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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , MARCH 27. 1889. THE DAILY - BEE. KV1HIV MOHNING. TKHMS or srnacniPTioN , Dally' ' IMornlng Kdttlon ) Including SUNDAT llt.t. one Yenr . ForSIr For Tlircs Months Months , . . . . . . . 2 W Tim OMAHA StmnAT IlKR , mailed to any Rdrtrtgn , One Year . * . 200 WKKKMT UP.E , One Year . - 00 OMAHA OrricK. Nos.9H nndBM KAHNAM SIHRET. omcAfio Office , MI HooitKixr IIIMUUNO. NBW YOIIK orricis. Iloow * 14 AND ) . ' TIIIIIUNB WAIIIINOTOS omcK , No. 613 CXHtlUCSrONDKNOB. All communlcHtl nn relating to news find edi torial matter slioulu tro addressed to the isnixon All bunlnost letters and remittances should DO nddresied to TUB HKK 1'um.imiiNO COMI-ANT , OMAHA. Drafts. chords and postonice orders to foa raado p yolIo to the order of the company. Vie Bee PnWisltaECipany , Proprietors , E. RO3EWATEK , Editor. 'I'll ! : : DAU-iY 1\KK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btato of Nebraska , IB- B3 County of DoiigUi , | > Oeorffell. Tz'chuck. secretary of the nee Pub lishing conitiany , does solemnly swear that the acttmrclrrtilnuon of Tun 1HU.V HKK for the week ending MnrcU IB. 1889. was as follows : Sunday. March 17 . Jf.810 Monday. March 18 . JMJJ Tuesday. March 10 . , . 1M13 Wednesday. Marrli SO . ! . } Thursday , March 21 . Ig-Kl Friday. Jl arcir.2 . 18.813 Saturday , March S3 . ! S.8i Average . 18.UOJJ OKOltOE n. TZSCHUC'IC. Sworn to before mo tint subscribed to In my crosonco tnlsSld day of March. A. I ) . IBM. Seal. N. I" . FK1L , Notary Public. State of Nebraska. I . . . County of Douglas , f"3' George 0. Tzschuck. bnhiK duly sworn , de poses and says that he Is secretary ol the llea rubllshtnn company , that the actual average dally clrcnlatlo of Tin : lurv HKK for the month or March , 1888 , 10,080 copies : for April. 1888. la , copies ; for May. 1888. 18,183 copies ; for .luno , 1888. IP.Stl copies ; for auljr IteH. 18.KO copies ; for Ansust , 1888 , JB,1H3 copies ; for September , 1888 , 18,154 conies ; tor October , 1888 , 18,03i copies : for Novem ber. 1888. 18,086 copies ! for December , 1888 , lRm copies ; for January , 188V , 18,574 copies ; for Fob- nary. , 18 * . . Bworn to before mo and subscribed Inruy prpsenco this 2d day of March. A. 1) . 1889. N.l'.FElL Notary Tubllc. THIS disroputublo haunts on Cut-Olt Island should bo supprossod. HAS the sprniff fever attacked the moinbors of the board of trade ? , Stout and Konimrd the lliroo graces -burled in a common gr.ivo , Now for Hathaway. EVKUY third man in South Omaha is i candidate for police judge. There is evidently sginotlnng' iji Ui TUB last hope of the lobby is to ride the bogus claims through the legisla ture on the back of the nppropr iatlon bills , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE general dofloionoy bill before . the legislature has the op poaranco of boinir honey-combed with too many "extras. " T\vo captured ( lags belonging to a Pennsylvania regiment wore recently imugglcd acr oss the Mason and DJxou line and dollvorod to Matt Quay without disturblng-tha ( ire bolls of the north. THE railroads of Iowa complain that 'they have lost money by shipping liquor Into Iowa under the name of "vinegar. " Hereafter wet goods will wear their own smile or not go at all. PJIESIDBNT HAHHISON proposes to convert West Virginia by liberal doses of patronage. What the state. hungers for at present is seine effective means of reducing the surplus of governors. IF THE loading business men and taxpayers of Omaha count for anything , their remonstrance against the Linton choice for a postolllco site shows which .way the force of public opinion moves. Tnu DQUglas county member , who has vigorously opposed the state printing steal Hliould not bo frightened from the path of duty by the throats of the chief boneflclary. Hathaway's club is stuilod with wind. SOME deluded women in Washington are praying that none but pious men may bo appointed to office. The Ne braska contingent must horoio measures to suppress these misguided Icmalos. THE Boodlors' Own , of Lincoln ad- Hses republicans to "nominate * honest F ; jjnd capable men and thorough ' republi t cans for city offices. " 'Nono genuine without our trade mark stamped on the forehead. OA.TrtNG a special election for school bonds is a needless expense to the tax- fjayors. JThe question can be submitted 'It ' the annual election for members oi the school board and a saving of several hundred dollars effected. Mil. HITCHCOCK'S wild outcries on R the nostpfllco site tend to confirm the & suspicion that incipient lunacy has bro1 ken but in that quarter. The prospecl of the loss of a large haul on the govern' Wont surplus threatens to produce con cussion'of tUe brain. Tine substantial aid and encourage' Inont given In- the north to the move- bient to establish a national ooufodor- ute soldiers * homo at Austin , Tex. , ie Btrong proof that BOoUonnllsm finds nc lodgment In the hearts of the men whc fought for the union , AK Iowa man who canned the juice ol Iho apple nud slnkod the thirst of his neighbors nt so muoh u thirst , was nr- ros od and lined throe hundred dollars , The people must bo protected from the .deadly pippin , wherein lurks the worn : that inflates the musaulino patu. ' Tins retirement of Senator Olmco 01 Recount of omull pay nnd ohronlo dys- 'pepsin has produced rv largo orop of pa trlots in llhodo Island. The numboi ready to aacrlllco themselves mid tholt -a. families for. five thousand dolluVu n yoai and Inoltlontnla lows ) that the supply o rayvmatorlul Is unlimited. PJllmoro , Is so anxious to secure un ofllco of some kind that he U willing to sacrifice hlu conetltuonti snd the stnta for the support of the log Ulativa combine. This mania U nol confined to Ballard , It Is th ohlel oauie of the reigning1 uotuorniliaUon in boute * cm.Tunn iy The legislature having passed the sugar-bounty bill , It is to bo oxpoctoil that the cultivation ot the sugar boot In Nebraska immedlntolj * and vigorously stimulated. " There is good reason to bollovo that this may bo mndo un extensive and profitable industry. Boots grown nt Grand Island wore found on analysis to contain sixteen per cent ot sugar , and the Into commis sioner of agriculture , Mr. Coleman , ex pressed thb belief that the sugar boot could bo very profitably cultivated In that section of the state. The area , ( however , In which this boot can bo successfully grown Is shown by Investigation to bo very largo , cap able of producing a supply of beets not only sufficient to furnish all the sugar consumed in Nebraska , but a consider able amount In addition for shipment. If the industry , however , did no more than supply the homo market It would necessarily bo a very largo and Im portant one , nssurlngun unfailing revenue - nue to hundreds of farmers , for the sugar boot is said to bo a sure crop under almost any circumstances , and requires comparatively little labor in the cultivation. The bounty to bo paidby the state U for sugar from surghutn its well as boots , but it is probable - able that not mlich advantage will bo galnad from attempts to culti vate sorghum. The opinion of these well Informed In the matter , among them the late commissioner of agricul ture , is that sorghum cannot bo prollta- bly cultivated north of Kansas , and while something might bo done with it in the southern counties of this state , the uncertainties attending its cultiva tion do not warrant extensive experi menting with it. The farmers in the sections of the state whore the soil is favorable to sugar boot culture have now a sufficient inducement offered them to go Into this industry pn a gen erous scale , and- there appears to bo no good reason why Nebraska should not in time count this as ono of the most Important of her agricultural products and ono of the most profitable for her industries. THE POSTOFFICE SMB. The mercenaries who accuse the od- Itorof THE BEE of obstructing the set tlement of the postolllco site , tire thorn- , solvcs to.blame. They conspired with Special Agent Linton to carry out the i" . ° tC'r-iQn2 ! ! ! vori.llni in Washington that the Folsom estate should receive a benefit from the proceeds. During hin stay in Omaha Linton was dined and wined and his footsteps dogged by the Jefferson square combine , who packed the mooting In the exposition building , and titoorod the agent against every man known to bo friendly to the Plant ers' house site. The opposition to that selection is not confined to Mr. Tloso- wator. Ho is one pf the hundreds who demand the rejection of u prejudiced report and the unbiased consideration of all propositions submitted. The board of trade , city and county officials , and such loading citizens as Congress man Con neil , John M. Thurston , Thomas L. Kirnball , George W. Holdrogo , Doc tor George L. ' Miller , ox-Governor Saunders and scores of. others equally prominent , cannot bo accused of selfish motives , or of conspiracy to needlessly delay the settlement pf the question. They favor the Eighteenth and Farnam street site , and their wishes arc entitled to proper consideration , , from the au thorities. Their disposition to effect a speedy settlement was shown when they offered to submit the question to a vote of the board of trade , or to a vote of taxpayers owning not loss than five thousand dollars worth of" property. Both propositions wore rejected by Sen ator MacJorson , who Is determined to ignore the wishes of three-fourths of the best patrons of the government. The only alternative was to demand a rohoarfng from Secretary Windom and the appointment of. an unbiased agent to examine the sites offered. These facts explain the selfish cries and hypo critical howls of the Hitchcock crowfl , whoso anxiety to "servo the public" is intensified by the prospect of a bonus of fifty thousand dollars from the govern ment. PACKEUS There is a proposition before the Canadian parliament to impose a duty Ott'American lard , which would pro.cti = catly prohibit its importation into the Dominion. The purpose appears to be to exclude all lard made in this country , no Discrimination being made between the pure and the adulterated. In view of what has beqn said in this country regarding impure lard , and the efforts made In congress to procure legislation to prevent the sale of tha adulterated product hs pure , U is not surprising that American lard should have fallen un der suspicion In Canada , but that country is the first to propose Its absolute oxcluclon. This ex treme stop has not boon seriously con templated by any of thp European gov ernments which have debated the question of how to deal with lard im portations from the'Unllod States. The loss of the Canadian' market tot American lard might not of Itself bo n Very serious mutter , though the trade must bo considerable , but it would bo n very grave matter In the influence It would probably have upon other coun tries where there is a sentiment not fa vorable to this product of the United States , It is not questionable that there is a very largo amount of imi tation lard manufactured and sold for a pure article , Statistics of the lard trade at Chicago and other centers , which wore submitted tc a committee of congress , remove all doubt of the charge that the manufac ture of fraudulent lard throughout the country is enormous , This product is not confined to the homo market.but , is sent to other countries , and doubtless in relatively larger quantities to Canadu than to Euroue. There Is nnnuallj shipped to foreign port ? about one million tierces , and n considerable per centage of this is undoubtedly of the impure article , Obviously this entire trade is thus * endangered , nnd the pro posed action of the Canadian govern ment , if carried into effect , will in crease the peril. Several of the states have pure lard laws , that Is , luwi providing that lard Imitations shall bo branded , ao that ( ho consninlor can know what ho ia buying. . An effort was made to secure n national law for till a purpose , but congress did not net. It is under stood that the matter will bo presented to the next congress , and the Cantullnn proposition , If it carries , will have n great deal ot influence toward inducing congress to provldo for the branding of compounUod lard. The matter Is cer tainly of great Importance both to the producers and packers of hogs. WILL HE xo STAMPEDE. It nppaars to bo evident that the work ot restoring the offinos to republi cans is to bo prosecuted gradually nnd carefully. A few days'ago the president was reported to have said that if ho were bothered losa by olllco seekers ho could make appointments tnoro rapidly , but later advices indicate that neither the president nor any ot the heads of department * Is in a hurry in this matter. It seems to hnvo become the settled.policy of the administration that offensive partisanship Is to play ti very small part in effecting- changes in of fice. In extreme cases it will doubtless count against an incumbentbut the rule will bo to make removals only upon sustained charges of Incompetence or neglect of duly. Under this policy perhaps not to exceed ono-ljuU the offices will go to the republicans during the fust year of the administration , and there nro commissions hold by demo crats that will not expire before the third or fourth year of President Har rison's term. Those who obtained office under the government late in the last administration may therefore congratu late themselves upon being more fortu nate than those who preceded them , provided they prove themselves compe tent and attentive to duty. It is not to bo doubted that the policy which it irf said the admin istration will observe will disap point a great many republicans nnd bo widely disapproved , but reflect ing mefi will understand that the vast machinery of the government cannot bo turned over to now hands at once without endangering its efficiency and producing more or less demoralization in the public service. The promise of a thoroughly business administration _ would thus bo defeated , Unquestion ably the president and every member of his cabinet would prefer to have till the offices filled by republicans , nnd 'Igilbtless Uwcfl will be ? Yfif ? f ° w not so filled before the term of the adminis tration ends , but itia absolutely im- praptictiblq to do this all at once , nnd it would not bo well fo r the impression to go out that those now in it wore to be stam peded. Furthermore , the administra tion is pledged to regard a principle in the matter of appointments which is of republican origin , whicU was explicitly reasserted in the last national platform , and which cannot be ignored without Stultifying the party , " The president has at no tinro since his election per mitted a doubt as to his intention to conform to the civil service law in letter - tor a'nd spirit , and though understood % ot to bo in sympathy with the extreme reformers ho may be expected to give no encouragement to the spoilsmen. The appointments thus far made have boon satisfactory to repub licans generally , and with a few exceptions have drawn no un favorable criticism from democrats. They have attested the desire of the administration to make integrity and capacity the essential qualifications. In a word , President Harrison is pro ceeding us ho was expected to , nnd un doubtedly ho will preserve this course to the end. Republicans who have re gard for the credit of the administra tion nnd the future welfare of the party will commend him in doing so. TJTE secretary of the interior should take great care in selecting the mem bers of the commission to negotiate with the Sioux Indians for the opening of their reservation. The duties to bo performed requires raon of the soundest judgment and discretion , qualifications which all the members of the last com mission did not possess. Doubtless any commission would have failed to secure the assent of the Indians to the arrangement - mont proposed last year , but the course pursued by the cornraissiongrB.rat.iSi- ! , gravated thO djfaculties , arousing a feeling of hostility- the outset that could not bo allayed. They wont about their business in a way that invited op position , thus giving those whoso inter est it was to defeat the arrangement the fullest opportunity to influence the Indians , The proposal to bo submitted ismoro liberal than the first , and if the matter la judiciously managed there is a much bolter dlfcmco of success. It np- nears that there will bo no difficulty In finding men to servo , there being al ready a score of candidates , but it may not bo entirely easy to secure just the right raon. THE BEE has boon criticised- for printing ono or two communications from parties who take issue with the statements made In the alliance memo rial to congress with reference to farm mortgages in Nebraska. Wo print elsewhere - whore in this tssuo a letter censuring THK BEE for "tho position" It has taken. Now this is all gratuitous. THE 'BKU has undergone no change of senti ment with respect to the laudable prin ciples for which the alliance contends. It has printed communications on the subject of the momorialf pro and cbn , and will continue to do BO , provided they bo brlof and confined etrletly to the morlts ot the .case. In doing this TUE BEE simply conforms to a rule of practloo which has always boon main tained , It is only fair that both sides bo given a hearing. The editorial opinion upon questions discussed by our correspondents is a matter of our own , and is not of that character which pre cludes from our columns all opinions in conflict therewith. REI'RE9ENTATIVJ5 HAMPTON , Of Webster county , .Is entitled to Bliaro with Mr. Cady the credit of fighting the extravagant appropriations and bogus claims engineered by the com bine. Ho took a bold stand against the reckless raids ot the claim ngenta and was largely instrumental in cutting down the laflalad salary list and abel ishing slnocurof.'Noxt to Messrs. Cady and Hampton BlobirMr. Dulanoy , the honest Butler county , and Nick Sntchall tbo true bhto ropro- roscntallvo of the yeomanry ot Cass. Their successful < llght for economy in state affairs dcsorVc hearty commenda ' " ' tion. IT is claimed ( Jn gc-od authority that the loss In the calllo/angcs pf Colorado and Montana will not exceed 1 per cent. The condition of the stock is ex cellent nnd shipment to mnrkot will tnko place fully thirty days earlier than in previous years. The open winter has contributed to this healthy slate of affairs , and in consequence tharo Is a buoyant fooling In the cattle Industry. There can bo but little doubt that the present year will be ono of prosperity to the cattle raisers of th o west , which will have an Influence to Improve the condition of business In general. THE resignation of Boiler Inspector Standoven for the reason that the work Of inspection Is more than ono man can reasonably attend to , should receive the careful attention of the council. Proper boiler inspection In our citjvis of great importance. By" Hie foes ob- talnnd the ofllco is self-sustaining , nnd the duties of It nro increasing daily , By the provisions of the newly adopted charter the salary of the boiler inspector has been raised from fifteen to eigh teen hundred dollars a year. The sum Is certainly a reasonable compensation for the business , but if it should appear that nn assistant is necessary the proper authorities should take stops to secure ono. THE closing days of the legislature are rendered bright and cheerful for the taxpayers by the grim determina tion of the senate to carefully examine the appropriation bills and put the knife to the jobs and extravagant items. The members have settled down to business , and will stick to the work till every root and branch is pruned down to the limit , without endangering the trunk. The members of combine in the houBo nnd lobby are demoralized ana Inconsolablebut the friends of economy must not relax their vigilance. iii ! are already warnings in the nlr that the so-called moat Inspection bills passed by various state legislatures to exclude dressed boot are a dead lot- tor. Tim solicitor { Jotteral of } ho terri tory of Now Moxioo , in passing upon a lopal measure winch forbids the sale of moat that has nott berta procured from animals inspected in ho territory while living , pronounces. tUp act unconstitu tional and void so far as it relates , to the importation of d ostld } ? beef and other moats. And it 10 difficult to see how any other conclusion'Ouii ' bo reached. " " j7" Vj THE Lincoln Jnitrmtl tearfully pleads " for the passage of t k state" printer bill. It appears that Hlitjiaway managed to smuggle this snugjiest-ogg through the Bitting committco'bf the legislature , and his anxiety to ego jit become a law is oulyiequallod by his /desire / to hog the state printing andjileeco the treasury for four years ormoro. , This is sufficient justification for the prompt defeat of the measure. THE Yonctown Is now ready for ser vice , and it is gratifying to learn that the vessel comes up to all of the re quirements of the contract. There is promise in the complete satisfaction which this man of war has given tlmt America has not lost her cunning in the art of ship building. THE defeated conspirators in the house threaten to "mnko it hot" for THE BEE reporter , because ho has exposed their villainous schemes to rob the state. THE BEE warns this worthless crow that they are trifling with a volcano , the eruption of which will make tncm wish they had never boon born. THE tour of inspection of the senate special committee on Pacific railroads has been delayed beyond the time orig inally set. For nil the good it will do the people the junket may as well bo postponed indefinitely. THE conspiracy of Lincoln to gobble the gt-j-g Snyino iunaswaE snuffed out in the house. The rapacity of the boodlors Is boundless. Pretty soon the slate will bo compelled to anchor the capital building to prevent it being stolen bodily. REPIIESENTATIVE O'BUIEN of Doug las county is overling himself to detent the bill reducing the number of justices of the peace of Oinaha. Perhaps ha wants to spare his legal ohuina the , pain of being compelled to work for a living. THE coal that Is used for fuel at the state capltol is sold to the people nt the price of diamonds. This is ono of the ways the appropriations are swelled to enormous proportions and dofloionoy bills are created. THE tension aofaas , the bosoms of democratic officeholders has relaxed slnco it is ofllclally'nniipuncod that no removals are to tata' pjaco except for cause , until the expiration ot term of office. 'fl ' IP THE makers of agricultural imple ments are going to0foliow the binding twine trust , there i nothing loft for the poor farmer to do bu j lo go back to the use of the aloklo and. i flail. ONE Jay WarromKoifor , of Ohio , Is a candidate for the1Vacancy on the supreme premo bench. Hld'appointment would merely prolong the vacancy. Tine UK is a largo hole in the sieve of the house sifting committee wh ich has permitted the anti-trust bills to fall through , Frocl'a All Kansai Clly Journal. "Of course It was right and proper to ap point Colonel Fred Grant to the Austrian mission , " saya tha Chicago Moll , "but will somoDody please gtvo a reason for it aside from the fact that he Is his father's eon ! " Certainly , His eminent personal qualifica tions for an Important diplomatic post. West Virginia' * Hunger , Whtrilno tntMtoenttr. U Pwlteat HtrrUoa WM a tre k of greased llphlnmg ho couldn't move fast enough to plcnso everybody. If ho will ( to the best ho can to put Mr. Cleveland's partisans - sans on the retired list ho will do all that can bo expected ot him. Glmitnooy nnd tlio Urltlnti. Chteaao AVu1 * . Thn rumor now Is bruited That Gotham's charming Clinuucoy Donow linn been deputed To go to England , t'nwncyl . This ho-fechehorozado , Well versed In tale nnd fnblo , Will cheer each Lord Tomnoddy . Wnllo Hews the ycilqw label. He'll meet Lord Salisbury * At lunch or after dinner , And win him Iff a hurry , As sure as he's n sinner. Ground linen nnil Coal lings. fiitMo Dfopnlrt. In the east ttio ground hog Is not accepted as n prophet In connection with the coming of spring , nor are the birds , the llowors or the trees. The coal barons nro the only rec ognized authority. Thcyhavlnc reduced the pilqeof oonl 50 cents n ton In 13oston , It Is announced that the fact may safely ho Inter preted us removing nil chances of another prolonged cold imp this SD.ISOII. If the poo- pla of Colorado had to wait for the same sign , iC would ho midwinter the year uround with them , for the sign would never come. That Is the reason , probably , why they be- Hove In the ground hog. In comparison with the other class of hogs It hits some humnnltv. a. A. DoutxCitl Compliment. Kansas CUu 'flints. Howclls , the novelist , says that ho makes n fresh study of his wife for every ono of his heroines , This Is probably a Joke , for Mrs. Howclls is a bright nnd Interesting woman. Hungry ui Trumps. llmton Ilerahl. A great many of the boys are getting back their old places under the now administra tion. Sitting out in the cold for four long years has only whetted their sppctltcs for public fodder. STATE AND TKIllllTOKY. Nebraska Jottings. \V. O. Todd has sold the Union Ledger- L. J. Maylield , of Louisville. It Is said tlmt liquor is furnished the In dians at Valentino upon condition that they will not drink It until they have loft town. The Bcnkolman Republican Is n now Jour nalistic candidate for public favor In Dundy county , with Frank Israel ns editor and pro prietor. Burglars entered a hardware store at Ohiown , stole § 100 worth of cutlery nnd failed to Icuvo a alow. The thieves are thought to bo amateurs. Physicians have been compelled to arnpu- tntp tly ) leg of Vprnou Love , the fourteen- .Vear-old TamoiM boy who was accidentally shot by playmates three weeks ago. Two hoys tlio older not fifteen wore found wandering about Ucnkolman the other doy in a be stlv state of Intoxication. The parents uru on the trail of the mnn who gave the children the whisky and they have blood In their pycs. The editor of the Humphrey Unpuhlican was appointed postmaster recently and in the next issun of his paper he announced that ho had sold the Republican to the roth-ins post master , who would consolidate it with the local democratic sheet. Some of the ucoplc of Hastings are evi dently not very well ploosed'with the an nouncement of the engagement of Senator Tuggart , for the Nchraskan remarks : "The constituents of Senator Tuggari would bo much hotter pleased if he had postponed uis love-making and dovotoa his time more assiduously to a faithful discharge of his publla duties. " town. An effort is being made at Ida Grove to se cure a paper mill. A three logged calf is the greatest curios ity at Sioux City at present und It is well and happy. The Democrat says that if every person in Davenport was to go to church every Sunday only ono in three could get a seat. Mrs. U. A. Hlssell , ono of the pioneers of DoWitt is dead. Bho w s eighty j ears of age. and settled on the prairie wlilch is tbo present site of Do yitt in 1840. I. A. ICerr hn9 siicceedod In raising $15,000 stock with which to erect in Muscatlno a larger factory lor the manufacture of his prtont ventilated barrels and boxes. Governor Larrabeo has remitted a portion of the lines of Brewers Aulman and Schu ster , convicted of keeping a nuisance and fined (1,000 about thrco years ago. They paid $300 each and nil the court costs. Christine Schilt , of Atlantic , nas addressed a note to THK Bni ; , announcing that the as sertion that William Triptow had stolen a watch from her did the gentleman an injus tice , us she had simply loaned the watch to him nnd ho had subsequently paid her for it in full. William Robinson , a farmer who Hrcs In Iowa township , Crawford county , about eight mile } from Manning , on going homo found his wife on the floor dead , nnd the two children - dron , aged thrco and flvo years respectively , playing around , unconscious of the awful calamity Jlint had befallen them. The CO.U3Q ot dentli was appoplexy. When UniteO. Stati Mar8hal Desmond came yay Ior hja Smvo ln a Dubuque bar ber shop u few days ago the barber re marked that ho would luivo to look out for bad coins as the marshal had raided a coun terfeiter's den the night beforo. A moment lutor.tlio murshal handed the barber ono of the bogus dollars , but the latter didn't ' de tect the countoifolt until thu marshal re fused his change. The coin was thicker and lighter than the genuine. DAkotn. Deadwood expects to have another cigar factory shortljv The Baptists of Fauikton have begun the erection of a church edlllcc. > = > Flvo Dakota colleges have adopted n con stitution for a state nthlotiu association , * T. D. ICuriouso will probably bo the choice of Sanhorn county for delegate to tbo Bioux Falls convention , F , A. Ln Follctto of Platlkinton , is secur ing endorsements as tlio successor of United Btatos marshal Maratta. There are now thirteen mules at work In the Houiostako mines , two of them having been sent down the shaft last week. The Missouri river Is again cutting Into the bottom land below Ynuklon and It Is thought the railroad tracks will have to bo moved. Ed Green , who was charged with killing an infant at Sturgls of which ho was sup posed to bo the father , has been acquitted after a trial at Dcadwood. A Deadwood wood sawyer has discovered a wonderful ollmatlo peculiarity at that place. Ho says that last winter u man who he owed twenty-cents could , owing to the clearness of the atmosphere , readily distin guish him the full lencth of Main street , while at present ho cannot see him at all , nor can ho sea the man. He says the man now owes him 13 , and admits the possibility oC that having something to do with it. Ilev , Kltno Not n Crunk. Oiia , Aoams county , In. , March 21. To the Editor of Tiin Beet In a recant issue ot Tun WBCKIT BEB your correspondent rofora to Rev , Albert Kline , the Adalr county faster , as u religious cranlc. - | This does Mr. Kltno nnd the people who are engaged with him In this work nn In justice. Wo have attended and hoard Mr , Kllno preach , and know the parties who are helping In the work to be honest and o onsis- taut Christians ; men who would not on cour age a crank or a fraud. ELIJAH UICB. Tlio Oldout Soiator. ELLINGTON , Mo. , Fob , 0. To the Editor of TUB BEEJ I sco In your Issug of the 13tU that David Aurlllo , of Iowa , claims to bo the oldest soldier of the rebellion known to bo living. Captain James Stockton , of Stans- burry , Mo. , was born In Kentucky on the Oth of October , 1797 ; will be ninety-two years old next birthday , Captain Stockton raised the ilrat company of union soldiers that on * listed in Gentry county In the spring of 1651 , and served uutll the full of 1603. f Yours truly , L. 0. NOKUAN. TUB AtiLttVNCn MESIOIUAU A Knrincr Makes lloply to "Tho Bco'a" Criticisms. COHXCI.L , Nob. , isinrch 93. To the Editor of Tun UERI An nttlclo in your paper of March SO.sovorely criticising the memorial of the Nebraska State Farmers' alliance to con * gross , requires some attention , Adverse criticism by the corporation tools was not un expected , hut Tun Bnn , which In former times has boon considered a friend ot the farmers , should not bo allowed to rest under such grave mbtnkcs as appear In that article. In regard to the statement In the memorial that the farms of Nebraska were mortgaged for $150,000,000 , the writer saya , "Tho state- inont , wo have no doubt , on investigation would show to bo wildly orroncou * . " Now lot us sco what kind of nn Invostlga tlon has led to that conclusion. Ho further says , "Tho numbnr of farms In Nebraska may bo stated approximately nt 100,000. Now.'tho writer , 1 know , never came to that conclusion by nn Investigation of his own , but has relied on the guess-work of In- Icrestod parties. There nro in this state about no.tUOO quarter sections of land. More than two-thirds of these are deeded lands ana provod-up claims , which mnv bo mort gaged. This makes nt least 200,000 quarter sections that might bo mortgaged. The question nt Issue.Is . how much ot this hind Is mortgaged , nnd for how uiucfi per quarter on nn nvcrugol Tlio recorder of ono of the best counties In the southwestern part ot the state , last fall , ixftor a full examination of his books , re ported that about nlnetccn-twcntieths of the deeded land in that county was mortgaged. I have made cnruful inquiry during the past two years m counties In different parts of the state , both east nnd west , of these who were best In formed In regard to the matter , nnd the lowest estimate 1 have arrived at for anyone ono county was throe-fifths , und I do not be lieve any reasonable man who will carefully examine the subject will conclude that the average of mortgages is less than four-flfths of the deeded land of the whole state. This would make the mortgaged land at least 1110,000 quarter sections. . Now loons ot fCOO and upwards , are readily made on a quarter section of unimproved land In the western part of the state , whllo It Is not un usual In the middle and eastern parts of the state for loans to bo made of $1.600 on the quarter section , and that frequently supple mented by u second mortgage for half that sum. The exact fltrurcs cannot bo deter mined without grout trouble and expense and nro of course constantly changing , but no man who will take reasonable pains to in form himself will fall to concede that the amount ot the mortgages Is constantly nug- mcntikg , and that the interest in many cases is not being paid. If wo tuko Into considera tion the largo chattel mortgage indebtedness , at from 1 to 2 per cent per month Interest , with Which the pcoplo mo also weighed down , wo may well say the worst was not told. In regard to the complaint that the statement of these facts in the memorial will Injure the state , I do not behove it. States are. injured by a suppression of facts for spec ulative purposes , and not by Information in regard to the actual condition of the people. Such deception may lead to temporary pros perity , but must end in disaster. Neurasku has , I believe , as fertile a soil nnd as salubriqus n cjimato | is any 1'ortlgn of the earth ot as large an oxlcn'trGlyo the Tafmors and laborers pf the slate their rights as part of u great s.qvol'c'Rn ' people , and the s.tato will prosper whether eastern capitalists \yish it or not. Withhold these rights und the peace and prosperity of the state arc most cer tain ly imperilled. But the writer further says i "Tho asser tion that the number of tenant farmers is rapidly increasing is untrustworty. " Mortgages are constantly being foreclosed nnd the land bought in by capitalists. Does the writer think the fafmars all leave the state when thus sold out , or go into some other business ! If so , ho is mistaken. They , as a rule , remain , serfs on lands which should by right bo their own. Unwilling to become vagabonds on the faoo of the earth , and unable to procure themselves homes elsewhere without again becoming slaves to the same system of debt which has com passed thnir final ruin. He further says that the reason so many farmers fall in this state is "a want of business capacity and Im prudent management , and a want of the knowledge , experience and Industry neces sary to suocessful farming , " and gives as authority for the assertion the opinion of farmers as given to the labor commissioner. I aon't doubt , but I do know that any person or persons who make such assertions in re gard to any considerable portion of the farmers in this state are either Ignorant ot the facts or willfully porvcit thu tiuth. In regard to increasing the volume of tbo currency the writer evidently misunder stands the latent of the memorial as clearly indicated m the same , which Is , not to Issue money to the corporations and money lend ers , but to the working people who neoJ it and who can give security for it. Ana ; suppose it does increase prices. The .prices of produce of the farm are now , nnd have been for the last four or live years , so low that farmers , as a rule , in this state , and every other agricu Itural state in the union , cannot by the strictest economy and indus try or any honest business capacity , hope to pay their debts. Wo may econombo in what wo buy , but wo must have money to paj our obligations. Hence , if Increasing the cur rency will , us the writer says , increase prices it is just what wo need. Wo.can do without coffee and tea and sugar and we will willlngiywear coarse and patched clothing ; but we cannot long ouduro tbo burden oto' o' ' debt which wo , ns n class , nro now carryinpr. In conclusion let mo say in behalf of the Farmer's nlllanco , of Nebraska , "Wo do not Intend to misrepresent facts or to injure any honest Industry. Hut wo do Intend to ( lo in and our rights , and" to prootiro thorn by such Just and orderly moans as may bo noo- cssary. And by the help of God , our strength , wo will pcrsovoro until wo succeed. J , II. I'ow BUS. A Lcnton Mtnny , Toirn Topics. Oli. thou. dear Lord , my smi forglvo [ HumphI There come * dowdy UUts I ] Ami ninko mo humble whllo I live [ How ill her clothing fits IJ Oh , tnko from mo nil worldly prldo . [ A dark brown trimmed with blue IJ And keep mo over by thy sldo [ Her last year's bonnet , too IJ Make mo put my trust In thee [ TuoBan Dorvlltsl Suchtastol ] Protect mo from nil vanity [ Nice pattern for a wnl'tt ] Oh. bless mo with thy folding lovo- * [ Spring tint nnd winter sprig I ] And when I dlo tnko mo above [ I know her hnlr's a wig I ] Oh , tench mo not to envious bo [ I wish I owned that silk 11 But keep rae mook's-niy lowly plea | She looks like soured skim milk I ] Tench mo forgiveness day by day [ Oh , how I halo that thing I ] And lead mo In-tho hallowed way [ My knees begin to sling I ] Please cleanse my heart of wrong desires- * [ I wonder If ho'll lllrtll With love for thee my soul Inspire [ I'll keep ono eye alert I ] And hold nio in the narrow path [ I think I caught his oyo.j That I may 'scupo thy chastening wrath- * [ Could ho have heard mo slghfj And when temptation nonrcth mo TI thought ho looked again IJ Blind thou my eyes that I may not sco [ Oh , dear , those horrid men 1 ] O'erlook my faults und ranko mo shlno [ He's smiling surely , then I ) A power on earth , the credit thine [ So brazen , too I ] Auion. Bomo Corrections. RusnviUii : , Nob. , March 20. To the Editor of Tnn BUG : The dispatch from Chadron In last SUNDAY'S ' BBE stating that I was killed nt Pine Rid go Agency by a billiard ouo in i drunken brawl was erroneous In several par- tlculars. Firstly There are no billiard cuei In Pine Hfdgo Agency. Secondly I have not recently boon engaged In n drunken brawl. /Thirdly I have not to my own certain knowl. ojgo. been killed by any person or persons whosoever. Otherwise the dispatch referred to Is materially correct. I deem It best to make this brief osplana < tlon , not only on my own account and to"re < Hove the friends who may bo mourning my untimely demise , but also for the purpose o ( placing In a proper Hpht before the public the man who killed mo. Very respectfully , Ono. J. JA.UCUOW.- Make It "Won. " The following communication 1ms been sent to THE BEBI Under the caption , "Stato Names Abbrovlalod , " a writer In tha Sunday Republican , noticing that Pa , (3 used as the abbreviation of Pennsylvania , recommends Ma. as the proper thing fpr Montana but gays : "A good abbreviation for the state of Washington , if it rotajns that name , will bo hard to llnd , for the obvious Wash. ' is too suggostlvo of the laundry to be considered for a moment. This fact alone ought to rule out that name for the now state. " It is to bo honqd that no man in that terri tory is so idiotic as to see but that ono possi ble abbreviation , and to oppose the retention of that grand name for the now state. Add the last twp letters to tbo Jlr t and no state cat ; have a batter or piorq interestingly suggestive abbreviation for its tltlo. With the state of Washington on our Pa * clflc coast , nnd Washington City , the capital , \ in close proximity to tbo Atlantic , and be- twocn thorn , cradled In the arms ot two > great oceans , the mighty American republic , ' ( won by the go.nius , courage , firmness and Incorruptible - corruptible patriotism of him frpm whom they derived their appellation and the "eter nal illness of things1' ' would seem to hava been consulted. The suggestion to "rulo out that name , " for the reason given , if not idiotic , Is In famous , * ! ft + An Early Toiib. | ' " Miss Manila Nolan , daughter of Thomas Nolan , one of the oldest and widely known citizens of Omaha , died yesterday at tha residence ot her parents , 13SO South Eight eenth streets , Sbo has been ill for nearly two years , Boo was but 15 years of ago , a girl of remarkably bright intellect and of endearing traits of character which csusod her to be courted by young as well as old , Her death Is n grlovou * affllo- tion to her parents and friend * . She will bo burled next Thursday , The services will beheld held jn St. Pbilomoua's cathedral at 0 o'clock : and the remains intoned in Holy Sopuchre. Nellie Carey , aged twonty-ona years , died to-day at 1111 South Twelfth street. The funeral will taito place this Thursday at 80 , m , HucitAitcbT , March SO. King Charles' nephew , Priuco Ferdinand , ha * been pro * aimed crown prince of Eoumqtiln , Disfiguring , Skin . . . Diseases . . . . ' I H Wonilorfiil Cure of SttU linen in. Knee , Iinnda niul arms covered , Hands useless Tor two yonrs. Doc- tord snld case was Inourablo. Cured by Oiidourn. 1 Imve had a most \\ondoiiul cure of salt rheum. Tor flvo years I have Buffered with this disease. I hart It on my face , arms , and hands , 1 was unable to do anything \\lmtovor with my hands for over-two years. I tried hundreds ot remedies , ami not ono Imd the least effect. The doctor said my case was Incurable. I saw your mlvertlMOincnt , and concluded to try the OUTI- cun.v HPMBinr.s ; and Incredible as It mayHeem , after using ono box ot CUTICUII A. and two cakes of CUTICUUA BoAl' , and two bottles ot OUTI- CUIIA. HKSOI.YENT , I find I am entirely cured. Those who think-this letter exaggerated may como nud sea me and nnd out for themselves , G1UOR P. HAIIKHAM , North St. Charles Street , Hello Hlver , Ont , I must oxtnnd to you tha thanks of one ot my customers , who has been cured , by using the CUTICUIIA Itr.MKiintH , of an old sere , caused by a louts spell of sickness or fever eight J cars ago , Ho was so bad ho wan tearful ho would have to hnve his log amputated , but Uliappy to say he Is now entirely well , sound as n dollar. Ha requests mo to use his name , which Is II. II. OABOC , merchant of this placo. JOHN V. MINOU. DriSBsUt , Claliuboro , Tenn. I havo-been troubled with tetter on my face for several yesrs , ixnd doctored with xovoral oUors , Out received no benollt. I tried your CUTICUUA. UCMEDIBS last spring according to directions and can now Ry that I am entirely cured. I m satlnllod yourUirricuiiA HEUBUIUS are just what you recommend tliein to be. . ItUQH II. AYKK3. Bmlthvllle , W. Va. I have been cured ot u most unbearable Itch. Ingskln dUeftue by the Cunruiu ItKMr.uibB. They huv * enabled mo to cscapo years of sullcr- lag. You may usa my name us u inference , and any one who \rnnts to knoff about my case may write me , inclosing stamp , W. H. HKOOICB , IT 0rote Street , I'rovldenco , it , I , Cured byTe To cleanse the skin , scalp and blood of humoi H , blotches , eruptions , sore * . calea , and crusU , whether Minplo , scrofulous or contagions , no agency In the world ol medicine Is so speedy. sure , and economical as the Cimouiu HFMB- 1)1 KB. CuTicmiA , the greaUKtn cum , Instantly allays the most agonizing Itching and Intlamuiatlon. clears the akin and hcalpot every tut.6 of dlx * rase , heals ulcers and sores , removes crusui und scales , and restores the hnlr , OUTKH n SOAP , the urcutcst of akin t > oautltle , U Indls- jien sable In treathlg skin disease * and.babjr Humors. It producw the whitest , clearest skin . . bt cc-huadii. ! red.ronBh , thapjied and MPI.B8. prevented by Ciniu uiu A minister and Ills lltllo boy cured of 1 ' nn obstlhnto Hku | disease by tlio < I Cut lour ft Ucinodios. Prnlscs tlioiu everywhere In tlio pulpit , liotne , nnd In tlio ntrcot * Tor about thirteen years i have been troubled with ecxoinu or some other cutaneous dlaoasa which all remodlei failed to ctiro. Hearing o the C'lrricuiiA HEMEUIEB I resoUed to give them a trial , and purchaHed ono bottle tit Ctm < CDIIA ltE&orVENT , one box of CUTICUIIA , and ono take UUTICIIIIA SOAP. 1 followed tbo di rections carefully , and it affords mo much pleas ure to say that uoforo using two boicoa of tha CUTICUIIA , four cakes of CiiTicuiu SOAP , and ouo bottle Of the CUTiculu lltsoi.vbNr , I was entirely cured , In addition to my own case , my baby boy , than about 11 vo months old , wattftiiirertng with what 1 supposed to lie the name dluenso us mine to mien nn extent flmt Ills head wa coated over with a BOId ! Ecab , from which thcia was u constant llo\r of pun which was wlckenliig to look upon , besides two largo tumor-llko kernels , on tha hack of hlu head , Thftnks to j on and your won * ilortul CiiTlculiA HKMliniKS his fiuilp It per * tectly well , and the kernels have been scattered HO that there Is only mio llttlo place by htn lof I car , and that IH healing nicely. Instead of a coating of BcatjH Im has a Illio coat of hair , much hotter than that which was destroyed by hit < lllo-ise. 1 would that tha whole woildot tu II el era from skin and blood discuses knew the value of your CUTICUIIA. HUMRIUES as 1 do * The CUTICUIIA HOAI and CimcunA IlE80c < VKNTuro each worth ten times the price aC which they are bold. I have never u ed another / other toilet uoau In my houbo sluco I bought tun IIrot cake of your CunouiiA BOAI' . I would bo Inhuman as woil as uiiuratefnl should I full ta bpeak well of uud recommend your OUTIUUHA. ltiiiniiLa to every Minprer who came In my rtach. I have spoken of It , ana shall coutlnud to speak of It from Uiu pulpit , In the homorf , nnd In the streets. I'raylns that you m y llvo long , and do others the same amount of good you have done mo nnd my child. I remalu , youra fcratotully , ( Hay. ) C. M. MANNINO , * , Acwoith , 0a. Cuticura and softest hands , free from pimple , spat or : blemUh. CLTICOIIA UMOLVKNT , tha new Wood purlllvr , i.lfjns'i.i tha blood of nil Impurltlc * and polncmou * flowc'iiU , and thus icmove * thu OAU3fc. IlCUCO tlurCUTIUUHA JlEMBUIEI CUrtl o ery species of agonizing. hmnlllaUtiK , Itthlnsr , burnliifr , scaly , and pimply dUeascs of the slcln , scalp , und blooj , with lust ot hair , from Dim ples to BCrofula , Bold everywhere. 1'rice , CuTlCUiU , We ; SOAP , 8icj ItEfloiiVKNT. si , Vreparod by tlio I'orrun ItllUU AMD CllKHIUAU COUI'OHATJON , IlOStOII. , turrit-lid for "now to Cure bkln Jlneases , " Oi pages , (0 lllu trat ons , and 10) testimonials , t. white , und tree from chopiaud redness , by uslnir OtmcuuA