Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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reltvtredbr < nrrlcr In Any Part of bo City a
Twenty Cent * Per Week. .
11 , W. TH/TON. . , . . MANAOEK.
tKLtpiioNis : : <
IlfplNtsp OFFICE Np. 43.
NiniiT lUiiToii , No.2) ) .
N. Y. Plumbinjj company.
Join tlio watch club at E Uurhorn'a.
Conltxnd wood. E.K.Mayno , 010 B'wny.
The two children of Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Urnckclt nro suffering from n severe Illness.
All members of the Duvlil Hrndloy hooks
nro requested to incut nt No. 4 hose house
this evening.
The committee on streets and alleys will
meet this evening to lot the contract for 11 H-
Ing the Intersection at the corner of Avcnuu
D and Ninth street.
There will bo a special meetinp of the V.
A. S. fraternity In tlio Woodman's ImK at
7:30 : o'clock this evening. A full attendance
Is requested as business of Importance ) will
bo transacted.
Mr. L. S. Kendall , the genial yardmaster
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Piuil rail
way , rojoleoi over the ndvcnt of n bran now
clrl at his homo on Seventeenth avenue , And
the boys in the yards nro all smoking frag
rant Haviinnas.
The preliminary examination of the mur
derer , Thomas Brooks , will taka plneo in
J ml co Aylcsworth's court this morning.
Bailiff MclTaddcn served subpoenas on over
n dozen witnesses for the stnto yesterday.
The called meeting of the executive com
mittee of the ladles' society of the Presby
terian church , which was to h ave been held
in the church parlors , and the annual meet
ing which was announced for this afternoon ,
have both bucn Inucllnltcly postponed.
Miss Maeglo Pbllbin died at 2 o'clock yes
terday , of consumption , nt her homo , 3.39
North Seventh street , nt the aeo of twenty-
ifcmr years. The deceased was a slitcr of
Mrs. J. A. Hoss. The arrangements for the
funeral nra not , \ot completed.
The matter of sprln'ullng Lower Broadway
is receiving considerable attention from the
business men of the Bluffs. How it shall bo
done and who shall stand the expanse nro
the main points under discussion. ' 1 hat it
should bo none everyone is convinced who
has driven over that thoroughfare within the
past week.
Gorman's Spectacular Minstrels drew n
Rood-sized house nt Dohany's last evening.
Several now features have been added since
the former appearance of the company , and
n very umusini ; entertainment was given.
George Gorman was there with nil his old-
time versatility , and was a whole troupe in
himself , ns usual. The Germans seem to
understand the public taste in the line of
minstrelsy , and soJulously endeavor to cater
to It.
A largo force of men is at work on the
Manawa motor line , which is to bo ballasted
with cinders Its ontlro length. Colonel Keed
ntatcd yesterday that ho would oogin running
trains next week. Ho will put on ono now
motor and live now cars. The cars nro of
the style used on the eloctrlo motor line ,
but much longer. The scats are arranged
crosswise , and arc reversible. Two are
closed , two comblnatian , and cmo open.
The funeral of Stewart C. Brown will take
place this morning at his tiouio , No. 219
Ninth avcnuo , Uov. Mr. Franklin ofllciatlng.
The young man was n son of C.V. . Brown ,
a well known citizen. Ho had been In the
employ of Bono & Co. for some time , until
failing health compelled u change ot climate.
Ho tried last season the vitalizing Colorado
atmosphere and seemed somewhat better ,
but since his return last fall has gradually
declined until death ended his sufferings.
Ho was n young man ot excellent habits and
sterling character.
The art loan is worth your while to
BCO. 15 cents admits 5-011.
Barllott & Torton for hardware ,
Stoves and cutlery. 737 and 2315 B'way.
Dr. C. C. Htvzon , dentist , Opera house
block. _
Rooms to rent in the Merriam block.
S. B. Wads worth & Co. , 236 Main street.
Notice the beautiful finish triven col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company. '
Heavy Taxpayers.
"Our cash account will show up pretty
well to-night , " remarked County Treasurer
Plumcr yesterday. "Two of our best CUB-
' * llul °
sum with us. Ono was Horace Everrott and
the other the bauklng firm of Oflleor &
Pusey. The former paid nearly $4,000 and
the latter about $2,500. This amount repre
sents half of the tax for each for this year.
It would break nn ordinary ( nan's bank ac
count to pay tiat. | tax. wouldn't it } There
arc not very many Individuals in ibis section
who pay a tax of $3,000 a year. "
For Sale erA
A largo and complete outfit in the
CARRIAGES , etc. , located in a flour
ishing city of 4,000 population. Will
exchange for peed lands in western
Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For partio-
julars consult GKOHOK MKTOALF ,
No. JO Pearl St. , Council Blulls , la.
An efllcionl organist from the cast do-
Biros a position as organist in Omaha or
Council Bin its. References : Max Mover
and Charles Baotcns , 325 Paxton build
ing , ' Omaha , or 120 Seventh street ,
Council BlulTs. Good testimonials
( hown.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co , '
loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses
wagons , personal property of all kinds , "
i-i and all other articles of value without
iiM removal. All business strictly confi
M dential.
/r Boo the art exhibit , 16 conta.
r Accident to a Wlioolnmn.
Fred , the sixteen-year-old son ot J. S.
, i' J uii , met with nn incident about 3:30 :
o'clock yesterday afternoon whllo blcyclo
lldlqcr. Ho was coasting on the North Second
T * vtroot hill , when the appearance of a buggy
from a cross street disconcerted him , and in
trying to avoid a collision , ho was thrown
Violently to the ground , sustaining a fracture
of the right log. The patrol wagon was
called and bo was removed to his homo on
'Avonuo A , where Dr. Thomas attended him.
The fracture was reduced , and the patient
'was restintr last evening ns comfortably as
could bo expected. It has been stated that
i , , bicyclists have heretofore boon quito reck.
1 less In coasting In different parts of the city ,
nd accidents have been prophesied ,
S. B , Wadsworth < fc Co. loan money.
Headquarters for builders' hardware ,
Odcll & Bryant , 613 Mivln stroot.
J. G. Tipton , roul estate , 627 B'dway.
Ono Faro For tlio Hound Trip.
4 Tickets on sale April 8th , Oth und 10th ,
good for return from the llth to the
18th inclusive for all who wish to attend
the state encampment of the G. A. . R ,
veterans at Burlington. Iowa , April
Oth , 10th and llth , 1880. * The head
quarters' train with the department
commander und hU stall under the
escort of Abe Lincoln Post G.A. . R. ,
, -wlll , leave Council Bluffs via the Chicago -
* cage , Burlington & Qulnoy railroad at
8:10 : a. m , , April 8th , 1880. For further
particulars , call on or address
Ticket agent ,
Cor. Pearl and Broadway.
Council Bluffs.
M. M. MAUSIJALL , General Agent.
Bruce Walker , the dandy meat cutter
f Council Bluffs , has accepted a situa
tion , with S. J , Ratnsy , of Harlan , la.
What is Council Blurts' loss is Hurluu's
The Baco for the City's Spoolal
FureoB , and the Eatrloo. '
A Bicycle Collision A. Motor Conduc
tor Gets a Shock Transit lie *
twccn the ' wo Cities
Th ? Itnno For Office.
The city councirfullcd to agree on n slate
of appointees for the offices of city clerk ,
city physician , poll tax collector , street com
mlssloncr. and chief of the fire department ,
at a caucus Mondny evening , so they decided
to let the matter go over another week , pre
ferring to do this ruthor than have a battle
.In the council chamber bcforo the eyes of
the vulgar crowd. It was a sad disappoint
ment to a numbnr of candidates who
thought they had n sure slnch on
ponio of the unices , but it is quite probable
that their crlof , was not as poignant ns it
will bo after the now ofllcors are finally
elected. The aspirants stood on the street
corners until a loto hour Monday night ,
hoping that the council would dispose of Its
largo crist of regular business and take up
the matter of appointments , but the alder
men ordained otherwise.
Speculation is rife as to what the result
will be. but no onoseomsto have any reliable
authority on which to hazard oven a guess.
Of course there nro a certain number who
profess to know a thing or two , but if they
do they are unwilling to tell what It Is , and
the puollc generally Is as much In the dork
ns ever. The aldermen profess to know ab
solutely nothing and refuse to talk on the
subject. It is quite frcoly intimated that
there will bo n icpetltion of the scenes of a
year ago , and the deadlock of four weeks
which then resulted is well remembered. It
is quite certain that thcro is a split In the
council ns It stands at present , and the po
sition Is reported us follows on the vote for
city clerk : AVngnor 3 , Troutman 'J , uncer
tain 1. ft is stated that three of the members
wore pledged to Huntington for clerk , but
it is claimed that they have sold him for
Wagner. Alderman Everett's fnvorito is
not known. It is predicted that they will
never agree and Squire Burke will hold over.
Said the latter gentleman yesterday. "After
I was elected. Mayor Chapman
came to mo and said , 'Wo had a pretty
hot time to get yon in , ' and it now seems
us though they are having nn equally hot
time to get mo out. However , I am ready to
go whenever my successor Is appointed. "
It is reported that t'uo candidates for the
clerkship are working in pairs , and the plan
is for the fortunate ono to make tits running
mate his deputy. Franmnn and Swcaringon
are pacing very xvcll in double harness , but
Wagner and Whlttlesoy seem to be making
a llttlo faster time , which is undoubtedly the
result of longer campaigning and more thor
ough training- Huntington seems to bo "in
a pocket" behind the other two pairs , but ho
innv pull out if ho secures a helper.
For poll tax collector O. J. IJeckman , the
present incumbent , is the only candidate in
tbo Held , and it is conceded that ho could bo
elected over any aspirant. Uogarding him a
city oDIcial said yesterday : "Ho is tlio best
poll tax collector wo over had , and ho col
lects nil that It is possible to get.
Ho turned in more money last year than
was over turned over in any two years bo-
forc , and ho must stav where ho is. "
For street commissioner , John Phillips is
pushing E. W. Avery to a close finish. Mr.
Avery has done iiuicn to improve the streets
of the city , but ho has several enemies who
pull strong strings in the council , and bis
chances of re-election are not as flattering as
they might bo.
City Physiciean Soybort will not bo np-
uolntcd for another year without meeting
some strong opposition. Ho is a candidate ,
and so is Dr. M. J. Bellinger , tbo brother of
Alderman T. P. Bellinger. The law bars
the alderman , but thcro is no handicap on
the brother if the council is willing to let
him In.
Thcro will bo another hard fight for chief
of the fire department. C. D. Walters is
anxious for a rcappolntment , but ex-
Chief Templeton bus just come in
from pasture after running a year with his
shoes off , and competent judges pronounce
him in splendid condition. His wind is good ,
and barring accidents ho is regarded as a
sure winner. Three of the six gentlemen in
the judges' stand nro-strongly predisposed in
his favor , and nothing short of a dispute over
the time in tbo clerk's race will bring in
Templeton as a trailer in the lire chief's
For $25.oG-T-an : ; . , Y.l l mbln * Co.
will put a lead service plpo anfl hydrano
in your yard ; also 60 feet extra hose.
Cull at once at 114 Main street.
Western Immbrr and Supply Co.
Between 13th and 14th strepts , and 2d
and 3d avenues. Telephone 241.
E. W. RAYMOND , Manager.
Closer Union For the Cities.
"When is there to bo a workingmon's
train put on the motor linol"
The query is quite a common one , and yet
no announcement is in ado that indicates the
immediate prospect of such a desired accom
Why don't ' they do itj" remarks one of
those who has been watching and waiting.
"X should think it would pay the company
big. There's no use of your talking to mo
about living In Council Bluffs , for I would
have to pay 10 cents in the morning and 10
cents at night , 30 cents a day. That amounts
to ? 5.20 a month. It's ' too much , especially
when I can got along with paying out half of
that. Distance don't cut so much of a figure
if I have to take a car anyway. I can go
three or four miles out in Omaha for a
nlcklo , and so I don't see much object In
paying W or SO a month to go across to Coun
cil Bluffs. Of course I can buy a lot In the
Bluffs cheaper than I can in Oinnlm , and if I
wanted to buy a homo it might pay mo. So
long as Ji rent , though , I might as well stay
where I nm. Ton cents is cheap enough if a
follow only wants to go over ouco In a whllo ,
but for a regular diet it's a llttlo too riob. I
suppose the company will fix commutation
rates , or 5 cent trains morning and at night ,
by and b.v , but 1 want to sco them do it before -
fore I ot myself tied up with promises to
pay for a home in the Bluffs. No I'll wait. "
An interesting rumor is going the rounds
In connection with the matter of communica
tion between the two cities. Since the elec-
trlo motor line has started up It has given
such nlcaslng crvlco that it has become tlio
favorlto mode of going backwards ana for
wards. While the motor cars are well pa
tronized , tbo Union Pacific dummy train is
comparatively deserted. Wore it not for the
railway employes who use It the cars would
look lonesome most of the time. The wagon
portion of the Union Pacific Is also llttlo
patronized , for the other wagon bridge Is so
much easier to reach , and so much pleasanter
to travel , The Union Paclllo is weary of the
experiment , and is said to bo quite willing to
lease the wagon paf t to any motor company
who will use it. It is reported that some
Omaha capitalists are considering the ad
visability of establishing a motor line from
Omaha across the Union Pacillu bridge , and
running it up into the heart of tha city. Tbo
success which has attended the electric line ,
and the satisfaction which the service gives ,
naturally IcadsTft the belief that such n line
would nay. If it is established cheaper rates
for daily travelers may follow , ns the result
of competition.
Have you soon the SCO baby carriage
at Bracken's ? Ho has the llnest line
ever bhown in the city.
From an Oniclal Window.
"Why don't you warm up these teamster *
who abuse their horses so backing up to the
rear of that building , " asked City Auditor
Hammer yesterday of a BEE reporter. "It
IB a sbaino tbo way they are allowed to go
on , especially as It is right under the eaves
of the city building , and with ear shot of the
city , Jail. Some oue else Is probably partly
to blame , for not fixing an easier way for the
teams to get to the door. Coal teams come
here , and the poor , half starved horses are
frequently lashed and pounded for fully flf-
tceu minutes before the load u backed up
where It Is wanted. I wouldn't mind It once
op twice , but It M ah every day" ociurrcnco ,
and the yelling and swearing is n llttlo to
much for n steady diet. It scorns strange
that the police qpij'tf top It , but they always
pass right by and and p.iy no attention to it.
It is nn outrage and n dfsgraco to the city to
let the thing go on so. Just touch thorn up
in the paper and perhaps they will stop it.
If they don't ' wo will try something else that
may prove a llttlo more effectual. "
Monov loaned on fuinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No'
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , office cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
The finest line of spring goods to bo
found in the market is at A. Roller's ,
No. fllO Broadway.
Now and full line of spring goods nt
the London Tailors , 037 Broadway.
Tlio Federal Court.
Judge Love arrived from Keokuk Mondny
ovcnine , and was at his place on the bench
in the United States court yesterday mornIng -
Ing , promotly on time. The docket was
called , and it was found that thcro wore
very few civil cases to come up for trial this
term. Thcro are but about half a dozen , and
some of these nro already disposed of. The
case of Kato Don ihuo vs the Chicago , Bur
lington & Qulncy railway company was con
tinued by agreement until next term.
She is the administrator of the estate ot her
husband , who was killed by the cars of this
company in this city three years ago , and
she sues for (10,000 damages.
Bcrnara Bergman sues the Wuba h rail
way company for $ -0,000 for the loss of both
legs. Ho was engaged In helping to clear
away a wreck in Missouri when the accident
occurred. The case will bo tried to-day.
E. H. Anderson is the plaintiff in a damage
suit for $2IOOD ng.iinst the Chicago & North
western company , but this case will not bo
tried to-day , as the attorneys are engaged in
the preceding case.
C. W. Balderman , of Shelby county ,
pleaded guilty to violating the internal rev
enue la.v and was fined $ 'J3 and costs.
The circuit jurors were called , but only
twenty-four answered to their names and a
special vcniro of twelve was ordered drawn
nt once , Clerk Hunter drew them last oven-
pig. The grand jury was onpanollod and sot
to work at 3 o'clock , when court adjourned
until this morning. Judge Shiras did not ar
rive yesterday morning from his homo in
Dubuquc , bur will bo on hand this morning ,
and two cases will bo put on trial , Judge
Shiras occupying the small room on the cast
side of the building on tbo second floor.
Go to the art loan to-day.
A Handful of Lightning.
Conductor Crumby , of tbo elcctrio motor
line , mot with a painful accident Monday
evening , and will bo laid up for some time in
consequence. His tr.iin had arrived at tbo
cast end of the line and switched around for
the west , run. Crumby was making the con
nections of the electric light wire between
the two cars , having neglected to lirst muko
connections with the "trailer. " In this man
ner ho received the full force of the current
in his hand , which was burned to the bone ,
and rendered completely useless for the timo.
The injured mumbor WAS dressed by a physi
cian , and yesterday Crumby was able to bo
on the street , but ho will not bo in condition
to return to work for several weeks. The
accident will servo as a reminder to the other
conductors to make connections in their
proper order. It is demonstrated that there
is suflicient strength to tha current to irmko
things very unpleasant , oven though it is not
Personal Paragraphs.
Mr. H. Friedman loft Sunday for tUo cast ,
to purchase a flue lot of millinery.
J. J. Malownoy and daughter , of Hebron ,
Neb. , arrived in the city yesterday and will
remain about a week.
Mr. Friedman Is in the cast selecting anew
now and complete line of millinery which
will bo shown in a few days at the old stand ,
409 Broadway.
Captain A. W. Cowles , wlfo and son loft
yesterday morning for Sioux City , where
Captain Cowles goes in the interest of the
National Cash Register company , of Day
ton , O.
Edwin Harley , with Gorman's minstrels ,
was in the city yesterday being shown the
growth of the city by no less a compotcnt
and enthusiastic guide , than his old friend
Mr. George Hud is.
Among the notables who arrived yesterday
to attend the United States court were the
following : John.Y. Stone , Dos Moines : N.
Stackbouse , Davenport ; TiCC-Cro bhol-
don , Chicago , attorney for Wabash -
bash ; H. 1C. Love , Matt Stcadman ,
S. S. Eldridgc ; Dos Moines ; John Irwin ,
Shenandoah ; G. W. Collison , Harlan : A. N.
Smith , Chicago ; J. H. Henry , Walnut : A.
Becimoil , Elliott ; William R. Jennings ,
Stanton ; A. M. Page , Lenox ; J. L. Jotter ,
Thoyer ; Prank Wood , Manning : Henry
Lubbin , Wiota ; J. S. Jackson , Grlswoldj
John C. Piper , Irwin ; J. W. Gurmony ,
Shelby ; J. J. Bean , Blunchard : A. Young ,
Manning ; A. J. Linn , East Nod a way ; A. W.
Coffman , Avoca ; Henry Kuhl , Aspinwall ;
Ed Trowbridgo , Manilla ; Hichard Wooster ;
A. A. Wolbino , Missouri Valley ; George
Pullman , Silver City : T. H. George Villisca ;
G cor ere C. Calkins , Corning ; E. A. Howard ,
Fritz Gochner , Falrtiold , George C. Duf-
ficld , Plttsburg ; Hurry Fulton. 'Kcoliuk ;
G. H. Carrier , Prescott ; W. S. Swift ,
Bloomflold : J. K. Richardson , Savanah ;
J. S. Husklns , Kota ; H. C. Luub , Denlson ;
W. S. Sample , Kedkuk ; N. D. Porter , Os-
kaloosa ; Thomas Fleming , Clarinda ; Dr. S.
L. Graves , AftonJ. ; C. Shockloy , Sidney ;
J. P. Whitled. Exira : H. H. Palmer ,
Red Oak : VV. T. Shephard , Harlan ;
James , Beard. sheriff of RInggold
county ; Charles VanGorder , Auuobon
county ; S. 1C. West , Fairflold , W.
C. Campbell , son of Marshal Campbell ;
Dennis Donovan , assistant United States at
torney , DCS Moines ; E. A. Howard , late In
dian agent at Plum acency ; J. W. Blytho ,
attorney for tbo Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy , Burlington ; Judge Trimble , ICeo-
kuk ; Major Wood , Chicago , Burlington &
Quinoy ; George C. Duflleld , Van Dorn
county ; J. S. Shepherd , editor Mt. Ayr Jour
nal ; William Bradley , Contorvillo ; W. W.
Ramsey. Maryvillo- . ; D. O. Finch ,
United States prosecuting attorney , DCS
E. H. Shoafo & Co. offer bargains in
city property , either improved or un
improved. Easy payments. Good lots
on $10 payments.
Many on the Anxious Beat.
The city council bold a private caucus or
committee meeting , as they pleased to term
it , late yesterday afternoon for the purpo'so
of agreeing upon a list of candidates to fill
the city appointive offices city clerk , city
physician , poll-tux collector , street commis
sioner and chief of flro department. They
found , however , that they had a much bigger
job on their hands than they anticipated , and
that tbo time at their disposal was altogether
too short to accomplish the task.
They accordingly postponed the matter
until some future time , and decided not to
ullompt to appoint the ofllcers at the meeting
last evening. The matter will now como up
at the next meeting. Speculation is rife aa
to what the result will bo. A hard light
will bo made to retain 'Squire ' Burke for the
clerkship , afld the general opinion seems to
bo that the effort will prove successful.
There are thoui wlngpredlct a repotftiou of
the long and bitter light of last year , with
the same resnlt.
It. Is certain that the council is evenly ,
divided on thn majority of the onlcos , uud
appearances Indicate that a general dead
lock will follow , in which case tbo Inevitable
trudo will bring disappointment to moro
than ono sanguine aspirant. The aldermen
are very close-mouthed about the matter at
present , but if tbo fight becomes bitter they
will all orove willing to air tbolr views.
Last evening tno anxious candidates held
positions on the corners until a late hour ,
waiting for tbo good news that did not como.
Money loaned on fnrnlturo , planes ,
diamonds , horse's , buggies or anything
of value , at low rates of interest. No
publicity : fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllco cor. Broadway
a'ud Main , over American e/prees.
A Number of Poc\ilinf \ fplltlcnl Doala
on Pool ' e
.t i
- ! n
H rl
A Woman Who la Evidently Kent
on Making Life a" Troubled
Dream for n Partner
Lover. „ . , ,
1020 P STIIEKT ,
.LINCOLN. March ca I
There have boon a number of very peculiar
deals In politidal circles during the past few
days , if current rumors prove to bo truo.
It is given out that Ncsbltt gave way to
Baker for United States district attorney
upon assurance from the "bosses" that ho
should have the North Platte land oftlco.
The ambitious Lindsay , it Is learned , was
satisfied by pledges that the McCook land
ofllco should fall his way , whllo Cornell Is to
manipulate matters nt the Vnlonllno land
ofllco. This is the slate now unquestionably
In the hands of the great moguls , and It it
goes through n number of the boys nro loft
out In the dreary cold. The chances of
Johnny Majors for the McCook ofllco have
been considered fairly good , notwithstanding
the fact that ho has boon opposed by Leo
Hubbard , who Is said to have a hnnkcrmtr for
the privilege of handling Uncle Sam's
shekels at that lively llttlo city near th o Re
publican rlvor. But the old saying , " 1'horo
is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip , "
may yet como In piny. It comes to T'ic Bnn
representative from reliable sources that
Mr. JDakor still lauks considerable of having
n corner on the nttorneyship , notwithstand
ing ho Is said to have the support of tbo
"delegation. " This , interpreted , means that
the delegation have not all agreed. Lind
say , however , expects to remove from Bea
ver City to McCook as soon as ho can scttlo
up his business at the old home. Ncsbltt
will commence milking the teat without
changing residence , and will doubtless con
tinue to break broad under the old vine and
fig tree. To this Cornell can say , "Ale too. "
It would seem that these ambitious states
men had an axe to grind when .they sought
nomination and election to the state senate.
Agnlii In the Tolls.
Mary Bronnen was arrested again to-day
for violating nn order of the district court.
She is is evidently bent on making life n
veritable hades for Jerry Harrington. ' She
brolco Into Jerry's ' house , and persistently
refused to leave nnd ho was forced to call
the law to bis assistance. Sheriff Mcllck
sent his deputy out and Mary is now in the
toils for the third time , and for the same of-
fcnso. The facts of tbo case are these , in a
word : Jerry is the father of Mary's illegit-
inato child , is quito well-to-do , whllo she is
poor and destitute and has no place on earth to
lay her head. Several persons conversant
with all the circumstances sny that she is n
lit subject for a poor house charge. Mary
doubtless proved frail uuring nn unlucky
hour of the past , but neighbors who pretend
to know say that she has bccii , more sinned
against than sinning. It sc'ciqs .that Harring
ton is willing to support and maintain the
child , but refuses to have1 anything to do
with his old unlawful loyo. " 'Her friends
have also discarded hor. Thin bears hard
upon the poor woman , and in moments of
desperation aho ilics to Jerry and demands
the shelter and protection ot his name. This ,
as in the past , ho refuses , niUl the poor
woman must again answer 'for ' violating tbo
injunction of the court. ' * (
Unsafe Father and' Uunrdlnn ,
Pursuant to an order 'K court George
Smith , quito well known in tins city , put on
the market and yesterday soldi a piece of
property , owned by his minor daughter , nnd
for whoso benefit the proceeds of the sale
were to have been used. Smith made the
sale and couveyunco to Mr ; Henry Vcith ,
who gave him a chock for/9T5.75 ; / , the pur
chase money in full. It is well to say , how
ever , that Voith gave Smith the check after
banking hours , But through the kindness of
some friends ho was enabled to got it
cashed. Instead of going homo as a father
and guardian should have done , lie proceeded
to "bowl up" and was soon as drunk as a
lord , and this morning ho was taken to the
police station in a helpless condition. Search
revealed that bo still had (877.78 of the
money on his person , and also that he had
paid off a $50 note duo at some of the city
banks- The sum of $47.97 , however , went
to satisfy his appetite for strong drink , and
it is fair to presume that the rest of his
daughter's annuity will go the same way.
Supreme Court Proceedings.
The following gentlemen wcro admitted to
" - " lied" : Lewis 1C. Alder. John Wiley , Paul
w 7iio v /.L ' " ' " * S. Allen and P. O. Cas-
r. ( JIarlr , unm * . .
sidy. i
Belts vs Sims ; leave to file amOnHca IIIOHU-
inp on surrendering possession of property.
Burkboldcr va Burkholdcr ; judgment per
stipulation. .
Ainsiicld vs Moore ; rcarftument ordered
and appellee required to file briefs.
The following causes wcro argued and sub
mitted ; State ox rcl Bryant vs Lauvor ,
State ex rol Rudabcck vs Lowsoy , Callcndcr
VB Homer , two cases.
The following cases were filed :
George W. Linlngor ot al vs John P. Glenn
et al ; error from Gage county.
John Herllson vs Eliza J. Taylor ; error
from Franklin county.
Joseph C. Mitchefson ot al vs Catharine
Smith ct al ; error from Gage county.
John Prali vs B. S. Sawyer ; error from
Valley county.
dry New s and Notes.
H. F. Cadv. of Omaha , is hero.
Frank D. Reed , editor of thn Shelton Clip
per , is hero to look upon the dying struggles
of the Nebraska legislature.
Warden Hopkins is off 'for Lawrence ,
Mass. , to return Charles Lincoln to the hard
labor gang at the pen. Ho will not enjoy tbo
privileges of the trusties.
Judge Field and a jury still hoar the case
of Schaffo ot al vs George M. Traverse. The
witness for the prosecution was still on the
stand at ! ! o'clock Ho
to-day. was first called
yesterday morning.
The county court did a heavy business to
day. Ono blissful , happy couple wcro granted'
a permit to get married.
Brick pavers commenced work on the
street this morning. Public improvements
will bo quito marked during tbo next few
Lincoln citizens north of the Missouri Pa
cific railway track have organized , and are
trying to got a place In the city government
as the Seventh ward. The movement is re
ceiving considerable encouragement.
Victims of the Canada faUci say that they
were not thoro. Some of , them refuse to
speak to the flfty-two-vear-olo ; boy when
they pass him by , and William mourns.
DWKMJNO IIOUSK for r'Jnt. 10 rooms on
Cherry hill , next to Hay. U. O , Itlco'a ,
with stable and ono acre of kround , llorape
Everett. .tT
_ . . _ _
ALSO on 1st of April next , the two Htory
house , H rooms with stable , cprner or Hlntn
street nnt ; Second nvcnuo ; two iplnutes wait
from the dummy depot and next to my resi
dence on the west. Horace Uyerqtt.
Illi : Ol'TJCK over the St. J'p It.'It. ticket of-
lice , corner I'earl and llroaitwuy : posses-
alon given 1st of April. Horace > Terctt.
WO nnliicumbered hens lind lota In In-
( llanola. la. , to tracts far Council Jilntls
property. Inquire 024 Avenue CJ _
WANTED IJy a lady , a position ax liouse-
keeper In it first cl ss lintel. Address OH
Mynster street , Council lllnira _
FOIt SALE Two-story frame residence , cor
ner and adjoining lots , each CO feet front by
120 feet deep inquire at Fftlriuount phar-
inacy , 100 Upper Uroadwuy.
D AY Hoarder * wanted at 1005 Avenue A.
you have property ot any kind to sell or exchange -
IK _ change see Jo tins toil ic Vunl'atten , XI Main.
HUNT OlIiCB No. S. over llulnl'a con-
J-J foctionory store. lately occupied by Win.
Ward , architect. Horace feverett. _
BALU Oil montnlr payments , house
and lot In Van Urunt & luce's addition , by
J. Y. l ller.80 Pearl street. _
ntUlt ItllNT I'osooaslon given April Int. the
I' residence now occupied by Robert Car
penter , corner Dili et. andJM live. , fJJ per month.
Horace Everett.
17UHI HUNT Ctioap , two handsome , new , six-
-L' room cottages , north of transfer , Council
Illutri. Inquire Ulunil ItUhtor , Mu ave , oud
lhJTJMES ? J -
'CoyrftOt/S ' . . , . . iE-Paln tool by i OFtOOEIRIEISt
; rrr"Prompt ; ; oeii very. ' . .
We invite ydur { aqtronoge. . G. MILLER E.B.GARDINER ;
09.II&I3 Pearl St. , \
S wSSfel * & & & $ & }
m &
* * $ & $ &I-U H l r V I I wffi& oLoN-lil
I LQ S sJo S fei
Who Will Save You Money
o M fc Bg
owe & CO.'S , s
House ,
417 Ilromlwaj' ,
Council llluirs.
Is Always
As vfo can prove Ijy
5 CT3
hundreds. gS
V 5s = 5
U i C
Lanzendorfer & 3 co
? =
151 _ S
Strohbehn , * -a * * * 14
. 221 ,
INo. - J ir -
Particular attention given to Embalming.
No. It Al. Illuiu St. , Council HI tills.
rnrnltme repairing neatly dono.
Ofllco calls attended promptly day and night.
ZD t ; = .S 6
ZDO S1 = 3 o cj :
O it * * ' AT THE
SSfsg LowBStPrlc8sI
B g
0 i rt r-g Poultry of nil kiiuU
h o ' dressed to order.
' ss
0 SI aivu MB A CAI.U
or r8 E. Mottaz
CJ ) No. 114 E. Hromlw'y
And get the best fitting Suit '
' you ever liatl.
No 637 BroadwayCouncil Bluff
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jacqiicinla'K JTcivclry Store
What a Shirt
If yon had taken it to the City Steam iaundry
it wouldn't look HO.
ill Main Street. Telephone HI.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted ,
Council iilulTd In ,
HidesJalloiPelfsAYool & Furs ,
Highest market prices. Prompt rotu
and Ktt Mala til. . Council Ulutls. low
Tnos. OrriCKn. W. II. M. 1'user.
Corner Main anil Broadway.
Dealero In foreign end domestic exchange.
Collections inude uui Interest paid on time da-
On our entire slock. Call ami see or write us.
37,000 IN USE.
CO , ,
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
25 TO 300
Snoclllcattons anil estimates furnished for complete steam p'nnK nuuulatlqn. nurnWllty Ouar
imteed. Cau show lovtora from users wht > ru 1'nel r.oonomy Is i-ntiHl with foillui Non Uoniloiwlms
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. S1O Pearl Street , Council Bluffs
JOHN GILBERT ; sis pearl st.
TELEPHONE 221. Eathnutos Kuril lulled
Corrcspondonco Solicited. On Application.
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
'iVrinanently located at No. N North Sixth fltrect , opyoilte po t >
olllce , on motor lint- , Council lllulTn , Jown.
Hilda and animal * mounted haiurally aud In tue bent method otr
tlie art. Wairantcd to prmeite foryeam Foreign blrrt supplied
on klitrt notice. JIlKlit-M pries | > uld for owl * and tmwku of nil kludx , Persona aoudlujj order *
of iHilcct sutiJfuctiuD. J ur ttrtulct a nnjilully. Wrl ; for particular ? ,