Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collections of Internal revenue yes-
tardny wore $1,601.21.
The nyornpo numbo'r ot building per
mits grantca'dnily for the past ton clays
bas boon thirteen.
Martin Uonariokson was arrested yes
terday afternoon for obstructing with
blinds the view into his saloon.
Charles Kiltorson was arrested yester
day pn suspicion ol bolnp the thlof who
brpko into P. L. Cotton's residence and
itolo ngold breastpin and ring.
Inspector Turnbull has sent a circular
letter to all the druggist requiring
them to"keep n register of all liquors
sold or given away by thotn. The pon-
altv for failing to do this is a fine of not
more than 8100 and thirty days In the
county jail.
-J. J. Donnelly , assistant manager of
the A ! > T. , in running across Twen
ty-second street between Burtand Cum-
Ihg Monday night to extinguish a llro
occasioned by tno explosion of a lamp , fell
Into a motor line trouch and severely
sprained his loft arm.
Married Monday nlghtatBo'clock , at
the residence of Mr. J. B. Cross , on
Pacific street , Mr. E. W. Norrls to Miss
Bndlo McLaughlln. This young and
popular couple are well known in
Omaha , where they have a host of
friends who wish them all the prosper
ity and happiness imaginable. Mr.
pnd Mrs. Norrls will continue to reside
in Omaha.
Medical GolicKo Commencement.
At Boyd's opera house this after
noon nt 8 o'clock will occur the eighth an
nual commonecmont of the Omnnn Medical
college. In addition to the papers of the
graduates on address to tbo class will bo de
livered by Dr. Duryca.
Bound for Jjiucoln.
Mrs. Magglq Molkolson , an insane Danish
woman , who has been confined In the county
jail the past few days , was adjudged insane
by the lunacy board ycstorday afternoon.
She will bo sent to the asylum at Lincoln at
&n Unsafe Structure.
A ono-and'Ohe-lmlf story frame structure
on South Eleventh street , between Farnam
and Harnoy streets , is .reported to bo m an
unsafe condition. It was until recently oc
cupied by W. A. Rtoa , a contractor , but was
deserted by him because ho feared a collapse.
It in ntt old rookery and is owned by C. F.
Goodmun. _
The Trunk is Gone.
Charles F. Iluhlngor claims that on March
15 , he paid H. M. Slutcr , 214 North Sixteenth
troot , to take a trunk to the Union Pacific
depot. ' Since Slater took possession of the
trunk Hulllngor has never seen it and has
written in Slater for an explanation.
There tins been numerous complaints of Into
of trunks disappearing in the sumo manner. "
Chief Scavoy will institute an investigation.
fc ' An Interesting Suit.
Frank Lochnltt , the lessee of the saloon in
tbo Banko's blocK , refused to pay his rent
- because the proprietor , E. Butt , had built a
house just back of the saloon , which cut oft
the light. lie claims his profits worn de
P creased thereby from $35 to only $2 and
13 per day. Butt sued Lochnitt for the acnt
K before Justice Krooftcr and got judgment.
Lochnitt has a case in the county court
KI gainst Butt , suing him for damaging his
I business.
The Old Man Weakened.
vvp A week or two ago there was aa indignant
p father prowling around the police station
IH With an olghtJhour story about how the boys
hvr \ tf around Cuming street were being led astray
by designing- saloon , men. HQ told the
officers how no had found fiis own fourteen-
.voar-old son playing poker , and ho to.'d '
'Jj ; ' * them several other tbings. Ho sword out a
" * warrant for the man that allowed the boy to
play cards inihls house , and yesterday the
case was culled up. The court docket roads :
41 Jensen , permitting minors to fre
quent his billiard nnd pool rooms Dismissed
for want of prosecution. "
There is nothing like a father's lovo.
Obscene Mall Matter.
Homer Busby , who was arrested in Kan
sas on the uhurgo of sending obscene litera
ture through the malls , was arraigned before
United States Commissioner Anderson ycs-
Urday , and hold to the United States district
court in the sum of $500 , in default of which
ho was committed Uuxwnlt trial. Busby is
accused of using ? obscene and indecent Ian-
guano in a letter posted at Alma , Nob. ,
August 7,1880 , to a lady at Hastings. Tbo
name of the lady to whom the vulgar letter
was written is Mrs. L. C. Miller , of Hast
ings. ,
, *
Marriage .Licenses
Folio wing are the raarriifgo licenses issued
yesterday in1 the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and Residence. Ago
( Lyman Palmer , Omaha. . , , . . . , . . . . 2C
1 Alco ; E. Reynolds , Omaha ' . . 10
i Peter A. Bcndoxor , Omaha 3C
( Mary Anderson , Omaha 2 (
I William H. iPoarce , Qmabu 80
I Clara F. Bo'avcr , Omuha , 23
I William Jcnks , Omaha , 20
jj Louisa Coleman , Omaha 15
' Becchnm'l'Hls ' cure bilious and snorvou ills
' ' Cleveland's Story.
, Mr. 'Robert ' Cleveland , of whom a story
from Nebraska City bus appeared , arrived
1 to the city ycstorday and denies
' ' ( ho sensational re ports-from Nebraska City
„ _ tbout scandalous relations existing botwcen
himself and Miss Rlttu Villers , the elocu
tionist. Ho also denounces the report of his
" " wife pursuing thorn and threatening to shoot
is all a lio. Air. Cleveland says Miss Villers
Is a young laity above reproach. She is a
poor but gifted -girl who is astcnntlng to
make an honest living for herself nnd mother.
Mr. Cleveland has acted no manager.for her
entertainments and there all relations have
Lecture on , Ancient Art.
Monday evening ut Llnlngor's art gallery
the Western Arfnssoclatlon was treated to a
lecture on "Anclont Art and Modern
V Archaeology" by Miss S. W. Moore of the
Nebraska university , Miss Moore said in
f Orjof I
, itl "Ancient art as wo know it exists in the
snutlliUed mnrblo forms of gods and doml-
, , , gods , heroes , athletes , mythical creatures and
' Historical portraits. Vhoir beauty und grace
' instruct us us nothing else can do as to the
paluro of thu Weal. For in these lonely , ill-
v audorstood but-awo-Inspirlng guests of our
1 practical ago , modern archwlugy has redis-
oovored the world of their nativity. Wo can
- now gozo Into the very faces of kings and
magnates whoso lianics had become but a re
ceding echo , Our fcot may stand upon tbo
threshold of homos vacated thousands of
years ago. Wo uuty enjoy with the undents
Knew their long lost nrtc and
refinements. Their tombs more than temple
of clvlo building are full of what was every-
„ d y life when the world was young. Wby
bayovp fallen Jiolr to such vust possessions i
Tin challr. ellfl' .tells us of the continuity.of'
tulwu ) llfo in the quiet depths of tbp ocean ;
th * granite and gneiss of nature's convul-
i\sUoB i the coal of resistless force. So the
VMt I'luturo ' rises tfoforO us as wo linger over
K h Bdfql of 'pebbles und stones. The tem
ple * and palaces of undent .Egypt. Assyria
Mi ) Pwrgla llo hidden under mound * sixty or
4 fclgfcty feet in Uolpht. Over the Forum of
Horn * tbo soil had HcoumulatcU to a depth of
Cwrty-throo feet , All \Mt Is literally the
' u V f ages ,
v Aroiiwologlcal Institutes have boon cstab-
, U i la Piii&tlno und la Athens. Each
try roprcscntod has it corj > a of export *
k t from its greatest universities' 1 hope
i Western ArtoMociutlon will Watch with
M Interest " -tlio dovolopuiont of art
Bluffy. . _ *
, CfVt rrh curca. heAlth nnd owoet
' soaureU by Sliiloh's CitUirrU
r. Wliio 60 cents. Nasal In-
fred. ' ' 'For tlo by Uooduiao
Chief Scnvcjr Says lie Will Attempt tone
no for in It. *
ChlofofPdllco Scavoy remarked yesterday
morning that ho intended to do all within
his pow/or to bring to an end the scenes of
drunkenness , disorder and vice that are
openly and brazenly enacted upon Cut-Off
Island , and that next Sunday every doggery
that Is found open out there or within the
two-mile limit , will bo pulled and the o'fTcnd-
crs prosecuted under the Slocumb law. The
chief said there were three Joints particu
larly notorious , not far from the
cast end of the Locust street bridge.
Those are owned by a man called "Shorty , "
Van Norman and Whlto & O'Brien , who It
is alleged were responsible for all of last
Sunday's ribaldry and rowdyism. The chief
says that a repetition of the disgrace will not
bo toloratcd. Ho had a long consultation
with Sheriff Coburn j-ostcrday , but the two-
mile limit controversy prevented them from
arriving nt a conclusion as to what course to
pursue. Itwn * determined upon , however ,
that the surest way would bo to nave city
cngliTccr go up there and establish , beyond a
question , the city's boundary line.
This will bo done to-morrow.
"It makes no difference , how
ever. " remarked the chief , "whore this real
line is , I Intend to file a complaint against
every man who dares violate the law by
soiling liquors next Sunday within this al
leged two-mile exemption tract. I am not
going to stand Idly by and see the saloon
men of Omaha obeying the law fully , and
have a lot of thieves , loafers and toughs
running the business defiantly at our back
doors. Iboro is some way to roach this
mob , and the courts must point It out. I'll
attend to the rest. I am going to begin this
work to day by the arrest of Tom
Board , who runs a place out
Twenty-fourth street , near Cleveland place ,
which ho claims Is In South Omaha. Ho pays
his license taxes there , but I think ho is in
side the city proper , and I am going to take
this course to find out. Ho shall not keep
open there on Sundays. "
Iho reporter called on Byron Rood and
asked him what ho know about this Cut-Oft
Island within whose Jurisdiction It lies , and
ho said : "Part of this Island , in fact nearly
the whole of it , lies in Iowa. There Is no
question whatever about that. The state line
remains Just whore It was originally estab
lished bv congress , and no action of the
elements can blot it out or change it.
I know it has been a harbor for the lawless
element of this city. When ordered off of
this land thcso pcoplo claim that It belongs to
the government , and that they have as much
right there as any oho. I ousted them from
my possessions , though , over a hundred of
them , and built a fence around my land ,
have a man live there and keep It clear of
these pests. I think a strenuous effort
should bo made to dig this vicious clement
out n't hero , root and branch , and I believe If
will bo dono. The state line extends from
800 to COO feet from the end of that Locust
street bridge , and no further. When you
cross that line you are in Iowa. I believe ,
however , that one of the thrco saloons you
have mentioned is Inside the limits of this
city and should bo abolished. "
What yo'u nooQ is a medicine which
is pure , efficient , reliable. Such is
Hood's Snrsaparilln. It possesses peculiar -
culiar curative powers.
Congratulating the Mayor.
A dozen ministers of the city met at Mayor
Broatch's office nt2 :30 : o'clock p.m. yesterday ,
for the purpose of congratulating htm on his
enforcement of the Sunday closing order.
Among the ministerial gentlemen were
Mean Gardner , Rev. W. J. Harsha , Rev.
A.M. Gordon. Dr. A. R. Thaln , Rev. "Luther
W. Kuhns , Rov. C. N. Dawson , Rev. John
R. HendersonRov. . C. T. Brady , Rev. A.
1C. Lamar , Rov. Dr. . tDotweller ,
Rov. J. A. Mulligan and Rov. A.
M. Colaneri. The last named gentle
man represented Bishop O'Connor
and Dean Gardner represented Bishop
Worthlngton. t
. When the mayor received the ministers of
the different religious denominations , ho
stated that ho believed the better element of
the saloon men would comply with the law.
Ho also reviewed thn condition of the su-
buban saloons on the islands , and thought
they could bo closed. The mayor also
said ho thought of making on effort to com
pel the houses of prostitution to abandon the
sale of liquors on the Sabbath day.
Dean Gardner read a letter from Bishop
Worthington , expressing his thunUs and
congratulations on the closing order.
Each minister expressed his gratitude
and told the mayor that he had doncTtho
proper thing in the enforoomont of the law.
Dean Gardner told Mayor Broatch ho had
75,000 pcoplo upholding him in the enforce
ment of the closing order.
Discoveries More Valuable than Gold
Are SANTA ABIE , the California dis
covery for Consumption and Diseases of
the Throat. Chest and Lungs , and CAL
guaranteed euro for Catarrh , Cold in
the Head and kindred complaints. They
are sold at $1 per package , or three for
$2.50 , and are recommended and used
by the leading physicians of the Pacilio
Coast. Not secret compounds. Guar
anteed bv the Goodman Drug Co.
Unolo Coburn.
Sheriff Coburn received a letter to-day
from Beaver Creek , Fremont county , Colorado
rado , that completely mystified and non
plussed him. Roy. who is evidently a young
follow , addressed Mr. Coburn as Unole Will ,
and in the body of his little story says : "I
write this because you are the only -relative
living that I have , or know anything about.
My father and mother are both dead. " The
sheriff could not understand it. He had
never before heard of a relative by the name
of Hedges , .
" ] , have used St. Patrick's pills , " sayfl
Mr. J. Reynolds , of Maylield , Ky. . "and
pronounce thorn suporlor to any I have
over before used. I do not hcsituto to
recommend them , knowing them to bo
reliable. " They are thorough , yet
gentle in their action andt leave the
system in splendid condition. As a
cathartic , or for disorders of the liver ,
St. Patrick's pills have uo equal. Sola
by all druggists. ,
Matutinal Blnzou.
The fire department was called out thrco
times yesterday. The first blaze was nt
Twelfth and Jackson , where a frame build
ing belonging to the sisters of charity was
damaged to the extent of $15 worth. The
llro had been caused by q tenant stuffing an
old coat in the entrance to the flue ,
.The * second run was made to A. Travis' house
on Fifteenth street opposite the Webster
street depot. A defective flue was the cause.
The vigorous work of Mr. Travis had-nearly
extinguished the flames before the depart
ment Arrived. While ho was In front of a
window a stream of water from a hose broke
the glass all to pieces In his face cutting him
badly but not seriously. ADout & 0 will
cover the damage to his house and furniture
by the flro. _
Sleepless nights made mlsorablo by
that terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug Co.
The Doantiritl Queen.
The auditorium of the Westminster Pres
byterian k church was Ailed Monday
evening with a delighted audience ,
the occasion beinglo \ rendition
of the cantata "Queen Esther'1 by
the members of the young people's society of
the church. The beautiful production was
given In concert form , and the talents dis
played by the Individual singers were excel
lent. O. C. Easson , who Imporsqnatcd King
Ahasucrus , has a magnificent bass volco and
rendered his solos with spirit. Miss Flor
ence L. Baker , as Queen Esther , displayed a
charmingly sweet as well as strong soprano
voice. Mr. G. R. Guild , of Galena , was cast
as Hamnn , while O. T. McPherson repre
sented Mordecal. The cast was completed
as follows : Zorcsh , Miss Julia Ncwcomb ;
Mordocal's sister , Miss Ida Mlscncr ; Proph
etess , Miss B , Blrkhouson Scribe , James G.
Kilgour ; Harbona , George Chaplin ; Guards ,
W. R. and G. H. Vaughan ; Hogal , R.
Lamar ; High Priest , R , W < Taylor ; King's
Pages , Masters Charlie Nowcomb and John
Guild ; First Maid of Honor , Mrs. Sackott'
Mrs , C. J. Alvoroz , accompanist.
Woodruff Granite Qnnrrr.
I am prepared to furnish Woodruff
granitq in paving blocks , door sills and
stops , or blocks of most any dimensions
at cheap ilguros. Also handle at my
Lincoln yard all classes of out stone for
any part of the state. Ask for Ilguros.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob. .
Mlro Dlcohlor's Counsel.
A rumor was hoard ycstorday to the
effect that James E. Woolworth would take
a hand in the prosecution of Ellzadoth Bloch-
loren behalf of her victim's aged father ,
but it had no foundation. Mr. Woolworth
was soon , and said :
"No , I was never engaged in the trial of a
criminal case in my life , and never want to
b9 if I can help it. "
"But you have had correspondence with
Mr. King regarding this affair ! "
"Yes , some. Ho and I are old acquain
tances and ho has advised with mo , but with
no understanding or expectation that I shall
have ny thing to do with iho trial. "
Mr. Woolworth , also says that King has
decided not to take any more part or inter
est , in the prosecution than to merely furnish
the state with such ovldonco as it may de
mand of him. Ho will probably arrive here
next Sunday evening or Monday morning.
An Absolute Cure.
MENT Is only put up In largo two ounce tin
boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores ,
burns , wounds and chapped hands , and all
sltln eruptions. Will positively euro all
Idnds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AB-
IETINE OINTMENT. Sold by Goodman
Drug Co. , at OS cents per box by mall 80
cents. _
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnnm at. ,
telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc ,
. A Question of Authority.
Monday a warrant was Issued for
Thomas Colloppy on a charge o'f selling
liquor on Sundav. Colloppy conducts a saloon
on Twenty-fourth street and the Bellevue
road , and claims to bo outside the limits of
Omaha and subject to the regulations of
South Omaha , to which corporation ho pays
ais license. On these grounds Colloppy
avers that the authorities of Omaha have no
right to dictate the provisions of the law , as
regards closing saloons on Sunday.
Walking advertisements. Every man ,
woman and child who has once tried Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup connot say enough in
its praise.
The wonderful cure by Salvation Oil of
Mr. M. Culp , a chronic1 rheumatic , 229 <
Gcorgo street , Baltimore , Md. , has awakened
wide-spread interest.
Bhe Grabbed the Burelar.
Mrs. John Sandstrom , 1810 Leavenworth ,
heard a strange noise in her parlor and en
tering found a strange man with a pair of
her shoes and a hair chain tipped with gold ,
belonging to her husband. She did not
scream or faint , but rushing up to the bur
glar she grabbed him and tried to take the
booty from him , The burglar managed to
Jerk away taking the articles with him. He
disappeared down an alloy and although the
police have a good description of him and are
looking for him they have not yet been able
to find him.
To err is human , but you make no
mistake if you use Dr. Jones' Red
Clover Tonic lor dyspepsia , costiveness ,
bud breath , piles , pimple * , ague and
malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , or
diseases of the Iddnovs , stomach and
livor. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Ill Treatment of the Mall.
Deputy United States Marshal Howard of
Kansas arrived hern ycstorday with a prisoner
named Homer Btsby and turned him over to
Mr. Bicrbowor for further consideration.
It seems that Blsby has been tryiug to be
gay with Mrs. Miller of Hastings , and usdd
the mails to insult.hor with loiters contain
ing very obscene language. Ho was captured
at Chery Vale. Immediately upon arrival
the young man was taken before Commis
sioner Anderson and bound over in the sum
$500 to appear for trial at the next term of
the United States district court.
Secure a sound mind , which seldom
goes without a sound digestion , bv us
ing the genuine Angostura Bitters pi
Dr. J. G. B. Slegort & .Sons. All drug
' Gwin & Uunmlrc.
J. W. Gwin and J. W. Dunmlro , two ex
perienced men in the business , have bought
out the gun and sporting goods house ol
John J. Hardln , und hereafter the firm wll
sail under the name of Gwin & Dunmlro.
An immense now stock of all descriptions ol
sporting commodities will be put in and an
effort tnado to increase the popularity of
this house as a headquarters for sportsmen ,
bicyclists , baseball players and the whol <
* *
U ed by the United State * Government. Endo-rled by the heads of the Crctt pnUe ! tlc
ml i public Fowl Analysts , .a the BUanirci Kt fcitirolLt nnd most llpnlihful. nr. Vrict's Cream
Jtakintt . YbVd . . . . . iloen | iot _ cqulMii . AujnTonla.i.lme'or . Alwra. , r , rrice' Dellciou ] 'la > pHoit -
tracts , Vanilla , I.ciuoji.Orautc.Aliucni | io etc.douotcoutalttl'oisonou Oll orC Uenircal .
PWICE-BAKING HOWDEH CO. , NcwYorK. ChlcBgo. St.ioul .
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A mnrvel of purity
strength and wholcsomoncss. Moro economical
than the ordinary Kinds , and cannot bo sold in
competition with the multitudes of low cost ,
kihortwolght alum or phospaate powders. Bold
only In cani. lloynl JUuklng Powder Co. , 19)
Wall street Now York.
Our little girl when tut three weeks old.uroko
out with oczemn. We tried the proscription
from so vcral good doctors , uut without any
special benefit. Wo tried 8. B. B. , and by the
; fmo one bottle was gone , her head begim to
lionl , and by the time she had taken six bottles
she was entirely cured. Now she has a full and
loavy head of hair a robust , healthy child. I
fool It but my duty to matcv this statement.
H. T B WO UK , Ulch Hill , Uo.
{ 3P Bcnd for our Books on Blood nnd Skin
, laensea and Advice to BufTcrors. mailed rroo.
Hi : S will Bi'ECU-ia Co. , Drapers. Atlanta Qa.
Ftncatnml Cheapest Meat Flavouring Stock furSoups
Made Dishes and Sauces. As Hoof Tea , "an Invalua
bio tonic. " Annual mile 8axOUU ) Jars. .
Genuine only with f olrnllo ot Juitus von Lloblg
signature In blue across label.
Bold by Storekeepers , OroceM and DrixrelstR.
LIUUIj's KXTKACT OF MEAT CO. , Ij'til , London
Bold by Ulchurdson Drug Co. , ondlilakc.Uruco A Co
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated by the legislature In 1803 , for
Educational and Charltablorpurposes , and Its
franchise mo/lo a part ot tha present Btato Con
stitution , In 1HT9 , by an overwhelming popular
vote. -
Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take place Bernl-
Annually ( June and December ) and Its ORAND
each of the other ten months of the year , and
are all drawn In public , at tlio Academy of
Music , Now Orleans , La.
For Integrity of Its Drawings , nndPrenipt
Payment of Prizes ,
We do hereby certify that wo suparvlsat-
arrangements for all the Monthly aua Soml-An
nual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery
Company , and In person manage and control
tno Drawings themselves , and that tno same
are conducted with honesty , fairness and In
good faith toward all parties , and wo authorize
no company to use this cortlllcato. with fac-
tlmllcs of oua signatures attached , In Us adver
We , the undersigned Hanks and flankers , will
pay all Prl/os drawn In The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may bo presented at our coun-
R. M. WATiMSLKYl Pros. Louisiana Not. Hank.
PiEHRK LANAUX Pros. State Nat'l Dank.
A. HALDWIN. Pros. Now Orleans Nat1 1 Hank.
CARL KOI1N , Proa. Union National Bank.
At the Academy of Music , New Or
leans , Tuoadny , April 1O ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each.
Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twan-
tietta , $1.
1 PRIZE OF (300,000 is . tOO.OOO
1 PR1ZK OP 100.000IS . 100,000
1 PRIZE OF 50,0001s . ) ,000
1PRIZKOF 25,0001s . . . 5,003
8 PltlZKS OF I0,000are . SO.OOC
5 PRIZKS OF n,000aro . 2fi,000
25 PRIZES OV 1,000 are . 2.\OOJ
100 PRIZES OF MX ) are . , . . . no.000
800 PRIZES OF DOOaro . 80,000
ZOO PRIZES OF O are . f. . .A. . 100,000
100 Prizes of fXM are . , . KO.OOO
lOOJVlzesof 800 are . UO.OOO
100 Prizes of UWaro . 20,030
090 Prizes of 100 are . , . fK > , W
OSO Prizes of 100 are . tX,9JO )
a IM Prizes , amounting to . tl,05i.8X
NOTE Tlrkets Irairln iie9rr | Capita are not en
titled to terminal i > rtzo .
ttrlonCi.unUATt.i' , or imr further Information
ilertroil. write legibly to the uoilernlRned , clearly
stating your residence , with tttaui. County , tUroistnnd
Number. Moro rapid return mull dallvorr will bo as-
eurcil by your euclojlnu an enduing bearlnv your
U8tn-1 POST AIj NOTK9 , Kxpreo .Money Orders , or
New York Kxchungo In ordinary loucr. Currency by
Itapreii ( at ourexpon.e ) *
OrM.A.DAUl'HIN , . Sew Orleans > , Li.
Washington , I ) . C.
Address Registered Littws to
tJiow Orleans , La.
the ttikuU are slKnul by tha ITunlitont of an Institu
tion wlKino tbttrteied rUhla Atu.ncoitiiliad In Iho
highest court ! ) ; therefore , Lumwu 1 nil Imitations or
onunyuiouH tuheinoi ' '
O.NK IKJI.I.AH l > the price oti tha imallost part or
irttottpn of ticket teSUKU ma OB In any dmwing
Anything In our name offerdd Jorikis than a Uollnr
U a Dwindle.
OOL&'KEDAL ' , PABI8,187ft
Warranted abiotutel/pure
.Cofoa.Jtom wliidi the excen pi
Oil has.becn removed. It humors
( Aan three tlmtt the ttrcnuth
ol Coco * railed wilh Kurch , Arrow ,
root or Sugar , and It therefore fir
iior cororoicil , cot tiny let t than'
one fcii ( a cup , it U dtlktouV
nourUhinf , strengtheningeisity di-
ftte < } , an4 , admirably adapted /of / in.
validar , pell as ( or persons in bcalth.
tttld by tiroctri ererjwhtrt.
1. BAKER & CO. ; Dorc lcrMa. .
You will bo surprised at the enormous stock of Boya'-aud Children's Clothing whjoli
wo are displaying this season. Although wo now have twioo the room than formerly for
the Boys' Clothing , yet the now goods pouring in daily make this department crowded.
At the price wo mark them wo think wo will double last season's Imsino-s. No goods i $
our establishment are marked as close and with as small a margin as Boy's Clothing , for w
cater to the trade of the masses the poor as well as the , rich. ,
The following are a few specimen values wo are offering this week :
200 strictly All Wool Cassimore Short Pants Suits , sizes from 4 to 18 , at S2.40. "Wo
liavo two shades , a dark and a lighter one , either of them very neat Wo recommend the
material as strong and durable , being every fibre wool and the suits are well made , nicely
pleated and tastily gotten up. They are beyond a doubt the cheapest all-wool suit ever
800 All Wool Scotch Cheviot Short Pants Suits , in several differoiii shades , at $3.50.
These are the handsomest suits ever shown for the .money. They are elegantly made and
the same goods could not bo purchased anywhere else for less than $6.
175 All Wool Cheviot Long Pants Suits , sizes 18 to 18 , at $3.90 ; the regular value of
this suit is $6.
An immense line of new spring suits in light and dark colors , for which wo will name
lower prices than ever heard of before at the beginning of a season. You have no idea
what money we can save you.
Not the least risk is taken in dealing with s. If you have the slightest objection to
the fit , quality or price after you have the goods at home you can return them and we will
refund you the money.
In our Hat Department we have just opened and will place on sale to-morrow another
shipment of our now justly celebrated 95o Fsur Derbys , the latest spring shapes. Thosot
who have tried one of these hats wear no other now ; they find them as good as any hat they
have been paying § 2.50 for. Nor is this the only bargain you will find in our hat depart
ment. Hundreds of styles of soft and stiff hats are offered at about half the price you
have to pay in other houses.
Every department in our store is full of new goods.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
"In the Spring a voting man's fancy lightly turns
to thoughts of love. "
But comfort and appearance should not bo for
gotten. Whether married or slnsle , a Rcntlaamn
always "ants to bo well dressed. Asprlnir over-
cent is necessary article of dross to every man ,
and you nhould Inspect our stock. Vou will bo
sure to Und something satisfactory lioth la quality
and prices , which range from (0 to tw.
BOP1W MINERAL PARTTrj.KS , which were
awarded tluthlfihettillHtlnrttitn by a medical jury
at the International Exhibition at llrussels.have
proved to he a first-class remedial agent in all
Catarrhs of the organs ot respiration and iliges-
scribed by physicians in disease ? of the lungs
and chest antt asthma. The beneflt derived from
their use is unnurpassed , and oven in the most
chronic cases they soothe , ease , and stimulate.
BODBN MINEItAT , PABTILLB8are preferable -
ble to all similar preparations , because they are
a natural remedy , an unadulterated product of
the Bprlngs , containing in an undlrafnlshcd do-
jtree of all sanative principles of these springs.
pared exclusively under the personal supervis
ion and control of W. BTOELTZING , M. U. ,
K. K. Sanitary Councillor.
quailed as a solvent In coughs and catarrhs.evcn
In the most chronic cases , Their success is un
BODEN MINKllAfi PABTHXK3 are a super
lor remedy in whooping-cough and dlphthnria ;
In tne former they lesion the paroxysm of the
attack , while preventing the latter disease , wlilcli
cannot take uold in a throat not affected by
creased value from the fact of having a very
favorable inlluence upon the organs of diges
tion ,
, BODRN MINliltAI , l'ASTIf.T.F.3 ought to
be kept in every homo. AU mothers are recom
mended to urge their children durn | thecokl
Benson to allow a pastille slowly to melt in their
mouths while out on errands or going to school.
BUDtfN MJNEUALi 'YAbTItiKti are for sale
at nearly all druggists at U\o \ a box. Should ypur
druggist not keep them , kindly address the
n Mineral Sprl
* ( Limited )
Cedar Street ,
/To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin
* " and Liverpool ,
' * . > ' § < Wuwr Yoiitc Kveitr TIIUIISDAV.
"Cabin passage tfi nnd I5U According to loca
tion of btuteroom. Kxturalon tii to I'JO.
fcleeruK toundfiem Kurop * at Jxiwext Hates ,
AL'arlN HAIJJU'IN i. CO. Ui'liernl AL'onta.
Kl llioad\\oy , New York ,
John IIH-KUO , General Western At'tnt , 1BI Han'
doloh Bu Clijcugo. H any B. Moot us uud TA o -
II , ilcCuib , i ) euU nt Oiaalia ,
A Sure Cure
2Oto60 DAYS.
This is a disease which has heretofore
Baffled all Medical Science.
When Mercnrv , Iodide of Potassium , Sarsapa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , w e guarantee a euro.
Wo have a Remedy , unknown to anyone In the
World outside of our Company , and one that has
to cure the most obstinate cases. Ten days in
recent cased does thowork. It Is the old chronic
deep seated cases that ve solicit. We have
cured hundreds who have been abandoned by
Physicians , and pronounced incurable , and wo
caallenga the world to brlucusa case that wo
will not cure in less than sixty dayH.
Since the lilstorv of mealcino a true specific
for Syphilis has been sought for but never
found until our
was discovered , and we are justified In saying
it is the only Remedy in the World tnat will pos
itively cuie , because the latest Medical Works ,
published by the best known authorities , suy
there wasnovcratruospeclflo before. Otirrom-
edy will cure when everything else has failed.
Why waste your time and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried every thing else should come to us no wand
Bet permanent relief , jou never can get It else
where. Mark what we say. In the end you
must take our remedy or NEVKH recover and
you that have been allllcted but a shoit time
should by all means corao to us now , not one la
uautoU | uiiu * u wuv | K * * * > -
appears again In a more horrible form.
This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cure
any Skin or Blood Dibouso when
Everything Else Fulls.
Room 10 and 11 , U. S. National Bank
Oinalia , Neb.
llax Meyer-Establls'ael 1856-Adolpa ileyer
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General Asvnt * for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clark and Slioniupr-Bell Organ ?
Write for Catalogue.
- the I.lfuor Habit , Positively dared
by AdailBliterlac Dr. Ilalaca'
Uoldeu Hpeckflo.
Ucanb * given na cup of coffee or In urtl-
clea of food , without tlio Knowledge of the pa-
lntlt ; Is abKoliitely harmless , ami will f-
feet a permanent und Epeedy cure , whether the
patient l a moderate drinker or Mf alcohol
wreck. IT NKVKU 1'AII.H. Oter ( OO.OOO
drtmkarild have been made temperate men who
have taken ( Jolilen Hrwldo In l/ielrxoiri'o wlti )
out their knowledge , anil today believe they
quit drinking orthoJn ovm atcord. 41 paffj
book of particulars free , . Kitlm & Co , BUEIUH
16th and Douglas HID , tBIh and Cuming ,
Omaha. Neb.i UounUl Uluffti. lv\vn ; Agents , A.
If I n Ud t > r iKs.Msirte
ll trftetir rreilnrU If tlit Liv
W l & -DUPH.T Mfthpd.
m iurn wiluifr ! l I 'T.mJi
; tii iui itc
{ .
N , W. Cor. ! 3tli & Dodaro Sts.
for Deformities and Trasses.
flost facilities , apparatus and remedies for mcceii
ful treatment ot orcry form of disease requiring
Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attandancoi best hospital accomuioda *
lions In the wast.
WHITE ran cntcriLAns on Deformities and BracetY
Trusses , Club treat. Curvature ot the Hnlne , Piles ]
TumorsCanoar. . Catarrh , Ilroncbltli , lobnlatioD ,
Klcctrlclly , Paralysis , Kpllepsy , Kidney. Ulac uer <
Kyo , ICarSkin and Dloodana allSurglcal operations ,
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All Dlood Dlioaies luccessfully treated. Brpbllltlq
Poison r raoT d from the syatoiu without mercury *
New restorative treatment ( or loss of Mini Power.
Persons unable to r'.slt us may ba treated at homo by
correspondence. All communications confidential
Uedlctnos or Instruments gent br mall or ezprosti
niurely packed , no marks to Indicate contents o |
leader. One parsonal Interrlow preferred. Call and
consult an or send history of your case , nnd wo will
send la plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Itnro-
tcBcy < 8rptilll .aTeet And Varlcocolc , withjncttlon
list. Address
OmaJia Ifcilical and Surgical Institute , or
Oor. I3tn nd bodge 8U. , OMAHA , If ED.
Health is Wealth !
Ull.C.O. WVST'B NeitVK AW > lilt ill * TllKATV
MKNT.ttgunruntee.lspBclllcror Ilyateila , ttl zl.
nesa. Coinnlulona , fits , Nervous .Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration wined \ > y tha
UBO ot alcohol or tobacco , \Vakefulnunf , Muutnl
Depression. Softening of the Drain , resulting Id
insanity and leadluutomUery. decay and death.
J'lemature Old Aue. ilarroiiueiis , I OIH of I'oweq
In either sex , Imoluntury lessen and BpermnU
orluracunied bv over-exertion of thninilnKolf ) <
nm ! or overindulgence , liucli box rontalnd
one month's tieatiiient. { I ( Ma boxer sU boxes
for.l.0'isent ) > y inalliirepald on receipt of iirke.
To cute any case. With uach order received by
us for HX boxus , aciromp nled Ith M.IO. we tYlll
Kend tlis uuulimerour\\rlltfnKiiunuitoo torn-
fund thij money It tne treatment iloaq not eiluct
a cure , ( limruutod linuo.l nnly \ > r ( loodmaa
IJninCo , HrugjMtj , yale Auenu , lll'J ' I'urmua
Omaha Ko\ \ .
street , > _ _ _
Steck Piano
Ilonnirkablo for powerful syinp < ithotio )
tone , ) ) liable action and absolute dura
bility ; ; ! ( ) years' record the host gunran *
tc'oof the excellence , of thuso iristru *
oaly on
dcontliaaus Klect
- -rrnu. Bclwitine.l'owfrtu
arorubla suitt EtreclfTO. Aviil
aaured. K n < iHUnipr < > r
AL 0 IU KV.i.1 * IfOU jfl'-
, ISI VtUAl ) ) AYf.
uKTifi. SUN. A nt'wnov *
by AMii.Ii : : UIVUH , author offlllj
QUICIC OUTUK UBAirr" rouipletti In Mj > j > iru
tott's Muuazlne for April. I'rice. V-'i tents , jttf
vale by ull boolu llera