Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Practically Without Im
Firmer ProTlslone More Thnn
JtccovcrYcstcrtlny'n Lost Ground
Cnttlc Demand Fair UOR
Take n Drop.
CHICAGO. March 20. [ Special Tclcirram to
Tns Bfes.J The wheat market was dull
nno practically without Important change.
It was not featureless , however. One great
feature wan the virtual abandonment of
trading In May by the general crowd. The
variation of prices In May covered a range
of 2Yc ; and extended from Wo to tl.02.
Trade was very light , and more than half of
the commission firms On the floor are refus
ing to execute orders In that month. Hutcn-
Inson's brolicrs ran prices up and down nnd
tried to galvanlro trade In May , but the only
visible result was to Induce a few scalpers
to engage in a hazardous run after fractions.
When prices broke from f 1.0 ! to $1.00 ,
gome stop loss orders were caught , but the
decline was checked by a clique of brokers ,
and the market promptlj went up again
from 09Yc to $1.01 and above. The volume
of the transactions In May was Insignificant
for the fluctuations in quotations. Changes
of } 4 < Sc were frequent and with
out apparent reason. The clique
brokers did not seem particularly anxious
to buy. but they ran the price up on the o
who did want wheat. This served to keep
that future nervous all day. The transac
tions In July were on a liberal scale. 'Iho
market started in atsr c , advanced to 8SJ < f.
got very weak and slumpy nnd broke to
S" & < 3S7c , with heavy selling on the down
grade. Hutchlnson nnd other strong local
operators , as well as the generality of the
commission houses , were good buyers , and
the market slowly and strongly advanced in
the face of seeming weakness to SS } c. Fern
n long time the price ranged around SSc ,
with a steady absorption of offerings by the
conservative people. During the last half
hour the shorts were actlvo in July and put
the price to 8SJ c. The later phase of tbt
wheat market was that of steadiness
nnd strength , particularly in late
futures. July scoring substantial
advance. "What May will do is
something nobody but the manipulators can
tcil.and opinions as to its course are valueless.
It may advance lOc any day or break as
much. The closing prices were $1.01 for
May , OOo for June and 8SJc for July. As
compared with yesterday tnis range shows a
gain of } c lor May and IJi'c for July. The
foreign news was unimportant. The advices
were commonly of a bearish tenor in sympa
thy with the tone of weakness displayed in
most American markets. Nevertheless it
ytas observable that , in the f ace pf this flood
of discouraging cable news , seaboard ad
vices indicated considerable Ufa and activity
in the export line. The working of eleven
boat loads for continental account was
chroniciled , nnd the air was full of rumors
that an indefinite , but large quantity was
"about" to bo worked. The vagueness of
this sort of information caused it to bo. re
ceived with smiles of disbelief.
The corn market was dull and sluggish
and without any feature of interest. The
fcclinir was fairly steady at the opening , but
a weaker tone prevailed towards the middle
of the session. The receipts were fifty-eight
cars more than had been looked for , and the
inspection returns showed a great improve
ment in the proportion of No. 2 corn to the
total amount. The Liverpool market was
also quoted weaker and 1 % & lower , and these
were the immediate causes of the weaker
feeling. When May had declined to 35 % @
85 } c , a fair demand appeared to exist at
that price and the estimated receipts for the
following day being only 175 oars the market
became firmer. Tnere was a decrease in the
quantity on ocean passage of 200,000 bushels ,
which was likewise a grain dropped In the
balance on the buying side. There was some
Inquiry for April delivery , but sellers for
that month we/o hard to find. The local
shipping demand was good for
the lower grades , which also helped
the hands of the speculators on the.
bull side and gave a fairly firm appearance
to the market towards the close. The out
side domestic markets were steady , and
some decline in ocean freights about offset
the lower quotations from Liverpool. The
price changes oetween yesterday's and to
day's close were Trim i-10u to } c in favor of
Oats were firmer. Rather more than the
recent Interest was shown in a speculative
way , centered chiefly in May. This opened
steady at 25c , and under fair buying on
the part of a few local operators , assisted by
the shorts' covering , prices were advanced
31@C to Gc < subsequently losing a point
of the improvement. The longer months
were quiet , with July dull around 25 ; c.
Out of a total of 143 cars inspected in , 44
passed into the contract grades. No. 2 oats
to go to store were firm at 24c and trading
in cash lots was chiefly by sample.
Provision more than recovered the ground
Josl vesterday. The opening was a little
nervous anci-jtt firices * trifle lower , but before -
fore business had progressed for tfl $ trade ,
under the leadership of pork , assumed AIT
unmistakable bullish tendency. The articles
mentioned subordinated , in fact. In interest
and activity tbe other speculative lines ,
though toward the close of 'Change lard at
tracted more than ordinary attention. Short
ribs , however , were. & little slow throughout.
The buying of pork , as well as > other articles ,
was unusually general. Traders from the
grain crowds made up a good share of the at
tendance in the pit , and the market was
Jider nnd , for holders , more satisfactory
jian at any.time since the present bull move
ment set In. Tbo highest prices realized pre
vailed around the close. In pork the fluctu
ations experienced covered a range r/f 35c , in
lard of Inshoit ribs of ' & & . Based
on yesterday's closings , the advance actually
established was 22X ( g30c on pork ,
on lard and 5c on short rios.
CHICAGO tiivc srooa.
CHICAGO , March 2/1. / | Special Telegram
to Tins UKB.J CXTTJ.T : The demand was
fair and prices steady to strong on anything
good and useful , either fer export shipping
or for the dressed beef trade. The export
demand is not quite as actlvo as last week ,
tbe buying side having been reduced to ono
tbipper. Cow stock shared in the better
feeling , and prime heifers , together with
good export bulls , were eagerly sought for.
Common cow stock was about tbe same as
heretofore. So far this week 110 Texans
bavo arrived , and this will account for the
steadiness in cow stock. Dealers In stocn-
ers and feeders wore reporting a fair de
mand at steady prices. Choice beeves , M.OO
(34.35 ( ; medium to goon steers , 1S50 to 1500
Ibs , 3.60a3. ( { > 0 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs , t3.40S3.70 :
050 to 1200 Ibs , * 3.00@3.0 ; stockcrs and feed
ers , $3.3533 45 ; OOWH , bulls and mixed , (1.40
@ ; 00 ; bulk , fi25@2. 0 ; Texas corn-fed
steers , 050 to UKO Ibs , f-3.OCW33.C5.
Hoas Tbo market oj > encd weak and at
every turn prices dropped , finally closing 10
@l5c lower than Monday , or 5@10o lower
than on Saturday. At the close big fat hoes ,
averaging 400 Ibs and upwards , sold as low
as C4.UOSl.05 , and the best mixed at f4.TO@
4.7C. with best heavy at fi.bO. Light sorts
NKW Yonit , March 33. [ Special Telegram
to THE UEU.I STOCKS There were no en-
sat'onn ' ! or exciting features in tbe stocks
early to-day. The opening prices were
steady or a trifle better , and on tbe whole
the tendency of the first hour was slightly
better , but the action was marked by de
clines mid rallies in a few of the more active
securities. The principal activity of the
Biorjilnff wus In Hock Island , Burlington one
Atctdion on a pressure to sell , accompanied
by more or less uctlon In Northwestern one
Union 1'acific. Burlington was upK P r
cent and Lockawonna off about tba same al
tbe oj > oalup , but the latter soon recovered
the loss. Union I'aclfiu , Northwestern ani !
New England showed fincucM , but tbe list
was dragged down somewhat by the we&V-
ness and Bcllln ? of AtchisonKock Island and
Burlington , which lostXi * f nnd h Tr 5Cnt
respectively. About 11 a. m. there WM a
fair rally all through the list , which put
prices at points slightly better than at the
opening. The firmer feeling did not hold
until noon and the weakness returned with
the dullness , with what activity there was
confined to the three weal : stocks of the early
morning. Atchison was distinguished by a
decline of IJf per cent , while the others
failed to reach the low points touched car
per. At noon the sales reached 141,075
shares , xvlth prices not materially changed
from the opening for the greater part of the
list. There was a return of the spirit of
liquidation in stocks the last hour , grangers
suffering most. Atchison closed two point *
off , with Northwestern &c lower. There Is
lack of faith in the earnings as Judged by
tic months already covered. The total sales
for the day were 259,312 shares , Including
Northwestern , 20,600 ; Hock Island , 18,000 ;
Heading , 80,500 ; Burlington , 87,600.
Thcfollowing wore the closing quotatlonsi
tT.a. ( s regular..W < Northern 1'acinc. . 2V4
U.S.4scoupons..12 > 4 dopreferred " "
U.8.4 sreKUlar. . 108
U. 8.4 > 4iconpon . .ias do preferred ,
PacincCsof Vi . . .120 N.Y.CentrM.
Central Paclnc. . . . 34 P..D.&U . 23 <
Chlcapo * Alton. . .KO Kock Island . to
Cblcnpo.Ilurllngton C..M. &SUP . ei j
&Qulner M4 ! do preferred. . . . . . VUs !
Ofl. * _ W. . . . . . . .137 St. Paul & Omaha . >
Illinois efentr&1..108H dopreferred . 10
1..II.&W ' , i Union Pacific . , . G2K
Kansas & Texas. . . lZ > i
LakCSUore..100 : ! i do preferrea. . . . 24W
- „ - . „ Western Union. . . . . MU
MlssourtPaciflc . . . CC4
MOXET ojf CALL Easy at 3@5 per cent.
PRIMS MnncASTiLB PAPEH 4 > if@G'f per
cent , *
STEKUSO EICIUXOC Dull but firm ;
sixty-day bills , H-SS S demand , 4.S3J { .
CHICAGO , March 20. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 09Kc ; April , ? l.00tf ; May , * 1.01 .
Corn Firmer ; cash , 34Ke ; April , 4c ;
May , 35Xc.
Oats Firmer : cash , 24Jfc ; May , 20 5-lCc
Kyo May. 43kc.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothi 51.30.
Flax $1.61.
Whisky 81.03.
Pork Firmer ; May , $12.03 ; July , JlS.CiJ .
Lard Firmer : cosh , ? 7.05 ; May , $7.12) $ .
Flour Nominally unchanged ; winter
wheat , S2.GO@i.40 : ; spring wheat , $1.45@0.30 ;
rye. $2.C5@3.UO in barrels.
Dry Salt Meats Quiet at former prices ;
Shoulders. t5.50@5.75 ; short clear , ? 0.50@
0.02K ; short ribs. fC.2S 0.30.
Butter Weaker ; creamery , 1724o ( ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream cheddais and
flats , 10 @llc ; Young Americas , 11J @
12c.Eggs In more demand ; fresh , 10@l2c.
Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , 5J @
5Jfc ; light green salted , 5 (2fic ( ; green. 4@
; salted bull,5 c ; green salted calf , 0 > J
o ; dry flint. 7K@bo ; green salted kip ,
o ; dry calf , 7@So ; dry salted hides.
7S'Sc. ( '
Talln f Ct o.1 , , . ni „ „ ! [
No. 2 , 3c ; cake ,
Keceints. Shiomcnts.
Flour , bbls . 10.000 7,000
Wheat bu . 19,000 28,000 . 100,033 132,000 . 132,030 140,000
New Vork , March 20. Wheat Receipts ,
2,200 ; exports , none ; spot market quiet and
JifCSJiC lower , weak ; No. 2 rod , h9@90c
n elevator , Q0&90 9-lGcafloat9D@913f c f. o.
b. ; No. 3 red , b2c : ungraded red. Se@32c ;
options less active , irregular , closing lower :
March , S9c.
Com Receipts. 90,000 ; exports. 10.100 ;
spot dull nnd easier ; No. 3 , 42K@42J c in
elevator , 43 @ 41J c afloat ; No. a white ,
40 } @ 43c ; options dull , but firm.
Oats Receipts , 44,000 : exports , none :
spot , quiet and easier : options firm but dull ;
March , Sic ; April , 30 > @ 30 c ; May , 30 } @
30 > < c ; spot , No.2 white , SSc ; mixed western ,
29 32 0.
Coffee Options steady , closed 10(320 (
lolnts below yesterday : sales , 42,000 bags ;
March , $10.75 ; April , J1605@10.75 ; May.
S1G.55@10.S5 : spot Rio , weak ; fair carcoes ,
J1.0SJ * .
Petroleum Quiet but steady : United closed
at 91 c.
Eggs In moderate demand and weaker ;
western , 10@llc.
Pork Firm ; new , tl3.50@13.75. "
Lard Higher ; western steam closing at
S7.40@7.42 > i : March , * 7.39.
Butter In moderate demand ; weak except
Tor choice western dairy at 12@18c ; western
creamery , 10@25c ; Elgin , 20a20J ( c.
Cheese Dull and unsettled ; western , 9V
© lltfc.
St. Louis. March 20. Wheat Unsettled
and better ; cash , 80o ; May ,
Corn Firm ; cash , SOo ; May. 30c.
Oats Higher ; cash. 25c bid ; May ,
Pork Firm nt $12.75.
Lard Higher at $ < 5.60@0.b5.
Whisky $1.03.
Butter Quiet nnd unchanged ; cream
cry , northern roll , 14@16c ; dairy , 20@23c ;
creamery , 23@25c. ,
Liverpool. March 20. [ Special Cablegram
to Tire BEE.J 2:00 : p. m. close. Pork
In poor * demand ; prime mess , eastern , 65s ,
steady ; ao , western , 55s , steady. ,
Lard In poor demand ; spot and March ,
CGs 3d , steady ; April and- May , 86s 6d ,
Corn In poor demand for spot'and firm
demand for futures ; spot , 3s 9J d , easy ;
March 3s 9Kd , easy ; April , 3s 9d , easy ;
May , 8s 9 > < d.
Minneapolis , March 20. Sample wheat
weak and lower than yesterday ; receipts , 154
cars ; shipments , 40 cars. Closing : No. 1
hard , March , $1.09 : May , $1.10 ; on track ,
$1.0S& ; No. 1 northern , March. 97c ; May ,
SUKo : on track , 9Sc@$1.10 ; No. 2 , northern ,
March , SSc ; May , 8'J ' > fc ; on track , OCX&03C.
Kmiftaa City. March 20. Wheat .
Weaker ; No. 2 red , cash , 85o asked ; May ,
SSc bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , no bids nor
offerings ; May , 87 0 bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 25J c asked ;
May , 25Kc bid ; No. 2 white , cash , -JC c.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bias nor offerings ;
May , 22 o bid.
Milwaukee , March 20. Wheai Firm ;
cash,8SXo ; May , S9tfc.
Corn Dull ; No. 3. SOJfftSlc.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , white , 23S23Uc. (
Rye Quint : No. 1 , 43 > c.
Barley Quiet ; No. 2 , 6SX@59c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , tl2.55.
Cincinnati. March 20. Wheat Easier :
No. 3 rod. IKJQOSc.
Corn Strong ; No.2 , mixed. 34Wc.
Oats Easy ; No. 3 mixed , 2X@-X4c.
Chicago , March 20. The Drovers' Jour-
nulreports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 5,500 ; shipments , 8,800 ;
market closing easy : beeves. $3.00@4.35 ;
stackers end feeders , f2.U5@3.4r ; cows , culls
und mixed , $1.40@3.00 ; bulk , e2.25@iOO ;
Texas cattle , J3.00 < .d3.C5.
Hogs Receipts. 17.000 ; shipments , 0,000 ;
market slow and lOc lower , closing bad ;
mixed , $4.6504.00 ; heavy , $4.CO@VJO ; light ,
M.70@5.00 ; skins. taDO@J.OO.
Sheep Hocclpts , 9,000 ; shipments , . 2,000 ;
market steady ; natives , $3.0005.00 " ; western ,
$4.00@4.SO ; lambs , $4.50@a.M ) .
National Block Yards , Bast St.
Louis. March 20. Cattle Hccelpts. 1,000 ;
shipments , none ; market stronger ; choice
native steer * . $3.00 4.40 ; fair to good ,
$3.00(33.90 ( ; utockers and feeders. | 3.10@
3.30 ; rangers , corn-fed , $2.7033.00 ; gross-
led , $ .i.00@3.00.
HOUR Receipts , 4,600 ; shipments , none ;
market cosier ; oholoo heavy , and butch
ers' selections , $4.70 ® 1.60 ; packing , $1,65 ®
4.754 light grades , 4.7X ( < J4.60.
Kansas Oitr , March 30. Cattle Re >
ceipu , 8,700 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market active ;
higher on cows and shipping bteers ; good to
choice oornfed , $3.90 4.80 { common to me
dium , $3.00@3.55 ; stockcrs und feeders un
changed ; cows $ L7.rx3i75.
Hops Receipts , 7bOO ; no shipment * ; mar
ket alow , weak and lower ; common to
choice , $1.25(31.00. (
Sioux City , March 20 , Cattle RecclpU ,
304 ; shipments , 204 ; market steady ; fut
steers , $2.75@a85 ; stackers , 13 00@2.bO ; fe d-
ers , $3.25@'ib5 ! : fat cows , Ci.25 ( < 2.eOj canners -
ners and bulls , $1.00 < gl.75 ; vcM calves. $2.00
Q4.00 ,
Hogs n u ipU. 2O J ; market S < 3 lOo lower ;
light acd uiliea , ei.4tK34.45K ; hetvy , $4.50Q
Tuesday. March 29. 1SS9.
"A good. * tronp , ctlvo catUo market with
every one buying frooly" Is the whole story
In n few words. The receipt * were the heav
iest of any day since the Mth of the month ,
but advices from eastern points were favora
ble nnd prices hero were strong. The dressed
beet operators and shippers were nil heavy
buyers , and by tniddav there were very few
cattle remaining unsold. Some goo& heavy
cattle , weighing close to 1,500 Ibs. sold at
HM , Jim , the bulk of the steers brought
KUOC < 13.CO. Cows sold as high as f2.S5 and
jcry few under $2.80.
With a heavy decline reported in eastern
markets the trade hero dropped -off about
lOc.The buyers apparently wanted the hogs
at the decline and a clearance was affected
before 11 o'clock. Nearly everything sold at
W.50@4.55. with a few trades made early at
The market WOM very liberally supplied
aqd under the influence of unfavorable re
ports from other points , cased otl a little.
The demand was good and the most desira
ble of the sheep changed hands.
Receipt * .
CrJlttlQ. i 4 , m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < * , lvv
tlOKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4f Uv
Sheep 52,350
Prevailing 1'rlccs.
The following is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 lbs..S3.35 ( $4.00
Prime steers , 1100 to 1SOO Ibs. . 3.0J ( # 3.50
Native feeders . 2.75 3.00
Common to good cows . 1.50 ( a2.4J
Choice to fancy cows . 2.50 (
Fair to choice Dulls . 1.75 ( gii'-O
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.55 ( rt-J.tX )
Fair to choice heavy hogs. . . . . 4.50 ( < J4.55
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.5U ( < j4.55
Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.bO Q4.20
Fair to choice Nebraskas . 3.0J (34.10 (
Hcprcsciitailvo Sains.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. IT.
20 . lliu tijuo - i . 1141 US7W
- . IHU i.C5 'JO . H ! 3.3J
10 . isr : uw w . IUM : VJQ
10 . ina auo 3 . r > 3 a.3j
1 . 11KU 3.M ) 518 . VM : U'J
17 . b 4 U.Oj 20 . 12SJ 3.'JJ
a . H 2 3.10 W . 124U 3/Jo
2 ! . 1J1J 3.10 40 . J1SI 3/15
17 . 1J58 : UU 15 . 1241 3.33
-1 . 1USJ 3.10 10 . 1-J47 3.33
14 . Ktti 3.U 18 . JStt ! 3.33
3 . llbT 3.10 IS . 11 1 a-Jj
11 . 1154 3.10 12 . 1237 3-C
8 . 1114 3.10 33 . li-J 3.37K
< 4 . lOlT. 3.15 VJ . Ul'J 3.4J
7 . IIUI 3.5 IS . 1309 3.40
21 . HMU 3.15M . 1303 ; UO
8 . 1(01 ( 3.17i ! IS . 1XTU a40
.3 . 10JO 3JW 19 . IK3 IUO
} 7 . 11M S.SJ 3 ] . 1333 3.47U
U . 1111 3.30 17 . IttS 3.BU
JJ . " 11 ? - 11 . 1337 3.50
21 . 12S 3.2J ] 8 . 1JI9 3.60
. 11KI 3.--J S . JJ42 3.S5
19 . H17 3,33 B . 1402 3.CO
1 . lajj 3.2. 35 . 134'J 3.W
11 . 1- * ' - > 3 . 1770 a )
1 . 10 3.3. , 21 . H42 3.03
18 . "K > 3J3 54 . 1410 3.70
10 . llbl 3.3.18 . 14r,9 175
19 . 1174 3.25 19 . JI73 3 9J
nr.E 3.33" 19 . IJ J s. , '
33 . 1310 3i'74 !
1 . lOSOSiOJ 2 . lE7fi SL40
1 . IBS ) 2.U3 1 . ! . 1270 2.40
1 . JjTO 2.03 2 . 1KB 2M
2 . 103JS2.UJ ] . 1120 ! 2.00
i . 10W * < : . 1117 42.43
. iO 3.35 3 . 11KHJ 2.50
7 . t J 2.35 1 . IOM 2.M
1 . 1U10 3 3 23 . 1149 3.55
. , K > 33 6 . 11S4 2.55
. 1000 3.35 1 . UOJ 2.CU
. 1 2.35 20 . 1110 2.C3
17. , . DG82.35 2 . . J.llJo 2C5
-3 . 1JM ) 2. 'J 0 . , . .12H ) 3,75
1 . 1010 2.40 3 . . .1050 2.75
1 . 1230 2.40 13. . . . . . . . .12B hi
B . 11120 2.40 B . 11T1 3.W
1J . 1000 3.45
No. Ar. Ehk. IT. Mo. AT. Shk. IT.
. - : - : :
: : : : : : | % tB g.IS : : : : : S Jg
. S 1 ° 4'50 M . 28l ; < ° 4-M
. 349 W 4JK1 69 . 310 . . 4 5
. U 240 4JX ) 57 . 315 203 4.55
. 8JJ 160 4 0 Cl . 309 1BO 4.D5
. * } ? W 4-t.O 69 . 253 83 4.05
J . 240 . . 4.MJ 60 . 230 120 4.55
63 . 230 1BO 4.CO (54 ( . 218 . . 4 55
. -Kl i 4.50 C2 . 2C8 80 4.55
. 234 K ) 4.60 66 . 327 W 4.63
. 'J IK ) 4J ( , B9 . 2S8 W 4.65
. 205 BO 4J 60 . 336 . . 4-63
61 . . . Ak , W 4.50 Ii5 . 234 40 4.65
. 234 . . 4X0 66 . 248 . . 4.65
. 2 6 203 4.50 CO . 263 . . 4.65
70 . 251 10J 4,10 Cl . 3U4 60 4.63
66 . 22443 4.59 69 . 270 fO 4.55
70 . 234 . . 4.60 79 , . 35C 40 4.55
87 . 2-fi 283 4.12 69 . 293 . . 4.65
61 . 26J . , 4.55 CO . 2S8 40 4.53
05 . 230 43 4.55 64 . 2fi2 H ) 4.55
66 . 351 1U ) 4.55 117 . 259 80 4.55
62 . 2C8 M ) 4.55 VO . 3.a . . 4.67 ! {
60 . 268 80 4.65 B8 . 248 . . - 4.67'J
01 . 283 40 4.65 63 . 288 . . 4.00
68 . 319 120 4.65 63 . 22G BO 4.0) )
58. . . . , .235 . . 4 5 03. . . 276 . . 4.80
60 . 216 130 4.65 75 . 229 . . 4.UO
09. . . .237 . - 4.55
No. Aw IT. No. j\v. ft.
212 . 128 B.33 117 . 125 13.85
No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
& ] . , „ . , SQ W.QO 31 . 73 U.03
81 . W 4.0u
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs lOc lower.
Plenty of sheep on sale.
. Cattle market strong and active.
The heaviest run of cattle and hogs siuco
March liJ.
D. ! . Palmer , Sev/ard , sold a Hereford
bull at K5.30.
Russell & Son. and Mr. Palmer , Fullerton ,
sold cattle at $3.90.
Produce , Fruits , Etc.
BUTTEW Creamery Fancy print , 24@26c ;
choice print , 21@33o ; fancy solid packed , 20
@ 22 ; choice solid packed , 1920c. Dairy-
Fancy roll , 17@19c ; choice , 15@ltJc ; good , 12
@ 14c ; lowKradcs , 10@llc.
CHISESK Full cream clieddars ' , choice , 11J
© ISKc : full cream flats.'two lu hoop , 11X(1 (
] 3c ; fuUcreauiY. A. , choice , W13c ; off
grades and skims , 5@9c ; llinburger , 10@12c ;
brick and Swiss , 14 ( < il5c.
Eaos Strictly fresh , lOc.
LIVE POULTKT Chickens , per doz , f3.75@
4.00 ; ducks , J3.25@3.50 ; geese , $ S.50@9.00 ;
turkeys , per Ib , 0@10c.
ORE SEO POULTKY Chickens , per Ib , 9@
lie ; turkeys , U@12c ; goesc , ll@12c ; ducks ,
VEAL Heavy grassers , 150 to 203 Ibs , 5@
Co iuferloi- calves 60 to 60 Ibs
; , , 8@5c ; me
dium to coed , 70 to 65 Ibs , 4@0o ; choice to
fancy. 100 to J80 Ibs , OQ7c.
VEOiiTAiu.ES PoUtoes , Colorado and Utah ,
GG@ > 15c : Wyoming , 5055c ; Nebraska and
Iova , cholca large. 25@30c ; common , lb23o ;
sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , t3.75@3.00 ;
beets , ] > er doz , 50@70c ; carrots , 35@40c ; cab
bage , California , per Ib , 2c ; parsnips , per bu ,
60 < BCOo ; onlnnf , red choice , & 0oc..5c ( ; silver
skin , OOQ76c ; turnips. 20@25o ; rutabagas , 85
@ 40t > ; radUhes. 85@40c ; lettuce , 25(330o ( ; cucumbers -
cumbers , f 1.5032.00 : string beans , per box ,
Jl.752.25 ; celery , 25(3SOc ( ; spinach , fl.S5@
1.50"per bbl ; pie plant , per doz , 5Qc ; parsley ,
per doz , 25o ; soup bunches , S5c ; cauliflower.
GAME Mallard , per doz , t3.00@3.50 ; red
head , per doz , (2 50@3.00 ; teal , per doz , tl.75
02.00 ; common small , per doz , fl-00@1.50 ;
rabbits , per doz , 90cgf ( LOO ; jack rabbits , per
doz , ia.OUGI3.50 ; squirrels , per dor , OOctl.OO ;
Jack snipe , $1.00@1.25.
Awj-rs TffT bbl , fancy New York and
Michigan , (9,25 ; choice , (3.79 ; choice Mis
souri , ti50 ; good , H.75 2.00.
FoiiRiax VRUITB Malaga grapes , kegs. 40
to 55 Ibs , lOo per Ib ; bananas , per bunch ,
$1.50(28.00 ; lemons , fancy new , JWO to SCO s ,
W.7.XS4.50 ; orangej , Los Angeles , $2.50 ;
Uiversides , $3.50 ; Navels , 15.00 ; Uanchito ,
CuiKiiKnuiES Bell & Dugle , choice , tC.75 ;
Bell & Cherry , choice , $0.50 ; choice Jersey ,
HIDES Green salted , No. 1 , 505Vc ; No.
3 , W33Kc ; calf , 55Kc ; drjrflinl , 7@Sc.
liEiNk Navies , ham ) picked , per bu. $2.10
® 2.20jrood ; clean country , $ t,65@2.00 ; off or
poor stock. 11.00 ® 1.MI : California. 2.00 < 2.10.
York , per bbl , 5.00 < S. > j half bbl , ? 2.75@
aoaFrATnnRS Per Ib , ifrimo Hvogceso , white ,
B4oc ; mixed with gray , 25@30c ; damp and
musty , 10a20c ( : prim ; live domestic duck. SO
< a-iV ; wild duck. l.V90c.
SAt'r.nKiuUT I'cr bbl.SO , gal , choice , (3.50 ,
per half bbl , 2,00. e t
POTCORX Per Ib , * Jca KglKo ! common ,
OSET 14b frame * , choice white , 15gl&c ( ;
dark , 13@l4c ; strained , lX312c.
Jct-Lins jS4Yc ( per Ib ; preserves , 10@12
per Ib.
L nn 7c In MlD'p'kgs.
MIXCEMCAT < i > f@7c per Ib.
Revised prices arc s follows :
BAOOINO Stark , A , seamless , 22c : Amos-
kcag , seamless , n'jO ; LTlston A , seamless ,
19o ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , llV14c ( ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies ,
double , 23c ; wcol sacks , 40c.
TWINBI Flar , 20c ; cotton , 18@22c.
Dntcii FUUITS Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 11 ®
14o ; dates , in boxes , 710c : London Dchcsa
lavcr raisins , per box. f5.00 ; Malaga loose
raisins , f2.30@2.0 ; new Valencia raisins ,
per Ib. ' ' { c : California loose muscatels , per
box , * 1H @ 2.80 ; Callfonila Londons , Ib83 ,
t2.40 ; pitted cherries , 17c : California pitted
plums , per Ib , I2(313c ( : dried blackberries ,
perlb , 0 > .l"c ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 22c ;
evaporated apples , 07Vfc ? California un-
pared evaporated peaches , 12@14e ; ovap.
California French prunes , 7
PICKLES Medium , in bbls. fo.OO ; do , In
half bbls , $3.K ( ) ; small , in bbls. f.00 ; do , In
half bbls , $350 : gherkins , Inbbls , 57.00 ; do ,
In half bbls , f4.00.
fcrior. Afe23o ; lib. fancy , 2l@i2c ; Santos
and Mnracnlbo , l(31Uc. (
Suaui Granulated. 7Jf@Sc ; conf. A , 7 if
C c ; while extra C , 7 ? c ; extra C , 7c : yel
low C , CJ d : cut loaf , bjf@9e ; powdered ,
SVc , ; cubes , t c.
BEESWAX Cnolcc yellow , 0(3 ( 2J < c ; dark
colored , lagHc.
Ton % cco Plug , 26@35c ; smoking , 1G@
SALT $ l.z : > n 1.40 per bbl
Roi'E 7-lii , He.
Mu'LE SUOAII Bricks , ll@12c per Ib :
penny cakes , 1213c per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , Sl.OO per mil.
SUOAII Svnrrs 34@35c per gal.
WIUITIXO PAI-CU Manilla. OJfc per Ib ;
straw , ljj@lc per Ib ; rag , 2 > e per Ib.
TEAS Vouni ; Hyson , common to fair , IS ®
25c ; Voung Hyson , good to fant-y. S'J ' Sjc ;
Gunpowder , common to good , C2jfi c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40(3G5c ( ; Jnpan.coin-
mon to medium. 12@20c ; Japan , choice to
fancy. COloc ; Oolong , common to good , 25@
40c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50@70o ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25@35c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@.Xc. )
CiucKEitsCVi7c ( per Ib ; assorted rakes , 8
@ 15c per Ib. as per list.
CAXDV Jlixod. 9K"4l2 > c ; stick , OJ ailc ;
rock candy , 10 } < ( al3c ; ; fnncv candy , 7i23C. (
MACKCIIEL Family , half bbls , $12.5J ; No.
1 , $13.50.
Con FISH 5V'f tSKc ,
STAKUII ig7'ic. (
NO'S AlmpodslOWlSo ; Pecans , 13c ; Bra-
DryfGoods. .
COTTOX FI.AXXELS lit per cent trade dis
count. Unblcached.LL , 5J < c : CO. O'fc : SS ,
- ycEE \ , We ; GG.SJic ; XX. lOKe ; OO ,
HKc ; NN , la'-fe " : AA. 14c ; DD , 15 c ; T T ,
KiKc ; YIbc" ; BBJ19c ; bleached , 20. S > fc ;
06 , 12J o ; SO , 13 } e. Brown and slate , 53 , uo ;
70. 12Kc ; 90. lOc. '
CAHI-ET WAUI Bibb , , white , 19c ; colored ,
Btrrs Standard , Sc ; Gem. lOc ; Beauty ,
2J e : Boone , 14c ; 13 , cased , $0.50.
i'niXTS Solid colors Atlantic , f > c ; Slate ,
Cc : Berlin oil , CJ ctGarner ; oil , ( i ( < e7c.
PKINTS Pink and Robes Allen. Oc ; liiver
point , 5 } c ; Steel River. 6 > sc : Richmond.
} < c ; Pacitic , 7c. _ _
PniXTS Ixnioo BLCE St. Leger , 5J c
Arnold , C' c ; American , 6JCc ; Aruold U ,
long cloth , DC ; .Arnold B , long cloth , 10c ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , lOKc : Stelfel A , 12c ;
Windsor , Go'd Ticket , lOJ c.
GIXOUAM Plunkctt , checks , 7Jfc ; WhSU
tenton , 7Jic ; York , 7 , ' c ; Normandl dress ,
Sc ; Renfrew dress , SHfS K ' . Whlttcnton ,
8c ; Calcutta , 7c.
CAMnnics Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
Housekeeper , SJju ; New Candidate , & > < c ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9 > c : Best Yet ,
4-4 , 6c ; Buttercloth , OO , 4 } c ; Cabot , 7J c ;
Farxvell , half bleached , &Xc ; Fruit of Loom ,
SJ c ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , TKc ; King Philip.
cambric. lOc : Lonsdale cambric , lO c : Locs-
dale , SJ c ; New York Mills. lOc ; Pepper-
ell , 42 in , 10' c ; Pepperell,40 in , lVc , Pep-
penll , 0-4 , 15'4c ; Peppereil , S-4 , 21c ; Pepper-
ell. 9-4 , 23c ; PeppereU , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4 ,
Stfc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 > c : Triumph , Cc ; Warn-
sutta , llo : Valley , 5c.
BKO X SIIEZTJXG Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7'fc ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , C c ; At
lantic P. 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4. ( io ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4Vc ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 6 > c ; Hoosier
LLi-4-4 , Cc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7' c ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , 6c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } c ;
PeppereU E , 40 inch , 7Kc ; Peppereil , 8-4. l c ;
Pcpperell , * A 21c ; Peppereil. 10-4 , 23c ;
Utica C , 4-4. 4J c ; Wachu ett , 4 4 , 7" c ; Au
rora R , 4-4 , 7c : Aurora B , 4-4 , r > Xc.
FLANNEL * , PLAID Raftsmen , aOc ; Gosbcn ,
3i c ; Clear Lake , 30 c ; Iron Mountain ,
PUXXELS , WHITE G H No. 2 , J22Ko ;
G H No. 1 , Jf , 20' c : B H No. 2 , 22 > j'c ; B H
No. 1 , Ji" , aOc ; Quecheo , No. 1 , , 4'Jc ; Qne-
- - - - - - -
chee ,
inch ,
J II F , & , 27c ; G. ? / , 25c.
DOCK West Point , 2fl-in , 8 oz. 10 } < c ; West
Point , 29-in , 10 oz , 12 c ; AVest Point , 29-in ,
12 oz , 15e : West Point. 40-in , 11 oz , lOc.
CouhETB JEASS Androscocgin , 7c ;
Kearsarpe , 7J/c ; Roclsport , Ojj c ; Conestoga -
toga , O c.
TicKt. . York , 30-in , 12 > c ; York , 32-in ,
18 } c ; Swift River , 8c ; Thorndilte , OO , SJ c ;
Thorndike , EE , S > jc ; Thorndike , 120 , 94c ;
Tnorndike , XX. l&u ; Cordls , No. 5 , P > tfc ;
Cordls , No. 4 , lOXc.
DENIMS Amoskeag , 9 oz , lOJ e : Everett ,
"oz , 13J c ; York , 7 oz , 13Kc ; Havmaker ,
SI f'-.Tiitlrnv W Illifn'-TfiffrSir VW 1"iyo.
Beuver Creek. AA , 12c : Beaver Creek , BB ,
lie : Bfeavcr Creek , CC , lOc.
KEXTUCKT JEAXH Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 87 } o ; Hercules , IBc : i > eam-
ington , 22) < o ; Cottswold , 27 0 ; Melville ,
CKASH Stevens1 B , 5J < c ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 > jc ; Stevens' A ,
bleacncd , S > Kci Stevens' P , 7cStevens' ; P ,
bleactiod , b5c ; Stevens' N , On ; Stevens' N ,
bleached. 9 > * c ; Stevens' SRT , lltfc.
. Drugs 51111 ! ' Chemicals.
ACIDS Sulphuriic , JJ/c ; citric , 5Sc : oxalic ,
15c ; tartaric , 4f5cKA.Wr carb , 14 c ; alum , 2J <
@ 3o ; arrowroot , 30cjbalsutn capalba , G5 ( <
75c : borax , 10@13ociUomul , SOc ; castor oil ,
(1.05(31,10 ( ; cream , tar\ur , 8.'c ; corrosive sub ,
SOc ; chloroform , 4u(43c ( ) ; cxt logwood , 12c ;
glycerine , 24c ; gum arable. 90c ; gum camphor -
phor , 35c ; gum ojuotatC.15 ! ; morphia sulph ,
OILS Bergamot , S3,60@3.00 ; lemon , J2.00 ;
peppermint , I3.00C43.&P ; wmtergrcen. $2.40 ;
olive , 1.03 : quinine , S5@4bc ; strychnia , (1.05
( 1.10.
JMctal an Tenner's Stock.
Block tin , 9mallplg.M . 28
Blocktln , bar . 29
Copper , planished boiler sizes . 33
Copper , cold rolled , > . . . , . 80
Copper , sbeathlngj.jjj . 2'J
Copper , pitts . , . . 29
Copper , flats . . . SO
Gal sheet iron , Junlata , 6'J , 10 , and 5
per cent discount .
Pat. planished Iron , 24 to 27 A . 10) ) <
Pat. planished Iron. 24 to 27 B . 9U
RooflLg , 10 , 14x20. 112 sheets . COO
Roofing , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Roofing , 1C , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 11.00
Roofing , LX. 20x28 , 112 sheets . 1450
SheetironNo. 20 . 8 40
SheettronNo. 27 . 360
Solder . , . 14jjl6 (
Tinplate. best charcoal
1C. 10x14 , 225 sheets , . . . . 6.50
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets. . . . . . 6.25
Tin plate , coke
1C. 10x14 , 2-i5 sheets . 0.25
Steel nails , per keg . , . 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg. . . 2.75
Immuvr. -
Dimensions and Timbctv-
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ( < ? 24 ft
2x4 . | 15.00 15.00 15,00 16.00 17,00 SO.OO
2x0. . . , . 1500 15.00 15.00 1C.CO 1700 20,00
2x8 1500 1500 18.00 10.00 17.00 00.00
2x10. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 20.00
2ilS , . . . 1500 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.03 00.00
fxS 8j8 10,00 10.00 IO.W 17.00 17.00 20,00
t'encln ?
No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 14
feet rough | 1 < V.OO1C.50
No. 1,4 and 6 Inch , 10 feet , . . . . 17.00@17.CO
No. 2 , 4 and 6 inch , 13 and 14
feet ia.50@14.03
No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 feet. . . . . 15.00318.00
Island 2d clear. 1 } { Inch s , 2s. . 49.00@51.00
1st and 2d clear , 1' ? and 2 Inch.
s 2s . . .I ; 47.0050.00
Sd , clear , lif Inch. s.2s 4a.OO4fl.OO
3d , clear , lif and 2 Inch , s. 2s. . 43.00 ( 40.00
B select , iif , 1J ; and 2 Inch ,
* .2s. . . 87.00@3S.00
1st and 2d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2s. . 4.VOO
A select , 1 inch , s. 2s 83.00
B select , llnch. s. 2s 81.00
1st com C inch white pine. 34.00"
2d " " 31.00
3d " " 2rt.OO
D ' 20.00
Com 4 and 0 In yellow pine. . . . . 15,50
Star" " ' " 1S.OO
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 .
and G inch 20.00
Lime , etc
Qulncy whlto lime , best .00
English and German Portland
cement. 3.40
Milwnukceand Louisville 1.30
Michigan and Fort Dodge , plas-
tcr * * ' '
' ' ' ' ' ' * ' '
Blue Rap'ids'piasterl. ! . ! . ! . ! . . . 1.95
Hair- ; . . . SO
Sash , 00 nnd 10 per cent dli- .
count ; doors , blinds , mould-
Ings , 50 and 10 per cent dis
Tarred felt , per cwt 2.00
Straw boards 1.05
Poplar Lumber
Clear poplar , box boards , X In
s2s 35.00
Clear poplar , % in panel 80.00
Clear poplar , ? in panel 25.00
Clear poplar , W in stock wide ,
s2s. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' 2SK ( )
Clear poplar corrugated c'eilinp'
Kin. . . 30.00
White cedar , C Inch halves 12
" t X ' " and
Slnch qrs 11
Whlto cedar , 4 Inch halves 10
Tennessee red cedar , split 1C
Split oak ( white ) 8
Sawed oak ( white ) 10
Shinnies , Lath , perM
XX clear 8.20
Extra * A *
2.W )
Standard A 2.CO
5 inch , cleur 1.00(711.70 (
Olnch , clear 1.7oT'i > 1.60
No. 1 1.10@1.15
California red wood , dimension *
widths 4,50
Cypress , clear heart , dimension
widths 3.40
Lath 2.50
Ship Lap-
No. 1 , plain. 8 and 18 Inch 17.50
No. 2 , plain , S and 10 inch 15.50
No. 1 , O. G 13.00
Istctrm , 12and 10 feet 22.00
2d " " 19.00
3d " . " 15.00
Fence " " 13.00
Stock Boards
A IS-incll , R 1 s. ia ! . and 1Q st 4S.OO
B " " " '
C " " " " 30.00
D " " " " 23.00
No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 feet. 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 and
1C feet. 17.DO@1S.50
No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet 19.50
No. 2 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 14 and
1C feet 17.00
Ceiling and Partitions
1st com. } { in. white pine parti
tion 32.00
2d com. in. white pine parti
tion 27.00
Clear ? ( in. yellow pine ceiling. 20.00
Clear * { in. Norway , 14.50
2d com. % in. Norway 13.00
No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft 10.50
No. 2 " " " ' 14.50
No. 3 " " " " 12.00
No. 4 " " " "
( ship'gcull ) 13.0 *
Battens , well tubing , pickets
O. G. Batts , y f Inch CO
O. G. Batts , J x3 , s 1 s 35
3 ip. well tubing , D. & M. and
bev 20.00
Pickets , D. &H.flat 10.CO
Pickets , D. & H. square 22.00
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
3O5 Sonlli 13th Street , - Omaha
CnpSlal . 6400,003
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 . 62,000
HEXHV W. YAaSS , President , '
IK\V18 S. ItEKD , Vlte President
A. E. TOUZALlri ,
W. H. & HUGHES , Cashier.
Corner llth and Farnam Sta.
A General Danklne ; Business Trasacte.d
A large amount of money to loan on Im
proved jcal eetate In tbe city of Omaha. These
funds will be distributed In Bums to suit , but
large loans are preferred. Applications may be
made to
toE , S , BISBEE ,
First National Hank Uullding. Representing
The "Lion" High Pressure Hosf
The Bent in tlie Cheapest !
following Plniniiers
& ) > aj Co. ,
M. A. Free ,
Graham Park ,
J. J. Hanlglian ,
J. L. Welshaus ,
J. It. Itornaclc ,
S. I. Morrhon ,
Hose & Hal re ,
And all Jeaalng
Vluinberu throughout
the wett.
The pressure guarantee imprinted In the body
of the cover is a protection to the consumer
| agaiui common hose.
" aft WEAK lU 1111 * n2 > B from the
II * > CHIV IB | ll cflects of youtMxU
11 " ' Iff ! Cl * "TOTS , early Ocay.
s V ic t mxnhood. OUL
I wlQ aond a Taloabl * trmtiM ( scaled ) conulfiicjr fall
for hem * car * , fre * of
Agrloultural Implomonts. _
Bealeria Agricultural Implements , Wagons
Carrtarei and bnrrl * * . Jonci nrft , between Ith and
] tnh. Om _
Agricult1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
\Tholeaalti. . Omaha , Xebra ka.
Vholeoal * Itealen la
Agricnltnrallmplcments.WagOES&Bnggies .
_ Ml. ! CT , fOi and TOT J one trc l , Omaha.
Minufaotnrera and jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rafts , Flows Etc ,
Cor. 9th and Pacific ilrecl * , Omaha.
_ Artists' MotorlolB. _
A. 11OSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 Pouclai ttreet Omaha , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
llr. V. MORSE ACO. . ,
Jolers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , 1103 , lluSDonclat ttrect , Omaha. Manufactory ,
_ Hummer nr t. lio-ton.
Coal , Cokp nnd Llmo. _
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
gPFouth 18th ttreet , Omaha , Kebrnaka , _
Stiiiuc s of Coal al Coke ,
21 ( South ISth St. , Omaha , Neb.
_ Crockery and Closswaro. _
Importers and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Kto > 1511 Ffcrnam itrcet , now Paxton liulldlnc.
Storaye and Commission Merchants ,
SpcdalUci llniter. eBCT , cheo c. poultrr , game.
llltllownrd Urcet. Omaha. NeU.
_ Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goods andKotions
1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor , llth etrcet , Omaha. Keb.
Importers and Johliers in Dry GooflsMons ,
Genta' furnlrblnR Roods. Corner llth and Uarner
' atrecta , Oroahs , Nebraska.
Importers nnd jobbers ot
A j rn/u .i nir
oua lauuu iii
SIT South 15th street.
_ . _ . _ Furniture.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Farnam street , Omaha. Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Omaha Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Pnmsions ,
705,707,709 and 711 Bonth 10th at. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th and jjCarenworth street ! , Omaha , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BprlnES. wagon stock , hardware , Inmber , etc. 1239
and 1211 Ilarner street , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , sheet Iron. ate. Acents for none scales.
Miami powder and Ionian barbed wire ,
BnM rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Sholi ,
Mechanics' tools and Buffalo scales. 1(05 Douclai
street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Limber , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland cement. 'BtaU
agsnt fcr Milwaukee byflranllc cement and
Qulncr white lime.
" '
Dealer in Hardwood Lmlier ,
Wood carpets and parquet flooring , lib and Douglas
All Kinds ofBnildWaterial at Wholesale ,
ISth Street and Union Partfle Tract , Omaha ,
Dealer in Lnmlier , Lath , Lime ,
Doors , Etc , Yards Corner ? th and Douglas. Corner
10th and Douglas ;
Lniter , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and Douglas BU. . Omuha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
. 131L and California Street * . Omaha , Nebraska ,
Millinery and Notions.
Importers & Jolliers in Millinery & Notions
2U ) . 210 and 21t South lltb street
_ _
_ Notions. _
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
ai and 405 Bontb 10th street. Omalia.
_ pile. _ _ . _
Wholesale Refined and Lnhricating Oils ,
Aile grease , etc. . Omaha. A. II. Ulshop. Manager.
_ ' _ Paper. _ _
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice stock of printing , wrspplne and writing
paper. Upeoial attention BITCH to car load orders.
gtoroge , FprwordlnBjfc Commlsalon.
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
llraoc bouse of tbe lltsaej Ilnggr Co. Buggies ai
wbblesale and retail. IJoa , Ul'J. ' UU liard street ,
Cim > ba. Telepboa * Ko.'SO.
U. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls ; Albums , Fancy Goods ,
live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Of Oinana. Limited ,
( John r , Uojd , BupertntcodeoU
Boots and Shoos *
SnrcoMon to Heel , Jones A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of BootsS Shces
Agtnts for Boston Uobber Pboe Co , 1KB. 1104 and 1198
amT Omaha.NeU , . .
STOltZ * 1LER ,
< Lager Beer Brewers ,
1D1 North WctitfUith U-Mt , Omaha , N K
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-raps and mHallc s.Tl'Rhts. Jonn Kpeneter , * |
proprietor. KB and 111) ) tiuth Win street. I
/ |
Xanufacturrrs ot
Bant , Office and Saloon Fixlares ,
Unntlm. Sldoboardn. nnok Cn f , DniR nitnrr , Wil
rnrrn. lartlllons , Ualllnc , Conntcm , Ilprr find Win *
Cooler * . Mlrrorx. KlcKnrtorj nnd ortlir ,
boutli ISth St-.Omahn. Trlephono 1124.
Popor Boxes.
Proprielor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Nol. 1317 .M 1119 Donctni otirct , Omnha , Neb.
Rubber Goods.
Hannfacturers a fljlealers in Rubber Gsods
Oil clothing and Ualher belling. 1003 Farnam slr ci
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholesale manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch ' .iBce , 17th anil liard street Omalia. Neb.
Mannfeetnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , stnlr-nork and Interior har.1 wood tlnUh.
K. li corner Mb n.1 toarcmmihsirrcti ,
Oniaba , Neb.
Stoom Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Pups , Pipes and Engines.
Steam , water , rallnar nnd ralnlnr nuppllo , eta
_ Kiu , ua and 1K4 t-arnam ttrcct , Omnha.
Steam and Water Snpplies , _ !
wind mills. 018 and ! -2J Jones StOmtha. . ;
U. F. lloss , acting uianncer.
Engines , Boilers and General .Machinery ,
Ebcet-lroD work , ulcam pumim , saw mllli.
Leavonworth itreet , Uiuaha.
Iron Works.
Carter A Son , Prop's. Manufacturers of all kinds
Sieam Boilers ,
Works South 31th and D. & M. crusilag.
Wrouglit anfl Cast Iron Bui fling Wort ,
Engine * , brans work , general foundry , machine and
blncxsmlth work. O.llro unil TTOTIS , U. 1 * . Hr.
nnd lith street , Oicaha.
Manufaclnrers or Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rails , window guards. Honor stands , irlre slRn * .
etc. 123 > orth ICtli strccUOmoha.
MaaPrs of Fire and Bnrglar Proof Sares ,
jsll wurk. Iron shutters and ( Ire escapes.
O. Andrecn. prop'r. Cor. llth and JacfcbonSts.
Iron rnfl Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and screens , for banks , offices , stores , roM4ancc % etc. - -
Imuroved awning * , locksmith machinery and
blacksmith works. lOiboutb llth bu . >
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y , .
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
* i H E EAST *
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rnplds ,
Rocklsluua , Frccport , Kockford ,
CHntoii , Dubuijue , Darcnport ,
EIt-iii , Madison , JancsTillc ,
BcloitYInona , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points But , Northeast and
For throuch tickets , call on tbe ticket agent at 1M1
1'nmsm street , la liarker Ulocl : , or al Union 1'adflo
I'ullman flrepers and tbe finest Dlnlne Cmrs In tha
TTorld are run on tbe main line of the Chicago. Jill'
waukeo It Bt. 1'aul lUllway. and cicrj attention IV
pal a to passenKors by coarteoas employes of tha
U. Mll.I.IItl , Ueneral Manscer.
J. K. TUCKKR. Assistant General Mantccr.
A. V. K. CAUl'KNTeO , Ucncral Tasscncer antf
Ticket A cent.
GKd. B. IIKAITOnD. Assistant GeneraU > asrenger
nnd Ticket Acent.
T. J. CLAltlt , General BnperlntenilenU
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
, : ;
The nnlrrond to take for ties Molnes.MarshalUiwn , " -
Cedar llspldi , Clinton. Dlxon , I'Mcago llllKnniuii ! *
and all Points Kasu To the ppoplo of Nel.ruikB. ColS M'
rado. Wjomlnt , L'lah. Idaho. Nevada , Oroznn , Wnshl i *
liigtonand < ' orers
superior advamarej w
. gji
not possll.le by tiny otlier line.
Among a few of the nuniurqus points of superiority ?
enjorju br the patrons of this road bctwcvu o ukhl _
and Chlrngo. are Its three trains a day of nSS * A
COACll K8. which are the tlnrst wblcb human art and V
Inccnnlty cancrrate. Us 1'Al.ACK SLKKl'JNU UAIlflS
tbaequslof which can not bo. found clsewbrre. Al <
Council llluffs. the trains of tbe Union 1'aclilo llolll j
way connect In union depot with tbnso of the CLI ? S
caEOANorthwciternUsllirar. „ . . , . . . . . - - , _ . . In Chicago the tralna ? *
conntcn , , , , Wutioseof | ! aUl *
Boston. New York. I'LlladelnliK. IliltlmoFi , Wihl
Ink-ton , and all points lu the EMU Ask fcr tlci Jli i Tl
If you wish the best accommodation. All ttrVel
arnts sell tickets via thUIIOB.
11. U UU II ITT. B. P. Wl WO.V.
.r. '
( ueu'l !
O. K. WEST , Uty 1'MMnier ABcnl
KOI Tarnam Street. Omaha. y b.
Wyomng Oil Las
And all uece.sary paper * flllej.
, , , Engineer ,
CABl'UU. W VO. . or Oil AHA , .N
For Sale or Trade.
Ilaaldeiice property , orangn frovea , town lota.
and desirable unlinnrovtil laudi aultatile for
winter homes , for > > ale or to tr uta for vre Utrn
rnpiovecl Jann lands. CorreipondtnteBollciled
Orlandoi Florida