Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1889, Image 1

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    V * '
i < Toarly All ofiints of Divisions
l Asked to Resign.-
If 1
ho Corporal Not to Uo Swerved
Kroin ills Course Mnjor llano
, j la Dead A Mother Pros-
, - trntcd Ily Grief.
D. C. . March 31.1
f. The first net of Corporal Tnnqor on taking
charge of the pension ofllco was to call for
the resignations of nearly all the chiefs of
divisions , and his action In this respect Is not
approved cither by the president or Score-
ary Noble. The latter has issued nn order
forbidding the heads of bureaus to call for
bo resignation of ah ofllcer under them
vlthout the authority of the secretory of the
ntorlor , but Corporal Tanner will not bo
jaslly suppressed. Ho said lust night : "I
am going to bo responsible for the way things
are run In the pension bureau , nnd It Is but
natural that I should want to select my own
men. I have already made selections for the
responsible positions nnd they are waiting
the approval of the secretary. "
Major Marcus A. Hone , formerly of the
Seventh cavalry , who was court martinlcd
, cn years ago for his failure to support
3oneral Ouster at the tltno of the Big -Born
massacre , and who was afterwards cashiered
j from the army for drunkenness nnd conduct
{ unbecoming to nn ofllcer , died nt the Provi-
| donai-uoapital In this city on Saturday night
' -rtfrti cancer on the tongue , caused by oxces-
iivo smoking. An operation was performed
ipon him two weeks ngo by Dr. Hamilton ,
twhen erysipelas set in and caused death.
Major licno has been a clerk in the pension
fijjfllco for some tune , and lutolv figured iu the
courts as an applicant for r. divorce from his
Mrs. Callan , mother of Gcorgo W. Callan ,
the ninotccn-ycar-old Washington boy who
was drowned in the nxvful disaster nt Samoa ,
may die from the shock of the sad nows.
This is ono of the saddest incidents of the
disaster. The meager news In the earlier
editions of yesterday morning's papers
§ throw her into n fever of uncertainty. The
.Jlpslo-wns reported ns sunk , but her friends
Boon told her that the riows was not con
firmed und that tier son was uninjured.
Yesterday afternoon some of the neighbors
took to Mrs. Callan a "copy of the extra
edition of the Critic containing her son's
name In the list of the killed. As soon as
i tha mother's eye rested on the name of her
, son she fainted away nnd remained uncon-
j * s ficlous pearly n half hour. When she be-
I - ' came conscious again she was delirious and
- had to bo restrained by force from lowing
" the houso. She has since been lying
unconscious most of the time , and
- the physicians pronounce her ca o
critical. Mrs. Calati is p. handsome woman ,
younger looking than ono would expect the
mother of. n nearly nineteen year old son to
_ PO. It was but four months .ago that her
, ' J husband , James Nicholas Callan , died , and
, ! T" the widow's whole life seemed wrapped up
in her ton. When the story of the blowing
up of the Nipsic by the Olga was circulated
u few weeks ago , Mrs. Callan was made
very ill by the shock it gave her , and had
not entirely recovered when the equally
dreadful and truer news came yesterday.
i. George Callan was n born sailor. Three
V yours ago ho went on board the training ship.
f Ho shipped on the Nipsic a year iigo ut tbo
fBpcclal request of Captain Mullnn , with
whom ho was a favorite. His father , James
N. Callan , was a well known Washington
lawyer. Ills grandfather was old Dr. Cal
lan , who died about u year ago , and was ono
of the oldest residents of Washington.
It Is not altogether the fault of the admin
istration that democrats are not removed to
make places for republicans. The scnuto is
in the way. A fortnight since the president
removed an offensively partisan postmaster
in Indiana'and nominated n good republican.
The senate committee on postofllccs nnd post
roads refused to report the nomination for
confirmation , for the reason that the grounds
for removal of the present incumbent were
not. In its mind , sufllcient Tbo president
will rcnominato the now ofllccr when the
senate adjourns , nnd ho will take his position -
- tion without confirmation , but when the
meets again thcro will bo another
ruenato between the nominating and confirm-
, - j. ng powers. A few days ago when n well
& known congressman urged the postmaster
ff general to make n removal for the purpose
fc - of giving a republican a placo.thc head ot the
fl C postofllcodopaitment replied : "If you will
' v * take the consequences , 1 will sco that your
request is carried into eflect , I menu that
u that you must see that tha scnuto cdiUlrms
the nomination. " Upon Inquiry the tent -
t pressman came to the conclusion that ho
- would not urge the removal. It is stated
that there nro several republican senators
who nro insisting that democrats who are
/ competent and iioncst shall serve out their
* commissions , and that with thu democrats
, they make a. majority against removals in
I1 any branch of the service. Members of the
, Miouso who nro working to got democrats out
nnd republicans in are contending that the
collators' liuvo adopted this policy for the
: purpose of relieving themselves of the work
incident to the filling of so many odious ut
- this limo.
A politician who complained to the secre
tary of the interior that it was unfair treat-
jnent to not permit the mdorsers of nn ap
plicant to know , till it was too Into , who
would bo appointed to n position , was told
that nino-teiiths of the nominations sent to
the scnuto nowadays were not finally agreed
upon inoro than nn hour or two befoto they
were made out by the executive secretary.
"Tho procedure for reaching conclusions as
\o appointments , " says n senator who has
peon very active In securing appointments
during the past four weeks , "seems to bo
about this : The applications nro all lllud
with the heads of the departments , und by
f them preliminarily examined. Alter the
f necrctary makes up his mind who of the OP-
f plirnntH for a place , comes within thu bounds
< ( of merit , ha certifies them up to the
president , and with the certification sends
' the papers tiled. The president looks over
1 the indorsements and then takes up the
f recommendations of the head of the dopart-
k-j * nicnt. It frequently happens that the prcsl-
t ' dent docs not think It wlso to appoint the
' . „ ' " man bolocted by his cabinet ofllcer , in which
' event the latter is culled to the white house
. $ Y , , nnd the merits of the cases are gene over.
* * Is In line the that Is fol-
A > , It , , same procedure -
* f " lowed by thn civil service commission. Hut
L youcuii icadlly discover why the cabinet
ofllcor cannot from hla ofllco say who will be
appointed or whon. As soon as the presi
dent ngrcot with the cabinet ofllcor that u
man shall bo appointed his name is sent to
the senate , and this Is usually but an hour or
two bolero the nomination Is sent to us. Wo
may complain of it , but wo nave the sumo
principle In operation. Wo hnvo a rule
which requires that two executive sessions
of the senate must bo hold after a nomina
tion Is confirmed before it is announced pub-
, This Is done to give opportunity to
tnovo a reconsideration. The president's
K rule elves him all the opportunities possible
to discover objections to un applicant before
V ) ie is nominated und without delaying uo-
'vtloii. "
T > , THEY EXrCIT TO 00.
vVlf thny were permitted to do so , nearly
m'Lry dcmocratlo | K > stmu > .tir of the fourth
Ji fss would r&slpn within Jorty-clght hours , "
! v d Hi'prcsoctattvo Springer , of Illinois ,
yiiilo worming around through the postoflieo
sfiepartmcnt yesterday afternoon. "A few of
"thorn , " ho continued , "want to resign bo-
THUSO they are disappointed over tbo result
of the election and don't want to serve under
a republican administration , but most of
them bavu imtcml Into an arrangement uith
' 'somo ono to succeed them , by which u good
price is to bo pulit for the oftico iluuixt.
They nil seem to regard It ns onlv a question
of time when they must go , nnd they are
willing and anxious to go at once , if they are
permitted to soil their fixtures. This they
can only do to advantage by n prearrangement -
mont with-tho persons who are to succeed
them. Yes , " continued the Illinois demo
cratic statesman , "Mr. Clarkson is using the
guillotine liberally , nnd ho Is right , Thcso
plncoi ought to co to the party In power. Ex.
Vsslstnnt Postmaster General Stevenson did
good lob of it , nnd. the democrats will not
omplaln If they nro superseded as rapidly
s possible. "
Mit3. HAiiiiisoN's VACATION.
Mrs. Harrison Is slowly recovering from
icr sovcru Illness. She was up and about
ho house to-day nnd hopes to bo out of doors
his week. As soon nt she is nblo to with-
tnnd the travel , with her daughter , Mrs.
dcICco , and the Inttcr's children , she will go
0 some milct soasldo resort wlicro she will
escape public notice , nnd free from social
itittes got n rent from her arduous labors.
Mrs. llnrrlson took nn Important part In the
campaign , receiving delegations with her
uisbnnd , attending public meetings nnd en-
crtainlng u houseful of guests from the llrst
lay of the campaign. "But I liked It , not-
vlthstanding the work , " she said to the cor
respondent n few days ago. "I nlwnvo en-
oy the company of happy people , and I never
saw so many smiling faces as during the
campaign. The people scorned glad In their
contemplation of n change of administration. "
Mrs. Harrison overworked herself , however ,
ind soon after the inauguration the reaction
came. A season nt the scashoro nnd a good
vacation during tno summer nnd she will bo
icrself again , ready to make the white house
1 hospitable abode when the social season
begins next November.
It looks very much ns It Mr. Parsons , of
Icvcland , would not bo appointed com p.
roller of the currency. Bis nomination has
jeen expected every day , nnd Senator Sher
man has understood that it was decided
upon , but the report now Is that the presi
dent bus rejected him , und is looking for n
low man.
By direction of the secretary of w.\r ,
Private Patrick Council , Company D ,
Twenty-first infantry , now with his com-
uny , having enlisted while a minor , without
the consent of hi * parents or guardian , is
discharged from the service of the United
Private James C. Darling , Company A ,
Second infantry , now with bis company , is
also discharged.
The superintendent of the recruiting
service will cause twenty-five colored cavalry
recruits to bo assigned to the Ninth cavalry ,
and forwarded under proper charge to such
a point or points in the department of the
PJatto ns the commanding general of the de
partment shall designate.
Colonel Michael Sheridan , assistant adju
tant general , now on duty in the war depart
ment , will shortly bo relieved and ordered to
Chicago. Ho has been quite busily engaged
for some time in settling up the estate of his
brother , the late General Sheridan , nnd now
.hat tbo business is in good shupo will leave
nt an early date to enter upon his now duties.
The friends of General Whipnlo , ut present
on duty ut Governor's Island , Now York
liarbor , na adjutant general of the division of
the Atlantic , will shortly present his name
to President Harrison for the position of ad
jutant general of the army , to be vacated by
tbo retirement of General Drum.
General O. O. Howard , command ,
imr the division of the Atlantic , and
General N. A. Miller , commanding the di
vision of the Pacific , have given orders to
liavo special examinations made by skilled
artillery ofllcors in their command , next
montn looking to Improved defense of the
respective coasts.
Tlio Propose to Send Him to the
National Somite.
Coi.r.Mnus , O. , March 81. [ Special Tele
jram to Tin : BEE.J The rejection of Murat
llnlstcad as ambassador to Germany may
lead to unexpected results in the event of n
republican legislature being chosen in Ohio
in November. His friends will demand an
emphatic vindication for him , and with n re
publican legislature will send him to the sen
ate. Botli ITorahcr and Foster will have to
stand aside in his favor. Indeed the work
of vindication will probably be initiated by
placing him at the head of the republican
ticket for governor , so as to give him a
double chance.
Thn Death Record.
Los ANOEI.EI , March 31. Lieutenant
Colonel Richard II. Alexander , until re
cently medical director of the Department oi
Arizona , died hero last night. Deceased was
n son of General E. B. Alexander. Ho was
born in Illinois , entering the army from
Kentucky , and reaching his high rank for
meritorious service during the war. The
funeral will bo conducted with military
honors on Monday. .
NEW YOIIK , March 31. John A. Duff , the
well-known theatrical manager , died nt 7
o'clock this morning. Mr. Duff was born in
Ireland sixty-nine years ago. Ho leaves a
wife , four sous and thrco daughters.
Shipwrecked Knilortt Kescucd.
PoitTi.tNn , Ore , , March 81. News has
been received from Ynquina Bay , Ore. , that
this morning a tui : returned from the search
for Captain Uobinson and thrco men lost
from the schooner George H. Chance , having
found them in perilous situation near Xcs-
tuccn bay , about thirty Miles north of
Yuquinu , where they had drifted in n small
boat. They had been out two days without
It Sounds I.lko n Fake.
NKW YOIIK , March SJ1. At a meeting of
the central labor union to day a communic n-
tion was rend purporting to como from Jny
Gould , through Washington Davis , a rail-
load contractor , stating that Gould wns will
ing to hand over to the union $11,000,000
In gold , with Interest fromJnnuniy 1 , 1SS9 ,
If the Central Labor union would be willing
to adopt a plan for a co-oporatlvo industry
pronosud by Gould. The secrot'iry will wait
on Davis to-morrow to son wtmt it means.
IiiHtantly Killed.
TOTEKA , Kan. , March 31. [ Special Tclo
gram to THE Bii.j : : Two young men nnnici
Tom Mngulrc und Morris Keating becaino
lnvolvci)4in ) n qunrrol this afternoon over a
trivial matter , both being intoxicated. Kent
Ing shot Maguirc , causing Instant death
nnd then surrendered himself to the author !
tlC8 <
- -
A.Unml ) in n Church.
noMK , March 31. While Father Agustino
was preaching In St. Carlo church to day u
bomb was exploded. There was great ox
cltenient In the congregation , nnd sovora
women fainted , but the preacher continue !
Ills sermon. _
Stnnmslilp Arrivals.
At Now York The Alaska , from Liver
pool ; Labourgogno , from Havre.
At Havre La Champagne , from Now
At Quecr.stown The Sorvla , from New
A IMiur.Ucr bUlpn.
NEUIIASKA CITY , Nob. , Murch : ! ! . [ Snecla
to TUB BKE.J J. D. Tiffany , a plumber , has
loft the town suddenly , and a number o
creditors , Tools to the value of $10 have
ncen attached to satisfy claims amounting to
several hundred dollars.
< *
Jerome nonriKirto in Ixindon.
LONDON , March --Prince Jerome Bono
parto and two other survivors of the disuste
to the steamer Countess of Flanders , which
wa sunk off Dunkirk by tbo steamer Prin
cease Henrietta , reached here to-day.
In Trouble ,
SALT LAKE CITY , Utah , March 31. [ Spe
clul Telegram to TUB BBE.J Eight drug
gists of thU city wcro arrested and heavily
lined hut week for belling liquors coutrar ,
to i-itv ordinnnccs. Among the number wn
W. Htithaway , foruieily of Auiora , Neb ,
Where Are the Victims of the Koya
Pnha Vlgllantoa ?
Sonic Communications "Which Would
Indicate That Driving Men
Into Kxllo Is Not "Wholly
The Koyn Paha TronhlcH.
GHAND 1st.VXD , Nob. , March 81. ( .Special
to Tun BEE.J Excitement Is Intense in ICoya
Paha county over the disappearance of thrco
settlers living in that section. ICoya Pnha
county is opposite the Sioux reservation , in
Dakota , only the Koyn Paha river being be
tween. Settlers along the rlvor nro In the
Imblt of turning their cattle on the reserva
tion without any herders. This habit has
furnished a .good field for cattle thieves , and
as the reservation protects thorn from the
oOIccrs of the law , they have plied their
nefarious business persistently. They have
been aided by certain settlers. In fact n
largo majority of these ronlgadcs make a
showing of being scttlcr.3 , and use it ns a
dlsgulso. Of Into they hnvo become so bold
that vigilant committees wcro u necessity
for protection.
Several farmers who were suspected of
being accomplices or cattle thtavos hnvo been
notified to leave the country , and n number ,
deeming prudence the bolter part of valor ,
have journeyed westward , but others failed
to comply with the requests of the vigilantes ,
and thrco of these have undoubtedly paid the
Last Tuesday nichl about twenty masked
men called upon n settler named Gannon ,
broke In tno door of his dugout , bound him
hand and toot and rode away with him.
From his ranch they went to the homes of
George IJabcock and a squaw man named
Ramlo. and pursued the same tactics. Then
they disappeared across the Koya Paha , and
no ono has heard anything of the three men
It is supposed the vigilantes lynched them ,
or turned them over to the Indians nnd half
breeds on the reservation , to a worse fate.
These three men had boon warned in the
usual skull and cross bones style and ns they
have long been under suspicion the verdict
is that they hnvo but received their duscrts.
As soon as the vigilantes were gene from
her homo Mrs. Gannon rode to the county
scat and applied to Sheriff Cable for assis
tance , but ho said that it would bo useless
to try to follow them us his authority ended1
nt the river and tliat tlio White Caps would
not do the prisoners any harm until they got
on the reservation out of the law's reach
where they undoubtedly were hours before
she reached town.
"Had you not been notified to leave the
country ! " asked Sheriff Cable of Mrs.
"Yes ; but wo did not have to. "
"Then you will have to take your medi
cine , " ho suid and left her.
The following communication may bo of
interest in this connection , particularly ns it
bears a signature :
BASSETT , Neb. , March 30. To the Editor
of THE BEE. The vigilantes have taken six
men onto the reserve north of here , and thrco
have not returned. They were taken by the
Taylor mob. Horace Stewart , who was
captured by them a few days ngo , is insane
or so judged. Women are seen going in pur
suit of their husbands in every direction. A
tolecram was sent to Governor Tliayer this
morning and if word Is not received to break
this mob up the peaceful citi/cns of Kcya
Pnlia county will rise up and there will bo
war in earnest. The sheriff , Cable , is afraid
to net , for fcur of his olllce or his life.
Please publish the above.E.
Spiingvicw , Neb.
The communication below came from the
Valley House In Bassott :
To the Editor of THE BEi : Sir : please
publish the Keyapaha mob have broke out
once inoro for the purp of hanging inoscnt
men nnd If Governor thaycr does not order
out a tnaylishto there will bo mor in side of
2 hours a telegram has bin sent to Gov
ernor thayer and If ho docs not at tend at
once to the mob the head Leaders Will Bee
urcstcd it proboly will Goto the pen wliich
to Good a place for themthe mob is Com
posed of men tha has no credit & are onley
taking that plan to Git there winter Chuck
& steel there seed wncat there are Lo de
graded men that have know property or
nothing to Live on & they nro taking this
plan to forso these nen to disgorge & give
them up there property Aj they will Let them
co there has bin know men knowtlfycd to
Leevo the Country but the County will nave
to Leevo or Starve to death they nro a band
of out Lawed heathens they have taken Mr.
Gcorgs II. Babcock ono of the most pi emi
nent men in the County & trldo to mnko him
give up his property hut foiled to Conect on
account of to much S md before them bob-
cock Wishes to Inform the people of no.
braskn & that all reports that liavo been
circulated about him & pasd & defies the
County to nt tact Him again Ho will Sune
male them hunt thcro Holes
Your Truly
John Gillmoro
Salvation Army
i.i ) , Nob. , March UO. [ Special to THL
I3KE. ] A. II , IJowon , Jr. , ox-member of the
Salvation army , who was requested to resign
Eomo time ago , since courting the society ol
some- questionable characters , yesterday ob
tained a telegraph blank , wrote a bogus tele
gram purporting to bo from Hasting request
ing his immediate presence on account of his
mother's severe illness. Ho presented this
to I. D. Nollmrdt of this city , told n pitiable
story and obtained about § 30 from Nuihardt ,
then skipped. Inquiry develops the faci
that no such telegram was received hero ,
llowcn Is an applicant for a clerkship under
seine consul.
The Salvation army has boon In session
nearly all afternoon holding a trial over Mrs.
Woodbrldgo.'s alleged escapade. Reports
therefrom ure to the effect that she lias been
acquitted cf Improper relations with Pooro
in Lincoln.
Blocked thn Wny.
EI.KIIOIIX , Nob. , March Bl. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tim Uisu.J A Union Pacific con
ductor , Riser by iiamo , was in trouble at this
place for a short time. Ho was on train No.
SO , the local freight. While In the discharge
of his duties , his train Inadvertantly blocked
the main street crossing for several minutes
in excess of the lawful time , as Is by village
ordinance provided , Ono nf the village ottl
curs had him arraigned before Judge ( Janon
for violating ordinance No , U. Ho was
promptly acquitted without n baring. The
" V. O. " says that the next conductor guilty
of this misdemeanor will bo put In durance
vile until a justice is fouud who will send
him over the road.
Mayor Nominated.
GENEVA , Nob. , March 80. ( Special to THE
BEE. ] At the caucus Saturday Dr. H. L.
Smith was nominated as mayor. The alder
men nominated are anti-license men , ant
without doubt will bo elected. The bond
election for a court house will bo ho excit
ing topic next Tuesday , and from present In
dications be voted , L'iylng FJllmoro county a
safe pluco for its records , instead of thu pres
ent tire trap , which , If it should burn , would
entail a loss of several hundred thousuut
dollars , us it would bo utterly Impossible to
save anything.
Good Times
Car , Neb. , Murch 81.
{ Special to TUB Bte.J The contract has
icon let to Improve the water power of the
rlvor nt this plnco. A canal ono and a half
miles long will bo mndon Work will com
mence April 1. The town , Will bo supplied
with water , nnd the contract is lot for the
erection of a largo floui mill. This is the be
ginning of good times./ / Other improve-
ncnts nro sure to follow. !
m An Explosion.
Grasn ISLAND , Nob. , March BO. [ Special
to imn BBB. ] A dlsastrou * explosion oc
curred In the warehouso'of Bockovon & Co. ,
wholesale fruit merchants , In this city about
7 o'clock this morning. Jin the back part of
the bUlldmg there Is a flnrk , nlr-ttght room
12x20 In which they rlnerf bananas. Gasoline
stoves are used for healing the room. A
young Italian has chnrgobf this department ,
and upon entering tho-.l-ootn this morning
found tno Urea had bittnod out during the
night. Ho lighted a camllo for the purpose
of discovering the cause , when there followed
u terrible explosion , knocking him alown.
blowing out the whole ol the glass front of
the building and rocking the buildings In tlio
vicinity. The building ujok lire , but the effi
cient work of the employes extinguished It
before nny damage \vim.lono. The Italian's
face nnd hands were blully but not dangorj
ously burned. \
The Security Hunk.
Giuxn ISLAND , Nob. , 'March 81. [ Special
to THE BKE.I The Security State bank of
Grand Island , with a branch officn nt Frank
lin , has decided to crecU nt once n four-story
building on Locust street , opposite the post-
office , said building la have n Irontagoon
that street of 55 feet , and to bo 01 feet deep.
Tlio first floor Is to bo occupied on the corner
by the bank , and thori wlll bo n store room
next , the iloois above : to bo lilted tip for
officos.UTho above bank has been recently
Incorporated , nnd wilt commence business
here May 1. At Frnrikllu It succeeds to
the business of the First National , and Mr.
.Tames L. Thompson' , fohnorly cashier of that
bank , Is tlio manager/ The directors are
Messrs. O. B. Thompson , John Kolmor.s. J. %
G. Kaino , F. W. Barber and James F. Zcdi-
kcr , of Grand Island ; Mr. Thomas H. White ,
of Now York , and Mr. HcrUoit A. Pike , of
Boston , (
Proinont ( Politics.
Fnr.voNT , Nob. , Marjh ill. [ Special to
Tin : BEE. ] Excit9incnl in local politics Is
running high. . fliSl h parties hold their con
ventions last -Ibid the republicans noinii- )
nting .T. Err - Aiding attorney , whllo
the dotnocr.b. rtnin&V ex-Senator Shcrwin
for mayor , ' . * S-ugglo will bo on party
grounds , wl * ° 'lf particular local issue. Besides -
sides voting nil ho oily ticket Tuesday there
are sovornP'vnd propositions. These are for
$10,000 to aUjin the construction of the now
court house Jo,000 ! to build n high school
and ono wt fd building , nnd 510,000 for the
erection of 'i now city ball.
EDOAK , Neb. , March 01. fSpaclal to Tun
BBC. ] There is considerable stir in Edgar.
About two hundred and flfty farmers of this
Immediate vicinity have gathered her o in
pursuance to a call for ii meeting of farmers
to organize a club for the purjioso of resist
ing thu twine trust. The meeting was en
thusiastic and the geurr.ll feeling seemed to
bo that , grain would , 'io stacked loose if
twine tould not bo bought for 15 cents per
pound , A resolution , ( , o this effect was
passca : _
AVerse Soared Thnii Hurt.
Neb. , March ; 31. [ Special
Telegram to TIIF. BEE. ] About ! J o'clock this
morning 11. A. Batt.y , 'a ' prominent citizen of
Hastings , was aroused from slumber by the
entrance of u masked burglar into his bed
room. The burglar ) wT | ji3Jve : ; : nt Mr.
Uatty jsud demandeiP'W ' ! valuabfSs : The
latter called loudly foi-ja Jj and Iilt-s. Batty
becoming badly fripitontfl jafot out of u
window on the roof of $ ho bnyr-toiiidow nnd
screamed. The burRliyr took Mr. Batty's
clothes containing a saiil } sum of money and
escaped. jfl
Evnn a Trnmj ) in Human.
FAiunimr , Neb. , Match 81. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.n.J A 'thousand of the fol
lowing handbills wera'ithrown ' on the streets
yesterday :
"Independent voters' of Falrbury , select
your tickets. Break' ' the ring. Do away
with horsewhipping. " '
Quito a llttlu feeling has grown from the
whipping of tramps the oihur nlglit and
trouble is possibly cQiutng.
A IfJUlnro. _ , ,
OOALALA , Nob. , Mucu 31. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIC BEB.lTlio entire stock of
merchandise of Sany.el A. Stencr was taken
possession of lost oftmhig undor. an execu
tion for $1,000 , in fayor ol M. E. Smith & Co. ,
of Omaha , and bySVirtue of two. , chattel
mortgages held by taA Suite Loan and Trust
company , of this pl.Tco , for some ? 1S,000.
Liabilities $30,000 , iiRijflts about tbo same.
CUEIOHTON , Neb § March 31. [ Special
Telegram to THE SJE . ] At a citizens' meetIng -
Ing last night live tnlti"wcro nominated as
city councilmen. Tjfoy are in favor of high
license nnd will undoubtedly bo elected.
Tno names are J. If-Pnakard , E. Perine , W.
W. Weigle. I. B. filler nnd George F. Low
ers. The first three have seyved on tbo
board during the p'tst year.
Ore ) lini Blnzo.
Oun , Nob. , Mnrctf SO. [ Special to THE
BEE.J The Ord flrejcomp.iny was.called out
this afternoon for tw > first time since Its or
ganization. The flV ? , caused by a defective
line , caught in the roof of n dwelling' house ,
but by the energy and promptness of the
llrcmcn and u splendid system of water
works , was quickly'fiubdued ,
A Unnnjviay Accident ,
AJ.IIION , Nob. , March ill. [ Spjclal Tele
gram to Till ! 13EB. ] Yesterday > afternoon
while Thomas Maihews1 .vifo and child were
driving through town the team bocaino
frightened and run away , throwing them
out. Mrs. Mathews and her' child were hours unconscious and * "nro in a
critical condition
Tlirowiijifrnm a Bmcey.
FAIHIIUIIV , Nebs Murch 31. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE Ur.ijl A man named Crane , n
prominent liveryman of this city , was thrown
from a buggy'bv U run-awav toam. His left
shoulder nnd loftSurni ivnro broken , and ho
was otherwise injured. Ho it , not expected
to live. J _
I'ralric { INro Haglm ; .
GIIANT , Neb. , jMuroh 31. [ Spaclal Tele
gram to Tun BiE.f-An : extensive and dis
astrous prairie flr ; is raging In Chase county
to-day. The flro'got its start in this county
last evening. A' tr6iig ; wind has been blow
ing from the nortbwo'st over since and it has
been impossible la 'check the Humus. Great
damage to stock < aiid'property him been re
ported. The origin of the fire Is unknown.
"Wuniudm. Osliorn ,
KEAHNBT , Neb March 31 , ( Spsclal Tola-
gram to TUB Sheriff JVJlson'jester -
day arrested two men , who were working on
farms north of Ilia city , They nro J , Ab
bott and Henry , U > untt .and are wanted in
Osborn , Kan. , fpr.hor o stealing ,
r - < >
Has Cnnfldcnuu in Kearnoy.
KEAHNET , Noo. , March 31. [ Special Talo-
gram to THE BijB.J E , 1C. Green , a wealthy
capitalist of Montreal , began two prossoil
brick residence ) } -eatcrday. Ho will build
forth during the season and Invest ever
(100,000 In improvements in the ult y ,
A Ticket Nominated ,
JUNIATA , Marcn80. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
At the citizens caucus the following village
ticket was nominated ; B. P. Smith. G. G.
Vreeland , E. P. Guttle , Asa Nelmeyor and
A. Langlahr , Thin ticket favoru grunting
license tlio ensuing year.
Further Particulars of the Torrlblo
Storm at Samoa.
The Vessels Helplessly Driven Be
fore tlio 'Giilontitl Dashed to
Atoms On the Hooks
nml JKccft.
The Great. Nnvlil Pinaster.
LONDON , March 81. Further particulars
of the disastrous storm in Apia havojujt
been rocolvcil. The hurricane bujsjaffpou
tlio harbor suddenly. ThoCk Kirman-of-
\var Ebor wa the flrsJf fiSBl to drop her
anchor. She bccnmo unmanageable and was
driven helplessly on o roof which runs
around the harbor. , She struck , broadside
on , at 0 o'clock In the morning. The shock
caused her to lurch and to stopper back , and
she sank In a moment In deep water. Most
of her men were under the hatchets and
scarcely a soul of them escaped.
Tlio Gorman war ship Adler was the next
to succumb. She was lifted bodily by n
gigantic wave and cast on her boatn ends on
the reof. A terrible struggle for life ensued
among the olllcors and sailors aboard. Many
plunged Into the rnglng surf and struck out ,
ijotnc : reaching shore In safety. Others
clung to the rigging until the musts fell. Of
those In the rlirging only two gained the
shore. The captain of tlio Adler and several
other olllcors wcro saved.
In the meantime the United States ship
Nipsio had been drauglng her anchors r.ud
drifting toward the shore. The captain ,
however , managed to keep control and ran
her on a sand bank. Boats were imme
diately lowered and the whole company
wore saved with the except ion of six men.
Those wcro drowned by tlio capsizing of a
The United States ship Vnmlnlia was car
ried before tlio gale right upon the reof. She
struck with u terrible shock , throwing thot
captain against a Gatlinc gun and ho fell ,
stunned. 13olore ho could recover a great
wave swept the dock and washed .him and
others away into the sea. Thd vessel sank
Hitv yards from the Nipsic , mid several of
thoonicers went down with her. Others
perished while making desperate efforts to
swim to the shore. Some of the ship's com
pany tried to suvo themselves by clinging to
the rigging , but heavy and swift running
waves dashed ever them , and one by one
they wcro swept awav.
By this time night had set in. Many na
tives and Europeans had gathered on the
shore , all anxious to render assistance to the
unfortunate crows , but owing to the dark
ness they wore wtio'ly unable to bo of ser
vice.Soon after the Vundalia had sunk the
American war ship Trenton broke from her
anchorage , and was driven upon the wreck
of the Vundaliawhen stio drifted to the
shore. The bottom of the Trenton was com
pletely steve in , and her hold was half full
of water.
As morning dawned the Gorman man-of-
war Olga , which had hitherto withstood the
gale , although much battered by the heavy
seas that constantly broke upon her , became
unmanageable and was driven upon the
beach , where she lay in u tolerably favora
ble position.
Following is a record of the ofllcors and
men lost :
EbOr Captain and all other oOlcors except
one and seventy-six nion. _
"Vundalla CaptalnpIouirifJccrs and forty
in n , < g , i"1 * f
Nipslc Seven men. " ° J
Adlcr Altogether fifteen persons.
Mataafa'scnt a number of his men to the
assistance of the wrecked ships. They ren
dered splendid aid in trying to iloat the Olga.
Correspondent Klein's Opinion.
NEW Yoitic , March 81. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEC. ] Referring to the great naval
disaster nt Samoa , John C. Klein" the well
Imowu correspondent recently returned from
that land , said to-night : "It is not difficult to
understand how the vessels were wrecked
when it IB said that none of the men-of-war
in the harbor at Apia kept steam up | unless
occasionally for condensing purposes , or
when expecting to go to sea. There cer
tainly could have been no scarcity of coltl , p.ft
has been suggested as being ono reason why
the vessels could not have got out to sea in
time to avoid the effects of the hurricane
close to thoslibio. Ono hundred and twenty-
six tons of coal were stored on shot o when
I loft Apia , while the Vundalia took down u
largo quantity last February. It usually
took the Nipsic , Olga , Alder and Eber
about three hours , howqvcr , to got up
steam. These vessels together with the
Trenton uud the Vandalia , probably had no
Hres In their boilers when the hurricane
camc > , and having but short notice of Its approach
preach , would bo at the tnorcy of the storms.
The Nipsio was anchored in sixteen fathoms
previous to'my departure from Apia and al
ways kept throe anchors out , but in such
hurricanes ug at times visit Samoa , It is not
likely that half a dozen anchors would have
held her. The harbor atApla Is so small
that with only the Nipsia and tho.tlirco Ger
man ships the vessels wore forcc to lloqulth
close together , some of them lying within 200
yards of the reof. At low tide part of the reef
was entirely bare. With u heavy sea run
ning and having nearly half a mile between
them and the shore it is not sur
prising that so many sailors were
drowned. On ono occasion In January
last I saw the Nipbic's wlmlo bout
filled with officers and men , almost Bivomued
while attempting to reach the ship from
shore. On this occasion there was merely u
heavy swell. Captain hand of the English
man-of-war Royalist , who came to Apia from
Africa during the latter-part of mv stay in
Snmoa , was so apprehensive of the sudden
visit of a hurricaiio lhat ho Ho in steam up
constantly by banked fires , in o'rder that ho
might put out to sea without delay , where ho
would have plenty of room to ride out the
storm , . Captain Kane , of the English man-
of-war Calliupo , probably followed his ex
ample , thus when the hurricane came , they
wore ready to leave dangerous harbor at
once. The American and jjermuu ships' in
Samoa woro'nlwnys forced * to save fuel for
au emergency. The hurricane which
last visited Samoa previous to
the ono mentioned occurred jn
18Si. ; Residents of Samoa told mo that they
usually came at Intervals of about six years.
In the storm of 1SS3 u largo American
schooner was carried ever half u mile across
thn reef and landed In the yard of tbo Ger
man consulalo , while several large vessels
wcro forced bigli up on the beach. When I
left Apia many 'residents expressed their
fear that a liurrlcmie'would visit the Islands
In February. AU thu vessels In the harbor
having been destroyed or beached there
must bo grcatdiniculty for residents of Apia
to communicate with tbo mall steamers at
Tutulla , aixty-Jlva miles away , the Calliope
having gene to Sydney * Sixtyflvp , miles is
a long distance to pull a row boat , in the
heavy sea , which runs oft the shore in tbo
vicinity of Samoa. " >
Work : on thf > Charleston.
SAN FIUKCIHCO , March 81 , Superintend
ent Dlckoy , of the Unloti Iron works , said to
day in reply to a query ) "Wo have not re
ceived any orders from Washington to rush
things on tbo Charleston , and even ( t we
should It would not do any good for the sim
ple reason that wo have more than crammed
the vessel with expert workmen , and fur
ther attempts to expedite matters would bo
ridiculous. 'Tlio propeller blades will bo put
iu position Immediately , and on Monday the
board of examiners will Inspect the hull.
The Charleston will come oil the dock next
Thursday and will bo tatien to Mission Rock ,
She will remain there until ready , to go to
Mare Island , where her masts will bo
stepped. I can't say anything doflnlto about
her guns. "
The Queon'B ML-HHUXC of Condolence.
M , March 81. Queen Victoria
cabled through Lord Salisbury to the Brit-
sh legation In this city to-day , directing that
icr earnest sympathy bo tendered to the
nrcsldont of the United States on account of
.ho terrible naval misfortune nt Samoa and
.ho deplorable loss of life. Edwards , the
Urltish cbiueo d'affalra ' , accompanied by the
secretary of state , waited upon the president
this afternoon and road to him the queen' *
message. President Harrison expressed his
warm appreciation , and Unit of the people of
the whole country , of the queen's consider
ate sympathy In the cilnmlty that had over
whelmed our naval corps at Samoa. A
lorinnl reply to the queen's message would
jo made , thu president said , through the do-
lartmcut of stato.
At the Nnvy Department ,
WASHINGTON , March 31. Secretary Tracy
went to Brooklyn , yesterday. Commodore
Walker , chief of the bureau of navigation ,
who Is acting head of the department during
.ho secretary's absence , was not at home
this evening , but It was said nt his residence
that no additional Information had been re
ceived In regard to the vessels wrecked nt
The immediate relatives to those who lost
ihelr lives will bo entitled to a pension under
the general laws. The pension is $0 for a
seaman's widow per month , and S3 per month
for each child under sixteen yours of ago. .
In tiio cuso of widows of ollicers it is proper-
tlonably larger. The parents of the dead
persons will have to prove that they were
doriotulcnt upon their sons for support to en
title them to pensions. Congress will probably
also pass a special act making reimburse
ments for the oflects and baggage of the
officers and men lost In this wrcclt. This
was done in the case of the Huron , which
went down on the Hntturas coast about ilf-
tcen years ago.
Till1U3COHD. .
The Financial Tranqautlotis of the
Past \VoeIc.
BOSTON , Mass. , March 31. [ Special Tolo-
jram to the Hun. ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to tlio Post from
the managers of the loading 1 caring-houses
of the United States , shows ttio gross ex
changes for the week ended March 30 ,
IBS ! ) , with rates par cent of luci ease or decrease -
crease us comp.iroJ with the amounts for
.ho correspondlngweok m 1SSS :
emus. CLKIIUNO ? .
New York
Itnston .
I'liliauelimiu. . . . OV.7J.777
Ctilrauo 6'MIY.I.OJO . . . .H.n
St. Louis 17,107,101 . . n.o
Sun Francisco ir-.rai.4is . . . n.o
llaltlmoro . . . in a
Cincinnati ,
Now Orleans .
Kansas City
.Miluunkeo < .fi-.4OJII . . . .21.r >
St. Paul . . . : H.B
Omnlm 3. I2jj29 .25.6
. .
Minneapolis .ya.Ti
Denver .02 u ,
( lalveston l.OIT.Wl ' '
Detroit 4,137.rll . . . 7.I (
Cleveland . . . .07.5
Itlenmoud J.7W.3W . . .31.3
Indianapolis . . . U.I
Memnins . : . : ) . &
Colummis 2IO..100 . 21.1
Los AiiKc * fi'.2ODO w.o
llurtrorcl ] ,4J7S
Ki'\v llnveu 01MOJ O.IP
Wichita C ) , h07 \ .
Norfolk oio.i'n ' ii.i
1'eorla . . .15.1) )
Portlanr. n.oi . . . .4ri.r >
Sprlmrtleld ! ) ( U,7TO . .10.0
St. .Jusenti 1,077H)9 ) ' '
Worcester OTBfiUD ! i'o.'i
Lowell. . . . . . < * * J78
Syracuse. . . .i-.j
qraiin llamas. . . . . .
Hnlntn..T : .
Toi/pka . ,
Sioux City , 11).00 ) J
* Tacoma ai3.3ju
Montreal. 'fioiiicqa
Total. . . . . . . .2,1.8
OutslduNow York , . . .27.3
Not included in totals ; no oloaringjiouso
At Homo ARtiin Aftoi : a Throe Years'
Absence. '
NEW YOBK , March 31. [ Special Telegram
to'Jlin : BEE. I Among the i > assongers on the
English steamer , the Duke of Westminster , ,
which arrived from Japan this morning , was
Hear Admiral Uobort Schufcldt and Miss
Schufeldt , ills daughter. The admiral , in 10-
BDonso to. u question , s ald : "I've' ' returned
after an absence of ever three years. " I won t
first to Panama and madO" up'm'ymlhd the
canal wai a failure. From Panamaycnt
direct to Japan , nnd 'spout many months
studying the people. For a time I lived fur
In the interior , where foroighois seldom go.
Japan Is largely under tlio Influence oftbo
Germans , but Americans are highly re
spected and could oasily-makc their influence
much more potent K they clioso.
From Japan I went to Corea , .whoro
I spout half n year. ' Hero "a
majority of the foreigners are Americans. I
have a peculiar interest "in this country , be
cause I carried out the llrst treaty between it
and the United States , kt then went back to
Jupan nnd there took passage on thp Duke of
-Westminster In order toJcarn why the
English stenmors could trade In Chinese and
Japanese waters , and make a profit when
American ships could not. My conclusion
was that there was po reason at nil , and that
our ships could trade there 410 , equal terms
with the Edglish ships , and at/a profit , tffo.
I was eighty days on the voyugo hrfnio. Wo
touched at several Indian portv nnd nt
Clumbo , whom I visHe'd Ai-.ibl Pashar I
only heard , of the loss of our ships at Samoa
this morning , niul it was v-ory fad news tome
mo , The Trenton was a remarkable ship in
her way. The London Times once called
her the model frlgato of the world. " The
ndmiral says ho e.innot rest on shore , and
wlllbtart on * on another trlpjs soon as ho can.
IJOTU. WTUl'l'KD. . '
Two St. Paid Men Got 'riirojigli l < 'l ' jht-
. ln > ; hJImiiltoiiooilfily. ' * * "
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 81. [ Special Tefo-
gram to Tni ! BEE.J A select prUo light oc
curred yesterday afternoon in St. Paul be
tween Eugene , Gibbertson' , deputy sheriff
until u few months ago , ufid Pieroo ,
both well known here. The light began In
the bar-room of a prominent hotel. Piorce's
credit had ocen shut olt nt the bar and ho
took occasion to ubuso the bartender , who
refused nlrn a drink. Gibbsr ton attempted
to protect tho'bartcndor and 'received several
Insulting cjilthuts from "Pjcr.ce. Ho warned
him not to ropaat thcTbinavk , but Plorpo did
BO , and Glbbortcn'lot ily with his goftd right ,
with good effect. Charley Vnlrcblld sepa
rated tlio combatants , and iUxvus then agreed
to go to a private room and fight to a llnlsh < *
Tno men stripped to < the waist and , went at
each other cautiously , .Suddenly Gibbcrton
found an opening , getting , llrst blood , ami
followed It up with a loft Imnder that put
Pierce full length oh tho' floor. He goUun
and was knocked down again , when tlmo
was. cajlod. The second nnd the third founds
were uninteresting , no blows of nnyjm.
portunce being struck , In the fourth'ruOnd
Plorco gave "Gone" a oqd lmrp rap op. the
forehead , and then both men throw up the
simngo. being completely winded. They de-
clarcd themselves satUlledi *
A 9Inroh''CyulonP.
CIXCINXATI , March 81.A 'terrible gale of
wind , nccompanied by a light ruin , paased ,
over the city this afternoon , Many houses
in the southwestern and "northern part -of
the city were unroofed and humorous fences
Iirostrtflod. Covlngton and Newport suf
fcrcd In the bamo way. *
Dvrro.v , March Hi. A March cyclone
whistled overplus valley all day , No special
disasters are reported except to n uncom
pleted Catholic church In this city * Tlio
heavy timber framework for the dome , tow
crmp forty foot above the roof , full with an
axvful crash. Into the churcb , wrockiiij ; every.
thing under It. " *
? ir
The Fronoh Mlulatora Tnlk Ji.'boUt >
Punishing Boulaufror. If.
"i t
Ho Seeing to bo Greater Thnii Tholr
Coinhinod Forces Many Itn * jj '
morn or the Fuluro
In Franco. t
B a
ntnoli Ado About Nothing ,
( Cop/riht | ) ) tv& bu James Gordon llinnttt , ] * Sf
PAHH. March 31. [ Now York Hornl ( H
Cnblo-Spocial to THE BEE. ! "Muoh ado
about nothing" Is n quotation that tolls the *
ilstory of the curly partot Saturday In n siu1 *
glo lino. Humors , rumors nnd still rumors ,
with n largo dash of excitement thrown In ;
they came with every wind that blow and
wore of ns ninny different kinds ns thcro nro
lolnts In the compass. In the Sallo do's pas
lordus of the chamber of deputies , it they
were thick as leaves In Vallnmbrosa , of
course the bravo general was their principal
.hemo. <
Is ho to bo piosccutodl Is he to bo loft un
molested by the powers that lft > I Excite
ment shotio on In the eyes nnd upon the faces *
of the honorables. Whenever niiyona sup
posed to bo In the confidence of the ministry
nut Iii nil nppcnrunco ho was immediately
surrounded by nn eager questioning crowd. (
What had boon the decision of the cabinet At (1
the morning council ! It was a universally ' <
versally known fact that the minis > &
tern had at the morning discussed the
question whether the facts brought
under their notlco by the Inquiry Into tlio ,
doings of the Llguo dos Patrlotcs did or did I
not authorize them to extend the prosecu
tions already instituted , but the sATetof
the decision that had been como to had forja
wonder boon well kept. Accordingly tno
well Informed persons who hold forth know
ingly on ministerial plans sometimes oven
before these plans liavo talcon a local habita
tion und name in the minds of the ministers
themselves had an ample field for their In
genuity. At first it was held that the gov-
crumcnt had decided to ask tha chamber to
authorize the prosecution of General Bou- >
lauger. A little later these sensational re
ports wcro flatly contradicted. In the midst
of all this perturbation of spirit in walked
General Boulangor himself , looking n trlflo
pnlo and worn. Boron do Mnckan hastened
forward to meet hihi and gave his band a
hearty shako. 'The general took his ac
customed seat in the center of his .devoted ,
relatives , and for some time afterwords
beets of foolscap paper passed mysteriously
from hand to hand in the Houlanglst camp.
Meanwhile ousincHs was not entirely sus
pended. Constant and Spullor , ministers , ans
wered questions put by M. Ferrono and Sails
respectively , that of the latter referring to
Signor Crispi's statement that France was to
blame for the rupture of the commercial re
lations between Franco and * Italy. M.
Spuller declares that there was no founda
tion in fact for the report that the French
ambassador to the Qulrinal had commenced
ncgotlatiutions for a now commercial treaty
between the two countries. After this tbo
adjourned aobato upon the reform of the
criminal instruction f ode wa" > resumed. , ,
* *
iPauLJJ'Cas Oguaa waxed wioth when . 5
Lobusslororead 'jtho committee report ita.
favpr of transfcring to the police corrcclo $ <
nel the jurisdiction hitherto tbo 4 ?
usslzo courts in the matter of violations Of
the press law. "It Is a burning shame" cridd
the deputy of the right and ho went op'tOj
accuse the government of picking iutf'from *
'tho nrscn'a.l of tho'chX monarchies. Jho rusty
nnd dishonorable weapons of tyranny. "The
people should be judged by the pSople-aiicl |
you nro afraid of the people , und Kraut * tb
put yourselves under the guard 'ot'yb"tjr' * | ;
hired functionaries. " During the sitting of
the chamber a rumor was circulated to Ufa
effect that M. Bouchoz , the public prosecutor
cuter ; had resigned his oflice owing to a de
cision of the cabinet to prpcosd against Gen
eral Bouhmg r. Later on this astounding
ronorf gYew'npaco , and before Puris.h' ,
tired for honxlif ! , obtained almost oltijatall
' " " * ' *
confirmation. . , ,
" * Mr..BmTclTczlwas said to sympathize. , Vdtjtf n _
Boulangorlsih .nntl particularly with ts
cluof. ' Condolence's , 'mock nnd real , wora
addressed to the keeper of the seals on , tbo
defection of his subordinate. It is wprth'y --I
no to that M. SIgismond Lucrolx , .deputy
cjf tKo Seine , was onfy dissuaded by tha * $ &
dircot Intervention of M. Houvfor from JffiJ- *
tcrpolating thp' government during ttio'ai-
tlng of the chamber. Ho has , hoivoyerfVnh/
postponed his question and will put It on
Tuesday , if in thu meantime sufllcleutljf
stringent measures ugalnst the Boulaugisjt
party have not boon taken. Tinnlly the general
oral opinion Is that the government bos
doilnitoly decided what it will do , and that it
Is only waiting for the fitting inonmnU Tbo
radicals moreover are credited with tlio in-
tcntion to pile on the agony until " ' '
decisive is dono.
l.VpiA V
A Kenmi'kablo Story From thofVttlp |
of .North.Dakota. H y
CIIIG.U.O , March ill. A special 'dispatch
frojn Wnshbuni , Dak. , to the local p"ap'b- |
Raysthnt l. A. Williams und his JWotboV ,
Tom IVjlIiainH , a few weeks ago wont up U o
Little Missouri , trapping. The second.morn-
Ing lifter they weiit into camp they found
that their traps had been visited nnd game
taken out. The next night Tom remained'
out to wntuh for the thieves. In the middle
of the night his brother was awukout > ri by
liovoral shots and sprang out of bed In his
cabin to sec Tom full across the doorway-a
corpse. Fifteen Indians came up and opimei'
lira on the hurvlvor. Williams protected
himself ns well ns' ho could mid evened flrd
on the Indians with twp heavy rp 'Olvorf ,
and , uccording to the dispatch , managed ta
kill cloven of the Indians wlion the other
four nod. Willlamt , although aoverely
Wounded , managed bury Ins hi other and
drifted down the rlvcivin n uoitt to Fort
gtevonsou. i
GIIANU Foui.s , N. D. , March 31. ] Speclal > "
TolcRrnin to Tin : BEH. ] For dovoral w on i.
'Chief of Pollco Ilunncssy has boon shadow- *
jug a man who gives t'rto nauio of James
Sheldon , with bib Jrcbiilenco na Tennessee
and to-night ho arrested him on the chirgo
of murder. Thu murder U alleged to hav
boon comtnitUdut btone foal cuick , Lewi
county. West Virginia , December 23 ,
when John ! ( , Wofct aged flfty und bis
ngcd eleven were uritlully murdered. -
nrd Doucll was convlrted und sentenced .
hnng , but on Pctobor , 'J , HJl ) , lie neaped > >
nnd wn % never hoard of. Fqr ev . *
oral years Chief IlC'il.nmy has be i . - ;
quletlv worklng'on the riuto' und .fpllovvlug. .
evorv vlUo , Tlio'mun Sheldon tin * fwg VntU , *
Inir Grand Forks ovcry-fnll for fevi
und the Hiikx of , evuloncolverp
tlelitcnlng around him. Tno 41
made shortly after 6 pYlock to-ri
don , or DowCll.'wns'vm'Vly ' "Tec ;
terinely denial tbat lie ever omn
dor. An ofllcor is expected herd .
from Weal Virginia to identify tliiprl o
Telegraphic informatioif rqmtliqirof" |