_ THE OMAHA DAILY BE .THnJESPAY. MAROH-28. 1889. I ft * - * UHE ? DAILY BEE , I'UULISUEU BVEttY MOIIN1NO. TKHM3 OF BOnBCIllTTlON. toally ( Mornlntr Kiltlon ) including SUNDAY Uri-.One Ymr . 10 S2 fror Btx Montlm . . . . . . 600 I'orltireo Months , . . , . . . . . . . < W frjiH OMAHA Bnnnxr Ur malted to any .ntldtess . , Ono Yfar..i , . . . . . . STO WiKtr DEE , Ono Yonr . 2 m PUAIIA Orricx. Noi.011 nd 018 FAIWAM STIIHET. CiiiCAno UrncK , M : Uooic nv HITIMIINCI. ? RW Yon * Orrice. HOOMS 14 AND ir Tiitnujos HuiMiiiia. WAMH-OKW OrriCK , No. 618 FOUKTEE.Mil BinBBT. OOnnBSFONDRNOB. , All communications relating to now" nd cAl' torlnl matter should be addressed to the Kuixon llU8misS9 lETTBUS. . . . . All business letters nnd remittances should b KddrCSSed tO TUB 1IKK I'UIIMSIIIWJ COMI'ANr. DMAIIA. Drafts , cherks and potolllc orders to bo made payable to the orilnr of tuo company. AB Bcc PoWisliinfcipany , Proprietors , E. R03EWATER , Editor. 1'IIU DAILY BISK. Sworn StntcinonL of Circulation. Btnto of Npbraska , I. , County of Douglas , f" George II. Tzsohuck , Bccrotaryof tHe neo Pub- llslitiiK comnnnj- , dons Boloinnljr swear tliattlia nctiialclrcnlnUon ot Tun DAILY IIKB for the v celt cndlnff March S3.188'J. was as follows : Hnndnr. March 17 t WW Jlontlay. March 18 ll'.JM ' Tuesday. March II ) . . . . > . . . , . . . . HHii : "Wednesday. Mnrrn J 1 . 0) ) phnnilay. March il ! ! . ! prlday. March B3 18.HH , Saturday , March S3 .1B.803 Average 18. oa oroitnis n. TZSCIIUCIC. Sworn to lieforo mo nnd subscribed to In ray presence this S&l day ot March. A. D. 1881) . 'bcal. N. P. 1'KIL , Notary Public State of Nebraska. I . , County of Douglas , f " OeorKO 11. Tzsclmck , bnlng duly sworn , de poses and says that ho Is secretary ot the Ueo 2'iibllslilng company , that the actual nvurfttja Unlly clrculatlo of TUB JUir.r UEE for the knontn ot March , 1883 , 10,089 copies : for April. 3889 , 18,7 copies ; for May , 18S8. 18.18J copies ; for Juno , 18S8 , 10/Jil copies ; for July. 1888 , ItWO copies ; for August , 1888 , 38,183 copies : for Soptgmbor , 1833,1H.154 routes ; Ifor October , 188S , It.Oil coplos : for Novem- lier , 1888,18n0 copies ; for locomber , 1888 , 1B.223 copies ; for January , 18S9,18,574 copies ; for rob- ruary , 1889. IV * , $ . . . _ _ _ . Sworn to bcforo mo and subscribed la my tresenco this 2d day of Mnrrh. A. D. 18 'J. N , P. VEIL Notary Public. THE conduits to the ground floor ot the subway systems arc loaded with racy possibilities. THE sulnvny investigation is likely to develop a juicy variety of underground pipe-laying. THE boodlors' combine in Lincoln will not declare a dividend this ses sion , The have already passed "over the divide. " THE public Insist on boinp admitted to the ground floor as well as the collar of the investigation. In fact , the seller is the objective point. SOME men are born great , others achieve a foreign mission. Field Mar shal Murnt Halstead goes to Germany and Patrick Egan to Chill. HOXTST JOHK SimiMAN did not re ceive a foreign mission , but for all that ho will represent Ohio abroad this sum mer m an unofficial capacity. and Dorsott threaten to expose the dark and devious methods ol capturing councilmanio support. T-hcy conduit any.too quick. IT is quite ovidout that some elec tricians think the council very good soil in which to begin laying under ground conduits ana wires. THE senate pruning knives have cut the bOodtyra' cuticle to the quick. A reduction of three hundred thousand dollars convinces them that life is a failure. TIIEIIE is no truth in ttto report that .City Treasurer Hush , of Omaha , hag Indorsed E. 1C. Valentino for the posi tion of commissioner of the general land ofllco. THE hopes and aspirations of more than one patriot In the state are hang ing these days by u , single hair. They have nut their faith in the Nebraska delegation. IT will take a watchful eye to guard the expense and salary bills from fall ing into the hands of cormorants and sharks in their final passage through the legislature. As XWHUJSIIIJIU as the face of its own motors , the Omtiba gas company appears regularly before the council with a monthly statement for extra work and service. PHYSIOLOGISTS declare that there nro nlno miles of perspiratory ducts in the tiumnn body. This explains the limp condition ot the Lincoln lobby. The combine is sweating blood. THE house seems in no mood to allow the expenses of the Douglas county contest - test oases to be shouldorod.by the state , and It looks as if the bills will nave to bo footed In some ottior way. MK. HITCHCOCK confesses that ho Is "painfully anxious to have Secretary Wlndom approve Llnton's report" on the nostolllqo site. The prospective lota Of forty or ( Ifty thousand dollars , cash up , dangerously alToots hid loft liver. THE decisive defeat of Konuard's ' bogus claim is the third substantial victory by the friends of honesty and economy. It clinches another nail in the coflln of the boodlora , which will keep them under cover for two years , THE desperation of the Dodge street people IB best Illustrated by n remark that Judge Neville inudo on the street a couple ot hours bo for a the council BOS- nlon last night : "Wo have got to carry a vote through the council or wo are gone. This is our last chance. " THK Southorlnnd resolution passed by U > o Bonuto , if properly enforced , will Save to the state thousands of dollars annually. It provides that all contracts lav supplies for state institutions shall bo lot on a system of bidding where the bids shull bo made on ouch item separately. Monthly reports are to bo nrndo of , the supplies purchased to the secretary of state , It is notorious that under thu free uud easy system of pur chasing now in vogue gross over charges constantly ooour , und the defi ciency bill * afford u copvonlont moans of covofintf Uigni , ND IK DIPLOMATBS. The president sent to the sonnto yes terday seven diplomatic appointments , nnd with two or throe' exceptions they wore genuine surprises. If all of them wore not executive selections , unques tionably several ot them wore , among these being Robert T. Lincoln for the English mission. There hail boon no public intimation or suggestion of the name of Mr. Lincoln In connection with this or any other position under the ad ministration , and doubtless ho would have boon the lait man whom tins , ma jority of people would have guessed as likely to receive this appointment. The selection will bo highly gratifying not only to republicans , but men ot all parties will be pleased with It. Mr. Lincoln boars with honor u name that is honored throughout the world , and our governmentcould send to the Brit ish court no man who would command higher respect there , or who by his personal character and fitness .would bolter deserve the respect of the En glish nation. Mr. Lincoln is fully qual ified for this important m isalon , and while ho may show loss brilliancy in nftor-dlnnor addresses than some of his predecessors , ho will not bo loss careful than any of thorn have boon of the Interests of his country , and ho will not fall to Impress upon all with whom ho may come in contact the fact that ho Is an American minis ter , In full sympathy with the Institu tions , principles and policy of his coun try. There are important questions soon to bo discussed between Great Britain and the United Stales , nnd every American citizen will utuloraland the importance of * having his govern ment represented in England by n man whoso patriotism Is above question and whoso , devotion to American Interests no foreign influence can Impair. The appointment of Robert T. Lincoln will bo most heartily commended by the whole people. The appointment of Mr. Mural Ilal- stead as minister to Germany was ox- poctcd , and the announcement of his candidacy for this position has boon very generally received with favor. It has boon intiraatad that ho might on- couulor some opposition from repub lican senators whom ho has editorially assailed , and that his attacks on Lin coln , Grant and others during the war , might rise up as obstructions to his way through the senate , but while aggrieved - grieved senators may take the opportu nity to free their minds in executive session regarding Mr. nalstoiul's free dom of criticism as an oditoV , it is not to bo doubted that ho will bo confirmed. Ho Is one of the foremost journalists of the country , and as such has done hard and faithful work for the republi can party. Ho will represent the coun try with digjuty and credit. Mr. A. Thorndyko Rico , who goes to Russia , is best known' as the editor of .he . ybrth American Review , and his selection is doubtless to bo credited to Mr. Blaino. lie is a scholarly man , and so far as wo know without diplo matic experience , a defect , however , of no great moment in connection with the Russian mission. The selection of Mr. George E. Loring , of Massachusetts , as ministorJtoJPortugal , isran excellent one. Ho has been for a number of years promii tent in the republican councils of his state and possesses attainments that fully qualify him for diplomatic duties. Mr. Patrick" Egan was a Candidate for the Mexican mission , but it was stated several days ago that the president was not disposed to give him this , and ho will go to Chili , while Mr. Thomas Ryan , of Kansas , will represent the government in Mexico. As n. whole the diplomatic appoint ments made yesterday may bo regarded as the most important and commendable work the president has accomplished in any one day since ho sent to the-senate the names of the members of his cabi net. All the principal foreign missions are now filled. UlTOncOOlCS PAINFUL ANXIETY. Mr. Hitchcock assorts that any other action than the approval of the Linlon report will cause delay and damage to the city. Thjo trulh Is that the govern ment cannot acquire title to the Foleorn property without condemnation pro ceedings , which will require months of tedious litigation in the courts , whovcas the Eighteenth and Farnnm streets site can bo deeded directly to the , government mont and work on the building com menced as soon as the plans are ready. The editor of THE BEE is not alone in demanding a rehearing. The best business men of Omaha , representing from forty to fifty millions of dollars in property interests , oppose the jug han dle methods employed to effect a sale of the Folsom estate. Can these men bo honestly charged with conspiring to in jure the oily or needlessly delay n great public workV The silly prattle about the army headquarters has no Bearing on the question , as negotiations were pending for the rental of a portion of the BEE building long before the appro priation for the postofllco was passed by congress. It is trumped up now merely to mask the schemes of the mer cenaries. Mr. Hitchcock falsely insists that all the opposition to Llnton's selec tion comes from Mr. Rosowator. The oily and county officials are a unit against it , as well as the board of trade , representing the active business interests of the city , besides scores of leading citizens , whoso pro tests have been forwarded to Secretary Wlndom , These men cannot bo ac cused of selfish motives. Even if Mr. Rosewater wan alone In the fight , ho certainly has as good right to oppose n put-up job as Hitchcock has to advo cate a scheme which , if successful , will put forty or llfty thousand dollars In his own pocket and enhance the value ot Ills fathor-iu-lnw'a property fifty per cent. No wonder ho is "pulofully anxious" to pluok this juioy plum. Will Mr , Hltohcook explain why ho now contends that the poatollloo ( should not bo built upon a slight elevation , when , before Llnton mudo hli report , ho personally urged D , T. Mount to go to Washington to advooato his Twen tieth and Purnaut street lot * for the poatoftlco alter Bo anxious was Ultnh- cook to make up the deficit lu his news paper venture with government cauh , tha' ha negotiated with u prominent civil engineer to draw plans for on easy grndo so that the secretary ot the treas ury could Instantly see the superior ad vantages of the Twentieth and Farnam street corner. In the fuoo of these facts , Ilitchcoolt publicly displays his natural lack of modesty In attacking Governor Saunders for openly dolnT ? what Hitchcock did secretly and stealthily , Hitchcock vainly trios to injurn the business ot THE Brcrc by the foolish assumption that Mr. Rosewater Is seek ing to delay the building of the post ofllco. Ho Imagines that some business will bo ntlrnotod lo hlsslruggllng twofer shuot by posing as n patriot In public , while privately concocting sohomos lo improve the revenue of his family. Mr. Hllchcock was not so "painfully anxious" to push work on the city hall , Ho did not rush to the support of the people , who denounced the conspiracy to delay the construction of the building. On the contrary Hitchcock gave every aid and encour agement to the Jefferson square ob structionists and succeeded In delaying the completion of the building for two years. When an outraged community rose up and overwhelmed the mercen ary gang , Hitchcock sneaked out of the ruins by pleading that it was "n quar rel of localities. " A modest patrlol and solf-sacrlflclng publio champion ot Mr. Hitchcock's calibro should not escape the altonlion of dime museum managers. Matured freaks of his size nro not to bo found every day , A amAT sTA'fisssrAir DEAD. John Bright , whoso death occurred yesterday , was one ot the most distin guished Englishmen of his time , For more than fifty years the Roohdalo Quaker , as the great slalosman was fa miliarly called , has boon one of Hid fore most , figures In English politics , and the services ho has rgndercd to the cause of liberty nnd progress during that long period have given him a name that will endure in the grateful memories of his countrymen as long as the stubborn race to which ho belonged has a place on the earth , It is true that for some years past John Bright failed to keep pace with the foremost in the resistless march of democracy Nln Eng land. Ago brings conservatism to most men , and his case was a conspicuous example , with results which present the closing years of his lifo in strong con trast to that period when ho achieved his fame as the great tribune of the pee ple. His espousal of the cause of the landlords in the Irish controversywhile it did not greatly surprise these who had watched his course In recent years , was so complete a reversal of the teach ings of his prime as to astonish the millions who had taken no note of the drift of his sentiments , but a man can not in a moment sot aside the teachings of a lifetime , and this course of John Bright wafi without influence. This unfortunate page in his great , history , however , while It cannot bo omitted , will not bo allowed to dim the lustra of his grand labor nnd achieve ments for the political improvement and elevation of the English people. When ho entered politics the masses of the people wore absolutely 'divorced from all influence and voice in the gov ernment of the nation. The liberty and thepolitical privileges the people of England now enjoy they ewe most largely to the untiring work , the un conquerable zeal , and the peerless olo- quouco of John Bright. The American peon's-have every rea son to nonor the memory of this gtoat Englishman. It is not the least glor ious part of his career that his horror of human slavery made him the bravest and most outspoken defender of the cause of the union in England when English statesmen , almost without ex ception , looking rather to tho. material interests of England than to the moral issues Involved , espoused , the cuuso of the conf ode racy. In patriotism , human ity , uncompromising integrity , ivnd noble simplicity of character , John Bright was the poor of any man of his time , and ho will bo mourned by the lovers of freedom everywhere as one who achieved great and enduring re sults for the benefit of his follow mon. BslBCOCK'S BRACE QA3IE. Nebraska is cursed with a drove of mercenary scoundrels , whoso solo mm in life is to fleece the public. Unable to earn an honest living , they conspire lo rob the taxpayers by selling their in fluence for a price. Ex-Auditor Babcock is a specimen of this class. The expos ure of his raid on the treasury throws a flood of light on the ingratitude of the man. Twice elected to a responsible position by the voters , ho repays the honors showorod.on him by scheming to plunder his benefactors. Before the chair which ho relinquished was warmed by his successor , ho had flooded the state with circulars notifying county treasurers that ho had "no special busi ness for the winter , " and was ready to take any dubious claim and for lon-poi cent plunge into the corrupt crowd In the lobby. About fifty-five of these bogus claims , aggregating ninoty-sovou hundred and ninety-eight dollars , wore gathered In and presented to the legis lature. But crushing proof of his villainy was produced at the right mo ment and the bill repudiated by an ul most unanimous voto. The defeat o the measure was prompt and emphatic nnd Babcock continues with "no spocia business for the winter. " ON TO OKLAHOMA. The president has Issued his procla mation opening Oklahoma to settle ment , and there may bo oxpeotod such a rush of population after April 22 into that coveted land as will speedily absorb serb the loss than two millions of fortllo acres which it comprises. For * weeks there has been aa army ot "boomers' hovering on the outskirts eagerly awaiting the executive authority to enter into and possess Oklahoma , ant such of them aa have not transgressed the law nud thereby forfeited their right to take up lands will lose no time in locating , Doubtless before the close ot the year every acre w.lll have beau taken up by settlers , The region thus thrown open is a portion of n tract embracing about four teen million acres , which was ceded t < the government by the Crooks niu Somlnolos for" ( fie purpose ot settling rlondly Indians Jind freedmen who had > eon the slaves of friendly Indians. The section known as Oklahoma , lying between the Clmarron river on the north , the Canadian river on the south , nnd the Pawu6o and Arapahoe reserva tions on the east nnd west respectively , comprises that portion of thcso lands which , allhough purchased by Iho rororntnont , had > never boon dovotcd o settlement' Ini the manner pro- Bcribod in tho. treaty of cession. For eight years there has boon an almost constant conflict to possess thcso lands. The first raid was made In 18SO by "Ok- iilionm Payne" and his followers , nnd five years later there was another raid * indor Captain Couch. On both occa sions the boomers wore expelled by the nllltnry pjwor of the government , and since the act ot congress providing for the opening of those lands , It has been iccossary to use this power to prevent them being overrun by the boomers. The opening of Oklahoma is but the Joginnlng of a movement which will eventually result In giving lo white * settlement the whole region ombraood n Iho proposed territory of Oklahoma , comprising over Iwcnty-throo million acres of fortllo land. There will bo a redoubled pressure on the next congress to pass n bill for this purpose , and though Iho effort may fall again , na it did in the last congress , it will not bo abandoned until this largo nnd fortllo region is reclaimed for Iho uses of the white population of the country. Mean time what lo distinctively the Oklahoma section will in all probability have bo- coino ono of the garden spots of the na- liou. AHOUT 5 o'clock Tuesday evening It leaked out that a movement was being hatched by a few of Iho parties Inter ested In the Planters' house postofllco slto lo goJL a resolution railroaded through the countll mooting endorsing that slto. This was to bo done In order lo present the city in a false light and to smuggle a recommendation of the Planters' house location through the city council. Finding themselves unable - blo to pass such a resolution these parties finally inlroducod , in Iho semblance of a report , a resolullon saying lhat they simply deprecated any delay in the poslofflco matter. And oven on this proposition the vole showed 0 lo 0 on the direct vote , and on the change- of ono man they succeeded by a scratch in gelling Iho resolution passed. This resolution oxproijsos nothing that any body could not subscribe to , and has not the slightest Toforoncfc to location. The resolution wllich was intended to endorse the Dodge and Sixteenth street site for the postofflco was written by Mr. Hitchcock and introduced , by M | % Burn- ham. Mr. Burnluun doubtless saw at a glance that tojdo'procato any delay in Iho mailer corWfnly was not an en dorsement of any slto. But the intent and purpose of Mr. Hitchcock and the conspirators wasivcloarly to Induce Ihe council lo ofllciullyioppose the selection of a lot for the p oatolllco directly access the street fromitho city hull building. The council wisely saw that such a move on its part would bo an outrageous proceeding , and the councilmen know that the people would condemn any action of 'th'at kind. " The council as a'body has no business to mix in this controversy , and in case it does it has but ono choice to make in the interest of the taxpayers of this city , and that is tnat the postofUes 1)0 as near the city hull building as possi ble. It is 'uoro than probable.however , that the good sense of the members of the council will induce that body to lot the postofllco mutter severely alone. CirxciiaiEtf CIIAKKEE'S rosolutioji in structing Iho city attorney to take legal stops'nocessary for the rcvorsioa to the city of certain lots held In trubt for the Union Pacific , duo lo the breach of con tract by llio fniluro o the latter to oc cupy and improve tboni with a depot , is moat tirnoly. Undoubtedly the Union Pacific will mnka a hard fight for the retention ot this valuable property , and tho.question of ownership will , in all probability , bo stubbornly contested. At lust Iho slory of the shameful man ner in which the confidence of the people ple of Omaha has beeu abused will bo told in open court , and the record of broken contracts and bad faith on the part of. the Union Pnclfloor the past fifteen years , will bo published to the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT has long been euspootod lhat a secrol freight pooling arrangement has existed between the Chicago and Mis souri river lines contrary to Iho spirit arid letter of Iho Intor-slalo law. The repeated warnings of Chairman Cooley thai those railroads should come to lime have for nil practical purposes fallen on deaf oars , and the protestations that they are living Up lo the requirements of the law in the liglit of recent dis closures are absolutely false. The inlor- Blalo commerce commission can hardly pass over Ibis slate of affairs in silence. An invoBtigutloi i'uto the methods of railroad transportation between Chicago cage and the Misudhri river may bo ex pected. * jj Tin : expedition of the clly council lo Chicago lo view uu\ { \ sample Iho under ground sysleni ofVpjpe laying , has de veloped a largo jaizod Ethiopian. The peculiar methods1 Adopted to place the council "on the g pnd floor , " " ia an in fringement of thasHolly direct pressure patent. The enterprising schemers who came to Ointjh'u , not BO much for their health as for the money In sight , have made a mos& f the job , and tbo Invostlgallon will vonlllalo Iho true In wardness of the deal. ' EX-CONOIIESSSIAN' VALENTINE has turned hie huugry eyes on the general land office , and bogs to bo appointed commissioner. His early experience a * a land shark in certain sections ot Douglas county would make him a ready and convenient tool .for the plun derers of the public domain. Tim recommendation of the commis sioner of the general land ofllco to the secretary of the interior thai suit bo in stituted to recover a part ot the Dos Moincs rlvor lands lu the name of the United States will in all probability bo moat carefully looked into by Secretary Noblo. If legal steps can bo taken to quiet Hid tltlo ot the settlers on these nnds , there is UUlo question but that Buoh action will bo pursued. The pros pects have brightened considerably for the settlers , and it Is earnestly hoped that roltof will bo granted them at an early day. IT WAS highly Judicious to put Iho architect whoso plans will bo accepted Tor the now city hall under heavy bonds as u guarantee that the cost of the building shall not exceed the con tract price. Experience In the past Ims taught the city the necessity ot ftuch n proviso. With complete nnd carefully drawn specifications for the various details of the building , there can bo no bills for "extras" either from contractors or architect to swell the proposed cost of the building to extrav agant proportions. Iln Should Know U Is Own Country. Sail Lnle Tribune , There should bo a constitutional amend ment limiting it incumbent for a mnn to visit every state In the union bofoio ho becomes president. Symptom. Herald. Her physician says that Mnry Amlorson is not Insnno , although ho docs not deny that she expected to rcccivu Intelligent criticism ill St , Louis. Kilttorn Can Appreciate It , San . .ttifimfo'rjncsi. . Editors of dully newspaper * can npproclato the ngonbliiK position in which President Harrison finds himself. Ho 1ms to go to work in order to got rid of callers. It is an old trick of the trade. A Fair Kxclinngo. AViw 1'orf ; D'oiM. Certain onico-scokcrs who cannot afford to go to Washington hnvo boon sending their photographs to the president nnd heads of deportments. A good many of thorn will re ceive negatives in return. Confllotlni ; IStnntlons. 1'MlaMvlita. Pitts. General Giecnback AVeavcr has deserted the democracy forever. Public feeling with respect to tills event Is evenly divided be tween a desire to congratulate the pnrty that Weaver has quitted and a disposition to condole with the pnrty ho will join. The Bronl ; In the Hoi Id South. / Viltwlsljifa / Inquirer. There will bo democratic southern states , dovotcd chiefly to farming nnd commcrco , and republican southern states , In which mines , mills nnd factories will flourish. This is the way the dolld south will bo broken , and anybody who will privo n little attention to the progress of events will see the breaking forces in full activity right now. These Are Snrt Jays Tor Ohio. Ono of the most affecting scones of modern times is witnessed ; by him who stands where ho can see the whole siato of Ohio hovering over the ono ofllco that has found its way within her borders. Wo have seen nothing like It since the .your of the chicken cholera , when all the bens stood around the ouo re maining chick and tried to look as comforted as the conditions would permit. STATE AN1 > TI3IUUTOKY. Ncbrnskii J ottinKS. * Dr. S. L. Evans , nn old resident of Thayer county , is dead. 1 Work has been bopun on a $1,000 , school house at Wallace. A largo agricultural implement warehouse is being erected at Ax tell. Porty-thrco converts nro the fruits of the revival meetings at West Union. The Groeley County Teachers association meets at Greeley Center , Ajml 18. Wnllaco has been incorporated as a village snd selected a full board of trustees. The Christian society of Hebron is to build a $700 brick church this season. Uurglnrs who ransacked Jacquett's jew elry store at Elmwood , secured 75 worth of jewelry. The Hebron creamery is nearly completed and will bo ready for active operations about the middle of April. The Greeley Center G. A. U. post is mak ing extensive preparations for the obser vance of Deroration day. The Bennett Co-oporatlvo iJrick nnd Tile company has filed articles of Incorporation with a capital stock of31,000. . The Lexington canal scheme will probably bo carried out , a company having boon organi7od and elected ofliccrs to push the woik. The Beatrice board of trade has declined to assist in the location of aVAtch factory , the proposition bain ? considered too one sided. ThoHall County Agricultural society hns offered three cash prizes to Q , A > R. posts and other uniformed sn itt'es for drill in the Manual of Ai las. A five started by J. Q. Hamilton on his farm near Ucatrlco was spread by the wind and destroyed a straw stack , barn and sheds , hay and SOU bushels of oats , bofoio It could begotten gotten under control. The oornor-atono of the now Masonic toniplo at St , Paul was laid with impressive ceremonies , many Knights Templar being present from other towns in the stato. The building is to cost , 512,000. , Thu annual report o tbo Covlngton , South Sioux City nnd Dakota City Uallwar com pany shows the value of the property to be 81VliM.l5 ! ) ! ; total indebtedness , * ll-G5.35gross ! ; earnings , & 3.0UU.23 ; operating expenses , f 1.7M.DO. A dividend of IJt per cent , was paid last August. Dakota. Donald McDonald , formerly of Rapid City , died recently In Now Mexico. The Clay county fair will bo hold four days next September Instead of three as last year. There are good prospects that Potter coun ty will give a largo majority for the Sioux Falls constitution. A touchers' Institute will oo hold at Vor- mllllon , beginning April 15 , with Prof. ICratz of Mitchell as conductor. C. G. Show , for fourteen years postmaster at VermlHIon , has gene to Washington terri tory to recuperate and will remain for a year or more. "Shanp , " a noted inimblor who made a for tune In the dlauk Hills , died last week at SpoUano Falls. His real name was Edward Stanton Currans. A theological institute is to bo hold at Vnnkton next .iuly under the auspices of the YanUton college , and aomo of the ablest Con gregational theologians in the country will Lo present. The liaptists are arranging for a similar institute at Sioux Falls. When the minors of Galena district are of ! Bhlft , saya the Deadwood Times , they Uavo nn exciting way of passing their time. It was Inaugurated Friday afternoon. ODD of tbq number places hlmsolf against the ldo of an old nouso wfth arms nud logs out stretched. When In position Prof. Cavaa * auch , the "Dr. Carver of the Olack Hills , " takes his eun and ices how near ho can send a bullet to the extremities of the human tar get without bitting him. If ho shoots too close the victim cries quits and all bauds ad- Juura to the professor's room for liquid re freshments. 1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlru When tubwu gJci , we guvo her CoetorU. When kite wna a Child , ( be cried for Cutorl * , When eho became Ulu , vtio dune to Contort * , VTfriD fibebuf Children , ltac > Ti > t > iit Cart orU. QKCAT MHN. Marlon D. Ljtlo , who Is a stop-nephow ot the Prcstdont and a real ncphow ot the author of "Jam dying , Kgypt , dying , " will ahortly move to Now " \ ork from Ills Woslcrn ranch. Lvllo ta a tall , brown and handspmo young mnn. General Sherman's only son , Thomas Ewlng Shormnn , will bo ordained a Jesuit in July. Ho was educated nt Ocorsotown Col. lego , launched out Into the fashionable life of a young man ot his ntation , and suddenly retired from the world to pursue n llfo of devotion which will Had Its first fruition nott BU tumor. A bcnutlful bronto stntuo of P. T. Ilnrnum , the worlt of sculptor IJall nnd n gift from Messrs. Unlley and Hutchlnson , hns arrived hero from Munich , nnd It js proposed to hide It nwny until nftor the great showman's death. The atmosphere of n pnpor mill is believed to breed congressional aspirations. Warner Miller Is A pancr-nmkor. So was nnd Is ox > Congressman William Whiting , of Massa chusetts , Koduoy Wallace , Whitney's suc cessor , is n pnper-mnltor also. So wore the Kussclls , of Massachusetts. So Is Congress man West , of Now York. The growing favor with which Clmtmcoy Dcpow's name is discussed for the English mission suggests to tlio Now York World n few reflections on the good work American representatives of the Dopow stamp might do abroad , Such envoys extraordinary nnd ministers dlunorpotcntlary would do moro lownrds exciting a genial glow lu our foreign relations than n uholu diplomatic corps ot phystclal nnd Intellectual ascetics. They would llvo to love and thank their American cousins for giving thorn the privilege of eat ing alongside such gastronomic eloquence nnd soon learn to load their Krupp guns with nothing deadlier than Hotnnu punch. Fred L. Amos , who Is worth $20,000,000 , Is supposed to bo the richest man in Boston. Ho lives In the flnrsl house m the clty.untur- taius gorgeously , nnd is regarded as nn aris tocrat of the aristocrats. Nevertheless his grandfather , old Oliver Amos the first , used to pcddlo shovels of his own handiwork in that town. Sir Joseph Hazalgctto , Who has Just retired from the norvlco of the metropolitan ( Lon don ) board of works , was that board's engin eer since its organisation. Ho built the Thames embankment nnd 100 miles of now ncwors , bcsld6s enlarging 250 miles of old ones ; erected four or five Thames bridges , and laid out about 3,000 now streets. The statue of Archbishop Hughes lhat , Is to bo placed next fall on tuo campus of St , John's college , Fordhnui , will bo eight foot high and will stand on a green stone pedes tal of the sarao height. The clay inodol of the statue shows him wearing the house dross of nn archbishop. Ho Is represented as if talking to the students at n commence ment of the college and In the prime of llfo. General Slooum , who marched to the sea with Sherman , speaking of death says : "I nm n coward in the face ot pain nnd I can not bear to think of the physical sensations that may attend my death the choking in the throat , the paralysis hero , the torture there ; but that aside I think of death as though it wore sleep and rest , and 1 have no feeling whatever or dread of the hereafter. " M. Roustan , the French minister to the United States , has been a diplomat for twenty years , and has risen to his present position by promotion. Ho looks ton years younger than his age , which Is fifty-four , nnd his dark curly hair shows but few strands of silver. Ho has twinkling black eyes , n small light figure , and ho carries his head so far back that he seems taller ttian ho is. OLE VI3R , 1VOMISN. Mrs. Harrison has sent to the art loan ex hibition at Washington two porcelain pantos of her own painting. Miss Lizzlo MacNichol , daughter of Hon. A , MacNichol of Calais , the domocratio or ator , has a double in Lizzlo MaoNlchol of the American opera company. Several queer blunders have grown out of it. The Calais Miss MacNichol is also a singer. Miss Pivancofote , the daughter of Lord Sackvillo's successor as British minister to this country , is a beautiful young woman of twenty-five. She is said to possess moro of English reserve than Lord Sackvlllo's daughters , but is a good talker , a graceful dancer , and popular wherever she goes. Koto Field , in her now lecture on the "In temperance of Prohibition , " exhibits a "prohibition broom" which she bought in Atchlson , Kan. When she purchased It , the merchant inquired : "Will you have it Mth orwitboutl" Kate didn't understand , nnd the dealer explained by unscrewing the handle , parting the wisps , and showing the gleam of a cunning UUlo flask , ingeniously contrived nnd hidden out of sight. Mrs. Humphry Ward writes a small and neat but eminently strong and vigorous hand , with no flourishes ; sometimes In earnest haste running several words together. She signs herself "Sincerely yours , Mnry A. Ward , " with a single straight dash beneath the name. Mrs. Clara Foltz , of San Diego , Cal. , is president of Iho San Follpo find Dosart Lnnl and Wntcr company , which has umleilafccn to d m Sun Fchpo river for the purpose of irrigating government Innd. Mrs. FolU also practices law , nnd will noon bogln the publi cation of the Desert Pioneer. "Aunt" Emily Wnrd , ono ot the most ro mmlmblo women In Michigan , celebrated her eightieth birthday Saturday. She la Inv mcnscly wealthy , nnd among her list of pro. tcgo.s nro twenty-nine men nnd women who hnvo cither accumulated fortunes or become famous. Ton mon who were launched In llfo by "Aunt" inlly now njrgrcgnto $1,000- , 000 ns their worldlyvossosslons. Ocncrnl Harrison's pretty stenographer , Miss Sawyer , now ranks ns the "flrst Indy stenographer of the land. " She In nbout twenty years old , nnd has largo gray eyes , rod cheeks nnd brown hnlr. She IB snld to know moro nbout the president's private nnd political business than any ono In Washing ton excepting hlmsolf , but up to the present time she hns not divulged n secret or given n hint. hint.Mrs. Mrs. Storey , widow of Wllbcr F.Storey , of the Chicago Tunes , is said to hnvo n larga codnr chest filled with Inro hnndkcrch'cts ' , nil made by French manufacturers nt the special order ot her husband , .who disliked to hnvo her use any other kind. Another of his whims was that she should hnvo n quart of unset precious stones , nnd ho bought nnd bought until n Jewel cnskot , made to hold Just n quart was fillod. Iho Alinu Affair. ALMA , Nob. , March SO. To Iho Editor of Tine Bni ? : A few days ago nn nrtlolo appear ed In Tun Biti : coucornlng the hanging of T. J. Fitrglson In olllgy , nlso the egging of both ho nnd Charles Gnsklll. The reason sot forth for the above Is that these two gentlemen were Intimate with two ladies of Alnin , Now when the facts become known the mystery vanishes nwny. Every mnn in Alma Itnowa that Iho reason they gave was not the actual reason , although T. 3. Furgison did defend the two suspicious women. Not n scintilla of ovldonco was introduced airnlnst them , Consequently they were discharged , Wo claim that In this respect Attorney Furglsou did his sworn duty. Now to the points ; Charles Gnsklll , the city auctioneer , nnd At- tdrnoy Furgison both toke nn active part in politics , nnd nro nnti-submlssionlst , nnd nro doing what they can to snow the proposi tion under nnd ingraft high lloonso In the con stitution. They both live close to Sllloyt Kan. , nnd witness the result of prohibition dally. Mr. T. J. Funrison hns been city nttornoy ns well ns township clerk for a number of yenra and the citizens of that brisk burg wish to make him mayor of the city. Ho made a good run last soring for mayor nnd cnmo within n few votes of downing the combina tion Qgnlnst him. It was too olooo for com fort last spring , and wo speak nt no random guess when wo say the egging and hanging was n political scheme n few cranks workpd up Tor no other purpose than weakening him nt the polls next wook. In the event of Far- glson'H success , Charley Gasklll will bo mar shal of the city. For this reason Mr. Gasklll's name was connected with it. WILLIAM M. In Defense of Postmnutor Illnolc. PKKHKII , Nob. . March 27. To the Editor of Tut : BUG : In your Issue of Iho 20th Inet , was an article purporting to have boon written - ton in this town nnd signed "Republican Club. " The aim nnd object of the artlolu was a tirade on our townsman , T. P. Black , our future postmaster. In justice to tlia stalwart republicans hero I ask for space lu your columns for n brief reply. Mr. Black received the endorsement oi nearly every business man in the plnco , nml most of the inhabitants ot Ponder signed his petition. There were others , of course , who wanted the plum , and when. Congress man Dorsoy wrote hero to some old line re publicans ( of whom I know ot two ) as to tn fitness nud qualifications of the different can < dldatcs they unhesitatingly recommended Mr. Block. It was thus , nnd not through any away-from-homo Influence that the ap pointment was mado. I understand thai "Hcpublican Club" with other soreheads , called for aid from Dakota City and othoi places , but they wore all sour grapes. Dorscj know who to confide In , hence the kicking by ono or iwo soured , ones. As to Mr. Blaok's interest hero , I will say , thatho has more capital Invested lioro in , business , than any other aspirant for the position. As to the present incumbent wo will only say that ho Is a democrat , and got his ap pointment from an administration who gained power through the hue and cry ot "turn the rascals out , " and now I want to see said rascals "turned In" again. I believe In the old stalwart doctriuO , "To tbo victors belong the spoils. " I object to said writer using the nnmo "re publican club" ns I learned to my surprise nt the last election that the straightout re publicans were very scarce , only ono In tha whole precinct who had the "gall , " as It was called , to peddle the straight republican ticket. Bets were freely offered on the morning of election that Thayer would not got live votes m the precinct , and great wns their chagrin when wo tallied thirty-six vote ? for the old hero. J. G. AIITHUII. A Delleiito Bur lcrxl Operation. Four weeks ago a local physician i > or < formed , successfully , n surgical operation that It the first of the kind treated in Ne braska. The operation was the removal from Mrs. A. C. Ashby. of Genoa , of a doublq ovarian tumor thai had almost caused tha death of that lady. Yesterday Mrs. Ashby returned to her homo aim bids fair to com ) plotcly recover her health , is tlie * JVM-I - nOW yOU treatment your finest clothes receive when washed with the - You ought 'to. soap ? > Doyouknowi clothing is washed \vith PYLE'S PEARLINE as directed on each package , the rubbing is done away with 1 You ought to. The craftiest wear on clothing is the constant rubbing in the wash , The hardest work in washing is the rubbing up and down on a board. You must admit that anything which docs away with the rubbing , and is withal harmless , saves the wear and tear on the. things washed as well as the poor woman who does the work , we claim that PEARLINE is that thing. The many millions of packages - ages sold annually would seem lo substantiate our claim. ' Tpk r * VH- Peddlers and some unscrupulous gfOCctt are r AXJCI ff * offering imitations which th.cy claim to be Pearl. JL > C W dL C ine , or "the same as Pearline. " IT'S FALSE they arc not , and besides are dangerous. JEAULINE U never peddled , but sola by all good erocers , t w J Itoutoeiwe * only by JAMBS I'