Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Somebody Vina stolen a vnlnnblo white
Irlflh soltor from Chief Gnlllgnn.
Gcorgo linger , arrested on the chnrgo
of forgery , was released for lack of
Gug Schulz wnfl nrrcstod yesterday on
chnrffo of selling liquor nftor midnight ,
lie will bo tried Friday.
The Merchants' carntvnl to bo hold
nt the exposition hnll on April 2 , is not
for the benefit of the Open Door ns
' stated , but for the Old Ladles Homo.
Mrs. Gcorgo Holt fired two revolver
shots nt n tramp who attempted to pain
entrance to her homo nt 2912 Hnlf How-
nrdstrcotdurlng her husband's absence.
Kocor C. Donnghuo , n collector for
the world , died yesterday nftornoon nt
No. 1910 Cass street. Hownsbuttwonty-
lx years of ago nnd nvlctlm of consump
Contributions for the "Open Door"
fllnnprnnd supper to bo given nt 110
North Fifteenth street , on Saturdny ,
will be received in the forenoon of each
dny.Brandos and Schmidt , the saloon
keepers charged with obstructing the
view into their saloons , were arraigned
ycstordny , but granted n continuance
until April 8.
Charles McCarthy , who was found In
store basement on Capitol nvonuo on
Monday night , was yesterday placed
under bonds of $700 to answer in the dfc-
trict court to the charge of burglary.
Constable Clark's butrgy 'collided on
Fourteenth nnd Dodcro with n pop
vvngon belonging to Pomy & Segelko ,
nnd n wheel and shaft were badly de
molished. Clark has brought suit
against the firm for damages.
M. R. Burns , of Lcadvillo , has written -
ton to Chief Soavoy inquiring as to the
whereabouts of his son , W. H. Burns ,
who has boon missing from homo for
four years and is supposed to bo in
Bertha Mapcs , the Fremont girl who
has boon loading a dissipated Ufo in
Omaha , has boon taken to her homo by
her brothor-inrlaw. She promised her
Omaha associates to return nt the first
Expressman Slater has cleared hlm-
Bolf oftho chatgo of having nppi'oprl-
ntcd a trunk which ho was to hnvo for
warded to Huggnn , of Dos Moines. The
trunk is hold for a board bill at 421
North Sixteenth street.
J. L. Tldbnll and wito , of Crete , are in the
city. .
J. P. Clnroy mid wife , of Crete , are in the
city.Mr. . Frank Porter , editor of the Western
Wove , IB In the city.
County Superintendent ol Instruction
Bruner will go to Waterloo , Nob. , to-day ,
where ho will hold n teachers' oxuuunntion.
The examination will last until to-morrow
Martin Dunham , late of the Southorland
hotel in Florida , which was recently des
troyed by fire , has returned to Omuhn. Ho
states that the hotel will bo rebuilt , but ho
will not go back to take charge of it.
Suntlny Ijliiof | Selling.
Oertio Mann nnd her porter , Etnmanul
Miles wore each fined $100 for selling liquor
on Sunday. They took an appeal. Mamie
Wilson and porter , G. N. Mayor , were ar
raigned , but secured a continuance.
K. or ( ; . , Attention.
There will bo an open meeting of IA. .
UOU next Friday evening nt their hall , 1210
Douglas street. Knights nnd others are cor
dially Invited to bo present , as important
matters , by good speakers , will be discussed.
. Forcer C.iuclit.
George II. Hacen , the fellow who has been
passing a number of forged checks on the
Woodman Unseed oil works , has finally boon
arrested , and the evidences of his guilt are
considered conclusive. A number ot the
cheeks wore found on his person.
ThlnlcF ) GnmttlliiK is Going On.
Captain Grcon reports to Chief Se.ivoy
that ho visited the Jcaril rooms over the sa
loons belonging to Byron Clarke , Foley &
Tarst mid Donnelly Bros. , and though ho
found no gambling actually In progress ho
believes that is carded on in these places.
Selected tlioVroiifj Bunk.
Jiui O'Connor got drunk , nnd making his
way into a house nt 20t North Tenth street ,
went to sleep on the floor. When the lady
of the house came homo she was nearly
f frlphteded Into convulsions at seeing the
stranpo man. O'Connor was arrested nnd
fined § 10.
A Krnll Hone.
Several "canvassers" are perambulating
the thoroughfares at the present time solicit
ing signatures to a petition for the location
of the poatoDleo on the Planters' hotel slto.
The signatures , however , Jn no way com
pare with those which have already been ob
tained tor Faruam and Eightcenth stroots.
Suffer In Secret ,
Disreputable men who go among vicious
women nnd get robbed will probably soon
learn that the best thintr for them to do It to
Bav nothing about it. The two colored girls ,
Eftlo Smith nnd Minnie Gentry , charged
with stealing f 11 each from n couple of sol
diers nnd tried In the district court , were ac
John Thompson was caught whllo attempt
ing to burglarize a hous'o about 4 a. m. Ho
wan turned over to the police and will pass
the next ten days In jail.
Churlci Ludga , n drunken hum , who makes
a living by begging , was given thirty days ,
eluht on bread and water.
John Dean will bo tried on Friday on the
the charge of beating His \\lfo.
A Iilttlo I'lnoli.
The proprietor of Poison's planing mill , nt
the corner of TwcntS'-fourtU and Lake
streets , Is In financial trouble. Ho employs
about llftcon moribund has apparently been
doing n big trade. Yesterday Constable
Clarke closed the place on nn execution from
Jnstk-o ICrocgor'a court for $ JO , In favor of
J. Wliford. A Fottleinent will probably be
effected , us Poison now haa a $0,000 job in
band for Judge Dundy.
For ItcpnrtcrH Only.
Browning , King & Co. are putting In n
handsome box in the grand stand at the ball
park for the reporters.- There Is to bo a
writing slad , and the chairs nro to ha some
thing novel nnd luxurious. They will bo o (
the easy pattern , and nicely upholstered.
Ench cliiilr ran bo folded nnd locked after
each. game. None but the reporters of Tim
linn. Republican , Herald. World nnd Coun <
ell limits Nonparlctl will have n key to the
box , Ii will bo a nice piece of work nnd the
generous 11 rm lias the thunlia of the base bal
reporters. _
Ko Licenses
Following nro the marnago licenses hiuoj
yesterday in tUo county coart by Judge
Shields ;
Name and Residence. Ago
James A. Clmmberlln , Crolghton , Nob. . . ! )
l.yma , K.-L'urj' , Piwneo City , Neb . 31
Pfii-cn NoUon , Omalm , . . . . . . . . . Bi
Mary Jensen , Omahn . , . , . H
Theodore Auor. Soutu Ouiaha. .
Mary KohuUe , Oaiaha. . . . - , , . . , . . . . '
William A. Dyer , Omaha .
Ella Hooter , Omaha . * >
The Late Dr. Die Lo\vis , in speuklnp
of Warner's Safe Cure said , over hi
own Biffimturo : "If I found myself tlu
victim of ft serious Uldnoy trouble , .
would /UBO Warner's Safe Cure. " II <
uUo Eiild"Tho medical profession stand
da/.efl and liolplees in the presence o
more tlmn one kiduoy malady. "
Miss nicchlcr Anil lloso Anclrcson In
the County Jnll.
It IB said ttmt Miss lllcchlor , whoso trial
or the killing of Harry King will bo com
menced April 2 , Is nerving herself for the
earful ordeal. She takes no narcotic or
tlmulant for the desired "nerve , " but la do-
otlug considerable of her time to practicing
on answering the prob'nbto questions that
vill bo put to hen how she will appear in
ho court room with thousands of oyca
taring at her ; how she will wear effective
expressions and how she can keep from
filtering if scored too severely by
the prosecution. For the past
vcck It Is said that she has not acted
strangely or appeared to bo mentally do-
rniigcd. On the contrary she Is Jolly nnd
sports to a certain degree with her female
visitors from other cells In the prison. Of
hcso she has few. She has taken n great
'nncv ' to Hose Andrcson , who was acquitted
nstwcok of the charge of stealing n largo
amount of money from Edward Mnuror.
Although she Is free to have her liberty Hoao
irofcrs to remain In the jail. She Is qulto
mughty. Mrs. Klnp has asked hur to appear
with her In the courtroom nnd remain with
lordurlntttho trial.
Miss Uicchlur talks of Mr. King ns her bo-
oved Harry. It Is believed that she thought
ho world of the man. nnd not n day misses
jut that she frequently alludes to his good
Hose stated that Miss Dicohlor's
supposed insanity was on account of her
sickness. This was the early part of last
ycok. when she attempted to throw Dr.
ilnrngan and Jailor Miller over the railing
of the upper balcony when they entered the
It la a. Curious Fact
That the body is now more susceptible
to benefit from medlclno than at and
other season. Hence the Importance of
.liking Hood's Sarsnparllla now , when
t will do you the most good. It is
eally wonderful for purifying and on-
riohing the blood , creating anappetite ,
and giving a healthy tone to the whole
system. Bo sure to got Hood' Sarsa-
Kirilla , which is peculiar to itself.
Yestorpay the remains of two young
ndles wore consigned to the tomb. One was
tfolllo Carey , daughter of an old employe of
the Union Pacific. The services wore hold
n St. Phllomcnn's cathedral nnd the ro-
nnins were interred in Holy Sepulchre com-
story. The pallbearers were the following
Jnion Pacific engineers : James Dlnun ,
C6n. Kirk , John Median , Thomas Ryan , F.
O'Rourko ' nnd Robert Lumpklns.
The other was the youthful daughter of
Thomas Nolan , late cashier nt the local
freight depot of the Union Pacific. The ser
vices were held in St. Patrick's church. The
remains were enclosed in a beautiful plush
covered casKot. The pallbearera were little
girl associates of the deceased , who
were attired in white. Their presence
ndded greatly to the effect of the sceno.
They were Annie Lymnn , ICatio Council ,
Maggie Murphy , KatioO'ICeofa , Annie 13ren-
nun und Tony Mnltck. The remains were
'allowed to Holy Sepulcher cemetery by a
nrgo number of friends of the family of the
To err is human , but you mnlco no
nistako If you use Dr. Jones' Rod
Dlovor Tonic for dyspepsia , costivoncss ,
jad breath , piles , pimples , agup and
malaria , poor appetite _ , low spirits , or
diseases of the kidneys , stomach and
liver. 60 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
A Vicious Lad ,
Mrs. Reghm Morroll , who lives on Charles
street , sworoout a warrant for the arrest of
a telegrapher named A. G. Howell , who she
claims boat her son. When Mr. Howell
icard ot this he went to the police station
nnd surrendered himself. Ho says he is a
neighbor of Mrs. Morroll , nnd her son Eddy
s nn incorrigibly bad boy. Ho blackguards
Mrs. Howell and throws bricks and clubs at
iier , and Mr. and Mrs. Morroll refuse to do
anything with him. Wednesday the young
imp struck Howell with a brickbat , ana ho
ran after the lad and when ho caught him ,
; nvo him the cutting ho deserved. Several
of the neighbors have been compelled to
move on account of the unrestrained deviltry
) f the boy. Action will bo taken In the po-
llco court to have him sent to the reform
" 1 have used St. Patrick's pills , " says
Mr. J. Reynolds , of Mayflcld , Ky. . "and
pronounce thorn superior to any I have
cvor before used. I do'not hesitate to
recommend thorn , knowing them to bo
reliable. " They are thorough , yet
gentle in their action and leave the
system in splendid condition. As a
cathartic , or for disorders of the liver ,
3t. Patrick's pills have no equal. Sola
by all druggists.
Trnakinc n Worthless Spouse.
Mrs. F. B. Moore called on chlof of police
and told a pitiful story of how her husband
Is treating her. She was married to him
about a year and n half ngn and she now bos
n child about five months old. They were
living together at Rock Springs , Wyo. , and
last month ho deserted her without leaving
her a cent. She finally traced him to Omaha
and has been hero for a number of days.
She found that ho was rooming nt Mrs. Pea-
body's ' on Dodgestreet. . An soon as ho
learned his wife hud been there to see him
ho moved to a house on Fiftoanth , near the
Gees hotel. She finally tracked him there
and ho moved again , A man named Leslie
Moore says the follow Is now rooming on
Seventeenth street , but either cannot or will
not say anything raoro about him. Mrs.
Moore Is anxious to BOO her husband nnd
learn the cause of his strange treatment. -
California Oat-R-Oure.
The only guarantee cure lor catarrh
cold in the head-hay fcvor , rose cold
catarrhal deafness and sore oyos. Restore -
store the sense of taste and unpleasant
breath , resulting1 from catarrh. Eusy
and pleasant to uso. I'allow directions
and a euro is warranted by nil drug-
gibts. Send for circular to ABIETINJ2
MEDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , Cul.
Six mouths' treatment for 81 ; sent by
mail , $1.10 , For bale by Goodman
Drug Co _
IlcroUtu Rfwareoil. !
Miss Mlnnio CulliiKhan , the young lady
that so horolcafly c.msod the arrest of the
sneak thief at Til North Fourteenth street it
few days 11-40 , was tendered a handsotno
prcHcnt by the roomers nt homo , Messrs.
Dalloy , Creho , Carey , MoGahnn , Murray ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gibson and Master Mart
Gibson. On last Saturday evening ( hey as
sembled In the sitting-room of Mr. and Mrs.
Callnghnn's nnd called for Miss Minnie. An
Aha entered the room nha was Informed by
Master Mart Gibson that the parties had as
sembled for the purpose of presenting her
with some beautiful necklace as a reward for
her tuoughtfulnoss nnd bravery. The
speaker said ho was proijd to know that it
was to bo worn by a fcnrlo B nnd noble girl.
Miss Cnllnghan snid it was with pleasure that
she accepted the token nnd extended a thous
and thanks.
Wo often hear people say , there Is only one
good cough mcdlcino and that is Dr. Uull's
Cough Syrup.
I suffered for two weeks with neuralgia of
the face , and procured Immediate relief by
ualng Salvation Oil. Mitt. WM. C. BAI.D ,
433 N. Carey St. , Baltimore , Md.
The tiotR Which Governor Snundors
Holds lit Trim ,
City Attorney Webster was asked yes
terday what ho Intended to do in the mat
ter of securing for the city the lots hold in
trust by Governor Saunders , nnd which
wore donated to the Union Pacific railroad
company in consideration of building its
depot nnd making other Improvements. Ho
replied that the resolution passed by the city
council Instructing him to take such stops
tind not coino to him yet , but when it did
he would proceed Immediately to execute
the orders of that body. There are fifty-
three of lots , entire , nnd parts of about half
nn many more. The former nro as follows ;
0 nnd 7 , of block 201 ; 5 , 7 and 8 , block 202 ; 5 ,
0 , 7 and 8 , block 201 ; 5 , 0 nnd 7 , block 215 ; B ,
0,7 nnd 8. block 210 } 1,2 , 8 , 4.5,0,7 nnd 8 ,
block 217 ; 1 , 3 , n , 4. C. 0 , 7 nnd 8 , block 218 ;
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 nnd 8 , block 219 ; 3 nnd 4 , block 223 ;
7 nnd part of 8 , block 22t ; one-half of 8 , block
220 ; 4 in block 227 ; 1 in block 231 ; 1,2 , 3 nnd
4 , bloclc 205 ; 2 , 4,5 , 0 nnd 7 , block 230.
Stamping null Embroidery ,
"Yos , Lizzie , I like to do fancy work ,
but I haven't felt like trying that pattern -
torn or anything else for a week.
Those nwful 'drugging down1 pains are
just killing mo. " "I know how you
fool , and I can toll you whore to look for
rollof. Dr. Piorco's Favorite Proscrip
tion is a certain euro for all those pe
culiar weaknesses and distressing ail-
monts. Why I it even cured mo of pro
lapsus , nnd many of my lady friends
have boon cured of various grave mala
dies peculiar to our BOX by this wonder
ful medicine. " It is the only medicine
sold by druggists , under a positive
guarantee from the manufacturers , that
it will give satisfaction in every case , or
money refunded. Road guarantee on
Omnua Defeated.
The Omaha rillo team and the Council
Bluffs team shot their final match for the
championship badge on the Council BlufTs
range Wednesday. It resulted In an over
whelming defeat for Omaha , on account of n
failure of aoino of hoi best shots to turn out.
The conditions were 200 yards , half off
hand nnd half with rest , best possible out of
100. The score was as follows :
Omahas J. J. Hardln , captain , ( VS , P.irma-
leo 07. Hulott , C. C. , 07 , Krug 43 , Potty 71 ,
Wilbur 07 , Dunmlro23 , Robertson Ol.Hulott ,
W. C. , 84 , Kinneir 48 ; total 551.
Council Bluffs J. C. HolTmvor , captain ,
CO , Avery 73 , Tlpion 74 , Oliver. W. , 04 , Campbell -
boll 52 , Mathl O'J , Atherton 03 , Graham J7 ,
Oliver , J. , C2 , Motcalfo 03 ; total 021.
A New Train.
The connecting link botwcon Ne
braska and Kansas has just boon placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train loaves Council Bluffs daily at
4:45 : a. m. ; leaves Omaha at 6:03 : n. m. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topekn , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points east ana south via
Kansas City. Returning , train loaves
Manhattan at 2:25 p. m. ; arriving at
Beatrice at 0:25 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:60 :
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the cast , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abolino and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. Thcso trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. " The now train will fill
a lony felt want , and is bound to bo
popular. _
Carriers May Hope.
In Tun Ben of Wednesday'wns published a
Washington despatch stating that Congress
man Connell expects to induce the postolUco
department to place Omuhn in the class of
cities having bO.OOO population and over
which would materially increase the pay
of mall carriers. In this class of offices
the cnrrl crs ure divided into three grades ,
und the highest salary paid is $1,000 a year.
The second grade receive $350 nnd the third
$000. As it is now , Omaha has only two
grades , nnd 5850 is the largest salary paid.
It is not expected that a chnngo such as in
contemplated would give any moro carriers.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug Co.
Fleecing n
H. Bondman , a vagrant , who has money in
the bank has contrived to live off the county
nil winter by being sent up from tlmo to tlmo
for petty offenses. Ho wai arraigned again
yesterday for drunkenness nnd having plenty
of money the judge fined him $10.50 und took
it out of his roll. Bondman objected strongly
to this , nsulng fora sentence in Jail instead ,
but the Judge would not accommodate him.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnam St. .
telephone 1204 , blank book makers , otc ,
Capitol ledge No. il , A. F. A. M. re-
colved a dispatch from Elkhorn yesterday
Inquiring whether or not Thomas Leo Was a
member , telling of his accidental death as
appenrop in Tin : UBU'B telegrams. Coroner
Drcxol was notified , und started Immediately
to investigate tlio matter. Leo belonged to
Capitol lodge , and tljo members have boon ,
notified of his death , ills former residence
hero was 11)05 ) South Fifth street.
United Bitten C.overntntnt. Ttadorsed hy the hcadu of the Oreat Un ' vcrsitle *
7os the rUroiitefct. Mirert nnil ino t Healthful Dr. Vrice'n Cream lr Price1 * Delicious 1'Uvorlntrfix-
. . , , .
iiiniurtiu.uuu. . , , _ , , -I , , i > ntuMti > tt miaGrhclurcalB.
UtcU , Vanilla , Utuou.Otautc.Aluioud.Kow. etc. ,
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York. Chlcoso , 8t. Laul .
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies , A marvel of .purity
strength nmlwliolesomcuoss. More economical
than the ordinary Kinds and cannot bo Bold lu
competition with the multitudes ot low cost ,
sliortn eight alum or plunpimto powder ? . Sold
only In rani. Hoyal linking 1'audcr Co. , ISO
Wall street Now York.
Chicago , Ills. ( Clark St.
The Regular Old-Established
Ii ttlil Treating with the Greatest
L M X T.Tr.
Cliroiiic , Herrons ana Private Diseases ,
-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect *
Icadinn to early decuy and peihapj Consumption of
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-fiilinir success.
* SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Slcln Dls-
eases permanently cured.
CS-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele end all dUeates
Of the Qenlto-Urlmry Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kldnejt or olher Organs.
< S - No experiments. Age and experience lm
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
HSf Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
* 3 Those contemplating Maimce tend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male ana Female , each
cents , both > c cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
B octor. A friendly letter or call may savefuturesuffer-
Inland shame , and add golden years to life. Alj-lioolt
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " jo cents ( stamps ) . Medlclna
and writings sent e\ery here , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays ? to 13. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.f
188 So. Clark StJ. CHICAGO. ILU
Ask Tour Retailer for the
$3 SHOE.
According to You * Needs.
9i light and BtyUsh. Itflts llko
* * ' * .i c &jiil ivt JLN. be-
' JngTcrfectly easy Uio first tlmo It
. to wpm. Jt will satisfy the most
yhBtldlons. JAJHKS MEANS
- xTIL83 SHOE is nbsolately.Ui0
4 * . * X\3.Dn Bhoa of " Prlco vilch
rOS T > * X.n ever been placed ex-
S * * . WW tcrulvclyon the market
1tifcist > WL to which durability
-5 M iT s dS Js considered before
- mere ° Bt-
NQ.fl- iranl
Jlcaas t2 Shoe for Doyi
J , DIEANS & OO. ( Hoston.
Fall Hues of the aboro shoco far Bale by
Norris & Wilcox
artdGeo.S. Miller
I am satisfied tlmt Cancer Is hereditary In my
family. Jly father died ot It , a sister of my
mother died , nnd my own sister died of It. My
fadings may bo imagined , then , when the horrible -
riblo disease made Its appearance on my side.
It was a malignant Cancur. eating Inwardly In
such such a way that It could not bo cut out
out. Numeioun mmcdlcs were used for It , but
the Cancer prow uteudlly worse , until It seemed
that 1 was doomed to follow the others of the
fumlly. J took Sw Ift's Specific , which' from tlio
llrst day. forced out the poison nnd continued its
use until 1 had taken several bottles , vhan I
foundmyself well. 1 know that 8 , S.S.cured mo.
Winston , N. 0. , Nov.20 , > 8S. Mus. S. M. loot.
Send for Hook onCancorandBloodnisoascs.
TUB SwiraSiTCirio Co. . DrawcrU , Atlanta , Qa.
Only fienulno 8y tcm ef Memory Trnlnlnc.
Four llonlcis I.enrncd In one readlnir.
Mind wandcrlnff cured.
Every clilld and nilalt urently henrflltcd.
Great Inducements to Correspondence Clusef.
Pronpectus , with opinion * of Ilr.AVni. A. Ilnm-
monilttna world fsmi-rt Hpcclillrt In Mind DiMiasei.
Jjiinlrl Srcpnl 'HtTlininiSiiii , the crcat I'BfchoI.
et .1. M. llicklpyi l > .l > . , cdltorol the ChrttUan
ffivoaiit , 'v. y , Klclmrd I'rnrtor , the PocntlBt.
lniiM. JiiilKU ISIbNon , Juiluli i * . Ueujuuilnand
B3T 1'inU AYC. , N. Y.
A largo amount of money to Ipan on Im
proved leal estate In the city of Omaha. Those
funds will bo distributed In sums to suit , but
large loans are preferred. Applications muy bo
made to
teE , S , BISBEE ,
First National Hank llulldlng. Hppresentlns
Capital $400,001
Surplus Jan. let , 1889 6:2,00 : ! )
J1KNHV . VATI1S , 1'rehldent.
I.KWIS H. itlMil ) , Vice President.
W. V. MOI18K.
1UC.UJB1IIN < 1.
J.N.I I. 1'A'l'ltICK.
W. H , B. HUOIir.S , Cashier.
Corner 1-th and l'i\rnam Bts. '
A General lianlcinc llualnoas Tr.isacte.d
Arrests dlbchargea trom the urintry : r-
gnna in either tex ! . -18 Ii o n r . (
It U superior to topalha. cubcbs. ai
Injections , and Irco from all bad rzsU'
or other incoinenlences. d
It ' ilui. wlilcli tear the titmu Ii
; I < ttcrewitUout vulUi uene art
The sale of Spring Overcoats will be continued this week. The $10 ,
$12 and $15 bargain lines have been duplicated and new styles added.
We claim that our stock is larger than any other. Our prices are in
harmony with the quality and no pains is spared to send out every
garment in periect shape.
We are showing this week a full line of Boys' and Chil- *
drens' Spring Overcoats. The styles are perfect in
sizes from 3 to 12 years.
OMAHA Freelandj Loomis & Co.
NEW YORK Proprietors. !
' Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , J
"In thoRprlnpayonngraim'afancy lightly turns
to tliouglits of lo\c. "
But comfort and appcnranco should not he for *
gotten. Whutlior luarrluU or single , n iicntlomiin
al uys wants to uo well ilro'sod. Afiprinii over-
cant U a neco-oary nrtlclo of dress to every man ,
nnd you should Inspect our ptoilr. You will 1)0
euro to llnil something satisfactory hotli In quality
and prices , which range from t < i to 330.
ThelLionnHi0ji ( Pressure Hose
The Best U tlio Cheapest !
iiv inn
Following Pliiinte
IFusscy & Dny Co. ,
jr. A. Tree ,
Graham Turk ,
J. J. Iliinlglian ,
J. \Vesiiins ! ! ,
J. It. llimmde ,
S. 1. Monifion ,
Hosts & Hal to ,
And nil lo.ullnK
plumbers throughout
the west.
Tlio nroKsuto guarantee Imprinted In the body
of the cover Is a protection to the consumer
against common uoi > e.
MKN und WOMKN lucccstfullr treutoJ.
Buffering from Ilia effects of youthful folllct or Indlt
crulloni , or urn troubled null Weuknrnn , .Nervous
Debility , l < o 9 of Memory. Despondency. A version li ;
horloty , Kidney Troubles or anr disease of thu lienl- ,
to-Urinary Oreans , tan hero Und n sifo nnd spcoJy
cure. Cliarecs-reuiunable , ntprclally to the poor.
There fcro many troubled with too frequent evaciia
lions uf the bladder , ofUw HLCunipunlfd hy it kllulit
smurtlni ! or tiiirnlnu srntatlon , ntul wtmkouInK of ( ho
ystein in H iiiunritfr thu putlent lunuot uLCuuntlor.
OnoxHnilnlim the urinary doponn u ropy sodlruent
will ottcii tin found , und somuilmes pnrtlclosof nibu.
men will nppenr or thu color he ol u lliln.inllliliU
hue. iiiruln ufianalnic too dark or torpid nppnarnnce.
'iherearunianr mm wliarticof til ) dlCk-ull ) . Unor-
ant of the muse , which is ihosaconl Mncuuf serul-
nui weakness , 'ilia doctor will uuarantrun perfect
euro In all ouch tuiei. uud n healthy rotumUoii of
thu xenlto urinary nrsuus. Contultatlon fri'c. Sen.l
2-ri-nt tuiiHlur "iount .Mnn trlcud , or Guide to
Wedlock , " ireu to n'l. ' A Jdrus
Main nnil 12th St. .Kansas Pity , Mo ,
IVMi-ntlon lhrpaper. | |
Alll''l 111111U3T
Mas Moyer-Establislisd 1866-Adolpri Moyar
General Ag * nts for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & ( M ana Shouiiipr-BBll
arcciAij I'luons AND TEUMS. .
Write forCatalosuo.
20to6O DAYS.
This is u disease which has heretofore
Baffled all Medical Science.
When Morcinr , lotlldo of Potassium , Sarsipa
illla or Mot &nrln 3 fall , nognarantcou euro.
Wo have a Itemed v. unknown to nn > one In the
World outsldu of our Compmiy. and 0110 that ) mite
to cure the most ob tlnato cases , Ten days In
recent cases do s thowork. Itlsthe oliUhronlo
deep seated ruses tlmto fiolloit. Wo liuvo
cured liundrods vho luive lioon ahnndoncd hy
1'hyslclnns. and pronounced Incurable , nnd Wd
ciuUlPiiRK the nor/Id to briny us a casu that wu
will not euro In lo-o than bKty d.iyn.
Klnco the history of mcnlclno n true spoclno
for Syphilis has been sought for hut never
found until our
n as discovered , and we nro Instilled In s.iylns
It Is ths only Itomeay in the World tnnt w 111 pns-
Itlxely rtiro. bneatue the latust. Medical \VorJcs ,
pnhllslied uy the bo t known authorities , nay
inoro was never a tf no upeclltc before. Our rout-
cdy will cure when ovoiythliiB olto has failed.
Why wastu jour tlmo nnd money with patent
medicines that never had vlrtuo , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tiled everything "Is" should come tons now nnd
K < t purmnnont relief , you never can net It UHO-
whero. .Mark what wo snv. lu thu end you
must take our remedy or NIIVIIK rrcovi-r and
j ou that have been aOllcted but a shoit time
should Ly nil means come to us now , not one in
tenof nuw COUCH over ot permanently cured.
Many et help and think they nro free from the
( llsennp , lint In one. two or three yearn after It
appears ix.\\n \ In a more horrible form.
Tills is iv blood I'urlder and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Dlboiiso wlien
Evorvthing Else Fails.
room 10 anil 11 , U. S. National Hank
Oinulm , Ncl ) ,
C. ' Hio I.lTunr Ilnhlt. I'oillljrrh Cared
t r AdmlnlntorlnB Or. llttlncn'
liuldou Mpeclllc.
Itcnnbe clven na nip of colfca or In art J-
clo * of fop , ) , without Uioknottledgo of the pa-
lantH ; la ahnoliiiely hirmlesa , nnd will af
fect apcrmunfiit umlviieedyturct whether the
patient U a moilcr.itu or nn alcohol
Meck. IT NKVIill TAII-H. ) > r ( OO.OOO
driiiiUardi" hau been mndoto.mper.tto men vfiio
lunc taiin Uolden bpi'dlli ; ID their toliro with
out their know ledae. and today holiovo they
milt drinking of thola ownutoord < * patu
book otparticularH fue KuUn & Co , n eul3
IStUimd Doiife'lasrU , 18th and t'umlus htir-cts ,
Oinulm. Neb : Council lilulln. lowu ; Afentf , A.
1) . roaterx Itro ,
Tru .comblnc > d. Uuaraulccd
caJ/ CUB la Ui world utntntiof
. _ ctontlnuou * Kleolrlaif Ifagn/tii
„ ctrrrnl , Brlttitmc , J owurdit. liumUo.
CVaifartaUa and Etfeclfra. Aruld frauli.
V OriruilOUcared. Hcndhunipforiiunbhtst ,
O fliofltlO UKI/TS t-UU.lil-E'ABI .
0 * . YtM *
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
Appliances for Deformities and Trussor.
Beat facilities , apparatus and remedies for success
ful troMrm-nt of o ery form ot disease requiring
UedlcalorSurR'cal Treatment.
Hoard nnd attendance ; best lioipltnl nccomruoila-
tloni In the west.
Wnim ron CIIICITLAKS nn Deformities and Braces ,
Trusses , Club foot , Curraturo uf tlio Hplno , flits ,
Tumors. Cancer. Catarrh. Bronchitis , InlinlRtlon ,
Klcctricltr. I'arahruls , ICpllop.iT , Kldner. llladder.
Kjii , liar , Bkln and Mlood.anJ all Surgical operation ! )
Diseases of Women a Specialty , i
BOOK ON ni8EAB or WOMEN raici : . '
All llload Diseases sacceiifullr trantod. Srplaintlo
Poison ramored from tlio srnteru nltliout morflurf.
Naw restorative treatment for loss of \ UnH'OWBjrj '
Persons unable to Tislt us may bn treated at home D * "
eorrcsnondence. All comruuiiloatlons confidential *
Medlctnos or Instrumontn SRiil br ifiall or expross.
soiuralr packed , no marks to Indicate contents or
tender. Ono personal Intorrlew preferred. Callanq
consult us or iiend lilstorj of your case , and we will
send la plain wrapper , our < ?
Dpon Private , Special or Nervous Dlsrascs , Impo.
icn.r. yphlll .Oluel and Varlcocele , wltti qnostlon ,
list. Aadress )
Owa/ia Medical and Surgical Institute , Of
DR. McMENAHRY , f il
Oor. 13th ana Dodge Sts. , - OMAHA , NEB.
PATENTED Aim. 10 , 1887 , IMPROVED FEB. 1,1880.
uir.nt.'il lo cure tht tel
* dlifiici tiimelrtAll
- CcmplilriU.
Jeneral anil
Debility. 3oi-
Nervouinris ,
BeiualJ-.ihaui on.Wost-
Ire of Bed ,
'InilirrttlpriJ In yp.uth , Aft , M f-
lie I.lfe. ID fitl > ll Jln > e. | ttl > lcln |
Cr unlul ori m nf title or ,
ni ic\Hiiii run its on
jc. toiuctror rm Illoili.ltJ | .ioljlcl , uhlch lll H
iccl jou lu l > l ln tnxlop. . Utmloa Ibli | t r , idrM
30O Morth Broadway. HI. 1.OUI13. MOC
Owen's Electrlo Belt Attachment ,
nora with e tot corafxrt. Ttit cur.r
rand * nIM r itroni. TMi Ii tt onlyC
Iftirla iron QI ! lilt trrr ru i . II " > < w. < * frou 10 I. 1X1 diti. for fall ( J.ltrll'Hoo ' of lr ,
( ) ra KUotro Uilr.nlj Hill. , Splotl Al ( .llioeil,7rUM l u4
luiclti i'0 < l tc. for rnn lllu.lnl.i i.uMilct l.leli lll t *
1101 TOO In I Itla n.l.'l .nT.loiir. Nell taj It Ilit
3CXJ Jirttb , Bi > J.OUjeHO.
Itoiniirliublo lor powerful eymputliotio
tone , pliable action and ubsoluto dura
bility ; 80 yearn' rocorrl tlio bust gutiraii-
wo of tlio excellence of thcflo InBtru *
men Is.
tioublM easily , quick'
ly und af ly cured by JtOtri'l/U A Oap.
tnltw Hevcral cases cured In seven dav . Bola
II Jill pci box , all drtiaglstn , or by mnll from IJoo
ura ilf.Co. . 1U WUItsBt , N.l' , IrtillOlier.tlon * .