrst-qlusa day coaottos of the latest pattorn. The now train will fill a long folUwant , and U bound to bo popular. _ flurrying Up tue Charleston. WAS it i NO TON , April 1 , The secretary ol the navy has cabled to Auckland that the men of the wrooked naval vessels who art sent home are to como to Sun Francisco. { { onewod instructions hare been sent to San Francisco to hurry forward the prepara tion of the Charleston , and every effort wll ! bo mada to ( jot her guns and carriages Iran * ported overland at the earliest possible mo ment. Children Cry for Pitchor't Castorla. I ' When DAby ITM sldfro govo h r Cwtorta. Wbtn nh WM & Child , eh erlod lot Cuter ! * , When ahp became Him , abe clunp to CastorU ,