Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1889, Image 1
EIGHTEENTH YEAR JOHN BULL WILL TRY AGAIN , The Vnlkyrlo Will Ball For tlio America Cup. EARLDUNRAVEN IS THE OWNER. Tlio Mistress nf the Ben Ivoolcs With lion lng Eyes on tlio Kxllcd Trophy of Jlcr Defeat. Another International Contest. I Co PIloht 1SS9 liu Jamet Gordon HeimttC.l LONDON , March 23. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Br.E.1 Yachting al ways has an Interest to Englishmen. When the Thtfltlo wont over to America English expectation ran high. It was thought that the stigma resting upon tbo British yacht- men was about to bo wiped out nnd that the American cup was to be berne back to Al bion's shores , never again to leave them. But the Thistle did not win , nor did any other boat that has crossed the Atlantic for that purpose. 'English Interest in Interna tional yachting is not Intense. It is con- lined practically to yachtmen ; these who love this most cxhiliratlug nnd exponslvo pastlmo for its oxvn sake and can afford to gratify their tastes. The interest of the British publio in the races between this country nnd America will not bo aroused to fever lioat until the trophy is carried back hero again. * It is strange indeed that although England hns succeeded In accomplishing sorao won ders In heavy ships of war and in her mer cantile marine , she seems to have somehow dropped behind In yacht building. Whllo the American cup is In America , however , there will always bo some English yacht men eager to restore it to the country to which it originally belonged. The last of thcso is Earl Dunravcn , who sits in the house of peers , as Baron Klnry. The earl is as well known in the United States ns ho is hero , for ho visited the statoa fourteen autumns in succession nnd brought back Innumerable trophies in the shape of buffalo , oik , moosa nnd other horns , Ho is n thorough sportsman and nn old hand nt yachting. During I8S7 his cutter Potronllla carried off a long string of prizes. Tha famous Fay , of Southampton , has boon engaged for no Inconsiderable time in build ing , on the design of Mr. G. L. Watson , a craft that will in September next enter tlio lists with any American yacht for tbo blue ribbon of the sea. Judicious secrecy has been maintained concerning this matter , though it is true that several American journals have smelt a rat lately and printed n good many misleading statements thereon. They could not fall but to bo misleading , for Lord Dunraven has hitherto steadily re frained from opening his lips to the swarms of newspaper mon who have buzzed around him since the fact that bo was building n yacht first got out , but the Herald has triumphed where others have failed , for yesterday a rcprcsentatlvo of the Herald obtained a special audience with Lord Dunraven , who Very kindly told oil ho could about the matter. When tbo Herald reporter arrived at the carl's present town house in Picudilly , a smart man servant ushered him into n narrow hall adorned with stamped leather and terminating in a low billiard room , handsomely furnished with pictures nnd artistio brlcabrac. A couple of leather jackets , foils , masks , chalk and -all the appurtenances of the art of fencing lay scattered around. The carl had just finished his matutinal practice with the foils and was changing his costume up stairs. "Is the earl a good fencer ! " ' "I don't hardly know , " replied a smart at tendant ns bo flipped a speck of dust off that article of furniture , "I think ho docs it prin cipally for his liver , " ho continued , reflect- Ingly , "for you see ho spends much time sit ting down writing , and ho can't ' go in for box ing , becauso.ho wears glasses. " In a short time the earl was pleased to receive the Her ald man apartment looking out upon Plcadilly. The carl is of medium height , slight , but muscular. His complexion Is dark , and his hair is growing thin. After a few remarks the Herald rep resentative asked : "When was the chal lenge posted ! " "Last Thursday , March 25 , " Lord-Dun- raven replied. "It should reach Now York to-night or to-morrow. It is addressed to the seorotary of the New York Yacht olub. It was drawn up by the Royal Yacht squadron , who proffer the challenge on my behalf. " 'Havo you a copy of the challenge hero ! " The earl was unable to afford this interest ing information , but said : "It was couched In the customary terms , and of course gave the necessary particulars , but besides this I wrote privately to the club , making certain suggestions a ? to the details of the races. To begin with I proposed that the winning average - ago should bo tha best thrco out of II vo races , Instead of two out of three , and the sailing , date of the first race September ! 10. If three races are agreed upon the second and third races would fol < low on October 3 and 4. " "Was six months' notice required of you when you sent your challongol " "Yes , nnd that of course gives the Amor- lean but.ldurs an opportunity of turning out special boats , in the construction of which they naturally will bo guided somewhat by f r the data furnished in my challenge. I nlsc want the racoa to bo sailed outside. I con sider the Insldo too crowded. " "Don't run nway with the idea that I have had n now boat constructed especially for the American cup. I want to use it for racing ever hero In place of the Potronllla , which carried off be tween ton and cloven Hags last year. There Is nothing very special in the construction ol the Valkyrie , for that is the name the cutter is to bo christened when ho loaves Fny'a yard on tlio 21st of next month , Mr. Wat son designed her , and she is lilted with t pluco for a centre board , but I do not think ono v/lll be used. The keel was cast on Feb ruary fi , The length on load water line Is Just under seventy feet , so as to como within the second or neventy foot class of American yachts. " "Can you glvo mo the other dimensions ol your vcsioll" "Well , no. I am afraid I cannot with suf. llclcnt accuracy. I am , troubled with a some what defective memory , and jnlgbt make mistakes which would bo misleading , I shall take twelve or fourteen men , " continued the earl , after a panne , "and I Intend to run ovot to the states for the matches , but I shall not BO out In her. My time ls so fully occupied over hero that I have leisure only for flying visits. If I hail an opportunity I should vor } much Ilka to go In for a season's racing all around the American coast , and , bythe way , I wish somo'of the American yacht owner : would come over hero and try conclusion * with us on our own ground. " "Do the condition * of racing differ verj much in England and America ) " "Yes , there is a good deal of dlffeicnco. Jt our narrow waters wo have to contend against a short , choppy sea , nnd our summer weather is moro unsettled. Wo have stronger breezes on an average , but they have moro open water. The sens are easier and the wind higher as n rule nnd moro sail can bo carried than over hero. " "So I Understand the Valkyrlo U being built on conventional English lines , narrow and heavy , as oppotcd to the American plan of plenty of beam I" "Wo think n comparatively heavy deep body to bo the typn best suited to the condi tions mentioned , nnd , as t have stated , the Vnlkyrlo is intended for racing hero. "It may interest you to lenrn , " hii lordship ; went on after n pause , "that nn American syndicate proposes to start another Intcrnn tlonal contest on somewhat similar lines to these that form the basis of the American cup contest. Mr. J. Beaver Webb , of No. 45 Broadway , Now York , has addressed n letter to mo on the subject. The cup is to take Its name from the first winner , nnd it Is to bo confined to yachts not ex ceeding seventy feet on the wntorllno. The first race Is to bo sailed over the Newport course , and the results nro to bo based on the best two racoa out of three , or the best three out of flvo , the races being completed before October 80. Doubtless this is u circular let ter and hns been addressed toother yacht owners besides myself. I have written that , subject to agreement as to tlio conditions , and the match not interfering with the races for the American cup. I would enter the Valkyrie. " "Havo you made any other proposals ! " "Yes , I have suggested that the time al lowed should be based on the mean of the two systems adopted respectively by- the Now York Yacht club and the English Rao- Ing association , " "Do you consider anything unfair in six months' notlco ! " "No. I think it perfectly fair. In all cases the party challenged hns the right to certain advantages , but it is injudicious if the object of the international racing is to arrive nt the best typo nnd model of vessel. It Is not likely wo shall ever have precisely similar types on both sides of the Atlantic , the condition of wind and sea being so differ ent. At least that Is my opinion. If a seventy footer and forty footer would como over hero for n season , working their passage around the coast and racing with our yachts , It would do moro to provo whether tbo Ameri can typo Is the bettor , than any amount of ntcrnational racing. Some of our small yachts have been very successful In Amor- ca , and wo nro naturally cautious in dopart- ng from our own typo. " "Who Is the skipper ! " "Mr. Draper , better known as 'Tommy Dutch. ' " There was nothing more that Lord Dunravcn could say about the coming racing events. ANOTHER CIMSIS. Sucli an Event Seems to lie Threat- cninir the French Ministry. ICopiirtgM ISS3 l > u James GorJou JlcnnM. ] PAUIS , March 33. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THD Bnn. | Within the ust day or two the position of tbo cabinet seems to bo less solid , and certain symtoms tiavo manifested themselves that arc not at nil reassuring for Its friends. Without going so far as to predict a minis- tcrjal crisis in the near future , attention maybe bo called to a certain tendency on the part of the radicals which , if it is not as yet posl- > lvcly hostile , may easily become so , even In the ministry itself. It is said certain divcrgc- ness of opinion and ccttain disagreements have already manifested themselves , and were accompanied by some sharp words. This has been the case apropos of definite di rection to bo given to the prosecution of the league dcs'patriota. M. Constans and M. Thovcnt wore In favor of extending the range. The resistance which the ministry encoun tered on the occasion of the Lauro onterpcl- latlon nnd the dllllculty with which it obtained satisfactory , order of the day wcro already indications of the state of mind of certain parts of the majority. . The check that M. Rou- vier mot with in the law concerning treas urers general Is also a fact deserving of being noted. Although this question is 0110 of secondary importance , and although neither tbo cabinet nor M. Houvier hns staked their ministerial existence on it , It is none the less evident that the vote was con trary to the measure warmly sustained by the minister of finance , and the conclusion is warranted that a portion of the majority do nit show any great deference for the opin ions of the members of the cabinet In pressing - ing these prosecutions energetically and im mediately against the Boulanglst party and against its chief. In this they have not been sufllclcntly supported by the majority of their colleagues. It Is added that the posi tion of M. Thnvcnt has bcon somewhat shaken by this , and that certain attacks made on him personally in thu press , to which ho has not replied in a satisfactory \va , may perhaps lead to his withdrawal from the ministry. All these , It Is true , nro merely vnguo rumors , and but trifling symptdns , from which it would bo unwlso to draw any exact conclusions. The fact must not bo lost sight of that the cabinet , budly received by the radicals when It took the onlce , strength ened Its position momentarily , thanks to acts which authorized the belief , that it . was disposed to act resolutely against Bon- lancer. It was this that grouped around the ministry all republicans including thosu rad icals who were convinced that M. Constans was tbo man to rid them rnpldly of General Boulangcr. This liopo wns partially disap pointed by the result of the affair of the Icuguo ties patriots which Is ending in a slmpio prosecution before the pollco court The result is that the opposition which the cabinet encountered at the outset from the extreme loft begins to show itself oncomoro. There is , however , nothing an yet which per mits us to say that a ministerial crisis is threatened. Everybody in the republican party under stands that a now crisis which could In disso lution or in the formation of n ministry as unstable as the last ono would bo n serious thing , for it would scatter throughout the country now germs of Irritation and discon tent. This feeling , which is qulto general , mny help-this cabinet in retaining power un til the chamber adjourns , but It will not dose so easily. The dobuto on the budget may have some exceedingly difficult trials , some rocks which it will Hud it by no mcano easy to ovoid successfully. The Color Question In tlio Olmroli. CiiAm.KSTON , S. C. , March 2S. The report of the commlttcf appointed by the South Carolina diocesan convention of the Protes tant Eplscnpui church to try and arrange a settlement cf thu color question which led to the secession of neatly all the Charleston " churches two ' years ago , recommends a compromise , which pro poses in admit such colored clergymen to ttiq convention who have bnou in connection with the church for txvolvo months prior to May 18. It also proposes a separate congre gation for colored churches under thu minis- tratioii of u bishop , No prevision Is made for the ir.linlbslo : ! of colorci' ' lay Well Rocolvocl Exoopt By the Illi nois Delegation. MAY ADJOURN ON SATURDAY. Hlicrmnn Says the Senate AVII1 Ills- Bolvc on That l > ntc In no Hurry to Name Mntthow's Successor. WASHINGTON liniiiun TnnOMinx ORB , I 618 FOUHTEKilTflSTnEBT , , } WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 33. I Everybody seems to bo pleased with the appointment of Robert Lincoln except the Illinois delegation , and , while they have no objection to Lincoln personally , they fear that his nomination to so prominent nn ofllco will prevent the multitude of candidates from getting what they want , but there is not the slightest doubt of his confirmation. Whllo neither Senators Cullom nor Farwoll relish his nomination'thoy must of necessity indorse his high personal character and abilities and secure Ills confirmation. 8HE11MAN CALLS. Senator Sherman called upon President Harrison this morning and had qulto n lengthy talk about the business to bo done by the senate before its extra session ad journs. Afterwards the senator introduced a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee to wait upon the president to inquire if ho had any further communica tions to make. Later ho stated that the sen ate would adjourn on Saturday. There is very little if any doubt that the senate will adjourn day after to morrow , to moot in December - comber unless called into extra session by thu president. It is not probable that-thoro will bo an extra session of the Fifty-llrst congress. congress.TUP. TUP. MITTIIEWS SUCCES3OH9HIP. iV justice of the supreme court to fill the vacancy created by the death of Justice Mathews will not bo named for some weeks. It Is stated ut the white house that the names of half a druon men nro being sug gested to the president every day , nnd it begins to Icok as though every lawyer who has over practiced before the supreme court will bo presented for consideration. I'ltOTr.STS AOUNST EOOT. The senators are receiving u good many protests against tbo confirmation of Patrick Senator Cullom got ono from Frank Collier this morniug. A member of the Ne braska delegation this afternoon gnvo mo the history of Egan'sappointment. Said ho : "Immediately after the election Halford , Alexander Sullivan and other Irish-Ameri can leaders made a demand upon the presi dent for the appointment of Patrick Egan to some conspicuous place. They claimed that no Irish-American had done so much or suffered so much for Irish liberty ns Patrick Eran , nnd that ho had been thoroughly identified with the Republican party ever since ho came to the United States. Although ho had not been in this country u great while nnd had never taken out his second naturalization papers , bo was enough of n citizen to represent Ne braska in tiii.- national convention , to be pro posed for the chairmanship of that conven tion , and to second the nomination of Gen eral Alger. They said too tnat Mr. Egan was willing to bo credited to tbo Irish-Amer ican citizenship at large , if any question as to his residence was raised by tlio Ne braska delegation , with the understanding that ho should not bo charged to that state , and that bo should not bo appointed as a citi zen of Nebraska. Tno delegation agree.1 to present his name , which they did , not ns n representative of Nebinska , but us a repre sentative of tbo Irish-American republicans. VETEItANS' DAY. There was a busy scene around 'ia presi dent's bouse for over two hours to-day. It was veterans' day , and ono legged , ono armed and footless soldiers thronged the corridors. Most of thorn wanted offices nnd all of them wcro given a patient hearing. The boys have como to understand that they are nt homo when they enter the white house and that n G. A. H. button is a sufH- dent letter of introduction. Moro soldiers were around the executive mansion than have been seen there since tbo Seventh In diana visited their commander shortly after inauguration day. Democrats along with re publicans called to present ofllco seeking constituents. More democrats , two to one , were seen nt the white house to-day than there were of republicans there during the last administration , THE I'lIllLIC VJIIXTEUSIIIP. It was expected that the nomination of a public printer would bo sent to the sonatu this afternoon , and many inquiries were mada of the president by these directly inter ested in certain chndldutos. It was reported that ex-Congressman Valentine , of Nebraska , would bo nominated to this office , and later that his nomination as commissioner of the general land nllico would bo made , but that gentleman stated to your correspondent this evening that whlio ho might bo nominated as commissioner of the land ofllco , ho had no Idea of being publio pr'ntor. INDIAN DEFENSE ASSOCIATION. A delegation from the Indian defense as sociation , presenting u plan for the presi dent's ' Indian policy , called , and they were followed by delegations with suggestions for policies affecting the District of Columbia and the public domain. Everybody is free , it seems , with advice. Ni\v coNFiiiMnn. Among these who called late In the after noon was Colonel John C. New who nomina tion to bo consul general to London was confirmed to day by the rjcnato with only the dissenting votes of Mr. Vest and ono other democrat. Colonel Now paid his rc- soocts to ttio president ami spent some time with Private Secretory Hnlford , Tomorrow row ho begins receiving instructions , and leaves on Saturday oveninc for his homo nt Indianapolis. IIo intends to sail for London i n a fortnight. TUB SIOUX COMMISSION . A number of Dakota men are still In the city and they are worried over the slowness of the secretary of the interior In announcing the personnel of the Sioux commission which is to ncpotlatiato for the opening of that res ervation. It was supposed that the secretory would announce their names somo.tlmo ago , but ho does not scorn to have given the sub ject any attention whatever up to tbo present time. Tlio Dakota men fear that the Indian Rights association , tlio Massachusetts lover * of the Indians , and others whoso interests are not identical with these of the mon who want the reservation , opened will have undue influ ence with tbo secretary of the interior , and that the result will bo the appointment of u commission which will be moro successful in its mission than wns the last one appointed by Secretary Vilas. They are trying hard to get the secretary to act promptly , but without any great encouragement BO far. It scorns certain from the present outlook that there will be no resident of Dakota or Ne braska among tbo names finally selected. THE CIIEItOKBK COMJllfSIONnilS. It is understood that the thrco commis sioners to negotiate with the Choroicea Indians for the saloot their lands in Indian territory will bo ex-Governor Long , of Mas sachusetts , Judge Wilson , of Arkansas , and Congressman Warner , of Missouri. This ap pointment Is ono of the most lucrative in the gift of the president , as the commissioners are each to receive a fee of 5.000 and their expenses , and their duties will not occupy them moro than two or thrco months. CONNELI.'e ! VALISE. The report that has been extensively cir culated through the Nebraska press to the effect that Congressman Council hud lost his valise containing political papers and letters , \vhlle on his way to Washington , proves to bo untrue. Mr , Connell has been over whelmed with inquiries by mull from ofllco seekers since this hoax has been started on Its rounds , but this is oue of the practical jokes \hat is moro annoying than funny. h'KBUlilUrOSTMASTEIta APPOINTED. Albert B. Cherry , jr. . Armada , Buffalo county , vlco Oscar F. Hamilton , removed ; Itobcrt J , Fleming , Cedar Lluffs ) , Saunders county , vice Andrew E , Stowait , resigned ; L. Q. Hall , Elk Crook , Johnson county , vlco William T. H , McClanahan , resigned ; J. W. Armstrong , South Auburn , Nomaha county , vice Joshua N. Brush , resigned. lowv rosntASTEits AM-OINTRD. Hnrvoy L. Thomas , Angus , Boone county , vlco W. L. Clanvort , removed ! William M. Bnssctt , Charleston , Lee county , vlco A. Vermason , romovcd ; Frank Frcomlro , Ches ter , Howard county , vlco Braoloy Chopin , removed ; S. E. Parker , Kaloma , Washing ton county , vico.T. F. Lanscr , removed ; W. W. Dryden , Lynnvlllo , Jasper county , vlco J. S. Kuch , removed ; Jacob Hicks , Nlrn , Washington county , vlco L.'M. Tucker , re signed ; Gcorgo McIConms , Ollle , Kcokuk county , vlco W. H. Joffcrlos , removed ; A. J , Burko. Olln , Jones county , vice W. A. Miller , rcmovcil : L. S. Thompson , Ossion , Wlnneshlck county , vice James Ma- loy , removed ! H. S. Donaldson , Salem , Henry county , vlco David Burden , removed ; A. G. Wright , Stiles , Davis county , vice L. E. Dunlavcy , romovcd ; A. E. Dodd , South Flint , DCS Moines county , vlco Edwin Car ter , removed ; A. B. Hock , Talleyrand , Keo- kuk county , x'lco J. S. ICeiffcr , romovcd ; Lemon A. Wood , Thornburgh , Kookuk county , vlco O. F. Hastings , romovcd ; Ferdinand W. Griffith , Vlnconnei. Leo county , vlco J. E. Ornrd , removed ; Joseph E. Smith , Volga , Clavton county , vice Salem Morse , removed ; Carl C. Wntsort , Wall Lako. Sao county , vice It. PattesOn , rcslcncd , nnd J. It. Mowrer , Wnshtn , CheroKee county , vlco George T.-Strlttor , resigned. .MISCELLANEOUS. Tt is said nt the interior department that the president's proclamation issued yester day wl'l ' throw open to homestead entry about 1,800,001 acres. There nro Indications to-day of very posi tive nature that the president will nominate Judge Chandler , of Independence , ICnns. , to bo first assistant secretary of the interior. PKUSON'VL. W. E. Annln loft for his homo nt Omaha this evening. * This evening's Critic says : "Mr. Rosewater - water , the editor oCTnn OMUIV Bii : , who is a guest of ex-Senator Van Wyt'k , was given n dinner the other evening by Mi.Van Wyek. Ex-Senator Saumlers and a number of news paper men were among1 the suosts. Pr.uuv S. HEATH. TOO MUCH aKD T.VPfi. Report nn tlio Business MntnodH oT ( lie Rxccntlvn Department * . WASHINGTON , March B3. Senator Cockrell , chairman of the selootoommlttoo on the busi ness methods of the executive departments , to-day submitted to the senate a second re port. Tlio committee , In the previous report , suggested as the most feasible nnd practical remedy for defective methods of business thai the secretaries of the treasury nnd war departments should appoint commis sioners in their respective depart ments to consider and revise the method of business. Thcso commisMon- crs wcro afterward appointed , and their re ports , whii-h were transmitted to the com mittee , were laid bcfohi the senate to-day ns part of the committee's report. Secretary Fairchild , in a letter dated January 18 last , transmitting the treasury commissioner's re port , says : ' The commissioner has reported from time to time recommendations which he has caused to bo put in opjr Uon , or which ha ! been adopted by tbo bureau officers of their own motion. " The seiiato cotnmitteo indorses the several recommendations of tfio commission. There is a great deal of useless and unnecessary red tape in the dispatch , of certain work In the war department , the comniittea says , and by way of illus'tration shows that ono specified casa was handled by the oHlcers and clcrlts seventy-six times , and , including messenger service , hlncty-four times. With reference to this caso'tho report says : "With all dud tlefcrcnce , it docs seem to the committea that' In the transaction and disposition of this item of business it has passed through too many hands and through the fanio hands too often , and tlicre have been tco many entries , records , nnd notations , and too much valuable time and labor consumed and expended , and that n'nruch simpler and shorter system could bo devised , which would bo equally accurate and consume much less time and cause a much less expenditure of labor. The committee in conclujjng its report , says that whlio it lias . i.ot accomplished all that it desired , yet it1 hopes that the good work already begun will bo moro succsss- fully and perfectly carried out by tlis stand ing committee of the sen ate on "organization , conduct , and expenditures of the executive departments , " recently created. OL , v IIKSON"EXPIJA INS. The Policy Pursued In tlio Matt or of Appointment * . WASHINGTON , March 23. First Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson was questioned to-day concerning the newspaper criticisms directed r.gainst his policy in the appoint ment of fourth class postmasters. In answer ho said that practically the changes thus far bavo been made for other than political reasons. A largo number of appointments made during the last administration wcro bad , nnd a considerable ! number have been found to bo delinquent in their accounts. Other changes have been made in order to secure better locations for oflicas , and in many cases appcintii.ontH have boon made with a view to the removal ct offices from the vicinity , of saloons. In every case of removal there hns boon coed and sufficient cause therefor. "Perhaps , " ho added , "it is not generally known that my predecessor , within u month or six wcoks prior to March 4 , made over ono thousand appointments of fourth class post- mnstevs for the purpose , apparently , of forc ing them upon this administration. This course has not been pursued to my knowl edge by any previous administration. Dur ing the last several wcoks of President Ar thur's term not a single fourth-class post master was appointed except in rare instances , whnro tha ! exigencies of the ser vice demanded It , and when Postmaster" Gen eral Button resigned there were more than thrco thousand resignations on file In his ofllce. The commissions of thousands of the appointees of my predecessor wcro of courno withheld , mid thcso vacancies , with others , are now being flllcu us rapidly ns possible. " Tlio IjyileckariCourt Jlurtlal. WASHINGTON , Marcli 23. In the Lvdecker court martial to-day itobort Condon testified h'bw work was hurried along by order of his employer , which accounted for its bad qual ity in many cases. Thompson Davis , a stone mason , told how'nico little bulkheads wcro built to conceal bad work , and howaguldo always gave warning ol the approach of Liontemuit TownsemTor Colonel Kirlln. If Major Lydoukcr had' visited tbo tunnel dally the men could not have done half as much bad work aaj they did. Thomas O'Brien , a sub inspector , testified that ho hod received $1 a day extra from the con tractors in addition to his salary from the government. Ho figured on the pay rolls under a fictitious nainoi Major Lydecker did not'go through the tuhnul wliilo witness was there. . WASHINGTON , March 23. Among the nom inations sent to the senate to-day by the president were the following : Casslus M. Barnes of Arkansas , receiver of publio moneys at Quthrle. Indian Territory : John J. Dlllo of Indiana , register of tbo land ofllco ut Guthric , Indian Territory. BchofleliPu lirotlior Promoted. WASHINGTON , March 89. Major General Schoflcld has appointed First Lieutenant Charles H , Bchoilold , Second cavalry , as aide-de-camp on his staff. Lieutenant Scho- Hold Is General Schoficld's brother , and has been in Washington for a short time on special duty. Killed by a Switch I3iiflnc. LACIIOSSE , Wls. , March 23. Mrs. William Drake was Instantly killed and her nusbJnd fatally injured-by being-'struck by a switch engine as they were passing the track of the St. Paul road last nigUt. DETAILS OF WANTON MURDER An Assassin Whoso Suloido Was His Only Good Aot. KILLED IN SIGHT OF HIS WIFE. Tlio Funeral of Samuel tion to Occur/ lu Omnlm NOWH From Corre spondents in Nebraska Towns. Particular ? ol' n Trajjcdy. Cnr.ianioN , Nob. , March 23. | Special to TUB BnE. | The particulars of the murder of Andrew Castillno by John Kosonbarcar , nnd the suicide of the latter immediately after , are causing much comment and excitement In this vicinity. The details nro horrible. For llcndlsh cold bloodednosa they can only bo equalled among the most diabolical acts in the criminal records. The locality where these mon lived is about ten miles west Of this place. Both were farmers , their residences being about ono hundred rods opart. Castillno had always berne a good reputationwas n hard-working , honest man , and never quarrelsome or of fensive. Ho was about fifty-five years old and had a wlfo and ono son , Koscnbargar was a bachelor and lived nlono. Ho wns about forty-llvo years of ago. IIo came hero from near Fremont n fo\v years ago , anil was a basket maker by trade. Ho soon acquired the reputation of being a quarrelsome and despcrato character , thrcnt- tenlng to shoot on the slightest provocation. The neighbors all ugrco In saying that they were afraid of him and as far as possible lot blni nloiio nnd kept away , On the UHh Castilino's caltlo wandered on to Hosenbargar's promises. The owner wont after them at ouco. Koscnburgar mot him nnd notified him that It must not occur again. Unfortunately , the snmo thing did occur the next day. Castillne mounted his horao nnd started nt once to get his cattlo. Uoson- bargar met the cattle nnd turned them back , nnd the two men met about half way from each house and in plain view of Castiltno's. They stopped and talked two or two minutes. Castillno started his horse around the cattle , Kosciibaivjnr turning nnd tnkinp a few steps towards homo. IIo thun turned suddenly around and ilrcil nt.Castilino , who was about tluoo rods away , with a shotgun. The charge entered the victim's back ; ho foil from his horse unconscious , and never spoke after his wife and son reached him , botli of thorn hav ing scon everything that had happened. Ho wns dead In about two hours. , Itosonbtircar wont homu to complete the tragedy. Ho doubt ess 11 rst set fho to his house nnd thun placing the muzzle of his gun under his chin , pulled the trigger , and toro his head and face Into an unrecognizable mass. Ho had a small hole under his house used for a cellar. In this ho was found mutilated and burned out of all resemblance of a man , Ills head from the affects of the shot and lire together being uoarly all gone , his right arm burned off and tlio body crisp. Men sickened at the sight and turned nway. Suqh nro the facts of the killing as your correspondent finds them. An intense feel- iiifj.of satisfaction exists ever the fact that KosenbarRur made n good job in his suicidal operations. No regrets are heard from any one , unless it is the lawyers , who usually do- murr to sottlemcnts in this manner. No Convict Ijxbnr Wnntod. PMTTSMOUTH , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to Tin : T3KE.I The city council is greatly disturbed by a petition with the signatures of fiOQ legal voters , thdout _ rowth of discon tent consequent upon tbo importation of con tract labor upon public improvements. The council Is nskcd to enact an ordinance pro hibiting the Importation of contract labor nnd the cinuloyment of the same by the city ot Plattsmouth or any of its ofllcers. agents or contractors in , making puhjio improve ments. The petitioners reforreu to the city of Ueadlnjr , Pa. , wboro n like ordinance hns been successfully working for some timo. The petition was like a bomb shell dropping in the camp , nil tried to get out of the way. After being handled all around very gingerly , it wns tentletly laid away in the desk of the chairman of the judiciary committee. Snmunl Iyer's Kem.iini. EMUIOUN , Nob. , March 28. [ Special Telegram to THE Ben. ] Samuel Lea , who mot his death hero yesterday by a runaway team Jumping over a torty-foot embankment , a full account of which appeared m TucBiiK , was u member of Capital lodge No 8 , A. F. & 'A. M. , of Omabu , and also belonged to the stone cutters' union of Omaha. His re mains will bo sent to Omaha , where they will bo buried in Forest Lawn cemetery to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock under the auspices of tbo Masonic order. Oftlcera and'mombors of Capital lodpo No. 3 are requested to meet nt Masonic ball at 1 : ! ! 0 p. m. , where the remains will bo taken from the depot. Tlio Toaclmrs Adjourn. HASTINGS , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tnn BCK. ] The state teachers' an nual convention closed to-night. The ses sion was well attended and much interest manifested , Papers were read to-day by Prof. Andrews , of Hastings , E. P. Carey , o f Falrburg , J. A. Pondrefjcr , of Fremont , Su perintendent David Dlnnls , of Falls City , and discussed quite .generally. To-night ftev. Duryoa , of Omaha , delivered an ad dress on ' 'Moral Teaching and Training in Public Schools" and short addresses were made by many in attendance. Excellent music enlivened tlio proceedings and the convention adjourned In most excellent spirits. Prospective Court Houso. SuwAiii ) , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to THIS BUB. | The county board of supervisors has just decided to submit to the pcoplo of Seward - ard county at the general election to bo hold next fall , a proposition for a $75,000 , court house according to tlm plans of O. C. Placy , an architect of Lincoln. The question of lo cation is , as yet , undecided , and must of ne cessity bo settled bcforo the proposition can bo voted upon. Opinions ill ( Tor materially among thociti/ens of Seward as to tbo proper location for the building , and a warm contest mav bo expected between such as favor the publio square and those opposed to that site. Many dcslro the selection of the block now belonging to the county , which was dco'lcd for court house purposes , on which tbo old court house stood. C3 Mulcldcd on the Cars. O'NEiu , , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bcu. ] Peter Timmons , who resided near Atkinson , in this county , fatally shot himself on the passenger train between Emmett and O'Neill ' this morning. A paper was found on his person purporting to be his will , In which ho named Father Cassidy and T. V. Golden of O'Neill as his execu tors. On the said will was written the following ; "I blame Howard Miller for my financial ruin too confiding faith In man's honesty , " Seven hundred and forty-six dollars lars in money was found on his person , The body wns taken from tlio cars here , and tlio coroner's inquest found tint the deceased came to his death by intentional suicide , A cheap and apparently now revolver was found near him covered with blood. It would seem from his will that ho has no family , us ho bequeathes most of his property to his brother , William Timmons , of Wisconsin. Oold Water People. , Neb. , March 28. [ Special to THE The temperance people ot Seward and adjoining counties are now holding a county convention In Walker's opera house to con sider ways and means for the control of the liquor trafllc. Addresses have bccm made by Mrs. M , H. Hitchcock , of Fremont , presi dent of the Woman's Chrlstaiii Tcmparnnoo union of Nebraska ; Mn. G , M. Woodward , vice president , and others. Temncraueo meetings arc hold nightly nt Walker's opera house , addressed by C. J. Holt , In view of the coming election of city officer * , nt which the only question at issue is license or anti- license. An Kdltor'n Luck. Pinnns , Dak. , . March 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUG Bcn.j A dispatch was re ceived by J. C. McMaiilma , editor ot the Plorro Free Press , to-day from Governor Mcllotto , summoning him to Blsmnrck with out delay. MoMantma has received n warm homo Indorsement for the ofllco of commis sioner of Immigration , though wholly unso licited , but It is currently reported ho will bo appointed territorial auditor. Ho Is surely booked for ono or tha other. Now Paper. FAinFini.T > , Nob. , March 2S. [ Special to Tun Bnn.J The first number of the Fnlrflold Saturday Cull will bo issued this week. W. M. Mampm and Louts Burkholdor nro the publishers , under the firm name of Manpln & Burkholclor. They are botli experienced newspaper men , of moro than average abil ity , and it is fair to uresumo that the Satur day Call will succeed. It will bo republican in politics. _ Tramps Are Scarce. FAinnuiiT , Neb. , March 28. [ Special to Tun Br.n.1 Tramps nro not so numerous in Falrbury since the horsewhipping eight of their Ilk received last Friday night. Ono or two of the citi/ens who were against this mode of punishment have , it is rumored. declared that prosecutions will bo brought ngalnst these participating , but too many of the good , staunch business men of tbo city were favorably inclined toward the whip ping post to have anything como of it. Kobbory at ncllcvuo. Bnt.ujvun , Neb. , March 28. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Br.n.i Ono of the most daring robberies in tlio history of this county was committed last night between the hours of 7 nnd 8 o'clock. Whllo the family were at a suupcr , thieves entered the stable of Mr. John Peters nnd stele a valuable mare , va lued at nnout JTOO ; also thvco head of fine cattlo. No clue can bo obtained of the rob- bors. A valuable reward will bo offered for their arrest and tlio return of the property , Burglnra at Work. , HAMPTON , Nob. . March 23. [ Special to Tin ; BEI : . ] Last night G. L. . Wughor's hardware store at this place wns burglnrircd. The safe door was blown off nnd the contents ex tracted. There was about $25 in tbo safe. The burglars took a lot of knives , razors and revolvers. A hammer nnd cold chisel from u neighboring .blacksmith shop was loft m the store. The loss to Mr. wugner will amount to about ? 110. Plontv of Wntor. Swcuion , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEE , ] -Tho water was tinned into the mains of the now water works to day , and everything worked smoothly and satisfactorily. The fire companies were out made several runs and couplings to try the pressure , which gives evidence of being adequate lor all purposes. The system Is direct pressure and the supply Is procured from a well forty foot across nnd thirty , feet deep. Held to ttio Court. Ninn VSK v CITV , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to Tun Br.c. ] Bon Purcell aud William Stevens , who were captured near Lincoln yesterday for a burglary committed at Palmyra several days ago , were brought to town to-dav. They waived examination and wcro bound ever to the district court under $500 bonds each. They are a tough-looking pair. _ I'rntractcd Meeting. GIUFTON , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to TUB Buc. ] This place is enjoying the influ ence of a ercat religious revival. Rev. Minor , of the M. E. church , assisted' by Rev. W. C. Lovick nnd wlfo , evangelists , have been conducting a protracted meeting with such effect ns has heretofore been unknown in this vicinity. _ Sneak TSiiovcs. COI.UMUUS , Neb. , March 23. | Special Tele gram to Tin : BnE.l Sheak thieves visited several dwelling houses last night , stealing various ai tides. V. A. Macketi had a valuable - uablo harness and luprobo taken from his barn. Uevs. Knox nnd Melsslcr each lost a sot of harness Dr. Schug lost a valuable single harness. No clue to the thlevis. 'County Court. / FumiuiiT , Nob. , March 23. [ Spcclal to THIS Bic. ] District court convenes in this city next week , and quito u number of im portant cases are on tha docket , the most in- tcrcstingiumong which is the case of Patrick Shell , who is arraigned for the murder of Sam Atkison at Daykln last fall. Judge Morris will preside. A New LOUP Guy , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to Tim BEH. ] Excelsior loilgo of Odd Fellows was instituted hero last night. About forty members oamo in a special coach from St. Paul to assist In the coremonins. A banquet was given at the "St. Elmo , " which exceeded anything over before given hero. Cleared of tlio Clinruc. KKAKNEV , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] Elmer Pratt was this morning discharged from the custody of the sheriff. Ho was charged with criminal assault upon a httlo girl , Lillto Hormel , thirteen years old. There is some dissatisfaction with the verdict. _ Nominations. HASTINGS , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tel- gram to Tun BEETlio / high license pri mary election hold hero to-day resulted in favor of N. B. Vineyard ajjuinst a big field of candidates. J. 1C Lawson and J. M. Fer guson wcro nominated for the school board. ll'ovlval McotlncH. BENKi.nsuN , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to THE Biu.J The revival at this place still continues with Rov. Clay Cox , of Lincoln , in the uulplt , and Rev , Blackburn and other local preachers in aitendtmcn. The interest being manifested is wonderful. Knights of 1'yllilns. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Telegram - ogram to THIS BEI : . ] Forty members of Oc cidental Lodge No. 21 , Knights of Pythias , with a number of friends wont by n special car to Fullerton to organUo n lodge at that place. They will icturn to-morrow. Seven Yearn. AI-VA , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to TUB Bm : , | Henry Fisher , who set Hro to and burned a granary belonging to S. W. Dan icls , was found guilty and Judge Gaslln sen tenced him to the penitentiary sovcu years , Prairie Fires. Giiucr.v CRXTEU , Neb. , March 23. Pralrlo llrcs are raging around hero destroying a great amount of property. They are re- jiortcd by old settlers tbQ worst over known in this country. Tlio Wrntlier Indications. Nebraska : Fair , colder , preceded by sta tionery temperature in southern part. Vari able winds , Iowa : Fair , slightly warmer , followed Fndav by cooler winds bcivjuilnp northerly , Dakota : Fair , preceded by light snow ; colder , northerly winds. Tli6 Missouri Itupldly KUlnt ; . CnAwnKiiiAiN , So. Dak. , March 25 , [ Special Telegram to Tun UCB.J The Ice gorge bus broken nnd the river Is rising vor.v rnpldly at tula point. The Now British Minister Flnylnff in Hnrcl Luck. HE DOESN'T WANT THE JOB , " Ousted From n Fat Position by an In * tf I triguo of Society AVomon Ills \2 31 J Stay In WaHtilnttton to bo Ilrlof. Sir Julian's Appointment. NEW YOHK , March 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun BBB. I Town Topics , in to-day'a cdl tion , says : Although Sir Julian Pauncpfoto Is personally n very estimable nnd ro- spcctcd man , It can scarcely bo regarded an flattering to the United States that his ap pointment to the post of British minister at Washington should bo looked upon in all of ficial and social circles in London ns n sovora sot-back nnd distinct "como down" In the world. To such an extent is this the casa that bo is considered nt the present moment ns ono of tbo most shamefully 111 used mon la her majesty's ' service. Instead of receiving1 congratulations on having obtained the mis sion , his friends nnd acquaintances bnllovo it to bo their duty to condole with him. The fact Is that Sir Julian has bcon made the victim of n most disgraceful Intrigue , nnd greatly ngniust his will has been forced out of ono of tbo most pleasant , influential nnd relatively lucrative berths of the govorntnort service. As per manent assistant secretary of state nt the foreign ofllce , ho was poicnnlnl chief of the department , a great man , nt whoso frown oven embassadors trembled who thought nothing of scorning Queen Victoria's minis ] tors and envoys abroad us if they were so many schoolboys. The salary attached to the ofllco amounted to $15,000. There was no entertaining required , nnd not a slnglo treaty was signed nor negotiation concluded without the permanent assistant secretary figuring at the head of the list of men hon ored with ribbons and stars. Moreover , Sir Julian is a martyr to gout , exceedingly fond of his club. Being a pompous man , ho sim ply revelled In the worship ot nil tbo smaller fry. Itvas with extreme reluctance that ho surrendered his post at the foreign oftico nnd nil tbo privileges thereto attached. Indeed , ho was only induced to give way by means of a promise that ho should only bo kept a few mouths at Washington , after which ho is to bo promoted to n first-class embassy , probably either at Madrid or Rome. Ho will then bo succeeded ut Washington by Sic , John Mucdonuld , who will borc-elcctod there anil icsign the Canadian premiership to Tupper. Sir Julian's stay ut Washington U likely to bo very brief. Probably that is tlio real rea son why neither Lady Pnuncofote nor hia pretty daughter nro to accompany him when ho sails for Now York next month. The short duration of his mission to the United States might bo gauged by the fact that Sid Charles Tupper has already given up his charming house in London and proceeded to Canada , where ho Is making ilnul arrange- incuts for resigning bis commlssloiiorshlp of the Dominion to England in favor of the premiership. Sir John Mucdonald will , within a few weeks , proceed to England nnd take his seat in the house of lords before parliament closes its summer session. Ho will then return In the autumn to Washing ton as Brlstish minister plenipotentiary. The intrigue to which reference is mada above and which has led to Sir Julian Paunco- fete being literally kicked into the Wash ington mission , has bceti in progress foe some "months past , tlio object being to put Sir Philip Curno in Puuncofote's place. Sie Pnilip Is n man about town nnd ono of the lights of society , which can hardly bo said of Sir Julian. Sir Philip's garcer has con sisted chiolly in filling the post of private ) secretary to the many successive ministers of foreign affairs , and in rendering himself not only agreeable , but oven Indispcnslble , to the wives of his chiefs. Ono of bis most influential patronesses , Indeed ono who has been mainly instrumental in bringing about his present promotion , is the Marchioness of Salisbury , whoso excessive vanity ho Hatters to her heart's content. Although exceedingly arroeant and short-tempered with these who have the misfortune to bo placed under his orders , ho is popular In society , owing , mainly , to the fact of his having the reputa tion for being "so very wicked , you know. " With all London's foinino inlluenco arrayed In his favor , it is not surprising that poor , ponderous , pompous Pauiicofoto has been forced out to recommence his travels. o THIS NATIONAL SENATE. A IlcHolutlon ConcLTiiliiij tlio Organi zation of CommittrcH. WASHINGTON , March 23. In the senate to day Mr. Mandcrsou offered a resolntlen , which went ever till to-morrow , instructing the committee oncontlngcntoxponsos to take such steps In connection with the architect of the cnnltol as may bo necessary to help the ventilation of the sonata chamber and of the senate wing. Mr. Sherman offered n resolution , which went ever , for the appointment of a commit tee to wait on the president and Inquire if bo has any other business to lay before the sea ate. ate.Mr. . Cockrell , from the select committee to Inquire Into the mcthods'of business in tho' executive departments of the government , made n second and final report , aud made a , satisfactory statement in regard to the worle of the committee and the condition of busi ness in the same brandies of the publio ser vice. vice.At At the close of Mr. Cockrell's remarks the vice president said that the report would bd laid on the table and printed. The appointment of Senators Cullom ami Gibson ns regents of the Smithsonian instM tutlon to fill vacancies was announced. " 51 Mr , Call offered a resolution , which \va ' 4 laid on the table for the present , declaring , llrst , that the committees of the ncnato should bo organized with reference to tlio equality of the status and their senators in the rights , privileges and powers of the sen ate. Second , that senators shall not bo as signed to moro than ono of the following committees : Appropriations , military af- falra , naval affairs , judiciary , foreign rela tions , finance , postotllco , publio lauds , cpm- mcrco nnd Inter-stnto commerce until every senator shall bo assigned to ono of them. Third , that seniority of service shall civo preference In the iippoiiitmunt of committees unless othenvic.o ordered by the senate , and fourth , that each of the ten committees named shall bo composed of eleven sena tors. tors.Tho The senate then proceeded to consideration of executive bunnies ? . When the srcnato wns sitting with closed doors n resolution allowing a clerk for Sena tor Vunco was reported from the commltteo on continijcnt expanses and adopted. Mr. Evans , from tlio library commltteo , reported a preamble and resolution , which was adopted , that the senate accept the invi tation of the commltteo linvlng in charge tha centennial inauguration of Gcorgo Washing ton to participate In the celebration , nnd that a commltteo bo appointed to represent the senate. At 4'2 the senate adjourned. Bnllibury'H Trllmto to Jtrlglit. LoS-poN , March 03. In the house of lords this afternoon Marquis Salisbury , ttpcaldng of Mr. Bright , said : "Ho hud special quail- tips for which he will bo admit ml and notfd In history. Ho was the greatest master of English oratory in the present generation , the eloquence of his style giving fitting ex pression to bis burning , noble thoughts , He possessed a singular rectitude of character. Ho was liiBplred by true patriotism from tha buglr.nlng of his career to ita close. " A Mcrolinnt Prlnco Kuloldos. ANTWUIII' , Mnrcl-53. Ferdinand Vnnder- tuelcr , the merchant prince of this city , com- , milted Bulcldo yesterday. Tlio act vriu dna to the failure ol h' allied firm * who a liubilitici will probably rcauh a colossal BUM.