8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ffiUESBAY. MARCH 20 ; 1889. THE CITY. Tlilovos broke into T. R. lloft's rosl- flonco nt 1C20 Cnpltol nvonuo and stele K56 worth of clothing. Mrs. Norn llynn , nftor lonvlnpf'hor child nt St. Joseph's ' hospital , hag mys teriously disappeared , Suioldo is feared. A while woman named Mrs. Charles Wright wants her husband , a negro , ftrrcstod for skipping oft to Lyons with 15 of her father's ' monoy. A pile-driver belonging to James Baugin was stolen and Bold to a third person. Now both claim it , and Chief Boavoy has boon called in as arbiter. Chief Soavoy has received a letter from J. E. Brown , of Alma , Ark. , de scribing one John Furlo , who robbed a widow of $230 and then loft for unknown parts. A two-story boarding house for ice Won at the head of Cut-ofl lake was con- BUtnod by flro yesterday morning , but as It is outsldo the olt.y limits no particulars could bo learned. The barn of II. T. Clark on Cass near Twenty-fourth street was .discovered to bo on 1'lro at 0 o'clock a. in. yesterday but the flames wore oxtinquishcd before more than 810 worth of damage was done. The cause of the flro Is unknown. Board , the saloon-keeper in Cleve land place , claims that his saloon Is in South Omaha , and the Sunday law does not affect him. Chief Soavoy has asked the city engineer to ascertain the truth fulness of this assertion. Ora Dunsold , the two-ycar-olfl daugh ter of John Dunsold , at 012 North Six teenth street , fell down a stoop flight of Btaire Sunday and broke both bones in the forearm , besides injuring her eplno and getting body bruised. Owing to the critical condition of OlIlccr'Maniell , who was dangerously Btnbboa by Gcorgo Cronan , the assailant was not arraigned yesterday. TJho charge against Cronan has boon changed from assault with intent to wound to as sault with intent to kill. 1'ersonnl ParncrnpliB. Edward Wessol , the Mlllard hotel hater , returned Friday from a pleasure trip to Denver and the mountains. Died. At chlld'P hospital March 2 , 18S9 , Mrs. Jonnlo H. demons , wife of A. F. demons , of Ohlown , Nob. , nijed thirty-eight years , four inontns , four days. Funeral at Hebron , Neb. , Tuesday , 2CtU mst. Saloons on the Island. The mayor und chief of police have hold a consultation concerning the saloons outsldo the corporation , particularly on Cut-Oil island , and have agreed to confer with the sheriff and Insist that he cxcrciso his author i'y and wipe them out. The "Woods In \Vllc1orncns. . Mrs. Woods wants Pat Woods , her hus band , arrested for beating her and the chil dren and driving them into the street. She complained to Ofllcor Vizzard , and the po liceman sent her to the city attorney to sweur out a warrant * . Tbo family live at Ninth and Bancroft. Saloons With Screens. The police report a general observance of the Sunday liquor law on the part of the sa loon men yesterday. The following , how ever , had screens In their windows : Martin Hcndricks , 2510 Cumiugs ; Schmidt , Thir teenth and Dodge ; Hurry Brandcls , Tenth and railroad track ; William Schmidt , 613 South Ninth avenue ; Johnny Shannon , Tenth and Capitol avenue. Forty-Olio Dollars .Remain. Chief Scavoy has received a tetter from the chief of police at Baltimore giving the particulars of the death by asphyxiation of the late S. P. Martin of Soutfi Omaha. The ofticial wrote that there was found 5105 in Martin's pockets , and also a gold watch. All but fU of the money was used in preparing the body for shipment. The 41 and watch are In the possession of the Baltimore chief of police awaiting a claimant' "Who Wants Wilson ? The sheriff was notified yesterday by ttio sheriff of Gallatln county , Illinois , that a young fellow named "Charles Wilson , alias Ed J. Wells , alias F. J. Thompson , etc. , was In custody at that that place. The Illinois sheriff also stated that Wilson's homo was in or near Omuha , but ho could not come to this city , as ho was wanted by the police. Dep uty Sheriff Grebe looked the matter up in order to see what was the crime that Wilson was charged with. The police know nothing about him. ijicoiises. Following are the marriage licenses Is sued yesterday la the county court by "Judge Shields : Name and Residence. Ace. William Walker , Omaha . , . . . .25 Emma McLean. Omaha . . - . 2 ; Edgar W. Morris , Omaha . 21 Sadie MuLaughlin , Omaha . 21 Charles G. Peterson , Fremont , Neb . Hedvlg C. Widerback , Fremont , Nob..ai Slaughter's Commission. Judge Dundysald yesterday that ho woult not swear Brad Slaughter as United State ; marshal until after the jury business of the April term of courc has been disposed of Said ho , "Blorbower has the money for run nlng that term of the court and can't turn ii over without a preat deal of troufllo and w < have agreed tHat no change shall bo made.1 Blerlowor thought that It would bo the middle of May before ho could Do ready te turn the ofilco over. Slaughters commission arrived fron Washington yesterday morning. Advloo to Motlier. . Airs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo used for children teething. It soothe ; the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , cures wind colic , and Is the bust remedy foi diarrhoea. aieon fs u bottlo. A FUNNY FAKE. The Alleged Schema to Rcorgaplzi the City Council. Sunday and Monday ono of tin local papers indulged In a falto which wai intended to show that there was a possibility of reorganizing tin ) city council so an to re instate tno old rotten ring which so loni dominated it to the Injury of the city am the disgrace of Its members. This rcorgan izatlon U to result in deposing Councilmai Leo as president , Southard as clt ; ' clerk and the substitution of the powerlcs' combine of old , for these gentlemen wh < now hold Important places In all the commit tees. Sander and ICusper ore alleged to bi the men with whoso aid this great work Is ti bo accompllshud , Mr. Sander was seen upon the subject am aUi that the proposed schema was the vcri est iionucnio. So far as ho wuv concornci bo wu not a party to any schema to ous Lee , neither was there any scheme on fee , wlh | that cud in view. The story was a wil ful fabrication. OUwr meiilVQrg p [ the coijnpU wort equally emphatic in their statements concern Inu the alleged scheme. They said it wai 'folly to believe that any such change as men tlpncd was contemplated ; Unit the prcsidcn f the council and the city clerk wen elected for u year , and that they coulu no1 f ifce removed \vltnout cause , "Tho secret of the scheme. " said a well JHIOWII gentleman yesterday "UtocmleaVorti ; lire i3 disaffection among the reputable luciu ibcrg of the council bo as to again enable thi ld und broken gang to get control of th < Council. Hut tu\t | can't bo done , There 1 no hope of creating this disaffection , and tin whole matter will fall to the ground. " fiHHVrc'rmfVotii Oouulie , Here Tlii'OAt lo. ; hould try " Brown's lironchlul Troches.1 'simple but euro remedy. Sold only ir fc 9 , 1'rlco 25 cU , HARD WOlllt , POOR t'AV. Inspector Btntfdovon .Resigns to Ao- oppt a Hotter Position. Joseph Standovon , the city bollor Inspector specter , has handed in his resignation to Mayor Broatch to take effect the 1st of April. Mr. Standovn has been boiler inspector since July 10,1837 , and the work ho has done n that time In driving out incompetent en gineers and insuring greater safety to cit- zcns Is well known. Mr. Btandovcn was scon by n reporter and asked his reasons 'or resigning. Ho said ho had been con templating tendering his resignation for some time , as the work was more than ho could attend to alone. Only two nspcctlons can properly bo made In ono day. If any more than that Is attempted , .ho work must necessarily bo done hurriedly ind weak points In a bollor are sure to bo > vorlookcd. The work in Omaha requires : um to make about twelve hundred Inspec tions annually , as nearly half of the boilers have to bo examined two or three times In a year. This requires an average of between three and four Inspections every day , Sundays - days and holidays included. Mr. Standovcn says ho could not guarantee his work when it was done so hurriedly , and to do his bonds men and the people justice , ho felt forced to resign. He needs an assistant badly and ono has boon promised lilm but tins never been f urnishcd. Ho has lind no time to attend to the clerical part of the work , which alone would require the greater portion of n man's time. His wife iins had to do this work for him. Other city ofllcinls have clerks who are well paid for doIng - Ing oven less wane. Under the present arrangement Mr. Stand- o'von's duties have been particularly ardu ous and enervating on Sundays and boll- Idays. Sunday ho inspected six boilers , In allot whlch-hc was forced to take a pro longed sweat bath with the mercury registering from 123 to 140 degrees. Next Sunday ho has to inspect the same numbor. The reason ho makes so many inspections on Sundays Is to save manufacturers and their employes the loss that would -entailed by closing down the boilers for inspection during the week. Thus , in the overall factories the pirls em ployed got only n miserable pittance for their work and can III afford to miss a day. There fore in all manufacturing establishments , saw mills , etc. , the inspector chooses a day for his work when a loss will bo entailed upon no ono. This takes all his Sundays and legal holidays , but with the aid of an as sistant this work now arduous would bo com paratively light. The pay of the boiler Inspector , with ono oxception.is the lowest of any inspector in the city. The salary it 81,500. Mr. Standovon says that ho averages about ono new suit a week. Sometimes a single inspection will burn up a pair of suoes. Ho was asked If ho had any other position in view and ho admitted that ho had. The American Steam Bollor insurance company of-London and Now York hail writ- tcu to him offering"him the inspectorship of Northern and southern Dakota , Iowa , Ne braska , Kansas and northern Missouri. The pay is nearly double that which ho Is at pres ent receiving and ho will bo allowed a score of assistants if ho needs them. Neither ho nor his assistants will bo allowed to make over two Inspections a driy. Ho has accepted the eposltlon. However , If ho had been granted an assistant in his present position and his pay had been on u par with that of other ofilcials ho would not have resigned as ho likes Omaha and would like to remain hero. For Malaria Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. E. G. Davies , DoSmet , Dak. , says : "I have used it in slow convalescence and pre vention from malarial diseases , xvboro the drinking water was bad ; I believe It to bo bcnollciul in preventing summer complaints ; also ono of the best ngonts wo have to recti fy the bad effects of the drinking water upon the kidneys and bowels. " BROTHERS IN CRIME. The Remains of the Barrett-Brothers are Not Separated In Death. The train that pulled into the Webster street depot at 8:40 : yesterday morning was made up the same as all other trains on the road.are. There was the same number of coaches , the same number of friends await ing its arrival , and the same amount of busi ness and rustic , but there was one thing that the average hanger-on did not recognize. There were two long pine boxes containing all that'was mortal of the Barrett boys , and there was the solitary figure In mourning that had watched over them from tho"gal lows to the tomb. 1 } was Mrs. Barrett , their mother , and after a short rest from her long watch she engaged 'two express wagons to remove the remains of these she loved to their last long homo. The wagons threaded their way unheeded through tno busier streets of the city. Not ono of the thousands they passed had any idea of their mission. As they reached a more secluded place on south Twentieth street near the limits they wore recognized , and more than ono sight-seer came to the doors and windows to watch them as they passed. "It will bo hard on Ed. and Frank , " said ono man as ho turned nwuy , and the re porter asked , "Do you know themj" "Yes , und I do now. I lived up there , and there Is ono thing , that there isn't u child in the neighborhood that wouldn't do anything they asked them to. They wore always giv ing them nickels and little things , and I think anyone who was so kind to a kid , is us good as the people who like to say a bad word about thorn. " "Yes and won't hear , you anyone around hero say a bad tvord about them. Every body is sorry that this thing happened , " said another , and once more the reporter asked : "Did you know the others Tim and PotoJ" "Not so much about Tim , but I do remem ber little Pete. It was u surprise to us to hear that he was wanted for murder.becauBO ho didn't seem built that way. Ho had lots of sand in him though , and when ho had to die , ho died Just the way I expected ho would. Ho died game. But what's the use of talking , . . It's all over now , " and the Bueakor turned to look once more down the street where the receding cortege was nearIng - Ing the homo of the Barretts. In a few mo ments the members of the family -were alone with their doad. Then the night came on , and the reporter made his way to the family home. It was easy to find it , for friends were fin ill UK their way to the ono room of thecottagu whorotho rcnialns were lying. The pine boxes rcscd quietly on the trestles.and the dim light of half n dozen wax candles brought the rose wood caskets they contained Into bright re lief. lief."At "At llest. " That was all the silver plates said. . No name was given , no date of blrtn or death , but only the words that loK it for others to say how well the sleepers deserved tno rest. There was no ono there to criticise , but the ono room wan filled to Its utmost capacity , while boyon'd It , the glimmer of halt a dozen lanterns , showed how many neighbors were present. Mrs. Barrett was unwilling to talk tOTcportors , but as she placed the candles around the coltln . she said to a bystander ! "It's a sad day for mo. John. " "Yes , but I never thought I'd see the day it would come to this. " he said. "And It wouldn't have , If It hadn't ' boon for the lawyers they had. They could have saved Pete anyway , because ho never did any harm , and Tim said so , but then they wouldn't have made so much monoy. " "It's too bad. " "Yes , and when they pot all the money I had , they lot them go to the gallows. But I didn't know they would hang Pctountll they told mo ho was doad. " But the reporter didn't want to hear any more , and ho loft to find out that the f unoral will talto place at 10 o'clock this morning , and that the remains will bo ourlcd ia St. Mary's comotor y. A 60 cent bottle of Dr. Blgclow's Positive Cure will promptly and thor oughly euro the worst case of recent cough , cold or throat or lung troublo. Buy the dollar boltlo for chronic cases , "Pleasant to tako. Goodman Drug Co. M.YJRRS III3A.RD FROM. The Strange Questions Which Ills Telegram SIIKKOHIS. The commissioners received n telegram yesterday from E. E. Myers , architect of the county hospital saying that ho had Just re turned home , found their letters awaiting him and would give the matter In controversy immediate attention. This places both the board and Mr. Myers In rather a peculiar predicament. According to the sentiment expressed in a resolution passed on the 10th inst. , Myers' connection with the work closed last Saturday at 2 o'clock , but no action was taken. The resolution says that unless Mr. Alvcrs reported either" in person or by loiter at the expiration of a certain time the board would take the liberty of dismissing him and employ another architect , proceed with the building nnd'clmrgo the services of their now man to Myers. Ho was given until 2 o'clock Saturday to respond. The board , however , hold Its meeting that day before noon , but took no action relative to Mr. Myers , therefore it Is not understood thatho has been dismissed. The receipt of his telegram gives another feature to the matter. The commissioners could not bo in- ducdd to say what their inclinations were , but they construe the dispatch as meaning that ho will bo hero within the next day or two. O'Kcotlo said that if Myers comes and will at ten a to business , ho was inclined to think that it would bo bettor for all parties to retain him. The committee on construction of the boarder or commissioners held a meeting yesterday afternoon to discuss the telegram received from Architect Myers. After some discus sion they concluded to give him ono more chance , and sent n dlspatcti in reply to his , informing him that unless ho appears hero not later than Thursday his services will bo dispensed with. Lost. "I don't know where , I can't toll when , I don't see how something of great value to mo , and for the return of which I shall bo truly thankful , viz. : a good appetite. " Found. "Health and strength , pure blood , an appetite llko a wolf , regular dlgcstlonall by taking that popular and peculiar modiclno , Hood's Snrsnparilla. I want everybody to try it this season. " It is sold by all druggists. Ono hun dred doses ono dollar. THE COURTS. A Mixing of Civil and Criminal Cases of Interest. The district court for this week opened in lively shape. Judge Doano took up the old suit entitled Bank of Commerce against Koffman Bros. This Is the squabble in which the bank is charged with usury to the tune of 81,517.40. The testimony will probably bo concluded today , and after the arguments go to the jury. Judge Graff commenced hearing the case of Timothy Roiloy against the cable tramway company , a suit for damages on account of personal Injuries. The testimony was finished nt 4 o'clock , at.il the attorneys began the arguments to the jury. The evidence will bo submitted this morning. C3 Walter Edwards , the young mulatto who attempted , ono morning last November , to murder his wife Dora by stabbing her with a butcher knife cloven Inches long , was arraigned. lie pleaded not guilty. EQio Smitn and Minnie Gentry , two dangerous-looking females of African complexion , charged of stealing $11 each from ttio persons of Peter F. Berrymnn and Andrew Brunst , were also arraigned. They followed the example set by Edwards and said not cuilty. Judge Hopewell lookup the case of Charles Kuhlman against the Hanover Fire Insur ance company , a suit brought to recover $1,000 on account of his drug stock being de stroyed by lire September 2-J , IbSO. Kuhlman did a drug business at 015 South Thirteenth street. The lawyers for the defense had considerable amusement with Kuhlman when ho was put upon the stand. His attorney ob jected to ono question on the grounds that it was "incompetent , Irrelevant and imma terial. " To another query of cho witness he objected answering on the same grounds. The lawyers and spectators roared. Kuhl man blushed , and the court , informed him that his counsel would take exceptions to questions when any exceptions were to bo taken. The court had to call him down on several occasions. Clement L. Hart filed two petitions for suit yesterday in the district court. One is against Thomas H. Coppingor and H. F. Mil- Han , and the other is against Thomas H. Copplngcr. Each petition asks that the de fendants bo required to set forth the nature of their claims to property In Park place ad dition. The plaintiff wants a decree , declar ing his title good and valid. The case of the state ngulnst John Bor- bcclc , who Is charged with fast drivine , will bo trlod in Judge Graff's ' court this morning. In the cnso of A. Mlllsap against John Bull , A. F. Graves , Bogg-j & Hill ot ul. . Judge Wakely Issued a decree for the plain , tiff. The sheriff was ordered to sell lots 0 and 7 in block G , Omaha View , to satisfy the judgment , amouutlng to about $3,000. United States Court. Judge Dundy held a short session of the United States court in the chambers and heard arguments on a motion to dismiss the caao of the Kit-Carter vs. Harlem Cattle company. The foundation for this motion is based on a plea of non-Jurisdiction. "USTANG MEXICAN LINIMENT * s Thus the Jl" Mu tang" conquer * pair Makes MAN or BEAST well 'again ! AbsoluteSy Pure. * Tills powder never vixrles. A marvel of purity RtroncUi \vliolcsonioiioss. . More economical tlmu the ordinary Kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In competition with tlio multitudes of low cost , shortwelght nlunor plio pnnto powders. Bold only In cnns. lloynl linking Powder Co. , 120 Wtxll street New Vorlc. CALIFORNIA ! The Laod of Discoveries CURE ron ATARRH OROV1LLECAL Santa-Abie and Oat-R Cure For Sale by Goodman Drug Company. Aslc Your Retailer for the . JAMES'ilffiEANS on THE _ SHO According to Your Needs. , _ JAMES MEANS 84 SHOE 9is light cod ctj-iisu. Itflts like ns& and I REQUIKUS ! va imEAKINtTl o , \ % > . . C3 KllOIi Is absolutely the v , only Bhoo cf Its price vhlcli > " v has ever been place J cs- j-tenslvclyon toe market * - In which durability . la considered before mcroout- vrenl J. ItlttANS & CO. , Boston. l lined ( if tlio above olioca fur sale by Norris & Wilcox and Geo.S. Miller RflARVELOOS DISCOVERY , Only Rcnnlnn System of Dlcitiory TrnlnloK. 1'our llanlS ) I.enrncil In ono rendlntf. Mind vramlrrlng cured. Every clilld and ndult urently brneflltcd. Great Inducements to CorrespondenceClastcs. rnwncctas , ulth opinions of I > r. AVni. A. nmn- moiKl , the world.fn.ied Hliccloiiit In Almd Dleoaws. ' . U' IliiiilrllSrppilPnfTliniiipionftliOKrc | ! rrtioI. ! EOWKOTE , 237 VIM ATC. , N. Y. G U AT IWUL-COM FOHTIXO Epps's Cocoa. HRKAKFAST. "By a thorough knowlO-Uo ot tlio natural Inws wlilcli Buverii tliuoiier.itloni o ( iluuttlim nnil inilrl lion , mid by acuru.'cil aiipilsutloii or the line propar llca or woM'seloctcil ( 'occm , Mr. Uups nut provided our bruukluit talilos with lUlullratcly lluvoroil lit-vunr/e which may save us n.nny Heavy doctor * ' bills. His by thu jiiUlrloun nso or Kuril nrtlclunor illet tlmtii consUlutkm luiiy bo Krinliiully built 1111 until stronK eiHHial ! to rcilst ovcry tumlriicr to ilUuuoR. Him- ilrvilf of BubtioniiiliKliusuru tlirntlnK uroiiiiil u * renily to intact whoroviTtUoru in ii" went uolnt. Wo muy rscaiio IIIIIIIY a fntHl Mtult by KutMiliitf cuirM'lvc'H well lOitllH'il with puru hlojit und a | > ropuily nourbhuJ Irnmo. " Civil fi'rirlro ( iuivtt * * . . „ , . .MaJovliuplywItlibolllnvwuicrurinllk. bold only In half pound tins by Uroo. labcleJ thus : TAMUCJ ETW 9. Pfl H oma-gpnthto Chemist JAMbo JjlTD 0 ! UUi , LO.VUON. UNOI.AND. ANEW AIN V \ I y. IN 1COLLARS TYLER DESK GO , , JT. IOUIJ , MO. , M. A. IiclMlttOwiirn ft Xnotm'r e ( TYtEE'S EOYA1 TYPE WRITHE CABINET & DESK , COMBINED AlsptedtoEte ylfschlnenowCrsJIssW * * uicd. AlsoUillKCOUKTEHS.DBSKS.io UluitrtUd Oiulocue 7rtt. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Euctessoni to John C. Jacob * . ) Undertakers and Embalmer At tlieold stand HOI lYirnani St. Or-aers by tvleerapn tollclted nnd promptly attended. clephone to No. 'U , ' BOYS' DEPARTMENT , You will bo surprised at the enormous stook of Boya' and Children's Clothing wlitoli wo are displaying this season. Although wo now have twice the room than formerly for the Boys' Clothing , yet the now goods pouring in daily make this department crowded. At the price we mark them wo think wo will double last season's business. No goods ia our establishment are marked as close and with as small a margin as Boy's Clothing , for wa cater to the trade of the masses the poor as well as the rich. following are a few specimen values wo are offering this week : "V 200 strictly 'All Wool Oassimoro Short Pants Suits , sizes from 4 to 18 , at $2.40. Wo have two shades , a dark and a lighter one , either of them very neat. We recommend the material as strong and durable , being every fibre wool and the. suits are well made , nicely pleated and tastily gotten up. They are beyond a doubt "the cheapest all-wool suit over shown. 300 All Wool Scotch Cheviot Short Pants Suits , in several different shades , at $8.50. .These are the handsomest suits over shown for the money. They are elegantly made and the same-goods could not be purchased anywhere else for less than $6. 175 All Wool Cheviot Long Pants Suits , sizes 13 to 18 , at $3.90 ; the regular value of this suit is $6. ' An immense line of new spring suits in light and dark colors , for which wo will name lower prices than ever heard of before at the beginning of a season. You have no idea what money wo can save you. Not the least risk is taken in dealing with us. If you have the slightest objection to the fit , quality or price after you have the goods at homo you can return them and we will refund you the money. In our Hat Department we have just opened and will place on sale to-morrow another shipment of our now justly celebrated 95c Fur Derbys , the latest spring shapes. Those who have tried'one of these hats wear no other now ; they find the in as good as any hat they have been paying $2.50 for. Nor is this the only bargain you will find in our hat depart- ment. Hundreds of styles of soffc and stiff hats are offered at about half the price you have to pay in other houses. Every department in our store is full of. new goods. * * * " " OI&DEBS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. The time spout by clothing O Y stores tinkering at the store o at f A A I to make It fit you half way , Is ? A sufficient for us to make ono to your measure ; to fit becomingly , A * $ of now style cloth to give pleasure - uro and pride every time it's on A f your back , or carried on your * o A A arm. A And no more cost to you than 4 the store coat. Wo'ro going to ® A make to order more coats than * A w e any ono house will sell. I Wo know that a low price for $ I choice fabrics , well tailored will f f do it. J The big line of new Spring ! suitings and trouserings wo'roa showing Is making trade spln along at our store. " f i Spring Overcoats to order , $20 to $401 I Suits " $20 to $45 $ t Trousers , " $5to$10 ! TAILOE ? 1409 DoA Slrcct , Omalia , The"Lionlj High Pressure Hose Tito Best In tlio Clioiii > enfl FOR SALE IIV TUB [ following Plninte Husscy & Dny Co. , N , A. Free , ( irulmm 1'ark , J. J. Huiilgimn. J. I. . Wclslmns , J. It. Unmade , S. I. Morrison , Hose & linlfe , And all loAillDg unbent throughout the went. SBSlHt BBSBiS Fr The nresbtirn guftrantee Imprinted In the body otihe cover li n protection to the consumer aenlntt common tioae. OINtltIIMi WEiKMSB.il.Ul ii. ! . , * anuM.in\lttmlirrtuUtt \ "In the Spring nyonng man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. " Hut comfort and appearance should not bo fo hr married or slnle n entlcma nnd you choud Inepcct our Moc. on w o ( .uro tollnd somdhlnu hati f uctory hoth In quality nnd prices , which raiiRO trom tt ) to tW. NKIlVOUfl. CHIIONIC nnd 1'IIIVATK IMSUASliS of CN nnd WOMU.V ucccesfullr trcutod. YOUNG MEN Suffering from tlio cflVcts of r.llhful follies nrlnills crcttoiiH , or nru troubled " NVtiHknuts , .S'orvnus nubility , Ixmof Memory i le | iondencjrrorslontn Hocli'ty , Kid nay Troulil.'S r liny dlu-uiu of tlio < ; nl- to-UrinitryUr/HMH , lun hero llml u iiafo Hid sjiooJy euro. ClmrKi's rcnsoiiuble , ct > | icclnlly to tlio pour. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tucrn ar niiuiy troubled nllli too frequent oyt "im tloiu of tlio b'uliler ' , ofien nccoraimiili'd byi ullitlit Biimrtlrw or Imrnlnic in-nsatlon , mid weakenlna of the y tom fii n manner tlio imtlent cannot account for. On examining tlio mlmiry dcposlnu ropy ncillini'iit will olt n be louiul. mid nouiuilinos particle ) of alliu- unto : tno c-ansu. nnitn i UIUHCCUJIU MBKUIII m-iui- nal wcaknois. The doetor will Rimr.intoBU perfect euro In till iicli < ii o .mid n lic-illliy restoration of tliu wnllo urinary nriiHiii , Contulfulloii frri' . > en < l L'-cent lauii | for "Vouim Mun'ii Hrlcml.or ( Jultluto Wedlock , " lien to nil. A lilrcint . SPINNEY & CO. Muiu and 12Ui St. , Kansas City , Mo. fir .Mention tills imper. FLORIDA LANDS For Sale or Trade. Hoshlencn property , orange graven , town lots , and desirable unimproved inmls miUnblo for winter homos , for Mile or to trrttle for weHturn nipiovod farm Undo. Correspondence solicited L .O. GARRETT. Orlando , Florida. PRING VEHICLES Try One. reatly Imppvedwitu ininiin/r / i.iii .Eu le trldini < ' ' " ' < "i''f. ' ' " > P''ii'e" 1' to apd feliuricn acci > rdluc to the weight put on Iheiu. AiUpted uquallr well to rough country or fine < My drives Willglre ou hast natl fucton. ! " ' ' "ivoiicBs'-ATouoimicii. ArTonNev.ATii.Aw' D 124 Unaruorn Su , Cuicajo ; anlea lieu ; tyvu \ < V uieiiW bui'uuii ( juletir auJ Ic , ; * ! ! ? irao'ucliJ OMAHA MEDICAL a d SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th Si Dodge Sts. rOH TUB TftlCATMKNT Or ALL Appliances for Doforaltiez and Trusses. Beit lacilltlcs , apparatus nnd remedies for success ( ul treatment of CIVCTJ form of disease roqulrlni ModtcM or Burulcnl Trcntmimt. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and nttondancei belt hospital accommoda tions In the ireit. WHITE roKCmciTLA 113 nn Doforrultlomnd llraoos , Truaseu , Club Koct , Curvature of tlio Snino , llles , Tumors. Cancor. Catarrh. Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , 1'aralysls. Kpllepsy. Kldnoy , llladdcr. Kyi ) , Kar , Skin and lilood , anJ ullSurnlcnl operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOKOND19EASU9 OF WOMEN I'llEE. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE tlAUIMO A SPECIALTY Or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Diseases successfully troited. Srpbllltlo I'olnon r mo 8d from the nmom without mercury. New restorative troatraunt far loss of UUI IMnur. Persons unable to ridt us may bo treats d at home by correspondence. All communications confidential. Medlclnos or Instruminta tent br mall or eipross , sturdy packed , no marks tn Indicate rnntenti or sender. One personal Interview prclerrcd. Cull and consult as or send history of your case , and we will send In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREEl Upon Private. Special or Nervous Dlseisos , Imno * Uncy.H/phllls , Uleal and Varleocelo , with question list. Address Omaha Medical and Stmjical Institute , or DR. nicMBNAKlY , Oor. 13th and DodKoSts , , OMAHA , NBD. HealtFlsli/eai / ! Dit.n. O , WKST'S KKRVB AND HHUN HUNT , iiBunrimtoolapoclllo for Ilysterln , Dizzi ness. ( Jmviilalons , fits. Nervous NeuralKln. lleailnche , Nervrms Prpstrntlou riiiiseil Jjy tlin use of. alcohol or tolJaeco. U'nkof uineyi. Moiltnl Deiirusalon , Kofienlncof the llniln. nmiltlnglu Insanity ami lendlimto misery , ducnyuml iluatti. I'loinntiiro Old ABP. Hurrenn'us. I < oss of 1'ower In either BOX. Involuntary J.ossui und Hpornmt- orlm'ii rmiHcxl by invr-oxurtimof | ( liuhraln.Holf- nliusi ) or ovrrlniliilfjenco. Knell box contain ! ono month's treatment , fl.Ol n bix.or U boxes forJii.iK'.seiit ' by nmllpropald nnroeclp * of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES 'To cure uny caso. With each enl r received liy us for HX ) boxss , accoinp.inled with t't.tt ( , we will Fend tliopurcliuser oiirwrltt'iiKiinmnteu to TO * fund the money If ttio trn tiui-iit dooi not eifect a cure. Ununtntoi1 ! ! Uiuod only by finoduuin DriixCo. , DrngKUtu , Sole Auenu , 1110 i'tinum btrtet , OmuliuNeb. . lilioiisof Trees ! CoiiBhtiiiK of Priilt Treei , Small 1'niltn , 0/np Vlnen , Ornamental TIOM and ritinibn , ICveH KICPIW , lloHCH.ftr , . to i'tlier with u large n bert * inentof Trcm und Seeds for Timber Claims. LOW PRICES AND CHOICE STOCK , I'arilltles unMirpiwod. Write for wliolmali and rclull lUts. Addresn , D. S , LAKE , Proprietor riltHMAXDO.VH. - _ _ _ PKNNVHOVAIWAVKRH ara suceesi fully used monthly by over 10,000 fljuUet. MoKafe. f.'ffrrtualanil I'letunnt \Jtl per box by mail.or at ilru/Klita. ttfolftl . { 'artlculari 8 posl/iffa KLsraj.i. Adilrrui Tut Uuftxia. Cuxnicu , Co. , UUIUOIT , KICIU / 'or mile anil bii until Int flnotlm t > . , Otuahii ,