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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY . BBEh WEDNESDAY , MARCH 27 , .1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA _ No advertisements will be tftkon for tliFfin coliininn nftcr lIIiJJO p. ui. Trrnm Cash In nlv ( noc. Adverttcoment * under thU head 10 cents pet line fof tno flrtt Insertion , ? cents for each sub- equent insertion , nn < l f > .M per line per month. fo advertisement taken for lo than 2ft cents the flrst Insertion , Seven words will l > o counted totho line ; they must run consecutively Una * nu t bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise ments must bo handed in before 12:10 o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances vrlll they be taken or discontinued by telephone. 1 artloa advertising In llioag columns and hav ing their answer * addressed In cnro of TUB men will please ask for a check to onnblo them to get tholr letters , bn none will bo delivered except ou presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclonealln envelopes , All nrtvortlicmcnH in those columns arc pub- ' HMiod In both morning and evening editions of Tute IIPK , the circulation of which aggregates more than 1H.OW ) papers dully , ana Rives the ad vertisers the nencfli. not only of the city clrru- lotion of TUB HUE , hut also of Council DlulTR. Mncoln and other cities and towns throughout till * section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns wilt bo taken on the above conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who nro m thorlzcd agents for Tun IlKt special notices , nnd will quote the sam rates as can be had at the main o nice. "TO I IN TvTllKLL , " rharnTa istTKO South Tenth O Street. _ _ _ f MlASK & r.ODY. Stationers anfl rrlntors , 113 \J South 10th Street. t > SI1. rXltlNSWoTlTH , riiarmr (1st , 2115 Cum- mg Street. \\T HUaitKS , Pharmacist. 021 North ICth YV. . Struct. GEO. W. I'AIUl , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's ANOIlUq. - SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED SUuatlon as hounekeepor by lady of experience. Address U 14 , Itoo olllco. 703 20 * WANTKDSltuatlon by oxponencea coach- inun ; city reference. Address U 10 Iloo. Ww 740 23- w ANTED Position as cook In hotel or roa- tauraut. Address X33 Ileo , Council IllulTa 13S-20 WANTED Situation by n lady stenographer mid bookkeeper. Operates a Itumlngton typewriter. Good city reference. Address , U 11 , Ileo Olllcf. 742 20T _ ANTHD Situation as driver , either car- rtago or delivery wagon. Can gtvo the best of reference. Address , W , M , Thomas , care of Y < M. C. A. 74120'- bookkeeper wants to change. llofora to present employer. Address , 171 J , Hce Olllce. 73928 * TTTANTED Employment as offlco man oven- TT ings and mornings by a stenographer , bookkeeper , and vorst-d lu lugal forms , eto ; ro- Iily by 27tlUnst. Address U 0 , Dee. 7IO 27 SITUATION Wantcd Uy nn exporleiiceil } oungmnn ; stenographer and typewriter ; reference given. Address U4 , Ueo. 710-31 + W ANTED Situation by licensed stationary onglueor. W. H. Drldgos , 1300 N. 20th at. _ _ _ AMANfMjenrs old , of temperate habits and Homo oxperlenco as oDlcoclork , wants em ployment in store or ofllco of some kind. Address - dross U 7 , lice. T2527 * bread and cake baker wants a situa on. Address Charles Still , Jollet. 111. ' WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Moat nnd pastry cook for Cole rado KO , pastry cook who makes pood1 biend. man or woman $25. Mru. Ilregn , 3I4H 8.15th. 701-27 WAN'IUD Young mnii totnko cnio of horse nud make himself generally useful abou tha place , nt 716 N 22d Ht. Koforoncos required. 758 2 W'ANTED A milker for the Model dairy , Dundee place. 774 ' 8 WANTED-Man nnd wlfo on n farm near city , only 8 In family , $ jj ( month ; no ob jection to one child. Mrs Brega , 3144 H 15th. 760 27 ? ' lA/ANTKI ) A good salesman to represent YT the Kendall mfjr. Co. through Nomaska ; KCHJfl salary : bond of $6WJ and good referenced required. A. Lewis. Call this o\enlng. Hotel Derby , between7and0 o'clock. 13th St. , near .Podge r > B2t < * \\rANTI51) Two good canvassers to sell a TV staple altlclo to private families ou the road ; miilary , commUilonand railway expenses paid. Harry Fianklin , 809 N il.'d , Call this even- Ingftotwecu 7 and B o'clock. 673 0 * ANTKO Bread bakers ; uteady work and good wnge to steady sober men. Apply Jos Oaincau Cr'kr Co. 751 .t i Hood men to orgamro local luancliei for tbo Nebraska State Ilusluons Men's association. Apply at once at mom 87 , chamber of commerce , Omaha , ffeb. 70'J 2St "ANTUU A reliable energetic business man as general ngent for Omaha district of the United btaton Mercantile 1'rottcth e asso ciation ( Incorporated ! , malu olllco f 'J Tribune building , Now York. The right party can real ize nn income of ej,000to t.tXOporytar ) , Call on Denj. Simons , nlnnager , at the Millard hotel. 7i ( ? 2flt WANTBD Quarry monateAdy ; woilc. Apply at Albilghfs Labor Agency. 1U.O Karnam W rAtiflJD An olllco boy. Amcrl7an l'res association. 74120 * WANTKD A man to solicit and act ns pcii- ornl agent ; must ho a "hustler" ana do- poilt tlOO , Monthly salary $75 and * )0)vllli ) ) comrolKslons. Call on Ueo. a. Cllne , room 511 yirst National bant. ' 748 ill AGKNTS To itell our patent f ) punts to measure fit better , wear longer , oan be woru wither without suspenders. Not liable to bag at knee , nude In all grades and patterns * Dig money to live men with small capital. rVnd stamp for circular * aud conlldontlnl lemur. J 1'utent panto , vifi suits. Hunter Mfcr. Co. , Cth and Hycinuore , Cincinnati , O. 136 it WANTIID-A good cook nt N. Johnson's lunch counter , aci.1 Cnmlnn at. fU'K-tt ' ) ; WANTUD Yotmg man about IB to work In Btoie and makihimself generally tisefiil ; mujt rome well recommended , Adchcoij drawer 09 , P. 0. , city. 71220 A OENTB Wuutcd Oouoral nud local agents , Jli-to hanillo the now patent Chemical Ink ErnKliiu- pencil IKI oat < > st no\ulty e\er ptodueod ; cranes Ink lutwo Bcconl : no nnvnslouot paper , 200 to 600 per cent piollt ; selln ntplKhtitcrrltory absolutely free ; saiaiy to good men ) Kiunpln Si c'-'iits by malt ; for teimn nnd full paitlcnlara addrc-ks the nmntif.-xttureM. 'I lie Monroe Erat > er Co. , U , S. Express building , La Croase. Win , 7C4 i7 ! ) An lionort etipublo young man for n KOnd position at iood aaliiry. Art tooinNo. if 220 N. inth street. swiMt WAN'iTJJ-AKOO'i b-irbeirat o.7U7 T Wh fit * _ _ , M i8l * 7 * WANTKI ) Tor April la man and wle ( to to lik-j : chitrgn of farm house kttrhon. reeking for filteou men , washing fnr tliivo mricns only , mnn tn do the cooking and wifa for acnlbtiint niul K > rai housokeupur ; niUKt n cooa ( jiSi1iriiL-o ! nnd oYc < iiitltmal buttiir- makerH , AS w nit ax m-at und tidy about the work ; a cotip'e without children It lomilred Mid mint cniiio wllll belt or relntviKos as tn ability itudilmracleri Iho farm In lix-ated l- > inllrs fiom Oimhaon iho Union i'a'llla iiUl- ronrt ; \\nt'o8 M' pornioutli for hotli , Addre a at once , sit Ing 030 , nntlotinllty , cxnurlenrc , etc. T-7 , lloo. , _ , ' Cfitxn. ythoyuarforinriii , UcotLh unJ ( i - ' - _ oatmaki r and two pants- tnakeri imnu'dlutcly. L. IHnilioln-.or , McCqok , . U al * - - - * tXrANTlib-A bftker , { lorm.ui , iuirlVmnn" T T Apply t-j Cho , Oriateycr , Uoup city. 6 J. _ I-An exurrlcnced trn\ellntr"salcs- m iiforntiolcftnieltiijcomimnv. AiMicsa f W , llco uHH.0. ' & 4I-C7 i > n man to nolt < 'lt til KnniM and Missouri i nulury t : > t ( > Jll > J per ruonth , Call tc tiny i\t room 51) ) , Hut Niitloinil a-j _ Voimg man of buflucm HiiJlTty to act na dmtrkt munauor ; mtut put In lltwi sfclarr ll , * i for % ' oor annum i no use 'iioat- r § . " . .Tall atonioovaaa i Ueo. B. Olliif.Jll yir t Nntlontl bunk- . _ Hiln TtrANTjil ) Agi'ittii tor our now patent tile- TV proof nufcj , fil ix'wlHKtf.voUrntfti ) Ibs. , ttUII jirlec rc > , otht-ri In proportion , lilKhoit bWnrif ( Mvw liUHlall Ceutcimlttl exptiBltlon ; rareohance ; perninncnt Innlucsa , our prices lowfjt. Wo ar n/it In th * ftfo pool. K.vciiiHh o territory clvcu. Alplno buta Company , Clurln- i uatl. O. 1.1 \ \ ANTKD-nnorsetlq men and womuit evory- TV wii rn for Htrcuteal , nioiuy-niuklnir tinul- B M , tajM ky | prpilt Kuaiantortl oiuler than KO monthly othir l > o. I'.xpcrlenco iilisuliituh- 1 ion nnd excliihho ten Itory a iur i. HW namplei frpo. Write ( or tartlcijur ; . Adrttew , wlthntaiap , Merrill Ufa CO..HM Chicago. _ 17ft nior tJiTXRi'in TlTalirdaii laoorera for Wft.hln'ii : TT ton jyrrttoryi steady , wotk. lorn * Job , at Albright' * Labor Aycncy , ll'.ll I'.niuiii at. 740 l oys-A a'jicirco'ijonionBiG ; fist I \\/ANlED ? l'lr t ilAM Bht."i luloiman ; uoiia . buttlioioImvliiiijoaMof experience und rood rertrenia mud upply. M Uho Fair , Uih nd MowniU .1,1 , Jlrindcli h Bon * . 141 , Oj t. ttl , 645. WANTED-N1ALE HELP. ) A coorl Imslness man to take the management of an omco In New 1 ork city. one for Detroit and another for Cincinnati ; must Invest K,6W ! salary I1noo per year. Address George & Clint- , Wagner block , Ucs Molnrs. la. 674 A OENTSwamert-on salary. HJ per month jtx nnd expenses paid , any nctho'mmi or woman to sell our aoods uy sample nnd live at hnmo Salary paid promptly and oxpanxos In advance. Full particulars and sample case free. Wo mean Jtnl wnat wo Bay. Address Standard Silverware Co . lloston , Mass. , \XrXjTKI ) ItollaTiTq Ic energetic salesmen tn TV omaha'and northern hairot Nebraska to sell our rnachlnosalso " collectors , no capital or experience necessary. The Singer Mfg. Co , Omhha.NoD. 717-al WAJJ ritb-lo travoltnir Balosmen. salary nnd expense ? . Address with stamp , I'almor & Co. , lc ) Molncs , Ja. . 7S4al WANTED-FEN1AL.E HEUP. \ \ 7"ANTKINnrso Rtrl Itnmort tally at 710 N TV U.'dst. Reference1 required. 57 g > * WANTXn Qood tttrt for general housework , ; i In family , good \\agcs. Apply at once , .a.Uh avo. 77flS7 * WANTEl Stout nwl-class 6lrl for housonork ; good wagoi ; 6 10 B nd. WANTnD-20 good elrls wIllliiR to take placfsout'of city. In country tow in nnd on farms ; also , 1 > nm-ciaa Rlrls in city. Mrs. llrcga,314',4815th. 7CJ 27 * LADIHS calllni ? this week can secure stonily homo work all summer , $1 to M weekly. Mn- tormlt turnlsed. ad lloor noa N. Iflth.7.17-ai . * WANTKI-TAAO competent girls , lint-class placotn tha country $20 and $10 ; another for family of 2 In the country $22 ; two wait resses out of city KO , 2 for lleatrlco iMfy laund resses , kltcton glrl und 20 for cncral housework - work ; lots ot work for good girls. Mrs. llrega. ! IIU { B. 7UO-2U' ) Olrl for general housework , 2539 Cumlng st. WANTHU clrl for pants nnd vest making , 4l8tJouth 10th street , 1 27 * WANTr.D Cook , second girl nnd dish washer. 201 % hotiBlas st. 71H-23 * WANTKD-A girl for housework. 1714 N. ! ) Ith und Decatur. 701 27 * WANTKI ) Olrl to do general housework In private faintly. Inquire KI5 1'axton block. WANTED-Oirt , 022-N. IBthst. 071-28 WANTED l.artyagents , or our now skirt substitute for bustle , baby's diaper sup porter , etc. Our Iowa Falls , In. , anent made JU.OO in one dny. Ladles' bupply Co. , 287 W. Washington St. . Chicago. 55,1 30J ) Agents llollablo women to sell WANTKI "Original Hygelo" Combination Shoulder Ilrnco Corset. Host money making nrtlclo In the country. Satisfaction cuaran- tooa. 'Apply for terms ontl territory to Western Corset Co. , St. Louis , Mo. lK-alU ) WANTED-A competent girl nt No. 2412 St. Slary's avenue. 770 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. cmp. bureau. 119 N. 10th , establish ed 8 years. Most rellabloln city H. B. White. 709-02 * FOR RENT HOUSES. SEVEUATV good boarding houses centrally located for rout nnd furniture for sale. Co operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Hth st. _ 7l . " 27 T710K 11ENT 8-room cottage , cistern , well nnd E city water. Apply on promises , U314 Pran- els st. , west side of Hanscom park. 773 It 11ENT Sbrlcfc residence s , all conven ience on Park avo. fronting the park , $40 ivr mouth. Also. 4 houses on car line , on Park nnd llood bts , 8S ) to J35 per month , D. V. Sholos , Iloom 210 , First Nnr. Bank. 749 IOK KENT House of rooms und furniture for sale , lull Chicago st. 07KiO ( FOH KENT May 1 , modern built house , ten looms. In < Iuho 71.J N. 19th St. . near Webster. 077-UOt HENT 2 now G-room block FOH car barns on Lake st. C. 11. Silkworth , 1HOS Farnam. 014 TilOU HENT Cheap , one 7-roomod now house J3 J. H.HENT , 51U Paxton blk. r > 24 T710U IlENT-S room cottage 310 N 13th St. , JL1 near Capitol ave , 312.50. DTO 7 BOOM hoiisu wltn barn , out a little distance 820 per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank bldg. 49S 8 loom house on new motor BEAUTIFUL , : and Cunilng BU. , with modem Improvements J35 per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nut. bank blag.- 493 HENT A 5-room brickcottngocoiiveul- FOB UP , dcpot.Moad & Jamison , 3U 8 luth KENT 'i-room moaom imnrovod house. A 1 locality : rent moderate. Apply to M. Elgutter , 1001 Farn in street. f/,0 _ , KENT Cottages , li rooms , STM Charles JEJ stieet nnd 1521 South Fifth stinet. lucinlie nt loom SI. , Sheely block. 671 T710HHUNT Good basement. 1515 .Douglas st. IIKNT Nice 6-room house , cast troni halt block of cable can. 112 ri 28th st. POOuSt TJ\OT \ HENT 7-loom Hat.'Ml month. Inqulru JJ ntTlio Full' , l.'tli aud Howard. 974 I/KU ItKN'i1 Cheap , a nloo J and ft room house , -L' 1MJ 8 21fct st.betwouu Center nud Dorca.1 at. W9 a 8 * T71OU HENT Furnlshod liounu for rent. liar- i' Tin. 411 First national bank. 89J 1T10H IIBNT Flat of ceven roomsicor. S I3lh -U and Pacific stn. Duggan's block. 877 ABIU LT3T of houses for rent. 8 , T. Petnr- con , H. c. cor. lltll and Douglas. KJ-a4' FUKN18HED house for tent In Park Terrace , opposite llanncom Park , all modernn con veniences. Enquire. Lea & Nlchol , 28th and Loavenwoith. 03 i FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. "M"ICE furnlshtd rooms tc bcord , H03 Douglas. 4VJ Foil KENT Largu newly furnished fiont room ! nlso , Rontlieast room with alcove ; nil conveniences ; Unit-class boaiu ; KXn Fainam. 7W 2i FOR KENT Nicety fmnlnhod ronin In nice cottrtge. toper month , 403 Wllliams , st. 743 171011 HUNT BJeenlnj : rooms nnd honneicoan * J. In ; ; rooms , fm nlnneil and unfutnlshcd , But and Wl llmvnfrt. 740 8U FOU HEN'l1 Furnlnlied rooms single or n nulte. KOO Douglas , .713 f > nicely furnliihoilroonn $10 and $16. ZV > 6 Far- mm st. C90'27 * i" > llVA'l'i ( ; family hnvo several nlt-oly furL - L ulbhcd looms for rent with board , (115 ( N "Oth , 721 : u TM/AKABANT funilshod room , & 07 South Srt\\ X ave , OU 37 * HliN'l Hooin with bnaid for tA'o gcu- tlvnien , an i > , Mth avo. cai-Mt TJOOM8 i-ud bonnl-lH13 Chicago t. TJ10II HENT--'r o fin ill shed fiont TOOIUB. Jbln H or cu uuite. 1-ustlloor. No , 41N. . 10. FOU KENT llooir.s and b.mid only f-'i per \\eot. 2011 Humoy Rt. HhNT-Dc lruble furnished front room o\cry' onxculoucu , zilB Douglas st. wt-m 1711)11 11KXT Nlca aoulh front room , , JL1 for neiitlonieu , JlM < * ( Tapltol uvn , COT FlIUNlHIH'.l ) rooms , moddrn convenlcnce , 110 , ID : and } 15 per month , board if dclr d. 1911 Uouchi" . 034 Z T,1L'ltNJ8llhn : mom with boird , tnodtvn con- J-1 vonleiuo < aim In good locatlim ; prlcis ma- soiuiblo , 'fSJl Loft\tinwirth. * fc''i 2J * NICK rpomt by the week or month at the l' i\body houw , 1107 Jones. Wl a'il * TOK llKNT-ritrnUhOil room , nil convent- J ? encct ) , HIJ a nioiitn. X ! 7 Dodge t. A7U JjlUIlN J3JU3Droi > m , B TlOtb ] _ _ furnTflmTd front rooma , J718 Dad go I7 OU llENT-Fitrnlchod room , ail modem .13 c ucotf. a i4 Faniain t. A VKNin : lloamn-At 1013and 10ItCApltol ave -TV. ! blocks from P O. . nuwly furnlthed private btuvJltuh&iu , plu . ' .antlooiu 1ullcouveu'.cni 3 UUN'l J-rout room * tt l Jl * | AlttI5 ! front room , itirulshed , every convau J-Jloucej iiito , tmull room. X1U1 bc/iiglaj , 2 < j TmilllM llViDor uufuriiUheil rooini with uaa JJ ( vu. | buth , bo.ird if Uoslicil , JlJ U ( St. , op. jKUlte All Pnliila' chuich , 674 "IjlUUNlHIIUI ) room * by d y , week or month. JJ M. Clulr Hatol. tor. Wit and Dodgf. tfx CiUITotS furnlvhed rumn * , iuotl rn conn < k7lccre < , a tilocli from P. O , , fvtvu't ) family. A. llojiu , jr. , JCU OoiiulM t. 4 i FOR KENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. ' . JJOOM8-Inqulr8 1308 Douglas at , 3rd floor. plUIlNlSHBD rooms , 113 320th $ , ' * I71O11 HUNT A nicely furnished room , with JJ nil conveniences ; fll8 So. 17th fit. 722 * | j\UllNISHKD \ robins , single or on suite , batb JL ; and steam : for gents only , 1519 Howard. T AIlflR frontroom with bed-room adjoining ! JJlmnds6mely furnished , gal and heated by Kteam , with tno of bath-room. In one of the handsomest residences In the city , without board. Inqulro n , tv. cor. 19th and Loavcnwnrth. O NICUTiY furnished rooms , steam heat , gas , . /bath , etc. , on same lloor , 410 per month. SJT SSUht no Hat. 678 r JVltnisIront room , nicely furnished , suitable J-Jfor 2 gentlemen , ISfJn'nrnam. & 7J FOR RENT SToltES AND W ANT 15D Somoona to tnko desk room In a Kood olllco ; Ion rent ; young attorney pre WOK . Address U 13 , llco. 775 27f OK UBNT-Jl story brick store building on main business St. , wall located and es pecially adapted for retail or light wholesale business. Hicks , room I ) , Barker block 7fl7 30 _ Fen UENT-Socond nnd third lloors of the building nt No. 1401 Douglas st. formerly know nns the St. Cloud ; also the throo-btory building facing on the alley In the roar of the above. Atncs , 1507 1'itrnam at , 731 27 T710R KENT When you wish to rent n house. J store orolTlcocall onus. H. E. Cole , room P , Continental block. r flS T71OH KENT Now store corner 10th , and JJ Jones. A. O.Powell. 1201 Farnam. 837 3 "CiOU HENT S stores 7 room Oat , 0 room J. house 17th , near Nicholas , Inqulro Sclilos- Ingor Bros. , oU South IQtust. Oo-m27 : _ OlTllENT 2 lloors 22x8Jeachln brick build- mi ; , with ulovntor. fcloso to express ofllco , cheap rent , just the thing for w holesallng , good location apply Ueo. Hoyn , 1103 Fnrnam st. 203 FOIl HENTSnsco in ctoro for nn exclusive glnvo or small line of other goods , In the very best location In the cltr , especially for la dies'trado. Address Tl > 4. Boo olllce , tVU 27 ri1HEbo t nnd cheapest store for money for J-rent , HOT Jackson st. For particulars call on J. Hochstiasser , 410 S. 10th st. C01 20 TJIOll HENT Two very desirable stores under JJ Washington hall in the Danish association building on Itth st botwonn Harney aud St. Mary's n\o. Inquire of janitor. 5 < X)3 ) FOR RENT ROOMS UNFUR.HISHEP IOR HENT Three rooms uufurnlshod , 1410 Pierce st. , 18. 670 I710II HPNT-Unfurnlshed. aultablo for house- JJ keeping , all modern Improvements , 4 rooms 1703 Webster Bt. Prlco $ U 570 ; unfurnished chambers for housekeeping to man and w Ifo. 319 No. 17th st. 303 2 * i FOIl HENT Booms suitable for housekeep ing In suites of from one to four : In conven ient location : lowest prices. Butt's Iteming Agency , 1501 Farnam street ; telephone 179. FOR HENT Three unftirntsned rooms , also two basement rooms to families without children at 1123 N 17th st , R99 WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED By May 1st. a detached house of about ten rooms , with modern Improve ments , in high school district. Address T 03 , Boo oOlce. 697 " > ' T1TANTRD Cottazo containing not less than T T six r/boins wlthinrottsonnblo distance of postoinco , state prlco nudlocatlon. Address T , 4. Deo. 460 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. FOU HENT Ilcstaurant in perfect running order ; best location In Omaha : willghe2S bushels of potatoes In the bargain. Come quick it } ou want It , or I will dispose of tUo fixtures , J , A. Wlchtermaii , 610 S. 10th Ht. 777 20t WANTED Some one to buy two good bod- steady cneup. Call Tuesday and Wednes day , IC21 Cass St. B30 ! Wt "ITIIllHT-CLASa lot of saloon furniture and bar JJ llxtnres for sale nt a bargain. Inqulro of tha First National bauic , Aurora , Neb. " ' . 015 n23 TT'OH HENT One wagon shop and blacksmith f shop located in tno buxiness part of the nourishing town of Hebron , tue county seat of Thnyrr cnnntv. For turther particulars ad- drcfis .o P. O. Box No. 5 , Hebron , Neb.MO MO 27t " | 7KH HENT Cold storage , capacity throe car JJ loads , trackage. Built expressly for boor. Call 131)7 ) Lonenworth. . 4051 OriCK to Farmers nud Gardencrs For lent , the following pieces of land : North ' , i or northwest ' 4 of HOC. 1.11 % r 12,10D acres ; south ' } of southwest > i of soe. 19.115. r u , 80 RLrnn ; east ill acres of north H of northwest U s 3i. 115 , r 13,30 acresalso ; 47 acres duo south of the pour farm and adjoining Edward Howell place In city limits. Inquire of John II ami in , (117 Llnton mock , Omaha. Nob. 876 31 "rnOIl HENT Well improved farm of BO acres JJ near city. Schloslugot Bros , dli South 10th. ( BJ-rn27 RENTAL AGENCIES. TF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or exchange , J-call on or address , U. J. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and 319 First National bank building. . 68IJ moil HENTHOUSO'J In all-paTts of the city. JJ J. J. Gibson , No. 4 , Crolghtonvblocku 601 &EO. J. PAUL , Km larnatn st. , , liousoa , stores , etc. , for rent , - 68J WKciro attention to renting and collecting tents , Hat with us. II. U. Cole , room 0 Continental block. 681 J. J. GIllSON'H now sj stem of renting houses , J.TFYOU Crelghton block. Oil TFYOU want your houses rented place them J-wlth Itenawa 4. Co. 15th , opposite postolllco. I1BT jour hoiibOK and stores witu ma ; I boAo Jlots of cuatoniora. J. iIParrotte,100i > Calcago | 214 all BUSINESS CHANCES. . TJ10K BALK Small drug stock very cneap. JJ 1 lia J ackson st , 7M 2 tjlOil BAfK At a bargain , Prlo's hotel. JJ lloyd'a addition , block 1. lots 1 , il , n , 4 , 5 ; li now cottages , all rented , on lots 4'/4 nnd A. In quire athotel. 714 31 * TTIOU BALK Or Trado-A 11,000 general stock JJ of inorclmmllsu ; ull clear and must ha\o clear property , Address P. O. box 00 , Bo. Omaha. WANTED A business partner , by a man who controls quite a large amount of lilackltillt ) property ; one with oillco in city or with some capital to invest in real live proper ty. Address US , llee- 715 i TJlOll BALK Drug store In a city of IM.Otw in- JJ habitants ; everything now ; invoice J-.COj ; terms cash. Address lock box lirjfl. Bale Lake City , Utah. HALB Stork ot general merchandiselii c ° od town on U , & N. W. ly , . In ( Jroeno county , Iowa ; will Inxolcn about W.tWO ; will sell for W cents on dollar If taken at onco. Address K , llox' IPS. Sciantou , Iowa. on a ) TTIOIt 8ALB A good business of woolen ana J.1 ( tei'ta' furnishing goods , tn a good location , witu Hhow case nnd fixtures ; we have books to showbuitnesH. Call at Omaha National Knitting - ting factory. HUt n. UtU at. &yj 2 t Oil HA 1.11 Neat boarding house , Sit rooms , iniunnlug order , well located , tn Sonth Omaha , at n bargain. Hufchlnnon ftVoad , N. K. tor , llouglai aud 10th et. 007 'M TjlOIl SAI/B A nlCB clean Btoclc of hurauure , JJ ntc. , In Uast Dei Molnus , la. .Unvoice ir.OOu , Wilt give time on part. ' 'City population8,1X10 ! Capitol ( if the utate. AdUross , 1 * . O. box ; ' 2d , Co/ud. Nub. 670 W T710U SALK A popular nnd well established Jctunr and tobaccu business with latest style fixture * , doing a coed business ; vury best loca tion lu tlm rtty of Omaha ; capital required from g..UH to ll.ftK ) . Addrfum 1 * . U. llox CM. 645 ! ll ' SAM' w Ithin Ort days -Two drug stocks In mm yiovlnj ; county seat In n. w , Nebran ka ; wilt Invoice about t\W ; will soil one and menu the other piovlded the purcnaicr will buy M.uti stticle for cash : purchaser can rent for ipa per month eaohi will bell for coitt and ciuri latfu ; guod trade : reusou foruoll. lug , other bualneaj raqtilres full attentlou. Ad- drennloclc box 0. ! , Oitlbertsuu , Neb. , or Hurst tc Co. HastluuA , Nub , tKi-'J 'JilJ I'lue ' cjnitectlQUi'ryT No. 1 locu- tlon , doltiKU good IninluosHj good reason for Adillts.1 , TfXJ , lice olllcu. filJ ait HAItnWAHK for vale-Small nuatttoct. Tin ihnn In ( micotlonmust ; bo sold atone * for rath. Address O. M , Yaugliati , Dominic , Colo. . K.ValP * AMKJIllUItSIIII' in the Omaha b ard of trndocan be hail cheaj ) at Iloom S3 U , B. Na tional bank building. icy CLAIRVOYANT l \lt , NANNI1SV. Wariou. clatrvoyaut , medl- \J cut aud buHluuu medium. Femala dlsaoses a Bjictlulty. l | N 16th Ht. . rooms a and U. 6'/J itaiTRNOUjfAN cau be consulted onaf , alfalrs ot lite throuuh tub iimgio mirror B tl faction gu rautted , 4la N loth Upauirs AND TYPBWRITIfiQ and Typewriting Institute , new Vnxton building , Omaha , Tlie only ntekulro shorthand Bchool in the dtmte. O\or nb hundred Rradtiator In good slttmtloni- The school ts under the manager ment otC. C. Valentino , odlclM stenographer ottheBrd Judicial district of Nobranica , and ITof. H. II. Boylos , an experienced teacher nnd verbatim renorter. Day and evening sessions , Studanta cnweorbr at any tlmo. bond for cir culars. 515 _ S TANDXni > Shorthand School , 413 Hhooloy block ; tetohol standard syftetns and tues llcmliiRton typewriters. Circulars free. KM W HITTLRSEX'S Shorthand-BChool/.TnarkeT block,3lhtn.-f Instructlons18cla : s llniltoii 731 nl * MISCELLANEOUS. N rooning. spouting , gutters , valleys , and J- sheet Iron work done well and cheap by li Savage , lltl N 15th. _ 6044fl-t ! /"lONTRACTINO plasterers are Invited to call \Ji\l room 401 , 1'nxton building , nnd examine "Adamant. " 852 A IS nilllllmnjo taught ns an art by tico , F. flel- .Llonbock , Apply at lice Ofllce. 1 > K MAI1A. NobTrobTl4."iw9. Notice Ishofcj by given to tno holders of all bonds issued by the Cable Tramway Company of Umnhn , nnd bearing date of May Sil , 1887 , January 1st , IbSt , and October 1st , 1884 , to present the same , for payment , with accrued Intornst , at the First National bank of Omaha , Nob. , the fifth duv et April , IHSH. Interest on said bonds wilt tease on that date , the company having availed Itself of the right to redeem the same , byglv lug thirty days notice of Its desire to do no. 8. 11. Johnson , ProMdent. s ; WANSON. Vnllen & Co. undertakers and 'embaluiera ' , 1721 Cumins st. Tel. 1000. FOR EXCHANGE. OAU I.OAD young mules to oxchango. Apply to Chaa. H , Webster , southeast corner I.rnv- onWorth and Twenty-eighth streets , Omaha. 778-27 ? FARM land to exchange for city property ; grocery stock to exchaugo for furniture , Co-opertUlvo l nil and Lot Co , , 05 N , 10th st. 70423 block. 769 SS WANTED To trade a poney for a safety bicycle. 10128. IJthst. COW "HEN-room house near SOth At Lenvonworth to .L trade for property near 1.1th . .VVlnton. . Gro\er Stevens , Itooms ulu & 517 1'nxton Hlk. 71727 flHOICK Improved farms , lightly incumborcd , \Jio trade toracant lots or oqultlos In houses and lots. H , U. Cole , Continental block. G i GllOVKIt SrRVKNS. real ostnto nnd loans , removed to rooms IHH and H171'oxtou blk. Exchanging property a specialty. GI3 IN trade for a good South Omaha lot I want to get a liorso or norse and buggy. D. D , Smoa- ton , 43 Darker block , Omaha. lisa 0 T7IOH EXCHANOK-Clean stock of drugs to JJ trade for farm , town property or cash. Ad dress 1. N Barker , Ureoloy Center. Nob. OS3-27 * " 171011 EXCHANOITwo seated carriage , good JL1 as now , or good lot. for good family horse. Call at loom 3 , Iiushman block. 078-2(1 ( "IT10H EXCHANGE For desirable rosldonco JL1 property in Omaha , any or ull of follow Ing : 40 choice Inside residence lots In Hastings , 100 lots In Lincoln. 040 acres line farming land , Lancaster county. ' Kino reslde'nce property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice famifrircsldonce , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence properly in Hanssom 1'laco. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , ni > Ing location nnd prlco of prop erty , J. E. ll ! , core Hauui Iron Co , . 1217 Leaven- worth. ' " ' 023 TTIOll EXOII A5fQ E Dakota. Hand county. JL What hayo jou to offer for a good farm here , sllghUy encumbered ? Dakota lauds uro rising In valUe. audits deatluy cannot bo dis puted. Will take vacant lot or lmpro > cd prop erty and assume xouia iucumbrancp , 0. J. Stcrnsdorfr , rooms317 and 313 First National bank bulldlggtj , fi24 W ANTi:0 Uood span of horses in cxccango for cleat loti A. P. Tukeyl5thnnd Dottglas ' iHdL1ots and stock for good house V aud lot , Omflla ; must bo iraexcuptlonable nelghborhood.'t.-iVddrosa 8 21 , Boo. * ' ' 708 FOU EXCHANGE Eighty acres of the finest timber laud In Wisconsin , clear of incum- brance. What have you to ollorO. . J. Sterns- dor ir. rooms 317 & 313 , Flrat National bank building. tI9 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. . TjlOll BALE The lease , fixtures and saict , of JJ theC. E. Mayue Heal Estate \ . ' 1 rust Co. . cor. 15th & Harney Bto. 70i-2' : : FOH BALE-A good Courtland , N. V. , buc , almost new. cheap for cash. Address J. E. Noodham , Albion , Nob. 703-3 * TJIOll OALE-Che.ipanearly nowtopbuggyCo- ; JJ lumbus mako. A. II. Comstock , 312 .s. loth. 747 TJIOIISALE Horso. buggy , carpenter wagon E and two Bet single harness. 1U12 H. loth Ht. II 0-27 * T71011 SALE-Pony and cart , 10.4 N ! nd. OJ WJ 3lt FOH SALE Strong horse. l.tOO Ibs. weight. Shutler wagon and set double harness , all foi $ .K. Apply room 210. 1 Irst Nat , bank. 73J2T FOB 8ALK Top pheaton. 1507 N , IDst. 677-28' : TJEAD THIS-81.BOJ worth of nice furniture , J-l' entire outnt of the house , tortXO ; must Roll on account of alcknoss. Apply to J. U. Farrotto. 10 jd Chicago. 214 all TjlOll BALE A line combination billiard and JJ pool table for residence ; -HlmoBt n < > w ; a bar- gala , Itoom 22 , U. B. National bank building. T7IOII SALB-Car load of young sound horses. JJ 151U California Ht. K. D. Wood. 321 TTIOU SALE-l.OOO'tons 14 to ill Inch ice ou JJ track. Council lllulla. Ulllert Bros. 81Bn4 Bank , 'lelopnone 461. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee Si Trust Co. , 1SOT , r r- 11 urn. Complete abgtrautu furnished ArtUloi to real estate examlned.perfectoa He guaranteed , ABBTKAO'1'8-Llnahan & Mahoney , room BOO , * _ Paxtonblqck. (194 ( _ _ 7\MAHA Abstract company. 1M9 Farnam st , V/ Most complete and carefully pruparod sot of abstract books and plaid of all real property in tno city of Omaha aud Douglas county. BO > FOUND " 1710UND Large spaniel. . Owner can have JJ mime by proving saino nnd paying for tliU notice , Enquire S , Troatlor , Ud ana Fi 'arnam. 28 WANTED TO BUY. WANTKfJ furniture , carnota , stoves and houHehoia'Booas of all iclnds , Omaha Auctions riloragu Co. . ll.'l ' arnam. Mi ) WANTED fctouy. a homu , cost ilot to < T ? ceed $1.6fJj { House to coxt W.dUO by my plans. Sightly east front lot near tttreot earn , * 1,0X ) cash. Ajrdres3. | P , O. Box UU , Omaha. W NTEfefoTbnyt'podcomraerclul paper ; It. C. I'attordon , m S nth st. PERSONAL. PliltBONAIMlL A. II. In town Tuesday , Wednesday. Thursday. 1'loasu write me at postolttce. 'f.euev there for ) ou. It. 700 27T TDK HbON A U-cWHllam McCune'H uddreaTTs -'utjou"M'W8t. ' ' 7Jt aa * _ TDEHSiNAlP ( Viaatod Some good family To L adopt an'.orulitin girl 7 years old. 1IC7 N. nth _ , . " . OKi-ai P2HSONAIiunylady ! of good appearance undaddi't-budeslrlnif out-door employmunt cau obtnln Hamoiby calllni ; at room fill , FliEt * _ _ _ _ T > UIVATlicoune In teuclcg. boxluu or fancy J- club swinging , 19. Address T J4. llee olllce , ATHANCB MtJDlUM-Miuo. Handall , the young Swede , tells full uamejot calleriMind the full name of your future husband or wife , with < lateof marriage , and tolls whether the one you love la true or false. Nut a fortune teller , but a young nplrlt medium. Madame goes Into a perfectly dead trance. Will bring uack the parted husband or lover , tie matter it they bo 10.00) ) miles away. Will guarantee to settle family quarrels , I'arlora up utulrd , 403 N. 16th st. . third lloor. 2IJ n 13 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. / 1AIU'KNTIlt ! or bulK'er wanted to Innld a v liouse and < take as part pay finely improved farm in Nebraska , Address , T K. liee Olllce. _ _ _ , . WANT1SD 10.00J woitien to use "Wllcox's Fancy Compound 1'llls. ' Per/only unto and always elloctuttl. Hand for 4o "Woiimti's bafaauard. " Wllcox Medical Co. . Phlliulal- phla. lii All ) 'at MONEY TO LOAN. [ ONKY'to oixnon real estate : no coramls- Lslou. W. A , Sponcor.lloom3Uushmanblk. UPKClAtifundof (10.0UO to loan at reduced Orates ou furniture , horses and wagons , City Loan Co. , 118318th at. 170 T.OANSmado on unimproved city property. JLJKlmball , riinmp * Hyan , room a , u. S , Nat , bank bl'g. ia Furnamat. Ml S ) MONHY loaned on unlmprorcd InMdo Omaha real estate. 0. W. Peck , U. 4 , Frenrer blk. 517-al Mortgage & Tnut Co. fur- nlsh cheap eastern money to boirowors. purchase securities , perfect titlet , accept loans at tholr western olllce. Ooo.V , Coates , Itoom 7 Hoard of Trade. , 610 QTT HATuilSON loans money , lowest rates. GW . PKC1C loans money nu Omaha real estate llulkllng lewis a specialty. K 4 , Frenzen blk * $ I 8 To loin on tarms and city property. $ Oeo. J. Panl. 1803 Kariiam st. liM QKHSholcr 210 first Nafl bank bnforo mak- kJlngyour loans. KA rinnnrlal agency will loan you monov on horse * , fnrulturo , jawulry or securities of any kind. 1JOO Howard at. , corner S. 13th st. SK ) a U ; M ON15Y ( to loan. Ilairls It. K. & Loan Co. , room 411. First National bank. WANT12D 1'lrstclass ttuldo loans , l/jwcit rntPM. Gall and see u > < . Mutual Invest' inent Co , U 1 llaiker blk. 15th and Knrnam. Mrj MONKV to loan on Improved pioporty at flrst hanas. No application sent nway for ap proval. Security nnd tltlfls oxamlnod free of chnrgo to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , suu a. 13th st. 007 / "VDRMj IIH03. 4s Co. . No. H13 So. 10th St. V/Chamber of Commerce building , loan money nt ( I , OH , 7 , A and H par cent , according to loca tion of property , unsurpassed facilities for placing largo loans on Instdn business uroperty. A special fund of snvoral thousand dollars to loan on unimproved lots. MM "f CAN moke a f ow Ib ans onllrsc-olass chattel JLstcurltlos ut ronsonablo rntos. W. K. Potter , rpoiu10 llarkorblk. OH I71IUBT mortgage loans at low rates nnd no X1 delay. 1) . V. bliolea , 310 First National bank. MONUV to loan on approved real estate by Noithwcstorn Mutual I.lfo Insurance Co. Lowest latest , no commission. Address Howard Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Nob. CUtl T710H 8ALR TJlne-room house , barn and lot JL In Hanscom Place ; also " house * nnd lots In Sunny bide. HnriU , room 411,1st Nat. bank. CM O.F. . IIAltltlSON loans money , lowest rates , . . 4U3 DO YOU want to borrow monoyif Head this : It will save vou tlmo. \vlllsi\\o you money. You can borrow from B. r. Masters , successor to W. H , Croft. Iloom 4Witimotl bld'p. 15th and Harnoy sts. 810 , tS ) , $50. SlOe , 300. ? 500 , 91,000 , M.OKO , 110,000. In fact , any sum you want on furniture , pianos , horsex , mules , wagons , etc. , on uastor tormf and at lower rates tnau any other olllco in the city.w Ithout publicity or removal of propel ty from your possession. It an Instalment is due on your property and you cannot meet it. cell and see me. 1 will pnyltforjou. Ifyou have a loan In any other olllco rail and get my rates. I will takolt up and carry It for you. I make loans for one to BIX months , and you .can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin cipal and interest. All loans renew od at original rates , and no All business t > trlctly cunfldontlal. Call and see mo. Don't forget the number , Iloom 4. Wlthnell block. C03 N'EllItASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a loau on household goods , hordes , w agons , land contracts , flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Itoom 7 , Itowley block , Soutu Omaha. Ilooins 618-019 Paxton block , Omaha , Nob. 605 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. S. A , Sicilian , cor. IJthandFainain. oofj MONKV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estnto and loan agents , 1605 Farnam st. 009 OAN3 nmclo on.ronl estate nnd mortgages J bought. Louis 3. Reed & Co.,1521l'1aniMn. 630 UILD1NG oans. Llnahan & Mahoney. > - 619 PEOPLB'B Financial Exchange Ihe fairest , quietest and mo t liberal munoy exchaugo in the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , In any amount large or small , at the lowest rates of lutotest , on miy available se curity ; loans may be paid at any tlmu or renew ed nt original ratcc. 0. llousuaien , mgr , room COM Barker Block , 15th nnd Farnam. 032 "IV/IONKV / to Loan Wo are ready for appllca- -UXtlons for loans In amounts from WOO to $10- 000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real eatate Full information ns to rates. Loans promptly closed , ( ioocl notes w 111 be purchased uyus. Call upon us. or write. The McCnguo lnve8tmeutCo. _ _ 010 FDILtHNG loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 First Nat'l. Dunk. _ Sg7 HE. COLE , loan agent. ' fill "PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Largo and X btnnU loans for Ion ? und shoit tltno , ut low est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don't fall to call if jott wan't fair and cheap accommodations. < ) . llou curen , Mgr. , room 6U ! { , Barker blk , , 15th and Farnam , _ _ _ 6 PEIt ( JENT money to Io n Cash on hand. W. M. Hants. It. 2tf , Fronor block , opp. P. O. 01J H : B. C0L13 , loan agent. C2J Y to loan tn largo sums at the lowest rutea ; no delay. 11 , O. Patterson , 318 811th , 021 MONEV to loancash on hand ; no dtilay. J. W. Satilro , Lilt ) Farnam st. , first National batik building. 015 ONRV loaned for .TO , CO or 00 days , on any kind ot chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , HIT I'arnafn st. 617 PONRY to loan Lowest rates. Loans olosd L promptly. II. I Cole , If. 0 , Continental block. 018 $ WJXW ( to loan at per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney - honey , Uoom sua , Paxton block. 01U MONUY to Loan on chattel security ; fair rate Interest , J. H , 1'urrotto. 2001 ! Chicago. 214 all C HOICK loanrf .vantoa on unproved city property orty , ICimball , Champ Se It } an room 0 IJ. S Nat bk bldg. 120ii l''arnam st. b07 a-l MONBYto loan on furniture , horses , wagons etc. , or on any approved security. J. W' Uobblns. It. 200 , Sheely blk.lBth and Howard' * 001 MONI'.V" to loan at lowest ratns of interest on realestuto in Omaha and South Omaha. Titles ana property examined by us and loans made at once. Cash on hand , Hates , Smith & Co. room 20-1 Ilumgo lililnit , i 4 UiLUINO loans u specialty. W. M. ItuVrTis room 20 , I'renzer block , opposite 1 * . 0. DON'T borrow'money on furniture , homos , wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you sou C. ll.Jacol-H , 410 First National bank building. nab < J 1. M to MO.OOO at fl. Vt and7 per cent , no Mid- ndlomenj money direct from the Uanturn In vestor , W. B. Melkle , 1'Irst Nat'l Dank building. 407 . LOANS ou business property , 15,001) to $ HWX ) wanted. Provident Trust Company , room 308. first Ntttlonamank building. iqj FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE N'OTIOIUo bulldlnsontractora. A block of twelve line lOiS , one block from pav dHtifot und street car line nt extremely low llguri'H. Inxoatlttato this , lllrklmuxor lc Illumer , room 18 , Ware bldg , _ tXDr0 _ GHOVKIl STKVUNrf. real estate nnd loans. reimnecl to rooms MU and r 17 Paxtou blk. Kxihunglug property u specialty. ,011 771OH SAKi : Homo of the cnolceut reHldonce JJ lota hi llunsc4tm Place , Heo 1'liuo. llilgifs Place. Orchard Hill and other tine additions , at low lluures and naiy terms , llirkhausur & Illu m r , room 1H , Wuro bldg. OJ7 M * fPALK. of bargains ! ( iazeon this ; 1 0x157 n.w . J- corner listu und llumlltou , fronU .iRtruots , at grude , for 4WO. This Is bed-rock ; not a ii Ickol lets will ever buy it. and It must be grabbed soonat thut price. M. A. Upton Com pany. loth und Karnam. 5 ! < 9 I710U BALI2 Or exchange for Oni'ttu proti- JJ erty , BO aoret BUltibla for plattlu ? : will make 400 lots.ult clear ; big money In It for BOUI one who cau push this ; locate , ! } untoutilda tlia city limits ot Council llluirs. Inqulro Oeo. .1. Btonudorir. rooms PIT and 318 , l'ir t Natlunit bunk building. " _ _ fi7i "nioll SALli On monthly or quarterly pay. JJ menu , Home newu-room hoiisti * In Mlllurrt ( c raldweU'uadd. . Just Hi nilles Irgm postofllto. If you want a home of your own come und sun me , U. C. Hpotawood , 'K.Ut ; 3. Kith at. .154 TCVJll BALK 31 acr srtortior ThTrtaenth and JJ North stroetH. Uualrable for platting , O. Good , Oood block , Dua Molnes , la. ' O CLKAltlots InKckeiraan Place and a clear p house and Jut in Vork. NebH will tratlB for home tn Omaha : prefer place near I/jug Bcboot. will pay notne cash difference for bUitu- ble propartr. u ft UarrUou. Mercttants KM bak bid. iyi FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. jt\ . Qonclaa County Abstracts , . 16o ? Earnam street. Those wishing to Invest a little money tn Omaha lots In such a way as not to fool the outlay , can now do so. We have good lots , aplcndldly located , surrounded by new build- lng < ; nnd Improvements , wnlcn you can buy , paylUB 1S down , balance ten dollars a month ! Think of this ! A dunce to save your money I A chance to get the increase value on the lotas Omaha gixresl Think ot It , good lots at $100. 1200 , * m Can you find n safer investment , a better way to Bftva your money ) Can any bank pay you an initial Interest on your moueyr You Can See thcso lots nny tlmo you want to without charge. Wo have conveyances nlw y roatly to show property free . . f lo cash and $10n month will buy your wlfo or one of your children a tot that will make them more money than anything else you can do for them. Itomembertbat It Costa YQII Nothing to come and see these lots to Investigate- this matter for yourself , You can make up your own mind when you see this property and what stir- rounds It , wtiothp . . . . jltw , tax ) , JSV ) ts cheap for the lots or not. Your chance to UIMCO mounv tn Qmahix land Is as good and ovou Hotter Now than over before ! Tlioro la no question now as to our city's future growthl A postolllco build ing aud a city hall ro but tv part ot the contem plated Improvements tor IKW. Tnoto cheap lots are put ou the market bccaiuo they are cheap I It would not pav us to show you the property unless ttwas chcapl lu other words , H Does Not Pay to advertise cheap goods unless they arc what is claimed for thnm. Don't be lacking lu cotir- ngo ; If you want toMaKo MaKe Money , "Huy on the terms we now oiror you , nnd no one can duplicate this property at the price mimed , bnt rirst of All come nnd see what It Is , when ) It li. what sur rounds It , what n future it haslll Plenty ot people ple hnvo made money In just aucn Investments ni this one offered you ! You run rlskl V'ott got the oasloitpos lblo terms ! You can Investigate the offerl It costs you nothing ! A llttlo conrago and a little money Is all that is noodod. . Ames , 1507 Vnruam Bt , 774.11 SI1OLUS' special bargalns-KsOOO buys n good 7 room cottage and barn witu fine plumbing , hot water heating apparatus , nicely papered , mnntlo and nil convcnlouces.tull lot , east front , near corner 2flth st. and Woolnortu avonuo. 18.5 ) buys n line now 10 room house , with a good bam and all conveniences , being an east fronton Poppleton nvunuo a-nd & ) th street ; choice. Ja,500buvs a full lot , uast fronton Georgia avenue , half block botlth of Leavomvorth at. , with a good 0 room cottage , fine largo alintto trees. Very choice. Oood8 room houao , furnace and Ml conven iences , No. 31. ) Pooploton avenue ; party going to leave the city. Investigate this and submit off or. I have a good Hat of residences nnd rosldcnco lots \\hlcint will pay you to investigate Mf you wlHh to purchase ; 1 also have nouoOJ worth of good clear property to exchange for either good residence property , or Insldo business property and asaiimo as mucii cncumberanco , orpaydlr- forcnoa In cash. If you have anything llrst class for sale or trade , call and 100 mo. D. V. Shales , room 310 First NKtlonul bank bldg. EXT11A Uargaln 3 story 0-room house , 4 closets , cellar , city water and gas , conven ient to ciblo and horse cars , one of the finest resident locations In Omaha , ? 2.a . actually worth $3,400. II. li. Dole , Continental block. FOR SALE Cheap Not for trade ; G43.76 acres land ( sep. 5-lX-fl ) two miles from Marquettq , Hamilton county , Nebraska , Frame house , sta ble. 300 acres under good barb-wire tcnco , round cedar posts , two stays , living water. UO- foot channel , 2 wells , 320 barrel tank , corral , Rolf-feeder , a natural stock ranch , in n line corn bolt. Price ga.OOO Cash In hand -,7M 2years' time ( I per cent 8 , ! o Oo and look over land. Addros.1 owner , K. 1C. Atkins , 1502 Larimer st , Dem or , Col. 027 WORTHY of your attention. Now being completed ou S3th at , north of Loiven- worth st , two houses ronventant to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath , toilet , a water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot and ctild water , five bodrooraa , 10 closets ; only 95.500 , on tormsto suit. Telephone i7 or W. T , Seaman , Omaha's largest variety of wag ons , currlagei. etc. , east slue 10th st , north of Nicholas st. 433 21,000 buyHS nouses and lot , 07x J a. K.cor 'llth and Vlnton. OSJ-mlU I HAVE 10 fine lota In Brlggs * Place add. , Omaha , for cash , on good terras. For further information inquire of E. Jeffrey , Galena , 111. HOMES , HOMES Do you want a homo on easy terms in the best resldonco suburb of Omaha ? If so call ou us and wo will drive you out to Carthage , that high and sightly pleeo of ground which joins Walnut Hill on tno west and Dundee Place on the north. Here we will soil you a full lotut fiom 8700 und we will ad- vante you ns much money us will build a house ; principal payable in live years ; Interest Komi- annually. Or if you will build the houao wo will soil you the lot for 1-10 cash , balance lu 7 or 10 years. Just think of these tei ma and then come see the lots. Bronnan &Ca. , Chamber of Com merce. ' 643 27 0.1x155 cast nnd south coiner west Tar- LOT nam Ht. near Milton Hogers property , $7.- 000. Easy terms will uliado this for nil cash , C. F. Harrison. Merchants Nell bank bldg. 4)3 ! ) FOH SALE-East front lot. fOx60 , on South 10thst. near Browucll halL with hotiseu renting for $00 per month , for o few days at Si.2oO. Ames , 1507 rurimm St. 731 27B FOR BALE or Exchange 1 mnrovort stock farm of 8JO acres In eastern Nobraskii , near market ; also now 12-room house with all con veniences. In desirable loiidenco potlon ; of Omaha. Andrnw llevhiH , attoruny , 422 and 423 Paxton block Omaha , Nob. 023 Foil SALE Two very choice lots In block 8 , Hanscom place ; the ground Is high and sightly and surrounded by flno u welllnxn : prlto 22,750 each ; one-third cash ; balauco ] , 2mulJ years. Amos , raj Farnam st. 7J1 27 ATA sacrifice ISflrloO ft. east anil north -ca-riont , corner 3ith und Howard Bts , one block west of Coo's ami Klrkondall'H line resi dences , two blocks from paved street , two blocks kouth of Farnam st.i just think of If. IJ-fixlWJ ft. and a corner at that , and only t .r oo. C. E. Hotter , rgom 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas 1J10II BALE-Lot 40x153. south of fair grounds JJ In Ktrkwood , Prlco , il.VM , one-fourth cash. J. H. Lodmla , 1U20lrt strout. 401-.IOt Foil SALE Without a cash payment to thowo w ho will build , clioi 3 low in Plaluvlow , lu HitMtlnB , In La Vela , West Cutning , WiniUor Pluuo extonalons , Park Place , Hanxcom 1'laco anil other addition. J. II. Evans , llurkor block. Tor Bulo na acres , Dougia < i county , etutablo for dairy inrm. J. U. Evans , Barker block. U5II-JO DD.8MEATON has three extra good bar gains to otrer In the place to make money lineal estate , Soutu I'mulm. A lot W.'J , only $76 cash , bul. 1. 2'niid .1 years ; honso aud lot iHK ) , about ! M2 cii3h , balance to suit ; buglnesH lot tl.HOO , $70J cash , bal. 2 years straight. 43 Barker block , Umalm. 68(1 ( 20 flj 101) cash will buy a contract ou IIOIIKA nnd P lot on Jones Bt. , ! 'XX ) pulil. AddroH U B , Boo. SOUTH OMAHA 1 have a number ot good lots in various additions that must ba sold atoncoandcan be bought ut prices that will milt you. G. J , Btornsdorll , rooms 317 und Jin I Irst National bank building. I1JJ "f/1011 rtALE On taring to mlt , til o neatcottage , JJ U4 Charles it. 'ItilepUono ir , or W. T , B a- man , Omnlm's largest variety biuijIoB , waE & . . east ! 0e Iflth gt. noitlMif Nfcholfts bt. lilOUSALEor Lcaao I'lntne Imlldlng nhout X1 40x50 with three years' leuso of lot.UJt Doug- lua Ht. 9/j | FOH t > ALK-Tlie finest rosldenco alto In wont Omulin ; just south of Purnnm on 37th strnet ; a corner 105x1X7 with 197 foot frontage ou paved stioot and joining tliu handsomd rosl * deiuoof Klrkonaallon tli ( > aitaiul Brady , Eaa- snn und Martin 6n the s.uthi a perfect gain and garden spot far an ulcg&nt liomo. Harnoy and -1st utrcuts , 111x107 , on pavement within il blocks ot the court home ; room for seven flno houses that would rent as rapidly us completed , A Hpltmdld permttnur.t Invest ment. rainnmand 22d stieeta , CUxl33 , with now 8 story hricKHtore building , rented to good p r- uianent tauauts llontal iccolnts tl/JX ) nor year. Sixteenth street near NlchoUf , frontage 01 feet to allpy. Good btmtnMs property. Fai nam street between ; nth mill uuth , frontage - age , 4SorUJxl.l2 to ulloy. south front , 1 block from pavement ana street ; cars , Puric uvcnuo oppoittu Hunacoma park , 60x130 , price ( .2,0)0. ) onwy terms. Paddnck place trackage , 01x112 , fc,003 , ousy tenns. . ] th itroot south of Vintonst. , lot forsalo or tradi for md u or good farm laud. S. A. Bluman , lJ > . > i 1 iirnatu bt. KA T71OI1 HALE-IjOts lu rtand W. block II , West JJ Side addition. Tnosa lot * aroDUUV oacb. lay VB.ry pretty , an J the tltrea c n be bouuht for 1,000. They are actuully worth twice that amount. U. J. Hteraydorir , lloonu J17 and IllH , Vlrst National bank bulldlutf. 35j _ /"I ALL on II. K , Col ; , northeast corner ot 11th v and Douglaa sts. . Omaha , for Kdwn ) K. At- of California. 830 April Hi' ffiiWO , * i,8V ) cush , V < 00 fcyoira o pur cent , buy Psistocroom h u e , furnaco. b , th. etc. , lot 60x100 foot. No. SUM Poppleton nv * . . ilauscom Plaedi tuiiBt go by March.1st. . . party going aw y , U. V. Wholes , SW lit Nat'l bank. 64 IT quarter cccllon , $ hennnn county. Lo - In , thriving Iowa cttyt also In Omabiu Ke - ickybral saddle hors * . all the ftMts. Bftlo - did f.imlly mart' , carriage , eto. Wlint n rojrpu _ to offer ? ArtdroMSSO , llco office. M _ STORAGE , omaua Auction A Storage Oo , 6W Fl iTACkAUlC torago , lowest rotoi. W.M , JL lltishmon. 1311 Laavenworth. KU J5IIANCU & , 1211 Howard. Tnkon Up. Cow , between S and 4 J cars old ; whilom Wi roA spots ; brandonloft hip. Inquire ot P. II , OltUliN nrington , Neb. m-lWM-n-s-Mfl * THE REALTY MARKET. ' I placed on record during r * - lord a v. .1 7,1'orbos and husband to 0 Vandor- beck , lot 11 , blk 1 , Klmwood 1'laco add , wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . M " ' ooo Q W Amos and wife tr .1 flcmmrvuok , lot U Amoi' add to llllUdalo , wd SoO Union stock Yardn Company to W I Solby , lot o. blk 2 , Second add lo South Omahn , vd . . . , , , , . . , , . , . , K S Kood and wlfo to L Krouso , lot 17 , blk II , Allnlght's annex , wd 830 George A llennott mid vi Ifo to W J Ilar.lhn , lots 2J and 24. Solby Heights , wd 850 J T Paulson nnd wife to u Honorh ct nl , lot 10 , blk 2 , William Hagodorn'a add , wd . , i 800 South Omaha Land Company to J U laIs , lots 6 ana 0 , blk Cl , South Omaha , t60 United'sYritcs'to'i : it' iVavIsV U''and" so neo 17-HH'i copy of patent. 11 J Smiley to A I. Wolcott , lot 7 , t il- w Ick's rlaco. wd . . . . . . . . 1,000 A Kahro to William Kichle , lot 4 , blk 4 , Dupont 1'lnco , wd. . . . . > . . . . 1,160 lj Jollltro to S 3 1'rlco , Jr , und ! i sue 12-10- U , wd 2,400 D L lliomns nnd wife to J H PfetHor , part 1-14-0 The Safety lin cstmont Company to r K Magunsou , w Si lot 1H , bite 1 , llodford Place F H Johnson and w Ifo to 0 Coibett , lot 4 , blk 1 , Newport , wd 400 William O Albright and wlfo to O Corbott , lotw , blkU , Albright's Choice , wd 823 M M Marshall nnd w Ifo to A J gulitgard. part lot 2 , blk \ \ B K llogors' add. wd , . C.OCO 0 K Tumor Mid-husband to 0 J Flack , lot 4. blk 3 , Summit Place , wd 8,401 N A Kuhn , trustee , toV A Ilodlck , lota 1 to 10 and lot 19 , blk 1 , Crelgbtou ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " J L MoCriguon'nd wifo'to'A 'fi'Vitch"lot 4 , blk l. priugdale , wd OOQ Nineteen transfers. Building I'oi-auts. The following bullillug permits wora granted yostordny : C. 0. Turner , throe-story brick store , Six- teonthncar Jones . tl6,000 Krnnz Ilalda , one story fnimo dwelling , * Tw only-sixth nnd Locust . , . 900 D Thomas Hart , two-itory frame dwelling , :1 Twenty eighth nnd Douglas . . . . . . . . 600 : Qoorgo I'ritclmrd , one ana one-half story frame dwelling , Tn en t -socoml < iud . . . . BOO Samuel Hums , onu-stoiyaddltlon , 1807 Br. Mary's avenue . 700 M. IIos f > , two-story ( hvelllns , Kmiuott near Thirty-third . . . . . 1,000 N. Slebort , one and one-naif story frame dwelling , Dollu and Grand avenue . 1,000 W 1) Moi run , one-story frame addition. . . 100 M. 4. lllrkott. two-story frame dwelling , OlSPlerco . . . 1.000 Charles 1' . lllrkott. two story frame , 10W 1'acltlc . l.W 51 Inor permits . U10 Cleen permits . ,611,010 NEUVOUS , CIIHONIC and PRIVATE RISIUSKS Of M1N nndVUM1SN succc fullr trcatoil. YOUNG MEN Buffering from ( ho effects of youtliful folllet orlndll crotlont , or are troubled wllli Wenltnens , Norvoui Dobllltr , IrfU'of Momorr , Desponilonc , Arerslonto tjoclctjr , Kl'lney Troubloi ur any UHcMo of tbaOenl- > . ' to-Urlnnry Urxuns , cnn lioro lliul a info nnrt ipocajr cure. Cliiircos rcusonnblo , cspcclully to tUo poor.i MIDDLE-AGED MEN Thcro lira many troubled with too frequent evr.otia ttons of tbo bliulilor , often accompanied by n Bllgbt siunrtlnu or burn I UK suusntlon , iinu vronkonlng of tbo ( yatotuln amiinner the imtlont cannot account for. On examining the urlnnry depo lto a ropy xedlmont rlll oftnn bo found , nnil Boinuilmo * partlcloft of Albu men will appear or tbo color bo at a thin , mllklsh Imp , again clmncliiK to a clurK or torpbl appenrftDce. 'J liorp nrn inanr men who tllo of tlila illlllculty , Itfuor- nniof the OUU3P. which thoitocond stHKQof Boml- nnlwiHkntMv The doctor will K"ar.\nteu a perfect euro In all nucli CHI-OB , and a lionUhy restoration of tlie KoiUto urlnnry ( irKHiis. Consultation frco. Hond ' . ' ccint Btnnipfnr "Youn Mans brlendor Uutdoto Wedlock , " Ireo to all. Atldri-33 DH , . SPINNEY & GO. Main ami tith ! St.Kiinsasf ltyMo. UTMentlon tills paper. ' > . OWEN'S LEGTilS BELT ANJJ SUSPENSORY. PATENTED AUG. 10 , IS87. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889. DR. OWEN'S ELEOTRO- GALVANIC BODY BELT ' " -Vawir/v.i.-i. , AND 8U8PENSOBT r lo tbt/at- Xlowloi dlieuel DAm l/tXll .Hheumatlo Cornplilnu. : Lumb o , 0 i t J n4 ervom jp blllty. 3o . TrcmbllDi lag of Body , Dlieuts JnilioreUpnt In Youth , Aff , M r- glo Lift , ' " ' " > H < ! l i < i ptrUlnlni or t u'lsl ' orritni ot mil * or r tt&l POIHIULE rAlrmH OX IV UiTBTUUL. OWEN ELEOTRIO BELT & APFtlANOB CO. 3CKJ North Broadway , BT. IX3TJI8. Ma RUPTURE ! ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSS COMBINED , DR. ISRAEL'S BLBCTTRO.OAIVAHIO Owen i Electric B lt worn vita tl ked eaia attt nIM or itrotif. Tbli li th > nl > . _ , ItetrlB l run ud till .t.r mil. , it tttl nt tllK * llnpiyrilB tnm 10 u 0(1 diri. For foil dtiirlptltB of Br , OVID i Kltotrc Oil nlo Bill , , flnlotl Aiipll o ! iTt M > i Dj luoln I nl 80. for nil lllmlTittil p > nipbl l which will t > f nt fca ID pltln it.I.a f or < lo | . Bill lr liv ll OWEK ELEOTRIO BELT & APPLIANCE CO , H"-o-- HT T.OU1B.MOI. FOR MEN ONLY ! i POSITIVE 'orLOBTorFATLIMO HAKHOODi * * " ' ' " " 0n.nUiind KERVOU8 UEBILITV | CITTRTJ Wa knei. of BB < ly nd Mindi Ithtt * * * J JtVJCI cfErrortorEicennlnOiaorTourr. Botutl. Hcbl. XlKIIOOIIfullr llow I. H.lrf . w IIOBK TKKiTIHT-ll.gti lj , tt Hrn lull// tram 41 8l l.i , TrrrllorUl , d r.r.lfn Co Voo B nrlll tfcfm. Hook , fall f ipl n lloi , , > d i li l. l If , , . PERLESS DYES TUB HAGUU , March 20 , In the lower house < nt parliament to dny the jirlmo minister an- nounei'd that tlui cabinet had doclJod thut the liingvn Incapacitated for cm rylng < on thu Kovernmcnt nnd luul communicator this decision to the stuto council. The declara tion ot tbo council Is mm1 awaited , Thirty People Drowned. MANILA , Muicli 20. The Bpanlih mnll ' steamer Mlndanlo han been eunlc by u col' Hslon with the Spanish steamer Vlnayua. Thirty of her orow nnd paHiongorB wcro .drowned . , The VUayns has arrived at Man ila ! n u br.dly damuKod condition. .Toll n Itrluht Sinking. LUXDON , March HI. John Urlgttt lias suf- fcrod uiibtlicr relapse and l very weak. Ha has not taken food for tlilrty.slx hours ex cept from a spoon , lirlglit's phytlotdn that ho 11 gradually sinklnt ; , lieulorx Avslun , { } HOSTOX , March 20. /Jtitninlni ( & Co. , leather dealers , liavo avttlgned , They owe about 1300,000. It U thought that they will nay n good dividend. They were carrxlul ? lurfo atocU on a falling inui kei , ' I No ICIcotion , f Pi'.ovniBXce.'Il. T , , Murt-U 20 , Tliatyva brarjrlins of the leglylttturo cast their rwjHto- live ballotti for United States senator to's'tio. cecil Chaco , Tbo vote reitulted lu u } MJ tlon.