8 THE OMAHA DAILY BFJE ? .MONDAY , APKIL 1. 18-50. THK CITY. PcMonnl InrnRrnpliB. O. H. Cone , of Chicago , Is nt the Mltlnrd. J. II. Church , of St. Louis , IsntthoMlllnrd. E. D. Daniels , of Chicago , Is nttho Paxton. K. Sparks , of Valentino , Is at the Murray. Oco. Goodoll , of Lincoln , Is at the Murray. 3 , It. Jones , of Kansas City , Is u Mlllnrd guest. E. AVingflold , of Dos Molncs , Is nttho Pax- ton. t , W. StccnbocK , of Philadelphia , js in the city. tt Ell Perkins registered nt the Pnxton yes terday. A. H. Wolf , of Chicago , Sundaycd nt the Murray. W. W. Ilurlclgh. of Burlington , la. , Is nt tbo Murray. Ex-Mayor Covordalo , of Missouri Valley , la In the city. Dr. VV.JIt. Holts and wife , of Now Orleans , are nt the Pnxton. II. S. Freeman , D. O. Wing nnd C. E. ICaltc , of Lincoln , Suntlnycd In the city. Vlsltinl 11U Fntltcr. Owen Connolly , the son of his father , Bibulous Jack , arrived In the elty yesterday afternoon and wns arrested as an cscaucd In- mnto of the reform school. Ho was ono of a party of eight who ran away from the Insti tution at Kearney last Monday , and was the last of tlio gang to bo arrested. Two 1'rlze Medals. At the weekly shooting contest of the Qor- mnn club , which occurred nt Henry Husor's place , four miles southwcst.ot the city , Fred Fuller won the ? 75 gold medal. Ed Wittlg was the poorest marksman , and as a consequence quence Is now wearing u leather medal. Uy tlio terms of the club he will bo compelled to wcnr It for ono week. Ho keeps his coat buttoned. Ijlttlo OII'oiulcrH. J. W. Jones was arrested yesterday for running an express wagon without the re quisite city license. Thcro were seven Infractions of the Sun- Say saloon closing order yesterday , for which the offenders will answer to Judge Uorltu to-day. J. H. Smith , of Council Blurts , was jailed yesterday charged with carrying n concealed weapon. The weapon was a small sized ilcdgo hammer , which he carried in his in- lido pocket. . The Merchants' Carnival. The thirty-two young ladies who nro to make the Merchants' carnival so attractive are devoting themselves assiduously to drills and arc becoming very proficient. Tuesday night is the time set for the car nival , and Exposition hall Is where it will bo bold , Everything possible IB being dotio to make the affair unique and Interesting. The I'oung ladies are preparing most elaborate costumes , and when arrayed In them next Tuesday night will present a very pleasing picture. An Unfortunate. Report. The report In an evening paper to the ef fect that the passengers at the Burlington depot wore being preyed upon by wayward women , owing to the ignorance of the ofllcor of that establishment , is unfounded. Oftlcor Kirk , whoso duty it is to look after all irregu larities of this kind , through effective ser vice has kout matters of this character sub dued , and has spared no pains in freeing the depot of this class of people. It Is well known that the Burlington depot is provided with good police service , and it is a bad place for toughs and loafers. The Stomach DlHtlls Acids. These , if existent in a natural quantity , and unvitlated by bile , play tholr part In the functions of digestion and assimilation. But the artificial acid resulting from the inability of the stomach to convert food received by it into sustenance , is the producer of flatulence and heartburn , which are the most harrassing symptoms of dyspepsia. The best carmina tive is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Far more effective is It than carbonalo of soda , Biagucsuvor other alkaline salts. These in variably weaken the stomach without uro- duclng permanent benefit. No man or woman chronically dyspeptic , and consequently ner vous , can bo In possession of the full meas ure of vigor allowed by nature. Therefore , invigorate and regulate tbo system , and bv o doing protect it from malaria , rheunm- tibiii nod other serious maladies. A Passenger llrakcman Killed. Superintend Rossogulo , of the Union Pa cific , received a telosMiun yesterday to the effect that luio Saturday night a brakomau named Blake , on the overland passenger train , met his death at Julesburg , Colo. , by being crushed between two passenger coaches. The report was to the effect that while making u coupling at the above point Blake's head was caught between the beams crushing it to a pulp , and resulting in instant death. The theory is that ho was somewhat hasty and was crushed while endeavoring to connect the ntr chambers to the brakes. Blake is well known in Omaha , and worked on the Union Pacific between Council iJluffs and Grand Island. His homo is in Denver , and the remains will bo taken lo that place Grass , garden and Holdcods. . Win. Blovora & Co. , 10th and California. Proclamation. Organising the county of Tburston. Whereas , A largo number of citizens of the unorganized county of Thurston have united in a petition asking that said county to organized , and that John J } , Freeso , Theo dore H. Graves and James Whltcomb , be ap pointed special county commissioners , and A. C. Abbott bo appointed .special county cleric bf said county , for the purpose of form lug a temporary organization ; mid * the tem porary county seat bo located nt Ponder , and it appearing thnt the said county contains u population of not loss than two hundred in habitants , and ton or more of said petition ers are taxpayers and residents of bald county , Now Therefore , I , John M. Thaycr , gov ernor of the state of Nebraska , in complhuica with tlio memorial of said petitioners mill by virtue of the authority In mo vested by sec tion 1 , nrtlclo 3 , chapter 17 , of the compiled BUtutus of Nebraska , do hereby declare said county of Thurston organised for the pur pose of effecting a permanent organisation. and do commission the persons above named as the spoclhl county commissioners , and the person above named , special county clerk of said county , and do declare Urn place or town of Ponder ns the temporary county gout of said county. In Testimony Whereof , I have hereunto eel my band and caused to bo aftlxed the prcat seal of thu etuto of Nebraska. F Done at Lincoln , this 49th day of March , I'- A. D. 18S1) ) . ' - 'By the Governor , JOHN M. TJUTKII. II. L. LAWS , Secretary of State. Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Fanmm si. . telephone 1201 , blank book makers , ate , A JIINUY"OKOUOIS ; Chun. 01 tlio Itcfurinrr Organize the Omaha SliiRlo Tax OlitD. A well attended meeting of the disciples of Honr.v George met at the Gate City hall Sunday afternoon and organized the Omaha Single Tax club. Tholr scheme for the solution of tlio social problem is to aboUuh all taxes , including the tariff , except tlmt levied on land values. They lay special stress on the word "values. " All taxes levied on personal properly are claimed to bo "unjust Under the single tax system the lot on which the Now York Life building utamU would pay no moro lakes limn a vacant nlrtce of real estate of the suino value. There would be no levy whatever on tlio building , nor on anything in U.Vo don't ' bolk-yo it either ] uit or expedient to fine u man for Im proving 1)19 ) city , " Is the way they explain this exemption , "Our idea Is not to umko [ i lot of now laws , but to abolish a lot of per nicious ones. Wo have already a law taxing land value * . All we propose to do is to abolish the other taxes , 'J litre uro now oftl- ccrs to collect these taxes. All we intend lo to i ' to reduce this force , for thn land tax is much easier to collect. Simple , Isn't HI" < * lielovv is their declaration of principles : \Vo hold thpt all men have an equal rljht to their cxlittmce usd development , and thurc- V lore they nil hnvo nn equal right to the use of thivonrth upon which their oxlstonco nnd development ilopoiuts. As the most proctlcablo method of nsscrt- Ingthowiuivl rlRhtof nil man to the use of the cnrth , wo mlvocdto the noolltlon of nil tuxes upon Industry nnd the products of In dustry nnd the InklnR for puhllc purposes , by taxation upon Inna vnluos , Irrcsncotlvo of improvomonta , of the annual rcntnl value of nil these various forrns of natural opuortun- Itlcs embraced under the pcnornl term land. Wo hold that to tux labor or Its producta is to dlscourago Industry , Wo hold that to tax land values to tholr full amount will render It Impossible for any man to exact from Others n price for the privilege of uslnff these bounties of nnturo In which nil llvlnR men Imvo nn equal ripht of use ; thnt It will compel every Individual controlling natural opportunities to either utilize them by the employment of labor , or abandon thorn to others ; that it will tiius prdvldo opportunities of work for all men , and flccuro to each thu full rowiird of his labor ; nnd thnt ns n result Involuntary pov erty will bo nbollshcd , nnd the Rrccd , Intemperance - peranco nnd vlco thnt soring from poverty , nnd the dread ot poverty will bo swept awnj . The following ofllccrs were elected : Percy Pepoon , president ; C. P. Ucukott , vice pres ident ; John E , Emblem , treasurer. Add 20 drops ot Angostura Blttors to every glass 01 Impure wntor you drink. The conuino only inunufnctarod by Dr. Sicgort & Sons. Ask your druggist. SOUTH OMAHA. Knluhta of Honor natiquct. South Omaha lodge , No. 3130 , Knights of Honor , have arranged for n banquet and re ception to bo given to the Omaha nnd Fre mont lodges of Knights of Honor on Satur day evening , April 0. The following com mittees have been appointed : Ooncrnl Committee on Arrangements Messrs. Charles It , llurgcss , Charles Lar son , Frank D. Doyle nnd George Dottenvy. Reception Messrs. Harry Heed , E. P. Wenchtor and James W. Formatiok , Commlttooon Ceremonies Messrs. George J. Seltzer , George A. Marshall , Jacob Bell- stem nnd Arthur H. Kushford. The committees , ofllccn and members of the lodge nro making oxtonslvo preparations for n grand fraternal meeting. Notes About the Oity. Frank Golden nnd Thomas F. Golden have been appolutod special Union Pucitlo depot policemen. William C. Uncon , of the George H. Hum- maud & Company packing housu force , is sick at the Hotel Ucckstcd. Samuel Filer nnd George Kobrick will ntiswer this morning before Judge Heuthcr tor assault and battery preferred by F. ICrosky. Mrs. Ho.vmnn and three children , Ernest , Harry nnd LJcrthn. have gone to visit rela tives in Atlantic , Iowa. Judge liouthor has bought Cornelius I3ren- nnn'H interest In the "Court. " The eattlo killing gang at Swift ft Co. Sat- urdny broke the record and killed 000 head. Ed McMahan and .1. S. Vosburg quarrelled over pay for work , nnd this morning Judge Keuther will ducido whether or not there wns assault and battery. Mrs. George E. Ilussell Is visiting friends friends in Kansas City. Hereafter the "Court , " ono of the most orderly - dorly and best conducted saloons in the uity , will close at'J o'clock every Sunday night. William Kerr , of Iowa , is building a house on Twenty-third and G streets. William Cooper , of the National Life In surance company , c.nna down from Uiuaha to spend Sunday with Judge Houthor. Ed Sobcrt , an insane unfortunate , was conllncd in the city jail Sunday night for safety. Patrick McCann , for taking on board too much noisy liquor , and John Hogan , n vag , will answer before Judge lleuther this morning. Mr. MbCnnn becamovcry vicious , biting and striking Ilka a wild man before ho was landed in the cooler. Miss Alice Erlon Monday will rotuin to Peru to resume her studios. Lee 1C. Wells , editor and publisher of the Orlonns Courier , formerly foreman in the Drovers' Journal is in the city circulating among his many friends. The democratic city central committee mot nt 3 o'clock Saturday nnd will meet ogam at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. The law preventing persons from voting for school directors who are not heads of families or taxpayers , will bo rigidly enforced - forced nt the election to-morrow. Every ono should bo prepared for this no as to avoid trouble and not to retard voting. At the Gun club shoot Sunday morning out of 20 birds S. S. Homer got 13 , Michael Reiner 10 , ri. Kobort ( i and William Mc- Crnlth 6. The flrst regular shoot of the sea son will take place next Sunday morning. J. C. ( Jallahan , of the stock yards switch crow No 2 , will leave for Chicago this morn- lug to marry. William McDonald , of stock yards scales No. S , Is on the s'.cic list. Miss Agnes Downs has returned from Glcuwood , la. W. M. Kcenan , credit manager of the Ar- mour-Cutlaby Packing company , has re turned from a business trip to Mississippi. A New Train. The coniioctinpf link between No- bruskii mid Kansas has just boon plncoil in service by the Union Pacific railway. This train loaves Council Blurt's daily ut 4:45 : a. m. ; loaves Omiiha uLC:05 : a. in. , nnd runs through without change to Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con nections there with the Kansas division of the Union Pacific railway for all points In Kansas and Colorado west bound , anil for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan sas ( Jlty and , points cabt ana south via Kansas City. Returning , train leaves Manhattan at 2:23 : p. m. ; arriving nt Beatrice nt 0:23 : p. m. , Lincoln at 7:00 : . p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. in. , Coun- j oil BlulTs 11-10 : p. m. , ranking direct connection with Kansas division trains from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka j nml the east , and from Denver , Salina , ! Abollno and all points west , enabling passengers to vipit the principal points in Kansas and Nebraska in the ohortest possible tlmo. These trains have first- class equipment , consisting ot smoking cars and lirst-elass day coaches of the latest pattern. The now train will Jill a long felt want , and is bound to be popular. Plums for Polloninon. jVein I'ork ll'orW. Knighta of the night-stick Morning nuwppapor compositors. "Dyoil wlillo on duty" Moustaches. "In Disgrace" D. "Caught in the Ant" Stage villains. "Suspended" Trousers. "To Uo Re-tirol" Worn-out wheels. "A Good Rounds-man" John L. Sul livan. "Police Protection" Overcoats. "Collared" Pot dogs. Is it true that Inspector Byrnes men ? No policy is the best policy. Bunco-steerers make poor pilots. A drink on the sly means going awryo ( ) . Why Is the stage prompter like a po- UcomanV Becaueo ho'a a guardian of piece. "Serious Charges" A mad bull's. "A Noted. Crook1' The elbow. * Kuropo. Special bhoi-t tour to the capitals o live European countries England Scotlnnd , liollnmi Belgium nnd France Costing * ! 2M , which Includes nil necessary expenses , embracing moro travel .nntl belter ac- { commodntion than ever ofTorcd "by any management. Longer tours , including Germany anil Switzerland , costing 88f > 0in'l tl'iO. ' Soutl for circulars. M. J. WOOD & Co. , 12iB Itanium St. , Omaha Neb , 81 Broi'4-ynyt ' Now Yorl : . WHAT PEOPIJI3 TAIiK ABOUT. Views nml Interviews CnttRht In Hotel CorrlitnrH and ISisowherb. Mr. Wi E. Annln , private secretary to Scnntor Paddock , roturnoil homo yesterday from Washington. Ho says thnt the wonthor clown thcro Is lovely , tlmt tlio locusts nro blooming and everybody Is leaving town , ex cept the polltlclnns. ' 'Don't know ns I can toll you anything tlmt is not already known. So' far as the federal appointments in Ne braska nro concerned , I can only sny that the delegation has made n few recommendations , but tno president manifests no disposition to bo In n hiu-ry about appointing thorn. The delcijatlon is working very hard to scouro ono of the assistant attorney generalships toe John 0. Watson , of Nebraska City , and I bollovo they will succeed. John Peterson has boon agreed upon for internal revenue collector , lirad Slaughter , ns you know , has boon con tinued us marshal and Patrick Egnn pees to Chill , but beyond these I don't ' bollovo anything definite has bocn dono. The se lection of a United Stales attorney scorns to bo receiving rather indifferent consideration and It would not surprise mo If Mr. Pritchctt should bo permitted to servo out his term. The legal department has not as yet outlined a policy , though the Indications nro that wo will have n much stricter adhoranco to civil service rules than over boforo. Very few appointments liavo boon made as compared with the Brst month's work of former administrations , The various departments appear to bo determined that no man shall bo removed before the ex piration of his term except for treed reasons. A sweep has been made In the railway mall service but that was demanded by the whole country irrespective of party. " Mr Annln says that ho gave no particular attention to the Omaha postofllco tight ana had very Httlo to say about It. Omaha was Invaded last evening b'y Bill Nye , J. Whltcomb Illloy and Ell Perkins , three of thu mosfnotorlously funny men in prose , poetry and stupendous prevarication this or any other country over produced. Nye and Hlloy came together , while Perkins floated In by himself. Nye and Hlley hotelled at the Millar'd while Perkins hid himself near the sky-light parlor of the Pnxton. The flrst two came to cure Omaha's billions pop ulation with n double-headed humorous en tertainment styled lecture , but Ell's mission la not made known. Mr. Nye said that ho had been under the we.ithor for several days , and bcc.iuso of the quietness encoun tered at Dos Molncs last Wednesday can celled four engagements , wont to bed there and rested until noon yesterday. "Hut I nm all right now , " ho continued , and will do my best to drive dull care away from Omaha be fore leaving. " Tlmt hacking coug hcan bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's ' Cure. Wo guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. Kv-Mayor Amen Dyiiij * . MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , March 31. Special Telegram to Tun linn. Ex-Mayor Ames , who has been sick since thu last campaign , is tonight in a critical condition. It is fcarod that ho will not survive many hours. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity gtreiiKth nnd wholobomeness. More economical than the ordinary Kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In competition with the multitudes of low cost , sltoittteight alum or pliospnnte powders. Sold only in cans , lloyal Jiaklng Powder Co. , 120 Wall street New York. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC has cured mo of a allgnnutbreaklnijoutonmy leg , which caused intoler.iblo pnliu It was called Kczoina by the doctors four of whom treated mo with no relief. I ranclldly "oufoss that I owe my present Rood health to S. S. S. which In my estimation Is liivaluablu ns n blood remedy. Miss JuiiiA OKW'ITT. 2227 N. 10th St. , St. Louis , Mo. Our baby when two months old wns attacked with bcrofula , wlili h for a long time destroyed her eyesight entirely , and caused to despair of her life. The doctors fulled to relieve her , and Vto traveherHwiKT'H SPECIFIC , which Boon -tired her outlrely , and she is now hulo nnd hearty. K. V. nui.K. Will's Point. Texas. CiT'Send for book giving history of Illood Diseases and advice to sufferers , mailed free. Tun SWIFT Si'Kcmo Co. . Drawer : t , Atlanta , Oft. CALIFORNIA ! The Laod of Discoveries _ nuns roi\ tATARRH OROVILLECAL Santa-AbleaniCit 111. ' ) For Snlo by Gooilnmn Drug Company. lrrinUCVnr"utltlrlnarVtroubleH easily , quick MUltL I Jy and safely cured byDOUTUHA Cap miles , Severn ! citsui cured In Haven duvn. Hold I I.W iior box , all drnirglsts , or by mall from Dee ttra Mftt Co. in Whim St. N.Y. rulldlrectlons. from tha effect * of youthful error * , early decay , manhood , eti , - . . , ISO So. Ills. IciarUQt. XteRogular Old-Established PHYSIGIAH AND SURGEOt ! lUtltil Treating with tha Greatest ; SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Ncirons and Private Diseases , OV NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Falling Memory , Bxltauitlni ! Drnlni , Terrible Dreams , Head end Hack Ache and nil the effect ! kadiim to early decuy anil pethap * Consumption or Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with never-falUna fucctu. - OV SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DIs- caeca permanently cured. * a-KIDNEYRndUKINARYc3mp1antsaeet ! ] , Gonorrhoea , SUIctu re , Varlcocela and a'l diieasn of the Qcnlto-Urirary Orgars cured promptly without Injury lo Stomach , Kidneys or olher OiRsru. < J3No experiments. ARC ami experience Im portant. Ccniultatlon free and sacred , Oft- Send 4 cents potttge for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous end Delicate Diseasei , 4 > Thosr contemplating Mairiace vend for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male nnd Female , each 15 cents , both < cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or cull may nave future suffer- inn and ihime , and add golden ) ears to life. AS-llooU "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( itamps ) . Medlclns nnd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. AND PATENTED Aim. 16 , IG87 IMPROVED FEB. 1,1880 , $ DR. OWEN'S ELKCTllO. i OALVA1IIO BODY BELT ANU BUSr IiSOHY irt ruartnUM to cure the fol * loiIng dlitiiei. Bamtljl All .Ithouraatlo Complaints. J.umbigo , Geneitl and jNcrvom Debility. Cos- tlveneitKidney ulinatct Nervcunnni , Trembling , BeiualEiJiauitlonWajt ; 'aZ ' ° f Body , Dltcaiei * n y&W.VInai rrfU < m in 7011111 , Age , Marin - in fact ill dltraiei i ertftlnlni . . . . „ _ I creiini nt tnklc or remtle * CTTStXT Tl ) IlKbl'O'iHllll.K I'AUllta 0aUUAYHlllUI. . TRY A PAIR r > v ri CftTfiin IllPni CC PRICK. OR. OWEN'S CLtljI Hlb iHoULtOfi mirim. Sendee , pcstice for mil llluitrfttcd r mrlilct.wbleb will ba ttt you In plKln imle'l enTtlopc. Mention thli pKpcr , addrf OWEN KLEOTRIO BfcV.T & APPLIANCE CO. 300 North Drondwny. 01. LOUia. Mtt ELECTRIC BELT fifio rnussis GO DiKED , DR. ISRAEL'S EISCTRO-OALVATnO THUSB , with Br. Owen'i Eleotrlo Belt Attachment. .TMilruuli vorn nltn ease nr.il comfort. Tbo cor. * Print enn b nt < 10 mild or atronr. Thl In th * only - il tltctrlo iron mod belt ortr mtde. II III CUItlt CoplDrnln tram 30 lo DO drj. . for full dcierlMlon or lr. Owen' * Eleetro-aatTtiMo Itelti. Spinal AiiplliDfci.Traiuci nM Iniole ? lead ee. for PRIB lllu lr&tcd | mphltl which will bo tent yea la plain ifilM enrrlope. 8oM onljr bjr tbe OWE1T ELECTRIC BELT t APPLIANCE CO. 3CU WnrtU Broidwnr. BT. LOUIS. MO. C- % the Liquor H&blt. I'oiitlTCly Cured or AUmlnUtorlnB Dr. Iliilnen' Uoldcc Spcnlllc. It can lie plvcn nn cup of colfee or In arti cles of fooil , without the knowledge of the pa- lentlt ; Is nbnolmaly * harmless , ami will ef fect a permanent nnd speedy-cure , whutlier tha patient is a niodcratu drinker or nn alcohol wrocte. IT NBVKll KAILS. Over 'IOO.OOO drunkards have been mndotoinpernto men who have taken Golden Bpccllle In their coireo with out tholr knowledge and today bellovo they quit , drinking of thela ownnccord. IS pafta book of particulars Ireo ICuliu & Co , agents 15th nnd Douglas sts , Ifcth and Cumin ; ; streets , Omaha , Nob. : Council DlulTs. Iowa : Agents , A. D. Fostcri ; llro. EASTERN A large amount of money to loan on Im proved real estate In the city of Omaha. These funns111 be distributed In sums to suit , but largo loans are preferred. Applications may bo made to First National Hank lUilldlrie. Jlepresentlng NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital 8400,003 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 62,000 OmCKHS AND DIHKCTOllS : IIENHY W. YATKS , President. LEWIS S. 1U5HD , Vice President. A. K. TOUZAMrf , W. V. JIOKSi : . JOHN S. COUJN8 , H. C.CUS1UNQ. J. N. II. PATRICK. W. H. S. HUGHES , Cnshler. THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th and l rnam Sts. A General Ilanklnc Utislnoss Trasacte.d Iloumrkublo for powerful Bympathotic tone , pliable notion and ub.soluto dura bility ; 80 years' record tbo best guaran tee of tbe excellence of these instru ments. For Sale or Trade. y , orange groves , town lots , and 'desirable unimproved lands suitable for winter homes , for Halo or to trade ror western uipiovcd farmlands. Correspondence solicited L .O. GARRETT , Orlando , Florida. FOR ONLY ! fl POSITIVE * LOST or FAILING MANHOOD ) M ru l I IIC OenenU and NERVOUS DEBILITS fjTTTJ "CJWetlawM of Body and Hindi Effect ! > ; * J fMH ofErronorExccneilnOldorYoung. Botuil , Kol.1. BltllUIIVfidlr Ile.lorrd. How to Cnlirir "J Blnettkra Ivmk.L.MU'IllUll'fU OHIUSK J , IMKTSof ( llinr. Ibiolulflr n r > lllir IIOBK THVATBKHT-HrirBti In % d. . . to Uillfj fron 17 SUlM , Trrrlloriei , ud r > rrlcnl a > trlr < . too > rl ( lbe . UuK. rulUipltotloi , > d proof. Bkll.ii ( . .Uedl Int. Addffi. , tfllt BltilCAl CO. . Bllf fAlO. N. T. Wyoming Oil Lands LOCATED , Ami all m-ct'Bfcary papers llllej , W , E , HAWLEY , Civil EngineBr , CA8PUHVVO.or OMAHA , NHIIHASKA AJj XVAFERK are eurceaif ully used tnnnthly by over 10,000 l adles. AtvKi/cJ-jrcctuulaiulI , > leaiant 1 | -r Iwr by tnoil.or ut UruffRUta. Sealed artictdart 2 i iUf ; stamps. Address Tilt ; KOKEEA CuEMicxb Oa , IIIH-BOIT , Mtcu. / 'or stile nntl bit mall / / PEERLESS DYES * ? X BEJT Clothing Go's Saturday morning wo will open our now Shoo Dapartmeut. It is looatod on the second end floor of the now addition , and you will find there the largest and boat assorted stock of Men's ' Shoes in the city . Wo will take occasion hero to remark that it is our intention to lead the retail Men's shoo trade of Omaha just as wo do the Clothing , Furnishing and Hat trade. The introduction of our popular prices produced a revolution in the clothing trade , and we propose to accomplish the same in the shoe trade , by giving at all timoa The Best Slices for the Least Money. In buying shoes you have to rely moro upon the house that soils them to you than upon , your own judgement. You can not tell the quality of the leather after it is made up into the shoo , nor can you tell how a shoo is made , as a cheap shoo can bo finished to look as well as the best. You can only toll after tlio shoe .has been worn how good or how poor jt is. In the preparation of our new department wo have employed the most expert knowledge and experience. .Our stock is selected from the best and most re liable makers , and'so sure do we feel of the quality of all shoos which we are selling above $2.50 hat we offer to every purchaser , In case of any uiireasofele defective wear of these shoes , Has any other house ever made such an offer ? You will find our prices from 25 to 50 percent lower than those of any regular shoe house. Our $1.25 , $1.65 and SI.85 shoes are honest and trusty shoes for workingmon. They are sold in every shoe store for considerable more money. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. LADIES' DAY. Wednesday , April 3. Wopxtcml to tlio ladles n speclnl Invitation to visit our hloru on tliu iirtor.iuon nnrt uvculnz of tlio ilnto nbovo mentioned , nml nITont ui thu ulcusuronf rhnwInK ttium throiiuli our Chililrun'H beimrtrneiu. Wo carry the ilnost line of fur- nlshliiRB lor tlio little iicoplp to ho found In the city , nnit iiro confident eacli Imly will feel her timu neil ppcnt In looking them over. A pjoi | | > lng tttblct will bu presented to cacli Tlsltor. H ealtn is Wealth ! Dit.15. 0. WEST'S Nnnvn AND HIIAIN TUKAT- MK.NT , aKimr.inteoiJ gpeclllc for Hyhtorla , VUzl- ness. Uonviilsloni , fits , Nervous Nt-urnlKla , Jloadache , Nervous Prostration caused by the use of itlcoliol or tohncco.Vnkefitlnes9 , Mental Depression , Bofinulncof the Drain , itHiiltliiKin insanity and leadlnuto misery , decay and dcutli. Ptcmatitre Old ARO , Darrennehs , IohS of Power In either sex , Involuntary Iossei and Spurtnat- orluua caused by over-exertion of the brain , sol f- abuse or overindulgence , r.ach box t-ontalnt one month's treatment , f 1.09 a box , or six boxei for M.W.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXE3 To cure any caso. With each order received by us for MX boxes , accompanied with & " > . ( X > , we will Mind the purchaser our written Kuauuiteo to re fund thu money 1C ttie ti natment does not eifoct by ( Joodman , , UrtiKidsts , Sola s , 11 10 Farniuii street , Oinaliii Neb. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Hedkal Work for Young and Middle- Aged Hon. [ { NOW THYSELF , YounirnndniMdlo-agcd men ntio are utrerlnif from ttiuliKir ortnionior yuutU , K h u ted Vllullly , .Sorr- uus and 1'lij-ilc.al liability. I'rciuaturo Docllne , Ao. , unit the tunuimnd untold nuicrlo consequent Inuro- mi. nnil-ull who are tick and aunorliiK , and ilunot know what alls them , can bo cured without tall by following llio liniructloni In tbo Htlenco of l.l/uur bolf 1'rourratlun. J'rlto only II , br mail. | io Hmld , t-alod. U li u hook for evury man , Julpmio. tuirvlll , Jiitiru cri | > tloiii for ull acuta and cliionlc nli Jses. Kully Imlowd by thu Natlunal Mcdl.-itl A ncimlon , who nwimlvil the uold and Jeweled mcdnl to the author , llluntratlve lutuulo , with linlonuiuonti ut tlio | irc . tree It jou aoiily now. Addreii > tlia I'tn- J J .Mujlcul Inifltutc.ur Dr. W. II. I'AllKKll. No. I HiilllncU t. , llomon Jlass. . who may Lu contultud ( ouddcnllally 311 ull dtioasci only ODD lu tbo world icrneratUa continuum Kttctrieit ill girl it ( cnrrciil. Bcientldo.I'uwerful. Comforuble mid Lttacllr . Otfruiooo'carnd. ALSO KLKOTK1U Uf.L'VH fOU II. HOWE. UVUTOI , IS ! OMAHA MEDICALa"1 SURGICAL INSTITUTE ss tSlt fjJTfejjv. * ffi N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodaro Sto. roil THETitKATsi EXT or ALL Apallaacos for DaformUios and Trusses. nostlnollltlcsroppnrntuii anil rc-mnlles forsttccon ful treatment at xvory form of dlBcass roqulrint Madlcnl orBurslcul Treatmont. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. lioanl and nttttnilancd ; bctt Uospltal accominoJa. tlnnnln the wait. WHITE roil cntcitLAtis on Doformltlcs Bml IJrncos , Trumei , Club Veal , l.'urvaf.lru ot tba Bplno , 1'ilci , Tuuori , Cancer. Oatarrli , ilroncliltlx , Innulntlnn , Ulcctrlcltj , I'BralriH , ICilepJ ! . Kidney. lllaUdur , § 70 , Knr , SSIn nnd Illood , anil allSumlcal oportttluns Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON D18EA8BS OF WOMEN KllKE. ONLY SELIADLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE HAXINO A BI'BCIAI.TV Of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Uloort Dlnsaioxeuecnsifully treated. Srphllltlc I'oleon rsraovoil from tlio r toni without muroury. Now restorative treatment for lo i of Vltnl 1'owcr. Pcrtoni nimble to rMt ! ua may bo trcatori nt him.u br rorrcnuomlcnce. All commuuloatluns ronadentlal. Mocllclno * or Instrument * sentbr , wall or * press ao-urolr pnckcd , no marks tu tudlrilo contunti or Bender. Onu pomma ! Inturvlow prctcrrcd. Cull nu < 1 coniultu * or noncl Ulttory of jour case , and wo will land In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN. FREE ! Dpon Private , Kiiclnl or Nervous Discuses , Tmpo- tcncf. Syph Ills , Oleut ana Varluucule , wltli qncitlon Hit. Jlddrcis Oma/iu 3/rdicriZ anH Surgical Institute , or Oor. 13th and DoUgo fata. , ' - OMAHA , NED. . CIIIIONIC and I'JHVATB IMSRASBS uf MKN and WOSHIN sui-ccsifullr trcutaJ. YOUNG MEN HufTerlnd from llio effects n ( youtliliil fnllloi nrlndl . . . . KHunilUrj UrtfllMV. * Illl IIUIU UII I I. vn.u .iiu nj'vu cure. L'linriiek remyimblo , nspcTlalljr to tlio | i or. MIDDLE-AGED MEN 'lliurouru niuny truublodnltli too frrnueut evacim tlom cit llio blii'lilBrullon ' ucujuipanlcil bjr u nllKht 101 ut'uKnr tmrnliiirHunimllon.mxl wcitkcnlnj ! 01 Hie ctili-ui mil inuiinur the putlenl nihiiot uui ount Inr. UnuxinninlnK tlio uiluitrdoiioilita ropy ( .urtluiont ll ! ullvn Uii ( ( lund , nml oiiH'ilino < imrtlnojurullm. tnvnnlll npii | > ur or the color l < nl n lliln , nillklili Inns ai/'iln otiniiiiliit ; to dark or torylil iiiipiinriincu. Tiler * aru many nn n wliuUlo of thla dllllmliy , lunor * mil of tlio cause nlilrli IB llio iiioun I ulaKO of fiiuil * nal iTu.ikuom. The doctor will iiuar.intcu u perfect euro In all ( licit inmii.nud a liCHllliy reHoratlun < > f the uenlto-urlniii v nrtfiina. roiuultntlon fruo , Son4 J-ci-nl ( itniiipf.r'"VoiiM > lan' Friend.or ( Itildn U > Wedlork , ' tree lo all. > idn | 9 DR. SPINNEY & CO. Main mid 12th St. .Kansas City , Mo. nllnn ttil | im [ > er. STATE LINE. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin and Liverpool , 1'IIOW NlW VOIIK UVKIIV TlllWSIiAV. Cnbln iiaiuago t-V > 'Hid * 'ft ai.conlliif , ' to loca lion of Ntaturoom. Cvcui'alun J lo to IlK ) . Stccrase Uiandfium litironu itt 1/ou'e-a llatos. A1WHN I1.VUIWIN & CO. . ( U-iicrHl A entii. K ) llioad\tay , New voi t , .lolin Hlccan , General Westfi-ii Aa nt , 111 Kan' doiph fil. , ChliiiBo. Jlnrry ! { . Moocs II , > R < . 'itnitit'uutsatOiiUia. ! CflD MP'M ! ( H'ruiiLli ' erroii or rUlt III U IN tail frxtfui.nKy tx VIGOR perfectly Ktnlnrd l. tlit new pCBLONDOPRU Method. hr . Tlor our Pi v nlimntej ' iui > l ( o HMI. | | ) " Abivlult xrnrv. Varlro * rnlo cuii'l vilhool r tO cr Ofcrnilon. A'ltlirti Deslon-Oupre Ollnlque , J < - TtnmstM. , 2Oto60 DAYS. This is u disease which has horotofora Ballletl all Medical Sciunco. When Mercury , Iodide of Potassium , Snrs.ipa rllla or Hot Springs fall , u u cuarnntco n , euro. Wo have a Itemcdy , unknown to anyone in tlia World outside of oiirCoinimny , and 0110 lliatlma to cute the most obstinate cases. Ten days In recent ciisos does tliuwork. It H the oldchronlo deep heated cuses that we solicit. Wo Imve cured hundreds who haxo been abandoned by Physicians nnd pronounced Incitriiblw , nnd wo ciinUi'tii. ! ! the world to btltip us u case tlmt wa will not cure In Ics-i than sKly duyH. Blncuthn history of mcdlclnn u true tpeclno for Syphilis has been sought for but never found until our was discovered , and we nre Instilled In saying It Is tlin only Itumeiiy in thu World tnat will poa- Ulxely cure , bncnuse the lutest Medical Works , imullsnctl by the bu t known authorities , suy there w as nov era true specific boforo. Onrroin- eily Mill cme M lint o'/uiytliltiK ulsti hits fill led. Why waste your tlmo null moniiy with p.itont ini'dlclims tliatnnver had vltttiu , or doctor with physicians Hint Ciinnut euro you , you that linre tiled evorythliiB olnu should como tousnownna KI t oorinnnunt it'llof , you uuvcr can But It else where. > lnrk wlint wo cay. In tlio oitil you must take our lomoily or NKVlilt recover nnd you that hnvo been nllllctucl but a , nltott tlmo should Ly ull moans C'jnio to us now , not one lu tenof now cases over uot permunontly cured. Many crctliclp und think thev nro ( rco from tlio disease , but In ono , t\vo or three yenra utter U appears * galn In n more horrlblu form. This is n blood Purlllcr nnd will Cura any Shin or niood Dismiso when Everything Klso Kails. THE COOK REMEDY CO , Room 10 nn < l 11 , U. S. Nnlioiiiil llanU Hiilldin , Onmliii. Noli. Tiie"Lion" High Tfassure Hose The Hcsl in lilt ) G'ticupuNt ! FOR SALE nv a'liu IFollowiiigPlninlicra & Irny Cof 31. A. I'Vop , ( iraliam I'nrk , .1. J. IIanrliin ! ( ! , J. I. . Wclslmns , .1. ] ( . Ilarnaclo , S. 1 > Morrison , Itoso k llalfe , And oil IcKllilB plumUerii tliroutjliout the wrbt. Thopri-isiiuio guarantee Imprinted lu tlio body of the covnr U a protection to tliu conmimer ayalnst common UIMU. Maz Moycr-EstabUs'asJ 1835-Aiolph Mejsr Max Meyer & Bro. , 8IXTLENTU AND FAKX.VJI STKKUf l Ciciicral Atfi'iil * fur STEINWAY , CH1GKER1N6 , KNABE , . VOSE & SOUS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W. STARR P-I-A-N-O-S Slory aciarlafllSlioBinzer-Bell Orzau .Sl'EC'IAI , 1'iUCKU AM ) 'i'lSl '