Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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AavertieemeHtt under tfaU head 10 cents p r
) ( Inn for tno Rr t Insertion , 7 tftntn for each imb
[ equeut Insertion , and tl.M per lln per month.
I No advertisement tpfcen for lot * than 85 cent §
, the first Insertion , Seven words will bo counted
to tno line ; tltoy muit nin consecutively and
must bo paid in ADVANCE. All ndvtrtlie-
meats must bo handed in bofora 12:30 o'clock p.
m. , nnd under no circumstances will they be
token or discontinued by toliptiono.
Pnrlley advertising In these column * and hav
ing thnlr answers addressed In care of TUB 11 mi
Will plcaso ask for a check to onabla them to got
tholr letters , an none will bo delivered except on
presentation of thock. All answers to adver
tisements should be cncloneojln envelopes ,
All advertisements In those columns nra pub-
liihed In both morning nnd evening editions of
Tirr. llr.r , the circulation of which aggregate *
morn than 1P.OOO papcrn dally , nna gives the nd-
vertliers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of TUB DEE , but also of Council Illnfrs.
Lincoln und other cltlos and towns throughout
this socllon of the country. _
Advertising for those column-i will bo tnhcn
on the above condition ) ) , at iho following busl-
nceo bouses , who nro ni thorlzod ntronts for Tun
HRR special notice * . and will quote the Bums
rates as can bo hndat the inftin olllce.
South Tenth
ill ABK .t nonV. Stationers and Printers , 113
\J Doutli HtU Street.
II. rARNSWdtlTH , Pharnu lst,2116 Cum-
ing Street.
V\T J.HUOIIE8 , Pharmacist. 021 North 10th
/I KG. W. I'AHU , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary'B
WANTKD Employment as olllco man even
ings nnrt mornings by n stenographer ,
bookkeeper , and vorsea In lerfal forms , oto ; ro-
lily by Si th Inst. Address U 0 , lloo. Till 27
SITUATION Wnntod-lly an experienced
young man ; stenographer nnd typewriter ;
reference given. Address V 4 , Dee ,
w ANTRD Situation by licensed stationary
ctiBlnoor. W. It. Drldges , 1500 N. 20th st.
700-BI *
AM AN 3. ) years old , of temperate hnblti and
some experience as olllco clerk , wants em
ployment in store or olllco of some kind. Ad
dress U 7 , Dee , 7)27
A good broad and cake baker wants a sltua-
-cation. Address Charlus Still , Jollot , 111.
A HUNTS To soH our patent & 1 pants to
measure lit bolter , wear longer , can DO
worn with or without suspenders. Not liable )
to bng nt knee , mndo In nil grades and pntterns1
Itlg money to live men with small capital. Send
atamp for circulars and confldential terms.
$ , ' ! Patent pantw , J15 suits. Hunter Mfg. Co. ,
Oth nnd Sycamore , Cincinnati , O. 733t
W ANTKD A good cook nt N. Johnson's
lunch counter , 2023 Cumlng st. 038-2JT
\\TA NTKD Young man about 18 to worlc In
M stora and make nlmsolf generally useful ;
must coma well recommended. Address drawer
89. P. O. , city. 712 20
WANTED Three tailors , steady Job year
around , wuges twelve" dollars per week ;
would prefer single men who nro acquainted
with manufacturing. Cull at 120tl Douglas St. ,
Omaha , Nob. 700 25t
A GENTS Wanted General nnd local agents ,
.Cito handle the now patent Chemical Ink.
limning renciligreatest novelty ever pi educed ;
erases Ink lu two uccondsjuo nbrnslonof paper ,
B03 to nee per cent profit ; sells at olghtjterrltory
absolutely free ; salary to good men ; sample 3j
cents by mall ; for terms and full particulars
nddress the manufacturers. The Monroe Eraser
Co. , U. 8. Kxpress building , La Crosae. Wis.
WANTED A boy or young man to learn
to work in kitchen , 713 N Itith st. 720 25T
WANTKD A good bar tender at once. Call
at 713 N 10th St. 725 25 ?
MTTANTBD-Darber 610 8. J3th at.
72 25 *
" \\rANTKD An honest capable young man
V T for a good position at good salary. Art.
roian-NO. 171-220 N. 16th street. 09320 *
i >
Detectiveand Protective Assu
Good members wanted In every town and ,
county In the ptato. Good pay. Hendnuarters
1UJ4 O st. Llncoln.Neb. Address DoxCOS. Lincoln.
BIG salary to men who can sell goods to
school onicers or physicians. Call and see
White & Ulch. 120 K. Droadway. Co. UlulTs , la.
010-25 *
W ANTED A good barber at No. 707 N. lutn
V St. ' _ 733-27 *
W "ANTED For April In man and wlfo tote
to take charge of a farm house kitchen.
cooking for fifteen men , washing for three
persons only , man to do the cooking nnd wife
for asslstnnt nnd general Housekeeper : muct
Do good breadmakera und exceptional buttcr-
.mnkars , nsuellah n at and tidy about the
work ; a couple without Children is required
nnd must come with best of references ns to
ability and character ; the farm Is located 125
miles from Onmha on the Union Pnclllc rail
road ; wages KW per month for both. Addies.s
at once , giving ago , nationality , experience , etc.
0 ? 27 , Deo. _ | _ COT-g7.
WANTED Man n l wlfo without children
by the year for farm , Scotch and German
preferred. Address TflB. Deo. _ inu-go *
WANTKD A man who thoroughly under
stands care of horses mid cows , liefer-
eucox required. Wngos ? 2U per month. Itoom
glttFlratls'nt'lbnnk. _ 641-23
W ANTED Two coat-makers nnd two pants-
makers immediately. L. Deruhelincr ,
McCooU , Neb , _ BIS 31t
WANTED A baker , German , slnglu man
Apply to Chas , Gasteyer , Loup City , Neb-
_ 013 20 _
\X7ANTED An experienced traveling sales-
ft man for wholesale drug company. Address
T 6Pleo onico. 644-37
A carrier for nhorsb route on
TT Dally , Evonliiff Dee. Apply to Thee W1I-
Hams at Boo olllco , at tor 4 p. in. l (54
\K7ANTED-Atonco. ten men to Bollci ln
f f Kansas nud Missouri ; salary $75 to (10.1 per
month. Call to-day at room 511 , First National
bank. Cij
ANTED Young man of buslnrm ability.
to act an district manager ; must put in
$100 ; salary 11,200 per annum ; no use for vloat- !
crs , " Call utonca or addrota ( loo. fa. Cllue.iill
Vlrst National bank. raia
ANTiriJ Aftonta for our now patent nre-
troot nates , slzo 20x18x18. wolgnt 600 lb . ,
mtall prlco KU , others in proportion. Highest
nwnrd ( silver medal ) Centennial exposition ;
rarochanco ; permanent business. Our prlcus
Ion eat. Wo are not In the sof o pool. Exclusive
territory given. Alpine Sato Company , Cincln-
ifatl. O. _ CAI
K OYB Am. Dlst. ToITco ,
K7(7 _ , _ , _ 60'i. ' _
\7(7 ( ANTKD fenergctto luou and womtm evory-
TY wnero for u genteel , money-making busi
ness. too weekly prollt guaranteed easier thin
toil monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and exclusive
territory nsaurca. f..OO sumples free. Wrlto for
pnrticularif. AddreHs , with atamp , Merrill Mt'g
Co. . II 63 Chicago. _ 175 ulO *
" 1X7" ANTKD Firat class shoe salesman ) none
IT but those having yearn of experience ami
good reference need apply , nt Tno Fair , 13th
nud Howaid. J. L Drandels & Bons. _ 145 _ _
W'ANTliD ItelUblo Ac energetic salesmen in
Omaha'uud northern half of Nebraska to
soil our muchlnev.nlso 2 collectors , no capital or
experience noco3S ry. The Blnger Slfg. Co.
Omaha. Neb. _ ; _ 717-nl
W ' ANTED lutravollnp iiatcamen , salary nnil
expenses. Address with stamp , Palmer < &
Co. . _ Pe Mollica. To. _ _ 724al ' '
WANTKD Itnllrond luDoren rorVasliUig -
ton territory : steady work , long Job. nt
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fura-un at. 741
. UUt. Tel. Co. , 13M Dougls * .
ANTKD A good business man to take Wio
management of nn olllco In New York cltv.
cue for Detroit and another for Cincinnati : ' i
Invest tS.M ) ; salary tl.MOper yenr. Address
George S. CHne , Wagner block , Dss Hulnej. I ,
f > 74
"A OKNTS wanted on salary. 75 per month
XX. and exiieusoj putd. any acilvn man br
woman to sell our goods by sample unit live at
home Salary paid promptly and expenses in
ndvucce. 1'u 11 particulars ami rumple cnu
free. We moan Ju t wnat we cay. Address
BtandartlMivernareCa , Doston , MOM.
WANTHl-Vlr tand second clrl : , and W.W
week , flutunier rut real ; cook hotel ( * >
rook rentauraut f UO. cooks boarding house
( I nnd f\ cook private family ( ( and tt. dcrinan
woman lionso'keeuer 3 in fumlly. 2 waltrcHie.i
M week , 4 dining room clrl , 2chambermaldfi
a nifhunnhcra. Lots of nlco placon for glrU on
hano , msii nnd wire 1350 year. O'.nulni Kmp
Bureiiu10th&nltolAve _ ; _ _ 1t-r ,
" \XrANTKli-'rwo > "coiiipot nt Bills. Hwt-ilaKS
ft place In the country tM and 1 ; unothcr
for family of S In the country f : two nult
re&t > cs out nf ctty ( A ) , 2 for llrntrlre * lluuiul
a. kltctsnulrh wild l for arneial Jiouiu-
"W7 ANTED A not qtilto Voting Udy tenclior
ft who will Instructs Indies ur about 40 j cars
t their rfsldouct ) lu spelling nud writing tl a
Wipllsh language. AS well * x tlio Itrdt pnnclpk" )
of Hrjcllah grammar. Tlioy want cumiivtou
{ kckar. pleano forward belt-urlttnn letter
Marked U t > , to thl onice , wltU rlmrgo fo
Bg p r hour , as ooa M po-ii
\X7ANTnD-airl for Ken rnl housework. 2630
ff Cumlng st. 784
\\rANTBl > -A Rirl for nan U nO rest making ,
ft I8 Sonth lOtii Btroot , ' Til ni
ANTKD-Cook. second Blrl > nd dish"
washer. 2015 Douglas st. _ 7tO-2 ! > *
A trimmer and satoilndy nt Gen
ft liu > Pros. No. I4oa DougUa st , cw-ei
WANTI'.D-A girl for housework. 17H N.
84th and Decatur. 701 S7 *
- to do general housework In
private family. Inquire 535 PaXlon block.
, OS N. 18th St.
* ANTlSD A irirl at 001 B. 27th St. IfiTsTTjB
'good conk nnil Inundrea * . 611 2o
W ANTRD Lady ngents or our now skirt
substitute for buatle , baby's diaper sup
porter , etc. Our Iowa 1'nlln , In. , ngentmnde
U2.OT in ono dny. Ladles' Supply Co. , 287 W.
Washington at. . Chicago. _ < V > 1.SOJ
WANTED Aaents Itellablo women to soil
the "Original HyRoln" Combination
Shoulder Draco Corsot. Dost money making
article in the country. Satisfaction
eca. Apply fortermsand torrltoryto Western
: QrsetCo. . gt. Louis , Mo. laT-MU
TJ10H HUNT Now 8roomhouso on onr line ;
JJ special rate for deslrablo'rontor. Plans nnd
ratoa at owner's olllce , G03 Paxton block.aff
rpEN-room frame boarding house , located 2
JL blocks from P.O. , rentlio. prlco of turnlturo
'tfiO. ' Jloo cash , balance $ per mo. ; nlso U-room
iirlck boarding house , now mil of bonrdors.ront
810 , furniture 1V ) . JlOOcnsli , bnl. easy ; nlsosov-
ral others centrally located. Co-0pfrn.tlvo
Land nnd Lot Co. , 20a N 16th St. , Omaha. 027 23
FOR HENT-Cottago nnd 2 acres of land. S.
13th and Valley. K. F. August ad. ClBSi ;
1J1OK HUNT House of D rooms nud furnlturo
JL1 for 8alo.l 13 Chicago st. 070-2fi
KENT May 1 , modern built house , ten
FOK . Inquire 712 N. lath st , near Webster.
C77-J t
moil KENT 3new 6-room cottages.ono block
-U w st car barns on Lalco st. C. 11. Ellkwortli ,
16TO rarnnm. OU
DENT Cheap , frroom cottage In Dovd's
addition , within ono block of Dclt Line
rallwnj and near now furnlturo factory. Apply
Mrs. lluth E. Itogors , cor. 38th and Ames avo.a
01' ' ) 25r
Rloll HENT An f-room cottngo with monern
JJ Improvements , nt 214 8. 30tn rtt. , near I'nr-
nnm , early In April , at t V > per mouth , by Chus.
Turner , 1022 Howard st. 017 20t *
OIl 11P.NT Cheap , one"-roomodnowhouso
j. H. Johnson , 5l6 Pnxton blk. 6S4 21
the household goods of n nlco B-rootnod
cottatcn nt 87u ; house rents (10 a mouth. In
quire at 1715 S , 10th st. & 31 21 *
S10 N lath St.
TT10U llENT-S-room cottage .
near Capitol ave , Sl'.GO. 070
HOOJI housa with barti , out n llttlo distance
S.H ) per month. C. r. Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank bldg. " 493
8-room. house on now motor
lino. 33d and Cumlng sts. . with modern
improvements $33 per mouth. 0. F. Harrison ,
Merchants Nut. bank blag. *
8KOOM house 22d and Webster , $ , tr > per mouth
April 1. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nnt.bnnk
bldg. 409 83
- houso. 610 Williams St.
TJ10H KENT A s-room brick cottage convonl-
Jt ? entto U.P. depot.Moad 4 Jamison , 314 S 13th
irtOll KENT u-rooirr modern imnrovod house.
JL1 A1 locality : rent moderate. Apply to M ,
Elgutter , 1001 Farn m street. 570
J1O11 llENT-Cottnges , r , rooms. 272D Chnrles
street and4524 South Fifth street. Inquire
nt room 212. Sheely block. r > 71
TCAOil HENT Good basement. 1615 Douglas st.
OU KENT Nlco 6-room house , east front.
half block of cable cars. 1128 2bth st. maa.'it
C\OT UllNT 7-room Mat. &n mouth. Inquire
J at The Fair. IStn and Howard. 074
moil HENT Cheap , n nlco 3 and fi room house ,
JD 1533 8 21st st.between Center and Dorcas st.
8b9 a b *
, . , , . . . 11KHT 3 b'rlck residences , U rooms each ,
JIJ fronting Hauscom park , on Park avenue.
Witn furnace.ihot nnd cold wutor , bath and all
coilvonloncesA. . Ready for pccunancy April 1.
Price StO nnd-845 a month. D , V. Shales , 210 1st
Nat. bank btvlldlng. 1'41 '
KENT Furnished house for rent. Har
ris , 4HFlrstnationalbank. B33
"U1OR HENT Flat of seven rooms cor. 818th
X ! nnd Pact He sts. Duggnn's block. S77
BIO LIST of bousos for rent. 8. T. Potor-
A eon , s. c. cor. llith and Douglas. Sf3-a4 *
THUHNISHED house for rent In Park Terrace.
JD opposite Hanscom Park , alt modernn con-
vcnlHices. Enquire. Lee & NIchol , 23th and
Leaven woith. 5)35 )
FOH HKNI1 Furnished rooms single or en
suite. 1COS Dougla- . 713
nicely furnished rooms 810 nnd $10. 2100 Fnr-
* "
family have sovornl nicnly fur
nished rooms lor rent with board , 015 N 20th.
724 31
"D&AEASANT furnished room , 607 South 25th
JT ave. _ t 25 27t
TTKfrilENT ) Iloom with board for tnro gen-
X1 tlemen. gl ) . Sit have. _ 6ol-30t
Two nlco large rooms , furiitshod
or unfurnished , with or without board ;
terms moderate. 21111 St. Mary's ave. Cjfl-26 *
TJOOjis and b ard-1812 Chicago st.
HENT Two furnished front IOOIIIH.
FOH or en suite. First lloor. No. i2 ! N. IB.
RENT Itooms and board to eentlcmeu ,
FOIl St per neok. 3011 Ilarney Bt. C17-2St
HUNT Desirable furnished front room
every convenience , SW Douglas st. ! fl-27t
r/UMl HENT A suite of rooms furnlshetl for
J3 light housekeeping , nt 012 N. 16th st.
02(1 ( 2.1 *
furnished rooms , modern conven
iences , nlso first-class board.172. ) Cunltol av.
K1125 *
T710B KENT Nice soutti front roam , cheap ,
JD for gentlemen. 1WW Capitol ave. 001
FUHN1SHED rooms , modern conveniences ,
110 , tK and 15 per moiitli. board If desired.
11)11 ) Douglas. 0212U *
M"1CKLY funilshed rooms , 1811 Capital nve.A
COS 23-1
"IJJUHN1SHED room with board , modem con-
JL'venlencca nnd in good location ; prices irn-
BQiiable. 2220 Lcavonxvortli. 5 3 S'J '
rooms by the \\oetc or month atth'j
Penbody house , 1407 Jones. UUJ
"POOMB Inquire IVO Dougla1 * Bt , 3rd floor.
JtV ' - Bo7
TTIOH HI5NT FninUhod room , all convent-
JC rnces. jiu ft montn. 2227 Dodge nt. 573
TJlUKNlSHUDroom * , S23N ltb.
fnrulsheiTfrbnt , rooms , ' 1718 Do < l ge
v 5'JO-2u
"I710H UJiNT Ono very largo room sultablo for
JC four uontlomun. and onu smaliar xultab'o '
for IMC ; both nicely furnished ; v/ltU bo&rd.
821 S. Wh Bt. * ' i ? ) 2it
.U HENT I'urnlcluiil room , atl modern
coi < v tlenes. ' 22U Kurmuust. ICt
A VKNUE Hoomii-At 1813and 1015 Capitol nv *
jatblocks from l'\vly furnished prlvotn
boardlngliousc.pht aut roomsnil con venlcnun
TTJ 1011 RENT n out loonu atJKll Parnr.m.
JiAUOK front room , turnished. e\ury ronvcu
Ji ; also , binull room , 21U7 Duiigiii * . : .v ; )
or uufurnUhcd iboni , with uns
JD and bnt'i , tioaid it desired. M'J Ultith et. , oi > -
) joalto All Hulnt * ' _ 674
TJUJHNISHUH looms by day , week or month.
1. ; > t. Clulr Hotel , cor. 13th and Dodge. WJ
'ITIOll llENT A nlrely furnltlied room , with
.1 : all convtmleiuvt ; HIS bo. I'th ft , V-l
"M"IOU funiUhed nionu & board , ItOS Douglas ,
of 3 furnished rooms , modern conven.
iaucei , 3 hlocks from P. O. , private fninlly ,
A. Hope , jr. , 1511 Douglas st , 4'M
J ilHNlSHKUrooinn.
TT'UIlNlnlItU ' ) rooma , sln 'ta or'oiisiux baTh
JU nJ Atom ; for f onti only. Ul'J Howard.
IAIttlEfroucroam witn bud-rooin adjoining ;
liniulsouifly furnished , g.ii ami huiiti'd uy
Mlmni. with use of bath-room. In 01:0 of tha
hiiudHOiiiMt reildfucvs la the rlly. wltno'lt
board. Inquire ti. w. for , tuth unii Loaveuvortli.
( ) MCKI.Y furnlshwl rooms. tt < - m hent , c * ,
batli. etcn uu sauiu Hour , II' ' ) per mouth. SIj
* *
X .AlWli front room , nlrely .
Jfor S Kvutloutaa. ItCI ITiuiuuii. Kt
FOR I1KKT Second and third Doors of th
Duildlna at No. .1401 Dmtgias st. formerly
Lnownas tlieSi. Clondi also the three-htory
) iilldlng facing on the alloy In the rear of th4
above. Aincs , Jft/T I'arnam at. 73127
TT10R RUNT Dnrber shop , newly furnlhed , In
JL ? now first cl SS hotel 1ft city of UOUO inhabl-
nnco. Direct T 70. care of Dee. 037-23J
TTIOR IlENT When you wish to rent n house.
JL' store or onico call on us. U. E. Cole , room
0 , Continental block. MS
OH HENT Now store corner IBth ana
Jones. A. O. PqweU. 13)1 ) Farnam.
TT'OH ' RKNT 2 stores 7 room flat , 0 room
JL' house 17th. near Nicholas. Inquire Bohles-
nger Pros. . 614 South 10th st , 033-m27
Tfion nr.NT a noors 22X90 each , In brick build-
J-.1 intr , with olovntor , close to express onico ,
cheap rent , just the thine for wholesaling. Rood
location apply Gee , Heyn. 1103 Farnam st.
TTIOK RENTSnnco m f tore for nn exclusive
JU glove or small Hue of other goods , In the
very best location In the cltr , especially for la
dies' trade. Address T 64 , Dee olllco. Mi 37
'pIIEbost and c"hefxpoit.ftoro for money for
JL rent , 140) Jackson nt. For particulars call
on.l. HochstrasBer , 410 B. loth st. C01 SO
TflOIl HUNT- Two very desirable stores under
JL' Washington hall In the Danish association
Building on l th st between Hnrney and St.
Mary's nve. Inquire of janitor. 5503
ITlOtl HENT Three rooms unfurnished. 1410
JU Pierce St. . $8. 670
17)011 RENT t'nf uinUhed , suitable for house-
JL1 keeping , all modern improvements , 4 rooms
1702 Wubstsr at. Prlco jg ) . B70
? unfurnished chambers for h.ousekecplng to
J man nnd wife. 319 No. 17th st. 8G3-2Jt I
"ITKMl HENT Rooms suitable for housekeep-
JL1 ing In suites of from one to four : in conven
ient location ; lowest prices. Dutt's Hontlng
Agency , 1MI Fnrnamstreet ; telephone 170.
- > : i .n12
TjiOK RENT Three unturnlsnod rooms , also
JL1 two basement rooms to families without
chlldron nt 1123 N 17th st. W
ANTKD Dy May 1st. Ja detached house of
about ten rooms , with modern improve
ments , in high school district. Address T U3 ,
Dee olllce. DU7 2) ) *
T TANTISD Cottaso containing not less than
VV btx rooms wlttil nrcnsoimbto distance of
postolllco , state price andlocatlon. Address T ,
42 Dee. i'M
WANTKD Some one to buv two good bod-
steads cncap. Call Tuesday and Wednes
day , JtS4 Cass St. * 030 2tlt
TJ1J HST-CLASS lot of saloon furniture and bar
Jllxturea for sale nt a bargain. Inquire of
the First National bane , Aurora , Nclj.
(115 ( a'3
FOR KENT Oub wacon shop ana blacksmith
shop located In the business part of the
nourishing town.of Hebron , tno county seat of
Thayer cunnty. For turthor particulars ad
dress to P. O. Dox No. 5 , Hebron , Nob.
540 27t
BiOIl HUNT Five acres with buildings , one
block out of city limits. 12.r ; > N. 20th st.
53J 2IJ
710H IlKNT Cold storage , capacity three car
U loads , trackage , llullt expressly for beer.
Call 1307 Leavonn orth. 4651
to Farmers and Gardeners For
NOT1CK the following pieces of land : North
Jj of northwest ! i or soc. 1.115 , r 12,10J ncres ;
south { of southwodt' ( of soc , 10.115. r 13 , BO
acres ; east 'Jn acres of north ' , { of northwest ! l
s 3. , 115 , r 12,30 acre.snlso ; 17 acres due south of
the poor farm and adjoining Edward Howell
place in city limits. Inquire oC John Hamlln ,
017 Llnton block , Omaha. Nob. 875 31
J710H KENT Well Improved fnrtu of 60 acres
near city. Schleslugei Ilroa. till South 10th ,
TF YOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange ,
-Lcull on or-address , G. .1. Sternsdorir. rooms
017 and 313 first National bank building.
rfiQll RENT Houses In nil parts of the city.
D ' .J. J. Gibbon , No. Ji.-.Crelghton block. 061
G HO. J. PAUL , 130' ' ) Farnam * et. , , houses ,
htores , etc. , for rent. 583
Knlvo special attention to routing and
collecting rents , Use with us. U. E. Cole ,
room G Continental block. 631
rj , GI DSON'S now system of renting houses ,
No. iifrelghton block. Ofll ,
? rented place them
with Denawn & Co. 13th , oj.pojltu postolllce.
! > & " >
T 1ST your houses and stores witn me ; I have
JLJlotd of customers. J. H.Parrotto.lttW Calcago
(214-all (
OMAHA emp. bureau. 110 N. 10th , establish-
od 8 yenrt. Mont rellnblcin city II. K.
White. TUO-aU *
8jU < K-At a bargain , 1'rlo'a hotel.
Jj Doyd's addition , block I. low 1. 2,11.1 , 5rJ
now cottages , all rented , oulotH'l1 , and 5. Inquire -
quire at hotel. 714 31 *
FOH 3ALEOr Triido A tl.001 gonercl stock
of merchandise ; ull clear and must have clear
piopurty. Address P. O , box 07" , So. Omaha ,
WANTED A business partner , by a man
who controls ( mite a largo amount of
Dlack Hills property ; one with oilice in city or
with some capital to invest In real live proper
ty. Address U u. Due 715 27
WANTKD A relwblo energetic business
umn an general ngunt for omuha district
of tha United States Mercantile Protective asso
ciation ( Incorporated' ' , main ollico M Tribune
building , Mew York. The right party can real
ize nn Income of SJ.OOO to W.IK 0 pua year. Call
on llenj. Hlmous , manager , at the Mlllard hotel.
. ; tB 2fit
\\7ANTr.D-A business man tor state of Ne-
Vl bruska , or part thereof : an honorable and
paying biiahifss. Address' Plunders' M'f'g Co. ,
SO 4ti nvo. . N. Y. Wl 3 it
STOCKS of grotorlos dry goods and sta-
. _ tloncry to exchange for Omnua iiroporty.
Grover Stevens , rooms Did and C > I7 Pr.xton
block. OU-2S
Drugstore In a rlry of 3T..UW in.
habitants ; everything new ; Invoice if2,5n ) ;
terms cash. Addiecs loax box 1IIUO , Bale Lake
City , Utall. 8i8-29J
ANTED party with $5,000 nnd upwards
to Invest for six months only In a legltl-
inoto and estublLshod biuIn KH that will pay
IOU per cent proHt on the money Invested for that
short limn. Address T 07. Dee. ftti Sir
| jVH 8ALK Stock of epneiul merchandise In
JL1 good town on 0. Si N. W. Hy. . in Greene
county , Iowa : will iiivoleo about w.000 ; will sell
for VO cents on dollar if taken at once. Address
If , Pox H ) ' . Bcranton. lown. all 2l > *
IHOIl BALE A good business of woolen nun
-I ? cents' furnliiiliif goods , in n good location ,
with show cave nnd llxturos ; we hnvo books to
uhnwbuihiosR. Call at Omaha National Knit-
tn Fnrtory , lift ? , luth st. 6Si 2Bt
FOjt 'SAIjli Neat boanflng house , 32 roomii ,
! running order , well located , in Irontli
Omaha , st n liiii-galn , Hnthlnion ftV < md , N.
B. tor. j. ouflasmd ; : IfithHt. C 72J
T7IOir8A"LU A nlco clean stock of hardware ,
J etc. , in Enat DCS Molrujs. la. Invoice > ; , UM.
Will give time ou part. City population U5.UCO
Cup'.tol of ths Claia. Address , P. 0. box. 2d ,
Cozad. Keb. 57ft S&
TjlOH SALE A popular and well established
JC clear nud tnbacuu business with iatubt Htylo
fixtures , doing a good business-very ; b s.t locu
tion in thu city of omaha ; capital required from
eWW ! to JI.OJU. Address P. O. Dox ItSK. fM 31
TJIOH BALK Stock , of saddlery , hardware ,
4 : li.inie n , trunk * , etc , Block fcl.iuo , shop rent
flO. 7-roomliouswnnd "lots ti,0t ) . Will ex-
chaiiRO IIQIUU for-ono in Omuha. Good restaur
ant , tm cash. Apply txj p. lu 8. , 420 N. 10th ,
Ouiaiiu , Nov. . or to W. J. K. , Lock Dox 21 ,
Onuw , _ lj.J 547 25 *
(7011 8ALU A great chance to nmKo money
JL1 \ > lthn uinlU'upltal , iiuu per cent warrantttd
cm Investment , call personally at European
hotel. V24 tf , lUtii for a days. A. Horstman.
041) 23t
1/10H 9A.i\vlthtn : ill dajs-Ttvo drug stocks
JL' tu now growing county neat In s. w. Nebras
ka ; will invoice about $ J.W.j will sell ono and
iiiovathe other provided the purchaser will
buy W.WO stock for cash : purchaser can rent
biillillapH for $ per month each ; will bell for
cost ana r rrtairo ; good trade ; reason for sell-
hit' , othur business requires full attention. Ad
dress lock box < H Oulbertoou , Ntjb. . or Hurst
& Co. Hastlncs , Neb.
T1O11 SALIJ I we coiifectlohcr/ . 1 locn.
tlon , doliiL'a coed business ; good reason for
lulling. Addmid , T W.IIco oillce.
O AltUWAttU for sale-Small neat stock. Tin
X Lghop in rnnnvctlontuiust bo void nt cmrn for
cash. Address O. JI. Vaugliun , I'lonjlm ; , Colo.
l/IOIl BAI < -Siook of Jewelry In growing No
JJ bruskn town of 1,000 population ; no compe
tition ! coed openinttior Ilia right party. Ad-
tirt-itit Max Mey r A Uro. 34H SI
A MKilllLMlBIUJ' m the Omaha IxmiU of
-extrude urn be had cheap at ItooinKS U. H. Na-
UOM ! bank buUdiii& ' ggg
DK , NANNrevi' Wart n. clalnroyknt. medl
cat and bmtoeto modium. ! < > nat dls Mes
a specialty , ItftN l th at. , rooms 9 and 8. we
CTfJHAGK At low rates at 1121 Farnam st. .
OOmnha Auction ft BtorngoCo. 6TO
rilllACKAGii jQorago , lowest rates. W. '
JL Dushman.y Hjt.eavenwortli. 691
( RANCH & COH storage , 1211 Howard.
\7ATjENXINK'8 Shorthand and Typewriting
T institute , new Paxton building , Omaha.
Tha only exclusive shorthand school in the
state , Over one hundred graduates In good
situations- The school Is under the manage
ment Of C. C. Valentino. omclM stenographer
of the Brd judicial district of Nebraska , nnd
Prof. H , B. Doylos , an experienced teacher and
verbatim reporter. Day nnd evening sessions.
Students can enter at nny tlmo. Send for cir
culars. - 615
STANDARD Shorthand School. 412 Bheoloy
block ; teaches standard systems nnd tisos
Remington typewriters. Circulars free. 66d
: V JIITTtjESRY'8Sliorthnnd"school.Si Darker
VV block,3tutus'lnstructlonsticass : ) ; ] llml "
7J1 nl
miN rooning. spouting , gutters , vnlleys , nnd
JL sheet iron work dona well nnd chenp Uv K.
Savage , 110 N-15th. 604-20-1
CONTRACTING plasterers uro Invited to call
at room 401. Paxtou building , and examine
"Adamant. " 3i2 A l.t
PDIE banjo taught as nn nrtbr Goo. F. Got-
lonbock. Apply at Dee Olllce. 5t )
OMAHA. Nob. . Fob. 14. 1889. Notlco Is here-
by given to the holder ! ) of all bonds Issued
by the Cable Tramway Company of Omaha ,
nnd bearing daw of May 2d , IB37 , January 1st ,
1888 , and October 1st , ISA ) , to present the same ,
for payment , with accrued Internst , nt tha First
National bank of Omaha , Nob. , tha fifth dny
of April. 1B8U. Interest on said bonds will
cease on that date , the company having availed
Itself of the right in radoom the same , by giv
ing thirty days notice of Its doslto to do so.
8. 11 , Johnson. Provident.
OMAHA Steam Dye Works 1(31 Howard st.
V/Dyeing , cleaning , etc. Lace curtains cleaned.
C. T. Paulson prop. , tclephonu > H7. 613-m3T
WAN80N. Vallen Si Co. . undertakers and
embalmers , 1721 Cumlng at. Tel. 10CO.
CTHAYKD or stolen , from First Ccngreca-
Otlonal church , last evening ( ! d ) , black
horse and phaeton top buggy , robe , oto. If
stolen , $ V ) reward Is ollored for thief. Notify
II erbert T. Loavltt. 271W Parker st. < KO S3 *
W ANTKD To trade a pouoy for n safety
blcyclo. 1013 8. lath at. 01144:7 : *
nKN-room hotiao near 20th A ; Lcavenworth to
L trade for property near 13lh & Vlnton.
Grovcr Stevens , Kooms 010 He C17 Pnxton Dlk.
HOICE Improved farmslightly incumbored ,
to trade tor vacant lots or equities In hou.sos
and lots. II. K. Cole , Continental block. ( l i
GlfOVEK STfiVKNB , real estate and loans ,
removed to rooms file nnd 517 Poxton blk.
Exchanging property a specialty. 013
IN trade for actibd South Omana lot I want to
get a horse , oiwarso nnd buggy. D. D. Smoa-
ton. 43 Darkerbffipc , Omaha. 6802(1 (
FOU E.VCirANOK-Clonu stock of drugs to
trade for"Tnr"Sitown property or cash. Ad
dress 1 , N UUckor , Grcoluy Center. Nob.
T10H SALEVotyjBxchango In
'i ' Estate..tV ,
Wn desire to cail.tho attention of parties in
tending 10 Invent In runt estate , to n few
"snaps" which wu have on our list.
Investlgatound "you will be convinced that
these are excelling properties , which are offered
at bottom pncejVVlz :
A very dejlraljle lot , 100x127 ft. , corner of
Poppleton nvWunfl 26th st. A great.uargaln 1
A very destrnble lot neat Military load in
Saunders It yinjejjaugh's ndd. We oiler this
verycneap. ' ;
Two lots ItylQJpeo place , high and sightly ,
within half n block nf Dodge st. A great snip )
Ono .half prien'qt lots In ndjciluln Aidditlon.
lAti.oIght-rooni house \m Orchard Hill , wltU
nil' modern improvomouts..Tor sala'on easy
Wo also have' farms to offer for good building
lotsvon which wo can'blTor some aooa trades.
Should parties Intending : to purchase neglect
to Investigate those jolfors before buying , they
will be sad fowver. Do not neglect this ; West
ern Land and Loan Exchange , ul ? S. Itith st.
TTiOH EXCHANGE Two seated earrings , ghod
JU as now , or good lot. for good family horse.
Call nt loom 3 , Uushman block. t)7T2 !
T/IOIl EXCHANGE 0x13 J in Isaacs & Selden's
-L ? addition and largo housa nnd bnru for a
8-room house on N. 17th st. for u farm.
8 acres In Drookllno for Inside property.
Clear lors In West Albright for other prop
erty , and will iissumo incumbrancp.
2 lots oai'numlers st. for a good residence.
Clear aero property near South Omaha for
residence property. .
A ulco cottage near -Cth and Grant for other
property * -
Large houses , 21st and Grant , for farm or
vacant lot.
Good Omaha property and some money for
business blocs. ,
Stocks of goods for Omaha property.
Farm lands for Omaha property.
Grover 8tnvens,61U and 017 Paxtou block.
JIOn JfiXCHANGK-For desirable residence
JJ properly in Omaha , any or all of following :
40 choice inside residence lots In Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
040 acres Hue farming land. Lancaster county.
Fine residence property. Lincoln.
Good rantul property. Lincoln.
Cbotcii family residence , corner , Los Angeles.
. A neat resldsnca property in llanscom Place.
Also , some good mortgage note * .
Address , giving location and prlco of prop
erty. J. K. D. . care Damn Iron Co , . 1217 Leaven-
worth. - * f--23
Tmm EXCIIANaE-DaKota. Ilnnd county.
JC What have you to offer for n good farm
hero , ullghtly encumbered'/ Dakota lands nro
rising In value , and Its deaticy cannot bo ( lib-
puted. Will taSo vacant tot or Improved prop
erty and at-aume some Incumbranco- . J.
Sterusdorff. rodma3l7nnd 31S First Mntlonal
bank building. C24
WANTED Jood Bpnn or horses in excr.ango
for clear lot. A. P. Tukeyl5thand Douglas
/"ILEAIlland. lots and stock for good house
v and lot , omuha ; must ba unexceptionable
neighborhood. Address S 21 , Bee. 7JO
TnOP. EXCHANGE Klghty acres of the finest
JJ timber land In Wisconsin , clear of Incum-
brnnce. What have you to ortarG. . J. Stems ,
dorlf. rooms 317 if 314. Vint Hatluaal bank
building. W4 !
FOR 8ALEffllScm.NgQUS. .
TTIOn BALE Horse. Imggy. carpenter wagon
JD and two set Blnglo harness. 1U12 S. 1 > th st.
U 5-27 {
plOK SALB-Poiiy and cart. 1621 N Sind.
TjlOU SALKr-Btrpug horse. l.iOO Ibs. wolght.
JD Bhutler wftgon.and Bet double harness , all
for 835. Apply robm 21i > , I'lrst Nat , bank.
'I7IOK 8ALK AlrJtevens cooler. Inquire at l-'WJ
JD park ave. ' To . 68l SI'
1567 N. IVst.
. KM8 *
t. r
HAD THIfl-W.3iW worth of nice rurnlturo.
ontlro outllt of the house , for * 3X ) ; must
sell on account ot plekne2s. Apply to .1. H.
Parrotte. lOJtfCnltngo. 214 all
Tmoil SALT } Al'flne combination Dllliard and
a. pool tablq for residence ; almobt new ; a bar
gain. Kooiiji 'U ' , 8. National bank building.
lU / wt
Foil SALE -Csr load of young BOUUI ) horses.
1610 California ft. E. l . Wood.BOUUI
1011 8AIFTtJ. < BO tons 14 to 13 inch ice on
1 truck. Couucil Dlulfs , ( flllert Dros , B15u |
ALAItQE. hea\-y government wagon , almost
new , can bo bought at your own prlno. G.
J. bterondorir. rooms 317 and 31B Fi t National
Honk. Telephone 4tf4. . ftg
MIDLAND Guarantee fc Trust Co. , 1505 Far-
nain. Complete ubutractd furnished & titles
to real estate exainlnedperf ectoa & guaranteed.
AllSTRACTS-LInahan & Mahoney. room MM ,
Paxton block. B'Jt
OMAHA Abstract company. 1510 Varnam at.
Moat complete and carefully prepared set
of abstract books and pUU of all rol property
la ( no city of oinahu und Douglas * County.ftOi
NOTICB is hereby given that the annual
meeting of tlio stockhulders of the Nebras
ka aile and pottery Co. will be held at Itoom
4i < J Paxton Dlock. Monday , April 1st , at 4
o'rlock p. in , , for the election of director * and
oncers , nna general buulnen , and payment of
nnseismeut on all 'M per ixmt uud W per cunt
btock. FII.VNK MuiiiNiv , President.
D , 3. CouiiMO , froo'y audTrcaa.
M ON BY to can on r l statei no. commis
I sion , w.A.8t > oncerHoom8Bimiraanblk.
JPKOIAbfund of 110,000 to loan at reduced
Orates on furniture , horses and wairons.
City Loan Co. , us S 18th at. 170
T , OAN8 rnafle on nmraprored city property.
JURlmball , Cnamp * llyan , room e , U. S. Nat ,
bank bl'c. 1305 Farnam at. 631 BJ
MONHY loaned on unimproved InMde OmAna
real estate. O. w. Peek , II , 4 , Freiwer blk.
imfiADBLPlIMrMonsago * Trust Co. fur
nish cheap eastern money to boi rowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
lit tholr western onice. Cloo. ) Y. Ooates , Itoom 7
lloard of Trade. oia
Q V , HARRISON loans money , lowest rates.
G W , PLCK loans inoney on U mnha real estate
Ualldlng loans n specialty. IK , Fronton blk
Cf > * * 11 To loan on farms and city property.
tpaeo.J. Paul. ICQ ? Farnatn at. UM
SEE Sholos. 210 first Nafl bauk b fore mak
ing your loang. 650
pll'i'V Financial agonoy will loan you money
Vjon horses , furniture , Jewelry or seourltlns or
any kind. 1WX ) Howard st. , corner 8 , l.tth st.
U3J n 12 ;
MONEY to loan. IlnrrN It. 15. &Loantt > . ,
room 411 , First National bank. _
WANTED First class Inside loans. Txjwest
rnto * . Call and BOO us , Mutunl Invent *
inont Co , It 1 Darker blk. 15th nutl Farnam. KM
MONEY to loan on Improved property nt first
Imuns. No application aont away for ap
proval. Security nud titles oxamtned free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , noa 8. inth t. _ 007
ODE 1,1 , DUOS. .v Co. , NO. ma PO. icth Bt ,
Chamber of Comniorco building , loan money
at tl , OH , 7 , 7 > 4 nnd H per cent , accordlbc to loca
tion of property , unsurpamod facilities for
placing largo loans on Inside business property.
A special fund of unvornl thousand dollars to
loan mi unimproved lota. _ _ f > ! )3 )
TTCAN mn'ke iffow loans on tlrst-clas * chattel
JLsecuritlos at reasonable rntos. W. It. Potter ,
room 10 Darker blk. Oil
I7UUST mortgage loans at low ratoa and ho
JL1 delay. I ) . Y. miolcs , 210 First National bank.
MONltV to lonn on approved real oatato by
Notthwcstcrn Mutual Llfo Insurniico Co.
Lowest rntca , no comiulsnlcm. Address Howard
Kennedy , special lonn agent , Otnaha , Neb. 590
a P. HAHIHSUN loans inoney , lowest 4DS rates ,
ID 10 i'OU want to borrow money ?
Head this :
It will save vou time.
It will save you money.
You can borrow from
D. V. Masters ,
successor to W. H.Crofc ,
Doom 4Wlthnell bld'g , 15th nnd Harnoy sts.
10. $ JO. $50. SlOe , $200 , SOO , UOOO. W.OOO. J10.000.
In fact , any sum you want on furniture ,
pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on oattor
teruif nnd at lower rates than any other ofllce
in the city , without publicity or removal of
property from your possession.
It jin Instalment is duo on your property
and yon cnnnot meet it , call andsea mo. 1 will
pay ft for you. If you have a loan in any other
oil ice call nnd get my rates. I will take It up and
carry it for you.
I make loans for one to six months , and you
can nay a part at any time , reducing both prin
cipal nud interest.
All loans renewed at original rntes , and no
charge for papers.
All business strictly cnuddontlal. Call and
BOO mo.
Don't forgot the number ,
Itoom 4. Wlthnell block. C03
N'EIIItASICA Mortg. Lonn Co. will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
Innd contracts.
flno jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , nt reasonable rates.
Itoom 7 , Ho-.vley block. South Omaha.
Itooms 618-519 Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
MONEY Loans negotiated nt low rates with
out delay , und purchase good commercial
inner nud mortgage notes. 8. A , glonian , cor.
.Jth and Faninm. MO
M IUNEY ( to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan ngents , 1505 Farnam st. COB
made on real estate and mortgages
LOANS . Lewis S. lloed & Co.,15'Jl , Farnam.
IUILD1NG onus. Liuahau Hi Mnhonoy.
> 619
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
quietest nnd most liberal money exchange
in the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity.Jn any amount largo or small , at the
lowest rated of interest , ou any available se
curity ; loans m'ny be paid at any time or renew
ed at original ratce. O. Dotunaron. mgr. room
60H Darker Dlock. 15th nnd Farnnni. _ OC
MONB1' to Loan Wo are ready for applica
tions for loans In amounts from 1100 to (10-
000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate Full Information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes wllllo purchased
by us.Call upon us. or write. The McCague
Investment Co. _ 610
" " " "
"UILDING" "loans. D. V. Bholos , K10 First
Nnt'1. Dank. _ . _ 697 '
"IT K. COLE , loan agent.
JuL. * C14
_ _
" "
Financial "Exchange Large nnd
JL HintUl loans for loaj nud short time , at low
est rates of Interest , ou real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , watches
nnd Jowelry. Don't fall to call if you wan't fair
nud cheap accommodations. 0. Doiucareu ,
Mgr. , room uflK , Darker blk , , 15th nnd Farnttra.
CUNT money to IOHU Cash on hand.
GPEIl . . Harris , it. 2J , Fronzer block , opp. P. 0.
EL E. CO LET loan agentl' C3J
fONEYtoloan In large sums at the lowest
I rules ; no delay. R. C. Patterson , 318 S 15th ,
TITONKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
IfJLw. Squire. 1210 Farnam St. , First National
bank building. 015
MONEY loaned for 30. CO or 00 dnys. on nny
kind of. chattel Boctirlty ; reasonable Inter
est ; business conQdontial. J. J. Wilkinson. 1417
Karnamst. ' 017
to loan Lowest rates. Loans closd
proraptly. II. E. G.Contluental bloclr.
d > COJOlX > toloan at 0 per cent. Ltnanan & Ma-
Phoney , Itoom DUd , Paxton blook. 61U
MONEY to Loan on chattel security ; fair
rate.lnterest. J. II. Parrotto. 2GOJ Chicago.
214 all
c HOICK inarm > vante < i on improved city prop
erty. IClmball , Chump & Hyan room 0 U. S
' ' ' '
Nat bk'bldg' . I'M' Faniam'st ; _ M7 luT
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W
Hobblns , U.200. Sheely blr. , 15th and Howard'
TV/TONEY / to loan at lowest rntos of Intorect on
IV L real estate in Omaha and South Omaha.
Tltlos nna property , examined by us and loans
made nt once. Cash on hand. Dates , Smith &
Co , room 2 1 Hamge bldng. IH4
UILDINC1 loans a specialty. W. M.
room 20 , Prrnzer block , opposite P. O.
borrow money on furniture , horses.
JLwngons , etc. , or collnternls until you aeo
C. lUacobs , 410 First National bank building.
< J > 1.COO to KO.OOO at e. o and 7 per cent , no Mid-
ndlomen ; money direct from the Kostorn In
vestor , W. 0. Jlelkle , First Nat'i Dank building.
* T OANhon business property , 5OOU to J50.WW
JLJwnutea. Provident Trust Company , room ,
80S , Flint National Uank bulldlnt , ' . 103
BXTHA Dnrgaln S-story n-rooin house , 4
closets , cellar , city vvator and gas , conven
ient to cable nnd horse earn , one of the finest
resident locations In Omuhn , . ' .3W. actually
worth $3,4UU. H. E. Cole , Continental block.
6 i 27
TfpOK HENTi ; or nule-80 ncro farm near
X Omaha , Plenty of fruit and good Improve
ments. Apply nt Times onico South Omaha.
T7KH SALE Some of thu choicest residence
X ? lots In Hunscom I'lace. ileus Pluco. Drlgga
Place. Oichard Hill and other tine additions , at
low figures und easy terms , Dirkhuusor * Illu
mer , room 1 , Ware bldg. 007 BQ
TALK of bargains ! Gazoon this ; 120xU7n.w.
corner 35th nnd Haii'lltou , fronts 3streotu ,
at grade , for ? l-iO. Tills Is bed-rock ; not H
n ickel less will uver buy it , and it must be
grabbed soon at that price. M , A. Upton Com
pany , Idtli and Farcnm. r > UU
NOTIOEto building contractors. For sale
A block of twelve line lota , on * block from
pnved street and street car line at extremely
low figures. Investigate this , Ulrkhauser if
Dlumer , room 18 , Ware bldu. UU7 20
ROiVKit BTEVKNH. real estate and loans ,
removed to rooms MO and SUPuxUm blk.
Rxchunging property upeclnlty. fil'l
BA HO Al N8-a > ) feet on Poppleton avenue.
Hnnscom Place , suitable for tine block , at
a bargain.
Corner near Park avenue ami Lanvenworth ,
full lot and elegant house , only J5.7U I.
Bouth front lot , name locality , tJOl , below
Several bargains in Hanscom Place ana West
U. P. trackage , two full lota , only M.OOO.
Nice house on motor und car line , easy terms ,
Dur'tjalns in nil parts of the city.
List your property with roe.
tirover Btuv utroonia&18 nud 517 Paxtou blk.
SlXTHENTn7tr Mt ir Oomlngi t l75 peV
front foot.
OroVcr Btevens , 818 and BIT 1'nxton Wock.
CUKAI'KStlonn Omshn. Ml
Richards .V Tliden's nddltlotl
Grover SUTcni , rooms oio aid OUraxton
an push thl9 | locTUed lustotitslde the
s of Council DlulW. Inquire Oeo.J
rtr , rooms 1)17 ) and 818 , First Nationa
TilOR HAUJ-On mdnthly or quarterly pay-
JL1 montsaome newO-room houses In Mlllard St
nldweU's add' , just 1 > 4 miles from nostoillco.
f you want n homo of your own como and see
me. O. C. Bpotswood , fifoa 8. . 10th st. to4
" " "
7(0"ir8"A"ElS ( 31 acres , corner Thirteenth and
North streets. Desirable for platting , O.
Goodj Oood block , Dos Molnos , la. Oia-miiT *
O CIjitAR lots In HctermaU Place and n clear
j house and lot in York , Neb. , will trade for
lomo in Omaha t prefer plnoo near Long
school , will pay some casn dinerctico for snHn-
jlo property. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants Nntl
bnnkbld. 4W3
T71OR SAMI Chenp Not for trndo ; r > 4i.7 ; ncres
JJ Hnd ( sec. fi-U'-O ) two miles from Mnrauotte ,
! I nmllton county , Nebraska. Frame house , sta *
jle. liOO artfs under good barb-wlro twice ,
round cedar posts , two Btnys. living water. .TO-
foot clinnuel , S wells , 0 * > barrel tank , corral ,
Bolf-feodor , a natural stock ranch , lu a line corn
> elt ,
Price. . , . , . , . . . tR.OOO
Mshln hnnd . -,750
2 years' time 0 per cent . . . . . IIi"iO ,
do and look over land. Address owner , K. K.
Atkins. 1603 Larimer at , Denver , Col. U37
"S" "C VN "offer for sale for a short tlmo tlmo
JL wont I.nwn Park , conslstlnc of
The Deautlful Grove nnd Ground * ) ,
ou Park Street ,
Just Outside the city Limits ,
And nearly opposite Kussor's hotel and .sum-
mcrcarden in West Omahn.
Tnlsiproporty has lonp been considered
'Iho flucst place
In the west ,
For summer garden and plcnlo grounds , and
Is now oirerod for sale for the llrst tlmo.
Tliero U no place around the city that can
compare with this property for. a summer gar
den , nnd if properly handled It can bo mndo the
great resort of Omaha , nnd n live , enterprising
nun can innke n bushel of money out of It.
Can offer this property at figures that will
mnko it n splendid bargain If sold soon. For
trices nnd terms cnll nud sao ( leorito N. I licks ,
llnrkor block , southwest corner 16th nud Fnr-
nam sts , 703 5
WORTHY of your attention. Now being
completed ouJth st , north of Leaven-
worth st , two houses convenient to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas , bath ,
: ollot , - water closets , stationary wash tirbj ,
lot and cold water , nvo bedrooms. 1U closets ;
only 85kRO , ou tnrnis to suit. Telephone 227 or
W. T. Seaman , Onmlifi'H largest variety of wag
ons , carriages , etc. , cast side Itith st , north of
Nicholas sit , 433
:4,000 : buys3 house * and lot , O'xSJ S. K.cor
llth and Vlnton. 03J-nil : )
JHAVi : 10 fine lots in DrlggV Place add. ,
Omaha , for cash , ou good terms. For further
Information Inquire or E. Jolfroy , Qalonu , 111.
HOMES , HOMES Do you want a homo on
easy terms in the best residence suburb of
Omaha ? If so call ou us and wo will drive you
out to Carthage , that high and sightly piece of
ground which Joins Walnut Hill on the west
and Dundee Place on the north. liore we will
sell you n full lot at from 8700 nnd wo will ad
vance you as much money nswlllbulldnhouse ;
principal payable in live years t interest semi-
mnually. Or if you will build the house wo will
sell you the lot for 1-10 cash , balance in 7 or 10
years. Just think of these terms nnd then come
see the lots. Brennuu & Co. , Chamber of Com
merce. 1)13 87
T OT TOxluC east and south corner west Far-
JLJ nam st. near Milton ttogors property , $7.-
OtK ) . Uasy terms will shade this for all cash.
C. F. Harrison. Merchants Nail bank bldg. 408
FOR SALE East front lot , COxlGO. on South
10th st. near Drownell hall , with houses
renting for $00 per month , for a few days at
$1.250. Ames , 1507 Farnam st. 7U1 27B
"I71OR SALE or Exchange 1 mproved stock
JL1 farm of 800 acres in eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also now l.-room house with all con
veniences. In desirable residence potlon ; of
Omnhn. Andrew Devlns. attorney , 42 ! and 423
Paxtou block Omnhn , Nob. G2d
"DIOR BALK Two very choice lots in black 5 ,
JJ Hnnscom place ; the ground is high and
sightly and surrounded by flno dwelling ; prlco
$2,750 each ; one-third cash ; 'balance 3,2 and3
years , Ames , 1&07 Vnrnnm t. 7317
HASTINGS , Nebraska 100 acres land adjoin
ing the cltyfor sale by A. Velth , Hastings ,
Neb. - '
AT A sncrlflcn ISOxlSO ft. east ana north
trout , corner Slith nnd Howard sts. , one
block west of Coo's and KlrKendall's flno resi
dences , two blocks from paved street , two
blocks Aouth of Farnam st. : just think of it ,
11'UxlMJ ft. and a corner at that , and only ll.MO.
C. E. Iteltor , room 0 , s. w. cor. 15th and uouzlas
TIIOU SATVK f.ot 40x100 , south of fair grounds
JO in Klrkwood , Price. JI.BOO , one-fourth cash.
J. II. Loomls , 1KMVIrt stroat. 401-30t
FOR ALK WithoutV cash payment to those
who will build , choice lots in Plalnvlow. In
Rustlns , in La Veta , West Cumlng , Windsor
Place extensions. Park Place , Hnnscom Place
and other addition. J. D. Kvuns , Darker block.
For Sale 3 0 acre-i. Douglas county , suitable
for dairy form. J , D. Evans , Darker block.
READ Tills I have n customer for some
good residence lots. He will pay some cash ,
Imlld a good house , make a bunding loan and
give u second mortgage for balancn of purchase
money. If you have a good lot I can sell It for
you on these terms.
Grovcr Stevens , roe ns 510 and017 Paxton blk.
DD. 8MUATON has throe extra good bar-
galn to offer in the place to make money
In real ottate. South Omaha. A lot tV25 , only
975 cash , bal. 1 , 'i and U years ; house and lot
! HW. about J123 cash , balance to suit ; business
lot 41,800 , JIOJ cast ) , b.-il. 2 yonrs straight. 43
Darker block. Omaha. bSb 26
cash will buy a contract on house nnd
$ lot on Jones at. , two paid. Address U 8 , Hoe.
7-1) .
DHOLES' Special Dargnlns .60xli . east front ,
-5 i\1thB-room'honao , on Ulst Ht , , Hlmobuugh
place , ( d.S'JO ' , tltw ciiili , balance a per cont.
'ililD is 81,000 less than market value.
10x1.0 , good B-room house , fnrnnco and all
conveniences. No. ftj ) | : Poppleton nvo. Investi
gate this and make an olfcr. Party going to
leave the city.
y , ft. on Dodge st , cable , and 33 ft , with house ,
on "Oth st. cubltt. clear of Incumbranoes , to
tfnde for tlrst clusrf inside property , improved
or unimproved. Submit olror.
Fine two-story brick block , renting for $2,400
per year , price IJJ.OOO ; $11.000 at 0 ; ' , per cent ,
47,0 * cash , 15.000 in good inside property , This
is a rare bargain.
80x151 ft. on aoth and California streets ; In
cumbrance J2.603 , equity in clear land or city
IO.MU buys n good new B-room house , with fur-
nance , bath and all conveniences , in Hunscom
SI.OcO in barb wlro stock , paying a good divi
dend , to exchange for a good lot , or house und
lot. This is as good as cash.
1 have lots and housm and lots for sale or
trade in all pints of the city. If you wish to
purchase , exchange , or have anything for Halo ,
please call nnd list It witn me. Indications
nro'favornble for nn active real estate markut ,
nnd I desire a list of ull good Insldo property
for sale or tr.ulo.
1) . V.'Sholes. Room 210 FlNt National Dank
Dulldlng. 149
CJOUTII OMAHA 1 have a number of good
Olota in various addltloni that must ba sold
ntouconndcun ba bouzut at prlcostliat will
unit you. (1 , J , StornsdorlT , rooms 1)17 ) and 314
First National Dank tmlldlns. rat
1710R BALE On terms to suit , the neat cottage ,
J ? ' & Charles st. Telephone i7 , or W. T. 8 a-
man , Omaha's largest vnrloty bungles , waeonH , ,
&cn cast side 18th st. north of Nicholas st , 4VJ
BALK Nlno-room house , barn ami lot
In Hnnscom Place : also 2 lionsen nnd lots in
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank.
T71OU SAMor ! Lease FrnniojMilldlnK about
JL1 40x5U wltli thrcn years' lease of lotUJl D
lus nt , Ulo
THOR HALK-OnSOth near Clark , good cottage
X' and ( table ) small cash payment jjjalanco
monthly , lleiols a chance to get a homo ou
oa yt rni3. Prlco tt.OM. A. P.Tukoy , IBth
Uojiglni. 803and
FOR HAMI The finest residence site in west
Omalm ; just south of Farnam on il'th
strnet ! ncornor IC-'ixIKT with IU7 foot froiitnco
on paved ntieot nnd joining the lundsomo re l
rtonceot K'lrkonduli on tlio enstnnd II r arty , IAH- :
bon und .Martinou the soutli ; a perfect gum
und farduii vnut for un ele-'mit homo.
llurndy und " 1st streuU , IUxlU7 , on pavement
\Uthluil blocks of tiw court house ; loom for
scvon line hoiuea tlut would ivnt us rapidly
as completed. A splendid permanent Invest
Faninm and ! d streets , MX IT.1 , with now 3
story brlcx0toro building , rented t" good por-
manrnt touantsUental icceipta ft , )0 ) pur
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontauu ( I
feettonlley. Oood liintluessprniunty.
Fnrnam street between JUth nnd 31th , froilt-
OK < ) . 4 or Wxl K to uliey , uotith frpnt , 1 block
from pavement and Htreet cnr.-f.
Part avpuuo opposite llanscoine park , MxlSU.
price irs.0X ) . eu y tenni < .
Paddock plauo trackage. 63x11. . il,0) ; , easy
IGth street doiith of Vlnton st , , lot forsulo or
trada fur indse or good furm laud ,
0 , A. Slouan , IM , turtiuin t , VA
jy In thriving low ] * clt } : niso In Omaha. Ken
tucky bred naddle hone , all the teftlt Srlen-
did fVunlty mare , oarrlsiro , to. What hare Jrou
to Offer ? Address 8 M. Ueo omco. TO *
UAl < Estate DurgnlM -
Corner coinnnd Vlnton . . .I 0.000
Itenutlful residence lof , Hamilton place. , KfiOfl
Choice ten-Aero tract. West Omaha , . , . n.WO
Elegant east front lot , llansoom placo. < < x > tU.MO
Finest west front lot , llan com place. , * 2.400
llvo acreiclose to lljltl.lno , M. . , . ) 2,700
rhrce houses corner iJodrfo and S8th . . . . . .
68 feet on 10th near nounlnh. , 4R.OOO
Corner , UOxIKi 7 blocks from court house 7.MH
Trackage. sroxOOO , on Holt l.ln Hy 6.700
Thirty ncrcs just outside city limits , . . . . , 4.t > 00
Ntco residence lot. South Omnnn , f03
Residence lot niariinh and llnrnor..i O.POO
Coal and lumber yard location ou Uolt Uv AOOO
Elegant residence. Hanscom placo. , , , . . , . 14.000
(140 ( acres choice land , . . . , , . . . , , . . , . 0,000
Elegant live-acre tract , , . , . . . . . V'.COO
Splendid location for hotncAnoultry yard iNW
Duslncss lot near dt-pot , South Ofniuia. , . . " , f x )
Lot n , block ft. South Om hn . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . ,2W )
Corner , POxlM ) . 21th and Hits. 8 Omnhn . 1,000
CornerBd ! nnd 1'opploton.Hnnncoiu Claw ,500
Residence lot near vuth and Vlnton.n 0'.0
Corner , south front on llnn < rompnrki > t T.OOO
Corner. 100 foct.aiBt and Poppleton ave „ , Tree
Ten acres wlthhouso and bnrn , bargain. , . . . i'W '
Rcsldonco block , pays 8 per cent on tSOOQ'JM > 00
Corner , 100 feet , Virginia nnd Popploton. W < X )
Call nnrt SOB the bargains wo otTer. Houses ,
ccttngos and stores for rent , Cloo. N. I licks ,
room in . Darker hlnrk. BlW 2S
TTIOH SALE-Lots li , f > and ID. bloclcll , West
JL' Side addition. Those- lots uro 6Ulit each ,
lay very pretty , and the three can bo bought
for 11,000. They are actually worth twice that
amount. G. J. Stcrnsdorir , Rooms 917 and 01H ,
First National bnnk building. a a
/ lAl.Iion II. E. Cole , northeast corner ojLlSth
VJnnd Douglas sti. , Omaha , for Kdwlp K. Al-
sip & Co.'s cutnloguos of lauds of California.
( C750 , ts.850 cnsh , 51,060 ft years 0 per cant , buys
2-story 8-room house , furnace , bath , bto. , lot
MxlOU feet. No. 231.1 1'opploton ave , , Hansooia
Place : must go by March 1st , party going nwny.
I ) . V. Bholes. 10 1st Nnt'l bank. 0 (
WANTED To buy an abstract business ( a
southern or southenstera Nobrnsktl in
county seat. Give full particulars , pop , ' of
town , amount of business iti 1888 , nnd lowest
price. Address N , box 2M , Jefferson , ureono
county * In. 708-g5t
ANTED Furniture , cnrpots. stores and
hoiiKohola goods of all khldd. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 Varnam. RH }
WANTED To miy , nhomp , cost not to ex
ceed (1.500. House to cost & 2.000 by my
plnns. Slglitlv cast front lot near street cars ,
Jl.OOO cash. Address. P. o. Dox ( KOmaha. .
WANTHD To buy peed commercial paper.
11. C. I'ntteraon. afi ) 8 15th st. m
"OHOPOSAf.S wanted A steve foundry , deL -
-L siring to remove west Invites correspond
ence from cities lying west of the Mississippi
rlvor willing to encourage manufacturing In
terests In tholr midst. I'ltxnt wllr employ lee
men. Address box 370. Cincinnati , O. oof 25
WANTED To adopt a blondolbaby-glrl by a
well-to-do childless couple. The younger
the better. Mra. Urega. itUij B. 15. U35-zf *
/ 1AltPENTBU or bulVer wanted to build'
liouso and take as part pay ilnoly improved
farm In Nebraska. .Address , T 05 , Dee ODlco.
&M 87
_ _ _
T\TANTKD-IO.OOJ : wonten to use " \viio6xp
Y > I'anoy Compound Pills.1 Perfectly Baf
and always effectual. Bond for 4o "Woman's
Bate Qunrd. " Wllcox Blodlcal Co. , FMIadoU
phla. 114 A10 ' 8
PEHSONAL Ladles or gents dailrluff bright
coiTosiioudouts of the opposite BOX' address
with stamp , the Uulon Corrospondenca Clnb ,
box 1200 , Pullman , 111. 707-354.
( KU8ONAL II. A. B. In town Tuesday ,
Wednesday. Thursday. Please write mo at
[ lostonico . Letter there for you. It. 700 S7t
PKUSONAL-WllUam JlcCuno'a address' ' 1
210 South Uth st. 723 Sfl
PBK60NAL Wanted Some good family to
adopt an orphan girl 7 years old. 1107 N , < 17th
cca-sa *
ylady of coo d nppoarnuca
nnd address deslrlnc out-door employment
can obtain same by calling at room 611 , first
National bank. ' ' 635
) UIVATK course In fencing , boxing or fancy
club swlngluc , 110. Address T14. Bee tffflo .
829-ftU *
ATRANCK MKDIDM-Mnic. Bandal ) ; the
young Swede , tolls full names of callers and
the full name of your future husband or wife ,
with date of marriage , uud tells whether the
ono , you lova U trua or false. Not a fortune
teller , but n young spirit medium. Madame
goes Into a perfectly dead trance. Will bring
back the parted husband.or lever , no matter If
they bo 10.03) miles awaj * . Will guarantee : to r
settle family quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 403
N. 10th St. . third Moor. . 243 a IB
INSTRUMENTS placed on record durluer' ' yes
tordav. -
City of Omaha to l.ouls Schroeder ,
liUx23 ) ft no cor lot , blk 7 , Kountzo & '
Kutli'H add , qc d ( . .i 2J
G M Dlgelowto KMcNabb , lot it , bile U , .
Patterson Park , w d , 2,0
B U Walker nnd wife to .1 O IJrunlngton ,
n 20 ft e ! $ lot 13. blk 15. Improvement
asVnndd.wd - . . , , 0,000
O II Pltchett and wife to V II Collman , >
lot 1H , blkO , Hanscom Place , w d 3,200'
IIO Dovrles andwifo to 8 U Williams ,
lot 21 , blk il , M ayno's add , w d , . . . . C50
0 A Starr and wife to D U Lyons , lot JO , , ,
blk B , Orammercy Park. wd. . u WO
Annie Downs to J Oregory , part lot 2 ,
Dartletfsndd.wd 2.600
M ! < Iloys and wlfo toVm Gibson , lot' 6 { 'is
blk 7. Central Pane , w d 2,000
K M Keening to K Khali , lot 7 , blK 2S8 , , , , ,
Omaha , q cd. . . , , , , „ . - . , 1
D W I'otuon and wlfo to M Hamaun , n ft , , A , wd S.820
Lloyd et al to It J Lloyd , 49xU7U In tiw JX
so 10 , in. 13. n o d * " 1
J Mitchell and wife to Win Mitchell , fi Vt
Bo2l. Id , 0 , wd , . , . . l
Mutual Trust Co to III IVambaugh , lot 6 , .
bic 1. Northllold. w d „ 'w'225
Second Cong church to John Dairy , lot 2.
.Incobs'add , w d ,
8 W Chafto and wife to N Hulak , lot 2 , bile
PShlnn's2ndudd.wd , j
G Stevens to KG Merrill , lot IB , blk A ;
Snundcra & Hlraolmuph's add , a c d. . . .
J M Itlchardson to K O Miller , lot 0 , blk
A. Saundcrs Ac Hlmebaugh's add. w d. . 750
Louts Scliroeder , trustoi' , to 8 11
vosky , lota 11 and 12 , blk B , Drown
Park , wd ' 475 .
D It KdwardH and husband to II Lovcty , , .s
lots ( and 03. North Bide , wd 1,500" 1 *
GKUoh&toODHowe. lot 6 , blk 21. So
Omaha.wd ? . . . , 1,009
0 A Howe and wlfo to 0 M Mount , trim-
too , n 4 lot r , blk 01. SoOnriha , w d. . . . va
ODSoldcnto S Semen. Mill , nil prop
erty ,
22 transfers.
Thu following building pornilts wera
granted yesterday :
P. O'Connor , dwelling. Darknlow placo. . . ( 1,600
O. Clark , dwelling , corner of Twentieth
street nnil Capitol nvemut 1009
L. C. Bin I tli , dwelling , Savage and Hard
streets , , . . , . . . . 1S09
Dr. C. L. Hart , brick store and Hats , 2 a
Farnam Htreeti ) , 10,000
John A. McShauo , repairs to-the Herald
building , , , . , . . WO
E. F. ItliiKOr , d elliug , Diomian place , , . . 000
Minor penults. . . , . . . , , . . " . , , , J.WJO .
Total , .118.200
A I3ail Coiidillofi of AfTnlrs ana Mttle
PANAMA , March 25 , The condition of nf-
fairs on the Isthmus of Panutim lias bcea
crltlcnl for some weeks post , 'j'uousnnda of
mon Imvo been throv/n out of worlc. For-
Innately cinlpratlon ou an extonslvo sealo Ima
sot In and It Is expected that 15,000 mon will
leave before tlio month luw passed , Com-
morolol matters rill ovur tlio isthmus aru in
Dad condition , and. there la llttlo Imsl-
ness doing. Colon utorokocpors und
duulors Imvo united In petitioning
for a reduction of all kinds of taxes cnvluc to
the complete utoppago of trade In the city.
In tlio cllv of Pauututi thlngn nro In much tha
HBIIIB cxxulitloti , A mooting luid boou held
and the decision was reached that the BU
promo government | JO petitioned .to reduce
thn romniorcial uontrlbuUouwliluli lapnortn-
oualy hlnh us coinpareil with the amount , of
businoM wlilcli la b ini { done , Jn cojiso-
rjuunco of tha nollapsu of local frolht | [ nndf
pusscngcr trafllo on tha Pauumu raiJrpUjtLUio
number of amployps has boon voni'loruuly (
rcAucoil and only two frolt'lit und two pas-
BBII OItnilua cross vhn linn dally from o
-il ,
It l.coUn Iiiko C'liolera. . y > r
Lnut ; > 5J , March 31.--Tlie Ctiromcli
that there hat Istoly hccu ulxty
deaths In tha hospital nt Florence , * ull'
ceded by Intestinal dUturbauouft , fwitv
papers attribute the dcuil.s . to bud'fdc 1 ,
others to cholera.
n ,