Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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* 4U.eKl 4 i
Bloom Continues to Poster tbo
Clique Occasionally.
An Improvement In tlio Price or
Corn Dull TrndlnR In Oat8 A
Dcollno in I'ork , Cnttlo
nntl Hogs.
CHICAGO , April 1. [ Special Tclcsram to
THE BEB.J The wheat market dragged to
day. Durlncr the first hour or so prices
ruled fairly steady , but during tlio last hour
the drift was downward. Thcro was noth
ing like a sharp break , prices settling slowly.
Trade in May was light and fluctuations
wcro controlled entirely by the operations of
n few men. Bloom Is still "pestering" the
cliie | ( ] by an occasional dash In nnd out , but
generally the trade In that future Is practi
cally dead. There was a rather frco selling
of now crop futures at the outset on general
light rains thr&tighout the cntlro winter
wheat area. There was also coed buying by
jiartiei who were moved to Invest on the
theory Unit the market was already heavily
oversold , and that further sales would bo
likely to result In a sharp twist. Opening
trades wore on a basis of STJ c advance to
87Jfo following immediately. Tlio market
sold off to Sia twlco with quick rallies ,
once to SiJSfo nnd again to 87 c. There
wore some largo buying orders in at
about 87X < 5 , but by noon tticso
wcro cither filled or withdrawn nnd
the market got well on its way down from
87 o. It worked down to the vicinity of 87o
several times nnd by 1 o'clock it had crossed
that line , touching SOJfJc , nnd then , after a
pause , slipping down to 80o. There was
strong buying on the doclluo , but stronger
selling. The later weakness was duo In a
largo measure to the signal service- forecast
of further rains and an elevation In tempera
ture. Molsturo and warmth being the only
things the bears nro in need of at this junc
ture , they felt greatly braced up. The pres
sure of speculative offerings was added to by
n miscellaneous unloading of long wheat.
The prevailing opinion seemed to bo that the
bulls could not make n successful stand in
July without loading up with tnoro wheat
than they wanted , provided , of course , that
the Indications of rain are fulfilled and that
the selling sldo was the safest for the tlmo
being. There was a slight recovery in prices
toward the close , but the tone of tiio market
was not strong. May sold down to SI and
left oft there. July rested at 80X < Jp30 c.
As compared with Saturday , this showed a
shrinkage of a In May and loin July.Tho out
side markets wcro wcalc the country over nnd
forolgn news was not encouraging' . New
"Vork wired that there wore export bids infer
good round lots , but from J/@lo below the
market. Thls-was early nnd later in the day
the limit might have boon reached , though no
tidings to that effect reached hero. The
clearings from the seaboard for the day wcro
heavy , as predicted on Saturday. This was
the March clearing up , however.
There was more doing in corn to-day and
at some improvement in price. Receipts
were lighter than Saturday's estimates bytil
cars , and It was apparent onrly In the dav
that the vlmblo supply figures were likely to
show llttlo or no incrcaso over last week ,
and when thodccrcaso of UIU',000 bushels was
posted , the demands from the shorts became
fairly ncttvo and prices made u slight ad
vance. The market gave some signs of weak
ness on estimated receipts for to-morrow
and the fact of the .intervening holiday on
account of local elections being liitoly to
cause an accumulation of receipts which re
ceivers would probably bo pressing for sale
on Wednesday morning. The final close was
firm , however , at u slight advance upon
Saturday's resting jirlco.
Trading In the regular market for oats was
dull with only a light volume of business re
corded. No outside orders of consequence
were received , and outside from a moderate
local deal in May and Juno futures were neg
lected. The fcclluir was about steady all
day , with 20o bl-1 for May , and sellers at
that to n fraction above. The indications
pointed to the belief that any pressure to sell
would cause a sag. Juno was salable around
25 } c and July at j @ & 6 discount. Cash re
ceipts were fair nnd sales of No. 3 to go to
store were at 25 } c , or a suggestion of easi
Provisions opened weak with an easier
tone than tbo trade expected. Largely In
creased receipts of hoes at Chicago and
smaller packing points , made the boars more
aggressive , turned the tide against holders
and forced prices to a lower level. Based on
last Saturday's last quotations the closing
for the day Indicated an actual decline of
87J @EOo iu pork , 5@7jtfo In lard and 710e
in short ribs.
CHICAGO srooiv.
Cnituoo , April 1. | Special Telegram to
TUB BEB/J CATTLE Business was slow at
the opening with rather too many cattle for
Monday on top of the big run last wcoK , but
tbo chances wcro that about all -would bo
old. The demand for steers was largo for
the light and medium handy variety , such
selling up to last week's prices , but big
heavy classes wcro neglected and rather
easier/ cow stock and all classes of butch
ers' stock selling about the same as last
week. There wcro no Tcxans on tho'inar -
kot. Choice to extra beeves , $1.10 ®
4.50 ; medium to good steers , 1S5U to
1500 Ibs. f3.00@3.00 ; 1200 to 1030 Ibs ,
t .80@3.BO ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , M.0003.40 ; stock-
era nnd feeders. $ li.lU@3.40 ; cows , bulls and
inlyed , fl.QO@3,00 ; built , $3.10@2.5i ) .
Hoas There was a sudden and unex
pected down-turn of lOc and trade was only
moderately acttvo at that. An increase of
5,000 over last Monday \yould indicate a big
run for the remainder of the week , and buy
ers are not slow to take the advautago that
follows. At the close common to fair packers
cold down to f.7d@-j.75 , and best heavy at
H.80@4.85 , airaInstf4.OOCT4.05 at the open-
luu , a few lotaaof light mixed selling at the
first at 15.00 but would not soil for ever f 1.00
ntthoclouo ; light sorts , H87K@U)5 ) ; u few
of single sort at fC.OO.
Now Yonic , April 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BKE.I STOCKS There was llttlo
chutigo In prices or sentiment in stocks from
the close of last week. When operations
were resumed the list was weak , allowing
looses of < ( $ ? d per cent. This wns followed
by an Iinuu-tlluto dccllno , of llttlo siRiiillcanco
except in ono stock , which ruled thu imu-kot ,
f\\z \ , Atchlson , This declined ahurply ! > per
cent , with Jtf per cent recovery before 11
o'clock , Next to Atchlson wus Union Paelllo
which went off % . Tlioso were the only
stocks which carried the special weakness of
last week over Missouri Pacific , however ,
lost } { early. VVs on sevorul other ( lays
recently , the lull was accompanied by n re
turn of strength , which caused a partial ro-
covtiry , and left the list but n trillo under the
'opening prices , Uoforo noon there was a
ocond woa spot in the market with New
England loading the decline , while Atchlson
ngnm suffered , going still lower than before
toiiRhlug 31i > 4 , or IJf per cent below the open
ing flguro. The drop in New England \vas 1J <
straight while Missouri Pacific also lost an
other J per cent. A second period of dull
ness was on at noon with a slight recovery In
the list. The feeling of flrmnoss In stock *
noticed at noon held out pretty generally to
the close and brought ubout a very fair re
action in the list. Kven stocks which were
especially weak during tha morning re
covered so that tlio lo s at the close was In-
significant. Whllo less uctlvo stocks made
nn advance which left closing prices generally
higher than on Saturday , Atchlson re
covered a full point fi'oui the bottom , closing
} ( lower for tUo day. Missouri J'uolflo re
gained nit but.K o' the loss while Union
I'aclflo closed > better than last week , Other
gatus for the day were St. 1'aul , New
Eaglauil , Chicago Gas and Burlington , race-
Ing 2&@M Per cent higher. The total
were 183,520 shares , Including 9,000 North
western , 0'JOO Hock Island , 4,300 St. Paul ,
11,000 Union Pacific , P.100 Lnckownno , 10,800
Heading , fi , 100 Missouri Pacific , 3,700 Burlington -
lington ana 10,100 New England.
Thofollowlng wore the closing quotations !
( T.8. 4 * regular..l' 8 > ( Northern Pacific. . ! ? <
U.H.4scoupnni.l28'i doprefcrred CO
U.tMMsrojiular. . 108 C. fcN. W im | .
" " - - - - doprcferrcd l.TflU
. . . -.wuu. . v . .t. u N.Y.Central.ICOf
Central 1'nclllo , . . . avj ' . , ) . & , Sll <
CliIcaroAlton..l27 ( Hock Island ,4 W.H
ChlcnKO.lldrllneton C..M. A8t.r OJH
do preferred. . 100
St. Paul & Omaha . 31
„ . , Central..109 dopreferred . 01
l.H.i\V 0 UnlonPacino . C0) ) (
Kannni &Texas , , , 12V W..81.U * P . J2) ) J
LakeShore lof do i > ruierrou. . , .
Michigan Central , , MU Western Union. . , . .
MIssotirll'ftciQo . . . OO'i
MoxEt ox CALL 4@10 per cent. Last
loan C per cent , . ,
STBRMXO EXCIUNOI : Dull but strong ;
sixty-day bills , $1.60 ; demand , $ I.88J { .
I'Ronuoto M.vRitrcrs.
CiticAoo , April 1. Wheat Easier ; cash ,
OS.Vtfe ; Mnyfl.OOr
Corn Firm ; cash , 84 c ; May , 35J c !
July , 30 7-1 Co.
Oats Firmer ; cash , 25o ; May , 20 MCc ;
July , 25Xo.
llyo May , 4-lc.
Uarloy NothliiR dolnp.
PrimoTlmothj ? 1.'J5@1.23.
Pork Easier ; May , J12.47K ; July , $13.00.
Lard Easier : April , fO.05 ; May , ? 7.00 ;
July , $7.07 .
Hour Steady ; winter wheat , $3.23(35 ( 25 ;
nprin wheat , $ l.-tO@O.UO ; rye , fJ.lio@U.OO In
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. f5.SO@5.75 ;
short clear , $0.0 (20.75. ( ; short ribs. 50.15
( R0.20.
liuttcr Dull ; creamery , 1725i ; ; dairy ,
l5@20c. !
Uhooso Quiet ; full cream chotldats
nnd Hats , I0 > ; @l0 c ; Voung Americas ,
Eggs Unsettled ; fresh , 10@10 ic.
Hides Unchanged ; noavy preen salted ,
X@5jtfc ; light green salted , 6@llc ; green ,
; salted bull , 6 0 ; green salted calf ,
OKeoKo ; dry flint , K8c ; green salted kip ,
4 ( < e4)ifo ) ; dry calf , TdjSc ; dry salted hides ,
Tallow WnchanRcd ; No. J , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 34'o ; ; caUo. 4Viu.
Kucoints. Shlomcnts.
Flour , bbls 7.000 4,000
Wheat bu 20,000 12,000
Coru.DU 04,000 37,000
Oats , bu 70,030 85,000
Now Vork. April 1. Wheat Receipts ,
8,000 ; exports , 04,000 ; spot , lower , moder
ately active for milling ; No. 2 red , 87 > @
87 o in elevator , bO ) @ 8'JJ c allout ;
88 i@00o f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 81 j c ; options
fairly active , weak , l@l o lower ; April ,
Corn Receipts , 01,000 ; exports. 171,000 ;
spot , firm , moderately active , J c hlRiicr ;
No. 2 , 42Jf@iyo in elevator ; 4HJfrfi-(4c afloat ;
No. 2 white , 44@15o ; ungraded mixed , 41 ®
44c ; options stronger nnd fairly active.
Oats Receipts , 34,000 ; exports , none ;
spot , stromr , KC < 4c higher , quiet ; options ,
quiet and stronger : April , 31c ; May , 30 c ;
July , 30 c ; spot , No. 2 white , 34@34 > c ;
mixed western , 8U@33c.
Coffee Options opened barely steady nnd
closed stcadyU5@-t5 points down ; Balcsb0.250
bags ; April , * 1G50C' 15.05 ; May , J15.U5 ®
10.20 ; June , $10.10@10.20 : spot Itio , quiet ,
wcnk ; f air carcocs , 118.37' .
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; United
closed ut "JOJ c.
Eggs Dull , weak ; western , lOKC ilJ c.
Pork Steady ; now , * 13.75@14.UO.
Lard Lower and quiet ; western steam ,
t7.35 : April , $7.32.
lluttor Steady ; western _
Cheese Dull , weak ; western ,
St. liouls , April 1. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 04c : May , 04 , ' e.
Corn Firm ; cash , 29c ; May ,
Oats Lownr ; cash , 23o ; May , 20J
Pork Quiet at 813.00.
Lard Nominally lower at (0.75.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Butter In fair demand ; creamery , 20 ®
2oc ; dairy , 30@32c.
Milwaukee , April. Wheat Easy ; cash ,
% ot May. 87Kc-
Corn Dull ; No. 3. 81J @ 32c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , white , 27K@2Sc.
Uye Dull ; No. 1 , 41c.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 55e.
Provisions-Easy ; pork , tl2.37 } .
Minneapolis. April 1. Sample wheat
dull , with no demand ; receipts for two days ,
239cars , shipments , 65 cars. Closing : No.
1 hard , April , Sl.O'JK : May , $1.10 } ; on track ,
$1.00@1.10 : No. 1 northern , April , 08 c ;
May , OOJ c ; on track , OSo ; No. 2 , north
ern , April , 80 c ; May. 00 , c ; on track , UOc.
Olnolnuatl , April * Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 rod. 93c.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , mixed , 84J4@35c.
Oats Qulot ; No. 2 mixed , 2t2U ) > c.
Whisky Steady nt J1.03 ,
Kansas City , April 130. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , 87c ; No. 2 soft , cash , OOu ;
May , no bids nor offerings.
Corn No. 'J cash , 2 < % c asked ; May sales ,
20c bid ; No. 3 white , cash , no bids nor
oft'crings ; Juno 23)'a asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
Juno , " ) jC asked.
JjlVi SCOUlt.
April 1. The Drovers' Jour
nat reports as follows :
Cattle Ucceipts , 11,500 ; strong and active ;
choice to Cxtra beeves , $4.10@4.55 ; steers ,
$3.00@3.UO ; Ktockers and feeders , $2.10@
0.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.CO@3.30.
Hogs Receipts , 19,000 ; market slow and
5@10o lower ; mixed $4.70@4.95 ; heavy ,
$4.73@5.00 ; lisllt , ? 4.75@5.00 ; skips , J3.50 ®
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market stronger ;
natives , $3.0@.ri.25 ; western cornfed , fl.SOQ
G.10 ; lambs , S4. 70(30,15. (
The Drovers' Journal special London ca
blegram reports cattle firm at 12c per lb. ,
% o advance and moderate supplies. -
Kixnsns Oity , April l. C'attlo Re
ceipts , 1,700 ; shipments , 180 ; market active ,
in most cases stronger ; medium weight beef
stcgrs strong to slmdo higher , heavy ship-
plug steers only steady ; good to
choice corn-fed , S4.00@4.25 ; common to me
dium , $2.75 3.00 ; stackers and feeding
steers , linn , f > @ 10c higher , $1.GO@3.40 ; cows ,
linn , n@10o higher , S1.CO@2.75.
Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 1,300 ;
market opened steady to 2 > < u lower and
closed full 5c lower ; common to choice ,
$1.25@4.G5. .
National Stock Yards , East St.
Ijoulu. April I , Cattle Receipts. 1,200 ;
shipments , 100 ; market steady ; choice heavy
native steers , $3.80@4.85 ; fair to good ,
$ J.OO3.90 ; stockers and feeders. $2.00 ®
2.85 ; rangers , corn-fed , $2.70@3.40 ; grass-
fed. | J.lU0a.OO.
Hogs UccHljita , 5,100 ; shipments , 500 ;
market easy ; choice heavy and butch
ers' selections , $4.70(34.80 ( ; packing , fl.COQ
4.7u ; light grades , $4.70(34.65. (
Sioux City , April 1 , Cattle Receipts ,
321 ; shipments. 237 ; market steady ; fut
steers , t2.h.r > @ 3. 5 ; ttockcrs , * 2.2Ti@2.75 ;
feeders , $ J.35 ( > t2.83 ; canners and hulls , $1.00
@ 1.75 ; veal calves , $2.0004.00.
Hogs Receipts , 712 ; market slightly
weaker ; light and mixed , Ci.67 @ 4.03 > i'i
heavy , $4.iW < ( f4.t > 5.
Cattle. *
Monday , April 1. 1639.
The market was active and the cuttle of
all kinds were about all sold' before midday.
Heavy beeves wcro not In co good demand
and sold about lOo luwor , whllo handy fat
'cattle of medium weight were very nearly
steady or at tlio.most only u stuulo lower ,
Uutoliers' stock sold quite readily at steady
prices und tlio same could be said of the fe.iv
feeders here.
The market was fairly active at prices a
Minao easier than Saturday's prices , The
hogs ucro nil sold early. The reports
received from other markotti were not
encouraging and had it not been for the
light receipts hero the market would undoubtedly - .
doubtedly have boon still lower.
Tno receipts of sheep were heavy , but only
two cars could be said to huvo been offered
on the market and they sold lOo higher.
. , , t . * t . 1,150
* . . . . . . . , . . . . . * . 1,800
The following U a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of slock men
tioned : *
Prlmo steers , 1300 to 1500 lb . . .M.50 fftl.OO
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. , 8.20 f } > 3.r > 3
Natlvo feeder * , . 2.75 @ 3.10
Common to good cows 1.50 ( < $2.5J
Choice to fancy cows 2.50 C < { 3.1U
Fair to choice nulls 1.75 ( ( $3.50
Fnlrto choice light hogs. . . . . . . 4.55 C'tl-W )
Fair to choice heavy hogs 4.53 @I.CO
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.59 Ml.00
Fair to choice western sheep. . 8.80 (31.30 (
Fair to choice Nobraskas 3.03 ( ( J4.10
Ileprcsciuatlvo Sains.
No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
10 1010 $3.10 11 1187 $3.85
8 1029 8.10 0 1103 3.85
4 1130 3.10 47 1113 3.85
44 1027 3.15 13 1(181 ( 3.35
12 950 3.15 22 1231 3.40
25 038 3.15 1 1270 3.40
23 083 8.17K 1 3.45
43 1082 .3.3 > K IS 1293 3.45
10 1212 3.25 80 1235 3.45
30 1081 8.23 12 1240 8.45
SI 050 3.25 1 1100 3.60
1 050 3.25 10 1220 8.50
12 104(1 ( 3.30 18 1207 8.50
03 1000 8.80 2 1200 3.50
21 fl.10 3.30 Sf , 1311 850
20 1237 3.80 81 1297 8.50
0 1009 3.80 83 1278 8.50
10 1000 8,30 14 185'J 355
33 1140 8.80 17 1898 8.00
10 1110 8.85 10 1812 3.00
14 HOI 3.35 2.J IfiU 3.75
19 1241 8.85 20 1430 3.bO
W 1200 8.33
1 800 1.00 1. .1150 .2.50
1 SCO 2.00 1. .1220 2.50
1 910 2.00 .11)50 ) 2.00
1 1U50 2.15 .1220 2.GO
4 10115 2,20 .1031 2.110
7 1218 2 , ° 5 1. .IK'O ' 2.115
1 000 aS 9. . .1148 205
10 912 28.-I 0. . . 950 270
2 1180 2.35 4. . .11(50 ( 2.75
4 815 2.83 .1355 2.75
14 1170 2.40 1 , .1090 2.75
5 1210 2.45 1. .1100 2.75
4 11)00 ) 2.45 1. , .1180 2.83
7 1031 2.50 2. .11(15 ( 8.00
1 001 2.50 3. , .1440 3.00
1 11CO 1.00 1 21I50 2.85
1 1410 2.15 4 1887 2.83
1 KiUO 2.25 1 2100 2.40
1 1050 2.80 I Ifi'JO 2.40
1 17CO 2.8J 1 1(500 ( 2.00
17 1024 2.35 10. 1230 2.85
14 bOl 2.4 ! ) 8 . 803 2.40
10 872 8.00 23 . 839 3.05
10 823 8.05
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
57. , 225 120 M.50 23. . . . 833 120 $4.55
74. , . .202 80 4.50 8' ' . 230
(17. ( . . .207 240 4.55 54. .230 80 .
70. . . .229 fcO 4.55 55. . 235 200 4.57'tf '
57. . . .310 200 4.55 03..20,1 40
40. . . .323 200 4.55 01..24 120
55. . . .207 SO 4.55 54..817 210 4.57K
70. . . .20S bO 4.55 58. . . 231 100 4.57J3'
09. . . .230 200 4.55 C5. . . 250 SO 4.0'J
15. . . .273 4.55 02. . . 259 40 4.00
03. . . .293 120 4.55 07. , . . 243 80 4.00
04. . . .249 120 4.55 Gil . .249 40 4.00
72. . . .205 120 4.55 C0..2S3 100 4.00
49. . . .2S5 bO 4.55 05..23S 40 4.00
88. . . .233 120 4.55 00. .245 40 4.00
0. . . . 203 120 4.CO
70. . . . 237 40 4.CO
No. Av. Pr.
337. , . .113 S4.13
Monthly Statement.
Showing the official receipts and shipments
of live stock during the month of March ,
IbS'J , and the number of head consumed at
South Omaha :
The Month's Purchases.
Showing the number of cattle , hops nnd
sheep purchased by the different buyers on
this market during the month of March :
Swift & Co 10,830
G. H. Hammond & Co 5,2'JO
Armour-Cudahy P company 2,840
Omaha Packing Co 103
Shippers and feed crs 17,480
Local 33
George H. Hammond & Co 12,377
Omaha Packing company 25,750
Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . , . " 37,105
Swift & Co 8,377
T. M. Sinclair 225
Moshcr&Co 103
E. St. Louis P. &P. Co 170
J. P. McXaught 903
Shippers. , . , IbO
Local liutchors 2
Swlft&Co 4,375
Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . 2.010
G. H. Hammond & Co 1,051
M. Donciuin 1,184
Leo HotUchlld 737
Sllborhorn &Co. . 254
St. Clalr 101
Hoogo Packing Co 90
Others , 187
Live Stock Notoj.
Hogs sbado lowor.
Cattle and hogs all sold.
Heavy beeves neglected.
Very few feeders on sale ,
Butchers' stock sells at steady prices.
Medium weight beeves In best demand ,
Produce , Fruits , Kto.
BuTinu Creamery Fancy print , 24 ( < J20a ;
cholco print , 213'33c ; fancy solid packed , 2'J '
@ 22a ; clioco solid packed , 19@20o ; Dairy
Fancy roll , 1719o ( : choice , 15@10e ; good , 12
@ 14c ; low grades , 10@llc.
CIIBESE full cream Cheddars , choice , UK
@ 12fu ; full cream Hats , two In hoop , HWCic
13oj full cream Y. A. , choice , 12 > @ 13c ; off
Brades und skims , 5@ < Jo ; llmburger , 10@12o ;
brick , HJiOiyoi Swiss , 14@l5o.
Haas Strictly fresh , 8@Uo.
LIVE POULTHV Chickens , per doz , ft.OO ®
4.60 ; ducks , 3.75@4.00j teese , | 8.60 < g9.00 ;
turkeys , per lb , 10@12o.
Diiusdi ; ! ) PouitTitY Chickens , par lb , 13(3 (
13o ; turkeys , 14(3 ( Ufa ; gecso , ll@12o ; ducks ,
! ' . ' ( ( ? Wo.
VEAL Heavy Rrassers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 5@
Co ; Inferior calves , 60 to C01bs,8 ( 5c : me.
dlum to good , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4UOo ( ; cholco to
fancy , 10J to 180 Ibs , 07a
VKOETAW.ES Potatoes , Colorado nnd
Utah , IXXS < ! 5Q ; Wyoming , 50@55o ; Nebraska
und Iowa , choice largo , 20 ( < c.5o ; common , IB
( & 10o ; sweet iwtatocs , Jersey , per bbl , 12.75
3.0Uj beeU , per dor , SOQIOo ; carrots , U5 (
40o ; cabbage , California , per lb , 2o ; parsnips'
per bu , 50 < < fCOo ; onions , rod choice. 6t65o !
stiver skin , ( W@75o ; turnips , 2 < KcJ25o ; ruta
bagas , 85@40o { radishes , 20@25o : lettuce , 25
@ 30o ; cucumbers , f l.50@2.0U ; striug bcahs ,
per box , tl.75Q3.25 : celery , BO@COoi spinach ,
$1,00 per bbl ; pie plant , par Aot , 50o ; varuloy ,
per doz , 25o ; soup bunches. 85o , caullllower ,
(1.5031.75 ; asparagus , fl.OOj beetsj now ,
GAME Mallard , per doz , 13 00@8 BO ; redhead -
head , per doz , f'J.50 3.00 ; teal , ucr doz , 11.75
( . ' .00 ; common email , per doz , M.Wisl.t/0 ( ;
Thus the * 'Mustang" conquers pain ,
Wakes R3AN or BEAST well again !
Tito Grandest Triumph ol Electric Sctcrco Sci
Gentlemen's Btlt entifically Made and Practically Applied-
with Ecc ! trie CURElWilllJT !
pllepiT. II' rab AKUC , Dlnln ttt , llrdroeclc , Illood Dlrruto. JJropnr. et . , hrn
tUla belt U Ju.t whnl U need. Kltetrinlu Initanllu frill Cm I'D applied to nnr part of tlio
Whole family can XT , . , ALL
I Every onocehulne And ) by . MO1K the who liavo hecui
TCO ! R9fMIAI C met pcrnilislon. following
iRititPilUnliiLO UtIltKI > " . 8.1'nrkcrnnd J.U.HoFlott.allon Uonr3 of TrmleChUn-1
- - - - - A.C'.Woo < lleT , M.H.t
_ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ . _ ay li
Robt. ilall. niderman , i&O KAStSrthMrcct , Kow YoiV , etc ,
JTnOuilaj' t > B.
; liKTlr itKLT nocltlTrlr cnrrat
31'ruijr.coTnblricKj. RHUl ATIbailKUlUtji , UV. [
' EK , KIU9IXT and eihaujtlnc-l
'only ono In th worldmncratlnz .
_ Bcontlnuous Electrto < t Itaynttto
r cormt. ScltntinoroTertnl. DnrablB. Contnini S3 to ] ( HI drrrcfi ot I
/ComforUble and WrecilTe. Arolil Irmiils. Electricity. vrJiraSTKKD the I
. . .
ovrn.QOOcor i1. EeadstAt " Tfd. cbcurett. Eoli-ntlPopowfrful.aa-1
bnnh , wmmtrcl. . . ! ny orS ot3 0r ( oM8nB | ! ' S.'n7O.S
] jhol i lo houie In Chlcagoj . wholcialedrasilit ; , SanK M Imttotlona KtrCTClO TRC8323 FOB BIIPTCBB.
IFraneliconndChlcaEo. 6,000 cured. Bond ctamp for lllailratcd paujDblet.
mm & CLARK si
Steam and H'ot ' Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
Hardware and Cutlery ,
Mechanics' 2ools , Fine Bronze Builders' Goods ami Buffalo
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
rabbits , perdoz , OOc@l.UO ; Jack rabbits , per
doz , S3.00 ( < ? 3.50 ; squlrrola.iper doz. 90c@$1.00 ;
jack snipe , < l.k'@l,20. (
Ai'i > i.E3 Per bol , fancy Now York and
Michigan , 2.75 ; choice , $2.25 ; choice Mis
souri , $2.23 ; good , fl.75@2.00.
FOHEION FKUITS Malaga grapes , kegs , 40
to 55 Ibs , lOc per lb ; bananas , per bunch ,
$1.50@aoO ; lemons , fancy new , 800 to 3)0 ( ) s ,
$0.00@.75 ; ) ; oranges , Los Angeles , 52.50 ;
Hivcrsidos , (3.50 ; Navels , 5.00 ; Kunchito ,
CltANiiEitiitcs Bell & Bugle , choice , S6.00 ;
Bell & Cherry , choice , So.GO ; choice Jersey ,
HinES Green salted , No. 1 , JKgS c ; No. 2 ,
3@i : > a"i cnlf , 5@5 } < e ; dry Hint , 7u8c- .
UEKNS Navies , hand piclcca per bu
$2.10@2.20 ; good clean country , $1.0'j@2.00 ;
off or poor stock , $1.00@1.DO ; Culiforniu , S'J.OO
( .82.10.
Cincii Michigan , perbbl , $4.5005.00 ; Now
York , per bbl , 5.CO@r..50 ; half bbl , $2.73@
FmTiinits Per lb , prime live geese , white ,
3o@40c ; mixed with gray , 25i. < t30c ; damp and
musty. 10@20c ; prime llvo domestic duck , 20
@J5c ; wild duck , 15@20c.
StUKitKiiAUT Per bbl , 80 gal , choice , $3.00 ;
per half bbl , S2.00.
Poi'coux Per lb , rice , l@lj < c ; common ,
HONCV 1-lb frames , cholco white , 15@10c ;
dark , 18@14c ; strained , 10@12e.
JEI.UES 3J ( < T4c per lb ; preserves , 10@12o
per lb.
Lum 7J c in 50-lb pkgs.
MIXCKME IT G } ; (3:7c ( : pur lb.
Revised prices are as follows :
BAOOINO Stnr.k A.seamless , , 22c ; Amos-
keug , seamless , nj o ; Lewiston A , seamless ,
lOc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll@14c ; gunnies , sinqlo , 14u ; gunnies ,
double , 23o ; wool sacks , 40c.
TWINES Flax , 20o ; cotton , 18ij22c. (
DKIKD Fnuirs Vies , in boxes , per lb , 9@
lOo ; dates , in boxes7@10c ; London Dohcsu
raisins , per box , $5.03 ; Malaga loose raisins ,
$3.80@2.50 ; now Valencia raisins , per lb , 7c ;
California loose muscatels , per box , ? 1.80@
2.30 ; California Londona , 1888 , $2.80 ; pitted
cherries , 17c ; California pitied plums , per
lb , 0@llc ; dried blackberries , per lb , 0@7c ;
dried raspberries , per lb , 20c ; evaporated
apples , C@r , c ; California unparcd evapor
ated peuclics , 12@llo ; evaporated California
apricots , 14@17c ; currants , 5c ; Turkish
prunes , 4@lc ; citron , 22S24c ( ; orange
peel , 15c ; lumen peel , 14o ; California French
prunes , 7@llc.
PICKI.ES Medium. In bbls , $3,00 ; do , in
half bbls , nee ; small , in bbls , $0.00 ; do , in
half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , $4.00.
ROASTED COFFEES German , 24Kc ; Me-
Laughlin's XXXX , 2 Ko ; Arioso , 24Kc.
COFFEES Green Mocha ; 25@30o ; Rio ,
good , 20o ; Mandahlingl20@28c ; roasting
Hio , lOo ; O. G. Java , 24ti 0a ; Javu , inferior.
22@23c : Uio , fancy , 21 ( 220 ; Santos nnd
Muracaibo , 17@10c. r
SuoAit Granulated , 8 conf. A , 805
white extra C , 7 o ; oxtr G , 7Jfc ; yellow C ,
cut loaf , powdered , &K ° i
cubes , 8J c.
UEESWAX Choice ycllojiv , 20@22J/c ; dark
colored 13@14c.
TOIIACCO Plug , 2C@3 io ; smoking , 10@
lOc.SAIT ? 1.35igl.40por ; b "I.
HopE-7-10 , 14c.
MAPI.U SUQAK HrlukA , ll@12o , per lb ;
penny cakes , 12@l3o per lb ; pure innplo
eyrup , 11.00 per gal. V
SUOAK Si itui's 84@35o per gal.
WiurriNn PAI-AII Manilla , ( % o per lb ;
straw , IfiOlJjiO per lb ; rag , 2 > o per lb.
TBAH Voung Hyson , common to fair , 18 ©
25o ; Young Hyson , good to fnnoy. 30@55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22@25o ; Oun-
) > owdor , cholco to fancy , 40(305o ( ; Japancom
mon to medium , I'-Jfe''Oc ; Japan , cholco to
fnucy , 30@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ( < i )
40o ; Oolonjr , choice to fancy , 50@7Uc ; linpo-
rial , common to medium , 25@35u ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@50c.
fitACKiii8 ! Ot 47o i > or lb ; assorted cakes. 8
@ 15o i > or lb. as per list.
CAJJIIV Mixed , OK@l2o ; stick ,
rock candy , lO QlUo ; fancy candy ,
IlnT.T.AVn ITpituivnu.fu//rin )
MACKEHBL Family , half bbls , 112.60 ; No.
1. $13.50.
NUTS Almonds. 10@18o ; Pecans , ] 3o ; Bra-
zlU , Oo ; peanuts , 8@lOe.
Si'iCE8-Whole-All8plco , 12o ; Cassia , lOo ;
Cloves , 25o ; Nutmegs , 70o ; Pepper , 20c.
BAGS Union square , 85 per cent djsct.
Dry Qnotla.
COTTON FI.A.VNKLB 10 per cent trade dls-
tV 'iVlcached LL- > ic5 CO. OVo ; SS ,
; EE , 8 > 4'0i QQ , O 'ojTcX , l6 i OOJ
; NN , 12Kc ; AA , 14o ; DI ) , 15Kc ; TT ,
: YY , 18e ; BB , lOe ; bleached , 2U , 8J < c ;
70 , 12J/c ; 80 , 13 } e. Brown and slate , 50 , Uc ;
60. 12 090 , lOc.
CARPET WAHP Bibb , white , 19c ; colored ,
BiTTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. lOc ; Beauty ,
12 } c : Boone , 14e ; B , cased , $0,50.
1'itiNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slate ,
Co ; Berlin oil , CJ < e ; Garner oil. C@7e.
PHINTS Pink and Robes Allen , ( ic ; River
point , fl c ; Steel River , 6 c ; Richmond ,
0 < fc ; PuciHc , 7c.
PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5e ; Ram-
ape , 4o ; Lodi , 5)/o ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond , I5c :
Windsor , Oj e ; Edd.vstone , C } o ; Pacific
Arnold , 0 > o ; American. C > u ; Arnold C ,
long cloth , 9o ; Arnold B , long eloth , 10 } c ;
Arnold. Gold Seal , lO e ; Stoifol A , lu'c ;
Windsor. Gold Ticket , W c.
GINOIIAM Plunkct checks , 7 c ; Whit-
tenton , 7 o ; York , 7 > fc ; Normandi dress ,
8c : Renfrew dress , 8 > < J@l2 > e ; Whittcnton ,
8c ; Calcutta , 7c.
CtMimicfa Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , Do ; Peacock , 5c.
BMSECHED SIICETINO Ellerton , 7 } < o ;
Housekeeper. SJ < fe New Candidate ,
cambric. lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOJ c ; Lons-
dale , 8 > c ; New York Mills , 10j ; Pcpper-
4-4,8J.fc ; Canton , 4-4 , 'J a ; ariurapli , Oc ;
Watnsutta , lie ; Valley , 5(5. (
Uitowx SIIKKTIXG Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 > c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OKo ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , ( ic ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Au
rora , C. 4-4 , - toCrown \ XXX , 4-1 , fl o ;
Hoosicr LT 4 ' " T--- "
6JC !
8-4 , luu , * , - , ' .
uiifuiuni MIU x'u ijuruii. iu-4 ,
23o ; Uticu C , 4-4 , 4 0 ; WacliuBCtt , 44 , 7j/c ;
Aurora 11 , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B. 4-4 , 0 > c. , PLAID Raftsmen , 20c , Goshen ,
" - , Clear Lake , SO ) 05 Iron Mountain ,
tat ) 7
7FI.AN.NRI.S , WHITE 0 II No. 2 ,
LINNKLS , REU C , 34-inch , i5J c" ; E , 21
inch. 21Kc ; G G , 24-inch , 20c ; H AF , % , 25c ;
J R t , 27o ; G , % , SDo.
DUCK West Point , 29-m , 8 oz , lO o ; West
TICKS York , 80-In , 12J c : York. 32-ln ,
> c ; Swift , River , 8cThorndlko ; , OO , 8M !
Thorudlko , EE , bKc ; Thorndiko , 120 , \ > Xc\ \
Thorndlko. XX. 15c ; CordlH , No. D , OKo
Cordls , No. 4 , lokc.
UK.NIMS Auioaltcncr , 0 01. lO e ; Everett ,
lie , Beaver Creek , CC. lOc.
KKNTUCIIIT JEANS M emorial , 15o ; Dakota ,
18o ; Durham , 27 o ; Hercules. 18o : Leam
ington , 22e ; Cottswold , 27 o ; Melville ,
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
305 South I'Jtu Struct , Omaha
* " " Cbtlrtlr orcreotne tj
! ! < l-.H-pn-4TUBUlR A C I ) JHIOSJj
uTiriatUoinJUuilehotd , C m
Ur tautlu iu B
ana iiro < inu
AgrlculUirnl Implomonta.
Dealer i i AgricnHnral Implements , Wagons
Carriage ! and tniiRltx. Jones Urcol , between Cfh and
lOi ti , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Agricfllt1 Iraplemenls , Wagons , Carriages
HndKlfs , to. Wholesale. Omaba , Nebraska ,
Wholosala Dealers In
A&ricnllnral Implements , WagonsS Bnggies
Mlim.rO ) amiTO7 Jonon street , Omaha ,
ninnraetnreri and Jobbers In
Wagons , Baggies , Ra'tcs , HOWJ Eta
Cor. 9lb and 1'aclflc etrceti , Omahn.
Artists' Wlntorlnlo.
1. I10SPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Uouiilns street Omalia , Nebraska.
Boots nnd Shoos.
iT' . K * wjJsVt VbT ; ,
JoDtiers of Boots snd Shoes ,
1101 , lim. 1101 IVinclns street. Omaha. Manufactory ,
Summer street , llmton.
Coal , Coke and Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
Ml South 13th street , Omnha , Nebraska.
s of Coal a d Coke ,
214 South 1.1th St. , Omaha , N b.
Crocltorynnd Classwaro.
Importers and Jobbers ot
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 15141'arnam street , new 1'axton building.
Commission ondStorago.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Ilinter , cccs , cheo p , poultry , game.
llUHowaril Mrort. Omaha. Neb.
Dry Goofls , Fnmisning Goofls anfl Notions
1103 and 1101 Domini , cor. llth street , Omaha , Neb.
Importers andJders in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Rents' furnlshinkRoods. . Corner llth and llaruer
streets , Omaba , Nebraska.
Importers and Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
317 Soutb 15th street.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnrc
Farnnm street , Omaha , Nebiaska.
Fnrnitnre ;
Cmaha Nebrnska.
Wholesale Groceries anfl Provisions ,
705,707 , TOO nnd Jll South lOtb rt , Omaba , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th ana earenirorth streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlncs , wagon stock , hardware , lumbar , etc. 1209
and 1211 tlarnor street , Omaba.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , ftbeet Iron. etc. Aecntft for Howe scales.
Miami powder nnd Ionian barbed wire.
Bnl rs' ' Hardware aad Scale Repair Shop.
Mechanic ! ' tools and DulTaln ncalci. 1405 Douslm
street , Omuhn. Neb.
_ _ _ _
Wholesale Lnmiier , Etc ,
Imported nnd American rortlnnil cement. StaU
glot fcr llllHniikcu tiydrnullo ocmcnt and
Qulncy vrlilta llmo.
. CHAS It. tEEt
Dealer- Hardwood Lite
Wood CBrpcti nnd parquet flooring. Oth and Douglas
itruoti , Umnba , Neb.
All KMsofBuilflingMqterial at Wholesale ,
lEth Street and Union I'ncltlcTrackOmaha ,
Dealer in Lninher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Etc , Yardi Corner 7th und Douflas , Corner
10th and
Hunter , lime Cement , Etc , , Elc ,
Corner Clh and Douglas Eti. , Ouiulin.
Dealer in All Kinds of Liiinlier ,
13th and Cullfornla Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
MM , 810 nuil 213fcoutb nib trcct
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
< VI and < 0i Booth lOtb street. Omuha.
Wholesale Relineil and Lnhricating Oils ,
Axle crcno , etc , Ouiahn. A , II. Illthop , Wnnn er.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nlco stock ot prlntlnc , wrapping ; and writing
paper. Hpeciul attention given tu tar load orders ,
Storge , or yartiTnB Co m m I aa lenT
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
.SU Kt Xff
Ouiali a. Tukphuuo No. 7W.
_ Toys. _
r. iiAiiuY ITco. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
PALM an , in CUM AN & "co
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Of Oniana , Limited ,
rJobn F , DO ) d , Buporiiitradeot.
Boots nnd Shoos.
Butt essors to Heed , Jonei A Co.
Wholesale Manufaotorcrs of Boots & M
Agents/or Doilon Rubber Shot Co , 110) . llOl and 11M.
Ilsmoy Street , Omaha , nobraiiiw
L'ager Beer Brewers ,
mi North KlgMccnth tit Ut. Omaha. Kit.
_ _ _
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron ;
Window-ears nnd metalle sktl * bts. John JtptBttW ,
proprietor , IDS ml llutouth 10th strtVU
Offloo Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
IM , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
JUntlo.Hl.lotionnlii. nook CA ei , Drug V1xturcn.Tflt
< : , Partitions. ltMMnKf > , Uotintrr > , Hearand WIM
loolr' . Mirror * . Km ; Kartorj and omrc , 1730 nd ITJt
South mil St. , Onialm. Telephone 1134. '
Pn p o r Doxo a. _ _ _
" _ _ _ r _ _ nrin ,
Proprietor Omaba Paper Box Factory
NOB. 1"17 a.Ul 1319 Douglas Mrool. Oin h .y b.
Rubber Coodaj '
Mannfactiirers a"ft Dealers inRnbberGooils
Oil clothing and leather belling. IOCS 1'arntm tr i
Snah , Doora. Etc.
r. A. Dismiow A co. ,
Whol nlc manufacturers of
Sasti , Doors , Blinds and Moulding !
Draucb > > mco , 12th nnd lianl ttrcot Omaha , N b.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , BUmls ,
MouldlncK , xtnlr-vrnrk nml Intrrlor linnl wood Ballh *
N.U.coruerbth unit Lonvumu nil trtoti ,
_ Unmlia , Nob. _
Pups , PI'DCS and Engines ,
) ttlm , water , rnllwnr nnd raining nuppIKi ,
Knrimm lroct , Omaha.
Steam and Wate' Supplies ,
7I : ildaj nlnit mill ; . 1)11 ) und 12) Jones St. Onth * ,
U. K. llo , acting Aiani.or. :
Engines , Boilers and Geacral Machinery ,
ihceHron work , ntfnm punii | , inw mllll , 1213-UU
. l.oatciinortliBtrcut , Oraaha.
Iron WorkB. _
Carter & Bon , Prop'r. .Mninifncturci ! " ot all klndi
Steaiii Boilers , TanKs and She3t Iron fork-
_ Worka Boutli IQtli nnd U. A , M , croatlng. _
WrongM and Cast Iron Bui dins Wort
Engine * . brn > V work , Raneral foundry , niachlno and
blactsmllll work. Ufllco nnd worXs , U. r. Kjr.
und 1 ? til street , Umalm.
Mannfacturcrs of Wire and Ire Railings
Desk rails , window guards , ( loner stnnds. trlro > IB1 |
etc. 1'ilNortli lull rtrcet.Otnnlin.
* E
IWrs.of Fire and-Bnrglar Proof Safes ,
i <
Vaults jnll vrork. Iron eliutters anil flnl eicapM , rf
U. Andrccn , prop'r. Cor. litli and Jackson BU. "
- THE - 4
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'jf ,
The Dcst Route from Omnlin and Conmcll
Bluffs to
_ _
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Pan ) , Minneapolis , Cednr Rapldf ,
Kock Island , Frcoport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Diibmiuc , Davcnpprt ,
Elgin , Madison , Jniicsvlllo ,
Itclolt , M'inonn , LaCroise ,
And all other Important points Kn t , Nortlieait an4
Fort'iroujlillckoln.cnll boulhenst. on thu ticket nsent at 1MI , # 5
Kit nm in itruet. In llarkor llloc < , or at Unloa facia ?
Dvput. I , -v
1'uliman Bleepora and tlio finest Dlnlner Ctrl In th
world are run on the railn line of tbo Cblc o , Mil-
wiiukeu It fct. 1'aul Kallway. und oterr attention U
pulu to pussunKors b/ courteous employe ! ot th
It. Mil. I.Kit. ( Jcncral Manaccr.
J. tf. TUUKKtl , ABilatnnl tionoral Mnnanar.
A. V. n. CAHl'KNTKU. ( Icncrul I'assoncer and
Ticket Auent.
( IRO. K. II 1C ATFOnU , Assistant GenorelPauengtr
and Ticket A Kent.
T. J.CLAUK. General Supcrlntr nUcnt.
Omalia ,
Oooncil Bluffs
. . 'uporlor
p..o. . o
Ainunc ; a Io\r nl iho nuniorou < points of suporjoritr
iilOTHd by the rations of itila roxd IJCIVTCOD Omati
IXMCI " ' ' ? ' , ' -S . , which " " > " > irnlni n d r ot OA
1.8 srotnotlnest which human ait a
hwonultr cancrca'.L' . IU 1'AI.ACK ril.KIvl'INOtAKl
tlieeqiml of which ran not ba JouniJ olnnwbor * . A
loiinUl Hlutri.thB tiitlns of the Un'im I'acinoIlat
w T connect In union depot with iboso nf tlio Ch
cat-o ft INurtliwontrin Ilillwur. In Chicago the tratnf
of this Una miilifl cloio connoctloj with tboiuot ail
other Knitcrn llno , s
( or Dolrnlt , Coliiniliun. ludlintiiolls , Cincinnati
Nlniiiiru I nils. Uuiralo , I'llt.liurK , 'j'nronto.Montr ' * * ! .
llc.ton.Now York , I'dlla Itluhfii , llaltlmoru. WaTiJ
liiulun , unit all poliiK In the I.iut. A k ( or tlecclt Tt
If you wUli the ten accommodation. All tlekU
acinis SKII ilrktt via this lln .
if. iiuiinirr , K. r. WILSON ,
Gen'l Jlsnntcr. dvn I I'asi r Agvnfc.
\V. N. llAHCOf'K. m'Asrnt.
U , U. klMUAM.'flrket "Meant.
U , tf. WCBT , Cltr 1'asscniior AflO.
U01 Fttrnam Ktrcot , Omahn , y b. -
i Arrest's illscharReij from lli urintrjr or
! ianiilii t-ltlifrtex lt'is ; lioinw. , . ,
} It Is ttiiierlor lo i opMlj.i. ( ttbcba. > r
llnjcctlonK. and frco from Jill bad '
Icr other InconvrnluiictB.
wulci. vrbli li bur thu jiauio
! blarLli > tu > r < . i
T. E. OH. W
Hooiu (13 Trn < lor ' Jiulldlusj
Divn iEi-A. ( ! ouiiiijii : ATroit.Nf.rtM.iHr
UlUuarjyra du Lutctvei uarlCH Iraei SI / 4f-
zi > vrliincoi liu < iuc guUlls noj lojutirir n' Ki