Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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A.U Entirely Now Move on tbo Port
of the Settlors.
They Ilcposscss Tliomsclvcs or Their
Farms nnd Sny They Wilt Forci
bly Kcslst All Attempts
nt Eviction.
Iho Bottlers Defiant ,
Fonr DODGE , la. , April 1. "SpoclnlTolo-
Brnm to Titr. Br.u. ] The ojd excitement
ntnong { Ivor land settlers has been revived
by the resumption of evictions nt an early
hour this morning. A largo number of river
Una settlers , fully equipped with machinery
nnfl seeds , started to plant crops on lands
from which settlers had been evicted last
fall. This action is In keeping with the
threat intulo at that time to the effect that
they would repossess themselves of all lands
from which they wore then evicted. The
farm of Charles Plgman , from which 'Will-
lam Spalnhoovor was evicted twice last inll ,
was first visited during Mr. Plgmnn's ab-
nencc. When ho returned he found nil his
fields alive with men nnd toums sowing crops
for tno evicted settler , Spnlnhowor. Plgnmn
came to this city at once and filed informa
tion agalust as many of the settlers as ho
know , nnd warrants will bo Issued for tholr
nrrcst. The settlers announce that it is their
intention to farm nil lands from which
evictions wore inado , nnd the officials will bo
defied if necessary. Such notion will precipi
tate greater trouble than over bcforo known
in river land circles , nnd there Is much ex
citement in consequence.
A Central town Cut ,
Dns MOIRES , la. , April 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEG. " ] The Central Iowa
railway has joined the oilier roads.ln reduc
ing its tram service in order to cut down ex
penses. The changes wore made to take
tjffect yesterday. On the main line there is
now but ono'passongor train each way dally.
On Iho Newton branch the service is re
duced to one mixed train each day , except
Bunday. On the Nowburqh branch the ser
vice is nlso reduced to ona mixed train each
way , except Sunday. On the Osknloosa
branch the service now consists of one
mixed and ono freight train each way , Sun-
< luy exoepted.
. *
A Qucor Case of Quarantine.
WATniiLOO , la. , April 1. [ Special Tolo-
pram to TiinBr.K.l An Interesting case of
quarantine has come up at LaPorto. Last
Sunday a guest at the National hotel was
tukcn with fever. The health commissioner
will not allow the patlont to bo removed , being -
ing his regular "physician , and as health
commissioner he put n scarlet lever placard
on the door of the patient's room and ono nt
Iho entrance door of the hotel. Landlord
Fox is trying hard to get the man out of his
house , but the commissioner will prosecute
lilm in case ho docs , being both physician
and "health commissioner.
The IlTisbantl Objects.
MASON CITV , In. , April 1. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Judge John C. Shor-
iium has instituted suit in the supreme court
against C. U , Maben , n wealthy citizen of
Minneapolis , nnd cdftor of the Preo Lance ,
lor n big attorney's foe. Five years ago
Mrs. Mabon commenced suit for divorce , al
leging cruelty , nnd secured Shcrwin ns attor
ney. A verdict was granted , by the lower
court , but on an appeal the decision was re
versed. Mrs. Mabon Insists that her husband
must now foot the bill , but Judge Ruddlck
says not , and the case goesto the supreme
court. *
McCrary Bound Over.
ATLAKTIO , In. , April 1. [ Special Tele
gram to TnnBKE.1 Sherman McCrary , the
rapist and horse thief , was arraigned before
Oustlco Pcnnoll to-day and on the charge of
larceny nnd obtaining money under f also pre
tenses , Was waived examination and will
n-.vait the grand jury's action. In the rape
Case a continuance was bad until next Mon
day. McCrary was not brought down to the
Justice's ofllce , but remained in jail.
Editor Duncan Out of Don cor.
DBS MOIKES , la. , April 1. [ Special Tele
i gram to Tun BBE.J Editor and Mrs. Dun-
tan'of Ames , nro botu out of danger from
the effect of their largo dose of bnlladonua ,
taken in mistake- for dandelion. The amount
taken was ubjut 100 grains , and it is wondcr-
lul that their lives were saved. Mr. Duncan
lay in n heavy stupor , entirely unconscious
for forty-eight houis. It will bo some tlmo
before either are entirely restored.
' ' '
Two Llulo Girls and a Gun.
Sioux CITY , la. , April 1. [ Special Tolo-
fjrnm to THE Bnc.l A ten-year-old daughter
pfJorro Watson , ntPnrkston , Dak. , to-day ,
In RJIOIT , pointed n loaded shotgun at her
l. playmate , tbo litllo daughter of George
. flhlnchart. The gun was discharged , n load
Of buckshot entering the victim' * back nnd
Coming out ut the breast , literally tearing out
Iho child's heart.
Died nt the 1'olln.
KEOKUK , la. , April 1. [ Special Telegram
Jo Tnn BEE. ] P. W. Anschutz , a prominent
German one time in the brewery
"business , dropped dead at tbo Fifth ward
voting place thin morning. Ho was just en
tering the voting place when ho was stricken
With heart disease.
' The I'rohlHltionlBts Defeated.
KBOK-CK , In. , April , 1. Mayor John N.
frwin , the republican who closed tbo saloons
ono year ugo , was defeated in the city elec
tion for mayor by 155'uiajoi ity. The contest
tvas on the enforcement of the prohibitory
Drownocl In the OnnnI ,
KKOKOK , In. , Agril 1. [ Special Toleifram
to TUB BEB. ] Albert Peterson , an eleven-
aronr-old boy , wns drowned in the canal hero
before noon to-day , Ho fell from the loci :
A FAauijY now.
The Oonrt AHked to Dt-olile Who
Owns A Certain House.
Eliza Hull commenced action for divorce
from her husband , Wyman Hull , on the
frouttda pf cxtrumo cruelty. They were
parried at Council BlufTa in October , 1570.
Bho alleges that his course of systematic
cruelty consisted of boating her with Ills
JUts , striking her over the head with tbo heel
pt hls'boot wbilo U was not detached from
ih boot proper , and using vllo language to
wards her. Mrs. Hull claims that her hus
band Is ivorth $15,000 in cash and realty. She
vrants $7,000 alimony beside her divorce.
The bonds of matrimony between Melissa
Cliff nnd Thomas Cliff hnvo grown Irksome.
{ These people were married in this city No-
rcrnber 11,1SS5. The wlfo commenced pro-
tccdluBi yesterday for divorce , claiming that
Tier husband 1ms been cruel ana has deserted
lior. She nlso wnnts her maiden uniuo ,
fclellssa Mollotte , restored to her.
Two trnnscrlpts from Justice courts were
Bled yesterday. The case of James Douglas
V George Thuroton came from Justlco
ftcad'a court ; Frunk Dochnut vs. Auuu 1 * .
I" utt , from Justlco Farnuhnr's court.
The case ot Thomas F , Duplita against the
American express company , was taken up
beforc Judge Hopowcll yesterday afternoon.
tTue plaintiff sues to recover KM for the loss
ft a trunk which ho cluiuiB wus sblppcd from
fH. Pttul to Ouiana.
Tlio Ku ifllah Nnvy.
LONOON , April 1. A eommittoo of the
house ot commons , by vote'J51 to 75 , to-night
Approved the proposals recently submitted
LyLordGeorito Hamilton , flrav lord of the
Mmlrutv ) , Jor increasing tUo utrectftti of the
navy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iron Works Dosir.iyoil.
YO .NOSTOWN , O. , April 1. The Olencoo
Iron Works , ot Arms , Itcll & Co. , I > urnc4
| hl evening , aud the Iron works of Urovrn ,
"onnoll fy Co. , were uartlully Oovtroyed.
Vital ! ftAnruvi. ln < UriniQ 5 (1 luwi
President fimlth IB OourtOfnrtlnlod
on Serious Inanca.
The Oklahoma boomers met under some
what peculiar restraint In College hall last
night. At the opening It was discovered
that no gas could ba obtained aud in consequence
quence about ono hundred and fifty tallow
candles \voro pressed Into sorvlco. The
meeting formally assembled with about two
hundred and llfty present at 8 o'clock , nnd
remained in session until after midnight.
At the opening It was ovldont that considerAble -
Able dissension existedwhich was attributed
to the fact that Captain O. J. Smith , the ox-
presiding ofllccr , was to bo tried on three
distinct charges of n high sounding cliarno-
tcr , viz : Conduct unbecoming nn ofllccrund
colonist , Intentional misrepresentation and
falsehood , and obtaining money under
fnlso pretenses , nnd Impersonating
nn ofllcor of the Omaha colony
nt Council Bluffs Sunday , March 81.
The licarlnc of thocaso wns the principal part
ot the mooting , asldo from the selection of J.
13. Smith ns chairman. Before entering di
rectly upon the case the colony resolved It-
pelf into a tribunal nnd Attorney McClnna *
ban was appointed rcforco. M. L. Knufmnn
and J. T , Morlarty were chosen to represent
the prosecution and Attorney Coder the de
fense. Then the tedious work began. Kauf
man wns put upon the stand nnd testilled
that Smith represented himself to bo n member -
bor of the Consolidated Oklahoma colony of
Wichita , Knu. , of which ho was not. As to
misrepresentation and fraud ho testified
that Smith went to Blair to organize cole
nists. That upon his return ho stated
that tie had obtained fifteen mem
bers , but when ho made his report
it only showed that three members
wcro credited with the Initiation fee of $3
each. Asto'lho conduct unbecoming nn of
ficer , ho questioned Smith's voracity. Aa to
personating an onicer , ho testified that after
Smith tendered his resignation ( Saturday
night ) as proslilent of the colony , ho wont
the following Sunday to Council Bluffs as an
ofllccr of the Omaha Institution. C. 1C.
Barnes , T. II. Robinson , W. P. O'Neill nnd
Chairman West nlso tcstlllod to the charges ,
but none could offer any tanglblo evidence.
At its conclusion the defcnso was put upon
the stand nnd produced ilgnrcs that ac
counted for every dollar ho had handled ;
produced evidence rebutting the
charges , botii verbal anct manu
script , and It was thought that
the verdict would bo in his favor , but when
put to a ballot vote the result wns forty for
guilty and thirty not guilty. So far wns
this from the testimony that the prosecuting
attorney , Morinrlty , got up and inovod a re
consideration , but Inasmuch as ho had voted
"not guilty" ho xvas ruled out of ordor.
Then It wus that a „ representative of the
Western Woman arose in the midst , nnd in a
clear aud feminine voice said : "Mr. Chair
man 1 I voted 'guilty , ' but I believe I did
wrong , nnd move a reconsideration. " This
motion prevailed , nnd after being carried
further action was postponed until Wondos-
day night , at which place an open mass meet
ing will bo hold , The opinion is that it is n
frcczcout game all around. A largo number
of now names wcro added to the rolls last
The Army Acknowledges Slicin to Bo
in thin Department.
Major Henry B. Freeman , commander
Camp Pilot Butte , Wyoming , arrived in
town yesterday and received lor his company
H , Seventh Infantry , at the hands of Gen
eral Brooke , commander of the department
of the Platte , the magnificent trophy of
marksmanship which is known ns the Nevada
shield. The presentation took place at noon
at army headquarters. Those present were :
General Brooke nnd staff , Major Freeman
nnd Lieutenant Freeman. The officers were
all in full dross. General Brooke presented
the trophy in a low well chosen words. After
the presentation the captain received the
congratulations of tlio other oflleers present.
The shield is ouo of the finest of the kind
ever gotten un in this country. It is va
riously estimated ns valued at between $500
and $ UK)0. ) It is of solid gold nnd silver , the
product of the mines of Nevada. It orig
inated with General C. Battormnn nnd
was intended : is nn Incentive to marksman
ship among the national guards of that silver
state. It was first won by JV company , For
ty-eighth regiment , in 1ST5 , witli a score of
1,283. The same company won it successively
in the years " 70 , ' 77 and ' 79 , the scores being
1,169,1,171 and 1.803 respectively. With the
entry of the last victory the inscrip
tion slunld was covered , rendering
it Impossible to record further victories. Ac
cordingly in 1SS1 , the trophy through the ed
itor of the Army nnd Navy Journal , who was
temporarily its trustee , at the instance of
General Battcrman , was transferred to Gen
eral Sherman , then general "of the army , to
ba holu ns an incentive to company marks
manship among the regular troops. The
shield is awarded to the company or battery
making the best score in its 11 r-
inp of the twelve months pre
ceding the month of October in
each year. The company which enjoys this
distinction certainly in the showing of this
department la H company of the Seventhin-
funtry , whoso record in the last departmental
competition was tirst among all other com-
panics. It is composed entirely of sharp
shooters , its individual HRUI-O of merit being
200 , its skirmish figure being 81.75 and the
general fipuro of merit 1-10.87.
The trophy hangs from the conventional
tri-colored ribbon , the crowning pieces an In
verted hemisphere of gold , beneath which is
a flattened band of gold , on which in blue
enamel are the latin words ' "Sonipor Para-
tus , " always ready. Still lower is a fac
simile of the Roman helmet with crest , now
used in some foreign Armioi , beneath which
is a cold dlso bearing the monogram
of the Nevada. National guard. Spreading
on all sides nnd extending over a largo star
of brown ennmel'with bevel edges is a col
lection of guns , balls and rifles and ether
implements of wur. Then there nro two
medals on which are the iinns of the state of
Nevada between whicn runs a Roman sword.
Extending urouud the lower half of the tro
phy uro sprays of laurel which nro Beauti
fully wrought. Major Freeman may well bo
proud of his trophy as may nlso indeed the
department of the Platte in having the lead
ing I sharpshootlng company in the United
Status army.
A Morning Firo.
At 1:80 o'clock this morning a general
alarm of fire was turned in-from box 15 ,
corner of Second nnd Chestnut streets , nnd
the report wns spread ttint Falrbank's lard
refinery was on fire. The blaze proved ,
however , to bo in a grocery store owned by
A. Christiansen , nt the corner of Fourth
street and Woohvorth avenue. Owing
to the torn up condition of the streets the
firemen were delayed in reaching tlio place
until it was too late to save the building. Tne
store and stock was completely destroyed.
The building was insured for * ISOO in the
Merchants of Lincoln. Tha stock wns small ,
amounting to M X > , and was insured , A
Br.B reporter who wus hurry ing to the ( Ira ran
up against a man on Second street who was
arnica with a shotgun nnd calling loudly for
help to keep "them" from burning up tbo
town. Ho was A , M , Blair , n saloonkeeper.
Ho suld bo hod been slopped on his way to
the llro by three men , who ordered him to go
homo , nnd ho wus compelled to get out his
Bhotgun to drive them away and protect him
Sixteenth M'nutfl Cars.
A largo nuubcr of property owners and
residents of South Sixteenth street mot last
night in Charles E. Squires' ofllco , In the
Kamga block for the purpose of considering
the feasibility and inducing the motor X > r
cabla company to construct a street railway
down Sixteenth street to South Ouiuha.
Kail u tea for Three JMonths.
NKW YOUK , April 1. The failuresfor , the
first quarter of 18S9 , ns reported by II. G.
Putin & Co's. mercantile- agency , number
fl-l'DI , as against 3.W3 for the corresponding
three months of IbSS. Tha liabilities for the
llrst quarter of 1SSO are J4J,7rt,009 , as
aealnst * J3,8.'H,000 for the first quarter o (
IlaUoil to the Presidential Class.
'WAsuiyaro.V , April 1. Among the fourth ,
class postoftlceH which were raised to tlio
presidential class to-day were the following :
Oscroln , Neb. ; Hlnftdnlo , 111. , mid Alia , la.
Sufoldn of M Countess.
.LONDON , April 1 , Countess Josephine
r.adeUkl committed suicide to-day liy shoot
ing herself with a revolver.
The Trial of Mlsa Bleohlor For the
Killing of King.
Tlio Prisoner's Uomennor Indicative
Only or Nnturnl Agitation
DlixklnR lloiuly to Accom
modate Spectators.
Tlio nicolilor Trial.
A light skirmish preliminary to the great
legal battle which commences to-day
took place between attorneys In tfio Bioch-
Icr-KIng case before Judpo QrofT , yesterday.
Having nothing oa hand. Ins honor in
quired of .T. C. Cowln why ho could not , Just
ns well , proceed to the business of securing
n Jury this afternoon , to which query the
reply rondo was : "Wo prefer to begin In the
morning : , "
"All right , " snld tno court , "bo it so.
That suits mo. "
Mr. Mnhonoy filed a motion adding the
nnuics of eight or ten witnesses to the Infer
mation. Tlicao nro Henry Woohvorth King ,
J. McGregor Adnms , Nellie Graham , Uosu
Sturlto , Jonulo Duvoro , Sarah Conwny , Mar
tin Nolan , Lizzie Wjnlck , O. L. Hart , A. P.
Jones , L. A. Mcrrlara , William M. Knapp ,
.lames Carter , Edward W. Leo , Peter Hos-
totter nnd P. J. Creedon.
General Cowln stated that ho presumed
this proceeding was perfectly right nnd
proper , that ho made no objections to the
motion but wished to have- his exceptions re
corded. His wish was granted. Then he re
verted to the question of u jury , nnd asked
the court to issue an order fora special vcniro
bcforo the trial commences.
To this Mahoney interposed nn objection ,
on the ground that such an order under the
law could not bo issued until the regular
panel had been exhausted.
"No. wo cannot , " Interjected Judge Groff ,
"anticlimto tnat tno regular panel will bo ex
hausted. ' "
This developed the fact that Miss Block-
lor's attorneys do not propose to
be caught by any unexpected effort
on the part of their opponents to run in a lot
of ringers on them , it was finally agreed
tnnt the list for a special venire shall ba made
out and submitted for their approval before
the subpoenas are issued. This proposition
met with satisfaction and was characterized
as being Indicative of honest tmrposo.
In his motion Mr. rviahoney styles the case ,
"State of Nebraska vs. Elizabeth King ,
who IB informed against as Elizabeth Bioch-
ler. "
The witnesses coming from Chicago nro ex
pected to arrive Wednesday. Scott , the
traveling man , who figured so conspicuously
on the day of the tragedy nrrlvod yesterday.
As stated before , great preparations for
the event arc being perfected.
Judge Groft says ho proposes
to strictly enforce nn order that
no person , not entitled So to do , shall be per
mitted to occupy seats inside the bar railing.
That Bunco must ana will bo reserved for
lawyers , the press and court offlclals. Sheriff
Coburn has arranged a long table at the
right of and near the witness stand for re
porters nud declares that they snail not bo
imposed upon or crowded In their won : by
anybody. The throng will bo compelled to
confine itself to the scats and space at the
rear of the bar.
Miss Bicchlor Is feeling quite nervous , but
in good spirits and is anxious for the ordeal
to commence. After the first excitement
and fright shall have passed , it is believed
she will settle down to n composed condition
and go through the seige in good shape.
Biographical sketches of the judge and
lawyers are in demand , also tholr pictures ,
and the deputy sheriffs nro preparing themselves
solves to do some lively riding.
The prosecuting attorney stated last night
that no special venireof jurors would bo
drawn until the reeulnr panel was exhausted.
Drs. Leo , Hostettor and Carter , witnesses
who were added to the information yesterday -
day for the state , will bo put upon the stand
in rebuttal of testimony If the defense
springs tjio insanity plea. , .
The sheriff and his deputies and court
bailiffs were busy last night arranging seats
for the spectators who arc supposed to wit
ness the trial. The seats are so arranged
that -100 people can bo accommodated out
side of the railing. The attaches of the
criminal departinct of the court are making
preparations for a big crowd.
Other Cases.
Edward Amscow appealed to the district
court yesterday for an injunction restraining
Edward W. , Thomas .T. nnd Walter F ,
Bayers from interfering witli his rights in
a house nnd two lots , numbers 7 and 8 in
jlock 25 ! > of the original plat of the city , or
from removing his tenants therefrom or
irora tnkmg possession of the premises. The
tbreo above mentioned defendants in the suit
are sons of Ainscow's wife , and it now ap
pears that there la a family row over the
awncrship of the property in question ,
liuchcl Amscow was Huchcl Eayers before
she married the plaintiff. She was a dress
maker. During the entire year of 1S70 , she
represented to her husband , he now claims ,
that she was embarrassed in business and had
to have money to meet her indebtedness ,
Prom time to time Aniscow gave her about
$1,000 , thinking she was going to pay the in-
dobtcno&s. Afterwards bo ascertained that
his wlfo used the money for ether purposes.
The facts wore that she was not In any man
ner Indebted In her business beyond her then
present means to meet all liabilities. The
woman used the money for tuo purchase of
the two lots. She finally disclosed to her
busband that the property had boon bought ,
but told him .sho had purchased it with her
own earnings and from mouoy arising from
her own ostate. She wont further , and in
duced Aniscow to erect a dwelling house on
the lots , in order that they could liuVo n
home. Ho did so. The property was
bought at h ! expense and ho paid
for the building of the house. Ho
hau an idea that the premises belonged to
him , but shortly after the house was built
the wife transferred the premises to her
sons by a former marriage. These transac
tions wcro of course done without the
knowledge of AInscow. Ho did not learn of
it until his wife died , which death took place
last February. Now ho claims that her sons
wantrto take possession of Iho property ana
deprive him of his Own home , ono which ho
paid for. This injunction has not yet been
Ernest Stunt secured a Restraining order
about 'J o'clock yesterday from Judge
Ioano against the Omaha horse-cabin rail
way companies and tno board of public
works preventing them from excavating and
loving a track on SoutU Eleventh and Mason
Shortly after midnight a lareo gang of
men attacked the earth at tl c intersection of
these streets and commenced digging holes
into it , but they were not permitted to pro
ceed vfiry far. Mr. Stuht sallied forth in
great huste , secured Judge Doano'B assist
ance , and by 3 o'clock had Deputy Sheriff
Grebe on the scrim with a writ , which ho
served. This brought the proceedings to a
The application for a pormnnont Injunction
will bo argued next Monday. The complain *
ant sets forth in his petition that these de
fendants were at the snmo time commencing
also to lay truck between Tenth nnd Eleventh
streets on Muson , on Tenth south of Mason ,
'on Eleventh sonth of Mason , on Vinton between -
tweon Eleventh and Thirteenth and on Thir
teenth south of Vinton to 'the city limits.
Ho wants them enjoined from occupying any
of these streets.
The Motor company IH also in on this and
has secured since Mr. Stuht's action an
Poaltlrcly Cured by
theio Little Pills.
They alsorcllcvoDls-
trees from Dyspepsia ,
Indigestion an3 Toe. .
Hearty Eating. > rx\-
feet remedy I'jf ) ) ! !
CMS , Nausea. Drowal
ness , Dad Taste In the
Moutli,0o& ted Tongue ,
Pftlnlu the Bide , TOR
PID LIVER , &C. They rcguUto the Bowel *
* nd prevent ContUp&tlon und Vile * . The
smallest aud easiest to take. Only one pill A
dose. 40luavuU. Purely Vegetable. Price
CAST R MEDIOIHE 00.Fjop'riHev7orfc-
order rcstrainljfeBoso consolidated concerns
from occupylrhr fflid building In the streets
nnmcu. It olmusJto have secured the fran
chise to them M n'voto'of the pcoplo'nnd
that contracts Iat1ow In existence for the
construction of/yv jnotor railway east from
Howard nnd Twelfth streets ono block ,
thonca south on Eleventh street across
the viaduct to Vinton , tlicnco west
to Thirteenth nnd south on Thirteenth
to the southernJJinlts of the city. It pro
poses to build IttlMIno ntronco nnd operate
the satno with nJJ jx > sslblo speed. This cor
poration charge * uw ether with hnvltiB pro
ceeded nt night tiriife nnd on Sunday In no
less than thrctf 'Instances , to tear up the
pnved streets Wthput permission from the
bonrd'bf publicities anil In doflanco of law.
Judge Doano Rtpptba the order la this peti
tion tho'snmo a In tlio othor. and cot the
hcnrlntr of tlio case for next Monday ,
Charles Johnson , the amateur desperado ,
who mndo an attempt to kill Irvln Dovore , n
13 > ft M. conductor 1ms boon sentenced to
two years In ntnto prison. Ills attorneys
made n desperate effort to got n now trial
for him. but Judge Groff ox-crruled tholr mo
tion imd sent/the youtlg man where he can
learn a trade that will bo of some service to
him."Colonel" fyosby.tho Alabama nogro.trlcd
several days ngo for stealing n diamond be
longing to John .Jilclntyrc , has boon dis
Judge Doano nnd n Jury commenced the
case in which the Mlnsourl Sund uud Grarol
company Is suing thoPhconlx Insurance com-
poliy for Sl.'Jft ! ) , the face value of n policy
hold on the old toftboatV.P. . Bishop"
Whllo making a trin from St. Louis to Omaha
two years ngot tlio boat sprung aloud at the
St. Joe landing , soon lilted and sunk. The
Phoenix people roXuscd to pay the Insurance.
Charles MeCarty , n you tig tramp , arrested
for breaking Into and robbing tbo store of A.
J. Linstgard on tho"nlght of March 35 , was
nrrulened before Judge OrofT , Ho pleaded
not guilty , and was remanded for trial.
County Court.
Bertha Hanson mndo application to the
county court yesterday , asking that the will
of Julius Hanson bo admitted to probate.
The plaintiff In the case of Hans Larson
against Nellie King , a suit to recover $183
for building an addition to her house , was
given a Judgment yesterday for the full
amount. _
South Omnlia Politics.
The election In South Omaha to-day la
of vital Importance to that city and to Omaha.
It l.i a Rtruggle between the vicious elements
to perpetuate their power , nnd the decent
business classes to'savo the city from over
whelming debts. Tlio present city oWears'
have plunged recklessly Into extravagant
public improvements nud contracted debts
aggregating $300,000. The now charter
enacted by the legislature must bo submitted
to the voters for'npprovnl. It legislates out
of oQlco four of the present councllmon nnd
provides for the election of their successors
nt largo , 'llio most important feature of the
law , and the one which * one element is deter
mined to defeat , "provides that no contracts
shall be lot or expense incurred in
excess of the levy. Counriltnen
nro placed under bonds of $2,000 each , nnd
they nnd their bondsmen are collectively lia
ble for overlaps. This wise provision will
prevent the rccltloss squandering of public
money , and conllim the expenditures to the
receipts of the cityiIt is a safe-guard
against municipaUbankruptcy , und its ratifi
cation insures tho' ' future prosperity of the
people. It places JTI check on the riotous
spondtlirifts whoi-advo managed the city's
affairs. They hong to accomplish its defeat
by refusing to submit it to the voters until
alter to-day's election. If they succeed
another election vwU bo necessary , ami the
strife nnd confusion of politics prolonged
Indefinitely. The bettor classes of the city
nro asked to units ubd demand the submis-1
sion of the chartcj' . \
Proceedings qfthn Oity Council.
Mayor Slonne and all the members except
Messrs. McMlllanlAtyl Rafforty were pres
ent when the council mot Monday evening.
The minutes woroTe"Sd and approved. An
ordinance wns autlhorizod bo drawn
changing the grnd of Twenty-fourth street
nt J ns recommondoj by ,1110 committee to a
cut of three and a half Instead of seven feet
below the present road surface. Thirty-
three bills , aggregating VJOO S3 , on recom
mendation of the linunco committee , -wcro
nassed. J. J. Mahoney's claim for $150
damage to his building wAs referred to the
council ns a eommittoo ot the whole. City
Clerk lloctor's bill for ? 109 dntnngo by his
horse falling over n bank was allowed. Or-
dlnnnco No. 121 , calling n special election
Tusday , April 23. 18S0 , for a fran
chise to the Omnhn C.ablo Tram
way company , was roaa atld referred to the
council ns a committee of tlio whole. The
ordinance gives n forty-year franchise ,
covering nearly nil the streets In the city.
The petition of Albright citizens to prevent
the Union Pncillo railroad com'pnny trora
dumping mnnuro opposite the Halfway
house was referred to tno health committee ,
nud the petition of Charles F. Porter for
damage to property on Thirteenth by erod
ing f 1,103 and loss of rent 5150 , total $1,252 ,
wus .referred to the council ns eommittoo ot
thowholo. Ordinance No. 125 , fixing the
grade im Thirty-third street between N nnd
O streets according to the profile drawn by
City Engineer Lnwronoo wns road nnd re
ferred and on H favorable report wns passed
flnn'Iy. ' The petition of MllUpaugh &
Persons for n loose of ground for coal
sheds on Twenty-sixth utrcot south
of Q street , wns referred nnd n
permit nt f 13.50 to use the ground a given ,
The Street commissioner was directed to
build fences across cross streets whcro
grading has boon dona * , nlso to fix the cul
vert on Q street ncj.r Thirty-third street.
Ordinance No. 120 , changing the grade of
Twenty-fourth street between I nnd 1C
streets , was read nnd UiU y passed. Seven
teen bills , aggregating $1G8U.49 , wcro road
nnd roforrodiuul passed. The committee on
flro and water was authorized to have the
fire alarm tower inclosed nud two lloors put
in , Martin bpocttlo was continued n police
man , The chairman ot the finance com
mittee was Instructed to investigate the re
port of the police judge.
Adjourned to meet Monday afternoon nt 3
Another Tlokot.
A secret circular has boon issued urging
nil saloon men to vote the following ticket :
Police Judge , Bruno Strathmnn ; school di
rectors , Jmncs H. Fleming nnd Edwnrd Cor-
rigan. Council First wnrd , John F. Hitch-
bat ; Second wnrd , Daniel HnfTorty ; Third
ward , Jacob H. Eggcn ; Fourth wnrd , B , Jot-
tor. But inasmuch as It is inaccurate nud
Mr. Fleming has declined the clrculnr is re
garded by knowing ones ns a roorback.
Indopondcnt Detnoornts.
Hunt's oporn house was filled Monday
night at the independent , democratic meet
ing. Chairman John G. Irwln presided , nnd ,
nfter matting a stirring speech , wns followed
by Judge Miller , of Omaha , nnd George W.
Makepeace. Henry M. Kondry was called
nn. The Union stock yards band furnished
the mnslc. It wns n Patrick J , King for
police judge meeting and was n success.
Joint Evociitlvo Committee.
Chairman Ab Waggoner nnd Messrs. A.
C. Foster , James G. Martin nnd James
Vilcs , jr. , attended the monthly meeting of
the joint executive committee , The resig
nations of Frank S. Dewey and .r. A. Hake
ns inspectors and appraisers , were accepted ,
und Al Powell and Gcorgo W. Jackson were
appointed lo fill the vacancies.
Swift's Killing for the Yoar.
From April 1 , 18SS , when 'the packing
house of Swift & Co. began killine till to
day , the killings have been cattle , 90,844 ;
calves , 1,801 i shoop. 83,537 and hogs , I'l.SSr.
Making a total of 109,039 during the first
Notes About the City.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wingard , a
Water mains are being laid on north
Twenty-fifth street.
Hermon Thilke has taken a permit to build
on Twentieth and T streets.
G. Rcnthcr has sold his book nnd station-
cry store to J. J. Stott , of Omaha.
lr. ) J. Smiley , after a week's visit at
Shelby. Iowa , rotnrnod Monday morning.
llov. J. J , Keller , general Baptist state
missionary , will preach in the Baptist church
next Sunday evening.
Thomas Danily , of Omaha , is the tele
graphic assistant to W. B. Cholk , of the B.
& 61. , at the Exchange.
Jamrs H.Van Dusen yesterday commenced
house keeping in ono of tlio new cottages
near Savage's Crossing.
A series of Jokes were plnyed yesterday
am eng some of the stock yards boys , nnd
5j ? hlle gcninl Frank Moody wns playing a
loko on some of the boys ono of the boys rode
his horse to Cnrpontor'a barn , and before Mr.
Mopdy could got the animal jio had to pay a
Marshal Mnlonoy has ordered liU pollco-
mon not to pnrtrulpnto In electioneering un
der penalty of dismissal from the force.
W. M. ICeonixn , credit manager of the Ar-
tnour-Cttdnhy Packing company , has re
turned from n business trip to Mississippi.
The bnnquot to be given by South Omnhn
ledge No. 11,450. Knights of Honor , next Sat
urday night , will bo hold nt the Ocltuonico
hotel ,
George W. Morrow , who t-Mldes In Al
bright , was driving up to the city yostordny
having a cltlzonof that burg in tno buggy
with him whoso immo cannot bo ascertained ,
and the nnlmnl scared at something , throw
ing the man out of the buggy. The man foil
on his head in tlio road and the fnll was BO
severe that for nome time It wns believed it
would rcunjt fatally. After nbout two hours
tbo unfortunate regained consciousness.
James W. Ferguson , engineer nt the
George H. Hammond packing company's
works , nbout 7 o'clock Monday morning
vrlulo out riding n broncho mot with a pnln-
ful accident. The nnnnnl became
unmnnagonblo while in the north
eastern part of the city nnd ran
away , running among some trees throwing
Mr , Ferguson out nnd severely Injuring him.
Mr , Ferguson landed rignlnst n tree and re
ceived some painful bruises nnd Interim ! In
juries. A surgeon wnssummonrd who failed
to llnd nny fractured bones. Tlio unfortu
nate man wns nt once returned to his resi
dence , Twenty-second street , Between I nnd
J streets.
The Presbyterian social will bo hold
Thursday evening ut the residence of the
llov. nnd Mrs. Kobort L. Wheeler. The
public is cordially Invited.
Orders have been Issued to nil saloon
keepers to keep their saloons closed Tucsdav ,
election day , from S o'clock a. in , till T o'clock
p. m.
The Ladies Aid society of the Bantlst
church will meet Tuesday afternoon nt the
residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. John U. Jones ,
Twenty-second und J streets.
Mrs. G. W. Knight of Hlllsdalo , Michi
gan , who lias been visiting her son , C. T.
Vnn Aken , during the last few WCOKS , re
turned homo to-day.
Joseph and Miss Bcsslo Campbell , of Now
York city , nro the guests of John J.
O'Kourko , and will niako their homo in
South Omaha.
Charles Uonnctt , son of Conductor Ben
nett , of the C.St. P. , M. & O. rnllrond , came
down from Ponca to visit the Her. Robert L.
Wheeler. _
The Ii no Higllwnynmn Again.
MILTON , Col. , .April 1. A stage coach com-
ilig from Murphy Station was hold up by a
lone highwayman this morning and the ex
press box rilled. The robber secured litllo
money. The passengers were not molested.
Pour Children Drnwnoil.
CLINTON. Mo. , April -Yesterday John
Boyle , with his wlfo nnd six children , at
tempted to ford Grand crook. The wagon
was overturned aud four of the children
were drowned.
The Body Looks the Door After thn
llorao Itni Ilcon Htolon.
The board of public works , having booomo
possessed of Information that there are still
a few streets In the city thnt have not been
torn up by notno streetcompnnyorothcrtook ,
steps yostordny to adopt rules regulating the
'taking ' out of permits for nny work that no-
ccflnltntos the opening up of pnvod streets on
any public thoroughfares. The regulations
are embodied in the following resolutions ,
which were adopted !
Kcsolvcd , Thnt the matter ot considering
applications for permits to open ntroots for
the construction of street rallwny tracks in
the city of Omaha , the rule is hereby ostab-
lishcd for the government of this bonrd nnd
the guldnnco of nil concerned thnt horonftct
all applications for permits shall bo Ulod lit
the oftlco of the bonrd ot public works , nnd
shall there remain of public record for not
less than forty-eight hours before being con
sidered by thu bonrd.
Ilosolvod , That In nil cases where It Is
necessary to lay additional tracks , sldo
tracks , switches , or turn outs to existing
tracks , the same course for permits to con
struct the snmo shall bo followed ns In the
case of orlglnnl location or extending street
railway track ft on streets.
Ucsolved , Thnt this board holds thnt It has
no authority under existing ordinances to
grunt permits upon paved Htrcots for a
greater distance thnn two blocks , but where
the space Is nnpavcd thnt the permit may ex
tend four blocks.
lie-solved , Thnt hereafter whenever It
slinll transpire that nny street car or other
company operating or owning street cnr
tracks In the city of Omnhn or any
gas , water , motor , subway or ether public
or private corporation , any plumber , drain
layer or other person shall hereafter enter
upon the public sticcts or nlioys nnd dofnco
or Impair the same In violation of existing
ordinances of the city. It la hereby declared
to bo the duty of the chairman of the bonrd
of public works to immediately proceed by
criminal action against nny nud nil such per
The Motor company nnd the Omnhn Horse
Car company naked for permits to Iny trucks
on Eleventh , Howard , Vinton , Mason , Tenth
und a few ether streets , nnd notices of In
junction was served objecting to the laying
of nny tracks across the tracks of the Union
Pacific rallwny on Mason nnd Tenth streets.
The meeting will bo considered nt a meeting
to bo held to-morrow afternoon.
A CollejiO For Women.
New YOUK , April 1. In accordance with
the notion of the trustees of Columbia col *
lego this afto rnnon , that institution will
probably soon have n sister college foi
women. It wns decided to call ttio new scat
of learning Barnard college.
Ho Owed $020,000.
BRUSSELS , April 1. The debts of Vnndor.
talon , who recently committed suicide ,
amount to $920,000. His assets are plncod nl
$210,000. , Other firms nro said to bo on th <
verge of bankruptcy.
For Weak Sfomadi impaired Dipsiion Disordered Liver.
Prepared only by THOS.BfiECHAH. SUEclens.IaiicfisIiircEiiglimd.
B. F. ALLEN & CO. , Sole Agents
Fore uKnrinB > STATES , sos & ser CANAI , ST. , i\cw voixrc ,
"Who ( if your druggist dbes not keep them ) will , mail Bcccham's
Pills on receipt of price but inquire first. ( Please mention this paper. )
We have a large and elegant line of Spring
OVERCOATS and light weight garments o1
latest and newest styles , which we bought al
our own offer , and these we have rrjarked al
prices whice are bound to make you purchase ,
if in need of anything in this line.
Block or brown Corkscrew "Worsted , serge Lined , only $ O 6O jr.
A Light grey Gasssimo re , silk faced , stylish , at ' ° 75
Ollvo Meltons , with heavy Farmer's satin lining , at * * G0
Chocolate Color Melton , serge lined , silk faced , very handsome , at 11 76
Light brown or ollvo Melton , full silk lined , velvet collar , something elegant , at 15 ° °
Imported light brown Cassimors , full silk linodBngllsh back , at 16 OO
{ Extra fine brown Cheviots , full silk lined , at 2O OD
. _ _ _ * k. .A . . _ _ . - _ . _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ . _ . _ . . _ rfv . _ _ _ _ * * _ t _ i _ > iiri , afl- rviTii -f _ ' iC i - _ rfl" l M'U
i Men's Suits. i . ,
iJuGroy Plaid Cutaways , something new , at. . . Q 50
T Nloo Casslmoro , in brown and black stripe , only ' ono
fl.t Salt and Popper Grey Cutaways , at. . , " 0 oo
4oSalt and Popper Grey Scotch , at. . , QQ ,
' * 11 OassimorGs , grey and black stripe , , very nobby , at n OO i
Black Stripe Worsteds , serge Hnedonly' o so
J All wool , Scotch Ghovlots , in groy and brown . n 75 A
Jj Groy and black strlpo , all wool Cutaways , at T
4 Stool Grey Scotch Plaids , handsome goods , well made , at ?
Light Panoy Plaido , very fashionable , nt , ' " _ < ' < 'm < - < >
f T TSs"SuitsT
o 7B
' , I Dark Brown Plaids , perfect fitting garment , at r ' ' Q
All wool Cheviotsfancy plaida and stripoo , in light colors , at IQ oo - . - - ii
- -
f Black and Blue Plaid Worsted Sack Suits , all wool , at 13 OO "
Blue Plaid Worsted Straight Out Sack Suits , all wool , nt. ; -L' "
Mollono , In ollvo , groy , brown and snuff colors , at . * in 76
Genuine Irish Cheviots , light groyat ' _ o
Light brown and groy , pin head , Casslmoro Cutaways , at *
Molten Cutaways , in groy , ollvo , browu and snuff colors , at 17 BO
Cheviot Cutaways , blue wide -wale , at > in OO i
i Tweed Cutaways , brown and black stripe , nt ' A
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . jf , - j-w. - fc- - - * * . - * - fc.fc. . - "fctf * ft - itfcrtfc < < sttifc _ fcft _ Bp _ P * y y y"I
M. HilLMAN &