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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1889)
" ' -7' THE OMAHA DAILY BEEK&IPAY. . MARCH 20. 1889. THE SPECULATIVE B4RKETS , \ Only a Moderate Volume or Buel- nosB in Wheat. LACK OF ACTIVITY IN CORN. Onts Quiet at a Irwcr ItnrtKO Provisions - visions ttio finino to n Slmtlo Knslcr- Cut lie Quieter HORS lllftlicr. OIllOiVGO 1'UOnUOB MAnKET. Cnicxoo , March 23. [ Special Tolcernm to Tnn Bnis.J The wheat market was rather BlupRlsh to-day , and the tendency of values in that end of the market that has been corked up was gently downward. The tem per Of the crowd Is very decidedly bullish on July , and the majority of the traders load , up on the Mlcntcst encouragement. They nro moved to this course punctually by the fnct that the winter wheat and spring wheat districts nro In need of rain. Wheat can got niong now without rain , but not for ever : Hutchlnson , though a bull on wheat , docs not take any great amount of stock In the dry weather bullishness , and inquires , "Whoever heard of drouth In March ! " He is a bull , or says he Is , because ho believes , or pretends ho docs , that wheat is goiiiK to bo scarce for consumption In this country before the next crop becomes available , and that It will bo needed BO badly near homo at good prices that very little will Jlnd Its way to the centers of accu mulation. Now York was bearish to-day in vlows , but the facts that came from the sea board looked the other way. For Instance , the clearances posted showed a shipment of wheat ana flour equivalent to 300,000 bush- 'Tola. A llttlo wheat was taken to-dny at. Now York for Liverpool tat % c better than May price , but neither ttio foreign nor homo buyers appear to want the poor stuff In store there at the price asked. Therefore the Now York trade fools bearish. Light rains nro reported at scattering points , throughout the wlnjor wheat area , but nothing to Indi cate a gcdcral rainfall as yet , and the prog nostications are that the dry spell will remain practically unbroken for so mo time to como. It v/as this scattering rain as much as any thing else * that caused the weakness of undertone so evident at times to-day. There were seine periods of activity in May to-day , but the great bulk of the business was done in July. Linn wanted some May early and bid the price up from ? 1.01 to $ ! . ( # without Retting much. Ho then withdrew and the price slid bacic to $1.01 * It then reacted to I1.02K m l for a while ranged at $1.02 ® 1.02) $ , and afterwards settled to J1.01& , For the last hour it stuck within a mlnuto frac tion of tl.01 % and closed there , at Xc higher than yesterday. Poole & Stauffor had big selling orders in May at I1.02K , nnd got rid of considerable property. This wheat was supposed to oo for Kent. July opened at 88c. The range for the day was 88 089 0 , and the close was 88 % < a 88J o , or KGSTfi0 lower than yesterday. It sold oI ( to BSjJfn ut the opening , and up to 89 , 0 , oft to bSe. and up to 89 c. It then worked down to Sfljffc , rallied to 8S.o , and broke. to S8 o > From that point to noon and after the range was 88@SSjfc. ; The free eclling by Dunn , Phclps and others , and the accompanying reports of more rain where it is needed caused a break to 89)'o. The last half hour of trading xvas characterized by firmness and seine recovery , tba last price being 83@S3kfo as stated. In the aggre- crate only u moderate volume of business was done in the wheat pit. There was the same lack of activity in the speculative branch of the corn trade which has so long characterized it. The items of news forthcoming wcro generally favorable to the bull sldo. which kept prices fairly firm. The export clearances showed Improvements. The Liv erpool marketwas quoted tinner with some futures improved in price , and the demand for lower grades for shipment continues una bated. The receipts at the primary rccelv- , ing points being light , and the near approach of the beginning of open water communica tion were contributory elements in the gen eral coniidcncc which was reflected in price. There was some good buying near the open ing , ana also later in the day , but sellers were most plentiful for a short time , and caused a slight decline from the opcnlug-Ug- ures , but a recovery followed , and the closing figure to-day was exactly on a par with the previous dtiy In May future , and did not vary .more than % o from yesterday's close on any future. The estimated receipts at this point for to-morrow are 180 cars. In oats the activity and firmness of yester day gave place to a season of comparative quietude within a lower range of prices. Borne operators who bought yesterday were sellers and the market lacked to-day , sup port , with the trading largely local in char acter. and confined chiclly to May and Juno. The flrst named opened easy at 2 J/o and sold down to 25J o , or % c below Wednes day's latest price , with later a partial recov ery , whllcJune was quiet around 25 @ 2rXc utter opening at ! i5Kc. The other months were neglected , and No. U oats to go to store were about } { a lower , at 2Sc. The provision traders had their attention diverted somewhat from the market by the Drusentutlon of some statistics bearing on the situation. The local stocks at the close of this month were estimated to show on hand , in round ilgures , 110,000 barrels ol porlr , 20,000 tierces of contract lard , and 27- 000,000 pounds of Rhort ribs. Compared with the returns made on the last day of February , these ilgures would indicate a decrease in the stock of cork during March of 10,000 barrels , and an increase in that of lard ol 4,000 tiurccs and In short ribs of 7OOoOOC pounds. According to the Cincinnati Price- Current the amount of lard is 52,000 tierces and of meats 20,000,000 pounds less than the returns made It at the same date in 1883. Blnco March 1 the western packers have slaughtered 230,000 more hoge than for the some- period last year , and It xvas generally believed that the stocks of pro duct at the opening of April , owing to the increased production , would closely approzl mate , the quantity reported at that date and year. The atatlctics given publicity natur ally attracted considerable attention and in terfered more or less with trading. The market opened bullish , but the buyers aftot a llttlo exhibited a comparatively conserva tive turn , and with the decline In the demand the prices receded. From the best figures ol the morning pork sold oft liT o and lard and short rlos Go. The entire trade closed ut the inside quotations , which , however , wore the enmo us yesterday's last prices to only t Hhada easier for short ribs and lard. In porl the decline suffered amounted to 10@rJ.Kc. CHICAGO aroon. CHICAGO , March 23. ( Special Telegram to TUB BiiB.J CXTTLS Uuslnoss was not quitd as actlvo as yesterday , And prices wore a turn easier , especially on blj ( , heavy oxporl etoers , yet the outlook WHS that about every thing useful or good would bo sold. Cou s'ock was In good demand , and no variation in priced was noted ; In fact , values have ruled steady in this" class all the weak sc far. There were no Texans in sight and nonoavo exported. The last sale of stcen vmsat$3.23. As yet there is a limited demand mand for veal calves , aud they are selling at prices that wfll ruin any stiip per that sends them hero , unless hi can get them for nothing in the country Business In the stockcr and feeder line wai not as brisk as during the past three days The most of the biff buyers have tilled thel : orders and have gene homo with their stock Choice to extra beeves , W.00@1.23 ; medlun to peed steers , 1350 to 1600 Ibs , W.-JSCW.S ! ) 1200 to mo Ibs , f3.80@3.00:050to 1200 Ibs | 3.00@y.45 ; stacker * nnd feeders , $3.20@3 40 cows , bulls and mixed , $1.40@U.lO ; bulk $ ill3.GOt Texas cattle , fl.B5rttJ.60. Hous Trade was active and 610o higher The bulk ot the mixed sold at f .B5M4.00 nnd at $1.0031.05 for heavy , with light a ti.65Q5.CK ) . _ FINANCIAL. NBW Yoiiir , March 2 $ . [ Special Telcgrarr to Tim DBB.I STOUKS These wfio hav < couUdcntly hoped for a substantial revival it stocks were again disappointed this morning The better feeling at tbo close \Vcdnesdn ; caused lomo expectation among the bull : aud the holders of securities instead of j revival. Trade was obliKCd to look upoi the continuation ot ttio tame state of affairs existing for some days past. The trans actions wcro quite restricted nt the opening , with the activity confined to a few shares. On the whole , the list was firm and flrst prices wcro slightly better than at the close yesterday , From the opening slight ad vances wcro made by grangers. These with Heading , Union Pacific and Atchlson were active. Trading in the big four was controlled - trolled by the consolidation nnd the prlco advanced \\i \ per cent. Union Pacific was weak. The gains of the morning were lo'st before the end ot the first hour , and 11 o'clock found the market hravy , with prices rvbout steady nt the opening figures. Later in the day Heading got moro attention , but the price kept within a ft per cent range. Thcro was no important feature in the list at noon. Tbo stock market went to pieces in a slow and mild way during the last hour to day. The pressure was on Atchlson and Heading , and these stocks showed a consid erable decline from the top prices of the morning , nnd wcro followed to a lesser de gree by the entire list At the close not only the early advance was lost , but the prices closed \ } { percent lower for Reading and K lower for Atchlson nnd Burlington , % lower for Northwestern nnd n fraction lower for nearly the whole list in which there was any action. The total sales wcro U9'J,153 shares , including Heading , 100,500 , ; Northwestern , 10.700 ; St. Paul , 0,000 ; Lackawanna , 9.0CO ; Union Pacific , U.OOO , nnd Burlington , 17,400. Thofollowlng wore tha closing quotations ! MAHKMCS. CHICAOO , March1 28. Wheat Closed steady ; cash , 09)o ; April , $1.00' ; May , Corn Firm ; cash , 34 c ; April , May , 35J/c. Oats Easy ; cash , 24c ; May , Kye May , 4-lc. Barley Nothing doing. Prime Timothj $1.27. Flax $1.51. Whlsky-51.03. Porlc Easier ; May , $12.05 ; July , $12.75. Lard Steady ; cash ano April , ST.02,1 ; May , $7.10. E'lour Steady and unchanged ; win ter wheat , $2.JO@5.40 ( ; spring wheat , $1.45 ® 0.30 ; rye , $3.65@3.00 in barrels. Dry Salt Moats Shoulders , $5.50@5.73 ; short clear , $0,02X@0. 5. ; short ribs , $0.30 (30.33. ( Butter Quiet ; creamery , 17@24o ; dairy , 14@21c. Cheese More active ; full cream cheddats and flats , 10 > @ 109 c ; Voung Americas , 11 @ 12c. Eggs Fairly active ; fresh , 10@12c. Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , ; light green salted , 5Jf@Co ; green , salted bull,5. o ; green salted calf , ; dry flint , 748 } ; green salted kip , dry calf , 7@8c ; dry salted hides , 7@Sc. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4e ; No. 2 , 3 > o ; cate , 4 > , c. ( eceiDts. 'Shlumcnts. Flour , bbls . 11.000 C.OOO Wheatbu . 24,000 ' 0,000 Corn.DU . 127.030 75,000 Oats , bu . 81,000 109,000 Now ITorlc , March 28. Wheat Receipts , 1,000 ; exports , 22.000 ; spot market dull and lower ; No. 2 rod , 8S@S3 > c | n store , afloat ; OO&cf.o.b. ; ungraded red,90c ; options actlvo , unsettled , weak and lower : March , SS c. Corn Receipts , 79,000 ; exports. 103.000 ; spot firm and fairly active ; No. 2 , 42J c ; No. 2 white , 40Kc ; ungraded mixed , 4Uc ; options ilrm , higher and moderately active. Oats Receipts , 2,000 ; exports , - j spot , dull and steady ; options tinner and moderately active ; March , 31o ; May , 30c ; spot , No.2 white,33J c ; mixed western , 30 ® . lToo Options firm , closed 10 to 15 points above yesterday ; sales , 37,750 bags ; March , and April , 10.70 ( < ? 10.75 ; May. $10.75 @ 10.60 : spot Rio , quiet ; fair cargoes , $18.75. Petroleum Firm ; United closed at 00 11-lOc. Eggs Firmer ; western , I0(311io. ( Pork Steady ; $12.50@12.75. Lard Dull aud easy ; western steam at $7.40 ; May , $7.40. Butter Quiet and easy ; western 12@28 } c. Cheese Quiet ; western , O Qlltfc. Liverpool , March 28. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEK.J 3:30 : p. m. close. Pork In poor demand ; prime mess , eastern , 05s , steady ; do , western , 55s , steady. Lard In poor demand ; spot and March , 80s Od , firm ; April aud May , 37s , firm. Wheat In poor demand ; new No. 2 , win ter , 7s 4d , dull ; do , spring , 8s , Ilrm. Flour In poor demand ; 11s 3d , steady , Com In fair demand for spot with poor demand for futures ; spot , 3s 0 > d , steady ; March and April , 3s O d , steady ; May , 3s 9J d , steady. aiiunnapoUa. March 23. Sample wheat dull , , and weak ; receipts , 150 cars ; ship ments , 03 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , March , $1.08K ; May , $ l.09& ; on track , $1.10 : No. 1 northern , March , U7J c ; May , 98Ko ; on track , 98Kc@l-00 ; No. 3 , northern , Marcli , SSc ; May , 8'Jo ' ; on track , 89tfc. Milwaukee , March 23. Wheat Steady ; cash,8S ; < o ; May , SO o. Corn Dull ; No. 3. 81(331 ( MO. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , white , 2K@23o. Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 4lc , Barl-sy Nominal ; No. 2 , 56c. Provisions Firm ; pprk , $12.55. Cincinnati. March 28. Wheat Dull ; No. 3 rod. 94@95o. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , mixed , a" > @ 35c. Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 37c. Whisky $1.03. St. Lout * . Marcn 2S. Wheat Lower ; casb , 02K(393o ( ; May , 03Xc. Corn Easier ; cash , 2'JJio ; May , SOJfc. Oats Easier ; cash , 25c ; May , 20J c. Pork Steady at $13.00. Lard Nominal at $0.25. Whisky Steady at $1.03. Butter In fair local demand ; creamery , 23@25o ; dairy , 20@22c. Kansas City , March 23. Wheat- Steady ; No. 2 red , cash , no bids nor offer ings ; May. S5 } o bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , SSJfc bid. Corn Steady ; No. 3 cash , 25o bid ; May , 25o asked ; No. 2 white , cash , 20a asked. Oats Cash , no bids nor offerings. L1V10 8POOIJ. Ctilcnco , March 28. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows ; Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; shipments , none ; market active but lower : choice extra beeves , $4.00@4.25 ; steers , $3.00@3.85 : stackers and feeders , $2,20 ( 3.40 ; cows , culls and mixed , $1.4003.10 ; Texas cattle , $1.03@8.CO. Hogs Receipts , 13,300 ; shipments , none : market strong'aud lOo higher ; mixed , $4.7' 04.05 ; heavy , $ I.75@4.97X ; light , $4.75 ® 5.05 ; snips. $3.00@4,55. Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , none ; market strong and uctlva and , 1015o higher natives , $3.00 ( 5,50 ; western corufed , $4.25 < g 4.5 ; lambs , SU5Q0.37X- Kansas City , MaVoh 2S. Cattle Re ceipts , 2,100 ; shipments , 1,500 ; market eiow ; dressed beef aud steers steady ; good tc choice corn-fed , 3.0584.25 ; common to mo chum , $3.75 ( < ? 3.GO ; stackers and feeding steers , strong and steady , $ l.00@3,40 ; cows , steady , $ lIK ) ( < fJ.T5. Hops Receipts , 8,800 ; shipments , 1,800 market strong , .active and t\7 o higher common to choice , $ i.25@4.67K > Nntinnnl Htnolc YarilH. Bast Bt. LoiiU , March 23. Cattle Receipts. 500 shipments , 200 ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers , $3,75(1(4.30 ( ; fair to good. $3.10@3.1H ) ; stockers aud feeders. S'J.OOQ 2.90 ; rangers , corn-fed , f 3.8 033. 50 : grass- fed , $3.W@3.60. ( Hogs Receipts , 3,100 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market Higher ; ohoioo heavy and butch ers' selections , $ i.80@l.iK ) ; packing , $4.03(3 ( 4.60 ; light grades , $4,70(34.85. ( Hloux Olty. March 28. Cattle Receipts , 73 ; shipments , 5S ; market steady ] fai steers , $3.75(23.35 ( ; cows , $1.50r < i3.CO } ; gt < > ok. ors , $3.003.80 ; fceden , $3.ii5Q2.85 ; can uurs and bulls , $1.75. Hogs Receipts , 1,151 ; market So higher light and mixed , $ iOO@4.7J ; heavy , $1.65 ® 0.00 , OMAHA MVI2 STOUIl. Vattle. Thursday , March 2 ? . 18S9. The cattle market took an upward turn to day of fie , nnd In some cases perhaps lOc , under the influence of moderate receipts. The demand was good , both packers and shippers being frco buyers , and the bulk of the offerings changed bands bcforo midday. Tfio prices paid for beef and shipping steers ranged from KUO < S4.UiK , with the majority of the sales at M.25rt3..o. ( There were a few very cholco top loads of cattle on sale , but n , good many of the steers could only bo graded as fair. Butchers Block sold strontt at prices ranging moitly from 12.0002.70 , but thcro wcro no fancy cows like those which sold at $3.10 yesterday. There was considerable In- Sulry for feeders , and but few cattle of that cscriptlou to supply the demand. Although the buyers started out offering about steady prices , the hogs sold fully Co higher than yesterday , that is at ,55a5.GO ( , The trade was nctlvo at the advance and the pens wcro cleared shortly after the middle of ho forenoon , Sheet ) . Three loads of rather commonlsh Nobras- cas were received and sold. The demand conllnues good for desirable fat sheep , but the receipts of such are light. Ilcuclpti. * .v S ti cc p "J' Prevailing I'rlons. The following is 11 tabla of prices paid In .his market for the grades of stock men- : ioncd : I'rlDie Bteors , 1300 to 1500 Ib3.$3.35 (591.10 ( Prime steers , 1100 to 1UOJ Ibs. . ; UU C'O'I.UJ Native feeders 2.75 ( $3.10 Common to good coivs'J Choice to fancy cows 'J.5U Fair to eholco Dulls 1.75 _ Fair to choice light hogs 4.50 < cc4.05 Fair to choice heavy hog * 4.50 ( eg 1,05 Fair to cholco mixed hojrs . . . . 4.55 ( S 1.00 Fair to choice western sheep. . H.bO ( iSl.15 Fair to choice Nobruskas 3.03 ( iii.10 ItcprcsRiitatlvo Satna. Ijivo Stuck Notoj. Cattle higher. Hog market stronger. No good sheep ou sale. An actlvo market on both cattle and hogs. J. H. Hugos , North Loup , sold hogs lat C. V. IJadloy , Brownvillo , topped the cat tle market with a load at $4.07 . During the expired part of this month the number ol cattle shipped oust from Chicago alive has exceeded one-half- all the cattle received. This is something that has not previously occurred for a number of years. Chicago Weekly Uoviow. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAlvKETS- Produce , Fruits , Etc. BUTTEII Creamery Fancy print , 24@20is ; choice print , 21@33c ; fancy solid packed , 21 @ 23 ; choice solid packed , I0 20c. Dairy Fancy roll , 17@l9o ; choice , IBGSlCc ; good , 12 § 14c ; low grades , 10@llc. CuisusiJ Full cream Cheddars , choice , @ 12 ! < c ; full cream flats , two in hoop , l\ 18c ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12 > tf@I3c ; off grades and skims , 5@9o ; lltnburger , 10@12c ; brick and Swiss , 14@15c. Eoos Strictly fresh , lOo. LIVB POULTHV Chickens , per doz. I3.75@ 4.00 ; ducks , $ ; ) .25'J.CO ; geese , $ S.50 ( < $9.00 ; turkeys , per Ib , 9@10c. DKCSSED POUI < THV Chickens , per Ib , 0 ® He ; turkeys , 11 ® lie ; geese , ll@12c ; ducks , lOMllc. VL-AI , Heavy grassers , 150 to 203 Ibs , 5@ Oo ; Inferior calves , 50 to GO Ibs , U@5c ; me dium. to good , TO to 85 IDS , -KSOo ; choice to fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , fl@7o. Potatoes , Colorado nnd Utah , G0@05c : Wyoming , 5055c ; Nebraska and Iowa , choice large. 25@SOc ; common , lB@23c ; sweet potatoes , Jcrsoys , per bbl. $3.75@3.00 ; beets , per doz , 50@70o ; carrots , 83@IOc ; cab bage , California , per Ib. ' 'c ; parsnips , per bu , 50@Kc ) ; onions , red ciiolco , 50cJ55c ( ; silver skin , C0@75c ; turnips , 20@25c ; rutabagas , 35 @ 40c ; radishes , 3540o ; lettuce , 35 ( 30c ; cu cumbers , $1.50@3.00 ; string beans , per box , ll.75@3.25j celery , 25@30o : spinach , 1.25@ l.SO per bbl ; pie plant , per doz , SOc ; parsley , per doz , 25o ; soup bunches , 35c ; cauliflower , I1.MO1.75. Q AUK Mallard , nor doz , ? 3.00@3.50 ; rod- head. per doz , t3.50@3.00 ; teal , per doz , $1.75 © 2.00 ; common small , per doz , fl-OOQl.BO rabbits , per aoz , 00c@ll.00 ; Jack rabbits , per doi , 3.00@3.50 | : squirrels , per doz , 90c@f 1.00 ; ] aok snipe , 11.00(31.25. ( API-I.ES Per bbl , fancy Now York and Michigan , (3.25 ; oholoo. $3.75 ; choice Mis- sourl , > 2.50 : good , $1.753.00. FOKEIOH J' HUITS MaUga grapes , kegs , 40 to 55 lus , lOo per Ib ; bananas , per bunch , tl.5Qg3.00 ; lemons , fancy new , 800 to 300 a , $3.7504.60 ; oranges , Los Angeles , $3.50 ; Ulversidos , $3,50 ; Navels , $5.00 ; Uanchlto ' CIUNIIUIIHIES Boll & Bugle , choice. $0.75 ; Boll & Cherry , choice , $0.00 ; choice Jersey , HIDES Green salted , No. 1 , B@5Woi No. 2 , 3Q3Ko ; calf. 605 0 ; dry flint , mto. BBANS Navioi , band picked , per DU. $3.10 03.20 ; good clean country. tj,05@2.00 : off or poor stock. $1.00@1.50i California , 2.00@3.10. Ciuau Michigan , per bbl , $4.60(25.00 ( ; Now York , per bbl , $5.00@5.60j half Bbl , $2.75 ® 3.00. Per Ib , prlmo Hvogeeso. white , 5@4Uo ; mixed with gray , K5@aOo ; damp and musty , ! 0@ Wo > ; prlmo llvo doicestlo duck , SO Ti5u | wild duck 15@20o. aiutpKnAUT Per bbl , 80 gal , choice , $3.50 , per 1ml ? bbl , 12.00. ) PorcoHN Per Ib , rloe , common , 'toNBT 1-lb frames , cboloo wlilto.5@16 < 5i rk , 1314Qj stroinocL WfilSo. fa f JCI.MES Ci4Yo per lbpreserves , , 10012 per Ib. Lnn--7Ko In COlD pUgs. . MINCEMEAT OJ7o perlb. Groceries. Kovlscd prices are its follows : Uxooixo Stark , A , ftpamless , 22c : Amos- kcnp , seamless , UJ c ; Lcrtlston A , seamless , lOc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu , ll@14c ; gunnies , single , I4o ; gunnies , double , JKlc ; wqol sacks , 4W. ( TWINES Flax , 20c ; cotton , 18g22c. ( DniBD Fnmts Figs , In boxes , per Ib , 11@ 14c ; dates , In boxes , 7@10o ; London Uohcsn layer raisins , per box. tOJOOj Malaga loose raisins , 2.HO@2.50s now Valencia rnlslns , per Ib , o : California muscatels , per box. fl.tO < < $2.30 ; California Londons , 1883 , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , 17o ; California pitted plums , per Ib , 13@l3o : dried bluckberrlcs , per Ib , 0,30 ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 22o ; cvaK | > ratcd apples , C@7Kc ; California un- pared evaporated peaches , 12@14c ; o\ap- orated California apricots , 17c ; currants , BJ T@6j4lo5 Turkish prunes , 44Xc ; citron , 22ui24c ( ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel , 14o ; California French prunes , 7J ( ? $ lljC. | PICKLES Medium , In bbls. $5.00 ; do , in half bbls , 3.00 ; small , in bbls , tO.OO ; do , in half bbls , KU 0 ; Kherklns , In bbls , 17.00 ; do , In half bbli , M.OO. - " ; Me- 'c. . . . Hto , cooivl8UOc ) ( ; MiiMdiihllnp. 2r < ii'2Sc ; roasting Hio , UOflSc : O. Q. Java , iltaMo ; Java , In ferior , S ! @ 28i ! < , Hio , fancy , 21@22o ; Santos and Alar.icalbo , 17@Hc. ) KucmiOrnnulatcd , "JfQSc ; conf. A , 75jf ; JJjfo ; whlt extra C , "Jgc ; extra C , 7c ; yel low C , ( l } aj cut loaf , SJf@9o ; powdered , Hr.r.swAX Unolco yellow , 20@22 > 4cj dark colored , iiHc" : TOII.HCO 1'ltigr , MgMc ; smoking , 1C ® lOc. lOc.SXi.T $ t..T5.n.40 ( per bbl How : 7-10 , He. MAI-I.I : Suo.ui Hrlcks , ll@12c per Ibi penny cnkes , 12@lUo per Ib ; pure maple syrup , 81.00 per cul. Sro.ut Svitui-s U4 ( 3."o per gnl. Wmri'ixd PAt'Kii Manilla. OJs'o per Ib ; straw , lr@lXc per Ib ; rag , 2 } c per Ib. TEAS VOUIIK Hyson , common to fair. 1S(3 ( ! man to medium. ISX Oo ; Japan , cholco to fancy , S0@15c ; Oolonp , couunon to good , 25 ® 40c ; Oolong , cholco to fancy , r > 0@70c ; Impe rial , common to medium , 2o@35c ; Imperial , good to fancy , 40(250c. ( CitACKnnsG@Tcporlb ; assorted rakes , 3 @ 15c per Ib , as per list. CA.VIIV Mixed , X@12 > fc ; stick , 0) ) ( ? llo ; rock candy , 10 } ( c ie : ; fancy candy , 7@2dc. HOLLAND HEUIIINQS snO'JOo. ' MACUEIIEL Family , half bbls , $12.GJt No. I13.r > 0. Oon FISH GJ @ 8J c. STAUCII l@7c. NUTS AJmonds. 10@18c ; Pecans , 13c ; Bra zils , 8c ; peanuts , ( i@ioc. Dry Goods. COTTOX FIANXBI.S 10 per cent trade dis count. Unbleached LL , f.J c : CC , % c ; SS , 7J'c ; EE , & ) ( c ; GO , ! % c ; XX , lOKo ; OO. - } tfcNN ; , ISJtfc ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15 o ; TT , , , , ) < c ; YISc : UB , 1'Jc ; bleached , 20 , b } c ; C8 , l2Kc ; SO , 13 c. Brown and slate , 50 , yo ; 70 , 12 o ; 1)0. ) 10 . CAUI-ET WAIHBibbAvhite , 19c ; colored , 2'c 2'cBITTS BITTS Standard , Sc ; G6m , lOc ; Beauty , 12l u ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased. W.oO. PUIXTS Solid colors 'Atlantic ' , Go ; Slate , Cc : Berlin oil , fii c ; Garner oil , < ) ® 7c. PHINTS Pink and Kobe's Allen , Gc ; Hiver point , oKc ; Steel _ River , 0 > o ; Hichmond , PIIINTS Ureas Charier Oak , 5c Ham- ape , 4c ; Lodl , A c : Allohj'Gc ; Klclunond , tic ; Windsor , GJ c ; Eddystone , G c ; Paeltic , PIIINTS Isnioo Bi.tfc St. Leger , Arnold , O c ; American. GJ c ; Aruold U , long cloth , 'Ju ; Arnold B , ; lonc cloth , lOKc ; Arnold , Gold Seal , lO c ; Stelfcl A , 1'Jc ; Windsor , Go'd Ticket , lO&c. GIXOIIAM Plunkett , 'checks , 7 0 ; Whit- tcnton , 7 0- York , l4cNormanili \ dress , 8c ; Hcnfruw dress , S ffllG c ; Whltteuton , 8e ; Calcutta , 7c. UAMHIUCS Slater , 5cj Woods , 3c ; Stand ard , 5o ; Peacock , 5c. " J"J Bi.EAuuin SiiEfeTixoEllorton , 7Ko ; Housekeeper , SKc ; New Candidate , Si o ; Berkeley cambric , No. GO , 9 > e : Best Yet , 4-4 , CJic ; Buttcrcloth , OOJ c ; Cabot , 7J c ; Farwell , half bleached , SXc ; Fruit of Loom , 8Jfc ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , ; c ; King Philip. cambric , lOc : Lonsdalo cam uric , llV c : Lons- dale. S > c ; New York Mills , lOc ; Pepper- ell , 42 in , 10J c ; Peppercll , 40 In , llj c ; Pep- peril ) , (5-4 ( , IS'.jC ; Peppercll , 8-4 , 21c ; Pepper cll , 9-4 , 23c ; Peppercll , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 , Sfc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 } < o : Triumph , Gc ; Warn- suttu , Ilo : Valley , 5c. BKUWN SIIEETINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7X ° ! Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , GXC ; At lantic P , 4-4 , Gc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Gc ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 6jfc ! ; Hoosier LLi , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c , ; Law rence LL , 4-4 , Go ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5J c ; Poppcrell E , 40 inch , 7 > < fc ; Peppercll , 3-4 , loc ; Peppercll , 9-4. 2lc ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 23c ; Uticn C , 4-4. 4 c ; Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7Jfc ; Au- roru R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , OJ c. FI.ANNELI , PLAID Raftsmen , 20c.Goshon ; , 32Kc ; Clear Luke , 30 } o ; Iron Mountain , 20Kc. FiAXXHi.9 , WHITE G H No. 2 , % , 22Ko ; G H No. 1. % , 2GHu ; B H No. 2 , 22 c ; B H No. 1 , % , SOo ; Quucheo , No. 1 , Jtf , 42c ; Que- cheo , No. 2. % , U7Ku ; Quccliec , No. a , % , 32 > < o ; Anownn. 32 c ; Windsor , 22 c. FLANNELS , UEII U , 24-incb , 15 } < c ; E , 24- inch , 21Mi G G. 24-inch , 20c ; HAF , % , 5o ; JUF , 27c ; G. % ,25c. DUCK West Point. 29-in , 8 oz , 10' < fc ; West Point , 2.-in ) , 10 oz , 12Kc ; West Point , 29-in , 12 oz , 15o ; West Point , 40-in , 11 oz , IGc. COUSETSJEANS Androsco Rin , 7o ; Kcarsarge , 7o ; Rockport , G > c ; Conestoga - toga , OKc. TICKS York , 30-in , 12H ° ; York , 32-in , 13 c ; Swift Rwor , Bo ; Tiiorndiko , OO , 8 0 ; Tnorndlko , EE , 8 > c ; Thorndlko , 120. 9 > co ; Thorndlko , XX , ,15c ; Cordls , No. 5 , Cordls , No. 4 , DENIMS Amoskcag , 0 oz , 10M ° j Everest , 7 oz , 18V c ; York , 7 07 , lilj o ; Havmnkor , 8KcJatrrcyXX ; , UKc ; Jadroy. XXX.r.'ko ; IJuuver Crook , AA , 12c : Beaver Creek , BB , lie : Beaver Crook , CC , lOc. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15o ; Dakota , 16o ; Durham , "T o ; Hercules , ISa ; ucam- Ington , 22)ic ) ; Cottswold , 27 > ic ; Melville , * ' 5c 5cCHASII CHASII Stevens' B , 5Ko ; Stevens' B , bleached , 7c ; Slovens' A , 7 > c ; Slovens' A , bleacned , 8 } < c ; Stevens' P , 7utSiovcns' P , bleached , We ; Stevens' N , 9o ; Slovens' N , blenched. 9Mo ; Slovens' SUT , Utfe. Drugs and Chemicals. Acins Sulphuric , l $ c ; citric , 58c ; oxalic , 15c ; tartarlc , 4o ( ) ; Am. curb , 14o ; alum , 2 } 03o ; arrowroot , SOo ; balsam capalba , OSQ 7fio : borax , 10@lo ! ! ; calomel , SOc ; cantor oil , $1.05 ( < pl.lO ; cream larlur , 32c ; corrosive sub , SOc ; chloroform , 45(450c ; ext logwood , 12c ; glycerine , 24c ; gum arable , OOo ; gum cum- phor , 35c ; gum opiumt3.15 ; morphia sulph , | 3.GO@2.85. / < ! OILS Bergamot , 12.8023.00 ; lemon , $2.00 ; peppermint , J3.00@3.GOi ; ivmtorgrocn , J2.40 ; olive , $1.00. : quinine , 3J@4Sc ; strychnia , fl.OA ( nil. 10. _ ' ' , Metal nnil Turner's Stock. Block tin , small pig , , , , , . , 'JS Block tin , bar . \ . ,29 Copper , planished bailer sizes . .33 Copper , cold rolled. . . , , , . 30 Copper , sheathing. . , . ' . .i . ,211 Copper , pitU . J . ' . . . . . .29 Cornier , flats . \ , . \ . ! iO Gal sheet iron , Junlata , 0 , 10 , and & per cent discount . t , . Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A . lOkf Pat. planished Iron. 34 to 27 B . OX Reeling , 1C , 14x20. U2ph'eots . 0.00 RooBntr , IX , 14x20 , ll2Wcets . 7.0 Roofing , 1C , 20x28 , 112 shoots . n.OO RooUng , IX , 20x23 , 112 sheets . H 50 Sheet Iron No. 20 . , . . 3..40 SheetlronNo. 27 . 3.60 Solder . 14@10 Tin plate , best charcoal 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets . 0.50 IX. 10x14 , 225 Bheots . 8.25 Tin pinto , coke 1C. 10x14 , 225 sheels . 0.85 Steel nails , per keg . . . 2.25 Steel wire noils , per keg. . . B.75 Lumber. Dimensions and Timber 12 ft 14 tt 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22Q24 ft 2x4. . . , . 115.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 3x8 . 15.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 17.00 0,00 2x8 . 15.00 16.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 CO.OO 2x10. . . . 15.00 15.03 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x13. , , . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.03 20.00 4x88x8 10.00 10.00 10.00 17,00 17.00 20,00 Fencing No. 1. 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough . , . . . 1Q.OO@10.50 No. 1 , 4-and 0 inch , 10 feet . 17.0017.60 No. 2 , 4 and 0 lucb , 12 and 14 u.M.MM .MMM. . 13.00(214,00 ( No. 3 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 10 foot. . . . . 15.00@1S.OO finishing istnnd 2d clear , 1tf } Inch 8. 2s. . 49.00@51.00 1st nnd 2d clear , 1 } ? and 3 inch , s 2s 47.00@50.00 3d , clear , 1 # Inch , 8. 2s 43.00 45.00 Od , clear , IK nnd 2 Inch , B. 2s. . 43.00 40.00 13 select , 1J { , 1J < nnd 2 Inch , 9.2s. . . . . . : ; ! . . ? . 87.00Q39.00 Istnnd 2d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2s. . 45.00 A select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 03.00 U select , ! inch. s. 2s 31.00 Flooring- 1st com 0 inch whltnplno 84.00 2d " " " Bl.OO 8d ' " 4I 20.00 D " " " 20.00 Com 4 and 0 in yellow pine. . . . . 15.r > 0 Star" " " " 18.00 1st and 3d clear yellow pine , 4 nnd flinch 20.00 Lima , etc Qulncy whlto lime , best .00 English find German Portland cement 3,40 Milwaukee nnd Louisville 1.30 Michigan nnd Fort Dodge , plas ter 223 Blue Itapld * plaster 1.05 Hair. . . . . . . . . . 80 Sash , fiO nnd 10 per cent dls- , count ; doors , blinds , mould ings , 50 nnd 10 per cent dis count. Tarred felt , per cwt 2.00 Straw boards ' . 1.05 Poplar Lumber- Clear poplar , box boards , J in a O a * > * } ( ) ( ) ' ' ' " " Clear poplar' , "in panel. . ! ! . ! ! saoo Clear poplar , % In panel 25.00 Clear poplar , M In stock wide , s2s 23.00 Clear poplar celling ' corrugated , % ln' . . CO.OO Posts- White cedar , Olncli halves 12 " " r > X " " nnd S Inch firs 11 White cedar , 4 Inch halves 1(1 ( Tennessee red cedar , split 10 Split oak ( 'white ) 8 Sawed oak ( white ) 10 Shingles , Lath , per M XX clear 3.20 Extra * A * . 2.SO Standard A 2.00 5 Inch , clour 1.GOJM.70 ( Ginch , clear l.Tfitfh.SO No. 1 1.10 ( 1.15 California red wood , dimension widths 4.50 Cypress , clear heart , dimension wldthsi 3.40 Lnlh 2.50 Ship Lnp No. 1 , plain. 8 and IS inch 17.50 No. 2 , plain , 8 and 10 Inch 15.50 No. 1O. G 18.00 Siding- Is ! com , 12 and 10 feet 22.00 2d " " 19.CO 3d " " 15.00 Fence " " 13.00 Stock Boards A 12-Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 at 40.00 11 " " " 41.00 C " " " " 86.00 D " " " " 23.BO No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 feet. 18.00 No. 1 " " " 14 nnd 1(1 ( feet 17.50@1S.50 No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 10. 18 and 20 feet 10.60 No. 2 com , 12 in. s. 1 s. 14 and 1C. feet 17.00 Ceiling nnd Partitions 1st com. % in. white pine parti tion 82.00 1M com. % In. white pine parti tion 27.00 Clear % In. yellow liino collitif. i.0.00 Clear % In. Norway ' . 14.50 2d com. % In. Norway 13.00 Boards No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft 10.60 No. 3 " " " " 14.50 No. ! ) " " " " 12.00 No. 4 " " " " ( ship'pcull ) 13.00 Batlens , well inning , pickets O. G. Uatls , 2J Inch GO O. G. Batts , J < * 3 , s 1 s 85 3 In. well tubing , D. & M. nnd bev 20.00 Pickets , D. & H. flat 19.00 Pickets , D. & H. sijuaro 22.00 SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank ; 3O5 South latli Street. - Omaha FOR Halford MEATS , FISH , SOUPS , GRAVIES , STATE LINE. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin and Liverpool , FllOM NEW YOUK KVJSKV TlIUHSDAY. Cubln pasriiige $ , ! > nnd SjO according to loca Una ot btaterooni. Kxcuralou W5 to t'JO. Stoeraco to iiml frem Kuropo at Lowest Kate.s. AUSl'lN 1IALUW1N Sc CO . General AtjenU. Kl UroaiHvay , New Vork , John niccan. General \Vcfttern Agent , Ifll Itan' doluli St. , ChlcnBO. Harry K. ilooiu andT os- II , McGinn , agents atOmulia. Hie. Abiolutc iccrtcy , VnrlCO- cured without rein oropmtlon. eslon-Dupre Cllnlque , iwTremont Bt. Boitou I ruffurjnir from ths effects of youthful J erron , early decay , . lost manhood , eta , t will scad a valoabl * treattea ( sealed ) contalaljur full " - i for home euro , free of chnrro. I grof. f. O. t'OWLEU. MOODU9. COtTM. _ ud ' 1 uniora cured. U& ycnrsf experience. Nu Knife H00j | 101 W.bu'iU Av..Chlt 'o.iu. PEERLESS Mlntl Ilond-jr Bisliop SerlotiHly 111. MIS.NEAI-OI.IS , March 23 , Mind Reader IBUtiop .yostorday porformcJ his feat of find ing a needle , but It nearly cost him his life , and may yet result seriously. Bishop was not fcnllng well , but wiu determined to keep tna promise. The drlvo was a distance of a in Ilo through the most crowded streets of tha city. Dlshop , blindfolded , wont straight to the hiding place of tbo noodle , but immediately fell in a ( It. His body became rigid and streams of peraplratlon poured from him. Doctors said that the attack was something like catalepsy. ISKW YOUK , March S3. An absolute dl- vorco has boon granted the wife of Mind Reader Ulshop. Voted For Consolidation. NEW Yoiuc , March 28. The directors of the Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati & In dianapolis railroad met nnd voted In favor of the consolidation of that road with the Cincinnati , Indianapolis , St. kouls & Chicago. This agreement will now be voted on by the stockholders at their annual meet ings in May. The two companies will form a now company , to bo culled the Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis , with $10- 000,000 preferred stook and $2,500,000 , common stock , Doforo the consolidation goes into effect the Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati & Indianapolis will declare a cash dividend out of the surplus at the end of last year and the net earnings , _ _ An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL A13IET1NE OINT MENT is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes , and U an absolute cure for old soRts , burns , wounds and chapped hands , and all skin eruptions. Will positively mire all kindaof piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AU- II3TINB OINTMENT. Bold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23 cents per box by mall 80 cents. Agrloulturnl Implotnonte. CnURClIILL PA11KE11 , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , fapns CarrUgei nd t\if cl . Jonp * iilrrot , between 9th and 10th , Omiih * , Nebrtttlt. A METCALF CO. , Agricnlt' ' Implfiincnts , Wagons , Carriages PAIILHT , OIlENDORt ! ' J ; MARTIN CO. Wboleial Dealers la Agricultural Implements , f agons& Bnggies tOI,003KOanaiC.lone treet , Omiht. _ MOLWEM1LUURNASTODDARDCO. , uinufacturori and Jobberi In Wagons , Bnggies , Ra'ies , Plows Eta Cor. 9th and 1'aclflo itreet > , Omabn. _ ArtntB' Motor jnlB. -rl. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1613 Uouglai itroot Ounba , Nebraika. Boots nnd Shoos. IK. V. MORSE A CO. , Jobbers of Boots M Shoes , 1101 , 1103 , 11115 DouElnn Mroc t , Omalia. Manufactory , Bummer utrect , lloston. _ Coal , Coke nnd Lima. _ OMAUA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. , JoNers of Hard and Soft Coal , 200 South 13th ttrcot , Omaha , Ncbrrukn. _ XEURASKA FUEL CO. , SnippesofCoaladCok 311 Soutb 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. _ Cropkory and CJtijsswnro. _ PERKINS , QA1V11 & LAUMAN , fmportcrj and jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Kte. 1611 Karnnm itreot , new Tazton building. RIDDELL A RIDDELL , Sine anil Commission Merchants , Specialties Duller , egcs. cheese , poultry , tame. rd slreot , Omaha , Neb. _ Dry Goods and Notions. _ M. E. sarmi & co. , Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goods and Notions 1103 and 1101 Douglai , cor. llth street , Omaha , Neb. KILPAVItlCK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jolliers in Dry GooflsNotions , ( lOnta1 furnlihlnn goods. Corner llth and Ilarncr _ BtreeH. Omaha , Nebraaka. _ UELIN , THOMPSON & CO. , Iniportcri and Jobbort of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , S17 South 15th street. Kumlture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrniture Knrnam etreet , Omaha , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furnitnre , Cmahn Nebreika. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 70J , TOT , 709 and 711 South 10th it. , Omaha , Nob. McUORD , BRADY J : CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th and eaicnwortb itreeti , Omaha , Nebraska , Hardware W. J. UROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springe , waeon itock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1103 and 1211 llarnar atreet , Omaba. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Uetali. ibeet Iron. etc. Agents for Ilonro icale > . Miami ponder and Ljm n barbed ntre. HIMEDAUOH A TAYLOR. BDild rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mecbanlo' loolt and Buffalo soalei. 1105 Oouglai itroet , Omalia , Neb. Lumbar. JOHN A. WAK1SVIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and American Portland cement. State agent ( cr Milwaukee hydra'illo cement and Qulpcy whlto lime. CHAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lunte , Wood carpet ! anil parquet flooring. Otb and Douglai ttreeU , Umaba , Neb. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , AllKindsofBuildingMaterial at Wholesale , 16tb Street and Union Pacific Track , Omalia , LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber' , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doon , Xlc , Yardi-Corner 7th and Homlai. Corner 10th and Uaugla * ; FRED W. GRAY. Lumlier , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Ctli nnd Douglai Sti. , Omaba , C. N. DIETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and Callfornl * Streets , Omaba , Nebraska. Ml III no ry and N p 11 p n a. I. OliERFELDER A CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 203.210 and 2 South llth utroot Notions. J. T. ROUtNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 40J and (05 Booth 10th itroet. Onmlm. OhB. CONSOLIDATED fANK" LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle grease , etc. , Omaba , A , It. lllthop , Manager , 'Papon ' " CARPENTER PAP E'irbo7 Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry A nice stock of printing , wrapping and writing paper. Special attention given to car loud orders. Storage , Forwarding Commission. " ARMSTRONG PETTIfi A CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission JJrauc house of the llenner Ilucgr Co , Ilucglesat wuolesale aud retail. 1WJ , 131U , nil liardilroiit , OmaUn. Telephone No. 750. If. HARDY Jit CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , PALMER , RICItMilN A CO. , Live Stock Conimissiou Merchants , UNION STOCK YAIWSCO. , OfOmana , Limited , tjohn r. Iloid , Uupcrlntendent. Boots and Shoos , , JOyESAOO.t Successors to Heed , Jones A Co. Wholesale Manntoctm of Boots & Shoes Agents for notion llubbcr Phon Co , 11 < H. 1101 and UN llarney mr eti Omaha , Nebraska. _ Browora. STORZ . ILEIt , Lager Beer Brewers , 181 North Klthtoenlh street. Omaha. EAQLE CORNICE WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window-caps and meialle skrllgbtf. John Boeneter , proprietor , KB and 110 South 10th street. Offloo Flxturoa. S1MMONDS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Banlc , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantles , Pldoboard < , Hook Cases , Dmii KUture , Wall Ca fs.I'arlltlons.Halllno.Coilntfrs.lleerandlni Coolers , Hlrrurn , r.tcFnrtiirr and omen , 1180 unrtlftS South latli Bt. . Omaha. Telephone 1111. Pnpor Boxos. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factorf , Nus. 1317add 1310 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb , Rubber Goods. OMAUA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods Oil elothlns and leather belling. 1003 Karnnm slr es t " M. A. DISBROW A CO. , Wholesale manufacturers ot Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Ilranch office , 12lb and Isard street Omaha , Neb. BOUN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding * , Mnlr-nork and Interior hard wood Bnliln N.K. corner Bth nnd I arenwrrth streets , Omaha. Neb. STRANGA CLARKSTAEMUE ATG Q Pnmns , Pipes and Engines , Bteam , water. railway and mining surplus , ct > KO.gaandlEI Karnain stre-ot'Omaha. j U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , , Steal and later Supplies , TlaMlday wind mill ) . 018 and 1 % ) Jones BU , OHaha , U. F. Itoss , acting manager. BROWNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery Sheet-Iron work , Uam pumps , saw mills. 1313-1J Leavenworth itrcat , Omaha. " * STEAM BOILER WORKS , * Carter & Son , Prop's. Manufacturers ot all kind * Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Jori - ' ' Worka South 20th and D. & M. orosfltig. PAXTON A VIERLING IRON WORKS' Wrought and Cast Iron Building .orlr > blacksmith work. work , i . . , . - , and 17lh street , Ornate * . OMAHA WIRE A IRON Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wire sisal. etc. m KortB ICth street , pmnha. OMAHA SAFE A 1-RON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes- , 1 Vaultm jail work , Iron shuttsrs and ( Ira ascapM. O. Andrcen , prop'r. Cor. llth and Jackson Bts. CHAMPION IRON & WIRE WORKBT \ Iron mil Wire Fences , Railings , Gnarjfe and icrconi , for bonks , offloet , stores , roJlilencef , etc' ' Improved awning i , locktmltb maclilnery aud < U3 SouTh flth St. THE- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &t. Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Oraahz and Council lilllffii tO THE EAST- TWO T1IAINS DAILY UltTWUlC.V OMAUA COUNCIL ! IJLUKF8 Cblcngo , AND * Milwaukee , St. 1'aul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Rock Island , Frccport , Rockford , Clinton , Uubuquc , Dnrcnport , Elg'u ' , Madison , JniioBvllle , IJololt , Winona , La Crosse , Aud all other Important points Halt , Northeast and Southeast. For through ticket ! , call nn the ticket aitent t 1601 Farnam itruct , la liarker Woe f , or ot Uploa 1'uclno Depot , 1'ullman Blecport and the flnoit Dlnlntr Can In tha world ar run on the mln line of the Lhlcuao , Mllr nuukco Jc Ht. I'aul Italltray. nnd ererr attention IP paid to paiBsnxors by courteous employes ol the company. U. MIi'LKU , Ueneral Man ccr. J. K. TUCK Kit. Anlitunt General Manacer. A. V. n. CAUl'JtNTKlt , General Taiseucor and Ticket Asont. t n BO. B. H KAPKORD , AiBlstant GonoralPatienger and Ticket Agent. T. J. Cl.AlUt , General Superintendent. CHICAGO * " Omaha , Council Bluffs And Gliicap , The nnlr rnad to tnkornrDes Molnos. Mnrslialtowq , Cirtiirltuiilds , Clinton , Jllxon. CUicogo. Mllwuiiari an.l nil points Kaat. To the people of ( ; lei radp. Wyouilnir. Uluh. lunlio. Novudn , C're/on , Wash , Inuton and oflcrs advantaeost superior > " " ' ' uiuii not punlhlnljy any oilier lluu. Anionir a few of the numerous points of superiority enlorjd by Hie patrons of this roait between Oiu Vini nnd Clilciino. nro Its three trains nT d r of IJAV WMCIIBH. irbJcu nro tnu u nest wlilobHumanartio5 ! nirnnultr cancrciite. Its PAI.AOKHhBKI'INCJ OAHfy th quttlpf wlilchcannot bo fonnil eliewhero. / tonncll : llluffs , lliu trnlns uf the Union r cllo Halb wnyronnca In union dapot with Ihosa of th Un | . CMC ft Norlbweitorii Itullirnjr. In Chtcuxo tbo train * other KH ? eTllni ? connocUoa wltn tlioioof ll l-or irtlKUIVtiluriiujl . Ipajnnapolls. Cincinnati , Nlligiirii Falls. lluR.tlo , I'lttsburv , Toronto , Uontreal , lioston.Now Yurie , ' ilImlBlulirn , llaltlniuro , WdsTi. liiKloo , ami all iioltita Ill the I Kttsl. Aik lor lloiols Tl tuu "NORTH WESTERN" A" tloko . f. u uimrrr. K. p. wir.sox , Ueu'l iUnntcr. 0 n 1 1'a. , 'A W. N. llAUCOfK. c n'l WoJloVn Agent. 1) . K. KIMIIAM , .TleiKot Afc'ent. II , K. WKlJT , Cltr I'aiicnier ABen HOI I'Ainauj Street. Ouuilm , Ntb. A POSITIVE ' "WSTsrFAIMH 0 l nd E , kn i of Lady and MIL , . , fX.rr ? or E esus In oil el " \ l > rliilk i. i > k. in l Uiktlx , > i > and cni < rimiii a jml.uur.t. Mm , f | E KfflCAl erf. ! , BBlKluJMt XVAPnnH am tlily by ov r 10 000' K .nJle . AtuSaft.Effcctualawlrieaiant 1 vJ 81 per box br rnall.or at ilrugjUt * . Seated fiirtlculart 3 po taj etampa. Address T B KUR&Z * Cuituuui , Co. , Dtttuo'T , Fo > > snle and l > ] i mail hi/ Peerless Byes AUB'J'HK UE3 T } i *