THE OMAHA DAILY -JL EIGHTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. TUESDAY MOANING , APKIL 2 , 1889. NUMBER 291 Nl lilUUKAL ISM ) , A. Pair of Legal Dogs Stir Up the Equity Oouit. NEW VESSELS ORDERED TO SAMO \Vhnt Is Expected of the Coming Con or American Nations Nc- . OfllccN nnd Odloo Seek ers linker I-'or Mnrwlml. WASHINGTON buunA.u TncOuAitx IRE , ) 513 FOURTEENTH STHBKT i - WASHINGTON. D. C. , 5-i.r There was n very lively scene Ic the equity court to-day during the argument of a motion In the celebrated Sum Strong tunnel claim case , In which General Benjamin F. Butler nnd Mr. Browning , n well known local at torney , participated. General Butler was explaining some allegations made by Brown ing when the latter observed : "I thought wo had the opening and the closing. " Gene ral Butler , who many years ago In congress made himself famous for sarcastic remarks , nnd coined the celebrated phrase In retort to Sunset Cox , "Shoo fly , don't bother me , " waved his hand nt Browning nnd hissed : " 1 don't propose to bo snapped nt by a cur. " Mr. Browning sprang to his feet and replied in a passion : "I don't ' propose to DO bull dozed by a bull dog. " .It looked ns .though a fight would bo the result , when the court , Judge Cox , Interposed and ordered a cessa tion of hostilities. NEW VESSELS FOIl SASIOA. ' Secretary Tracy , when nskod this evening what further news he had from Samoa , re plied that nothing bad been received since the dispatches which had appeared in the newspapers of the country , nnd ho did not expect to hoar anything .jloftnltcly until the arrival of the official report ot Admiral Kimberly , which ho supposed is now on the way. "Three vessels were ordered to Sa moa to-day , " said the secretary , "to take the place of the three which have been wrecked. The Alert sails from Honolulu , and will nrrlvo In Apia about forty days from this time. She will roach the Island before any of the German vessels can got there. The Richmond has been ord orcd to sail nt once from Montevideo , She will sail round the Horn , nnd will roach Samoa in about sixty days. The Adams Is nt Sun Francisco , where she will bo detained , in all probabil ity , for twenty days or more. She is on tlio docks and instructions have been given to hasten the repairs and get her ready for sea at the earliest possible moment. She will make the trip from San Francisco in about forty days. The Monongahola , which sailed on the 31st of February , will nrrivo in Apia about ten days from now. She has an.umplo cargo of coal , stores and clothing , anu will bo prepared to take care of tbo seamen who still remain In Samoa. " "How many American seamen are on the Island i" was asked 'Tliero are about seven hundred in all , " was the reply. "Of these three hundred nro probably on their way homo now , nnd four hundred nro still on the islands. The Mo- nongnholu will bring buck those not needed for the other vessels , which will arrive there. I cannot say just yet how many of them will bo brought back. " "Havo you nny official information concerning - corning the policy of the German govern- mentl" "Nothing more than wo have seen in the newspapers. It is reported that the three German vessels have been ordered to proceed from the blockading squadron now at Zanzibar. It will require fifty or , sixty days for those vcsbcls to reach Samoa. " "Is it the intention of the government to main tain a licet In Samoa constantly ) " "For the present nt least , yen , but I don't think the vessels will bo needed. I 'havo every confi dence In the ability of the gentlemen who havo.been sent to Germany to represent the United States in the conference , nnd I feel sure thut all the difference of opinion be tween this country nnd Germany in the mat ter of the settlement of the Samoan question will bo settled , nnd thnt. it will bo but u short tlmo time after the conference adjourns before fore wo shall bo ublo to order our vessels elsewhere. In the meantime , however , wo will keco a small fleet In the vicinity of the Islands. " CONdltESS OP AMERICAN NATIONS. The delegates appointed to the congress of American nations will meet in Washington cry shortly to perfect nu organization und look over the ground. The success of the congress will depend largely upon the number of nutlons that accept. Thu last administration was not in sympathy with the movement and did little or nothing to promote interest in it. Mr. Bayard sent a formal Invitation to the several nations invited to participate but did not make any attempt to arouse enthusiasm or give the affair any'more than ordinary atten tion. For that reason the South American republics have hold off to see what would happen , but now thnt It Is known Mr. Blaine intends to make .this congress the feature of his foreign policy it is expected that more Interest will bo shown. AU of tbo Central American republics , Venezuela , the Argen tina Republic , Uruguay and Paraguay have formally accepted. Brazil and Mexico hnvo indicated their Intention to accept. Nothing lias been heard from Columbia , Ecuador , Peru- Bolivia or Chill. Columbia and Bolivia are in n state of political confusion , nnd it is doubtful whether nny representative will appear hero from Bolivia and Columbia will probably send any other than the minister - tor resident , Mr. Hurtudu" . Peru is bank rupt nnd would scarcelybo ublo to pay com missioners if she desired to send them. Ecuador is probably walling to see what Chill will do , the latter nation bus consist , untly opposed nny guthoringTif its neighbors or nny attempt on their1 part to enter into political alliances. The well known purpose of Chili to obtain political control of the entire - tire wast coast makes her hostllu so such a congress as is proposed as well as to any other measures looking towards a settlement of International difficulties by arbitration. NUUltAHKA omCBjSKEKEKS AND orFlCKUB. Representative Connell , who leaves for his homo In Nebraska on Wednesday * has rec ommended the appointment of A..12 , Husslcr , of the Pawnee Republic , to bo pottmaster at Pawnee and his name will probably bo officially named to-morrow. Ho has also nsked far the appointment of other post masters In his district as follows : John E. Dohannov , at HIckman , Lancaster county , nnUAmos Tefft , at Avoca , Cuss county. Hon. J. L. Culdwoll , of Lincoln , is here looking over the field In connection with his candidacy for the United States district nttornoyship for Nebraska. It is not likely thnt there will bo action taken on the mur- Bhalahlp for Utah till the Utah commission jjns been selected. The president wants to consult the commissioners and this can't bo done for sonio days yet. KAVOlt IIAKWI KMI IAIIS1IAI It is understood thut. although no formal r action has boot * taken by the Nebraska dele gation In voiiKross , H majority favor the ap pointment of Baker for United States mar- " The nomination of J. K. Kelly to be receiver of the land office ut HlnomlnptoD , Non. , was to-day confirmed by the neiwto. Captain Wllduiau , of the Ropubllcan Vftl ov , nnd Web Eaton , of Koarno.v , are here , 'Robert Henry Ilanna and IJavld A.ll'ortpr , lof Crcston , la. , ami Uenjuuiln F..toother . , of Wayuo.Vayno county , Nebraska , were to-day admitted to practice before the In torlor department. . . . I'bolawn delegation called nt the whIU house and again urced the appointment o : ex-Governor Stone to bo commissioner of lu < general land office. HUBTON'fl Al-rOINTMHNT CONflllMKn. Tlio nomination to-day of John N. Huston of Connorsville , Ind. , to bo treasurer of tbi United Suites to succeed Hyatt , waspromntlj confirmed by the senate. It wo PrcslJpn Harrison's intention to nominate Mr , Huitoi two or three wc k BOJ but drafts for pay ment In the third quarter of the fiscal year were being made out by the treasurer , nnd the nomination was delayed for that reason. Huston Is a banker , manufacturer and largo real estate owner. Ho has a liandsomo for tune and says the appointment will bo ac cepted , simply that ho may reward his friends with patronage. Ho is about forty- six years old , tall , slender , full of energy nnd possessed of good business qualifications. His first introduction In politics was by elec tion 10 the Indiana senate in ! Sb2. Ho wns chairman of the republican state central committee. In ISStJ. when Senator Harrison was fl candidate for and came so near re-elec tion. Huston managed the campaign so skillfully thnt General Harrison requested him to remain at tlio head of the committee lust year nnd ho did so. Ills appointment Is a good one for every reason. MOKE SHIPS FUR SAMOA. The Klclimond , Alert nnil Adams to Be Ulspntchnd nt Once. WASHINGTON , April 1. The navy depart ment Is making every effort to secure nd- equate representation at Samoa. Orders were sent out to-day to hnvo the Richmond , iVlcrt nnd Adams sent to Apia at the earliest practicable moment. Wlillo the vessels ordered to Samoa to-day nro fair vessels of their kind , yet they are by means equal to the three vessels which were wrecked , and are of antique typo com pared .with the vessels of the German East African licet which have been ordered to Samoa. The old Richmond Is the largest of the vessels thut will go down. She was uullt In Norfolk In 1S5S , and Is of 2.700 tons burden , U23 feet long , 42 } foot broad , and 17.4 draft. Her speed Is sot down as nine and one-halt knots when in trim , but she Is doubtless foul and much re duced in speed by her stay in the South At lantic waters , tjho is commanded oy Cap tain A. N. Reed , with LleutonunV Comman der Louts Klngsloy and Lieutenants W. H. Everett , J , H. C. Coffin. F. H. Crosby , J. M. Robinson and J. O. Nicholson. Her complement Is twcnty-ninoofllcnrs and 831 men. The battery Is headed by twelve ten-Inch smooth bores , ono eight-inch muz zle-loading rifle , and ono sixty-pound breech loading rillo , two twenty-pound breech loaders nnd some smaller guns. The Alert Is a 1,000 ton vessel , built by John Roach In 1S75. She carries twontv-ono ofliccis nnd 127 men. She is rated nt ten knots , is 1713 feet long by 32 fectboam , draws 12Jf feet of water , and carries a battery of one eleven-inch and ono nine-inch smooth bores , one sixty-pound rlllo nnd four smnll guns In a secondary battery. Her officers are Commander James 13. Graham and Lieu tenants John Gurvin , F , E. Greene , J. T. Moore , J. Parker , C. D. Bosttco and W. G. Hannum. Tlio Adams Is rated nt 1.375 tons. She was built in 1S70 at Boston , by Donald Mc Kay. Her length is 18T foot by thirty-five feet beam , nnd 13.3 draft. She Is sot down as a li.3-knot ship , with a battery of four nine-inch smooth bores , ono 8-lnch muz zle loading rltlo , ono sixty-pound muzzle load ing rifle nnd five guns in n secondary battery. The detail for the Adams was almost com pleted this afternoon. She will bo under di rection , of Commander Edwin T. Woodward. There \vill bo no new orders In regard to Satnonn affairs given to the commanders of the vessels. Admiral Kimberly will remalm at Apia and will continue in command of the squadron. Tno admiral has considerable discretion vested in him nnd may to a considerable extent excr- ciso his own judgment ns to what should bo done should anything occur to render new instructions advisable , they can bo prepared and sent to Samoa long before the war vessels get there. BniiMN , April 1. The cruiser Sperbor and the corvette Alexandrine will depart for Samoa to replace tbo German war ships wrecked at Apia. - Will Probably Adjourn To-day. WASHINGTON , April 1. It seems to bo the universal expectation among senators that the senate wilt adjourn the present special session sine die to-morrow. President Harrison risen has sent in about throe hundred nnd fifty nominations since the Gth of March , all of which , with very few exceptions , have been reported from the committee nnd will have been confirmed before adjourn ment. Of the offices yet to be filled the most important are commissioner of the general land olfico nnd public printer. It Is believed that they will bo filled within a few days. Editor Osborno , of the Los Angeles Express , is believed to bo the man selected for public printer , but no satisfactory guess can bo made as to the laud commissioner. The general opinion is thnt W , E. Meredith , of Chicago , who was supposed to bo the coming man for public printer , will succeed E. O. Graves as superintendent of the bureau of engraving und printing. Ptihlic Debt Statement. WASHINGTON , April 1. The public debt statement was issued to-day , as follows : Interest bearing debt , principal , $915,035- 032 ; interest , $0,003,021 ; total , 924 , < J75,433. Debt on which intercut has ceased since ma turity , principal nnd interest , $ ' . ' ,097,275 ; debt bearing no interest , t748,19r > ,430. Total debt. principal , * lii5li2 ( ( > 207 ; interest , $10,035,051 ; total , $1,075,203 , IBS. Total debt , less available cash items , SI , 103,000,053. Net cash m treasury , $54,000,390. Debt loss cash In treasury April I , 1SS9 , f 1,114,088,003. Debt less cash in treasury March 1 , ISb'J. S1.12S.2S9.313. De crease of debt during'tno month , $1305R55. Decrease of debt slnco June 30 , 1SSS , S50,900,9'J4. Total cash In treasury as shown by the treasurer's general account , $017,591- , 090.00. A Graceful Tribute. WASHINGTON , April 1. A graceful tribute from English naval ofllcora was contained In the following cablegram received by Secre tary Traoy this morning : OIIIIIU.TAR , March 3i. The officers of the English channel Hoot sympathize with the American navy in the terrible loss of life from the wrouks at Samoa. To this message Secretary Tracy made the following icply : WASHINGTON. April 1. Admiral Command ing Her Majesty's Channel Fleet , Gibraltar- Accept for yourself and olllcors of your corn- maud my grateful acknowledgment on behalf - half of tue United States navy for your mes sage of sympathy und good will occasioned by the recent disaster nt Samoa. Coiillrmutlonn. WASHINGTON , April 1. Tha senate this afternoon confirmed tno following nomina tions : Lewis Wolfley , governor of Arizona ; William 1C. Jnn'.tln ' , of Iowa , Indian Inspector specter ; Jnnies E. Kelly , receiver of public moneys at Bloomlcgton , Neb. ; Louis A. Walker , secretary of Montana ; James W. Huston , of Indiana , treasurer of the United States ; Ellis H. Roberta , of Now York , assistant - sistant treasurer ut Now York city ; Edwin II. Terrell , of Texas , minister to Belgium : John T. Abbott , minister of the United States of Columbia. Took the Oath. WASHINGTON , April 1. The now assistant secretaries of the treasury , Batrhellor nnd Tlchchor , took the oath of office to-day and began at once to discharge their now duties. Three United State * ministers took the oath cf office nt the department of state to day. They were William N. Scruggs , who goes to Venezuela ; Lansing B , Mlztmr , min- inter to Central America , und John Hicks , who will represent the United States ut Peru. U , E. Mitchell , commissioner of patents , and A. D. Huzen , thiul assistant postmaster general , also took the oath of ofllco and on- torcd upon their now duties. Burned to Death. CIUMUCULUN , n.\k. , April 1. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEB. ] Mrs. Francis \Vcin- \ berg , residing fourteen miles south of Kim- bull , was burned to death by a prairie fire yesterday evnnlng. Her house being In the path of iho llro , she ran out and was burned to death , the Cru paa-img and burning1 the house. 1-1113 NATIONAL SENATE. Mr. Teller States Ills Ohjcctlons to Kxeontlvn Sessions. WASHINGTON , April 1. Soon after the opening of the scnnto to-day Mr. Teller offered the following resolution : Resolved , That hereafter all executive nominations shall bo considered In open ses sion of the senate. Ho said : "I do not Intend to ask consid eration of this resolution at this time. , I merely offer It that It may bo referred to the committee on rules. At the next regular session of tbo senate , If I llvo to bo present , I Intend to press that resolution In season and out of season. I have never believed that there was any reason why executive nominations .should bo considered by the senate with closed doors. I ntn satisfied that the great majority of the people of the United States , irrespective cf party , nro of the same opinion , I nai tired of giving ray reasons to the senate with closed doors for the votes which I give , aad of seeing in the newspapers the next day entirely different reasons nscribcd to mo , nnd not infrequently no reason nt all. I have never expressed n sentiment nor plvon a vote In the scnnto with the doors closed which I would not give in the open saato. 1 do not behove that any considerable number of senators dcslro to shield themselves from public criticism or public gaze In matters of this kind. "While I admit that In considering ques tions of international relations there may bo , nnd frequently are. times when the senate should sit. with closed doors on account of great public Interests , I can conceive of no reason why wo should close our doors when wo are asked to pass on the qualifications of men nominated for public ofllco. " "I do not dcslro to conceal from the public nny action of mine In reference to such mat ters. On the contrary , I am exceedingly anxious that when I exorcise u constitutional and senatorial duty here , I may execute It In the face of the whole world , or at least so much of the world that has a right to call mo in question for my conduct nnd that is the pcoplo of the United States. I believe that the time has coma when publio senti ment will not tolerate the closing of our doors on the inero question of confirmations. I believe thnt that practice is ono of the agencies that is calculated to bring the American senate into disrepute and into contempt , for the pcoplo will believe , under the charges that nro made day by day , that wo are afraid to express our views la public , that there Is some truth In thorn , Newspaper men , with their zeal , must find some reason for our conduct , and very frequently put in our mouths things wo never said nnd never thought. " The resolution was referred to the com mittee on rules. Mr. Stewart offered n resolution , which was laid over till to-morrow , thnt the sonnto has learned with profound sorrow of the death of John Bright , and remembering his constant and unwavering friendship for the United States , desire to join with the parlia ment of his own country in paying a grate ful tribute to ono who , during his long pub lic life , was conspicuous in his devotion to the cause of freedom and humanity. Messrs. Sherman and Ransom.reported that the committee appointed to wait on * the president and inquire whether ho had any further communication to make to the senate , had been advised by the president that ho would to day communicate to the senate certain mes sages , but that after to-day no other mes sages would bo sent , except of a formal char acter , to fill vacancies as they arise. The senate then proceeded to oxecutlvo business. While the doors were closed vari ous resolutions were reported and agreed to , authorising several committees to sit during the recess. Adjourned till to-morrow. The Executive Session. WASHINGTON , April 1. In secret ses sion of the escnato there to-day was con siderable discussion upon the nomination of delegates to the congress of American na tions , to bo held In this city next autumn. Objection was mi do to them by the demo crats on the ground that they were almost unanimously republican in politics , and if their report wns to have the weight before the country and with congress that it ought to have , there should be a more equitable division between the two parties. Mr. Sher man , chairman of the foreign relations com mittee , which had recommended the con firmation of the list , stated thnt three of them , namely , AVhyte ( Md. ) , Trescott ( S. O. ) , and Hanson ( Gu. ) , were democrats. The minor ity senators , however , insisted that Trescott and Hun.son were mugwumps , not demo crats , und ought not to bo so considered. Mr. Fryo criticized the list of the appoint ments , saying that so far as he know , with a single exception none of the delegates named out to have been appointed. . Ho said thut Whyto was opposed to paying subsidies to ocean steamship lines , being Interested in the operation of cllpuor ships trading with South American countries , a statement which Gorman is said to have confirmed. The report of the committee wont over until to-morrow without action by general consent , there being no formal motion or ob jection entered , Found Dead In the Iluliis. MILWAUKEE , April 1. Mrs. Margaret Kinlln and her three children were burned o death in their homo on Fifteenth street early this morning. The house is a small two story frame building and Mrs. Kinlln , with herchlldrcn occupied three rooms on the lower floor. Up stairs an old man named Jung lived with his son and two daughters and they wore awakoncd about 3 o'clock by tbo smell of smoke which seemed to come from the room below. The son got up nnd going outsldo saw smoke bouring from the lower rooms. Ho smashed in the window , but got no response , and then turned in un alarm. It was an awful sicht thnt mot the eyes of the firemen , who arrived at the house soon after 8. In the middle room , the doors of which had been tightly closed , the charred bodies of Mrs. Klnlin and two sons , John nnd George , ngcd six and four years respectively , were found. Later thu body of Richara , ugcd two years , was found in the basement , n hole having been burned through the floor , through which the body had fallen. Tlinro was every Indication that the mother had deliberately burned herself and children to death. They hud nil occupied the same bed. The sniolco from the flro built beneath it had Binotherml them all. Mrs. Kinlin's body wns terribly disfigured and the children were horribly burned. Mra. Klnlm's bus- band , who was n carpenter , died about ten months ago and she supported herself by taking in washing. G ( guilt lur Consolidation. NEW YOUK , April 1. [ Special Telegram to TUB 13in. ] Messrs , Gould and Huntington - ton have a plan which , if carried out , will rc-sult in a consolidation of railroad systems such as this country has nover'seen boforo. A broker who claims to have intimate knowl edge of Mr. Gould's plans said : "Boforo many weeks the Atchlson , Topekn ft Santa Fe will bo consolidated with the Missouri Pacific. Then Huntlngton will bring In his systems , and perhaps even tbo Mexican roads will bo included. The combination will come under Gould's management and will bo the most colossal arrangement yet entered Into by him. Mr , Gould's hand U becoming more apparent every duy In the hammering which AU'hUon stock has just received , and it is now almost a certainty thut the bear raid of the last few weeks was manipulated from the Western Union building so as to glvn the Gould faction a chance to secure at little ex pense the blocks of Atchison which Gould Las been after. As Gould stands in danger of losing contiol of the Missouri Pacific , bo may not bo able to take thut line into the consolidation system. " 'iho Weather Initlou'tloim. NuUrasku Fair weather , followed by rain ; stationary tempcruturo , southerly winds , Dakota and Iowa Light ruin , stationary temperature , southerly winds. NEWS OF NEBULA TOWNS , A Oaroloss FAtUorj Shoots His Llt- tlo Boy to Donth. SUICIDE OF ANf OLD 'WOMAN. Narrow Kscnno ornjTcftnifltor Whoso Wnfon Clots 111 the Way or n Train Miscellane ous Notes. ShotlllAlJojr. CITV , Neb. , * April 1. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnn. " | Yesterday morning Ellis WiUtlron , living eight miles west of town , started with n team nnd buggy to fight a prairie flro , taking a loaded shotgun along. Just ns Jio placed the gin In the buggy It was discharged , the load taking effect In the right nrm of Waldron'p son Willie , nged thirteen , cutting thojnrtcry nnd almost severing tbo arm from the shoulder. Surgi cal aid was at once called but before the boy could bo helped ho blcdlto death , living about eight liours nUer the accident , occurred. Shot His Wife ! by Mistake. , Nob. , April 1. Mrs. Francis Sovoryn was accidentally shot by her husband - band yesterday afternoon. Mr. Sovoryn pro cured a shotgun from his neighbor with the intention of going hunting. Ho was informed upon Inquiry of his neighbor that the gun , which Is n muzzle-loader , was empty. To bo certain he exploded a cap upon each barrel. Ho then returned homo , nnd upon entering the house ho exploded Another cap , when to his horror the gun was "discharged , the con tents entering his wife's lower limb just above the Unco , nearly severing the limb. Drs. Elwood anil Shafer were immediately summoned. Amputation of the limb was found necessary about midway between the knee and hip. She llos'in a critical condition and her recovery is very doubtful. A Narrow Escape. LINCOLN , Neb , , Apul 1. ( Special Tele gram to THE Bun. ! Just before 8 o'clock to night two young bloods , entered Q. 13. Chap man's drug store , on O street , evidently for the purpose of theft. One of them secured some knives from a case which stands near the entrance door , but in his effort to appro priate them was discovered by Mr. .Tunics Putnam , ono of Jeweler Hullet's clerks , wheat at once attempted to effect his arrest. The would-be thief commenced to slash right mid left with ono of the knives , which ho suc ceeded in getting open. The blade struck Putnam in the right side of the iicck , within an inch of the jugular volncutting a deep and ugly gash. A physician , was called who dressed the wound , which ho said would have proved fatal had it reached the artery. Tbo thugs escaped. Fused With tlio Prohifos. LINCOLN , Neb. . , April 1. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEK. ] The democrats nnd pro hibitionists have formed a coalition and will make the fight for the mayoralty of Lincoln together. This combine vvas consummated nt Opclt's this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The conference committee appointed at the dem ocratic convention last Sunday night to look up a candidate canvassed the Held , and fail ing to find nu available candidate , indorsed "Bishop" Skinner , thoftrohlbltiomst ? This move occasions no su'nVJep in Lincoln. It will bo remembered thSVno piohibltionists did tlio same thing two years ago , and the talk is to-night that democracy's bosses took this method to repay tbo debt. The munici pal election here bids fair to bo unusually interesting. Depot Burned. FAIIIMONT , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBE. ] The B. & M. depot nt this place burned to the ground this evening at S o'clock. The iiro was caused by the night operator throwfng a lighted match Into a lot of oil waste vyhlle lighting tbo sig nal lumps. The tickets , instruments and loose furniture were saved. The total loss will amount to between 54,000 and 55,000. There was but little express or baggage ut the depot. J. H. Garey , hardware merchant , had about $200 worth of tinners' tools in tlio building. The frolght'.wbich was totally de stroyed , aside from tholoss , to outsiders , is light. Will SwiiigiU' Caught. TOBIAS , Neb. , April i. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J About 8 p. m. to-day a young man , name unknown , criminally assaulted Miss Lamb , a furmer'sdaughtor living two miles east of Western , Failing in tils design he set lire to the barn and fled. The young lady managed to save four horses and a cow , all the live stock in thn'stablc. Her parents were away from homo1 at the time. Largo crowds of Western's citizens and neighbor ing farmers are scouring the country for the criminal , and if caught no will swing to the nearest limb. Killed on klio Track. CiiAi > xoN , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bnn.j An unknown man was killed last night by thi passenger train com ing cast , four miles w st of Children. Ho was walking on the truck and the engineer , seeing him , slowed up , but could not stop. Ho was thrown off the track and his head bruised. Ho was picked up and brought to Chadron and died upon the arrival of tlio train. Ha is supposed to hnjro been working on the Burlington & Missouri tunnel. Coroner ner Waller empanelled a jury , and they ad journed until to-morrow to got more ovl- deneo. Ho hud a aatchcl when last seen , anu this has not been tound. An Old Lmdy Suicides. PONCA , Neb. , April 1. ( Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] Carolina Schmidt , an old lady of this place but a low years from Germany , committed milcido yesterday afternoon by banging herself In n' stable adjoining her daughter's residence , a few miles In the country. Bho was Visiting the daughter , The authorities did not deem it necessary to hold an Inquest , us It was apparent that death was tho. result of her own act , The causa Is a mystery , though among the neigh bors many are assigned. Old ago nnd feeble ness of mind ara regarded us the principal ones. She was honest und very industrious , and had the respect of 11. Arrested Wlillo Drunk. PENnnn , Nob.April 1. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Charles DoWHt , a horse thief , was arrested at this place about 7 o'clock last night , by George Sherwood , a special deputy sheriff from Ponca. The man arrested stole a horse from his brother last Friday night , uud came to this town Saturday afternoon , when ho started in on a contract of drinking all the Hrjuor In town , and when arrested last night ho was too drunk to realize the seriousness - riousnoss of the matter , Ho was taken back to Ponca this morning , The Kutonil Prnlrlo Flro. UNADIIXA , Nob. , April 1. ( Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] A nro on the farm of John Copley , two miles southeast of hero , to-duy destroyed two barns , containing a large amount of grain , two head of cattle , several hogs and one horso. It originated from a prairie tire , which got beyond Air. Copley's control. A line young orchard was also destroyed by thetlra { running through it. Loss $1,200 ; no insuranco. License or Xo l < locuso. PONCA , Neb. , April 1. [ Special Telegram to THE UKE. ] The spring election comes off to-morrow. The tickets are license or no li cense , Kd Berry Is the standard bearer of the former , A. D. . Williams of the latter. Both are excellent young men. It is hard to foretell tbo result. University Oratorical Contest- . LINCOLN , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tnn BEE.J The oratorical contest between four speakers of the state univer sity wns held to-night to docldo who should represent the university in the stnto contest which takes place nt Crete In n few days , and which will , in turn , decide who represent the stnto In the Inter state oratorical contest between representa tives from all the western and northwestern states. The gentlemen chosen were II. C. Peterson , of the Union society and T. S. Allen , of the Delphian , A Girl Wins the Prize. OIID , Nob. , April 1. [ Special toTiir. Ur.E.l The > M. E. church was packed to-night the occasion being the annual declamatory con test of the Ord high school. The judges , after careful consideration , awarded the first prize to Miss .Jennie Aublo , who will represent Ord at the Central Nebraska high school declamatory contests to bo hold ut Aurora , April 10 , The Wnjjon Was Hurt. CENTRAL Crrr , Neb. , April 1. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] This morning as a Swede named Bonhnrt was driving across the Union Pacific track a fast train ran Into his wagon , smashing It beyond recognition nnd scattering broadcast the lumber and flour with which the wagon wus loaded , Benhart cscaucd unharmed. An Anniversary. OSCGOI.A , Nob. . April 1. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Kov. Dr. Johnson , pastor-of the M. E. church , and his wife , gave a reception nt the parsonage Saturday evening , it being the twelfth anniversary of their marriage. MRS. STOMEWAtiti JACKSON. The President Bald to Hnvo Tendered Her the Richmond I'ostolTlco. RICHMOND , Va. , April 1. [ Special telegram to THE BEE. ] The contest between the rival factions hero for the Uichmond postofllco has assumed a singular phase. It Is now stated that President Harrison has tendered the ofllco to Mrs. Stonewall Jackson. This lady lived hero until a few years since , when her daughter was married. She has been living with her father in North Carolina during the past six months. Her father has reached n very advanced uge , for which reason she declined the tender of the postoDlco at Lexington , Va. . where the body of her hus band Is buried. Her friends here , will , however , endeavor to induce her to ac cept the Richmond uostmastershlp , which is a lucrative ono. It Is statnd that the presi dent thinks that by the appointment of Mrs. Jackson ho will not have to recognize either of the contending republican factions hero , nnd will at the same time give a position to a lady hold in high esteem by all. Itnilrond Elections. CHICAGO , April 1. The Chicago & Alton stockholder. ! met to-day In annual session and unanimously re-elected the old board of directors and officers of the company. The only vacancy was that caused by the death of Lorenzo Blackstono. The position wns filled by the election of the late director's son , William N. Blackstone. The old offi cers wore re elected at n subsequent meeting. A meeting of tlio stockholders were also held of the .Toilet & Chicago road , the Mis- sissiopi Rlvor Bridge company , the St. Louis , Jacksonville & Chicago road , ancktbe Alton & St Louis , -ullf-uudor the Alei ( * manage- < mcnt. The old officers and directors of each of thcso organizations were unanimously re- elected. Death Kecord. CHICAGO , April 1. Uev. T. N. Morrison , the oldest Episcopal clergyman in the Chicago cage diocese died at .his residence hereof Bright's disease last night. OTTAWA , April 1. Hon. John Henry Pope , minister of railways , died this afternoon , after a long and painful illness. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , April 1.A. . P. Allis , head of the great Reliance works , ono of the largest foundries nnd machine shops in the country , dlrd suddenly to-night. PAIIIS , April 1. Martoll , head of the great distillery at Cognac , is dead. The Michigan Elections. - DETROIT , Mich. , April J. An election was held in this state to-day for a justice of the supreme court and university regents , also a constitutional amendment Increasing the salary of the governor Irom 11,000 to fi.OOO. Returns received nt a late hour indicate a victory of the republican ticket , and that the amendment has been carried. Tn this city the women exorcised the eloctorial privileges fortho first time , voting for school directors. Steamship Arrivals. At Bromer Haven The Werra , from Now York. At Quoenstown The British King , from Philadelphia. At Philadelphia Tdo Ohio , from Liver pool. pool.At Glasgow The State of Georgia , from Now \ ork. At Liverpool The Kansas and Virginian from Boston , and the Baltimore , fro m Balti more. _ Tlio Vlstblo Supnly. CuiCAno , April 1. The visible supply for the wcok ending March 30 , as compiled oy the secretary of the Chicago ooard of trade , Is as follows : Bushels. Wheat . 20.-1 10,000 Corn . 10,831.000 Oats . , . 7,187,000 Uyo . l.JHS.COO Barley . . 1 . . . 1,813,000 An Imitator of Vines. CIIICAOO , April 1. Thomas Vines , the clerk who packed himself in a trunk nnd was shipped to St. Louis with several thousand dollars stolen from his employers , has an imitator in the very man who succeeded him in the Adams & WoHtlako manufacturing company. The now culprit Is Herbert Chambers , a de6Idedly prepossessing , well- dressed young follow. Chambers was nr- rested for stealing $300. Ho acknowledged his guilt , laying it to extravagant living. A ldter From Stun lav. LOND ON , April 1 , A-letter from Henry M. Stanley dated September 4 , has reached a friend of the explorer In Edinburgh. It con tains nothing now. Sir Francis Do Winton , president of tno Einln Bey relief committee , says that the letter from Stanley will make five newspa per columns , so that It will not bo published before to-morrow , and that the government Is ignorant of Us contents. A Kansas County Heat Pl lit. ST. FnANCis , Knn. , April 1. ( Special to THE BEK. ] Blukoman and Atwood , located about four miles apart , near the center of Rawlins county , are in tlio midst of a county seat fight. Atwood is the proud possessor of the bone of contention , while Ulakeman is making a desperate struggle to get It away from her. Both towns arc confident of success. The Cznr llioroiiuhly Alarmed , ST. PBTEHSIIURO , April 1. Russian niiws- papers have been prohibited from publish ing rcpo'ts of the discovery of the illicit manufacture of bonds nt Zurich. The pollco are said to have discovered in tlio suburb of St. Petersburg an important clue to the al leged conspiracy agulnt the czar. Ills a aid that the czar is thoroughly alavmcd. Sold to the Suunr Tru t. SAX FIIANCJSCO , April 1. H is stated that the American sugar refinery was formally sold to au eastern sugar trust to-duy. A HITCH. The French Government nnd the Mag istracy nt IiOKUcrhonilB , PAIUS , April 1. [ Now York Herald Cable. Special to Tun Bus. ] The proceedings which the government scorns decided to in stitute against Boulangor , on the charge ot conspiracy against the safety of the state , is the burning q'uoatlon of the moment. It was expected that the chamber would hnvo been met with a demand for Its authorization of the contemplated prosecution on Saturday , but it scorns certain that on the morning ot that dav M. Bouchcz refused to put his sig nature to the demand. In consequence the government for the moment wns placed In the presence of nn obstnclo , which , however , It U credited with the Intention to overcome by nsklng M. Bouchoz to resign. The misunderstanding between the government nnd the innglstrney at the outset of this affair nt this moment is of the gravest character and causes ninny doubts ns to the wisdom nud utility of prose cuting Boulnuger. It la Impossible to com ment logically upon the affair without nn ex act knowledge of the facts , nnd to say whether the cabinet or M. Boulungor is in the right it would bo nccessnry to in alto n thorough study of the facts In the hands of the judicial nnd governmental authorities. The procurer general's resistance may have a motive in the fcnr of being Impllcuted in a trial which would expose him to the resent ment of the Boulnngists , no trilling matter , supposing that , paity should nt a lutor period hold the reins of government , or in legiti mate scruples , duo to n conviction that Bou langor Is not culpable before the law. It will bo known which of those hypothesis is cor rect when the facts upon which the indict ment is founded nro known more explicitly. At present nil that has been made publio is thut the charges against Boulanger are simi lar to those on which the leaders of the Liguo des Putriotes nro arraigned before the tribunal correctionnal , which hnvo been brought within the cognizance of the publio by the Illegal publication of the indictment in several journals. The ilominaui Impres sion remaining after the perusal of the docu ment Is thut the counts of the indictment are sufficient to sustlfy the prosecution for illegal nsso elation and oven for participation in n secret society , but that they are Unnsy nnd feeble ns grounds for un accusation of conspiracy against the state. The gravest charge against the league is thnt. of having advocated the mobilization of the league forces , but the object they had in view has not been ascertained with precision. There is nothing to prove that Boulanger had nny personal connection with the Liguo dcs 1'atriotes save the fact that ho gave it n sub scription of SOO francs. It Is impossible not to suppose that the government has In its possession other proofs which it refrains from making publio at the prcssnt juncture , otherwise the prosecution which it contem plates would bo a grave Imprudence even from the point of view of the government , for if the trial resulted In acquittal , the de feat would be disastrous for tbo whole re publican party. If , on the other bund , nn illegal and unjust condemnation , Inspirc4by political passion were pronounced , public opinion would rise in revolt against his judge and accusers. 8 tooli , Interests. ' CHEYENNE , Wyo April 1. [ Soeclul Telegram - gram to THIS BEE. ] A well attended' meet ing of the Wyoming Stock Growers' nssocia- tied was held bore to-day. A. T. Babbitt , manager of the Standard Cattle company. presided. The report of becretary Adams shows the present membership of the asso ciation to bo 1S3. The association is out of debt and in good financial condition. Terri torial Veterinarian Holcomb reported quar antine arrangements perfect and no disease existing in the territory whatever. An of ; tort to dispense with the association under the plea that the board of territorial live stock commissioners created by un act of the last legislature was sufficient to attend to all business heretofore looked after by the stock association was defeated. The meeting de cided to continue the work of the association , reducing membership fees so ns to allow of owners of small herds joining. Reports of range cattle owners from all parts of Wyom ing Indicato'no losses whatever in stock during tlio past winter. The outlook for the cattle business for the present year is favorable. Troubles. BUFFALO , April 1. About six hundred members of the carpenters and joiners union and two hundred members of the painters union quit work today because the bosses refused to allow nmo hours as a full day's work , beginning to-duy. * ST. Louis , April 1. About twelve hundred of the 2,000 carpenters of this city went on a strike this morning for eight hours a day and forty cents per hour as standard wages. DENVKB , Colo. , April 1. Over two hun dred painters struck this morning for a re duction of hours from nine to eight and SU.75 per day , as heretofore received. The em ploying firms refuse the demands and have telegraphed east for men , The Cotifeclcrnto Homo. NEW YOUK , April 1. Mayor Stewart , n member of the board of directors of the national confederate soldiers' homo at Aus tin , Tex. , received a telegram fiom the prcs- dcnt of the board of directors at Austin stating that the Texas legislature had passed a bill leasing the old cupltol building at Austin for ten years nt in per annum. The Btnto constitution forbids the property being given , and hence this nominal rental. This income will maintain fifteen inmates an nually , as tno cost is about { 8 nor mouth per captla. Up to this data about $1,500 have been sent to Treasurer Clmunucy M. Dcpow for tlio home. A KcliRluiiH Ijunntitfn JVCKSON , Mo. , April 1. Sheriff John Husky , of Bellinger county , has placed in jnll Amanda Lnsntcr , charged with murder , and her husband , Monroe , ns uccennory , The husband recently became a religious lunatic , claiming to have received from God n com- mund to pleach , but first to offer his four- teen-months old child as a sacrifice. Ho made his wlfu strangle the infant , claiming that the Almighty had promised to resurrect the the I'hitd on thu'thlrd day. When Lasu- tor was nrreued ho had boon carrying tlio dead infant in his arms for two days. The 1'ankton Klcutlon. YANKTOX , Dak. , April 1. ( Spcolul Tolo- grain to TUB BEE. ] The city election passed off quietly to-duy , and the whole ropubllcan ticket for city ofllcora was clouted. For mayor , 11. B. ynn received 8' > fl votes , to 305 for F , J. ICahn , William HSatt wus elected city treasurer. Coulton marshal and S. A , Bayles city Justice. James Crowo and M. ,1. McLum , democrats , and Jacob Branch and Louis Sampson , republicans , were elected to the council. Later footings claim tbo elec tion of W. F. Eldrego , democrat , over S. A. Buylcs , republican , by six votes. A Wreck on the Baltimore A' ; Ojlo. ! WIIEHMNO , W. Va. , April 1 , A , locomo tive and fourteen cars of 'u Baltimore & Ohio freight train went through n burning bridge over Hart creolr , eighty miles .east of this city. , tbl morning. Burning timber * from the bridge set flro to the cars and they were burned , The eabooso did not leave the track , and all the crow oucnpsd , though two unknown tramp * stealing u ride wont down with the wreck and were burned. Tlio engineer und lirouieu saved themselves by Ju HO FOR TIIE PROMISED LAND ALottorof Instructions Regarding Oklahoma Lauds. _ _ HOW ENTRIES MAY BE , MADE. A Provision of thu Imw to Whloli thf Attention of Soldier * niul Bnll- orn is Kspenlully Directed. Oklahonin. WASHINGTON , April l. The commlsstonoB of the general laud office , with the approval of Secretary Noble , has Issued to the rogls < tors and receivers of the newly established land offices In Oklahoma n letter of instruc tions , which is ot upoolal Interest to persons desiring to settle m thnt territory. The most important features of the letter nro the following : , . All except reserved lands nro made sub ject to entrv by nctunl settlora under the homestead laws l 11) ) certain modifications. Attention Is directed to the general circular of January 1 , 1SS9 , containing the homestead laws , mid the official regulations thereunder Tncsc laws nnd regulations nro modified by spo-.lul provisions of the net of March 'J , IbSO , 1n the following particular : 1. The rule stated under the tltlo , "Only ono homestead privilege to tlio snmo person permitted. " Is so modified as to admit o iiomestend entry being made by anyone who , prior to tbo passage of said not , had mndo iiomestend entry , but fulled from uny cnuso to secure tltlo In fee to Inud contained , therein , or who. having secured such title , did so by what is known us commutation ot his honiGStond entry. With regard to n per son making homestead entries nnd falling to acquire a title thereunder , or commuting them after the passage of said not of March , ! J , ISS'J , the rule as to second homesteads is operative nnd will bo enforced in relation to these lanils , ns well ns others. 2. The statute provides for the disposal or thcso Innds "to actual settlers under homestead - stead Inws only. " nnd while providing thnt "tho rights ot honorably discharged union soldiers and sailors In the Inta clvnl war shall not bo abridged , " makes no mention of sections under which such soldiers nnd snllors , their widows nnd orphan children , nro permitted , with regard to public Innds generally , to malco additional entries In cer- tuin cases frco from the requirements of nctunl settlement on entered tract. It la therefore held thnt soldiers' or snilopd dV ditional entries cannot bo imidcFOiutheM lands under said sections , . * , 'unless the party claiming will , in addition to the proof required , make affidavit thut the entry Is made for actual settlement nnd cultiva " tion. . Entries will not bo subject to commutatWi under section 25U1. Any person applying to enter or file for homestead will bo required first to malco affidavit , in addition to oth'fer requlronidnts , that ho did not violate the law by entering upon or occupying uny portion of lauds prior to April 2a. Town silo en tries may bo allowed , but limits tha area in nny such entry to ono half section , or 830 acres , ns the maximum , whatever the num ber of inhabitants. It t iY AN 11JIOT. I * 'Che Younir MUM Who Wants to Pajr $50,000 l.'or : \ AVIfc , " , , Mounts , Minn' , * April 1. [ Special-Telot gram to TUB BUB. | Who Is G. D.'Barton ! * This query has been going the 'rounds ol iho Minneapolis and St. Paul dallies , owing ; 'to'an-ndvertlsomdnt ' which appeared Twin City papers n short time agooffering' , 850,000 for a wife. Ho is a resident of'this village and works in the Tribune office. He is known hero as D. S. Benedict. Ho Is'.rery quiet ; makes few acquaintances ; and In fact wus comparatively llttlo known t before it came out thnt ho was the. hero of the ad vertisement. Ho boards In a private family and they say thut ho is very reserved : never engages in conversation ; never go'os out In the oven Ing , und after supper retires to hH room. No ono seemed to know anything about him before ho carao hero. He is nbouW ; five feet llvo Inches in height ; light com- . ' plcxlon , nnd would appear to bo- about twenty years old. Ho is going to teacu a country school in this county nud will re- 09 colvo ? 30 per month , out of which ho Is to his board. Ho advertised some time in Say , und asked to have all Jotters sent to G. D. Barton , Not-cross , Minn. , care of D. S. Bcnodlct. About n week after that a parcel of letters was forwarded to' Morris , and ovary mull brought two or three more. A letter dated St. Paul , Minn. , March 10 , but bearing the Morris , Minn. , postmark , ' seemed to trace , the matter here , and when the Minneapolis gentleman got an huswor to his letter it was confirmed. When inter viewed , Barton denied stoutly that ho ever sent on advertisement to Minneapolis or that he had over received any letters ad dressed to G. D. Barton , can ) of Ut S. Bene dict. If notoriety was his object he has gained what he sought. % The Cowboy Ijnchinvnr. NKW YOUK , April 1. ( Special Toloj'ranrto Tin : BuB.l Coddington , the young cowboy Loclilnvar who eloped from Colorado with a ranchuuin'B daughter , as mentioned la last night's dispatches , was seen In the tombs this morning by n icportcr. He says bo did run nwny with the girl four years ago. " Coddington loft his home , then in Newark , N. J. , und shipped on a sailing vessel in New York harbor bound for the Pacillo coast. Off Capo Horn tlio vessel was wrecked , but'all escaped , though Coddlngton received iujurM ) which laid him up for weeks. Ho was taken to KIo do Janeiro , where ho lay In a hospital for throe wcelcs , where he wan befriended by n wealthy Spanish gentleman , Signer Loscon. When ho recovered the Spauiuid procured him transportation to Los Angulcs , Col. , where ho ( the Spaniard ) had r. brother , with whom Coddington lived and worked ns a cowboy mid general rimchman for a lone time. Ho afterwards worked on u ranch owned by Senator Uorboy and the Maxwell company In Colorado. Ifo * arrived near Trinidad , Colo. , lust March , and in tha following July ho was taken wick and hi * companions left him. When ho recovered h procured work-with A. M. Iylo ? , 'father ' ot his young wife. Hylo'kept a boarding housb for miners at the Koplior mine , about fouk miles from Trinidad. AVhll.i working ther Coddington suw cdnsldorabln of Miss Ail- rclia , and nn attachment "aiming up bctwowi thorn. She told him her parents ubuseilher. > She hnd been intending to clopo with a coyv boy before Coddington 'put in appearance , but tbo cowboy had gene uwuy. She then besought Coddington to tnko her with him und make her his wife. Ho did BO , Colorado AJ dispatches say it Is the girl's father's hou yr fl thut Coddincton burned before ho left wjtfc U " her. V * * - f , . Pinsldoiiiliil Nomination * . V ' WASHINGTON , April l--Tho prciildvnt sent t , the following nominations to the senate Jof wi day ; Jumcs N , Huston , of Indiana , to ba * * treasurer of the United States ; Ellis Hi * r UohertH , of Now York , to be assistant trcus1 1 urer ut Now York city ; William P. Wh iioii * of Massachusetts , to bo assistant secretarj"-1. to bo lieutenant colonel and surgeon , tain Curtis E. Munn , assistant nui-fjeon , tot * surgeon with rnnk of mnjor ; JJnulforl , Prince of Bantu Fo. N. M. , governor of New , Mexico ; Louis A. Wullcrof ; Helena , Mont , , secretary of Montana ; James ] - \ 'Kelly el Nebraska , receiver of publio moneys * | Hloomlnyton , Nob. ; William W. Jtinlila ol FalrJIclu , la. , Indian Inspector. , The niltmloiiurlntJ nr < t Safe. * LONDON , April 1.Tha churrh iU lonary oclcty has received word't hut the , 'wilMlrm. In Niauu und