Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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iTho Management of the Poor Farm
to Bo Fully Exposed.
[ Things Obinrvett nt tlio Mnhonoy
Kslnbllnlinicnt Women Over
worked Wlion. Xltey Ncctl
Ilcst liaii Pood.
Tlio Invcntlgntlnn.
The Investigation of Jolin J. Mnlioncy and
Jilswlfo , charged with Incompetence nml uti-
fUncst for the positions of superintendent
and matron of the county hospital and ] > oor
farm respectively , began before the honor-
nblo board of county commissioners yesterday
morning. All the members of the county
board wore present. Mr. O'Koeffo ' presided.
Tr.E BEE , as complalnaat , was represented
by Its attorneys nnd the reporter who Interviewed -
viewed the persons whose testimony has
been printed In Tun Bii : ; . Mahonuy nuil his
wlfo were present , alsowith their attorneys.
There wns n , small attendance of spectators.
The defendants filed their answer , nnd In
doing sn , the attorney for the defense com
plained that the complaint was too Rouoi'al '
in character , but that no would walvo this
if the attorney for the complainant would
consent to the Introduction of additional witnesses -
nesses In case points wcro touched upon by
the complainant not specified In the com
This was ngrcod to , and the examination of
Witnesses began.
No Nut-HO Provided.
Mrs. Knto Mtkon , the first witness , being
duly sworn , testified as follows : My uamo
isICato Mlkon ; tmvo oeon acquainted with
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnhoney for a short period ; I
became acquainted with them In Juno , 1SSS ,
out at the poor farm ; I was an Inmate nt
that time for about nix weeks ; I was In the
nursery w'nrd.
Q , Were you sick while you were thcro !
A. Yes , sir.
Q. What was the matter was It confine
ment ?
A. Yes , sir ; I hod my child thero.
Q. Who was It nursed you during that
tlmol '
A. Wo had to toke care of one another ;
wo had no nuree plrl to see after us , and
wash , dross and bathe us.
At iho time of the birth of my phtlu Mrs.
Mahoney was there in attendance stopped
in several times ut the time. Tlio doctor
was also thcro. There was no nurse there
nt the time. There was n nurse girl thero.
but she wns not qualified for thu place at
Jhnt time , The first nntno of the nurse Rirl
was Tmfo ; I do not know nor second name.
She seemed to bo working for Mrs. Mahonoy.
1 never saw her attending to the sick ladles ,
except to bring their meals three times a
( lay during the ween and twlco on Sunday.
The nurse girl never oamo near mo during
tlio day , all Uaj. I was conilnod to my bed
twelve days , and during that tlino the nurse
did not come in the room ntall. ' A girl that
was waiting there to bo slslc attended to my
child. The child was attended to all right
by one of the inmates. I had clothing for it
myself , so I qldn't need any cloth
ing for it I was at tlio poorhouse -
house a month before I was confined.
During that time I was washing In the
wash house most of the time washing and
Ironing clothes. Mrs. Mahouoy sot mo. to
tvork there. Slio told mo to go down and
> vash with the rest , and on ono occasion she
pot so cross she told mo if I didn't work I
couldn't stay there , and I went to work.
This"was before my confinement , I worked
up to the tlmo I took sick , before I was con
ilnod. I was in the sowing room at the tlmo
I ook sick , soxyiqg for the inmates , I sup *
IIDSO ; ami on that day there was no one-or
no ono did scrub the back room , and Mr.
Mahanpy asked me if I 'would do it , and I
Enid yes. That was In the forenoon , and in
the afternoon I went to the kitchen , Thcro
were two or thrco otnor women in pregnancy
there , but I nm Just answering for myseii.
There was several times our meals were not
brought on tlmo. Sometimes it was 0 o'clock
when the girls came up , and sometimes 8
o'clock in the afternoon , and sometimes it
was 8 o'clock before supper. Of course ,
it was not always so. On ono occasion she
brought up some cold milk , a piece of dry
bread and some cold rlco. I says : "Plcnso
may I have a piece of broad ! " and she says ,
"Of course , I guess so , " and J got U. I do
not know whoso fault it was , ; that is hot for
mo to. nnswar. When I was In the laundry the
Kirl left and \vahad to carry water I had to
take that'part. Wlfcn T'loft tfib hospital I
wns In a very weak condition. Dr. Neville
brought mo out In a buggy , and the lady said
X lopked si ) fcall. I om'supportlnR my
' ' '
" . .v.uoimng. Jsho scolded mo once or
iwlco when I was thoro. My room the nur
sery room was clean. I do not know any
thing nbout'tho ether rooms.
Q. What kind of food was furnished to
the inmates )
A. The food was very poor. Very often
the meat was sour. I do not 1mow whoso
fault It was. I cnnnot say how many times
U happened sometimes very often. At sup
per tboro was nothing but dry broad , mo
lasses , sour upples or prunes , or according to
ivlmt wus fn season , or something of that
description. I did not ( rot sufficient food. I
did not complain about It , but I sent down
some of tlio inmates sometimes to got mo
bomothtng to oat , and I always got it.
Cross-examination by Mr. OlTutt :
Q. Whenever you asked for anything it
was always given to you }
A. Yes , sir.
Q. The last twelve days you were there
was during your confinement und Illness ?
A. Yes , sir.
Q. You went from there to take a post-
tlon as wet , nurse !
A. Yes , sir.
Q. Mrs. Mnhonoy had gotten that position
/or you !
A. No , sir. The lady was In a weak con
dition and could not nurse her own baby and
BUO telephoned for some ono and I got answer
to it.
( it.j. You got answer through the parties at ,
the hospital !
A. Through Dr. Neville.
Q. Yqur baby is still living !
A. Yea , sir.
Q. What did you have for breakfast !
A. The first few mornings I had a little
toast and tea ; I preferred tea. I did not
nsk for anything moro.
Q. Did any one order your meals while
you wore sick tell you whai you should eat
the doctor didn't Indicate what you should
cat !
A. Ho told Mrs. Mahoney I should have
something different to .what I had before.
( } , You do not known whether you got
the diet the doctor said for you to have or
not !
A. No , sir ; I waa satisfied with what I
got for breakfast. For dinner I would get
ether things some potatoes , perhaps , and
ether things. The meat was beef and hash.
For supper I had tea and broad , Some
time * they brought some prunes , and some
times Bomo apple snuco , and sometimes nho
brought It with no butter on the broad. I
got butter whenever I asked for It. Every
tlmo ho was lata with the meals the girl
said Mrs. Mahoney kept her and she could
not bring them any earlier.
Q. where are you employed now !
A. At Hellman's. I have been there
eoven months. Mrs. Mahoney got me a place
to work down on Chicago street ut ono tlmo
before I Was taken sick ,
Q. You ara a strong woman , are you !
A. Yes , sir.
Q. Have been , all .your life physically
strong and healthy !
A. Yes , sir.
* Q. And this was Just the Illness you had
incident to pregnancy and mothortiOO'.U
A. Yes , sir.
Ilottnn Night SlilrtH.
Mrs. Mary Mohr testified as follows :
My name Is Mrs. Mary Mohr. I am ac
quainted with Mr , nnd Mr * . Mnhonojr. I
waa laundress at'the poor farm. I was there
between five and six months. I wont there
in October , I think , and remained until
about March , 1SS7. I think they ( Mr. and
bin , Mnhoney ] had been there a couple of
months when I went there. They were lu
charge when I was there.
Q. Stuto the condition of the rooms'
A. They were passably clean sometimes ,
* nd ioinelimea they wore dirty.
Q. Whose duty was it to look after tbo
rooicit s *
r A. It was supposed to bo the nurso's place
in the women's ward. I was not tip In the
women' * ward. I was In iho crazy men's
Q.How was thatt
A.It was tuvful. It was dirty nnd filthy ,
nnd smollcd so tynt I could not stand the
smell of It when 1 wns thoro.
Q. How about the vermin , was thcro
A. Yes , sir ; thcro WAS plenty of It In the
O. In what ward 1
A. I could not loll you ; It was In the
clothcii I saw , with the execution of ono wo-
mini I.saw it on. She was crazy. She wus
so old she was foolish. Her hcaa was cov
ered with vermin. The other women that
wcro sent there to bo confined worked too.
Q. At whoso request did thc o women
work !
A. Mrs. Malionoy's. '
Q. How much of the tlmo !
A. I euess pretty near all the time.
Q. Up to within what tlmo of their con
finement !
A. There was ono woman there , and as
near as I can remember , she wns just about
to bo confined. Her nntno was Martha , nnd
she was nwfnl sick.
Q. What kind of work did they do !
A. Some worked in the laundry , someone
ono place and souio another.
Q. Who was nurse up there !
A. JoMo Peterson. Her duties were to
nurso. She did Mrs. Mahoncy's work m her
room , In the children's room , in the sitting-
room , In the hall nnd other places. She did
nursing when she had tlmo. The Inmates ,
when shn was not thcro , had to take care of
each other.
Q. With regard to clothing , do you know
whether the women inmates hod night
gowns !
A. That was Mrs. Muhonoy's complaint ,
there was no night gowns , after I wont
thord ; nnd I told her there were plenty In
the cupboard , because I Know that Mrs.
Pierce had made plenty In the spring when
1 was there before , for I had worked for
her , and they were lying In the cupboard
rotten rotten from the steam from the
laundry. They were all moulded , nnd Mrs.
Mahoney asked mo to wash them. I washed
thorn nnd gave some of thorn back , and some
of them I loft In the trunk In the old Indies'
clothing room.
Q.T-What kind of clothing was It that was
moulded !
A , Night-gowns , drawers , chemises and
baby clothes.
Q. Did the Inmates have night gowns !
A. Some didn't.
Q. State the condition of the crazy ward.
A. The stove wus nil tobacco spit and
ashes , aud the slop bucket was all spit over ,
und the lloor was fearfully dirty. The in
mates attended to that ward. I was in there
every Monday , and I never saw it any differ
ent. "
Q. Do you know whether or not Mrs. Ma
honey sold any property out there !
A. I saw a pair of rubbers out there
that a girl t > ald she had bought from her.
Objected to by Mr. Offut , who asked to
have the answer stricken out.
Q. Was Mrs. Mahoney present nt the
tlmol Did you speak to her about buying
any yourself I
A. Yes , sir. She said she hadn't anything
to fit me.
Q. What did she charge !
A. Thirty-live cents , I think.
Q. For what kind , now or old !
A. Brand now. They were kept there ,
rubbers and mittens , in a box. The box was
full of rubbers nnd mittens.
Cross-examination , by Mr. Offutt :
Q. How long have you berne the name of
Mrs. Mary Mohr !
A. Since the 23th of last September. I
was married then.
Q. What was your name when you were
out there !
A. Miss Scnnctt.
Q. When did you leave !
A. In March , 1887 , ns near as I can ro-
'rnombor ' , I loft because I wanted to. Mrs ,
Mahoney and mo had a few words , and I
told her right uway she could get somebody
else to attend to that.
Q. You both got mad about the same
time !
A. Yes , 1 wns going to leave anyhow , 1
was going to toll her that night or the next
day.Q. . She didn't send you awnyl
A. Not until 1 told her she could get some
body else besides mo.
Q. After you told her she could got somo-
b-xly else , she told you you could leave right
away !
A. Yes , sir.
Q. You didn't leave with any very friendly
feelings towards Ijer !
A. I haven't anything against her. So far
as that Is concerned , I never haa any very
friendly feelings towards her.
Q. You were both angry nt the time you
left !
A. No , sir ; I was not angry. I was per
fectly cool , as I am now.
Q. You btul a fuss !
A. No , sir ; she asked mo to tell her some
thing about the inmates , and I told her to got
somebody else.
Q. Didn't Mrs. Mahoney send you away
for quarreling with the Inmates ]
A. No , sir. .
. _ - & XoJitT 'laundress * there and did
iiotning but attend to the duties of that posi
tion !
A. That is what I was hired for , und that
is what I dono. It was the duty of the in
mates to make their beds. I did not go
through the wards nnd. get the different arti
cles of laundry. . I went in the crazy ward
Monday to tell the man to como nnd help
mo wash and run the machine for me.
"I went every Monday morning and told him
to do that. I do not know why ho didn't como
without mo fro Ing alter him. I lust went
In'tho crazy ward once n week. I do not re
member of going to any others. Ihad , to see
that the clothes were mended and brought
into the laundry : I never had to run after
any clothes nt all. The old lady I spoke of
had been there for years , I tliinlr , I used to
give her a bath every Saturday. She had
vermin on her heud , and she hud no comb
nnd her hair was all matted , and I asked
Mrs. Mahoney and she said she couldn't let
her have it. The other inmates combed their
own hair. Their hair ha ? not in as Dud a
condition as hers. Joslo Peterson had charge
of the ward In which the old lady stayed.
She was supposed to take charge of it.
Q. You were there under Pierce !
A. Yes , sir ; four or five months. I left
there before ho quit.
Q. How did you know those night gowns
were there )
A. I saw Mrs. Picrco make them. When
Mrs. Mahouoy spoka of It , I said there ought
to bo plenty in thcro. I cannot rouiombor
Just when It was I told her. I do not know
bow many were there , but there was a lot of
thorn. She made thirty-five or forty. I do
not know how many wore left out of that lot.
I did not count them.
Q. You say you wanted to buy a pair of
rubbers !
A. Yes ; abe paid she didn't have any to
fit mo.
Q. Whore do you live now !
A. On South Thlra street , No. 1620. My
husband is shipping cleric at the lard re
Q. Did you or not try to got. a situation for
him from Mr. MuhoneyJ
A. I did. , and did not get it.
Kooiua AVm-o Filthy.
Ollvo Olson testified : I have visited tbo
poor farm three or four times to pee Chris
tine Molgert , a nurse glrj out tbcro , who wns
a friend of mine. I was there In tbo lying-
in room ono cold day last February in the
afternoon , when an inmate came In with a
baby and throw It on a bed not it's mother's.
Tbo nurse , who is a good ono , was In two or
thrco times but did not have tltno to look
after the baby , as she bad some sick women
to take care of. The room wns very cold and
occupied by two sick women bos id us the cry
ing baby , whom I picked from the bed. The
child had nothing on but a calico slip nnd
flannel skirt and Its mother called out from
ono of tbo beds that nv the foot of another
ono was a tlaunol skirt. This I secured and
wrapped around the baby and succeeded In
warming the little thing up. I was in this
room about half an hour. I did not go out there
for the purpose of investigating the manner
of conducting the hospital , andI am and
was n domestic in the house of Mrs. James ,
I told that lady what I had seen at the poor
farm on this occasion , after returning homo.
I don't remember seeing Mrs. Mahoney on
this visit to the poor farm that I have boon
speaking of.
* Covered WltU Vormiii.
Llowcllyu ll A. Hughes tea tilled : I have
been living In the soldiers' homo at Grand
Island. I was in the county poor liouso here
iv little over a year before Mr. t'Jorco wont
away , and during the tlmo that Mr. and Mrs.
Mnhoney WAS there up to the latter end of
August , 1833 , when Mr. Mahoney secured
transportation for mo and I wont to the homo
at Grand Island. I remember the old woman
Margaret that dlodjdou't remember the date
of her death.but before it occurred thu nurse
asked mo to cut tier hair , I did so , and
found it full of llco that were also crawling
on her clothes nnd nronnd the bed. Other
Inmates In the nick-room notlcod were In the
( tame condition. The crarios were nlio
nflllctcd in the same way , but the rooms nnd
beds were kept a * clean as could bo under
the circumstances , with the llco around them
pretty thick nnd they nt one time KOI pretty
thick down among the crnzlos.
As to the character of the food , sometimes
it wns pretty fair aud wholesome ; at ether
times It waa pretty rough , and seemed to bo
utrotiK enough to help Itself ; never saw nny
rotten meat , As to how often It occurred
that tlm food was not good I could not sivy ,
for I did not keep particular track of it ,
Sometimes the clothing was pretty slim.
The giving out of the clothes depended upon
the Inraatcs-inpst generally. I have soon
some women working n short tlmo before
child birth In the laundry , don't know par
ticularly where the roit wcro : could not say
who put them to work ; don't know of nny of
the inmates Ill-treating others In the pros-
en co of Mr , nnd Mrs , Mnhonoy , but iinvo
scon some of them 111 Ircatod there , I hit
ono old man with a pot nnd wiw lectured for
It by Mr. Mnhnnqy. That Was shortly before
I loft for the soldiers' homo nt Qrand Island.
iVIien Mr. Pierce was there I asked him to
glvo mo n pair of shears to clip the hair of
ilia dirty Inmates nnd when Mr. Mahoney
took hold I requested him to furnish mo with
clipper ! . I was prompted to this by a dcslro
to have something to do.
Couldn't KrU the Mcnt.
Wendell P. Cole stated that ho wns nn in
mate of the county poor house for eight or
ton days. Ho said : "I saw n woman near
pregnancy scrubbing the stairs loading from
the back porch to the second story und I
heard Mrs. Mahoney speak to this woman
wlillo nt work , requesting her to scrub under
the stairs which was celled , I remember n
woman that was working In the laundry , but
I would not have known she was pregnant
had I not been so informed , and I under
stood that she was otherwise sick at the
timo. I hoard Mrs. Mahoney make some re
mark to her nt ono tlmo In regard to the
amount of work she was doing. Mrs. Mahoney
noy accused her of being lazy nnd the woman
returned that she was willing to work when
she wus able to stand up.
I remember the teasing of n crazy man a
pnrnlvtle or something of that Id ml. Person
ally I did not BCD nny of the children bother
him. I have heard the paralytic nt different
times while I was away from the yard use
profane language when ho was being teased
or provoked.
For the first three da.ys I was there 1 could
not cat any of the meat that was placed on
the table. The smell of it wns enough. As
to the condition of the rooms in the ward in
which I was placed , it was fair , the lloor was
clean , as was the bqd , but the bed was In
habited by bedbugs.
I romcmbor on ono occasion Mr. Mahoney
jerked the hat off this paralytic. The old
man did not seem to relish It and Indulged
in strong language ; but the hat was returned
to Its owner by Mr. Mahonoy.
Mrs. Gallagher was the first'witness called
lu the afternoon , blio had been hired as
nurse , but had done the work of domestic ;
had scon sick patients neglected ; had soon a
dying man dragged from a wagon like a hog.
Women about to bo coufiuud wcro over
worked aud obliged to do heavy lifting.
Christina Mclgot had worked ut the poor
farm four weeks , beginning February 2 , was
hired to attend to the sick , but did not have
tlmo to do so. Hud heard Mrs. Mahoney
abuse the sick , calling them "darn nasty
things. " Had seen pregnant women over
The last witness * of the afternoon was n
young doctor whoso testimony- had little
bearing on the matter , as ho had loft the poor
house shortly after the incoming of tbo Ma-
The Investigation will bo continued to-day.
1 i- .11 >
Gross , garden nnd field oeds. Win.
Slavers & Co. , 10th and California.
A New Train.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just boon placed ,
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily at
4:45 : a. m. ; loaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. m. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points cast and. south via
Kansas City. Returning , train loaves
Manhattan at 2:25 : p , m. ; arriving ut
Beatrice at 6:25 : p. m. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 p. m. ) making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the cast , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abclino and all points wost. enabling
Eassongers to visit the principal points
i Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first-
class equipment , conajs.tiu.ff' " ' ' TinTc'int
Cftlff I\tll fliflk * * " " * * * - " oiutMti 11(3 (
t"j - - winss day coaches of the
* iuest pattern. The now train will fill
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
, Report That Ho Will Go to the
91. P. ns Vloo President.
A report is in circulation , which is based
on good authority , to tbo effect that Thomas
L. Kimball , general manager of the Union
Pacific , is to sever his connection with that
road to succeed W. H. Newman as third vice
president of the Missouri Paolfio. The re
port also is to the effect that , In case Mr.
Kimball concludes to change , the title of
ccond vice president will be conferred upon
him. In the event of this change , It Is said
C. S. Mellon , now general tratUo manager ,
will succeed Mr. Kimball as general man
ager of the Union Paclllc.
When questioned concerning iho matter ,
Mr. Kimball stated that ho could give no do-
cidcd information und that ho was still at
his post with the Union Pacific. When asked
if ho would accent the position with the
Missouri Pacific if tendered him ho stated
that ho would refrain from givingnn expres
sion under the circumstances for the present.
However , the report comes from a reliable
source aud is generally thought to bo cor
That Mr. Mellon will be his successor in
case the change is made is considered a fore
gone conclusion , In ns much as Mr. Mollcn i i
second to none as a railroad man. both as
manager nnd traffic manipulator. It is
thought that at the meeting-of the direc
torate of the Missouri Paclllc , which will beheld
hold In New York in a few days , matters In
this respect will bo inoro fully developed ,
Tlio drain Tralllo.
At present the gram traftlo is light to and
from nil points , and especially so in Ne
braska. The sudden decline in prices , to
gcthor with , the advance in seaboard rates ,
which resulted from the first meeting of the
railroad presidents , put a damper on the
western grain movement. The oxhorbltant
rail rates [ rendered an inactive ] market , and
the country buyers and shippers wore
placed m such a predicament that to carry on
ttio traftlo meant the risking of a vast amount
of money In an uncertain enterprise , As a
consequence the grain is now ip the cribs of
the raisers , yvhoro It will lllcoly remain for
some tlmo. Conservative dealers state that
fully 35 per cent of the product of 1638 Is
still In the bands of the raiser.
New Train Schedules.
Superintendent Rosseiinlo , of the Ne
braska division of the Union Paolfio , and
staff bavo commenced work on the now
time card which la to take effect April 7. Tbo
major portion of the changes will bo
made at points In the interior. No. 1 west
bound leaving hero at 7:25 : p. in. , will leave
nt825 ; p.m. Nos. S and U leaving wast
bound at 10 n. m , and 1:55 : p. ru. , remain un
changed. No. 4 arriving lioro at 11:40 : a. in. ,
will arrive ut 13 ui.
ti\volo Tor SiipcrtntniKluiit.
Captain Thomas DorrU of Chicago will
hiivo charge of the hostelry of the Union Pa-
clllo at Garllold bdacu henceforth.
Thomas Swobo will be superintendent in
charge of the hotel business of the Union
Pacific upon the release of the plant by tlio
Puclllo Hotel company. Mr. Ilotte will also
bo associated with the business , ax previously
MAlcoa Another Capture ,
A report Is current to the effect that Qon-
oral Wilson is to succeed Walker on the In.
terstato commerce commission.
Ilallroiul Notes.
Train Dispatcher Griflln , of the Nebraska
Men's , Youths' < te Children's
Thursday , Friday and Satttrday ,
CLOTHIERS COR March 28th,29th&30thonly
UponJThursd ay , Friday and Saturday , March 28th , 20th and 30th , we will place upon our counters n line oC clothing o which wo onumoralc a few.
- - - - - - f | jjlo occilsion 0 { .his
fortunate on ncctmnt
before or nftor nbovo
mentioned days , nt other than at REGULAR PRICES. And for this reason , in justice to those who live at a distance , wo announce this special ante , in n
order to give nil nmplo time to be present , or send their orders by mail ; such mail orders will have our special caie , nnd all may rest confident that their
wants will merit the same choice in selection , a * though present in person.
Quo-button , cutaway , brown strioo , Worsted Frooic Suits , sixes 85 to 39 , at.- . $2.50 JUST THINK OP THAT !
Ouo-button , cutaway , Blue Flannel Frock , sizes 35 to 40 , ut < . . 2.7o
Light groy All Wool Frock Suits , olzos 36 to 83 , nt 3.50 ONLY A FEW OF THESE
Light brown Plaid Suck Suits , sly.os 80 and 42 , at 4.00
Darlc blue mixed Frock Suite , slzoa 30 to 88 , at ; ! '
Scotch striped Sack Suits , sixes 35 to 40 , at 5.75 - ,
Black Broadcloth Frock Suits , ei/.cs 30 to 88. al ' . C.OO ' . ; ,
Groy Scotch Striped All Wool Sack Suits , sizes 85 to 42 , at 0.76 < " ;
Black Striped All Wool Worsted Frock Suits , sizes 36 to 38 , at 7.25
Black Bird's-oyo Worsted Frocic Suits , sizes 85 to 88 , at 7.25
Dark All Wool Silk Mixture Frock Suits , sizes 80 to 38 , at 7.2-5
Brown Mixed All Wool Worsted 4-buttou Cutaways , flat braided , sizes 81 to 88 , at 7.75
All Wool Silk Mixed Casslmoro Frock Suits , sizes 30 to 38 , ut 0.00 AND MANV OTHERS.
and Mixed Cassiiiicro-Reversible 0
! I ! Light Brown Plaid Suits , sizes 15 to 17 , at - - $2.00 Spring , <
Plain Brown , All Wool Cassimere Suits , at - - - 2.OO
Grey Mi. ed" Cassimere Suits , dark plaids and stripes , At $1,75 ; worth $7,50 ,
worth from $4.00 to $8.00 , all going at - - . - - 2.0O
A line of't'liglit ' and dark colored Cassimeres , sizes 14 * We can show you an exceedingly handsome
to 17 , at . 2.5O line of Spring Overcoats.
V In ie we offer suits of which there are only onei two or tTiire In , a
pattern ; left , at only fifty cents on the dollar of original cost.
division of thojUnion Pacific , with head'
quarters nt North Platte , is in the city.
E. L. Lomh'x , ponoral pa songor agent of
the Union Paclllc , la in Chicago.
Engine 723 hai emerged from the shops
with BUI Hollenbeck at the throttle.
Trainmaster Poley , of the Union Pacific ,
with headquarters at Beatrice , is In Omaha
on business.
General Traffic Manager Mellon , of the
Union Pacific , has returned from the west
where ho was on business connected with
the ti-afllc department.
Two now engines , 033 and 027 , wcro re
ceived from the Schonoctdy works by the
Union Pacific yesterday for service on the
Lincoln and Colorado branch.
Superintendent Brinkfirlio'fl'fcrTTo
. * * Kan-
dlvui.- - - , - , vue -
sas u. 01 the Union Pacific , Is in
Omaha. Ho states that arrangements are
about complete for thd running of the Alton
trains over that division to Choycnna and of
the Union Pacific over the Alton to Chicago.
The St. Paul & Omaha road will make
extensive- Improvements at Emerson this
season. The yard is to bo enlarged there , a
new coal shed built and steam pump put in
to accommodate the increase of business
tnere due to the lease of right to the Union
Pacific to use the St. Paul & Omaha road
from Norfolk to Sioux City.
An Absolute Cure.
MENT Is only put up In largo two ounce tin
boxes , and Is an absolute cure for old sores ,
burns , wounds 'und chapped hands , and all
skin eruptions. Will positively euro all
kinds of piles. Ask for the OHIGINAL , AB-
IETINE OINTMENT. Sold by Goodman
Drug Co. , at 25 cents per box by mall sn
Bcrka Puzzled.
George Shurd , a conductor , got beastly
drunk Sunday morning and was arrested.
A few hours later , -when ho had recovered
from the effects of the intoxicants , he was
released on $10 bonds to appear for trial next
morning at 0 o'clock. Ho was not in the
court-room at the tlmo sot , and the
judge was on the point of declaring the bond
forfeited when ho learned that Shurd had
just been arrested and carried Into the no-
llco stntlon beastly drunk again. The judgo.
is now in a quaudr.v whether to flue Slilird
for ono drunk or two , but. is inclined to believe -
lievo that two fines should bo inflicted.
Was America ISvor Discovered ?
At the time when Columhus started
in senrch of the Now World , nearly
every man , woman and child In Eurono
insisted that there was no Now World
to discover. When ho came back ,
crowned with success , n , largo proportion
tion of these good people ixdhorod to
their theory ; and if they were alive to
day iminy of them would doubtless insist
that America had never boon dis
covered at all. A man will give up
anything in the world more rendily
than a pot.theory. . For example , look
at the individuals who still maintain
that consumption is incurable. Dr.
Piorco's Golden Medical Discovery has.
cured thoUsands upon thousands of
cases , und' 'will cure thousands more ,
but those 'pedplo can't give up their
point. Nevertheless the "Discovery"
will euro any * case of consumption , if
ttilcou in tlrao.-
No Moro. "
Dan Camn e'u , the county Jail prisoner
who escapocrfrpra the yard Saturday evening -
ing and was captured shortly after , was at
work in the yard yesterday with a ball and
chain attached i to him. He Is serving a
thirty day sentence for petty larceny.
Sprains' ,
Strains ,
Dislocations ,
1 Contusions. '
At Drnccltl * mid Denleri ,
Secretary of tie Treasury ,
Charles M , Jordan
( Late of the University of Now York City and
Howard Unlverbltv , Washington , I ) , C.
No. 31O and 311 Bamoco Building
Corner Fifteenth and Hartley sts. . Omaha , Hob.
where all curabla cas&i uro traatad
with success.
Medical diseases treated skilfully. Doaf-
no9B , Consumption , nronchltls , Asthma , Uys-
pepala , Hhcnmatlam and all Nervous and
Sltln Diseases.
CONSULTATION t ofllco or by mall , l.
Olllca hours 9 to 11 a. in. , 't to i p. in. , 7 to 8p.
m . , Sunday oillco houra from 0 a. in. , to 1 p. m.
Corropon < lenct ) receive prompt uttontlim ,
ilanvdlsoaaoij ure tronted successfully by Dr.
Jordonthrougn thoniulla.and it Is thus poiuibla
for those unable to make a journey to obtain
( f inMCVa < lnu'urlnarvtroulle < easily , quick-
MUllL I ly and unruly cured byl > OOTUItACap.
Billed. Several case * cured lu ntjvmi days. Bold
( l.MJper box , nil dniKtfUts , or by mall from lloo
ura Mfg Oo. 1M WhTtB St. N.V. IMlldUoctluiu.
ESTABLISHED 18611 186 So.
chCago | , ma. \ oiarkst.
Iho Regular Old-Established
It tilil Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Nervous anfl Private Diseases ,
felling Memory , Exhausting Dralna , Terrlbla
Dreamt ) , Head and Bacx Acne and aUthecflecu
hiding to early decuy anil perhaps Consumption of
Insanity , treated scientifically by new method * with
nevcr-fauinff success.
4T SYPHILIS and all bid Blood and Skin DU-
eases permanently cured.
KIDNEYand URINARY camplalnti.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varicocele and all dbeuu
of the QenltO'Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidnryj or other Organs.
Ouf No experiments. Age and experience Ira.
portant. ConsuUatlon free and sacred.
3-S nd 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works ea
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
iff Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
IS cents , both 5 cent * ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor , A friendly letter or callmay save future sutler.
Ing nnd shame , and add golden years to life. Jto'uooit
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicine
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to n. Address
IBSF. . D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
IBS 60. Clark St. CHICAGO , ILL.
PATENTED Ann. IS , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1 , 1839.
ruAr&at 4 to cor. tb. fob
lowing dlieuti. cun < lrAU :
.nheunmtlo Complaints ,
Lumbago , General anj
Norvoua Debility 3 *
ivcncMKidn 7Dlieaiei
Nervoutnen , TremUlDg ,
Beiuol ExhausUon.Wati'
leg of Body , Bisiaaes
UnreUpni In Youth , Age , Mir-
Life , fa ' " > > U dlicaiei terl.lnlns
ff oltitt orrso. or nal. or
D ! jou ID plain lutal envelope. Mention tbli'tper ,
3OO North Broadway. BT. LOUIS. Ml
Own'i Elwtilo Bilt Attachment ?
ro wllb nw n4 omfajt. Tilt '
m d. mild or ilronr. ThU li the
itetrlo truii d E ! , .
t rr nidi. II - - " > vu rrni 10 ( Oil diji. rot roll deiitlplloaof Ur.
p p EI tr - < l lTRalo IKIu. Spln l JiiplUncct.'l'ruiiMuJ
lnolu icad ( . for mm lllmUiKd r.mpM'l wkUU will It
l l/oa In plilo iMt < 4 ennlop. . BoU calj kr U <
300 Worth Uroadwir. 8T J.OUIO , MO.
nvHP M vnHia M M vkflM w < * * 1 > M'i * > 1 " !
J Arrcst3 discharges from iho mluary cr4
leanalnclUiereexia4H lioiim. f
] It la sunerlov to ropaioa. Cubeba. W
Injections , nnd IrtQ from ull bad ncuU *
I : or other Inconveniences.
Itointii'knblo for powerful sympathetic.
tone , pllnblo notion and absolute dura
bility ; HO years' record the best guaran
tee of the oxonllonr.o o ( these instru
" ' "it * of youthful
rron , early d or.
- ot luanliQDd. eta ,
[ will 3 nd B valuaU * trottoo ( it containing ruU
for uomo our * ' fto of chare * .
Viet. , 0 , iro'wUUt. U00DUS , OOWM.
: i
Lcavo. I Arrive.
A No. 2 fijO.Jp. m.A No.1 7:00 e. in.
O No.6.0OOa.m.O : No.B. & : & 0p.m ;
A No.4 OMOa.m.tA No.l ) 6:45Ktn.
A No.4 U:10a.m.A : | No.B. . . . , ,7:8Ja , ra.
A No , B . . . . .6i : p.m. A No,7 B 30p.m.
A No.o ( l:60i : > . m.lA No.3 0:50u.ia.
No.B , u0 : a. in.tNo. 7 , , .l:4' ) : . a.m ,
No.a.j 4:15 : p. in. No. 8 . . . .000a.ra ; !
No.4 0:10p. : rn.No | , & . ! . . . . ( jjlftpiitu
All TraliiH Dally.
A No.a 0:40a.m.A : , . . , , . . . ; & n , m.
A No.4 : No. . . .T lOv ! m.
A No.3 :36 : a. m.lA NaO 6:0 :
A No.4 0:30p.m.lA : No.1 , . tWp.BU !
sioux omPAOivioJ
A No,10.7iWain.A | No.o !
A No. 12 7:03 : p.m. ' A No. 11 OiUQp.ja.
OMAI/A / & 'fiT. 1.01118.
A . No.8 , . . 4 ! . . | . . . .
p.m.A . . . .
* WJ * * * * " \ I't * ! * 1 Wl l t . M : UU iStm
A dallyi IJ dftlly except Baturd yj 0 except
Sunday : D except Monday : fast maU.
Thb time given unovo Is for Transfer , tber
bcmc from nvo to ten mlnutos between Traus. 'I
er and local depots.
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all nuceiteary var.cru iilloti ,
, , , Enihioar ,
1 *