Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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* * l' llv ied by carrier In Any I'Ait of he City ft
Twenty Cents rer Wook.
11. W. T1L10K. . . . MANAGKH.
IUFtNF.Kft Orncr. No. 43.
Nionr Kiiiron. No. 23.
ftllNOIl MKNT10N.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Coal and wood , K. E. Moyno , 010 B'way.
The art exhibit will continue during Mon-
y.Tucsclny and Wednesday. AH should
Jce It ,
Ilcgular convocation of Stnr chapter , No.
87. H. A. M. . this evening at 8 o'clock sharp.
By order ot the M. K. H. P.
The now running cart for the Rescue rac
ing team Is expected to arrive hero to-day.
The hose arrived Saturday.
George W. Faublo drove over to Omaha
.yesterday and had a collision. The buggy
wna badly smashed , but no one was Injured.
Ilov. Dr. Cooley and .1. E. Harkncss will
nddrcss the citizens of Glcnjvood this even
ing in the Interest of the Clmutuuqua move *
Cora Tanner appears at Dohany's tomorrow
row evening In "Fascination , " and Joslo
Sis on , in "Little Nugget , " Is booked for
April 0.
At the meeting of the Iloynl vxrcanumlnoxt
Friday evening Fail-mount and Fidelity
council * will bo consolidated , and will there
after continue- ono council ,
The electric motor company is increasing
the size of MB car house to double 1U present
capacity. The addition is made to provide
accommodation for the new open summer
cars that arc expected to arrive.
About live acres of tho. ground surround
ing Manuxva hotel will to-day bo seeded to
lawn grass , and with careful attention will
a short tlmo add much to the appearance of
the place.
The Jury In the case of Bergman vs
Omaha & St. Louts railway company re
turned a Rcalcd verdict at 1 o'clock yester
day morning. It will not bo opened until
this morning , but it Is generally understood
to bo for the defendant.
A party of about thirty Omaha friends
surprised the family of Mr. Vien AVolcott ,
1004 Fifth avenue , Saturday evening. The
visitors brought music with them and tin
evening wan passed very pleasantly in danu-
Ing and other social amusements.
The electric light company will start iif
the now machinery to-night on the arc lights ,
and to-morrow will begin moving the oUI
machinery into the now building. It is ex
pcctod to complete the change in ton days ,
in which case the incandescent lights will In
bo started up by the 12th of the mouth.
It Is stated that the headquarters of Divl
Blon Superintendent nessoquic. of the Union
Pacific , are to bo removed to this side of th (
river. It is understood that ho will prefer o
request for the change , on the crounds that
his work can bo best performed at the same
place where- the train dispatchers arc lo
John Smith , J. Wagstaff , James Dlxon ant
Peter Johnson were arrested yesterday
afternoon for disturbing the peace. Thej
wore driving about the city shouting and at
trading general attention , when Ofllcci
Cusick sat down on their freshness am
landed them in the cooler. They put up $1 !
each for their appearance In the morning.
Harry Winter , of the Ogden , is on the
warpath. Ho secured an injunction to prevent
vent the telephone company from erecting t
polo in front of the door of that populai
hOBtlery , but betoro it could bo served the
polo was ejected. "That polo must comi
down If I have to chop it down with an ax , '
says the genial Harry , but ho will first trj
the city council.
The meat market at the corner of Slxtcenti
nvcnuo and Ninth street was burglarized Sat
urday night , and a quantity of meat stolen
Yesterday Ofllcer Thomas succeeded ii
capturing the thieves. They are Fred Har
tor and Clarence Blakeloy , a couple of seven
teen years. Some- hams , pickled pork ani
beef were found whcro they had concealed it
Both the prisoners are tough characters am
have been in the , toils before. They wil
liavo a hearing this morning on the charg
of burglary.
Western Lumber And Supply Co.
Between 13th and 14th streets , and 2 <
and 3d avenues. Telephone 1241.
E. W. RAYMOND , Manager.
For $25.00-Tho N. Y. Plumbing Cc
will put a lead service pipe nnd liydrtin
in your yard ; also 50 feet extra hose
Call at once at 114 Main street.
The finest line of spring1 goods to b
found in the market is at A. Holler's
No. 310 Broadway.
Blank boolcs made to order. Can fin
nish patent binding for parties wishin
the same. Cull ana see samples at root
lEvsrott block , Penrl street.
MomniousK & Co.
Done In Ileineiiibrniico.
"This do m remembrance of Me. " Lull
23 ; 10 , was the text from which Dr. Stephc
Phelps preached yesterday morning. Tl
occasion was the quarterly administrate
of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper an
the admission of now members into tl
Presbyterian church.
The supper ns a memorial of Christ's 11
nnd death was the subject of a most do :
mid practical discourse.Vlij it Is called '
BUiipcr" was answered in three facts : Tl
original ono which these occasions conimei
orate , was hold at evening ; it embraced en
Ing and drinking and It takes the phico of tl
Pascal or Passover supper of the Jews. Ii
Importance Is seen In the fact that tlm
evangelists glvo a complete description of
in all Its details , and Paul makes spec !
mention of it ,
The desire to bo remembered is tru
human and its expression by Jesus shov
His humanity. The remembrance Is not on
for us but for Him , for He represents us , 01
griefs nnd Borrows , In His mediatory positli
with the Father. In this supper all this
brought vividly to our minds. This kcopli
of Ills Injunction is to bo until Ho comes
that is , until the close of tbo Christian til
This exhibits the sympathy of Jesus ai
the unity of His church. For two thousai
years the greatest and the humblest In t
lands have gathered around the saciamcnt
board. All ranks are leveled and into t
human hearts comes , by dlvlno gift , the c
altation of grace to a brotherhood wll
Jesus. It is seemingly a little thing , bi
Christ lays great stress upon llttlo thing
"Whoever gives to one. of these little
cup ot cold water shall not loose 1 :
reword. " " 1 was hungry and yo ga1
mo moat : thirsty and yo gavemo driul
naked unu yo clothed mo , " eta These mi
geoin small things to us , but they uro noli
acts In tlm sight of Cod. and will win i
recognition from the Father. Faith is
small thing asluipleuct but by its oxnrcl
the wealth of Immortality opens the huini
eyes and comes into human experience. . Tl
elements broad nnd wine are simple thine
'but they memorialize- greatest events I
the world's ' history. Kings have bulldcd va
monuments to perpetuate their names ai
deeds , but Jesuit1 natno and acts arocn ravi
in the hoatts and lives of men , und in the ;
Blmplo elements ot bread and wlno they a
brought to our perpetual rcuicmbiance at
loving recognition. Thus it is that a simp
thing Is a moro effective memorial than
more elaborate thing. The llttlo shoos , hli
den away In the bureau drawer , with the b
of faded ribbon upon the beaten doll , brln
to the mother a moro vivid remembrance c
her lost darling than does the tall rnarb
shaft lu the churchyard.
"Do this , " said Jesus , and let no ono at ]
to the simplicity of the service. If anytnli
if added to Ita observance it h uiado coinpli
and It wns not so Intended by Christ hlmicl
The breaking ofjho bread and the txmrinir i
the wlno indicate the violence of tbo Savior
death , and nothing must Interfere with 01
full appreciation of that fact. "Eat yo all ;
each ono must eat for himself. Indlvidu
responsibility is Indicated here. The oath
together Imllcutea thg community of ti
At the oloso of the service fifteen no
members were taken into the church ,
beautiful song servicewns rendered by .Me
duines Jndd und Ward.
B. I ) , Wiulsworth & Co. loan money.
3 , G. Tipton , void estate , 627 O'dwa ;
A Grodltablo Showlner na the Ho-
eult of Local Talent ,
Wlio AVI11 Got Into Office ? Slnlc-
IIIR the Thirsty 'Iho UHIo-
The Art Ijonn. ,
The Art Loan exhibition which wns open
for public Inspection- during the past
week under the supervision ot Misses Uohso
and Ilntchor was n most successful nITalr.
The patronage was fairly liberal , but Its
greatest success was In directions other than
Its llnanclal results. It tins demonstrated
that Council 1 Huffs Is possessed of moro
than the nvorngo talent ; that It covers a
largo Held of study ; that It embraces nn unusually -
usually largo number of persons , and that
the nrtlslc Instinct Is well developed , not
only In those who paint but as well In those
who loVe nnd admire , but have never faced
the easel nnd pallet. In fact , during the past
few years there has been an entire revolution
In this direction. The studio and drawing
room gives testimony to this fuel. The
chromo and cheap painting huvo given place
to the best pictures the ago has produced.
This development has brought out a largo
num bcr who seek neither praise nor prollt
> om their efforts , but who have , durlne
heir leisure hours , produced many bits of
real nrt which would embellish any pallor.
This culture bus received a most decided
mpetus from the teachers at St. Francis
ncadomy , whoso efforts have been conscien-
ious and painstaking as well ns being well
up In their methods. Some of the best con-
rlbutlons to thq present collection are the
iroducts of their pupils.
Prominent In the exhibit Is the work of
Miss Blanch Arkwrlght , who received good
tutorage at the hands of the sisters. She has
done several good pieces In oil but her best
vork is In black and white. A portrait of
herself , crayon , "Study of a Dojr , " crayon.
wo studies of roses and macnollas , and
Hush , " are among the best things she has
produced. She has eleven pieces in this col-
'ectiou. Tho.v nro all copies.
Miss Hello Hatcher contributes nineteen
lieces and all are good. They cover a great
variety of subjects and show considerable
breadth in conception as well as scope in the
subjects covered. A simill pastoral piece is
one of her most attractive ns well
ns true subjects. A bit of wood-
and and a cow in the middle-
ground servo as the center from which
a wonderful perspective Is worked. Its
coloring Is natural. A group in "Still Life , "
a "Corn Panel , " ( both original ) are also
jood. Both are well drawn nnd naturally
colored. "That's ' the Stuff" serves as a
title to an oil. The group includes an old
spectacled man , seated at a deal table upon
which are the bread , mustard and other
etcetera of a 10 o'clock lunch. A hungry
dog nnd n perspiring man look upon a glass
of beer and the title is suggested. It is , in
some respects , her best piece.
Miss Sophia D. Ilchso exhibits four pieces
'rom her own brush. A charcoal sketch
from life , ( original ) Is n flno piece. Its
arawing is particularlv excellent. "A Corrci
n Skye , " the original of which is one of
, ho best modern pieces in the Liningcr col-
cction , is well worked and is worthy all
, ho praise it receives. "Tho Fates , " a beau
tiful thing In pastel , and a landscape in oil
cover her present exhibit. It is understood
she has several pieces in her studio which
when completed , will add to her already well
earned reputation as a careful and truthful
Mrs. Dr. Bower presents four most ex
cellent pieces. A number of game panels
taken from llfo , or rather after life , are ad
mirable pieces. The coloring in all Is ex
quisite and true to nature.
Mrs. Dr. Barstow lias a single ono , "Ves
tal Tuccia , " on glass , and the beauty of It
mattes the beholder wish ho could sco more
from the same hand.
Mrs. Dr. Cleaver sbows two pieces , ono an
oil , which Is good. The second a crayon portrait
trait , an original reproduction of an old am-
brotypo of her grandfather. It Is an excel
lent picture.
Fifteen pictures are shown from the studio
of Mrs. IV C. Hubbard. A black and white
winter scene nnd a study of a dog are lioi
best , although her llowor studies arc ex
Mrs. C. Lanzendorfer has seventeei
pieces in the exhibit. A "Study of Horses'
Is particularly fine. It shows two heads am
a corner 6T a stable. The coloring is flm
and the detail is wonderfully worked out ,
An original still llfo piece snows a doctor'i
table. Skull , book , graduate bottles , bal
ances , envelope and half smoked clgai
combine to form the group. It is a beauti
ful piece and will mark the pioducer as i
true artist.
Mrs. MoNauqhton shows two crayon per
traits. Both are excellent , both in drawinj
and In ttio fidelity to llfo witli which the dc
tail is developed.
Mrs. C. P. Hallsback exhibits thirty pieces
They cover nearly nil lines of art work auc
all are \vell executed. Ten pieces are one
inal with the artist. A still llfo study ii
conchology , and a pair of sparrow hawlci
lighting upon nn old stump are by fur thi
bes among her contribution.
A "Coaching Scene,11 , by Mrs. S. S. St <
vons , shows a four-in-hand speeding alon
the base of a range of mountains , wliic
stretch away in the distance. It is a beauti
ful thing and well worthy the lady who cxo
cutcd it.
An original winter scene at sunset , by E
L. Hayden , shows a wonderful perspective
The chief beauty of the picco is In the arch
tccturo of its buildings , being a combinatio
of the old and Iho now. It Is a fancy skctc
of an old Pennsylvaniatown , showing n gris
mill and livery stable In the foreground
with all the attendants of a village street.
Miss Gertrude Pusoy exhibits a flno pairo
pictures in an nil , "Midnight on the Ocean , '
and n crayon , "Ketriover and Woodcock. "
Miss Belle Parsons' "Twilight in the Foi
cst" is a beautiful piece of oil work. Th
autumnal glow Is on everything and the hat
many of that season is worked in with won
derful fidelity.
Mrs. J. C , Mitchell shows two very credit
able pieces , "An Old Castle" being her be ;
Miss Mollie nice contributes two beautlfu
flower studios lu.oll ,
Mrs , VV. W. Chapman exhibits five pieces
any ono of which would glva her art work
place among the best. A fruit panel I
probably the best In her portion of the ex
The "Head of Mercury" by Maria Phillip
In a flno study. She has other pieces it
mountain llfo , marine and figure work
which are excellent. '
An old Jewish head by Mary ICay Is a gooi
copy of an old master.
Other creditable pieces are exhibited b <
Mrs. Ira Hendrlcks , Miss Rita Hammer ,
Mrs , II. J. Chambers , Miss S. Canpol , Mis :
Kato Connor , Miss L. M. dough , Mrs
J. P. Broadbock , Miss K-.ttlo Bucholl
Mrs. O. P. McKesson , Mlis Amelia Spermng
Mrs. M. A. Moore , Mrs. B. Tcrwllllgcr. Mia
J. Williams and the pupils of the dcuf un
dumb institution.
In any amateur collection there Is , o
course , enough to criticise , but the hand tlm
copies to-dav will originate to-morrow ; th
bungling lingers will after a while produc
lines of beauty. Then why parade the fault
of to-day I The student will see them hire
self to-morrow und will then correct then
if ho can or throw the brush away In dli
gust. .
Fifty bloolc jack for housemovingJo
gnlo cheap within tot ( lays. GOG Mull
st , Council Blutfr , la.
Iliii Pier In tlm Clover.
The city nounoll mentn again this evenln ,
and will attempt to Mine to an agreement ic
carding the appointment of certain city ol
ilcors. That the fight will bo a warm on <
tboro is no doubt , ns there nro certain lilt !
spites und pomonul feelings that are boun
to crop out In souio Instances. Bald ouu c
the aldermen yo tonUy to TimBuE : '
have no Idea what the result will bo. Tb
vote for clerk on our last ballot in cuucu
sto6d , Huntlngton , 3 ; Hardlu , 1 ; Tioutmut
1. and Wagner , 1. Billy Hardiu is not a cut
dldato , but he Is a good man , and he has
correct Idea of the value of real estate , whle
would uako him eapcttally valuable thl
year , for iho council hits to sit ns a board of
equalization on the real estate assessments.
There are several of the candidates who can
command their votes , but it Is going to
bother any ono of them to got four. It looks
very much as though the only wav to settle
It would bo to effect some kind of n trade.
I don't know how the council stands on the
other officers , as wo put In nearly nil our
tlmo In caucus on the clerk business.
"I understand that Avery and Phillips nro
the unly aspirants thus far announced for
street commissioner , and Bcchnian meets
with no opposition for poll tax collector.
There will bo another light for city physlefrtn
nnd chief of the lira department. It looks ns
though there would considerable log
rolHng done In the former case , but I rather
think that the latter case wilt bo settled In
connection with tlm clerk that Is , some
kind ot n trade will bo tnado which will
elect these two officers. "
Said another councilman : "It looks pro ! ty
tough , nnd I hardly know what to think.
There Is only ono case In which I know just
how the council voted , and that was for
chief of the flro department. Knopher ,
Bellinger nnd Everett voted for Tompleton ,
nnd Lacy , Waterman nnd Weaver for Wal
ters. They will all stick right there , and
nothing but a tratft will move them. For
my part , I would bo willing to go right into
the council chamber without another caucus
nnd "vote openly. I don't ' care who
knows bow I vote , as nobody
has any string ! ou me , nnd I hnvono plcagcs
to redeem. But there arc some of them who
will squirm whoa the time conies , and mark
my words , you will see some fun when these
same follows try to square themsulves" with
two or thrco candidates to whom they have
pledged themselves for the same olllco. "
Another gentleman who o.\pressed him-
salt to THE Ben Is not n member uf the
council , but ho generally knows n thing or
two , nnd manages to keep pretty well posted
on things going ou among those on the in
side.Said ho ; "They talk n great deal about
the clerk nnd chief of the nro department ,
but that isn't where all the fun is going to
be. Just you keep your weather cyo open
tight when the physician business comes up ,
nnd you will see a feeling manifested that
will surprise you. Somubodv is looking for
a llttlo rovcnge , nnd somebody is going to
gel loft. You know these doctors arei all
brothers , professionally speaking , but they
don't love each other with that torrid fer
vency that an outsider mljht expect to see.
1 haven't time to tell you the whole story ,
but not many moons ago a certain doctor In
this city was urged to join n certain secret
society hero. Ho consented , nnd his name
Vt as presented at the next meeting. His
brother medicos had never entertained to
ward him the feeling enjoined by the Scrip
tures , to 'Love thy brother as thyself , ' nnd
as one of them was n member of this society
It was deemed a good opportunity to do u lltr
tlo work on a personal account. The mem
ber referred to turned around nnd found
another member whom he could control , and
when the vote was taken there wore two
black balls dropped Into tnn box. Now ,
then , that black-balled pill mixer holds n
full hand of trumps in this game , and you
can readily see that ho will try to play back
pretty considerably. There nro several of
these llttlo things , which , if explained to the
public , would throw light on certain deals
that are now regarded as quite inex
plicable. "
I liavo ono lot loft on Avenue A ,
across from motor house. Will ox-
oliungo for cattle if can trade in next
three days. "L. D. Fowler , No. 10
Pearl street.
Notice toAVnter Consumers.
Water rents for quarter beginning
April 1 are now elue , and payable at of
fice of the company , 114 Main and 115
Pearl streets. Five per cent discount
on all bills paid previous to April 10.
Ollico open until ! ) p. m. on Saturdays.
Council Blurts City Water Works Co.
Sure Shots.
J. G. Tipton now wears the badge won by
the Council Bluffs rifle club at the inter
state match a short time ago with the Omaha
club , ho having inado the best score. It was
so voted at n meeting held Saturday night ,
He presented the club with a silver wntcli
that is to bo competed for at the club shoots ,
the winner to hold it until defeated. It was
decided to hold regular shoots on the first
and fourth Fridays of each month. A com
mittee was appointed to confer with the
Omaha rifio club relative to using jointly , if
the sifmmer time , the new grounds of the
latter club on this side of the river.
The range of the Bluffs club in Uohrer'i
park is far better for winter practice , beiiif
better protected and warmer , but is toe
shady for long range shooting in the summer ,
The matter of Issuing another challenge te
some outside club was discussed , but nc
definite action taken.
Dr. C. C. Hazen , dentist , Opera houst
block. _
An efficient organist from the cast tie
sires a position as organist in Omaha 01
Council Bluffs. References : Max Movoi
and Charles Bnotcns , 325 Paxton build
ing , Omaha , or 1"0 Seventh street
Council BlulTs. Good testimonial
Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of va uo at low rates of interest. N <
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
ufcd. Main , over American express.
Headquarters for builders' hardware
Odoll & Bryant , 518 Main street.
Won't Ge > Wry.
"I toll you what's a fact , if I had beoi
selling liquor to day I could have made
barrel of inonoy , " said ono of the proprietor
of n leading cigar store and billiard hall las
evening. "It's no exaggeration to say thn
150 men from Omaha have been In here t
get a drink. They como in nnd say , 'Glv '
us some beer , ' but 1 have to tell them \v <
don't keep it. Then they grow confidential
glvo mo a wink and slip out a quarter , bu
it's no go , nnd thov have to leave as thirst
as they came in. They all seem to have ai
Idea that it cun be had anywhere on this aid
of the river for the asking , but though tha
theory might hold good on week days , i
don't work on Sunday. Of course , wo nl
know It Is easy enough to get a drink If any
body is 'on,1 but a stranger can't Invlgorat
at every street corner. It Is surprising
though , how fast they learn the ropes , und
have un Idea it would make some folks' eye
stick out If they know how much liquor Imi
been sold In this city to duy , " Nevertheless
less , there are no open saloons in Councl
Bluffs on Sunday so the authorities say.
Have our wugon call for your eoilee
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
B. H. Shcafo & Co. offer bargains ii
city property , either improved or un
improved. Easy payments , Good lot :
on 810 payments.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and ului'ts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Prnlmlilo Knees.
At the mooting recently held by the stoc1 *
holders of Union driving park , it was foum
that ninny of the stockholders were opposei
to holding a spring running meeting
but it is reported as probable that several o
the members will ussumo the rcsponsibillt
and give n thrco or four days' running meoi
lag next month , Some of the stockholder
are Interested lu the tournament ana though
they would have their hands lull without tin
running mooting.
Rooms to root in the Mori-lain block
S. 13. Wadsworth & Co.,230 Main street
Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's ft Co. '
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses
wagons , personal property pf nil kinds
mm all other articles of value withou
removal. All business strictly con 11
dunlin ) .
& co. ;
Hidesjata , Pelts , Wool Furs
Highest inat-ket prices. Prompt retu
and tw-J Mulu Bt. . Council U lulls , lu w
"I710H 8AI < K A coed nix-room home In good
A- condition ; \\lli sell on cnsv terms or trade
for vacant lots , Knqnlro of Kcrr .V Gray , sole
ogents , 505 First avenue.
T710II SAfjE-Porafewdays. 3 or 4 lots In
* ' Backott'saddition ; lira below mnrktit value.
Enquire of Kcrr .V Gray , solo agents , W5 first
OH llBNT-rApi II1 , two-story brick business
house. No. 101 Jlrtjadway , oppoilto Og.lon
house , Council lllulTs. Inquire or llobett Mul-
lls , luo Uroadway.
"filOU SAIiK Three work horses at Neumay-
JL1 er's barn , on Wednesday , March 13. Samuel
Itohnlf ,
SITUATION WANTKD-Ily young man of 21.
as stenographer nnd type writer ; can fur-
nlnh cost ot references ; can Keep books. Address -
dress llox iK'.i. Slienandoah , la.
DWr.liMNO HOUSE for rent. 10 rooms on
Cherry hill , next to Itov. U. Q. Nice's ,
xvlth stable and one acre of ground. Horace
on 1st ot April next , the two story
ALSO , 8 rooms with stable , corner ot Nintn
street and fecond avenue ; two minutes \\nlt
from the dummy depot and next to my resl-
dcnco on the west. Horace Kvcrett.
mm : OPKICK over the St. Oo II. H. ticket ot-
-L llco , corner Pearl and llroadway : posses
sion given 1st of April. Hornco K\crett.
ri WO unlncumbercil houses and lots In In-
JL dlanoln. la. to trade for Council lllulTs
property. Inquire ir.'t Avenue C.
lly a lady , a position ns housekeeper
keeper In u llrst rbss hotel. Address OU
Mynster street , Council Illuirs
FOU SAIiE Two story frame residence , cor
ner and adjoining lots , each m feet trout l > y
1 J feet deep. Knqulru at Falrnio.uit phar
macy , 11)0 ) Upper llroadway.
you have property ot any kind to sell or ex
IT change sou Johnston & Vnnl'ntten. ! tl Main.
FOR HUNT-Oillcc No. S , ever Ilalr.l's con
fectionery store , Intolv occupied byVtn. .
Vanl , arcnltoct. Huracu Kvorett.
[ 710H KUN'V Cheap , two handsome , now six-
* room cottages , north ot trnnstor. Council
llulft ) . Inquire llland lUslitor , 6th avo. and
1st st.
[ s fjooil on presentation for
51.00 on each pair of pants
bought of the
London Tailor.
Good for Thirty Days.
trf OQ
Q >
m '
* b
\ o
® | H ®
i sr g *
| = IB S ) \ -i R ,8 ,
The "VI33 "VI odorn Novolltl cs
Artistic Decoration !
Sign , Hou&o and Ornamental Tainting , Kalso
mining , Graining , etc.
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St ,
Corner Main and llroadway.
Denlurs In foreign , hd domestic exchange
Collections inwloumniiteiost imld ou tlmo Jo
posits. . . „
Everything Desirable For Easter Gifts at
Just received a Complete Line of Novelties for Easter , consisting of
Kid Gloves , Silk and Lisle Thread , Embroidered , Fancy , Plain and Hem
stitched Handkerchiefs , Collars , Cuffs , Ruchings , Ribbons , Laces , Hair
Ornaments , Pocketbooks , Umbrellas , Hosiery , Gents' Neckwear , Socks
Collars , Cuffs and Fancy Embroidered Suspenders. *
Everything Suitable and Appropriate tor Easter at the BOSTON STORE
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jucqucinlii'it Jewelry Store
DH Rice's Hernia ! Support ,
The only perfect abdominal support for dill-
ilit n and mlultR. Successfully cures the WOHST
DR. L. E. HOK , 27 .Main Street.
What a Shirt
1 f you had taken It to the City Steam iaundry
It wouldn't look so.
31Main Street. Telephone 141.
Mrs. C. L. GIUETT'S '
Hair Emporium
And RCO her fine line of Hair
( nods. riNKST IIAIH
OHNAMENTS In the city.
WlK-i lleiuda , etc. , for Kent
or hale.
Gluth and Coylo und Myers
Orcaso 1'iilntB. Hiilr
. vM Dross'.nu. Etc.
No. 3I > nialu St. , Council Uluim.
Orders by mall receive prompt attention.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
C. II. JU D ,
Council lllulf ; ) la ,
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
, Taxidermist and Naturalist.
C 'aruinnently located at No. H North Sixth St reft , opposite post-
fa olllce , on motorIIut- , Council UlulfH , Iowa.
J ? lilrds nnd ftntmals mounted naturally and in the best method of
- uH.W - . - \\urruutedtoprebeive for > eaw. i'urcliju birds supplied
on short uotlco. Hlt'heatprlco paid for owls and hawku of all kinds , rtrnona seuding orders
" "
- - - of perfect BittUifacUoa. ilirUrcsalnsaspocIftUy. Write for partlcului * ,
-w y w * * VJlJ * m \ % 'f
w ° rsjrejfi &
< * = = 5S = = = = = = = = SS = = = S = = = 5 = = = = =
iiarcfiaCuriceBro5.Brands : |
< ar\r\ea&ood5. \ S j-SBroaaffaVt
JAstate& anMe/ifs. /
O - > vs/r. B U T.T S lNos.l5.acl8
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators
SporltlcntUms and estimates tiirnlshod for complete Btcam p'ants. Hcgnlatlon. Durab * lty Ouar
nntotd. Can bhow lotteia from ilseui whuro Tuel I'.eonomy in equnl uJtU Corliss Non-l - inn
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs
JOHN GILBERT , 518 Pearl St.
TDLKPIION13 'J21. Kbtimivtoa Furnlhlicd
. On Application ,
CoiTes | > umlonco Solicited.