Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ixrtTortlsomont * vrlll bo tnkon fbr
columns nflor 12:00 : p. m.
Tormn Cnsli in ntlrnncc.
Advertteemcnta nnflw thU head 10 cents par
Inn for the flrat insertion , 7 cenU for each tub-
tqnont Insertion , nnd 11.50 per Una per month.
Ho advertisement taken for ICKI than ZS cent *
he lint iniertlon. Boron words will bo counted
to the line ! they must nin consecutively and
unit bo paid in ADVANCE. Alt ndvertlse-
aonts tnust be lundod in before 12:30 o'clock p.
n.i and under no circumstances will they U4
Aken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artleg advertising in these colamnti .nd hnv-
ng their answers Addressed In cnre of TUB Dee
rill please ask for n check to cnnmo them to get
heir letters , us none will bo deliveredexcepton
iretentatlon of check. All answers to oarer-
Isements ehould be cncloioolln envelopes.
All advertisements in those columns tire pnb-
lined tn both mornltur nod evening editions of
PIIH HKK , the circulation of which aggregates
nore than 18,000 papers daily , ana elves the nd-
ertlsors the DenoQt , not only of the cityclrcu-
atlonof TIIK HKB , but also of Council nuiffn.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
Jils section 6f the country.
Advertising for those columns will be tnkon
fcu the above conditions , at the following busl-
tacsa houses. who are at thorlzod agents for TUB
IlcE special notices , and will quote the sarna
rates as can bo had at tha mnln ofllca.
flHABR A BODY. Stationers and Prlntors , 113
JU South IBth Street.--
BH. FARNSWOHTH , Phnrmt list , 2116 Cum-
ing Street.
* t\r J. HUGHES. Pharmacist. 024 North 16th
T . Street
ARR , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary' *
WANTED A few good men to sell cigars at
wholesale to dealers ; good pay ; sanlplos
roo. Address with stamp , \V. R. ilrown &Oo. .
1 North Main Htrcot , J nnesvillc , Wis. 848 JBI
WANTED A good strong boy to take earn
of horses nnd cows. Euholin & Akin ,
And Dodge , opp. F. O. 838 23
W ANTED A coed reliable Man to drive
T T team and deliver Hour , ono well ncnualnl -
cfl with the city. Apply nt the OmnhaMlnliii "
Co. , 1313 N. lOtli t. and brine reference. 822-2
CLERK wanted A young man of good
standing and must bo a fair penman. The
flrmlstreot Co H01-28
WANTKD This mnrnlng nt 1U o'clock , four
young man , 2020 Cummlugs street.
821-23 *
fJOTKL man wanted , with a few thousand
Cl dollars to Invest ; house all furnished and
business that will pay out in 1R months ; title
perfect ; no Incumbrancc. Address M. A. Mo-
Ulnnls , or O. C. Churchill , Sterling , Colo.
_ . . . . , 783020 ?
WANTED A good drug clerk. Address P.
O. Box 3A Omaha. 763 89 *
tXr.ANTfiU-A milker for the Model dairy ,
_ y V Dundee place. 77428"
\\rANTKllT-llooU muu to organize local
Y i branches for tho'NonrasKn State Ilnslness
lien's association. Apply at once nt room 87 ,
chalnuer of commerce , Umalut , Neb. 70U 28t
\X/ Quarry mon'.stoady work. Apply
TT at Albright's Labor Agency. 1IJO Fnrnani
A/V7 / ANTED A man to solicit and net ns jen- ;
T oral agent ; must bo a "hustler" nnd deposit -
posit $100. Monthly salary J75 nnd $100. with
commissions. Call on Goo. H. Cllne , room 511
yirst National bank. 748 31
AUUNTS To soil our patent W pants to
measure fit better , wear longer , can DO
ivorn with or without suspenders. Not liable
to bag at knee , made In rill grades and patterns'
ulg money to live men with small capital. Send
Stamp for circulars and coiillilontial terms.
, * 3 Patent pants. Ills suits. Hunter Mfc. Co. ,
Cth and Bycnmoro , Cincinnati , O. 73324 :
\A/ANTUO-Agood barber at No.707 N. 18th
T > St. 782-27 *
\\i ANTED T\vo coat-makois and two pants-
Tr makers Immediately. L. Ilcrnholmer ,
* icCook , Nob. 012 31t
7 ANTED At once , ten men to solicit In
Kansas nnd Missouri ; salary 375 to 8100 per
lontli. Call to-day at room fill. First National
ante. 623
ANTED Agents for our now patent fire
proof safes , size 2 ! < xl8xi . wolgut 600 Ibs. ,
' retail price $35 , others in proportion. Highest
mwnrd ( silver medal ) Centennial exposition ;
fnrochanca ; pormnnont business , our prices
lowest. ' We are not in the xafo pool , Exclusive
territory given. Alpine Safe Company , Clnrin.
aiatl. O. tiU
ifXr ANTED Energetic men nnd womtnevory
TT where for n genteel , money-making busl-
ess. tor ) weekly prollt guaranteed easier than
tfOO monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
amnoceasary. Pormiinunt position and exclusive
[ territory assurca. $2.00 samples free. Write for
( particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill Mf 'g
f a. BB ) Chicago. 176alOJ
ANTED Railroad laoorers ror Washington -
ton territory ; steady work , long Job , nt
Ibrlght's Labor Agency , U20 Famam st. 740
OYS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
. J First class shoe salesman ; none
but those having years of experience and
( flood reference nrcd apply , at The Fair , 13th
15ml Howaid. J.LBrnndels&Sons. 146
% J OVH Am. Dldt. Tel. Co. . UW4 Douglas.
flC ) BBS ,
ANTED A good business mnu to take the
management of nn olllce in Now York city.
flue forDotiolt nnd another for Cincinnati ; must
invest { 2,500 : salary $1.600 per year. Address
flcorgo B. Cllno , Wagner block , Dos Jlolnes. la.
. , 074
AGENTS wanted on salary. (75 per month
and expenses paid , nny active man or
free. MVe mean Just wnnt wo say. Addfoss
Standard fiilvorwnro Co . Boston , Mass.
RANTED Reliable & energetic- salesman in
. . Omahaand [ northern halt of Nebraska to
flell our mnchlnes.aUo 2 collectors , no capital or
experience necessary. The Singer Mfg. Co.
Omnhn. NeB. 717-al
'VIT ' ANTED lu traveling salesmen , salary nnd
JJ T expenses. Address with stamp. Palmer 4 :
Co. , Des Molnes. la. 724al
ANTED A competent girl to do chamber
work nnd assist in cnilng for a ( .mail child.
Apply at 218 N. lath at. between I ) mid 12
oclofb. 8M-2tit
fTtTANTED 3 girls to work in private family ,
T T I cook , l second girl and one laundress ,
101 N , 18th t. SiS SO *
TT | HIT-CLASS nurse girl wanted , good wages ,
JU call at onco. 2H3 Douglas st. KM 2U
TJir ANTED A girl for general housework at
T T 2719 Jackson street , refcrnnco roimlrod.
_ h65 ! ll *
_ _
WANTED-l tpericncea girls to wori on
Ipants. 1307 Farnam , entrance In rear.
_ _ _ _
* | 7t TANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs.
T > J. M. Cain. N. W. cor. 28th and Blonao.
W N.T.r D' Klrhclasa coolc' at M. c.
Wllbor , No. IblO Chicago t. 131-29 *
XPBRIENCKDImlllluery saleslady wanted
at Btonehlll'H. _ 7Wi j
Yy"ANTBD-A cook at 1009 Douglas street.
\\rANTED-Girl for goaorat housinvork , wl
f T M. Tales , B. W. cor. 32d and California.
WANTED Woman cook for .Valparaiso ,
* . ; ono for BouthOinahn. 3 ; kitchen nirl
B sinnU nun.o jrlrls , nn experienced nurce to
fculiul children for lady boarding at hotel. * 3 ;
yultress for an institute ; German housekeeper
Cor family at Sydney ; a second Klris ; 30 for geiii
era ! housework. Mrs. llrega , U14W B. 15th.
\yANTBD-Girl for general housework. 2530
TT turning st. 734 28f
WANTED-Cook. socourt girl und dish-
washar. 2015 Dnuula't at. 710 > '
\If ANTED-GIrl to do genoral" housework In
f T private family , inquire 635 I'm ton block.
\\7ANTKI ) Lady agents : or our new skiit
TT gubitltutuforbuatle , baby'a diaper sup
WJ&Wto'Oy'l oiv . ? a. I a. : . auon ma.e .
112.00 in ono day. Ludles' Supply Co. , 2 7 W.
\V ashlngton Bt. . Chicago. _ &V1 UJJ
WANTED Asentn-Rellable women to sell
. . . , the "Original llygela" Combination
hhoulder Brace Cornet. Best money makina
rticle in the country. Batlsfactlon *
( tuarantea it Trim' Co. , 15U5 Far
. iiam. Complete abstracu furnIehe < ltlUe
real Mtate examiuedi > drf cteu it ( ruarnntaed.
abonoy. room'60 7
> f AH A Abstract company. 1519 Farnam at.
v ilpt complete and carefully prepared tet
gf abstract Uooka andpUu of nil r l property
t tee city of Umaha and Douglas county.
TXT ANTED 1'osinon ns mnhaglng
TT keeper. Referencesexohangod. res
T313 Bee office. KSo *
T\rANTT.D Position an companion for lady
T V or sick nurse. References exchanged. Ad
dress U 21 110 Office. 831-29 *
C1TUATION wanted by ft competent atenop-
Orapher. Young man , vill gfvo references
nnd begin on a moderate salary. Address U
18 Hoe. 831-air
WANTED Situation in Iprlvato family to
take care of horses. Address U 10 Bee.
76030 *
WANTED Situation by experienced conch-
man ; city reference. Address U 10 Bee ,
74028 *
"IjlIRST-CLASS bookkeeper wants to change.
JU lifters to present employer. Address , U13 ,
Bee Olllco. 73328 *
SITUATION Wanted By nn experienced
young man : stenographer nnd typewriter ;
reference given. Address U 4 , Boe.
A good bread and en ko taker wants a Mtua-
x\ton. Address Charles Still , Jollet , 111.
O 51 All A emp. bureau. 119 If. 10th , establish
ed 8 years. Mod rellabloln city H. li
White. 709-02 *
T7IOR RENT O-room house 4 blocks from P. O.
Carpets anil curtains for sale , 1015 Chicago st
FOR RENT Cheap , now 8-room cottnga with
bath-room , barn , 2800 Cass , Svenson.
84430 ?
T7IOR RENT " -room cottage , cor. 28tu nnd
JJ Capitol ave. Enquire SS21 Dodge gt. 840
THOU RENT 12-room house nnd larpo barn ;
JU ccntor of city ; on cable line ; can rent rooms
enough to pay rent. J. H. Parrolto , Rental
Agency , 1008 Chicago. KM 3
FOR RENT April 1st. n nice O-room cottage ,
furnished. Leasa 0 months or n > car. Only
7 blocks from P. 0. Host location In Omaha.
Address U 17 , Bee olllce. 817-30
"T7UG 'IT room house , 1357 Ni 17th street , rent
Jl ow , apply to J. O. Blatter , 10th nnd Clark st.
813 28t
T710R RE.NT-A flat in the Ilor bulldlnir , 7
JJ rooms , steam hont , gas and bath. Apply in
hardware store 10th and Jackson. A. C. Ray-
mor. 7871
FOR RENT 3 brick residences , all conven
ience on Park ave , fronting the park , if 10
per month , Also. 4 houses on car line , on Park
nnd Hoed sts. $30 to SJ5 per month , D. V.
Sholos , Room 210 , First Nat. Bank. 749
E10R RENT May i , modern built house , ten
rooms. Inquire 712 N. 19th at. , near Webster.
077-30 *
TT10R RENT Snow 5-roomcottagcs.onoblock
J-1 west car barns on Lake st. C. H. Sllkworth ,
1605 Farnam. 014
F ? RENT Chonp , ono 7-roomod now house
J. H. Jonnson.SlO Paxton blk. 6S4 Si
7 ROOM liousu with barn , out a llttlo distance
$20 per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nnt. bank uldg. ' 4M
BEAUTIFUL 8-room house on naw motor
line , Ski rtnd Cuminp sts. , with modern
Improvements tK per month. 0. F. Harrison ,
Merchants Nuti bank blag. 408
F 10R RENT A 5-room brick cottage conveni
: ent to U.I' , dopot.Moad & Jamison , 314 S 15th
TT1OR RENT w-room moaorn Improved house ;
JO A 1 locality : rent moderate. Apply to M.
Elgutter , 1001 Farn m street. 670
TjlOR RUNT-Cottages , 5 rooms. K720 Charles
JU street and 1524 Bouth Fifth street. Inqulro
atrooin212 , Sheely block. 571
TjlORRENT Good basement. 1515 Douglas st.
1 ? 5Si
TniOR RENT Nice 6-room hnuso. east front.
JL half block of cable cars. 112 8 Sath st. 090o8t
FOT RP.NT 7-room Hat. 133 month. Inqulro
nt The Fnlr , 13tn nnd Howard. 074
I71OR RENT Cheap , n nice U nnd A room house ,
JJ 1630 S21st st.betucun Center and Doicas st.
089 a B *
1J1OR RENT Flat of eoven rooms cor. B IJth
JJ and 1'aclllc sts. Duggan's block ; 877
A DIG LIST ot uousoa for rent. 8. T. Petur-
son , s. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 830-al *
TTIUHNISHED house for rent'ln Park Terrace ,
JJ opposite Hanscom Park , all modernn con
veniences. Enquire. Lee & Nlchol , 2Sth and
Loavenworth. 08J
TJ I00MB Inqulro 1302 Douglas st , 3rd floor.
\URNlSHEl \ Teems for rent nt 181S Dodge
837-027 *
FOR RENT--Handsomely furnished rooms.
7058.13th St. . 82031 *
LARGE , pleasant nlcoly furnished room ; 7
blocks from P. O. , on cable line ; desirable
location ; rout reasonable. 2010 Davenport st.
* 795 31 *
front room with every modern
Jjjcouvenlcnce tor 1 or 2 gentlemen at IB23 Cass
st. 784261
"VT ICE furnished rooms at board , 17Ujt Douglas.
T71OH HUNT Large newly furnished front
JJ room ; also , southeast room with alcove ; nil
conveniences ; Ilrst-class board ; 2205 Farnam.
750 2
1T1 1OR RENT Nicely furnished room in nice
JJ cottage. 80 per month. 400 Williams st. 743
TJ1OR RENT Sloeolng rooms nnd housekoep-
JD Imr rooms , furnished and unfurnished , 607
nnd WO Howard. 740 3U
JJ0R REN1 < Furnluhed rooms single or en
JJ suite. 1 Dougla.- . 713
T > RIVATB family have several nicely fur-
.L nlshed rooms for rent with board , 015 N 20th.
721 Ul *
two gen-
JD tlemen. 201 S. 25th avo. 01-30 ?
T5OOMS and board 1812 Chicago st.
17U > R RENT Nice Roiith front room , cheap ,
Ju for gentlemen , IMS Capitol ave. U01
VT 1CELY furnished rooms , 1811 Capital ave.
coy r-
TnURNISHBDropm with board , modern con-
JJ veolencos ana in good location ; prices reasonable -
sonable , 2220 Lcavcnworth , 695 2U *
"VTICE rooms by the week or month at the
J-N I'eabody house , 1407 Jones. 80J a21
TJ1OR RENT Furnished room , nil convoni-
JL ? cnccs. $10 n month. 2227 Dodge st. 673
TT10H RENT Furnished room , all modern
JO conveniences. 2214 Farnam at. 131
VENUE Hooms-At 1013 and 1015 Capitol ave
ybloclcs from P O.nowly furnished private
1 8 28'
RENT Front rooms atlH31 rainam.
LARGE front room , lurnished , every couvon
lence ; also , small room. 2107 Douglas. 203
"I71U11N19HKD or unfurnished room , with gas
JD and bath , board It desired. 510 8 20th St. , op
posite All Saints' church. 674
TT1URNI8H ED rooms by day , week or month.
JJ Bt. Clulr Hotel , cor , lath and DoAgo , 602
SUlTof 2 furnlnhed rooms , modern conven-
lances , 3 blocks from P. O. , private family.
A. Hotpe. jr. , 151,1 Uouglas t. 420
pHTRNlBHKD rooms , 113 8 20th kt.noar Dodgo.
REN7 ! ' A nicely furnished room , wltli
all convenience ! ! ; B18 Bo. 17tb bt. 723
"IjlUUNlHHEl ) rooms , single or en suite , bath
JD nd steam : for K only. 1619 Howard.
T ARGE troncroom with bed-room adjoining ;
JUiiandsomoly furulnhod , gas and heated ny
steam , with useot batli-rooin , iu one of the
handsomest residences in the city , without
board , Inqulreii. w. cor. IDth ana Loavenworth.
O NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , ca ,
ibatli , etc. , on samu lloor , ItO per month. 207
B24lh-vuoUat. 678
r A1IGK front room , nicely'furnished , suitable
JU for 3 gentlamen. 1S I Farnam. 673
FOR RHNT-gtoro 2JxW ; ins Jnckaon st. Eih
quire 1114 Jacksan. KJ3
FOR RENT-3-etory brick atore building on
main business at. , well located and es
pecially adapted for retail or light wholesale
buslncaa. to , Barker block.
TTKH RENT When you wish to rent a house.
JL1 store or office call on us. 11. li. Cole , room
6. Contln utal block. 6 8
_ _ _
R RENT New store corner 10th nnd
Jones. A. O.Powell. 1201 Farnam. 837
TOOK RENT- floors KJxM each.ln brick' bnlld-
X1 m ? . with clerator. close to express olllce.
cheap rant , juat the thing for wholesaling , gooa
location apply Gee , Iteyrj , 1103 Faruam at.
TjTOU HUNT TWO very desirable stores under
JC Washington hall in the Danish association
building on l tu M between Harney andBt.
Mary'a nve. Inquire of jMUtor , &U > 3
. RUNT-ThrM rooms unfdrnialjed. HW
Pl rc.e at , . 670
: unfurnished cntmoota for housekeeping to
man and wife. 819 No. 17th st.
" ? lull RENT Rooms suitable for housekeep-
-J ing in utilte * ot trom ono to four ; In conven-
lentlocatloni ; lowest r prices. Butt's Renting
Agency , 1604 Fntnam street ; telephone 17V. .y
TJ10R RENT Three unfurnlsn .od rooms , nlso
JJ two basement rooms to .mules . without
children at 1123 N 17th st , KTJ
TTH11ST-OLA89 lot of aalppn furultnro and bar
JL1 nxturo * for gale at a bargain. Inquire of
the First National bank , Aurora , Nob.
016 ( 2
TT'OR ' RENT Cold storage , capacity three car
JU loads , trackage. Built expressly for beer.
Call 1307 Leavenworth. 4061
to Farmers and Gardeners tor
rent , the following plocei of landt North
! i ot northwest U of sec. 1.1 IS , r 12,103 ncrea ;
south } { of sonthTvost H ot soc. 10. t in. r 12 , 80
acres ; east ! > 1 acres of north ( t of northwest K
ft 35,115 , r 12,30 acres'.also 17 nornx duo anuth of
the poor ( arm nnd adjoining Edwnrd Howell
plaro in city limits. Inquire ot John Hamlln ,
017 Linton block , Omaha. Nob. B75 81
TS7ANTED To rent a flrst-clais furnished
Y > hoiHO by a geutlemin nnd Iwlto for 2 or 3
months : best of care ; will pay a gooa rent. Ad
dress U SJ Boo oincc. 33
By ncontloman nnd wlto lthout
children n furnished 0 or 7-room cnttHgo.
Address U SO , Boo onice. Kl 30 *
" < r\rANTED-lly Mny 1st. n detached house of
T > about ten rooms , with modem improve
ments. In hlph school district. Address T 03 ,
Boa onico. 597 8n *
WANTlSD-Cottntro containing not less than
blx rooms within reasonable distance ot
postolllce , state price nndlocatlon. Address T ,
42 Boo. 450
WANTED To rent at once , ono large , or1 two
medium sized furnlMipd rooms In a pri
vate family , prefer'H to bo on cable line and
have good sized yard , no flats. Address , H. II
Henderson , 619 1'axton blk. 03a
WANTED 20 houses at once torhlch wo
can luralah good tenants. List your houses
with the L and B Routal Agency , 310 Bhoely
block. 7i
IF YOU wnnt to buy , soil , rent or oxohnngo ,
call on or address , G , J. StornsdorIT , rooms
317 and 318 First National bank building.
OR RENT Houses In all parts of the city.
F J. J. Gibson. No. . Crclghton block. 004
1EO. J. PAUL. 1009 Farnam st. , , nouses ,
* stores , etc. , for rent. 68J
give special attention to renting ana
collecting rants , list with us. H. E. Cole ,
room 6 Continental block. 684
J. GlilSON'a new system of renting hbusos ,
.No. 3 Crclghton block. CC4
TF YOU want your houses rented place thorn
JLwlth Uenawa & Co. 15th , oppoalto ppslollico.
E1ST your nousps and stores with me ; I have
lots of customers. J. H.ParrottolPpO Cnlrago
| 21i nil
roller mill for sale in n good wheat
ANEW good market for Hour. .For terms
nddress F. J. Andreas , Gordon , Neb. , . 845a27T J
F1 OH SALE Laundry. Address U20 Hoc.
T710R cash only Clean stock general mrrchnn-
JD disc , with coal , grain and Implement busi
ness ; parties wishing to secure a good paying
business address U "I Doe olllco. 85U
OF Special Intnrest. If you nro getting a
monthly salary and wish to make 18 per cent
onuual Interest on small savings the Security
Dlilldlng& Loan association ot Omnhn , will
cunrantao tno above Interest. Address A. J.
Itowlpy. general agent , room 4 Darker block , ho
will call on you. B21KU
FOR SALE Harbor shop making J30 per
week. CallonChns. Jensen , cor. 10th and
Douglas , U. 8. hotel. b09 29t
T IVE partner wanted with 85,000 or JIO.OOO cash
J-Jto take half interest with a money maker.
Address box 670 , or call after 0 p. m. at 1823 Cass
St. 78528'
" 171011 BALE Choice stock of. groceries , , first
JJ class location. Inquire of Ballard. 1'lxley
& Shlckley. commission merchants , 317 and 319
S 12ih st , Omaha. NOD. 78'J 21
" 1J1OR SALE Small drug stock very cneap.
JJ 1118 Jackson st , 730-2&
ITIOH SALE At a bargain , Prle's hotel.
J } Iloyd's addition , block I. lots 1 , 2 , H , 4 , 6 : 3
now cottages , all rented , on lots 4Si and 5. lu-
qulre nt hotel. 714 31 *
10 INTEREST If you will invest' ' 88n
month , only $ J a week in the Security
Building & Loan association of Omnhn. you can
draw out $950 nt the end of 0 years , a llttlo bet
ter than 18 per cent annual interest on every
dollar put la. Address A. J. How loy.'gencral
agent , room 4 Barker block , ho will cull on you.
TT1OR SALE Drug store in a city of 33,000 in-
JD habitants ; everything new ; invoice $2,500 ;
terms cash. Address lock box 1090. Sale Lake
City , Utah. „ 658-29J
BALE block ot general merchandise In
J good town on C. & N. W. Ry. , in Greene
county , Iowa ; will Invoice about Jo.OOO ; will soil
for UO cents on dollar If takennt once. Address
K , Box 105 , Scranton. Iowa. Bit 29 *
SALE A good business of woolen nna
gouts' furnishing goods , in a peed location ,
with show case and fixtures ; we have books to
show bmlness. Call at Omaha National Knit
ting Factory , 1104 8.13th st. 583 28t
SALE Neat boarding house , 02 rooms ,
FOit running order , well located , in South
Omaha , at a bargain. Hutchlnson Se Wend , N.
E. cor. Douglas and 10th at. 507 2S
FOR SALE A nice clean stock of hardware ,
etc. , in East Des Jloluea , la. Invoice $7,000.
Will give time on part. City population 65,000
Capitol of the state. Address , P. O. box , 223 ,
Coznd , Nob. 670 28
FOR SALE A popular and well established
cigar and tobacco business with latest style
TflOR BALE within 00 dajs Two drug stocks
JJ in now growing county seat in s. w. Nebras
ka ; will invoice about > ,001 ; will soil on * and
move the other provided the purchaser will
buy $ .1,000 stock for cash ; purchaser can rent
buildings for $35 per month each ; will sell for
cost and cariiacro ; good trade ; reason for sell
ing , other business requires full attention. Ad
dress lock box 0.1 , Oulbertsou , Neb. , or Hurst
& Co. Hastings , Neb , 630-8
for sale Small neat stock. Tin
shop In connectlonituust be sold at oncn for
cash. Address O. M. Vaughan , Flaming , Cole ,
A MEMIlERBniP in the Omaha board of
xxtrado can b had cheap at Room 22 U. S. Na
tional bunk building. U23
DR. NANN1EV. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
n specialty , 11V N IGth St. . rooms 2 and 3. 6U3
MRS. liENORMAN can be consulted on al.
atralrs ot life through the magic mirror'
Satisfaction gu rauteed. 418 N 16th at-jUpstalrs
STORAGE At low rates at 1121 Farnam St. .
Omaha Auction & fftorage Co. 60J
rpllACKAUK , storage , lowest rates. W. M.
JL Bushman. 1311 Leavenworth. 681
DRANCH & CO. . storage , 1311 Howard.
AN'TED-41 or 46-inch bicycle. Address U
21 , Bee o 111 co. 842 00 *
ANTED To buy an Abstract business in
southern or southeastern Nebraska in
county sent. Give full particularspopulation of
town , amount of business in ) & . , una lowest
price. Address N , box 2-18 , Jeuer on. ( Ireeno
county , la. B49Wr
ANTED-Furniture. carpets , stoves and
houbehola goods of all Kinds. Omaha
Auction k Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. 683
TlTANTtfD To Buy , a home , coat not to ex-
TT caed$4.600. House to cost W.OOO by niy
plans. Sightly east front lot near street can ) .
11,000 cash. Address , P. O. Box 025 , Omaha.6UO
VITANTED-Tobuy Rood commercial pap er.
T T 1C C. Patter on , 318 S I5th t. 58Uer.
"TflOUNO iJirge spaniel. Owner can have
JU same by proving name and paying for thta
notice , Knqulro 8. Tro3ter , W > 4 DouKleB.
761 - 8 *
T , O3T On Saturday evening between 17th and
JU Cass ats. and coliseum , a gala medal , name
engraved , liotura to 1703 Cajs t. and receive
( ft 1000 and upwards to lokii Jon coed inside city
P property. No delAysUtfV , arnam Smith ,
122o Farnam it. 835-nTit
6 PER cent tnonoy to loan. Grover Stevens ,
rooms 618 A 617 PAxtnaWock. (31041
TltONliVto oan on reinstate ! no conimlS-
JJJLgion. W. A. Spencor.noom ( Lnnshmnnblk.
653(131 (
UPKCIALfundof tlO,000. to loan at reduced
KJratos on fumitnrc , hbrses and wagons.
City Loan Co. . 118 818th st. 170
LOANBmadaon unimproved city property.
Klmball , Champ & RyrthV room 6 , U. S. Nat ,
bank bl'g. 1205 Furnam , tv ) _ Ml 3J
ATON EV loaned on unlmtvroved inside Omahn
lU. real estate. G , W. Ptfcfi , R. 4 , 1'ronzor blk.
61719 *
Mortgage * Trust Co. fur-
Jnlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers.
purchase securities , perfect titles , nccopt loans
nt their western olllce. Goo. W. Coatcs , Room 7
Board of Tiado. CIO
1PER cent money to loan. Grover Elevens ,
rooms 610 &G17 Paxton block , i L810-31
0 F. HAKllIBON loans money , lowest rntos.
G\V. 1'EOIC loans money on Omaha rent eltato
Building loans a specialty , 1(4 , Frenzonblk
462alB $
tft I IS ( Toloan on tarms and city property.
tpOoo.J. I'aui. 1003 Faruam at. 36J
SEE Sholos. 210 First Nat'l bant before mak-
Ing your loans. 660
/ MTY 1'lnanclal agency will loan you mpnoy
\jon horsei , furniture , jewelry or securities of
any kind. IJOi ) Howard St. , corner B , Kith st ,
833n 12 ?
M1ON BY to loan. Harris R. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 , Flrat National bank.
G PER cent money to loan. Grover otovcns ,
rooms 510 & C171'axton block. 810-31
WANTED First class Insldo loans. Lowest
rntos. Call nnd sec us. Mutual Invest
ment Co , R1 Darker blk. 15th and Farnam. 5W3
MONEY to loan on Improved property at nrst
hands. No application dent away for ap
proval. Security nnd titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
company. 30 ! ) 8.13th st. ' 007
/ \DELL DROS. St Co. , No. 813 So. 18th St.
V/Chamber of Commerce building , loan money
at t ) , ( Hi , 7 , 7H nnd 8 per cent , according to loca
tion ot property. Unsurpassed facilities for
placing largo loans on Insldo business croperty.
A special fund of several thousand dollars to
loan on unimproved lots. . 6M
" | * CAN makon few loans on Urst-cldBa chattel
JUtcurttlos at rnasouablo rates. W. 1C. Potter ,
room 10 Barker blk. 611
ITUKST mortgage loans at low rntos and no
Jj delay. .D. V. Bholcs.210 First National
TVfONEY to loan on approved real estate by
JLU. Noithucstcrn Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Lowest ratori , no commission. Address Howard
Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Nob. 6VO
FOR SALE Nino-room house , barn and lot
lu Hanscom Place ; also 2 houses and lots In
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank.
0.F. . HARRISON loans money , lowest rates ,
. 493
DO YOU want to borrow money ?
Read this :
It will save rou timo.
It will save you monoy.
You can borrow from
II. F. Masters ,
successor to W. R , Croft ,
Room 4Wlthnoll bld'p , 15th and Harnoy His.
* 10 , 8JO. f50 , glOfl , S0 , J&OJ , 1,000 , * 3,000. J10.UX ) .
In fact , any sum youtiwnut on furniture ,
pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier
termf and ut lower rates teen any other olllco
in the city , \vUhout publicity or removal of
property from your possession.
It nn Instalment is dfiokm your property
nnd rou cnnnot meet It , call and see mo. t will
pay It for you. If you hare a loan In any other
olllco call and got my will take it up and
carry it for you. , i
I make loans for ono to , six months , and you
can pay a part nt any tlmef ? reducing both prin
cipal and Interest. WE
All loans renewed .at original rates , and no
charge for papers. i v/
All business strictly confidential. Call and
BOB me. _ V , /
- * Don't forpet tlw number ,
Room 4. mthneir PlocK. C03
NEURASKA Mortg. Loiii'Co.-wlU make you a
loan on housdnald goods ,
horses , ntngons ,
land contracts.
One Jewelry , or securities of nny kind ,
without publicity , at-reasonable rates.
Itoom 7 , Rowley block.'South Omaha.
Rooms 618-510 Paxton blotSc , Omaha , Neb.
iato COj
MONEY Loans nogotlrated nt low rates wlthjj
out delay , nna purchase good commercial
jiaper and mortgnue notes. S. A , Sloman , cor.
13th and Farnam. OOfl
M1 ONE V to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
nd loan agents , 1605 Farnam st ; 009
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis 8. Reed & Co.,15211 Farnam.
BUILDING cans. Llnahou & Mahoney.
"PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
J- quietest and most liberal money exchange
in the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity , in any amount largo or small , nt the
lowest rates of lutoresti > on any available se
curity ; loans may be paid at any time or renew
ed at original ratoe. O. Bou uaren , mgr , room
60 Barker Block , 15th and Farnam. OK
M UNEV to Loan We are ready for oppllca-
tlons for loans In amounts from $300 to $10-
000 on Improved Omaha or Douglns county real
estate Full information as to rates. Louns
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us. or write. The McCague
Investment Co. 010
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholcs , 210 First
Nafl.Dank. . 6p7
H.K. . COLE , loan agent.
. OH
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange-Large and
small loans for long nnd short time , nt low
est rates of interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
nnd Jewelry. Don't fall to call if you wnn't fair
and cheap accommodations. O. Bouscaren ,
Mgr. , room 60U , Barker blk , , 15th nnd Farnam.
6 PER CENT money to loan Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris , H. 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
H.E. . COLK , loan agent ,
. 022
I ON EV to loan in largo sums at the lowest
L rates ; no delay. R. C , Patterson , 318 S 15th ,
* 021
MONKV to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire. 1219 Farnam St. , First National
bank building. 015
MONEV loaned for 30. CO or 00 days , on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; business confidential. J. J. WllKlnaon , 1417
Farnam st. 017
MONKV to loan Lowest rates. Loans closd
promptly. H. E. O.Contincntal blocV.
fl000,000 to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
Phoney , Room 600 , Paxton block. 019
M' ONEV ' to Loan on chattel security ; fair
rate Interest. J. H. Parrotte. 2GOU Chicago.
214 all
CHOICE mans .vantea on improved city prop
erty. Klmball , Chump n Ryan room 0 U. 8
Nat bk bldg. UH Farnam at. 807 o3
MONEVlo loan on furniture , horses , wagons
otc. , or on any approved security. * J. W
Itobbms , R.200 , Bheely blK.,16th and Howard *
TX/TONEY / to loan at lowest rat PIS of Interest on
JLU. real estate iu Omaharjind Bouth Omaha.
Titles ana property oxambied by us and loans
made at once. Cash on Imffd , Bates , Smith &
Co. room 20J I taint ; a bldnlffii OS4
BUILDING loans a speWuity. W. M. Ha ls ,
room 30 , Frenzer bloctjjopposite P. O.
BON'T borrow money on. furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. . or collaterals until you see
C. B.Jucobs , 410 First National bank building.
l cab
$1.003 to $50.000 at 6. Ak titul 7 per cent , no Mid-
dlmen ; money dlrectlfrom the Kastorn In
vestor , W , a Melkle , First i 'at'l Bank building.
LOANS on busliiets propl'rty. 8J.OOO to J50.WW
wanted. Provident Trust Company , room
303. First National flank bUIldlnu. 103
for two young
family ; homo
U 16 Bee.
I * 78328 ?
_ _
WANTED 10,00. ) women to use "Wllcox's
Fancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly safe
nnd ulwnya effectual. Bend for 4o "Woman's
Safe Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co , . Philadel
phia. 114 A19 'OH
"PERSONAL Any lady of good uppearauce
X and address desiring out-door employment
can obtain same by calling at room 611 , Flist
Katlonal bauk. _ _ 625
"PRIVATE course lu fencing , boxing or fancy
Jciub swinging , f 10. Address T II. Bee olllco.
TRANC'U MKDrtM-Mme. Handall , the
young Hwed , tells full names ot callers and
tbo full name of your future husband or wife.
wltnlute of marriage , and tolls whether the
one you love is true or falsa. Not a fortune
teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame
goes Into perfectly dead trance. Wilt bring
back thd riUrled huibaud or lover , DO matter it
they be 10,00) miles away. Will guarantee to
settle family quarrels. I'arlora up stairs. 403
N. leth ; . , ( bird floor. Stf a lit
naw 'uxion bnildlo * . OmahA"
The only ixclnslro shorthand flchool in the
state , Over one hundred graduates lh good
situations- The school la under toe manage
ment -fO. 0. Valentino , ofllclai ftAnosrnphcr
ftMadlciAl district of Nebraska , and
Prof , H. n. Boyle , an experienced teacher ana
rerbatim reporter. Day and evening g ions.
Btnden can enter at ixiiy time. Bend fovyolr-
culara. 616
fflTANDARI ) Phorthnnil School , 412 Sheeley
V-Jblock : tinohes standara syitomit and uses
Remington typowrlters. Circulars free. 600
intlTTLKSEV'S Shorthand § chool. 4 Barker
block , ! mtlis' lnstructlonsilBclass | limited
731 ni *
toodlng , spouting , gutter * , valleys nnd
JIN Iroh work dOne well and ch cap by E.
nfte , 118 N 15th. 604-2t
/ " ONTRAOTINO plasterers nre invited to call
Wat room 401Pnxton building , and czomlno
"Adamant. " " > 2 A 15
rplllibnnjo taught an an art by Goo. F. Gel-
JL lenbock. Apply at lloo OOlco. 613
o MAHA. Neb. , rob. 14,1S89. Notice M here-
' ' n to the holders of all bonds Issued
the Cable Tramway Company of Omaha ,
and bearing date of May 2d , 1887 , January 1st ,
1883 , and October 1st , 1883. to present the same ,
for payment , with accrued interest , nt the First
National bank of Omaha , Nab. , the nfth day
of April , ] ( & > . Interest on said bonds will
ccaso on that date , the company having availed
itself of the right to redeem the same , by giv
ing thirty days notice of Its desire to do so.
8. 11. Johnson , President.
-L > Have you stocks ot Roods , city property or
money to cxchnntto for line lands In Northwest-
oru Kim. ? If so address Harwood & Don Carlos ,
Qoodland , Kaunas. 84 UU
WANTED A sot of Ilrst-class onice furul-
ttiro In exchnnRO for tin Improved 100 acres
farm In Antelope county , Nob. , I mlU from rail
road. A. U. J , , Itoom 10 , Chamber of Commerce.
OAK IXJAD younff mules td oiclmngo. Apply
toChns. It. Wobstor. southeast corner Lcav-
onworth and IVcnty-clghth streets , Omaha.
Well 3Abl : or exchange for unlnoumusreil
* rent paying city property onlv : ranch
2.400 acres ; well located ; dwelling houses , Bta-
Dies , granaries , &cs every facility for ,
cattle or sheep ranch. For Information apply
directly to the owners , John P. Cranoy vV Co. ,
Hays , Kan.
STKVENB , real estate and loans ,
vXromoved to rooms 510 and 617 , Poxton block.
Six per cent money to loan. Exchanging property -
erty a specialty. 811 30
OR EXCItANQR-l,500 equity In choice Inside -
side property , uulmprovcM.for llrst or second
mortgage paper. Address KW Bouth 10th st.
TRVARM land to exchange for cltr property ;
JL grocery stock to exchange- for furniture ,
Co-operative Land nnd Lot Co. , 203 N. Ibth st.
| 7H4-23
GROVER Stevens , real estate nnd loans , re
moved to rooms 610 nnd 617 , Faxton block.
0 per cent money to loan. Exchanging prop- ,
crty aspecialty. 811 30
QTOCK8 pf groceries , dry poods nna sta-
Utlonery to oxchan o for Omnhn property.
Grover Stevens , rooms 610 and C17 Faxton
block. 769 28
CHOICE Improved farmslightly incumborod ,
to trade for vacant lota or equities In houses
and lots. IT. G. Cole , Continental block. BS3
TJ10H EXCHANGE For desirable residence
-I ? property In Omaha , any or all of following :
40 choice Inside residence lots In Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
040 acres line farming land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angeles.
A neat residence property In Hanacom Place.
Also , some good mortgage notei.
Address , giving location nnd price of prop
erty , J. K. U. . care Damn Iron Co , . 1217 Leavon-
worth. C2J
TT1OH EXCHANQE-DaKota. Hand county.
-L' What have you tn offer for a good fnrm
hero , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising : in value , mid Its destiny cannot be dis
puted. WilltnKo vacant lot or Improved prop
erty and assume some lucumbrance , 0. J.
.SternsdorIT , roomsUI7 and 318 First National
bank building. tt
WANTED Good span of horses in cxccango
for clear lot. A. I' . Tukey , 15thand Douglas
f LEAR land , lots and stock for Rood house
v and lot , Omaha ; must be unexceptionable
neighborhood. Address S 21 , Bee. 700
T71OR EXCHANGE Eighty acres of the finest
JC ! timber land In Wisconsin , clear of Incuni-
branc * . What have yea to offer ? GJ. . Hterns-
dorlf. rooms 317 to DIB , First National bank
building. 19
"C1OR SALE Full sot windows and frames *
JC doors and frames , blinds , screens and storm
windows foraten-room'houso. Ames , 1507 Far-
nam st. t K411
FOU SALE Photographic iastruments.chcap
for cash. L. W. Silver , Swanton , Neb.
. 847 28t
FOR BALE An extra llnu span of draught
horses at U. P. livery barn , cor. 8th and 1 ur-
nam sts. 8uO III *
FOR SALE Almost new "Klmboll" upright
piano. Price $125. Party leaving city. Address -
dress U ID'Bee oince. rso-25 * I
KED OIRDS for sale Females as good
singers as mules. Call on or ndaross Mrs.
Emma Gilbert , Marysvllle , Marshall Co. . Kan.
707-27 *
T710R SALE A handsome double yellow head
JO parrot andono blue Amazon. 8M S. loth st ,
room 8. - H1230
"DIOR BALE Two carloads ot nice potatoes ;
JU also about 10 oarrols of Bauer krout : must
bo sold : oueap for canli. Inquire of Charles
Smith , 1419 Farnani at. _ E15
TT1OR BALE "Fresh Jersey cow. Enquire 1708
JD Webster street. 77929 *
TG1OH BALE Furniture nnd lease of 7 room
JC Hat. Itoom rented exceeds rent of Hat. L
He B Rental Agency. illU Bheely blocic. 7IM
FOR SALE The lease , nxturoa and sates of
the C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. .
cor. 15th AHarneygts. _ 7C3-2S *
FOR 8ALK A tjood Coartland , N. Y. , bus.
almost new , cheap for cash. Address J. i ; .
Noedham , Albion. Nob. _ _ 76B-3 *
1710R UALE-Choap.a nearly now top buggy ; Co-
JJ lumbuu make. A. H. Comstock , U12 H. 16th.
FOR SALE-Pony and cart , 1 4 N 82nd.
723 Bit
FOR SALE Top pheaton. In good oruor 1567
N. lOat. B773
READ THIS IIW worth of nice furniture ,
entire outtlt of the house , forSi'X ) ; must
sell on account of slcknois. Apply to J. H.
1'arrotte. 16UO Chicago. 214 all
TTiOR SALE A line combination ollllard and
J- pool taUle forroBldenoe ; almost nt-wj a bar
gain. Room 22 , U. 8. National bank building.
TTIOR BALE-Car load of young sound horsoi.
JP 1510 California st. B. U. Wood. 821
"ITHW SAtE-l.OCO toni 14 to id inch ice on
JD track. Council Bluff * . Olllert llroa. lilSai
A LARGE , heavy government wagon , almost
new , can be bought at your own price. G.
J. Sternsdorir , roomi 317 and 01 8 Firs t National
Uauk. Telephone 434. 655
= = =
FOR HALE 1MO Harney st. , 10-rooin house ,
J500. W. SI. Ilnsbman. WO
$ (1,760 ( , * - > ,8 > 0 cash , 1,900 ( years 0 per cent , buys
3-Htory 8 room house , furnace , bath , etc. , lot
MxlOO foot , No , 2513 1'opploton nve. , Hanscom
Place ; must go by March 1st. party going away.
D. V . ijholes , 210 1st Nafl bant. Cl
FOR sale or exchange A residence at 20th
nt. , and St. Marys avo. has 7 rooms , bath
room , laundry , sewerage , gas und city \\anr.
Will take peed outside building site as part
payment. David Jaimeson , 311 3 15th. 7HH
rpALKofbarealnst Gareon thiti lOKl57n.w ,
J-cornor.Tith and Hatnllton , fronts a streets ,
at grade , for W.2.50. This la bed-rock ; not a
n ickel less will ever buy it , and It must be
grabbed Boon at that price. M. A. Upton Com
pany , 10th and Farcam. 5W
I710R SALE Or exchange for Omaha prop-
* ertx ° c ? i sultablo for plattln ? ; wfti
make iOJ lots.all clear ; big money in it for souia
one who can push this ; located jnstoutsiao ttin
cltyllmlUot Council Uluds. Inquire Geo. J.
Hternsdorir. rooms 31T and 31S , Fint Natlon l
bank building. 57J
O Cr/EARlots In llckerman fUce and a clear
ft house and lot in Vork , Neb. , will trade for
home In Omaha ; preter place near Long
school , will pay eome cash dlff ranco for suita
ble property. 0. F. Harrison. Merctt nW Natl
bank bid. 4/d
BEAD THIS I have a customer for a good
residence lot. He will pay some cash , build
n good house , tnako a building loan and give -a
second mortgage for balance of purchase
money. If you have a good lot I ran sell it on
these terms , drover btaruus , rooms 6lo and
617. Paxton block. til SU
$ . JO buys S house * and lot , 67x a. t. . cor
llth and yinton. 0 t-m31
A Doufelfta Oonnty Abstract * ,
. B07 I arnam street.
Those wishing to invest a Uitlo money In
Omaha lots in inch a way as not to feel the
dollar , can now do so. we have Rood lots ,
plenlldly. located , surrounded by new build
ngs and Improvements , whtcn you can buy ,
115 down ,
balance ten dollars n monthl Tlilnk of this !
A chance to * ave your money 1 A chance to get
the increase valuA on the lot AS Omaha grow * I
Think of It , good lots at
$100. m MV ) .
Can you find a safer Investment , a better way
to sava Ttmr inonor ? Can any bank pay you
nn equal on your money ?
Vou Can See
these lota any time you want to without
chargo. We have conveyances always ready to
show property fro * . .
15 cash
und 810 < v month will buy your wlfo or ono
otyour children n lot that will make thorn
more tnonay than anything ols you can dd for
them. Itomembcrthatlt
. Costs You Nothing
to cornp and BOO these lots to Investigate this
matter for yourself. Ton can mnko up your own
mind when you BOO this property and what snr-
round , it , w
is cheap for the lots or not. Your chance to
maio inonnv in omalm land la as good and o von
. Hotter Now
thanevor oeforel There U no question now as
to our city's future growth I Apostotnco build
ing nnd n city hall are but a port otthe contem
plated Improvements for Iw9. Tnoso cheap
lots are put on the market because they are
chcapl it would not pay us to show you the
property unless It was cheap ! In other words ,
. . H Docs Not Pay
to advertise cheap goods unless they nro what
is claimed for them. Don't ba lacking lu cour
age ; it you want toMako
Make Money.
Iltty on tbo terms wo now offer you , nnd no
ono can duplicate this property at the price
named , but . . . . .
Ilrst of All
como and BOO what U Is , where it is. what sur
rounds it , what a future it haslll Plenty of poo-
pla huvo made money Injuat such investments
as this ono offered you ! You run absolutely no
risk ! i'ou got the easiest possible tormsl Von
can investigate the offorl It coats you nothltml
A little courage and a llttlo money is all
that is neodcU. Amos , 1507 Farnam St.
S HOLES' spoelal bargains 83,000 buys n good
7 room cottnga and barn wltn nnn plumblntf ,
hot water boating apparatus , nlcoly papered ,
mantle and all couvonlonros.full lot , east front ,
"hoar corner Stith st. and Woolworth avenue.
I3.5M buys a uno now 10 room house , with a
good barn and nil conveniences , being nn east
fronton Popplctou avontto and 20th Htrcot ;
( .5,500 buys n full lot , unst front on Georgia
avenue , half block bouth of Loavenworth St. .
with a good 0 room cottage , line largo shade
trees , very choice.
Goods room Irtiuse , furnace nnd Ml conven
iences , No. 2813 Vonpleton avcnuo ; party cotng
to leave the city. Investigate this and submit
I have a good list of rosldoncos nnd residence
lots whlchlt will pay you to Investigate if you
wish to ; 1 nlso have HIWOUJ worlli of
good clear property to oxclinngo tor olthcrgood
residence property , or insldo business property
nnd assume as mucti cncumbcrance , or pay dif
ference In cash. It you hnvo anything tlrat
class for sale or trade , call and coo mo. D. V.
Sholos. room 210 First National bank bldg ,
TjlOR SALE On monthly or quarterly pay-
JP montssomo uowo-room houses In Mlllnrd &
Caldwoll's add. , just Hi miles trom oostonicc.
If you want n homo of your own come and see
me. 0. C. Bpotswood. TOft 3.16th st. 051
ORTHY of your attention. Now being
completed on 2Jth si , north of Loavou-
worth st , two houses convenient to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantol. furnace , Has. bath ,
toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs ,
hot and cold water , flvo bedrooms , 10 closets ;
only Ui.5'JO , on turins to suit. Telephone 2J7 or
W.T , tioaman , Omaha's largest variety of wag
ons , carnages , etc. , cast side 10th st , north of
Nicholas st. 433
I HAVE 10 flne lots In IlrlKgB' Place add. ,
Omaha , for cash , on good terms. For farther
information Inquire of E. Jeffrey , Galena , 111.
LOT 03x155 east and south corner west Far
nam st. near Milton Rogers property , ? " . -
000 , Easy terms will shade this for nil cash.
C. F. Harrison Merchants Natl bank bldg. 498
TTIOR BALE or Exchange 1 mproved stock
JO farm of 800 acres In eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also now 12-room house with all con
veniences , In desirable residence potlon ; of
Omaha. Andrew llevlus. attorney , 422 and 423
Paxton block Omaha , Nob. 028
A sacrifice 121x150 ft , east and north
front , corner 3th ! ) nnd Howard ets. , ono
block west of Coo's nnd Kirkondnll's line resi
dences , two bldcks from paved street , two
blocks south of Fnrnam st. ; Just think of it ,
120x150 ft. nnd a corner at that , and only 84,500.
C. E. Roller , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas
FOR SALE Lot 40x100. south of fair grounds
lu Klrkwood , Price , $1,200 , one-fourth cash.
J. H. Loomlscl92Q street. 401-30 :
SOUTH OMAHA 1 have a number or good
lots in various additions that must be sold
at once and can be bought at prices that will
HUlt you. G. J. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and 318
First National hank building , C32
TT10R S A LE-On terms to suit , the neat cottage ,
JD 2828 Charles st. Telephone 227. or W. T. Boa-
man , Omaha's largest varloty buggies , wagons ,
&c. , east side 16th st , north of Nicholas at. 45. )
T710R BALE or Lease Frame building about
Jt ? 40x50 with throe years' lease of lot,00l Doug
las st. Ole
FT ACRES in Tuttlo's sub. , lays extra well ,
tlprlco $7,000 ; makes 25 lots at JMJOn lot , total
ISu.OOvi , clear profit $13,000 ; party will plat It. Co
operative Land k Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st.
F I OR BAhE-Lots l ! , iSand 10. blocKll , West
Side : addition. Tnosa lots are 51X133 each ,
lay very pretty , and the throe cm bo bought
for 91,000 , They are actually worth twice that
amount. G. J. SternsdorlT. Rooms 317 and 318 ,
First National bank building. 3M
/"lALLon II. E. Cole , northeast corner ot 15th
v and Douglas sts. , Omaha , for Edwin JC. Al-
slp & Co.'s catalogues ot lauds of California.
230 April 10 *
rpHREE hundred and twenty acres of good No
JLbraska land clear , and eomo money to
trade for Omaha property ; party will assume
New 0 room house in Hnnscom Place ; all
modern conveniences , full lot , fti.OOO. A bar
gain ; must be payment.
Ono of the best east front lota on Virginia
avonup , only $2,300.10.
Another on 31st. H.500 OX
Another on It'ml. $ .1.100.00.
A now H room house on 32nd , modern im
provements ; omy S.V'00.00. ' . .
Now 7 room house on 23th st. , full lot 120 ft.
from Dodge street cable car , east front ; 81.100.
100 ft. on West Furnam , tt.oOJ ; actually worth
Now 9-room house , a corner , 04 ft , s. and e.
front ; has hot and cold water , bathroom , mar
ble top stationary ash stands , electric bells ,
furnace , mantels , etc. , for HOUO ; worth $10,000.
ICO acres good land , free of encumbrance ,
well improved ; will twin for Omaha property ;
give WxJ to $1,000 in money and asjumo some
For runt. New7-room house , 2Uth and Dodge ;
will renta room for part pay. $26 per month.
A now 9-room house.nll modern conveniences ,
Jackson and : < Cta. Only (1,610 ; terms easy.
100 ft. cant front on 87th nt , , near California
Bt. Only 15,000 ; terms easy. Same property
south nt Farnam would bo worth J 10,00J.
A beautiful corner lot in Kountzo Place , va
cant , or Will build house to suit purchaser ; will
mitke this a rare bargain and terms to suit.
No trouble to snow property ; conveyances
always ready. Now i the time to buy to suvo
money , as you ran buy from 15 to20per cent
cheaper than you can CO days hence ; mark
what I cay. A. O. lughrara , room Si , Barker ,
FOR BALK The finest residence site in west
Omaha ; Just south of Farnara on 37th
straet ; a corner 1 x187 with 187 feet frontage
on paved street and Joining the handsome resi
dence of Klrketul.ill on the oast.and Brady , Eas-
son and Martin on the south : a perfect gem
and garden upot for an elegant homo , .
Harney anil 21st streets , 141x107 , on pavement
within 3 blocks of the court house ; room for
seven fine houses that would rent as rapidly
a * completed. A splendid permanent invest
Farnam and 22d streets , WxVC , with new 3
story briestore building , rented to good per
manent tenants- Rental receipts II.2JO per
blxtuenth street near Nicholas , frontage 0) )
feet to alley. Good business property.
Farnam street between ; tsth and dtfth , front
age , 4K or l xl , to alley , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars.
Puric avenue opposite Hanscoma park , 60x150 ,
price SJ.ODO. eony terms.
Paddock place trackage , 00x112 , 12,003 , easy
loth street south ot Vlnton st. , lot for sale or
trad * for mdta or good farm land ,
8. A , Blomtin , 1301 Farnara nt. KO
TOOR BALBCheap-Not for trade ; 643.70 acres
JL ? hnd dec. 6-lV-c ) two miles from Marquetta ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame hoiino , Bta *
ble. 300 ucret under good barb-wire tence ,
round cedar poita , two stays , living watdr. au-
ropt channel , 3 wells , 930 barrel tank , corral ,
Belt-feeder , a natural stock ranch , in a line corn
Price , „ | ,000
Cash in hand , , 2,750
years' time a per cant. , il,2v )
Go and look over land. Address owner , F. 1C ,
Atktn ( 1503 Larimer t , Denver , Col. C27
T71INH quarter section , Sherman county , Lot4
X1 in thriving low * city ; amo in Omaha. Ken.
tucky bred saddle home , all the galti. Solon-
did family mare , carriage , etu. what bare you
to offer ? Address fi 20 , Ueeoflo * , W
TNSTRITMHNT8 plao d ort tecoM during yo
HO Atkln and wife to T n Taylor , tot 13 ,
lllmobaugn place , W rt . . . . . . . . . , . , , , . , . 8,600
N .T Christcniou Mid wlfo to W Nelson , o
77)4 ) feet of lot 7 , blk 1 , Park placi.W ii ,
N Nelson to 0 Cllrlstenson. 7 M f6et ot 8,600J
lot ? , blkl , Park place , wd . . . . , , . J
A K Whlnneiy nnd wlfo to H 8 Vnfa Gor-
ilor.lotR , bikfl.Kilbyplnco , wd. . . . . . . .
William J Steven * to H L Kennedy. ) {
lot l > , Howe'e add , w d . . . . . 7,000
0 K Mnyno nnd wlfo to II Jncobson ot al ,
lot 1. blk 1 , Mnyne'a ndd , w il
A Norgnro and wlio to U Hanseu , und H
lot 1 , bite 1 , i | ayuo'a add , q e d 160
Al'Tukoy. ct al , toGeorge Hughe * , lot
SO. blk If. Clifton hill , w a. . . . . . , . . . ? COO
GoorgoHonnlngnnd wife to L'Kaufman ,
w it lot l ! ) . blk 1. Campbell's ndd , w d. . 1.4W
F D Brown , et ni. to Anna Kiinn , s 40 foot
lot2\Clarko'aadd. 0,000
G W covell to A Mac Lnrty. lot 13 , blk 1 ,
OoveH's add to Crolghton'a heights , q
cd . . . . , . , . . . , . , , .
A Gardiner and wlteto A J McDonald ,
jot 15 , blK S , 0 K Mnyuo'a 1st ndd to Ynl-
loy.wd , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
III wambauffh nnd wire to R K Paxton ,
Iqt3.blk ] , Northlleld , w < l . . . .
D F Harmon to J T Comstock , w ft ) foot
lot au. blk 0 , Rood's 1st ndd. w d
A K Mrby.ot nl. to A P McBrldo , Jot 6
nds } } lot4 , Wfc 11. Carthage , wd
Marlon Foster Danlol to l.andand Build
ing association , lot II , blk 17 , Parkor'a
ndtLqcd , ,
Sixteen transfers aggregating. . . . . . . . I
DulhUng Pornms.
The following building ponnlti won
grnntod yostordny by Inspector Whitloclu
J. B. Mnxilold , ono-story kitchen , SUM
Webster . V. . . . . . * 600
John Riley , throe cottages , Thirtieth nud
Jtugglos , t OJ each . . . . 2,400
John lliloy , throe cottiiKos , Thlrty-thlrtl
wuid Ohio. WOO each. . . ? ! . . . = .400
It. D. Morrh , ono-story frame dwelling ; , ; ,
Grand avomu < , near Onrlleld 1,000
Win. Gould , Hvo-atorr frame dwelling ,
Bcckman. near Gnrftcld 1,800
Wm. J. I'aui. throo-stovy frame dwelling ,
block , Nineteenth am. Chicago , , 20,000
IT. 1 * Johnson , two-story frame dwelling ,
Lake , near Thirty-fourth 1,000
F. L. Johnson , one-story frame dwelling ,
Moore , near Ames , 1,000
W. J , atovciin. three ono-story frame cot
tages. Third , near A , Ackermanplace , . 1,800
W. .1 , Stevens , two-story frame dwelling ,
Cameron , near Tvteuty-tlfth 8,600
D , I' , Benedict , two-story frame au oiling ,
T onty-thtrd , near California 0,600
J. Matson , ono-story frame dwelling ,
Twenty-eighth nvouuo nnd Ohio 600
Oswald Lomatzsch , ono-story frame
delllnpOak , near Twenty-ninth. . . . . . 800
A. P. Tukey , one-story frame depot , .
Thirty-seventh and Laico rae
Four minor permits 420
Nineteen permits , aggregating { 40,220
Wo twar < l.
Running between .Council Binds and Al.
bright. In addition to the stations mehtlOned.
trains atop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Humm it In Omaha.
'SI '
Al- . Omaha Tranf *
bright. Omaha Sbecley depot. J fer.
A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
6:45 : 6:57
6:10 6i26 „ 6:30 : 6:43 :
7:00 7:05 : 7:16 : 7:20 : 7:82 :
7:60 : 7:65 : ttttj 8:16 : 4:27 :
8:60 : 8:66 : 8:07 : 0:16 : 8:27 BIBS
8:60 0:65 : 10OT : lOilB 10:27
10:60 : 10:65 : " 11:27
11:60 : 11:66 : P.5 ! P. M ,
P.M. P. M. 12:07 : 12 : 7
12 : V 12:55 : 1:07 fS ! ! 1:27
1:60 I'M SiW 2:16 : 8:97 :
8:50 : 2:65 : Hil6 0S7 :
3:60 : 8:66 : 4:07 : 4:16 4:87
4:66 : 6:07 : 6:15 Ian
6:5(1 : 6:66 : 0 : < " 6:15 : fl : 7 6:8 :
6SO ; 0:56 : 111 7:16 :
7:50 7:66 : 6:07 : 8:16 In
6:60 t56 ! 0:07 : 815 |
fi:60 : 065 ; 10:07 : 10:1 $ ,8L
10:65 ; 07ar .11:15 : 11)42 )
11 iu 11:69 :
. ! :15 : am
Leave. * yl-
A No.2 6:00p.m. A No.l .
U No , 6 6:00 : a. m. O No , 6 . 6:50 o
A No. 4 8:40a. : ra.jA No.8..o:4 : 5
No. 4 . 6:40 : a. m. A No.6. . ; ; . ,7 ;
A No.6 8Mp. : m. A No.8 ; (
No.6. , 8:40a.m. " - " -
No. B , . . , .4l6p.m !
A No. a 6:40 : a. m.lA
A No. 4 7:00p. m.lA
A No,2
' "