Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No julvertlnomontfl wilt bo taken for
thopn columns after 12ttO : p. in.
Terms dull In mlvnnco.
Advertisements under this had 10 cents p r
line for too first Insertion , ? cent * for nach sub
eqaent Insertion , and il.CO per line per month ,
ffo advertisement taken for less than JU > cents
the first Insertion , Boron words will bo counted
to the line ; the ; must run consecutively and
xnuit bepaid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must be handed in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
in , , and under no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
. I'artle * advertising In those columns And li ur
ine vholr answers addressed in care of THE I ) KB
* f 111 please ask for ft check to eiinblo them to Ret
their letters , us none will b delivered except on
presentation ot chock. All Answers to ndver-
lUemonts should bo encloKo < iln | envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns nre pub
lished In both morning and evening editions ot
. , the circulation ot which aggregates
more than 18,000 pspers dally , ana gives the ad
vertisers the Dcneflt , not only of the city circu
lation ot Trip. HKK , hut also ot Council lUurr * .
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
Uils Bectlon ot the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
era the aboro conditions , at the following bull *
peps houses , who are authorized agents forTn
llr.r. ppcclal notice * , and will quote the name
rates as can Ix ; hud at .the . main .ofllco.
OHN w. DELL , Pharmacist WO South Tenth
Btroot. _ _
jniFABE & EDDY. Btatlonora ftnfl Printers , 113
\J Bouth ICth Street.
SII. FAHNSWOKTH.Pharmt < lst , 2115 Cum-
ing Street.
' _ _ _ _
J. HUOHEB , I'hnrmaclst , 621 North 16th
_ Street. _ _ _ _
GltO. W. PAIIR , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. JIary'a
W ANTED Sltimtlon In iprlvoto family to
take care of hnrscs. Address U in Iloo.
780 ! M *
WANTED Situation by a lady stenographer
and bookkeeper. Operates a Homlngton
typewriter. Good city reference. Address , U
31 , Heo Ofllco. 743 27t
W ANTED-Bltuatloii by oxponcncod coach
man ; city roferenco. Address U10 Iloo-
740 23 *
n/IIUST-CLASS bookkeeper wants to change.
JL1 Hofers to present employer. Addross. U12 ,
OJCO OfllCO. 7J9 2B *
WANTED Employment ns ofllce man oven-
Inga nnd mornings by a stenographer ,
liookkeeper , and vordcti lu legal forms , oto ; ro- by 27th Inst. Address U 0 , Deo. 710 27
SITUATION WnntcdlJy an experienced
young man ; stenographer nnd typewriter ;
reference given. Address U 4 , Iloo.
WANTED Situation by licensed stationary
engineer. W. II. llrldgea , 1300 N. 20th sE.
A M AN W years old , ot temperate habits and
some experience nvolllco clerk , wants cm-
Tiloymcnt In Btoro or ofllco of some kind. Ad-
Ureas U 7. 11 eo. 7 5 27 *
A good bread and cake baker wants a Hltun-
. Address Charles Still , Jollot , 111.
* 4aVa-HIJ
CLKRK wanted A young man of good
standing and must bo a fair penman. The
Dradstreot Co. 801-28
"OfANTED-Tlus morning at 1U o'clock , four
TT young men. 2020 Cummlugs street.B2123
B21-23 *
HOTKL mnm wanted , with a few thousand
dollars to Invest ; house all furnished and
liusluess that will pay out In 18 months ; title
perfect ; no Incumbrance. Address M. A. Mc-
Ulnnls , or O. C. Churchill , Sterling , Colo.
BAHIIEH Wanted 1'lrst-cUiss man at once ;
good wages. Anderson llros , South Omaha.
700-27 *
WANTED A good drug clerk. Aaclrofs r.
O. 110X372. Omaha. 783 23 * .
"VtrANTEb Meat and pastry cook tor Colo-
TV rado 860 , pastry COOK who makes peed
broad , man or woman fcifl. Mrs. llrega , : ) HJJ
B. 15th. lul-27
WANTED A milker for the Model dairy ,
Dundee place. 774 J8
WANTEO Man nnd wife on n farm near
city , only 2 in .family , J0 month ; no obJection - .
Jection to one.chlia. .Mrs . Drega , 314V 815th :
J'ANTEO Ilread bakers : steady work and
TT good wages to steady sober men. Apply
JOB Ojirnean Cr'kr Co. 764 27f
W AHTKl ) Good men to organize local
branches for tha Nebraska State Ilusiness
Men's association * Apply at once at room 37 ,
chamber ot commerce , oiuaha. Nob. 7C'J ' 28r
WANTED Quarry men8tedy ; work. Apply
at Albright's Labor Agency. 1120 Farnam
W'ANTKD A man to solicit and act as gen
eral agent ; must be a "hustler" and deposit -
posit $100 , Monthly salary 475 and 1100. with
coninilsalons. Call on Goo. B. Cline , room Gil
First National bunk. 74831
AGENTS To sell our patent 1 pnnts to
measure tit better , wear1 longer , can bo
worn with or without suspenders. Not llabln
to bag nt knee , made In all grndp.s and patterns'
311K money to llvo men with small capital. Send
Uimpror clrculara and coulldentlal terras.
Kt Patent pants , JI5 suits. Hunter Mfg. Co , ,
6th and Sycamore , Cincinnati , O. 735 2i
A OUNTB Wanted General and local agents ,
-txto handle the new patent Chemical Ink
liraslng pencil ; groatdAt novelty over pi educed ;
erases ink In two nccondano ; abrasion of paper ,
WO to 600 par cent prollt ; sells at clghtterrlfory ;
absolutely free ; salary to good men ; sarnpla 3 }
cents by mall ; for terms and fnll particulars
nddreso { ha.manufacturers. The Monroe Eraser
Co. , U. B.Jir press building , La Crosse. Wls.
. 70-1 27 *
W ANTED-A good barborutNo.707N.16tn
st. . . . , . 732-27 *
\ ANTED For April 1 a man and wife to
TV to take charge of a farm house kitchen ,
cooking for fifteen men. washing for three
persons only , man to do tne cooking tind wife
for assistant-and general Housekeeper : must
Ho good broadmakers and exceptional butter-
makers , as well as neftt and tidy about the
\vcrk ; a couple without children is required
nnd must come with best ot references as to
Ability and character ; the farm la located 125
miles from Omnna on the Union I'aclllo rail
road : worrcs 135 per month for b td. Address
nt once , giving ago/.nnilonallty , experience , etc.
par. linn Mfi-27.
WANTED TWO coat-nmkors and two pants-
makera immediately. L. Uernhelmor.
tlcCookrNeb , - 812 31t
WANTED An experienced traveling sales
man for wholesale drujr company. Address
aMJlco ? olllco. MI-U7
fX7 ANTED At once , ten men to solicit In
v T Kansas and Missouri ; salary $75 to $100 per
month , call to-day at room BII , First National
bank. 623
WANTEDr-Voung man of business ability
to act as district manager ; must put in
100 : salary ll"topernnuum : no use for "float
ers. " Call at once or nddruba Geo. B. Cllno.flll
S'lrst National bank.
patent nro-
wqlgnt 500 lb . ,
"in , llluheiit
. . - . exposition ;
( Tirochanre ; permanent business. Our prices
Inwcst Wo nro not in thn safe pool. Exclusive
tfirltory given. Alpine Safe Company , Cincin
nati. O. 5tli
WANTED Energetic men and women every-
wlioro tor a geutenl , money-muklng busi
ness. KM weekly prollt guaranteed easlur than
l o monthly otlierwLao. Experioao * absolutaly
unnecessary. Pcrmanrnt position ami exclusive
territory assurea. f..OO samples free. Wrltn for
twrllcuUrs. Address , with tuinp , Merrill > If'g
Co. . H SI Chicago. 176 lor
" * *
ANTKJ ) U llroiitl laborers for Washing *
ton territory : steady work , long Job , at
lbright's Labor Agency. 1120 Faniam st. 74C
st. ' OSl. Co. , 'I'M liouulai.
\\rANTKD First clans shoe lulnmniui ; nonT
T but those having years of experience and
good reference ured apply , at Th Fair , 13th
mndllowaid. J. MlramleU & Boris. 146
' 6 Am.Uln. TeL Co. , IXH Doutlc.Kt.
IM/ANTBD A coed business man to take the
TT management of nn oillca In New 1'ork city ,
one for Detroit and another for Clndnuatt : must
ttiVMt * ! .fXM : Balary njrm per year. Address
11 corgi B. Cline , Wayne.- Mock , DCS Molnes. la.
„ i
A GENTS wanted ou Hilary. 174 jn r month
ex and exneus B ] i Ul. any active man or
trotr.anjo Sell ourpooiUby sample onrt live at
ItoniQ Palurr paid promptly urul expenses In
mlvacce. Kull pnrtlculars and ( ample cane
tn * . Wo mean Just wnat we y. Addres *
titandard fiilvornrare Co , lloiuw , MOM.
\\fANTKU Rellftlil * ft eoerijetlo sntcimfn in
T * ( Jmuha'and northern half of Nbra > kft to
ell our machlnoKalbo 2 collectors , no capital or
experience necessary. The Slayer Mfg. Co.
Omaha. Neo. 71I-al
l\TA" > rrt5l > - jg travelluu silcjinen. ailaryam )
* ' oxpeMfs. Address w 1th ttamp , Palmer to
Co. . lc ) Molrifs. la. 7 4ttl
i ( luafaut ; eS"'rruJt . . „ , . . . .
num. Complete sj > stra : ta furnlehed & titles
fo real a 4caiulii dperfectea fc guaranteed ,
All31'1 tXCra LIHiih'aa Jc Mihouey , room soo7
* _ .JLjy. ° 4ilLiSi ! ? : ti > 4 _
yiSiAIIAlAI > Cract company. Utv Kurnim st.
' Must complete uud t'arefully pruparcd set
at abstract Itook * andplaU ot all real propf
lotaaclty lou las i-ouniy.
EXPEUIENOED millinery saleslady wanted
at Stonehlll'n. 79823
_ _
WANTED Lady stenographer , MO : cook for
Fremont , 13 month ; cook , hotel , (00 ; S
cooks-boartllng homo , tf and tn.fios pastry
cook , 120 moiith ; 1st and & 1 girls , (5 and H/iO.
same place ; Z cooks private family , tt and
week ; 4 waitress * ! , 2 chambermaids , S dish-
wnshors , 25 girls general housework. White's
Bmp. bureau. 119 N. 10th. RHCTt
ANTED A cook at 1009 Douglas street. '
Basil *
' ANTHD oirl for general houspwork. W.
M. Yatcs , B , W. cor , U2d and California ,
| J 71 > 4fJ !
m _ _ _
WANTED A trimmer and saleslady at Oon-
Ins Urns. . 1403 Douglas tt. Pll
WANTCD-Oirl for general houeowork. 2ITM
Capitol avenue. 80727
_ _
WAITED Girl for cencral housework and
a half-grown girl for iip-stalrs work , at
: OT South Z"th St. 80027.
_ _
" \\7ANTnD Woman cook for Valparaiso ,
V T $ : ; one for Bouth Omaha. K\ \ kitchen girl ,
3 email nurse girls , nn experienced nurse to
mind children for lady boarding at hotel , 12 ;
waitress for nn Institute ; Uorman housekeeper
for family at Sydney ; 2 second girls : 20 for genl
oral housework. M rs. Drega , 8I4H 8. ISth.
80628 *
_ _
\\TANTED-Oood girl for general housework.
> ' 2209 Howard street. 791-27 *
\\rANTBD-NnrBOKlrl Immediatly at 710 N
TTgMst. Reference required. 7S7 27 *
WANTED Oood girl tor general housework ,
3 In family , good wages , Apply at once ,
M18.Z3thave. 770 *
WANTED-Stout first-class girl for general
housework ; good wages ; 010 S 22nd.
7flS 27 *
WANTED-CO good girls willing to take
places out ot city , in country towns aud on
farms ; also , n first-class girls In city. Mrs.
llrega. 3UH B lEtli. 70i 27 *
"CVANTED-Girl for general housework , 2539
W Cumlng st. 73128 *
WANTED A girl for pants and vest making ,
418 South 10th street. 721 27 *
WANTED Cook , second girl and dish-
washer. 2815 Douglas st. 71fr-20 >
WANTED-A girl for housework. 1714 N.
34th and DeciUur , 701 27 *
WANTED Girl to do general housework In
private family. Inquire 53. " > Paxton block.
WANTED l.ady agents , or our now skirt
substitute for bu.stle. baby's diaper sup
porter , etc. Our Iowa I'alls , la. , agent made
812.00 In ono day. Ladles'Supply Co. , 2.17 W.
Washington Bt. . Chicago. & .13 30J
WANTED Aponts Holla bio women to soil
the "Original Hvgola" Combination
Shoulder Draco Corset , flout money making
article In the country. Satisfaction miaran-
tcoa. Apply for terms and territory to Western
Corset Co. , 8t. Louis , Mo. -
WANTED A young nurse girl. Apply at 22d
and Howard. 771 23
OMAHA cinp. bureau , HON. 10th , establish
ed 8 years. Most rellableln city H. B.
White. 709-02 *
T7KMI HENT April 1st , n nice 0-room cottage ,
-L' furnished. Lease 0 months or a > ear. Only
7 blocks from P. O. Dost location in Omaha.
Adilreaa U 17 , Dee olllce. 817-30
EIGHT room nouso , 1357 N. 17th street , rent
low , apply to J , O , Blatter , loth aud Clark st.
813 HOT
TjlOK KENT A flat in the Her building , 7
JL ? rooms , steam heat , gas and bath. Apply in
hardware store 10th and Jackson. A. C. Hay-
mer. 7871
SEVE'llAL good boarding houses centrally
located for rent and furnltnro for gala. Co
operative Laud aud lot Co. , 205 N. IGth st.
TilOR HENT 8-room cottage , cistern , well and
JL. city Mater. Apply on premises , 3311 l-'ron-
els at. , west side ot Hanscom park. 773 It
POK RENT 3brick residences , nil conven
iences , on Park nvo , fronting the park. JIO
per month. Also. 4 houses on car line , ou Park
and Heed sts , ZJO to J33 per month , D. V.
Bholes. Room 210 , First Nat. Rank. 749
.It HENT May 1 , modern built house , ten
rooms. Inquire 712 N , lUth St. , near Webster.
' 677-SOt
OH RENT 2 now ft-room cottages.ono block
west car barns on Lake Bt. C. H. Gilkworth ,
1605 Farnnm. OU
FOR RENT Cheap , one 7-roomod now house
J. H. Jonnson , 510 Paxton blk. 681 2-j
110OM housu with barn , ouPa llttlo dlntanco
$20 per month. O. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank bldg. 493
BEAUTIFUL 8-room liouw ) on new motor
line , 33d and Cumlng sts. . with modern
improvements t5 per month.- . F.Harrison , ,
Merchants Nat , bank blag. 41)3 )
TjlOR RENT A 5-room brick cottage convenl-
JP entto U.P. depot-Mcad & Jamison , 314 S 15th
TpOll HENT-ii-room moaern improved house.
JL. A 1 locality : rent moderate. Apply to M.
Klguttcr. 10U1 Fara m street. 670
, . _ . RENT Cottages , 6 rooms , 2720 Charles
1 street and 1524 South Fifth street. Inquire
nt room 212. Sheely block. 571
171OH KENT Good basement. U15 Douglas st.
JU 683
ThOR RENT Nlco 6-room house , east trent ,
32 halt block ot cable cart. 113 8 28th Bt. 090u8t
TTIOT IlENT-.7-room Hat , K ! ) month. Inquire
JU at The Fair. 13tn and Howard. 074
I7UR RENT Cheap , a nice 3 and 5 room house ,
JL' 1D33 3 21st st.betweon Center nnd Dorcas st.
0 ) a 8 *
THTOR RENT Flat of seven rooms cor. B 13tU
-K and Pacific sts. Duggau'ablock. . 877
Uia LIST ot houses for rent. S. T. Potsr-
son , a. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 830-ai *
tritNlSIIED house for rent la Park Terrace ,
opposite Hanscom Park , all modernn con
veniences. Enquire , Lee & Nlchol , 28th and
Leavenworth. OS'S
AROE , pleasant , nicely furnished room ; 7
blocks from P. O. , on cable line ; desirable
location ; rent reasonable. 2010 Davenport t > t.
7115 31 *
TM.lfGANT front room with every modern
Jl/convenience for 1 or 2 gentlemen at IK23 Cass
. 78428 *
NICE furnished rooms s board. 1708 Douglas.
toi )
'jj oTt RENT Largo newly furnished front
-E room ; also , southeast room with alcove ; all
conveniences : first-class board : 2MB Farnnm.
7M SU *
THOU KENT Nicely furnished room In nlco
JL ? cottage , 88 per month. 00 Williams st. 743
T71OU KENT Sleeping roomn nnd housoKoop-
* In ; ; rooms , furnlsr.ej and unfurnished. 8U7
and bOO Howard. 740 31 *
pOR HUNT FurnLuhed rooms tingle or en
U. suite. 1G09 Dougla.4. 713
f ) nicely f urulsliod rooms JW and (10. 2KX ) Far.
UIVATE family have several nicely fur-
nl shed rooms for rent with board , 015 N 20th.
_ _ _ 724 31
PLAKASANT furnlahod room , 507 South 25th
ave , 635 27t
_ _
llENT-ltoom with board for tnro pen-
tlemen. 201 B. Kth ave. _ 051-Sjf
150OMB and board-1613 Chlcofeo st.
RKNT Ueairablo furnished trent room
couvAilence , 23ia Douglas Bt. M8-37t
JU RENT tolc"ioutu front room , cheap ,
JP for gentlemen. liKM Capitol ove. COt
NICELY furUshetl rooms , 1811 Capital ave.
, 60U 2Jt
* | 7tUlNldHED room wita board , modern con-
X vuiilence * ana in Kood location ; prices rea-
eonablo. ; 0 lyeavemvprtl ! . fills 2U *
XtlUfrroom ? ' by tna week ov uipntli at the
X Paabody liouse. HOT Jones. 89.1 ail *
"CTbU Jl ENT Hrrnlihed room , nil convaul *
-L oncoB. ilO a montli. 8237 Dodge at. 673
Ml 871
p IOR RENT Furniehed room , all modern
tQM eulenees. gJU I'amam st. 134
AVENUE Roorns-AT 1 < 13 and 1615 Capitol ave
xXublock * from P O..newly furnished private
boardlnchous tpl asantrooiuialtconvenlences
JIOH UES'i' Kroat rooms at 1821 J'arnam.
LAUQE front loom , luruiihed , eveiy conveu
icnro ; also , email room. ZlOIDouglHS. sta
TilUUNIBIIKI ) or nnfurnUhed room , with gas
JU and bath , board it detlred. 619 B fith at. . OP-
poalte All Saints' church. 6'i
UltNlHIIKO rooms by day , week-or month.
Bt. Clalr Hotel , cor. ISth and Dodge. Wi
SUIT of 2 furnished room * , modern conven-
ioncea. a blocks from P , O * private family ,
A. Ilojpe. Jr 15U Douglas at. M
I'OST On Saturday ovenlngbetween IJth and
1 Citsa MIS , aad coliseum , a vuld medal , name
engraved , iteturn to I'M C'a it , and receive
reward. Wit
r > 00MB Inquire 1302 Douglas at , 3rd floor.
LV 657
JjltmmsHBU room * ,
itBJnv-A nicely fnrnlsnod room-wlth
all conveniences i C18 80. Kto at. ' 723
I/IUKNIHHEU rooms , slngio or en suite , bath
JJ and steam : for gents only. 1619 Howard.
T AHflK front room with bod-room adjoining )
JUhandsomoly furnished , gas and heated tiy
steam , with use of bath-room , lu ono of the
hnndsomest rostdcncos In the city , without
board. Inquire n. w. cor. IBttt and Loavenworth ,
O NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , gas.
' -'until , etc. , on same floor , tlO per month. SJ7
aaithjnollat. 078
r Alto K front room , nicely furnished , suitable
J-ifor 2 gentlemen , 1831 Farnam. 673
WANTED Someone to take desk room In a
goodoinco ; low rent ; young attorney pre
ferred. Address U 13. Hoe. 775 W
"T710R RENT ,1-Btory brick store building on
JL ; main business nt.- well located nnd e-
peclally adapted for retail or light wholesale
business. Iflcts , room 40 , Barker block.
| 70730
311 RENT-Second and third floors of the
Dnlldlng'at No. 1403 Douglas st. formerly
known as the Bt , Cloud : also the three-story
building facing on the alloy In the roar of the
above. Ames , 1507 Farnsm su 731 27
TT1OR RHNT When you wish to rent n house ,
JL.'store or ofllco call ou us. H. E. Cole , room
8 , Continental block. 6B3
R HENT New store corner ICtn and
Jones. A , 0. Powell 1301 Farnam. 8373
TTH > H RENT a stores 7 room flat , 0 room
JL ? house 17th , near Nicholas. Inquire Bchles-
Ingor Dros. , 014 South lotnst. tU3-m2i
T7IOR RENT 2 floors 82x80 caeh.ln brick build-
JU me ; , with elevator , close to express onico ,
cheap rent , just the thine for wholesaling , good
location apply Oeo. Iloyn , 1103 Farnam nt.
TjlOR RENT- Space m ptoro for an exclusive
Ju glove or small line of other goods. In Uio
very bast location In the citv , especially for la
dies' trade. Address T 64. llaoulllce. 63527
FOR HENT Two very desirable stores under
Washington hall lu the Danish association
building on 18th st between Harnoy and St.
Mary's ave. Inquire ot Janitor. 5M3
IOU RENT Three rooms unfurnished , 1410
Pierce St. , ? 8. 670
0" unfurnished chambers for housekeeping to
man and wife. 318 No. 17Ui st. iita-&X j
FOR HENT Rooms suitable for housekeep
ing in suites of from ono to four- Inconvenient
ient location ; lowest prices , llutt's Renting
Agency , 1501 Farnam street ; telephone 179.
g3'J-al2 *
T710R RENT Three unfurnished rooms , also
JL ? two basement rooms to families without
children nt 1124 N 17th st , WW
FOR RENT Restaurant In perfect running
order ; best location in Omaha ; will give 25
bushels of potatoes In the bargain. .Come
quick it you want It , or I will dispose of the
fixtures , J. A. Wlchterman , 010 S. 10th st.
' 77780 *
WANTED Some ono to buy two good bod-
steads cheap. Call Tuesday and Wednesday -
day , 1C21 Cass st. U30 ait
"CURST-CLASS lot of saloon furniture and bart
-t ? ilxtnros for sale at a bargain. Inquire of
the First National bantc , Aurora , Neb.
615 a22
TT'OH RENT Ono wagon shop and blacksmith
J- shop located in the business part of the
flourishing town of Hebron , tno county seat of
Thayer county. For further particulars ad
dress to P. O. llox No. 6 , Hebron , Neb.
| 610 27t
FOR RENT Cold storago.'capaclty three car
loads , trackage. Uullt expressly for boor.
Call 1307 Loaveuworth. ' * 4Gu 1
OT10E to Farmers and O ara on e rs For
rent , the following pieces of land : North
! i of northwest U of ROC. 1.115 , r 12,10D acres :
south y of southwest > < of soc. H ) . 115. r 12 , 80
acres ; east 3 acres ot north J > of northwest 'i
835,115 , r 130 acres ; also 17 acres duo south ot
the poor farm and adjoining Edward Howell
place in city limits. Inquire of John II anil in ,
IJlj Llnton block , Omaha. Nob. 876 31
U10R RENT Well Improved farm ot80 acres
JL ? near city. Schlesingei Ilros. Oil South 10th.
"IXTANTKD SO houses at once tor which weT
T V can furnish good tenants. Llat your houbea
with the Lands Rental Agency,310 Bheely
blockT 7B2'
IF"VOUwantto buy , sell , rent or exchange ,
call on or address , G. J. StorusdorlT , rooms
317 and 318 First National bank building.5BA
FOR KENT 1 Houses in all parts of the city.
J.J. Gibson. No. 3 , Crelghton block. 804
GS . J. PAUL , 10U9 Farnain st. , , nouses ,
stores , etc. , for rent. 683
W'KKivo special auentlou to renting ami
collecting rents , list with us. H.'E. Cole ,
room 0 Continental b lock. 581
rj. GIliSON'S now system ot renting houses ,
No. 3 Crelghton block. C04
IF YOU want your homos rented place them
with IJ''nawa & Co. 15th , opposita postotllco.
T 1ST your houses and stores wltn me ; I have
JLJiots of customers. J. H.Parrotte.lCOB Crilcago
| 2U all
T7IOR BALE Harbor shop making WO per
JL ? week. Call on Clms. Jensen , cor. 10th and
Do'uglas , U. 8. hotel. J9 2ftt
LIVE partner wanted with to.COO or 110,000 cash
to take half Interest with a money maker.
Addreen box 579 , or call after 0 p. m. at IKil Cass
St. 78528 *
IJIUK AIJK cnoicesiocK ot groceries , nrsi
JO class location , jnqulro ot Itallard , Plxloy
& Bhlckley. commission mercUunta , 317 and 319
B12rh st. Omaha , Nob. 78921
FOR SALE Small drug stoct very cneap.
1118 Jackson st ,
I710H BALE At a bargain , Prle's hotel.
JU Hoyd'H addition , block ! , lots 1 , 2 , II , 4 , 5 ; 3
new cottages , all rented , on lota Vi and 5. Inquire -
quire at hotel. 711 31 *
TTtOR SALE Or Trade A $ ) , nee general stock
Ju of merchandise ; all clear and must have clear
property. Address P. O. box 070 , So. Omahu.
WANTED A business partner , by a man
who controls quite a larga amount of
lllack Hills property ; ono with olllco in city or
with some capital to invest In real Uvo proper-
ty. Address U 5 , Uuej 7J5 37
BALE-Drug store In a city of S15.000 inhabitants -
habitants ; everything new ; invoice tW )
terms cash. Address Iocs box 1000 , Sale
City , Utah. (158-aoj (
"C1OR SALE Stock ot general merchandise la
JO good town on U. It N. W. Ity. , in Groeuu
rouoty , Iowa ; will Invoice about 80.000 ; will Hell
for 00 cents on dollar It taken at once. Address
K , llox 106 , Beranton. Iowa. OH ao .
"C10K BALE A good business of woolen ana
JL ? gents' furulsmng goods , in a good location ,
wltn show case and fixtures ; we have books to
show business. Call at Omaha National Knit *
ting Factory. 1104 B. 13th st. . . 582 28t
BALK Neat boarding bouse' , 32 rooms ,
FOit running order , well located , in South
Omaha , at a bargain. Hutcbtnson ft Wead , N.
E.cor. Ikmglarana ICthst. 60723
T OK 8 ALE A nlrn clean stock ot hardware ,
Jt ? etc. , in East Dei Molnes , la. Invoice (7,000.
Will give time on part. City population
Capltol ot the slab , AdUreia , P. O. box. 223 ,
Cozad. Neb. 678 a
"I7IOU BALE A popular and well established
JU cigar and tobacco business with latest style
fixtures , doing a good business ; very best loca
tion in the city of Omahat capital roniilrodfrom
12.000 to X.OOO. Addrena P. U. llox W , 64501'
TJ10U HALE within 00 daB-Two drug stocks
-V Innewgrowing county neat in s. w. Nebras
ka ; will invoice about f \uOi will sell one and ,
move the other provided the purchaser will
buy WHO stock for cash ; purcliaser can rent
buildings for $ tt per month eaoh ; wilt sell for
cost and carriage ; good trade : reason ton selling -
ing , other buslnosi requires full attention. Ad
dress lock box W , Oulbertson , Neb. , or Hurst
& Co. Hastings , Nub , Wu-3
FOR BALE-Flne confectionery , No , 1 loca
tion , doing * good business ; good reason for
selling. Address , TH ) . HeeofUce. 613 20t
tTA It DWARF for sale-Small neat stock. Tin
a. ! shop In cannectlontmnst be cold atoncn for
cash. Address O , M. vavchan , Flomlng , Colo.
A MEMUEItSIUP in the Omaha board ot
ZVtr docan b had cheap at Rooni2J u , B. ha-
tjonal bank building. fX
K. NANNIKV. Warren , clalrroyant , tnedl-
cal and builness medium. Female ills iue
a specialty. 11B N 10th it. rooms 8 and 8. HO
KB. l.BNORMAN can be coniuheU onal ,
affalrd of Ufa through the magic mirror
ettUfuctlon ei rauted. ilb N let list. Upstairs
YALENTINB-fl BhortoMO and Typewrltlnff
Institute. n w PaxtQnnbnlldlDg , Omaha.
Tim only exclusive nhbtfhand school in the
state , OVer ono hundred -n-aduates ( In good
ItuailonsTbo ncttool U under the manage *
ment ore , 0. Valontiuo. oroclAi itenon-aphof
oftlio.Tnl Judicial dlitflCVof Nebraska , and
I'rot. 1C. II. Iloyles , an oxp. rl nccd teacher and
verbatim reporter. Day and ercnlng uMilons.
Students can enter at aby "dmo. bend for clr *
culars. iiwoo B15
_ _
OTANDARD ShorthanXTOSchool , 2 Bhoolay
O block ; teaches ntnndnrU ; systems rxnd uses
Remington typowrltera. „ ff nilars froo. 6M
Iltrfr.ESEY'B ShortBanilschooIui llarkor
block,3 mths' Instruct kraBU3clftsn ; llmltod
. > i 7H1 al
rplN roolllng , spouting , gulters , ViilToys and
J- shoot Iron work tlono well nnd cheap by B ,
3avage. 110 N ISth. _ fiQ4-2t
/"lONTnAOTINQ plasterers 'pro Invited to call
Wat room 401 , 1'axWll building , and examlna
"Adamant. " .Ti3 A 15
rpllli banjo taught as an art by Goo. K , Gel *
J. lonbcck. Apply at Heo onico. C13
O MAHA. NobFob. . 14. ISSV.-Notlco Is'horo-
by given to the holders of all bonds Issued ,
by the Cable Tramway Company of Umaha ,
and bearing datoot May lid , 1R8T , January 1st ,
IBSfl. and October 1st , 188i. to present , tha snmo ,
for payment , \rlth accrne < l ( ntornst. at the Tlrst
National bank ot Omaha , Nob. , the fifth day
of April , 1839. Interest on said bonds will
coaie on that date , the company having availed
itself of the right in redeem the same , by giv
ing thirty days notice of 1 w desire to do so.
S. K. Johnson , President.
SWANSON. Vallen * Co. . undertakers and
embalmers , 1721 Cumlng st. Tel. 1UOO.
| T\OH \ EXCnANaE-Houseand lot , a IPth. for
JL1 Improved form or morchandlfio : cor. 60xr > 0.
South Omahagood for business ; also 3 farms for
city property or juerchandlsu : to acres for sain
10 mile * from city , only t2 per aero. J. 11.
Arnold , W7 B. 16th. HK 27 ;
T710U BALE or exchange for unlucumberod
U rent paying city property only ; ranch
2.400 acres ; well located ; dwelling houses , sta
bles , granaries , &o ; every facility for horao ,
cattle or sheep rnnch. For Information apply
directly to the owners , John P. Craney & Co. ,
11 ays , Kan. 818-2&
GllOVEIl STEVENS , real estate and loans ,
removed to rooms old and M7. Paxtonblock ,
Blx per cent money to loan , Exchanging prop
erty a specialty , 11 'M
FOR 1 XOIIANGU- onulty In choice In-
shlo property , unlrnprovottfortlrst or second
inortgago paper. Address KKJ South loth st.
/ 1AH LOAD young uiulos to uxchauge. Apply
\J to Chaa. It. Webster , southeast corner l.eav *
ouworth and Twenty-eighth streets , Omnlm. _
778-27 $
FARM land to oxchanpo for cltr property :
grocery stock to exchange for furniture ,
Co-opcratlvo Laud and Lot Co. , 'J02 N. IGth et.
Btovona , real ostnto and loans , removed -
moved to roomsnio nntl 517 , Paxton block.
0 per cent money to loan. Exchanging property
orty a specialty. SU W )
55TOCKB of Krocorle < dry goods and sta <
C'tlonery to exchanga for Omaha property ,
( jrover Stevens , rooms 515 and 517 Paxton
block. 7EO 2S
WANTED To trade a ponoy for a safety
blcyclo. 1012 a. lath at. 3i-27'
TIEN-rooui house near 3U h & Leavenworth to
.JL trade for propertytwar 13th Sc Vlnton ,
Grover Slovens , llooms 5JJ ( JjcCl ? Paxton Illk.
/1HOICE Improved farmfciightly mcumbored ,
\-Jto trade tor vacant lotvvor equities In hou scs
and lots. H. B. Cole , Coritntental block. 023
EXCHANGE-Cledti'igtock of drugs to
.JU trade tor farm , town property or cash. Address -
dross 'I. N Uarkor , fireclay CenterNob. .
J 033-27 *
[ 710U EXCHANGE For7 eslrablo residence
iJ property In Omaha , nny or all of following :
40 choice Insldo residence lots La Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln. T > ' < *
U40 acres tine farming Intnl. Lancaster connty.
Kino regldenco proportyi'tlucolu.
Good rental proparty , UfiltJoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angelas.
A neat residence property-ln llanscom 1'laco.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , nlvlnif location and prlco of prop-
'erty , 3. E. 11. , care Uauin I rep Co , . 121 ? Loarcn-
iWorth. Jt It , 5 , 23
ITTIOU'EXCIIANQE Dacota. Hand county.
JL ? What have yon to o tr for a good farm
here , elightly encumborecl ? Dakota lands are
rlslnu in value , and Us "destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop
erty and assume some Incumbrance. G. J.
Bternsdorff. rooms317 and 318 First National
bonk building. - (124 (
WANTED Good span of horses in exchange
for clear lot. A. P. Tukey.l&tnaml.Douglas
86' '
r gpot
_ and lot , Omaha ; must be nnox ptlonabie
neighborhood. Address 8 21 , Beo. 700
TTIOn EXCHANGE Eighty acres of the flnest
JL.1 timber land In Wisconsin , clear of Incum
brance. What have yon to otTer ? G. J. Bterns-
dortr. rooms 317 & 318 , Flnt National bank
building. 040
jiijH aAljb An extra line urivinK norse , o
JU yearn old , Baumley's 11 very stable , comer
Berenteenth and St. Mary's avenue. 810-26t
KED D1HD3 for sale Females as good
singers us males. Call on or address Airs.
Emma Gilbert , Marysvillc , Marshall Co. , Kan.
7 7-2J
T71OR BALE A handsome double yellow head
JL ? parrot and ouo blue Amazon. B-H ) y. 10th st. ,
room 8 , 12 SO *
"l/UJIl SALE Two carloads of nice potatoes ;
JJ also about 10 oarrols of suuor krout ; must
bo sold : cheapTorcash. Inquire ot Charles
Smith. 1110 Farnam St. " 815
TTiOB SALE Fresh Jemay cow. Enquire 1708
JU Webster street. 770 2S *
"rnou BALE Furniture nnd lease of 7 room
JU flat. Iloom rented exceeds rent of flat. I ,
It S Itental Agency. 310 Bheolv block. TOl
A GOOD No. 0 cooking steve for sale cheap.
XXlnqulre at 1310813th. 781 27 * .
T710II BALE The lease , fixtures and snresof
JU the C. K. Mayne Ueal Estate i : Trust Co. .
cor. 15th & Harnuyats. _
8ALE-A good Courtland , N. y. , bus.
FOIl now. cheap for cash. Address J. E.
Noedhani , Albion , Nob. _ _
rnoit GALE-Cheap.a nearly newtop bugcyCo- ;
JD lumbus make. A. H. Comstock , iSK H. 18tn.
POH SALE Horse , buggy , carpenter wagon
and two set single harness. 1012 S 13th st.
8'6-27 *
H SALE Pony and cart , 1021 N 22ncl.
FOR BALE-Strong horse , 1,100 bsl , weight ,
ShutlerAvagon and set double harness , all
fort3j. Apply room 21H , ilrst Nat. bank ,
HOU SALE Top pheaton. 16C7 N. Wat.
677-28 *
T ) BAD THIS fl.noj worth ot mc furniture.
JLV entire outfit ot the house , for fen ) ; must
Hell on account of sickness. Apply to J. H ,
Parrotte , 1B90 Chicago. S14 al 1
TTK3H BALE A fine coiiiblnatioo ullllard and
JL ? pool table forresldenoVf almost new ; a bar
gain. ltoom22U. B. National bank building.
FOIl SALE Car load o 'young sound horses ,
1510 California Bt. B. KftVood. 021
THOU BALE fOOO tons , -to ifl inch ice on
JL ? track. Council Illuffs. Olllert Ilros. 815a4
A LARGE , heavy government wagon , almost
new , can be bought at your owu price. G.
J. Bternsdorff. rooms an ana 318 Ft rat National
Hank. Telephone 48) , 655
WANTED-Furnlture. 'carpets , stoves and
household goods ot-riJl Kindrj , Omaha
Auction ft Storage Co. , Ht3iv'arB m. K'J
WANTED To oaf , ft t&5me , cost not to ex.
wed 11.600. HousetJ/W C2.000 by my
plans. Sightly east frond lire near street cars.
11.000 ctt U , Address. P. O. llox 623 , Omaha.
VATANTBD-To buy good commercial per.
YV R. 0. Patterson , sfa B J5th et
PEHSONAI . A. IJ. In tqwn Tuesday.
Wednesday , Thursday. Please write me at
postoaci. Letter there for you. It. TOO 87T
'IJEUBONAL Anylady of good appearauce
JL and address desiring out-door omjiloyjnunt
can obtain same by caulngAt room 611 , .First
National bank. _ tia
TDltlVATE course in fencing , boxing or fancy
JL club 8 winging , 110. Address T 14. Ilee olllco.
A TRANCE MHniUJI-Mme , Binflall , the
young Bwede. tells full names ot call em and
the full name of your future husband or wife.
wltn > late of marriage , and tells whether the
one you love is true or fulsa. Not a fortune
teller , but a young spirit medium , lladama
got * Into a perfectly deal trance. Will bring
back the parted husband or lover , 110 matter. It
they ba 10.00. ) mile * away. Will guarantee to
tettlo family Quarrel * . Furloni up stalrD , 106
N. ictn st , , third uoor. 213 1
G PER cent money to loan , drover Stevens ,
rooms 618 & 617 Paxton block.
ON It V to oanon real estate ; no commis
sion. W , A , Sponcor.Uoom3iliishmanblk.
UPRCIACifnnd of (10,009 loMoan at reduced
Orates on furniture , horses and wagons.
City Loan Co , 118 B 18th St. 1.0
T OANSmafle on umraprtvod city property.
JURimbMl , Champ & Ryan , room 0 , U. 9. Nat ,
bank bl'g. 1205 Farnam at , 631 S3
Iff ONEY loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha
111. real estate , 0. V. Peck , R , 4. Frenzcr blk.
617-alB *
"PHILADELPHIA Mortgagoft Trustee , fur-
JL nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt their western otllce. Qoo. W. Ooatos , Room 7
lloixnl ot Trade. BIO
6PKR cent money to loan , drover Stevens ,
rooms 610 & 517 Paxton block. J (810-31 (
O V , HAU1U30N loans money , lowest rates.
_ . 408
G W , PttOlC loansmoney on Omaha real estate
Ilulldlng loans a anoclalty. H4 , Frenzenblk
CO Z * * 8 To loan on tnrms and city property ,
tpOeo.J. Paul. IBM Varnom Bt. _ OM
SEiSliol6s , 210 nrst Natl bank bntoro rnnk-
Ingrour loans. 5M
fMf'Y Financial agency will loan you money
on horsei , fnrntiurc. Jewelry or securities pt
nny kind. l.WO Howard St. , corner B. Kith st.
M ONET to loan. Harris H. E. A Loan Co. ,
room 411. First National bank. _
contmonuy to loan. Urovor Btevon8'
rooms 510 & 617 Paxton block. 810-31
WANTED First class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co , 111 Barker blk. 15th and Farnam , 599
MONEY to loan on improved property at first
lianas. No application sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , .109 8.13th st. 007
ODELL IlltOS. & Co. , No. 313 So. ICth St ,
Chamber of Commerce building , loan money
at a , 0',4 , 7,7M and 8 per cunt , according to loca
tion of property , unsurpassed facilities for
placing larco loans on Inside business property.
A special fund of several thousand dollars to
loan on unimproved lota. 693
makoafow loans on llrst-class chattel
securities ut rnasonable rates , W. K. Potter ,
room 10 Darker blk. Oil
rrUUST mortgace loans at low ratoa and no
JL ; delay. D. Y , Hholes , 210 First Notional bank.
517 *
MONEV to loan on approved real estate by
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Lowest rates , no commission. Address Houard
Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Nob. ( VO
FOH SALE Nino-room house , barn nnd lot
In llanscom Place ; also 2 houses and lots In
Bunny Bldo. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank.
O.F. . HARRISON loans money , lowest rates ,
. 433'
DO VTOU want to borrow money ?
Read this :
It will save vou time.
It will save you money.
You can borrow from
11. V. Masters ,
successor to W. R , Croft ,
Room 4 , Wlthnoll bld'g , 15th and Harnoy sts.
10. $30. WO. JIOo , WX ) , ? , WO , J1.000 , J,000. JIO.OOO.
In fact , any sum you want on furniture ,
pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier
termt and nt lower rates than any other olllco
in the city , without publicity or removal of
property from your possession.
It an Instalment Is aue.on your' property
and you cannot moot It , call andseo me. I will
pay ft for you. If you have n loan in any other
olllco call and got my rates. I will take it up and
carry It for you.
I make loans for ouo to six months , and you
can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin
cipal aud interest.
All loans renewed at original rates , and no
All business strictly confldonttal. Call and
Bee mo. f
Don't forgot the number ,
Room 4 , Wlthnell Dlock. 603
N EURASICA Mortg. Loan Co. will raako you n
loan on household goods ,
horses , -wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , nt reasonable rates.
Room 7. 1 ? r\r * lftv block , Mi"iiiVflmalin .
Rooms 618-519 Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. _
MONEY Loansncgotlatod allow rates with
out delay , and purchasa good commercial
paper and mortgai e notes. 8. A , Blornan , cor.
13tli and Faruam. " " 008
MONEV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real cstato
and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. C09
DAN'S made on real ostuto and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Reed & Co.,1531Farnam.
cans. Llualmu & Mahonoy.
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
qulotcht and most liberal money exchange
in the city ; money loaned * without delay or
publicity , in any amount large or small , nt the
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may be paid at any time or renew
ed at original ratec. O. llousnaren , mgr , room
MM Darker lllock , 15th and Farnam. mi
ONEY to Uoan We are ready for nppllcu-
tlons for loans In amounts fiom 8JOQ to $10-
000 on Improved Oruiiha or Douglas county real
estate Full information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us. or write. The McCaguo
1 nveatmout Co. 010
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 First
Nafl. Hank. 5p7
HE. COLE , loan agent.
. C14
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Largo and
small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels ot all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jewelry. Don't fall to call If you wan't fair
and cheap accommodations. O. llouucuren ,
Mfir : . . oem Soimjarker Lilt , , IGth nnd Farnam.
PER CENT money to loan Cash on hand.
NY. M. Harris , H. 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
Tr E. COLE , loan agent. j
M ONEY to loan In large sums at the lowest
rules ; no delay. R. C. Patterson , 318 B 15th ,
ONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no "X
W.Bnulre , 1210 Farnam st. First Natlo
bank building. 015
loaned for 0. CO or wo days , on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; business confidential. J. J , Wilkinson , 1417
Farnamjit. 017
TV/fONKY / to loan Lowest rates. Loans closd
iTlpromptly. H. E. 0,0'ontinental block.
( 500,000 to loan at 0 per cent. Linahan & Ma-
Phoney. Room E03 , Paxton block. 019
M ONEY ( 'to Loan on chattel security ; fair
rate interest. J , H , Parrotte. 200d Chicago.
214 all
/1I1OICE loans trantoa on improved city prop-
\J erty. Klmbnll , Chump & Ryan room 0 IJ. 8
Nat bk bldi ; . 120i'i Farnam at. 807 o3
MONEY to loan on furniture , Horses , wagons
etc. , or on any approved security. J , w
Uobblns , It. 20A , BlKely blic. , 15th and Howard'
„ _ _ _ _
TITONKY to loan at lowest rates of Interest on
- roaiastato in Omaha and Bouth Omaha.
Titles ana property examined by us and loans
made at once. Cash on hand. Dates , Smith if
Co. ropmJW ) Ramga bldng. usi
B XfftiDING loans a specialty.W. . M , Harris ,
room 20 , Fronzer block , opposite P. 0.
T\ON'T borrow money on fnrnlturo , horses ,
JL/ wagons , etc. ? or. collaterals until you aoo.
C. U.Jacobs , 410 First National bank building ,
* C8tt
Al.COO to IW.OOO at 8. Vi and 7 per cent , no Mid-
Mtdlemeu ; money direct from the Eastern In
vestor , W. B. Melkle.-First Nafl litnt building.
. < 07
T .OAN6 on buslnets property , 15.000 to IW.OOU
JUyrantad. Provident Trust Company , room
303. Flrat National Hank building. 100
tXTANTED Room and board for two youna
VY gentlemen In strictly private family ; home
comforts desired ; rets. Address U 15 lieu.
783 SSt
/ 1AHPENTER or builder wanted to build a
Vhouce and ttka as part pay Unely inprovad
farm in Nebraska. Address , X K , Dee Office.
601 n
WAKT15D-10.003 women to use "IVIlcox's
Fancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly tafo
and always errectum. Bend for 43 "Woman's
Bate Guard. " Wilcox Medical Co. , Philadel
phia. 114 Al'J ' 89
= = = ?
" | 7tOR BALE 1510 Harnev BE. , 10-room house ,
-C $ joo. W. M. Ilusbman , WO
. CLEAR lots in Eckerman Place and a clear
f-t house and lot in York , Neb. , will trade for
home in Omaha ; prefer place near Long
school will pay itomo cush difference for suita
ble property. 0 , F. UarrUon , Jlerca nta Natl
BAD TH18-1 haveacuitotnor ( or a f.-ood
realclenc * tot. He will pay * omo cash , build
a good house , make a building loan and give A
second mortgage for balance of purchase
money. It you have a good lot I can Bell it on
tliene tcrmi. GroverBleveui , room * 61d and
617. 1'axlon block. _ _ an ao
$4.000 buys 2 House ud Jot , OTW . . cpr
llthnuaVintoB , 6Ki-iiL31
TJ10R BALE The bMt Investment in Omaha
JU to-dky U well loosted acre property.
I can odor for sale for tha next thirty days'
Uvo ton-aero tracts close to the city and only
throe to tour blocks from regular station on
the Jlelt Line railroad.
Tills land Is splendidly tocMcd. within twenty-
nv minutes rlclo ot tne business center of
Omaha , and will make splendid homes or flno
trult andvogetablo gardens , and each ten acres
can bo platted into lit ty choice lots that will
neil Inside ot three years for four or nva hun
dred dollars each. I can offer this land In
tracts ot nvo to ton acres at prices ana terms It
Will pay yon to Investigate.
Heniombar the safen and surest Investment
made by people of limited moans In Chicago.
Bt. I'-xnf , Minneapolis and Kansas City , Iran
been made In well-located aero property , and
the largest profits in proportion to the amount
invested have boon realized on tills kind ot an
You take nori.iV. You can have n pleasant homo ,
and support your family oif ot a live or ton
aero tract , that will cost you less than an ordi
nary city lot , or the land can bo rented , and
tiled for fruit and garden purposes , at llguros
that will almost pay for it , Vou escape the
high city taxes nnd numerous special assess
ments , on an Investment of this find , and the
rapid growth of our city will Boon make It
double and treble In value ,
Call ana lot us show you this property , nnd
secure a choice of ono ot the best Investments
now on the , market. .
GeorgoN , Hicks. Haul Estate Agent , room 40 ,
llarrcer illock , southwest corner Fifteenth and
Farnanu 803-27
A ' Douglas County Abstracts ,
1507 rarnam street ,
Those wishing to invest a little money In
Omaha lots in sucli a way as not to fool the
outlay , can now do BO , wo have good lots ,
splendidly located , surrounded by now build
ings and Improvements , which you can buy ,
115 down.
balance ten dollars a month I Think of this I
A ch.iuce to save your money 1 A chauco to get
the increase value on the lot as Omahu gronsl
Thrnkotit.gor&lotsjW - „ .
Can you find ft Bator Investment , a hotter way
to save your money ? Can any bank pay you
nn equal Interest on yrmr money ? .
You Can Boo '
these lots any tlino you want to without
charge. Wo have conveyances always ready to
Bbow property free .
f 15 casn
and JlOa month will buy your wlfo or ono
of your children a lot that will make them
moro money than anything also you can do for
them. Remember that it
Costs You Nothing
to come and Bee thpno lots to investigate this
matter for yourself. You can make up your own
mind when you see this property ana what snr-
rounds it. *
is cheap for the low or not. Your chance to
make monnv in omaha land is as good and oven
Hotter Now
than over beforol There isno question nowns
to our city's future rjrowth I A postotlleo build
ing and a city hall are but a part of tho'conUim-
plated Improvements for 1WU. Tneso cheap
lots are put on the market because they ara
cheap ! it would not pay us to show you the
property unless it wae cheap 1 In other words ,
It Does Not Pay
to ndvcrtlso cheap goods unless they are what
is claimed for thorn. Don't bo lacking in cour
age ; if you want toMake
Make Monoy.
Buy on the terms we now oiler you , and no
one can duplicate this property at the 'price
named , but
First of All
coma and see what it Is , where it Is. what sur
rounds it , what n future it haslll Plenty ot people
ple hnvo made money In Justoucn Investments
as this ouo offarod youl Vou run absolutely no
rlskl You got the oaslostposslblo terms 1 You
can investigate the offer ! It costs you nothing !
A little conrago and n little money Is all
that Is needed. Amos , 1507 Farnam Bt ,
_ 77 ! U
S HOLES' special bargalnB-45,000 buys a good
7 room cottage and barn with flue plumbing ,
hot water heating apparatus , nicely papered ,
mantle and all convcnlnnces.tull lot , east front ,
near corner SMlth nt. nnd Wool worth avenue.
18,600 buys a line new 10 room house , with a
good barn aud all conveniences , being an east
fronton Popplcton nvonno and 20th street ;
K > ,600buys a full lot , east fronton Georgia
avenue , half block bouth of Loavenworth St. .
with a good C room cottage , flno largo shade
trees , very choice.
Good8 room house , furnace and all conven
iences , No. 2813 Poiiploton avenue ; party going
to leave the city. Investigate thla and submit
I have a good list of residences and residence
lots which it will pay you to investigate if you
Wl h to purchase ; I also have I10U.OOJ vterth of
good clear property to exchange for either good
residence property , or Insldo business property
and assume us much encumbcranco. or pay dif
ference in cash. If you have anything first
class for Bale or trade , call and see mo. D. V.
Bholos. room 210 First National bank bldg.
BALE On monthly or quarterly pay-
JO monts , some new 0-room bouses in Milliard &r
CaldwoH's add. . Just 1H miles irom oostonice.
If you want a homo of your own come and see
mp. O. C. Bpotswpod , ifoH.S. 10th st. 054
TJVMf 8ALE3l acres , corner Thirteenth nnd
JD North Btreots. Desirable for platting. 0.
Oood , Good block , Dos Molnes , la. 018-m27 *
WORTHY ot your attention. Now being
completed on 2'Jth st , north of Leaven-
worth st , two houses convenient to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs ,
hot and cold water , nvo bedrooms , lo-closels ;
only Jj.GOO , on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or
W. T. Bcarnau , Omaha's largest variety of wag-
ons. carriages , etc. , east side Itith st , north ot
Nicholas st. 432
I HAVE 10 Hno lota in Hriggs' Place add. ,
Omaha , for cash , on good terms. For further
Information inqulro of E. Jeffrey , Galena , 111.
HOMES , HOMES Do you want a homo on
easy terras in the best residence suburb ot
Omaha ? If no call on ns nnd wo will drive you
out to Carthage , that high and sightly piece of
ground wLlcli Joins Walnut Hill on the west
and Dundee Place on the north. Hero wo will
sell you a full lot at from $700 and wo will ad
vance you as much money aa will buildn house ;
principal payable in live years ; Interest Foml-
annually. Or If you will build tne house wo will
sell you the lot for 1-10 cash , balance in 7 or 10
ycarx. Just think ot these terms aud then come
seethe lots. Brenimn & Co. , Chamber of Com
merce. 643 27
03x155 east and south corner west Far
nam st. near Milton Itogors property , $7.-
000. Easy terms will shade this for all cash.
C. P. Harrison , Merchants N'Ul bank bldg. 4'J8
FOR BAIiB-East front lot. C0xl60 , on South
10th st. near Brownell hall , with houses
renting for tfiO per month , for a few days at
ti.250. Ames , 1507 Furnam St. 731 27
FOR BALE or Exchungel mnroved stock
farm of 800 acres In eastern Nebraska , .near
market ; also now 12-roora house with oil con-
venlonces , . in desirable residence potion ; of
Omaha. Andruw llovlns , attorney , 4'ii and 42J
Puxton block Omaha , Neb. lJ2d
TT1O11 BALE Two very choice lots in block 6 ,
JU Hunscom place ; the ground Is high and
sightly and surrounded by One dwellings ; prlco
f',750 each ; one-third cash ; balance 1,3 nnd a
years. Amos , 1507 Farnain at. 731 27
ATA sacrl'llco 120x150 ft , east ana north
xxfront , corner n'Uh and Howard Bts. , 'one
block west of Ooe's and KU'lcomlaU'H line resi
dences , two blocks from paved Btroot , two
blocks outh of Farnam Ht. ; Jimt think of it ,
120x150 ft. and a corner at that , and only H.ttn.
C. K. Rultcr , room 5 , a. w. cor. 15th aud Douglai
T7IOR BALE-Lot 40xlW. south of fair grounds
X1 in Klrkwood , Price , * 1.'WO , one-fourth cmli.
J , II , LoomlS , 1 20V Irt BU' et. 401-30t
SOUTH OMAHA-1 have a number of good
lots In various additions that must be * od !
at once and can be bought at prices that will
suit you. U , J. BterriHdnrir. roornx 317 uudJllH
First National o uk building , UU
"IJ10R 8 A HE On terms to suit , the neat cottage ,
Jj 2tt20 Charles st , TolepbonoZH , or W. T. Boa-
man , Omaha's lareest variety buggies , wagons ,
Ac , east ild 18th it. north of Nicholas at , V > )
"OORBALIior Lease Frame building about
JL ? 40x50 wltti tlireo years' lease ot lotVUl Doug-
TJIO II BALE-LOU It , iSand 18 , blocEll , West
JD Bide addition. Tnesa lots ara 6111 each.
lay very pretty , and Uia Hires can ba bouicht
for ll.O&O , Tlieyare actually worth twice that
amount. , O. J. Bternsdortr , Room * 317 and 318 ,
VlrstNtttfonalbank building. QM
/ 1 ALL on II. E. Cola , northeast ) .corner of 15tli
V and Douglas ats. , Omulia. for Edwin 1C , Al-
Bin ft Co.'a catalogues of lauds ot California.
_ _ _ _ _ 830 April IB *
$0,760 , C.BXJ cosh , tl.WW tyeura 0 per cent , buy a
2-story 8-room house , furnace , until , etc. , lot
MxlOO foot , No. S313 I'oppluton ave. , llanscom
Place ; must go by March Ut , party going away.
II. V. Bholea/810 / 1st Nafl bank. Hi
or exchange A reildence at 20th
? at , , and Bt , Marys ave , has 7 rooms , bath
room , laundry , tawerage. ga and city voter.
Will take peed outside building iltu BI part
payment , David Jamiesoo , 314 H litli. W
rnALK of bargains I ( laceonthlii 120x167 n.w.
JL corner lllth utul Hamilton , fronts ) tret > w ,
ftt grude , for HMO. This Is bad-rook ; not a
n Ickel le ; will ever bur it , and it must bo
crabbed Boon at thai price. M. A. Upton Company -
pany , 18th and Farnam. _ f yq
ITlOlt BALE Or exciungo for Omaba prop-
J ? frty. K . cre . BUtUbI 'or platting ; will
make WO lots.all clears big money In it for someone
ono who can push this ; located JiiatouUldt trio
cltyllmlUot Council Uluffs. Inquire tieo. J.
Stornsdqrrr. room * ail and 818. tir t Natlooal
b t U building. fiTJ
EXTRA H .rgaln-2- > tory 0-room house , 1
closet" , cellar , city water and gas , conven
ient to cable nn-1 bone can. one ot the finest
resident location * la Omaha , l2tfX , > . actually
vrwttj ttiOO. li. X , Col * , CoBUntnUl block.
rpIIHRR hundr d and twenty acres ot good No
JLbroskn land clAkr , and some money to
trade for Omaha property ; party will nuunio
New oroomhov in llanscom Place ) Ml
modern convenient. < , full lot , M.OOO. A bar *
gain ; tnu t be good casti payment.
Ono of the best a < t front lots on Virginia
avenue , only I3,00 < UQ.
Another on nist.V t.Oi.
Another on ,12nd , H1TO.OO.
A new 8 room uou o on 8fnu , modern Im-
provementsi omy t .600.00.
Ne w 7 room house on 29th st , full tot 120 ft ,
from Dodge street cable car , east front ) ( ( ,100.
too ft. ou West Farnmn , toucu ; actually worttr
Now P-room house , ix corner , ( ll ft. , s. nnd ,
front ; has hot aifd cold water , bathroom , man
bio top stationary wash stands , electric belli
furnace , mantels , etc , , for t txni worth f lnWXJi
ICO acres good land , free ot encumbrance ,
well Improved ; will trade for Omaha property ]
givotwO to f 1,000 lu money nnd assume toinf
For rent , NowT-room house , IStli nnd Dodge !
will ronta room for part pay. 125 per montti.
A now 0-room houio.nll modern conveniences ,
Jackson and notn , Oaly 11,500) ) terms easy.
100 ft. east trent on il'th St. , near California
st. Only to.ooot terms easy. Bamo property
Bouth or Farnam would bo worth tio.iuo ,
A beautiful corner lot In Kountr.o Place , vn-
cant , or will build house to suit purchaser ; nil }
make this a rare bargain atad tcnns to suit.
No trouble to snow property ) conveyances
always ready. Now Is the time to buy to nave
money , as you ran buy from 15 to SO par cent
cheaper than you can CO days lienco ; mark
what 1 say. A. O. inghram , room 22 , Darker ,
FOR HALE The ntioit residence si to inwost
Omaha ; just south ot Farnam on 87th
strnet ; a corner 10JX187 with 187 feet frontage
on paved street and Joining tha handsome resi
dence of Klrkcndallonthooastaud llrady , Eat-
son and Martin on the ooutht a perfect Bom
nnd garden spot for an elegant home ,
Iliirney nnd lst streets , 141x107 , on pavement
within ; i blocks ottho court house ; room for
seven flno houses that would rent as ranldty
ns completed. A splendid permanent Invest
Farnam and 22d fitroots , 60x122 , with now n
story brlcicstoro building , rented to good per
manent tenants- Rental receipts Jl.aX ) per
Sixteenth Btroot near Nicholas , frontage C )
feet to alloy. Oood business property.
Faruam ntreot between itHth nud Buth , front-
ngo , 4S or U3xtt2 : to alloy , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street cam ,
Part nvomio opposite Hanscome park , 60x150 ,
prlco ( U.OJO. easy tonns.
Paddnck place trackage , 00x110 , 2,009 , easy
Kith street south of Ylnton t. , lot for sale or
trade for mdso or good farm laud.
S. A. Blomati , 1J01 Faruam at. ' JV )
FOR BALECheap Not for trade ) ' 643.70 acres
Uud ( ace. 6-12-0) ) two miles from Marquette ,
llumlltoii county , Nebraska. Frame house , sta
ble. : w acres under good barb-wire tenco ,
round cedar posts , tuo stays , living water. 30-
foot channel , 2 wells , 3M barrel tank , corral ,
selt-ffOilcr , a natural stock ranch , In a tine corn
Prlco . Jfl.OOO
L'asli In hand . , . 2,760
2 years' time 0 per cent . , . 0,250
do and look over laud. Address owner , F. K.
\tklii8.1502Larlmorst.DDnver. , , , Ool. 037
TTHN E quarter section , Sherman county. Lots
X' in thriving Iowa city ; also In Omnha. Ken
tucky bred t.-ulillo Morae , all the ( raits. .Buloa-
did f.unlly mare , onrriago , etc. What hav you
to olfor ? Address H 20. Reo oince. 708
STOinVffK At low rates at 1121 l''arnamat. ' ;
Omaha Auction St Storage Co. 600
rpRACICAGE , storage , lowest rates , W. Si.
JL Uuslunan. lull Leavenworth. 501
> RANCH ifc CO. , storage. 1211 Howard.
ANTED-Ily May W , a detached house of
about ton rooms , with modern Improve *
ments. in lilgh school district. Address T 03 ,
Dee oltlco. 697 23 *
ANTED CottaKO containing not less than
six rooms with in reasonable distance ot
postolllco , state prlco autllocatlon. Address T.
42 lice. 460
" 1X7 ANTED To rent at once , ono largo , or two
T medium Bl.od furnished rooms in a pri
vate family , prefer It to bo on cablb line uud
have good sized yard , no Hats. Address , H. H
Houilcraon. 610 1'axton blk. 8030
AKEN UP March 15 , ono blown and one
yellow colt. Owner can have same by call
ing on Fred Modong , a miles west of Uniting-
ton and paying charges. m 20-37-a 8-10-17 *
"I71OUND Large spaniel. Owner can have
J-1 same by proving same and paying for thla
notice. Euqulro B. Trostlor ' , fjol Douglos.
. 751-28 *
Proposnln r r
Sealed proposals will bo received by the un
dersigned until lu ; : p. m. , March Jilt , 1880 , for the
following kinds of paving material , viz :
Shoot asphaltum according to Hpecltlcatlcns.
Sioux Falls fp-anlto according to spoclOca-
Colorado sandstone according to specifica
Stone from Woodruff , Kan. , according to
Wooden blocks of any kind or character BUi-
al lo ror pavlnu , according to specifications.
Uriel ; according to specifications.
Any bids for paving in addition to being ac
cording to Bald sDoclllcatlons , may also bo ac
cording to such specifications na the bidder may
prescribe , the same to bo set forth in detail and
to accompany bid.
Each bid to specify a price per square yard
for the paving complete on each street or alloy
or any part thereof noparatcly , as per ordinance
No. 1U84 , Work to be done in accordance iwltli
plans and specifications ou tile In the ofllco of
the board of public works.
AH bids to be made upon printed blanks fur-
nlHliod by the board and to bo accompanied. by
a prooorly certUled check for tlie sum pt tl.OJO
as a guarantee that the bidder will , within
thirty days from the opening of such bids , give
bond not exceeding $2.KX ( ) , as the mayor and
city council may require , that such bidder will
enter into contract for such paving of the kind
and material specified as may thereafter bo ro *
quired during the year 1889.
The board reserves the right to reject uuy or
all bids , and to waive clcfecUi.
Chairman Hoard of Public Works.
Omaha , March tfth , IBtU
march 10-11-24-27
TAknn Up.
Dark Hay Mule. Inquire 11. Hanson , two
miles west of South Omaha. m-20-27-a-U > Q
TNSTHUMENTB placed on record during yea
JU terdnv.
Union Stock Yards company to D 3
Lucas , lot x. blk S , llrbt add to Bouth
Omaha , w ( I , (300
O F Fohs to f > K Westcolt ot al , w of lot
D7 and w M of lot 10 , blk bO , Bouth Omaha
w U , 1.800
J Kendls and wlfo to John Lmdorholra ,
lot IB. oik 8 , Wllcox add , w d 1,800
TJnltert States to H llyar , B H of no 21-10-
0. patent
William K Hurlbut to M Erlon , block n ,
Pi aspect place , w d , 3,603
8 nud I Bchloslnger to H A Rosters , lot 8.
bit 18M , Omaha , w d 13,600
William s Whitman and wlfo to K Dally ,
U MO a In nw BO U4-UU2. vr d 701
C 0 Laybouan nnd wlfo to li M llolmer-
( linger , lot 12. blk f. Meyers , Richards
4 Tlldcns add , deed l
Annie Kulm to K l > Drown , o W ft of w 100
ft of lot 1 , llartlett'M add , wd 6,000
E II Corbett and husband to A Lemm , lot
14 , Parker' * Bub , nod , . . , . ' . , 76
J M Wilson and wife to A MacLarty , lot
111 , blk 1. c'ovell's nd < l ; wd , . . , , , . . ; . . . . . . . 400
V E inuriiliam to J o McKrll , lot W , blk
"I , and n H lot ID , blk 18 , Hauscom place
J H Coffmann to A Marshall , lota 7 and 8 ,
blk 2 , an4 lot 41 blk il , Monmoutli park ,
wd , . . , , . , , . , , . . , . . , . . . , . . . , . , . . . .
K M Priigh and hUBband td A Marshall ,
loin and 10. blk r > , and lota u and JO , blk
H. Mcmmout a pnric. , . , . , , , . , , , . . 0,000
N I D Bolomon and wife to F II Cotter , lot
15. blk fi , Holomon's odd , w d . . . . . . . . 500
South Omaha Laud company to J Oduo
ker. Iota , blk 21 , Bouth Umuha-wd . at
JO Morrow ana ; vrlfe to Wm , Jake man ,
lotM 47 and tf , sub "A , " Reservoir add ,
wd . . . . . . . . " . . . 8090
WmJakoman to J H Dumont. same as
above , no d . , . . . . . l
II A Kostera anil wife to B and I Hclrlos-
Inger , IKBq In aw of iiw , 21 , 16 , 10. w d. , 0,000
II A Koiter and wife to H uni f Bohlesin.
( ter.g lot 7 ami all tot 2,1 , blk il , Alamo
plaza w d . , , . . . . . , „ . , , . ( .ECO
D Cunningham anil wife to D J llutcliin.
on. lot 16 , blk lit. Carthage , vr d . . . 060
J H Kellora to 0 K K AUftius , lot d , ilk 8 ,
Omnin ! , < lred . , . . , . . . , . , , ,
3 W Blowart to H 3 Holt e , lots 1 ana 2.
blk4 , ICikhorn , qod. , . . . . J
II JRolfe to A Patrick , lot ] , blk I , Klk <
tiorn , wd , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
B I 7'atrJek toV'o I'ilrlc .
I'atrlck'a second Baratoira add. w d .
J L McCai ie and wire to Wm llerelnnd
lot H. blk a. West Cumins add , w d . .
City of Omftha to D I > liouedlcl et al , lUs
4i at aw corner of lot 4 , blk IT , Ornaua ,
- i > tTn'enty-thirrtitreet. a ort . .7.
Tim South Omaha I.sud coFapany to Wm
Btflwart.Iot y.bllir p ) , Bouth
Tvf enty-oljjbt tran f rn , amounting. . . | j5il5
A I'AlnfuI Accident.
W , H , Heath , an omploya la the ctiktt
factory near ( ho 13el t Line railroad , ran bit
band ngalast a pjanor and aluottatl the & 0 * |
ou the palm ot bit baud vra * torn oS. .