Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1889, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY Mp NING. MARCH 28 , 1889. NUMBER 280 LINCOLN GOES TO ENGLAND , Hio Appointment a Surprise to Illinois Politicians. EGAN FOR THE CHILIAN MISSION. Rlitrnt Hnlatcad Goes to Germany , Jtlco to Itiiflsln , and Hynn to Mexico A Cownrdly Attnotc on Governor llcnvcr. WASHINGTON BDIIEAU THE OMAHA Bnn. 1 618 FOUHTEKNTH STIIBF.T , } WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 27. ) President Harrison kept his secret vary well when ho determined to appoint Robert T. Lincoln , of Chicago , to bo minister to England. It Is safe to any there wuro not a half dozen men la Washington , Including the cablnot and men In congress , who know nb Bolutoly that Mr. Lincoln would bo nomin ated to-day. Both of the IiViiols senators * ay they had no moro than an lutlmatlon of it and both say the position Is not to bo taken from the federal patronage to bo glvon their state. Representative Hilt , who was men tioned In thcsu dispatches last night as being In the line ot the position , says ho did not know that Mr. Lincoln had been selected. The Illinois delegation are satisfied with the nomination If it Is to bo charged up to the president's personal account , but they say ho must not bo considered a part of of the state's patronage. Whllo there nro many who say that the nomination is not a politi cal recognition they are forced to ncknowl- cd go that from a diplomatic and business standpoint the selection 1s u very wlso one. Mr. Lincoln Is n man of education , culture and wi'lo experience- public affairs , Ho is thoroughly American and a pronounced republican. In the event of commercial or social complications with England or Canada , no ono could bo moro nearly equal to all emergencies than ho. If there is any dis satisfaction it grows solely out of the fact that Illness was the primary clement which entered into the selection No surprise was expressed when the names of Murat Halstcad to bo minister to Ger many , Allen Thorndyko Rico to bo minister to Russia , Patrick Egan to bo minister to Chill , and Congressman Tom Ryan , of Kansas , to bo minister to Mexico , were an nounced at the senate. All of these wcro an ticipated some days ago in these dispatches. All of these men tire well known to the country and they wcro nominated on ac count of illness and party service. 1IAI.STCAT ) . Halstcad hus long been a warm personal friend to both General Harrison and Mr. Blame , having been a schoolmate of the former. His services to the party In the capacity of editor of the Cincinnati Com mercial Gazctto Is recognized the country over. TJIOllNm-KE JUCE. As editor of the North American Review , Mr. Rico rendered immense service during the late campaign , especially in roasting Sec retary 13ayard for Jits incapacity as a diplo matist. TATHICK EOAN. The nomination of Patrick Egan was a recognition of the Irish-American clement , led by Patrick Ford , of tho-Irish World. Mr. Ford asked no other favor.- The Nebraskans have protested against the appointment of Mr. Egan being charged against their state. Ho has lived in Ne braska a portion of his eight years in this country , but has not identuled himself sufll elontly with Nebraska interests to rccoivo political the extent of being given a position out of the state's apportionment of patronage. TOM BTAN. Tom Ryan was indorsed by the ontlro Kansas delegation in congress. Ho nas served twelve years In congress and was ro- elcctcd to the Fifty.flrst congress by several thousand majority. Ha has for years been a prominent member of tha committee on ap propriations. Ho was a captain iu the union army in the late war , was severely wounded In the battle of the Wilderness , and is flfty- two years old. Ho has grown tired of con gressional life and will make a good repre sentative ut the court of our southern neigh bors. It was only last evening that Mr. Ryan , who was booked for Chill , concluded that ho would rather go to Mexico and re quested that position. Mr. Hyan has had no training as a diplomatist , but ho is a man of iterling integrity and will provo an apt pupil. JOHN HICKS. John Hides , of Wisconsin , nominated to bo minister to Peru , Is tbo editor of the Osli- kosh Northwestern , is a warm personal friend of Senator Sawyer , and Is charged to that gentleman's account. Ho was born at Auburn , N. Y. . educated nt the Lawrence university , Wisconsin , and hau been a resident of Oshkosh since boyhood. OEOIIUK 1) ) . l.OIII.VO. Dr. Gcorgo 13. Loring , of Massachusetts , who goes as minister to Portugal , is a trained diplomat , and is said to bo the fittest man nominated for a foreign mission under thU administration. OSCAR 8. STItAUSS. It Is stated in official circles that an effort Is being made to have Oscar S. Strauss re tained as minister to Turkey. Mr. Strauss is B Hebrew and has extensive mercantile in terests In Now York. Postmaster General Wanamakor has made a personal request of Mr. Blalno that thcro bo no quango In this onlco. Gcorgo William Curtis ana other mugwumps secured Strauss' appointment under Mr. Cleveland , and some curiosity is expressed as to why Mr. Wanamakcr should interest himself In Strauss' behalf. TUB GOVEIINOK'B XOSE. About 4 o'clock this afternoon Governor Beaver , of Pennsylvania , was assaulted in the public rooih of the Ktgcs house by Cap tain Gcorgo Armcs , a retired army ofliccr. The assault was made while the governor's back was turned to his assailant , troin whom ho was moving away on his crutches. The Incentive to tbo cowardly attack was the forcible removal of Armos from the inaugu ration procession by Marshal Hustings , of Pennsylvania , actlngundcr orders from Gov ernor Heaver , Amies had been Invited to act as aldo to Governor Heaver , but after learning of his record and of the refusal of several army ofllccrs to servo with him on the governor's stuff , General Heaver canceled the appointment. In splto of the revocation of his commission , Amies , in full uniform , instated on appearing In Une , from \ylilch ho was forcibly removed by a mounted policeman acting under direct .orders of Captain Uourko and General Gib- ion , Amies was greatly excited and wrote a letter to Governor Heaver demanding an explanation , to which tbo governor declined o reply. This afternoon while the governor was loaning on his crutches , Araics ap preached Him , demanded uu apology , and re ceiving none , pulled the governor's .nose as ho was going away from him on his crutches. The governor turned quickly nnd struck at Arnies with hi * YJrutch , but tha cowardly assailant dodged the blow and ran rap'dly through the corridor , escaping Into Pennsyl vania avenue. Armcs was court martialod and dismissed from ino army in 1870 , and ufterwurds restored by act of .congress In 18T8. Ha was subsequently dismissed for cruelty to his men , hut tha sentence was rn- nnttcd by President Hayes. A bhort tiina afterward * ho was roil red for disability. Ho will probably bo court martialcd for his assault of this afternoon , and will undoubt edly in that case bo permanently stilpivjd of his uniform. KO "OFFBNBIVB I'AUTJgANSIIH' . " President Harrison docs not desire it to bo understood that any general rule or general principle will operate to keep ull democrats in oilice until the expiration of their present commission. JIo suja each cuso wftl be taiccn \JP separately and upon Its own distinctive sterits , and the circumstances which will op erate to hold in position one ofliccrvill not necessarily have auy Inlluenco upon another cue. Tlio Impression has gone abroad that It Will bo the policy of the udmltilftrution to permit all democrats who nro cftldcnt In their positions to servo until the end of the tlmo specified in their commission * ) and thut on.'cers ' will not be removed on the ground of offeuaJvo panlt&oiblu. U'bls juav bold good to Jjietiflc cues , tut tt cannot be * ju > lle-l * a general rulo. There Is to bo no official or technical term In this administration , ns thcro was in the lost , known as "offensive partisanship. " That is to say , ofllcers are " .ot to bo charged with being offensively parj Isan and removed for that cause. Thcro nro thcr and better ways of making vacancies. ? nero are n suflldlont number of oftlcers where ro Inefficient to make an almost complete ihango In the control of the federal service hroughout the country. The postal service s In a terribly demoralized condition , and if ill of tbo inoniclont men wcro removed , thcro vould bo very few democrats loft. The same may truthfully bn said of a majority of tbo " "edcral offlcors who hold commissions issued iy President Cleveland. WALKBU'S ItnSIONATlOX. A vacancy will bo created in the Inter-state ximmcrco commission next week. The com mission of Mr. Walker , xvho has roslgnod to iCccpt a moro lucrative position In the em- iloymcnt of a railroad combination , will ox- ilro within a few days. The president does lot recognize an emergency in this instance , lowovcr , ns the law does not require the fill- ng of a vancy on the Inter-state commerce ; ommlssion Immediately after It Is created , nnd therefore a now Inter-state commerce commissioner may not bo named for some weeks yet. It Is very dlfllcult to select the iropcr man for this place. Ho must have iad oxpericnco In commercial business if not n railroad transportation nnd at the same line must bo independent of the influence of nmsportatlon companies or companies which : ould bo favored by the action of the com * mission. CIVIL sr.nvicn COMMISSION'S. It is the purpose of President Harrison to appoint at least two now civil service com issioners before the present extra session of the senate adjourns next week. It is not known whether Mr. Lyman , the only com missioner In charge of the commission nt present , will bo retained. Ho was ono of the lirst commissioners appointed , and rotalnod Ills position throughout the Cleveland ad ministration by reason of his Inoffensive partisanship. A largo number of republi cans have protested against his being kept iu the place , claiming that ho is not a republi can , or if ho can bo classed as a republican , ' 's not sufllclcntly pronounced to represent lie party. The president wants a commls- ilon nominated sufllciently early to receive iction by the senate before it adjourns , as it s very dinicult to select civil service com missioners who will pass the requirements not only sot up by the law but by the senate. Ex-Senator Palmer , of Michigan , who was several days ngo made minister to Spain , ; vss in Newspaper row this evening , where : io has a friend in every journalist , and bade bis acquaintances pood-bye. Ho goes to his homo in Michigan to make flnnl prepara ions for his departure , and when ho returns iicro it will bo to receive his Instructions. He oxpccts to arrive in Madrid about the 1st of May , and observed to your correspon dent to-nigbt that , ho would likely bo back in Washington within a year , which Is probably nn intimation ttiat ho will resign his commis sion ut that timo. Mr. Palmer has had his heart set on living on his farm near Detroit , and goes abroad with moro or less rcluctancy. Ho was at the white house to-day , bidding the president good-bye. He said there : "I leave for Michigan to-night , but will come back to bo 'coached , ' and then I shall say adieu tearfully. My hopes of retiring to pri vate life and giving up the remainder of my existence to the study of agriculture ave once more been shattered , ana now I become a wanderer. There will bo com pensations though. I understand they grow good onions in Spain , and I am an onion raiser. Why do I need to bo 'coachedl1 Well , I can't say. My "idea of diplomacy is to hold your apron extended until the plum drops into Jt. Never mistake hurry for activity. That is our great national error. Shall I like it in Spain ? Yes , but I wish that I didn't havjj to go thcro until November. 1 would like to live in my castle in Spain in the winter and iu my loghouse in Michigan in the summer. I would rather feed hogs and ride mules than conduct negotiations for treaties ? " At the white house Mr. Palmer was Introduced to Mr. Whltclaw Reid , who called to pay his respects to the presiient , accompanied by William Walter Phelps. Mr. Palmer had never scon Mr. Roljl bafore , nnd they loft the executive mansion pleasantly conversing upon their newly found duties. TUB runuo ruiNTEitsinp. The appointment of the public printer is expected daily now. The loading candidates are Mcroditb , of Illinois , Helm , of Indiana , and Childs , of Ohio. The latter called upon the president to-day and Insisted upon a promise , when the president said : "I am not pledged to man , woman or child , and yet , " nnd a smile played over the president's face nt the approaching nun , "you want me to pledge myself to n child. " UNANIMOUS FOIl NEW. The committee on commerce to-day made a unanimous report to the senate in secret ses sion in favor of the confirmation of the nomi nation of Colonel John C. Now , of Indianap olis , to bo consul general to London , and the nomination would have been confirmed im mediately had it not been that the general rule of the senate requires all nominations to lay on the table ono day after they have been reported from committee. Tbo nomination will be confirmed to-mnrrow. Colonel Now is hero , and immediately after ho receives the notice of his confirmation will oocure his commission and receive Instructions. WILL KEMAIN IN I'lllVATE LIFE. One of the men who has made great efforts to secure the appointment of commis sioner of Indian affairs or commissioner of the general land ofllco is Roderick R , Hutlor , an cx-mombor of congress from Tennessee. Ho secured the indorsement of over ono hundred and forty members of the house of representatives nnd n good many senators , and believed until a day or two ago that ho was booked for an appointment. The presi dent was placed In possession of an ofllcial document containing the report of the con gressional committee which investigated the charges made against Butler of haviug sold a i West Point cadctshin for S'JOO while a mem ber of congress , and Mr. Butler will remain In private life. NEtlllASKA APPOINTMENTS. Tbo Nebraska delegation held a second mcctuiT ( this afternoon , Senator Mandcrson presidiugto discuss appointments. It is said that no recommendations wcro made for land ofllces , but that the various candidates wore thoroughly discussed. It is understood that the district attorncystnp will go to the Second district : thut the bank examiners will also bo largely of Congressman Laird's naming and that tbu land ntllco appointments will bo made from the districts in which tbo onlccs are situated. The delegation declined to give out anyintlmation of their consulta tions. Tho. outside guesscrs make n possible slate as fallows : For tha North Platta land afllco , either John F. Ncsbitt , G. hiding * or A. S. Baldwin ; district attorney , 11. S. Baker : McCook'land ofllco , J. P. Lindsay ; Bloomlngtou land office , J. E. IColloy ; bank examiner , George Post or J. L. Carson , O'Neill ; B. S. Glllesple and A. L. Towle ; Salt Lake land ofHco , A. B. Ball. FOR LIVEIII'OOL. It Is probable that'I homas H , Sherman , who was Blaino's private secretary for n number of years , will bo appointed consul to Liverpool , It is in profit next rani : to tha consul generalship of London. NEW IOWA I'OSTMASTRIIS , Daniel E. 'Metcalf , Canflold , Blackhawk county , vice Jumus Parsons , declined ; Mar tha Klngslcy , Delaware , Delaware county , vice Clara Marshal ) . ! removed ; Erastns T. Roland , JEldon , Wapcllo county , vice J. J , Croddy , removed ; Orson T. Durfey , Hod- rick , Keokuk county , vice W. W. Hugcn , re moved ; Clara Edmonson , Melton , Vunburon county , vice W , T. Kdmonsou , removed , and M. Holland , Stunton , Montgomery county , vice T. J.t MeCormlck , rtinovcd. u MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. Stuart , lot Philadelphia. * Messrs. Dodge nnd Crosbv , of New York , Mr. Walsh and Cnlutou B. Fisk. along with a number of other's , have asked for the retention of John II. Oboriy In the comiulsslonership of Indian affairs , but thcro is uo prospect mat he will keep hift position. Dr. Craig , of Wvmorc , has been endorsed by the Nebraska ilclcgullou for a postcflleo inspectorship. Mr. John E. Smith , the Beatrice bunker , and Hon. A. J. Kcnuy , ut Red Cloud , era m the city. Dr. Cruljr , of W.vmora. nnd B. F. Thomas , of the f nine olty , left to-day for the WObU Hun. A. U. Wymau has started for Omaha. J. LI Suillb.of Nebraska , Is at the Rigga. W , T. Richardson left U-nlgUt for tie homo at Dnvld City. Ho will stop a day In Chicago. Roprcsontativd Laird was out on the streets again to-day. PEKHT S. HEATH. * TAKEN IIV 8UIIPIU8E. Lincoln llnd no Previous Illnf of Ills Appointment. CHICAGO , March 27. | Special Telegram to Tnn DEE.J The appointment of Robert Lin- minister to England oamo as n great surprise to Chlcagolatis as well ns to Mr. Lincoln himself. It gives none the less sat isfaction to the people hero regardless ot party. As soon as the dispatch announcing the appointment was received , a reporter called at his law ofllco and imparted the Information mation to him. ' 'What ' is that you say I" ho asked , as If he did not understand the state ment. "Your name has been sent to the senateby President Harrison as minister to England. " "It Is news to mo. I uavo never heard a word about It. " "Woro you n candidate for the position 1" "Not In any way , 1 never thought of such a thing. I w.ts not a candidate for that or any other position. How the appointment came to mo Is beyond my knowledge or be lief. I have not yet been onldally notified of it , and have no other Information than that you bring me. " "Will you acceptl" "Oh , I would not care to discuss'that at present. I would not care oven to take the matter of whether 1 would accept or not into serious consideration till I am notillod of my appointment in the regular way. I would not now discuss the matter in any way. " Mr. Lincoln Is n member of thii law firm of Isham & Lincoln , hero , and has n lucrative practice , which many think ho will bo reluctant to abandon , and In addi tion ho in credited with a genuine aversion to public life. Mr. Lincoln is not conorally con sidered a rich man , although ho enjoys a largo Income. Mr. Lincoln's family consists of his wife , who Is an invalid , his daughter Mary , a young clrl of seventeen , and his son Abraham Lincoln , jr. , a boy of thirteen. CONNELL'S GOOD WORK. Free Delivery For South Omaha and Improvement For Omaha. WASHINGTON , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Congressman' Connell this morning secured an order from the post- office department giving South Omaha carrier delivery facilities. Mr. Connell is assured that within less than sixty days the postal carrier system will bo in full operation in South Omaha. Mr. Conncll also expects to Induce the postofllca department to place Omaha among the class of cities of over 80,000 inhabitants , nich will materially increase the pay of postal carriers In Omaha and give the city Increased facilities for handling the mails. In case the department declines to concede the claims of population , Mr. Connell will endeavor to secure an order for a muni cipal census under an ordinance to bo en acted hereafter. The National Senate. WASHINGTON , March 27. The" republican senators held a caucus this morning at which the subject of discussion was whether Mr. Coke's speech on southern election outrages should bo answered. The conclusion was that there should bo no further discussion of that subject at this session. In tha senate the resolutions heretofore offered by Mr. Butler , declaring that the tenure of the president pro torn does not ex pire at the meeting of congress after recess , but held at the pleasure of the senate , were taken up and Mr. Gcorgo made a speech in opposition to them. Mr. Evarts said that after a careful exami nation of the constitution ho was convinced that thcro was really no doubt of the compe tency of the senate to choose a presiding offi cer to act whenever occasion should arise , and that It would bo very inconvenient to tolerate any opposite view. Ho had prepared a resolution which ho thought would cover all nolnts. It was in this language : Resolved , That it is competent to the sn ate to select a president pro temporc , who shall hold ofllco during the pleasure of the bonato , and until another is elected , and shall execute the duties thereof whenever the vice-president Is absent. Mr. Butler thought the question ought to bo settled , but as the senate was not likely to remain In session moro than a week or ten days longer , there could bo no great Incon venience in letting the matter remain as it was. Ho therefore suggested that his reso lution , and that suggested by Mr. Evarts , should bo referred to the committee on privileges and elections. This , after a protracted discussion , was done. The senate then proceeded to considera tion of executive business and at 3:80 : ud- journed , After adjournment of the senate the repub lican caucus rosunied its sitting ana disposed of the two questions under consideration. It was decided that the employmentof clerks which would result in an overdraft on the contingent fund was illegal , and therefore the scheme to make all committee clerks an nual clerks will fail. A resolution was adopted , however , to give Senator Vance , of North Carolina , a personal clerk. Ho has lost one eye and the sight of the other is failinp , and his republican col leagues deemed It only Just that he should bo spaiod the necessity of using his remain Ing eye to conduct his correspondence. I was finally decided not to continue debate on the southern election outrages. The general opinion , so far as expressed , was that the senate 'might reasonably expect to be able to adjourn on Wednesday or Thursdc of uex we'ek. 9 Tito United States Supreme Court WASHINGTON , March 27. There being no quorum present when the supreme court met ! to-day , an adjournment was taken until to morrow. Should a quorum bo in attendance the court will Immediately proceed to hearing - ing arguments In tha ease ofCbal Chan Ping , appellant , vs the United States. This case Involves the constitutionality of the Scott exclusion act , approved by tbo president October - tober 1 , IbSi. Ex-Governor Hoadley , of Ohio , and James C , Carter , of New York , will represent the case for tbo appellant before - fore the court , and Solicitor General Jcnks will appear for the government. J. F. Swift , recently confirmed us minister to Japan , At torney General Johnson , of California , and S. M. White , of California , will ulso be present to look after the Interests of the stata of California in the case. White House Visitors. WASHING TON , March 2 ? , The usual crowd congregated at the white house to-day nnd kept the president busy the entire morning. Among those admitted were Governor Beaver , of Pennsylvania ; 'Senators Far- well and Cultom and friends ; ox-Speaker .Carlisle . ; Senator Allison ; Representatives Turner , Wallace , Harmcr , Lafoliotto ; Sena tor Dawcs ; Senator McMillan , with Minis ter Palmer and General John C. New. Confirmations. WASHINGTON , March 27. Among those continued by the sonata this afternoon were the following : Francis E. Warren , governor of Wyoming Territory ; Benjamin F. White , governor of Montana : Robert V. Bolt , us. sistant commissioner of Indian uflairs , and a number of postmasters , among which were ; William 11. Hedge , Jr. , Marshall , III. ; John P. Yost Noitu Bend , Neb. Docked Tor 'llirco Dnys. WASHINGTON , March 27 , President Harri I. son received his first month's ' salary to-day. It amounted to $3SS.SSS , and was delivered to him In tbo form of a treasury draft. It \va for tlio month of March , minus the first lUreu day * . Cleveland received the presi dent's salary lor that portion of the month. u.Y AVIII Comniriifo Work on Monday. WASHINGTON , Mari-U 27. Mcssr . Bachelor tlof elor and Tk'hcnor , assistant secretaries of the treasury , will assume tUoir u w duties oil Monday next ' TO DEATH , Tbo Bad Ending of Farmer Loa's Llfo at Hlkhorn. VICTIMS OF THE : VIGILANTES Thrcn Men Handed Over to the Ten der Mercies ol' Indians Still Another Fatal Hiinntvay State News. Dnnhcd to Death. ELKHOHX , Neb. , March 37. [ Special Telo- ram to Tun Bcc. ] Samuel Lea , a farmer residing four miles north of this place , was nstantly Killed hero this afternoon. The circumstances are substantially as fol lows : Mr. Lea was driving n span of young colts when they took fright at some passing object and became unmanagablo tn the north part of town on Pacific street and ran away. Ho being unable to stop or guide them they ran over nn embankment nt H. A. Noltos' elevator at the foot of Paclflo street , and landed forty foot below on the railroad track. When aid reached him ho was dead , as ho had struck his head on n rail , killing him in stantly. Mr. Lea was a stone cutter by trade and has worked in Omaha off and on In the post nlno years. Ho moved on his farm hero the first of March and was" married at Omaha the llth of this month. Ho had just got to housekeeping , to-day's dinner being the first and last meal at home. Still Investigating. GHEOA , Nob. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Indian Inspector MaUott is still hard at work upon the Indian school investigation at this placo. Matters do not Improve as the investigation progresses , as nearly every transaction of Chaso's from the very first shows up crooked , nnd several of citizens report finding their names upon vouchers and checks which they jttre positive they never saw before , and consequently never signed. Ono of the employes , woo loft the school in 18S7 in the middle .of the quarter , received Chaso's individual check for services to date , immediately loft town and has not been here since until quite recently. Yet a government check shows up in payment of services for the full quarter and bearing the said em ployes indorsement. Tncro was a kick among some of Chase's- friends when THE BEE reported the shortage to bo $35,000 , but when his bondsmen settle up for his "indis crimination" they will have to reach way down into their pockets. The crop of applications for positions at the Indian school and other otllces at the gift of Uncle Sam here , la showing up finely as thcro arc 120 republican voters in this town ship and your correspondent has signed 110 petitions , and is anxiously awaiting the ap- .pcaranco of that other follow. What IB Their Pate ? AIXSWOUTH , Nob. , . 'March 27. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.- ] The curtain has probably fallen on another act In Koya Paha county vigllanU dramju A band of masked men took thrco of tbo accused cattle thlords , Gannon , Babcock and Remus , from their homes this morning across the line injo tb reservation and de livered thom-to a baq of Indians. It Is be lieved that all t urea yf the men wcro killed. They had been released by the committee some tlmo ago on their rfro'mlsc to leave , but they failed to keep the promise and this is the result. The wife of ono of the men was in Spring View to-day asking for aid , but conceded that it was too late , as there is little doubt of the fate of the men. A. License Ticket. VALPAIIAISO , Nob. , , Maoch 27. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE , ! A meeting of license men was held hero to-night to nominate can didates for city trustees , and the following named men were chosen ; William Bays , W. T. Craven , D. M. Dean , Hixson and William GifUo. At the close of ttio meeting the nominees marched up * and signed a resolu tion , which had been passed to the effect that if elected they would grant licenses to those who would comply with the village ordi nance and state laws m regard to saloons. The ticket Is a strong one , and the anti- license men are fearful that they will bo beaten by it. The anti-license men also called a meeting this evening , but nothing was done towards putting a ticket in the field. Should u saloon DO licensed it will have to bo kept according t'o law , as a law and order league is being organized for the purpose of controll ing the evil as much as possible. Fairflcld Puts on Airs. FAIHFIELD , Neb , , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE.J Fairllold is soon to emerge from her swaddling clothes and become a city of the second class. The first mayor and alderman - . man will bo elected at tbo regular spring ' election early next month. , The prohibi tionists have taken advantage of the pre vailing sentiment against licensing saloons to play a neat trick. . They inveigled leading men from other parties into a caucus where the license question was to bo the only Issue and appropriated the chief honors to themselves - solves , so that the only option for outsiders is to cat humble pie nnd vote for prohibition straight or violate their principles against licensing saloons. It looks very much as if prohibitionists were prohibitionists for ofllco only. Arrcated for Ilurglary. ' FAinnBi.n , Nob. , March 20. [ Special to THE Br.E. ] Yesterday afternoon In the ab sence of A. B. Palmer and wife from their farm house , which is a few miles out of town , n couple of young fellows went through the premises and appropriated all the clothing and other loose property they could lay hands on. On Mr , Palmer's re turn , towards night , ho sent to town for an oflicer , and in a vcryjsbort time they wcro under arrest , Bafore Justice Crawford they cave the names of John and Frank James , but notwithstanding their alleged relation ship to the defunct Jesse , his honor held them In bonds of 309 each. They now oc- cupy quarters in tbo county jail. Just Ijtlce Omaha. FKEJIONT , Heb.JMrtrch 27. [ Special to THE BEE. | A few Mys ago Mrs. Elizabeth Touclictto , of Montreal , Canada , who with her husband , travel * as u medical specialist fell on a defective sidewalk In this city , re ceiving Injuries from which she has since been confined to her bed. Last night at the regular meeting of the city council her attor ney brought in a bill ° ' 3,000 for damages which will place the city on the defensive on account of thb dilapidated condition of some of Its sidewalks. _ Fremont Growing. FHEMONT , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The city council at its .meeting last night created two moro paving districts , making In all four business streets of the city which will bo paved with Sioux Falls granite. Public Improvements in Fremont are going ahead at u fate never before known hero. The paving , fcjgh school building , waterworks extensions , court house and city hall already projected forthis season contem plate n total expenditure of nearly (200,000. Fremont never grew as It is growing now. Trying the Hti otar < . BIIOKEN llpw , Neb. , March 27 , [ Special. Telegram to THE Ben. ] The jury returned a verdict in the Iflnsr-Domerritt shooting af fair this afternoon of Manslaughter , racom. mending a short sentence. This case has been ono of Custer county's most cxcitjrg. und a great deal of Byiu'iuthy has exhtcd on both side * , . The ahoutjjig growput of an old feud over some t'uttle , and terminated on December 10,1893 , In the shooting of Ed * mund King by Ed Domorrltt , Today also begun the Haunstlcn trial. Haunstlon shot two deputies who were try- arrest him , nnd succeeded in getting away , but was arrested iu the eastern part of the state. state.A A Controversy Settled. BEATRICE , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J Twenty years ago A. J , Cropsey gave Gage county a block for n court house , and it was used for that pur pose until four years ago , when the officers moved down town , needing more room. Then Cropsoy sued for the recovery of the property nnd has bean In court since , nnd is now In the United States supreme court. To-day the county board settled the matter by agreeing to pav Cropsoy f2.000 nnd part of the costs and got another deed for Cropsoy. A now court house will probabjy bo built this fall. Teachers In rips ; lon. HASTINGS , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Tclo- gram to THE BEE ] In the proceedings of . the state teachers association to-day several I Interesting papers were road and discussed. A great degree of interest is manifested. A. 1C. Qcndy , fuiperin'/cndentof Pawnee county , was elected president ; J. H. Heasloy , of Plum Crook , secretary , and W. H. Skinner , of Crete , treasurer. J. B. Monlux , of Hastings , was elected president of the pub lic school section and Miss Maria Upson , of Beatrice , president of the county superin tendent section. The session will continue another day , A nrlduo Htirnod. TALMAQB , Nob. , March 27. | Special to THE BEE. ] The south bound passenger train on the Missouri Pacillo railroad was unable to reach Auburn this afternoon. The bridge spanning the stream between this place nnd Brock was found to bo on fire when the train reached the stream. The bridge was probably ignited by a prairie lire. The passengers nnd baggage were transferred across the stream nnd supplied with another train after a short delay. A Prospective Railroad. GIUNT , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J Representatives of the Wyoming Investment company were In Grant to-day. The company contemplates the construction of a railroad from Sioux City southwest by way of North Platto. A meeting of the people interested in the road will bo hold at Grand Island April 2 to de termine what aid can bo given. It is ex pected that if built the road , will get as far west as Grant by fall. Dakota City's Court. DAKOTA CITV , Neb. , March 27.r J Special Telegram to THE BEE.Tho case of the state vs George Vasques for robbery , con sumed most of tbo day'In the district court , which adjourned nt 5 o'clock till 0 a. m. to morrow. Tlio cvidonco is not all in. It Is now rumored that W. W. Erwn , the famous criminal lawyer of St. Paul , will de fend Cook and Butler , the alleged burglars , whoso trial will probably come up to-morrow. Careless With Fire. CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Last evening n prairie fire sot out by H. V. Persons got be yond control , and a hich north wind drove it on to the farm ot C. L. Tidd , burning his barn nnd two cows within.Loss § 300. with no insurance. The ilro also burned 120 tons of hay In tbo stack , belonging to different farmers. There is strong talk of Persons' arrest , as this is not the first fire ho has set out. A Horsrt Stolen. FAIUMONT , Neb. , March 21. A horse belonging longing to U. L. Davis , a miller , at this place , was stolen from the barn last night. Al Brown , n young man who works In the mill , was absent this .afternoon , and was at once suspected as the thief. Telegrams are being sunt out to the stations west. The young man was captured at Saronville this forenoon and will bo brought back at once for trial. Has Disappeared. BEATIIICE , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Zebnng Phelps , for- erly an iiaplaoiait mai , hi * dmnp eared. It is said he was owing a largo amount. His wife and three young children are left with out means , and to make matters worse , rumor says another woman claims his affec tions. His former reputation here has been good. * , Rod Cloud nopiiblionns Nominate. RED CLOUD , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. | In the republican caucus last evening the following city ticket was nominated : For mayor , D. B. Spanoglo ; for clerk , L. H. Fort ; for treasurer. T. C. Hacker ; for aldermen , First ward , Fred Hummel and D. F. Rudd ; Second ward , A. H. Kalcy. Moro Inccndlarleni. AinoiiA , Nob. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Moore & Bradbent's breeding sta- clcs were discovered to bo on lire last even ing about 0:30 : o'clock. The fire started in a straw stack adjoining the barn. The fire company soon had control of the blaze. It was the work of incendiaries and parties are under suspicion. Instantly Killrul. WEST POINT , Neb. , March -Special [ Telegram to THE BEE. ] Ekhar Holwig , a young man driving team for Conrad Snydcr , was thrown from a wagon and Instantly killed this afternoon about eight miles south west of this place. The team became fright- tcned nt some dogs by the roadside. No blame is attached to any ono in connection with the sad affair. Tcmpcmncu Candidates. Exr.TEii , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Tbo temperance people of Exctor met in session last evening and put the fol lowing named ticket in the field for town board : W. W. MoNalr , Bennett Ewln , C. H. Wuilbrandt , E. H. Buck , W. H. Lewis. A Successful Revival , BEXKEI.MAN , Nob. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Rev. Clay Cox , of Lincoln , as- slstcd by the local fraternitv , Is holding a most successful revival at this place. It is wonaerful notpnly in the number of con verts , but In the cluss as well. Swindlers at Work. AUBCIIN , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. | Lightning rod swindlers are operating - . ing in this county. It is , the same old game . of getting a farmer to sign an order , which turns out to bo a cutthroat contract. John Horn , of Brock , Is the latest victim. Death of an Old Settler. FAIUMOXT , Nob. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Mrs. Margaret Castoll , wife of Thomas Castoll , ono of the early settlers of this place , died this morning of erysipelas. Sbo was fifty-seven years of age. Accidentally allot Himself. BANCROFT , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Ross , son of Dr. O. Harris , of this placo. accidentally shot himself In the left hand yesterday while limiting , Tbo wound is quite severe but not dangerous , CESTIIAU CITV , Neb. , March 27- [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Early this morning burglars entered the residence of Dr. Thur- ston , securing a gold watch. Footpudi ) . COLUJIIIUS , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Tele. gram to THE BKE.V. ] \ . T. Trip , a photo- grapber of this place , wbilo on his way to the B. ft M. depot last night was hold up by n footpad nnd .relieved uf a valuable gold watch nnd chain. .Shot Whllo Knitting. Coi.UMnus , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Tele- grain to THE BEE. ] A man by the name of John Johnson , living two miles cast of Oconco , while out hunting accidentally shot himself In the foot last evening. A part of the foot had to bo amputated , After l"io Bonanza. UNADIMA , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BEE. ] The Diamond Drill company to-day commenced prospecting for coal. The drillers made fifty foot to-day and are now In solid rock. Hereafter they will go fifteen to twenty feet per day. Prnlrlo Flro. * BtmwEt.L , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] A pralrlo tire swept down upon Charles Kendall's place near hero yesterday , and burned his barn nnd three head oi horsc.s and several cattle nnd hogs. There was no Insurance. * Moro Stolen Horses. KV CITV , Nob. , March 27. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J A. M. Gore , a farmer near Syracuse , reports that two horses were stolen from his stable the other night , and offers a reward for the thief nnd horses. JOHN 11UIGUT DEAD. The Great English Statesman Passes Peacefully Away. LONDON , March 27. John Bright died at S:30 : o'clock this morning. His end was peaceful nnd painless. Ho had lain in n coma tose condition sluco yesterday. All his family were present at the death bod. In the commons to-day , Smith , government leader , with much emotion , referred to the death of John Bright. Ho said ho would postpone his' remarks on Bright until Friday , when Glad stone would bo present. The funeral will take placa on Saturday. The interment will bo in the Quakers' bury ing ground at Rochdale. The ceremonies will bo as private as possible. Sculptor Bruce Joy has taken a cast of Bright's face. Political deputations will follow the funeral. Only personal friends will bo admitted to the meeting in the house. At the political meetings throughout the country this evening sympathetic rclercncos wcro made to Bright. [ John Bright was born at Greenbank , near Rochdale , Lancashire , November 10,1811. Ho was a member of the Society of Friends und head of a firm of cotton spinners and manu facturers in Rochdale. When the anti-corn law association was formed in 1S3S ho entered heartily into its plans , co-operating with Mr. Cobdcn , and the two became tlio leading spirits in the league. In 1848 he was chosen member of parliament for Durham , took an active part in the measures for free trade , and had much to do with the bill of 1810 for the immediate modification of the corn laws and their total repeal at the end of three years , or on February 1 , 1840. In 1847 , and again In 185' } ho was returned to parliament from Manchester. In 1S54 he sanctioned the sending of a deputation of Friends to dissuade the Czar from entering upon hostilities with Turkey , nnd also deprecated the policy of England in taking part In tbo war. In 1857 his opposition to the war with China rendered him unpopular with his constituents and ho was dolcatcd In Manchester by a largo major ity. Ho was , however , returned from Bir mingham , and urged the passage of a vote of censure against tbo Paltnerston administra tion -for introducing tha foreign conspiracy bill , " in consequence of which the ministry resigned February 20 , 1853. Shortly after ward ho made a speech favoring the re duction of the English military establish ment and condomniug the policy of Asiatic conquest. In IbOO he took u leading part in bringing about the commercial treaty with Franco. Durintr tbo civil war ho was a firm friend of the union and supported its cause both in and out of parliament. In 1SC5 he entered upon the agitation in favor of the extension of the elective franchise , which finally resulted in the passage of the reform bill August 15 , 1807. Ho also urged the necessity of reform in Ireland and the dis establishment of the Irish church , n bill for which was introduced in the house of com mons March 1 , and passed July 20,1809. At the parliamentary election of 1808 n largo majority of liberals were returned ; the Dis raeli ministry resigned December2 und in tlio' Gladstone ministry which succeeded it Mr. , Bright became president of the board of trade , being the first Quaker who ever held a scat in the British cabinet. In consequence of tnc faHuro of his. health , ho resigned his seat in the cabinet Dccemcer 20 , 1870. In 187. ! , having partially recovered , ho resumed his place in parliament , but was not after wards able to take .any prominent part in public business. Mr. liright's eloquence , cn- orey , probity nnd uniform adherence to prin ciple , placed him at the bead of the liberal party in England. ] Other Deaths. WASHINGTON , March 27. Ex-Congress man Mahoncy , of Brooklyn , died this morn- Ing. LONDON , March 27. The Duke of Welling ; ton and Chandos Is dead. WESTERN PACKING INTERESTS. A. Reduction in the Movement of IIoxs in the West. CINCINNATI , March 27. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] To-morrow morning's Price Current will say : There Is n considerable reduction In the movement of hogs in the west , the packing for the week showing a total of 175,000 , compared .with 235,000 the preceding week. From March 1 the total is 705,000. Last year the total 'for the week was 140,000 , and to date 535,000 , indicating an increase of 230,000. OKLAHOMA OPENED. The President Issues His Proclama tion This WASHINGTON , March 37. The present's proclamation opening the Oklahoma lands to settlement on April 2 next was issued to day , The commissioner of the general land ofllce issued an order to-day establishing two land ofllces in Oklahoma territory , which will be opened April 22 by the proclamation of the president issued to-day. The laud onlco for ttio western district Is to be located at Kingfisher's State Station , und for the eastern district at Guthric. The proclamation , after setting forth { he terms of the treaties of cession of these lands by the Indians to the government , and tha acts of congress relative to tlio opening of them to homobtcad entry , describes these lands minutely by metes and bounds , ic- scrvus two ucres for government use , ami then formally declares that under these con * ditlons these lands will bo opened to homestead - stead entry at noon of April 'J next. All per sons are warned that under the terms of the act of congress any person who shall occupy any of said land before the tmio mentloncil lire debarred from making entry tlii'rcon , and the o dicers of the United States UK * re quired to strictly enforce this uct. ' Mlnnonota Prnlrio Fires. STr Cioyi ) , Minn. , Murch 27 , Consider able losses by pralrlo tires are reported fioin different parts of the country. High v.'iiU durlnt' the lost few days carried the Humes into the woods , und inile they can be checked AOOU hciyy lones will result. , NONE BETTER TO BE FOUND , i < Ho\v Harrleon'a Appolntmonts Are Vlowod. In the South * WATTERSON'S WORDS OF PRAISE. The Republican President Evidently Rapidly Winning IIU War to Popular Favor tn the Demo cratic ) Stronghold. The Dlplomallu Appointments. LOUISVILLC , March 27 , Regarding Presi dent Harrison's diplomatic appointment , Mr. \ Wnttcrson will say In to-monow' ' * Courier-Journal 1t : There Is no denying that the administra tion t ! Is getting In some very astute political and party work tn Its appointments to ofllce. With the exceptions of Wanamakor nnd Tan ner , Mr. Harrison , whilst selecting active nnd orthodox republicans of the most pro I nounced description , has shocked no popular or moral sansluility , but has rather im pressed the country with the Idea that ha is n clear-headed , woll-intcntlonod man , working for the best with great Intelligence- i within his own party lines. Tno nomination of Robert Lincoln as minister to England Is at once a surprise and n ton- strike. Taken in connection with the selec tion t of Fred ( . ( rant for Vienna , it contains ' an ' appeal to the young republicanism of the period ; which cannot fall to have Its effect. Both of these sons of Illustrious slrca are American gentlemen without reproach , and fully qualified , personally nud officially , td . represent the country handsomely and ado * ' quately In the old world. In bringing the journalism of the party to the front , nnd stimulating thut important branch of the party service , the president shows wisdom nnd sagacity. No bettor min ister to Franca could have been found in any walk of life than Whltolaw Reid , nnd no fitter consul general to England than John C. Now. Now we have Murat Halstcad to Germany and Thorndyko Rico to Russia. Mr. Rico Is editor of the North American Review , a man of many accomplishments and largo fortune , whoso knowledge of European life and affairs Is very great and has not been obtained by the sacrifice of Americanism. The selection , of Hnlstcad for Berlin is a particularly happy one. Ho Is already well known to Germans. In the Franco-Gorman war ho was the companion and guest of Von Moltko , met the great chancollpr familiarly an d often , and will bo no stranger to the court to which he Is accredited. Ho Is , personally , both a handsome nnd brilliant man , nndlll appear nowhere without distinction. The rest of the appointments are in the same line , particularly that of Patrick Egan , which , at this moment , must bo very gratify ing to the Irish on both sides of the water. It costs us nothing to Ray these things. The contest between the dem ocratic and republican parties for years hence will turn upon the irreconoiUblo antagonisms - tagonisms of opinion , In the meantime it Ii of interest to all men to have the business of , the country , partioularry our representation abroad , In the hands of good men , as It can , never bo in the interest of any party to raise false personal Issues or deny politically that measure of justice which socially no ono would think of withholding. All the ap pointments wo have named individually , are excellent , and from a purely partisan stand point made with admirable discernment nud keen foresight , } With particular reference to the flcht against the confirmation of the notnin tioa of Mr. Halstcad , Mr. Wutterson says : "It is to be hoped that the democrats of the senate , particularly the democrats of the south , will join in no such movement. It could emanate only from petty personal spite and political malignity. Mr. Halstcad is a fighter , and a bully fighter , who hits right out from the shoulder , and never struck s man a lick below tlio belt in his life. Ass representative of the country abroad , he cart bo relied on as the most ardent nationalist could desiro. The rejection of such n noml < nation would not only be a public sc.-uula1 , but a vole to reject it ought to bring upon its author the contempt which mailco always in spires in tbo minds of honest men. " THE PERSONAL AKltAXGEaiENT. A Vcrhal Compact Violating the Presidi'iit'B Agreement. CHICAGO , March 27. ( Special Telegram to THE BKE.I Of seven prominent railroad : men seen to day by a reporter , in reference to the exposure of a pooling agreement be tween Messrs. Hughitt , Cable , Strong and Miller , of the Northwestern , Rock Island , Santa Fc , and St. Paul railroads , not end would speak for the public. They were alt forced to acknowledge that there was prac * tically no difference between the "personal arrangement" and pooling , but all contended thut It was no one's business and only a mat ter that concerned the roads Interested. Five of the men seen drew the roporter'B ut. tontlon to a clause in tlio president's agree ment which specified that measures should ) be taxcn to secure to each company Its duq share of competitive truillc. Not ono of tbo five could tell how this could ba done without a resort to pooling methods and each acknowledged that a resolution to do tin illegal thing did not make the act legal. Said an nniclal of an eastern road : "Tho only tioublo Is that till existence of tbo pool was discovered. It didn't hurt any one while It lasted , and pre served harmony amonir the Omaha roads. It docs look a little tough , perhaps , that sucb men as Hughitt , Cable , Millar and St-ronfl should have liucn the first to be found gulltj of pooling. As far as that is concerned , tin same arrangement is iu effect to many othei competitive points. It was absolutely ncccsi sary to mnka some such verbal agreement 01 the railroads would have cut each othcn throats. I suppose the whole thing will b broken up temporarily at least until tlio In ten state commission metes out punishment Now , don't ' you quote my nuuie. " Another Had .Man Killed. PoKTi ANi ) , Ore , , March 27. Last night t desperado , whoso name cannot bo n i'C tained , was flTiot and killed by an armci posse under command of the sheriff of Clacll umas county , because ho refused to Mirren dcr. The desperado had bct'ii tcrrorizlni the cftl/enb of that cuunty for several week ! past. Ho traveled boldly about the countrj stealing horses and breaking into houses , and. being armed to the teeth , ilcllcd arrest Several attempts were. made to capture lilm but he made such a desperate rcMtituncotha * he effected escape each time. A fuwdayi ago ho shot and seriously v.-oundcd'a uiai and boy who attempted to him. Colored LETUNON , Tonn. , March 'i . .llin Turney and Mack Frances , 'colored , were bunged today - ' day for the murdrof Len Martin last Au gust. Turuey'R neck was broken , but Fran. cis dlrd by htiiuigulutloii after horrible uf. furlug. Vt Mary Anderson Improving. t Pnii.Ariiu.vmA , March i.7 , Miss Maty ! Anderson , the actress , wont for a drlva through 1'atrmount park thin afternoon. Sim It is Improving very rapidly , now Vhut shn it enjoying quiet ami rest. The AVc'iulicr JiidicntloiiH. ' Nebraska and [ owaFair , warmer variable winds. DakotaHair , preceded on I akc Superior by light snow ; warmer , wir.'s ' becoming fcuuthwuilci'ly , StraniBliip Arrivals. At OufcoiiMown The Arizona , from New iTork. At Now Voi'k Thi ! Nevada , Irou : Live * * pool CUrvi-tnnil OOCH lit Tampa. ' H.vv.\x. , March 'Jr. Cleveland and party this nfleriiooii nmb.irked on the steamer Olivetti fur T.-iBii . * . . - . . * . ,