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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEl'i FBEDAY. MAItDIT 2 ! ) . ' 1S < > . IflEY MAY CO HOME TO-DAY. Flrml Adjournment Flxod For Noon By tbo Joint Oommlttoo. THE SALARY BILL REDUCTIONS , All the Norntnt School Measure * In * definitely Postponed by the Itouao Legislative nnd Slate House Gossip. Bcnnto. LINCOLN' , Nob. , March 23. ( Special to Tun BKK.J The senate spent most ot the morn ing in the hum drum routtno of third reading nnd passage of cloven house bills , during Which many senators skipped over to the bouse to look after pot measures. The following - lowing bills wcro passed : Dcrlln's bill permitting the Issue of wnro- liouso certificates for flax seed and Unseed Oil In storage. Changing the tlmo of the meeting of the presidential electors from December to ffanuary. Berlin's bill to protect Nebraska railroad employes from the gnrnlshoo sharks of Iowa. Changing the Lincoln term of the suprcm o court from July to September. Berlin's bill for the monthly report of the city comutrollor on the accounts of the school Ixmrd. For the Incorporation of granges the same ns secret socltlcs. MciN'ickcl's school bill. Exempting disabled pensioners from pay ing poll tax. Towlo's bill for the better protection of hotel keepers was defeated. A rlpplo of intorcst was started by the re newal of Senator Raymond's persistent de mand for the reading of Hall's house bill fixing a schedule ot maximum freight ratos. It has 114 pages and there Is no hope of Us passage. Member after mem ber asked to bo excused for nn hour. Thcro was also n shower of mo tions , and finally tbo reading was deferred Until after the consideration of the npproprl- ntlon bills. The senate adopted a resolution by General Connor directing the commissioner of labor to embody in his next report n chapter on the cultivation of sugar beets and sorghum , the manufacture of sugar therefrom and statis tics thereon. \ Chairman Raymond , of the special com mittee , reported that the Joint committee of tbo two houses had agreed on Friday noon as the tlmo of adjournment. The report was adopted. The senate concurred In the house amend ments to Raymond's banking bill and Keek- ley's trust bill , which now go to the governor. The salary bill came up In committee of the whole and the reductions ntrrcod on by the senators in conference last night were made , With but few changes. As in tno considera tion of the expense bill , the amendments had all been carofully'propared nnd written out. and were distributed among senators in all parts of tno chamber. Salaries were reduced US follows : Adjutantgonorallfroral,500tol,000 ; labor commissioner's clerk , from $1,200 to 31,000 ; auditor's bunk clerk , from 81,500 to $1,200 ; his Insurance- clerk from $1.200 to $1,000 and the recorder from $1,200 to $1,000 ; tno land commissioner's chief clerk , from $1,400 to § 1,200 ; his two bookkeepers , from $1,400 each to $1,200 ; the supreme court's stenographer , from $1,500 to $1,200 ; ofllcors of tbo homo for friendless , from $2,400 to $3,000 ; tbo chancellor , professors , Instructors and all employes of the state university , from $106- 000 to $00,000. On the last Item the original bill called for $75.000 and it was raised by the house to $105,000. The auditor was deprived of two clerks At 11,200 and $1,000. , the superintendent of pub- lie Instruction or a deputy at $1,400 and the Beatrice institution for feeble minded of ono teacher at $000. The $3,500 salary of the Btate veterinarian was also stricken out. The land commissioner was allowed an ad ditional draughtsman nt $1,200. The salary of the attorney general's stenographer was was reduced $1,200 to $1,000 , but after a spirited contest was restored. The reductions aggregate $34,200. The In crease Is $1,200 , leaving the not decrease 933,000. The cuts made by tbo senate in the appropriations aggregate about $550,000. Tbo liouso reductions foot up nearly $100,000. AFTEiiNOOX SESSION. The senate passed Baker's decadent bill , Which abolishes dowry la courtesy and gives the widow her share of the estate in foe : blso Hungato's bill for a now site for Fort Omaha , at amended by Senator Cornell. By a unanimous vote , also the expense bill , as amended by tbo sonato. The deficiency bill was taken up In com mittee and the following Items added : For Wages at Norfolk , $1,091 ; for Senator Hoar , Of Massachusetts , $3,000 ; for Sheriff Will- man's expenses In capturing a fugitive , $180 ; for extras in the Kearney reform school , * 1S39. The deficiencies aggregate over $80- i 000.Towlo's Towlo's hotel bill was reconsidered out of , courtesy to its author and again billed. Attention was called by Hurd , Connor and LitWsny to the fact that it provided a penalty of Imprisonment Jor debt and a failure to pay a betel bill on demand a misdemeanor. The two scnato bills for a constitutional amendment increasing the members of tbo puprcmo court and raising tholr salaries have gone to a conference committee. liouso. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 33. [ Special to Tun BKE.J On motion of Hampton all the num erous normal school bills wore indefinitely postponed. Dempster moved to place house roll 333 , a hill appropriating $11,000 to establish a silk t elation In Nubrnska on final reading , On motion of Delaney this bill was laid on the table. tjHnll moved to place on final reading house roll U89 , a bill to pay Eobotiozor It Hoar , > 10d Massachusetts , the sum ot t&OOO for alleged service rendered the state in a case before the United States supreme court , In which : the state was contesting the title to oortain lands with J. Sterling Morton. The motion test and the bill was tabled. Mr. Cameron , chairman of tbo committee appointed to confer with the senate in reward to the hour of final adjournment , reported fixing the time at 19 o'clock ( noou ) to-mor- ris Raynor thought that If so early a time was fixed the house must necessarily concur in nil tbo reductions tnado by the senate m tbo Appropriations , Cady did not bollovo the house should tie/ Its hands in this WAV , and Barker took the Borne view of the matter. > Oolanoy thought it was tlmo the house was getting ready to go homo. It had bettor lie honest and confess that it had boon reck , less nnd extravagant in allowing thcso ap propriations and concur in the reductions mode by tbo sonato. The resolution was laid over subject to call. call.Bills Bills on final reading were taken up , The following were passed : Senate file li , the Kockloy bill to prohibit all pools and combinations to enhance the price of tno necessaries of life. The bill was amended by Watson to exempt labor organi sations from its provisions , Tbo bill passed ) py a vote of 09 to 0. The negative votes east were by Cushlug , Hungato , McMtlan , JSnydor , Mattes and Mootcor. A bill by Hungato providing that the county board in counties containing oltlos of the metropolitan or first class and having > over twenty-five thousand inhabitants may > levy a special assessment on lands abutting u public road loading Into tuo city for the purpose of grading and paving the same. A bill authorizing the condemnation of not to exceoa ten acres of land for cemetery otr poses , and a bill by Kolpcr providing that the support of tbo insane shall be paid py the state , the same as other unfortunates , nd making provisions for repayment by the counties or the estate * of sucu persons of the amount so expended ; also a sonata nlll providing for the submission of a oonstl - tlof of id . A call of the housa was ordered , ana Field- grove of BulTalo , wtio was found to bo ab- eont , was brought in and fined (5 for the benefit of the homo for erring women at Milford. AKJKUNOON SESSION. On motion of Gilbert $4 of the fine assessed vgnlnst Fleldgrovo for absence was ro- knitted. Senate file 810 , a bill providing for a re duction of the number of Justices of 0.BO - peace In metropolitan cities , on motion of O'Bnon. WBI ordered to a flnal reading. A bill compelling railroads to keep tholr tight of way free from noxious weeds , and highway supervisors to cut down all weeds annually In the month of August , nnd Im posing a line on each for failure to do so , was passed by n unanimous vote. A bill prohibiting counties from trans ferring cases arising from trossposstng on real estate from ono county to another was passed. The bill was Introduced at the Instance of Saundcrs county , which claims that it Li overrun with business brought by citizens of Douglas on account of some damage cases against the Omaha Republican Valley rail road company. A bill was also passed providing for the sale of saline lands in Lancaster county at not loss than $150 per aero nnd providing for leasing these lands nnd fixing the termina tion of the cose at twenty years , Thu bill providing for glass ballot boxes Wa killed. Tbo senate bill declaring the first Monday In September a public holiday , to. bo known as Labor day , was passed. Also n senate bill by Cornell ceding Jurisdiction over Fort Robinson mid Nlobrara military reservation to the United States. Adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow. The l < 'ort Oinnha mil. LINCOLN , Neb. , MarchSS. | Special to Tun BEE. ] Representative Hungato's bill giving the state's consent to the purchase or con demnation by the United States of n site for Fort Omaha in Sarpy , Washington or Doug las counties came up in the senate to-day , and Senator Cornell offered the following amend ment , which was adopted : Provided further , That nothing In this act shall DO so construed as to deprive the state of Nebraska of the right to tax nny property of civilians situated upon any real estate , which the United States may acquire under this net , or to deprive the state of the right to tax any railroad running over nnd ncross any such real estate so acquired , or to do- prlvo the state of Nebraska of the right to tax , regulate , license or restrain nny business which might bo attempted to bo carried on , on nny such real estate where sucb business Is , or may hereafter bo taxed , licensed or restrained in ether places within the state tinder the general laws of the state , or to deprive the state In nny wa& from enforcing the provisions of Its revenue laws , against any person having property upon such real estate liable to taxation or seizure at the hands of the agents of the state ; nor shall nny of the provisions of this net bo construed so ns to prevent tbo opening nnd keeping in repair public roads and highways ever nnd across said reservation. or Interest to Wnrolionnomon. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to TUB BEB. ] Following Is the section of the statute entitled "warehousemen"as amended by Representative Berlin's bill to put the owners of llaxseed and Unseed oil on a footIng - Ing with other parties : "Any packer of pork or hoof , or nny manu facturer of distilled spirits or of Unseed oil , having n warehouse for the storage of his own products ; and any koooor of an eleva tor , warehouse , crib or tanks whoroln ho stores his own grain , flax seed or linseed oil , may issue receipts for his own meats , spirits , grain , flax seed or hnsccd oil which ho actu ally has so stored , in the usual form of ware house receipts , which shall have the same force and effect , ns the receipts Issued by the keeper of n public warehouse , to parties hav ing property so stored thorclnyhlcu receipts shall bo negotiable by indorsement , and en title the bonu fldo bolder thereof advancing money on the credit of the same to a lion upon the property so stored nnd described therein , for the money so advanced , as to all subsequent purchasers and creditors of any person interested therein from the issue of such receipts and the advance of such money. " Tbo Normal Sobool Combine. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 23.Special [ to Tun BBE. ] Tbo normal school combine utterly failed to carry tholr point , notwithstanding the "unholy alliance" they Xmtorod into in order to achieve this result. At ono time Chadron , Stromsburpr , Nellgh and Superior stood a splendid chance of securing the loca tion of a normal school , but the gang who were pushing the Stout , Butler and ICon nard claims succeeded in drawing Represen tatives Coloman. Gilchrist and Hanthorn into their not , but the combine wont to pieces on the failure of these claims and the normal school bills were all postponed to-day by a rousing vote. A tremendous pressure was brought to bear on Scovillo and Farloy of Hamilton , wno were anxious to secure a normal school at Aurora , but they resisted every effort of the boodle combine and voted steadily against every bogus claim. They did not succeed in securing a normal school , but tho.v came Just as near it as these who went into the boodle combine. The School Iiaw Amendment. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 83. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tnn BEE. ] Following is the text of I Representative Berlin's amendment to the I school law governing Omaha : \ "That all accounts shall bo audited by the secretary , approved by a committee to bo styled the committee on claims , and no ex penditure greater than $300 shall bo voted by the board , except in accordance with the provisions of a written contract , nor shall any money bo appropriated out of tbo school fund , except on a recorded adlrmatlvo vote of a majority of nil the members of the board , and said accounts and the records of said board In all metropolitan cities shall at all tlmos bo subject to the inspection and examination of the comptroller of such oity , whoso duty it shall bo each month to oxamlno Bald records nnd chock said accounts , and front tlmo to tlmo us may bo required by ordinance or resolution of the city council , report to said council the nature nnd state of said accounts , * and any facts that may bo re quired concerning said records. " The Farmers' Combine. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram - > gram to TUB BEE. ! The farmers of the house mot to-night to consider the senate's reductions on the appropriation bills. All but Corbin favored the proposition to concur in tbo senate amendments , and his concern was chloily as to the state university. The other representatives hold a mooting and de cided to oppose concurrence In the hope of getting bigger allowances from a conference committee. Each party claims to haVO about fifty members and tbo result cannot bo fore told. The Joint committee on adjourn ment ounnot agree on a date , but the general impression Is that the legislature will adjourn Saturday at the latest. The senate has a few bills to read in the morning and the proposition Is being seriously dis cussed to then take a recess from time to tlmo , Without doing any more business , until the house also gets ready to adjourn. Cancbt In HlH Own Not , LINCOLN. Nob. , March 23. [ Special to Tun BEB.I A practical Joke was played on Field- grove this afternoon , and ono which ho will not fall to appreciate. About two weeks ago at an evening session a call of the house was demanded and about thirty members who were a llttlo tardy in coming In , on motion of Fieldgrovo were each fined $1 for the benefit of the homo of the friendless. "Dick" Berlin of Douglas , who was the first man caught in Fields-rove's net , got excused to day , and calling Floldgrovo out , invited him to go ever to the sonatq and watch the solons in that body slaughter the appropriation bills. In tholr absence a cull of the house was demanded and some ono answered to every name except "Fioldgrove. " The gentleman from Buffalo was then brought In , and not having a satisfactory excuse was fined $5 for the benefit of the uomo tot erring women at Milford , Fieldgrove paid the money and at once wont gunning for the handsome member from Douglas who led him Into tbo trap. Signed by the Governor. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE , ] Governor Thayer signed to-day tbo throe bills creating Thurston county. The Rayuor irrigation bill has also been signed. Cadet Taylor's 1'ctltlon. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram > - gram to TUB BBE. 1 Cadet Taylor i circu lating a petition for appointment as secretary of the board of transportation , Legislative Gossip. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 33. fSpoolal to TUB BKB. ] Hlga-fivo has been cultivated to such an extent la the senate that four or flvo tables , in full blast wcro a common sight when the scnato was not in session. Cards bavo been barred , and prohibition now pro hibits. Petition and subscription papers for pres ents are now running a nock nnd nock race , with the exchange of photos a close second. School directors and others should take notice that the now laws change the annual meeting from April to Juno , and make many minor changes In the present order of things. Senator Raymond tried to Inject a $30,000 item into the expense bill for insurance on state buildings. Ho was defeated with the argument that the state had bettor carry its own Insurance. An allowance of $330 was made to pay current insurance , nnd the gov. ornor is expected to cancel existing policies. The Irrepressible photographer took n shot nt the senate while in session this morning. The solons nro disturbed by the report that the Inmates of a disreputable house nave nn autograph album with the signatures of many legislators. The book has been traced to a prominent employe , nud many members think It a scheme to blackmail them or Im pair their influence it returned two years hence. The cry 1ms been raised that thcro will bo big deficiencies two years hence on account of the senate's reductions in appropriation bills , but a house amendment to tlio expense bill provides "that no oniccr shall Incur tiny indebtedness beyond the amount appropria ted In this bill except to prevent disaster. " Representative Cady took ground against the practice of permitting doflcioitcos. Ho said the stnto Institutlonsjulght ns well bo allowed to run without check or appropria tion nud send In tholr bills for pavmont. The banking bill provides the appointment of the binklng clerk shall bo by the auditor , treasurer nnd attorney general. The appro priation bill classes him as nil auditor's clerk , to be paid by tno auditor. Senator Funck got In a motion for ad journment lit time to allow the senators to join In the rush nnd take a claim in Okla homa. The newspaper correspondents have been "took" in n group , and there Is a fairly ac tive demand lor their photos. Senator Sutherland is a fighter nnd a hard hitter and more than one of his cql- leagues has Had reason to bo thankful that ho has on Impediment In his speech. Ho took the lead in organizing the senatorial al liance for retrenchment and ho nnd Senator Kockloy have pushed the measure through. It was tbcso two gentlemen that discovered the data with which Ropresentatlvo Corbin knocked out the Kotiuurd claim after its passage in the house seemed suro. Suther land put In last Saturday and Sunday In looking up old records and found enough to kill the claim several times ovor. Ho was assisted In bis documentary researches by Senator Robinson. Among other things they found a long lost printed copy of the statutes of 1ST3. It has the original resolu tion under which IConnard was appointed claim agent , and the resolution WAS found to have a forgotten proviso that was fatal to the claim. Captain Glllosple , doorkeeper for the sen ate , Is a candidate for the place of special agent for the Valentino land oulco. Senator Norval was chairman of the sana toria ! bllianco on appropriations and rendered good servico. The hilarity that generally occurs during the closing days of the legislative session will not bo so boisterous this session. The statn property will not bo conllseatod , either , by the wholesale , as has boon usual on thcso occasions. Ex-Representative Carr of Seward , was a legislative caller to-day. "What Is the matter with Whitehead ? " asked a member to-day. "In the beginning of the session ho stood In with the farmer combine , and now ho seems to bo wandering after strange gods nnd voting for the print ing : steal nnd other questionable measures. " The house amendments to the Kockloy anti-trust bill were concurred In by tUo senate ate , and the bill only requires the signature of the governor to become a law. The members are Joking each ether ever the expiration of tholr railroad passes. Some of thorn acorn to think it would bo a blosslng to the state If tboir nasses only lasted thirty days , so they would bo torccd to put in full time. Warner's Log Cabin Remedies old fashioned , simple compounds , used in the days of our hardy forefathers , uro "old timers" but "old reliable. " They comprise a Warnor's Log1 Cabin Sarsaparilla. "Hops and Buuhu " " Remedy , "Cough and Consumption " ' ' Remedy , 'Hair Tonic , " "Extract , " for external nnd in ternal use , "Plasters , " "Roso Cream , " for catarrh , and "Liver Pills. " They are put up by H. H. Warner & Co. , pro prietors of the Warnor's Safe Reme dies , and promise to equal the standard value of those great preparations. All druggists keep them. THAT MEMORIAL. Some Facts for Farmers and Others IntorcstO'l. Nob. , March 27 , To the Editor of THE BEE : Two articles in your paper this morning attracted my attention , and with your permission I desire to offer a word on the subjects considered in them. * The first was the letter written by Mr. Powers toii Iho memorial of the nlliunco , which appeared - poarod some time siuco. I noticed several criticisms on it some days ago in Tills BEB. Now , I believe Mr. Powers to bo partly right and partly wrong. During the past flvo months I have had occasion to look up the subject of mortgagosani ] the result willI think , justify the asser tions of the .memorial In some ether states. I have not the Oxaot figured with tno just now , but can get them , to suslantiato the statements I make , Us 1 had them in my possession. Tho.v include - cludo all mortgages. In Kansas tlio mortgages nro about $235.000,000 bn an assessed valuation of between $400,000,000 , and $500,000,000 of property. In Illinois the mortgages are about $150,000,000 on nn assessed valuation of between $700,000,000 nnd-$800,000,000. In Minnesota these facts cannot be ascertained from state records , but from flvo average counties the records showed mortgages of from eighteen to seventy per cent of the valuation , aver aging about forty per cent , being about $160,000,000on assessed value of $500- 000,000. In Iowa , the auditor had no moans of knowledge. * Now , it is not probable that this state has any advantages ever the ones named , and hence the $150,000,000 , of mortgages may bo , probably Is , near the truth. And , as Mr. Powers says suppression of truth ends sooner or lutai in disaster. Whou men know how they stand , they know , or ought to know what to do in the promises. Assume this state of affairs to bo about the truth , und I think Mr. Powers is wrong , la not putting part o : the blame , at least , where it belongs on the farmers themselves. As n class I think , farmers are the most care less , imprudent , and unbuainoss like men of the country. The sumo rules or want of rules which tho.v follow , if pursued by the business men of Omaha would "bust" sovon-touths o thorn , In loss than three years. It i naturally so with farmers , as a class. They are vl brought into such llvol ; competition with other man as are the business men of cities and towns. The businessman must fight all the tlmo men on all sides ot him , next door , or uo.xt block to him , to hold his own , No ] so the farmer. Ho has a piooo of land nnd it is almost sure to give him some thing , if the sun shines and the rain comes. 80 ho sows , builds on hope and buys on credit. If crops are short a mortgage falls on him. Fifteen years ago oven , the condl tion of the farming class was quite dif feront to what It Is now , Then , no o&o in ton otVnod a buggy or carriage few there is hardly OHO In ton who lees not own ona-Mi luxury , become , perhaps , a necessity. The pamo way ? ith machinery. All of these things cost cash or mortgages. For the same 'cason that they nro thriftless and caro- oss , farmers never got their "rights , " as Mr. Powers calls thorn. They can not and do not organize nnd hang to gether , and fight for their rights , and 'oto for them as ether classes do. Where is the famous "Grange , " that vas going to "deliver" the poor farmers rom all evils a fo.v yonrs ago ? Mostly gene to jwt , because its members were oo careless to got up and do anything , low will the Farmers' nlllanco end ? Wait nnd soo. I have spent years on n arm , so I am not altogether f gnornnt o lieso matters. The other article referred to , was the torn of news which showed that the iroflts of the Doll Telephone company voro 21.45 per cent on the stock It cornea in very "pat" with this memorial Hisitioss. It snows how , whllo the fanners can barely malco twoonds meet , with no hope of paying moro than intor- ; st on their debts , rich monopolies , who oan them tholr mortgage money , are growing fat on ill-gotten gains. This s only ono of hundreds ot the octopuses Imt curse our land. And every man , vho is moro than superficial , knows 'ilmt , primarily , the farmer the only [ jroducor has to boar the whole load. Twenty-four and forly-ilvo ono-hun- Irodth pur cent per annum , and stock nearly trebled in assets ! And yet this s tbo patent protected body that fights every attempt , to rogulavo its extortion- nto charges by all the moans that stolen vealth can use , and "squeals" that for ess charges It can't mu : < o business pay txpansosl Where was itrton years ago ? 3ut this is , as I said , only one of hun- Iretls of such companies , monopolies , .rusts . legal robbers in this country. Well , it will continue to bo this way till revolution comos. That will bo the illinmtc end. Lot the nlhanco keep up Is good work. IL M. WHITE. I'rool' Hotter than Assertion. With such proof ns the following letter 'rom W. H. Dean , of No. 278 Seventh street , tfow York , It is not necessary to make the jure assertion that Allcock's Porous Plasters euro lumbago. Mr. Dean says : "Somo ton daya ago I was taken with n cry violent pain In the small of my baclc. t was so severe that I could hardly breathe ; every movement caused great agony. I fi nally found out that It was lumbago. Being entirely helpless n friend sent to a druggist and got two Allcock's Porous Plasters ; these vcrc well wartned and applied to my back , ono above the othor. In half nn hour , to my great surprise nnd delight , the pain began to ibate. In two IIOUM I wai able to walk out and attend to my business , the pain being almost cone. Next day I was all right , but continued wearing the plasters for a weak. " niou soiti THIS. Prices Upon Omnl ii Kenlty Have a Tendency , to Rise. E. F. Seavor , speaking to-day of Omalm's present prosperity and future greatness , " said : ' "Tho business situation seems to possess moro of the elements of a largo , healthy and ? ormunont growth than at nny previous ine in the history of T > ur city. i'Tho boom period- u few years ago which pervaded the entire west struck us mildly nnd died nwayboforo wo knew it was upoli us , leaving no unfavorable effects , and the summing up of all branches of business at the close of each year has shown a ma terial Increase over that of the year prev ious. Real estate Ua' ' ! steadily Increased in price , and choleo residence or business prop erty is almost witlioutjOXceptlon firmly Held. Good houses In desirable locutions nro in demand and rent at figures tbat malro thorn profit able investments. Eastern capital in conso- qunnco is not slow In withdrawing itself from the vaults , where It has been wont to repose at a profit of two or throe per cent , per annum to Its owner , uud taking hold of property hero that can cosily bo imido to pay from seven to ton per cont. Outside proper ty , especially along the transportation lines , has much moro than held its own , as Is amply demonstrated by the constantly increasing patronage of the roads running suburban trains. I predict that before the elo o of the present year every railroad running into Omaha will have suburban train service in operation , and that thousands of clerks , mechanics and laborers , who are now renting houses from fifteen to twenty minutes ride from their place of business bv street cars will bo living m cosy houses of tholr own a llttio further away , but about the same uum- bor of mlcutes rldo by steam cars. The number of our jobbing houses bus been largely augmented , and the capacity of many of the older houses greatly increased during the post ycnr. Notwithstanding this fact , the volume of business has mot with a cor responding increase , and all Jjbbors appear to bo dumg a satisfactory business. This shows conclusively that Omaha is reaching out and competing successfully with Chicago , St. Louis aniLothor ot the old jobbing cen ters , and her capital nnd brains nro com petent ) to handle her tributary territory. "Wo ore , however , lacking in some ro- spects. Much of the territory naturally trib utary to us is shut out and glvon over bodily to our rivals for want of adequate railroad facilities , -wo need an Independent briago across the Missouri that Will permit , for a reasonable consideration , any nud nil rail roads to Cross Immediately into our city. This , I am satisfied , would result In two and possibly three of the great trunk lines , now ending at Council I31ulls , crossing ever end malting this tholr terminal point nnd the base of important extensions ittto the state and beyond.o need , oriually as bad , a di rect llilo of railroad to the northwest. The accomplishment of thcso two great objects will doubtless insure a third also of great importance , viz. , the construction Of a union depot that will at least overshadow anything wo now have In that direction. "Wo need these things badly , and every man , woman and child owning a foot of real estate In the oit.y shares In the need. All are within our roach , nnd by a strong and united effort wo Oan got thorn. There nro few cities of the RZO of Omaha , in the United States , whoso bonded Indebtedness is BO small , and wo can wall afford to pay liberally in the way ot bonus or subsidy , for the attainment of those advantages. The Inducements ofterou by our Inrgo- he.irtod ana doop-pockotod citizens to scotiro the location of manufacturing Industries are fast bearing fruit , and wo have many Inriro , solid and thrifty institutions to show for their efforts in that -direction. Wo have rootn for uioio , howoyor , and the Invitation Is posted on our gates , "Como to the most promising location wcaVof the Great Lakes. Wo will give you a sttoj help you to got hero and buy the product of your manufacture. " Expand the Mind Hy seeing ns mnoh asfyou can of the world. But cro you sot out olthor as a tourist , com mercial traveler or emigrant whether you go by rail , steamship or steamboat , provide yourself with HostotW's Stomach Bitters , which the traveling public recognizes a * the finest medical safeguard nnd provontativa of sea sickness with which any ono journey ing by land or water 'can be provided. It furnishes to tno western pioneer adequate protection against malaria , rheumatism and these disorders of the bowels which miasma tainted water beget , ilta sedative effect upon a stomach perturbed by the rocking of a ship is truly magical , and it is a capital appe tizer and nerve invlgorator. Excellent is It for biliousness and kidney Inaction , and it counteracts in u remarkable degree the ef fects of fatigue , physical or mental. After wetting and exposure in inclement weather , it should bo used as a preventive. A Plea tor Dloroy. Judge Baldwin , who has been at Broken Bow nearly two weeks defending Edwin F. Domorott , for the murder of Edward 1C log on December 10 , returned homo Wednesday night and received a telegram yesterday morning stat > ng that the Jury had returned a verdict of manslaughter , and askoa the court to make Oomorott's sentence as light as possible. Tbo hootlng grow out of a quarrel ever the constant trespass of King's cattle on Demor- ott's premises , The latter is forty-ulna years old , four feet , seven inches high and weighs only seveny.flvo pound * . King was a larger man. BOYS' ' DEPARTMENT , You will bo surprised at tlio oaormoua stook of Boya' and Children's Clothing -which wo are displaying this season. Although wo now liavo twice the room than formerly for the Boys' Clothing , yet the now goods pouring in daily make this department crowded. At the price we mark thorn wo think wo will double last season's business. No goods in our establishment are marked as close and'with as small a margin as Boy's Clothing , for wo cater to the trade of the masses the poor as well as the rich. The following are a few specimen values wo are offering this week : 200 strictly All "Wool Cassimoro Short Pants' Suits , sizes from 4 to 13 , at $2.40. "Wo ' \ have two shades , a dark and a lighter ono , either of them very neat. Wo recommend the material as strong and durable , being every fibre wool and the suits are well made , nicely pleated and tastily gotten up. They are beyond a doubt the cheapest all-wool suit ever shown. 300 All Wool Scotch Cheviot Short Pants Suits , in several different shades , at $8.50. These are the handsomest suits ever shown for the monoy. They are elegantly inado ancl the same goods could not bo purchased anywhere else for loss than $6. 175 All Wool Cheviot Long Pants Suits , sizes 13 to 18 , at $3.90 ; the regular value of this suit is $ G. s An immense line of new spring-suits in light and dark colors , for which wo will name lower prices than ever heard of before at the beginning of a season. You have no idea what money we can save you. Not the least risk is taken in dealing with us. If you have the slightest objection to the fit , quality or price after you have the goods at homo you can return them and wo will f refund you the money. 1 In our Hat Department wo have just opened and will place on , sale to-morrow another .1 shipment of our now justly celebrated 95o Fur Derbys , the latest spring shapes. Thoao who have" tried one of these hats wear no other now ; they find them as good as any hat they have been paying $2.50 for. Nor is this the only bargain you will find in our hat depart- ment. Hundreds of styles of soft and stiff hats are offered at about half the price you have to pay in other houses. Every department in our store is full of new goods. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. Additional Krclglit Inspection. ThQ announcement in Tnu BEE ot Friday , to the effect that certain Omaha merchants nnd railroads wcro Infringing upon the reg ulations of the western classlllcation , by falsely classifying , nnd also that certain wholesale merchants were bolnpr allowed a privilege of under-billing , has brought about inquiry into the matter. No sooner had the loots been published than n representative of the Itock Island wired Chairman Fnithorn of the matter and the latter Immediately boijnn to uialto inquiries Into the matter. Ho dispatched a. corps of way-bill Insuootors to Omaha , Council Blurts , and ether points where tlio affair misht bo looked into. At the Council Bluffs transfer a larRO force of examiners of freight Is now stationed and every bill is carefully examined. . The- inspectors specters have boon Increased to three , nnd have boon Instructed to examine very closely the system of classification. As yet no ir regularity hnb been discovered. Official Changes. The following local changes , principally of the Union Pacific , have boon made : J. B. Frawloy , traveling passenger to bo general agent at Sioux City ; J. W. Scott , chief clerk of the passenger department , nan severed his connection and the position will bo flllutl for the present by Assistant Chief Clerk Haler ; M. J. Green , oity passenger agent of the Milwaukee road has boon tendered the position vacated by J. B. Fraw- ley ana it is thought will iicccpt. It Is also stated that JV. . Scott will bo assigned to the passenger trade at coast points on the wost. Thcso cbangos will bo inado In a few days. In addition to this the Union Pnciflo Is considering the advisability of running half hour dummy trains between Omaha and Albright. Rated Rodttocili The Fremont , Elkhom & Missouri Valley 1ms issued a joint tariff circular in which the rates on merchandise from O in aim to com mon points in Wyoming are largely reduced. The now rate will take tilted April 1. First- cluss is reduced frdal $3.10 per hundred to (2,05 ; second-class , from $3.00 to 33.C3 ; third , from 83.80 to $253' fourthi Irom $2.00 to $2.83 ; lifth , from S2.53 to S2.23 , and ether rates correspondingly , W. li. Stone Appointed. Superintendent E. 0. Harris , of the East ern division of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis souri Valley has appointed W. L. Stonoohlof , train dispatcher , tbo appointment taking effect yesterday. Brfd Wetting in children. This an noyance , Ronornllv cnusod by dliidaso , can bo cured by Dr. J. H. McLoati'g Llvof and Kidney Balm. A Long Plnor Neattlio Divide. - - M. Honno came very near meeting his death by asphyxiation with gas in the Hotel Esmond Wednesday mo riling. Ho was uncon sclous when found , and it required several hours to revive him. Ho was sufficiently re covered yesterday to return to his homo at Long Pino. _ Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo used for children teething. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , cures wind co'ic ' , and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25ccn ts a bottlo. Onslicd His Abdomen. William Daly , n man of fifty years , who has boon a section foreman on the Union Pa cific for many years , attempted sulcldo about 11 a. m. yesterday. Ho has a large family and lives nt Twentieth and Lake. Ho has boon a very hard drinker and subject to Idiosyncracies while intoxicated. His attempt consisted In slashing himself three times noross tbo abdo men with a razor. None of the wounds pen etrated the vitals. Ho will recover. Ho was taken to the central station and bis wounds dressed. Scouro a sound mind , which , seldom ROCS without a sound digestion , bv us- inp the genuine Angostura Bitters of Dr. J. G. B. Siogort & Sons. All drug gists. _ _ _ _ _ _ Hurled From tlio Track. J. Fuemor , nn engineer on the Union Pa cific , had a narrow escape from death ut the depot. Ho rusned across the tracks to catch the 7:15 : dummy , but did not notice the approach of No. 1 west-bound. Ho was struck by the onglno nnd hurled from the track. Ho was not injured , however , but narrowly escaped being thrown under the wncols of the dummy. A 50 cent bottle of Dr. Bitfolow's Positive Cure will nromflly | and thor oughly cure the worst case of rocout cough' , cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollar bottle for chronic cases. Pleasant to take. Goodman Drug OOi A. Youilu Tramp. The infant found lu Dr. Vau Gioson's yard nt NInotcOUth and DoUgtas , was not left at the Orochoas reported. It was re fused admission thero. At tbo "Open Door , " however , Mrs. Clark took the tiny waif In. Some of thd ladles on the executive board of thd Urecho were very Indignant When tlioy learned that tholr matron bad ro * fused the llttlo stranger admission. 1 like my wUo to use Pozzoni's Com plexion Poivdor because it improves hoi' oaks and is as fragrant us violets * Still No Clioloo. PitoVinENCE , U. I. , Maroh 28. The Joint assembly took a ballot for Unltod States senator to-day , which was without re sult. MEXICAN MU8TANO Thus"the Mustang" * conquers pain , Makes MAN or BEAST well again ! Health is Wealth ! . . 0. WEST'S Nnims AND HII.UN TUKAIN HUNT , a guaranteed specific for Hysteria , Dlzzl- ness. Convulsions , His , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration cnusod by tu use ot ulcohol or tobacco , Wakofuluoas , Mental Depression , Softening of the JJraln , resulting la Insanltv and loiKllnu to misery , decoy nnd death. I'tomntnro Old Ago. Ilnrronnoss , Loss of Power in either BOX , Involuntary Losses and Sporinat- orhrcacnuiodby over-oxerUon o tliobraln.self- abuse or orcrlndulpenco. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box , or six boxes for by mall prepaid on receipt of. price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received DT us for six boxes , accompanied with J5.00 , wo win send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if tUe treatment does not eiToot a euro. Guarantees Issued only by Goodman Drug CO. , Dnigirlsts , Solo Agents , lllr " street ; Omaha Neb. FLORIDA LANDS For Sale or Trade. Rosldence property , orange groves , town lots , and desirable unimproved lands suitable tot winter homos , for sale or tt ) trade ror western mpiovod farm lauds. Correspondence solicited L .0. GARRETT , Orlando , Florida. Wyoming Oil Lands LOCATED , Aud all necessary papers lllloil. W , E. . HAWLEY , Civil Engineer , CABl'Elt. WTO. , or OMAHA , NEIlltASKA PROPOSALS FOU INDIAN SUPPLIES AND' TllANHPOKTATlON. Department of thtf interior , Olllco of Indian Attnlra , Washington , March ii'i , lesu. SBiilod proposals , indorsed1 "J'lopoaah for llecf , ( bids for beef must bo sub * mlttecl la separate envelopes ) , liacon. Flour , ' rat * I Clothing , or Transportation , Ac. , " ( as the ciiBo , maybe ) , und directed to the Commissioner of f Indian Affairs. Nan , OT > und OT Wooater street , Now York , will barec'-lvwl until i , m , of Tues day , April SJ , IBM ) , tot furnishing for the Indian' service about 000,000 pounds bacon , 34UOO , CK ) pounds beuf on tlio hoof , 1,000,000 pounds net beef , KTO.OM pounds beans , 71,000 pounds baking pow dur. fjOO.OOU pounds com , 477X)0 ( ) pounds cof fee , H.OKW.OJO pounds ilottr , 74oun pounds feed , iWi.ooci pounds imril brnnd. 81,009 pounds iiom' Iny , sa.iwo pounds .lard , vii baiTOU mesi pork , 1T.UOO ponmlH oatmeal , 1)70,000 ) pounds oats , llVl',000 pounds rlco , B.UOO pound. ! tea , 84UOW > pounds salt , JOXW ( pounds Koap , b&,03a ) pounds BUgar. and K3.003 pounds wheat. Also , blankets , woolen ana cotton goods , ( con- hickory uhlrtiug , 15,000 yards ; calico _ jj , O.MO yurdHi wlnsoy. O.VUQ yardn ) ; cloth- , inc. Kroccilei , notions , hiirdwuro , incdlcul BUD- . ' plloa. school ImolcH , ic , , and a long lint of rou- collaneous articles , such as harness , plows , rukcs. forlcfl. * e. , and for about era wagons re quired ( or the service , to bo delivered at C'liloij go , Kansat ) city , and riloux Oity , Also fortmon wagons as may b required , adopted to the climate of the I'uclflc Coast , % tth | California brakes , delivered at Ban L'ranolsco , Aiao , transportation for such of the articles , Goods and supplies Hint mfty not bo contracted fnrW bo delivered at the agencies , iilds mutt ba made out on government ulnnka. Schedules showing the kinds and quantities or sulmstenctf Bupplles rofjulrcd for each agency and * cllooK and the kinds and nuuntltleu in gross , ot all other gopdi and iirtlclos , Uigotaer witLblanK propojulH , conditions to be observed by bidder * , time uud place of delivery , terms of contract ana payment , tranaportauon routes , and all other necessary instruction ! will be furnUhed- upon Application to the Indian Onlcr in Wash- luKton , or Nos. 05 and 07 Woosterbkreet , New' York ; the Commissaries of Bubslstonoe , V.8. A , , at Cheyenne , Chicago , Leaven worth. Omaha. Saint Louis. 3alnt J'ftul. and Ban Francisco j th * Poatmustera at Sioux city , und Yank ton ; ana td the I'ostmiutors at the followlnpr namoa vUcel of any bid , and tneso propoauU ore InTJtea under proviso that appropriation shall bo made for the supplies by Congreis. Dids will ba opened at the hour nnd day above stated , and bidders are invited to be present at th opunlut. Certified Checks. All bids must be ucpoin- panled by certified checks or drafts Upou somfl united States Depository or the Mm Nation * ! HankoflAui Angelee , Cul , , for at l at ttvaiMt cent of the amount ot the proposal , JOHN C OltUHLY , Couitattsloner , x-v 8dl9f